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M content/404.textilecontent/404.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2008-10-26 11:34:54 +01:00

tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- h2. Page Not Found
M content/about.textilecontent/about.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date:

tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- h2. About this Web Site
M content/articles/10-programming-languages.textilecontent/articles/10-programming-languages.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2008-12-21 15:01:15 +01:00

tags: - programming type: article +toc: true ----- If you program for fun or profit, chances are that you know C, C++, Java, PHP, Perl, Python or Ruby. These programming languages are all widely known, and, to a different degree, used in commercial applications. At least some of them can safely be considered _mainstream_, even if that word has become so overused and misused that has almost lost its original meaning, if it ever had one. If you are earning your living by coding, it's often one of these languages that pays the bills. Nevertheless, true hackers frequently meander in other directions, exploring and discovering different paradigms and methodologies, sometimes to the most "esoteric": extremes.
M content/articles/10-reasons-to-learn-ruby.textilecontent/articles/10-reasons-to-learn-ruby.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ date: 2007-09-05 12:40:00 +02:00

tags: - ruby type: article +toc: true ----- h3. Preamble
M content/articles/10-reasons-why-i-didnt-update-my-blog.textilecontent/articles/10-reasons-why-i-didnt-update-my-blog.textile

@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ - redcloth

title: 10 reasons why I didn't update my blog date: 2008-06-12 03:30:00 +02:00 tags: -- internet rant personal writing +- internet +- rant +- personal +- writing type: article +toc: true ----- _"It has been a while since my last post, sorry about that"_ I read this sentence (or something along those lines) on many blogs on the Internet, including mine. As a matter of fact, I actually didn't write a meaningful post on my blog for a long time and no, probably this is not going to change that either.
M content/articles/10.textilecontent/articles/10.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- italy - politics type: article +toc: true ----- !>!
M content/articles/11-07-2009.textilecontent/articles/11-07-2009.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2009-07-26 12:54:00 +02:00

tags: - wedding type: article +toc: true ----- * "Prologue":#prologue * "The wedding party":#party

@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ The last three speeches were Jim's (the father of the bride), who did great as always, without reading anything, right on the spot. And so did Roxanne and I: we basically just said a few words thanking all the guests for coming, and half of them for helping us with the wedding as well. Every speech (except mine and Roxanne's) was characterized by subtle and very discreet exhortations to produce progeny (_"get on with it!"_), but other than that they were fine.

After all the traditional obligations, we finally started our dinner. The food was delicious and extremely tasty: Raheen House is renown for that, as we were told, but we honestly weren't 100% sure until we started trying it. And there was also _plenty_ of it, so everyone felt really satisfied towards the end of the meal. So satisfied that we decided to postpone the cake till later (see below) and indulge with wine instead. -Wine, right. They were going to charge us 20€ per bottle for some weird Chilean or Australian stuff. Silly and almost offending, especially considering that my family has been producing wine for family and friend's use for at least three generations! This was my dad's primary concern until we left for Ireland: "You sort the restaurant out, because I'm going to bring some bottles, no matter what". He shipped over _96_ special bottles of our 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 vintages. Ninety-six. We used about 25 of them for the meal and the rest of the evening, then we gave one to almost every guest, three to the staff of the restaurant, a few more to other hotel and B&B owners, six to each uncle of the bride, etc. etc. None came back to Italy, that's for sure. +Wine, right. They were going to charge us 20€ per bottle for some weird Chilean or Australian stuff. Silly and almost offending, especially considering that my family has been producing wine for family and friend's use for at least three generations! This was my dad's primary concern until we left for Ireland: "You sort the restaurant out, because I'm going to bring some bottles, no matter what". He shipped over _96_ special bottles of our 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 vintages. Ninety-six. We used about 25 of them for the meal and the rest of the evening, then we gave one to almost every guest, three to the staff of the restaurant, a few more to other hotel and B&B owners, six to each uncle of the bride, etc. etc. None came back to Italy, that's for sure. Right after the meal the band came in, and we got ready to dance. Roxanne and I had to start with our First Dance, of course, then everyone else slowly joined in. The group was playing a mixture of traditional Irish music, ballads and rock 'n' roll: they were amazing, and especially the Italian's were really impressed.
M content/articles/11.textilecontent/articles/11.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- cakephp - blogging type: article +toc: true ----- I should write more. I noticed that I since I decided to take a break from "zZine Magazine" I more or less stopped writing - and started _baking_ again with "CakePHP": As a result I finally recoded this website and _refreshed_ a little bit my almost-rusty baking skills.
M content/articles/12.textilecontent/articles/12.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-04-13 13:47:08 +02:00

tags: [] type: article +toc: true ----- The time has come. The times when I used to meander around reading stuff on the Net and writing about whatever I wanted are over. Incidentally, the world may end, _your_ laptop could explode and I could knock at your door in a few minutes asking for money, imagine that! Nothing of the above, alright, bad joke, but sooner or later the time to _start doing something_ comes, at some point you ought to start making some real money. It's time to settle down, my fianceé are eager to get our own independence, move to our new house (which we're still doing up) etc. etc. Fair enough. I spent the last five months wasting my time looking for a job, a _proper_ job having something to do with IT(Information Technology) and finally something seems to be possible.
M content/articles/13.textilecontent/articles/13.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- cakephp - writing type: article +toc: true ----- Too right. Enough being a lazy writer, it's time to seriously produce something. I could sit here and pretend that long blog posts can make up for the lack of new articles, but I'd like to write something _proper_ and new. Judging by the latest stats people come here hoping to find either a blog _entirely_ devoted to CakePHP or some CakePHP related content. Well, actually they can "find":http://base--/tags/CakePHP/ quite a bit, but I'd like to be able to sport more Cake-related articles, bookmarks, and posts. My main problem is that I could add ten bookmarks about Cake right away, but the _latest addition_ showed on the front page would feature only bookmarks, which would be bad (yes, I do worry about silly things). At the moment this blog is the second easiest way to provide fresh content frequently enough to encourage visitors to come back, but articles could be even better.
M content/articles/14.textilecontent/articles/14.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - cakephp

- web-development - php type: article +toc: true ----- When I first talked to gwoo, CakePHP's project manager, I asked him if Cake had any potential _limitations_. I asked him - I was kidding actually - wether it would be possible to build an application like Gmail using the framework and he - very seriously - simply said _"yes, why not?"_. I repeat myself when I say that CakePHP leaves plenty of freedom to developers within the bounds of its MVC structure: once you grasp the basic logic behind it, your possibilities are endless. I don't want to act as a Ruby on Rails fanatic and boast that _you can do anything with CakePHP_ and things like that, but I can certainly say that CakePHP can be _extended_ and _integrated_ with other collections of scripts, frameworks and projects. With limitations, of course: you probably don't want to force an integration between CakePHP and another MVC/Event Driven/Whatever framework, simply because it would be rather pointless and potential conflicts may occur.
M content/articles/15.textilecontent/articles/15.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- cakephp - web-development type: article +toc: true ----- _"CakePHP will officially support Internationalization (i18n) from version 2.0"_. That is to say: not right now. That doesn't mean we have to wait, no chance! I'm Italian and there are plenty of bakers speaking a language other than English who might want to develop a multi-lingual website.
M content/articles/16.textilecontent/articles/16.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - cakephp

- web-development - databases type: article +toc: true ----- One of the most recurring questions on CakePHP User Group is probably _"Does Cake support X database?"_. Sure, most of us tend to use just MySQL for our websites and applications, but in certain situations some more _exotic_ database support makes the difference. A partial answer to the question above could be _"Yes, probably, at least partially"_: CakePHP offers support for some database "natively" (i.e. Cake folks made some _ad hoc_ database drivers), others through either "ADOdb": or "PEAR::DB":
M content/articles/17.textilecontent/articles/17.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-04-18 08:47:00 +02:00

tags: - cakephp type: article +toc: true ----- Gustavo Carreno just "announced": a new release of the "CakePHP Offline Manual": Personally I was extremely happy to download this new release because it finally contains documentation and howtos related to CakePHP's Model Associations, which is perhaps one of the most used _advanced_ CakePHP features. So I'll have no excuses not to learn how to use them, great...
M content/articles/18.textilecontent/articles/18.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-04-21 09:39:03 +02:00

tags: [] type: article +toc: true ----- Once upon a time I used "BBcode": "CyberArmy":http://base--/bookmarks/view/cyberarmy and all its affiliated sites adopted it as _de-facto_ standard for forums and articles, so consequently more or less all my articles are bbcoded. I could copy and paste the _BBcodeHelper_ I coded for this site, and it could be quite an interesting read for some people... well, tough luck: today I'd like to talk about "Textile":http://base--/bookmarks/view/textile-reference/ instead, which now I consider _the answer_ to all text formatting problems.
M content/articles/19.textilecontent/articles/19.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-04-22 03:04:57 +02:00

tags: [] type: article +toc: true ----- In a recent "blog post": I was evaluating two job proposals which I was offered, one involving a multi-national company and the other a regional/national but apparently successful IT business. Actually only yesterday I got an official offer from the multi-national company, to be precise, and after evaluating my future possibilities (it took approx 0.03s) I decided to accept this one. To be precise I didn't _officially_ tell them I'd like to start working with them, and I took a few days to "think about it", only because of the damn weekend in between.
M content/articles/20.textilecontent/articles/20.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- personal - family type: article +toc: true ----- Yesterday my grandpa passed away, due to an aggravation of his health condition, breathing problems and various other complications. He died in hospital, on Liberation Day, the Italian national holiday celebrating the liberation of our country from the nazi-fascist regime by the Allied troops and partisans on April 25th 1945. He died exactly 61 years after that day.
M content/articles/21.textilecontent/articles/21.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - website

- hosting - review type: article +toc: true ----- Today is my birthday! "Not too happy":http://base--/blog/view/20/, but still my birthday after all. What presents did I get from my relatives and friends? Well, various things, but I told my parents and uncles I actually needed some web space... _"What? Didn't you have the hosting sorted out?"_ Well, I had, up to a few days ago when my friends and hosting provider, DeWayne Lehman, decided to close down his "company": The reason being, to cut a long story short, that he can't keep up with competition: he doesn't have enough customers, and he can't afford server upgrades, while other companies are literally giving space away.
M content/articles/22.textilecontent/articles/22.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - cakephp

