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filters_pre: - redcloth title: 10 programming languages worth checking out +comments: +- :date: + :author: Nikhil + :url: + :id: 2593 + :body: Great list. It's good to see factor getting more and more publicity, although I haven't 'got' it yet. +- :date: + :author: Dmitriy Kopylenko + :url: + :id: 2594 + :body: No mention of Groovy. Sad... :-( +- :date: + :author: Dmitriy Kopylenko + :url: + :id: 2595 + :body: On the other hand one might consider Groovy 'mainstream' and not so 'esoteric' +- :date: + :author: James + :url: + :id: 2596 + :body: Great article. I was hoping to see Brainfuck and Whitespace. ;) +- :date: + :author: Foo + :url: "" + :id: 2598 + :body: |- + I like to think of Groovy as "poorly conceived". The slowness of Ruby without the elegance. + + Here's the least smart piece of text in the piece: "Unlike other Lisps (and Schemes) you may have encountered before, Clojure comes with some interesting additions:" + + Um... Common Lisp has two of those (data types, multimethods), and the other two are trivially added with macros. Clojure's cute, sort of, but Common Lisp is where most of the momentum is. +- :date: + :author: Walter Bright + :url: + :id: 2599 + :body: One can also consider the D programming language,, which is a modern systems programming language. +- :date: + :author: Chris Papadopoulos + :url: + :id: 2600 + :body: |+ + I've had a lot of fun lately playing around with Processing and would mention it as an alternative to programmers who want something fun to escape their normal work. Also, learning to problem solve in a visual environment instead of working with things like databases can be very stimulating. + + + + +- :date: + :author: Mitch + :url: + :id: 2601 + :body: What do you think of F#? +- :date: + :author: Tim Locke + :url: "" + :id: 2602 + :body: "Another interesting project written in Smalltalk is Scratch:" +- :date: + :author: Michael + :url: + :id: 2603 + :body: "Have a look at newLisp -- Lisp as a lighter weight scripting language. " +- :date: + :author: Jeff + :url: "" + :id: 2604 + :body: | + REBOL should be on the list. + + Otherwise, it is a great list. My only real disappointment is that the "newer" versions of old standby languages are there in place of the goodies. Factor vs. Forth, Clojure vs. Lisp. While those new incarnations might breath new life into the old, I can almost guarantee that Factor will fade away, but good ol' Forth will still be around. + + Also, if you were going to put a Forth language on the list that wasn't ANS Forth, I'd have put Colorforth up there ( - as least that one is made by the inventor of Forth. ;-) + +- :date: + :author: Brian + :url: + :id: 2607 + :body: |- + Another great resource for PLT Scheme is the book How to Design Programs. Its free online at + + My Computer Science Fundamentals class at northeastern university used PLT Scheme and that was the book which was used to teach not just the language but good design practices. + + I definitely recommend you check it out. +- :date: + :author: mgroves + :url: + :id: 2608 + :body: Interesting that you mention C# 1 time, and never mention VB, even though those are two languages that "pay the bills" for many, many programmers. +- :date: + :author: WebGlad + :url: + :id: 2610 + :body: "Really good article. I liked this statement:\n\n\ + \xE2\x80\x9CThe most obvious common \xE2\x80\x98personality\xE2\x80\x99 characteristics of hackers are high intelligence, consuming curiosity, and facility with intellectual abstractions.\"\n\n\ + While I don't consider myself to be a hacker, I have a curiosity that I can't hamper. Sometimes it works to the detriment of my productivity. Still, it does lead me to explore articles like yours." +- :date: + :author: chomotus + :url: + :id: 2611 + :body: for me J has no competition as a functional language.. +- :date: + :author: Ed Borasky + :url: "" + :id: 2614 + :body: "Most of us programmers fall into the class \"specially if 500 developers in your company already develop in C# and you don\xE2\x80\x99t, as a matter of fact, have a saying on the matter.\" A programming language needs a *compelling* advantage over the more general and widely-used ones in order to be worth studying for most of us.\n\n\ + And I find the argument that learning another language makes you a better programmer somewhat flawed. It's more the other way around -- really good programmers find it easy to learn the semantics of programming languages." +- :date: + :author: Elmer + :url: "" + :id: 2617 + :body: |- + Revolution: Is a must on this list! + + Revolution is a programming environment you can quickly understand. Achieve immediate results with a visual, drag-and-drop interface builder. Use English, the language you already know, to describe program logic. Deploy powerful cross-platform solutions without the huge learning curve of other development environments. + + +- :date: + :author: Glad_if_I + :url: "" + :id: 2623 + :body: |- + When you wrote that Haskell's has "Speed that rivals C and <notextile>C++</notextile>" I looked at the link that you provided and it proved you wrong. That is to say it stated that in computer processing that both C and <notextile>C++</notextile> is processes faster. While it stated that in some instances it beat C++ it did suggest that if optimization was a factor you had better write the program in C. The speed it talked about in the article was how fast it was for the programmer to write the code in Haskell than in C and <notextile>C++</notextile>. + + Now if you had stated: + "The Speed at which it takes to program something in Haskell rivals that of C and <notextile>C++.</notextile>" + + I would be okay with that but the way you stated it was misleading. It was a lie. I am not trying to be mean but when you talk about programming speed that means how fast the computer processes. Each programmer creates and edits code at their own speed. It is a subjective property of each programmer. Maybe it is easier to program in Haskell and thus faster supposedly. But the way you wrote it was misleading. + + C is the fastest language for a reason. Because it is one step above assembler which in turn is faster than C. If you are going to make statements that are a lie. Do not link to a page that disagrees with you. +- :date: + :author: pRtkL xLr8r + :url: + :id: 2624 + :body: Why on earth isn't QuickBasic on this list??? +- :date: + :author: Mark Stock + :url: + :id: 2625 + :body: |- + No mention of my _fill_in_the_blank_ language! :( + + ;) +- :date: + :author: sam + :url: + :id: 2626 + :body: | + Really good article. I liked this. + +- :date: + :author: sam + :url: + :id: 2627 + :body: | + Really good one + +- :date: + :author: Christian + :url: "" + :id: 2630 + :body: |- + You may want to take a look at PowerShell. Focused on Administration of IT, but able to do so much more. + + + + +- :date: + :author: BK + :url: + :id: 2632 + :body: | + Here's another, Genie (and Vala): + + + +- :date: + :author: Oliver + :url: "" + :id: 2635 + :body: |- + I'd second the mention of J above. I'm only starting out on it, but it's very satisfying how your initial bewilderment of the program text turns into comprehension relatively quickly. + + My language <i>du jour</i> is Mozart/Oz ( Mozart made me get to grips with Emacs just to play with the Oz Programmer's Interface (Oz is a virtual machine Mozart runs on). +- :date: + :author: Andreas Schipplock + :url: + :id: 2636 + :body: And what about Ada 2005? Ada is breathing! :) +- :date: + :author: clj + :url: "" + :id: 2637 + :body: "Alright, you've just motivated me to write the critique of Clojure (+ the annoyance with the (background) FUD against Java that sometimes accompanies Clojure.) " +- :date: + :author: Dave + :url: + :id: 2640 + :body: Very awesome article! I'm on Christmas vacation and was bored, looking for something to occupy my time and now I think I found something to. Thanks for the great read and hours of amusement. +- :date: + :author: Ulf Wiger + :url: + :id: 2641 + :body: | + Damien Katz' article is indeed an interesting read, but it mainly addresses those already sold on Erlang. Others might perhaps first want to read, in which Katz explains how he threw away his <notextile>C++</notextile> based CouchDB after having played around with Erlang for a week, and then rewrote in 1.5 months what had taken him 6 months to write in <notextile>C++</notextile>. Otherwise, one could easily get the impression that Katz isn't very fond of Erlang... ;-) + +- :date: + :author: Phil + :url: + :id: 2647 + :body: "> Foo: Um\xE2\x80\xA6 Common Lisp has two of those (data types, multimethods), and the other two are trivially added with macros. Clojure\xE2\x80\x99s cute, sort of, but Common Lisp is where most of the momentum is.\n\n\ + Common Lisp's non-list compound data types are crippled because they're not composable in the same way lists are. Furthermore, only vectors have syntax literals, making the rest a huge pain do deal with. Clojure's biggest innovation was making it so you could start writing your program with lists, then swap in a more appropriate data structure for perf later without modifying any of your code.\n\n\ + Common Lisp has a lot of things, but momentum is not one of them." +- :date: + :author: PatzZ + :url: + :id: 2651 + :body: hey you changed my mind i'll look into those future thanks +- :date: + :author: JeGX + :url: + :id: 2665 + :body: |- + Nice overview! + Another programming/scripting language is <a href="">Squirrel</a>. And here is a tool to play with Lua: <a href="">Demoniak3D</a>. +- :date: + :author: Dan + :url: + :id: 2678 + :body: Learning a new language is on my list as well, good list keep it up. +- :date: + :author: Michael + :url: "" + :id: 2679 + :body: What about the greatest and most serious language out there? LOLcode was totaly forgotten in this article. +- :date: + :author: Napolux + :url: + :id: 2680 + :body: Well. If squeak is here I want also LOLcode. +- :date: + :author: botchagalupe + :url: + :id: 2681 + :body: Great post... +- :date: + :author: w43L + :url: + :id: 2682 + :body: "nice article, but who have time for learning of these languages\n\n\ + :(" +- :date: + :author: e + :url: "" + :id: 2686 + :body: |+ + yeah, leaving off J? The J community is like a parallel universe where they are quietly going about their own thing . . . undaunted by the rest of the world. You download it. You get an IDE, training materials, tons of examples, tutorials . . .access to all kinds of free, whole, books. You can make GUIs and games and 3D stuff ... + + I want to freeze time and spend like two or three uninterrupted years on J. You don't even need parameters if you don't want. Want to operate on whole matrices? Go ahead. insanely beautiful plots? + + Also get ready for something amazing and quite entertaining at the same time in Frink: I won't spoil the surprise. + + Try Joy to see how simple it can get, especially to get a taste of the theory. + + Clean is supposed to be fast, fast fast. + + + +- :date: + :author: Bertrand + :url: "" + :id: 2687 + :body: <a href="">mod_lua</a> coming to an apache server near you. +- :date: + :author: Etienne + :url: + :id: 2688 + :body: |- + Nice article. + + One of the things I find useful when looking for a new language to learn, is having a quick glance at its syntax. I know if I don't like how its code _looks_ I won't like the language. If I am interested by it, I might give some more insight to a particular language. +- :date: + :author: David + :url: + :id: 2689 + :body: I think you missed which is excellent for its purpose. +- :date: + :author: Astor + :url: "" + :id: 2693 + :body: "Even if it's not really a \"functionnal paradigm oriented\" programming language, you should definitively take a look at \"the D programming language\" : . It kind of tries to compell with C/C++ for system programming (yep inline assembly code is possible), but also offer some nice features as far as concurrency is concerned, like \"pure\" keyword for functions or shared/unshared global state for multithreaded operations." +- :date: + :author: MAK + :url: "" + :id: 2707 + :body: |- + Hello, I wanted to communicate with you via email, but the email link on your floating menu uses a mailto mechanism and since I'm under OpenBSD with no mailto link set in Firefox, I'm unable to get through to you (I even tried viewing source :-) + + Could you please write back to me on the email address mentioned in this post? + + Thanks. date: 2008-12-21 15:01:15 +01:00 tags: - programming
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- erb - redcloth title: 10 Reasons to Learn Ruby +comments: +- :date: 2007-09-05 17:33:43 +02:00 + :author: Joel Moss + :url: + :id: 48 + :body: "Great article! It just explains perfectly why Ruby is starting to take over my life. And why Rails makes CakePHP look like a very weak wannabe. But I don't blame Cake (I use it every day); it's PHP's fault. " +- :date: 2007-09-05 22:55:39 +02:00 + :author: paddy3118 + :url: + :id: 49 + :body: |- + No mention of maintenance or testing? + + Now you have learnt Ruby, would you defend being able to write code where the indentation is contrary to the code structure? + + - Paddy. +- :date: 2007-09-06 01:07:22 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 50 + :body: "@Joel: Glad you discovered Ruby! Good luck!\n\n\ + @Paddy: You're right. I should have mentioned at least testing. I updated the article (Reason #1) to at least mention Test::Unit. And yes, as a matter of fact since I've been using Ruby my code indentation definitely makes more sense. You seem to be a Python enthusiast, from your site at least: sorry about the silly remark about Python's indentation in my article... I just couldn't resist (but I did added an interesting note about Python's indentation in the notes too). " +- :date: 2007-09-06 07:57:41 +02:00 + :author: Chris + :url: "" + :id: 51 + :body: Thanks so much for this. I've been teaching myself to program for several months now with Ruby, and this very much helped me put things I've learned into context. +- :date: 2007-09-07 03:14:21 +02:00 + :author: Frank Spychalski + :url: + :id: 53 + :body: |- + Very nice writeup. I totally agree. + + There's only one thing I really hate about Ruby: it made me realize how bad the other languages are and took a lot of fun out of the "normal" software development. + + Right now I have to code PHP (BTW, Joel is 100% correct, CakePHP is a pretty good framework and makes working with PHP bearable) and more than a few times every day I would like to puke because the language sucks. +- :date: 2007-09-07 05:17:27 +02:00 + :author: Masklinn + :url: "" + :id: 54 + :body: "> Interactive Shell: the Interactive Ruby Shell can be used to test Ruby code instantly, similar to the Python console.\n\n\ + Similar, but much much worse. The Python consoles (both CLI launched by typing \"python\" and the IDLE environment) are more flexible, more practical and much less annoying than IRB (I suppose that's what you were talking about)\n\n\ + > Unfortunately this means that you won\xE2\x80\x99t be able to write your whole program in a single line of code, like the C++ folks\xE2\x80\xA6that\xE2\x80\x99s too bad, isn\xE2\x80\x99t it?\n\n\ + In reality, you can. The statement terminator (in both Ruby and Python) is either a newline or \";\".\n\n\ + So you can write your whole Ruby program on a single line, I think (you'd need to use parens to define functions, but it can be done.\n\n\ + > Everything is an object, as it should be\n\n\ + I think you should use examples with things that aren't objects in \"popular\" languages, such as integers or booleans, or even `nil`. Strings aren't object in PHP because PHP barely has objects, so it's not really fair.