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Added social icons, logo, etc.
Thu, 27 Dec 2012 20:02:51 +0100




M content/about.textilecontent/about.textile

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* "Denis Defreyne":, creator of the exceptional "nanoc": site publishing system. * "David J.Perry":, who designed the "Cardo": font I used for the H3RALD logo. * Sebastian Kosch, creator of the "Crimson Text": font, used throughout the web site. -* "Paul Robert Lloyd":, creator of the "Social Media Icos": set, used on the home page of this site. +* "Mark Otto": and "fat-kun":, creators of the awesome "Twitter Bootstrap": framework. +* Jan Kovařík, the designer of "Glyphicons": +* The creators of "Fontello": +* "Sam Collins":, designer of the "Zocial": icon set.
M content/contact.textilecontent/contact.textile

@@ -3,9 +3,12 @@ :type: page

:permalink: contact :title: "Contact" ----- -You can contact me using the form below or by sending an email to <a href='&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#104;&#51;&#114;&#97;&#108;&#100;&#64;&#104;&#51;&#114;&#97;&#108;&#100;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;'>&#104;&#51;&#114;&#97;&#108;&#100;&#64;&#104;&#51;&#114;&#97;&#108;&#100;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;</a>. -<section id="contact"> - <script type="text/javascript"> id = 130297; </script> - <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> -</section> +(unstyled)* <i class="zicon-gmail"></i> <a href='&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#104;&#51;&#114;&#97;&#108;&#100;&#64;&#104;&#51;&#114;&#97;&#108;&#100;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;'>&#104;&#51;&#114;&#97;&#108;&#100;&#64;&#104;&#51;&#114;&#97;&#108;&#100;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;</a> +* <i class="zicon-twitter"></i> "@h3rald": +* <i class="zicon-linkedin"></i> "LinkedIn": +* <i class="zicon-pinboard"></i> "Pinboard": +* <i class="zicon-instagram"></i> "Instagram": +* <i class="zicon-github"></i> "Github": +* <i class="zicon-reddit"></i> "Reddit": +* <i class="zicon-foursquare"></i> "Foursquare":
A content/fonts/zocial-svg.svg

