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Tue, 22 Aug 2023 20:55:54 +0000




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@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ <div class="box content home-content">

<article> <h2>Welcome</h2> <section class="body-text"> - <p>Welcome to This site used to be a fairly active blog back in the early 2000s, but sadly I progressively lost interest in writing articles, perhaps because I didn't have anything new to write about that you couldn't find elsewhere. However, all the content is still here, so feel free to browse through the <a href="/articles">articles</a> section.</p> + <p>Welcome to This site used to be a fairly active blog back in the early 2000s, but sadly I progressively lost interest in writing articles, perhaps because I didn't have anything new to write about that you couldn't find elsewhere. However, all the content is still here, so feel free to browse through the <a href="/archives">articles</a> section.</p> <p>As I progressively neglected writing, I started creating more and more small programs and tools to perform common tasks, mostly using the <a href="" target="_blank">Nim</a> programming language. They are all open source, they all have a dedicated project page here, and there's some pretty decent documentation for most of them. You can find them all in the <a href="/projects">projects</a> section.</p> <p>At any rate, thank you for stopping by!</p> <p>&mdash; Fabio</p>