\n\n\ + > Everything has a value\n\n\ + You should emphasize that point by showing that e.g. if/else blocks return a value.\n\n\ + > the value of the last assignment will always be returned.\n\n\ + Didn't you mean \"the last value evaluated\" or \"the value of the last expression\"? Because you definitely aren't limited to assignments.\n\n\ + > You can do the same thing in PHP as well, but most people don\xE2\x80\x99t really use the function.\n\n\ + Because it's ugly, hackish, and since you create functions by providing strings there is no syntax checking before runtime itself." +- :date: 2007-09-07 05:44:24 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 55 + :body: "@Masklinn: Thanks a lot for your comment. I updated the article where necessary!" +- :date: 2007-09-08 01:33:10 +02:00 + :author: Kookoolen + :url: "" + :id: 56 + :body: |- + Nice article. + + For feature #4, you should add that even nil is an object. Try nil.to_i for example. + + Moreover you can open NilClass and add your own methods ! Rails does so to add debugging information when you called a method on nil. +- :date: 2007-09-08 01:39:37 +02:00 + :author: IronRuby + :url: + :id: 57 + :body: |- + + Hi, + + Nice and happy to see your 10 Reasons added to "10 another advantages": on a blog that is based on IronRuby. + + The Author claims 10 + 10 Advantages as 100 rather tan 20. + + Happy Reading there. +- :date: 2007-09-08 10:35:28 +02:00 + :author: FlySwat + :url: "" + :id: 60 + :body: | + So ruby has all of the features that C# has, except that its slower. + + Cool! + +- :date: 2007-09-10 01:28:59 +02:00 + :author: Shantanu + :url: "" + :id: 61 + :body: Have you taken a look at Scala, or Erlang? +- :date: 2007-09-11 13:06:50 +02:00 + :author: Steffen + :url: + :id: 62 + :body: |- + Correction for #8: + + The syntax for hash initializers is + + { :key1 => value1, :key2 => value2, ... } + + ('=>' instead of just '=') + + ... +- :date: 2007-09-11 15:19:16 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 63 + :body: |+ + @Shantanu: I am now, they sound interesting actually. + + @Steffen: You're 100% right. This was due to the fact that I accidentally stripped all the &gt; symbols out of the article when I converted it from BBCode to Textile. Thanks! + +- :date: 2007-09-11 16:13:25 +02:00 + :author: Erik Ordway + :url: "" + :id: 64 + :body: |- + The thing that everyone always seems to forget about XML is that it was never meant to be read/written buy humans. It was and is meant to be a cross language/platform transport methodology. It is easy process on each end without having to dealt with things like big and small endingness , line feed and carriage returns in files, and crap like that. The core of it is that if you personally are reading or writing XML then you are doing something wrong. Ant on java being a classic exampl, it was not even valid xml. + All that said I love Ruby too. +- :date: 2007-09-11 23:47:36 +02:00 + :author: !binary | + 5pel + + :url: "" + :id: 66 + :body: !binary | + 5pel77yM5oiR6YO955yL5LiN5oeC + +- :date: 2007-09-12 04:19:26 +02:00 + :author: jim + :url: "" + :id: 67 + :body: And make sure to read through resources such as as well. A real time saver from time to time! +- :date: 2007-09-12 20:11:38 +02:00 + :author: wayne + :url: "" + :id: 68 + :body: !binary | + 5oiR5LqG6KejcnViee+8jOS9huaYr+eci+WujOWQjuaIkeWGs+WumuW8gOWn + i+WtpuS5oHJ1Ynk= + +- :date: 2007-09-14 07:24:57 +02:00 + :author: Josh S. + :url: + :id: 70 + :body: |- + Very interesting -- makes me more interested in Ruby than I've ever been. + + BTW, your PHP number example is missing semicolons. +- :date: 2007-09-14 09:21:16 +02:00 + :author: wefwefwef + :url: "" + :id: 72 + :body: |- + 10 reasons to NOT learn ruby: + + 1. It's Shit + 2. It's Shit + 3. It's Shit + 4. It's Shit + 5. It's Shit + 6. It's Shit + 7. It's Shit + 8. It's Shit + 9. It's Shit + 10. It's Shit +- :date: 2007-09-14 12:15:41 +02:00 + :author: Anders Persson + :url: "" + :id: 73 + :body: | + Still Java and C# have nice built-in GUI handling, and i don't have to download a lot of package like TCL/TK. + Ok Ruby like other language is nice, but for people like me that have to develop GUI-apps from time to time Java and C# still is my choice. + + I was looking into Ruby, and it is nice but... + Maby the language expands in the future. + +- :date: 2007-09-15 01:06:37 +02:00 + :author: Anon + :url: "" + :id: 74 + :body: |+ + Do I smell Blub programmers in the previous two comments? + +- :date: 2007-09-16 12:23:53 +02:00 + :author: Anders Persson + :url: "" + :id: 83 + :body: | + Hmm start to get old, i don't know what a Blub is, + But i guess it some one don't like eg Ruby. + I can't talk for others, just for me. + I like the syntax, and the language + I have written a script to build my company software on Windows, looked a Perl as i have worked with before but thout that i could be nice to test Ruby, and it did a great jobb, easy to read etc. + But to start using it as regular no 1 language i still missing easy GUI stuff like in Java. + Maby you thing i am a "Blub" if so okej a put it on my card *smile* + // Anders + +- :date: 2007-09-17 15:13:43 +02:00 + :author: Fielding Feng + :url: "" + :id: 84 + :body: 10 reasons that describe in this article are either already exist in Java, or not very useful to me. Except the unless condition. +- :date: 2007-09-24 20:28:57 +02:00 + :author: toby + :url: "" + :id: 89 + :body: |- + Python, en, i like it. + Ruby, nothing +- :date: 2007-10-07 13:32:09 +02:00 + :author: riffraff + :url: + :id: 100 + :body: | + good list, but a detail: lambda is a method, not a keyword :) + >> Kernel.method :lambda + => #<Method: Kernel.lambda> + +- :date: 2007-10-23 13:04:15 +02:00 + :author: el_vartauy + :url: "" + :id: 105 + :body: |- + good list, but... why if you don't like the python indentation problems, you prefer yaml over xml? + i think a handy built in method is not enough? + good luck! +- :date: 2008-04-07 08:44:15 +02:00 + :author: + :url: "" + :id: 228 + :body: |- + liked your article and visitors arguments. + Ruby rockssssss. +- :date: + :author: kraig + :url: "" + :id: 453 + :body: ruby is so cool, i love it as well! +- :date: + :author: "Arya A. " + :url: + :id: 455 + :body: |- + To those bashing Ruby without giving real reasons: you're not really accomplishing anything by posting. + + @el_vartauy YAML is especially good for configuration files because it makes it really easy to edit/read. As for using XML or YAML for data transfer, you're actually probably better off using JSON because XML tends to be larger in byte size and YAML isn't as supported as JSON or XML. And you should note that even Google, software engineer giant, decided XML wasn't right for their usage and developed Protocol Buffers (and recently open sourced it). + + @Masklinn More of a question than anything: What are the annoyances of IRB that Python interactive console lacks? +- :date: + :author: alan + :url: "" + :id: 456 + :body: |- + @flyswat: so C# has all the features of C++, except that its slower. Since you're probably a microsharft fan, try ironruby and get essentially the same speed. + + @fabio: you can do ruby deployment as easily as php deployment with phusion passenger. +- :date: + :author: postmodern + :url: + :id: 479 + :body: |- + Nice article, it summarizes many of the things that I use in everyday work. + + I'd suggest covering the Range class and the methods in Enumerable (such as each/map/select/inject/find/sort). Maybe talk about the other cool things you can do with blocks (aka closures). These tools have made solving problems a cake walk. + + 5.times { puts "oooh yeah" } + + 5.downto(0) { |i| + puts "t - #{i} minutes, until launch" + sleep 60 + } + + (1..10).to_a + => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] + + (1..10).map { |i| i * i } + => [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100] + + (1..10).select { |i| i % 2 == 0 } + => [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] + + (1..100).inject { |sum,i| sum + i } + => 5050 + + (1..1000).to_a.reverse.find { |i| i % 11 == 0} + => 990 + + Also, might want to give a shout-out to Ruby 1.9.1, which is due to be released in 1.5 months. I'm currently using Ruby 1.9.1-preview1 for stuff, it's byte-code VM is quite fast. + + As for the other comments that I noticed, it appears that other languages have some angry trolls. Not a language/community feature I'm really interested in. date: 2007-09-05 12:40:00 +02:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: 10 reasons why I didn't update my blog +comments: +- :date: 2008-10-09 01:44:25 +02:00 + :author: tcd + :url: "" + :id: 265 + :body: |- + Feeling guilty is stupid, IMHO. One should be free to do whatever s/he wishes to do with his/her OWN blog. + + Dammit, *you* are the owner of this blog. :) + + It is NOT the blog owning you! :p + + I have a blog that gets updated irregularly, with a lot of postponing behind the scenes, but I usually don't waste time in pondering about all those points you've highlighted in your post. + + I just write in it whenever I have something I _really_ want to write. :) + + Blogging should be a pleasure, not a via crucis :p + + (apologies about double or triple copies of this comment: had noscript activated LOL) +- :date: 2008-10-09 02:41:58 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 266 + :body: |- + Yep, you're definitely right, and if you notice, my blog is _still_ updated irregularly. + + It was a rant about not being able to keep up with "mainstream" blogs: my blog is not "optimized" for a particular audience interested on a specific subject. + + I gave up on that when I got upset with the whole CakePHP thing, and I noticed that the minute I stopped being a "CakePHP blog" the number of visitors significantly dropped. + + Nowadays... well, I'm just like you I guess: I write only when I have the time to write and when I have something _significant_ to write about almost any subject. + + Unfortunately sometimes I do end up feeling guilty about not writing though, but let's say I'm slowly improving... date: 2008-06-12 03:30:00 +02:00 tags: - internet
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Italian General Elections - 2006 +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-09 07:33:00 +02:00 tags: - italy
M content/articles/11-07-2009.textilecontent/articles/11-07-2009.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: 11th of July 2009 +comments: +- :date: + :author: Roxanne + :url: "" + :id: 2722 + :body: |- + Unfortunately, I can only fully comprehend a small number of your articles,this being one of them of course! and as are all the ones I can understand, it's very good. + the wife + Roxanne. +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 2723 + :body: Look! The one above is the _first_ comment by my wife on this web site! I love you little one, thanks!! +- :date: + :author: Elora + :url: + :id: 2726 + :body: How touching you guys! I wish I could have been there, you guys seem to have had a great time...I would love to see a video of you dancing Fabio, could be interesting...... +- :date: + :author: Roxanne + :url: "" + :id: 2727 + :body: |- + Eeek, I suppose I should be keeping a better eye on what you do in your spare time now! + I love you too. date: 2009-07-26 12:54:00 +02:00 tags: - wedding
M content/articles/11.textilecontent/articles/11.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Meet some Cake(PHP) bakers! +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-11 17:03:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/12.textilecontent/articles/12.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Choosing the right IT job +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-13 13:47:08 +02:00 tags: []
M content/articles/13.textilecontent/articles/13.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Baking a new CakeArticle +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-13 16:21:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/14.textilecontent/articles/14.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "14"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: CakePHP hybrids +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-14 09:55:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/15.textilecontent/articles/15.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: I18n +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-15 15:15:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/16.textilecontent/articles/16.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "16"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Databases supported by CakePHP +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-17 07:30:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/17.textilecontent/articles/17.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "17"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: New CakePHP Manual (with associations!) +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-18 08:47:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/18.textilecontent/articles/18.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Textiling +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-21 09:39:03 +02:00 tags: []
M content/articles/19.textilecontent/articles/19.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: (Almost) working at Siemens +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-22 03:04:57 +02:00 tags: []
M content/articles/20.textilecontent/articles/20.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "20"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: In memory of Vittorio Cevasco (1916-2006) +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-26 05:36:00 +02:00 tags: - personal
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Birthday present? Web space, please... +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-27 14:47:00 +02:00 tags: - website
M content/articles/22.textilecontent/articles/22.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Ten minutes on Rails (while eating Cake) +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-29 15:29:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/23.textilecontent/articles/23.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: A look at Symfony +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-01 13:42:46 +02:00 tags: []
M content/articles/24.textilecontent/articles/24.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: CakePHP 1.0 released +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-03 05:06:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/25.textilecontent/articles/25.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "25"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Digg Effect - the day after +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-05 03:59:00 +02:00 tags: - digg
M content/articles/26.textilecontent/articles/26.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "26"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: bake.php - Easy baking for lazy folks +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-06 15:43:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/27.textilecontent/articles/27.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "rdBaker: Bake your CakePHP application online" +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-08 11:50:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/28.textilecontent/articles/28.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: (Ready to start) working at Siemens +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-10 09:55:26 +02:00 tags: []
M content/articles/29.textilecontent/articles/29.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "29"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Writing more articles... +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-14 06:26:00 +02:00 tags: - website
