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Fri, 11 Aug 2017 16:32:34 +0200




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181 122 378q0 193 -122 371h48q116 -182 116 -372q0 -193 -116 -377z" /> +<glyph unicode="*" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M159 355l-28 21l96 130l-156 48l12 33l154 -50l-2 160h36l-1 -161l153 53l11 -33l-154 -51l98 -129l-29 -20l-96 131z" /> +<glyph unicode="+" d="M239 116v179h-174v36h174v183h37v-183h174v-36h-174v-179h-37z" /> +<glyph unicode="," horiz-adv-x="211" d="M86 -106h-46q49 74 49 189h45q0 -121 -48 -189z" /> +<glyph unicode="-" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M45 268v38h277v-38h-277z" /> +<glyph unicode="." horiz-adv-x="211" d="M77 0v85h57v-85h-57z" /> +<glyph unicode="/" horiz-adv-x="334" d="M257 698h38l-219 -698h-38z" /> +<glyph unicode="0" horiz-adv-x="541" d="M62 349q0 190 46.5 275t163.5 85t162.5 -84.5t45.5 -275.5t-46.5 -276t-164.5 -85q-117 0 -162 84.5t-45 276.5zM270 28q94 0 129.5 73.5t35.5 247.5t-35.5 247t-129.5 73t-129 -73t-35 -247t35.5 -247.5t128.5 -73.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="1" horiz-adv-x="293" d="M159 0v657h-119v40h163v-697h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="2" horiz-adv-x="473" d="M53 0v131q0 48 9.5 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38q56 -10 109 -10q71 0 101 30.5t30 108.5v527h45v-528q0 -97 -42.5 -137.5t-132.5 -40.5q-61 0 -116 12z" /> +<glyph unicode="K" horiz-adv-x="525" d="M90 0v697h45v-316q45 -2 68 -12l238 328h50l-252 -345q40 -27 82 -83l210 -269h-53l-196 251q-39 52 -68.5 70t-78.5 20v-341h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="L" horiz-adv-x="431" d="M90 0v697h45v-657h270v-40h-315z" /> +<glyph unicode="M" horiz-adv-x="753" d="M685 0h-44l-30 516l-6 138h-3q-18 -56 -197 -520h-54l-199 520h-3q-3 -75 -7 -140l-32 -514h-43l43 697h69q80 -207 129.5 -337.5t59.5 -157.5l9 -28h3q18 61 194 523h70z" /> +<glyph unicode="N" horiz-adv-x="608" d="M90 0v697h68q131 -265 209.5 -428.5t92.5 -194.5l13 -31h2q-1 90 -1 175v479h44v-697h-68q-130 264 -208.5 427.5t-92.5 194.5l-14 32h-3q2 -102 2 -198v-456h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="O" horiz-adv-x="574" d="M62 349q0 189 51 274.5t176 85.5q124 0 174 -85t50 -275t-51.5 -275.5t-176.5 -85.5q-124 0 -173.5 85t-49.5 276zM287 28q101 0 141 74t40 247t-40 246.5t-141 73.5t-141 -74t-40 -246t40 -246.5t141 -74.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="P" horiz-adv-x="516" d="M90 0v697h178q110 0 158 -43.5t48 -154.5q0 -93 -52.5 -148t-159.5 -55h-127v-296h-45zM135 336h127q83 0 125.5 38.5t42.5 125.5q0 90 -37 123.5t-126 33.5h-132v-321z" /> +<glyph unicode="Q" horiz-adv-x="574" d="M62 349q0 189 51 274.5t176 85.5q124 0 174 -85t50 -275q0 -154 -33.5 -238.5t-110.5 -110.5q52 -70 187 -104l-11 -37q-82 19 -135 48t-91 83q-22 -2 -34 -2q-124 0 -173.5 85t-49.5 276zM287 28q101 0 141 74t40 247t-40 246.5t-141 73.5t-141 -74t-40 -246t40 -246.5 t141 -74.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="R" horiz-adv-x="542" d="M90 0v697h178q111 0 158.5 -42t47.5 -152q0 -162 -128 -184q57 -19 95 -127l70 -192h-48l-63 179q-23 66 -51 94t-85 28h-129v-301h-45zM135 341h135q82 0 121 38t39 124q0 89 -37 121.5t-126 32.5h-132v-316z" /> +<glyph unicode="S" horiz-adv-x="481" d="M56 15l8 39q85 -23 168 -23t116 31.5t33 104.5q0 69 -29.5 104.5t-98.5 66.5l-46 21q-76 34 -110.5 72.5t-34.5 117.5q0 157 178 157q88 0 154 -19l-8 -37q-80 16 -141 16q-73 0 -105.5 -29t-32.5 -88q0 -63 27 -92.5t91 -58.5l47 -21q80 -35 116.5 -77t36.5 -133 q0 -92 -42.5 -134t-144.5 -42q-104 0 -182 24z" /> +<glyph unicode="T" horiz-adv-x="443" d="M198 0v657h-178v40h403v-40h-180v-657h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="U" horiz-adv-x="572" d="M83 172v525h45v-523q0 -75 38 -110.5t120 -35.5q81 0 119.5 35.5t38.5 110.5v523h45v-525q0 -184 -203 -184t-203 184z" /> +<glyph unicode="V" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M202 0l-191 697h47l133 -488q33 -123 41 -166h2q1 4 8 31.5t16.5 66t18.5 70.5l132 486h45l-192 -697h-60z" /> +<glyph unicode="W" horiz-adv-x="744" d="M163 0l-137 697h45l100 -515q23 -117 23 -136h2q2 19 29 131l122 510h54l122 -509q25 -105 28 -133h2q0 13 23 132l98 520h44l-135 -697h-60l-110 463q-34 151 -38 179h-2q-9 -56 -39 -179l-112 -463h-59z" /> +<glyph unicode="X" horiz-adv-x="511" d="M255 333h-3q-50 -90 -96 -170l-94 -163h-50l214 363l-196 334h49l77 -129l98 -173h4q54 95 99 173l77 129h48l-198 -335l214 -362h-50l-96 161z" /> +<glyph unicode="Y" horiz-adv-x="474" d="M214 0v305l-213 392h50l143 -265q35 -65 42 -81h2q8 18 43 81l143 265h49l-214 -392v-305h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="Z" horiz-adv-x="464" d="M39 0v20l315 637h-292v40h350v-20l-316 -637h324v-40h-381z" /> +<glyph unicode="[" horiz-adv-x="378" d="M132 -86v864h158v-35h-118v-795h118v-34h-158z" /> +<glyph unicode="\" horiz-adv-x="334" d="M38 698h39l218 -698h-38z" /> +<glyph unicode="]" horiz-adv-x="378" d="M246 778v-864h-158v34h118v795h-118v35h158z" /> +<glyph unicode="^" horiz-adv-x="538" d="M62 394l185 303h44l184 -303h-45l-161 266l-164 -266h-43z" /> +<glyph unicode="_" horiz-adv-x="446" d="M0 -134v34h446v-34h-446z" /> +<glyph unicode="`" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M167 640l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M411 0h-39l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -179 -72q-133 0 -133 140v8q0 80 40.5 115t115.5 44q49 8 155 10v20q0 83 -26.5 110.5t-87.5 27.5q-75 0 -168 -30l-9 36q92 33 181 33q76 0 115 -36t39 -140v-329zM367 105v167q-105 -3 -160 -12t-81 -38t-26 -86q0 -61 25 -84t72 -23 q85 0 170 76z" /> +<glyph unicode="b" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M84 722h44v-210v-24.5v-21.5t-0.5 -16t-0.5 -12v-4h1q88 71 170 71q37 0 62 -9t46.5 -33t32 -72t10.5 -122q0 -87 -14 -144.5t-42 -85.5t-59.5 -38t-77.5 -10q-94 0 -172 37v694zM255 30q27 0 46.5 4t40.5 17.5t33.5 38t21 68t8.5 104.5q0 66 -8 108.5t-24.5 62.5 t-34.5 26.5t-46 6.5q-79 0 -164 -76v-335q62 -25 127 -25z" /> +<glyph unicode="c" horiz-adv-x="403" d="M56 241q0 133 45 198.5t148 65.5q54 0 110 -16l-8 -37q-64 14 -100 14q-80 0 -115 -54.5t-35 -170.5q0 -117 34 -164t116 -47q45 0 101 15l10 -37q-60 -17 -113 -17q-106 0 -149.5 58t-43.5 192z" /> +<glyph unicode="d" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M56 227q0 87 14.5 144.5t42 85.5t58 38t73.5 10q70 0 133 -28h1q-1 16 -1 76v169h45v-722h-40l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -171 -72q-37 0 -62 9t-46.5 33t-32 72t-10.5 122zM377 106v333q-62 27 -127 27q-27 0 -46.5 -4t-40 -18t-33.5 -38.5t-21 -68t-8 -104.5q0 -66 7.5 -108 t24 -62t34.5 -26.5t46 -6.5q81 0 164 76z" /> +<glyph unicode="e" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M56 243q0 144 47.5 204.5t150.5 60.5q83 0 129 -40t46 -108t-27 -94.5t-106 -26.5q-56 0 -113.5 9.5t-81.5 17.5v-29q0 -65 10.5 -107.5t32 -63.5t46 -28.5t61.5 -7.5q78 0 154 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -168 -29q-97 0 -143.5 55.5t-46.5 196.5zM103 303q97 -27 183 -27 q61 0 79.5 18t18.5 66q0 50 -34 80t-96 30q-71 0 -107.5 -39.5t-43.5 -127.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="f" horiz-adv-x="294" d="M286 460h-139v-460h-45v460h-78v36h78v102q0 76 30.5 103.5t89.5 27.5q48 0 98 -9l-6 -37q-49 7 -82 7q-45 0 -65 -19.5t-20 -77.5v-97h145z" /> +<glyph unicode="g" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M173 -233l-7 38q84 15 119 27q30 11 47 22t32 43t15 83v88h-1q-84 -68 -171 -68q-37 0 -62 8.5t-46.5 32t-32 70t-10.5 117.5q0 87 13.5 144t41.5 85t59.5 38t78.5 10q93 0 173 -37v-488q0 -47 -9.5 -81t-28.5 -54t-38 -31t-46 -19q-40 -13 -127 -28zM101 234 q0 -63 7.5 -103t24 -59.5t34.5 -26t46 -6.5q84 0 164 72v329q-62 26 -127 26q-28 0 -47.5 -4t-40.5 -17.5t-33 -38t-20 -68t-8 -104.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="h" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M84 0v722h44v-219l-1 -69h1q88 71 177 71q135 0 135 -146v-359h-45v356q0 63 -26.5 86.5t-71.5 23.5q-82 0 -169 -76v-390h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="i" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M86 0v496h45v-496h-45zM83 594v83h51v-83h-51z" /> +<glyph unicode="j" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M-16 -228l-8 38q39 8 55 15q31 11 43 33.5t12 78.5v559h45v-560q0 -78 -22 -108t-75 -44q-2 0 -19.5 -4.5t-30.5 -7.5zM84 594v83h51v-83h-51z" /> +<glyph unicode="k" horiz-adv-x="459" d="M85 0v722h45v-418q40 -2 63 -12l192 204h55l-208 -221q27 -17 63 -63l168 -212h-52l-152 188q-35 46 -59.5 60t-69.5 17v-265h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="l" horiz-adv-x="242" d="M219 34l5 -38q-20 -5 -54 -5q-42 0 -64 22t-22 86v623h44v-620q0 -46 13 -59t41 -13q23 0 37 4z" /> +<glyph unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="767" d="M84 0v496h40l1 -63h2q74 72 153 72q91 0 118 -79q73 79 156 79q131 0 131 -144v-361h-44v359q0 61 -25.5 84t-68.5 23q-72 0 -142 -78q2 -13 2 -37v-351h-45v355q0 111 -89 111q-71 0 -145 -76v-390h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="n" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M84 0v496h40l1 -63h3q87 72 177 72q135 0 135 -145v-360h-45v357q0 63 -26.5 86t-71.5 23q-82 0 -169 -76v-390h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="o" horiz-adv-x="503" d="M250 -12q-107 0 -150.5 57.5t-43.5 192.5q0 137 46 203.5t151 66.5t149.5 -66t44.5 -204q0 -134 -45 -192t-152 -58zM252 27q82 0 116 47t34 164q0 120 -34.5 175.5t-115.5 55.5t-116 -55t-35 -176q0 -117 34 -164t117 -47z" /> +<glyph unicode="p" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M449 269q0 -87 -14 -144.5t-42 -85.5t-58 -38t-74 -10q-70 0 -133 28h-1q1 -29 1 -69v-173h-44v719h40l1 -63h2q89 72 171 72q37 0 62 -9t46.5 -33t32 -72t10.5 -122zM128 390v-333q59 -27 127 -27q28 0 47.5 4t40.5 18t33.5 38.5t20.5 68t8 104.5q0 66 -8 108t-24.5 62 t-34.5 26.5t-46 6.5q-77 0 -164 -76z" /> +<glyph unicode="q" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M422 -223h-45v215l1 71h-1q-83 -72 -170 -72q-37 0 -62 9t-46.5 33t-32 72t-10.5 122q0 88 13.5 145t41.5 85t59.5 38t78.5 10q93 0 173 -37v-691zM250 466q-28 0 -47.5 -4t-40.5 -17.5t-33 -38.5t-20 -68.5t-8 -104.5q0 -66 7.5 -108t24 -62t34.5 -26.5t46 -6.5 q81 0 164 76v334q-60 26 -127 26z" /> +<glyph unicode="r" horiz-adv-x="339" d="M84 0v496h40l1 -63h3q69 71 154 71q28 0 44 -4l-7 -42q-36 3 -41 3q-84 0 -150 -73v-388h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="s" horiz-adv-x="437" d="M38 22l7 38q110 -30 180 -30q58 0 86.5 18.5t28.5 77.5q0 47 -25 69.5t-88 42.5l-41 13q-71 22 -103 49t-32 87q0 66 38.5 92t109.5 26q83 0 166 -24l-7 -37q-93 22 -154 22q-55 0 -81.5 -17.5t-26.5 -60.5q0 -39 21.5 -58.5t81.5 -38.5l40 -13q80 -25 113 -56.5 t33 -95.5q0 -75 -40.5 -105t-117.5 -30q-93 0 -189 31z" /> +<glyph unicode="t" horiz-adv-x="319" d="M94 101v359h-74v36h74l3 136l42 5v-141h148l-6 -36h-142v-358q0 -45 14 -57.5t48 -12.5q27 0 77 10l9 -36q-41 -13 -94 -13q-52 0 -75.5 21t-23.5 87z" /> +<glyph unicode="u" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M82 496h44v-357q0 -62 26.5 -85.5t71.5 -23.5q84 0 169 76v390h45v-496h-40l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -178 -72q-134 0 -134 145v360z" /> +<glyph unicode="v" horiz-adv-x="430" d="M186 0l-167 496h46l99 -297l50 -160h2q27 86 51 159l97 298h46l-167 -496h-57z" /> +<glyph unicode="w" horiz-adv-x="692" d="M152 0l-129 496h47l75 -296l38 -160h2q26 95 46 163l86 289h60l85 -290l45 -162h3q20 84 40 164l74 292h44l-129 -496h-61l-103 358l-28 94h-2q-14 -48 -27 -94l-107 -358h-59z" /> +<glyph unicode="x" horiz-adv-x="446" d="M22 0l176 261l-155 235h51l97 -148l34 -57q19 33 35 60l94 145h48l-153 -235l175 -261h-52l-108 161l-41 69q-20 -33 -42 -68l-107 -162h-52z" /> +<glyph unicode="y" horiz-adv-x="519" d="M214 0q-135 0 -135 145v351h45v-347q0 -63 26.5 -86.5t71.5 -23.5q89 0 169 72v385h45v-516q0 -90 -32 -129t-89 -56q-44 -14 -128 -28l-7 38q96 19 119 27q30 11 47 22t32 43t15 83v88h-1q-82 -68 -178 -68z" /> +<glyph unicode="z" horiz-adv-x="435" d="M47 0v21l270 436h-248v39h308v-20l-270 -437h286v-39h-346z" /> +<glyph unicode="{" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M124 54v183q0 59 -17.5 78.5t-59.5 19.5v35q42 0 59.5 19.5t17.5 78.5v170q0 81 32 110.5t107 29.5h12v-32h-17q-51 0 -73.5 -22.5t-22.5 -76.5v-179q0 -98 -55 -116q55 -16 55 -117v-190q0 -54 21 -76.5t69 -22.5h23v-32h-22q-68 0 -98.5 30t-30.5 110z" /> +<glyph unicode="|" horiz-adv-x="262" d="M112 -196v1088h39v-1088h-39z" /> +<glyph unicode="}" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M238 237v-183q0 -80 -30.5 -110t-98.5 -30h-22v32h23q48 0 69 22.5t21 76.5v190q0 101 55 117q-55 18 -55 116v179q0 54 -22.5 76.5t-73.5 22.5h-17v32h12q75 0 107 -29.5t32 -110.5v-170q0 -59 17.5 -78.5t59.5 -19.5v-35q-42 0 -59.5 -19.5t-17.5 -78.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="~" horiz-adv-x="527" d="M138 287l-27 24q11 13 19 20.5t23 14t33 6.5q25 0 48 -14t37.5 -30.5t33.5 -30.5t37 -14q19 0 46 27l27 -24q-33 -41 -74 -41q-33 0 -60 22.5t-50 44.5t-46 22q-20 0 -47 -27z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" horiz-adv-x="220" d="M132 351v-547h-44v547h44zM133 501v-78h-46v78h46z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M92 329q0 122 37.5 187.5t123.5 74.5v106h35v-104q61 -2 107 -16l-8 -37q-64 14 -100 14q-80 0 -115 -54t-35 -171t34 -163.5t116 -46.5q45 0 101 15l10 -37q-54 -18 -110 -18v-96h-35v97q-88 8 -124.5 67t-36.5 182z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M154 374v144q0 188 178 188q73 0 123 -16l-9 -36q-54 13 -111 13q-71 0 -103.5 -36.5t-32.5 -113.5v-143h99v-32h-99v-302h289v-40h-422v40h88v302h-74v32h74z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" horiz-adv-x="699" d="M135 116l-24 24l58 59q-55 66 -55 154q0 84 56 153l-59 61l24 24l59 -60q68 60 155 60q89 0 156 -62l60 60l24 -24l-60 -61q55 -69 55 -151q0 -87 -54 -153l57 -57l-24 -24l-57 56q-68 -63 -157 -63q-87 0 -157 62zM349 147q83 0 141 60.5t58 145.5q0 84 -58.5 143.5 t-140.5 59.5t-140.5 -59.5t-58.5 -143.5q0 -85 58.5 -145.5t140.5 -60.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M138 321h107l-204 376h50l143 -265q35 -65 42 -81h2q8 18 43 81l143 265h49l-206 -376h110v-33h-118v-67h118v-33h-118v-188h-45v188h-116v33h116v67h-116v33z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" horiz-adv-x="262" d="M112 444v448h39v-448h-39zM112 -196v447h39v-447h-39z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M69 -87l6 39q95 -22 171 -22q86 0 117.5 22.5t31.5 88.5q0 51 -30.5 80.5t-97.5 53.5l-54 19q-74 27 -106 58t-32 95q0 73 58 106q-58 37 -58 115q0 137 178 137q75 0 155 -20l-9 -38q-93 18 -145 18q-135 0 -135 -96q0 -47 26 -70t88 -45l57 -20q72 -26 110.5 -63.5 t38.5 -107.5q0 -74 -40 -114q40 -42 40 -108q0 -86 -41 -118.5t-146 -32.5q-101 0 -183 23zM214 416q-10 4 -43 16q-52 -19 -52 -84q0 -46 26 -70t87 -46l57 -21q43 -15 77 -36q29 25 29 88q0 51 -30.5 80.5t-96.5 53.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" horiz-adv-x="972" d="M423 640h-50v81h50v-81zM599 640h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" horiz-adv-x="837" d="M504 173l5 -29q-39 -14 -92 -14q-49 0 -77 16t-44.5 65t-16.5 139t17.5 139.5t46.5 65.5t79 16t85 -11l-4 -29q-49 9 -78 9q-39 0 -61 -12t-35.5 -54.5t-13.5 -123.5q0 -80 12.5 -122t33.5 -54.5t59 -12.5q41 0 84 12zM91 350q0 170 86 265.5t242 95.5t242 -95.5 t86 -265.5t-87 -266t-243 -96q-155 0 -240.5 96t-85.5 266zM123 350q0 -158 76 -245.5t218 -87.5t220 87.5t78 245.5t-77 245t-219 87t-219 -87t-77 -245z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" horiz-adv-x="310" d="M263 265h-33l-1 38h-1q-52 -44 -112 -44q-83 0 -83 88v5q0 48 24 69.5t69 28.5q28 5 100 7v11q0 47 -16 62.5t-51 15.5q-54 0 -106 -18l-8 29q59 21 117 21q50 0 75.5 -22.5t25.5 -87.5v-203zM226 332v97q-56 0 -93 -6q-33 -6 -47.5 -22.5t-14.5 -48.5q0 -35 15 -48 t42 -13q50 0 98 41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xab;" horiz-adv-x="443" d="M169 54l-98 200l98 199h41l-99 -199l99 -200h-41zM319 54l-98 200l98 199h41l-99 -199l99 -200h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xac;" d="M81 293v39h352v-175h-41v136h-311z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xad;" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M45 268v38h277v-38h-277z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xae;" horiz-adv-x="510" d="M61 499q0 98 50.5 153t141.5 55q90 0 140.5 -55t50.5 -153q0 -97 -50.5 -151.5t-140.5 -54.5q-91 0 -141.5 54.5t-50.5 151.5zM85 499q0 -89 43 -136.5t125 -47.5t125 47.5t43 136.5t-43.5 137.5t-124.5 48.5q-82 0 -125 -48.5t-43 -137.5zM192 391v229h65q38 0 53 -14.5 t15 -53.5q0 -48 -37 -59q16 -7 27 -39l22 -63h-29l-19 56q-8 19 -15 27t-22 8h-32v-91h-28zM220 506h34q23 0 33.5 10t10.5 36t-9 35t-33 9h-36v-90z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xaf;" horiz-adv-x="527" d="M379 693h-238v35h238v-35z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb0;" horiz-adv-x="348" d="M66 593q0 64 29 89.5t79 25.5t79 -25.5t29 -89.5t-29 -89.5t-79 -25.5t-79 25.5t-29 89.5zM174 504q39 0 58.5 19.5t19.5 69.5t-19.5 69.5t-58.5 19.5t-58.5 -19.5t-19.5 -69.5t19.5 -69.5t58.5 -19.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb1;" d="M239 177v176h-162v36h162v181h37v-181h162v-36h-162v-176h-37zM77 0v36h361v-36h-361z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" horiz-adv-x="309" d="M32 380v85q0 56 24 82.5t79 50.5l25 11q44 19 61 39t17 64q0 41 -17.5 56.5t-62.5 15.5q-44 0 -101 -15l-7 32q64 17 110 17q62 0 89 -24t27 -81q0 -58 -23.5 -84.5t-78.5 -49.5l-26 -12q-42 -19 -59.5 -40.5t-17.5 -65.5v-48h204v-33h-243z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" horiz-adv-x="287" d="M13 396l9 30q54 -18 105 -18q46 0 67.5 23t21.5 73t-24.5 69.5t-73.5 20.5h-45v32l46 1q45 1 68 19.5t23 63.5q0 42 -20 58t-60 16q-42 0 -101 -18l-7 30q59 22 110 22q58 0 87.5 -23.5t29.5 -83.5q0 -44 -19 -68t-45 -30q69 -24 69 -110q0 -68 -31 -98t-94 -30 q-61 0 -116 21z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" horiz-adv-x="247" d="M147 770l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M79 496h45v-357q0 -62 25.5 -85.5t68.5 -23.5q78 0 161 76v390h44v-496h-40l-1 62h-2q-83 -71 -166 -71q-62 0 -92 34q2 -54 2 -69v-154h-45v694z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" horiz-adv-x="600" d="M475 0v697h31v-697h-31zM368 0v321h-104q-85 0 -128 35.5t-43 122.5v60q0 89 40.5 123.5t124.5 34.5h141v-697h-31z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" horiz-adv-x="195" d="M70 297v55h54v-55h-54z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" horiz-adv-x="412" d="M116 -227l7 29q40 -11 71 -11q59 0 59 40q0 18 -14.5 31t-32.5 20t-32.5 21t-14.5 35q0 28 23 54l32 -2q-22 -25 -22 -48q0 -14 15 -25t33.5 -18.5t33.5 -25t15 -43.5q0 -38 -22.5 -54t-68.5 -16q-18 0 -38.5 3t-31.5 7z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" horiz-adv-x="204" d="M98 380v399h-74v33h112v-432h-38z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xba;" horiz-adv-x="321" d="M161 258q-70 0 -98 36.5t-28 119.5q0 84 28.5 125t97.5 41t97 -40.5t28 -125.5q0 -84 -27.5 -120t-97.5 -36zM161 290q47 0 66.5 27.5t19.5 96.5t-20 101.5t-66 32.5q-47 0 -67 -32.5t-20 -101.5t19.5 -96.5t67.5 -27.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" horiz-adv-x="443" d="M222 254l-99 -200h-41l99 200l-99 199h41zM372 254l-99 -200h-41l99 200l-99 199h41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" horiz-adv-x="606" d="M98 265v399h-74v33h112v-432h-38zM325 124l-6 33l143 279l34 -13l-57 -113l-80 -152h173l3 104h36v-262h-39v124h-207zM88 -22l344 740h38l-344 -740h-38z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" horiz-adv-x="659" d="M98 265v399h-74v33h112v-432h-38zM381 0v85q0 56 24 82.5t79 50.5l25 11q44 19 61 39t17 64q0 41 -17.5 56.5t-61.5 15.5q-42 0 -102 -15l-7 32q64 17 110 17q62 0 89 -24t27 -81q0 -58 -23.5 -84.5t-77.5 -49.5l-26 -12q-42 -19 -60 -40.5t-18 -65.5v-48h204v-33h-243z M88 -22l344 740h38l-344 -740h-38z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" horiz-adv-x="679" d="M13 281l9 30q54 -18 105 -18q46 0 67.5 23t21.5 73t-24.5 69.5t-73.5 20.5h-45v32l46 1q45 1 68 19.5t23 63.5q0 42 -20 58t-60 16q-42 0 -101 -18l-7 30q59 22 110 22q58 0 87.5 -23.5t29.5 -83.5q0 -44 -19 -68t-45 -30q69 -24 69 -110q0 -68 -31 -98t-94 -30 q-61 0 -116 21zM398 124l-5 33l142 279l35 -13l-58 -113l-80 -152h173l3 104h36v-262h-39v124h-207zM161 -22l344 740h38l-344 -740h-38z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" horiz-adv-x="413" d="M253 351v-78q0 -68 -13 -99.5t-54 -70.5l-50 -47q-46 -43 -46 -109q0 -68 34.5 -91t104.5 -23q57 0 132 20l6 -35q-69 -23 -145 -23q-87 0 -131.5 33t-44.5 120q0 83 56 135l55 52q34 32 43 58t9 85v73h44zM253 501v-78h-44v78h44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M22 0l201 697h67l202 -697h-47l-54 188h-271l-53 -188h-45zM129 227h253l-125 431h-2zM237 748l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M22 0l201 697h67l202 -697h-47l-54 188h-271l-53 -188h-45zM129 227h253l-125 431h-2zM338 878l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M22 0l201 697h67l202 -697h-47l-54 188h-271l-53 -188h-45zM129 227h253l-125 431h-2zM129 748l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M22 0l201 697h67l202 -697h-47l-54 188h-271l-53 -188h-45zM129 227h253l-125 431h-2zM158 765l-17 22q26 30 62 30q26 0 57.5 -20t50.5 -20q23 0 43 22l19 -21q-27 -35 -63 -35q-26 0 -58 20t-51 20q-21 0 -43 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M22 0l201 697h67l202 -697h-47l-54 188h-271l-53 -188h-45zM129 227h253l-125 431h-2zM193 748h-50v81h50v-81zM369 748h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M22 0l201 697h67l202 -697h-47l-54 188h-271l-53 -188h-45zM129 227h253l-125 431h-2zM157 839q0 46 26.5 72.5t72.5 26.5t72.5 -26.5t26.5 -72.5q0 -45 -26.5 -72t-72.5 -27t-72.5 27t-26.5 72zM186 839q0 -32 19 -51.5t51 -19.5t51 19.5t19 51.5q0 33 -19 52.5 t-51 19.5t-51 -19.5t-19 -52.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" horiz-adv-x="732" d="M435 0l-47 188h-269l-62 -188h-45l228 697h441v-40h-364l69 -274h240v-40h-230l76 -303h218v-40h-255zM130 227h251l-107 431h-2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" horiz-adv-x="470" d="M184 -215l7 29q40 -11 71 -11q59 0 59 40q0 18 -14.5 31t-32.5 20t-32.5 21t-14.5 35q0 22 16 45q-96 15 -138.5 94.5t-42.5 256.5q0 191 51 275.5t179 84.5q64 0 134 -16l-7 -38q-63 14 -126 14q-102 0 -144.5 -69t-42.5 -251q0 -178 43 -246.5t149 -68.5q59 0 124 19 l8 -38q-63 -21 -132 -21q-17 0 -25 1q-13 -19 -13 -38q0 -14 15 -25t33.5 -18.5t33.5 -25t15 -43.5q0 -38 -22.5 -54t-68.5 -16q-18 0 -38.5 3t-31.5 7z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" horiz-adv-x="489" d="M90 0v697h348v-40h-303v-274h247v-40h-247v-303h311v-40h-356zM246 748l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc9;" horiz-adv-x="489" d="M90 0v697h348v-40h-303v-274h247v-40h-247v-303h311v-40h-356zM347 878l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xca;" horiz-adv-x="489" d="M90 0v697h348v-40h-303v-274h247v-40h-247v-303h311v-40h-356zM138 748l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcb;" horiz-adv-x="489" d="M90 0v697h348v-40h-303v-274h247v-40h-247v-303h311v-40h-356zM202 748h-50v81h50v-81zM378 748h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcc;" horiz-adv-x="225" d="M90 0v697h45v-697h-45zM93 748l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcd;" horiz-adv-x="225" d="M90 0v697h45v-697h-45zM194 878l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xce;" horiz-adv-x="225" d="M90 0v697h45v-697h-45zM-15 748l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcf;" horiz-adv-x="225" d="M90 0v697h45v-697h-45zM50 748h-50v81h50v-81zM226 748h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" horiz-adv-x="558" d="M23 345v33h67v319h98q62 0 102.5 -4t78 -17t59.5 -36t39 -62t23.5 -94.5t6.5 -133.5q0 -79 -7 -135t-24.5 -95.5t-39.5 -62.5t-61 -36t-80 -17t-104 -4h-91v345h-67zM135 40h47q56 0 89 3t67.5 13t53 30t34 55t21 86t5.5 124q0 62 -5 107.5t-13 78.5t-25 55t-35 35 t-49.5 19.5t-61 8.5t-76.5 2h-52v-279h132v-33h-132v-305z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" horiz-adv-x="608" d="M90 0v697h68q131 -265 209.5 -428.5t92.5 -194.5l13 -31h2q-1 90 -1 175v479h44v-697h-68q-130 264 -208.5 427.5t-92.5 194.5l-14 32h-3q2 -102 2 -198v-456h-44zM205 765l-17 22q26 30 62 30q26 0 57.5 -20t50.5 -20q23 0 43 22l19 -21q-27 -35 -63 -35q-25 0 -57 20 t-52 20q-21 0 -43 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" horiz-adv-x="574" d="M62 349q0 189 51 274.5t176 85.5q124 0 174 -85t50 -275t-51.5 -275.5t-176.5 -85.5q-124 0 -173.5 85t-49.5 276zM287 28q101 0 141 74t40 247t-40 246.5t-141 73.5t-141 -74t-40 -246t40 -246.5t141 -74.5zM269 748l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" horiz-adv-x="574" d="M62 349q0 189 51 274.5t176 85.5q124 0 174 -85t50 -275t-51.5 -275.5t-176.5 -85.5q-124 0 -173.5 85t-49.5 276zM287 28q101 0 141 74t40 247t-40 246.5t-141 73.5t-141 -74t-40 -246t40 -246.5t141 -74.5zM370 878l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" horiz-adv-x="574" d="M62 349q0 189 51 274.5t176 85.5q124 0 174 -85t50 -275t-51.5 -275.5t-176.5 -85.5q-124 0 -173.5 85t-49.5 276zM287 28q101 0 141 74t40 247t-40 246.5t-141 73.5t-141 -74t-40 -246t40 -246.5t141 -74.5zM160 748l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" horiz-adv-x="574" d="M62 349q0 189 51 274.5t176 85.5q124 0 174 -85t50 -275t-51.5 -275.5t-176.5 -85.5q-124 0 -173.5 85t-49.5 276zM287 28q101 0 141 74t40 247t-40 246.5t-141 73.5t-141 -74t-40 -246t40 -246.5t141 -74.5zM190 765l-17 22q26 30 62 30q26 0 57.5 -20t50.5 -20 q23 0 43 22l19 -21q-27 -35 -63 -35q-26 0 -58 20t-51 20q-21 0 -43 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" horiz-adv-x="574" d="M62 349q0 189 51 274.5t176 85.5q124 0 174 -85t50 -275t-51.5 -275.5t-176.5 -85.5q-124 0 -173.5 85t-49.5 276zM287 28q101 0 141 74t40 247t-40 246.5t-141 73.5t-141 -74t-40 -246t40 -246.5t141 -74.5zM225 748h-50v81h50v-81zM401 748h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" d="M94 122l-25 25l164 164l-165 164l26 25l165 -164l162 164l25 -25l-162 -164l161 -161l-26 -25l-160 161z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" horiz-adv-x="574" d="M62 349q0 189 51 274.5t176 85.5q96 0 148 -52l41 75l29 -16l-48 -86q54 -82 54 -281q0 -190 -51.5 -275.5t-176.5 -85.5q-97 0 -149 53l-39 -74l-29 16l47 84q-53 80 -53 282zM143 107q50 93 107 204l162 308q-41 50 -125 50q-101 0 -141 -74t-40 -246q0 -171 37 -242z M287 28q101 0 141 74t40 247q0 169 -38 242q-112 -217 -117 -227l-150 -287q40 -49 124 -49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" horiz-adv-x="572" d="M83 172v525h45v-523q0 -75 38 -110.5t120 -35.5q81 0 119.5 35.5t38.5 110.5v523h45v-525q0 -184 -203 -184t-203 184zM266 748l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xda;" horiz-adv-x="572" d="M83 172v525h45v-523q0 -75 38 -110.5t120 -35.5q81 0 119.5 35.5t38.5 110.5v523h45v-525q0 -184 -203 -184t-203 184zM368 878l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" horiz-adv-x="572" d="M83 172v525h45v-523q0 -75 38 -110.5t120 -35.5q81 0 119.5 35.5t38.5 110.5v523h45v-525q0 -184 -203 -184t-203 184zM158 748l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" horiz-adv-x="572" d="M83 172v525h45v-523q0 -75 38 -110.5t120 -35.5q81 0 119.5 35.5t38.5 110.5v523h45v-525q0 -184 -203 -184t-203 184zM223 748h-50v81h50v-81zM399 748h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" horiz-adv-x="474" d="M214 0v305l-213 392h50l143 -265q35 -65 42 -81h2q8 18 43 81l143 265h49l-214 -392v-305h-45zM319 878l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="530" d="M90 0v697h45v-129h140q110 0 154.5 -42t44.5 -153q0 -198 -205 -198h-134v-175h-45zM135 215h134q83 0 122 36t39 122q0 91 -33.5 123t-121.5 32h-140v-313z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="523" d="M84 0v493q0 87 37.5 134t134.5 47q79 0 121.5 -34.5t42.5 -90.5q0 -37 -19 -70t-38 -61.5t-19 -54.5q0 -22 14.5 -41t35.5 -35.5t42.5 -36t36 -51t14.5 -71.5q0 -71 -32 -102.5t-104 -31.5q-48 0 -84 11l9 37q40 -9 72 -9q51 0 72.5 22.5t21.5 73.5q0 34 -14.5 60.5 t-35.5 43.5t-42 33.5t-35.5 40t-14.5 54.5q0 38 37.5 92.5t37.5 94.5q0 38 -30.5 62.5t-87.5 24.5q-77 0 -103 -37.5t-26 -105.5v-492h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M411 0h-39l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -179 -72q-133 0 -133 140v8q0 80 40.5 115t115.5 44q49 8 155 10v20q0 83 -26.5 110.5t-87.5 27.5q-75 0 -168 -30l-9 36q92 33 181 33q76 0 115 -36t39 -140v-329zM367 105v167q-105 -3 -160 -12t-81 -38t-26 -86q0 -61 25 -84t72 -23 q85 0 170 76zM235 577l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M411 0h-39l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -179 -72q-133 0 -133 140v8q0 80 40.5 115t115.5 44q49 8 155 10v20q0 83 -26.5 110.5t-87.5 27.5q-75 0 -168 -30l-9 36q92 33 181 33q76 0 115 -36t39 -140v-329zM367 105v167q-105 -3 -160 -12t-81 -38t-26 -86q0 -61 25 -84t72 -23 q85 0 170 76zM336 707l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M411 0h-39l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -179 -72q-133 0 -133 140v8q0 80 40.5 115t115.5 44q49 8 155 10v20q0 83 -26.5 110.5t-87.5 27.5q-75 0 -168 -30l-9 36q92 33 181 33q76 0 115 -36t39 -140v-329zM367 105v167q-105 -3 -160 -12t-81 -38t-26 -86q0 -61 25 -84t72 -23 q85 0 170 76zM126 577l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M411 0h-39l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -179 -72q-133 0 -133 140v8q0 80 40.5 115t115.5 44q49 8 155 10v20q0 83 -26.5 110.5t-87.5 27.5q-75 0 -168 -30l-9 36q92 33 181 33q76 0 115 -36t39 -140v-329zM367 105v167q-105 -3 -160 -12t-81 -38t-26 -86q0 -61 25 -84t72 -23 q85 0 170 76zM156 594l-17 22q26 30 62 30q26 0 57.5 -20t50.5 -20q23 0 43 22l19 -21q-27 -35 -63 -35q-26 0 -58 20t-51 20q-21 0 -43 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M411 0h-39l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -179 -72q-133 0 -133 140v8q0 80 40.5 115t115.5 44q49 8 155 10v20q0 83 -26.5 110.5t-87.5 27.5q-75 0 -168 -30l-9 36q92 33 181 33q76 0 115 -36t39 -140v-329zM367 105v167q-105 -3 -160 -12t-81 -38t-26 -86q0 -61 25 -84t72 -23 q85 0 170 76zM191 577h-50v81h50v-81zM367 577h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M411 0h-39l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -179 -72q-133 0 -133 140v8q0 80 40.5 115t115.5 44q49 8 155 10v20q0 83 -26.5 110.5t-87.5 27.5q-75 0 -168 -30l-9 36q92 33 181 33q76 0 115 -36t39 -140v-329zM367 105v167q-105 -3 -160 -12t-81 -38t-26 -86q0 -61 25 -84t72 -23 q85 0 170 76zM155 668q0 46 26.5 72.5t72.5 26.5t72.5 -26.5t26.5 -72.5q0 -45 -26.5 -72t-72.5 -27t-72.5 27t-26.5 72zM184 668q0 -32 19 -51.5t51 -19.5t51 19.5t19 51.5q0 33 -19 52.5t-51 19.5t-51 -19.5t-19 -52.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" horiz-adv-x="801" d="M258 505q62 0 98.5 -22.5t49.5 -79.5q37 105 166 105q83 0 129 -40t46 -108q0 -71 -28.5 -96t-102.5 -25q-110 0 -196 27q-1 -11 -1 -29q0 -65 10.5 -108t32.5 -63.5t47 -28t61 -7.5q78 0 154 27l8 -37q-65 -29 -167 -29q-65 0 -106 22.5t-63 75.5q-81 -98 -208 -98 q-132 0 -132 140v8q0 80 41 115.5t117 43.5q50 8 162 10v20q-3 84 -30 111t-91 27q-82 0 -169 -30l-10 36q92 33 182 33zM374 243v29q-113 -2 -166 -11q-56 -10 -82 -39t-26 -86q0 -61 25 -84t71 -23q54 0 105 26.5t83 72.5q-10 46 -10 115zM422 303q97 -27 182 -27 q57 0 77.5 17t20.5 67t-34 80t-95 30q-72 0 -108.5 -39.5t-42.5 -127.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" horiz-adv-x="403" d="M139 -215l7 29q40 -11 71 -11q59 0 59 40q0 18 -14.5 31t-32.5 20t-32.5 21t-14.5 35q0 22 16 45q-77 13 -109.5 71t-32.5 175q0 133 45 198.5t148 65.5q54 0 110 -16l-8 -37q-64 14 -100 14q-80 0 -115 -54.5t-35 -170.5q0 -117 34 -164t116 -47q45 0 101 15l10 -37 q-60 -17 -113 -17q-14 0 -21 1q-13 -20 -13 -38q0 -14 15 -25t33.5 -18.5t33.5 -25t15 -43.5q0 -38 -22.5 -54t-68.5 -16q-18 0 -38.5 3t-32.5 7z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M56 243q0 144 47.5 204.5t150.5 60.5q83 0 129 -40t46 -108t-27 -94.5t-106 -26.5q-56 0 -113.5 9.5t-81.5 17.5v-29q0 -65 10.5 -107.5t32 -63.5t46 -28.5t61.5 -7.5q78 0 154 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -168 -29q-97 0 -143.5 55.5t-46.5 196.5zM103 303q97 -27 183 -27 q61 0 79.5 18t18.5 66q0 50 -34 80t-96 30q-71 0 -107.5 -39.5t-43.5 -127.5zM234 577l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M56 243q0 144 47.5 204.5t150.5 60.5q83 0 129 -40t46 -108t-27 -94.5t-106 -26.5q-56 0 -113.5 9.5t-81.5 17.5v-29q0 -65 10.5 -107.5t32 -63.5t46 -28.5t61.5 -7.5q78 0 154 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -168 -29q-97 0 -143.5 55.5t-46.5 196.5zM103 303q97 -27 183 -27 q61 0 79.5 18t18.5 66q0 50 -34 80t-96 30q-71 0 -107.5 -39.5t-43.5 -127.5zM335 707l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M56 243q0 144 47.5 204.5t150.5 60.5q83 0 129 -40t46 -108t-27 -94.5t-106 -26.5q-56 0 -113.5 9.5t-81.5 17.5v-29q0 -65 10.5 -107.5t32 -63.5t46 -28.5t61.5 -7.5q78 0 154 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -168 -29q-97 0 -143.5 55.5t-46.5 196.5zM103 303q97 -27 183 -27 q61 0 79.5 18t18.5 66q0 50 -34 80t-96 30q-71 0 -107.5 -39.5t-43.5 -127.5zM126 577l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M56 243q0 144 47.5 204.5t150.5 60.5q83 0 129 -40t46 -108t-27 -94.5t-106 -26.5q-56 0 -113.5 9.5t-81.5 17.5v-29q0 -65 10.5 -107.5t32 -63.5t46 -28.5t61.5 -7.5q78 0 154 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -168 -29q-97 0 -143.5 55.5t-46.5 196.5zM103 303q97 -27 183 -27 q61 0 79.5 18t18.5 66q0 50 -34 80t-96 30q-71 0 -107.5 -39.5t-43.5 -127.5zM190 577h-50v81h50v-81zM366 577h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xec;" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M86 0v496h45v-496h-45zM90 577l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xed;" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M86 0v496h45v-496h-45zM191 707l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M86 0v496h45v-496h-45zM-19 577l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xef;" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M86 0v496h45v-496h-45zM222 577h-50v81h50v-81zM46 577h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M367 649l-63 -30q45 -36 73.5 -79.5t41.5 -96t17 -96.5t4 -107q0 -134 -44.5 -193t-150.5 -59q-103 0 -146 59t-43 193t46 198.5t142 64.5q71 0 123 -31q-41 80 -104 128l-130 -61l-12 26l115 54q-47 30 -104 52l14 34q84 -32 131 -66l77 37zM395 240q0 132 -18 191 q-55 34 -128 34q-78 1 -113 -52.5t-35 -172.5q0 -117 33 -165t111 -48q80 0 115 48.5t35 164.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M84 0v496h40l1 -63h3q87 72 177 72q135 0 135 -145v-360h-45v357q0 63 -26.5 86t-71.5 23q-82 0 -169 -76v-390h-44zM165 594l-17 22q26 30 62 30q26 0 57.5 -20t50.5 -20q23 0 43 22l19 -21q-27 -35 -63 -35q-25 0 -57 20t-52 20q-21 0 -43 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf2;" horiz-adv-x="503" d="M250 -12q-107 0 -150.5 57.5t-43.5 192.5q0 137 46 203.5t151 66.5t149.5 -66t44.5 -204q0 -134 -45 -192t-152 -58zM252 27q82 0 116 47t34 164q0 120 -34.5 175.5t-115.5 55.5t-116 -55t-35 -176q0 -117 34 -164t117 -47zM234 577l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" horiz-adv-x="503" d="M250 -12q-107 0 -150.5 57.5t-43.5 192.5q0 137 46 203.5t151 66.5t149.5 -66t44.5 -204q0 -134 -45 -192t-152 -58zM252 27q82 0 116 47t34 164q0 120 -34.5 175.5t-115.5 55.5t-116 -55t-35 -176q0 -117 34 -164t117 -47zM335 707l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" horiz-adv-x="503" d="M250 -12q-107 0 -150.5 57.5t-43.5 192.5q0 137 46 203.5t151 66.5t149.5 -66t44.5 -204q0 -134 -45 -192t-152 -58zM252 27q82 0 116 47t34 164q0 120 -34.5 175.5t-115.5 55.5t-116 -55t-35 -176q0 -117 34 -164t117 -47zM126 577l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94 l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf5;" horiz-adv-x="503" d="M250 -12q-107 0 -150.5 57.5t-43.5 192.5q0 137 46 203.5t151 66.5t149.5 -66t44.5 -204q0 -134 -45 -192t-152 -58zM252 27q82 0 116 47t34 164q0 120 -34.5 175.5t-115.5 55.5t-116 -55t-35 -176q0 -117 34 -164t117 -47zM156 594l-17 22q26 30 62 30q26 0 57.5 -20 t50.5 -20q23 0 43 22l19 -21q-27 -35 -63 -35q-26 0 -58 20t-51 20q-21 0 -43 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf6;" horiz-adv-x="503" d="M250 -12q-107 0 -150.5 57.5t-43.5 192.5q0 137 46 203.5t151 66.5t149.5 -66t44.5 -204q0 -134 -45 -192t-152 -58zM252 27q82 0 116 47t34 164q0 120 -34.5 175.5t-115.5 55.5t-116 -55t-35 -176q0 -117 34 -164t117 -47zM191 577h-50v81h50v-81zM367 577h-50v81h50 v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf7;" d="M232 460v49h48v-49h-48zM232 117v49h48v-49h-48zM68 295v36h379v-36h-379z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf8;" horiz-adv-x="503" d="M250 -12q-82 0 -127 33l-35 -54l-28 17l39 61q-43 57 -43 193q0 137 46 203.5t151 66.5q79 0 124 -39l38 58l28 -17l-42 -66q46 -63 46 -206q0 -134 -45 -192t-152 -58zM252 27q82 0 116 47t34 164q0 115 -32 170q-4 -6 -28.5 -45t-52 -82.5t-41.5 -66.5l-100 -155 q33 -32 104 -32zM130 81q107 169 118 188l105 163q-36 37 -101 37q-81 0 -116 -55t-35 -176q0 -108 29 -157z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf9;" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M82 496h44v-357q0 -62 26.5 -85.5t71.5 -23.5q84 0 169 76v390h45v-496h-40l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -178 -72q-134 0 -134 145v360zM238 577l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfa;" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M82 496h44v-357q0 -62 26.5 -85.5t71.5 -23.5q84 0 169 76v390h45v-496h-40l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -178 -72q-134 0 -134 145v360zM339 707l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb;" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M82 496h44v-357q0 -62 26.5 -85.5t71.5 -23.5q84 0 169 76v390h45v-496h-40l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -178 -72q-134 0 -134 145v360zM130 577l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfc;" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M82 496h44v-357q0 -62 26.5 -85.5t71.5 -23.5q84 0 169 76v390h45v-496h-40l-2 63h-2q-85 -72 -178 -72q-134 0 -134 145v360zM371 577h-50v81h50v-81zM195 577h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfd;" horiz-adv-x="520" d="M214 0q-135 0 -135 145v351h45v-347q0 -63 26.5 -86.5t71.5 -23.5q89 0 169 72v385h45v-516q0 -90 -32 -129t-89 -56q-44 -14 -128 -28l-7 38q96 19 119 27q30 11 47 22t32 43t15 83v88h-1q-82 -68 -178 -68zM333 707l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfe;" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M84 722h44v-210v-24.5v-21.5t-0.5 -16t-0.5 -12v-4h1q88 71 170 71q37 0 62 -9t46.5 -33t32 -72t10.5 -122q0 -87 -14 -144.5t-42 -85.5t-59.5 -38t-77.5 -10q-60 0 -129 20q0 -1 0.5 -25.5t0.5 -48.5v-160h-44v945zM255 30q27 0 46.5 4t40.5 17.5t33.5 38t21 68 t8.5 104.5q0 66 -8 108.5t-24.5 62.5t-34.5 26.5t-46 6.5q-79 0 -164 -76v-335q62 -25 127 -25z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xff;" horiz-adv-x="520" d="M214 0q-135 0 -135 145v351h45v-347q0 -63 26.5 -86.5t71.5 -23.5q89 0 169 72v385h45v-516q0 -90 -32 -129t-89 -56q-44 -14 -128 -28l-7 38q96 19 119 27q30 11 47 22t32 43t15 83v88h-1q-82 -68 -178 -68zM365 577h-50v81h50v-81zM189 577h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x152;" horiz-adv-x="798" d="M62 349q0 189 50 274.5t172 85.5q68 0 115 -28v16h348v-40h-303v-274h247v-40h-247v-303h311v-40h-356v17q-48 -29 -117 -29q-122 0 -171 85t-49 276zM290 28q68 0 109 32v574q-42 35 -113 35q-101 0 -140.5 -74t-39.5 -246q0 -173 40.5 -247t143.5 -74z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x153;" horiz-adv-x="821" d="M248 -12q-105 0 -148.5 58t-43.5 192q0 138 44.5 204t147.5 66q130 0 169 -122q37 122 175 122q84 0 130 -40t46 -108q0 -69 -28 -95t-103 -26q-89 0 -197 27v-29q0 -65 10.5 -107.5t32.5 -63.5t46.5 -28.5t60.5 -7.5q78 0 154 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -168 -29 q-130 0 -168 110q-36 -113 -169 -113zM248 27q81 0 114 47t33 164q0 120 -34 175.5t-113 55.5t-113 -55t-34 -176q0 -117 33.5 -164t113.5 -47zM443 303q97 -27 182 -27q61 0 79.5 18t18.5 66q0 50 -34 80t-95 30q-72 0 -108.5 -39.5t-42.5 -127.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x178;" horiz-adv-x="474" d="M214 0v305l-213 392h50l143 -265q35 -65 42 -81h2q8 18 43 81l143 265h49l-214 -392v-305h-45zM175 748h-50v81h50v-81zM351 748h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2c6;" horiz-adv-x="311" d="M27 640l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2dc;" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M162 717l-17 22q26 30 62 30q26 0 57.5 -20t50.5 -20q23 0 43 22l19 -21q-27 -35 -63 -35q-26 0 -58 20t-51 20q-21 0 -43 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x1e9e;" horiz-adv-x="589" d="M83 0v500q0 108 43 157t163 49q99 0 202 -30v-39q-64 -69 -86 -106.5t-22 -93.5q0 -32 16 -56.5t38.5 -43t45.5 -39.5t39 -58t16 -87q0 -81 -38 -120t-122 -39q-53 0 -99 12l8 38q63 -11 91 -11q62 0 89 29t27 91q0 38 -11.5 67t-28.5 45.5t-37.5 34.5t-37.5 33.5 t-28.5 42t-11.5 61.5q0 44 14.5 81t32 60.5t59.5 70.5q-78 19 -157 19q-97 0 -129 -40.5t-32 -127.5v-500h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2000;" horiz-adv-x="469" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2001;" horiz-adv-x="938" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2002;" horiz-adv-x="469" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2003;" horiz-adv-x="938" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2004;" horiz-adv-x="312" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2005;" horiz-adv-x="234" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2006;" horiz-adv-x="156" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2007;" horiz-adv-x="156" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2008;" horiz-adv-x="117" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2009;" horiz-adv-x="187" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x200a;" horiz-adv-x="52" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2010;" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M45 268v38h277v-38h-277z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2011;" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M45 268v38h277v-38h-277z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2012;" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M45 268v38h277v-38h-277z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2013;" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M45 269v38h416v-38h-416z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2014;" horiz-adv-x="1006" d="M45 269v38h916v-38h-916z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2018;" horiz-adv-x="207" d="M110 722h42q-12 -27 -25 -79t-13 -103h-43q0 54 13.5 105.5t25.5 76.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2019;" horiz-adv-x="207" d="M97 540h-42q12 27 25 79t13 103h43q0 -54 -13.5 -105.5t-25.5 -76.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201a;" horiz-adv-x="207" d="M97 -100h-42q12 27 25 79t13 103h43q0 -54 -13.5 -105.5t-25.5 -76.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201c;" horiz-adv-x="324" d="M227 722h42q-12 -27 -25 -79t-13 -103h-43q0 54 13.5 105.5t25.5 76.5zM110 722h42q-12 -27 -25 -79t-13 -103h-43q0 54 13.5 105.5t25.5 76.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201d;" horiz-adv-x="324" d="M215 540h-42q12 27 25 79t13 103h43q0 -54 -13.5 -105.5t-25.5 -76.5zM97 540h-42q12 27 25 79t13 103h43q0 -54 -13.5 -105.5t-25.5 -76.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201e;" horiz-adv-x="325" d="M215 -100h-42q12 27 25 79t13 103h43q0 -54 -13.5 -105.5t-25.5 -76.5zM97 -100h-42q12 27 25 79t13 103h43q0 -54 -13.5 -105.5t-25.5 -76.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2022;" horiz-adv-x="230" d="M70 303v91h90v-91h-90z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2026;" horiz-adv-x="657" d="M94 0v85h57v-85h-57zM300 0v85h57v-85h-57zM507 0v85h57v-85h-57z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x202f;" horiz-adv-x="187" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2039;" horiz-adv-x="293" d="M169 54l-98 200l98 199h41l-99 -199l99 -200h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x203a;" horiz-adv-x="293" d="M222 254l-99 -200h-41l99 200l-99 199h41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x205f;" horiz-adv-x="234" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x20ac;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M280 396h-106v-48v-43h106v-34h-105q4 -77 16 -125.5t35 -73t49 -33t68 -8.5q66 0 131 19l7 -38q-63 -21 -138 -21q-41 0 -69.5 6t-55.5 23.5t-44 48t-28 81t-15 121.5h-58v34h56v43v48h-56v35h58q5 85 22 140.5t47 84.5t65 39.5t86 10.5q59 0 126 -16l-7 -38 q-61 14 -119 14q-42 0 -69 -8t-51 -32t-37.5 -72t-17.5 -123h104v-35z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2116;" horiz-adv-x="905" d="M627 264v34h252v-34h-252zM754 357q-71 0 -99 36t-28 120q0 85 29 126t98 41q68 0 96 -41t28 -126q0 -84 -27.5 -120t-96.5 -36zM754 389q47 0 66.5 27.5t19.5 96.5q0 70 -20 102t-66 32q-47 0 -67.5 -32t-20.5 -102q0 -69 20 -96.5t68 -27.5zM86 0v697h68 q131 -265 209.5 -428.5t92.5 -194.5l13 -31h2q-1 90 -1 175v479h44v-697h-68q-130 264 -208.5 427.5t-92.5 194.5l-14 32h-3q2 -102 2 -198v-456h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2122;" horiz-adv-x="668" d="M592 348h-28l-13 241l-3 76h-2q-7 -24 -21 -62l-72 -196h-25l-71 194l-21 64h-2q-1 -41 -3 -77l-15 -240h-28l22 349h40l72 -198l18 -58h2q7 25 19 58l70 198h41zM127 348v324h-87v25h203v-25h-87v-324h-29z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x25fc;" horiz-adv-x="495" d="M0 495h495v-495h-495v495z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb06;" horiz-adv-x="750" d="M524 101v359h-74v36h74l3 157q-46 16 -104 16q-51 0 -79.5 -23.5t-28.5 -67.5q0 -59 50 -97l-7 -37q-93 22 -154 22q-55 0 -81.5 -17.5t-26.5 -60.5q0 -39 21.5 -58.5t81.5 -38.5l40 -13q80 -25 113 -56.5t33 -95.5q0 -75 -40.5 -105t-117.5 -30q-93 0 -189 31l7 38 q110 -30 180 -30q58 0 86.5 18.5t28.5 77.5q0 47 -25 69.5t-88 42.5l-41 13q-71 22 -103 49t-32 87q0 66 38.5 92t109.5 26q44 0 106 -10q-30 39 -30 87q0 58 37.5 89.5t107.5 31.5q76 0 149 -25l-1 -1h1v-181h148l-6 -36h-142v-358q0 -45 14.5 -57.5t48.5 -12.5q27 0 77 10 l8 -36q-41 -13 -94 -13q-52 0 -75.5 21t-23.5 87z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="367" d="M45 324v38h277v-38h-277z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="506" d="M45 324v38h416v-38h-416z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="1006" d="M45 324v38h916v-38h-916z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="8" d="M-34 351v55h50v-55h-50z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="0" d="M-117 342v55h50v-55h-50z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="325" d="M246 -141h-39q-4 8 -11 22.5t-24.5 62t-31 98.5t-24.5 128t-11 154q0 76 10.5 151t25.5 127t30 93.5t25 62.5l11 20h39q-4 -7 -11 -21t-24 -60.5t-30 -96t-24 -124.5t-11 -150t10.5 -151t25 -130.5t29 -98t25.5 -65.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="325" d="M118 -141h-39q4 8 11 23t24 63.5t30 100t24 128.5t11 152t-10.5 149t-25 126.5t-29 94t-24.5 62.5l-11 20h39q4 -7 11 -21t24.5 -60t31 -95.5t24.5 -125.5t11 -152q0 -77 -10.5 -153t-25.5 -130t-30 -96.5t-26 -64.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="579" d="M502 479l9 -38l-77 -24q1 -4 12.5 -32.5t15.5 -39t13 -37t12.5 -42.5t7.5 -38.5t4 -40.5q1 -98 -54.5 -148.5t-168.5 -50.5q-216 0 -216 195q0 143 141 198v2q-113 33 -113 152q0 171 180 171q64 0 113 -13l-6 -38q-53 11 -101 11q-76 0 -109 -32.5t-33 -97.5 q0 -35 11.5 -61t32 -40t37 -20.5t37.5 -11.5q80 25 252 76zM392 404q-126 -38 -163 -53q-125 -46 -125 -168q0 -155 172 -155q94 0 136 40.5t42 118.5q0 74 -62 217z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="470" d="M422 50l8 -38q-63 -21 -132 -21q-126 0 -181 78t-55 277q0 191 51 275.5t179 84.5q64 0 134 -16l-7 -38q-63 14 -126 14q-102 0 -144.5 -69t-42.5 -251q0 -178 43 -246.5t149 -68.5q59 0 124 19zM252 -189h-42q2 2 6 6.5t14 18.5t14.5 28t8 35.5t-5.5 41.5h45 q10 -36 0 -68.5t-25 -46.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="574" d="M62 349q0 189 51 274.5t176 85.5q124 0 174 -85t50 -275t-51.5 -275.5t-176.5 -85.5q-124 0 -173.5 85t-49.5 276zM287 28q101 0 141 74t40 247t-40 246.5t-141 73.5t-141 -74t-40 -246t40 -246.5t141 -74.5zM348 878l-41 -130h-39l35 130h45z" /> +<glyph d="M56 227q0 88 13.5 145t41.5 85t59.5 38t78.5 10q93 0 173 -37v-365q0 -49 17.5 -63t62.5 0l8 -33q-27 -10 -55 -10q-19 0 -33 6t-21.5 17t-11 21t-6.5 24h-2q-88 -74 -174 -74q-37 0 -62 9t-46.5 33t-32 72t-10.5 122zM250 466q-28 0 -47.5 -4t-40.5 -17.5t-33 -38.5 t-20 -68.5t-8 -104.5q0 -66 7.5 -108t24 -62t34.5 -26.5t46 -6.5q81 0 164 76v334q-62 26 -127 26z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="485" d="M56 243q0 143 48 204t153 61q91 0 131 -42.5t42 -126.5q1 -37 -5 -88h-324q-3 -125 32 -173t119 -48q77 0 153 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -167 -29q-105 0 -148 58t-43 194zM102 289h280q3 25 3 54q0 64 -30.5 96t-96.5 31q-78 0 -114 -43t-42 -138z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="294" d="M147 496h145l-6 -36h-139v-524q0 -78 -22 -108t-75 -44q-2 0 -19.5 -4.5t-30.5 -7.5l-8 38q39 8 55 15q31 11 43 33.5t12 78.5v523h-78v36h78v102q0 76 30.5 103.5t89.5 27.5q48 0 98 -9l-6 -37q-49 7 -82 7q-45 0 -65 -19.5t-20 -77.5v-97z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="498" d="M208 90h84q183 0 183 -124q0 -95 -76 -147t-173 -52q-193 0 -193 155q0 55 29 92.5t71 55.5q-43 16 -43 59q0 54 80 73q-50 11 -78 49t-28 98q0 83 51.5 121t130.5 38q84 0 130 -40q30 20 88 36l12 -38q-55 -16 -74 -29q21 -36 21 -88q0 -68 -49 -110.5t-138 -52.5 q-60 -6 -81.5 -19.5t-21.5 -35.5q0 -41 75 -41zM283 52h-111q-94 -37 -94 -128q0 -118 148 -118q81 0 143 42.5t62 116.5q0 50 -38.5 68.5t-109.5 18.5zM379 349q0 120 -134 120q-59 0 -98 -28t-39 -92q0 -123 128 -123q57 0 100 30.5t43 92.