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+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> +<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "" > +<svg xmlns=""> +<metadata> +Created by FontForge 20100429 at Thu Dec 27 10:10:05 2012 + By root +Copyright (C) 2012 by original authors @ +</metadata> +<defs> +<font id="zocial" horiz-adv-x="1030" > + <font-face + font-family="zocial" + font-weight="500" + font-stretch="normal" + units-per-em="1000" + panose-1="2 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0" + ascent="850" + descent="-150" + bbox="15 -150 1245 850" + underline-thickness="50" + underline-position="-100" + unicode-range="U+0024-00E3" + /> +<missing-glyph horiz-adv-x="364" +d="M33 0v666h265v-666h-265zM66 33h199v600h-199v-600z" /> + <glyph glyph-name=".notdef" horiz-adv-x="364" +d="M33 0v666h265v-666h-265zM66 33h199v600h-199v-600z" /> + <glyph glyph-name=".null" horiz-adv-x="0" + /> + <glyph glyph-name="nonmarkingreturn" horiz-adv-x="333" + /> + <glyph glyph-name="dollar" unicode="$" horiz-adv-x="1004" +d="M209 850h438q107 0 181 -74q81 -79 52 -229q-28 -135 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97q-2 -1 -97.5 13t-109.5 17h-3l-16 -54l-23 -84q-19 -69 -25 -88v-3l5 -4q77 0 153 -22.5t128 -57.5q1 1 2 1t2 1l16 11 +l16 12q3 2 13.5 8t18 7.5t19 3.5t25.5 2q68 0 116 -48.5t48 -116.5zM173 472q-48 0 -86 -41t-38 -90q0 -65 57 -112q5 59 48 116q46 60 101 101q-38 26 -82 26zM151 195q0 -107 111 -189q99 -73 207 -94q78 -14 146 -14q133 0 241 43t177 119h-3q28 35 43 68q13 29 13 73 +q0 109 -96 187q-150 122 -373 122q-157 0 -301 -72q-71 -35 -118 -97.5t-47 -145.5zM337 268q0 37 22.5 59.5t59.5 22.5t62 -23t25 -59t-25.5 -60t-61.5 -24t-59 24t-23 60zM608 12q62 0 113 25.5t81 66.5h41q-25 -62 -93 -96q-67 -34 -142 -34q-74 0 -142 34q-69 34 -93 96 +h44q25 -44 79 -68t112 -24zM709 268q0 38 23 60t61 22q34 0 58 -24t24 -58t-24 -59t-58 -25q-37 0 -60.5 23.5t-23.5 60.5zM964 736q0 -34 25 -59.5t60 -25.5q36 0 59 24.5t23 60.5q0 34 -24 58t-58 24q-33 0 -59 -24.5t-26 -57.5zM978 455q53 -35 94 -91t57 -121 +q59 44 59 96q0 58 -36 100t-92 42q-44 0 -82 -26z" /> + <glyph glyph-name="C" unicode="C" +d="M15 350q0 206 148 354q144 146 351 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-3h-913q-9 0 -16 3zM711 367l338 290q3 -9 3 -19v-576q0 -10 -3 -20z" /> + <glyph glyph-name="a" unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="1130" +d="M33 75q250 -145 544 -145q213 0 401 79q29 13 38 0q8 -11 -6 -22q-85 -61 -202 -99t-243 -38q-313 0 -544 208q-6 4 -6 10q0 2 2 6q5 9 16 1zM494 177q-80 0 -128 49.5t-48 132.5q0 137 127 192q64 28 221 41v17q0 63 -14 86q-21 30 -66 30h-8q-34 -3 -57.5 -22 +t-30.5 -49q-5 -20 -20 -23l-115 14q-17 5 -17 18q0 4 1 7q16 88 83 132q66 43 156 48h25q154 0 210 -101q1 -1 15 -49q4 -16 4 -54v-242q0 -10 1 -19.5t2 -16t5 -15t5.5 -12.5t7 -12.5t7.5 -10.5l8 -12q8 -9 9 -11q6 -9 6 -16q0 -8 -8 -14l-90 -78q-13 -9 -29 -2 +q-34 30 -54 59q-12 17 -14 19q-55 -61 -110 -76q-33 -10 -84 -10zM490 379q0 -38 19 -62t53 -24q2 0 8 1t8 1q37 10 61.5 47.5t26.5 84.5v46v25q-56 0 -88 -8q-88 -25 -88 -111zM910 57q1 3 6 8q49 32 122 34q19 2 44 -4.5t29 -11.5t4 -18v-7q0 -35 -19 -82q-20 -50 -53 -77 +q-4 -4 -9 -4q-10 0 -7 12q37 86 37 121q0 12 -4 16q-10 12 -56 12q-25 0 -86 -8q-4 0 -7 1.5t-2 4.5q0 2 1 3z" /> + <glyph glyph-name="g" unicode="g" horiz-adv-x="969" +d="M227 157q82 0 147.5 -43t65.5 -111q0 -64 -62 -108q-63 -45 -151 -45q-89 0 -150 45q-62 45 -62 108q0 84 100 130q-26 40 -26 75q0 39 28 74q-38 23 -63 62t-25 89q0 73 53.5 125.5t127.5 52.5q55 0 101 -31h7q60 0 109 32v-115q-18 -10 -44 -14q7 -21 7 -50 +q0 -70 -50 -121t-119 -55q-24 -29 -24 -53q0 -26 24 -48q1 0 3 0.5t3 0.5zM208 515q-29 0 -50.5 -24.5t-21.5 -55.5t21.5 -55.5t50.5 -24.5q30 0 51 24t21 56t-21 56t-51 24zM227 67q-34 0 -61 -17.5t-27 -46.5q0 -28 27 -46t61 -18t61.5 18t27.5 46q0 29 -27 46.5t-62 17.5 +zM470 769q0 34 23.5 57.5t57.5 23.5t58 -23.5t24 -57.5t-24 -58t-58 -24t-57.5 24t-23.5 58zM489 601h134v-479h-134v479zM670 499h55v-285q9 -73 91 -99q15 -5 31 -7h20q22 0 45.5 7t32.5 17l7 9l2 99q-40 -13 -65 -13q-31 0 -36 17l-4 13q0 3 -1 4v238h91v102h-91v93h-123 +v-93h-55v-102z" /> + <glyph glyph-name="m" unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="1232" +d="M15 800h185l9 -8h825l9 8h174v-900h-171v7h-855v-4h-176v897zM191 35v-80h855v74l-345 259l-79 -65l-86 70zM498 324l-307 252v-481zM622 438l347 298h-695zM739 319l307 -230v484z" /> + <glyph glyph-name="n" unicode="n" +d="M15 527l316 323v-123l301 -277l187 46l-195 -208l391 -438l-444 392l-188 -192l30 169l-255 316z" /> + <glyph glyph-name="Udieresis" unicode="&#xdc;" +d="M115 -150q-41 0 -70.5 30t-29.5 70v800q0 40 29.5 70t70.5 30h800q41 0 70.5 -30t29.5 -70v-800q0 -40 -29.5 -70t-70.5 -30h-800zM303 138q88 -88 212 -88t212 88t88 212t-88 212t-212 88t-212 -88t-88 -212t88 -212zM315 350q0 82 59 141t141 59t141 -59t59 -141 +t-59 -141t-141 -59t-141 59t-59 141z" /> + <glyph glyph-name="atilde" unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="1029" +d="M491 538q38 -111 88 -176t141 -117q63 7 116 7q178 0 178 -70q0 -9 -5 -24l-3 1q-4 -42 -67 -42q-103 0 -240 72q-221 -23 -389 -82q-147 -257 -235 -257q-15 0 -52 20q-8 8 -8 22q0 51 61 106q63 57 123 89l15 -22q-43 -31 -90 -82t-59 -90q87 27 265 379 +q67 135 103 261q-33 107 -33 202q0 115 47 115h20q4 0 12.5 -1.5t13 -4.5t9.5 -9q9 -11 9 -34q0 -15 -3 -28l-27 1q-1 26 -17 41q-12 -19 -12 -69q0 -38 9 -94q9 60 18 107l26 -3q-1 -149 -14 -218zM631 232q-103 73 -164 209q-35 -120 -134 -294q130 53 298 85zM819 197 +q91 -35 142 -35q15 0 22 3q0 32 -145 32h-19z" /> + </font> +</defs></svg>
M content/home.erbcontent/home.erb