- rails - web-development type: article +toc: true ----- Today I decided to do something different, something I've been dying to do since before coming across CakePHP: give Rails a _proper_ try. Like many other PHP developers out there, when "Ruby on Rails": came out I felt damn jealous and terribly tempted to learn Ruby _only_ to start using such an amazing web development framework. At the time I actually even started reading various tutorials about it, and I was literally amazed at how RoR revolutioned the way of developing web applications.
M content/articles/23.textilecontent/articles/23.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-05-01 13:42:46 +02:00

tags: [] type: article +toc: true ----- CakePHP is THE perfect PHP framework, so _we_ don't need anything else. Oh well, no. I personally love CakePHP, but I do believe other PHP frameworks can be interesting and maybe even useful, so today I thought I'd have a look at the "Simfony Project":http://base--/bookmarks/view/simfony/. This framework seems to be mentioned here and there on the Net in many different ways, someone said it can do wonders, some said it's more advanced, others said something like _"qcodo sucks.. cake stinks.. symfony rocks!!!!!"_, so it OUGHT TO be pretty cool, definitely.
M content/articles/24.textilecontent/articles/24.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- cakephp - web-development type: article +toc: true ----- As "Digg": points out, the first _stable_ version of CakePHP was released, yesterday. I should have posted yesterday about it, and no, I didn't forget: I was just busy downloading the new version, have a look at the new site, talk to people etc.
M content/articles/25.textilecontent/articles/25.textile

@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ - web20

- web development - internet type: article +toc: true ----- ...So it turns out that my "last article": appeared on "Digg": homepage. This was quite a pleasant surprise: I didn't expect that an article submitted to _my own site_ could make it that far! I thought you'd need a relatively well-known website, mafia's support, some divine intervention and a terrific amount of luck, but it seems that sometimes an interesting article about an interesting subject can be enough. I'll probably write a more detailed report of what happened soon, in another article rather than a blog post, but for now I just wanted to post a short summary here.
M content/articles/26.textilecontent/articles/26.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- cakephp - frameworks type: article +toc: true ----- When I first tried Ruby on Rails I was literally amazed by the _generator_ script. Yes, I was young and inexperienced then (six/seven months ago), but you must admit that getting a controller, a model, all the basic views generated automatically by
M content/articles/27.textilecontent/articles/27.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-05-08 11:50:00 +02:00

tags: - cakephp type: article +toc: true ----- Right after my "last blog post":http://base--/blog/view/26 I decided to log on #cakephp on as usual, and gwoo pops in and says "h3raLd, you didn't review rdBaker yet!" That's right, I didn't yet, so I may as well do it today.
M content/articles/28.textilecontent/articles/28.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-05-10 09:55:26 +02:00

tags: [] type: article +toc: true ----- I signed it yesterday, around 3PM. I gave "them":http://base--/bookmarks/view/siemens/ all the necessary documents and they presented me their contract to sign, I'll have to hand it in on Tuesday at 9AM, my first day at work.
M content/articles/29.textilecontent/articles/29.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- website - writing type: article +toc: true ----- Yes, I know, I've been slaking a little bit, and haven't posted on my blog in a while. Well, I actually _didn't_ slack at all in these days getting ready to start my job, looking for a damn fitted kitchen for my house and... writing more articles.
M content/articles/30.textilecontent/articles/30.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-05-18 13:13:07 +02:00

tags: [] type: article +toc: true ----- Yes, I started "working" at the "Siemens/Microsoft MES Expertise Center":http://base--/bookmarks/view/siemens-mes/ two days ago, and you can tell from the lack of activity on my blog, for example. That's the first _real_ and _full-time_ job for me, and yes, I noticed the difference from an "I-get-up-whenever-and-do-whatever" policy to a slightly stricter "get-up-at-seven-and-go-to-work" policy: I obviously don't have the same amount of free time as before, nevertheless I really can't complain.
M content/articles/31.textilecontent/articles/31.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- cakephp - tutorial type: article +toc: true ----- Tutorials are great, articles are helpful, manuals are essential and the API is your best friend, but there's still something missing there... Unfortunately podcasts are not yet available, but the CakePHP team is proud to announce the creation of two "screencasts": in an effort to help new bakers familiarizing with CakePHP's concepts. This is old news now, the screencasts section came together with the "site overhaul":http://base--/blog/view/24 but I only got a chance to take a look at them (one of them only, to be totally honest) recently, and so here's a spoil... erhm, a _detailed_ description of John Anderson's screencast about the "Blog Tutorial":
M content/articles/32.textilecontent/articles/32.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- writing - tools type: article +toc: true ----- Since in these days (and even more in near future) I'm really writing a lot I thought it would be good to share my thoughts on some writing programs and tools I started using for writing these blog posts, articles, and more.
M content/articles/33.textilecontent/articles/33.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - productivity

- writing - note-taking type: article +toc: true ----- As I thought, my job also represents a great opportunity to learn new things. I don't mean only new technical stuff, but also a great deal of tips, best practices and methods to efficiently write documentation material in proper English. Some theory about "Information Mapping": was by far the most interesting topic I learnt about this week.
M content/articles/34.textilecontent/articles/34.textile

@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ - php

- web-development - review type: article +toc: true ----- Someone recently added a comment to my article about "Rails-inspired PHP frameworks":http://base--/articles/rails-inspired-php-frameworks/ pointing out that I forgot another Rails-like framework, in my round-up. He obviously posted a link to this rather mysterious Rails port in PHP and spam or not, I'd like to thank this guy for letting me know of the existance of "Akelos":http://base--/bookmarks/view/akelos-framework, a new PHP framework which seems simply too good to be true.
M content/articles/35.textilecontent/articles/35.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-06-18 07:55:26 +02:00

tags: [] type: article +toc: true ----- A month has passed since I started working at the "MES Expertise Center":http://base--/bookmarks/view/, and I must say I'm very impressed after all. I started with a two-weeks course on SIMATIC IT Production Suite, the flagship product developed by Siemens here in Genoa, and it was a real piece of cake: the trainers were very prepared and everything was explained very clearly for both us internal workers and the customers attending the lessons. In my opinion this is one of the most successful things Siemens and Microsoft achieved when they opened the MES Expertise Center: creating a place where both Siemens staff and partners can learn and experiment new cutting-edge MES-related products. Even during the course, when someone asked a particularly complex question and the trainer couldn't answer, consultants or even R&D staff were immediately contacted (also because they were literally next door...) to provide an authoritative and exhaustive answer.
M content/articles/36.textilecontent/articles/36.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- sport - soccer type: article +toc: true ----- _*Italy has won the World Cup!*_
M content/articles/37.textilecontent/articles/37.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - website

- cakephp - design type: article +toc: true ----- Quite a bit of time passed since the last blog post, and I'm actually sorry about that, but as I thought, I don't have as much free time as I used to be. Work is work, after all! This post will be multipurpose as actually I bluid up a few things to write about in the last few days... erhm, ok, _weeks_.
M content/articles/38.textilecontent/articles/38.textile

@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ - php

- web-development - review type: article +toc: true ----- Bermi Ferrer kept his promise, and even if a few were skeptic on the "pre-announced":http://base--/blog/view/34/ features of his upcoming Akelos framework, last week he sent me a "development preview" and a few days ago he opened the development SVN repository to the public:
M content/articles/39.textilecontent/articles/39.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - web20

- ajax - review type: article +toc: true ----- The so-called "AJAX Start Pages" are not a new concept anymore, and like for almost any other offspring of Web 2.0 there is more than one to chose from. Hence the increasing number of comparative reviews on the Web nowadays (Yes, I'm guilty of that too). I soon learnt that for any "good and useful thing" on the web there are at least _n_ clones: consider for example social bookmarking, community-powered news sites, php frameworks... And no, you can't use the word clone because it has a strong negative connotation nowadays so let's just say that whenever someone comes up with a new idea, others examine it, process it and in a few weeks (days?) some _very, very similar application_ comes out, and it's _better_ than the previous one.
M content/articles/40.textilecontent/articles/40.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- cakephp - writing type: article +toc: true ----- Despite all my efforts to keep the whole thing quiet for the time being, a few days ago I entered the words "CakePHP Recipes" in Google and discovered - to my astonishment - that my new book about the CakePHP framework is already for (pre)sale in many popular online bookstores.
M content/articles/41.textilecontent/articles/41.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2007-01-07 06:53:00 +01:00

tags: - website type: article +toc: true ----- As a few of you might have noticed, I decided to disable comments on all the sections of this site, as a temporary measure against spam.
M content/articles/42.textilecontent/articles/42.textile

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- cakephp - writing type: article +toc: true ----- I am sorry to announce that my upcoming book, CakePHP Recipes, will not be published anymore. As a matter of fact, it wasn't finished because some of the people involved failed to comply with the terms of their contract in delivering material which was suitable for publication.
M content/articles/43.textilecontent/articles/43.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - cakephp

- rant - writing type: article +toc: true ----- My fiancée keeps telling me that too many cakes are not good for me, and I never listen: I always liked cakes! I *did* like the CakePHP(TM)[1] framework too, once, and I *did* write "some articles": about it in the past, and I believe at least a bunch of Bakers found them useful, especially at the time. I do believe the Cake(TM) Software Foundation[1] quite liked having their framework featured on popular websites like php|architect and SitePoint, and I believe that I contributed - to some extent - to make it one of the most popular frameworks available for the PHP programming language.
M content/articles/8.textilecontent/articles/8.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - website

- web-development - cakephp type: article +toc: true ----- Yes, it works. Perhaps it's a tiny bit slower than expected but the new seems to work. I'll probably find some new exciting bugs to fix in the next few hours, as usual - that will be annoying but perfectly normal.
M content/articles/9.textilecontent/articles/9.textile

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-04-07 16:13:58 +02:00

tags: [] type: article +toc: true ----- Today I had my _n^th^_ job interview. Yes, I'm getting used to them by now, and it's becoming quite entertaining: if they _paid_ me for just take interviews I'd do that for all my life quite happily! But since that's not going to happen I'd better get a move on and find a so called _real job_. Actually this time it wasn't the usual complete waste of time and this company _nearly_ made me a proper offer: they're gonna see me again next week, so let's hope for the best.
M content/articles/a-look-at-drupal.bbcodecontent/articles/a-look-at-drupal.bbcode

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - php

- web-development - review type: article +toc: true ----- [i][b]Important Notice:[/b] This article is about changes occurring to zZine Magazine's site[1]. At the time of writing, uses the old site, and not the Drupal-based one presented in this article, which is currently under construction[18].[/i]
M content/articles/akelos-interview.textilecontent/articles/akelos-interview.textile

@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ - rails

- cakephp - frameworks type: article +toc: true ----- I "already": "covered": the Akelos PHP framework in the past, but for those who don't know it, Akelos seems to be one of the few "Rails-inspired PHP frameworks": still worth mentioning, besides CakePHP and Symphony of course.
M content/articles/apache2-upgrade.textilecontent/articles/apache2-upgrade.textile

@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ - redcloth

title: Beware of sudden upgrades! date: 2007-12-20 07:41:00 +01:00 tags: -- website rails +- website +- rails type: article +toc: true ----- Yesterday I got a rather annoying early Christmas present: when visiting my site, I noticed that the raw source code of my dispatch.fcgi file (yes, I'm on shared hosting with FastCGI, for now) was displayed "as it is" instead of being interpreted.