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="212" d="M84 0v722h44v-722h-44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="309" d="M84 101v530l44 6v-141h147l-3 -36h-144v-358q0 -45 14.5 -57.5t48.5 -12.5q44 0 77 10l8 -36q-39 -13 -94 -13q-51 0 -74.5 21t-23.5 87z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="430" d="M46 -228l-7 37l45 10q36 9 53 26.5t32 61.5l32 97h-16l-165 492h46l98 -297q46 -132 50 -160h3q7 35 53 166l95 291h46l-201 -595q-21 -60 -42 -84t-71 -34z" /> +<glyph d="M56 227q0 88 13.5 145t41.5 85t59.5 38t78.5 10q93 0 173 -37v-365q0 -49 17.5 -63t62.5 0l8 -33q-27 -10 -55 -10q-19 0 -33 6t-21.5 17t-11 21t-6.5 24h-2q-88 -74 -174 -74q-37 0 -62 9t-46.5 33t-32 72t-10.5 122zM250 466q-28 0 -47.5 -4t-40.5 -17.5t-33 -38.5 t-20 -68.5t-8 -104.5q0 -66 7.5 -108t24 -62t34.5 -26.5t46 -6.5q81 0 164 76v334q-62 26 -127 26zM238 577l-62 130h47l57 -130h-42z" /> +<glyph d="M56 227q0 88 13.5 145t41.5 85t59.5 38t78.5 10q93 0 173 -37v-365q0 -49 17.5 -63t62.5 0l8 -33q-27 -10 -55 -10q-19 0 -33 6t-21.5 17t-11 21t-6.5 24h-2q-88 -74 -174 -74q-37 0 -62 9t-46.5 33t-32 72t-10.5 122zM250 466q-28 0 -47.5 -4t-40.5 -17.5t-33 -38.5 t-20 -68.5t-8 -104.5q0 -66 7.5 -108t24 -62t34.5 -26.5t46 -6.5q81 0 164 76v334q-62 26 -127 26zM339 707l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph d="M56 227q0 88 13.5 145t41.5 85t59.5 38t78.5 10q93 0 173 -37v-365q0 -49 17.5 -63t62.5 0l8 -33q-27 -10 -55 -10q-19 0 -33 6t-21.5 17t-11 21t-6.5 24h-2q-88 -74 -174 -74q-37 0 -62 9t-46.5 33t-32 72t-10.5 122zM250 466q-28 0 -47.5 -4t-40.5 -17.5t-33 -38.5 t-20 -68.5t-8 -104.5q0 -66 7.5 -108t24 -62t34.5 -26.5t46 -6.5q81 0 164 76v334q-62 26 -127 26zM130 577l116 130h23l118 -130h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph d="M56 227q0 88 13.5 145t41.5 85t59.5 38t78.5 10q93 0 173 -37v-365q0 -49 17.5 -63t62.5 0l8 -33q-27 -10 -55 -10q-19 0 -33 6t-21.5 17t-11 21t-6.5 24h-2q-88 -74 -174 -74q-37 0 -62 9t-46.5 33t-32 72t-10.5 122zM250 466q-28 0 -47.5 -4t-40.5 -17.5t-33 -38.5 t-20 -68.5t-8 -104.5q0 -66 7.5 -108t24 -62t34.5 -26.5t46 -6.5q81 0 164 76v334q-62 26 -127 26zM160 594l-17 22q26 30 62 30q26 0 57.5 -20t50.5 -20q23 0 43 22l19 -21q-27 -35 -63 -35q-26 0 -58 20t-51 20q-21 0 -43 -18z" /> +<glyph d="M56 227q0 88 13.5 145t41.5 85t59.5 38t78.5 10q93 0 173 -37v-365q0 -49 17.5 -63t62.5 0l8 -33q-27 -10 -55 -10q-19 0 -33 6t-21.5 17t-11 21t-6.5 24h-2q-88 -74 -174 -74q-37 0 -62 9t-46.5 33t-32 72t-10.5 122zM250 466q-28 0 -47.5 -4t-40.5 -17.5t-33 -38.5 t-20 -68.5t-8 -104.5q0 -66 7.5 -108t24 -62t34.5 -26.5t46 -6.5q81 0 164 76v334q-62 26 -127 26zM195 577h-50v81h50v-81zM371 577h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph d="M56 227q0 88 13.5 145t41.5 85t59.5 38t78.5 10q93 0 173 -37v-365q0 -49 17.5 -63t62.5 0l8 -33q-27 -10 -55 -10q-19 0 -33 6t-21.5 17t-11 21t-6.5 24h-2q-88 -74 -174 -74q-37 0 -62 9t-46.5 33t-32 72t-10.5 122zM250 466q-28 0 -47.5 -4t-40.5 -17.5t-33 -38.5 t-20 -68.5t-8 -104.5q0 -66 7.5 -108t24 -62t34.5 -26.5t46 -6.5q81 0 164 76v334q-62 26 -127 26zM159 668q0 46 26.5 72.5t72.5 26.5t72.5 -26.5t26.5 -72.5q0 -45 -26.5 -72t-72.5 -27t-72.5 27t-26.5 72zM188 668q0 -32 19 -51.5t51 -19.5t51 19.5t19 51.5 q0 33 -19 52.5t-51 19.5t-51 -19.5t-19 -52.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="802" d="M258 505q61 0 98 -21.5t50 -75.5q40 97 168 97q92 0 131.5 -41.5t41.5 -124.5q1 -37 -5 -88h-323q-4 -124 32.5 -172.5t118.5 -48.5q76 0 152 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -166 -29q-132 0 -170 98q-80 -98 -207 -98q-132 0 -132 140v8q0 80 41 115.5t117 43.5q50 8 162 10v20 q-3 84 -30 111t-91 27q-82 0 -169 -30l-10 36q92 33 182 33zM374 243v29q-113 -2 -166 -11q-56 -10 -82 -39t-26 -86q0 -61 25 -84t71 -23q54 0 105 26.5t83 72.5q-10 46 -10 115zM419 289h280q3 25 3 54q0 64 -30 94.5t-97 29.5q-78 0 -114 -41.5t-42 -136.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="485" d="M56 243q0 143 48 204t153 61q91 0 131 -42.5t42 -126.5q1 -37 -5 -88h-324q-3 -125 32 -173t119 -48q77 0 153 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -167 -29q-105 0 -148 58t-43 194zM102 289h280q3 25 3 54q0 64 -30.5 96t-96.5 31q-78 0 -114 -43t-42 -138zM234 577l-62 130h47l57 -130 h-42z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="485" d="M56 243q0 143 48 204t153 61q91 0 131 -42.5t42 -126.5q1 -37 -5 -88h-324q-3 -125 32 -173t119 -48q77 0 153 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -167 -29q-105 0 -148 58t-43 194zM102 289h280q3 25 3 54q0 64 -30.5 96t-96.5 31q-78 0 -114 -43t-42 -138zM336 707l-62 -130h-42l57 130 h47z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="485" d="M56 243q0 143 48 204t153 61q91 0 131 -42.5t42 -126.5q1 -37 -5 -88h-324q-3 -125 32 -173t119 -48q77 0 153 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -167 -29q-105 0 -148 58t-43 194zM102 289h280q3 25 3 54q0 64 -30.5 96t-96.5 31q-78 0 -114 -43t-42 -138zM126 577l116 130h23l118 -130 h-45l-84 94l-83 -94h-45z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="485" d="M56 243q0 143 48 204t153 61q91 0 131 -42.5t42 -126.5q1 -37 -5 -88h-324q-3 -125 32 -173t119 -48q77 0 153 27l9 -37q-69 -29 -167 -29q-105 0 -148 58t-43 194zM102 289h280q3 25 3 54q0 64 -30.5 96t-96.5 31q-78 0 -114 -43t-42 -138zM191 577h-50v81h50v-81z M367 577h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="275" d="M128 496h145l-5 -36h-140v-460h-44v496v102q0 76 30 103.5t90 27.5q46 0 98 -9l-7 -37q-47 7 -81 7q-46 0 -66 -19.5t-20 -77.5v-97z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="824" d="M248 -12q-105 0 -148.5 58t-43.5 192q0 138 44.5 204t147.5 66q134 0 169 -120q20 63 63.5 91.5t115.5 28.5q92 0 132 -44t41 -128q0 -46 -5 -85h-324q-3 -125 32 -173t119 -48q77 0 161 29l8 -37q-80 -31 -174 -31q-71 0 -111 25t-58 80q-17 -56 -57.5 -82t-111.5 -26z M248 27q81 0 114 47t33 164q0 120 -34 175.5t-113 55.5t-113 -55t-34 -176q0 -117 33.5 -164t113.5 -47zM441 289h280q3 25 3 54q0 64 -30.5 96t-96.5 31q-78 0 -114 -43t-42 -138z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="430" d="M46 -228l-7 37l45 10q36 9 53 26.5t32 61.5l32 97h-16l-165 492h46l98 -297q46 -132 50 -160h3q7 35 53 166l95 291h46l-201 -595q-21 -60 -42 -84t-71 -34zM300 707l-62 -130h-42l57 130h47z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="430" d="M46 -228l-7 37l45 10q36 9 53 26.5t32 61.5l32 97h-16l-165 492h46l98 -297q46 -132 50 -160h3q7 35 53 166l95 291h46l-201 -595q-21 -60 -42 -84t-71 -34zM155 577h-50v81h50v-81zM331 577h-50v81h50v-81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="403" d="M56 241q0 133 45 198.5t148 65.5q54 0 110 -16l-8 -37q-64 14 -100 14q-80 0 -115 -54.5t-35 -170.5q0 -117 34 -164t116 -47q45 0 101 15l10 -37q-60 -17 -113 -17q-106 0 -149.5 58t-43.5 192zM215 -189h-42q2 2 6 6.5t14 18.5t14.5 28t8 35.5t-5.5 41.5h45 q10 -36 0 -68.5t-25 -46.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="503" d="M250 -12q-107 0 -150.5 57.5t-43.5 192.5q0 137 46 203.5t151 66.5t149.5 -66t44.5 -204q0 -134 -45 -192t-152 -58zM252 27q82 0 116 47t34 164q0 120 -34.5 175.5t-115.5 55.5t-116 -55t-35 -176q0 -117 34 -164t117 -47zM313 707l-41 -130h-39l35 130h45z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="491" d="M147 496h118l-6 -36h-112v-460h-45v460h-78v36h78v102q0 76 31 103.5t92 27.5q91 0 183 -19v-710h-45v679q-90 11 -130 11q-46 0 -66 -19t-20 -76v-99z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="961" d="M38 22l7 38q110 -30 180 -30q58 0 86.5 18.5t28.5 77.5q0 47 -25 69.5t-88 42.5l-41 13q-71 22 -103 49t-32 87q0 66 38.5 92t109.5 26q45 0 105 -10q-35 45 -35 98q0 65 40 100t111 35q76 0 148 -24v-201l-2 -69h2q86 71 177 71q134 0 134 -146v-359h-45v356 q0 63 -26.5 86.5t-71.5 23.5q-83 0 -168 -76v-390h-45v680q-44 14 -100 14q-53 0 -83.5 -27t-30.5 -78q0 -65 56 -108l-7 -37q-93 22 -154 22q-55 0 -81.5 -17.5t-26.5 -60.5q0 -39 21.5 -58.5t81.5 -38.5l40 -13q80 -25 113 -56.5t33 -95.5q0 -75 -40.5 -105t-117.5 -30 q-93 0 -189 31z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="722" d="M56 241q0 133 45 198.5t148 65.5q25 0 48 -4q-28 35 -28 81q0 59 35.5 90t102.5 31q69 0 135 -22v-185h148l-6 -36h-142v-358q0 -45 14 -57.5t48 -12.5q27 0 77 10l9 -36q-41 -13 -95 -13q-51 0 -74.5 21t-23.5 87v359h-74v36h74l3 161q-43 12 -90 12q-48 0 -75 -23 t-27 -66q0 -59 51 -91l-8 -37q-64 14 -100 14q-80 0 -115 -54.5t-35 -170.5q0 -117 34 -164t116 -47q45 0 101 15l10 -37q-60 -17 -113 -17q-106 0 -149.5 58t-43.5 192z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="924" d="M486 0v684q-38 9 -72 9q-53 0 -80 -26.5t-27 -73.5q0 -61 52 -104l-8 -37q-64 14 -100 14q-80 0 -115 -54.5t-35 -170.5q0 -117 34 -164t116 -47q45 0 101 15l10 -37q-60 -17 -113 -17q-106 0 -149.5 58t-43.5 192q0 133 45 198.5t148 65.5q16 0 52 -4q-34 41 -34 96 q0 61 37.5 96t107.5 35q64 0 119 -21v-204l-1 -69h1q88 71 177 71q135 0 135 -146v-359h-45v356q0 63 -26.5 86.5t-71.5 23.5q-82 0 -169 -76v-390h-45z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="332" d="M36 407q0 102 31 136.5t92 34.5q63 0 115 -23v-218q0 -30 10.5 -38.5t38.5 -0.5l6 -28q-21 -7 -40 -7q-37 0 -49 40h-2q-51 -44 -108 -44q-47 0 -70.5 30t-23.5 118zM162 546q-43 0 -65 -25.5t-22 -109.5q0 -73 16.5 -96t49.5 -23q46 0 94 41v198q-33 15 -73 15z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="413" d="M253 547v-78q0 -68 -13 -99.5t-54 -70.5l-50 -47q-46 -43 -46 -109q0 -68 34.5 -91t104.5 -23q57 0 132 20l6 -35q-69 -23 -145 -23q-87 0 -131.5 33t-44.5 120q0 83 56 135l55 52q34 32 43 58t9 85v73h44zM253 697v-78h-44v78h44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="220" d="M132 547v-547h-44v547h44zM133 697v-78h-46v78h46z" /> +<hkern u1="&#x24;" u2="&#x201c;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x24;" u2="&#x2018;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x28;" u2="J" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x201d;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x201c;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x2019;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x2018;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x39;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x34;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x27;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x22;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x37;" u2="&#x32;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#x3f;" u2="&#x2039;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x3f;" u2="&#xab;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="A" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="A" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x2026;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x178;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xdd;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc6;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc5;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc4;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc3;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc2;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc1;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc0;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="Y" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="X" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="V" k="4" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="T" k="5" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="J" k="23" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="A" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x33;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x2e;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x2c;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="C" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="E" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#x2122;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="r" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#x3f;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="K" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="&#x2122;" k="80" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="&#xae;" k="75" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x201d;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x201c;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x2019;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x2018;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="P" u2="r" k="5" /> +<hkern u1="P" u2="&#x3f;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="Q" u2="&#x2026;" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="Q" u2="&#x2e;" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="Q" u2="&#x2c;" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="R" g2="t.aalt" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="&#x3f;" k="-23" /> +<hkern u1="V" u2="&#x2122;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="V" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="11" /> +<hkern u1="V" u2="&#x3f;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="W" u2="&#x2122;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="W" u2="&#x3f;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="&#x2122;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="&#x3f;" k="-17" /> +<hkern u1="a" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="a" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="&#x178;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="&#xdd;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="j" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="Y" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="T" k="44" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="&#x178;" k="43" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="&#xdd;" k="43" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="Y" k="43" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="T" k="48" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="ydieresis.aalt" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="yacute.aalt" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="ae.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="y.aalt" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x201d;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x201c;" k="-6" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2019;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2018;" k="-6" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2014;" k="19" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2013;" k="19" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x178;" k="37" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xe6;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xe5;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xe4;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xe3;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xe2;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xe1;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xe0;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xdd;" k="37" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xad;" k="19" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="v" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="t" k="9" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="a" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="Y" k="37" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="T" k="24" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2d;" k="19" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa5;" u2="&#x201c;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa5;" u2="&#x2018;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xae;" u2="&#x2026;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#xae;" u2="&#x2e;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#xae;" u2="&#x2c;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="c_t.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="ccedilla.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="oe.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="edieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="ecircumflex.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="eacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="egrave.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="aring.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="adieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="atilde.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="acircumflex.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="aacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="agrave.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="e.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="a.ss01" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="Oacute.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="Ccedilla.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x153;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x152;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf8;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf6;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf5;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf4;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf3;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf2;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf0;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xeb;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xea;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe9;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe8;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe7;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xdc;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xdb;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xda;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd9;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd8;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd6;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd5;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd4;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd3;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd2;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xc7;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="q" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="o" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="g" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="e" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="d" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="c" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="W" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="V" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="U" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="Q" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="O" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="J" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="G" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="C" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x30;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc0;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc0;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc1;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc1;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc2;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc2;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc3;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc3;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc4;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc4;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc5;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc5;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc6;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc7;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc8;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc9;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xca;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xcb;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-17" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc6;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc5;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc4;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc3;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc2;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc1;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc0;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="Z" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="X" k="46" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="W" k="45" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="V" k="45" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="T" k="51" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="J" k="86" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="A" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe0;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe0;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe1;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe1;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe2;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe2;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe3;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe3;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe4;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe4;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe5;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe5;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x152;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-17" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" g2="ydieresis.aalt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" g2="yacute.aalt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" g2="y.aalt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x201d;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x201c;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x2019;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x2018;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="v" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="&#xa5;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2019;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2019;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="-28" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="M" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="&#x32;" k="-16" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xa5;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="-28" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="M" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x32;" k="-16" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2026;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2e;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2c;" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="glyph226" g2="l.aalt" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="Ccedilla.aalt" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="glyph226" k="-19" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdc;" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdb;" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xda;" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xd9;" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc6;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc5;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc4;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc3;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc2;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc1;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc0;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="Z" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="W" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="V" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="U" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="T" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="A" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="T" k="34" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="V" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="W" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="37" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="t" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="85" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="73" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="S" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="j" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Ccedilla.aalt" g2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="T" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="V" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="J" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="X" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="three" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="J" k="76" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="92" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="x" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="z" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="slash" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="Z" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Eth,Ntilde,Thorn" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="igrave" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="T" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="W" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="one,H,I,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="J" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="J" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="x" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="T" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="V" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="W" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="t" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="S" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="j" k="-3" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="w" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="V" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="J" k="88" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="X" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="77" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="slash" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="Z" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="T" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="j" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="J" k="3" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="T" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="V" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="S" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="J" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="X" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-4" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="V" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="W" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="t" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="S" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="w" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="34" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="J" k="53" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="X" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="41" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="x" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="z" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="slash" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="Z" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="64" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="colon,semicolon" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="g.aalt" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="J" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="T" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="t" k="-4" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="S" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="31" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="J" k="79" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="78" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="x" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="z" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="slash" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="J" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="42" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="z" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="i,iacute" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="T" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="t" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="w" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="T" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-11" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="S" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="w" k="29" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="37" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="J" k="88" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="52" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="31" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="37" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="x" k="43" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="z" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="slash" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="Z" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="41" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="colon,semicolon" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="g.aalt" k="46" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="J" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="T" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="V" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="57" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="22" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="T" k="66" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="V" k="21" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="W" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="54" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="T" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="W" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="T" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="V" k="14" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="34" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="t" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="V" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-60" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-66" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="z" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="t" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-28" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="j" k="-17" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="w" k="-11" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="x" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="z" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-12" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-26" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-16" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="x" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="slash" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="g.aalt" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="j" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="j" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="j" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="w" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="g.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="i,iacute" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="l" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="j" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="w" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="i,iacute" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="T" k="42" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="46" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="j" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-17" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="T" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="t" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-66" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="w" k="-9" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="T" k="43" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-22" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="T" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="slash" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="27" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="T" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-12" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-22" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="14" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="73" /> +<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="T" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-36" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-45" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="T" k="26" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-42" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="T" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="S" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="87" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="J" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="three" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="z" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-26" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="igrave" k="-36" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="g.aalt" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="four" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="nine" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="space,uni00A0" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f.ss07" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="eight" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="one" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="seven" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="germandbls" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="T" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="21" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="86" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="J" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="three" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="58" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="igrave" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="21" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="g.aalt" k="48" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="four" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="space,uni00A0" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="f.ss07" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="eight" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="one" k="-23" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="seven" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="germandbls" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="three" k="-9" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="four" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="nine" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="one" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="seven" k="-40" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="T" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="V" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="W" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="t" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="S" k="-9" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="j" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="-37" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="J" k="-46" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="X" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="three" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="z" k="-12" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="Z" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="nine" k="36" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="space,uni00A0" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="f.ss07" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="one" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="seven" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="t" k="14" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="w" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="21" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="nine" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="space,uni00A0" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="eight" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="one" k="32" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="seven" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="six" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="V" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="S" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="J" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="X" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="three" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="14" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="x" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="i,iacute" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="four" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="one" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="seven" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="colon,semicolon" g2="space,uni00A0" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="colon,semicolon" g2="one" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="X" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="three" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="one" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="seven" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="three" k="3" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="one" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="seven" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="three" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="nine" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="eight" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="one" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="three" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="four" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="nine" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="eight" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="one" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="eight" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="six" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="nine" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="nine" g2="nine" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="nine" g2="eight" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="three" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="105" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="slash" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="colon,semicolon" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="four" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="eight" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="one" k="-8" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="-40" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="six" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="J" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="z" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="igrave" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="V" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="48" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="W" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="W" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="t" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="S" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="J" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="z" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,s_h.dlig,c_h.dlig" g2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,s_h.dlig,c_h.dlig" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,s_h.dlig,c_h.dlig" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="54" /> +<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,s_h.dlig,c_h.dlig" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="c,ccedilla,ccedilla.aalt" g2="T" k="32" /> +<hkern g1="c,ccedilla,ccedilla.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="c,ccedilla,ccedilla.aalt" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="c,ccedilla,ccedilla.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="-10" /> +</font> +</defs></svg>
