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Sat, 19 Sep 2009 16:05:01 +0200




M content/articles/creating-smart-static-sites-with-nanoc.textilecontent/articles/creating-smart-static-sites-with-nanoc.textile

@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ - writing

:date: 2009-09-15 13:32:51.049000 +02:00 :permalink: creating-smart-static-sites-with-nanoc :title: "Creating Smart Static Sites with nanoc" +:filters_pre: +- erb +- redcloth :toc: true +:summary: "A quick overview on the nanoc site compiler, and how I turned my Typo-powered dynamic site into a static one, discovering the pleasures of blogging 'like a hacker'." ----- Back in 2004, when I bought the domain, this site was static. At the time I hardly knew HTML and CSS, nevermind server-side languages, so I remember creating a _pseudo-template_ for the web site layout and using it whenever I wanted to create a new page, to preserve the overall look-and-feel. This was a crude and inefficient strategy, of course: whenever I changed the layout I had to replicate the change in all the pages of the site – the whole eight of them.

@@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ I spent some time reading about each one of them, "evaluating the pros and cons": and in the end I decided to go for "nanoc":, simply because it was the only one that seemed to fit all my needs.

h3. A quick overview of nanoc -nanoc (*nano* *c*ompiler) is a nifty tool written in Ruby suitable for _[...] building small to medium-sized websites_. In other words, anything which doesn't involve some fancy user interaction. For what concerns blogs, the only user interaction is _comments_ &ndash; but that's fine, because there's more than one web service for that, such as "Disqus": or "IntenseDebate": +nanoc (*nano* <strong>c</strong>ompiler) is a nifty tool written in Ruby suitable for _[...] building small to medium-sized websites_. In other words, anything which doesn't involve some fancy user interaction. For what concerns blogs, the only user interaction is _comments_ &ndash; but that's fine, because there's more than one web service for that, such as "Disqus": or "IntenseDebate": h4. Some details on the project

@@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ h4. Sites, Items and data sources

Nanoc ships with a really neat command line tool that can do most of the work for you. @nanoc3 create_site h3rald@ will create a new web site in a folder called h3rald. The contents of this folder are laid out according to a particular logic (_convention over configuration_, remember?) So: -!>/img/nanoc/structure.png! ##################### +!>/img/pictures/nanoc-structure.png! * *content* &ndash; your articles, pages, stylesheets, images, ...all the site content and assets. * *layouts* &ndash; the site layouts (and partial layouts)

@@ -90,7 +94,7 @@ By personal preference, I chose the "filesystem_combined": data source, which allows you to combine the content and the metadata of a page in a single file.

The source code for this very article, for example, starts like this: -<code> +<% highlight :text do %> ----- :type: article :tags:

@@ -103,27 +107,278 @@ :permalink: creating-smart-static-sites-with-nanoc

:title: "Creating Smart Static Sites with nanoc" :toc: true ----- -Back in 2004, when I bought the domain, this site was static. At the time I hardly knew HTML and CSS, nevermind server-side languages, so I remember creating a _pseudo-template_ for the web site layout and using it whenever I wanted to create a new page, to preserve the overall look-and-feel. This was a crude and inefficient strategy, of course: whenever I changed the layout I had to replicate the change in all the pages of the site &ndash; the whole eight of them. -</code> +Back in 2004, when I bought the domain, this site was static. At the time I hardly +knew HTML and CSS, nevermind server-side languages, so I remember creating a _pseudo-template_ for + the web site layout and using it whenever I wanted to create a new page, to preserve the overall look-and-feel. +This was a crude and inefficient strategy, of course: whenever I changed the layout I had to replicate the change + in all the pages of the site &ndash; the whole eight of them. +<% end %> At run time, the content goes through a Textile filter and the metadata is used in layouts, to generate tag links automatically, for example. h4. Layouts, filters, and helpers +Layouts in nanoc are similar to layouts and views in Rails, but much simpler. The same applies to helpers. Here's a snippet from my "default layout": + +<% highlight :text do %> + <div id="container"> + <!-- CONTENT START --> + <div id="content" class="clearfix&lt;%= (@item[:permalink] == 'home') ? ' home' : ' standard' %&gt;"> + <h2>&lt;%= @item[:title] %&gt;</h2> + &lt;% case @item[:type] + when 'article' then%&gt; + <div id="content-header"> + &lt;%= render 'article_meta', :article => @item %&gt; + </div> + &lt;% end %&gt; + <hr /> + <div id="content-body"> + &lt;%= yield %&gt; + </div> + <div id="content-footer"> + <div class="share"> + <script type="text/javascript" src=";type=website&amp;linkfg=%23a4282d"></script> + &lt;% if @item[:feed] then %&gt; + <a href="&lt;% @item[:feed_url] || @item[:feed]+"rss/" %&gt;" type="application/rss+xml" rel="alternate"><img src="/images/theme/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="#"/>H3RALD - &lt;%= @item[:feed_title]%&gt;</a> + &lt;% end %&gt; + </div> + &lt;%= render 'article_buttons' if @item[:type] == 'article' %&gt; + </div> + </div> +<% end %> + +This source code snippet shows quite a few features of nanoc's layouts: +* You can access the metadata of the page which is being rendered using the <notextile><code>@item</code></notextile>, so <notextile><code>@item[:title]</code></notextile> returns the page's title, for example. +* Layouts can be nested, and behave like Rails's partials. The @render@ takes a string parameter (the name of the layout to render) and an optional hash parameter to pass variables to the layout. +* The @yield@ method is used to include the content of a page. +* Layouts support any kind of filter, like ERB for example. Go crazy. + +Helpers can be used in layouts to perform common tasks, like creating links, feeds, navigation elements and so on. Check the "source code docs": for more info, and of course feel free to create your own as you see fit. + +Finally, filters are used to filter content markup. Nanoc ships with "almost everything you need":, from Textile to Haml to RDoc, but nobody forbids you to create your own, and it's dead easy. + h4. Rules and tasks +While tasks (as in Rake tasks) do not constitute a huge part of Nanoc (but as usual, you may need to create your own to perform custom operations), Rules became, as of version 3, one of the key concepts to grasp in order to make everything work. Rules are stored in the @Rules@ file of your nanoc site, they can be used to: +* Define routes, i.e. where pages are deployed in the output folder. +* Define how pages are compiled, which filters to apply to a particular set of pages, which layouts to use, etc. +* Define how layout are handled, which filters to apply to a particular layout, etc. + +You can find more information in the "manual":, along with other important information, but for now, let's say you should be familiar with _most_ of nanoc's jargon and how it works. Let's see what you can do with it, in practice. h3. Migrating from your blogging platform -h4. Posts and pages +As of version 7, has been powered by the "Typo": blogging platform. If you are not familiar with it, let's just say it's a sort of Wordpress for Rails: database backend, pretty admin front-end, tags, comments, and