M content/articles/30.textilecontent/articles/30.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "30"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Working! +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-18 13:13:07 +02:00 tags: []
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@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "31"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Watch out: CakePHP screencasts" +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-20 15:47:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/32.textilecontent/articles/32.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "32"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Writing Tools +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-25 14:57:00 +02:00 tags: - writing
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Information Mapping +comments: [] + date: 2006-06-02 06:10:00 +02:00 tags: - productivity
M content/articles/34.textilecontent/articles/34.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "34"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Akelos Framework: too good to be true?" +comments: [] + date: 2006-06-10 11:26:00 +02:00 tags: - frameworks
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@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "35"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Some essential tools to survive in a corporate environment +comments: [] + date: 2006-06-18 07:55:26 +02:00 tags: []
M content/articles/36.textilecontent/articles/36.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "ITALIA: CAMPIONE DEL MONDO!" +comments: [] + date: 2006-07-12 09:19:00 +02:00 tags: - sport
M content/articles/37.textilecontent/articles/37.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "37"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Some updates +comments: [] + date: 2006-07-25 03:07:00 +02:00 tags: - website
M content/articles/38.textilecontent/articles/38.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,17 @@ permalink: "38"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Akelos is real, after all... +comments: +- :date: 2007-09-06 22:57:09 +02:00 + :author: jervis + :url: "" + :id: 52 + :body: nice +- :date: 2008-05-23 09:05:07 +02:00 + :author: ": ]" + :url: "" + :id: 234 + :body: shit happens. . . date: 2006-08-02 01:33:00 +02:00 tags: - frameworks
M content/articles/39.textilecontent/articles/39.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "39"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Why I like Netvibes +comments: [] + date: 2006-09-18 05:51:00 +02:00 tags: - web20
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@@ -3,6 +3,51 @@ permalink: "40"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Introducing: \"CakePHP Recipes\"" +comments: +- :date: 2007-11-05 02:43:33 +01:00 + :author: naxis + :url: "" + :id: 108 + :body: can you give a date about when the book will on stores physically? +- :date: 2007-11-16 09:45:10 +01:00 + :author: Sam + :url: + :id: 124 + :body: |- + Just got this from Amazon after 6 months back order: + + Dear Customer, + + We wanted to give you an update on the status of your order [***]. + + We are sorry to inform you that we have been unable to obtain the + following item: + + Fabio Cevasco (Author) "CakePHP Recipes" [Perfect Paperback] + + We apologise for the length of time it has taken us to reach this + conclusion. Until recently, we had still hoped to obtain this item for + you. + + This item has now been cancelled from your order and we can confirm that + you have not been charged for it. + + Please accept our apologies for any disappointment or inconvenience + caused. + + Any ideas when the book will be out? +- :date: 2007-11-16 11:36:08 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 125 + :body: |- + This book has been canceled, so it will never be available. + + For more information on the reasons for this, see: + + -- "": + + -- "": date: 2006-11-02 05:25:00 +01:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/41.textilecontent/articles/41.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "41"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Comments temporarily disabled +comments: [] + date: 2007-01-07 06:53:00 +01:00 tags: - website
M content/articles/42.textilecontent/articles/42.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,129 @@ permalink: "42"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Too many cooks spoil the Cake book +comments: +- :date: 2007-06-25 14:19:09 +02:00 + :author: anon + :url: "" + :id: 7 + :body: where did all the comments go? +- :date: 2007-06-25 14:35:50 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: "" + :id: 8 + :body: |- + All the comments of the old version of the site were not migrated due to the high volume of spam (last time I counted 9000+ records in the database, just in the comments table) and the impossibility of filtering the real comments. + + Feel free to re-start the whole thing all over again, _if you must_. I'd rather move on. +- :date: 2007-07-07 16:40:01 +02:00 + :author: needish + :url: "" + :id: 13 + :body: Why don't you publish the book online? You could even charge a few bucks for a PDF version. I think that probably most people wouldn't care about Cake foundation sponsorship. +- :date: 2007-07-07 23:08:59 +02:00 + :author: Nate Todd + :url: + :id: 14 + :body: |- + I agree with needish. + + I would gladly fork over some cash for a resource that provides well-commented and thought-out code examples. The one gripe I have with Cake is the dearth of applicable and up-to-date resources. +- :date: 2007-07-08 02:43:29 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 16 + :body: "Thanks a lot for your suggestions and offers, but no.\n\ + Although I still think CakePHP is a great framework for PHP, I totally lost interest in it. \n\n\ + And besides, the book was never finished simply because nearly all the code examples where never provided by the Cake Software Foundation, so the few chapters I wrote would be kinda useless to the community now. " +- :date: 2007-07-08 11:33:27 +02:00 + :author: Tom + :url: + :id: 17 + :body: |- + I agree as well, I would like to see a PDF version available online -- even if it isn't complete. + + There is such little documentation for CakePHP that I feel it turns many folks away and I find myself asking way too many questions in the irc channel lol to gwoo's dismay sometimes. + + I would love to get as many perspectives, examples, and thoughts as possible because I believe CakePHP is really good and should be promoted. Especially if it's ever gonna "make it" +- :date: 2007-07-08 12:06:41 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 18 + :body: |- + Believe me, if you asked me months ago I would have contributed to expand Cake's documentation and write more articles about it quite willingly. + + But as I said, at the moment I'd like to contribute to other projects where I'm actually appreciated. + + I know Cake lacks of documentation, but the Cake Team lost a writer and contributor four months ago, and I'm sure things won't improve if they keep dealing with people in the same way. + + I know I keep going on about this, and I know I sound quite offensive sometimes, but I'm sure at least some of you can understand how this can be a "hot topic" for me. + I'd be glad to see Cake moving forward and "make it", although I will *not* do anything anymore to make that happen. +- :date: 2007-07-08 23:56:34 +02:00 + :author: anon + :url: "" + :id: 19 + :body: |- + Good thing the Internet Archive still has a copy of the lost comments + + +- :date: 2007-07-09 00:16:34 +02:00 + :author: Dan + :url: "" + :id: 20 + :body: |- + What a shame... I was really looking forward to that book! + + Btw, the new site design looks good... +- :date: 2007-07-09 05:26:37 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 21 + :body: |- + @anon: Thanks. Now I hope you are not going to copy and paste them all back here, at least! + Sorry for the delay in showing your comment on the site btw, Askimet marked it as spam - posts with a link and nearly no meaningful content normally end up that way, I suspect :P +- :date: 2007-07-25 10:15:55 +02:00 + :author: Manny + :url: "" + :id: 32 + :body: | + I just came across your post. + + That totally sucks because cake's doc's SUCK huge. I would have considered using cake since people have been going on about how good it is because it's based on Rails. + + BTW, I don't have time to spend shifting through their API or searching newsgroup or dealing with some of the unfriendly "bakers". There's a huge difference between 1.1 and 1.2. + + I'm going to checkout Symfony. + + +- :date: 2007-08-11 04:35:14 +02:00 + :author: Joan Piedra + :url: "" + :id: 44 + :body: |- + Hello Fabio, + + It looks like I'm kinda late in this discussion, I remember I saw your book cover once, and was looking forward to buy it. + + After reading your comments, it seems you have lost all your interest in this project. Still I'd like to recommend you two ideas. + + 1. Look for another publisher that is more interested in open source software like Packt, they have done a nice job with the new jQuery book. + + 2. If it doesn't interest you anymore, you could 'free' the book, make it open source as an 'open book'. Then see how the cakephp community and open source magic works. + + Hope this book can get some light at last. + + My best regards, + Joan Piedra +- :date: 2007-09-14 08:13:51 +02:00 + :author: dustman + :url: "" + :id: 71 + :body: i myself knew that feeling yo got with cakephp core dev team, at least one or two persons... too sad man... but the happiest of it that now i'm converted to python :) +- :date: 2007-11-10 01:54:12 +01:00 + :author: Fred Jones + :url: "" + :id: 119 + :body: I don't know if I agree with posting a blog post like this. Sue them for damages. date: 2007-03-07 02:45:00 +01:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/43.textilecontent/articles/43.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Time for a diet... +comments: [] + date: 2007-03-09 11:59:00 +01:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/8.textilecontent/articles/8.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "8"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: New site operative +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-06 16:57:00 +02:00 tags: - website
M content/articles/9.textilecontent/articles/9.textile

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ permalink: "9"

filters_pre: - redcloth title: Riddle me this... and you'll get the job! +comments: [] + date: 2006-04-07 16:13:58 +02:00 tags: []
M content/articles/a-look-at-drupal.bbcodecontent/articles/a-look-at-drupal.bbcode

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filters_pre: - bbcode title: A look at Drupal +comments: [] + date: 2006-01-12 07:42:44 +01:00 tags: - php
M content/articles/akelos-interview.textilecontent/articles/akelos-interview.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: An Interview with the creator of the Akelos Framework +comments: [] + date: 2007-07-19 05:02:00 +02:00 tags: - php
M content/articles/apache2-upgrade.textilecontent/articles/apache2-upgrade.textile

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- erb - redcloth title: Beware of sudden upgrades! +comments: +- :date: 2007-12-29 15:30:21 +01:00 + :author: Teju + :url: "" + :id: 179 + :body: "Your post saved my site....thanks! Bluehost generally rocks, but they've disappointed this time.\n\n\ + You're luckier than I am - my live chat guy (Dave) told me that the addhandler problem was my 'website design issue' and he couldn't help me. " +- :date: 2008-01-02 12:28:34 +01:00 + :author: t12345 + :url: "" + :id: 192 + :body: |- + My Live chat session was not that helpful. I have checked everything the support guy asked me to but instead of providing any suggestion he dumped a long message explaining how pointless was talking to me and closed the session. + I moved to VPS, no more Bluehost for me. +- :date: 2008-01-02 13:38:36 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 193 + :body: |- + Wow, looks like I was lucky! The guy I spoke to was smart enough to figure out the problem in less than 3 minutes, I must say. + + @t12345: Out of curiosity, which VPS host are you going for? +- :date: 2008-01-02 13:55:41 +01:00 + :author: t12345 + :url: "" + :id: 194 + :body: "\n\ + VPS is much better but it takes long time to install everything by yourself. Bluehost completely ignored my cries for help so I had no other choice. " +- :date: 2008-01-10 11:53:52 +01:00 + :author: J Cooper + :url: "" + :id: 197 + :body: Thank you! This saved me too! Stupid bluehost :( +- :date: 2008-02-27 08:16:07 +01:00 + :author: dfavre + :url: "" + :id: 210 + :body: |- + Thanks! This solved a long-standing problem that I've had with my site. + + My only problem with BH is the way they handle upgrades on their shared hosts. I've had my RoR app go offline several times due to upgrading the Rails version on my server without notice. date: 2007-12-20 07:41:00 +01:00 tags: - website
M content/articles/back-from-holiday.textilecontent/articles/back-from-holiday.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Back from holiday +comments: [] + date: 2007-08-30 04:59:00 +02:00 tags: - personal
M content/articles/boolean-search.bbcodecontent/articles/boolean-search.bbcode

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filters_pre: - bbcode title: Understanding Boolean Search +comments: [] + date: 2005-12-10 12:57:16 +01:00 tags: - internet
M content/articles/cakephp-first-bite.textilecontent/articles/cakephp-first-bite.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "The CakePHP Framework: Your First Bite" +comments: [] + date: 2006-07-14 04:03:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/cakephp-overview.textilecontent/articles/cakephp-overview.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: An overview of the CakePHP framework +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-30 15:50:20 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/cakephp.bbcodecontent/articles/cakephp.bbcode

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filters_pre: - bbcode title: CakePHP - A 'tasty' solution for PHP programming +comments: +- :date: 2008-03-06 20:21:35 +01:00 + :author: Robin + :url: "" + :id: 213 + :body: |- + Wow that means me feel like using it. + + Thanks for such a detailed explanation. date: 2005-12-08 17:03:39 +01:00 tags: - cakephp
M content/articles/concatenative-020.textilecontent/articles/concatenative-020.textile

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- erb - redcloth title: Concatenative 0.2.0 released +comments: [] + date: 2009-04-19 09:42:00 +02:00 tags: - ruby
M content/articles/concatenative-programming-in-ruby.textilecontent/articles/concatenative-programming-in-ruby.textile

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- erb - redcloth title: Concatenative programming in Ruby +comments: +- :date: + :author: Nick + :url: + :id: 2695 + :body: |- + This looks a lot like reverse polish notation, or similar ideas you'd see in SMC and SECD abstract machines. As for minimalism you might like to look at the pure lambda calculus as a 'minimal' programming language, it is to software what the Turing machine is to hardware. + + I have to say it struck me as counter-productive looking for a way to do such low level coding in a high level language like Ruby, but from a hobbyists point of view, or as a learning exercise, who cares :) + + Thanks for the links. +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 2696 + :body: |- + It _is_ Reverse Polish Notation. Yes, normally concatenative languages are fairly low level, but not always: Factor is an example of modern, higher level concatenative language, for instance. + + Obviously you won't start using Concatenative for your next web application, but it could be a good way to look into concatenative programming. I'll try to improve performance a little bit, but unfortunately certain optimization won't be possible due to the very nature of Ruby (especially for what concerns recursion). date: 2009-03-28 07:24:00 +01:00 tags: - ruby