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href="#specimen">Specimen</a></li> + <li><a href="#layout">Sample Layout</a></li> + <li><a href="#glyphs">Glyphs &amp; Languages</a></li> + <li><a href="#installing">Installing Webfonts</a></li> + + </ul> + + <div id="main_content"> + + + <div id="specimen"> + + <div class="section"> + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + <div class="huge">AaBb</div> + </div> + </div> + + <div class="section"> + <div class="glyph_range">A&#x200B;B&#x200b;C&#x200b;D&#x200b;E&#x200b;F&#x200b;G&#x200b;H&#x200b;I&#x200b;J&#x200b;K&#x200b;L&#x200b;M&#x200b;N&#x200b;O&#x200b;P&#x200b;Q&#x200b;R&#x200b;S&#x200b;T&#x200b;U&#x200b;V&#x200b;W&#x200b;X&#x200b;Y&#x200b;Z&#x200b;a&#x200b;b&#x200b;c&#x200b;d&#x200b;e&#x200b;f&#x200b;g&#x200b;h&#x200b;i&#x200b;j&#x200b;k&#x200b;l&#x200b;m&#x200b;n&#x200b;o&#x200b;p&#x200b;q&#x200b;r&#x200b;s&#x200b;t&#x200b;u&#x200b;v&#x200b;w&#x200b;x&#x200b;y&#x200b;z&#x200b;1&#x200b;2&#x200b;3&#x200b;4&#x200b;5&#x200b;6&#x200b;7&#x200b;8&#x200b;9&#x200b;0&#x200b;&amp;&#x200b;.&#x200b;,&#x200b;?&#x200b;!&#x200b;&#64;&#x200b;(&#x200b;)&#x200b;#&#x200b;$&#x200b;%&#x200b;*&#x200b;+&#x200b;-&#x200b;=&#x200b;:&#x200b;;</div> + </div> + <div class="section"> + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + <table class="sample_table"> + <tr><td>10</td><td class="size10">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>11</td><td class="size11">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>12</td><td class="size12">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>13</td><td class="size13">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>14</td><td class="size14">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>16</td><td class="size16">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>18</td><td class="size18">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>20</td><td class="size20">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>24</td><td class="size24">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>30</td><td class="size30">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>36</td><td class="size36">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>48</td><td class="size48">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>60</td><td class="size60">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>72</td><td class="size72">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + <tr><td>90</td><td class="size90">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</td></tr> + </table> + + </div> + + </div> + + + + <div class="section" id="bodycomparison"> + + + <div id="xheight"> + <div class="fontbody">&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;body</div><div class="arialbody">body</div><div class="verdanabody">body</div><div class="georgiabody">body</div></div> + <div class="fontbody" style="z-index:1"> + body<span>Bunday Sans Light Italic</span> + </div> + <div class="arialbody" style="z-index:1"> + body<span>Arial</span> + </div> + <div class="verdanabody" style="z-index:1"> + body<span>Verdana</span> + </div> + <div class="georgiabody" style="z-index:1"> + body<span>Georgia</span> + </div> + + + + </div> + + + <div class="section psample psample_row1" id=""> + + <div class="grid2 firstcol"> + <p class="size10"><span>10.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid3"> + <p class="size11"><span>11.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid3"> + <p class="size12"><span>12.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid4"> + <p class="size13"><span>13.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="white_blend"></div> + + </div> + <div class="section psample psample_row2" id=""> + <div class="grid3 firstcol"> + <p class="size14"><span>14.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid4"> + <p class="size16"><span>16.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid5"> + <p class="size18"><span>18.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + + <div class="white_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample psample_row3" id=""> + <div class="grid5 firstcol"> + <p class="size20"><span>20.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + <div class="grid7"> + <p class="size24"><span>24.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + + <div class="white_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample psample_row4" id=""> + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + <p class="size30"><span>30.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + <div class="white_blend"></div> + + </div> + + + + <div class="section psample psample_row1 fullreverse"> + <div class="grid2 firstcol"> + <p class="size10"><span>10.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid3"> + <p class="size11"><span>11.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid3"> + <p class="size12"><span>12.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid4"> + <p class="size13"><span>13.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="black_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample psample_row2 fullreverse"> + <div class="grid3 firstcol"> + <p class="size14"><span>14.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid4"> + <p class="size16"><span>16.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid5"> + <p class="size18"><span>18.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="black_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample fullreverse psample_row3" id=""> + <div class="grid5 firstcol"> + <p class="size20"><span>20.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + <div class="grid7"> + <p class="size24"><span>24.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + + <div class="black_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample fullreverse psample_row4" id="" style="border-bottom: 20px #000 solid;"> + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + <p class="size30"><span>30.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + <div class="black_blend"></div> + + </div> + + + + + </div> + + <div id="layout"> + + <div class="section"> + + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + <h1>Lorem Ipsum Dolor</h1> + <h2>Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod</h2> + + <p class="byline">By <a href="#link">Aenean Lacinia</a></p> + </div> + </div> + <div class="section"> + <div class="grid8 firstcol"> + <p class="large">Donec sed odio dui. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. </p> + + + <h3>Pellentesque ornare sem</h3> + + <p>Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. </p> + + <p>Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </p> + + <p>Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. </p> + + <p>Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. </p> + + <h3>Cras mattis consectetur</h3> + + <p>Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. </p> + + <p>Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.</p> + </div> + + <div class="grid4 sidebar"> + + <div class="box reverse"> + <p class="last">Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </p> + </div> + + <p class="caption">Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius.</p> + + <p>Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. </p> + + + + <p>Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. </p> + + <p>Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. </p> + + </div> + </div> + + </div> + + + + + + + <div id="glyphs"> + <div class="section"> + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + + <h1>Language Support</h1> + <p>The subset of Bunday Sans Light Italic in this kit supports the following languages:<br /> + + Albanian, Basque, Breton, Chamorro, Danish, Dutch, English, Faroese, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, German, Icelandic, Italian, Malagasy, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Alsatian, Aragonese, Arapaho, Arrernte, Asturian, Aymara, Bislama, Cebuano, Corsican, Fijian, French_creole, Genoese, Gilbertese, Greenlandic, Haitian_creole, Hiligaynon, Hmong, Hopi, Ibanag, Iloko_ilokano, Indonesian, Interglossa_glosa, Interlingua, Irish_gaelic, Jerriais, Lojban, Lombard, Luxembourgeois, Manx, Mohawk, Norfolk_pitcairnese, Occitan, Oromo, Pangasinan, Papiamento, Piedmontese, Potawatomi, Rhaeto-romance, Romansh, Rotokas, Sami_lule, Samoan, Sardinian, Scots_gaelic, Seychelles_creole, Shona, Sicilian, Somali, Southern_ndebele, Swahili, Swati_swazi, Tagalog_filipino_pilipino, Tetum, Tok_pisin, Uyghur_latinized, Volapuk, Walloon, Warlpiri, Xhosa, Yapese, Zulu, Latinbasic, Ubasic, Demo </p> + <h1>Glyph Chart</h1> + <p>The subset of Bunday Sans Light Italic in this kit includes all the glyphs listed below. Unicode entities are included above each glyph to help you insert individual characters into your layout.</p> + <div id="glyph_chart"> + + <div><p>&amp;#13;</p>&#13;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#32;</p>&#32;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#33;</p>&#33;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#34;</p>&#34;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#35;</p>&#35;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#36;</p>&#36;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#37;</p>&#37;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#38;</p>&#38;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#39;</p>&#39;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#40;</p>&#40;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#41;</p>&#41;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#42;</p>&#42;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#43;</p>&#43;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#44;</p>&#44;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#45;</p>&#45;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#46;</p>&#46;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#47;</p>&#47;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#48;</p>&#48;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#49;</p>&#49;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#50;</p>&#50;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#51;</p>&#51;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#52;</p>&#52;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#53;</p>&#53;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#54;</p>&#54;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#55;</p>&#55;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#56;</p>&#56;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#57;</p>&#57;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#58;</p>&#58;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#59;</p>&#59;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#60;</p>&#60;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#61;</p>&#61;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#62;</p>&#62;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#63;</p>&#63;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64;</p>&#64;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#65;</p>&#65;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#66;</p>&#66;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#67;</p>&#67;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#68;</p>&#68;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#69;</p>&#69;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#70;</p>&#70;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#71;</p>&#71;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#72;</p>&#72;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#73;</p>&#73;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#74;</p>&#74;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#75;</p>&#75;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#76;</p>&#76;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#77;</p>&#77;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#78;</p>&#78;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#79;</p>&#79;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#80;</p>&#80;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#81;</p>&#81;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#82;</p>&#82;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#83;</p>&#83;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#84;</p>&#84;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#85;</p>&#85;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#86;</p>&#86;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#87;</p>&#87;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#88;</p>&#88;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#89;</p>&#89;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#90;</p>&#90;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#91;</p>&#91;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#92;</p>&#92;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#93;</p>&#93;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#94;</p>&#94;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#95;</p>&#95;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#96;</p>&#96;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#97;</p>&#97;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#98;</p>&#98;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#99;</p>&#99;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#100;</p>&#100;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#101;</p>&#101;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#102;</p>&#102;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#103;</p>&#103;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#104;</p>&#104;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#105;</p>&#105;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#106;</p>&#106;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#107;</p>&#107;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#108;</p>&#108;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#109;</p>&#109;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#110;</p>&#110;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#111;</p>&#111;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#112;</p>&#112;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#113;</p>&#113;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#114;</p>&#114;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#115;</p>&#115;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#116;</p>&#116;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#117;</p>&#117;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#118;</p>&#118;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#119;</p>&#119;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#120;</p>&#120;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#121;</p>&#121;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#122;</p>&#122;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#123;</p>&#123;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#124;</p>&#124;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#125;</p>&#125;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#126;</p>&#126;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#160;</p>&#160;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#161;</p>&#161;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#162;</p>&#162;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#163;</p>&#163;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#164;</p>&#164;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#165;</p>&#165;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#166;</p>&#166;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#167;</p>&#167;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#168;</p>&#168;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#169;</p>&#169;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#170;</p>&#170;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#171;</p>&#171;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#172;</p>&#172;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#173;</p>&#173;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#174;</p>&#174;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#175;</p>&#175;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#176;</p>&#176;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#177;</p>&#177;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#178;</p>&#178;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#179;</p>&#179;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#180;</p>&#180;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#181;</p>&#181;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#182;</p>&#182;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#183;</p>&#183;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#184;</p>&#184;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#185;</p>&#185;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#186;</p>&#186;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#187;</p>&#187;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#188;</p>&#188;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#189;</p>&#189;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#190;</p>&#190;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#191;</p>&#191;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#192;</p>&#192;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#193;</p>&#193;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#194;</p>&#194;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#195;</p>&#195;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#196;</p>&#196;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#197;</p>&#197;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#198;</p>&#198;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#199;</p>&#199;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#200;</p>&#200;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#201;</p>&#201;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#202;</p>&#202;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#203;</p>&#203;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#204;</p>&#204;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#205;</p>&#205;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#206;</p>&#206;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#207;</p>&#207;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#208;</p>&#208;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#209;</p>&#209;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#210;</p>&#210;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#211;</p>&#211;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#212;</p>&#212;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#213;</p>&#213;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#214;</p>&#214;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#215;</p>&#215;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#216;</p>&#216;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#217;</p>&#217;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#218;</p>&#218;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#219;</p>&#219;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#220;</p>&#220;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#221;</p>&#221;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#222;</p>&#222;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#223;</p>&#223;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#224;</p>&#224;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#225;</p>&#225;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#226;</p>&#226;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#227;</p>&#227;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#228;</p>&#228;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#229;</p>&#229;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#230;</p>&#230;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#231;</p>&#231;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#232;</p>&#232;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#233;</p>&#233;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#234;</p>&#234;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#235;</p>&#235;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#236;</p>&#236;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#237;</p>&#237;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#238;</p>&#238;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#239;</p>&#239;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#240;</p>&#240;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#241;</p>&#241;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#242;</p>&#242;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#243;</p>&#243;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#244;</p>&#244;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#245;</p>&#245;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#246;</p>&#246;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#247;</p>&#247;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#248;</p>&#248;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#249;</p>&#249;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#250;</p>&#250;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#251;</p>&#251;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#252;</p>&#252;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#253;</p>&#253;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#254;</p>&#254;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#255;</p>&#255;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#338;</p>&#338;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#339;</p>&#339;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#376;</p>&#376;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#710;</p>&#710;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#732;</p>&#732;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#7838;</p>&#7838;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8192;</p>&#8192;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8193;</p>&#8193;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8194;</p>&#8194;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8195;</p>&#8195;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8196;</p>&#8196;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8197;</p>&#8197;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8198;</p>&#8198;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8199;</p>&#8199;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8200;</p>&#8200;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8201;</p>&#8201;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8202;</p>&#8202;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8208;</p>&#8208;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8209;</p>&#8209;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8210;</p>&#8210;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8211;</p>&#8211;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8212;</p>&#8212;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8216;</p>&#8216;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8217;</p>&#8217;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8218;</p>&#8218;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8220;</p>&#8220;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8221;</p>&#8221;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8222;</p>&#8222;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8226;</p>&#8226;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8230;</p>&#8230;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8239;</p>&#8239;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8249;</p>&#8249;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8250;</p>&#8250;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8287;</p>&#8287;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8364;</p>&#8364;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8470;</p>&#8470;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8482;</p>&#8482;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#9724;</p>&#9724;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64256;</p>&#64256;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64257;</p>&#64257;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64258;</p>&#64258;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64259;</p>&#64259;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64260;</p>&#64260;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64262;</p>&#64262;</div> + </div> + </div> + + + </div> + </div> + + + <div id="specs"> + + </div> + + <div id="installing"> + <div class="section"> + <div class="grid7 firstcol"> + <h1>Installing Webfonts</h1> + + <p>Webfonts are supported by all major browser platforms but not all in the same way. There are currently four different font formats that must be included in order to target all browsers. This includes TTF, WOFF, EOT and SVG.</p> + + <h2>1. Upload your webfonts</h2> + <p>You must upload your webfont kit to your website. They should be in or near the same directory as your CSS files.</p> + + <h2>2. Include the webfont stylesheet</h2> + <p>A special CSS @font-face declaration helps the various browsers select the appropriate font it needs without causing you a bunch of headaches. Learn more about this syntax by reading the <a href="">Fontspring blog post</a> about it. The code for it is as follows:</p> + + +<code> +@font-face{ + font-family: 'MyWebFont'; + src: url('WebFont.eot'); + src: url('WebFont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), + url('WebFont.woff') format('woff'), + url('WebFont.ttf') format('truetype'), + url('WebFont.svg#webfont') format('svg'); +} +</code> + + <p>We've already gone ahead and generated the code for you. All you have to do is link to the stylesheet in your HTML, like this:</p> + <code>&lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; href=&quot;stylesheet.css&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; charset=&quot;utf-8&quot; /&gt;</code> + + <h2>3. Modify your own stylesheet</h2> + <p>To take advantage of your new fonts, you must tell your stylesheet to use them. Look at the original @font-face declaration above and find the property called "font-family." The name linked there will be what you use to reference the font. Prepend that webfont name to the font stack in the "font-family" property, inside the selector you want to change. For example:</p> +<code>p { font-family: 'WebFont', Arial, sans-serif; }</code> + +<h2>4. Test</h2> +<p>Getting webfonts to work cross-browser <em>can</em> be tricky. Use the information in the sidebar to help you if you find that fonts aren't loading in a particular browser.</p> + </div> + + <div class="grid5 sidebar"> + <div class="box"> + <h2>Troubleshooting<br />Font-Face Problems</h2> + <p>Having trouble getting your webfonts to load in your new website? Here are some tips to sort out what might be the problem.</p> + + <h3>Fonts not showing in any browser</h3> + + <p>This sounds like you need to work on the plumbing. You either did not upload the fonts to the correct directory, or you did not link the fonts properly in the CSS. If you've confirmed that all this is correct and you still have a problem, take a look at your .htaccess file and see if requests are getting intercepted.</p> + + <h3>Fonts not loading in iPhone or iPad</h3> + + <p>The most common problem here is that you are serving the fonts from an IIS server. IIS refuses to serve files that have unknown MIME types. If that is the case, you must set the MIME type for SVG to "image/svg+xml" in the server settings. Follow these instructions from Microsoft if you need help.</p> + + <h3>Fonts not loading in Firefox</h3> + + <p>The primary reason for this failure? You are still using a version Firefox older than 3.5. So upgrade already! If that isn't it, then you are very likely serving fonts from a different domain. Firefox requires that all font assets be served from the same domain. Lastly it is possible that you need to add WOFF to your list of MIME types (if you are serving via IIS.)</p> + + <h3>Fonts not loading in IE</h3> + + <p>Are you looking at Internet Explorer on an actual Windows machine or are you cheating by using a service like Adobe BrowserLab? Many of these screenshot services do not render @font-face for IE. Best to test it on a real machine.</p> + + <h3>Fonts not loading in IE9</h3> + + <p>IE9, like Firefox, requires that fonts be served from the same domain as the website. Make sure that is the case.</p> + </div> + </div> + </div> + + </div> + + </div> + <div id="footer"> + <p>&copy;2010-2017 Fontspring. All rights reserved.</p> + </div> +</div> +</body> +</html>
A assets/fonts/bundaysans-lightit-webfont.svg

@@ -0,0 +1,1165 @@

+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> +<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "" > +<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1"> +<metadata></metadata> +<defs> +<font id="bunday_sanslight_italic" horiz-adv-x="498" > +<font-face units-per-em="1000" ascent="750" descent="-250" /> +<missing-glyph horiz-adv-x="231" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb00;" horiz-adv-x="546" d="M194 496h210l20 102q15 77 48 104t94 27q49 0 96 -9l-13 -37q-47 7 -78 7q-45 0 -68.5 -19.5t-34.5 -77.5l-19 -97h142l-12 -36h-136l-100 -514q-15 -78 -43 -108t-84 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q52 13 59 16q33 11 50.5 34.5t27.5 77.5l99 513h-210l-101 -524 q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102q15 77 48.5 104t94.5 27q47 0 72 -7l-13 -36q-29 4 -56 4q-44 0 -67.5 -19.5t-34.5 -77.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb01;" horiz-adv-x="489" d="M194 496h257l-96 -496h-46l89 460h-211l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102q15 76 49.5 103.5t94.5 27.5q87 0 160 -19l-14 -36q-80 16 -143 16q-44 0 -68 -19.5 t-35 -77.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb02;" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M194 496h116l-13 -36h-110l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102q15 76 49 103.5t94 27.5q94 0 180 -19l-118 -606q-9 -46 1.5 -59t37.5 -13q17 0 35 3l-1 -37 q-20 -5 -49 -5q-43 0 -62.5 22t-6.5 86l112 578q-88 11 -125 11q-45 0 -68.5 -19t-34.5 -76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb03;" horiz-adv-x="745" d="M451 496h256l-96 -496h-45l89 460h-211l-100 -514q-15 -78 -43 -108t-83 -44l-53 -12l-3 37q53 13 60 16q33 11 50 34.5t27 77.5l100 513h-212l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36 h76l20 102q15 77 48.5 104t94.5 27q47 0 72 -7l-13 -36q-29 4 -56 4q-44 0 -67.5 -19.5t-34.5 -77.5l-19 -97h211l20 102q15 76 49.5 103.5t93.5 27.5q89 0 162 -19l-15 -36q-77 16 -143 16q-43 0 -67 -19.5t-35 -77.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb04;" horiz-adv-x="769" d="M451 496h114l-12 -36h-109l-100 -514q-15 -78 -43 -108t-83 -44l-53 -12l-3 37q53 13 60 16q33 11 50 34.5t27 77.5l100 513h-212l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102 q15 77 48.5 104t94.5 27q47 0 72 -7l-13 -36q-29 4 -56 4q-44 0 -67.5 -19.5t-34.5 -77.5l-19 -97h211l20 102q15 76 48.5 103.5t93.5 27.5q93 0 182 -19l-118 -606q-9 -46 1 -59t37 -13q15 0 36 3l-2 -37q-18 -5 -50 -5q-43 0 -61.5 21.5t-5.5 86.5l112 578q-88 11 -126 11 q-45 0 -68 -19t-34 -76z" /> +<glyph unicode="fb" horiz-adv-x="773" d="M194 496h116l-13 -36h-110l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102q15 76 50 103.5t97 27.5q90 0 176 -19l-39 -198q-18 -92 -19 -94h1q38 38 86 62.5t92 24.5q29 0 49 -5 t37.5 -20.5t25.5 -41.5t7 -70.5t-13 -105.5q-17 -85 -40.5 -140.5t-54.5 -83t-63 -37.5t-77 -10q-79 0 -169 37l127 651q-88 11 -126 11q-45 0 -68.5 -19t-34.5 -76zM484 30q33 0 57 7.5t51 29.5t47.5 71t35.5 124q13 66 13.5 108t-12 62.5t-28.5 27t-44 6.5 q-41 0 -89.5 -26.5t-88.5 -69.5l-61 -314q54 -26 119 -26z" /> +<glyph unicode="fh" horiz-adv-x="786" d="M194 496h116l-13 -36h-110l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102q15 76 48.5 103.5t93.5 27.5q95 0 181 -19l-40 -207l-19 -86h1q88 88 195 88q22 0 40.5 -5.5t37.5 -21 t23.5 -44t-1.5 -75.5l-69 -359h-45l68 356q22 110 -66 110q-49 0 -100 -26t-91 -70l-71 -370h-44l131 679q-88 11 -126 11q-45 0 -68.5 -19t-34.5 -76z" /> +<glyph unicode="fj" horiz-adv-x="488" d="M194 496h257l-104 -535q-15 -78 -43 -108t-83 -44q-4 -1 -21.5 -5t-30.5 -7l-1 38q41 8 58 15q33 11 49 33.5t26 78.5l97 498h-211l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102 q15 76 49.5 103.5t94.5 27.5q87 0 160 -19l-14 -36q-80 16 -143 16q-44 0 -68 -19.5t-35 -77.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="ffj" horiz-adv-x="744" d="M451 496h256l-104 -535q-15 -78 -43 -108t-83 -44l-19 -5q-19 -4 -33 -7v38q41 9 57 15q33 11 49.5 33.5t26.5 78.5l97 498h-211l-100 -514q-15 -78 -42.5 -108t-83.5 -44q-3 -1 -21 -5t-32 -7l-3 37q53 13 60 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l99 513h-212l-101 -524 q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102q15 77 48.5 104t94.5 27q47 0 72 -7l-13 -36q-29 4 -56 4q-44 0 -67.5 -19.5t-34.5 -77.5l-19 -97h211l20 102q15 76 49.5 103.5t94.5 27.5 q88 0 161 -19l-15 -36q-77 16 -143 16q-43 0 -67 -19.5t-35 -77.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="fk" horiz-adv-x="724" d="M194 496h116l-13 -36h-110l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102q15 76 49 103.5t94 27.5q94 0 180 -19l-79 -406q37 -2 57 -12l225 204h60l-247 -221q25 -19 49 -63 l124 -212h-50l-111 188q-25 45 -47.5 59.5t-66.5 17.5l-52 -265h-44l132 679q-88 11 -126 11q-45 0 -68.5 -19t-34.5 -76z" /> +<glyph unicode="ft" horiz-adv-x="578" d="M142 460h-75l6 36h76l20 102q15 77 48.5 104t94.5 27q47 0 72 -7l-13 -36q-29 4 -56 4q-44 0 -67.5 -19.5t-34.5 -77.5l-19 -97h211l30 136l43 5l-27 -141h144l-13 -36h-138l-70 -358q-9 -45 2.5 -57.5t45.5 -12.5q27 0 77 10v-36q-41 -13 -89 -13q-52 0 -73 21t-8 87 l70 359h-212l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="500" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="500" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="333" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd;" horiz-adv-x="0" /> +<glyph unicode=" " horiz-adv-x="231" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x09;" horiz-adv-x="231" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa0;" horiz-adv-x="231" /> +<glyph unicode="!" horiz-adv-x="220" d="M68 150l107 547h44l-107 -547h-44zM39 0l15 78h45l-15 -78h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x22;" horiz-adv-x="338" d="M276 540l33 182h42l-38 -182h-37zM140 540l33 182h43l-39 -182h-37z" /> +<glyph unicode="#" horiz-adv-x="795" d="M86 183l9 32h181l48 159h-180l9 31h180l56 189h32l-57 -189h154l57 189h31l-56 -189h177l-9 -31h-177l-48 -159h177l-10 -32h-177l-54 -185h-31l54 185h-154l-54 -185h-32l54 185h-180zM307 215h154l48 159h-154z" /> +<glyph unicode="$" horiz-adv-x="548" d="M49 25l16 39q79 -23 161 -23q80 0 118.5 31.5t51.5 99.5q13 65 -10 101t-82 65l-41 20q-22 11 -36.5 19.5t-30 21t-24 26t-14.5 32t-6 42.5t6 53q24 134 183 142l18 94h35l-18 -93q76 -3 131 -19l-15 -37q-73 16 -135 16q-136 0 -156 -113q-12 -60 9.5 -90.5t75.5 -56.5 l41 -20q19 -9 32 -16.5t28 -18t24.5 -21.5t18.5 -27t12.5 -33.5t3 -41t-5.5 -51.5q-17 -81 -62.5 -122t-137.5 -43l-17 -92h-35l18 92q-98 3 -157 24z" /> +<glyph unicode="%" horiz-adv-x="808" d="M87 484q24 122 62 173t111 51t93.5 -53t-3.5 -171q-24 -122 -62 -172.5t-112 -50.5q-73 0 -93 52t4 171zM181 294q53 0 81.5 43t48.5 147q21 103 9 146.5t-65 43.5q-52 0 -80.5 -42.5t-49.5 -147.5q-20 -103 -8 -146.5t64 -43.5zM498 216q25 122 62.5 173t110.5 51 t93.5 -53t-3.5 -171q-24 -122 -61.5 -172.5t-111.5 -50.5t-94 52t4 171zM592 26q53 0 81.5 43t48.5 147q21 103 9 146.5t-64 43.5t-80.5 -42.5t-49.5 -147.5q-21 -103 -9 -146.5t64 -43.5zM163 -22l483 740h39l-483 -740h-39z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x26;" horiz-adv-x="558" d="M516 433l3 -38l-80 -20q2 -6 7.5 -29.5t8 -34t6.5 -32.5t4.5 -37.5t0 -36.5t-4.5 -41q-15 -83 -77 -129t-163 -46q-210 0 -176 182q24 127 165 173l1 2q-99 32 -78 145q28 146 194 146q72 0 113 -13l-14 -37q-46 11 -95 11q-69 0 -105.5 -27t-47.5 -87q-6 -31 0.5 -55 t22 -36.5t31 -18.5t32.5 -8q232 62 252 67zM396 362q-103 -28 -161 -48q-124 -38 -146 -148q-13 -68 19 -103t117 -35q82 0 131 37.5t61 103.5q13 65 -21 193z" /> +<glyph unicode="'" horiz-adv-x="203" d="M140 540l33 182h43l-39 -182h-37z" /> +<glyph unicode="(" horiz-adv-x="347" d="M210 -27h-43q-58 139 -53 285q11 252 198 465h51q-199 -221 -208 -469q-6 -144 55 -281z" /> +<glyph unicode=")" horiz-adv-x="347" d="M178 723h42q59 -138 54 -285q-11 -249 -199 -465h-50q198 222 207 469q7 142 -54 281z" /> +<glyph unicode="*" d="M182 355l-27 21l119 131l-143 48l17 32l141 -52l30 162h36l-33 -162l161 55l4 -33l-160 -52l70 -129l-31 -20l-66 131z" /> +<glyph unicode="+" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M214 116l35 179h-171l7 36h171l36 183h36l-35 -183h171l-8 -36h-170l-35 -179h-37z" /> +<glyph unicode="," horiz-adv-x="210" d="M17 -106h-45q64 76 85 189h45q-24 -119 -85 -189z" /> +<glyph unicode="-" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M50 268l7 38h272l-8 -38h-271z" /> +<glyph unicode="." horiz-adv-x="211" d="M29 0l16 85h57l-16 -85h-57z" /> +<glyph unicode="/" horiz-adv-x="330" d="M338 698h41l-347 -698h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="0" horiz-adv-x="533" d="M81 349q37 191 97.5 275.5t174.5 84.5q115 0 146 -87.5t-8 -272.5q-37 -192 -97 -276.5t-175 -84.5t-145.5 88t7.5 273zM224 28q91 0 140 73.5t83 247.5q35 169 14 244.5t-112 75.5q-92 0 -140.5 -73t-82.5 -247q-35 -169 -14 -245t112 -76z" /> +<glyph unicode="1" horiz-adv-x="291" d="M109 0l127 657h-118l8 40h163l-135 -697h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="2" horiz-adv-x="466" d="M6 0l25 131q17 90 60 131.5t134 81.5l41 18q74 33 108 69t49 112q13 69 -10 96t-92 27q-60 0 -164 -25l1 38q113 27 168 27q90 0 124.5 -38.5t17.5 -125.5q-10 -50 -25 -84.5t-41.5 -59t-53 -39.5t-74.5 -36l-41 -18q-74 -33 -108.5 -67.5t-49.5 -109.5l-17 -88h311 l-7 -40h-356z" /> +<glyph unicode="3" horiz-adv-x="452" d="M-20 24l18 39q2 -1 13 -5t15.5 -5.5t16 -5t19 -5t20 -4.5t23.5 -4t25 -2t29 -1q75 0 118 40t60 128q16 85 -17 118.5t-111 35.5l-72 1l8 39l72 1q74 2 118.5 34.5t58.5 108.5q14 72 -13.5 100.5t-92.5 28.5q-68 0 -166 -31l-3 36q88 35 168 35q90 0 130 -36.5t22 -129.5 q-14 -76 -53.5 -115.5t-85.5 -50.5q22 -6 37 -15.5t31.5 -30t18 -51.5t-5.5 -80q-21 -108 -76 -157t-149 -49q-85 0 -176 33z" /> +<glyph unicode="4" horiz-adv-x="489" d="M22 207v41l319 457l39 -16l-132 -189l-180 -253h293l37 175h42l-82 -422h-44l39 207h-331z" /> +<glyph unicode="5" horiz-adv-x="484" d="M27 21l14 39q2 -1 14 -4.5t25.5 -7.5t31.5 -8t40 -6.5t44 -2.5q74 0 118.5 38t63.5 133q19 96 -12 133t-110 37q-62 0 -134 -15l-14 12l64 328h300l-8 -40h-256l-50 -258q56 13 114 13q33 0 58 -5.5t48.5 -19t34.5 -37.5t16 -60.5t-7 -87.5q-23 -118 -79 -164.5 t-143 -46.5q-71 0 -173 30z" /> +<glyph unicode="6" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M355 666q-93 0 -142 -67t-82 -227q88 58 178 58q83 -1 121 -50t15 -167q-44 -225 -230 -225q-113 0 -142.5 88t8.5 273q38 193 99 275t179 82q67 0 133 -22l-15 -37q-68 19 -122 19zM300 390q-47 0 -97 -19t-81 -44q-31 -157 -9.5 -228t106.5 -71q72 0 117 43.5t64 141.5 q20 102 -7 139.5t-93 37.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="7" horiz-adv-x="447" d="M111 0h-48q68 175 154 321.5t224 335.5h-323l8 40h374l-9 -44q-148 -202 -231 -342t-149 -311z" /> +<glyph unicode="8" horiz-adv-x="519" d="M43 191q31 155 155 185q-45 11 -63.5 50.5t-6.5 100.5q18 90 70 136t147 46q97 0 135.5 -47t20.5 -135q-12 -62 -47.5 -104.5t-84.5 -52.5q116 -30 86 -178q-21 -107 -78 -155.5t-163 -48.5q-107 0 -149 49.5t-22 153.5zM288 389q144 0 169 138q29 142 -115 142 q-141 0 -170 -142q-14 -70 14 -104t102 -34zM217 28q85 0 130.5 37.5t62.5 125.5q32 158 -131 158q-160 0 -190 -158q-17 -87 13.5 -125t114.5 -38z" /> +<glyph unicode="9" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M190 31q93 0 142 66.5t82 227.5q-91 -58 -178 -58q-83 1 -121 50t-15 167q44 225 230 225q113 0 142.5 -88t-8.5 -273q-38 -193 -99 -275t-179 -82q-67 0 -133 22l15 37q68 -19 122 -19zM245 307q47 0 97 19t81 43q31 157 9.5 228.5t-106.5 71.5q-72 0 -117 -43.5 t-64 -141.5q-20 -102 7 -139.5t93 -37.5z" /> +<glyph unicode=":" horiz-adv-x="211" d="M98 351l16 85h57l-17 -85h-56zM30 0l16 85h57l-16 -85h-57z" /> +<glyph unicode=";" horiz-adv-x="210" d="M17 -106h-45q64 76 85 189h45q-24 -119 -85 -189zM97 351l16 85h57l-17 -85h-56z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x3c;" horiz-adv-x="510" d="M117 293l7 34l344 263l-10 -52l-300 -230l210 -229l-8 -44z" /> +<glyph unicode="=" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M67 194l7 36h354l-6 -36h-355zM107 398l7 36h354l-7 -36h-354z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x3e;" horiz-adv-x="510" d="M426 327l-6 -34l-344 -258l10 52l300 228l-211 231l9 44z" /> +<glyph unicode="?" horiz-adv-x="407" d="M139 150l15 78q13 68 32 99.5t67 70.5l58 47q54 44 66 109q13 68 -16 91t-97 23q-56 0 -134 -20l1 35q74 23 141 23q86 0 126 -33.5t23 -119.5q-16 -83 -80 -135l-65 -52q-39 -32 -53 -58t-26 -85l-14 -73h-44zM110 0l14 78h44l-14 -78h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="@" horiz-adv-x="761" d="M64 256q35 179 132 268t250 89q130 0 198.5 -62.5t68.5 -182.5q0 -52 -11 -105q-19 -96 -56.5 -141.5t-100.5 -45.5q-74 0 -80 58q-67 -67 -143 -67q-20 0 -34 3.5t-28.5 14t-20 30.5t-7.5 52t9 79q22 113 68 154t113 41q64 0 89.5 -32.5t9.5 -114.5l-24 -121 q-7 -36 9 -50t41 -14q48 0 76.5 37.5t44.5 120.5q11 53 11 100q0 214 -234 214q-282 0 -346 -325q-10 -49 -12 -103q-1 -114 57 -168t174 -54q48 0 93 8l-2 -31q-58 -9 -91 -9q-131 0 -198.5 64t-66.5 191q0 38 11 102zM327 99q65 0 132 66l25 129q13 68 -1.5 91.5 t-61.5 23.5q-55 0 -90 -35.5t-53 -128.5q-14 -86 -2 -116t51 -30z" /> +<glyph unicode="A" horiz-adv-x="504" d="M-25 0l329 697h67l65 -697h-44l-18 188h-264l-88 -188h-47zM126 227h247l-40 430h-2z" /> +<glyph unicode="B" horiz-adv-x="545" d="M235 0h-193l136 697h164q115 0 153 -43.5t21 -132.5q-27 -134 -137 -154q57 -10 86 -53t13 -123q-20 -103 -79.5 -147t-163.5 -44zM161 382h124q88 0 129 30.5t57 108.5q14 73 -12.5 104.5t-119.5 31.5h-124zM94 40h141q83 0 132.5 33t65.5 118q16 83 -15 117t-124 34 h-140z" /> +<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="463" d="M378 50v-38q-63 -21 -138 -21q-120 0 -158 78.5t0 278.5q35 189 101 273.5t188 84.5q66 0 133 -16l-15 -38q-58 14 -118 14q-100 0 -155 -68.5t-89 -249.5q-33 -182 -6.5 -249.5t122.5 -67.5q67 0 135 19z" /> +<glyph unicode="D" horiz-adv-x="551" d="M137 0h-95l134 697h91q61 0 99.5 -3.5t74.5 -16t53 -35.5t27 -62t6 -95.5t-19 -136.5q-16 -80 -33 -136t-41.5 -95t-49.5 -62t-65 -35.5t-80 -16t-102 -3.5zM94 40h46q46 0 75 2t61.5 8.5t53 19.5t42 35t36.5 56t29.5 80.5t26.5 109.5t16 109t3 79.5t-14 55t-27.5 34.5 t-45 19t-57.5 7.5t-75 1.5h-51z" /> +<glyph unicode="E" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M43 0l136 697h341l-8 -40h-297l-53 -274h242l-8 -40h-242l-59 -303h304l-7 -40h-349z" /> +<glyph unicode="F" horiz-adv-x="464" d="M42 0l136 697h346l-8 -40h-301l-57 -291h236l-7 -40h-236l-64 -326h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="G" horiz-adv-x="528" d="M81 348q17 90 40 155t48.5 104t59 61.5t66 30t75.5 7.5q86 0 153 -20l-14 -37q-77 17 -142 17q-36 0 -62 -6t-54 -25.5t-49 -53.5t-40.5 -92.5t-35.5 -140.5q-16 -81 -19 -138.5t4 -92t26 -54t42 -26t58 -6.5q65 0 142 18l63 337h43l-69 -365q-76 -30 -181 -30 q-43 0 -72 7.5t-54.5 29.5t-36.5 60.5t-9.5 103.5t18.5 156z" /> +<glyph unicode="H" horiz-adv-x="575" d="M42 0l136 697h45l-62 -315h309l62 315h45l-136 -697h-45l67 342h-309l-67 -342h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="I" horiz-adv-x="225" d="M42 0l136 697h45l-136 -697h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="J" horiz-adv-x="387" d="M-29 3l14 38q52 -10 105 -10q67 0 103.5 32.5t50.5 106.5l102 527h45l-102 -528q-19 -95 -66 -136.5t-134 -41.5q-65 0 -118 12z" /> +<glyph unicode="K" horiz-adv-x="517" d="M42 0l136 697h45l-62 -318q29 -2 59 -13l296 331h56l-314 -349q34 -29 62 -77l154 -271h-48l-143 247q-27 51 -54.5 69.5t-75.5 22.5l-66 -339h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="L" horiz-adv-x="425" d="M42 0l136 697h45l-129 -657h264l-7 -40h-309z" /> +<glyph unicode="M" horiz-adv-x="741" d="M625 0h-43l67 516l21 138h-3q-30 -55 -66 -122l-231 -408h-45l-78 406l-20 124h-3q-17 -75 -33 -140l-128 -514h-44l174 697h67l76 -404l18 -120h3q25 51 62 118l228 406h71z" /> +<glyph unicode="N" horiz-adv-x="600" d="M42 0l134 697h65l132 -466q45 -146 53 -190h2q8 52 28 152l96 504h44l-134 -697h-66l-124 439q-55 183 -60 217h-3q-8 -62 -31 -171l-93 -485h-43z" /> +<glyph unicode="O" horiz-adv-x="566" d="M81 343q37 194 102.5 280t188.5 86q121 0 156 -86.5t-3 -268.5q-38 -194 -103 -280t-188 -86q-121 0 -156 87t3 268zM240 28q99 0 152.5 75t88.5 251q34 166 8.5 240.5t-122.5 74.5q-100 0 -153.5 -75t-88.5 -251q-34 -166 -8.5 -240.5t123.5 -74.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="P" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M42 0l136 697h177q108 0 146 -42t17 -153q-42 -206 -236 -206h-137l-59 -296h-44zM153 336h131q80 0 125.5 39.5t63.5 127.5q17 91 -9 122.5t-112 31.5h-137z" /> +<glyph unicode="Q" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M81 343q37 194 102.5 280t188.5 86q121 0 156 -86.5t-3 -268.5q-32 -162 -80.5 -247t-131.5 -109q22 -39 62 -63t102 -41l-16 -35q-76 20 -122.5 48.5t-72.5 82.5q-22 -2 -32 -2q-121 0 -156 87t3 268zM240 28q99 0 152.5 75t88.5 251q34 166 8.5 240.5t-122.5 74.5 q-100 0 -153.5 -75t-88.5 -251q-34 -166 -8.5 -240.5t123.5 -74.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="R" horiz-adv-x="534" d="M42 0l136 697h177q108 0 145.5 -42t17.5 -152q-34 -163 -163 -185q29 -13 44.5 -42t24.5 -84l31 -192h-47l-26 178q-10 65 -32.5 94t-78.5 29h-125l-59 -301h-45zM154 341h131q81 0 125.5 37.5t62.5 124.5q17 91 -9.5 122.5t-112.5 31.5h-136z" /> +<glyph unicode="S" horiz-adv-x="475" d="M11 15l16 39q82 -23 161 -23q80 0 118.5 32t52.5 104q13 69 -8.5 106t-82.5 68l-41 21q-26 13 -43 24t-34.5 28t-23.5 35t-10.5 46t4.5 60q29 151 199 151q90 0 152 -19l-15 -37q-73 16 -135 16q-71 0 -108 -29t-49 -88q-12 -62 8.5 -92t77.5 -59l41 -21 q71 -35 100 -80.5t12 -133.5t-64.5 -130t-146.5 -42q-106 0 -181 24z" /> +<glyph unicode="T" horiz-adv-x="436" d="M148 0l128 657h-175l9 40h395l-9 -40h-176l-128 -657h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="U" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M69 172l102 525h45l-103 -523q-14 -75 16.5 -110.5t109.5 -35.5t123.5 35.5t58.5 110.5l103 523h45l-102 -525q-19 -95 -75.5 -139.5t-153.5 -44.5q-207 0 -169 184z" /> +<glyph unicode="V" horiz-adv-x="457" d="M151 0l-54 697h45l37 -485q9 -128 9 -169h2l73 168l221 486h47l-319 -697h-61z" /> +<glyph unicode="W" horiz-adv-x="731" d="M113 0l-1 697h44l-1 -515q0 -112 -3 -136h2q3 13 52 131l217 510h54l22 -512q2 -41 2.5 -84.5t-0.5 -45.5h2q4 16 47 132l194 520h47l-265 -697h-60l-18 430q-7 165 -4 212h-2q-29 -75 -88 -213l-183 -429h-58z" /> +<glyph unicode="X" horiz-adv-x="502" d="M270 333h-3q-65 -90 -122 -164l-126 -169h-53l277 363l-128 334h47l52 -137l60 -165h5q71 95 121 160l109 142h50l-258 -335l141 -362h-47l-63 161z" /> +<glyph unicode="Y" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M163 0l58 305l-134 392h47l90 -265q23 -74 25 -81h2l58 81l189 265h52l-284 -392l-58 -305h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="Z" horiz-adv-x="457" d="M-8 0l2 20l427 637h-282l8 40h343l-4 -20l-425 -637h312l-7 -40h-374z" /> +<glyph unicode="[" horiz-adv-x="375" d="M221 -86h-154l168 864h154l-7 -35h-116l-155 -795h116z" /> +<glyph unicode="\" horiz-adv-x="330" d="M128 698h36l78 -698h-36z" /> +<glyph unicode="]" horiz-adv-x="375" d="M178 -86h-154l6 30h115l157 804h-116l6 30h154z" /> +<glyph unicode="^" horiz-adv-x="530" d="M90 394l241 303h44l120 -303h-40l-107 266l-213 -266h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="_" horiz-adv-x="437" d="M-73 -134l7 34h436l-7 -34h-436z" /> +<glyph unicode="`" horiz-adv-x="246" d="M242 640l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M53 234q16 84 40.5 140.5t57 83.5t64 37t71.5 10q80 0 170 -37l-69 -365q-9 -49 4.5 -63.5t61.5 0.5l1 -33q-27 -10 -56 -10q-61 0 -57 79h-1q-90 -85 -192 -85q-31 0 -52 8.5t-38.5 34.5t-17 74t12.5 126zM287 466q-31 0 -54.5 -7.5t-50.5 -29.5t-48.5 -71.5 t-35.5 -124.5q-13 -64 -14 -105.5t9.5 -62t25.5 -28t38 -7.5q99 0 189 95l60 315q-55 26 -119 26z" /> +<glyph unicode="b" d="M176 722h44l-40 -210q-16 -82 -20 -90h2q37 37 84.5 60t93.5 23q29 0 49 -5t37.5 -20.5t25 -41.5t6.5 -70.5t-13 -105.5q-17 -85 -40 -140.5t-54.5 -83t-64 -37.5t-77.5 -10q-78 0 -168 37zM210 30q34 0 58 7.5t50.5 30t46.5 71t35 123.5q10 53 12 91t-2.5 59.5t-17 34 t-26.5 16t-35 3.5q-41 0 -90.5 -26.5t-89.5 -69.5l-60 -314q54 -26 119 -26z" /> +<glyph unicode="c" horiz-adv-x="397" d="M55 241q26 135 81.5 199.5t155.5 64.5q53 0 109 -16l-16 -37q-56 14 -95 14q-78 0 -123 -54.5t-67 -170.5q-22 -117 2 -164t104 -47q45 0 101 15l3 -37q-60 -17 -110 -17q-103 0 -137 59t-8 191z" /> +<glyph unicode="d" d="M54 232q16 86 40 142t55 83.5t62 37.5t73 10q71 0 131 -29h1q5 32 14 77l33 169h45l-140 -722h-40l11 74h-2q-85 -83 -189 -83q-25 0 -43 5t-34 20.5t-23.5 41t-6.5 70t13 104.5zM347 125l61 315q-52 26 -119 26q-34 0 -58 -7.5t-50.5 -30t-47 -71t-34.5 -124.5 q-13 -65 -14 -107.5t10 -62.5t25.5 -26.5t38.5 -6.5q96 0 188 95z" /> +<glyph unicode="e" horiz-adv-x="475" d="M55 243q28 145 84 205t155 60q82 0 122.5 -41t26.5 -111q-14 -72 -46 -94.5t-105 -22.5q-106 0 -187 27q-1 -3 -2.5 -13t-3.5 -16q-10 -67 -10 -108t19 -63t41 -29t58 -7q74 0 157 27l1 -37q-76 -29 -166 -29q-96 0 -133 55.5t-11 196.5zM114 303q92 -27 175 -27 q56 0 78 17.5t32 66.5q10 50 -17.5 80t-88.5 30q-70 0 -112.5 -39t-66.5 -128z" /> +<glyph unicode="f" horiz-adv-x="289" d="M-90 -228l-3 37q56 15 59 16q32 11 48 34t27 78l100 523h-76l7 36h76l20 102q14 76 48 103.5t96 27.5q46 0 93 -9l-13 -37q-47 7 -81 7q-43 0 -65.5 -19.5t-33.5 -77.5l-19 -97h142l-13 -36h-136l-100 -524q-15 -78 -42 -108t-82 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8z" /> +<glyph unicode="g" d="M79 -233v38q64 10 119 26q48 15 78.5 45.5t44.5 103.5l19 103h-1q-85 -83 -189 -83q-31 0 -52 8.5t-38.5 34t-17 72.5t12.5 123q16 84 38.5 138.5t53.5 81.5t63.5 37t77.5 10q86 0 169 -37l-92 -488q-18 -91 -56 -129.5t-101 -55.5q-72 -18 -129 -28zM100 238 q-13 -64 -13.5 -105.5t10.5 -61t26 -26t38 -6.5q47 0 97 26t90 69l59 306q-55 26 -119 26q-27 0 -46.5 -4t-42.5 -17.5t-39.5 -37.5t-32.5 -66.5t-27 -102.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="h" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M36 0l139 722h45l-43 -219l-19 -85h2q85 87 194 87q22 0 40.5 -5.5t38 -21t23.5 -44t-2 -75.5l-69 -359h-45l69 356q20 110 -67 110q-49 0 -100 -26t-91 -70l-71 -370h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="i" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M40 0l95 496h45l-96 -496h-44zM150 593l16 84h52l-16 -84h-52z" /> +<glyph unicode="j" horiz-adv-x="216" d="M-109 -228l-4 37q54 14 60 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l108 559h45l-109 -560q-15 -79 -42 -108.5t-84 -43.5l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8zM148 594l16 83h52l-16 -83h-52z" /> +<glyph unicode="k" horiz-adv-x="452" d="M37 0l141 722h45l-82 -418q37 -2 57 -12l224 204h61l-247 -221q25 -19 49 -63l124 -212h-50l-112 188q-24 45 -46.5 59.5t-67.5 17.5l-51 -265h-45z" /> +<glyph unicode="l" horiz-adv-x="240" d="M175 34l-2 -38q-20 -5 -47 -5q-43 0 -63 22t-8 86l121 623h45l-120 -620q-10 -46 0.5 -59t37.5 -13q22 0 36 4z" /> +<glyph unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="753" d="M36 0l96 496h40l-13 -75h2q86 84 175 84q41 0 65.5 -23t23.5 -71q92 94 181 94q20 0 37 -6t33.5 -22t21 -44t-1.5 -72l-70 -361h-45l70 359q21 107 -56 107q-83 0 -169 -97l-73 -369h-44l71 365q21 101 -55 101q-39 0 -86.5 -26.5t-86.5 -69.5l-72 -370h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="n" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M36 0l95 496h41l-13 -75h2q86 84 192 84q51 0 84 -31.5t18 -113.5l-70 -360h-45l70 357q20 109 -67 109q-50 0 -101 -26t-91 -70l-71 -370h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="o" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M201 -12q-106 0 -139 58t-7 192q26 138 82 204t159 66q104 0 136 -66.5t6 -203.5q-26 -135 -79.5 -192.5t-157.5 -57.5zM206 27q80 0 122.5 47t64.5 164q24 118 0.5 174.5t-101.5 56.5q-79 0 -124 -55t-68 -176q-24 -116 1 -163.5t105 -47.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="p" d="M447 263q-16 -85 -39.5 -141t-55.5 -83.5t-64 -37.5t-76 -10q-70 0 -128 27h-1q-5 -35 -12 -68l-33 -173h-45l139 719h40l-13 -75h2q36 36 85 60t93 24q29 0 49 -5t38 -20.5t25.5 -41.5t7 -70t-11.5 -105zM152 370l-61 -313q52 -27 119 -27q27 0 47 4t43 18t40.5 38.5 t33.5 68t28 104.5q10 53 11.5 90.5t-3 59t-17.5 34t-27 16t-36 3.5q-41 0 -89.5 -26.5t-88.5 -69.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="q" d="M325 -223h-45l41 215q15 77 18 82h-2q-83 -83 -176 -83q-29 0 -49.5 5t-38 20.5t-25.5 41.5t-7.5 69.5t12.5 104.5q16 86 39.5 142t55.5 83.5t64 37.5t78 10q79 0 169 -37zM289 466q-35 0 -59 -7.5t-50.5 -30t-47 -71t-34.5 -124.5q-13 -66 -13.5 -108t12 -62t28.5 -26.5 t44 -6.5q41 0 89.5 26.5t88.5 68.5l62 315q-55 26 -120 26z" /> +<glyph unicode="r" horiz-adv-x="335" d="M36 0l95 496h41l-13 -75h2q80 83 163 83q31 0 47 -4l-15 -42q-36 3 -41 3q-82 0 -163 -91l-72 -370h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="s" horiz-adv-x="431" d="M-5 22l14 38q103 -30 170 -30q57 0 88.5 18.5t43.5 77.5q9 47 -12 70.5t-79 43.5l-37 12q-66 23 -91 49t-13 86q12 66 52.5 92t109.5 26q87 0 162 -24l-13 -37q-78 22 -149 22q-52 0 -80.5 -17.5t-37.5 -60.5q-7 -40 10 -60.5t70 -38.5l37 -13q74 -24 100.5 -56.5 t13.5 -99.5q-13 -72 -56 -100.5t-120 -28.5q-96 0 -183 31z" /> +<glyph unicode="t" horiz-adv-x="314" d="M64 99l71 361h-72l6 36h73l30 136l42 5l-28 -141h145l-12 -36h-139l-71 -359q-9 -46 2.5 -58.5t45.5 -12.5q37 0 77 11l1 -37q-43 -13 -87 -13q-52 0 -74.5 21.5t-9.5 86.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="u" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M127 496h45l-69 -357q-22 -109 67 -109q99 0 191 95l72 371h44l-96 -496h-40l13 75h-2q-86 -84 -193 -84q-51 0 -84 31.5t-18 113.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="v" horiz-adv-x="423" d="M136 0l-69 496h44l39 -297q19 -143 19 -158h3q9 25 82 164l149 291h47l-257 -496h-57z" /> +<glyph unicode="w" horiz-adv-x="680" d="M102 0l-31 496h45l17 -296l6 -160h3q44 95 75 163l139 289h59l29 -293l13 -159h2q37 85 71 166l128 290h46l-221 -496h-61l-33 358l-9 94h-2q-17 -36 -45 -93l-171 -359h-60z" /> +<glyph unicode="x" horiz-adv-x="439" d="M-25 0l222 262l-107 234h48l67 -148l23 -57q24 33 45 60l119 145h51l-195 -236l122 -260h-49l-75 160l-28 69q-27 -33 -55 -69l-134 -160h-54z" /> +<glyph unicode="y" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M160 0q-23 0 -41.5 5.5t-37.5 21t-23.5 44t1.5 74.5l68 351h45l-68 -347q-12 -63 8 -86t60 -23q101 0 190 94l71 362h44l-99 -516q-12 -64 -34 -101t-48.5 -53t-73.5 -30q-43 -15 -129 -29v38q87 16 122 28q36 12 55 24t36 41.5t28 81.5l21 105h-2q-83 -85 -193 -85z" /> +<glyph unicode="z" horiz-adv-x="429" d="M0 0l3 21l343 436h-237l7 39h302l-4 -20l-344 -437h277l-7 -39h-340z" /> +<glyph unicode="{" horiz-adv-x="358" d="M207 -86h-18q-66 0 -93 30.5t-11 109.5l36 183q11 59 -2 78.5t-54 19.5l6 35q41 0 62 19.5t33 78.5l33 170q15 80 51.5 110t107.5 30h17l-7 -32h-17q-50 0 -76.5 -22.5t-36.5 -76.5l-35 -179q-20 -101 -77 -116q52 -17 32 -117l-36 -190q-11 -54 4.5 -76.5t62.5 -22.5h24 z" /> +<glyph unicode="|" horiz-adv-x="262" d="M26 -196l212 1088h39l-212 -1088h-39z" /> +<glyph unicode="}" horiz-adv-x="358" d="M233 237l-35 -183q-16 -81 -49.5 -110.5t-98.5 -29.5h-28l6 32h23q47 0 72 22.5t35 76.5l38 190q20 105 76 118q-51 19 -32 115l36 179q10 54 -7.5 76.5t-67.5 22.5h-18l7 32h13q68 0 96 -30.5t13 -109.5l-34 -170q-11 -58 2.5 -78t54.5 -20l-7 -35q-41 0 -62 -19.5 t-33 -78.