@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ <%= render 'article_intro', :item => latest[3], :classes => "hyphenate", :extended => false %>

<%= render 'article_intro', :item => latest[4], :classes => "hyphenate", :extended => false %> <%= render 'article_intro', :item => latest[1], :classes => "hyphenate", :extended => false %> <%= render 'article_intro', :item => latest[2], :classes => "hyphenate", :extended => false %> - <%= - render 'article_intro', :item => latest[5], :classes => "hyphenate", :extended => false - %> + <%= render 'article_intro', :item => latest[5], :classes => "hyphenate", :extended => false %> + <p><a href="/archives/">&larr; Older Articles</a></p> </section><!-- #main-content end --> <section class="span4" id="secondary-content"> <span class="featured">Popular Content</span>
M content/styles/_vendor.scsscontent/styles/_vendor.scss

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* Google Custom Search */

$font-family: 'Crimson Text', Palatino, Bookman, Georgia, Times; -$font-size: 17px; +$font-size: 19px; $link-color: #BD3F00; $link-hover-color: #712600;
A content/styles/_zocial.scss

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M content/styles/style.scsscontent/styles/style.scss

@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ @import url(;

article, #legacy-comments, #disqus_thread { - font-size: 17px; + font-size: 19px; line-height: 1.5em; + color: #000; li, dt, dd { line-height: 1.5em

@@ -48,6 +49,14 @@ }

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@@ -123,7 +132,7 @@ /* Logos */

.main-title { display: block; - color: #333333; + color: #000; font-family: "Cardo", "Times New Roman", serif; margin-bottom: 2px; .h, h1 .rald { font-size: 60px; }

@@ -134,3 +143,4 @@ }

@import "_vendor.scss"; @import "_code.scss"; +@import "_zocial.scss";
M layouts/article_intro.erblayouts/article_intro.erb

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ <h1><a href="<%= @item.identifier %>"><%= @item[:title]%></a></h1>

<% unless @item[:subtitle].blank? then %> <h2><%= @item[:subtitle] %></h2> <% end %> - <p class="pubdate pull-right"><time datetime="<%= @item[:date].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>" pubdate="pubdate"><%= @item[:date].strftime("%A, %B %d %Y") %></time></p> + <p class="pubdate pull-right"><i class="icon-calendar"></i> <time datetime="<%= @item[:date].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>" pubdate="pubdate"><%= @item[:date].strftime("%A, %B %d %Y") %></time></p> <div class="clearfix"></div> </header> <section class="<%= @classes %>">
M layouts/default.erblayouts/default.erb

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M layouts/header.erblayouts/header.erb

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