@@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ </blockquote>

But... hang on? Does it say anything about migrating to Apache2? I don't think so! What's worse, is that quite a few things changed with Apache2, in particular the way FastCGI handlers are declared: -<typo:code> +<% highlight :text do %> # Apache 1.3: AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
M content/articles/back-from-holiday.textilecontent/articles/back-from-holiday.textile

@@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ - redcloth

title: Back from holiday date: 2007-08-30 04:59:00 +02:00 tags: -- personal website writing +- personal +- website +- writing type: article +toc: true ----- I'm back. I was so eager to go on holiday that I didn't even bother writing a post about it, too bad. I actually when on holiday for a week but I thought I'd take three weeks off from my blog duties in favor of laziness and relax, but unfortunately my laptop decided to go wrong as well, so I didn't actually manage to relax that much.
M content/articles/boolean-search.bbcodecontent/articles/boolean-search.bbcode

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tags:

- internet - google type: article +toc: true ----- These days, it is necessary to use a search engines to find the information you want. When the World Wide Web was smaller, search engines weren't an essential websurfing tool, but once the Web started growing exponentially, and hosting literally billions of documents and files, even normal searches aren't enough to find important information, especially when it is not readily available. So, I'm going to show you a more powerful way to search.[b]Learning how to search[/b]
M content/articles/cakephp-first-bite.textilecontent/articles/cakephp-first-bite.textile

@@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ - cakephp

- tutorial - review type: article +toc: true ----- According to a recent study, PHP is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. In spite of this, PHP is often criticized for its inconsistent naming conventions, its lack of important features as compared to other languages (like namespaces) and its inherent disorganization. Furthermore, PHP is very easy to learn, and this has often led to the common misconception that most PHP developers are inexperienced and that their code is therefore prone to security vulnerabilities and exploits."Read the full article": on "":
M content/articles/cakephp-overview.textilecontent/articles/cakephp-overview.textile

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - cakephp

- review - tutorial type: article +toc: true ----- _"There are many frameworks available for the PHP programming language nowadays, and especially a lot of RAD (Rapid Application Development) frameworks which aim to make web development faster, less tedious and more organized. CakePHP was one of the first frameworks to port the RAD philosophy - which became so popular after Ruby on Rails - to the PHP programming language. CakePHP v1.0 is now one of the most popular and intuitive solutions for PHP programming, let's discover why..."_
M content/articles/cakephp.bbcodecontent/articles/cakephp.bbcode

@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ - review

- frameworks - web-development type: article +toc: true ----- Web developers can either love or hate PHP, and one of the criticisms of this easy-to-use programming language which is repeated over and over on IRC, forums and blogs is that "PHP is disorganized". Is this really true? If so, is there any possible way to write a PHP application in a logical and clean way? Read on...Every web developer has certainly heard of PHP. Some people like it and consider it a powerful and easy-to-use way to create complex websites or web applications, while others are convinced that it is merely a bad copy of Perl. Opinions are certainly mixed on the matter.
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title: Concatenative 0.2.0 released date: 2009-04-19 09:42:00 +02:00 tags: -- ruby concatenative +- ruby +- concatenative type: article +toc: true ----- Version 0.2.0. of the "Concatenative":/concatenative DSL has been "released":
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title: Concatenative programming in Ruby date: 2009-03-28 07:24:00 +01:00 tags: -- ruby concatenative programming +- ruby +- concatenative +- programming type: article +toc: true ----- A while ago, I sat down examining a few "alternative programming languages": I might decide to learn someday. Each of those languages has its own peculiarities, and I didn't choose them randomly, I chose them based on their popularity, power, paradigm and how actively they are developed.
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title: "Book Review: Design Patterns in Ruby" date: 2008-04-11 05:41:00 +02:00 tags: -- ruby review books +- ruby +- review +- books type: article +toc: true ----- !>/files/design_patterns_in_ruby.jpg!

@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ *Chapter 2* (_Getting started with Ruby_) feels perhaps a bit out of place. As others pointed out[5], why does a book on advanced Ruby programming techniques include a 35-page-long introduction on the Ruby language? The answer was given by Russ himself in an interview[6]:

<blockquote> "The reason that I included the introductory chapter about Ruby in there was to make the book accessible to folks with little or no Ruby background. -Now honestly, I don’t think that you could come to my book with no background in Ruby and walk away from it an expert Ruby programmer &mdash; it’s not really that kind of introductory book. +Now honestly, I don’t think that you could come to my book with no background in Ruby and walk away from it an expert Ruby programmer &mdash; it’s not really that kind of introductory book. But I do think that someone with experience in other languages could read my book and come away knowing about Ruby, understanding what all the shouting is about." </blockquote>
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title: "Book Review: Writing Efficient Ruby Code" date: 2008-01-21 05:47:00 +01:00 tags: -- ruby review books +- ruby +- review +- books type: article +toc: true ----- !>/files/efficient_ruby_shortcut.jpeg!

@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ * Iterating using @for a in A@ is slightly faster than performing the same iteration using @each@, (it is the opposite in Ruby 1.9 though)

* do not use @return@ unless you have to * test in order of expected case frequency * Use parallel assignment (@a, b = 5, 6@) where applicable -* If a module gets included in only one other class (or module), it’s preferable to open the class instead. +* If a module gets included in only one other class (or module), it’s preferable to open the class instead. I deliberately chose not to elaborate any further on the tips listed above because otherwise I'll give a big chunk of the contents of the book itself. If you know Ruby enough, you may already know why such reccommendations make sense, but if you don't, _Writing Efficient Ruby Code_ can be a short but very interesting read.
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title: A Firefox Lover's Guide to Opera date: 2007-12-28 14:19:00 +01:00 tags: -- browsers review opera firefox +- browsers +- review +- opera +- firefox type: article +toc: true ----- bq. *Note:* This article can be considered a sequel for "An IE Lover's Guide to Firefox":, which described Firefox through the eyes of an Internet Explorer fan. Similarly, this article describes Opera's features from the point of view of a user &ndash; myself &ndash; who has been using Firefox for years and is now considering another browser switch.
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title: Firefox 3 Revealed date: 2008-06-17 04:46:00 +02:00 tags: -- firefox browsers writing review books +- firefox +- browsers +- writing +- review +- books type: article +toc: true ----- When the SitePoint staff asked me to write an article summing up all the new features of Firefox 3, I gladly accepted: I wrote about Firefox before, and I thought it was just going to be a 2-3 hours job maximum. After diving deeper into Firefox 3 development, reading dozens of different blogs and scouting Mozilla's web sites, I realized I was wrong: Firefox 3 introduced _a lot_ of new things, and keeping track of all of them, I admit, was quite a hard task.
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- browsers - review type: article +toc: true ----- On May 31st 2005 the Mozilla Foundation silently released the Deer Park browser... no, it's not another name change for Firefox, but the codename they gave to the long-awaited 1.1 release of the free, famous, award-winning browser. Actually what we have for now is just a non-feature complete developer preview release of the new milestone, the first alpha release, in other words. The alpha release nevertheless seems to be fully functional and already useable.ETAs for the actual stable version are not given as usual, but we should expect another alpha candidate soon hopefully (They wrote "June" on the [url=]roadmap[/url], and we're already in July). Anyhow, this developer-oriented preview release can be [url=]downloaded[/url] and installed on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X systems plus eventually, [url=]Solaris and others[/url]. The decision of using the codename Deer Park instead of naming the release Firefox 1.1 alpha 1 or something of the like was made to avoid the havoc which occurred before the official release of Firefox 1.0 (which was codenamed "Phoenix" by the way,) when some websites offered a late preview release as the actual new version to download. This time when you install and run the program the Firefox name has been substituted with Deer Park Alpha 1, so for example Deer Park is used in the browser's title bar and in the "About Deer Park Alpha 1" menu under "Help". The icon they used for this testing release is not even the usual firefox icon - it represents a plain blueish globe with no fox whatsoever. They have definitely put in effort this time to avoid confusion.
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@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ date: 2008-07-15 06:18:00 +02:00

tags: - programming type: article +toc: true ----- _"This is a *local* shop for *local* people, we want no trouble here!"_

@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ In a few click, you'll be able to use Git (and Bash!) right away: no tricks, no hassle, no kidding.