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="~" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M144 287l-21 24q13 14 21.5 21t23.5 13.5t33 6.5q25 0 45.5 -14t31.5 -30.5t27.5 -30.5t33.5 -14q21 0 51 27l22 -24q-39 -41 -78 -41q-25 0 -45.5 14t-31.5 30.5t-27.5 30.5t-34.5 14q-19 0 -51 -27z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" horiz-adv-x="220" d="M153 350l-108 -546h-43l107 546h44zM182 501l-15 -78h-45l15 78h45z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" horiz-adv-x="549" d="M108 329q25 126 74 190.5t136 72.5l20 105h34l-20 -104q55 -2 102 -16l-16 -37q-58 14 -94 14q-78 0 -123 -54.5t-68 -170.5q-22 -117 2 -163.5t104 -46.5q45 0 101 15l3 -37q-56 -18 -111 -18l-19 -96h-34l19 98q-83 9 -108.5 68t-1.5 180z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" horiz-adv-x="547" d="M176 374l28 144q18 95 68.5 141.5t140.5 46.5q81 0 125 -16l-15 -36q-52 13 -109 13q-71 0 -110.5 -36.5t-54.5 -113.5l-28 -143h99l-6 -32h-99l-59 -302h289l-7 -40h-422l8 40h87l59 302h-74l7 32h73z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" horiz-adv-x="690" d="M110 116l-19 24l69 59q-42 65 -25 154q18 86 86 153l-48 61l29 24l47 -60q81 60 168 60q88 0 144 -62l71 60l20 -24l-73 -61q42 -69 26 -151q-16 -85 -84 -153l46 -57l-28 -24l-46 56q-81 -63 -169 -63q-89 0 -146 62zM330 147q83 0 153 60.5t86 145.5q16 84 -30.5 143.5 t-128.5 59.5q-83 0 -152.5 -59.5t-86.5 -143.5q-16 -85 30.5 -145.5t128.5 -60.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" horiz-adv-x="546" d="M149 321h107l-131 376h48l91 -265q23 -67 26 -81h2q14 21 59 81l194 265h52l-278 -376h109l-6 -33h-118l-13 -67h117l-6 -33h-118l-36 -188h-45l36 188h-116l6 33h117l13 67h-117z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" horiz-adv-x="262" d="M151 444l87 448h39l-87 -448h-39zM26 -196l87 447h39l-87 -447h-39z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" horiz-adv-x="501" d="M5 -87l14 39q88 -22 162 -22q85 0 119.5 22.5t47.5 88.5q10 51 -13.5 79.5t-85.5 54.5l-48 19q-67 27 -92.5 61t-12.5 99q15 71 78 101q-51 39 -35 120q25 130 198 130q79 0 150 -21l-15 -37q-90 18 -140 18q-131 0 -149 -96q-9 -48 11.5 -70.5t76.5 -44.5l52 -20 q68 -26 97 -65.5t14 -112.5q-15 -70 -62 -108q32 -44 19 -114q-15 -81 -59 -112.5t-149 -31.5q-99 0 -178 23zM246 418q-13 5 -35 15q-60 -22 -71 -85q-9 -47 10.5 -71t73.5 -46l52 -20q47 -21 69 -36q33 25 47 88q10 51 -13.5 81.5t-81.5 54.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" horiz-adv-x="968" d="M499 640h-49l16 81h49zM672 640h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" horiz-adv-x="824" d="M768 350q-33 -171 -136 -266.5t-259 -95.5t-224.5 96t-36.5 266q32 171 134.5 266t256.5 95q157 0 227 -95.5t38 -265.5zM735 350q31 157 -29 244.5t-200 87.5q-143 0 -237 -87t-125 -245t28 -245.5t201 -87.5t236.5 87.5t125.5 245.5zM490 173l-1 -29q-42 -14 -95 -14 q-34 0 -55 8.5t-37 32.5t-15 67t12 112q18 91 43.5 140t58 65t85.5 16q47 0 82 -11l-10 -29q-47 9 -76 9q-39 0 -63 -12t-46.5 -54.5t-37.5 -123.5q-12 -61 -13 -99t9.5 -57.5t27 -26t44.5 -6.5q41 0 87 12z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" horiz-adv-x="306" d="M68 407q19 102 55 136.5t96 34.5q63 0 111 -23l-42 -218q-6 -30 3 -38.5t37 -0.5v-28q-21 -7 -40 -7q-35 0 -41 40h-1q-60 -44 -111 -44q-47 0 -65.5 30.5t-1.5 117.5zM219 546q-42 0 -69 -25.5t-43 -109.5q-12 -52 -6.5 -78t16 -33.5t31.5 -7.5q46 0 100 42l39 197 q-30 15 -68 15z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xab;" horiz-adv-x="439" d="M130 54l-58 200l136 199h43l-141 -202l58 -197h-38zM280 54l-58 200l136 199h43l-141 -202l58 -197h-38z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xac;" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M96 293l8 39h345l-34 -175h-40l27 136h-306z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xad;" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M50 268l7 38h272l-8 -38h-271z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xae;" horiz-adv-x="502" d="M494 499q-19 -98 -78 -152t-150 -54t-132.5 54.5t-23.5 151.5q20 98 79 153t149 55q92 0 133.5 -55.5t22.5 -152.5zM470 499q17 89 -16.5 137.5t-115.5 48.5t-134.5 -48.5t-69.5 -137.5t16.5 -136.5t115.5 -47.5t134.5 47.5t69.5 136.5zM220 391l44 229h65q36 0 49 -15 t6 -53q-9 -49 -48 -59q14 -7 19 -39l10 -63h-27l-9 56q-3 18 -10 26.5t-22 8.5h-32l-17 -91h-28zM270 506h35q23 0 35 10t17 36t-2 35t-31 9h-36z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xaf;" horiz-adv-x="523" d="M462 693h-234l7 35h234z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb0;" horiz-adv-x="344" d="M131 593q11 55 47.5 85t82.5 30q48 0 75.5 -30t16.5 -85q-11 -56 -47 -85.5t-83 -29.5q-48 0 -75.5 30t-16.5 85zM225 504q36 0 63 24t35 65t-10 65t-53 24q-36 0 -64 -24t-35 -65q-8 -41 9.5 -65t54.5 -24z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb1;" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M226 177l34 176h-159l8 36h158l36 181h36l-35 -181h159l-7 -36h-159l-35 -176h-36zM34 0l6 36h354l-6 -36h-354z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" horiz-adv-x="304" d="M58 380l15 85q12 57 41 85t87 51l26 10q47 19 67.5 38t28.5 63q8 41 -6 56.5t-57 15.5q-40 0 -103 -15l-1 32q68 17 110 17q61 0 83.5 -24t11.5 -81q-11 -58 -39 -84.5t-86 -49.5l-28 -12q-45 -19 -66.5 -40.5t-29.5 -65.5l-9 -48h199l-6 -33h-238z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" horiz-adv-x="282" d="M42 396l14 30q50 -18 99 -18q44 0 70 23t36 73q9 50 -11 69.5t-67 20.5h-45l7 32l46 1q44 1 70 19.5t35 63.5q8 42 -9 58t-55 16q-44 0 -102 -18l-2 31q59 21 109 21q57 0 83.5 -24t14.5 -83q-9 -44 -32.5 -68t-50.5 -30q64 -24 47 -110q-14 -68 -48.5 -98t-95.5 -30 q-63 0 -113 21z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" horiz-adv-x="246" d="M249 770l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" horiz-adv-x="501" d="M127 496h45l-70 -357q-12 -63 8.5 -86t62.5 -23q77 0 172 76l76 390h44l-96 -496h-39l10 62h-2q-95 -71 -176 -71q-61 0 -83 33l-12 -68l-30 -154h-45l73 372z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" horiz-adv-x="592" d="M428 0l135 697h31l-135 -697h-31zM321 0l62 321h-105q-85 0 -120.5 35.5t-18.5 122.5l11 60q17 89 64.5 123.5t131.5 34.5h141l-135 -697h-31z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" horiz-adv-x="195" d="M80 297l11 55h53l-11 -55h-53z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" horiz-adv-x="408" d="M23 -227l13 29q38 -11 68 -11q60 0 68 40q3 18 -9 31.5t-28.5 21t-28.5 22t-8 35.5q4 25 34 51l31 -2q-27 -25 -31 -48q-3 -14 10 -26t29.5 -20t28 -26t6.5 -43q-7 -37 -30.5 -52t-68.5 -15q-18 0 -39 3t-33 7z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" horiz-adv-x="202" d="M122 380l77 399h-72l6 33h110l-83 -432h-38z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xba;" horiz-adv-x="316" d="M165 258q-69 0 -91 36.5t-6 119.5q17 85 51 125.5t102 40.5t88.5 -41t4.5 -125t-48.5 -120t-100.5 -36zM168 290q46 0 70.5 27.5t37.5 96.5q14 68 0.5 101t-58.5 33q-46 0 -72 -32.5t-39 -101.5t0.5 -96.5t60.5 -27.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" horiz-adv-x="439" d="M220 254l-135 -200h-43l140 204l-57 195h38zM371 254l-136 -200h-43l140 204l-57 195h38z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" horiz-adv-x="597" d="M100 265l77 399h-72l6 33h110l-83 -432h-38zM297 124l1 33l194 279l33 -14l-80 -113l-107 -151h169l22 104h36l-50 -262h-39l24 124h-203zM35 -22l483 740h39l-483 -740h-39z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" horiz-adv-x="649" d="M100 265l77 399h-72l6 33h110l-83 -432h-38zM330 0l15 85q12 57 41 85t87 51l26 10q47 20 67.5 38.5t28.5 62.5q7 42 -6.5 57t-57.5 15q-39 0 -102 -15l-1 32q68 17 110 17q61 0 83.5 -24t11.5 -81q-11 -58 -39 -84.5t-86 -49.5l-28 -12q-45 -19 -66.5 -40.5t-29.5 -65.5 l-9 -48h199l-6 -33h-238zM35 -22l483 740h39l-483 -740h-39z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" horiz-adv-x="667" d="M20 281l14 30q50 -18 99 -18q44 0 70 23t36 73q9 50 -11 69.5t-67 20.5h-45l7 32l46 1q44 1 70 19.5t35 63.5q8 42 -9 58t-55 16q-44 0 -102 -18l-2 31q59 21 109 21q57 0 83.5 -24t14.5 -83q-9 -44 -32.5 -68t-50.5 -30q64 -24 47 -110q-14 -68 -48.5 -98t-95.5 -30 q-63 0 -113 21zM367 124l1 33l194 279l33 -14l-79 -113l-108 -151h169l23 104h35l-50 -262h-39l24 124h-203zM105 -22l483 740h39l-483 -740h-39z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" horiz-adv-x="407" d="M270 351l-15 -78q-14 -69 -32.5 -101t-66.5 -71l-58 -47q-53 -41 -67 -107q-13 -68 16.5 -91t97.5 -23q54 0 134 20l-1 -35q-74 -23 -142 -23q-86 0 -125.5 33.5t-22.5 119.5q16 82 83 135l63 51q39 32 52 57.5t26 86.5l14 73h44zM299 501l-15 -78h-44l16 78h43z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" horiz-adv-x="504" d="M-25 0l329 697h67l65 -697h-44l-18 188h-264l-88 -188h-47zM126 227h247l-40 430h-2zM329 748l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" horiz-adv-x="504" d="M-25 0l329 697h67l65 -697h-44l-18 188h-264l-88 -188h-47zM126 227h247l-40 430h-2zM457 878l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" horiz-adv-x="504" d="M-25 0l329 697h67l65 -697h-44l-18 188h-264l-88 -188h-47zM126 227h247l-40 430h-2zM224 748l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" horiz-adv-x="504" d="M-25 0l329 697h67l65 -697h-44l-18 188h-264l-88 -188h-47zM126 227h247l-40 430h-2zM258 766l-13 22q31 30 67 30q25 0 52.5 -20t45.5 -20q24 0 47 22l14 -21q-33 -35 -68 -35q-25 0 -52.5 20t-47.5 20q-21 0 -45 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" horiz-adv-x="504" d="M-25 0l329 697h67l65 -697h-44l-18 188h-264l-88 -188h-47zM126 227h247l-40 430h-2zM289 748h-49l16 81h49zM462 748h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" horiz-adv-x="504" d="M-25 0l329 697h67l65 -697h-44l-18 188h-264l-88 -188h-47zM126 227h247l-40 430h-2zM273 840q9 46 40 72.5t76 26.5t66 -26.5t12 -72.5q-8 -45 -39.5 -72t-76.5 -27t-65.5 27t-12.5 72zM302 840q-6 -32 8.5 -51.5t45.5 -19.5t53.5 19.5t28.5 51.5q7 33 -7.5 52.5 t-46.5 19.5q-31 0 -53 -19.5t-29 -52.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" horiz-adv-x="719" d="M382 0l-9 188h-264l-96 -188h-47l357 697h431l-8 -40h-350l13 -274h232l-8 -40h-222l14 -303h213l-7 -40h-249zM128 227h244l-21 431h-2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" horiz-adv-x="463" d="M86 -216l13 29q38 -11 68 -11q60 0 68 40q3 18 -9 31.5t-28.5 21t-28.5 22t-8 35.5q2 21 25 43q-87 15 -111.5 94t7.5 259q35 189 101 273.5t188 84.5q66 0 133 -16l-15 -38q-58 14 -118 14q-100 0 -155 -68.5t-89 -249.5q-33 -182 -6.5 -249.5t122.5 -67.5q67 0 135 19 v-38q-63 -21 -138 -21q-16 0 -24 1q-19 -21 -21 -39q-3 -14 10 -26t29.5 -20t28 -26t6.5 -43q-7 -37 -30.5 -52t-68.5 -15q-18 0 -39 3.5t-33 6.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M43 0l136 697h341l-8 -40h-297l-53 -274h242l-8 -40h-242l-59 -303h304l-7 -40h-349zM341 748l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc9;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M43 0l136 697h341l-8 -40h-297l-53 -274h242l-8 -40h-242l-59 -303h304l-7 -40h-349zM469 878l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xca;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M43 0l136 697h341l-8 -40h-297l-53 -274h242l-8 -40h-242l-59 -303h304l-7 -40h-349zM235 748l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcb;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M43 0l136 697h341l-8 -40h-297l-53 -274h242l-8 -40h-242l-59 -303h304l-7 -40h-349zM299 748h-49l16 81h49zM472 748h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcc;" horiz-adv-x="225" d="M42 0l136 697h45l-136 -697h-45zM189 748l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcd;" horiz-adv-x="225" d="M42 0l136 697h45l-136 -697h-45zM316 878l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xce;" horiz-adv-x="225" d="M42 0l136 697h45l-136 -697h-45zM83 748l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcf;" horiz-adv-x="225" d="M42 0l136 697h45l-136 -697h-45zM147 748h-49l16 81h49zM320 748h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" horiz-adv-x="551" d="M46 345l6 33h63l61 319h91q61 0 99.5 -3.5t74.5 -16t53 -35.5t27 -62t6 -95.5t-19 -136.5q-16 -80 -33 -136t-41.5 -95t-49.5 -62t-65 -35.5t-80 -16t-102 -3.5h-95l66 345h-62zM94 40h46q46 0 75 2t61.5 8.5t53 19.5t42 35t36.5 56t29.5 80.5t26.5 109.5t16 109t3 79.5 t-14 55t-27.5 34.5t-45 19t-57.5 7.5t-75 1.5h-51l-54 -279h133l-7 -33h-133z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" horiz-adv-x="600" d="M42 0l134 697h65l132 -466q45 -146 53 -190h2q8 52 28 152l96 504h44l-134 -697h-66l-124 439q-55 183 -60 217h-3q-8 -62 -31 -171l-93 -485h-43zM306 765l-13 22q31 30 67 30q25 0 52.5 -20t45.5 -20q24 0 47 22l14 -21q-33 -35 -68 -35q-25 0 -52.5 20t-47.5 20 q-21 0 -45 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" horiz-adv-x="566" d="M81 343q37 194 102.5 280t188.5 86q121 0 156 -86.5t-3 -268.5q-38 -194 -103 -280t-188 -86q-121 0 -156 87t3 268zM240 28q99 0 152.5 75t88.5 251q34 166 8.5 240.5t-122.5 74.5q-100 0 -153.5 -75t-88.5 -251q-34 -166 -8.5 -240.5t123.5 -74.5zM364 748l-35 130h46 l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" horiz-adv-x="566" d="M81 343q37 194 102.5 280t188.5 86q121 0 156 -86.5t-3 -268.5q-38 -194 -103 -280t-188 -86q-121 0 -156 87t3 268zM240 28q99 0 152.5 75t88.5 251q34 166 8.5 240.5t-122.5 74.5q-100 0 -153.5 -75t-88.5 -251q-34 -166 -8.5 -240.5t123.5 -74.5zM492 878l-87 -130 h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" horiz-adv-x="566" d="M81 343q37 194 102.5 280t188.5 86q121 0 156 -86.5t-3 -268.5q-38 -194 -103 -280t-188 -86q-121 0 -156 87t3 268zM240 28q99 0 152.5 75t88.5 251q34 166 8.5 240.5t-122.5 74.5q-100 0 -153.5 -75t-88.5 -251q-34 -166 -8.5 -240.5t123.5 -74.5zM257 748l138 130h23 l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" horiz-adv-x="566" d="M81 343q37 194 102.5 280t188.5 86q121 0 156 -86.5t-3 -268.5q-38 -194 -103 -280t-188 -86q-121 0 -156 87t3 268zM240 28q99 0 152.5 75t88.5 251q34 166 8.5 240.5t-122.5 74.5q-100 0 -153.5 -75t-88.5 -251q-34 -166 -8.5 -240.5t123.5 -74.5zM291 765l-13 22 q31 30 67 30q25 0 52.5 -20t45.5 -20q24 0 47 22l14 -21q-33 -35 -68 -35q-25 0 -52.5 20t-47.5 20q-21 0 -45 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" horiz-adv-x="566" d="M81 343q37 194 102.5 280t188.5 86q121 0 156 -86.5t-3 -268.5q-38 -194 -103 -280t-188 -86q-121 0 -156 87t3 268zM240 28q99 0 152.5 75t88.5 251q34 166 8.5 240.5t-122.5 74.5q-100 0 -153.5 -75t-88.5 -251q-34 -166 -8.5 -240.5t123.5 -74.5zM322 748h-49l16 81 h49zM495 748h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M76 123l-23 24l192 164l-129 164q6 5 15 13.5t12 11.5l130 -164l190 163l23 -24l-191 -164l126 -161l-26 -25l-126 162z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" horiz-adv-x="566" d="M40 -33l-24 16l64 87q-36 80 1 273q37 194 102.5 280t188.5 86q96 0 138 -54l56 77l25 -16l-65 -89q36 -80 -1 -273q-38 -194 -103 -280t-188 -86q-98 0 -138 55zM240 28q99 0 153.5 75.5t88.5 250.5q32 163 9 236q-151 -212 -160 -226l-203 -286q31 -50 112 -50z M125 343q-32 -165 -10 -236q130 184 144 204l220 307q-31 51 -112 51q-100 0 -154 -75.5t-88 -250.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M69 172l102 525h45l-103 -523q-14 -75 16.5 -110.5t109.5 -35.5t123.5 35.5t58.5 110.5l103 523h45l-102 -525q-19 -95 -75.5 -139.5t-153.5 -44.5q-207 0 -169 184zM361 748l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xda;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M69 172l102 525h45l-103 -523q-14 -75 16.5 -110.5t109.5 -35.5t123.5 35.5t58.5 110.5l103 523h45l-102 -525q-19 -95 -75.5 -139.5t-153.5 -44.5q-207 0 -169 184zM489 878l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M69 172l102 525h45l-103 -523q-14 -75 16.5 -110.5t109.5 -35.5t123.5 35.5t58.5 110.5l103 523h45l-102 -525q-19 -95 -75.5 -139.5t-153.5 -44.5q-207 0 -169 184zM255 748l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M69 172l102 525h45l-103 -523q-14 -75 16.5 -110.5t109.5 -35.5t123.5 35.5t58.5 110.5l103 523h45l-102 -525q-19 -95 -75.5 -139.5t-153.5 -44.5q-207 0 -169 184zM320 748h-49l16 81h49zM493 748h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M163 0l58 305l-134 392h47l90 -265q23 -74 25 -81h2l58 81l189 265h52l-284 -392l-58 -305h-45zM441 878l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="523" d="M124 215h131q83 0 126.5 35.5t60.5 122.5q17 91 -9.5 123t-112.5 32h-136zM193 568h123q110 0 150.5 -42.5t20.5 -152.5q-18 -97 -70.5 -147.5t-156.5 -50.5h-143l-34 -175h-44l132 697h44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="516" d="M24 -63l108 556q17 88 61 134.5t141 46.5q78 0 116 -35t27 -90q-9 -47 -58.5 -102t-54.5 -84q-4 -23 6 -42.5t27 -37t33.5 -37t25 -50.5t1.5 -70q-13 -70 -49 -101t-106 -31q-52 0 -85 11l14 36q36 -8 70 -8q51 0 76 22.5t36 75.5q7 34 -2 60.5t-26 45t-34 36t-26.5 42 t-3.5 54.5q7 36 55 88.5t57 91.5q7 36 -18 61t-82 25q-77 0 -110.5 -37.5t-45.5 -105.5l-108 -556q-16 -78 -44 -108t-83 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-4 37q54 14 60 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M53 234q16 84 40.5 140.5t57 83.5t64 37t71.5 10q80 0 170 -37l-69 -365q-9 -49 4.5 -63.5t61.5 0.5l1 -33q-27 -10 -56 -10q-61 0 -57 79h-1q-90 -85 -192 -85q-31 0 -52 8.5t-38.5 34.5t-17 74t12.5 126zM287 466q-31 0 -54.5 -7.5t-50.5 -29.5t-48.5 -71.5 t-35.5 -124.5q-13 -64 -14 -105.5t9.5 -62t25.5 -28t38 -7.5q99 0 189 95l60 315q-55 26 -119 26zM297 577l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M53 234q16 84 40.5 140.5t57 83.5t64 37t71.5 10q80 0 170 -37l-69 -365q-9 -49 4.5 -63.5t61.5 0.5l1 -33q-27 -10 -56 -10q-61 0 -57 79h-1q-90 -85 -192 -85q-31 0 -52 8.5t-38.5 34.5t-17 74t12.5 126zM287 466q-31 0 -54.5 -7.5t-50.5 -29.5t-48.5 -71.5 t-35.5 -124.5q-13 -64 -14 -105.5t9.5 -62t25.5 -28t38 -7.5q99 0 189 95l60 315q-55 26 -119 26zM425 707l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M53 234q16 84 40.5 140.5t57 83.5t64 37t71.5 10q80 0 170 -37l-69 -365q-9 -49 4.5 -63.5t61.5 0.5l1 -33q-27 -10 -56 -10q-61 0 -57 79h-1q-90 -85 -192 -85q-31 0 -52 8.5t-38.5 34.5t-17 74t12.5 126zM287 466q-31 0 -54.5 -7.5t-50.5 -29.5t-48.5 -71.5 t-35.5 -124.5q-13 -64 -14 -105.5t9.5 -62t25.5 -28t38 -7.5q99 0 189 95l60 315q-55 26 -119 26zM190 577l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M53 234q16 84 40.5 140.5t57 83.5t64 37t71.5 10q80 0 170 -37l-69 -365q-9 -49 4.5 -63.5t61.5 0.5l1 -33q-27 -10 -56 -10q-61 0 -57 79h-1q-90 -85 -192 -85q-31 0 -52 8.5t-38.5 34.5t-17 74t12.5 126zM287 466q-31 0 -54.5 -7.5t-50.5 -29.5t-48.5 -71.5 t-35.5 -124.5q-13 -64 -14 -105.5t9.5 -62t25.5 -28t38 -7.5q99 0 189 95l60 315q-55 26 -119 26zM225 594l-13 22q31 30 67 30q25 0 52.5 -20t45.5 -20q24 0 47 22l14 -21q-33 -35 -68 -35q-25 0 -52.5 20t-47.5 20q-21 0 -45 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M53 234q16 84 40.5 140.5t57 83.5t64 37t71.5 10q80 0 170 -37l-69 -365q-9 -49 4.5 -63.5t61.5 0.5l1 -33q-27 -10 -56 -10q-61 0 -57 79h-1q-90 -85 -192 -85q-31 0 -52 8.5t-38.5 34.5t-17 74t12.5 126zM287 466q-31 0 -54.5 -7.5t-50.5 -29.5t-48.5 -71.5 t-35.5 -124.5q-13 -64 -14 -105.5t9.5 -62t25.5 -28t38 -7.5q99 0 189 95l60 315q-55 26 -119 26zM255 577h-49l16 81h49zM428 577h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M53 234q16 84 40.5 140.5t57 83.5t64 37t71.5 10q80 0 170 -37l-69 -365q-9 -49 4.5 -63.5t61.5 0.5l1 -33q-27 -10 -56 -10q-61 0 -57 79h-1q-90 -85 -192 -85q-31 0 -52 8.5t-38.5 34.5t-17 74t12.5 126zM287 466q-31 0 -54.5 -7.5t-50.5 -29.5t-48.5 -71.5 t-35.5 -124.5q-13 -64 -14 -105.5t9.5 -62t25.5 -28t38 -7.5q99 0 189 95l60 315q-55 26 -119 26zM238 668q9 46 40 72.5t76 26.5t66 -26.5t12 -72.5q-8 -45 -39.5 -72t-76.5 -27t-65.5 27t-12.5 72zM267 668q-6 -32 8.5 -51.5t45.5 -19.5t53.5 19.5t28.5 51.5q7 33 -8 52.5 t-46 19.5t-53 -19.5t-29 -52.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" horiz-adv-x="792" d="M301 505q59 0 92 -22.5t37 -78.5q54 104 178 104q81 0 121.5 -40.5t27.5 -107.5q-14 -72 -45.5 -96.5t-104.5 -24.5q-57 0 -112 9.5t-77 17.5l-7 -29q-10 -67 -10 -108t19 -63t41 -29t58 -7q75 0 156 27v-37q-69 -29 -165 -29q-127 0 -150 96q-99 -96 -219 -96 q-63 0 -91.5 34.5t-14.5 105.5l1 8q16 81 61 116t122 43q51 8 163 10l3 20q14 84 -7.5 111t-83.5 27q-78 0 -171 -30l-2 36q95 33 180 33zM367 243l6 29q-110 -2 -164 -11q-57 -10 -87.5 -39t-41.5 -86q-12 -61 7.5 -84t64.5 -23q53 0 108 26.5t95 72.5q-1 46 12 115z M426 303q92 -27 173 -27q56 0 79 17t33 67t-17 80t-87 30q-70 0 -113.5 -39.5t-67.5 -127.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" horiz-adv-x="397" d="M48 -215l13 29q38 -11 68 -11q60 0 68 40q3 18 -9 31.5t-28.5 21t-28.5 22t-8 35.5q2 19 24 43q-71 13 -92.5 72.5t0.5 172.5q26 135 81.5 199.5t155.5 64.5q53 0 109 -16l-16 -37q-56 14 -95 14q-78 0 -123 -54.5t-67 -170.5q-22 -117 2 -164t104 -47q45 0 101 15l3 -37 q-60 -17 -110 -17q-16 0 -23 1q-18 -21 -20 -38q-3 -14 10 -26t29.5 -20t28 -26t6.5 -43q-7 -37 -30.5 -52t-68.5 -15q-18 0 -39 3t-33 7z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" horiz-adv-x="475" d="M55 243q28 145 84 205t155 60q82 0 122.5 -41t26.5 -111q-14 -72 -46 -94.5t-105 -22.5q-106 0 -187 27q-1 -3 -2.5 -13t-3.5 -16q-10 -67 -10 -108t19 -63t41 -29t58 -7q74 0 157 27l1 -37q-76 -29 -166 -29q-96 0 -133 55.5t-11 196.5zM114 303q92 -27 175 -27 q56 0 78 17.5t32 66.5q10 50 -17.5 80t-88.5 30q-70 0 -112.5 -39t-66.5 -128zM296 577l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" horiz-adv-x="475" d="M55 243q28 145 84 205t155 60q82 0 122.5 -41t26.5 -111q-14 -72 -46 -94.5t-105 -22.5q-106 0 -187 27q-1 -3 -2.5 -13t-3.5 -16q-10 -67 -10 -108t19 -63t41 -29t58 -7q74 0 157 27l1 -37q-76 -29 -166 -29q-96 0 -133 55.5t-11 196.5zM114 303q92 -27 175 -27 q56 0 78 17.5t32 66.5q10 50 -17.5 80t-88.5 30q-70 0 -112.5 -39t-66.5 -128zM424 707l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea;" horiz-adv-x="475" d="M55 243q28 145 84 205t155 60q82 0 122.5 -41t26.5 -111q-14 -72 -46 -94.5t-105 -22.5q-106 0 -187 27q-1 -3 -2.5 -13t-3.5 -16q-10 -67 -10 -108t19 -63t41 -29t58 -7q74 0 157 27l1 -37q-76 -29 -166 -29q-96 0 -133 55.5t-11 196.5zM114 303q92 -27 175 -27 q56 0 78 17.5t32 66.5q10 50 -17.5 80t-88.5 30q-70 0 -112.5 -39t-66.5 -128zM190 577l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" horiz-adv-x="475" d="M55 243q28 145 84 205t155 60q82 0 122.5 -41t26.5 -111q-14 -72 -46 -94.5t-105 -22.5q-106 0 -187 27q-1 -3 -2.5 -13t-3.5 -16q-10 -67 -10 -108t19 -63t41 -29t58 -7q74 0 157 27l1 -37q-76 -29 -166 -29q-96 0 -133 55.5t-11 196.5zM114 303q92 -27 175 -27 q56 0 78 17.5t32 66.5q10 50 -17.5 80t-88.5 30q-70 0 -112.5 -39t-66.5 -128zM254 577h-49l16 81h49zM427 577h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xec;" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M39 0l96 496h45l-96 -496h-45zM153 577l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xed;" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M39 0l96 496h45l-96 -496h-45zM280 707l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M39 0l96 496h45l-96 -496h-45zM46 577l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xef;" horiz-adv-x="218" d="M39 0l96 496h45l-96 -496h-45zM283 577h-49l16 81h49zM110 577h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" horiz-adv-x="489" d="M444 648l-71 -31q37 -37 56 -81t21.5 -96t-2.5 -95.5t-17 -104.5q-27 -135 -80 -193.5t-157 -58.5q-101 0 -133 58.5t-6 190.5q26 136 82 201t150 65q33 0 67.5 -10.5t51.5 -21.5q-18 75 -73 128l-128 -55l-10 27l113 50q-37 29 -89 52l17 32q70 -30 113 -66l85 37z M388 248q25 118 19 183q-47 34 -118 34q-77 1 -122 -53t-67 -175q-22 -115 0.5 -162.5t97.5 -47.5q80 0 123.5 49.5t66.5 171.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M36 0l95 496h41l-13 -75h2q86 84 192 84q51 0 84 -31.5t18 -113.5l-70 -360h-45l70 357q20 109 -67 109q-50 0 -101 -26t-91 -70l-71 -370h-44zM234 594l-13 22q31 30 67 30q25 0 52.5 -20t45.5 -20q24 0 47 22l14 -21q-33 -35 -68 -35q-25 0 -52.5 20t-47.5 20 q-21 0 -45 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf2;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M201 -12q-106 0 -139 58t-7 192q26 138 82 204t159 66q104 0 136 -66.5t6 -203.5q-26 -135 -79.5 -192.5t-157.5 -57.5zM206 27q80 0 122.5 47t64.5 164q24 118 0.5 174.5t-101.5 56.5q-79 0 -124 -55t-68 -176q-24 -116 1 -163.5t105 -47.5zM296 577l-35 130h46l30 -130 h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M201 -12q-106 0 -139 58t-7 192q26 138 82 204t159 66q104 0 136 -66.5t6 -203.5q-26 -135 -79.5 -192.5t-157.5 -57.5zM206 27q80 0 122.5 47t64.5 164q24 118 0.5 174.5t-101.5 56.5q-79 0 -124 -55t-68 -176q-24 -116 1 -163.5t105 -47.5zM424 707l-87 -130h-43 l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M201 -12q-106 0 -139 58t-7 192q26 138 82 204t159 66q104 0 136 -66.5t6 -203.5q-26 -135 -79.5 -192.5t-157.5 -57.5zM206 27q80 0 122.5 47t64.5 164q24 118 0.5 174.5t-101.5 56.5q-79 0 -124 -55t-68 -176q-24 -116 1 -163.5t105 -47.5zM190 577l138 130h23l91 -130 h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf5;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M201 -12q-106 0 -139 58t-7 192q26 138 82 204t159 66q104 0 136 -66.5t6 -203.5q-26 -135 -79.5 -192.5t-157.5 -57.5zM206 27q80 0 122.5 47t64.5 164q24 118 0.5 174.5t-101.5 56.5q-79 0 -124 -55t-68 -176q-24 -116 1 -163.5t105 -47.5zM225 594l-13 22q31 30 67 30 q25 0 52.5 -20t45.5 -20q24 0 47 22l14 -21q-33 -35 -68 -35q-25 0 -52.5 20t-47.5 20q-21 0 -45 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf6;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M201 -12q-106 0 -139 58t-7 192q26 138 82 204t159 66q104 0 136 -66.5t6 -203.5q-26 -135 -79.5 -192.5t-157.5 -57.5zM206 27q80 0 122.5 47t64.5 164q24 118 0.5 174.5t-101.5 56.5q-79 0 -124 -55t-68 -176q-24 -116 1 -163.5t105 -47.5zM255 577h-49l16 81h49z M428 577h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf7;" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M271 460l10 49h47l-10 -49h-47zM204 117l10 49h47l-10 -49h-47zM77 295l8 36h372l-8 -36h-372z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf8;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M204 -12q-84 0 -123 36l-48 -57l-24 17l53 64q-34 59 -7 190q27 139 81.5 204.5t157.5 65.5q80 0 119 -41l51 60l24 -17l-57 -68q33 -66 7 -204q-26 -136 -77.5 -193t-156.5 -57zM100 238q-22 -107 -3 -156q103 124 152 187l134 162q-27 38 -91 38q-79 0 -124 -55 t-68 -176zM206 27q80 0 122.5 47t64.5 164q22 116 2 169l-157 -193l-128 -154q26 -33 96 -33z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf9;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M127 496h45l-69 -357q-22 -109 67 -109q99 0 191 95l72 371h44l-96 -496h-40l13 75h-2q-86 -84 -193 -84q-51 0 -84 31.5t-18 113.5zM297 577l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfa;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M127 496h45l-69 -357q-22 -109 67 -109q99 0 191 95l72 371h44l-96 -496h-40l13 75h-2q-86 -84 -193 -84q-51 0 -84 31.5t-18 113.5zM426 707l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M127 496h45l-69 -357q-22 -109 67 -109q99 0 191 95l72 371h44l-96 -496h-40l13 75h-2q-86 -84 -193 -84q-51 0 -84 31.5t-18 113.5zM191 577l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfc;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M127 496h45l-69 -357q-22 -109 67 -109q99 0 191 95l72 371h44l-96 -496h-40l13 75h-2q-86 -84 -193 -84q-51 0 -84 31.5t-18 113.5zM429 577h-49l16 81h49zM256 577h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfd;" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M160 0q-23 0 -41.5 5.5t-37.5 21t-23.5 44t1.5 74.5l68 351h45l-68 -347q-12 -63 8 -86t60 -23q101 0 190 94l71 362h44l-99 -516q-12 -64 -34 -101t-48.5 -53t-73.5 -30q-43 -15 -129 -29v38q87 16 122 28q36 12 55 24t36 41.5t28 81.5l21 105h-2q-83 -85 -193 -85z M422 707l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfe;" d="M69 -63l-32 -160h-44l184 946h44l-42 -219q-3 -16 -8 -37t-8 -34.5t-3 -14.5h1q38 38 86.5 62.5t95.5 24.5q37 0 59.5 -8.5t40.5 -34.5t16.5 -74t-13.5 -126q-17 -85 -41 -141t-55.5 -83t-62.5 -37t-72 -10q-71 0 -132 27q-5 -32 -14 -81zM214 30q31 0 54 7.5t49.5 29.5 t47.5 71t36 124q13 67 14.5 108.5t-9.5 62t-27 27t-44 6.5q-42 0 -92 -26.5t-91 -69.5l-60 -313q54 -27 122 -27z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xff;" horiz-adv-x="513" d="M160 0q-23 0 -41.5 5.5t-37.5 21t-23.5 44t1.5 74.5l68 351h45l-68 -347q-12 -63 8 -86t60 -23q101 0 190 94l71 362h44l-99 -516q-12 -64 -34 -101t-48.5 -53t-73.5 -30q-43 -15 -129 -29v38q87 16 122 28q36 12 55 24t36 41.5t28 81.5l21 105h-2q-83 -85 -193 -85z M425 577h-49l16 81h49zM252 577h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x152;" horiz-adv-x="780" d="M80 349q36 190 99.5 275t182.5 85q67 0 111 -31l4 19h341l-8 -40h-296l-52 -274h242l-8 -40h-242l-57 -303h305l-8 -40h-349l3 17q-49 -29 -115 -29q-121 0 -156 88t3 273zM243 28q68 0 113 33l109 573q-35 35 -104 35q-99 0 -151.5 -73.5t-85.5 -246.5q-34 -169 -8 -245 t127 -76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x153;" horiz-adv-x="807" d="M199 -12q-104 0 -137 58.5t-7 191.5q26 139 80.5 204.5t155.5 65.5q130 0 144 -124q31 66 77 95t115 29q83 0 122.5 -40t26.5 -108q-14 -70 -45 -95.5t-107 -25.5q-94 0 -186 27l-7 -29q-10 -67 -10 -108t18.5 -63t41 -29t57.5 -7q74 0 157 27v-37q-73 -29 -165 -29 q-66 0 -102.5 24.5t-45.5 82.5q-54 -110 -183 -110zM203 27q78 0 119.5 47t64.5 164q24 118 1 174.5t-100 56.5t-121 -55t-68 -176q-22 -117 1.5 -164t102.5 -47zM447 303q86 -27 172 -27q60 0 81.5 18t30.5 66q10 50 -17.5 80t-87.5 30q-70 0 -113 -39.5t-66 -127.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x178;" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M163 0l58 305l-134 392h47l90 -265q23 -74 25 -81h2l58 81l189 265h52l-284 -392l-58 -305h-45zM445 748h-49l16 81h49zM272 748h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2c6;" horiz-adv-x="307" d="M104 640l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2dc;" horiz-adv-x="503" d="M254 717l-13 22q31 30 67 30q25 0 52.5 -20t45.5 -20q24 0 47 22l14 -21q-33 -35 -68 -35q-25 0 -52.5 20t-47.5 20q-21 0 -45 -18z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x1e9e;" horiz-adv-x="581" d="M36 0l98 500q21 108 72 157t168 49q103 0 195 -30l-8 -39q-75 -66 -105 -102t-39 -83q-7 -35 3.5 -63.5t29 -46.5t37 -45.5t27 -59.5t-1.5 -88q-15 -79 -59 -117t-126 -38q-54 0 -97 12l14 38q61 -11 87 -11q60 0 92.5 29.5t44.5 92.5q9 45 -0.5 78.5t-28 55t-37 42.5 t-28 53t-1.5 75q10 50 42 90.5t100 100.5q-61 18 -146 18q-94 0 -133.5 -40.5t-56.5 -127.5l-99 -500h-44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2000;" horiz-adv-x="469" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2001;" horiz-adv-x="939" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2002;" horiz-adv-x="469" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2003;" horiz-adv-x="939" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2004;" horiz-adv-x="313" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2005;" horiz-adv-x="234" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2006;" horiz-adv-x="156" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2007;" horiz-adv-x="156" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2008;" horiz-adv-x="117" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2009;" horiz-adv-x="187" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x200a;" horiz-adv-x="52" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2010;" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M50 268l7 38h272l-8 -38h-271z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2011;" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M50 268l7 38h272l-8 -38h-271z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2012;" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M50 268l7 38h272l-8 -38h-271z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2013;" d="M50 269l7 38h408l-8 -38h-407z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2014;" horiz-adv-x="988" d="M50 269l7 38h898l-8 -38h-897z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2018;" horiz-adv-x="205" d="M202 722h42q-18 -27 -41 -78.5t-33 -103.5h-42q20 102 74 182z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2019;" horiz-adv-x="205" d="M154 540h-42q17 26 40 78t33 104h43q-22 -105 -74 -182z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201a;" horiz-adv-x="205" d="M30 -100h-42q17 26 40 78t33 104h42q-11 -54 -33.5 -105.5t-39.5 -76.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201c;" horiz-adv-x="322" d="M318 722h42q-17 -25 -40.5 -77.5t-33.5 -104.5h-43q11 54 34.5 105.5t40.5 76.5zM202 722h42q-18 -27 -41 -78.5t-33 -103.5h-42q20 102 74 182z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201d;" horiz-adv-x="322" d="M270 540h-43q17 24 40.5 77t34.5 105h42q-20 -102 -74 -182zM154 540h-42q17 26 40 78t33 104h43q-22 -105 -74 -182z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201e;" horiz-adv-x="322" d="M146 -100h-42q17 26 40 78t33 104h43q-20 -102 -74 -182zM30 -100h-42q17 26 40 78t33 104h42q-11 -54 -33.5 -105.5t-39.5 -76.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2022;" horiz-adv-x="229" d="M81 303l18 91h89l-18 -91h-89z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2026;" horiz-adv-x="649" d="M47 0l15 85h57l-16 -85h-56zM250 0l16 85h57l-16 -85h-57zM452 0l16 85h57l-16 -85h-57z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x202f;" horiz-adv-x="187" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2039;" horiz-adv-x="291" d="M130 54l-58 200l136 199h43l-141 -202l58 -197h-38z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x203a;" horiz-adv-x="291" d="M220 254l-135 -200h-43l140 204l-57 195h38z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x205f;" horiz-adv-x="234" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x20ac;" horiz-adv-x="547" d="M307 396h-105l-9 -48l-8 -43h104l-7 -34h-102q-11 -62 -8.5 -105t8.5 -69.5t24.5 -41t39 -19.5t52.5 -5q64 0 132 19l1 -38q-73 -21 -137 -21q-33 0 -57 4t-46 15t-35 31.5t-20.5 51t-7 75t8.5 103.5h-57l7 34h55q2 11 8 43q5 27 10 48h-55l6 35h57q21 85 47.5 140.5 t61.5 84.5t71 39.5t86 10.5q60 0 124 -16l-14 -38q-58 14 -114 14q-41 0 -69 -8t-56.5 -32t-50.5 -72t-41 -123h103z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2116;" horiz-adv-x="890" d="M610 264l6 34h252l-6 -34h-252zM39 0l132 697h64l135 -468q49 -159 52 -186h2q7 43 28 150l95 504h43l-132 -697h-66l-133 462q-48 160 -53 192h-2q-15 -84 -31 -169l-91 -485h-43zM754 357q-75 0 -98 36.5t-7 121.5q16 83 55 123.5t112 40.5q74 0 96 -40t6 -124 q-16 -85 -52.5 -121.5t-111.5 -36.5zM760 391q52 0 78 27.5t39 97.5q14 67 -1.5 97.5t-65.5 30.5t-77.5 -30.5t-41.5 -98.5q-13 -70 2.5 -97t66.5 -27z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2122;" horiz-adv-x="657" d="M612 348h-28l34 241l12 76h-2q-12 -24 -33 -62l-110 -196h-25l-34 194l-8 64h-2q-10 -41 -18 -77l-62 -240h-28l90 349h40l33 -198l8 -58h1q12 25 30 58l109 198h41zM147 348l63 324h-87l5 25h203l-5 -25h-87l-63 -324h-29z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x25fc;" horiz-adv-x="495" d="M0 495h495v-495h-495v495z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb06;" horiz-adv-x="734" d="M484 99l71 361h-72l6 36h73l34 158q-38 15 -99 15q-50 0 -82.5 -23.5t-41.5 -67.5q-11 -60 30 -97l-13 -38q-82 23 -149 23q-52 0 -80.5 -17.5t-37.5 -60.5q-7 -40 10 -60.5t70 -38.5l37 -13q74 -24 100.5 -56.5t13.5 -99.5q-13 -72 -56 -100.5t-120 -28.5q-96 0 -183 31 l14 38q103 -30 170 -30q57 0 88.5 18.5t43.5 77.5q9 47 -12 70.5t-79 43.5l-37 12q-66 23 -91 49t-13 86q12 66 52.5 92t109.5 26q51 0 110 -11q-26 39 -16 92q11 57 53 87t111 30q76 0 144 -25l-37 -182h145l-12 -36h-139l-71 -359q-9 -46 2.5 -58.5t45.5 -12.5q37 0 77 11 l1 -37q-43 -13 -87 -13q-52 0 -74.5 21.5t-9.5 86.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="362" d="M61 324l7 38h272l-8 -38h-271z" /> +<glyph d="M61 324l7 38h408l-8 -38h-407z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="988" d="M61 324l7 38h898l-8 -38h-897z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="9" d="M-12 351l10 55h49l-11 -55h-48z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="2" d="M-95 342l11 55h49l-11 -55h-49z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="571" d="M539 479l2 -40l-82 -24q1 -5 6.5 -32t7.5 -39t6 -38t4.5 -43t0 -40t-4.5 -42q-37 -193 -252 -193q-106 0 -152 51t-27 150q28 138 177 194v1q-104 35 -81 157q32 165 206 165q68 0 112 -13l-13 -38q-51 11 -97 11q-74 0 -113 -32.5t-51 -97.5q-7 -35 -0.5 -61t23.5 -40 t31.5 -20.5t34.5 -11.5zM416 402q-122 -33 -169 -51q-130 -46 -155 -168q-30 -155 138 -155q175 0 205 159q15 71 -19 215z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="463" d="M378 50v-38q-63 -21 -138 -21q-120 0 -158 78.5t0 278.5q35 189 101 273.5t188 84.5q66 0 133 -16l-15 -38q-58 14 -118 14q-100 0 -155 -68.5t-89 -249.5q-33 -182 -6.5 -249.5t122.5 -67.5q67 0 135 19zM167 -189h-42q3 2 8 6.5t16.5 18t20 28t14.5 36t3 41.5h45 q2 -22 -4 -44t-15.5 -36.5t-20 -26.5t-18.5 -18z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="566" d="M81 343q37 194 102.5 280t188.5 86q121 0 156 -86.5t-3 -268.5q-38 -194 -103 -280t-188 -86q-121 0 -156 87t3 268zM240 28q99 0 152.5 75t88.5 251q34 166 8.5 240.5t-122.5 74.5q-100 0 -153.5 -75t-88.5 -251q-34 -166 -8.5 -240.5t123.5 -74.5zM469 878l-65 -130 h-39l60 130h44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="484" d="M357 0h-39l11 74h-2q-85 -83 -183 -83q-134 0 -110 140l2 9q15 83 58 115.5t124 42.5q50 8 154 10l4 20q16 83 -5 110.5t-80 27.5q-75 0 -170 -30l-3 36q95 33 185 33q26 0 45.5 -4t38.5 -15t27 -30.5t12 -51t-6 -75.5zM337 125l28 147q-103 -3 -158 -12 q-59 -9 -87.5 -36t-40.5 -88q-12 -62 8 -84.5t66 -22.5q45 0 94.5 27t89.5 69z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="478" d="M55 243q28 144 83.5 204.5t158.5 60.5q76 0 112 -31.5t35 -88.5t-25 -137h-317q-25 -128 -0.5 -174.5t106.5 -46.5q77 0 161 29l2 -37q-89 -31 -170 -31q-104 0 -138 58.5t-8 193.5zM110 289h273q15 54 17 94.5t-23 63.5t-80 23q-76 0 -119.5 -43t-67.5 -138z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="289" d="M54 0l87 460h-76l7 36h76l20 102q15 76 48.5 103.5t91.5 27.5q44 0 98 -9l-13 -37q-47 7 -81 7q-43 0 -66 -19.5t-34 -77.5l-19 -97h142l-13 -36h-136l-87 -460h-45z" /> +<glyph d="M79 -233v38q64 10 119 26q48 15 78.5 45.5t44.5 103.5l19 103h-1q-85 -83 -189 -83q-31 0 -52 8.5t-38.5 34t-17 72.5t12.5 123q16 84 38.5 138.5t53.5 81.5t63.5 37t77.5 10q86 0 169 -37l-92 -488q-18 -91 -56 -129.5t-101 -55.5q-72 -18 -129 -28zM100 238 q-13 -64 -13.5 -105.5t10.5 -61t26 -26t38 -6.5q47 0 97 26t90 69l59 306q-55 26 -119 26q-27 0 -46.5 -4t-42.5 -17.5t-39.5 -37.5t-32.5 -66.5t-27 -102.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="212" d="M36 0l141 722h44l-141 -722h-44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="302" d="M50 99l104 532l46 6l-29 -141h144l-10 -36h-140l-70 -359q-9 -45 3 -58t45 -13q47 0 77 11l1 -37q-41 -13 -87 -13q-52 0 -74.5 21.5t-9.5 86.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="423" d="M-45 -228v37l45 10q38 9 58.5 26.5t42.5 62.5l49 96h-15l-68 492h44l39 -297q19 -120 19 -158h3q11 29 82 164l149 291h48l-311 -594q-30 -60 -56 -84.5t-77 -34.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="484" d="M357 0h-39l11 74h-2q-85 -83 -183 -83q-134 0 -110 140l2 9q15 83 58 115.5t124 42.5q50 8 154 10l4 20q16 83 -5 110.5t-80 27.5q-75 0 -170 -30l-3 36q95 33 185 33q26 0 45.5 -4t38.5 -15t27 -30.5t12 -51t-6 -75.5zM337 125l28 147q-103 -3 -158 -12 q-59 -9 -87.5 -36t-40.5 -88q-12 -62 8 -84.5t66 -22.5q45 0 94.5 27t89.5 69zM300 577l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="484" d="M357 0h-39l11 74h-2q-85 -83 -183 -83q-134 0 -110 140l2 9q15 83 58 115.5t124 42.5q50 8 154 10l4 20q16 83 -5 110.5t-80 27.5q-75 0 -170 -30l-3 36q95 33 185 33q26 0 45.5 -4t38.5 -15t27 -30.5t12 -51t-6 -75.5zM337 125l28 147q-103 -3 -158 -12 q-59 -9 -87.5 -36t-40.5 -88q-12 -62 8 -84.5t66 -22.5q45 0 94.5 27t89.5 69zM428 707l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="484" d="M357 0h-39l11 74h-2q-85 -83 -183 -83q-134 0 -110 140l2 9q15 83 58 115.5t124 42.5q50 8 154 10l4 20q16 83 -5 110.5t-80 27.5q-75 0 -170 -30l-3 36q95 33 185 33q26 0 45.5 -4t38.5 -15t27 -30.5t12 -51t-6 -75.5zM337 125l28 147q-103 -3 -158 -12 q-59 -9 -87.5 -36t-40.5 -88q-12 -62 8 -84.5t66 -22.5q45 0 94.5 27t89.5 69zM194 577l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="484" d="M357 0h-39l11 74h-2q-85 -83 -183 -83q-134 0 -110 140l2 9q15 83 58 115.5t124 42.5q50 8 154 10l4 20q16 83 -5 110.5t-80 27.5q-75 0 -170 -30l-3 36q95 33 185 33q26 0 45.5 -4t38.5 -15t27 -30.5t12 -51t-6 -75.5zM337 125l28 147q-103 -3 -158 -12 q-59 -9 -87.5 -36t-40.5 -88q-12 -62 8 -84.5t66 -22.5q45 0 94.5 27t89.5 69zM229 594l-13 22q31 30 67 30q25 0 52.5 -20t45.5 -20q24 0 47 22l14 -21q-33 -35 -68 -35q-25 0 -52.5 20t-47.5 20q-21 0 -45 -18z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="484" d="M357 0h-39l11 74h-2q-85 -83 -183 -83q-134 0 -110 140l2 9q15 83 58 115.5t124 42.5q50 8 154 10l4 20q16 83 -5 110.5t-80 27.5q-75 0 -170 -30l-3 36q95 33 185 33q26 0 45.5 -4t38.5 -15t27 -30.5t12 -51t-6 -75.5zM337 125l28 147q-103 -3 -158 -12 q-59 -9 -87.5 -36t-40.5 -88q-12 -62 8 -84.5t66 -22.5q45 0 94.5 27t89.5 69zM259 577h-49l16 81h49zM432 577h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="484" d="M357 0h-39l11 74h-2q-85 -83 -183 -83q-134 0 -110 140l2 9q15 83 58 115.5t124 42.5q50 8 154 10l4 20q16 83 -5 110.5t-80 27.5q-75 0 -170 -30l-3 36q95 33 185 33q26 0 45.5 -4t38.5 -15t27 -30.5t12 -51t-6 -75.5zM337 125l28 147q-103 -3 -158 -12 q-59 -9 -87.5 -36t-40.5 -88q-12 -62 8 -84.5t66 -22.5q45 0 94.5 27t89.5 69zM241 668q9 46 40 72.5t76 26.5t66 -26.5t12 -72.5q-8 -45 -39.5 -72t-76.5 -27t-65.5 27t-12.5 72zM270 668q-6 -32 8.5 -51.5t45.5 -19.5t53.5 19.5t28.5 51.5q7 33 -8 52.5t-46 19.5 t-53 -19.5t-29 -52.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="796" d="M302 505q59 0 91.5 -22t36.5 -78q58 100 181 100q91 0 123.5 -41.5t18.5 -124.5q-9 -46 -22 -88h-316q-26 -128 -1 -174.5t105 -46.5q72 0 155 27l1 -37q-73 -29 -164 -29q-130 0 -150 97q-97 -97 -219 -97q-63 0 -92 34.5t-15 105.5l2 8q15 81 60.5 116t120.5 43 q50 8 165 10l3 20q14 84 -7.5 111t-83.5 27q-81 0 -171 -30l-2 36q92 33 180 33zM368 243l5 29q-110 -2 -163 -11q-57 -10 -88 -39t-42 -86q-12 -61 8 -84t65 -23q53 0 108 27.5t95 73.5q-1 47 12 113zM422 289h273q9 27 14 54q12 64 -11.5 94.5t-88.5 29.5 q-76 0 -119.5 -42t-67.5 -136z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="478" d="M55 243q28 144 83.5 204.5t158.5 60.5q76 0 112 -31.5t35 -88.5t-25 -137h-317q-25 -128 -0.5 -174.5t106.5 -46.5q77 0 161 29l2 -37q-89 -31 -170 -31q-104 0 -138 58.5t-8 193.5zM110 289h273q15 54 17 94.5t-23 63.5t-80 23q-76 0 -119.5 -43t-67.5 -138zM296 577 l-35 130h46l30 -130h-41z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="478" d="M55 243q28 144 83.5 204.5t158.5 60.5q76 0 112 -31.5t35 -88.5t-25 -137h-317q-25 -128 -0.5 -174.5t106.5 -46.5q77 0 161 29l2 -37q-89 -31 -170 -31q-104 0 -138 58.5t-8 193.5zM110 289h273q15 54 17 94.5t-23 63.5t-80 23q-76 0 -119.5 -43t-67.5 -138zM425 707 l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="478" d="M55 243q28 144 83.5 204.5t158.5 60.5q76 0 112 -31.5t35 -88.5t-25 -137h-317q-25 -128 -0.5 -174.5t106.5 -46.5q77 0 161 29l2 -37q-89 -31 -170 -31q-104 0 -138 58.5t-8 193.5zM110 289h273q15 54 17 94.5t-23 63.5t-80 23q-76 0 -119.5 -43t-67.5 -138zM190 577 l138 130h23l91 -130h-40l-66 95l-102 -95h-44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="478" d="M55 243q28 144 83.5 204.5t158.5 60.5q76 0 112 -31.5t35 -88.5t-25 -137h-317q-25 -128 -0.5 -174.5t106.5 -46.5q77 0 161 29l2 -37q-89 -31 -170 -31q-104 0 -138 58.5t-8 193.5zM110 289h273q15 54 17 94.5t-23 63.5t-80 23q-76 0 -119.5 -43t-67.5 -138zM255 577 h-49l16 81h49zM428 577h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="272" d="M25 -63l126 661q14 76 48.5 103.5t96.5 27.5q42 0 94 -9l-14 -37q-47 7 -81 7q-43 0 -65.5 -19.5t-33.5 -77.5l-19 -97h142l-13 -36h-136l-100 -524q-15 -78 -42.5 -108t-82.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q51 13 59 16q32 11 49 34.5t27 77.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="809" d="M195 -12q-102 1 -134 59.5t-6 190.5q26 138 81 204t155 66q131 0 143 -126q31 66 78 96t119 30q173 0 141 -172q-9 -49 -21 -85h-316q-26 -128 -2 -174.5t106 -46.5q73 0 163 29l1 -37q-89 -31 -172 -31q-70 0 -106 25.5t-43 81.5q-56 -110 -187 -110zM203 27 q77 0 119 47.5t65 163.5q24 118 1 174.5t-100 56.5t-121 -55t-68 -176q-22 -117 1.5 -164t102.5 -47zM443 289h272q9 27 14 54q12 64 -11.5 96t-87.5 31q-76 0 -119.5 -43t-67.5 -138z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="423" d="M-45 -228v37l45 10q38 9 58.5 26.5t42.5 62.5l49 96h-15l-68 492h44l39 -297q19 -120 19 -158h3q11 29 82 164l149 291h48l-311 -594q-30 -60 -56 -84.5t-77 -34.5zM380 707l-87 -130h-43l81 130h49z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="423" d="M-45 -228v37l45 10q38 9 58.5 26.5t42.5 62.5l49 96h-15l-68 492h44l39 -297q19 -120 19 -158h3q11 29 82 164l149 291h48l-311 -594q-30 -60 -56 -84.5t-77 -34.5zM213 577h-49l16 81h49zM386 577h-49l16 81h49z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="397" d="M55 241q26 135 81.5 199.5t155.5 64.5q53 0 109 -16l-16 -37q-56 14 -95 14q-78 0 -123 -54.5t-67 -170.5q-22 -117 2 -164t104 -47q45 0 101 15l3 -37q-60 -17 -110 -17q-103 0 -137 59t-8 191zM130 -189h-42q3 2 8 6.5t16.5 18t20 28t14.5 36t3 41.5h45q2 -22 -4 -44 t-15.5 -36.5t-20 -26.5t-17.5 -18z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="496" d="M201 -12q-106 0 -139 58t-7 192q26 138 82 204t159 66q104 0 136 -66.5t6 -203.5q-26 -135 -79.5 -192.5t-157.5 -57.5zM206 27q80 0 122.5 47t64.5 164q24 118 0.5 174.5t-101.5 56.5q-79 0 -124 -55t-68 -176q-24 -116 1 -163.5t105 -47.5zM401 707l-65 -130h-39 l60 130h44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="485" d="M194 496h116l-13 -36h-110l-101 -524q-16 -78 -43.5 -108t-83.5 -44l-19 -4q-19 -5 -33 -8l-3 37q56 15 59 16q33 11 50 34.5t28 77.5l101 523h-75l6 36h76l20 102q15 76 49 103.5t94 27.5q94 0 180 -19l-138 -710h-45l133 679q-88 11 -126 11q-45 0 -68.5 -19t-34.5 -76 z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="942" d="M465 0l131 682q-39 12 -94 12q-52 0 -87 -27t-45 -78q-13 -65 33 -108l-13 -38q-82 23 -149 23q-52 0 -80.5 -17.5t-37.5 -60.5q-7 -40 10 -60.5t70 -38.5l37 -13q74 -24 100.5 -56.5t13.5 -99.5q-13 -72 -56 -100.5t-120 -28.5q-96 0 -183 31l14 38q103 -30 170 -30 q57 0 88.5 18.5t43.5 77.5q9 47 -12 70.5t-79 43.5l-37 12q-66 23 -91 49t-13 86q12 66 52.5 92t109.5 26q50 0 109 -11q-29 45 -18 104q12 63 57 96.5t112 33.5q80 0 145 -24l-39 -201l-19 -85h1q87 87 195 87q22 0 40.5 -5.5t38 -21t23.5 -44t-2 -75.5l-69 -359h-45 l69 356q20 110 -67 110q-49 0 -100 -26t-91 -70l-71 -370h-45z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="710" d="M460 99l71 361h-73l7 36h72l36 162q-36 11 -85 11q-48 0 -78.5 -23.5t-38.5 -66.5q-11 -57 30 -90l-16 -37q-56 14 -95 14q-78 0 -123 -54.5t-67 -170.5q-22 -117 2 -164t104 -47q45 0 101 15l3 -37q-60 -17 -110 -17q-103 0 -137 59t-8 191q26 135 81.5 199.5 t155.5 64.5q24 0 54 -5q-24 37 -14 87q11 56 51.5 86t102.5 30q75 0 133 -22l-37 -185h145l-12 -36h-139l-72 -359q-8 -46 3.5 -58.5t44.5 -12.5q40 0 77 11l1 -37q-43 -13 -87 -13q-52 0 -74 21.5t-9 86.