M content/articles/design-patterns-in-ruby-review.textilecontent/articles/design-patterns-in-ruby-review.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Book Review: Design Patterns in Ruby" +comments: +- :date: 2008-04-16 02:54:41 +02:00 + :author: + :url: "" + :id: 231 + :body: "ASSOLUTAMENTE OT: se solo fossero arrivati prima a questo: forse cakephp sarebbe da un'altra parte. Ciao e buon lavoro" date: 2008-04-11 05:41:00 +02:00 tags: - ruby
M content/articles/efficient-ruby-code-shortcut-review.textilecontent/articles/efficient-ruby-code-shortcut-review.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Book Review: Writing Efficient Ruby Code" +comments: +- :date: 2008-01-21 07:49:29 +01:00 + :author: Matthew Williams + :url: "" + :id: 204 + :body: Thanks for the review, I immediately headed over to the InformIT page and purchased the PDF but it still hasn't shown up in my account for download. Any idea how long I should be waiting for my copy? InformIT has the day off and I'm getting anxious. Especially compared to the PDF's that get customized with your name in the footer on every page of the PDF and are delivered immediately. But it's been over an hour now and I'm starting to get anxious. Hopefully InformIT will pull through the PDF will show up in my account! +- :date: 2008-01-22 23:28:01 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 205 + :body: | + Matthew: if you can give me your email address (e.g. via your next comment, it won't be displayed publicly) I'll put you in contact with one of AW editor, and she'll try sorting out your problem. I'm sure you'll get your PDF pretty fast... + + date: 2008-01-21 05:47:00 +01:00 tags: - ruby
M content/articles/firefox-lovers-guide-to-opera.textilecontent/articles/firefox-lovers-guide-to-opera.textile

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filters_pre: - redcloth title: A Firefox Lover's Guide to Opera +comments: +- :date: 2007-12-28 15:35:26 +01:00 + :author: cvm + :url: "" + :id: 173 + :body: "bq. \"No find as you type \xE2\x80\x93 Another big disappointment for who comes from Firefox or Safari: Opera still uses a dialog box to perform page searches.\"\r\n\ + \r\n\ + Try pressing \".\" - DOT and write word or try stable Opera (search ASyouTYPE field in View bar).\r\n\ + \r\n\ + UserJS:\r\n\ + \r\n\ + bq. \"No spell clecking \xE2\x80\x93 Again, both Firefox and Safari now offer text fields spell checking. Opera doesn\xE2\x80\x99t yet.\"\r\n\ + \r\n\ + Standard:\r\n\ + \r\n\ + UserJS:\r\n" +- :date: 2007-12-28 15:46:11 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: "" + :id: 174 + :body: |- + Thanks cvm for pointing out two fixes to two of my "annoyances"! I updated the article accordingly. + + P.S.: The find as you type looks fantastic! I didn't know that, thanks! +- :date: 2007-12-28 16:36:12 +01:00 + :author: Ameer + :url: + :id: 175 + :body: "<blockquote>Auto-start widget? \xE2\x80\x93 This is a feature enhancement Opera Dev Team should consider: allow users to configure certain widgets to start automatically when Opera starts.</blockquote>\r\n\ + You can do that by keeping the required widgets open, when you close Opera and then using the \"Continue from last time\" start up option." +- :date: 2007-12-28 16:44:52 +01:00 + :author: Ameer + :url: + :id: 176 + :body: |- + Opera has a couple of ruler widgets which are equal to and sometimes even better than the firefox "Measure It" extension. + Have a look at <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. + + <blockquote>SearchStatus gives me Alexa Rank and Google Pagerank:</blockquote> + Does <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> serve the purpose? +- :date: 2007-12-29 02:35:47 +01:00 + :author: cvm + :url: "" + :id: 177 + :body: "\"Use keyboard shortcuts \xE2\x80\x93 Believe it or not, you can literally use Opera without a mouse.\"\r\n\ + Try PASTE&GO feature. Select and copy (CTRL+C) part of text or link and use PASTE&GO (CTRL+B). " +- :date: 2007-12-29 06:39:29 +01:00 + :author: cvm + :url: "" + :id: 178 + :body: Ops, Opera 9.5 PASTE&GO feature = CTRL+SHIFT+V but in keyboard preferences is possible select NEW (Opera 9.50.) keyboard setup or Opera 9.2 compatible setup. +- :date: 2007-12-29 19:36:16 +01:00 + :author: Ed + :url: "" + :id: 181 + :body: |- + I'm surprised that you knew about Sleipnir. + How did you know that? +- :date: 2007-12-30 01:05:27 +01:00 + :author: Ayush + :url: + :id: 183 + :body: "bq. OK, I won\xE2\x80\x99t be able to access my favorite tags as quickly [...]\r\n\ + \r\n\ + You can add to panel or your main page and turn on view>small screen\r\n\ + \r\n\ + bq. Additionally, Opera tabs [\xE2\x80\xA6]\r\n\ + \r\n\ + You can also arrange tabs (minimize/restore/cascade/tile etc.)\r\n\ + \r\n\ + bq. Default Browser Problems \xE2\x80\x93 Setting Opera as default browser on Windows doesn\xE2\x80\x99t seem to set the file icons accordingly (or worse, it resets them to the default file icon).\r\n\ + \r\n\ + That was a known bug in 9.5b (and is fixed in latest snapshots - )\r\n" +- :date: 2007-12-30 02:59:20 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 184 + :body: |- + @Ed: I've spent _a lot_ of time looking around for alternative Windows browsers. Sleipnir is very popular in Japan and actively developed, but not too stable. I also tried all the variants of K-Meleon and then I finally decided to give Opera another shot! + + @Ayush: Thanks but... I can't access the link for the panel (403 forbidden). Thanks for the other tips too! +- :date: 2007-12-30 03:51:12 +01:00 + :author: Ed + :url: "" + :id: 185 + :body: | + @Fabio + right, that's why I knew of Sleipnir. Though I didn't like it much for the idea of using Trident as it's HTML rendering engine. + I also have tried Opera a while back but it was kind of hard to get yourself used to the new way. I'm using Firefox now and I'm a heavy user of keyboard shortcut :P + +- :date: 2007-12-30 11:29:44 +01:00 + :author: Ayush + :url: + :id: 186 + :body: "@Fabio: Copy the url and paste it in a new tab" +- :date: 2007-12-30 11:32:51 +01:00 + :author: Ayush + :url: + :id: 187 + :body: Oh and my name is Ayush not Ajush +- :date: 2007-12-31 15:29:59 +01:00 + :author: alex + :url: "" + :id: 188 + :body: | + if you want to get some of the functionality of your firefox extensions in opera you should check this + + + + + + +- :date: 2007-12-31 16:28:50 +01:00 + :author: bpm + :url: "" + :id: 189 + :body: "can also do inline search only on link anchors: comma instead of period." +- :date: 2008-01-01 08:45:22 +01:00 + :author: Nilotpal + :url: + :id: 190 + :body: "For me, Opera is better because it is more stable, faster, more standards compliant and more secure than any of the other browsers. Somehow, I think these basic features are neglected by other browsers for additional features. I do hope you will have a good time with Opera. You will feel irritated sometimes with web pages not displaying properly (though most times that is a problem with the web page and not the browser), and I think you will find the \"Open with\" option on right click useful. \r\n\ + And I think you missed one of the main uses of syncing, it synces with your Opera Mini on your mobile. This is a very useful feature for people like me who spend their commuting time reading feeds from their favorite sites and newspapers. " +- :date: 2008-01-01 14:07:25 +01:00 + :author: mabdul + :url: "" + :id: 191 + :body: "Hi,\r\n\ + was reading this block because your entry on operawatch!\r\n\ + \r\n\ + at first: Opera can't handle gopher / wais. that is imo a big problem (see )\r\n\ + \r\n\ + 2.) Opera has an built in html-\"notepad\" --> klick on source-code and edit it your way ;) --> click on \"apply changes\" and then voil\xC3\xA0 ;)\r\n\ + \r\n\ + ok, thats all for the first ;)\r\n\ + \r\n\ + after any changes send me an mail opera [ at ] mabdul [ dot ] de" +- :date: 2008-01-07 13:48:25 +01:00 + :author: DrLaunch + :url: + :id: 196 + :body: |- + I couldn't find any eyedropper tools for Opera but I found one for Windows. I haven't tried it my self yet. Get it from + + There is a Web Developer Toolbar for Opera but I don't know how it compares to the Firefox one. Get it from + + As for Gmail manager, you could use the built in Opera mail client or you could set up forwarding from one Gmail account to another. You can also send from several mail addresses in one Gmail account. + + You can use as fast as and as easily as in Firefox with Pocket. Pocket can import your bookmarks and post them to, all without leaving the page you're browsing. Skip the unsupported browser nonsense on the front page and just install the bookmarklet from + + There have been ways to synchronise opera before Opera Link too. Opera's settings are stored in one folder, and a lot of these settings can be copied to other Opera installations. Osync can sync your Opera profile. Get it from + + To fix the Google Reader plugin problems in Opera switch to list view and press Space to scroll and go to the next story. + + You can use some incompatible sites in Opera with Meadco's Neptune plugin or open the page in another browser. Check out the following buttons: +- :date: 2008-01-10 17:08:45 +01:00 + :author: Doug + :url: "" + :id: 198 + :body: |- + Hi from Canada, + I'm looking for a replacement for dogear which I used in Firfox,it marks the spot you stopped reading so you can pick up the again later.I might have missed it,Opera has a lot of Widgets etc, any ideas? thanks. + +- :date: 2008-01-15 21:27:43 +01:00 + :author: GT500 + :url: + :id: 201 + :body: You need to edit your spell check description. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and it doesn't link to OSpell ( ) +- :date: 2008-01-18 22:54:28 +01:00 + :author: anon + :url: "" + :id: 203 + :body: I'm not sure that Opera not being Open Source is such a bad thing. Sure we all want to see more great software become Open Source, but Opera has done a fantastic job of maintaining the position of being the most secure web browser as they are. You have to respect that. I'm not saying that it's not something I would like to see, but I'm also not wishing for it anytime soon. I'd rather see them continue their work as is and making the best web browser availible. +- :date: 2008-02-10 22:31:02 +01:00 + :author: social media helps improving alexa ranking? + :url: + :id: 209 + :body: is the online social networking site. Here people come into contact with each other and build up relations whether personal or business. +- :date: 2008-04-10 04:31:41 +02:00 + :author: martinlock + :url: "" + :id: 229 + :body: If you depend on link or site selling as a form of monetization you will definitely want to increase your Alexa rank, because it will increase your bargaining power when it comes to ad pricing. +- :date: 2008-06-27 17:47:46 +02:00 + :author: EroSan + :url: + :id: 244 + :body: |- + I'm using Opera 9.5, and i wanted to add a few things... + + There is a widget called multiGmail, that lets you monitor more than one gmail account, and easily access their inboxes (in case your girlfriend decides to switch to opera) ;) + + Also, the thing about not wanting to synch in your friends computer is cool. You can still access your bookmarks in html form if you log into + + Regards. +- :date: 2008-10-08 01:13:55 +02:00 + :author: + :url: "" + :id: 263 + :body: | + Hi, + + Great article - Indeed I've been using Opera since version 3.x in a time where "Netscape Navigator" was not activly developed anymore, IE coming up with many security problems and slow speed as well as non-standard conformance. + I got to it by an article in the ct magazine (see as they listed the current status of browser development at this time - well I soon got kind of addicted to using it everyday - secure, fast, standard compliant and one big point - very open to feature-requests by the users. Customized search was discussed in forums already back in 2000 if I remember correctly. + +- :date: + :author: udkl_12_98 + :url: "" + :id: 1889 + :body: Firefox is a BIG hypeBox .... Opera rocks ... I've been an ardent Opera user and propogator since I took to the Internet.... date: 2007-12-28 14:19:00 +01:00 tags: - browsers
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Firefox 3 Revealed +comments: [] + date: 2008-06-17 04:46:00 +02:00 tags: - firefox
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: From Firefox to... Deer Park? +comments: [] + date: 2005-11-20 19:05:30 +01:00 tags: - firefox
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- erb - redcloth title: Git for the Locals +comments: +- :date: 2008-07-15 07:14:31 +02:00 + :author: Daniel Hofstetter + :url: + :id: 246 + :body: Do you have any experience with the Eclipse plugin for Git? +- :date: 2008-07-15 10:12:48 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 247 + :body: |- + @Daniel + + No, not really. I don't use Eclipse, it's not for _local_ people: we only use Vim around here :P + + I was literally amazed at how Git is easy to use right from the command line! +- :date: 2008-07-15 14:43:23 +02:00 + :author: Ronen + :url: + :id: 248 + :body: | + You can actually add your usb drive as a remote repo and push pull from it without the need for a sync tool, small google search lead me to this entry (not mine): + + +- :date: 2008-07-16 08:07:03 +02:00 + :author: Paolo Bonzini + :url: "" + :id: 249 + :body: Yes, your points about not needing a server, being able to move the repo as you wish, and so on, is exactly what I meant when I wrote "if Subversion is CVS done right, git is RCS done right" in my own git tutorial -- if you care. +- :date: 2008-07-24 12:52:13 +02:00 + :author: LurkingPixel + :url: + :id: 251 + :body: Subversion supports local repositories as well. Maybe not the same form as Git, but you certainly don't need to run a server to have an SVN repo. date: 2008-07-15 06:18:00 +02:00 tags: - programming
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Google Apps for your domain: a shared hosting killer service?" +comments: [] + date: 2006-08-28 05:51:00 +02:00 tags: - google
