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A minimalist but highly-customizable line editing library.

Re-implemented putchr.
Sat, 03 Jun 2017 21:35:35 +0200




1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

jump to
M nimline.nimnimline.nim

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ ### Modified from

when hostOS == "windows": proc wgetch(): char {. header: "<conio.h>", importc: "getch" .} proc wgetche(): char {. header: "<conio.h>", importc: "getche" .} + proc putchr(c: char): cint {.discardable, header: "<conio.h>", importc: "putch" .} proc getCh*(e = false): char = ## Immediately get the next character from stdin.

@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@

proc tcgetattr(f: int, t: ptr termios): void {. header: "<termios.h>", importc: "tcgetattr" .} proc tcsetattr(f: int, s: int, t: ptr termios): void {. header: "<termios.h>", importc: "tcsetattr" .} proc getchar(): char {.header: "<stdio.h>", importc: "getchar" .} + proc putchar(c: char): cint {.discardable, header: "<stdio.h>", importc: "putchar" .} proc getCh*(e = false): char = ## Immediately get the next character from stdin.

@@ -49,12 +51,12 @@

# Change terminal settings tcgetattr(0, oldt) - newt.c_iflag = oldt.c_iflag - newt.c_oflag = oldt.c_oflag - newt.c_cflag = oldt.c_cflag - newt.c_lflag = oldt.c_lflag - newt.c_line= oldt.c_line - newt.c_cc = oldt.c_cc + newt.c_iflag = oldt.c_iflag + newt.c_oflag = oldt.c_oflag + newt.c_cflag = oldt.c_cflag + newt.c_lflag = oldt.c_lflag + newt.c_line = oldt.c_line + newt.c_cc = oldt.c_cc newt.c_lflag = newt.c_lflag and (not ICANON) and (IEXTEN) and (ISIG) newt.c_lflag = newt.c_lflag and (if e: ECHO else: not ECHO)

@@ -67,11 +69,13 @@ result = getchar()

# Restore terminal settings tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, oldt) + dealloc(oldt) + dealloc(newt) ### End getCh implementation proc putchr*(c: cint) = - stdout.write(c.chr) + putchar(c.chr) proc getchr*(): cint = return getCh().ord