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="910" d="M433 0l133 685q-38 8 -67 8q-109 0 -128 -101q-11 -62 30 -103l-16 -37q-56 14 -95 14q-78 0 -123 -54.5t-67 -170.5q-22 -117 2 -164t104 -47q45 0 101 15l3 -37q-60 -17 -110 -17q-103 0 -137 59t-8 191q26 135 81.5 199.5t155.5 64.5q21 0 59 -6q-29 47 -18 102 q12 59 55 93t112 34q63 0 114 -21l-40 -204l-19 -85h2q85 87 194 87q22 0 40.5 -5.5t38 -21t23.5 -44t-2 -75.5l-69 -359h-44l68 356q20 110 -67 110q-50 0 -100 -26.5t-90 -69.5l-72 -370h-44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="326" d="M68 407q19 102 55 136.5t96 34.5q63 0 111 -23l-42 -218q-6 -30 3 -38.5t37 -0.5v-28q-21 -7 -40 -7q-35 0 -41 40h-1q-60 -44 -111 -44q-47 0 -65.5 30.5t-1.5 117.5zM219 546q-42 0 -69 -25.5t-43 -109.5q-12 -52 -6.5 -78t16 -33.5t31.5 -7.5q46 0 100 42l39 197 q-30 15 -68 15z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="407" d="M308 547l-15 -78q-13 -69 -31.5 -100t-66.5 -71l-58 -46q-54 -44 -66 -109q-13 -68 16 -91t97 -23q53 0 133 20l-1 -35q-74 -23 -141 -23q-86 0 -126 33.5t-23 119.5q16 82 83 135l64 52q38 31 51.5 57.5t24.5 85.5l14 73h45zM337 697l-15 -78h-45l16 78h44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="220" d="M191 547l-106 -547h-44l105 547h45zM221 697l-15 -78h-46l15 78h46z" /> +<hkern u1="&#x24;" u2="&#x201c;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x24;" u2="&#x2018;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x28;" u2="J" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2c;" u2="w" k="13" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2c;" u2="v" k="21" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2d;" u2="v" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2e;" u2="w" k="13" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2e;" u2="v" k="21" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2f;" u2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2f;" u2="v" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x201d;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x201c;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x2019;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x2018;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x39;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x34;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x27;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x22;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x37;" u2="&#x32;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#x3f;" u2="&#x2039;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x3f;" u2="&#xab;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="A" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="A" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x2026;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x178;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xdd;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc6;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc5;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc4;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc3;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc2;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc1;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#xc0;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="Y" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="X" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="V" k="4" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="T" k="5" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="J" k="23" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="A" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x33;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x2e;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="B" u2="&#x2c;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="C" u2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="C" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="E" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#x2122;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="v" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#x3f;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="K" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="&#x2122;" k="80" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="&#xae;" k="75" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="w" k="23" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="v" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x201d;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x201c;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x2019;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x2018;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="P" u2="r" k="5" /> +<hkern u1="P" u2="&#x3f;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="Q" u2="&#x2026;" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="Q" u2="&#x2e;" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="Q" u2="&#x2c;" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="R" g2="t.aalt" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="w" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="v" k="41" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="&#x3f;" k="-23" /> +<hkern u1="V" u2="&#x2122;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="V" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="11" /> +<hkern u1="V" u2="&#x3f;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="W" u2="&#x2122;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="W" u2="&#x3f;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="&#x2122;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="w" k="13" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="v" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="w" k="29" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="v" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="&#x3f;" k="-17" /> +<hkern u1="Z" u2="v" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="a" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="a" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="v" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="&#x178;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="&#xdd;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="j" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="Y" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="T" k="44" /> +<hkern u1="l" u2="w" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="l" u2="v" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="&#x178;" k="43" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="&#xdd;" k="43" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="Y" k="43" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="T" k="48" /> +<hkern u1="r" u2="w" k="-9" /> +<hkern u1="r" u2="v" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="ae.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="aring.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="adieresis.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="atilde.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="acircumflex.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="aacute.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="agrave.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="a.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x201d;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x201c;" k="-6" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2019;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2018;" k="-6" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2014;" k="19" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2013;" k="19" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x178;" k="37" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xe6;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xdd;" k="37" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xad;" k="19" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="t" k="9" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="Y" k="37" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="T" k="24" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2d;" k="19" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="v" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="ae.aalt" k="14" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="aring.salt" k="14" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="adieresis.salt" k="14" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="atilde.salt" k="14" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="acircumflex.salt" k="14" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="aacute.salt" k="14" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="agrave.salt" k="14" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="a.salt" k="14" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2026;" k="73" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x201d;" k="-22" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x201c;" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2019;" k="-22" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2018;" k="-12" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#xe6;" k="14" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="T" k="33" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2e;" k="73" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2c;" k="73" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="ae.aalt" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="aring.salt" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="adieresis.salt" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="atilde.salt" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="acircumflex.salt" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="aacute.salt" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="agrave.salt" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="a.salt" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2026;" k="63" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x201d;" k="-45" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x201c;" k="-36" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2019;" k="-45" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2018;" k="-36" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#xe6;" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="T" k="24" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2e;" k="63" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2c;" k="63" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="&#x178;" k="33" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="&#xdd;" k="33" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="Y" k="33" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x201e;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x201d;" k="48" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x201c;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x201a;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x2019;" k="48" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x2018;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x178;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xdd;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc6;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc5;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc4;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc3;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc2;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc1;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc0;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="Y" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="V" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="A" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa5;" u2="&#x201c;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa5;" u2="&#x2018;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xad;" u2="v" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="&#xae;" u2="&#x2026;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#xae;" u2="&#x2e;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#xae;" u2="&#x2c;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="c_t.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="ccedilla.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="oe.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="edieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="ecircumflex.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="eacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="egrave.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="g.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="e.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="Oacute.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="Ccedilla.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x153;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x152;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf8;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf6;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf5;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf4;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf3;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf2;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf0;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xeb;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xea;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe9;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe8;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe7;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe5;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe4;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe3;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe2;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe1;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe0;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xdc;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xdb;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xda;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd9;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd8;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd6;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd5;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd4;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd3;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd2;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xc7;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="q" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="o" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="e" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="d" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="c" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="a" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="W" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="V" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="U" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="Q" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="O" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="J" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="G" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="C" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x30;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc0;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc0;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc1;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc1;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc2;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc2;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc3;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc3;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc4;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc4;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc5;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc5;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc6;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc7;" u2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc7;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc8;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc9;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xca;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xcb;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="w" k="29" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="v" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-17" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc6;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc5;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc4;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc3;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc2;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc1;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc0;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="Z" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="X" k="46" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="W" k="45" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="V" k="45" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="T" k="51" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="J" k="86" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="A" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe0;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe0;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe1;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe1;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe2;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe2;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe3;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe3;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe4;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe4;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe5;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe5;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x152;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="w" k="29" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="v" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-17" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x201d;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x201c;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x2019;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x2018;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="v" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2013;" u2="v" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2014;" u2="v" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="&#xa5;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2019;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2019;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="-28" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="v" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="M" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="&#x32;" k="-16" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xa5;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="-28" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="v" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="M" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x32;" k="-16" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2026;" u2="w" k="13" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2026;" u2="v" k="21" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2026;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2e;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2c;" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="v" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="glyph226" g2="l.aalt" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="Ccedilla.aalt" u2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Ccedilla.aalt" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x201d;" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x201c;" k="22" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x2019;" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x2018;" k="22" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x178;" k="57" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#xdd;" k="57" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="Y" k="57" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="V" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="T" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="v" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="glyph226" k="-19" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" u2="w" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" u2="v" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="v" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdc;" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdb;" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xda;" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xd9;" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc6;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc5;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc4;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc3;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc2;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc1;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc0;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="Z" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="W" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="V" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="U" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="T" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="A" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="T" k="34" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="V" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="W" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="37" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="t" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="85" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="73" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="S" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="j" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="T" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="V" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="J" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="X" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="three" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="J" k="76" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="92" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="x" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="z" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="slash" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="Z" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Eth,Ntilde,Thorn" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="igrave" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="T" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="W" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="one,H,I,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="J" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="J" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="T" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="V" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="W" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="t" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="S" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="j" k="-3" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="V" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="J" k="88" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="X" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="77" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="slash" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="Z" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="T" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="j" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="J" k="3" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="T" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="V" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="S" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="-3" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="J" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="X" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-4" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="V" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="W" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="t" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="S" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="34" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="J" k="53" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="X" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="x" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="z" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="slash" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="Z" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="64" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="colon,semicolon" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="J" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="T" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="t" k="-4" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="S" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="31" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="J" k="79" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="78" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="x" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="z" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="slash" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="J" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="42" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="z" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="i,iacute" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="T" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="t" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="T" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-11" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="S" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="37" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="J" k="88" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="52" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="31" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="37" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="x" k="43" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="z" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="slash" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="Z" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="41" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="colon,semicolon" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="J" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="T" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="V" k="17" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="57" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="22" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="T" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="W" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="T" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="V" k="14" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="34" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="t" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="V" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-60" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-66" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="z" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-12" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-26" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-16" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="x" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="slash" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="j" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="j" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="j" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="i,iacute" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="l" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="j" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="i,iacute" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="T" k="42" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="46" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="j" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-17" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="T" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="t" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-66" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.salt,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="T" k="43" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-22" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="T" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="slash" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="27" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="T" k="26" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-42" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="T" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="S" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="87" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="J" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="three" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="z" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-26" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="igrave" k="-36" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.salt,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="four" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="nine" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="space,uni00A0" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="eight" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="one" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="seven" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="germandbls" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="T" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="21" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="86" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="J" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="three" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="58" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="igrave" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="21" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.salt,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="four" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="space,uni00A0" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="f.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="eight" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="one" k="-23" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="seven" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="germandbls" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="three" k="-9" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="four" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="nine" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="one" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="seven" k="-40" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="T" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="V" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="W" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="t" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="S" k="-9" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="j" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="-37" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="J" k="-46" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="X" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="three" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="z" k="-12" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="Z" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.salt,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="nine" k="36" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="space,uni00A0" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="f.aalt" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="one" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="seven" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="t" k="14" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="nine" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="space,uni00A0" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="eight" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="one" k="32" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="seven" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="six" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="V" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="S" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="J" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="X" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="three" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="14" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="x" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="i,iacute" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="four" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="one" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="seven" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="colon,semicolon" g2="space,uni00A0" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="colon,semicolon" g2="one" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="X" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="three" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="one" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="seven" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="three" k="3" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="one" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="seven" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="three" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="nine" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="eight" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="one" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="three" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="four" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="nine" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="eight" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="one" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="eight" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern 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85t-115.5 25h-82v-227zM165 72h101q81 0 119 27.5t38 99.5q0 69 -34.5 98t-121.5 29h-102v-254z" /> +<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="474" d="M430 81l13 -67q-63 -23 -138 -23q-66 0 -110 15t-77 53.5t-48 108.5t-15 178q0 72 6 124.5t21.5 99t42 75t69 45t100.5 16.5q83 0 143 -18l-12 -66q-61 12 -129 12q-58 0 -90.5 -21t-51 -85t-18.5 -182q0 -117 18 -178.5t52 -83t98 -21.5q40 0 126 18z" /> +<glyph unicode="D" horiz-adv-x="561" d="M204 0h-121v697h124q73 0 119 -7.5t83.5 -28t57 -60t29.5 -99t10 -150.5q0 -79 -5.5 -133t-20 -94.5t-35 -64t-57 -37.5t-78.5 -18.5t-106 -4.5zM165 72h41q49 0 78.5 2.5t57 13t41 28t24.5 50t14.5 77t3.5 111.5q0 64 -4 108.5t-16.5 75t-26 47.5t-41.5 26t-55 11.5 t-74 2.5h-43v-553z" /> +<glyph unicode="E" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M83 0v697h360v-72h-278v-226h227v-72h-227v-255h285v-72h-367z" /> +<glyph unicode="F" horiz-adv-x="472" d="M83 0v697h362v-72h-280v-246h218v-72h-218v-307h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="G" horiz-adv-x="534" d="M55 351q0 88 9.5 149t35 110t73 72.5t118.5 23.5q41 0 90.5 -6.5t68.5 -12.5l-12 -68q-77 15 -142 15q-58 0 -90.5 -21t-51 -83.5t-18.5 -178.5q0 -119 18 -182t52 -84.5t98 -21.5q44 0 90 11v311h78v-362q-22 -11 -75.5 -21.5t-91.5 -10.5q-66 0 -110 15t-77 54t-48 110 t-15 181z" /> +<glyph unicode="H" horiz-adv-x="584" d="M83 0v697h82v-300h254v300h82v-697h-82v325h-254v-325h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="I" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M83 0v697h82v-697h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="J" horiz-adv-x="406" d="M15 8l12 67q60 -12 122 -12q55 0 77 27.5t22 87.5v519h81v-521q0 -97 -44.5 -141t-134.5 -44q-77 0 -135 17z" /> +<glyph unicode="K" horiz-adv-x="541" d="M83 0v697h82v-308q39 -2 62 -9l193 317h90l-216 -346q28 -19 46 -38t45 -61l163 -252h-95l-142 223q-33 52 -65 71.5t-81 22.5v-317h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="L" horiz-adv-x="430" d="M83 0v697h82v-625h243v-72h-325z" /> +<glyph unicode="M" horiz-adv-x="754" d="M693 0h-80l-26 487l-6 132h-4q-8 -48 -149 -496h-102q-61 198 -98 322t-44 149l-6 25h-5q-3 -80 -7 -134l-28 -485h-78l41 697h127q60 -193 96.5 -318.5t43.5 -154.5l7 -29h6q16 77 144 502h128z" /> +<glyph unicode="N" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M83 0v697h124q99 -242 160 -397t72 -188l11 -34h3q-1 119 -1 243v376h79v-697h-124q-100 244 -161 399t-72 187l-10 33h-5q3 -148 3 -282v-337h-79z" /> +<glyph unicode="O" d="M55 348q0 183 50 272t184 89q56 0 96 -16.5t65.5 -45t40.5 -75t20.5 -99.5t5.5 -125q0 -183 -50 -271.5t-184 -88.5q-69 0 -114.5 23.5t-70 73t-34 111t-9.5 152.5zM286 60q89 0 119.5 67t30.5 221q0 155 -30.5 222t-119.5 67q-88 0 -119 -67.5t-31 -221.5t31 -221 t119 -67z" /> +<glyph unicode="P" horiz-adv-x="516" d="M83 0v697h172q121 0 172 -46t51 -162q0 -94 -57 -153t-167 -59h-89v-277h-82zM165 350h88q75 0 109.5 31.5t34.5 108.5q0 78 -31.5 106.5t-111.5 28.5h-89v-275z" /> +<glyph unicode="Q" d="M55 348q0 183 50 272t184 89q56 0 96 -16.5t65.5 -45t40.5 -75t20.5 -99.5t5.5 -125q0 -135 -25.5 -216.5t-89.5 -117.5q55 -56 171 -89l-20 -65q-163 35 -238 130q-20 -2 -32 -2q-69 0 -114.5 23.5t-70 73t-34 111t-9.5 152.5zM286 60q89 0 119.5 67t30.5 221 q0 155 -30.5 222t-119.5 67q-88 0 -119 -67.5t-31 -221.5t31 -221t119 -67z" /> +<glyph unicode="R" horiz-adv-x="543" d="M83 0v697h176q120 0 169.5 -44.5t49.5 -160.5q0 -147 -113 -177q55 -23 91 -130l65 -185h-87l-53 163q-24 71 -52.5 95t-83.5 24h-80v-282h-82zM165 354h94q72 0 105 33t33 106q0 78 -29.5 105t-109.5 27h-93v-271z" /> +<glyph unicode="S" horiz-adv-x="483" d="M48 18l14 71q97 -26 166 -26t96 25t27 86q0 54 -22 87.5t-87 61.5l-38 17q-79 34 -113.5 76t-34.5 122q0 86 49.5 127t138.5 41q92 0 163 -22l-14 -67q-83 17 -140 17q-59 0 -87.5 -22t-28.5 -75q0 -51 22 -76.5t77 -48.5l40 -18q56 -24 86.5 -47t50 -65.5t19.5 -107.5 q0 -96 -44 -139.5t-147 -43.5q-116 0 -193 27z" /> +<glyph unicode="T" horiz-adv-x="450" d="M184 0v625h-165v72h411v-72h-165v-625h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="U" d="M76 176v521h82v-516q0 -121 127 -121q129 0 129 121v516h82v-521q0 -188 -211 -188q-209 0 -209 188z" /> +<glyph unicode="V" horiz-adv-x="477" d="M184 0l-175 697h85l105 -432q28 -124 39 -187h4q25 120 41 188l103 431h81l-175 -697h-108z" /> +<glyph unicode="W" horiz-adv-x="747" d="M148 0l-125 697h82l79 -469q18 -97 21 -145h4q7 62 24 142l95 463h96l96 -467q20 -90 23 -138h4q2 37 21 142l78 472h80l-124 -697h-109l-79 400q-33 171 -36 204h-4q-11 -83 -37 -204l-82 -400h-107z" /> +<glyph unicode="X" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M253 309h-4q-47 -96 -84 -170l-68 -139h-90l194 364l-179 333h90l56 -107l83 -167h7q46 89 86 168l56 106h87l-182 -336l196 -361h-92l-73 140z" /> +<glyph unicode="Y" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M200 0v307l-203 390h92l118 -235q26 -56 32 -71h4q3 7 34 69l119 237h90l-205 -390v-307h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="Z" horiz-adv-x="477" d="M36 0v37l285 588h-263v72h367v-36l-286 -589h295v-72h-398z" /> +<glyph unicode="[" horiz-adv-x="379" d="M121 -86v864h177v-60h-107v-745h107v-59h-177z" /> +<glyph unicode="\" horiz-adv-x="353" d="M34 697h68l218 -697h-68z" /> +<glyph unicode="]" horiz-adv-x="379" d="M258 778v-864h-177v59h107v745h-107v60h177z" /> +<glyph unicode="^" horiz-adv-x="547" d="M54 385l178 312h83l177 -312h-78l-141 248l-144 -248h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="_" horiz-adv-x="446" d="M0 -147v60h446v-60h-446z" /> +<glyph unicode="`" horiz-adv-x="282" d="M151 640l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="493" d="M420 0h-69l-5 55h-2q-76 -64 -160 -64q-133 0 -133 141v10q0 85 44.5 120.5t132.5 43.5q53 4 113 5v18q0 67 -18 88.5t-71 21.5q-81 0 -165 -30l-17 65q99 35 191 35q80 0 119.5 -37t39.5 -142v-330zM341 128v119q-82 -1 -126 -9q-44 -7 -64.5 -30t-20.5 -69 q0 -44 18 -62t53 -18q73 0 140 69z" /> +<glyph unicode="b" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M77 722h81v-200v-36.5t-0.5 -27.5t-0.5 -11h1q73 62 148 62q77 0 114.5 -49.5t37.5 -180.5q0 -87 -12.5 -144.5t-39.5 -88.5t-61.5 -43t-85.5 -12q-34 0 -87.5 9t-94.5 25v697zM258 61q63 0 91 41t28 163q0 107 -20 140.5t-65 33.5q-66 0 -134 -68v-295q56 -15 100 -15z " /> +<glyph unicode="c" horiz-adv-x="412" d="M51 247q0 131 45.5 196.5t157.5 65.5q64 0 121 -18l-14 -66q-59 14 -102 14q-68 0 -97.5 -45.5t-29.5 -146.5q0 -106 28.5 -146t98.5 -40q48 0 102 17l17 -66q-61 -21 -124 -21q-114 0 -158.5 60.5t-44.5 195.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="d" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M51 221q0 86 13 144t39.5 89t58.5 43t76 12q61 0 113 -19h2q-2 32 -2 85v147h81v-722h-71l-5 55h-2q-76 -64 -150 -64q-78 0 -115.5 49.5t-37.5 180.5zM351 130v294q-51 15 -100 15q-42 0 -66 -14.5t-38.5 -60.5t-14.5 -130q0 -73 11 -112t28 -50t46 -11q69 0 134 69z " /> +<glyph unicode="e" horiz-adv-x="485" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t157 61.5q95 0 138 -44t43 -107q0 -72 -26.5 -102.5t-106.5 -30.5q-94 0 -171 22v-11q0 -104 29 -141t98 -37q70 0 148 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -174 -31q-108 0 -152.5 61t-44.5 199zM136 316q78 -22 145 -22q46 0 59.5 15.5t13.5 49.5 q0 40 -25.5 63.5t-73.5 23.5q-59 0 -87 -32t-32 -98z" /> +<glyph unicode="f" horiz-adv-x="324" d="M312 438h-132v-438h-81v438h-74v62h74v95q0 79 34 106.5t97 27.5t119 -12l-11 -65q-58 7 -85 7q-39 0 -56 -14t-17 -60v-85h142z" /> +<glyph unicode="g" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M170 -233l-12 68q78 12 117 24q40 13 59.5 38t19.5 83l1 80h-2q-72 -60 -149 -60t-115 48t-38 173q0 87 12.5 144.5t39.5 88.5t61.5 43t85.5 12q94 0 182 -33v-496q0 -92 -34 -132t-94 -56q-36 -10 -134 -25zM132 235q0 -100 20.5 -132.5t64.5 -32.5q71 0 134 65v289 q-51 15 -100 15q-63 0 -91 -41t-28 -163z" /> +<glyph unicode="h" horiz-adv-x="522" d="M77 0v722h81v-204l-1 -71h1q73 62 154 62q56 0 95.5 -33.5t39.5 -118.5v-357h-82v350q0 49 -18 69t-53 20q-68 0 -136 -68v-371h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="i" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M81 0v500h81v-500h-81zM75 598v96h93v-96h-93z" /> +<glyph unicode="j" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M-25 -228l-14 67q51 12 60 15q38 11 49 34.5t11 84.5v527h81v-527q0 -98 -25.5 -135t-100.5 -53q-28 -7 -61 -13zM76 598v96h93v-96h-93z" /> +<glyph unicode="k" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M77 0v722h82v-409q38 0 59 -7l153 194h99l-181 -223q39 -29 75 -86l126 -191h-93l-103 154q-37 55 -60.5 71.5t-74.5 17.5v-243h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="l" horiz-adv-x="262" d="M236 65l9 -66q-28 -8 -74 -8q-45 0 -69.5 25t-24.5 92v614h81v-608q0 -34 9 -43.5t29 -9.5q5 0 11 0.5t11 1t9 1t7 0.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="764" d="M77 0v500h71l5 -54h3q73 63 138 63q85 0 117 -72q72 72 144 72q133 0 133 -149v-360h-81v355q0 47 -15.5 65.5t-52.5 18.5q-55 0 -116 -70q1 -15 1 -22v-347h-81v354q0 85 -66 85q-53 0 -119 -68v-371h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="n" horiz-adv-x="522" d="M77 0v500h71l5 -54h4q73 63 155 63q56 0 95.5 -33.5t39.5 -118.5v-357h-82v350q0 49 -18 69t-53 20q-68 0 -136 -68v-371h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="o" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M249 -12q-112 0 -155 58.5t-43 194.5q0 138 46.5 204.5t157.5 66.5q110 0 154.5 -66t44.5 -205q0 -135 -46 -194t-159 -59zM252 58q66 0 93 39.5t27 143.5q0 107 -28 154t-92 47t-92 -47t-28 -154q0 -104 27.5 -143.5t92.5 -39.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="p" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M458 279q0 -86 -13 -144t-39.5 -89t-58 -43t-76.5 -12q-62 0 -113 20h-1q1 -32 1 -74v-160h-81v723h71l5 -54h3q75 63 150 63q77 0 114.5 -49.5t37.5 -180.5zM158 371v-295q51 -15 100 -15q42 0 66 14.5t38.5 60.5t14.5 130q0 106 -20 139.5t-65 33.5q-64 0 -134 -68z " /> +<glyph unicode="q" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M432 -223h-81v202l2 75h-2q-72 -63 -147 -63q-78 0 -115.5 49t-37.5 181q0 87 12.5 144.5t39.5 88.5t61.5 43t85.5 12q94 0 182 -33v-699zM251 439q-63 0 -91 -41t-28 -163q0 -73 11 -112.5t28 -50.5t46 -11q69 0 134 69v294q-47 15 -100 15z" /> +<glyph unicode="r" horiz-adv-x="355" d="M77 0v500h71l5 -54h4q58 62 140 62q31 0 46 -5l-13 -77q-26 4 -44 4q-40 0 -74 -18.5t-54 -44.5v-367h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="s" horiz-adv-x="439" d="M36 21l13 69q104 -29 173 -29q45 0 67 14t22 57q0 37 -17 55t-67 33l-39 12q-76 24 -108 53t-32 94q0 71 40 100.5t115 29.5q97 0 171 -24l-13 -66q-91 20 -149 20q-83 0 -83 -58q0 -28 15.5 -44t66.5 -33l38 -12q78 -25 111 -59t33 -101q0 -141 -167 -141q-95 0 -190 30 z" /> +<glyph unicode="t" horiz-adv-x="338" d="M93 109v329h-75v62h75l7 131l74 9v-140h135l-10 -62h-125v-327q0 -32 10.5 -40.5t38.5 -8.5q8 0 18 1t18.5 2.5t16.5 3t13 2.5l5 1l15 -63q-36 -18 -105 -18q-58 0 -84.5 23.5t-26.5 94.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="u" horiz-adv-x="522" d="M75 500h81v-350q0 -89 72 -89q70 0 135 69v370h82v-500h-72l-4 55h-3q-76 -64 -156 -64q-56 0 -95.5 33.5t-39.5 118.5v357z" /> +<glyph unicode="v" horiz-adv-x="434" d="M166 0l-150 500h84l77 -276l40 -152h3q21 86 39 152l76 276h83l-150 -500h-102z" /> +<glyph unicode="w" horiz-adv-x="703" d="M134 0l-114 500h85l50 -250l35 -176h3q26 105 45 178l62 243h107l63 -245l44 -176h4q15 77 33 169l51 257h81l-113 -500h-108l-85 335l-22 86h-4q-12 -47 -23 -87l-87 -334h-107z" /> +<glyph unicode="x" horiz-adv-x="445" d="M15 0l164 261l-142 239h91l60 -107l39 -77q20 42 41 81l56 103h87l-141 -239l160 -261h-94l-64 111l-48 91l-51 -91l-64 -111h-94z" /> +<glyph unicode="y" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M209 0q-56 0 -95.5 33.5t-39.5 118.5v348h81v-341q0 -89 72 -89t135 65v365h82v-520q0 -92 -34 -132t-94 -56q-37 -10 -135 -25l-12 68q83 14 117 24q41 13 60.5 38t19.5 83v80h-2q-70 -60 -155 -60z" /> +<glyph unicode="z" horiz-adv-x="432" d="M43 0v35l229 395h-210v70h321v-31l-231 -399h245v-70h-354z" /> +<glyph unicode="{" horiz-adv-x="372" d="M129 54v169q0 62 -19 80t-68 18v63q49 0 68 18t19 80v156q0 81 31 110.5t108 29.5h23v-54h-34q-60 0 -60 -66v-177q0 -117 -68 -129q26 -5 47 -35.5t21 -96.5v-186q0 -32 12.5 -49t46.5 -17h35v-54h-33q-68 0 -98.5 30t-30.5 110z" /> +<glyph unicode="|" horiz-adv-x="275" d="M103 -196v1088h69v-1088h-69z" /> +<glyph unicode="}" horiz-adv-x="372" d="M243 223v-169q0 -80 -30.5 -110t-98.5 -30h-33v54h35q34 0 46.5 17t12.5 49v186q0 66 21 96.5t47 35.5q-68 12 -68 129v177q0 66 -60 66h-34v54h23q77 0 108 -29.5t31 -110.5v-156q0 -62 19 -80t68 -18v-63q-49 0 -68 -18t-19 -80z" /> +<glyph unicode="~" horiz-adv-x="554" d="M142 262l-48 41q22 32 43.5 48t60.5 16q28 0 53 -13.5t39.5 -30.5t32.5 -30.5t34 -13.5q6 0 12.5 2.5t11 5t10 8l8 8t7 8.5t5.5 7l48 -41q-15 -22 -25.5 -33.5t-31 -21.5t-47.5 -10q-29 0 -54.5 14t-39.5 30.5t-31.5 30.5t-33.5 14q-7 0 -14 -3t-13.5 -8t-10.5 -9 t-9.5 -10.5t-6.5 -8.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" horiz-adv-x="239" d="M160 338v-534h-81v534h81zM160 501v-85h-81v85h81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M84 333q0 115 34 179.5t116 78.5v106h60v-101q57 -2 114 -19l-14 -66q-61 14 -102 14q-68 0 -97.5 -45.5t-29.5 -146.5q0 -105 28.5 -145t98.5 -40q43 0 102 16l17 -65q-56 -20 -117 -22v-94h-60v98q-84 13 -117 73t-33 179z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M148 385v122q0 199 201 199q70 0 119 -19l-15 -63q-53 12 -96 12q-68 0 -98 -31.5t-30 -97.5v-122h126v-55h-126v-258h265v-72h-433v72h87v258h-73v55h73z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" horiz-adv-x="730" d="M144 88l-41 41l69 69q-54 68 -54 154q0 84 54 153l-70 70l41 40l69 -69q69 55 152 55q88 0 155 -58l69 69l41 -41l-70 -69q52 -70 52 -150q0 -84 -51 -150l67 -68l-40 -40l-67 66q-69 -57 -156 -57q-81 0 -152 53zM364 164q77 0 131.5 55t54.5 133t-54.5 133t-131.5 55 q-76 0 -130 -55t-54 -133t54.5 -133t129.5 -55z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M128 337h92l-187 360h92l118 -235q26 -56 32 -71h4q3 7 34 69l119 237h90l-189 -360h93v-57h-109v-56h109v-57h-109v-167h-81v167h-108v57h108v56h-108v57z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" horiz-adv-x="275" d="M103 444v448h69v-448h-69zM103 -196v448h69v-448h-69z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" horiz-adv-x="511" d="M62 -84l12 70q89 -24 170 -24q71 0 97.5 17t26.5 66q0 39 -20.5 64t-81.5 47l-55 20q-79 29 -109.5 62.5t-30.5 97.5q0 71 56 103q-56 39 -56 118q0 74 49.5 111t137.5 37q94 0 166 -23l-15 -68q-89 19 -150 19q-107 0 -107 -75q0 -35 20.5 -53.5t73.5 -37.5l57 -20 q74 -26 110 -65.5t36 -114.5q0 -61 -38 -106q38 -43 38 -117q0 -85 -42.5 -119.5t-148.5 -34.5q-118 0 -196 26zM211 399q-3 1 -14 5q-45 -14 -45 -65q0 -36 21 -56t72 -38l57 -20q24 -8 47 -20q19 20 19 63q0 38 -20.5 63.5t-81.5 47.