And stop moaning about the command line not being user friendly. You want a new repository _anywhere_? Just type in the following: -<typo:code> +<% highlight :text do %> git init git add . git commit
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@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ - ajax

- web20 - review type: article +toc: true ----- A while ago Google started offering services like "Google Mail": (Gmail) and "Google Calendar": to domain owners. Sure everyone likes Gmail, but one of the few bad things about it is that it never feels "unique": your email address is always gonna be <something> or <something> Not a big deal? Well, sure, not really, but it really depends on the people using the service and how fussy they are:
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title: "Chrome: Google did it again!" date: 2008-09-03 02:31:00 +02:00 tags: -- browsers review google +- browsers +- review +- google type: article +toc: true ----- !</files/google-chrome/chrome-logo.jpg!
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- review - google type: article +toc: true ----- Almost every person on Earth has seen an image taken from a satellite at least once in his or her life: now imagine putting all those images together to make a sort of "patchwork world"...this is unfortunately not as simple as gluing atlas maps together, because height, resolution and orientation must be considered. However, "A computer could do all that"...and so it happened![b]In the beginning...[/b]
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- website - rails type: article +toc: true ----- I finally decided to redesign my web site. About 2 years passed since last time and I think this was long overdue: a lot of people liked the black _Nitefall_ theme, but a lot of people found a bit too dark for their liking.
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- website - rails type: article +toc: true ----- ...or better, on "Rails":http://www.rubyonrails.org_. Yep, this 7th (!) version of the H3RALD website is powered by the overly-popular Ruby web framework _and_ by the "Typo": blogging platform.
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- programming - vim type: article +toc: true ----- I use "Vim": a lot. It's my editor of choice when I code (mainly in Ruby), and also when I write my blog post and articles (mainly in Textile). One thing I always liked about Vim was it powerful syntax highlighting: there's probably a syntax highlighting file for every programming language ever created, even the new ones ("Nimrod": Sure, "here":!).
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title: "Book Review: Humble Little Ruby Book" date: 2007-10-03 05:53:00 +02:00 tags: -- ruby review books +- ruby +- review +- books type: article +toc: true ----- After reading the very first paragraph of Mr. Neighborly's "Humble Little Ruby Book": (HLRB for short, from now on) it was very clear to me that it was going to be quite an unconventional read:
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2009-04-24 01:54:00 +02:00

tags: - personal type: article +toc: true ----- <img src="/images/sessarego/outside.jpg" style="float:left; border: 1px solid #B80000; margin-right: 10px;" />
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- firefox - browsers type: article +toc: true ----- This is an attempt to explain to Internet Explorer users what Mozilla Firefox is, what its features are and how it can be enhanced or customized. Although this article is written primarily for IE users, it will make interesting reading for any Firefox user who wants to try to convince even the most hopeless IE fan to adopt Firefox for everyday use. [b][u]My Point of View[/u][/b]
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title: I'm on Twitter, anyway... date: 2008-05-18 11:04:00 +02:00 tags: -- personal review programming +- personal +- review +- programming type: article +toc: true ----- I've been neglecting my blog, I know. The truth is that I'm quite busy in this period: I have more responsibilities in my daily full-time jobs, my lunch breaks are getting shorter and I don't have much free time. At any rate, here's what's going on: * I'm writing a new article for an online magazine (assuming I'm gonna finish it) * I signed up for a freelance technical reviewing job, for a new Ruby book which will come out soon-ish -* I'm getting ready to finally visit Rome (again), this time with my fiancée, for our fifth anniversary. +* I'm getting ready to finally visit Rome (again), this time with my fiancée, for our fifth anniversary. * I'm slowly preparing a version 1.0 of "RedBook":, which involves quite a lot of refactoring (and hopefully better documentation and tests). * I'm trying to learn a little bit of Haskell: it seems to be one of the few non .NET languages able to produce standalone .exe files, nowadays...
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2006-08-23 06:23:24 +02:00

tags: - travelling type: article +toc: true ----- This summer I finally had a chance to spend _a whole week_ in London. The city itself was not new to me, since I visited it 6 times before this one, but this summer was different, in a word: Roxy (my fiancee)'s brother Caspar was happy to host us at his place, for free.<a name="top"></a>
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title: RawLine - a 100% Ruby solution for console inline editing date: 2008-03-10 06:59:00 +01:00 tags: -- ruby programming opensource rawline +- ruby +- programming +- opensource +- rawline type: article +toc: true ----- One of the many things I like about Ruby is its cross-platform nature: as a general rule, Ruby code runs on everything which supports Ruby, regardless of its architecture and platform (yes, there are quite a few exceptions, but let's accept this generalization for now).
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title: "InLine name change: what's your opinion?" date: 2008-03-27 06:30:00 +01:00 tags: -- ruby programming opensource rawline +- ruby +- programming +- opensource +- rawline type: article +toc: true ----- I've been kindly asked by the lead developer of "RubyInLine": to change the name of my "InLine": project, due to potential confusion and conflicts.
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title: Introducing RedBook (and the new Code section) date: 2007-09-29 02:12:00 +02:00 tags: -- ruby productivity software tools redbook +- ruby +- productivity +- software +- tools +- redbook type: article +toc: true ----- I'm somehow pleased to announce the opening of a new section on this site. Nothing too big actually, it's just a "page":/code/ with a few (one for now) brief descriptions of open source programs and scripts I made and I'd like to share with my readers.
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title: A closer look at Komodo Edit date: 2007-11-25 07:23:00 +01:00 tags: -- review programming software +- review +- programming +- software type: article +toc: true ----- <a href=""> <img src="" width="180" height="35" alt="Digg!" />
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- books - wedding type: article +toc: true ----- April is tratidionally a rather busy month: Easter, public holidays, and &mdash; always &mdash; some deadline to meet at work. Moreover, my birthday is also in April which makes it even more busy! Let's see what happened this year...h3. Using Ruby in a corporate environment
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title: Personal Log - February 2009 date: 2009-02-27 13:09:00 +01:00 tags: -- "personal_log ruby " +- personal_log +- ruby type: article +toc: true ----- This has been a rather busy month, hence the lack of general Internet activity. I really wanted to post some more articles to my site, but for one reason or another I had to procrastinate more and more, and here we are at the end of the month again.

@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ * Italians tend to panic a lot.

* We have an awful lot of foreign business going on, a lot of multi-national companies opened up through the years lured by cheap workers and acceptable craftmanship. * Our government already -wastes- invests a lot of money regularly, every year, to fuel a colossal, "nepotistic":, pointless bureaucratic machine they insist on calling "State". -Result: the recession is starting to hit properly over here too. People are saving money, they don't go out buying pointless crap, they are scared to ask for a raise at work... the usual. I work for a foreign company which has been, as were most, forced to save some money to compensate some not-so-good First Quarter's revenues. This means less unnecessary expenses, less training, less travelling and less outsourcing, which didn't help improving the daily work experiece. Personally, I'm not that affected by all this, nevertheless it made me bless the day my fiancée persuaded me to stop uni after my Bachelor's Degree to get a very rewarding, not-so-stressful job. +Result: the recession is starting to hit properly over here too. People are saving money, they don't go out buying pointless crap, they are scared to ask for a raise at work... the usual. I work for a foreign company which has been, as were most, forced to save some money to compensate some not-so-good First Quarter's revenues. This means less unnecessary expenses, less training, less travelling and less outsourcing, which didn't help improving the daily work experiece. Personally, I'm not that affected by all this, nevertheless it made me bless the day my fiancée persuaded me to stop uni after my Bachelor's Degree to get a very rewarding, not-so-stressful job. h3. No 'Net @ Home
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title: Personal Log - January 2009 date: 2009-01-25 11:51:00 +01:00 tags: -- personal_log wedding +- personal_log +- wedding type: article +toc: true ----- Those who read my blog regularly may have noticed how I normally refrain from posting articles concerning my own life. I used to have a more blog-like web site, but things changed: _"Who would want to read about my life, anyway?"_ &mdash; That's what I always thought. Hence, I focused on writing general-interest, computer-related articles about programming in Ruby, about some IT book which came out, or about the latest chapter in the Browser Wars. You'll find all this in the [archives](/archives/).
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- ruby - wedding type: article +toc: true ----- Welcome to yet another of my extremely boring, excessively fragmented "personal log":/tags/personal_log posts. I'm seriously thinking of dropping the whole series in favor of more frequent (and shorter) blog posts, starting from next year. This means you'll probably have to read _another six_ of these priceless gems, until december 2009. As usual, feel free to skim through as each of the following _sections_ is almost completely unrelated to the others.h3. H3RALD Web Site v8.0
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title: Personal Log - March 2009 date: 2009-03-30 06:04:00 +02:00 tags: -- personal_log wedding ruby +- personal_log +- wedding +- ruby type: article +toc: true ----- Another month _without_ the Internet at home. This is getting really annoying, and I decided to change provider, *again*, hoping that I'll eventually get my broadband back, someday. Luckily I can still go online at work, but of course it's not the same thing: my time on Twitter and Facebook is now basically limited to weekends only, when Roxanne and I go down to Tuscany to stay with her parents.
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title: Personal Log - May 2009 date: 2009-05-31 06:35:00 +02:00 tags: -- personal_log programming wedding +- personal_log +- programming +- wedding type: article +toc: true ----- Yet another extremely busy month, as you can see from the total absence of blog posts and lack of tweets even. Things are getting pretty hectic at work now I guess: less people, more work, more responsibility, same money. They call it ??contingency??; it's the latest trend in the Western World, didn't you know? I'm really not impressed. I can't complain though I guess: I still enjoy my job very much and I know it could be much worse, so it's just a matter of enduring until autumn -- or so they say.
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- review - web20 type: article +toc: true ----- Social Bookmarking[1] is not something [i]new[/i] anymore; in fact, some people say they've seen too much of it already (imagine that!). One of the worst things - or best, depending on your point of view - of the whole Web 2.0[2] hype is that everything evolves at least ten times faster than it did in good ol' Web 1.0 (if you let me use the term): there are [i]many, many more[/i] web pages created everyday by literally [i]anyone[/i], from web developers to total newcomers to the Web, to amateurs who just want to share their content because it's 'cool'. However, this is not a rant. Web 2.0 is inevitably going to become more and more user friendly, and you can't do anything about it. Why? Because it pays. Who's most likely to click on the flashy banner on page X featuring product Y not knowing that by doing so company Z will get a penny: your grandmother who is just now learning how to use the Internet or your brother who's majoring in computer science?
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- rails - ruby type: article +toc: true ----- If you ever considered about developing an deploying a Rails application in the last year or so, you must have heard of "Mongrel": before. If you didn't, I'd recommend you learn more about it because up to now it proved to be one of the few essential ingredients for deploying _scalable_ Rails applications.