all sort of things a blog may need. While Typo is pleasant enough to use, it has all the inherent disadvantages of any other similar platform: +* It relies on a database +* It relies on server-side scripting to render pages +* It uses a complex caching mechanism to produce, ultimately, semi-static pages +* It may be subject to exploits, attacks, high server loads, and similar +* You can't really customize it beyond a certain point + +I'm not claiming that nanoc is blogging's silver bullet (it was not created for that), but for sure: +* It _does not_ rely on a database +* It _does not_ rely on server-side scripting to render pages (not in real-time, anyway) +* It _does not_ need a complex caching mechanism simply because it produces static pages +* It is definitely less prone to nasty things +* It's extremely flexible and hackable with very little effort + +Ranting is besides the point, suffice to say I recently convinced myself that switching from Typo was a _good thing_, so let's see how it worked out. + +h4. Posts, pages and comments + +Out of Typo's MySQL database, I just wanted to get the following data: +* Pages and posts +* Tags +* Comments + +Following the approach used by "Jekyll":, I decided to use the simple and powerful "Sequel": gem. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the whole migration process can be summarize with the following Rake task: + +<% highlight :ruby do %> + task :migrate, :db, :usr, :pwd, :host do |t, args| + raise RuntimeError, "Please provide :db, :usr, :pass" unless args[:db] && args[:usr] && args[:pwd] + db = Sequel.mysql args[:db], :user => args[:usr], :password => args[:pwd], :host => args[:host] || 'localhost' + # Remove all existing pages! + dir ='content') + dir.rmtree if dir.exist? + dir.mkpath + # Prepare page data + dataset = db[:contents].where("state = 'published' || type = 'Page'") + total = dataset.count + c = 1 + total_tags = [] + dataset.each do |a| + puts "Migrating [#{c}/#{total}]: '#{a[:title]}'..." + meta = {} + meta['tags'] = get_tags a[:keywords] + meta['comments'] = get_comments db, a[:id] + meta['permalink'] = a[:permalink] || a[:name] + meta['title'] = a[:title] + meta['type'] = a[:type].downcase + meta['date'] = a[:published_at] + meta['toc'] = true + meta['filters_pre'], extension = get_filter db, a[:text_filter_id] + contents = convert_code_blocks meta, a[:body]+a[:extended].to_s + write_page meta, contents, extension + c = c+1 + end + end + +<% end %> + +That's it. Well, almost: you can find the @get_comments@, @get_tags@ and @get_filter@ methods in a separate "utility file": Nothing special really, just a few convenience methods wrapping queries or simply processing data. Note how all information, including tags and legacy comments, is saved in each page's metadata. The @write_page@ method simply creates a file in the @/contents@ folder. + +h4. Filters and highlighters + +On my old site, I used mainly Textile and Markdown to write posts. However, some of my really old articles used BBCode, whose corresponding filter is not available in nanoc. No worries, I soon found out that creating a new nanoc filter came down to this: + +<% highlight :ruby do %> +require 'rubygems' +require 'bb-ruby' + +class BbcodeFilter < Nanoc3::Filter + identifier :bbcode + + def run(content, args) + content.bbcode_to_html + end + +end +<% end %> + +Yes, that's it. Granted, the @bb-ruby@ gem does all the work, but notice how easy it is to just plug in new Ruby code into Nanoc's architecture! + +The next big challange was code highlighting. After a quick research, I found at least a half dozen of possible solutions to highlight source code. Some were javascript based, others were based on a server-side language like PHP, Ruby or Python. Again, I looked at Jekyll for inspiration and discovered they integrated the "Pygments": _Python_ library. Why use a Python library for code highlighting in a Ruby-based project? Because there's nothing to stop you (if you can run Python on your server, that is), because it looks very neat and because it supports a lot of different programming languages. + +Lazy as I am, I more or less dropped "Chris Wanstrath's Ruby wrapper": into my @/lib@ folder (I just used Open3 instead of Open4 for Windows compatibility), and monkey-patched Nanoc's filtering helper as follows: -h4. Tags +<% highlight :ruby do %> +module Nanoc3::Helpers::Filtering + + def highlight(syntax, &block) + # Seamlessly ripped off from the filter method... + # Capture block + data = capture(&block) + # Reconvert <% %> + data.gsub! /&lt;%/, '<%' + data.gsub! /%&gt;/, '%>' + # Filter captured data + filtered_data = "\n<notextile>"+Albino.colorize(data, syntax)+"</notextile>\n" rescue data + # Append filtered data to buffer + buffer = eval('_erbout', block.binding) + buffer << filtered_data + end + +end + +include Nanoc3::Helpers::Filtering +<% end %> + +There you go, another thing sorted. + +h4. Tags and Feeds + +Adding tagging support was a tiny bit more tricky. Nanoc supports content tagging out-of-the-box though metadata and a simple helper, but I wanted to create tag pages (with feeds). Nothing too difficult though, it all came down to a simple Rake task: + +<% highlight :ruby do %> + task :tags do + site ='.') + site.load_data + dir = Pathname(Dir.pwd)/'content/tags' + dir.rmtree if dir.exist? + dir.mkpath + tags = {} + # Collect tag and page data + site.items.each do |p| + next unless p.attributes[:tags] + p.attributes[:tags].each do |t| + if tags[t] + tags[t] = tags[t]+1 + else + tags[t] = 1 + end + end + end + # Write pages + tags.each_pair do |k, v| + write_tag_page dir, k, v + write_tag_feed_page dir, k, 'RSS' + write_tag_feed_page dir, k, 'Atom' + end + end +<% end %> + +Again, you can find all the other simple utility methods in my "utility file": + +When it came to feeds, I decided to create a new method for the Blogging helper to create RSS feeds, although nanoc does come with an Atom feed generator: + +<% highlight :ruby do %> + def rss_feed(params={}) + require 'builder' + require 'time' + prepare_feed params + # Create builder + buffer = '' + xml = => buffer, :indent => 2) + # Build feed + xml.instruct! + xml.rss(:version => '2.0') do + do + xml.title @item[:title] + xml.language 'en-us' + xml.lastBuildDate @item[:last][:date].rfc822 + xml.ttl '40' + @site.config[:base_url] + xml.description + @item[:articles].each do |a| + xml.item do + xml.title a[:title] + xml.description @item[:content_proc].call(a) + xml.pubDate a[:date].rfc822 + xml.guid url_for(a) + url_for(a) + @site.config[:author_email] + xml.comments url_for(a)+'#comments' + a[:tags].each do |t| + xml.category t + end + end + end + end + buffer + end + end +<% end %> + +Nothing too daunting, once you get used to Ruby's XML builder. I followed a similar approach for my "monthly archives":/archives h4. 3rd-party services +Finally, the interactive bits. I basically turned to third-party services and a bit of jQuery for everything which required user-interaction or pulling data from other web sites. Here's a list of services and APIs I currently use: + +* "IntenseDebate":, for comments. +* "Google AJAX Search API": for internal site-wide search. +* "Twitter JSON API": to fetch tweets. +* "Delicious JSON API": to fetch delicious bookmarks. +* "BackType JSON API": to fetch comments from other sites. +* "GitHub JSON API": to fetch GitHub commits for most of my "projects":/projects + +If you want to know how I integrated them, check out my "/js folder":, it was very simple, really. h3. Conclusion -h4. Advantages +I was very happy of moving to Nanoc. It didn't take me long, and I spent most of the time with non-nanoc issues (brushing up jQuery, CSS, graphics, etc.). Of course knowing the Ruby programming language helps, and if you're not comfortable with hacking your way a little bit, then maybe it's not for you. + +Personally, I've been waiting for something like nanoc for a long time: its simple and yet powerful architecture makes you able to do virtually anything with it. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm in complete control of my web site, I know every bits of it and if I want to change the way it works or looks I only have to touch a few files. + +Nanoc's metadata is mindblowing for its simplicity and power: although you're not dealing with a database, you can query your content in the easiest ways possible. Whenever I needed a way to easily access pages, filter them, add extra logic to them, I just added metadata. If you forget something, you don't have to change your database tables, create new relationships or anything of the sort, you simply add metadata to pages. + +Be warned that tweaking nanoc gets addictive very quickly: you soon end up creating silly little tasks for making things just the way you want. For me, adding a new article to my blog now just means this: + +<% highlight :text do %> +$ rake site:article name=creating-smart-sites-with-nanoc +$ vim content/articles/creating-smart-sites-with-nanoc +... write & close the file ... +$ nanoc3 compile +<% end %> -h4. Disadvantages +...Exactly what I need. Nothing more, nothing less.