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" horiz-adv-x="972" d="M442 640h-88v95h88v-95zM618 640h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" horiz-adv-x="838" d="M505 195l9 -49q-46 -14 -89 -14q-79 0 -110 44.5t-31 174.5q0 128 31 172.5t110 44.5q49 0 86 -11l-8 -49q-44 7 -71 7q-35 0 -51.5 -10t-26 -45.5t-9.5 -108.5t9.5 -109t26.5 -47t51 -11q18 0 73 11zM86 350q0 170 87 265t245 95q159 0 246.5 -95t87.5 -265t-88 -266 t-246 -96t-245 96t-87 266zM139 349q0 -150 71.5 -231.5t207.5 -81.5q135 0 208 81.5t73 231.5t-72.5 232t-208.5 82q-135 0 -207 -82t-72 -232z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" horiz-adv-x="314" d="M272 265h-57q-4 31 -4 33h-2q-44 -39 -98 -39q-82 0 -82 90v5q0 49 25 71.5t76 28.5q26 5 77 5v10q0 35 -10.5 46.5t-39.5 11.5q-48 0 -104 -18l-13 49q60 23 125 23q54 0 80.5 -24t26.5 -89v-203zM207 345v68q-35 -1 -68 -5q-45 -8 -45 -53q0 -42 39 -42q38 0 74 32z " /> +<glyph unicode="&#xab;" horiz-adv-x="478" d="M162 54l-98 200l98 199h73l-99 -199l99 -200h-73zM332 54l-98 200l98 199h73l-99 -199l99 -200h-73z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xac;" horiz-adv-x="515" d="M73 278v69h368v-201h-72v132h-296z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xad;" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M42 253v67h283v-67h-283z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xae;" horiz-adv-x="507" d="M58 501q0 100 50.5 153t143.5 53q94 0 144.5 -53t50.5 -153t-51 -154t-144 -54t-143.5 54t-50.5 154zM94 501q0 -175 158 -175q160 0 160 175q0 173 -160 173q-158 0 -158 -173zM185 389l1 230h67q40 0 57 -16t17 -55q0 -45 -33 -58q17 -10 28 -42l19 -59h-46l-15 49 q-8 21 -14.5 27.5t-20.5 6.5h-15v-83h-45zM230 509h20q19 0 26.5 8t7.5 30q0 21 -7 28.5t-26 7.5h-21v-74z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xaf;" horiz-adv-x="520" d="M387 693h-255v60h255v-60z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb0;" horiz-adv-x="341" d="M61 593q0 114 110 114q109 0 109 -114q0 -115 -109 -115q-110 0 -110 115zM171 520q31 0 45.5 16.5t14.5 56.5t-14.5 57t-45.5 17q-32 0 -46.5 -16.5t-14.5 -56.5t14.5 -57t46.5 -17z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb1;" horiz-adv-x="515" d="M226 174v165h-157v63h157v171h64v-171h156v-63h-156v-165h-64zM69 0v63h377v-63h-377z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" horiz-adv-x="312" d="M30 380v95q0 60 22.5 86.5t79.5 50.5l27 11q30 14 43 30.5t13 49.5q0 32 -13.5 44.5t-45.5 12.5q-34 0 -106 -13l-10 53q68 18 122 18q63 0 91.5 -26.5t28.5 -85.5t-24 -87t-75 -49l-28 -13q-33 -14 -44.5 -31.5t-11.5 -56.5v-31h183v-58h-252z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" horiz-adv-x="294" d="M11 395l14 53q50 -16 101 -16q38 0 53.5 17.5t15.5 52.5q0 39 -18 57.5t-66 20.5l-41 1v53l42 2q43 1 59.5 17t16.5 50q0 29 -12.5 43t-44.5 14q-43 0 -100 -17l-13 51q56 24 115 24q65 0 94.5 -26.5t29.5 -85.5q0 -37 -16.5 -62t-40.5 -33q63 -23 63 -110 q-1 -65 -32.5 -96t-100.5 -31q-64 0 -119 21z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" horiz-adv-x="282" d="M175 780l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" horiz-adv-x="510" d="M74 500h81v-350q0 -89 68 -89q64 0 128 66v373h81v-500h-71l-4 52h-3q-67 -61 -139 -61q-38 0 -62 14q2 -68 2 -90v-113h-81v698z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" horiz-adv-x="597" d="M460 0v697h50v-697h-50zM339 0v317h-103q-151 0 -151 149v83q0 148 150 148h155v-697h-51z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" horiz-adv-x="220" d="M65 278v92h90v-92h-90z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" horiz-adv-x="410" d="M109 -226l11 49q44 -11 62 -11q46 0 46 27q0 13 -13 23t-28.5 16.5t-28.5 20.5t-13 35q0 33 29 59h54q-27 -27 -27 -50q0 -12 13.5 -21.5t30 -16t30 -24t13.5 -43.5q0 -45 -24 -61.5t-73 -16.5q-16 0 -36.5 3.5t-32.5 6.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" horiz-adv-x="212" d="M83 380v374h-63v58h131v-432h-68z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xba;" horiz-adv-x="319" d="M160 258q-75 0 -103 37t-28 121q0 85 28.5 126t102.5 41q73 0 101.5 -41t28.5 -126t-27.5 -121.5t-102.5 -36.5zM160 314q35 0 49 22t14 81q0 58 -14.5 84t-48.5 26q-35 0 -49 -26t-14 -84q0 -59 13.5 -81t49.5 -22z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" horiz-adv-x="478" d="M243 254l-98 -200h-72l99 200l-99 199h72zM413 254l-98 -200h-72l99 200l-99 199h72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" horiz-adv-x="662" d="M83 265v374h-63v58h131v-432h-68zM373 116l-8 55l130 267l61 -23l-50 -103l-72 -138h127l4 91h64v-265h-68v116h-188zM100 -22l344 740h67l-344 -740h-67z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" horiz-adv-x="707" d="M83 265v374h-63v58h131v-432h-68zM425 0v95q0 60 22.5 86.5t79.5 50.5l27 11q30 14 43 30.5t13 49.5q0 32 -13.5 44.5t-45.5 12.5q-38 0 -106 -13l-11 53q72 18 122 18q63 0 92 -26.5t29 -85.5t-24 -87t-75 -49l-29 -13q-32 -14 -44 -32t-12 -56v-31h183v-58h-251z M100 -22l344 740h67l-344 -740h-67z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" horiz-adv-x="733" d="M11 280l14 53q50 -16 101 -16q38 0 53.5 17.5t15.5 52.5q0 39 -18 57.5t-66 20.5l-41 1v53l42 2q43 1 59.5 17t16.5 50q0 29 -12.5 43t-44.5 14q-43 0 -100 -17l-13 51q56 24 115 24q65 0 94.5 -26.5t29.5 -85.5q0 -37 -16.5 -62t-40.5 -33q63 -23 63 -110 q-1 -65 -32.5 -96t-100.5 -31q-64 0 -119 21zM444 116l-8 55l130 267l61 -23l-50 -103l-72 -138h127l5 91h64v-265h-69v116h-188zM172 -22l344 740h67l-344 -740h-67z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" horiz-adv-x="413" d="M269 340v-97q0 -59 -15.5 -90t-59.5 -73l-37 -35q-24 -22 -31.5 -42.5t-7.5 -51.5q0 -55 27 -71.5t80 -16.5q63 0 140 21l11 -62q-83 -27 -162 -27q-87 0 -132 35t-45 125q0 85 60 141l43 41q32 30 40 52.5t8 65.5v85h81zM269 501v-85h-81v85h81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" horiz-adv-x="511" d="M18 0l177 697h121l178 -697h-84l-44 172h-225l-42 -172h-81zM156 240h196l-96 387h-4zM219 748l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" horiz-adv-x="511" d="M18 0l177 697h121l178 -697h-84l-44 172h-225l-42 -172h-81zM156 240h196l-96 387h-4zM363 888l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" horiz-adv-x="511" d="M18 0l177 697h121l178 -697h-84l-44 172h-225l-42 -172h-81zM156 240h196l-96 387h-4zM113 748l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" horiz-adv-x="511" d="M18 0l177 697h121l178 -697h-84l-44 172h-225l-42 -172h-81zM156 240h196l-96 387h-4zM143 767l-28 37q32 43 81 43q33 0 66 -22.5t53 -22.5q24 0 48 28l32 -35q-17 -26 -35 -39t-48 -13q-32 0 -65.5 22t-55.5 22q-21 0 -48 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" horiz-adv-x="511" d="M18 0l177 697h121l178 -697h-84l-44 172h-225l-42 -172h-81zM156 240h196l-96 387h-4zM210 748h-88v95h88v-95zM386 748h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" horiz-adv-x="511" d="M18 0l177 697h121l178 -697h-84l-44 172h-225l-42 -172h-81zM156 240h196l-96 387h-4zM149 846q0 48 28.5 76.5t76.5 28.5t76.5 -28.5t28.5 -76.5t-28.5 -76.5t-76.5 -28.5t-76.5 28.5t-28.5 76.5zM197 846q0 -28 15.5 -44t41.5 -16t41.5 16t15.5 44t-15.5 44t-41.5 16 t-41.5 -16t-15.5 -44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" horiz-adv-x="717" d="M400 0l-35 172h-226l-50 -172h-81l207 697h455v-72h-319l48 -226h220v-72h-205l54 -255h209v-72h-277zM159 240h193l-76 387h-4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" horiz-adv-x="474" d="M188 -214l11 49q44 -11 62 -11q46 0 46 27q0 13 -13 23t-28.5 16.5t-28.5 20.5t-13 35q0 26 19 49q-99 13 -143.5 90.5t-44.5 260.5q0 72 6 124.5t21.5 99t42 75t69 45t100.5 16.5q83 0 143 -18l-12 -66q-61 12 -129 12q-58 0 -90.5 -21t-51 -85t-18.5 -182 q0 -117 18 -178.5t52 -83t98 -21.5q40 0 126 18l13 -67q-63 -23 -138 -23h-11q-14 -18 -14 -36q0 -12 13.5 -21.5t30 -16t30 -24t13.5 -43.5q0 -45 -24 -61.5t-73 -16.5q-16 0 -36.5 3.5t-33.5 6.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M83 0v697h360v-72h-278v-226h227v-72h-227v-255h285v-72h-367zM228 748l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc9;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M83 0v697h360v-72h-278v-226h227v-72h-227v-255h285v-72h-367zM372 888l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xca;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M83 0v697h360v-72h-278v-226h227v-72h-227v-255h285v-72h-367zM122 748l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcb;" horiz-adv-x="490" d="M83 0v697h360v-72h-278v-226h227v-72h-227v-255h285v-72h-367zM219 748h-88v95h88v-95zM395 748h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcc;" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M83 0v697h82v-697h-82zM89 748l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcd;" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M83 0v697h82v-697h-82zM233 888l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xce;" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M83 0v697h82v-697h-82zM-18 748l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcf;" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M83 0v697h82v-697h-82zM80 748h-88v95h88v-95zM256 748h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" horiz-adv-x="561" d="M17 330v57h66v310h124q73 0 119 -7.5t83.5 -28t57 -60t29.5 -99t10 -150.5q0 -79 -5.5 -133t-20 -94.5t-35 -64t-57 -37.5t-78.5 -18.5t-106 -4.5h-121v330h-66zM165 72h41q49 0 78.5 2.5t57 13t41 28t24.5 50t14.5 77t3.5 111.5q0 64 -4 108.5t-16.5 75t-26 47.5 t-41.5 26t-55 11.5t-74 2.5h-43v-238h124v-57h-124v-258z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M83 0v697h124q99 -242 160 -397t72 -188l11 -34h3q-1 119 -1 243v376h79v-697h-124q-100 244 -161 399t-72 187l-10 33h-5q3 -148 3 -282v-337h-79zM197 767l-28 37q32 43 81 43q33 0 66 -22.5t53 -22.5q24 0 48 28l32 -35q-17 -26 -35 -39t-48 -13q-32 0 -65.5 22 t-55.5 22q-21 0 -48 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" d="M55 348q0 183 50 272t184 89q56 0 96 -16.5t65.5 -45t40.5 -75t20.5 -99.5t5.5 -125q0 -183 -50 -271.5t-184 -88.5q-69 0 -114.5 23.5t-70 73t-34 111t-9.5 152.5zM286 60q89 0 119.5 67t30.5 221q0 155 -30.5 222t-119.5 67q-88 0 -119 -67.5t-31 -221.5t31 -221 t119 -67zM252 748l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" d="M55 348q0 183 50 272t184 89q56 0 96 -16.5t65.5 -45t40.5 -75t20.5 -99.5t5.5 -125q0 -183 -50 -271.5t-184 -88.5q-69 0 -114.5 23.5t-70 73t-34 111t-9.5 152.5zM286 60q89 0 119.5 67t30.5 221q0 155 -30.5 222t-119.5 67q-88 0 -119 -67.5t-31 -221.5t31 -221 t119 -67zM396 888l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" d="M55 348q0 183 50 272t184 89q56 0 96 -16.5t65.5 -45t40.5 -75t20.5 -99.5t5.5 -125q0 -183 -50 -271.5t-184 -88.5q-69 0 -114.5 23.5t-70 73t-34 111t-9.5 152.5zM286 60q89 0 119.5 67t30.5 221q0 155 -30.5 222t-119.5 67q-88 0 -119 -67.5t-31 -221.5t31 -221 t119 -67zM145 748l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" d="M55 348q0 183 50 272t184 89q56 0 96 -16.5t65.5 -45t40.5 -75t20.5 -99.5t5.5 -125q0 -183 -50 -271.5t-184 -88.5q-69 0 -114.5 23.5t-70 73t-34 111t-9.5 152.5zM286 60q89 0 119.5 67t30.5 221q0 155 -30.5 222t-119.5 67q-88 0 -119 -67.5t-31 -221.5t31 -221 t119 -67zM176 767l-28 37q32 43 81 43q33 0 66 -22.5t53 -22.5q24 0 48 28l32 -35q-17 -26 -35 -39t-48 -13q-32 0 -65.5 22t-55.5 22q-21 0 -48 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" d="M55 348q0 183 50 272t184 89q56 0 96 -16.5t65.5 -45t40.5 -75t20.5 -99.5t5.5 -125q0 -183 -50 -271.5t-184 -88.5q-69 0 -114.5 23.5t-70 73t-34 111t-9.5 152.5zM286 60q89 0 119.5 67t30.5 221q0 155 -30.5 222t-119.5 67q-88 0 -119 -67.5t-31 -221.5t31 -221 t119 -67zM243 748h-88v95h88v-95zM419 748h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" horiz-adv-x="515" d="M101 111l-45 44l158 158l-159 159l44 44l159 -159l158 158l44 -44l-157 -158l155 -156l-45 -45l-155 156z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" d="M55 348q0 183 50 272t184 89q85 0 136 -39l37 70l50 -26l-47 -87q52 -81 52 -279q0 -183 -50 -271.5t-184 -88.5q-90 0 -139 40l-34 -69l-50 27l46 84q-51 79 -51 278zM159 145q42 90 82 171l141 287q-36 34 -96 34q-88 0 -119 -67.5t-31 -221.5q0 -142 23 -203zM286 60 q89 0 119.5 67t30.5 221q0 141 -24 205l-91 -193l-129 -268q32 -32 94 -32z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" d="M76 176v521h82v-516q0 -121 127 -121q129 0 129 121v516h82v-521q0 -188 -211 -188q-209 0 -209 188zM251 748l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xda;" d="M76 176v521h82v-516q0 -121 127 -121q129 0 129 121v516h82v-521q0 -188 -211 -188q-209 0 -209 188zM395 888l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" d="M76 176v521h82v-516q0 -121 127 -121q129 0 129 121v516h82v-521q0 -188 -211 -188q-209 0 -209 188zM144 748l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" d="M76 176v521h82v-516q0 -121 127 -121q129 0 129 121v516h82v-521q0 -188 -211 -188q-209 0 -209 188zM242 748h-88v95h88v-95zM418 748h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M200 0v307l-203 390h92l118 -235q26 -56 32 -71h4q3 7 34 69l119 237h90l-205 -390v-307h-81zM352 888l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="529" d="M83 0v697h82v-116h95q120 0 169 -44.5t49 -160.5q0 -94 -54.5 -151.5t-164.5 -57.5h-94v-167h-82zM165 240h93q75 0 107 30t32 106q0 79 -29.5 106t-108.5 27h-94v-269z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="532" d="M77 0v487q0 90 39.5 138.5t144.5 48.5q86 0 129 -37.5t43 -96.5q0 -35 -18.5 -67t-37 -59t-18.5 -48q0 -17 14.5 -33.5t34.5 -33t40.5 -37t35 -53.5t14.5 -74q0 -75 -32.5 -108.5t-111.5 -33.5q-62 0 -108 18l17 66q56 -14 82 -14q41 0 56.5 17.5t15.5 55.5 q0 32 -14.5 56t-34.5 39.5t-40.5 31t-35 40t-14.5 57.5q0 40 37 93t37 86q0 29 -22 47t-68 18q-35 0 -56.5 -8.5t-31.5 -27t-13 -36t-3 -45.5v-487h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="493" d="M420 0h-69l-5 55h-2q-76 -64 -160 -64q-133 0 -133 141v10q0 85 44.5 120.5t132.5 43.5q53 4 113 5v18q0 67 -18 88.5t-71 21.5q-81 0 -165 -30l-17 65q99 35 191 35q80 0 119.5 -37t39.5 -142v-330zM341 128v119q-82 -1 -126 -9q-44 -7 -64.5 -30t-20.5 -69 q0 -44 18 -62t53 -18q73 0 140 69zM218 577l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" horiz-adv-x="493" d="M420 0h-69l-5 55h-2q-76 -64 -160 -64q-133 0 -133 141v10q0 85 44.5 120.5t132.5 43.5q53 4 113 5v18q0 67 -18 88.5t-71 21.5q-81 0 -165 -30l-17 65q99 35 191 35q80 0 119.5 -37t39.5 -142v-330zM341 128v119q-82 -1 -126 -9q-44 -7 -64.5 -30t-20.5 -69 q0 -44 18 -62t53 -18q73 0 140 69zM362 717l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" horiz-adv-x="493" d="M420 0h-69l-5 55h-2q-76 -64 -160 -64q-133 0 -133 141v10q0 85 44.5 120.5t132.5 43.5q53 4 113 5v18q0 67 -18 88.5t-71 21.5q-81 0 -165 -30l-17 65q99 35 191 35q80 0 119.5 -37t39.5 -142v-330zM341 128v119q-82 -1 -126 -9q-44 -7 -64.5 -30t-20.5 -69 q0 -44 18 -62t53 -18q73 0 140 69zM111 577l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="493" d="M420 0h-69l-5 55h-2q-76 -64 -160 -64q-133 0 -133 141v10q0 85 44.5 120.5t132.5 43.5q53 4 113 5v18q0 67 -18 88.5t-71 21.5q-81 0 -165 -30l-17 65q99 35 191 35q80 0 119.5 -37t39.5 -142v-330zM341 128v119q-82 -1 -126 -9q-44 -7 -64.5 -30t-20.5 -69 q0 -44 18 -62t53 -18q73 0 140 69zM142 596l-28 37q32 43 81 43q33 0 66 -22.5t53 -22.5q24 0 48 28l32 -35q-17 -26 -35 -39t-48 -13q-32 0 -65.5 22t-55.5 22q-21 0 -48 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" horiz-adv-x="493" d="M420 0h-69l-5 55h-2q-76 -64 -160 -64q-133 0 -133 141v10q0 85 44.5 120.5t132.5 43.5q53 4 113 5v18q0 67 -18 88.5t-71 21.5q-81 0 -165 -30l-17 65q99 35 191 35q80 0 119.5 -37t39.5 -142v-330zM341 128v119q-82 -1 -126 -9q-44 -7 -64.5 -30t-20.5 -69 q0 -44 18 -62t53 -18q73 0 140 69zM209 577h-88v95h88v-95zM385 577h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" horiz-adv-x="493" d="M420 0h-69l-5 55h-2q-76 -64 -160 -64q-133 0 -133 141v10q0 85 44.5 120.5t132.5 43.5q53 4 113 5v18q0 67 -18 88.5t-71 21.5q-81 0 -165 -30l-17 65q99 35 191 35q80 0 119.5 -37t39.5 -142v-330zM148 675q0 48 28.5 76.5t76.5 28.5t76.5 -28.5t28.5 -76.5 t-28.5 -76.5t-76.5 -28.5t-76.5 28.5t-28.5 76.5zM341 128v119q-82 -1 -126 -9q-44 -7 -64.5 -30t-20.5 -69q0 -44 18 -62t53 -18q73 0 140 69zM196 675q0 -28 15.5 -44t41.5 -16t41.5 16t15.5 44t-15.5 44t-41.5 16t-41.5 -16t-15.5 -44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" horiz-adv-x="780" d="M265 509q100 0 134 -69q39 72 151 72q95 0 138 -44t43 -107q0 -76 -28 -104.5t-101 -28.5q-99 0 -174 22q-1 -5 -1 -11q0 -104 29.5 -141t97.5 -37q70 0 148 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -174 -31q-127 0 -169 86q-77 -86 -193 -86q-68 0 -99 39t-31 102v10q0 86 45.5 121.5 t136.5 42.5q39 4 115 5v18q0 67 -18.5 88.5t-73.5 21.5q-86 0 -168 -30l-17 65q96 35 194 35zM199 59q48 0 89.5 23.5t65.5 60.5q-8 40 -8 105q-92 -2 -129 -9q-45 -8 -66 -31t-21 -69q0 -80 69 -80zM431 316q78 -22 145 -22q41 0 57.5 14.5t16.5 50.5q0 39 -26 63t-74 24 q-59 0 -87 -32t-32 -98z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" horiz-adv-x="412" d="M149 -214l11 49q44 -11 62 -11q46 0 46 27q0 13 -13 23t-28.5 16.5t-28.5 20.5t-13 35q0 26 19 49q-85 12 -119 72t-34 180q0 131 45.5 196.5t157.5 65.5q64 0 121 -18l-14 -66q-59 14 -102 14q-68 0 -97.5 -45.5t-29.5 -146.5q0 -106 28.5 -146t98.5 -40q48 0 102 17 l17 -66q-61 -21 -123 -21q-14 -18 -14 -36q0 -12 13.5 -21.5t30 -16t30 -24t13.5 -43.5q0 -45 -24 -61.5t-73 -16.5q-16 0 -36.5 3.5t-32.5 6.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" horiz-adv-x="485" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t157 61.5q95 0 138 -44t43 -107q0 -72 -26.5 -102.5t-106.5 -30.5q-94 0 -171 22v-11q0 -104 29 -141t98 -37q70 0 148 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -174 -31q-108 0 -152.5 61t-44.5 199zM136 316q78 -22 145 -22q46 0 59.5 15.5t13.5 49.5 q0 40 -25.5 63.5t-73.5 23.5q-59 0 -87 -32t-32 -98zM221 577l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" horiz-adv-x="485" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t157 61.5q95 0 138 -44t43 -107q0 -72 -26.5 -102.5t-106.5 -30.5q-94 0 -171 22v-11q0 -104 29 -141t98 -37q70 0 148 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -174 -31q-108 0 -152.5 61t-44.5 199zM136 316q78 -22 145 -22q46 0 59.5 15.5t13.5 49.5 q0 40 -25.5 63.5t-73.5 23.5q-59 0 -87 -32t-32 -98zM366 717l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea;" horiz-adv-x="485" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t157 61.5q95 0 138 -44t43 -107q0 -72 -26.5 -102.5t-106.5 -30.5q-94 0 -171 22v-11q0 -104 29 -141t98 -37q70 0 148 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -174 -31q-108 0 -152.5 61t-44.5 199zM136 316q78 -22 145 -22q46 0 59.5 15.5t13.5 49.5 q0 40 -25.5 63.5t-73.5 23.5q-59 0 -87 -32t-32 -98zM115 577l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" horiz-adv-x="485" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t157 61.5q95 0 138 -44t43 -107q0 -72 -26.5 -102.5t-106.5 -30.5q-94 0 -171 22v-11q0 -104 29 -141t98 -37q70 0 148 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -174 -31q-108 0 -152.5 61t-44.5 199zM136 316q78 -22 145 -22q46 0 59.5 15.5t13.5 49.5 q0 40 -25.5 63.5t-73.5 23.5q-59 0 -87 -32t-32 -98zM212 577h-88v95h88v-95zM388 577h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xec;" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M81 0v500h81v-500h-81zM87 577l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xed;" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M81 0v500h81v-500h-81zM232 717l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M81 0v500h81v-500h-81zM-19 577l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xef;" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M81 0v500h81v-500h-81zM255 577h-88v95h88v-95zM79 577h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M376 638l-55 -26q76 -65 101 -154t25 -217q0 -135 -45 -194t-157 -59q-107 0 -150.5 59t-43.5 194q0 260 185 260q55 0 99 -21q-30 58 -85 99l-125 -59l-20 42l98 47q-43 22 -87 37l23 59q84 -26 138 -61l78 37zM365 241q0 129 -15 170q-34 24 -104 24q-59 0 -86.5 -44.5 t-27.5 -149.5q0 -102 26.5 -142.5t86.5 -40.5q64 0 92 39.5t28 143.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="522" d="M77 0v500h71l5 -54h4q73 63 155 63q56 0 95.5 -33.5t39.5 -118.5v-357h-82v350q0 49 -18 69t-53 20q-68 0 -136 -68v-371h-81zM153 596l-28 37q32 43 81 43q33 0 66 -22.5t53 -22.5q24 0 48 28l32 -35q-17 -26 -35 -39t-48 -13q-32 0 -65.5 22t-55.5 22q-21 0 -48 -20z " /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf2;" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M249 -12q-112 0 -155 58.5t-43 194.5q0 138 46.5 204.5t157.5 66.5q110 0 154.5 -66t44.5 -205q0 -135 -46 -194t-159 -59zM252 58q66 0 93 39.5t27 143.5q0 107 -28 154t-92 47t-92 -47t-28 -154q0 -104 27.5 -143.5t92.5 -39.5zM218 577l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M249 -12q-112 0 -155 58.5t-43 194.5q0 138 46.5 204.5t157.5 66.5q110 0 154.5 -66t44.5 -205q0 -135 -46 -194t-159 -59zM252 58q66 0 93 39.5t27 143.5q0 107 -28 154t-92 47t-92 -47t-28 -154q0 -104 27.5 -143.5t92.5 -39.5zM362 717l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M249 -12q-112 0 -155 58.5t-43 194.5q0 138 46.5 204.5t157.5 66.5q110 0 154.5 -66t44.5 -205q0 -135 -46 -194t-159 -59zM252 58q66 0 93 39.5t27 143.5q0 107 -28 154t-92 47t-92 -47t-28 -154q0 -104 27.5 -143.5t92.5 -39.5zM111 577l120 140h45l119 -140h-78 l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf5;" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M249 -12q-112 0 -155 58.5t-43 194.5q0 138 46.5 204.5t157.5 66.5q110 0 154.5 -66t44.5 -205q0 -135 -46 -194t-159 -59zM252 58q66 0 93 39.5t27 143.5q0 107 -28 154t-92 47t-92 -47t-28 -154q0 -104 27.5 -143.5t92.5 -39.5zM142 596l-28 37q32 43 81 43 q33 0 66 -22.5t53 -22.5q24 0 48 28l32 -35q-17 -26 -35 -39t-48 -13q-32 0 -65.5 22t-55.5 22q-21 0 -48 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf6;" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M249 -12q-112 0 -155 58.5t-43 194.5q0 138 46.5 204.5t157.5 66.5q110 0 154.5 -66t44.5 -205q0 -135 -46 -194t-159 -59zM252 58q66 0 93 39.5t27 143.5q0 107 -28 154t-92 47t-92 -47t-28 -154q0 -104 27.5 -143.5t92.5 -39.5zM209 577h-88v95h88v-95zM385 577h-88v95 h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf7;" horiz-adv-x="515" d="M215 449v76h84v-76h-84zM215 100v76h84v-76h-84zM59 282v63h397v-63h-397z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf8;" horiz-adv-x="505" d="M249 -12q-70 0 -113 22l-32 -51l-48 29l37 60q-42 56 -42 193q0 138 46.5 204.5t157.5 66.5q69 0 113 -27l34 55l48 -29l-41 -65q45 -63 45 -205q0 -135 -46 -194t-159 -59zM150 115q36 68 89 157l87 145q-28 25 -74 25q-64 0 -92 -47t-28 -154q0 -86 18 -126zM252 58 q66 0 93 39.5t27 143.5q0 88 -20 137q-33 -66 -96 -170l-79 -130q25 -20 75 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf9;" horiz-adv-x="522" d="M75 500h81v-350q0 -89 72 -89q70 0 135 69v370h82v-500h-72l-4 55h-3q-76 -64 -156 -64q-56 0 -95.5 33.5t-39.5 118.5v357zM222 577l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfa;" horiz-adv-x="522" d="M75 500h81v-350q0 -89 72 -89q70 0 135 69v370h82v-500h-72l-4 55h-3q-76 -64 -156 -64q-56 0 -95.5 33.5t-39.5 118.5v357zM366 717l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb;" horiz-adv-x="522" d="M75 500h81v-350q0 -89 72 -89q70 0 135 69v370h82v-500h-72l-4 55h-3q-76 -64 -156 -64q-56 0 -95.5 33.5t-39.5 118.5v357zM115 577l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfc;" horiz-adv-x="522" d="M75 500h81v-350q0 -89 72 -89q70 0 135 69v370h82v-500h-72l-4 55h-3q-76 -64 -156 -64q-56 0 -95.5 33.5t-39.5 118.5v357zM389 577h-88v95h88v-95zM213 577h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfd;" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M209 0q-56 0 -95.5 33.5t-39.5 118.5v348h81v-341q0 -89 72 -89t135 65v365h82v-520q0 -92 -34 -132t-94 -56q-37 -10 -135 -25l-12 68q83 14 117 24q41 13 60.5 38t19.5 83v80h-2q-70 -60 -155 -60zM365 717l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfe;" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M77 722h81v-200v-36.5t-0.5 -27.5t-0.5 -11h1q73 62 148 62q77 0 114.5 -49.5t37.5 -180.5q0 -87 -12.5 -144.5t-39.5 -88.5t-61.5 -43t-85.5 -12q-39 0 -103 11q2 -22 2 -70v-155h-81v945zM258 61q63 0 91 41t28 163q0 107 -20 140.5t-65 33.5q-66 0 -134 -68v-295 q56 -15 100 -15z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xff;" horiz-adv-x="521" d="M209 0q-56 0 -95.5 33.5t-39.5 118.5v348h81v-341q0 -89 72 -89t135 65v365h82v-520q0 -92 -34 -132t-94 -56q-37 -10 -135 -25l-12 68q83 14 117 24q41 13 60.5 38t19.5 83v80h-2q-70 -60 -155 -60zM388 577h-88v95h88v-95zM212 577h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x152;" horiz-adv-x="781" d="M55 348q0 90 10 152.5t34 111.5t68.5 73t110.5 24q54 0 97 -19v7h359v-72h-278v-226h227v-72h-227v-255h286v-72h-367v8q-47 -20 -98 -20q-54 0 -93.5 16.5t-64 45t-39 75t-20 99t-5.5 124.5zM293 60q45 0 82 21v533q-38 23 -92 23q-88 0 -117.5 -67t-29.5 -222 q0 -156 31 -222t126 -66z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x153;" horiz-adv-x="799" d="M249 -12q-111 0 -154.5 59t-43.5 194q0 139 44.5 205t153.5 66t155 -88q45 88 165 88q95 0 138 -44t43 -107q0 -71 -27 -102t-102 -31q-97 0 -174 22v-11q0 -104 29 -141t97 -37q70 0 148 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -174 -31q-113 0 -156 84q-44 -87 -157 -87zM249 58 q64 0 90 39.5t26 143.5q0 107 -27 154t-89 47t-89.5 -47t-27.5 -154q0 -104 26.5 -143.5t90.5 -39.5zM451 316q78 -22 144 -22q46 0 60 15.5t14 49.5q0 40 -25.5 63.5t-74.5 23.5q-58 0 -86.5 -32t-31.5 -98z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x178;" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M200 0v307l-203 390h92l118 -235q26 -56 32 -71h4q3 7 34 69l119 237h90l-205 -390v-307h-81zM199 748h-88v95h88v-95zM375 748h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2c6;" horiz-adv-x="311" d="M14 640l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2dc;" horiz-adv-x="492" d="M149 719l-28 37q32 43 81 43q33 0 66 -22.5t53 -22.5q24 0 48 28l32 -35q-17 -26 -35 -39t-48 -13q-32 0 -65.5 22t-55.5 22q-21 0 -48 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x1e9e;" horiz-adv-x="594" d="M76 0v454q0 71 8 114.5t31.5 77t67.5 47t115 13.5q95 0 203 -33v-71q-62 -53 -83.5 -86t-21.5 -76q0 -30 15.5 -53.5t38 -41t45 -39t38 -59.5t15.5 -90q0 -80 -38.5 -122t-130.5 -42q-73 0 -122 19l15 67q80 -16 104 -16q52 0 71.5 24.5t19.5 69.5q0 42 -16 71 t-38.5 46.5t-44.5 36t-38 51t-16 78.5q0 54 24.5 94.5t79.5 89.5q-50 15 -121 15q-89 0 -114.5 -40t-25.5 -145v-454h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2000;" horiz-adv-x="475" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2001;" horiz-adv-x="951" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2002;" horiz-adv-x="475" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2003;" horiz-adv-x="951" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2004;" horiz-adv-x="317" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2005;" horiz-adv-x="237" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2006;" horiz-adv-x="158" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2007;" horiz-adv-x="158" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2008;" horiz-adv-x="118" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2009;" horiz-adv-x="190" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x200a;" horiz-adv-x="52" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2010;" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M42 253v67h283v-67h-283z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2011;" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M42 253v67h283v-67h-283z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2012;" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M42 253v67h283v-67h-283z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2013;" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M42 253v68h422v-68h-422z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2014;" horiz-adv-x="1006" d="M42 253v68h922v-68h-922z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2018;" horiz-adv-x="235" d="M112 722h75q-5 -9 -13.5 -31.5t-20.5 -71t-12 -89.5h-77q0 41 12 89t22.5 73t13.5 30z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2019;" horiz-adv-x="235" d="M123 530h-75q5 9 13.5 31.5t20.5 71t12 89.5h77q0 -41 -12 -89t-22.5 -73t-13.5 -30z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201a;" horiz-adv-x="235" d="M123 -93h-75q5 9 13.5 31.5t20.5 71t12 89.5h77q0 -41 -12 -89t-22.5 -73t-13.5 -30z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201c;" horiz-adv-x="381" d="M258 722h75q-5 -9 -13.5 -31.5t-20.5 -71t-12 -89.5h-77q0 41 12 89t22.5 73t13.5 30zM112 722h75q-5 -9 -13.5 -31.5t-20.5 -71t-12 -89.5h-77q0 41 12 89t22.5 73t13.5 30z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201d;" horiz-adv-x="381" d="M270 530h-75q5 9 13.5 31.5t20.5 71t12 89.5h77q0 -41 -12 -89t-22.5 -73t-13.5 -30zM123 530h-75q5 9 13.5 31.5t20.5 71t12 89.5h77q0 -41 -12 -89t-22.5 -73t-13.5 -30z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201e;" horiz-adv-x="382" d="M271 -93h-75q5 9 13.5 31.5t20.5 71t12 89.5h77q0 -41 -12 -89t-22.5 -73t-13.5 -30zM123 -93h-75q5 9 13.5 31.5t20.5 71t12 89.5h77q0 -41 -12 -89t-22.5 -73t-13.5 -30z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2022;" horiz-adv-x="275" d="M65 275v147h145v-147h-145z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2026;" horiz-adv-x="752" d="M85 0v100h103v-100h-103zM325 0v100h103v-100h-103zM564 0v100h104v-100h-104z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x202f;" horiz-adv-x="190" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2039;" horiz-adv-x="308" d="M162 54l-98 200l98 199h73l-99 -199l99 -200h-73z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x203a;" horiz-adv-x="308" d="M243 254l-98 -200h-72l99 200l-99 199h72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x205f;" horiz-adv-x="237" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x20ac;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M311 393h-108v-42v-41h108v-60h-105q5 -80 24 -121t47 -53.5t79 -12.5q36 0 122 18l13 -67q-69 -23 -135 -23q-57 0 -94 9.5t-67.5 37t-47.5 79.5t-23 133h-60v60h57v41v42h-57v60h60q6 78 23 128.5t48 77.5t68.5 37t92.5 10q69 0 129 -18l-12 -66q-60 12 -117 12 q-38 0 -61 -6t-43 -24.5t-31 -55t-15 -95.5h105v-60z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2116;" horiz-adv-x="913" d="M630 247v59h262v-59h-262zM762 359q-75 0 -103.5 36.5t-28.5 120.5q0 85 29 126.5t103 41.5q73 0 101.5 -41.5t28.5 -126.5q0 -84 -28 -120.5t-102 -36.5zM762 414q35 0 48.5 22t13.5 81t-14 85t-48 26q-35 0 -49.5 -26t-14.5 -85t14 -81t50 -22zM80 0v697h124 q99 -242 160 -397t72 -188l11 -34h3q-1 119 -1 243v376h79v-697h-124q-100 244 -161 399t-71 187l-11 33h-5q3 -148 3 -282v-337h-79z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2122;" horiz-adv-x="666" d="M598 348h-44l-12 225l-3 75h-3q-5 -24 -17 -64l-53 -181h-48l-53 181l-16 64h-3q0 -44 -2 -76l-13 -224h-45l20 349h67l52 -181l16 -67h3q6 30 16 67l52 181h67zM120 348v311h-81v38h207v-38h-80v-311h-46z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x25fc;" horiz-adv-x="500" d="M0 500h500v-500h-500v500z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb06;" horiz-adv-x="769" d="M525 109v329h-75v62h75l6 130q-54 14 -98 14q-97 0 -97 -77q0 -12 2 -22.5t4.5 -17t8 -14.5t7.5 -11t9 -9.5t7 -7.5l-13 -66q-91 20 -149 20q-83 0 -83 -58q0 -28 15.5 -44t66.5 -33l38 -12q78 -25 111 -59t33 -101q0 -141 -167 -141q-95 0 -190 30l13 69 q104 -29 173 -29q45 0 67 14t22 57q0 37 -17 55t-67 33l-39 12q-76 24 -108 53t-32 94q0 71 40 100.5t115 29.5q43 0 83 -6q-20 36 -20 74q0 60 40.5 93.5t119.5 33.5q78 0 180 -29l-1 -2l1 1v-174h135l-11 -62h-124v-327q0 -32 10.5 -40.5t38.5 -8.5q12 0 29 2.5t30 5.5 l12 2l15 -63q-36 -18 -105 -18q-58 0 -84.5 23.5t-26.5 94.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="367" d="M42 308v68h283v-68h-283z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="506" d="M42 309v68h422v-68h-422z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="1006" d="M42 309v68h922v-68h-922z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="18" d="M-42 330v91h81v-91h-81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="0" d="M-121 323v92h81v-92h-81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="335" d="M265 -142h-70q-4 8 -10.5 22t-23.5 61t-30 98t-23.5 128t-10.5 154t10 152.5t24.5 128t29 94t24.5 62.5l10 20h70q-4 -8 -10.5 -22t-22.5 -60t-28.5 -95.5t-23 -123.5t-10.5 -148q0 -119 24 -236.5t48 -176.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="335" d="M140 -142h-70q4 8 10.5 23.5t22.5 65t28.5 101.5t23 129t10.5 152q0 74 -10 147t-23.5 125t-27.5 94t-24 63l-10 20h70q4 -7 10.5 -21t23.5 -60t30 -96t23.5 -126.5t10.5 -153.5t-10 -153.5t-24.5 -129.5t-29 -95.5t-24.5 -63.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="574" d="M504 491l18 -69l-69 -21q3 -8 16 -48.5t19 -60t12.5 -50.5t6.5 -53q1 -102 -57.5 -151.5t-171.5 -49.5q-225 0 -225 197q0 135 127 194v2q-99 39 -99 148q0 87 47.5 132t138.5 45q48 0 123 -15l-11 -67q-48 10 -100 10q-62 0 -89.5 -25t-27.5 -79q0 -90 101 -112 q15 5 111 34t130 39zM376 377q-103 -31 -155 -56q-87 -41 -87 -136q0 -63 34 -94t110 -31q148 0 148 129q0 62 -50 188z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="474" d="M430 81l13 -67q-63 -23 -138 -23q-66 0 -110 15t-77 53.5t-48 108.5t-15 178q0 72 6 124.5t21.5 99t42 75t69 45t100.5 16.5q83 0 143 -18l-12 -66q-61 12 -129 12q-58 0 -90.5 -21t-51 -85t-18.5 -182q0 -117 18 -178.5t52 -83t98 -21.5q40 0 126 18zM271 -199h-73 q2 3 5.5 7.5t13.5 20t14 30.5t7.5 38.5t-5.5 43.5h82q7 -26 5 -48t-10 -39t-16.5 -29t-15.5 -18z" /> +<glyph d="M55 348q0 183 50 272t184 89q56 0 96 -16.5t65.5 -45t40.5 -75t20.5 -99.5t5.5 -125q0 -183 -50 -271.5t-184 -88.5q-69 0 -114.5 23.5t-70 73t-34 111t-9.5 152.5zM286 60q89 0 119.5 67t30.5 221q0 155 -30.5 222t-119.5 67q-88 0 -119 -67.5t-31 -221.5t31 -221 t119 -67zM370 888l-50 -140h-69l38 140h81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="514" d="M51 221q0 87 12.5 144.5t39.5 88.5t61.5 43t85.5 12q90 0 182 -33v-362q0 -40 12.5 -50.5t52.5 -0.5l12 -58q-32 -10 -65 -10q-37 0 -55.5 16t-26.5 49h-3q-79 -69 -155 -69q-78 0 -115.5 49.5t-37.5 180.5zM251 439q-63 0 -91 -41t-28 -163q0 -73 11 -112.5t28 -50.5 t46 -11q68 0 134 68v295q-51 15 -100 15z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="489" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t159 61.5q92 0 135 -42.5t45 -131.5q2 -47 -7 -100h-298q0 -102 29.5 -139.5t98.5 -37.5t147 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -172 -31q-111 0 -155 61t-44 199zM134 304h218q3 23 3 42q0 100 -98 100q-62 -1 -90 -36t-33 -106z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="324" d="M180 500h142l-10 -62h-132v-465q0 -98 -25.5 -135t-100.5 -53q-28 -7 -61 -13l-14 67q51 12 60 15q38 11 49 34.5t11 84.5v465h-74v62h74v95q0 79 34 106.5t97 27.5t119 -12l-11 -65q-58 7 -85 7q-39 0 -56 -14t-17 -60v-85z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="506" d="M234 101h66q184 0 184 -134q0 -64 -39.5 -111t-95.5 -68t-118 -21q-201 0 -201 158q0 95 84 142q-33 22 -33 64q0 54 69 76q-42 14 -65.5 50.5t-23.5 88.5q0 82 51.5 124t137.5 42q84 0 131 -40q40 25 84 37l22 -67q-31 -8 -68 -27q12 -30 12 -69q0 -72 -53.5 -114.5 t-146.5 -52.5q-74 -8 -74 -44q0 -34 77 -34zM282 33h-103q-67 -35 -67 -101q0 -95 119 -95q70 0 121 36.5t51 91.5q0 38 -28.5 53t-92.5 15zM352 346q0 98 -104 98q-50 0 -78.5 -25t-28.5 -73q0 -97 100 -97q48 0 79.5 25t31.5 72z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="236" d="M77 0v722h81v-722h-81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="322" d="M77 109v521l81 10v-140h135l-10 -62h-125v-327q0 -32 10.5 -40.5t38.5 -8.5q8 0 18 1t18.5 2.5t16.5 3t13 2.5l5 1l15 -63q-10 -6 -43 -12t-62 -6q-58 0 -84.5 23.5t-26.5 94.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="434" d="M54 -228l-12 66l53 11q36 8 51 24.5t27 61.5l20 73h-29l-147 492h84l77 -276q27 -88 39 -152h4q12 58 40 153l75 275h83l-172 -574q-23 -72 -46.5 -101.5t-80.5 -39.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="514" d="M51 221q0 87 12.5 144.5t39.5 88.5t61.5 43t85.5 12q90 0 182 -33v-362q0 -40 12.5 -50.5t52.5 -0.5l12 -58q-32 -10 -65 -10q-37 0 -55.5 16t-26.5 49h-3q-79 -69 -155 -69q-78 0 -115.5 49.5t-37.5 180.5zM251 439q-63 0 -91 -41t-28 -163q0 -73 11 -112.5t28 -50.5 t46 -11q68 0 134 68v295q-51 15 -100 15zM228 577l-74 140h88l61 -140h-75z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="514" d="M51 221q0 87 12.5 144.5t39.5 88.5t61.5 43t85.5 12q90 0 182 -33v-362q0 -40 12.5 -50.5t52.5 -0.5l12 -58q-32 -10 -65 -10q-37 0 -55.5 16t-26.5 49h-3q-79 -69 -155 -69q-78 0 -115.5 49.5t-37.5 180.5zM251 439q-63 0 -91 -41t-28 -163q0 -73 11 -112.5t28 -50.5 t46 -11q68 0 134 68v295q-51 15 -100 15zM372 717l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="514" d="M51 221q0 87 12.5 144.5t39.5 88.5t61.5 43t85.5 12q90 0 182 -33v-362q0 -40 12.5 -50.5t52.5 -0.5l12 -58q-32 -10 -65 -10q-37 0 -55.5 16t-26.5 49h-3q-79 -69 -155 -69q-78 0 -115.5 49.5t-37.5 180.5zM251 439q-63 0 -91 -41t-28 -163q0 -73 11 -112.5t28 -50.5 t46 -11q68 0 134 68v295q-51 15 -100 15zM121 577l120 140h45l119 -140h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="514" d="M51 221q0 87 12.5 144.5t39.5 88.5t61.5 43t85.5 12q90 0 182 -33v-362q0 -40 12.5 -50.5t52.5 -0.5l12 -58q-32 -10 -65 -10q-37 0 -55.5 16t-26.5 49h-3q-79 -69 -155 -69q-78 0 -115.5 49.5t-37.5 180.5zM251 439q-63 0 -91 -41t-28 -163q0 -73 11 -112.5t28 -50.5 t46 -11q68 0 134 68v295q-51 15 -100 15zM152 596l-28 37q32 43 81 43q33 0 66 -22.5t53 -22.5q24 0 48 28l32 -35q-17 -26 -35 -39t-48 -13q-32 0 -65.5 22t-55.5 22q-21 0 -48 -20z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="514" d="M51 221q0 87 12.5 144.5t39.5 88.5t61.5 43t85.5 12q90 0 182 -33v-362q0 -40 12.5 -50.5t52.5 -0.5l12 -58q-32 -10 -65 -10q-37 0 -55.5 16t-26.5 49h-3q-79 -69 -155 -69q-78 0 -115.5 49.5t-37.5 180.5zM251 439q-63 0 -91 -41t-28 -163q0 -73 11 -112.5t28 -50.5 t46 -11q68 0 134 68v295q-51 15 -100 15zM219 577h-88v95h88v-95zM395 577h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="514" d="M51 221q0 87 12.5 144.5t39.5 88.5t61.5 43t85.5 12q90 0 182 -33v-362q0 -40 12.5 -50.5t52.5 -0.5l12 -58q-32 -10 -65 -10q-37 0 -55.5 16t-26.5 49h-3q-79 -69 -155 -69q-78 0 -115.5 49.5t-37.5 180.5zM251 439q-63 0 -91 -41t-28 -163q0 -73 11 -112.5t28 -50.5 t46 -11q68 0 134 68v295q-51 15 -100 15zM158 675q0 48 28.5 76.5t76.5 28.5t76.5 -28.5t28.5 -76.5t-28.5 -76.5t-76.5 -28.5t-76.5 28.5t-28.5 76.5zM206 675q0 -28 15.5 -44t41.5 -16t41.5 16t15.5 44t-15.5 44t-41.5 16t-41.5 -16t-15.5 -44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="783" d="M265 509q99 0 133 -67q42 67 153 67q92 0 135 -41t45 -130q2 -47 -7 -100h-297q-1 -101 29 -139t99 -38q67 0 145 26l16 -65q-62 -31 -172 -31q-129 0 -170 86q-76 -86 -193 -86q-68 0 -99 39t-31 102v10q0 86 45.5 121.5t136.5 42.5q39 4 115 5v18q0 67 -18.5 88.5 t-73.5 21.5q-86 0 -168 -30l-17 65q96 35 194 35zM199 59q48 0 89 23t65 59q-8 50 -8 107q-91 -2 -128 -9q-45 -8 -66 -31t-21 -69q0 -80 69 -80zM428 304h218q3 23 3 42q0 52 -24.5 74.5t-73.5 22.5q-62 -1 -90 -34.5t-33 -104.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="489" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t159 61.5q92 0 135 -42.5t45 -131.5q2 -47 -7 -100h-298q0 -102 29.5 -139.5t98.5 -37.5t147 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -172 -31q-111 0 -155 61t-44 199zM134 304h218q3 23 3 42q0 100 -98 100q-62 -1 -90 -36t-33 -106zM221 577l-74 140h88l61 -140 h-75z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="489" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t159 61.5q92 0 135 -42.5t45 -131.5q2 -47 -7 -100h-298q0 -102 29.5 -139.5t98.5 -37.5t147 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -172 -31q-111 0 -155 61t-44 199zM134 304h218q3 23 3 42q0 100 -98 100q-62 -1 -90 -36t-33 -106zM366 717l-74 -140h-75l62 140 h87z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="489" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t159 61.5q92 0 135 -42.5t45 -131.5q2 -47 -7 -100h-298q0 -102 29.5 -139.5t98.5 -37.5t147 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -172 -31q-111 0 -155 61t-44 199zM134 304h218q3 23 3 42q0 100 -98 100q-62 -1 -90 -36t-33 -106zM115 577l120 140h45l119 -140 h-78l-64 80l-65 -80h-77z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="489" d="M51 251q0 138 47 199.5t159 61.5q92 0 135 -42.5t45 -131.5q2 -47 -7 -100h-298q0 -102 29.5 -139.5t98.5 -37.5t147 26l15 -65q-62 -31 -172 -31q-111 0 -155 61t-44 199zM134 304h218q3 23 3 42q0 100 -98 100q-62 -1 -90 -36t-33 -106zM213 577h-88v95h88v-95z M389 577h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="302" d="M158 500h143l-10 -62h-133v-438h-81v500v95q0 79 34 106.5t98 27.5q62 0 118 -12l-11 -65q-56 7 -84 7q-40 0 -57 -14t-17 -60v-85z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="804" d="M249 -12q-111 0 -154.5 59t-43.5 194q0 139 44.5 205t153.5 66q116 0 157 -82q43 82 166 82q92 0 134.5 -42.5t44.5 -132.5q1 -45 -6 -99h-298q-1 -102 29 -139.5t99 -37.5q73 0 156 30l16 -66q-79 -34 -183 -34q-117 0 -157 74q-38 -77 -158 -77zM249 58q64 0 90 39.5 t26 143.5q0 107 -27 154t-89 47t-89.5 -47t-27.5 -154q0 -104 26.5 -143.5t90.5 -39.5zM449 304h217q3 23 3 42q0 100 -97 100q-63 -1 -90.5 -35.5t-32.5 -106.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="434" d="M54 -228l-12 66l53 11q36 8 51 24.5t27 61.5l20 73h-29l-147 492h84l77 -276q27 -88 39 -152h4q12 58 40 153l75 275h83l-172 -574q-23 -72 -46.5 -101.5t-80.5 -39.5zM331 717l-74 -140h-75l62 140h87z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="434" d="M54 -228l-12 66l53 11q36 8 51 24.5t27 61.5l20 73h-29l-147 492h84l77 -276q27 -88 39 -152h4q12 58 40 153l75 275h83l-172 -574q-23 -72 -46.5 -101.5t-80.5 -39.5zM178 577h-88v95h88v-95zM354 577h-88v95h88v-95z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="412" d="M51 247q0 131 45.5 196.5t157.5 65.5q64 0 121 -18l-14 -66q-59 14 -102 14q-68 0 -97.5 -45.5t-29.5 -146.5q0 -106 28.5 -146t98.5 -40q48 0 102 17l17 -66q-61 -21 -124 -21q-114 0 -158.5 60.5t-44.5 195.5zM230 -199h-73q2 3 5.5 7.5t13.5 20t14 30.5t7.5 38.5 t-5.5 43.5h82q7 -26 5 -48t-10 -39t-16.5 -29t-15.5 -18z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="505" d="M249 -12q-112 0 -155 58.5t-43 194.5q0 138 46.5 204.5t157.5 66.5q110 0 154.5 -66t44.5 -205q0 -135 -46 -194t-159 -59zM252 58q66 0 93 39.5t27 143.5q0 107 -28 154t-92 47t-92 -47t-28 -154q0 -104 27.5 -143.5t92.5 -39.5zM335 717l-50 -140h-69l38 140h81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="527" d="M180 500h113l-10 -62h-103v-438h-81v438h-74v62h74v95q0 79 35 106.5t104 27.5q46 0 112.5 -7t99.5 -15v-707h-81v650q-79 9 -116 9q-39 0 -56 -14t-17 -57v-88z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="963" d="M36 21l13 69q104 -29 173 -29q45 0 67 14t22 57q0 37 -17 55t-67 33l-39 12q-76 24 -108 53t-32 94q0 71 40 100.5t115 29.5q30 0 84 -6q-26 43 -26 86q0 66 42.5 103t122.5 37q77 0 173 -27v-184l-2 -71h2q73 62 154 62q56 0 95 -33.5t39 -118.5v-357h-81v350 q0 49 -18 69t-54 20q-67 0 -135 -68v-371h-81v658q-42 11 -85 11q-49 0 -75.5 -23.5t-26.5 -66.5q0 -42 43 -94l-13 -66q-91 20 -149 20q-83 0 -83 -58q0 -28 15.5 -44t66.5 -33l38 -12q78 -25 111 -59t33 -101q0 -141 -167 -141q-95 0 -190 30z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="750" d="M51 247q0 131 45.5 196.5t157.5 65.5q7 0 27 -2q-21 31 -21 70q0 60 40 93.5t119 33.5q75 0 168 -26v-178h134l-10 -62h-124v-327q0 -32 10 -40.5t38 -8.5q8 0 18 1t18.5 2.5t16.5 3t13 2.5l5 1l15 -63q-36 -18 -105 -18q-58 0 -84.5 23.5t-26.5 94.5v329h-74v62h74 l6 133q-51 11 -85 11q-47 0 -71.5 -20t-24.5 -54q0 -24 10 -42.5t15.5 -22.5t19.5 -14l-14 -66q-59 14 -102 14q-68 0 -97.5 -45.5t-29.5 -146.5q0 -106 28.5 -146t98.5 -40q48 0 102 17l17 -66q-61 -21 -124 -21q-114 0 -158.5 60.5t-44.5 195.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="934" d="M489 0v661q-35 7 -63 7q-95 0 -95 -86q0 -9 1.5 -17.5t3.5 -15t6 -14t6 -12t7.5 -11t7 -8.5t7.5 -8l5 -5l-14 -66q-59 14 -102 14q-68 0 -97.5 -45.5t-29.5 -146.5q0 -106 28.5 -146t98.5 -40q48 0 102 17l17 -66q-61 -21 -124 -21q-114 0 -158.5 60.5t-44.5 195.5 q0 131 45.5 196.5t157.5 65.5q8 0 32 -2q-25 39 -25 85q0 62 42 99t119 37q76 0 149 -25v-185l-2 -71h2q73 62 153 62q56 0 95.5 -33.5t39.5 -118.5v-357h-81v350q0 49 -18.5 69t-53.5 20q-67 0 -135 -68v-371h-82z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="333" d="M30 404q0 102 30.5 139.5t95.5 37.5q68 0 126 -23v-208q0 -25 7.5 -31.5t30.5 -1.5l10 -47q-24 -8 -49 -8q-45 0 -58 37h-2q-49 -40 -97 -40q-47 0 -70.5 31.5t-23.5 113.5zM162 525q-33 0 -48 -22t-15 -90q0 -60 10.5 -78.5t34.5 -18.5q36 0 69 31v170q-21 8 -51 8z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="413" d="M269 536v-97q0 -59 -15.5 -90t-59.5 -73l-37 -35q-24 -22 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g2="egrave.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="aring.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="adieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="atilde.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="acircumflex.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="aacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="agrave.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="e.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="a.ss01" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="Oacute.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="Ccedilla.