@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@

Again, Zed's wisdom and wit are remarkable: <blockquote> -<em>"These people's problem is they suffer from Potpourri Turd Syndrome—a belief that their you-know-what don't stink and smells like fine dew on freshly cut grass. Whenever there's a bug, they go +<em>"These people's problem is they suffer from Potpourri Turd Syndrome—a belief that their you-know-what don't stink and smells like fine dew on freshly cut grass. Whenever there's a bug, they go running like kids in a candy store to other people's code trying to find fault and just assume that it's nothing they wrote. [...] When you run into a problem with your application, always assume it's your fault first. Mongrel's not perfect, but its code is minuscule compared to the size of Rails and most likely even your own appli-cation code. Mongrel also powers many large and medium deployments without any problems. If there's an error, the evidence already says it's in your code, so bite the bullet and start investigating it as if it's your problem."</em>
M content/articles/next-generation-dvds.bbcodecontent/articles/next-generation-dvds.bbcode

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- blueray - hd-dvd type: article +toc: true ----- Get a full comparative and analytical view of the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray disc formats. Why do we need them? Are they the perfect answer? Which one of them (if any...) will eventually take the throne? The answers to all these questions (and more) are inside! [b]The endless quest for space[/b]
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2008-08-11 04:09:00 +02:00

tags: - politics type: article +toc: true ----- Barack Obama may visit Columbus' birthplace on October 12th 2008, and take part in the city's celebration of the discovery of America, which is held in the city every year. As reported by *Il Secolo XIX*, Genova's local newspaper.
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- google - internet type: article +toc: true ----- Since 1998 SEO experts, webmasters, and even casual users spent ages trying to figure out the magic within that small green bar... but what's really behind Google's most famous invention?If you never experienced the sensation of looking at such a [i]green bar[/i] before, then maybe you don't know what I'm referring to; I suggest downloading and installing the Google Toolbar[1]. This IE add-on (now available for the Firefox browser) was developed by Google years ago and still remains the most common way to view a website's [b]PageRank[/b] through a simple bar with a variable length, according to a 10 point scale.
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2005-12-09 14:31:01 +01:00

tags: [] type: article +toc: true ----- So you finally decided to say goodbye to Internet Explorer, but now you feel lost in a multitude of browsers that all claim to be faster, more customizable, safer, or simply better than IE. Are they telling the truth? If so, which one is the perfect browser?[b]Point of view, clarifications and scope of this article[/b]
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- microsoft - ie type: article +toc: true ----- Internet Explorer 6.0 was officially released on August 27th 2001, and it still runs on millions of computers across the world: it's probably the browser release which has lasted the longest in the entire history of the Internet! While I'm not sure if this is an "achievement" so much as it is an "imposition", Uncle Bill admitted that his latest baby, Internet Explorer 7, is due soon...[b]In the Beginning[/b] Recently (5 months ago, that is) the aforementioned [i]"Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates announced Internet Explorer 7.0, designed to add new levels of security to Windows XP Service Pack 2"[/i]. This happened at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, and although I wasn't there, I can imagine that amongst the oohs and ahhs of the crowd, someone must have whispered "It's about time".
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- writing - internet type: article +toc: true ----- I always liked reading Shakespeare, and I always wanted to have a copy of every one of his plays, tragedies and sonnets on my bookshelf ready for consultation, but such things always seemed unrealistic because I had neither the space for them nor the time to find them all nor the money to spend on them when I did find them. Now I can store the complete works of William Shakespeare directly on my mobile phone, and they take up as little as 1.4 MB compressed...
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- internet - open-source type: article +toc: true ----- I think most of the people who currently use the Internet have tried Microsoft Hotmail[1] at least once. Many of you probably don't use it anymore because you found something better, but the point is that Hotmail has been around for a long time, and so has its authentication method, MSN Passport, which is a universal login system used not only for Hotmail but also for many other non-Microsoft websites and services. If you don't like the idea of using Microsoft-owned technology as an authentication system, we have an alternative for you... [b]Show me your Passport[/b]
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- review - databases type: article +toc: true ----- A few months ago, my old hosting company started having problems with their servers. The servers would go down unexpectedly for 5-10 minutes on a relatively frequent basis, but for some weird reason... the MySQL databases were unusable for a couple of hours afterwards every time. "We had problems with MySQL, BUT the server was up, so we're still within the 99% uptime guarantee"... At the time I was thinking: "If only MySQL databases behaved like plain files..."
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@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ - redcloth

title: - A First Look date: 2008-06-19 07:30:00 +02:00 tags: -- rails ruby writing review +- rails +- ruby +- writing +- review type: article +toc: true ----- When you decided to learn Ruby on Rails (if you did, that is), chances are that you bought a book. I did, too, actually: there are a lot of very interesting and fairly comprehensive books out there after all.
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@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ - review

- cakephp - rails type: article +toc: true ----- There are various articles online examining many PHP frameworks, providing short reviews or comparative charts, but I could not find yet an article examining the so called _"Rails-inspired frameworks"_ anywhere on the web, so I decided to write my own...
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- writing - rant type: article +toc: true ----- Lately I've been meandering around the web to find a good CMS for a family site I'd like to set up. Why a CMS? Well, for a few simple reasons:
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title: Rails to Italy 2007 date: 2007-07-07 13:15:00 +02:00 tags: -- rails italy +- rails +- italy type: article +toc: true ----- So it looks like there will be a "Rails conference in Italy", after all. In Pisa as well, and that's maybe even less than 2 hours drive from where I live (Genoa)! _Sounds cool!_ -Well, the entrance fee put me off a bit, I daresay (€89 if you book before August 1st, more otherwise), but it would be great to go there. +Well, the entrance fee put me off a bit, I daresay (€89 if you book before August 1st, more otherwise), but it would be great to go there. They are actually looking for speakers too, pity that at the moment I don't have anything prepared, but who knows... There's free entrance (and beer) for speakers, apparently, which it wouldn't be bad, but unfortunately my girlfriend would have to pay though, of course. We'll see what happens, for now I'm just going to promote the thing on my site (see the banner on the side).
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title: "New Release: RawLine 0.2.0" date: 2008-04-02 05:33:00 +02:00 tags: -- ruby programming opensource rawline +- ruby +- programming +- opensource +- rawline type: article +toc: true ----- -InLine- RawLine 0.2.0 is out!
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filters_pre: - erb - redcloth -title: "RawLine 0.3.0 released \xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xE2\x80\x9D now with Readline emulation" +title: "RawLine 0.3.0 released \xE2\x80\x94 now with Readline emulation" date: 2009-03-01 07:47:00 +01:00 tags: -- ruby opensource rawline +- ruby +- opensource +- rawline type: article +toc: true ----- "RawLine":/rawline 0.3.0 has been "released": This new milestones fixes some minor bugs and adds some new functionalities, must notably:
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title: Real-world Rawline usage date: 2009-03-07 04:54:00 +01:00 tags: -- ruby rawline +- ruby +- rawline type: article +toc: true ----- So I finally decided to update "RawLine":/rawline last week, and I added a more Readline-like API. When I first started the project, I was determined _not_ to do that, because the current Readline wrapper shipped with Ruby is not very Ruby-ish: it's a wrapper, after all!
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title: "Announcement: RedBook v0.2.0 released" date: 2007-10-08 05:05:00 +02:00 tags: -- redbook ruby productivity opensource +- redbook +- ruby +- productivity +- opensource type: article +toc: true ----- <blockquote> _"Release Early, Release Often"_
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title: "Announcement: RedBook v0.3.0 released" date: 2007-10-25 07:18:00 +02:00 tags: -- redbook ruby productivity opensource +- redbook +- ruby +- productivity +- opensource type: article +toc: true ----- It's time for a new beta release of RedBook. This was actually going to be a fairly modest release in terms of features, but I actually ended up implementing a lot more than expected, even things which were planned for the first production release 1.0. So, let's see what's new
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title: "Announcement: RedBook v0.4.0 released" date: 2007-11-28 08:34:00 +01:00 tags: -- opensource productivity redbook ruby +- opensource +- productivity +- redbook +- ruby type: article +toc: true ----- I'm pleased to announce a new release of the RedBook daily logging and time tracking script. This release introduces two new operations, four stats-related directives and a brand new Windows Installer able to setup RedBook in a blink, with (almost) no configuration at all.
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title: "Announcement: RedBook v0.5.0 released" date: 2007-12-16 08:07:00 +01:00 tags: -- opensource productivity redbook ruby +- opensource +- productivity +- redbook +- ruby type: article +toc: true ----- This new beta release of RedBook introduces quite a few changes when it comes to configuration and setup. Here's some highlights...h3. Regexp changes

@@ -22,7 +26,7 @@ h3. Variables

A new, interesting feature I decided to introduce in this release is _variables_. For now you define them inside your rbconfig.yml file, like this: -<typo:code> +<% highlight :text do %> :var_monday_morning: "monday at 8 am" :var_friday_evening: "friday at 8 pm"
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title: RedBook - A simple Ruby program for your daily logging needs date: 2007-09-29 14:05:00 +02:00 tags: -- ruby productivity software tools redbook +- ruby +- productivity +- software +- tools +- redbook type: article +toc: true ----- Logging your daily activities is important. If you don't believe me you'd better check at least these three posts on LifeHacker, which feature different scripts and applications:
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- tools - books type: article +toc: true ----- When it comes to software, I definitely like to try out new things. My collegues takes the piss out of me because every -week- day I come up with "some new tool they _have_ to start using" and so on. -As a matter of fact, I like reviewing software as well. I enjoy writing and analyzing new things, evaluating all the new possibilities they may offer, and I also tend to have a rather critical eye for what doesn't _feel_ right. I'll use a tool for months but still try out new ones which claim to do the same thing — but better — as they come out. -Unfortunately — or fortunately, depends how you look at it — when it comes to software, there are very few _silver bullets_, and things keep changing: that's the way it is and the way it will be. +As a matter of fact, I like reviewing software as well. I enjoy writing and analyzing new things, evaluating all the new possibilities they may offer, and I also tend to have a rather critical eye for what doesn't _feel_ right. I'll use a tool for months but still try out new ones which claim to do the same thing — but better — as they come out. +Unfortunately — or fortunately, depends how you look at it — when it comes to software, there are very few _silver bullets_, and things keep changing: that's the way it is and the way it will be. I must try to write up a page (and ideally update it regularly, that's the hard part) listing all the tools I use, at some point... but at any rate, if you coded some new app you think kicks ass or you found a hidden jewel in the labyrinth of freeware, just let me know: I'll definitely try it out, and if it's worth a post I'll blog about it. *The same applies to books*, actually, as I like reading, especially those which are related to Ruby or programming, nowadays. The cost of such reviews and articles? Depends! Certainly I wouldn't mind donations or some compensation of some form, especially from publishers or software companies. It may be money, books, software or even nothing: it really depends on what I have to review. -Please be aware that I am *not* doing this full time, and I already have a job and a fiancée to look after, but I'll do my best to publish as much as I can on my site or even elsewhere elsewhere [Note: on e-zines, magazines & similar, not on your brother's friend's mother-in-law's crappy blog!]. +Please be aware that I am *not* doing this full time, and I already have a job and a fiancée to look after, but I'll do my best to publish as much as I can on my site or even elsewhere elsewhere [Note: on e-zines, magazines & similar, not on your brother's friend's mother-in-law's crappy blog!]. -For any inquiries, contact me (*h3rald [—at—]*). +For any inquiries, contact me (*h3rald [—at—]*).
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- rails - tutorial type: article +toc: true ----- This article is an attempt to port a famous Ruby on Rails tutorial to PHP using an emerging PHP MVC framework, CakePHP. CakePHP was inspired by Rails' philosophy of Rapid Application Development. It implements a lot of the features and concepts that made Ruby on Rails popular in a very short time. Although Ruby's syntax and way of doing things is known to be much more elegant than other programming languages, there is yet hope for PHP to get more organized and effi cient. This tutorial will follow its Rails counterpart step-by-step, covering the essential steps to create a simple, yet fully functional, web application. Register on the "International PHP Magazine":,id,20,archive,2,noeid,20,.html to read the full article.
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title: A glance at Ruby facets date: 2007-07-01 12:11:00 +02:00 tags: -- ruby review programming +- ruby +- review +- programming type: article +toc: true ----- _"Code is poetry"._
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2008-11-15 14:48:00 +01:00

tags: - ruby type: article +toc: true ----- "[Vai alla versione italiana]":#italian-version