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Chrome: Google did it again!" +comments: +- :date: 2008-09-03 23:43:05 +02:00 + :author: roshan mehta + :url: "" + :id: 252 + :body: "i like your post bcoz it is not biased.Chrome doesn't have those awesome plugins that firefox have.It don't have download accelerator like \"down them all\".It also don't warn me visiting dangerous site as wot does in firefox.I love firefox and keep using that and what if i have to search article in, first i have to visit and about speed tune up utilities optimizes my firefox. " +- :date: 2008-09-04 16:08:24 +02:00 + :author: Andre + :url: + :id: 253 + :body: |- + Nice post, Fabio. + + Chrome did it, yep. A fast, elegant browser with a neat UI. Oh, and with a great rendering engine too, like Webkit, even if they're using an older version of it (as of today, it doesn't has support for neither text-shadow nor anti-aliased border radius, while Safari's build does). + + I'm pretty sure they'll fix those things quickly. + + Plus, it comes with the DOM inspector pre-installed, which makes it good for developing too (it's not as good as Firebug in my opinion, but, hey, it's better than nothing). + + But it's the marketing side of the whole thing that impressed me the most. Everyone was talking about it even before the browser itself was released; and when it did, it was a choir of compliments. + + So, while I patiently wait for a Mac version to be released, I wonder if this will be the time that I change my browser of choice. +- :date: 2008-09-04 16:08:52 +02:00 + :author: Andre + :url: + :id: 254 + :body: Oh, by the way, thanks for adding me to your Links sidebar! ;) +- :date: 2008-09-05 02:36:13 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 255 + :body: |- + Google did an outstanding job as far as marketing goes: everyone was talking about Chrome immediately after the release, even non-tech newspapers! + + I'm currently trying it out as my default browser, and I'm satisfied so far. People started complaining about privacy and security issues, but they're likely to be fixed very soon, especially in the latest "Chromium Builds": (that's what I'm using right now). +- :date: 2008-09-05 11:28:59 +02:00 + :author: AdamC + :url: "" + :id: 256 + :body: |+ + Google did it? Please.. + + JavaScript is the language in Silverlight 1.0. And guess what? It gets compiled (JIT) and then executed. + + IE8 (beta) already runs different tabs in different processes. + + So, yeah, Google did it. Did what exactly, again? + + I mean, let's just give some credit where credit is due, especially since it was Microsoft too that created XmlHttpReques object that is basis for Ajax. + +- :date: 2008-09-07 15:44:20 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 257 + :body: |- + @AdamC + + If you read the whole article, you should understand I actually agree with you: Google didn't create anything new, they just got all the best features from IE8, Firefox 3.1, Safari 4 (all of which has still to come out) and bundled into an open source product. + + Google's secret is simple and yet amazing: "don't do anything new, just do it better than others". they built a fortune with that, and with clever marketing. +- :date: 2008-09-08 04:22:30 +02:00 + :author: Marius + :url: "" + :id: 258 + :body: |- + Good article. Covers most of what I would be interested in knowing about Chrome. + + One thing that I've seen in several places though, is that people attribute the things Google have borrowed (Speed Dial, etc.), but I've yet to see anyone attribute the Incognito mode to the Safari guys, who've had "Private browser" for quite some time now... I guess it's just because the Safari version is just a menu option, that isn't really advertised anywhere. +- :date: 2008-09-12 11:03:29 +02:00 + :author: Bill + :url: + :id: 260 + :body: "It\xE2\x80\x99s weird looking at first, but it seems pretty fast. I opened a few of my pages just to see if they rendered differently and for the most part, they were fine. As a web designer, all I need is another browser that I have to design my pages for. I\xE2\x80\x99m hoping that Chrome renders code the way it should (like Firefox). Just out of curiosity, I also checked the memory usage and needless to say, it was a lot less than my current Firefox session (6,656K compared to that of Firefox using 162,340K)." +- :date: + :author: Dagger1234 + :url: "" + :id: 2706 + :body: "Im currently using Google Chrome\xE2\x84\xA2 and i can find no substantial problems with the way it works, as a internet usage moderator, i rely on a fast connection, and this program really does offer this to me. I also love the fact that the entire program is open-sourced, so that i can really see what is going on. Although Google\xE2\x84\xA2 have just taken their ideas from other browsers which are openly available, they have to be credited for their genius of doing this first. I find it shocking that no-one else had thought to do this first... combining the best of the best to create a well made piece of software, BRAVO!\r\n\ + \r\n\ + \xE2\x80\xA01234" date: 2008-09-03 02:31:00 +02:00 tags: - browsers
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: "Software Review: Google Earth" +comments: [] + date: 2005-12-10 12:48:59 +01:00 tags: - review
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Introducing v7.1 +comments: [] + date: 2008-10-27 05:29:00 +01:00 tags: - website
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Back on Track... +comments: +- :date: 2007-06-24 08:43:42 +02:00 + :author: kabturek + :url: + :id: 4 + :body: |- + please please allow a diffrent color scheme ( black on white) or whatever .. now i have to use a bookmarklet on every page that resets the styles :) + + greets, +- :date: 2007-06-24 09:06:44 +02:00 + :author: anon + :url: "" + :id: 5 + :body: I always suspected this was why Cake might eventually fail. Not because the code is weak, but because the core community drives people and possibilities away. Rails has always had a much better culture of openness and freedom. Interesting to see the first high-profile switch... +- :date: 2007-06-24 10:20:22 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: "" + :id: 6 + :body: |+ + lol @ kabturek... The new theme aims to be relaxing for the eyes, energy-saving and different from the previous one (not that there was anything wrong with it, I just wanted to try something completely different), however I can understand that it could be a bit disturbing for someone... I'll see about changing it or implementing a theme switcher... who knows! + + + +- :date: 2007-06-26 04:38:53 +02:00 + :author: AD7six + :url: + :id: 9 + :body: |- + Hi H3rald, + + I hope to still find your articles interesting, whichever MVC flavour they may be. + + I like the new site with the exception that I can read almost nothing of what is written in red :). Hypocritical though it may seem (I know that kabturek has his bookmarklet to hand when he visits my site, that he isn't alone, and that I also need to put that style switcher in place). Please choose a brighter red or something else a bit higher contrast :) + + Cheers, + + AD +- :date: 2007-06-26 04:49:43 +02:00 + :author: AD7six + :url: + :id: 10 + :body: |- + PS. The nav bar is completely invisible (at least to me) until I mouse over. I like black themes but atm it feels like my monitor has it's contrast set too low and brightness too high - except of course it hasn't. I wrote about "colour contrast": before, you might want to test your colours out on "Snook's colour contrsat checker": + In any event good to see you writing again. + Cheers! + AD date: 2007-06-22 14:38:00 +02:00 tags: - website
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Herald (Vim Color Scheme) +comments: +- :date: + :author: Wm Tanksley + :url: "" + :id: 2712 + :body: | + Very nice. + + I also appreciate a color scheme that degrades elegantly to low-color modes, so that I can use the essentially same scheme even when I'm remotely logged in. Degrading to 256 is good, but can you degrade to 16? I use baycomb for exactly this reason; it's honestly not as nice as your scheme (for example, it doesn't highlight the cursor row and column), but it does have a lot of features, and it smoothly degrades to lower numbers of colors. + + -Wm + +- :date: + :author: Mario + :url: "" + :id: 2713 + :body: I still find Desert to be the best universal color theme for VIM. It works for any language and it distinguishes between more text elements than any other theme I have tried. +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 2714 + :body: |- + @Wm Tanksley: + I will make it degrade to 16 colors, even if it won't look great, obviously... I'll try my best. + + @Mario: + Thanks for pointing out desert: I personally don't like it much, but I can check it out to see what elements it highlights and how. +- :date: + :author: Oz + :url: "" + :id: 2715 + :body: Brilliant scheme - you are enabling my laziness by doing such a good job I can now cross off of my todo list the task of customizing my own further. Thanks. +- :date: + :author: Johannes + :url: + :id: 2716 + :body: |- + Nice color scheme. I tried using moria as well, and you've fixed the biggest downside (to me, at least), which is to intrusive comments. + + Your vimrc file also gave me a lot of inspiration, by the way :) +- :date: + :author: "Beno\xC3\xAEt" + :url: "" + :id: 2717 + :body: Looks good, but the visual mode lacks contrast (for me). +- :date: + :author: "Caio Rom\xC3\xA3o" + :url: + :id: 2718 + :body: Hey, that's the first theme I see which doesn't seem to suck when using `cursorline` and `cursorcolumn`. Thanks! +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 2719 + :body: |- + Version 0.2.0 released! + + See "the new project page":/herald-vim-color-scheme for more information. +- :date: + :author: iain + :url: + :id: 2720 + :body: It does look incredibly colorful. I don't know if I'll like it, but I will give it a spin. I am using ir_black at the moment. date: 2009-06-17 06:11:00 +02:00 tags: - programming
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Book Review: Humble Little Ruby Book" +comments: [] + date: 2007-10-03 05:53:00 +02:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Holiday house for rent +comments: [] + date: 2009-04-24 01:54:00 +02:00 tags: - personal
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: An IE Lover's Guide to Firefox +comments: [] + date: 2005-11-25 18:47:00 +01:00 tags: - ie
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: I'm on Twitter, anyway... +comments: [] + date: 2008-05-18 11:04:00 +02:00 tags: - personal
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Fabio's (In)complete Guide to London +comments: [] + date: 2006-08-23 06:23:24 +02:00 tags: - travelling
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- erb - redcloth title: RawLine - a 100% Ruby solution for console inline editing +comments: +- :date: 2008-03-10 08:19:47 +01:00 + :author: Vidar Hokstad + :url: + :id: 214 + :body: |+ + For moving right (or any other direction), your best bet is probably to look at VT100 escape sequences. They're pretty straightforward, and supported on a wide range of terminals. If you want truly portable terminal handling, though, you really, really want to read up on Terminfo, but using VT100 works on most modern systems. + +- :date: 2008-03-10 09:05:06 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 215 + :body: |- + Yes, I tried using output escape sequences for moving the cursor, and on Linux works fine. The problem is that VT*** escape sequences don't work on "modern" Windows Systems! + So I left the original, "naive but cross-platform" implementation for now, at least until I find a way to do the same thing on Windows too (and also a proper way to delete characters). + + Thanks a lot! +- :date: 2008-03-14 16:46:30 +01:00 + :author: gthiesfeld + :url: + :id: 217 + :body: The win32console gem handles escape sequences. Take a look. +- :date: 2008-03-15 04:37:34 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 218 + :body: |- + @gthiesfeld + + Win32Console is a very cool gem, and for now I only got it working for text coloring, and that's quite cool. By the way, InLine is compatible with Win32Console, unlike Readline (that's one of the reasons why I made it in the first place!). + + Actually it seems to be able to do much more, now that I took a closer look, but unfortunately it's not too well documented. I should spend some time digging through its code. The problem though is that it seems to be a port of a Perl module, and the "coding standards" followed may not be too familiar. + + Thanks! +- :date: 2008-03-15 08:48:29 +01:00 + :author: j + :url: "" + :id: 219 + :body: I don't get an 'examples' folder? +- :date: 2008-03-15 13:05:06 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 220 + :body: |- + @j + + You're right... I just noticed that they're not shipped with the gem due to a silly mistake in the Rakefile... aww, my fault! Anyhow: + + - The source of both the examples is in this article + + - The _examples_ folder should be in the .zip and .tar.gz packages. +- :date: 2008-03-17 12:38:18 +01:00 + :author: Gordon Thiesfeld + :url: + :id: 221 + :body: "I've submitted a large patch to Justin Bailey, the maintainer of the win32console gem that fixes a few bugs and makes the code more idiomatic. It should be released any time now. It also adds a redefined putc, so that it will buffer escape sequences and pass other characters straight through. You might find that useful for InLine. " +- :date: 2008-03-17 14:44:15 +01:00 + :author: Matt S. + :url: "" + :id: 222 + :body: |+ + This looks interesting... and helpful. + + The test files are missing from the gem as well. + $ ruby test/test_all.rb + test/test_all.rb:7:in `require': no such file to load -- test_history_buffer (LoadError) + from test/test_all.rb:7 + +- :date: 2008-03-21 10:50:18 +01:00 + :author: Christian P + :url: "" + :id: 223 + :body: |- + I would love to integrate inline as I am a WinXP user. How may get the benefits of this gem when using rail script/console or irb? + + Thanks for you work! date: 2008-03-10 06:59:00 +01:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "InLine name change: what's your opinion?" +comments: +- :date: 2008-03-27 14:35:10 +01:00 + :author: Thom Parkin + :url: "" + :id: 224 + :body: | + InLine is really a very descriptive name. + How about RubyRedLine? + +- :date: 2008-03-27 18:15:40 +01:00 + :author: + :url: "" + :id: 225 + :body: how about RollerBlade? (both "inline" and "RB") +- :date: 2008-03-28 12:39:22 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 226 + :body: Hmm... just a bit too long for my liking! Any other ideas? date: 2008-03-27 06:30:00 +01:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Introducing RedBook (and the new Code section) +comments: [] + date: 2007-09-29 02:12:00 +02:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: A closer look at Komodo Edit +comments: +- :date: 2007-11-25 11:23:02 +01:00 + :author: dafi + :url: + :id: 126 + :body: |- + I like Komodo, too ;-) + + Consider macros are a powerful tool, they are very sophisticated. + Komodo macros have the power of VBA on Microsoft world. + + I've totally replaced UltraEdit the killer application on Windows Editor. + To cover all missing UltraEdit features I've written the MoreKomodo extension +- :date: 2007-11-25 18:37:12 +01:00 + :author: Bernard + :url: "" + :id: 127 + :body: |- + Komodo Edit also has syntax completion for the most known javascript libraries such as JQuery, Dojo, YUI or ExtJs. The CSS completion is also very handy. + + I've been using it extensively for the last 4 months on Windows XP and on Ubuntu and I can say that I'll never use anything else now for Python, HTML, CSS & javascript. +- :date: 2007-11-26 05:29:34 +01:00 + :author: JGiles + :url: "" + :id: 128 + :body: Why not just save the dollars and use Scite? It seems to have most of what you're talking about. +- :date: 2007-11-26 05:37:23 +01:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 130 + :body: |- + @JGiles + + Komodo _Edit_ is FREE, unlike Komodo _IDE_. That's why I reviewed it in the first place: I don't like spending money on Editors and IDEs either! + Scite is good, and I use it sometimes, but Komodo offers much more features and has less "rough edges", for what I could see. +- :date: 2007-11-26 07:28:46 +01:00 + :author: Stavros + :url: "" + :id: 131 + :body: |- + Intype is only free for now, since it's an alpha, afterwards it'll cost something like $25 which is WAY too much for what I saw. I installed it, looked at it for a minute and uninstalled it, since I didn't see any good features that free editors don't have. + + I still mourn the loss of AnyEdit. It was by far the best editor, but it's not actively supported any more, and has many bugs :/ I wish someone would pick up its development. +- :date: 2007-11-26 12:15:42 +01:00 + :author: Nikhil + :url: "" + :id: 132 + :body: "You missed out another important point: it is extensible. Komodo Edit is built on the Mozilla XUL framework and you can create plugins much like you write extensions in Firefox. For eg, it doesnt display the list of open files like Notepad++ or Textpad, but you can quite easily create a plugin which does this." +- :date: 2007-11-26 19:20:40 +01:00 + :author: MorknMindy + :url: "" + :id: 133 + :body: |- + jEdit still blows it out of the water. For an 'editor' its severely lacking. I also take an instant dislike to anything using the scintilla control. I am _SO_ over the scintilla control. Every man + dog has written a wrapper around it and called it the next super programmer editor. + + Last time I tried komodo edit it was slow and a tad buggy regarding auto complete and tags. +- :date: 2007-11-27 05:44:44 +01:00 + :author: Korayem + :url: + :id: 134 + :body: Komodo is the best IDE for Pythoneers +- :date: 2008-01-04 03:16:18 +01:00 + :author: Xscratch + :url: "" + :id: 195 + :body: "Fabio, thanks for great article, I love Komodo Edit too.