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x153;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x152;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf8;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf6;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf5;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf4;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf3;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf2;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf0;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xeb;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xea;" k="10" 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u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe2;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe3;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe3;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe4;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe4;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe5;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe5;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x152;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-32" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" g2="ydieresis.aalt" k="4" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" g2="yacute.aalt" k="4" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" g2="y.aalt" k="4" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x201d;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x201c;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x2019;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x2018;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="v" k="4" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="&#xa5;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2019;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2019;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="M" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="&#x32;" k="-11" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xa5;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="M" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x32;" k="-11" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2026;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2e;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2c;" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="glyph226" g2="l.aalt" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="Ccedilla.aalt" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss03" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="glyph226" k="-24" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.ss07" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdc;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdb;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xda;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xd9;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc6;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc5;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc4;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc3;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc2;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc1;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc0;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="Z" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="W" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="V" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="U" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="T" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="A" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="T" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="V" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="W" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="t" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="73" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="S" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="j" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Ccedilla.aalt" g2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="T" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="V" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="J" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="X" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="three" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="J" k="73" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="92" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="x" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="z" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="slash" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="Z" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Eth,Ntilde,Thorn" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="igrave" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="T" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="W" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-3" /> +<hkern g1="one,H,I,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="J" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="J" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="x" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="T" k="71" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="V" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="W" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="t" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="S" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="j" k="-8" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="w" k="23" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="T" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="V" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="J" k="88" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="X" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="77" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="slash" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="Z" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="T" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="T" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="V" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="W" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="S" k="14" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="J" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="X" k="3" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-3" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="V" k="-14" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="W" k="-4" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-11" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="t" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="61" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="w" k="36" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="J" k="54" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="X" k="2" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="56" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="71" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="71" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="42" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="x" k="51" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="z" k="51" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="slash" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="Z" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="56" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="colon,semicolon" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="g.aalt" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="J" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="T" k="-14" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="t" k="-4" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="31" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="J" k="79" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="78" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="x" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="z" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="slash" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="J" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="39" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="z" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="i,iacute" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="T" k="2" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="t" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="w" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="T" k="-11" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-19" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="S" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="w" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="J" k="88" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="52" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="37" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="x" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="z" k="39" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="slash" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="Z" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="36" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="colon,semicolon" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="g.aalt" k="54" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="J" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="T" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="T" k="61" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="V" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="W" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="59" /> +<hkern g1="a.ss01,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="T" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="W" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="T" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="V" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="39" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="t" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="V" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="t" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-57" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-66" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="z" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.ss03,f.ss07" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="t" k="-8" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="j" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="w" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="x" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="g.aalt" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-34" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-16" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="x" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="slash" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="g.aalt" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="j" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="j" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="j" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="w" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="g.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="i,iacute" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="l" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="j" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="w" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="i,iacute" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="T" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="j" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="T" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="t" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-37" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-56" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="w" k="-8" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-14" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-22" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="T" k="29" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="slash" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="T" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="73" /> +<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="T" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-36" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-45" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="2" /> +<hkern g1="w" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="T" k="21" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-42" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="T" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="S" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="77" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="J" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="three" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="z" k="31" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-26" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="igrave" k="-36" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="g.aalt" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="four" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="nine" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="space,uni00A0" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f.ss07" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="eight" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="one" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="seven" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="germandbls" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="T" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="82" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="J" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="three" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="66" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="z" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="igrave" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="29" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="g.aalt" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="four" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="space,uni00A0" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="f.ss07" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="eight" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="one" k="-23" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="seven" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="germandbls" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="three" k="-9" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="four" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="nine" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="one" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="seven" k="-40" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="T" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="V" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="W" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="t" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="S" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="j" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="-24" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="J" k="-33" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="X" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="three" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="z" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="Z" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.ss03,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="nine" k="41" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="space,uni00A0" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="f.ss07" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="one" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="seven" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="t" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="nine" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="space,uni00A0" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="eight" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="one" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="seven" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="six" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="V" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="S" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="J" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="X" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="three" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="x" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="i,iacute" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="four" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="one" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="seven" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="colon,semicolon" g2="space,uni00A0" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="colon,semicolon" g2="one" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="X" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="three" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="one" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="seven" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="one" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="three" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="nine" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="eight" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="one" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="five" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="three" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="four" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="nine" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="eight" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="one" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="six" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="eight" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="eight" g2="six" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="nine" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="nine" g2="nine" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="nine" g2="eight" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="three" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="105" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="slash" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="colon,semicolon" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="four" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="eight" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="one" k="-18" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="-40" /> +<hkern g1="seven" g2="six" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,ae.aalt" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="J" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="u,y,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,yacute,ydieresis" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="v,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="z" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="slash" g2="igrave" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="V" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="space,uni00A0" g2="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="W" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="W" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="t" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="S" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="J" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="guillemotright,guilsinglright" g2="z" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,s_h.dlig,c_h.dlig" g2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,s_h.dlig,c_h.dlig" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,s_h.dlig,c_h.dlig" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="59" /> +<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,s_h.dlig,c_h.dlig" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="c,ccedilla,ccedilla.aalt" g2="T" k="22" /> +<hkern g1="c,ccedilla,ccedilla.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="c,ccedilla,ccedilla.aalt" g2="c,d,e,g,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,a.ss01,e.aalt,agrave.aalt,aacute.aalt,acircumflex.aalt,atilde.aalt,adieresis.aalt,aring.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="c,ccedilla,ccedilla.aalt" g2="g.aalt" k="-10" /> +</font> +</defs></svg>
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class="section" id="bodycomparison"> + + + <div id="xheight"> + <div class="fontbody">&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;&#x25FC;body</div><div class="arialbody">body</div><div class="verdanabody">body</div><div class="georgiabody">body</div></div> + <div class="fontbody" style="z-index:1"> + body<span>Bunday Sans Italic</span> + </div> + <div class="arialbody" style="z-index:1"> + body<span>Arial</span> + </div> + <div class="verdanabody" style="z-index:1"> + body<span>Verdana</span> + </div> + <div class="georgiabody" style="z-index:1"> + body<span>Georgia</span> + </div> + + + + </div> + + + <div class="section psample psample_row1" id=""> + + <div class="grid2 firstcol"> + <p class="size10"><span>10.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid3"> + <p class="size11"><span>11.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid3"> + <p class="size12"><span>12.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid4"> + <p class="size13"><span>13.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="white_blend"></div> + + </div> + <div class="section psample psample_row2" id=""> + <div class="grid3 firstcol"> + <p class="size14"><span>14.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid4"> + <p class="size16"><span>16.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid5"> + <p class="size18"><span>18.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + + <div class="white_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample psample_row3" id=""> + <div class="grid5 firstcol"> + <p class="size20"><span>20.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + <div class="grid7"> + <p class="size24"><span>24.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + + <div class="white_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample psample_row4" id=""> + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + <p class="size30"><span>30.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + <div class="white_blend"></div> + + </div> + + + + <div class="section psample psample_row1 fullreverse"> + <div class="grid2 firstcol"> + <p class="size10"><span>10.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid3"> + <p class="size11"><span>11.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid3"> + <p class="size12"><span>12.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid4"> + <p class="size13"><span>13.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="black_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample psample_row2 fullreverse"> + <div class="grid3 firstcol"> + <p class="size14"><span>14.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid4"> + <p class="size16"><span>16.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="grid5"> + <p class="size18"><span>18.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + + </div> + <div class="black_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample fullreverse psample_row3" id=""> + <div class="grid5 firstcol"> + <p class="size20"><span>20.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + <div class="grid7"> + <p class="size24"><span>24.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + + <div class="black_blend"></div> + + </div> + + <div class="section psample fullreverse psample_row4" id="" style="border-bottom: 20px #000 solid;"> + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + <p class="size30"><span>30.</span>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.</p> + </div> + <div class="black_blend"></div> + + </div> + + + + + </div> + + <div id="layout"> + + <div class="section"> + + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + <h1>Lorem Ipsum Dolor</h1> + <h2>Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod</h2> + + <p class="byline">By <a href="#link">Aenean Lacinia</a></p> + </div> + </div> + <div class="section"> + <div class="grid8 firstcol"> + <p class="large">Donec sed odio dui. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. </p> + + + <h3>Pellentesque ornare sem</h3> + + <p>Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. </p> + + <p>Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </p> + + <p>Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. </p> + + <p>Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. </p> + + <h3>Cras mattis consectetur</h3> + + <p>Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. </p> + + <p>Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.</p> + </div> + + <div class="grid4 sidebar"> + + <div class="box reverse"> + <p class="last">Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </p> + </div> + + <p class="caption">Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius.</p> + + <p>Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. </p> + + + + <p>Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. </p> + + <p>Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. </p> + + </div> + </div> + + </div> + + + + + + + <div id="glyphs"> + <div class="section"> + <div class="grid12 firstcol"> + + <h1>Language Support</h1> + <p>The subset of Bunday Sans Italic in this kit supports the following languages:<br /> + + Albanian, Basque, Breton, Chamorro, Danish, Dutch, English, Faroese, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, German, Icelandic, Italian, Malagasy, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Alsatian, Aragonese, Arapaho, Arrernte, Asturian, Aymara, Bislama, Cebuano, Corsican, Fijian, French_creole, Genoese, Gilbertese, Greenlandic, Haitian_creole, Hiligaynon, Hmong, Hopi, Ibanag, Iloko_ilokano, Indonesian, Interglossa_glosa, Interlingua, Irish_gaelic, Jerriais, Lojban, Lombard, Luxembourgeois, Manx, Mohawk, Norfolk_pitcairnese, Occitan, Oromo, Pangasinan, Papiamento, Piedmontese, Potawatomi, Rhaeto-romance, Romansh, Rotokas, Sami_lule, Samoan, Sardinian, Scots_gaelic, Seychelles_creole, Shona, Sicilian, Somali, Southern_ndebele, Swahili, Swati_swazi, Tagalog_filipino_pilipino, Tetum, Tok_pisin, Uyghur_latinized, Volapuk, Walloon, Warlpiri, Xhosa, Yapese, Zulu, Latinbasic, Ubasic, Demo </p> + <h1>Glyph Chart</h1> + <p>The subset of Bunday Sans Italic in this kit includes all the glyphs listed below. Unicode entities are included above each glyph to help you insert individual characters into your layout.</p> + <div id="glyph_chart"> + + <div><p>&amp;#13;</p>&#13;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#32;</p>&#32;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#33;</p>&#33;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#34;</p>&#34;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#35;</p>&#35;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#36;</p>&#36;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#37;</p>&#37;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#38;</p>&#38;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#39;</p>&#39;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#40;</p>&#40;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#41;</p>&#41;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#42;</p>&#42;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#43;</p>&#43;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#44;</p>&#44;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#45;</p>&#45;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#46;</p>&#46;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#47;</p>&#47;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#48;</p>&#48;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#49;</p>&#49;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#50;</p>&#50;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#51;</p>&#51;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#52;</p>&#52;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#53;</p>&#53;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#54;</p>&#54;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#55;</p>&#55;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#56;</p>&#56;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#57;</p>&#57;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#58;</p>&#58;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#59;</p>&#59;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#60;</p>&#60;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#61;</p>&#61;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#62;</p>&#62;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#63;</p>&#63;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64;</p>&#64;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#65;</p>&#65;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#66;</p>&#66;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#67;</p>&#67;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#68;</p>&#68;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#69;</p>&#69;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#70;</p>&#70;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#71;</p>&#71;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#72;</p>&#72;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#73;</p>&#73;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#74;</p>&#74;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#75;</p>&#75;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#76;</p>&#76;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#77;</p>&#77;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#78;</p>&#78;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#79;</p>&#79;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#80;</p>&#80;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#81;</p>&#81;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#82;</p>&#82;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#83;</p>&#83;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#84;</p>&#84;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#85;</p>&#85;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#86;</p>&#86;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#87;</p>&#87;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#88;</p>&#88;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#89;</p>&#89;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#90;</p>&#90;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#91;</p>&#91;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#92;</p>&#92;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#93;</p>&#93;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#94;</p>&#94;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#95;</p>&#95;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#96;</p>&#96;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#97;</p>&#97;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#98;</p>&#98;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#99;</p>&#99;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#100;</p>&#100;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#101;</p>&#101;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#102;</p>&#102;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#103;</p>&#103;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#104;</p>&#104;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#105;</p>&#105;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#106;</p>&#106;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#107;</p>&#107;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#108;</p>&#108;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#109;</p>&#109;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#110;</p>&#110;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#111;</p>&#111;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#112;</p>&#112;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#113;</p>&#113;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#114;</p>&#114;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#115;</p>&#115;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#116;</p>&#116;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#117;</p>&#117;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#118;</p>&#118;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#119;</p>&#119;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#120;</p>&#120;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#121;</p>&#121;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#122;</p>&#122;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#123;</p>&#123;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#124;</p>&#124;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#125;</p>&#125;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#126;</p>&#126;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#160;</p>&#160;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#161;</p>&#161;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#162;</p>&#162;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#163;</p>&#163;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#164;</p>&#164;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#165;</p>&#165;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#166;</p>&#166;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#167;</p>&#167;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#168;</p>&#168;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#169;</p>&#169;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#170;</p>&#170;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#171;</p>&#171;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#172;</p>&#172;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#173;</p>&#173;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#174;</p>&#174;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#175;</p>&#175;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#176;</p>&#176;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#177;</p>&#177;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#178;</p>&#178;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#179;</p>&#179;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#180;</p>&#180;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#181;</p>&#181;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#182;</p>&#182;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#183;</p>&#183;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#184;</p>&#184;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#185;</p>&#185;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#186;</p>&#186;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#187;</p>&#187;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#188;</p>&#188;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#189;</p>&#189;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#190;</p>&#190;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#191;</p>&#191;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#192;</p>&#192;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#193;</p>&#193;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#194;</p>&#194;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#195;</p>&#195;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#196;</p>&#196;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#197;</p>&#197;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#198;</p>&#198;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#199;</p>&#199;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#200;</p>&#200;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#201;</p>&#201;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#202;</p>&#202;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#203;</p>&#203;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#204;</p>&#204;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#205;</p>&#205;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#206;</p>&#206;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#207;</p>&#207;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#208;</p>&#208;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#209;</p>&#209;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#210;</p>&#210;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#211;</p>&#211;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#212;</p>&#212;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#213;</p>&#213;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#214;</p>&#214;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#215;</p>&#215;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#216;</p>&#216;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#217;</p>&#217;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#218;</p>&#218;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#219;</p>&#219;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#220;</p>&#220;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#221;</p>&#221;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#222;</p>&#222;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#223;</p>&#223;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#224;</p>&#224;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#225;</p>&#225;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#226;</p>&#226;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#227;</p>&#227;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#228;</p>&#228;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#229;</p>&#229;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#230;</p>&#230;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#231;</p>&#231;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#232;</p>&#232;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#233;</p>&#233;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#234;</p>&#234;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#235;</p>&#235;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#236;</p>&#236;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#237;</p>&#237;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#238;</p>&#238;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#239;</p>&#239;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#240;</p>&#240;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#241;</p>&#241;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#242;</p>&#242;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#243;</p>&#243;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#244;</p>&#244;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#245;</p>&#245;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#246;</p>&#246;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#247;</p>&#247;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#248;</p>&#248;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#249;</p>&#249;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#250;</p>&#250;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#251;</p>&#251;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#252;</p>&#252;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#253;</p>&#253;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#254;</p>&#254;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#255;</p>&#255;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#338;</p>&#338;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#339;</p>&#339;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#376;</p>&#376;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#710;</p>&#710;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#732;</p>&#732;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#7838;</p>&#7838;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8192;</p>&#8192;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8193;</p>&#8193;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8194;</p>&#8194;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8195;</p>&#8195;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8196;</p>&#8196;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8197;</p>&#8197;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8198;</p>&#8198;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8199;</p>&#8199;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8200;</p>&#8200;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8201;</p>&#8201;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8202;</p>&#8202;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8208;</p>&#8208;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8209;</p>&#8209;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8210;</p>&#8210;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8211;</p>&#8211;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8212;</p>&#8212;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8216;</p>&#8216;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8217;</p>&#8217;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8218;</p>&#8218;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8220;</p>&#8220;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8221;</p>&#8221;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8222;</p>&#8222;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8226;</p>&#8226;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8230;</p>&#8230;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8239;</p>&#8239;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8249;</p>&#8249;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8250;</p>&#8250;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8287;</p>&#8287;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8364;</p>&#8364;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8470;</p>&#8470;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#8482;</p>&#8482;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#9724;</p>&#9724;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64256;</p>&#64256;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64257;</p>&#64257;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64258;</p>&#64258;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64259;</p>&#64259;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64260;</p>&#64260;</div> + <div><p>&amp;#64262;</p>&#64262;</div> + </div> + </div> + + + </div> + </div> + + + <div id="specs"> + + </div> + + <div id="installing"> + <div class="section"> + <div class="grid7 firstcol"> + <h1>Installing Webfonts</h1> + + <p>Webfonts are supported by all major browser platforms but not all in the same way. There are currently four different font formats that must be included in order to target all browsers. This includes TTF, WOFF, EOT and SVG.</p> + + <h2>1. Upload your webfonts</h2> + <p>You must upload your webfont kit to your website. They should be in or near the same directory as your CSS files.</p> + + <h2>2. Include the webfont stylesheet</h2> + <p>A special CSS @font-face declaration helps the various browsers select the appropriate font it needs without causing you a bunch of headaches. Learn more about this syntax by reading the <a href="">Fontspring blog post</a> about it. The code for it is as follows:</p> + + +<code> +@font-face{ + font-family: 'MyWebFont'; + src: url('WebFont.eot'); + src: url('WebFont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), + url('WebFont.woff') format('woff'), + url('WebFont.ttf') format('truetype'), + url('WebFont.svg#webfont') format('svg'); +} +</code> + + <p>We've already gone ahead and generated the code for you. All you have to do is link to the stylesheet in your HTML, like this:</p> + <code>&lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; href=&quot;stylesheet.css&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; charset=&quot;utf-8&quot; /&gt;</code> + + <h2>3. Modify your own stylesheet</h2> + <p>To take advantage of your new fonts, you must tell your stylesheet to use them. Look at the original @font-face declaration above and find the property called "font-family." The name linked there will be what you use to reference the font. Prepend that webfont name to the font stack in the "font-family" property, inside the selector you want to change. For example:</p> +<code>p { font-family: 'WebFont', Arial, sans-serif; }</code> + +<h2>4. Test</h2> +<p>Getting webfonts to work cross-browser <em>can</em> be tricky. Use the information in the sidebar to help you if you find that fonts aren't loading in a particular browser.</p> + </div> + + <div class="grid5 sidebar"> + <div class="box"> + <h2>Troubleshooting<br />Font-Face Problems</h2> + <p>Having trouble getting your webfonts to load in your new website? Here are some tips to sort out what might be the problem.</p> + + <h3>Fonts not showing in any browser</h3> + + <p>This sounds like you need to work on the plumbing. You either did not upload the fonts to the correct directory, or you did not link the fonts properly in the CSS. If you've confirmed that all this is correct and you still have a problem, take a look at your .htaccess file and see if requests are getting intercepted.</p> + + <h3>Fonts not loading in iPhone or iPad</h3> + + <p>The most common problem here is that you are serving the fonts from an IIS server. IIS refuses to serve files that have unknown MIME types. If that is the case, you must set the MIME type for SVG to "image/svg+xml" in the server settings. Follow these instructions from Microsoft if you need help.</p> + + <h3>Fonts not loading in Firefox</h3> + + <p>The primary reason for this failure? You are still using a version Firefox older than 3.5. So upgrade already! If that isn't it, then you are very likely serving fonts from a different domain. Firefox requires that all font assets be served from the same domain. Lastly it is possible that you need to add WOFF to your list of MIME types (if you are serving via IIS.)</p> + + <h3>Fonts not loading in IE</h3> + + <p>Are you looking at Internet Explorer on an actual Windows machine or are you cheating by using a service like Adobe BrowserLab? Many of these screenshot services do not render @font-face for IE. Best to test it on a real machine.</p> + + <h3>Fonts not loading in IE9</h3> + + <p>IE9, like Firefox, requires that fonts be served from the same domain as the website. Make sure that is the case.</p> + </div> + </div> + </div> + + </div> + + </div> + <div id="footer"> + <p>&copy;2010-2017 Fontspring. All rights reserved.</p> + </div> +</div> +</body> +</html>
A assets/fonts/bundaysans-regularit-webfont.svg