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h2. &Egrave; finalmente disponibile la traduzione italiana di -Sono veramente contento di annunciare che il sito ufficiale del linguaggio di programmazione Ruby è ora disponibile anche in Italiano: +Sono veramente contento di annunciare che il sito ufficiale del linguaggio di programmazione Ruby è ora disponibile anche in Italiano: *""* h3. In principio... -Tutto incominciò nel luglio del 2007, quando dopo un'occhiata più da vicino al sito mi accorsi che apparentemente non era disponibile in italiano! Com'era possibile? Era già tradotto in molte lingue tra cui francese, spagnolo, giapponese, coreano... ma niente italiano. +Tutto incominciò nel luglio del 2007, quando dopo un'occhiata più da vicino al sito mi accorsi che apparentemente non era disponibile in italiano! Com'era possibile? Era già tradotto in molte lingue tra cui francese, spagnolo, giapponese, coreano... ma niente italiano. -Mandai immediatamente un'email al webmaster, e in poche ore "Curt Hibbs": (già , proprio "quel": Curt Hibbs!) mi inviò le istruzioni su come iniziare a tradurre: +Mandai immediatamente un'email al webmaster, e in poche ore "Curt Hibbs": (già, proprio "quel": Curt Hibbs!) mi inviò le istruzioni su come iniziare a tradurre: <blockquote> -"[...] La traduzione del sito di Ruby è articolata in due parti: 1) la traduzione iniziale degli attuali contenuti e 2) il continuo aggiornamento della versione italiana ogniqualvolta vengono create nuove pagine. +"[...] La traduzione del sito di Ruby è articolata in due parti: 1) la traduzione iniziale degli attuali contenuti e 2) il continuo aggiornamento della versione italiana ogniqualvolta vengono create nuove pagine. -Questo sforzo è molto più sostenibile nel lungo termine se riesci a mettere insieme una squadra di almeno tre persone dedite a tradurre e ad aggiornare il sito. [...]" +Questo sforzo è molto più sostenibile nel lungo termine se riesci a mettere insieme una squadra di almeno tre persone dedite a tradurre e ad aggiornare il sito. [...]" </blockquote> -...Perchè _tre_ persone per tradurre "solo poche pagine"? Questo quello che mi chiesi in quel momento: sembrava veramente essere una questione di pochi giorni, e sicuramente una persona sarebbe stata più che sufficiente. Successivamente capii perchè tre persone erano necessarie. +...Perchè _tre_ persone per tradurre "solo poche pagine"? Questo quello che mi chiesi in quel momento: sembrava veramente essere una questione di pochi giorni, e sicuramente una persona sarebbe stata più che sufficiente. Successivamente capii perchè tre persone erano necessarie. -Comunque, non ero il primo ad offrirmi volontario per la traduzione italiana: *"Raul Parolari":* si era già fatto avanti, ma stava ancora aspettando altre due persone per poter iniziare, ovviamente. +Comunque, non ero il primo ad offrirmi volontario per la traduzione italiana: *"Raul Parolari":* si era già fatto avanti, ma stava ancora aspettando altre due persone per poter iniziare, ovviamente. Alla fine, riuscimmo comunque a persuadere Curt che _ce la potevamo fare_, anche senza una tersa persona ad aiutarci. Incominciammo a tradurre quindi di buona lena, e di fatto riuscimmo a tradurre molto durante la prima settimana. -h3. Tradurre è facile, non è così? +h3. Tradurre è facile, non è così? -Tradurre dall'inglese all'italiano sembra facile se sei madrelingua e conosci bene l'inglese: non può essere difficile, giusto? Facilissimo, ovvio. -Per la maggior parte è così, di fatto: facile e veloce. Ma le cose tendono a complicarsi un pochettino quando hai a che fare con modi di dire e linguaggio un po' più tecnico. +Tradurre dall'inglese all'italiano sembra facile se sei madrelingua e conosci bene l'inglese: non può essere difficile, giusto? Facilissimo, ovvio. +Per la maggior parte è così, di fatto: facile e veloce. Ma le cose tendono a complicarsi un pochettino quando hai a che fare con modi di dire e linguaggio un po' più tecnico. -Personalmente, non vado mai su siti italiani. &Egrave; una mia scelta personale (mi piace tantissimo la lingua inglese), e ho imparato a non fare caso a quello che gli altri pensano di questa scelta. Devo ammettere che è stato difficile per me tradurre alcune parti del sito di Ruby: non perchè fossero difficili da capire, ma perchè in qualche caso una traduzione non è semplicemente in grado di rendere giustizia al testo originale. +Personalmente, non vado mai su siti italiani. &Egrave; una mia scelta personale (mi piace tantissimo la lingua inglese), e ho imparato a non fare caso a quello che gli altri pensano di questa scelta. Devo ammettere che è stato difficile per me tradurre alcune parti del sito di Ruby: non perchè fossero difficili da capire, ma perchè in qualche caso una traduzione non è semplicemente in grado di rendere giustizia al testo originale. -Alcuni pezzi della traduzione, per questa ragione, potrebbero suonare un po' strani alle orecchie di Italiani d.o.c., specialmente per quanto riguarda gli esempi di codice. Alla fine abbiamo deciso di tradurre la maggior parte del codice (ove possibile, ovviamente): @puts sentence@ è quindi diventato @puts frase@, e altri simili orrori. Qualche volta mi chiedo se non avessimo fatto meglio a lasciare il codice originale così com'era, ma d'altra parta abbiamo cercato di fare il possibile per rendere le cose più semplici anche per persone che non sanno una parola di inglese. +Alcuni pezzi della traduzione, per questa ragione, potrebbero suonare un po' strani alle orecchie di Italiani d.o.c., specialmente per quanto riguarda gli esempi di codice. Alla fine abbiamo deciso di tradurre la maggior parte del codice (ove possibile, ovviamente): @puts sentence@ è quindi diventato @puts frase@, e altri simili orrori. Qualche volta mi chiedo se non avessimo fatto meglio a lasciare il codice originale così com'era, ma d'altra parta abbiamo cercato di fare il possibile per rendere le cose più semplici anche per persone che non sanno una parola di inglese. h3. Stagnazione -Col tempo, l'iniziale interesse nella traduzione è andato affievolendosi, lo ammetto. Sia io che Raul abbiamo praticamente interrotto la traduzione ad un certo punto, e mi dispiace veramente tanto. Sapete com'è: incominci entusiasta e poi piano piano inizi a perdere interesse, ti dedichi ad altri progetti, il lavoro, la famiglia, eccetera. +Col tempo, l'iniziale interesse nella traduzione è andato affievolendosi, lo ammetto. Sia io che Raul abbiamo praticamente interrotto la traduzione ad un certo punto, e mi dispiace veramente tanto. Sapete com'è: incominci entusiasta e poi piano piano inizi a perdere interesse, ti dedichi ad altri progetti, il lavoro, la famiglia, eccetera. -*"Davide D'Agostino":* venne in nostro aiuto nel Dicembre 2007. Penso che sia quello "più italiano" del gruppo, tanto da essere in grado di proporre soluzioni interessanti per alcuni pezzi particolarmente difficili da tradurre. Che ci crediate oppure no, l'80% del sito era pronto e tradotto all'inizio del 2008: rimanevano solamente alcune piccole parti ancora da tradurre, e poi... beh, abbiamo un po' lasciato perdere, di nuovo. La traduzione del sito era tra le mie cose da fare, c'è sempre stata: "Sì, certo, _dovrei_ dare un'occhiata a"... mi sono ripetuto questa frase periodicamente, senza di fatto fare nulla. +*"Davide D'Agostino":* venne in nostro aiuto nel Dicembre 2007. Penso che sia quello "più italiano" del gruppo, tanto da essere in grado di proporre soluzioni interessanti per alcuni pezzi particolarmente difficili da tradurre. Che ci crediate oppure no, l'80% del sito era pronto e tradotto all'inizio del 2008: rimanevano solamente alcune piccole parti ancora da tradurre, e poi... beh, abbiamo un po' lasciato perdere, di nuovo. La traduzione del sito era tra le mie cose da fare, c'è sempre stata: "Sì, certo, _dovrei_ dare un'occhiata a"... mi sono ripetuto questa frase periodicamente, senza di fatto fare nulla. -Poi, finalmente, due settimane fa mi sono deciso a finire il lavoro traducendo le poche pagine rimaste, revisionando il tutto, facendo un po' di pulizie qua e là , ed ecco qui: il sito può ora essere visitato da tutti gli italiani che lo desiderano. +Poi, finalmente, due settimane fa mi sono deciso a finire il lavoro traducendo le poche pagine rimaste, revisionando il tutto, facendo un po' di pulizie qua e là, ed ecco qui: il sito può ora essere visitato da tutti gli italiani che lo desiderano. -La cosa più ironica? Sono bastate solo poche oro di "lavoro" per mettere le cose a posto, ma quasi un anno per trovare finalmente la forza di volontà per farlo... +La cosa più ironica? Sono bastate solo poche oro di "lavoro" per mettere le cose a posto, ma quasi un anno per trovare finalmente la forza di volontà per farlo... h3. E adesso? -Ora il sito è accessibile e lo terremo aggiornato d'ora in avanti. -Spero sinceramente che possa contribuire ad avvicinare sempre più italiani al mondo di Ruby, anche se sono sicuro che ci sono moltissime altre persone là fuori che avrebbero fatto un lavoro più ben fatto del nostro, e sicuramente in tempi molto più brevi... ma dopotutto, alla fine ce l'abbiamo fatta, no? +Ora il sito è accessibile e lo terremo aggiornato d'ora in avanti. +Spero sinceramente che possa contribuire ad avvicinare sempre più italiani al mondo di Ruby, anche se sono sicuro che ci sono moltissime altre persone là fuori che avrebbero fatto un lavoro più ben fatto del nostro, e sicuramente in tempi molto più brevi... ma dopotutto, alla fine ce l'abbiamo fatta, no? -Vorrei spendere ancora due parole per ringraziare nuovamente *"Raul Parolari":* e *"Davide D'Agostino":* per avermi aiutato a tradurre questo sito. Finalmente ora capisco perchè Curt voleva tre persone nel gruppo di traduzione! +Vorrei spendere ancora due parole per ringraziare nuovamente *"Raul Parolari":* e *"Davide D'Agostino":* per avermi aiutato a tradurre questo sito. Finalmente ora capisco perchè Curt voleva tre persone nel gruppo di traduzione! -Un'ultima cosa: se qualcuno di voi trova un errore (e ce ne saranno molti, ne sono sicuro), o se ha un suggerimento per migliorare l'attuale traduzione, può "contattarmi":/about/: cercherò di correggere il sito quanto prima possibile. +Un'ultima cosa: se qualcuno di voi trova un errore (e ce ne saranno molti, ne sono sicuro), o se ha un suggerimento per migliorare l'attuale traduzione, può "contattarmi":/about/: cercherò di correggere il sito quanto prima possibile. E ora, divertitevi con Ruby, ora anche "in italiano":!
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title: Thanks date: 2007-09-14 11:43:00 +02:00 tags: -- ruby writing internet +- ruby +- writing +- internet type: article +toc: true ----- It looks like my "last article":/articles/ten-reasons-to-learn-ruby was not too bad after all. Quite a few thousands of people ended up reading it since it was published nearly 10 days ago: not too bad.
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- php - databases type: article +toc: true ----- The first and most obvious difference between, say, a C++ programmer and a PHP developer is that the PHP developer needs a server with PHP support up and running somewhere in order to "show" others that the application is working. This normally means that a PHP developer must either have remote access to a server, or have one set up on his machine. Installing and configuring a server can be tricky sometimes, especially if you want to configure it "properly", but in some cases - for Linux/BSD users mainly - there are some pre-configured servers you can download and install.
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title: "Simply on Rails - Part 1: Concepts and Bubbles" date: 2007-07-07 07:43:00 +02:00 tags: -- rails website web20 +- rails +- website +- web20 type: article +toc: true ----- The first thing I do when I start developing a new application is write down some ideas.
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title: "Simply on Rails - Part 2: Database Design" date: 2007-07-14 11:27:00 +02:00 tags: -- rails databases +- rails +- databases type: article +toc: true ----- This week I attended a course for work on how to _Implement Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2005_. An interesting course indeed, which made me realize how feature-rich Bill's product is, compared to the Open Source alternatives like MySQL. It also made me realize how nice it is to implement database-related logic (read: Models) using a _proper_ programming language rather than using triggers, stored procedures, functions and other goodies offered by Transact-SQL.
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@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ date: 2007-07-22 06:03:00 +02:00