\n\ + I noticed however you made some typos in the first part of it:\n\ + 1) \"Their commercial IDE, Komodo Edit, which I personally tried quite a long time ago\"\n\ + I think you meant Komodo IDE\n\n\ + 2) \"It costs money \xE2\x80\x93 this is not great in a world where Eclipse and Netvibes are free\"\n\ + Netvibes or NetBean?\n\n\ + See you!\n\n\ + PS: Is strange for an italian to write in (dummy) english in a blog of a compatriot :-)\n\n" +- :date: 2008-04-22 15:19:58 +02:00 + :author: Ruk + :url: "" + :id: 232 + :body: "Komodo is very nice but you make a mistake to say that is using 60K memory when is using 57,720K so looks you are missing some 3 digits :d " +- :date: 2008-04-22 16:05:53 +02:00 + :author: vioan + :url: + :id: 233 + :body: thank you for a really nice article. Yesterday I started to play with Komodo Edit and today I found your article, which is great. I am sure that Komodo will be my main tool, beside vim/gvim :). +- :date: 2008-05-27 11:14:13 +02:00 + :author: Todd + :url: "" + :id: 235 + :body: | + For those missing the code browser feature, you might like to try out the Source Tree extension, which gets you most of the same features: + + +- :date: + :author: Rahul + :url: "" + :id: 2582 + :body: Guys have you tried Netbeans EA (Early Accesss) for Python, works great also supports debugging, code assisting and pylint support in built. Also Eclipse (Pydev) is equally cool date: 2007-11-25 07:23:00 +01:00 tags: - review
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Personal Log - April 2009 +comments: +- :date: + :author: Elora + :url: "" + :id: 2701 + :body: May 8 here we come!!! date: 2009-04-28 06:11:00 +02:00 tags: - personal_log
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Personal Log - February 2009 +comments: +- :date: + :author: Dana + :url: "" + :id: 2691 + :body: I like the "Recession time!" article, very honest. +- :date: + :author: Marko + :url: + :id: 2692 + :body: Nice article! date: 2009-02-27 13:09:00 +01:00 tags: - personal_log
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filters_pre: - bluecloth title: Personal Log - January 2009 +comments: [] + date: 2009-01-25 11:51:00 +01:00 tags: - personal_log
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Personal Log - June 2009 +comments: [] + date: 2009-06-29 02:24:00 +02:00 tags: - personal_log
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Personal Log - March 2009 +comments: +- :date: + :author: Magrabi + :url: + :id: 2694 + :body: |- + congratulation . + hope to married soon and live a wonderful life . date: 2009-03-30 06:04:00 +02:00 tags: - personal_log
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Personal Log - May 2009 +comments: [] + date: 2009-05-31 06:35:00 +02:00 tags: - personal_log
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: Ma.gnolia - Social bookmarking made (extremely) easy +comments: [] + date: 2006-03-04 13:53:33 +01:00 tags: - internet
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Book Review: Mongrel Digital Shortcut" +comments: [] + date: 2007-12-15 03:42:00 +01:00 tags: - review
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: Next generation DVDs +comments: [] + date: 2005-12-10 12:53:46 +01:00 tags: - review
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Barack Obama may visit Genoa (Italy) on October 12th +comments: [] + date: 2008-08-11 04:09:00 +02:00 tags: - politics
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: The Green Bar +comments: [] + date: 2005-12-09 14:03:54 +01:00 tags: - google
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: The Perfect Browser +comments: [] + date: 2005-12-09 14:31:01 +01:00 tags: []
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: Pre-review of Internet Explorer 7 +comments: [] + date: 2005-11-25 18:16:46 +01:00 tags: - browsers
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: "Project Gutenberg: The What, When and Why" +comments: [] + date: 2005-12-10 12:55:28 +01:00 tags: - writing
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: "CyberArmy Presents: Project WindStone" +comments: [] + date: 2005-12-10 12:59:23 +01:00 tags: - internet
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: A Quick Overview of SQLite +comments: [] + date: 2005-11-25 17:52:38 +01:00 tags: - review
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: - A First Look +comments: +- :date: 2008-06-20 00:05:03 +02:00 + :author: + :url: "" + :id: 241 + :body: It would be great to have an OpenID login. +- :date: 2008-06-20 10:55:20 +02:00 + :author: nachokb + :url: "" + :id: 242 + :body: |- + Another thing I'll miss is multi-version support: + + "The next big release, coming out in a couple of months, will include support for multiple versions of Rails and version handling/separation on class-module-method level." + -- +- :date: 2008-06-20 15:42:35 +02:00 + :author: Marcus + :url: "" + :id: 243 + :body: |- + It'd be really nice to be able to actually "search" the documentation--the equivalent of + + finder methods site: + + on Google. On this site if I don't know the name of the method I'm searching for (or if I don't guess correctly) the search just doesn't work. + + It's definitely nice to see someone working on this problem though! I think it's an interesting alternative, the inline notes feature is pretty cool. date: 2008-06-19 07:30:00 +02:00 tags: - rails
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Rails-inspired PHP frameworks +comments: +- :date: 2007-07-31 20:57:30 +02:00 + :author: George + :url: "" + :id: 43 + :body: | + Hey, great article and amazingly designed site you got here. Thanks for the info. + +- :date: 2007-10-18 10:22:03 +02:00 + :author: RailsGuy + :url: "" + :id: 101 + :body: |- + It's funny how PHP developers are just now discovering MVC. This pattern has been around long before the internet and was adapted into MVC2 for web application mostly by pioneering Java developers. + + If Rails is what these PHP frameworks strive to be, then why not just use Rails? PHP frameworks will never be as good as Rails, not unless they change PHP itself. The language is just not dynamic enough to do what rails does with Ruby's reflection and meta programming. + + This post shows just how fragmented the PHP community is, and will continue to be. +- :date: 2007-10-18 15:23:11 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 102 + :body: "RailsGuy: Thanks for your comment. A year ago I would have argued endlessly on how CakePHP is better than Rails and all that. Now I agree 100% with you and this very site is now powered by Rails and Typo! :-)" +- :date: 2007-12-17 13:56:57 +01:00 + :author: + :url: "" + :id: 169 + :body: |- + The article seems to be truthful. Symfony could be different a year ago, but I can't agree that it's directory structure is confusing and disorganized. You can customize it, some folders are required to store data provided by functionality that is missing from other frameworks - think about it! + + >>Uses too many configuration files, not suitable for simple projects + I know the only simple project - "Hello, world!". You can't create infinitely simple and mega powerful framework - these are contradictory requirements. + Btw, do you know that a powerful admin interface can be generated based on a config file ONLY? + + >>Steep learning curve + It's worth it. +- :date: 2008-01-13 15:56:32 +01:00 + :author: Arrms + :url: "" + :id: 200 + :body: |- + Some php developers have been doing mvc style work since 2000. + + Including hacked reflection and dynamic type code. + + PHP 5 is a big step towards fixing a lot of the issues, and a lot of the comments made seem very un-informed about php. Yes php has a lot of bad programmers around because its so easy to hack up some webpages. + + I've used a lot of the frameworks around and they are all fine as long as long as you do what they want, when you want to do something they don't do is when you run into problems. + + Rails and Ruby look great but if scalability is a big issue then its just not viable. I'm sure that will be fixed in the future. It will be the same as php, there will be a huge amount of poor programming done in these initial days etc etc. + + And I'm not a big fan of any of the PHP frameworks out there at the moment, they could be done a lot better. The more decent frameworks are only seen in commercial products unfortunately. + + PHP has reflection now, and you can call methods and classes using variables... which seems to be what ruby claims as dynamicness that php doesn't have. Using wonderful reflection magic is going to involve a performance hit. So if that's a great claim on why to use language X, and your going to go crazy using it thats all well and good, but your performance and bugging are going to be a pain. + + + Activerecord magical database crazyness, is all great, but if you want to tweak performance quite often you have to do some of the work yourself anyway. And I really fail to see some of the real differences that people claim. + + But anyway, good review etc etc. +- :date: 2008-07-04 10:29:54 +02:00 + :author: karan + :url: "" + :id: 245 + :body: i have learn more from your site it is very useful to student who study php date: 2006-05-03 14:57:00 +02:00 tags: - frameworks
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Rails-powered Open Source Killer Apps, Anyone? +comments: +- :date: + :author: Matthew Williams + :url: "" + :id: 371 + :body: |- + All the sites you mentioned are "proprietary" because they monetize. A company that releases a product is in the game to make money. GitHub is doing so, Basecamp is very much doing so, Twitter has a ton of funding and will soon be making money one way or another, so why give that up? The fact that you're expecting sites built with Rails to just expose their source to the world is asking for a little too much. + + Scour and find some Open Source projects. There are some really great Open Source projects out there (take a look at, you just need to look. + + The list of your CMS's is I think as extensive as it's going to get for the Rails world. Drupal is a very mature project. I'm sure if you looked at Drupal a few years ago, it was in similar shape as Radiant or Typo. Give it time. + + But again, because the framework is Open Source, it's asking way too much for any products written with the framework to be Open Source. +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 373 + :body: "Thank you Matthew. You're right, RedMine is indeed an interesting open source project, but what I'm trying to say is that Rails developers seems more focused on building something which can \"monetize\" quickly rather than investing time and energy in complex open source projects.\n\n\ + I don't blame them, really! If I were a full-time web developer I'd probably do something similar!\n\n\ + What I wanted to point out in a rather exaggerated and provocative way is that even if Ruby and Rails are MUCH better organized than PHP and any PHP framework, there are still _a lot_ of complex open source projects (not only Drupal, but take Joomla, Mediawiki, e107, etc.), in particular CMSes, which offer a lot of features.\n\ + The current open source Rails projects are great, and some of them are quite successful (this very blog runs Typo, and I think it's an awesome blogging engine!), I just wish there were more.\n\n\ + Maybe is just a matter of time... what's shocking is that the few \"general purpose\" CMS either are not doing very well or are just focusing on niches, like blogging. " +- :date: + :author: Luigi Montanez + :url: + :id: 376 + :body: |- + There are quite a few reasons there's no widely adopted open-source Rails CMS: + + 1. Rails deployment isn't as easy as PHP deployment (though Passenger has done much to change that). + + 2. You get into Rails because you want to build highly customized (and good) web apps, not implement a standard CMS. PHP CMS frameworks are Good Enough, and they serve the niche of people who want a semi-customize website but don't want to code it. + + 3. Ruby, Rails, and Merb are geared toward developers, while PHP is geared towards people who want to make websites. That's not a knock on PHP, but it is a significant difference. + + 4. CMSes are so early 2000's. These last few years, social networks have been all the rage (soon to be replaced by mobile apps). I'd point out that there ARE a bunch of out-of-the-box open-source social networking projects for Rails. + + - + + - + + - +- :date: + :author: lowell + :url: "" + :id: 383 + :body: |- + A few things. + + First, about your 'About' page. Here in the United States, our IT admins tend to be extremely conservative when it comes to upgrading (regardless of benefit); this is the biggest reason that IE6 is still being used. Reading your 'About' page caused me to fire up VMWare Fusion and load this in IE6 - I wasn't ready to believe that you would go so far as to actively 'exclude' those without choice. I placed in exclude in quotes because you claim incompatibility with older browsers, but it isn't like your blog is on the cutting edge of CSS - I mean, you do claim it to be minimalist, don't you? In fact, it's humorous to me that the only 'incompatibility' I as able to find is an image transparency issue. Okay, fine, we get it - you develop web apps and you're cool and know better than many. There's no need to go out of your way to be an a*s about it. + + As for the Rails app rant, well.. The final product isn't what we share because all the fun is in building it. We aren't PHP script junkies that cut and paste random code, you know that. What we do share is arguably much more important => plugins and gems. + + BTW, points for using a Rails app for your blog. :) I can't count how many similar Rails rants I've read on WordPress lol.. +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 385 + :body: "Thanks Luigi for bringing up excellent comments and lowell for... well, bringing up good comments too.\r\n\ + \r\n\ + *@Luigi*: Indeed, I didn't know those three, and they look interesting.\r\n\ + \r\n\ + *@lowell*: I'll probably change the /about page, alright. Here in Italy, and especially in companies, IE6 is sadly still the way to go so... yes, I know what you mean. I did want to actively lock people out actually, but then I thought a banner would suffice to get the point across: after all, as you pointed out, my site does not break completely in IE6.