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----- permalink: code filters_pre: - redcloth title: Code comments: [] date: tags: [] type: page toc: true ----- Available Open Source programs and scripts: h3. RedBook - A day logger program written in Ruby *Description:* RedBook is a simple but effective Ruby program made to help you keep track of your daily actions, tasks and accomplishments. *Features:* Log timestamped messages with optional tags, load/display data matching custom message and tag filters or within a specific time frame, generate custom reports in TXT, YAML or CSV format, calculate the time elapsed between two or more messages. p=. "Home Page": | "Development Page": | "Download": | "Tutorial": h3. RawLine *Description:* RawLine is an attempt to build a 100% Ruby library able to provide some of the functionality offered by ReadLine, plus additional features such as a more intuitive way to bind characters to specific keys or key sequences. p=. "Introduction": | "Project Page": h3. Text Link Ads sidebar for Typo *Description:* A Typo sidebar to display "Text Link Ads": sponsor links. p=. "Download": | "Announcement": |