tags: - rails type: article +toc: true ----- Enough with concepts, ideas and diagrams: it's time to start coding something. Everyone knows what's the first step when creating a Rails applications, but anyhow, here it is:

@@ -150,26 +151,26 @@ The views? Modified accordingly:

%{color:red}*app/views/lite/edit.rb*% <% highlight :ruby do %> -<h1>Editing <%= @item_name %></h1> +<h1>Editing &lt;%= @item_name %&gt;</h1> -<% form_tag :action => 'update', :id => @item do %> - <%= render :partial => 'lite/form' %> - <%= submit_tag 'Edit' %> -<% end %> +&lt;% form_tag :action => 'update', :id => @item do %&gt; + &lt;%= render :partial => 'lite/form' %&gt; + &lt;%= submit_tag 'Edit' %&gt; +&lt;% end %&gt; -<%= link_to 'Show', :action => 'show', :id => @item %> | -<%= link_to 'Back', :action => 'list' %> +&lt;%= link_to 'Show', :action => 'show', :id => @item %&gt; | +&lt;%= link_to 'Back', :action => 'list' %&gt; <% end %> %{color:red}*app/views/lite/_form.rb*% <% highlight :ruby do %> -<%= error_messages_for 'item' %> +&lt;%= error_messages_for 'item' %&gt; <!--[form:lite]--> -<p><label for="<%= @item_name.downcase %>_name">Name: </label> -<%= text_field @item_name.downcase, 'name', {:value =>} %></p> -<% if @item.methods.include?('level') then %> - <p><label for="<%= @item_name.downcase %>_level">Level: </label> - <%= text_field @item_name.downcase, 'level', {:value => @item.level} %></p> -<% end %> +<p><label for="&lt;%= @item_name.downcase %&gt;_name">Name: </label> +&lt;%= text_field @item_name.downcase, 'name', {:value =>} %&gt;</p> +&lt;% if @item.methods.include?('level') then %&gt; + <p><label for="&lt;%= @item_name.downcase %&gt;_level">Level: </label> + &lt;%= text_field @item_name.downcase, 'level', {:value => @item.level} %&gt;</p> +&lt;% end %&gt; <!--[eoform:lite]--> <% end %>
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title: "Simply On Rails - Part 4: Quick and Easy Default Data Migrations" date: 2007-09-15 13:10:00 +02:00 tags: -- rails ruby databases +- rails +- ruby +- databases type: article +toc: true ----- In the "last post": of this series I tried to find a DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself) solution to deal with tables storing "ancillary" data, i.e. names of user roles, predefined categories, page state names and other similar things. I personally chose to put this kind of data to make my application more dynamic, although I could have decided to use ENUMs or simply ordinary varchar fields -- that would have been easier, but less flexible. For now, I'm sticking with my original choice.
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@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ - redcloth

title: Simply on Rails? date: 2007-06-30 06:00:00 +02:00 tags: -- " rails web20" +- rails +- web20 type: article +toc: true ----- So finally my site is back up, I don't have to worry about coding anymore: just writing about whatever I like, no more Cake, no more MVC, no more frameworks...
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- linux - review type: article +toc: true ----- How can I learn how to use Linux? Simple, you grab a copy of any of the twelve thousands different 'distros' available out there, and you install it on your PC, hoping not to damage your existing Windows installation (if any). Or there's a more lazy and safe way, get one of the few dozens of 'Linux live CDs', burn the cd, boot from it, and you're all set...It's true, nowadays the best solutions for Linux newbies is trying out a few [i]live CDs[/i] before installing [i]the real deal[/i] on their machines: it's safe(r), takes less time and it's much more fun. Yes, some people may object saying that the fun in learning Linux is installing it on your hard drive first, but a few people I know who 'accidentally' overwrote their Master Boot Record or 'accidentally' damaged their Windows installation might disagree there...
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- review - internet type: article +toc: true ----- Social bookmarking[1] is perhaps one of the pillars of Web 2.0, allowing people to save, tag and share their Internet bookmarks online anytime, anywhere. Since _del.icio.us_[2] came out, the Web is not the same anymore: no more IE favourites or Firefox bookmarks, no more "Save page as..." etc., people nowadays want to do _everything_ online without being bond to a single computer, and also make everything they do or read public - apparently. This is one of the key concepts of Web 2.0[3]: sharing information in a quick and easy way, without any was the first, but of course not the only one social bookmarking system which became popular in a few months: many other followed its example, many companies developed their own alternative to, adding and removing features, changing bits etc. etc. Result: someone said that _"[...] There is almost 1 new social bookmark/digg like service appears one daily basis [...]"_[4].
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- databases - review type: article +toc: true ----- MySQL[1] is a great database solution. Literally millions of people who use it can tell you that it is a well-performing, feature-rich database solution for almost any size project: it is low-cost (often free), and available on the majority of webservers all over the world. When I first discovered MySQL while learning some basic PHP programming, I almost immediately wondered how I'd effectively access MySQL and manage my databases other than through PHP code or command line. I was pointed to PHPMyAdmin[2], which I still use as a quick, general-purpose MySQL front-end. However, I wondered if there was anything better than that, and maybe not confined within a browser window...

@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ After specifying your credentials, the program will connect to the MySQL server and list all of the available databases in an Explorer-like left side panel. All tables can be accessed by clicking once on the corresponding database. All column fields, indexes and triggers (if any) are displayed by clicking on each table name.

[i]So when I click on a database or a table the corresponding structure is displayed, right?[/i] -Wrong. When you do that, nothing happens. Remember the multi-tabbed lower panel, which is supposed to display results, table data, objects, etc.? Well, the focus is set to the [i]Result[/i] column by default, so if you want to display the database or table structure you need to click on the [i]Objects[/i] table, and voil� , the structure appears. Fortunately this behaviour can be changed by modifying the program's options, through the Tools menu. +Wrong. When you do that, nothing happens. Remember the multi-tabbed lower panel, which is supposed to display results, table data, objects, etc.? Well, the focus is set to the [i]Result[/i] column by default, so if you want to display the database or table structure you need to click on the [i]Objects[/i] table, and voil� , the structure appears. Fortunately this behaviour can be changed by modifying the program's options, through the Tools menu. Clicking on [i]Table data[/i] will display the first 50 records of the selected table, while the [i]Result[/i] and [i]Messages[/i] tabs will still be empty; the editor wasn't used, so there's no result to show, and we didn't get any errors or other messages from MySQL yet, so everything is as it should be.
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title: Text Link Ads sidebar for Typo date: 2007-11-17 04:47:00 +01:00 tags: -- rails opensource +- rails +- opensource type: article +toc: true ----- I thought it would be nice to share the code of the sidebar I created to display "Text Link Ads": sponsor links on my Typo powered blog.
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- writing - travelling type: article +toc: true ----- Recently I got this rather short email from a guy named Daniel Lampinen:
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- books - review type: article +toc: true ----- > "Programming books are pointless: you buy them, you read them and you chuck them because they're already out-of-date!" <div style="float:right"><img src="/files/therailsway.jpeg" alt="cover" /></div> -This is a quote from my fiancée, who always pointed out the ephemeral nature of programming books and therefore _highly discouraged me_ from buying any more. The sad thing is that this is partly true: if you buy a new programming book it _will_ eventually become outdated pretty quickly, especially if it's about newish technologies like [Ruby on Rails]( +This is a quote from my fiancée, who always pointed out the ephemeral nature of programming books and therefore _highly discouraged me_ from buying any more. The sad thing is that this is partly true: if you buy a new programming book it _will_ eventually become outdated pretty quickly, especially if it's about newish technologies like [Ruby on Rails]( _[The Rails Way]( is no exception: Rails 2.2 has been out for a while and introduced a few new features &ndash; most notably Internationalization support &ndash; which are not mentioned neither in this book nor in others. That being said, _The Rails Way_ by [Obie Fernandez]( is still the best and most comprehensive book on Rails v2 currently on the market. It's the book you simply cannot afford to ignore, if you are using (or are planning to use) this popular Ruby web framework.### Contents
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title: Thoughts on Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5 date: 2008-06-13 05:18:00 +02:00 tags: -- browsers review firefox opera +- browsers +- review +- firefox +- opera type: article +toc: true ----- Opera 9.5 is out, Firefox 3 too (more or less), so, which browser are you going to use today? This new generatio of browsers offers plenty of new, innovative features and improvements over the past, in both cases:

@@ -126,7 +130,7 @@ * The performance improvements, especially concerning memory management and the rendering of pages making extensive use of Javascript

Opera, on the other hand, charmes me for what it can do out-of-the-box: it's fast, sleek, has almost everything I need with no configuration at all. It's ideal if you use multiple systems, including mobile devices. -Definitely I will not abandon any of the two as for now: I'll probaly use Firefox for a more enhanced browsing experience, but I'll definitely use Opera when I'm in a hurry to look something up for example, and every time my fiancée is using Firefox on the same account. +Definitely I will not abandon any of the two as for now: I'll probaly use Firefox for a more enhanced browsing experience, but I'll definitely use Opera when I'm in a hurry to look something up for example, and every time my fiancée is using Firefox on the same account. There's no absolute winner in the Browser Wars yet: just different browsers for different occasions!
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2007-09-24 05:48:00 +02:00

tags: - rails type: article +toc: true ----- Lately I've been reading quite a bit about Rails' REST approach, and to be totally honest I'm not 100% convinced it can always be a good idea. The purpose of this post is to re-evaluate the situation, and ask other people their opinion on the matter.

@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ * "Looking for a good argument against REST":

* "RESTful Myths: Unraveling the Confusion": -* "Why Can’t Web Apps Be REST-ful?": +* "Why Can’t Web Apps Be REST-ful?": The bottom line is: is REST really worth the hassle? Especially for small and simple applications like a blog, is it really worthwhile to coerce myself to adopt a RESTful approach when I could accomplish exactly the same things with much less hassle?
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title: "Too many cooks... take #2" date: 2007-09-02 06:41:00 +02:00 tags: -- cakephp writing rant +- cakephp +- writing +- rant type: article +toc: true ----- Today I was not going to post on my blog. I have the flu, I don't feel very well so I started reading some news feeds on Google Reader. That lasted for about half an hour, so I decided to check my old Netvibes account where I kept other feeds, including a bunch of CakePHP-related blogs. Two posts immediately grab my attention: -"I don’t trust CakePHP or what should you say in public?": +"I don’t trust CakePHP or what should you say in public?": and

@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ That's because it might have put "CakePHP and the team in a bad light". Well, I don't know about that, but definitely now it IS in a bad light!

I even found a bunch of comment which link this incident to what happened to me a few months ago: -_"I said it when Fabio/H3rald left, and I’ll say it again—I think the biggest weakness of Cake is that the core dev team is quick to cut people out who don’t hold to every dogma the devs do. Fundamentalism, ego, call it what you will, a great community will only count for so long if the core keeps alienating its biggest allies. (not that they’re neccessarily alienating you, dho. I truly hope you stick around. You do seem to be taking it well.)"_ +_"I said it when Fabio/H3rald left, and I’ll say it again—I think the biggest weakness of Cake is that the core dev team is quick to cut people out who don’t hold to every dogma the devs do. Fundamentalism, ego, call it what you will, a great community will only count for so long if the core keeps alienating its biggest allies. (not that they’re neccessarily alienating you, dho. I truly hope you stick around. You do seem to be taking it well.)"_ ^^^ Whoever you are, you're 100% right.
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- review - software type: article +toc: true ----- If you asked me what file manager I used on Windows, up to a month ago I'd have answered something like: "A43": or "CubicExplorer":, for sure _anything but Windows Explorer_. Well, it turns out that I had to change my mind after all...

@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ * Close \- Close current tab

* Lock \- Lock current tab * Topmost \- Force explorer to stay on top of other windows -Then I decided to enable the *Links* Explorer toolbar, which can be configured to display bookarks and shortcuts placed in the Favorites > Links folder. As shortcuts, I dragged each drive available on my system and voilà : poor man's Drive Toolbar! Unfortunately, unlike in the _proper_ drive toolbars offered by alternative file managers, all drive shortcuts will remain there (with a red question mark) even when the drive is not connected to the system. I can live with that. +Then I decided to enable the *Links* Explorer toolbar, which can be configured to display bookarks and shortcuts placed in the Favorites > Links folder. As shortcuts, I dragged each drive available on my system and voilà: poor man's Drive Toolbar! Unfortunately, unlike in the _proper_ drive toolbars offered by alternative file managers, all drive shortcuts will remain there (with a red question mark) even when the drive is not connected to the system. I can live with that. Right to the address bar (we're going to substitute it in the next section though), I decided to place *QT ToolBar 2*, which is available - hear, hear - after installing the QT ToolVar 2 extension. At first it looks like a search filter toolbar, and yes, it can be used for this _as well_ Just type .jpg in the search box and it will show only the JPG files in the current folder. Easy enough.
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- internet - web-development type: article +toc: true ----- Everybody from magazines to canned pasta sellers wants a website to promote their business, but you need to promote your site before you promote your products or services through it. In Part 1 of this article, I will explain some of the basics of promoting a website, and show you how to implement a cost-free strategy to get the search engine placement you need to promote your website.[b]The Necessity of Website Promotion[/b] As the World Wide Web kept growing over the years, people soon realised that keeping updated [i]list[/i]s of all the available pages on the Net was an impossible and pointless job. It became necessary to develop a new way to easily find and access the massive amount of content on the Web, and that is when [i]search engines[/i] became a reality.
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- ajax - web-development type: article +toc: true ----- [i]"The Web is changing. The 30-year-old terminal-like technology it was originally is gradually giving way to new ways of doing things. The power of AJAX allows for rich user interaction without the trouble that has bugged traditional web applications."[/i]This is the introduction to the[1] website, and regardless your opinion about the so-called AJAX [i]programming technique[/i], they are fundamentally right: the web is changing. AJAX is at least one way to do things in a different way, enhancing - although arguably, in some cases - users' browsing experience.
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- ruby - programming type: article +toc: true ----- Back when I wrote my "10 reasons to learn Ruby":/articles/10-reasons-to-learn-ruby article, I mentioned "RubyGems": in _Reason #1_ as one of they key features of the Ruby programming languages. Indeed, gems make getting Ruby programs as easy as typing @gem install <something>@ from the command line. When you want to distribute something new in Ruby, there's no need to give people download links, zip files or setup programs, just "tell them to get the gem": That's perfectly normal, and extremely cool.

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h3. Can we just have git, please? -RubyForge had, until recently, one major problem: it only allowed CVS and SVN repositories, and you had to make your choice when creating the project, once and for all. So when the cool guys at "GitHub": rolled out their _social code hosting_ web site, most of the _créme de la créme_ of RubyForge flocked there in mass migration: "Rails":, "Merb":, "RSpec": you name it. +RubyForge had, until recently, one major problem: it only allowed CVS and SVN repositories, and you had to make your choice when creating the project, once and for all. So when the cool guys at "GitHub": rolled out their _social code hosting_ web site, most of the _créme de la créme_ of RubyForge flocked there in mass migration: "Rails":, "Merb":, "RSpec": you name it. Once the big guys made the switch, a lot jumped on the GitHub bandwagon of course. Result: we have a lot of projects still on RubyForge, but quite a few (and important ones) on GitHub. Why did people move there? Well, at first it was because they wanted a sleek-looking git host, and RubyForge didn't offer git at the time. But "git is now available on RubyForge":, so why don't people use it?
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tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- !>!
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tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- Available Open Source programs and scripts:
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@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ date: 2009-03-28 07:21:00 +01:00

tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- h2. Concatenative

@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ <% end %>

The program above calculates the factorial of 5, using explicit recursion. -You can use all Ruby methods in Concatenative programs as well, making sure that the right number of arguments (and the method’s receiver) are retrieved from the stack correctly. For this to work, Concatenative must know the arity of the method in advance, so the following rules are applied: +You can use all Ruby methods in Concatenative programs as well, making sure that the right number of arguments (and the method’s receiver) are retrieved from the stack correctly. For this to work, Concatenative must know the arity of the method in advance, so the following rules are applied: * All operators have an arity of 1 * All other method have an arity of 0
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tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- If you need to contact me, feel free to write an email to *h3rald [at]*.
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2009-06-23 08:20:01 +02:00

tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- h2. herald.vim
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2009-03-22 06:50:29 +01:00

tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- h2. Holiday House in Sessarego (GE), Italy

@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ | *TV* | Yes (with DVD player) |

| *Appliances* | Gas cooker, electrical oven, fridge, freezer, dish washer | |_\2. Price | | *October &ndash; May* | *June &ndash; September* | -| 500€/week | 700€/week | +| 500€/week | 700€/week | <div style="padding: 10px;"></div>
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tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- Welcome to, Fabio Cevasco's personal web site. ---
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@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ date: 2009-02-28 14:02:13 +01:00

tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- h2. RawLine

@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ h3. Installation

The simplest method to install RawLine is to install the gem: -<typo:code>gem install rawline<% end %> +<% highlight :text do %>gem install rawline<% end %> h3. Usage

@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ Simply include the RawLine (or Rawline) module:

<% highlight :ruby do %>include Rawline<% end %> -…and you’ll get: +…and you’ll get: <% highlight :ruby do %> readline(prompt, add_history) # RawLine::Editor#read(prompt, add_history)

@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ but also:

<% highlight :ruby do %>Rawline.editor # RawLine::Editor<% end %> -…which opens a world of endless possibilities! ;-) +…which opens a world of endless possibilities! ;-) h3. Resources
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ date: 2009-06-06 05:53:12 +02:00

tags: [] type: page +toc: true ----- h2. Roxanne & Fabio's Wedding