\r\n\ + As for using Typo... well, I wouldn't have dared to say something even slightly unpleasant about Rails from a WordPress blog! " +- :date: + :author: Priit Tamboom + :url: + :id: 389 + :body: |- + Have you played with Adva-CMS? (it's under very active development at the moment, so be warned). It's a kind of next evolution compared to Radiant. It's agnostic to what you build. So you can add blog, wiki, forum and your main apps directory is empty for your custom app. + + I wrote about adva at my blog: + + Cheers, + Priit <br/> + ps. i'm new adva dev, so I might not be very objective :-) +- :date: + :author: Aaron Farr + :url: + :id: 415 + :body: |- + I see Radiant as a great compromise between writing up your own customized CMS and a full fledged system like Drupal. I'm currently using it for my own website ( as well as the ApacheCon websites (, so it's really flexible. + + Radiant is _not_ good for member sites with lots of users, but for a basic CMS, it's pretty nice. +- :date: + :author: job grades + :url: + :id: 416 + :body: Hey, take a look at Merb and merb-slices. I think the slices feature has the ability to offer a better foundation for "open source killer apps" than Ruby on Rails. slices are like "mini-apps". In merb, it's designed in a way that can be turned on/off/altered really easily. There's a video on the website that explains the concept very well. +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 417 + :body: |- + @job grades + Yes! Merb slices seem to be really interesting. All you need now is ...more slices and an ad-hoc site to easily distribute them. Add something to automatize download/update/installation and you have a very good foundation indeed. +- :date: + :author: Dave Sailer + :url: + :id: 419 + :body: "I found you via a note at RubyFlow ( Thank you. This post is exactly the sort of thing that I'm interested in at the moment.\r\n\ + \r\n\ + Another good source of general Ruby/Rails information that I've newly discovered is \"A Fresh Cup: Notes from a Recovered Microsoft addict\" (\r\n\ + \r\n\ + A recent post there referred in turn to a Rails testing post at Caboose: \"We've stopped using rSpec...\" (\r\n\ + \r\n\ + This turned out to be somewhat relevant to the CMS issue in that in following up on Rails testing options I found Thoughtbot, Inc., which in turn has a product/service called \"Widgetfinger\" (\r\n\ + \r\n\ + Widgetfinger is deliberately limited but might be interesting to some: \"The widgetfinger service is 'Simple content management made for the modern web designer'. The tool was built to solve problems that we saw in our client work, and is meant to manage very basic 'brochure style' websites.\" " +- :date: + :author: Pratik + :url: + :id: 420 + :body: |- + Component/slice based approach is nothing new. Rails engines has allowed people to do that for years now. + + @Fabio : Maybe you want to check out +- :date: + :author: Tim Kadom + :url: + :id: 432 + :body: |+ + Comatose is a CMS which can be dropped into an existing Rails app as well. check it out. + + + +- :date: + :author: rick + :url: "" + :id: 463 + :body: "Pratik: there's also the desert plugin by the pivotal guys. They used it to build their own in-house platform. There's also tog, a mish mash of popular plugins providing social network features." +- :date: + :author: gaspard + :url: + :id: 752 + :body: "Just a passing note on zena ( I am biased since I wrote the damn thing, but I must react to your quick description: \"Alpha, looks promising although it doesn\xE2\x80\x99t offer many features\".\n\n\ + I think this CMS has many more features then most top notch CMS out there. Give me a competitor for:\n\n\ + 1. *really* powerful templating language, editable through the browser with support for ajax.\n\n\ + 2. multi-lingual, versioned content.\n\n\ + 3. custom classes for you content, defined through the browser (no code to write).\n\n\ + 4. powerful image manipulation (automatic resizing/limiting for multiple contexts).\n\n\ + 5. groups based access rights to any item in the CMS.\n\n\ + 6. publication workflow (redaction -> proposition -> publication).\n\n\ + 7. multi-host (one app, many websites).\n\n\ + 8. context based caching (cache expires when needed, not because a clock says so).\n\n\ + 9. comments (with captcha for anonymous visitors).\n\n\ + 10. import an xhtml template with images ===> you have your initial template.\n\n\ + 11. etc" +- :date: + :author: gaspard + :url: + :id: 756 + :body: |- + And just a note about your idea of a powerful base, with conventions. If you need to extend zena, it si very easy to write your own models (they should inherit from the base class "Node") with their own validations, versions, special database content, etc. + + Let me know if you would like more details on specific features / needs. + + By the way... I'd *love* having someone writing tutorials and introductory materials :-). +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 759 + :body: |- + @gaspard + + Sorry for sounding a bit harsh with my first description: I actually need to take a (much) closer look at Zena. Let me say that it looks very interesting (I definitely missed some of the features you mentioned!) and I can't write to try it out properly (I'm just waiting for a week-end and a bit of spare time). + + Here's a deal: I'll try it out and write about it, let's see what happens :-) + + Incidentally, "Zena" is actually the name in dialect of my city (Genoa, Italy)... how did you pick the name? +- :date: + :author: gaspard + :url: + :id: 779 + :body: |- + "zena" is short for "zen admin" (relaxing, peaceful content management). + + I did not know about the dialect name of Genoa. Nice. A CMS that is somehow related to an important seaport is a step towards openness. + + Let me know if you have any questions or need any help. +- :date: + :author: Torsten Becker + :url: "" + :id: 2683 + :body: adva-cms is undergoing a lot of development lately with many new features. Please let us know, how your success was with testing adva-cms. Do not hesitate to contact us for any question. +- :date: + :author: Sam Rose + :url: + :id: 2721 + :body: Don't forget about wagn! date: 2008-11-02 10:41:00 +01:00 tags: - rails
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Rails to Italy 2007 +comments: [] + date: 2007-07-07 13:15:00 +02:00 tags: - rails
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "New Release: RawLine 0.2.0" +comments: +- :date: + :author: Magrabi + :url: + :id: 2645 + :body: "congratulation ,\n\ + i wanna to ask you how can you write big applicaion like this project in ruby ,\n\ + iam beginner in ruby , can you tell me some bit about your begin in programming ??\n\ + thanx " +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 2650 + :body: "@Magrabi: First of all, RawLine is a _tiny_ project, it's actually a really small library! If you want to learn more about programming in Ruby, start from the \"official Ruby web site\":, follow the 20-minute tutorial, and then experiment yourself!" +- :date: + :author: Magrabi + :url: + :id: 2654 + :body: | + thnx dude but i already write scripts in ruby to do small things , + i wanna to ask about your journey in programming in all , + as you mentioned in the 10 things to learn ruby you say that you begin in school then you learn another languages in collage , how much time you spent to be good at programming ?? + +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 2656 + :body: |- + It takes years and a lot of dedication to become a good programmer. I was good at high school and at uni, even if we did just a few exams on C++ and my thesis in Java. + + Then, when I started looking for work, I choose to become a Technical Writer pursuing a wonderful opportunity which turned out to be the best thing to do. I am now a Technical Leader and I write/coordinate technical documentation, and I'm programming just in my spare time :-) + + It doesn't matter how long it takes, you just have to love learning new things, always. (btw, I'm trying to learn a bit of Haskell too!) +- :date: + :author: Magrabi + :url: + :id: 2657 + :body: |- + thnx Mr.Fabio , + your feeds is now readed by My Google Reader :D date: 2008-04-02 05:33:00 +02:00 tags: - ruby
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- erb - redcloth title: "RawLine 0.3.0 released \xE2\x80\x94 now with Readline emulation" +comments: +- :date: + :author: Daniel Berger + :url: + :id: 2690 + :body: Very nice, thank you! +- :date: + :author: Lars Christensen + :url: "" + :id: 2711 + :body: | + Great job! The first example is a bit broken however, since String#chomp! return nil if the string is never modified. Try String#chomp. + date: 2009-03-01 07:47:00 +01:00 tags: - ruby
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- erb - redcloth title: Real-world Rawline usage +comments: +- :date: + :author: gabriel + :url: + :id: 2698 + :body: |- + Nice work! Loving the irb script. For anyone unsure of how to add keybindings to the above irb script, try this: + + editor = Rawline.editor + #move to beginning of line + editor.bind(:ctrl_a) { editor.move_left while (!editor.line.bol?) } + # move to end of line + editor.bind(:ctrl_e) { editor.move_right while (!editor.line.eol?) } +- :date: + :author: gabriel + :url: + :id: 2699 + :body: | + uggh, that last bit should read: + + editor = Rawline.editor + + editor.bind(:ctrl_a) { editor.move_left while (!editor.line.bol?) } + #move to beginning of line + + editor.bind(:ctrl_e) { editor.move_right while (!editor.line.eol?) } + #move to end of line + +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 2700 + :body: |- + Yep, that's it! Thanks Gabriel for pointing it out! + + I'm glad you're enjoying using RawLine. date: 2009-03-07 04:54:00 +01:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Announcement: RedBook v0.2.0 released" +comments: [] + date: 2007-10-08 05:05:00 +02:00 tags: - redbook
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Announcement: RedBook v0.3.0 released" +comments: [] + date: 2007-10-25 07:18:00 +02:00 tags: - redbook
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Announcement: RedBook v0.4.0 released" +comments: [] + date: 2007-11-28 08:34:00 +01:00 tags: - opensource
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- erb - redcloth title: "Announcement: RedBook v0.5.0 released" +comments: [] + date: 2007-12-16 08:07:00 +01:00 tags: - opensource
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: RedBook - A simple Ruby program for your daily logging needs +comments: +- :date: 2007-09-30 06:16:02 +02:00 + :author: David Cumps + :url: + :id: 92 + :body: |- + I've always wondered, what do you log in these systems? I already log most of my time at work in timetracking systems, that I couldn't imagine logging spare time, what's going to be the benefit? + + Ofcourse, a script like this instead of some bloated time tracking system which has a GUI that makes you take ages for inputting something. +- :date: 2007-09-30 06:48:48 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 93 + :body: "We have a time tracking system at work, but I normally tend to use it once a day... I use this script everyday to quickly keep track of what I'm doing _while_ I'm doing it, rather than trying to remember it afterwards ;-) " +- :date: 2007-10-01 03:43:18 +02:00 + :author: bryan + :url: "" + :id: 94 + :body: | + pretty cool.. any idea how to make backspace/delete work correctly on a mac? Im suffering from ^H disease. :) + +- :date: 2007-10-01 05:06:28 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 95 + :body: |- + @bryan + + Thanks for pointing it out. I'm looking into it, although I think to fix that I'll have to use either the Curses or Readline libraries, and I was trying to avoid it... I'll have a look (suggestions are welcome of course!) +- :date: 2007-10-01 05:17:20 +02:00 + :author: Viktor Nordling + :url: "" + :id: 96 + :body: |- + Looks neat! + + I think it would be a perfect plugin for Launchy: ( Then I could just hit alt+space, write log | message and move on! + + For similar plugins for Launchy, please see: + + Cheers, + Viktor Nordling +- :date: 2007-10-01 12:40:28 +02:00 + :author: Dharivs + :url: "" + :id: 97 + :body: |- + Nice! + + You are my God! I was just about to implement it, but I couldn't... Thanks a lot :) +- :date: 2007-10-02 14:46:13 +02:00 + :author: bryan + :url: "" + :id: 98 + :body: | + Fabio: + + I'm afraid I've never used those libraries myself.. I'm a web guy, don't get into the command line stuff much.. but I'll keep checking back to see if you or anyone else does anything with it.. I think this looks like a nice logger tool. :) + +- :date: 2007-10-02 15:27:01 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 99 + :body: I scheduled key bindings and support for international characters for the "1.0" release... Or hopefully before, you never know! I'm also trying to plan a few "milestones": +- :date: 2007-10-19 06:27:29 +02:00 + :author: James O'Kelly + :url: "" + :id: 103 + :body: I'll be trying RedBook out, thanks for the tip Fabio! And I totally agree about the command line, and Quicksilver is just crazy sexy. I don't even remember how to use my launcher anymore :) +- :date: 2007-10-20 03:44:09 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 104 + :body: "Hello James, thanks. Well, actually next week I'll probably release v0.3, which comes with Readline support (which means history and proper key bindings for mac/*nix users) and quite a few new features. \n\ + By the way, I don't seem to be able to find your email address anywhere... " +- :date: 2008-03-12 17:52:49 +01:00 + :author: + :url: "" + :id: 216 + :body: This is great, I am going to have my IT team start using it. Will there be a feature to where we can have central logging. date: 2007-09-29 14:05:00 +02:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Review Services +comments: +- :date: 2008-04-03 07:26:36 +02:00 + :author: rssnewsdigest + :url: + :id: 227 + :body: date: 2007-12-14 12:24:00 +01:00 tags: - review
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Ruby on Rails & CakePHP +comments: [] + date: 2006-07-07 09:52:28 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
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- erb - redcloth title: A glance at Ruby facets +comments: [] + date: 2007-07-01 12:11:00 +02:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Italian translation of finally available! +comments: +- :date: + :author: Luca Sabato + :url: + :id: 564 + :body: "*Ottimo lavoro!!!* Mi spiace non essere stato io il terzo ;( comunque sia _cercher\xC3\xB2_ di aiutarvi nel possibile a mantenere attivo questo progetto di traduzione.\n\n\ + Alla prossima." +- :date: + :author: Magrabi + :url: + :id: 2646 + :body: |- + i wanna to translate the site into arabic , whats the way to begin ? + thnx +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 2649 + :body: "@Magrabi: All you have to do is contact the webmaster of ( and ask ;-) As far as I know, the Arabic translation was started already, but it seems to be still in _draft_, so they may need your help!" date: 2008-11-15 14:48:00 +01:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Thanks +comments: [] + date: 2007-09-14 11:43:00 +02:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: Easy-to-install server packages +comments: [] + date: 2005-06-28 22:12:19 +02:00 tags: - review
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Simply on Rails - Part 1: Concepts and Bubbles" +comments: [] + date: 2007-07-07 07:43:00 +02:00 tags: - rails
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Simply on Rails - Part 2: Database Design" +comments: [] + date: 2007-07-14 11:27:00 +02:00 tags: - rails
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- erb - redcloth title: "Simply on Rails - Part 3: LiteController" +comments: +- :date: 2007-09-08 04:26:55 +02:00 + :author: Aleksandr + :url: + :id: 58 + :body: Why aren't you using REST? +- :date: 2007-09-08 04:39:37 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 59 + :body: |- + @Aleksandr: + + Good question! + + The answer is that being it my first project in Rails, I was still a bit unsure about REST. + + <spoiler> + On a side note, I'm currently considering using "ActiveScaffold": for things like this now... Will blog about it soon-ish. + </spoiler> date: 2007-07-22 06:03:00 +02:00 tags: - rails
