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Thu, 05 Nov 2009 17:20:28 +0100




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@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ - review

- web20 - internet - software -:date: 2009-10-19 11:19:17.607000 +02:00 +:date: 2009-11-05 17:19:17.607000 +02:00 :permalink: journotwit-review :title: "JournoTwit - The best way to organize your tweets" :toc: true -:summary: A review of _JournoTwit_, a minimalist but feature-packed Twitter client able to help you to really organize your tweets. +:summary: A review of _JournoTwit_, a minimalist but feature-packed Twitter client able to help you organizing your tweets. ----- -Since I started using "Twitter": on a regular basis, I started feeling overwhelmed by the endless stream of data generated by the people I was following. +Since I started using "Twitter": on a regular basis, I felt overwhelmed by the endless stream of data generated by the people I was following. -The official twitter page quickly became inadequate to manage my tweets, so I began to search for an alternative through the myriad of Twitter clients available out there, both web and desktop based. After trying out a few desktop clients, I decided to restrict the search to web clients only: between work and home, I may use up to 4 different computers and 3 different operating system, and I really didn't fancy the idea of keeping the _same_ client up to date everywhere -- even admitting that such client existed. +The official Twitter page quickly became inadequate to manage my tweets, so I began to search for an alternative through the myriad of Twitter clients available out there, both web and desktop based. After trying out a few desktop clients, I decided to restrict the search to web clients only: between work and home, I may use up to 4 different computers and 3 different operating system, and I really didn't fancy the idea of keeping the _same_ client up-to-date everywhere -- even if such client existed. Over the past months I tried dozens of different web-based Twitter clients, and narrowed the list of _must-have_ features to the following: * The interface should be simple to use and not too cluttered. -* I should be able to categorize tweets in columns (a-la TweetDeck). +* I should be able to categorize tweets in columns (à la TweetDeck). * I should be able to know, when visiting the site, how many _new_ tweets I have to go through. * I should be able to mark tweets as read. * It should display media files (at least pictures) inline with the tweets.

@@ -122,16 +122,50 @@ Then you can filter by tweet type, enabling or disabling Statuses, Visual, Links, Audio, ReTweets and Chatter. Useful to remove the noise (if you follow "@brentspiner":, make sure you disable _ReTweets_...).

Finally, you only have to configure a few more settings: * Whether you want to be alerted with a _beep_ when there are new tweets in this column. -* Whether you want the column to display tweets or a tag cloud. +* Whether you want the column to display tweets, a tag cloud or even an image slideshow. * The name of the column. -That's all. Simple enough. As a side note, the "No-Mention" column is nothing but a custom column in disguise: if you try to edit it, you'll see it's nothing but a search for "_username_ -@_username_ -from:_username_". +That's all. Simple enough. As a side note, the "No-Mention" column is nothing but a custom column in disguise: if you try to edit it, you'll see it's nothing but a search for "_username_ -_@username_ -from:_username_". h3. Other features and advanced settings +For the tweakers, JournoTwit also exposes the a set of global settings you can modify to enhance your experience or disable annoying behaviors (depends how you look at it): + +h4. Behavior + +* Unhide column when new tweets arrive? (default: yes) +* Hide columns on Mark as Read? (default: yes) +* Play alert sounds? (default: yes) +* Animate when new items arrive? (default: yes) +* Default #hashtags and search bar to a local search? (default: no) +* Ignore Tag Coulds when marking all as read? (default: yes) +* Ignore Slide Shows when marking all as read? (default: yes) +* Warn when deleting columns? (default: yes) +* Automatically translate tweets using Google Translate? (default: no) +* Show "Did You Know?" messages on refresh? (default: yes) +* Slide show transition time(s) (default: 5) + +h4. Display Adjustment + +If you are unsatisfied by JournoTwit's default look and feel, you can change the fond size, the color theme (there are 18 possible choices) and even match the color of the icons with the current theme. + +h4. Black Listing + +Straight from the contextual help: + +bq. "Here you globally black list a #hashtag, such as #microsoft, or a search phrase such as "Windows 7". Remember to separate them with a space and that you can block on a per column basis too." + +This is just what you need when you want to filter out pointless tweets. Use with care though! + h3. Conclusion -* Lack of mark as read (per tweet). -* Lack of shortcut keys for tweet navigation. +Maybe it's just me being a geek, but I think JournoTwit nailed it when it comes to making Twitter more productive: everything _just works, and fast_, unlike some of its more feature-boasting competitors. I have been using it on a daily basis for weeks, and I've never missed a single tweet since (unless _I explicitly wanted to do so_). +That being said, there are a few small features I'd like to see: +* I'd like to be able to mark _single tweets_, not entire columns, as read. In this way, when I go on vacation and come back, I can catch up with unread tweets more gradually, like I do with Google Reader. +* I'd like to use shortcut keys to navigate the interface, like with Google Reader. +* I'd like to configure tweets so that they only show up in one column, not in more than one (for example in Chatter, My Feed, and Mentions at the same time). +* Support for Twitter Lists... + +I already told "@spode": about some of these, and he said he'll look into it, we'll see what happens. Anyhow, just "give it a try":, and see if you like it!