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- erb - redcloth title: "Simply On Rails - Part 4: Quick and Easy Default Data Migrations" +comments: +- :date: 2007-09-15 23:41:30 +02:00 + :author: Pei Mei + :url: + :id: 76 + :body: "Very nice. I still prefer to include my migrations as rails code User.create() in my migrations to avoid having developers create dodgy yaml files though, especially with pks.\n " +- :date: 2007-09-16 02:40:46 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 79 + :body: Indeed, indeed you are right. You have to be careful when you prepare the YAML files, and in certain situation (and for certain kind of data) a more standard approach is recommendable. +- :date: 2007-11-27 16:35:58 +01:00 + :author: Mike + :url: + :id: 137 + :body: |- + Cool code and post. I second the idea of using Migrations with such application. + + Thanks +- :date: 2007-12-22 02:47:20 +01:00 + :author: Electrical Repair + :url: + :id: 171 + :body: | + Migrations would make the application much more flexible in terms of moving it among different DB servers and more. + date: 2007-09-15 13:10:00 +02:00 tags: - rails
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Simply on Rails? +comments: [] + date: 2007-06-30 06:00:00 +02:00 tags: - rails
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: Slax - A small, complete and 'nice-looking' Linux live distribution +comments: [] + date: 2006-02-05 17:17:46 +01:00 tags: - linux
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Review of ten popular social bookmarking services +comments: +- :date: 2007-06-29 08:22:18 +02:00 + :author: Marc + :url: + :id: 11 + :body: |- + Great Review! Do you have one for + social bookmarking in the enterprise + ? +- :date: 2007-06-29 11:22:57 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: "" + :id: 12 + :body: "Hello Marc,\n\n\ + Nice try, you did indeed made me look at your site - which by chance features a social bookmarking service for enterprises - but I don't think I'll focus on that right now.\n\n\ + I work for quite a large company who's more inclined in using IBM and Microsoft products, rather than new Web 2.0 startups - not that that's necessarily a good thing, by any means. I'd just like to ask you: how do you plan to convince large enterprises to use your service? " +- :date: 2007-12-15 12:05:29 +01:00 + :author: Raaj + :url: "" + :id: 168 + :body: | + Thsi bookmarking and social networking stuff is going hot on the web. I do like your approach, would you please write a review about - Its young, funky new bookmarking web site. + + Cheers + + Raaj + +- :date: 2008-09-28 20:46:27 +02:00 + :author: heath + :url: "" + :id: 262 + :body: | + I would add to that list, its a pretty big Social Bookmarking site with 15,000+ members, and tens of thousands of submissions already. Clean simple layout, easy navigation, quick and easy submissions.Many categories to suite a variety of niches across the net. + + Check it out. + +- :date: + :author: sam2008 + :url: "" + :id: 433 + :body: |- + Most social bookmark services encourage users to organize their bookmarks with informal tags instead of the traditional browser-based system of folders, although some services feature categories/folders or a combination of folders and tags. + =============================================== + Sam + <a href="">Social Bookmarking</a> date: 2006-05-13 15:06:27 +02:00 tags: - web20
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: SQLyog 5 - a fast and reliable MySQL front-end +comments: [] + date: 2006-02-28 13:50:00 +01:00 tags: - databases
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Text Link Ads sidebar for Typo +comments: [] + date: 2007-11-17 04:47:00 +01:00 tags: - rails
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: The Internet Philosopher +comments: [] + date: 2006-05-11 13:00:41 +02:00 tags: - internet
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filters_pre: - bluecloth title: "Book Review: The Rails Way" +comments: +- :date: + :author: Obie Fernandez + :url: + :id: 2684 + :body: |- + Fabio, + + Thank you for publishing your comprehensive review and especially for including constructive criticism from the perspective of a technical writer. You may or may not know that I'm starting to work on the second edition. Rest assured that I will do my best to take your feedback into account. + + Cheers, + Obie +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 2685 + :body: "Thank you for your comment Obie! \n\n\ + I'm looking forward to reading it then... Actually I thought you were gonna wait for Rails 3! " date: 2009-01-04 09:03:00 +01:00 tags: - rails
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Thoughts on Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5 +comments: +- :date: 2008-06-13 06:59:23 +02:00 + :author: Friend + :url: "" + :id: 236 + :body: You may want to note that Quick Find, the Opera history search, not only searches titles, but also all the content in the pages you have visited. This makes it a lot more useful than the limited Firefox implementation. +- :date: 2008-06-14 01:19:15 +02:00 + :author: ben + :url: "" + :id: 237 + :body: |- + I really like Opera, but I think FF3 is such a big improvement that it has hit the tipping point. A lot of opera's adoption was from people who hated FF2's primitive UI, slow speed, and memory footprint. All have been solved enough that its larger user base will pretty make the solid winner. + + That said, I still use Opera. I don't like the new theme, because its harder to tell which tab is active (its not lit up enough), but luckily they have the classic skin. + + I think FF vs. Opera will be the same as Linux vs FreeBSD. The former has the critical mass, worse code base, and the religious fanatics. The latter is excellent, a niche, and their users are silently happy. +- :date: 2008-06-14 04:26:28 +02:00 + :author: wupperbayer + :url: "" + :id: 238 + :body: |- + As an addition to what Friend already said, Opera not only shows history entries in its adress bar while entering terms, but bookmarks, too (found by its title and its address). You can also use Quick Find in two other ways: Either search through opera:historysearch or through Opera's history panel. + + Otherwise, nice review! It's really hard to claim one browser is much better than the other, as they're both very good. It certainly depends on personal preferences. +- :date: 2008-06-15 09:37:05 +02:00 + :author: Opera user + :url: "" + :id: 239 + :body: "FF3 is much better than FF2 and comes close to Opera, I must admit some things do better than Opera. Only if I could use FF without mouse as I do in Opera. There nothing like Opera's SHIFT + arrows in FF. " +- :date: 2008-06-16 00:40:47 +02:00 + :author: Opera Synthesiser + :url: "" + :id: 240 + :body: Opera is still edges the Firefox, but just barely. That said, Firefox still has more users but Opera is improving with every single update. +- :date: 2008-07-22 06:21:35 +02:00 + :author: Daniel + :url: "" + :id: 250 + :body: I like the fact that a star shows up in the FF3 url box that indicates the page is in your fav folder and that you can modify it rigth away. FF has always been much more user friendly than Opera for most short cuts. Only recently has Opera modified one that was already in FF. Ctrl+t for tab, ctrl+b bookmark, ctrl+h history etc. these are the basic shortcuts Opera or any browser should have. date: 2008-06-13 05:18:00 +02:00 tags: - browsers
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: To REST or not to REST? +comments: +- :date: 2007-09-24 11:51:45 +02:00 + :author: Matt Beedle + :url: + :id: 85 + :body: |- + Interesting article. Just a couple of points I would like to make. + + First of, you mention URLs. It's very simple to make these look nice, just using to_param, and find_by_foo. I have a phone site which is almost completely RESTful. Here is a once of the longest urls: + + Secondly, although in a pure RESTful design each controller contains only 7 actions, it is easy to add other custom ones. I have written an article about it before here: + + The point of REST is more that it encourages good application design. Thin controllers (containing little logic) and thick models (containing most of the logic). +- :date: 2007-09-24 11:57:44 +02:00 + :author: dates + :url: "" + :id: 86 + :body: on blogs are good. When research a topic, sometimes it is the date stamp on a blog that lets me know if the information is too dated to consider or not. +- :date: 2007-09-24 12:01:27 +02:00 + :author: MS + :url: "" + :id: 87 + :body: |- + Have you seen how Microsoft is suggesting to encode their nextgen REST SDK? Ugly. + + +- :date: 2007-09-24 12:04:32 +02:00 + :author: browsers + :url: "" + :id: 88 + :body: can in fact do different HTTP commands (WebDAV). This is how Outlook Web Access works. +- :date: 2007-09-24 23:29:42 +02:00 + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 90 + :body: |- + @Matt + + Thanks for your comment. I bookmarked your article for later use. May I ask why your site is _mostly_ RESTful? What couldn't you use REST for? That's what I keep noticing: people end up doing sites which are _not_ 100% RESTful... why? +- :date: 2007-09-25 05:00:31 +02:00 + :author: Matt Beedle + :url: + :id: 91 + :body: "Hi Fabio,\n\n\ + The home page, contact-us, terms, disclaimer, etc are not RESTful. These are just normal mapped routes as they do not really correspond to a resource. I know it is easy for beginners to get confused when learning REST based design for the first time, I certainly did. One could decide to create a contact_us controller, a terms controller etc, each with just a show action to render the page. Obviously this would be overkill. \n\n\ + A more viable approach could be to create a foo controller with custom routes for each page. However, this is unnecessary.\n\n\ + The point I am trying to make is that REST is not a mutually exclusive design methodology. It works very well for database driven sites, and this is where is should be used. Where it doesn't fit, don't use it. A site doesn't need to be entirely REST based. When you think of it in these terms, the question REST or not to REST does not really fit. Maybe something like \"When should I REST\" would be more apt.\n\n\ + Apologies for the long rambling post! " +- :date: 2007-11-28 15:45:44 +01:00 + :author: Plop + :url: "" + :id: 139 + :body: |- + Nobody asks you to use integer as id :) + + /users/plop + + meaning params[:id] == "plop" + + class User < AR::Base + def self.find(*args) + if args.first.is_a?(String) and !args.first.numeric? + find_by_username(args.shift,*args) or raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound + else + super + end + end + + def to_param + username + end + end +- :date: 2007-11-28 16:00:16 +01:00 + :author: plop + :url: "" + :id: 140 + :body: |+ + oooh nasty code display in my previous comment... + + that's better: + + + then write user_path(user) or user_path(user.login) + + date: 2007-09-24 05:48:00 +02:00 tags: - rails
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: "Too many cooks... take #2" +comments: +- :date: 2007-09-02 14:18:10 +02:00 + :author: Anon + :url: "" + :id: 46 + :body: I'm glad you agree. +- :date: 2007-09-03 02:02:36 +02:00 + :author: Sebastian + :url: "" + :id: 47 + :body: |- + ... or symfony, if you want to stick with PHP(5) + + + + Sebastian +- :date: 2007-11-26 05:29:44 +01:00 + :author: daniel + :url: "" + :id: 129 + :body: |+ + well, having a disagreement with the dev team doesn't have to mean that you must stop using the application they develop, right? + date: 2007-09-02 06:41:00 +02:00 tags: - cakephp
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Tweaking Windows Explorer +comments: +- :date: + :author: John + :url: "" + :id: 271 + :body: Thanks for this great tutorial, well whtever it is. I typically use Linux alternating between Suse9.0 and Debian. This customization of the Explorer is fantastic, Thank You +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 273 + :body: |- + Thanks John. + + I'm on Fedora Core 9 at home but I have to use Windows at work... I recently changed my default shell (although still using Windows Explorer as main file manager) to "bb4Win": (BlackBox for Windows): it's just so much faster! date: 2007-06-29 11:28:00 +02:00 tags: - windows
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: Zero-cost website promotion - Part I +comments: [] + date: 2005-12-09 14:08:27 +01:00 tags: - internet
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filters_pre: - bbcode title: What is AJAX? +comments: [] + date: 2006-01-12 07:30:08 +01:00 tags: - internet
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Where does your Ruby code live? +comments: +- :date: + :author: murphee + :url: + :id: 450 + :body: |- + I'd say the best way is to + - slap your project on Github + - then: sign up for Rubyforge (projects usually take a day or two to be approved, at least that used to be the case) + + Use Ryan Davis' hoe to manage your project's rake file. It configures your rake file with a task to push a new release to Rubyforge. + Voila: done. + You get the best of both worlds: github's magic and the benefits of RubyGems. + Github also offers you the option to easily offer experimental Gems, eg. if you fork a project, change something with it: you can instantly install that as a gem as well (although you have to add github as source to Gems). Ain't no easier way to distribute a forked version of an existing gem. + + As for that rant you linked to (about Github not being profitable)... well, Github consists of 3 fulltime employees and has made them shitloads of money in the few months it's been around. + Eg. see this interview with Tom Preston-Werner: + + Sure - doesn't mean it'll stick around forever... but the benefit of Git is that you always have the full history of the project on your local disk - even if Github goes away this second. Try getting that with CVS/SVN at any other hoster, where you have to manually do regular snapshots of the history (if the hoster even offers that). + So, even if Github might become history at some point, it's still easy to continue by just moving your git repository to, say, Rubyforge's git servers. Github's remarkably free of lock-in, at least when it comes to data. + + PS: InfoQ covered this problem some time ago: + +- :date: + :author: Fabio Cevasco + :url: + :id: 473 + :body: |- + So I guess the best solution &ndash; for now &ndash; is to go for a "scattered" setup: + + a) GitHub for the repository (assuming you like Git) + + b) (Optional) LightHouse for bug tracking + + c) RubyForge just for the gem + + I'd still like a *proper* directory of gems (with a proper search), maybe scraping RubyForge data (like APIdock did with Ruby/Rails/RSpec documentation). Did anybody ever come up with something similar? Would anyone be interested? date: 2008-11-08 13:34:00 +01:00 tags: - ruby
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: About Fabio Cevasco +comments: [] + date: tags: []
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- erb - redcloth title: Concatenative +comments: [] + date: 2009-03-28 07:21:00 +01:00 tags: []
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Contact +comments: [] + date: tags: []
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: herald.vim +comments: [] + date: 2009-06-23 08:20:01 +02:00 tags: []
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Holidays +comments: [] + date: 2009-03-22 06:50:29 +01:00 tags: []
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filters_pre: - redcloth title: Wedding +comments: [] + date: 2009-06-06 05:53:12 +02:00 tags: []