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54.5t-16 167.5q45 230 240 230q82 0 120 -43t38 -123t-21 -194q-15 -75 -30 -127t-38 -98.5t-52.5 -74t-71 -43t-96.5 -15.5q-62 0 -135 23l25 66q74 -17 119 -17zM248 329q34 0 76 13.5t69 34.5 q28 131 14 195.5t-83 64.5q-60 0 -96 -35.5t-53 -122.5q-16 -83 3 -116.5t70 -33.5z" /> +<glyph unicode=":" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M88 336l19 100h103l-20 -100h-102zM23 0l20 100h102l-19 -100h-103z" /> +<glyph unicode=";" horiz-adv-x="242" d="M46 -107h-78q26 31 54.5 88t40.5 119h79q-12 -65 -39.5 -120t-56.5 -87zM87 336l19 100h103l-20 -100h-102z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x3c;" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M101 280l12 61l369 262l-17 -88l-294 -209l212 -208l-14 -77z" /> +<glyph unicode="=" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M96 385l12 63h371l-12 -63h-371zM56 181l12 63h371l-12 -63h-371z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x3e;" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M443 341l-12 -61l-368 -259l17 89l294 208l-212 209l14 76z" /> +<glyph unicode="?" horiz-adv-x="407" d="M125 161l20 97q11 58 32.5 89.5t72.5 73.5l43 35q28 22 39 42t17 52q11 54 -12.5 71t-74.5 17q-63 0 -142 -21l1 62q88 27 159 27q85 0 125.5 -35.5t22.5 -124.5q-17 -86 -84 -141l-51 -41q-37 -30 -50.5 -53t-21.5 -65l-16 -85h-80zM95 0l16 85h79l-16 -85h-79z" /> +<glyph unicode="@" horiz-adv-x="759" d="M59 256q33 176 130.5 266.5t252.5 90.5q133 0 203 -64t70 -186q0 -48 -10 -105q-19 -97 -58 -141.5t-110 -44.5q-69 0 -83 49q-62 -57 -130 -57q-20 0 -34.5 3.5t-30.5 14.5t-22.5 31t-9.5 53.5t9 81.5q21 110 68 153.5t115 43.5q70 0 97.5 -37t9.5 -128l-19 -96 q-6 -31 5.5 -43.5t29.5 -12.5q43 0 66.5 30t37.5 101q11 59 11 100q0 199 -217 199q-133 0 -212.5 -73.5t-109.5 -228.5q-10 -45 -12 -95q-2 -106 51.5 -157t164.5 -51q49 0 96 9l-4 -52q-44 -11 -93 -11q-136 0 -205.5 66.5t-66.5 195.5q0 38 10 95zM335 118q49 0 105 52 l21 110q12 71 2 90.5t-49 19.5q-42 0 -70.5 -31t-43.5 -112q-14 -61 -6.5 -95t41.5 -34z" /> +<glyph unicode="A" d="M-29 0l305 697h122l41 -697h-81l-10 172h-219l-73 -172h-85zM157 240h191l-20 387h-4z" /> +<glyph unicode="B" horiz-adv-x="545" d="M225 0h-190l136 697h152q125 0 170.5 -44.5t27.5 -138.5q-23 -115 -117 -144q47 -14 72.5 -55.5t9.5 -115.5q-21 -108 -82 -153.5t-179 -45.5zM193 398h81q81 0 116.5 24.5t49.5 92.5q12 62 -13 86t-107 24h-82zM129 72h100q79 0 120.5 27.5t54.5 99.5q16 76 -10 101.5 t-114 25.5h-101z" /> +<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="467" d="M392 81v-67q-75 -23 -133 -23q-54 0 -90 9t-63 32t-38 64t-9.5 103.5t17.5 151.5q17 89 37 149.5t53.5 109.5t84 72.5t121.5 23.5q86 0 143 -18l-25 -66q-57 12 -117 12t-97 -21t-67 -83t-52 -179q-17 -90 -18.5 -146.5t13.5 -87.5t41 -42.5t71 -11.5q34 0 128 18z" /> +<glyph unicode="D" horiz-adv-x="554" d="M163 0h-128l134 697h113q72 0 116.5 -7.5t79 -28t47.5 -59.5t12 -99.5t-19 -151.5q-23 -119 -46.5 -185t-66 -105t-95.5 -50t-147 -11zM130 72h40q48 0 77 3t58 13t45.5 28t33.5 50.5t29 77t25 110.5q12 65 16.5 110t-1.5 75.5t-16 47t-36 25.5t-51 11t-71 2h-42z" /> +<glyph unicode="E" horiz-adv-x="483" d="M36 0l136 697h354l-15 -72h-272l-44 -226h222l-14 -72h-222l-50 -255h279l-14 -72h-360z" /> +<glyph unicode="F" horiz-adv-x="466" d="M35 0l136 697h356l-15 -72h-274l-47 -246h212l-13 -72h-213l-60 -307h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="G" horiz-adv-x="527" d="M77 351q21 110 48.5 182t65.5 109t78.5 50.5t97.5 13.5q40 0 94 -7t71 -12l-25 -68q-75 15 -145 15q-40 0 -66 -9t-53 -37t-47 -86t-38 -151t-20 -151.5t13 -88t37.5 -39t61.5 -9.5q47 0 105 11l58 311h78l-68 -362q-27 -12 -78 -22t-97 -10q-47 0 -79.5 7.5t-60 30 t-39 62t-10.5 104.5t18 156z" /> +<glyph unicode="H" horiz-adv-x="577" d="M35 0l136 697h82l-59 -300h247l60 300h81l-136 -697h-82l64 325h-248l-63 -325h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="I" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M35 0l136 697h82l-136 -697h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="J" horiz-adv-x="400" d="M-31 8l24 67q60 -12 118 -12q53 0 79.5 28t38.5 87l100 519h81l-100 -521q-19 -98 -67 -141.5t-135 -43.5q-85 0 -139 17z" /> +<glyph unicode="K" horiz-adv-x="533" d="M35 0l136 697h82l-61 -309q10 0 52 -9l247 318h100l-278 -350q44 -36 65 -86l113 -261h-85l-95 220q-22 54 -53 74t-80 22l-61 -316h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="L" horiz-adv-x="424" d="M35 0l136 697h82l-123 -625h237l-13 -72h-319z" /> +<glyph unicode="M" horiz-adv-x="742" d="M635 0h-77l62 487l21 132h-4q-20 -47 -59 -127l-187 -381h-93l-42 383l-9 125h-5q-18 -80 -32 -134l-117 -485h-80l172 697h121l41 -371q4 -37 6 -70.5t2 -48.5v-15h5q25 59 62 134l178 371h128z" /> +<glyph unicode="N" horiz-adv-x="606" d="M35 0l134 697h118l95 -461q10 -45 28 -160h4q5 31 44 241l72 380h79l-134 -697h-120l-88 437q-21 97 -33 183h-4q-9 -58 -51 -279l-65 -341h-79z" /> +<glyph unicode="O" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M74 342q18 92 39.5 155t55.5 113.5t84 74.5t118 24q89 0 132.5 -42.5t45.5 -121.5t-19 -191q-18 -93 -39.5 -155.5t-55 -112.5t-83 -74t-118.5 -24q-89 0 -132.5 42.5t-46 121t18.5 190.5zM245 60q87 0 130.5 68t74.5 227q31 141 12.5 211.5t-103.5 70.5 q-86 0 -129.5 -68.5t-74.5 -227.5q-32 -141 -13.5 -211t103.5 -70z" /> +<glyph unicode="P" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M35 0l136 697h165q120 0 162.5 -45t21.5 -160q-20 -97 -81 -156t-167 -59h-101l-55 -277h-81zM186 350h90q71 0 109 32.5t53 110.5t-8 105t-100 27h-92z" /> +<glyph unicode="Q" horiz-adv-x="562" d="M74 342q18 92 39.5 155t55.5 113.5t84 74.5t118 24q89 0 132.5 -42.5t45.5 -121.5t-19 -191q-29 -145 -70.5 -229t-115.5 -116q39 -51 154 -87l-28 -62q-153 35 -209 129q-5 0 -14 -0.5t-13 -0.5q-89 0 -132.5 42.5t-46 121t18.5 190.5zM245 60q87 0 130.5 68t74.5 227 q31 141 12.5 211.5t-103.5 70.5q-86 0 -129.5 -68.5t-74.5 -227.5q-32 -141 -13.5 -211t103.5 -70z" /> +<glyph unicode="R" horiz-adv-x="535" d="M35 0l136 697h165q120 0 162.5 -45t21.5 -160q-31 -152 -148 -178q50 -22 66 -129l27 -185h-85l-20 163q-10 70 -33.5 94.5t-78.5 24.5h-77l-54 -282h-82zM186 354h91q72 0 109 31t52 108q15 78 -8 105t-101 27h-91z" /> +<glyph unicode="S" horiz-adv-x="477" d="M3 18l29 71q93 -26 158 -26q67 0 98 25t42 86q11 55 -4 90.5t-72 64.5l-34 17q-69 36 -96 79.5t-11 121.5q32 159 208 159q97 0 163 -22l-27 -67q-77 17 -134 17q-58 0 -89.5 -22t-41.5 -75q-10 -51 6.5 -76.5t65.5 -49.5l34 -18q73 -37 101.5 -87t10.5 -140 q-17 -91 -65 -133t-148 -42q-113 0 -194 27z" /> +<glyph unicode="T" horiz-adv-x="443" d="M134 0l121 625h-161l15 72h403l-15 -72h-161l-121 -625h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="U" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M62 176l102 521h82l-103 -518q-20 -119 101 -119q127 0 148 119l102 518h83l-102 -521q-20 -98 -78 -143t-157 -45q-102 0 -149.5 46t-28.5 142z" /> +<glyph unicode="V" horiz-adv-x="469" d="M133 0l-38 697h82l19 -432q3 -99 3 -187h4q11 32 75 188l182 431h85l-303 -697h-109z" /> +<glyph unicode="W" horiz-adv-x="734" d="M99 0l10 697h78l-11 -469q-4 -121 -8 -145h4q11 43 50 142l180 463h97l4 -467q3 -81 -4 -138h4q8 28 47 142l165 472h84l-254 -697h-108l-3 395q-2 144 5 209h-4q-25 -72 -78 -210l-156 -394h-102z" /> +<glyph unicode="X" horiz-adv-x="499" d="M267 309h-5q-63 -96 -104 -157l-102 -152h-95l258 364l-112 333h85l39 -124l44 -150h7q61 89 98 140l93 134h91l-241 -336l122 -361h-85l-46 140z" /> +<glyph unicode="Y" horiz-adv-x="473" d="M150 0l57 307l-124 390h87l70 -235q16 -56 19 -71h3q0 1 47 69l160 237h95l-276 -390l-57 -307h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="Z" horiz-adv-x="470" d="M-11 0l6 37l384 588h-250l14 72h361l-8 -36l-383 -589h281l-14 -72h-391z" /> +<glyph unicode="[" horiz-adv-x="376" d="M229 -86h-172l168 864h172l-12 -62h-105l-146 -743h105z" /> +<glyph unicode="\" horiz-adv-x="349" d="M125 697h64l75 -697h-63z" /> +<glyph unicode="]" horiz-adv-x="376" d="M189 -86h-173l11 51h105l149 762h-105l8 51h173z" /> +<glyph unicode="^" horiz-adv-x="539" d="M82 385l234 312h82l112 -312h-71l-90 248l-189 -248h-78z" /> +<glyph unicode="_" horiz-adv-x="437" d="M-75 -147l12 60h436l-12 -60h-436z" /> +<glyph unicode="`" horiz-adv-x="280" d="M226 640l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M48 236q30 156 86.5 214.5t146.5 58.5q88 0 187 -33l-68 -362q-8 -39 1.5 -50.5t51.5 -0.5v-58q-30 -10 -65 -10t-51 18t-19 52h-3q-78 -74 -170 -74q-32 0 -54 10t-38.5 37.5t-16.5 75t12 122.5zM283 439q-56 0 -93.5 -42.5t-60.5 -161.5q-17 -107 -8 -140.5t44 -33.5 q82 0 159 85l53 279q-48 14 -94 14z" /> +<glyph unicode="b" d="M169 722h81l-39 -200q-13 -71 -18 -81h2q70 68 149 68q30 0 51.5 -6t39 -22.5t25.5 -43.5t7 -70.5t-13 -101.5q-31 -160 -84.5 -217t-153.5 -57q-82 0 -183 33zM219 61q60 0 95.5 41t58.5 163q11 56 12.5 91.5t-6.5 53t-20.5 23.5t-33.5 6q-35 0 -75.5 -25t-71.5 -60 l-54 -279q48 -14 95 -14z" /> +<glyph unicode="c" horiz-adv-x="406" d="M51 247q27 136 83 199t164 63q66 0 120 -18l-28 -66q-54 14 -97 14q-66 0 -103 -45.5t-57 -146.5q-20 -107 -0.5 -146.5t88.5 -39.5q46 0 102 17l4 -66q-57 -21 -122 -21q-110 0 -145 61.5t-9 194.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="d" d="M49 233q31 159 83.5 217.5t141.5 58.5q68 0 116 -21h2q6 36 16 87l29 147h81l-140 -722h-71l4 60h-3q-67 -69 -163 -69q-32 0 -54 10t-38.5 37t-16 74t12.5 121zM324 146l54 278q-45 15 -93 15q-61 0 -96.5 -41.5t-58.5 -163.5q-17 -74 -12.5 -112.5t16.5 -49.5t35 -11 q76 0 155 85z" /> +<glyph unicode="e" horiz-adv-x="478" d="M51 251q27 140 80.5 200.5t160.5 60.5q95 0 132.5 -46t24.5 -114q-15 -76 -45.5 -100t-105.5 -24q-95 0 -165 22q0 -5 -3 -11q-19 -104 2.5 -141t88.5 -37q65 0 150 26l2 -65q-66 -31 -168 -31q-108 0 -144 61.5t-10 198.5zM149 316q72 -22 139 -22q42 0 58 14t23 51 q8 39 -12.5 63t-67.5 24q-57 0 -90.5 -32t-49.5 -98z" /> +<glyph unicode="f" horiz-adv-x="319" d="M-97 -228l-4 66q8 2 32.5 7.5t32.5 8.5q39 11 53.5 34t27.5 85l88 465h-72l12 62h72l19 95q15 79 52.5 106.5t104.5 27.5q61 0 113 -12l-24 -65q-54 7 -86 7q-35 0 -53.5 -14.5t-27.5 -59.5l-16 -85h139l-22 -62h-129l-88 -465q-20 -99 -51 -135t-109 -53q-29 -7 -64 -13 z" /> +<glyph unicode="g" d="M75 -233l1 68q90 15 119 23q41 12 65 38t36 84l17 89h-2q-67 -69 -165 -69q-31 0 -52.5 10t-38.5 36.5t-17 72.5t12 118q29 158 83 215t154 57q92 0 182 -33l-94 -496q-18 -95 -55.5 -133.5t-108.5 -54.5q-85 -17 -136 -25zM131 239q-10 -53 -12 -88.5t5.5 -52t18 -22.5 t27.5 -6q76 0 155 83l53 272q-46 14 -94 14q-60 0 -95 -40.5t-58 -159.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="h" horiz-adv-x="515" d="M29 0l140 722h81l-39 -204l-22 -83h2q74 74 167 74q21 0 40 -6t39 -23t25.5 -46.5t-1.5 -76.5l-68 -357h-82l67 350q17 89 -46 89q-40 0 -82 -25t-72 -60l-68 -354h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="i" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M33 0l97 500h81l-97 -500h-81zM142 596l18 98h95l-18 -98h-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="j" horiz-adv-x="241" d="M-118 -228l-5 66q9 2 34 7.5t33 8.5q40 11 55 34.5t28 84.5l102 527h81l-102 -527q-20 -100 -50 -135.5t-112 -52.5q-29 -7 -64 -13zM140 598l19 96h95l-19 -96h-95z" /> +<glyph unicode="k" horiz-adv-x="479" d="M29 0l141 722h82l-80 -409q34 0 51 -7l183 194h107l-220 -223q33 -30 57 -86l85 -191h-89l-69 154q-22 53 -45.5 70.5t-73.5 18.5l-47 -243h-82z" /> +<glyph unicode="l" horiz-adv-x="259" d="M197 65l-3 -66q-30 -8 -65 -8q-47 0 -70 25t-9 92l119 614h82l-119 -608q-7 -34 0 -43.5t26 -9.5q5 0 11 0.5t10.5 1t8.5 1t6 0.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="750" d="M30 0l97 500h71l-8 -62h3q71 71 154 71q88 0 91 -86q83 86 168 86q45 0 76.5 -34t16.5 -115l-70 -360h-81l69 355q16 84 -33 84q-33 0 -75 -26t-70 -59l-69 -354h-80l69 356q9 43 1 63t-35 20q-35 0 -75.5 -25t-70.5 -60l-69 -354h-80z" /> +<glyph unicode="n" horiz-adv-x="514" d="M29 0l97 500h71l-8 -62h3q71 71 164 71q22 0 41.5 -6t39.5 -23t25.5 -46.5t-0.5 -76.5l-69 -357h-82l68 350q17 89 -46 89q-41 0 -83 -25t-72 -60l-68 -354h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="o" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M201 -12q-111 0 -144 59t-6 194q27 140 82 205.5t164 65.5q110 0 143 -66.5t6 -204.5q-26 -136 -80.5 -194.5t-164.5 -58.5zM213 58q64 0 98 39.5t54 143.5q20 107 2 154t-80 47t-98 -47t-56 -154q-20 -106 -2 -144.5t82 -38.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="p" d="M456 267q-21 -109 -54.5 -171t-75.5 -83.5t-105 -21.5q-58 0 -109 17h-2q-7 -45 -12 -71l-30 -160h-82l140 723h71l-8 -62h3q30 31 70.5 51t81.5 20q38 0 62.5 -10t43 -37t18.5 -74t-12 -121zM178 354l-53 -278q45 -15 94 -15q61 0 96.5 41.5t58.5 163.5 q17 74 11.5 112.5t-18.5 49.5t-42 11q-35 0 -76.5 -25.5t-70.5 -59.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="q" d="M335 -223h-81l38 202q12 63 19 81h-3q-67 -69 -148 -69q-38 0 -63 10t-43 37t-18 74t12 121q30 161 85 218.5t155 57.5q83 0 182 -33zM285 439q-61 0 -97 -41.5t-59 -162.5q-17 -74 -11 -113t19.5 -50t41.5 -11q34 0 74 25t71 60l55 279q-42 14 -94 14z" /> +<glyph unicode="r" horiz-adv-x="351" d="M29 0l97 500h71l-8 -62h3q66 70 145 70q38 0 51 -5l-28 -77q-24 4 -43 4q-73 0 -138 -76l-69 -354h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="s" horiz-adv-x="433" d="M-7 21l26 69q97 -29 163 -29q45 0 69 14t32 57q7 37 -6.5 56t-59.5 35l-35 12q-47 16 -70 29.5t-35 41.5t-3 73q13 71 54.5 100.5t114.5 29.5q100 0 170 -24l-23 -65q-95 19 -146 19q-79 0 -90 -58q-4 -29 7 -46.5t57 -33.5l36 -12q73 -25 97.5 -59t10.5 -109 q-24 -130 -181 -130q-103 0 -188 30z" /> +<glyph unicode="t" horiz-adv-x="333" d="M65 108l64 330h-73l12 62h73l33 131l75 9l-27 -140h132l-22 -62h-122l-64 -327q-6 -32 2.5 -41t36.5 -9q11 0 28.5 2.5t30.5 5.5l12 3l2 -64q-36 -17 -97 -17q-59 0 -84.5 23.5t-11.5 93.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="u" horiz-adv-x="514" d="M123 500h81l-68 -350q-16 -89 47 -89q40 0 81 25t73 60l68 354h81l-97 -500h-71l8 62h-3q-71 -71 -165 -71q-51 0 -85.5 34.5t-19.5 117.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="v" horiz-adv-x="427" d="M116 0l-52 500h80l23 -276q9 -97 9 -152h4q12 32 67 153l126 275h86l-240 -500h-103z" /> +<glyph unicode="w" horiz-adv-x="692" d="M85 0l-17 500h82l2 -250v-176h3q47 105 78 178l107 243h105l15 -245l9 -176h4q30 77 65 169l99 257h84l-205 -500h-110l-19 335l-4 86h-4q-16 -35 -39 -87l-148 -334h-107z" /> +<glyph unicode="x" horiz-adv-x="438" d="M-32 0l210 261l-93 239h86l37 -107l24 -77l54 81l76 103h91l-184 -239l108 -261h-89l-41 111l-30 92q-36 -47 -69 -92l-84 -111h-96z" /> +<glyph unicode="y" horiz-adv-x="515" d="M157 1q-50 0 -84 34t-19 117l69 348h81l-67 -341q-16 -88 47 -88q77 0 153 84l68 345h81l-100 -520q-19 -98 -52 -133t-111 -54q-43 -12 -136 -26l1 68q79 13 119 24q50 14 69 36.5t32 84.5l18 93h-2q-68 -72 -167 -72z" /> +<glyph unicode="z" horiz-adv-x="426" d="M-4 0l6 35l292 395h-198l14 70h315l-7 -31l-293 -399h232l-13 -70h-348z" /> +<glyph unicode="{" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M222 -86h-23q-68 0 -96.5 30.5t-12.5 109.5l33 169q12 62 -2.5 80t-63.5 18l12 63q48 0 70 18t35 80l30 156q15 81 49.5 110.5t105.5 29.5h31l-11 -54h-33q-33 0 -49 -17t-23 -49l-35 -177q-23 -119 -91 -129q23 -5 38.5 -36t2.5 -96l-36 -186q-12 -66 45 -66h34z" /> +<glyph unicode="|" horiz-adv-x="275" d="M17 -196l212 1088h69l-212 -1088h-69z" /> +<glyph unicode="}" horiz-adv-x="367" d="M235 223l-33 -169q-16 -81 -47.5 -110.5t-96.5 -29.5h-42l10 54h35q58 0 72 66l36 186q24 125 91 132q-13 3 -23.5 13.5t-19.5 39t2 76.5l35 177q12 66 -47 66h-34l11 54h23q67 0 95.5 -30.5t13.5 -109.5l-30 -156q-13 -62 2.5 -80t63.5 -18l-12 -63q-48 0 -70.5 -18 t-34.5 -80z" /> +<glyph unicode="~" horiz-adv-x="548" d="M143 262l-39 41q21 24 31.5 34t32 20t47.5 10q28 0 50 -13.5t34 -30.5t27.5 -30.5t31.5 -13.5q21 0 60 39l40 -41q-21 -24 -31.5 -34t-32 -20.5t-46.5 -10.5q-29 0 -52 14t-34.5 30.5t-27 30.5t-31.5 14q-9 0 -18.5 -5t-15.5 -10t-15 -13.5t-11 -10.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" horiz-adv-x="239" d="M178 338l-106 -534h-79l106 534h79zM208 501l-17 -85h-79l17 85h79z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" horiz-adv-x="549" d="M100 333q23 118 68 181.5t130 77.5l21 105h59l-20 -101q61 -4 109 -19l-27 -66q-56 14 -96 14q-67 0 -104.5 -45.5t-57.5 -146.5q-20 -107 -0.5 -146t88.5 -39q43 0 103 16l4 -65q-63 -22 -120 -22l-18 -94h-59l19 98q-78 14 -100.5 76.5t1.5 175.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" horiz-adv-x="547" d="M173 385l23 122q18 94 71 146.5t160 52.5q79 0 124 -19l-27 -63q-51 12 -94 12q-68 0 -104 -31.5t-48 -97.5l-24 -122h126l-11 -55h-126l-50 -258h265l-14 -72h-433l14 72h87l50 258h-74l12 55h73z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" horiz-adv-x="721" d="M114 88l-33 41l82 69q-40 68 -24 154q16 84 84 153l-58 70l50 40l55 -69q81 55 164 55q86 0 144 -58l81 69l33 -41l-83 -69q39 -70 23 -150q-16 -84 -81 -150l54 -68l-47 -40l-55 66q-80 -57 -166 -57q-81 0 -142 53zM349 164q76 0 141 55t81 133q15 78 -28.5 133 t-120.5 55t-141.5 -55t-79.5 -133q-16 -78 28 -133t120 -55z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" horiz-adv-x="546" d="M142 337h91l-116 360h87l72 -235q16 -56 19 -71h4q0 1 47 69l165 237h94l-259 -360h95l-11 -57h-110l-11 -56h109l-11 -57h-109l-32 -167h-82l32 167h-107l11 57h107l11 56h-107z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" horiz-adv-x="275" d="M142 444l87 448h69l-87 -448h-69zM17 -196l87 448h69l-87 -448h-69z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" horiz-adv-x="504" d="M-2 -84l26 70q86 -24 161 -24q70 0 98.5 17t38.5 66q8 39 -6.5 63.5t-70.5 47.5l-50 20q-72 29 -95 64.5t-9 107.5q11 60 74 95q-49 39 -32 125q13 67 67 102t139 35q42 0 92.5 -8t71.5 -16l-28 -67q-87 19 -144 19q-103 0 -118 -75q-7 -35 9.5 -53.5t63.5 -37.5l52 -20 q69 -26 95.5 -67.5t10.5 -124.5q-10 -52 -57 -97q29 -44 13 -126q-15 -77 -61 -109.5t-149 -32.5q-118 0 -192 26zM241 403l-7 2q-52 -13 -64 -66q-7 -37 8 -57.5t60 -37.5l52 -20q31 -14 44 -21q23 19 33 65q8 38 -6.5 65.5t-67.5 49.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" horiz-adv-x="968" d="M518 640h-87l18 95h88zM691 640h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" horiz-adv-x="825" d="M773 349q-33 -170 -136.5 -265.5t-260.5 -95.5q-159 0 -230 96t-39 265q32 172 134.5 266.5t259.5 94.5q160 0 232.5 -95.5t39.5 -265.5zM719 349q29 150 -26 232t-188 82q-138 0 -227.5 -82t-118.5 -232q-29 -151 26 -232t190 -81q136 0 225.5 82t118.5 231zM495 195 l-1 -49q-49 -14 -91 -14q-37 0 -60 9t-38 33.5t-13.5 67t12.5 109.5q25 129 63.5 173t120.5 44q48 0 83 -11l-17 -49q-44 7 -70 7q-51 0 -74.5 -29.5t-44.5 -134.5q-11 -55 -13 -88t6 -50.5t21.5 -23t39.5 -5.5q18 0 76 11z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" horiz-adv-x="310" d="M61 404q20 102 56 139.5t99 37.5q70 0 122 -23l-40 -208q-4 -25 2 -31.5t30 -1.5v-47q-26 -8 -51 -8q-42 0 -50 37h-2q-54 -40 -97 -40q-47 0 -65.5 31.5t-3.5 113.5zM215 525q-33 0 -51.5 -22t-31.5 -90q-10 -65 -4 -81t28 -16q35 0 73 32l33 169q-21 8 -47 8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xab;" horiz-adv-x="474" d="M123 54l-57 200l135 199h74l-143 -204l58 -195h-67zM293 54l-57 200l135 199h75l-144 -204l58 -195h-67z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xac;" horiz-adv-x="509" d="M84 278l14 69h362l-40 -201h-70l26 132h-292z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xad;" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M43 253l13 67h279l-13 -67h-279z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xae;" horiz-adv-x="499" d="M497 501q-19 -101 -78.5 -154.5t-152.5 -53.5q-94 0 -135.5 54t-22.5 154q20 101 78.5 153.5t150.5 52.5q94 0 136.5 -53.5t23.5 -152.5zM462 501q33 173 -127 173q-158 0 -191 -173q-34 -175 124 -175q160 0 194 175zM213 389l45 230h67q38 0 53 -16.5t7 -54.5 q-8 -47 -44 -58q14 -10 20 -42l8 -59h-44l-6 49q-4 20 -10 27t-20 7h-16l-15 -83h-45zM281 509h20q19 0 28 8.5t13 29.5t-1 28.5t-25 7.5h-20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xaf;" horiz-adv-x="516" d="M470 693h-251l12 60h252z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb0;" horiz-adv-x="337" d="M123 593q11 56 47.5 85t86.5 29t79 -29t18 -85q-11 -57 -48 -86t-86 -29q-50 0 -79 29.5t-18 85.5zM224 520q31 0 52 19.5t28 53.5t-7 54t-44 20t-52 -20t-28 -53q-7 -34 7 -54t44 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb1;" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M212 174l32 165h-154l12 63h154l33 171h64l-34 -171h154l-12 -63h-154l-32 -165h-63zM25 0l12 63h371l-12 -63h-371z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" horiz-adv-x="307" d="M56 380l18 95q12 61 39.5 89t87.5 52l28 11q33 13 48.5 28.5t21.5 47.5q6 33 -4.5 45t-41.5 12t-106 -13v53q72 18 120 18q62 0 86 -26.5t13 -85.5q-12 -59 -40.5 -87t-82.5 -49l-30 -13q-35 -14 -49.5 -31.5t-21.5 -56.5l-6 -31h178l-11 -58h-247z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" horiz-adv-x="289" d="M39 395l25 53q44 -16 94 -16q69 0 82 70q8 39 -6 57.5t-60 20.5l-41 1l10 53l43 2q41 1 60.5 17t25.5 50q6 29 -4 43t-40 14q-42 0 -101 -17l-3 52q58 23 113 23q64 0 90 -27t15 -85q-8 -37 -29 -62t-46 -33q57 -23 40 -110q-14 -66 -48.5 -96.5t-101.5 -30.5 q-68 0 -118 21z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" horiz-adv-x="280" d="M278 780l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" horiz-adv-x="504" d="M123 500h80l-68 -350q-17 -89 49 -89q64 0 138 66l73 373h79l-97 -500h-69l5 52h-3q-77 -61 -147 -61q-38 0 -58 14l-16 -90l-22 -113h-80l74 378z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" horiz-adv-x="589" d="M413 0l135 697h50l-135 -697h-50zM292 0l61 317h-103q-151 0 -121 149l16 83q28 148 178 148h155l-135 -697h-51z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" horiz-adv-x="220" d="M72 278l17 92h89l-18 -92h-88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" horiz-adv-x="406" d="M14 -226l20 49q42 -11 60 -11q46 0 51 27q2 13 -9 24t-25 18t-24.5 21.5t-6.5 35.5q6 28 41 55h54q-32 -25 -37 -50q-2 -12 9.5 -22.5t26 -18.5t24.5 -27t5 -45q-9 -40 -33 -55t-71 -15q-16 0 -37.5 3.5t-34.5 6.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" horiz-adv-x="210" d="M108 380l72 374h-62l11 58h129l-83 -432h-67z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xba;" horiz-adv-x="314" d="M166 258q-75 0 -97.5 37t-6.5 121q17 86 51 126.5t106 40.5q73 0 94.5 -41.5t4.5 -125.5q-16 -85 -48 -121.5t-104 -36.5zM171 314q34 0 52 22t29 81q12 57 3 83.5t-42 26.5q-34 0 -52.5 -26t-29.5 -84q-12 -60 -3.5 -81.5t43.5 -21.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" horiz-adv-x="474" d="M241 254l-135 -200h-75l144 205l-58 194h67zM411 254l-135 -200h-75l145 205l-58 194h66z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" horiz-adv-x="652" d="M86 265l72 374h-62l11 58h129l-83 -432h-67zM343 116l2 55l180 267l58 -24l-70 -102l-97 -138h122l22 91h63l-51 -265h-67l22 116h-184zM47 -22l483 740h66l-483 -740h-66z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" horiz-adv-x="697" d="M86 265l72 374h-62l11 58h129l-83 -432h-67zM373 0l18 95q12 61 39.5 89t87.5 52l27 11q33 14 48.5 29t21.5 47q7 32 -3.5 44.5t-41.5 12.5q-34 0 -106 -13l-1 53q76 18 121 18q62 0 86 -26.5t13 -85.5q-12 -59 -41 -87t-83 -49l-29 -13q-35 -14 -49.5 -31.5t-22.5 -56.5 l-5 -31h178l-12 -58h-246zM47 -22l483 740h66l-483 -740h-66z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" horiz-adv-x="720" d="M17 280l25 53q44 -16 94 -16q69 0 82 70q8 39 -6 57.5t-60 20.5l-41 1l10 53l43 2q41 1 60.5 17t25.5 50q6 29 -4 43t-40 14q-42 0 -101 -17l-3 52q57 23 113 23q64 0 90 -27t15 -85q-8 -37 -29 -62t-46 -33q57 -23 40 -110q-14 -66 -48.5 -96.5t-101.5 -30.5 q-68 0 -118 21zM412 116l2 55l179 267l59 -24l-70 -102l-98 -138h123l22 91h63l-51 -265h-68l22 116h-183zM116 -22l483 740h66l-483 -740h-66z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" horiz-adv-x="407" d="M284 340l-19 -97q-11 -58 -33 -90.5t-73 -74.5l-42 -35q-47 -36 -58 -92q-11 -54 12.5 -71t75.5 -17q60 0 142 21l-2 -62q-86 -27 -157 -27q-86 0 -126.5 35.5t-23.5 124.5q7 36 23 64.5t29.5 43t35.5 31.5l49 41q36 29 49 53t21 67l17 85h80zM315 501l-17 -85h-79l17 85 h79z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" d="M-29 0l305 697h122l41 -697h-81l-10 172h-219l-73 -172h-85zM157 240h191l-20 387h-4zM314 748l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" d="M-29 0l305 697h122l41 -697h-81l-10 172h-219l-73 -172h-85zM157 240h191l-20 387h-4zM485 888l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" d="M-29 0l305 697h122l41 -697h-81l-10 172h-219l-73 -172h-85zM157 240h191l-20 387h-4zM210 749l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" d="M-29 0l305 697h122l41 -697h-81l-10 172h-219l-73 -172h-85zM157 240h191l-20 387h-4zM244 767l-20 37q40 43 88 43q32 0 60.5 -22.5t47.5 -22.5q25 0 53 28l25 -35q-22 -26 -42.5 -39t-49.5 -13q-32 0 -61 22t-50 22q-22 0 -51 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" d="M-29 0l305 697h122l41 -697h-81l-10 172h-219l-73 -172h-85zM157 240h191l-20 387h-4zM307 748h-87l18 95h88zM480 748h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" d="M-29 0l305 697h122l41 -697h-81l-10 172h-219l-73 -172h-85zM157 240h191l-20 387h-4zM269 846q10 48 43 76.5t81 28.5q47 0 69.5 -28.5t12.5 -76.5q-9 -48 -42 -76.5t-81 -28.5q-47 0 -69.5 28.5t-13.5 76.5zM316 846q-5 -28 7 -44t38 -16t44 16t23 44t-6.5 44t-37.5 16 t-44.5 -16t-23.5 -44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" horiz-adv-x="704" d="M347 0l-1 172h-220l-81 -172h-84l335 697h447l-14 -72h-305l2 -226h211l-15 -72h-196l2 -255h203l-13 -72h-271zM159 240h188l-1 387h-4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" horiz-adv-x="467" d="M87 -214l20 49q42 -11 60 -11q46 0 51 27q2 13 -9 24t-25 18t-24.5 21.5t-6.5 35.5q4 23 31 47q-88 16 -113.5 91.5t5.5 262.5q17 89 37 149.5t53.5 109.5t84 72.5t121.5 23.5q86 0 143 -18l-25 -66q-57 12 -117 12t-97 -21t-67 -83t-52 -179q-17 -90 -18.5 -146.5 t13.5 -87.5t41 -42.5t71 -11.5q34 0 128 18v-67q-75 -23 -133 -23q-18 0 -26 1q-19 -19 -22 -37q-2 -12 9.5 -22.5t26 -18.5t24.5 -27t5 -45q-9 -40 -33 -55t-71 -15q-16 0 -37.5 3.5t-34.5 6.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" horiz-adv-x="483" d="M36 0l136 697h354l-15 -72h-272l-44 -226h222l-14 -72h-222l-50 -255h279l-14 -72h-360zM323 748l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xc9;" horiz-adv-x="483" d="M36 0l136 697h354l-15 -72h-272l-44 -226h222l-14 -72h-222l-50 -255h279l-14 -72h-360zM495 888l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xca;" horiz-adv-x="483" d="M36 0l136 697h354l-15 -72h-272l-44 -226h222l-14 -72h-222l-50 -255h279l-14 -72h-360zM219 748l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcb;" horiz-adv-x="483" d="M36 0l136 697h354l-15 -72h-272l-44 -226h222l-14 -72h-222l-50 -255h279l-14 -72h-360zM316 748h-87l18 95h88zM489 748h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcc;" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M35 0l136 697h82l-136 -697h-82zM185 748l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcd;" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M35 0l136 697h82l-136 -697h-82zM356 888l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xce;" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M35 0l136 697h82l-136 -697h-82zM80 748l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xcf;" horiz-adv-x="248" d="M35 0l136 697h82l-136 -697h-82zM177 748h-87l18 95h88zM350 748h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" horiz-adv-x="554" d="M37 330l11 57h61l60 310h113q72 0 116.5 -7.5t79 -28t47.5 -59.5t12 -99.5t-19 -151.5q-23 -119 -46.5 -185t-66 -105t-95.5 -50t-147 -11h-128l63 330h-61zM130 72h40q48 0 77 3t58 13t45.5 28t33.5 50.5t29 77t25 110.5q12 65 16.5 110t-1.5 75.5t-16 47t-36 25.5 t-51 11t-71 2h-42l-46 -238h124l-11 -57h-124z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" horiz-adv-x="606" d="M35 0l134 697h118l95 -461q10 -45 28 -160h4q5 31 44 241l72 380h79l-134 -697h-120l-88 437q-21 97 -33 183h-4q-9 -58 -51 -279l-65 -341h-79zM298 767l-20 37q40 43 88 43q32 0 60.5 -22.5t47.5 -22.5q25 0 53 28l25 -35q-22 -26 -42.5 -39t-49.5 -13q-32 0 -61 22 t-50 22q-22 0 -51 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M74 342q18 92 39.5 155t55.5 113.5t84 74.5t118 24q89 0 132.5 -42.5t45.5 -121.5t-19 -191q-18 -93 -39.5 -155.5t-55 -112.5t-83 -74t-118.5 -24q-89 0 -132.5 42.5t-46 121t18.5 190.5zM245 60q87 0 130.5 68t74.5 227q31 141 12.5 211.5t-103.5 70.5 q-86 0 -129.5 -68.5t-74.5 -227.5q-32 -141 -13.5 -211t103.5 -70zM347 748l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M74 342q18 92 39.5 155t55.5 113.5t84 74.5t118 24q89 0 132.5 -42.5t45.5 -121.5t-19 -191q-18 -93 -39.5 -155.5t-55 -112.5t-83 -74t-118.5 -24q-89 0 -132.5 42.5t-46 121t18.5 190.5zM245 60q87 0 130.5 68t74.5 227q31 141 12.5 211.5t-103.5 70.5 q-86 0 -129.5 -68.5t-74.5 -227.5q-32 -141 -13.5 -211t103.5 -70zM519 888l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M74 342q18 92 39.5 155t55.5 113.5t84 74.5t118 24q89 0 132.5 -42.5t45.5 -121.5t-19 -191q-18 -93 -39.5 -155.5t-55 -112.5t-83 -74t-118.5 -24q-89 0 -132.5 42.5t-46 121t18.5 190.5zM245 60q87 0 130.5 68t74.5 227q31 141 12.5 211.5t-103.5 70.5 q-86 0 -129.5 -68.5t-74.5 -227.5q-32 -141 -13.5 -211t103.5 -70zM242 748l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M74 342q18 92 39.5 155t55.5 113.5t84 74.5t118 24q89 0 132.5 -42.5t45.5 -121.5t-19 -191q-18 -93 -39.5 -155.5t-55 -112.5t-83 -74t-118.5 -24q-89 0 -132.5 42.5t-46 121t18.5 190.5zM245 60q87 0 130.5 68t74.5 227q31 141 12.5 211.5t-103.5 70.5 q-86 0 -129.5 -68.5t-74.5 -227.5q-32 -141 -13.5 -211t103.5 -70zM277 767l-20 37q40 43 88 43q32 0 60.5 -22.5t47.5 -22.5q25 0 53 28l25 -35q-22 -26 -42.5 -39t-49.5 -13q-32 0 -61 22t-50 22q-22 0 -51 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M74 342q18 92 39.5 155t55.5 113.5t84 74.5t118 24q89 0 132.5 -42.5t45.5 -121.5t-19 -191q-18 -93 -39.5 -155.5t-55 -112.5t-83 -74t-118.5 -24q-89 0 -132.5 42.5t-46 121t18.5 190.5zM245 60q87 0 130.5 68t74.5 227q31 141 12.5 211.5t-103.5 70.5 q-86 0 -129.5 -68.5t-74.5 -227.5q-32 -141 -13.5 -211t103.5 -70zM340 748h-87l18 95h88zM513 748h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M81 113l-39 42l184 158l-124 159q6 6 21.5 20.5t25.5 22.5l126 -159l184 158l40 -43l-186 -158l122 -156l-48 -43l-121 156z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" horiz-adv-x="564" d="M51 -41l-43 27l64 87q-35 82 2 269q18 92 39.5 155t55.5 113.5t84 74.5t118 24q86 0 129 -40l52 71l44 -26l-65 -90q36 -81 -1 -270q-18 -93 -39.5 -155.5t-55 -112.5t-83 -74t-118.5 -24q-90 0 -133 43zM245 60q87 0 131.5 68.5t75.5 226.5q26 135 14 197l-128 -192 l-179 -268q26 -32 86 -32zM154 341q-27 -134 -16 -196l114 171l194 286q-27 35 -87 35q-87 0 -131 -69t-74 -227z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M62 176l102 521h82l-103 -518q-20 -119 101 -119q127 0 148 119l102 518h83l-102 -521q-20 -98 -78 -143t-157 -45q-102 0 -149.5 46t-28.5 142zM345 748l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xda;" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M62 176l102 521h82l-103 -518q-20 -119 101 -119q127 0 148 119l102 518h83l-102 -521q-20 -98 -78 -143t-157 -45q-102 0 -149.5 46t-28.5 142zM517 888l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M62 176l102 521h82l-103 -518q-20 -119 101 -119q127 0 148 119l102 518h83l-102 -521q-20 -98 -78 -143t-157 -45q-102 0 -149.5 46t-28.5 142zM240 748l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M62 176l102 521h82l-103 -518q-20 -119 101 -119q127 0 148 119l102 518h83l-102 -521q-20 -98 -78 -143t-157 -45q-102 0 -149.5 46t-28.5 142zM338 748h-87l18 95h88zM511 748h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" horiz-adv-x="473" d="M150 0l57 307l-124 390h87l70 -235q16 -56 19 -71h3q0 1 47 69l160 237h95l-276 -390l-57 -307h-81zM475 888l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="522" d="M159 240h90q73 0 110 29.5t52 106.5q14 79 -9.5 106t-100.5 27h-91zM224 581h73q121 0 168 -45.5t27 -159.5q-19 -102 -75 -155.5t-164 -53.5h-108l-32 -167h-81l132 697h81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="525" d="M25 -27l99 514q18 92 63 139.5t149 47.5q84 0 123.5 -38t27.5 -96q-6 -34 -31 -66.5t-48 -59.5t-27 -48q-4 -19 6.5 -37.5t27 -34t32.5 -39t23.5 -52.5t-0.5 -74q-14 -72 -49.5 -104t-111.5 -32q-69 0 -111 18l28 65q52 -13 80 -13q41 0 58 18t26 60q7 31 -2 56.5 t-25.5 43l-33 35t-25.5 43.5t-2 58q5 27 28 53.5t46.5 54.5t30.5 56q5 25 -12.5 44t-62.5 19q-65 0 -90 -29.5t-36 -87.5l-100 -514q-19 -98 -52 -135t-110 -53q-29 -7 -64 -13l-5 66q9 2 34 7.5t33 8.5q40 11 55.5 34.5t27.5 84.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M48 236q30 156 86.5 214.5t146.5 58.5q88 0 187 -33l-68 -362q-8 -39 1.5 -50.5t51.5 -0.5v-58q-30 -10 -65 -10t-51 18t-19 52h-3q-78 -74 -170 -74q-32 0 -54 10t-38.5 37.5t-16.5 75t12 122.5zM283 439q-56 0 -93.5 -42.5t-60.5 -161.5q-17 -107 -8 -140.5t44 -33.5 q82 0 159 85l53 279q-48 14 -94 14zM280 577l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M48 236q30 156 86.5 214.5t146.5 58.5q88 0 187 -33l-68 -362q-8 -39 1.5 -50.5t51.5 -0.5v-58q-30 -10 -65 -10t-51 18t-19 52h-3q-78 -74 -170 -74q-32 0 -54 10t-38.5 37.5t-16.5 75t12 122.5zM283 439q-56 0 -93.5 -42.5t-60.5 -161.5q-17 -107 -8 -140.5t44 -33.5 q82 0 159 85l53 279q-48 14 -94 14zM452 717l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M48 236q30 156 86.5 214.5t146.5 58.5q88 0 187 -33l-68 -362q-8 -39 1.5 -50.5t51.5 -0.5v-58q-30 -10 -65 -10t-51 18t-19 52h-3q-78 -74 -170 -74q-32 0 -54 10t-38.5 37.5t-16.5 75t12 122.5zM283 439q-56 0 -93.5 -42.5t-60.5 -161.5q-17 -107 -8 -140.5t44 -33.5 q82 0 159 85l53 279q-48 14 -94 14zM175 577l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M48 236q30 156 86.5 214.5t146.5 58.5q88 0 187 -33l-68 -362q-8 -39 1.5 -50.5t51.5 -0.5v-58q-30 -10 -65 -10t-51 18t-19 52h-3q-78 -74 -170 -74q-32 0 -54 10t-38.5 37.5t-16.5 75t12 122.5zM283 439q-56 0 -93.5 -42.5t-60.5 -161.5q-17 -107 -8 -140.5t44 -33.5 q82 0 159 85l53 279q-48 14 -94 14zM211 596l-20 37q40 43 88 43q32 0 60.5 -22.5t47.5 -22.5q25 0 53 28l25 -35q-22 -26 -42.5 -39t-49.5 -13q-32 0 -61 22t-50 22q-22 0 -51 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M48 236q30 156 86.5 214.5t146.5 58.5q88 0 187 -33l-68 -362q-8 -39 1.5 -50.5t51.5 -0.5v-58q-30 -10 -65 -10t-51 18t-19 52h-3q-78 -74 -170 -74q-32 0 -54 10t-38.5 37.5t-16.5 75t12 122.5zM283 439q-56 0 -93.5 -42.5t-60.5 -161.5q-17 -107 -8 -140.5t44 -33.5 q82 0 159 85l53 279q-48 14 -94 14zM273 577h-87l18 95h88zM446 577h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" horiz-adv-x="506" d="M48 236q30 156 86.5 214.5t146.5 58.5q88 0 187 -33l-68 -362q-8 -39 1.5 -50.5t51.5 -0.5v-58q-30 -10 -65 -10t-51 18t-19 52h-3q-78 -74 -170 -74q-32 0 -54 10t-38.5 37.5t-16.5 75t12 122.5zM283 439q-56 0 -93.5 -42.5t-60.5 -161.5q-17 -107 -8 -140.5t44 -33.5 q82 0 159 85l53 279q-48 14 -94 14zM232 675q10 48 43 76.5t81 28.5q47 0 69.5 -28.5t12.5 -76.5q-9 -48 -42 -76.5t-81 -28.5q-47 0 -69.5 28.5t-13.5 76.5zM279 675q-5 -28 7 -44t38 -16t44 16t23 44t-6.5 44t-37.5 16t-44.5 -16t-23.5 -44z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" horiz-adv-x="773" d="M307 509q100 0 122 -67q51 70 157 70q94 0 131 -44.5t25 -106.5q-15 -77 -47 -105t-104 -28q-99 0 -167 22q0 -2 -1.5 -6t-1.5 -5q-20 -104 1 -141t88 -37q66 0 150 26l2 -65q-66 -31 -171 -31q-124 0 -153 84q-92 -84 -201 -84q-68 0 -93.5 39.5t-13.5 101.5l2 10 q17 87 65.5 122.5t142.5 41.5q39 4 115 5l3 18q13 67 -0.5 88.5t-66.5 21.5q-83 0 -171 -30l-3 65q99 35 190 35zM329 145q0 42 11 103q-89 -2 -126 -9q-45 -8 -69 -31t-34 -69q-9 -44 5 -62t46 -18q47 0 92 24.5t75 61.5zM439 316q72 -22 136 -22q40 0 58.5 14.5t26.5 50.5 q7 40 -13 63.5t-67 23.5q-57 0 -90.5 -32t-50.5 -98z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" horiz-adv-x="406" d="M56 -214l20 49q42 -11 60 -11q46 0 51 27q2 13 -9 24t-25 18t-24.5 21.5t-6.5 35.5q3 20 29 46q-77 13 -100.5 75.5t0.5 175.5q27 136 83 199t164 63q66 0 120 -18l-28 -66q-54 14 -97 14q-66 0 -103 -45.5t-57 -146.5q-20 -107 -0.5 -146.5t88.5 -39.5q46 0 102 17 l4 -66q-57 -21 -122 -21h-4q-18 -18 -21 -36q-2 -12 9.5 -22.5t26 -18.5t24.5 -27t5 -45q-9 -40 -33 -55t-71 -15q-16 0 -37.5 3.5t-34.5 6.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" horiz-adv-x="478" d="M51 251q27 140 80.5 200.5t160.5 60.5q95 0 132.5 -46t24.5 -114q-15 -76 -45.5 -100t-105.5 -24q-95 0 -165 22q0 -5 -3 -11q-19 -104 2.5 -141t88.5 -37q65 0 150 26l2 -65q-66 -31 -168 -31q-108 0 -144 61.5t-10 198.5zM149 316q72 -22 139 -22q42 0 58 14t23 51 q8 39 -12.5 63t-67.5 24q-57 0 -90.5 -32t-49.5 -98zM283 577l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" horiz-adv-x="478" d="M51 251q27 140 80.5 200.5t160.5 60.5q95 0 132.5 -46t24.5 -114q-15 -76 -45.5 -100t-105.5 -24q-95 0 -165 22q0 -5 -3 -11q-19 -104 2.5 -141t88.5 -37q65 0 150 26l2 -65q-66 -31 -168 -31q-108 0 -144 61.5t-10 198.5zM149 316q72 -22 139 -22q42 0 58 14t23 51 q8 39 -12.5 63t-67.5 24q-57 0 -90.5 -32t-49.5 -98zM456 717l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea;" horiz-adv-x="478" d="M51 251q27 140 80.5 200.5t160.5 60.5q95 0 132.5 -46t24.5 -114q-15 -76 -45.5 -100t-105.5 -24q-95 0 -165 22q0 -5 -3 -11q-19 -104 2.5 -141t88.5 -37q65 0 150 26l2 -65q-66 -31 -168 -31q-108 0 -144 61.5t-10 198.5zM149 316q72 -22 139 -22q42 0 58 14t23 51 q8 39 -12.5 63t-67.5 24q-57 0 -90.5 -32t-49.5 -98zM179 577l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" horiz-adv-x="478" d="M51 251q27 140 80.5 200.5t160.5 60.5q95 0 132.5 -46t24.5 -114q-15 -76 -45.5 -100t-105.5 -24q-95 0 -165 22q0 -5 -3 -11q-19 -104 2.5 -141t88.5 -37q65 0 150 26l2 -65q-66 -31 -168 -31q-108 0 -144 61.5t-10 198.5zM149 316q72 -22 139 -22q42 0 58 14t23 51 q8 39 -12.5 63t-67.5 24q-57 0 -90.5 -32t-49.5 -98zM276 577h-87l18 95h88zM449 577h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xec;" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M33 0l97 500h81l-97 -500h-81zM150 577l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xed;" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M33 0l97 500h81l-97 -500h-81zM322 717l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M33 0l97 500h81l-97 -500h-81zM46 577l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xef;" horiz-adv-x="243" d="M33 0l97 500h81l-97 -500h-81zM316 577h-87l18 95h88zM143 577h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" horiz-adv-x="492" d="M452 636l-63 -28q32 -35 49 -78t19.5 -93t-2 -94t-16.5 -102q-28 -137 -81 -195t-162 -58q-106 0 -139 59t-7 191q50 263 228 263q56 0 100 -22q-12 53 -59 98l-115 -50l-17 44l89 39q-34 23 -76 39l30 56q76 -28 120 -62l86 38zM360 252q21 114 17 159q-27 24 -96 24 q-58 0 -93.5 -45.5t-56.5 -151.5q-18 -103 -1 -141.5t75 -38.5q63 0 98 41.5t57 152.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="514" d="M29 0l97 500h71l-8 -62h3q71 71 164 71q22 0 41.5 -6t39.5 -23t25.5 -46.5t-0.5 -76.5l-69 -357h-82l68 350q17 89 -46 89q-41 0 -83 -25t-72 -60l-68 -354h-81zM222 596l-20 37q40 43 88 43q32 0 60.5 -22.5t47.5 -22.5q25 0 53 28l25 -35q-22 -26 -42.5 -39t-49.5 -13 q-32 0 -61 22t-50 22q-22 0 -51 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf2;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M201 -12q-111 0 -144 59t-6 194q27 140 82 205.5t164 65.5q110 0 143 -66.5t6 -204.5q-26 -136 -80.5 -194.5t-164.5 -58.5zM213 58q64 0 98 39.5t54 143.5q20 107 2 154t-80 47t-98 -47t-56 -154q-20 -106 -2 -144.5t82 -38.5zM280 577l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M201 -12q-111 0 -144 59t-6 194q27 140 82 205.5t164 65.5q110 0 143 -66.5t6 -204.5q-26 -136 -80.5 -194.5t-164.5 -58.5zM213 58q64 0 98 39.5t54 143.5q20 107 2 154t-80 47t-98 -47t-56 -154q-20 -106 -2 -144.5t82 -38.5zM452 717l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M201 -12q-111 0 -144 59t-6 194q27 140 82 205.5t164 65.5q110 0 143 -66.5t6 -204.5q-26 -136 -80.5 -194.5t-164.5 -58.5zM213 58q64 0 98 39.5t54 143.5q20 107 2 154t-80 47t-98 -47t-56 -154q-20 -106 -2 -144.5t82 -38.5zM175 577l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81 l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf5;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M201 -12q-111 0 -144 59t-6 194q27 140 82 205.5t164 65.5q110 0 143 -66.5t6 -204.5q-26 -136 -80.5 -194.5t-164.5 -58.5zM213 58q64 0 98 39.5t54 143.5q20 107 2 154t-80 47t-98 -47t-56 -154q-20 -106 -2 -144.5t82 -38.5zM211 596l-20 37q40 43 88 43 q32 0 60.5 -22.5t47.5 -22.5q25 0 53 28l25 -35q-22 -26 -42.5 -39t-49.5 -13q-32 0 -61 22t-50 22q-22 0 -51 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf6;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M201 -12q-111 0 -144 59t-6 194q27 140 82 205.5t164 65.5q110 0 143 -66.5t6 -204.5q-26 -136 -80.5 -194.5t-164.5 -58.5zM213 58q64 0 98 39.5t54 143.5q20 107 2 154t-80 47t-98 -47t-56 -154q-20 -106 -2 -144.5t82 -38.5zM273 577h-87l18 95h88zM446 577h-87l18 95 h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf7;" horiz-adv-x="508" d="M252 449l15 76h82l-15 -76h-82zM184 100l15 76h82l-15 -76h-82zM66 282l12 63h390l-12 -63h-390z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf8;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M208 -12q-75 0 -116 26l-45 -55l-41 29l51 64q-31 60 -6 189q27 141 79.5 206t160.5 65q73 0 115 -31l47 59l42 -29l-56 -69q33 -66 7 -201q-27 -137 -77.5 -195t-160.5 -58zM213 58q64 0 98 39.5t54 143.5q17 92 7 137q-56 -80 -126 -170l-103 -129q21 -21 70 -21z M133 241q-18 -83 -9 -124q32 44 117 155l114 144q-22 26 -68 26q-62 0 -98 -47t-56 -154z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xf9;" horiz-adv-x="514" d="M123 500h81l-68 -350q-16 -89 47 -89q40 0 81 25t73 60l68 354h81l-97 -500h-71l8 62h-3q-71 -71 -165 -71q-51 0 -85.5 34.5t-19.5 117.5zM282 577l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfa;" horiz-adv-x="514" d="M123 500h81l-68 -350q-16 -89 47 -89q40 0 81 25t73 60l68 354h81l-97 -500h-71l8 62h-3q-71 -71 -165 -71q-51 0 -85.5 34.5t-19.5 117.5zM454 717l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb;" horiz-adv-x="514" d="M123 500h81l-68 -350q-16 -89 47 -89q40 0 81 25t73 60l68 354h81l-97 -500h-71l8 62h-3q-71 -71 -165 -71q-51 0 -85.5 34.5t-19.5 117.5zM177 577l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfc;" horiz-adv-x="514" d="M123 500h81l-68 -350q-16 -89 47 -89q40 0 81 25t73 60l68 354h81l-97 -500h-71l8 62h-3q-71 -71 -165 -71q-51 0 -85.5 34.5t-19.5 117.5zM448 577h-87l18 95h88zM275 577h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfd;" horiz-adv-x="515" d="M157 1q-50 0 -84 34t-19 117l69 348h81l-67 -341q-16 -88 47 -88q77 0 153 84l68 345h81l-100 -520q-19 -98 -52 -133t-111 -54q-43 -12 -136 -26l1 68q79 13 119 24q50 14 69 36.5t32 84.5l18 93h-2q-68 -72 -167 -72zM455 717l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfe;" d="M98 -68l-31 -155h-81l184 945h81l-39 -201q-13 -70 -21 -86h3q72 74 154 74q38 0 62.5 -10t41.5 -37t16 -74.5t-13 -122.5q-30 -157 -84.5 -215.5t-145.5 -58.5q-61 0 -114 17q-6 -39 -13 -76zM223 61q57 0 92.5 42t58.5 162q17 74 13.5 113t-16 50t-41.5 11 q-36 0 -77.5 -25t-73.5 -60l-53 -278q47 -15 97 -15z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xff;" horiz-adv-x="515" d="M157 1q-50 0 -84 34t-19 117l69 348h81l-67 -341q-16 -88 47 -88q77 0 153 84l68 345h81l-100 -520q-19 -98 -52 -133t-111 -54q-43 -12 -136 -26l1 68q79 13 119 24q50 14 69 36.5t32 84.5l18 93h-2q-68 -72 -167 -72zM448 577h-87l18 95h88zM275 577h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x152;" horiz-adv-x="763" d="M73 348q35 185 96 273t185 88q53 0 97 -22l2 10h353l-14 -72h-271l-43 -226h222l-15 -72h-222l-47 -255h278l-13 -72h-361l1 6q-44 -18 -91 -18q-87 0 -130 43t-45.5 123t18.5 194zM251 60q47 0 84 20l102 534q-33 23 -84 23q-86 0 -127.5 -66.5t-71.5 -222.5 q-32 -145 -13 -216.5t110 -71.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x153;" horiz-adv-x="785" d="M202 -12q-110 0 -144 59.5t-7 193.5q27 141 80 206t160 65q110 0 137 -89q55 89 176 89q94 0 131 -44.5t24 -106.5q-14 -72 -45.5 -102.5t-108.5 -30.5q-93 0 -164 22q-2 -10 -2 -11q-21 -103 0.5 -140.5t88.5 -37.5q66 0 150 26l1 -65q-66 -31 -170 -31q-115 0 -143 77 q-55 -80 -164 -80zM210 58q61 0 94.5 39.5t53.5 143.5q21 107 3.5 154t-77.5 47q-61 0 -96 -46.5t-56 -154.5q-20 -106 -2 -144.5t80 -38.5zM457 316q72 -22 136 -22q44 0 60.5 15.5t23.5 49.5q8 40 -12.5 63.5t-67.5 23.5q-107 0 -140 -130z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x178;" horiz-adv-x="473" d="M150 0l57 307l-124 390h87l70 -235q16 -56 19 -71h3q0 1 47 69l160 237h95l-276 -390l-57 -307h-81zM296 748h-87l18 95h88zM469 748h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2c6;" horiz-adv-x="306" d="M91 640l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2dc;" horiz-adv-x="488" d="M241 719l-20 37q40 43 88 43q32 0 60.5 -22.5t47.5 -22.5q25 0 53 28l25 -35q-22 -26 -42.5 -39t-49.5 -13q-32 0 -61 22t-50 22q-22 0 -51 -20z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x1e9e;" horiz-adv-x="586" d="M29 0l90 454q14 72 29.5 115t44.5 76.5t74.5 47t114.5 13.5q98 0 197 -33l-15 -71q-71 -53 -98.5 -86t-35.5 -74q-5 -26 2 -48t20.5 -37.5t28.5 -35t27.5 -41t17 -55t-4.5 -77.5q-15 -74 -59 -114.5t-132 -40.5q-74 0 -120 20l26 66q80 -16 99 -16q51 0 74.5 24.5 t32.5 70.5q8 41 -1.5 72.5t-27 51.5t-35.5 40.5t-27 53t0 75.5q9 48 39.5 88.5t89.5 86.5q-40 13 -108 13q-86 0 -119 -40t-53 -145l-90 -454h-81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2000;" horiz-adv-x="475" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2001;" horiz-adv-x="951" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2002;" horiz-adv-x="475" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2003;" horiz-adv-x="951" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2004;" horiz-adv-x="317" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2005;" horiz-adv-x="237" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2006;" horiz-adv-x="158" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2007;" horiz-adv-x="158" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2008;" horiz-adv-x="118" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2009;" horiz-adv-x="190" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x200a;" horiz-adv-x="52" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2010;" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M43 253l13 67h279l-13 -67h-279z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2011;" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M43 253l13 67h279l-13 -67h-279z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2012;" horiz-adv-x="362" d="M43 253l13 67h279l-13 -67h-279z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2013;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M43 253l13 68h415l-13 -68h-415z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2014;" horiz-adv-x="988" d="M43 253l13 68h905l-13 -68h-905z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2018;" horiz-adv-x="233" d="M204 722h74q-5 -7 -19 -31t-35 -72t-29 -89h-75q8 41 28.5 89t36 73.5t19.5 29.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2019;" horiz-adv-x="233" d="M178 530h-74l4 7q4 7 10 17t13.5 24.5t15.5 31.5t15.5 35t13.5 38t10 39h76q-18 -93 -84 -192z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201a;" horiz-adv-x="233" d="M57 -93h-74l4 7q4 7 10 17t13.5 24.5t15 31.5t15 35t14 38t9.5 39h76q-8 -41 -30 -90.5t-34 -70t-19 -31.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201c;" horiz-adv-x="379" d="M348 722h75q-5 -7 -19 -31t-35 -72t-29 -89h-76q18 93 84 192zM204 722h74q-5 -7 -19 -31t-35 -72t-29 -89h-75q8 41 28.5 89t36 73.5t19.5 29.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201d;" horiz-adv-x="379" d="M322 530h-74q5 7 19 31t35 72t29 89h76q-8 -41 -28.5 -88.5t-36.5 -74t-20 -29.5zM178 530h-74l4 7q4 7 10 17t13.5 24.5t15.5 31.5t15.5 35t13.5 38t10 39h76q-18 -93 -84 -192z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x201e;" horiz-adv-x="379" d="M203 -93h-75q5 6 19 30.5t34.5 72.5t28.5 89h77q-8 -41 -29 -89t-36 -73.5t-19 -29.5zM57 -93h-74l4 7q4 7 10 17t13.5 24.5t15 31.5t15 35t14 38t9.5 39h76q-8 -41 -30 -90.5t-34 -70t-19 -31.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2022;" horiz-adv-x="273" d="M71 275l29 147h142l-29 -147h-142z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2026;" horiz-adv-x="744" d="M38 0l19 100h103l-20 -100h-102zM274 0l19 100h103l-20 -100h-102zM509 0l20 100h102l-19 -100h-103z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x202f;" horiz-adv-x="190" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2039;" horiz-adv-x="306" d="M123 54l-57 200l135 199h74l-143 -204l58 -195h-67z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x203a;" horiz-adv-x="306" d="M241 254l-135 -200h-75l144 205l-58 194h67z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x205f;" horiz-adv-x="237" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x20ac;" horiz-adv-x="548" d="M337 393h-106l-8 -42q-7 -37 -8 -41h106l-12 -60h-103q-8 -48 -5 -81.5t8.5 -54t22.5 -32t35.5 -15.5t47.5 -4q18 0 38.5 2.5t33 4.5t30.5 6t22 5v-67q-81 -23 -133 -23q-37 0 -63 4t-50.5 14.5t-38 28.5t-24.5 47t-10 69.5t5 95.5h-61l13 60h56q1 4 8 41l8 42h-56l11 60 h60q27 103 66 159.5t85.5 75t119.5 18.5q72 0 129 -18l-25 -66q-57 12 -112 12q-73 0 -112 -34.5t-69 -146.5h103z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2116;" horiz-adv-x="898" d="M606 247l11 59h267l-11 -59h-267zM32 0l132 697h117l98 -461q11 -49 28 -158h4q5 33 43 239l71 380h79l-132 -697h-120l-92 441q-17 77 -31 178h-4q-4 -28 -50 -278l-64 -341h-79zM760 359q-81 0 -105 37t-8 121q17 85 56.5 126t119.5 41q81 0 104 -41t6 -126 q-16 -84 -53.5 -121t-119.5 -37zM771 417q39 0 58.5 21.5t30.5 79.5q12 56 1 81.5t-49 25.5t-58.5 -25t-31.5 -82q-11 -58 -0.5 -79.5t49.5 -21.5z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x2122;" horiz-adv-x="655" d="M618 348h-44l31 225l12 75h-3q-9 -24 -29 -64l-88 -181h-48l-19 181l-3 64h-3q-9 -44 -17 -76l-56 -224h-45l88 349h67l17 -181l3 -67h2q12 30 30 67l87 181h67zM140 348l61 311h-81l7 38h207l-7 -38h-80l-61 -311h-46z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#x25fc;" horiz-adv-x="500" d="M0 500h500v-500h-500v500z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xfb06;" horiz-adv-x="755" d="M487 108l65 330h-73l12 62h73l31 132q-42 12 -93 12q-47 0 -75 -20t-35 -57q-2 -10 -2 -19.5t1.5 -17t3 -13t4.5 -11.5t5 -9t5.5 -7t3.5 -5l-24 -67q-91 21 -145 21q-79 0 -90 -58q-4 -29 7 -46.5t57 -33.5l36 -12q73 -25 97.5 -59t10.5 -109q-24 -130 -181 -130 q-103 0 -188 30l26 69q97 -29 163 -29q45 0 69 14t32 57q7 37 -6.5 56t-59.5 35l-35 12q-47 16 -70 29.5t-35 41.5t-3 73q13 71 54.5 100.5t114.5 29.5q39 0 90 -7q-17 38 -8 82q11 55 56 87.5t123 32.5q82 0 175 -29l-34 -175h131l-22 -62h-121l-64 -327q-6 -32 2 -41 t36 -9q8 0 18 1t18.5 2.5t16.5 3.5t13 3l5 1l2 -64q-36 -17 -96 -17q-59 0 -84.5 23.5t-12.5 93.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="362" d="M54 308l13 68h279l-13 -68h-279z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="498" d="M54 309l13 68h415l-13 -68h-415z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="988" d="M54 309l13 68h905l-13 -68h-905z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="19" d="M-25 330l18 91h80l-18 -91h-80z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="1" d="M-103 323l18 92h80l-18 -92h-80z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="566" d="M543 491l6 -71l-76 -22q1 -4 7.5 -47.5t8.5 -61.5t2.5 -51.5t-4.5 -59.5q-37 -190 -257 -190q-227 0 -187 207q25 127 160 186l1 2q-89 39 -67 156q33 167 210 167q57 0 124 -15l-24 -67q-44 10 -96 10q-60 0 -91.5 -25t-42.5 -79q-17 -90 75 -112q34 9 128 37t123 36z M395 374q-121 -35 -161 -53q-93 -41 -112 -136q-12 -63 15 -94t101 -31q144 0 169 129q13 63 -12 185z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="467" d="M392 81v-67q-75 -23 -133 -23q-54 0 -90 9t-63 32t-38 64t-9.5 103.5t17.5 151.5q17 89 37 149.5t53.5 109.5t84 72.5t121.5 23.5q86 0 143 -18l-25 -66q-57 12 -117 12t-97 -21t-67 -83t-52 -179q-17 -90 -18.5 -146.5t13.5 -87.5t41 -42.5t71 -11.5q34 0 128 18z M184 -199h-73q8 7 19.5 20t29 49.5t13.5 70.5h81q3 -39 -14.5 -74t-36.5 -51z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="564" d="M74 342q18 92 39.5 155t55.5 113.5t84 74.5t118 24q89 0 132.5 -42.5t45.5 -121.5t-19 -191q-18 -93 -39.5 -155.5t-55 -112.5t-83 -74t-118.5 -24q-89 0 -132.5 42.5t-46 121t18.5 190.5zM245 60q87 0 130.5 68t74.5 227q31 141 12.5 211.5t-103.5 70.5 q-86 0 -129.5 -68.5t-74.5 -227.5q-32 -141 -13.5 -211t103.5 -70zM493 888l-77 -140h-68l64 140h81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="488" d="M367 0h-69l4 60h-3q-71 -69 -157 -69q-70 0 -97 39t-16 102l2 11q14 85 60.5 119.5t143.5 43.5q53 4 112 5l3 18q13 67 -0.5 88.5t-64.5 21.5q-80 0 -168 -30l-4 65q99 35 195 35q73 0 107 -38t15 -141zM315 146l20 101q-79 -1 -125 -9q-49 -7 -70 -28.5t-30 -70.5 q-9 -44 5 -62t48 -18q38 0 79.5 26t72.5 61z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="482" d="M50 251q27 140 81 200.5t163 60.5q113 0 143.5 -67t-16.5 -207h-292q-20 -101 2.5 -139t89.5 -38q72 0 157 30l4 -66q-91 -34 -176 -34q-111 0 -146 61.5t-10 198.5zM144 304h211q23 70 8 106t-73 36q-60 -1 -93.5 -35.5t-52.5 -106.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="319" d="M51 0l82 438h-72l12 62h72l20 95q14 79 51.5 106.5t96.5 27.5q58 0 122 -12l-24 -65q-54 7 -88 7q-35 0 -52.5 -14t-26.5 -60l-17 -85h139l-22 -62h-129l-83 -438h-81z" /> +<glyph d="M75 -233l1 68q90 15 119 23q41 12 65 38t36 84l17 89h-2q-67 -69 -165 -69q-31 0 -52.5 10t-38.5 36.5t-17 72.5t12 118q29 158 83 215t154 57q92 0 182 -33l-94 -496q-18 -95 -55.5 -133.5t-108.5 -54.5q-85 -17 -136 -25zM131 239q-10 -53 -12 -88.5t5.5 -52t18 -22.5 t27.5 -6q76 0 155 83l53 272q-46 14 -94 14q-60 0 -95 -40.5t-58 -159.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="236" d="M29 0l141 722h81l-141 -722h-81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="315" d="M47 108l100 522l83 10l-28 -140h132l-22 -62h-122l-62 -327q-6 -32 3 -41t36 -9q11 0 28.5 2.5t30.5 5.5l12 3l2 -64q-34 -17 -97 -17q-60 0 -85 23.5t-11 93.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="427" d="M-38 -228l1 66l54 11q37 8 55.5 25t37.5 61l33 73h-29l-49 492h80l22 -276q9 -81 9 -152h4q13 35 67 153l126 275h87l-278 -574q-35 -71 -64 -100.5t-88 -40.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="488" d="M367 0h-69l4 60h-3q-71 -69 -157 -69q-70 0 -97 39t-16 102l2 11q14 85 60.5 119.5t143.5 43.5q53 4 112 5l3 18q13 67 -0.5 88.5t-64.5 21.5q-80 0 -168 -30l-4 65q99 35 195 35q73 0 107 -38t15 -141zM315 146l20 101q-79 -1 -125 -9q-49 -7 -70 -28.5t-30 -70.5 q-9 -44 5 -62t48 -18q38 0 79.5 26t72.5 61zM290 577l-44 140h85l31 -140h-72z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="488" d="M367 0h-69l4 60h-3q-71 -69 -157 -69q-70 0 -97 39t-16 102l2 11q14 85 60.5 119.5t143.5 43.5q53 4 112 5l3 18q13 67 -0.5 88.5t-64.5 21.5q-80 0 -168 -30l-4 65q99 35 195 35q73 0 107 -38t15 -141zM315 146l20 101q-79 -1 -125 -9q-49 -7 -70 -28.5t-30 -70.5 q-9 -44 5 -62t48 -18q38 0 79.5 26t72.5 61zM462 717l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="488" d="M367 0h-69l4 60h-3q-71 -69 -157 -69q-70 0 -97 39t-16 102l2 11q14 85 60.5 119.5t143.5 43.5q53 4 112 5l3 18q13 67 -0.5 88.5t-64.5 21.5q-80 0 -168 -30l-4 65q99 35 195 35q73 0 107 -38t15 -141zM315 146l20 101q-79 -1 -125 -9q-49 -7 -70 -28.5t-30 -70.5 q-9 -44 5 -62t48 -18q38 0 79.5 26t72.5 61zM185 577l143 140h45l90 -140h-69l-51 81l-82 -81h-76z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="488" d="M367 0h-69l4 60h-3q-71 -69 -157 -69q-70 0 -97 39t-16 102l2 11q14 85 60.5 119.5t143.5 43.5q53 4 112 5l3 18q13 67 -0.5 88.5t-64.5 21.5q-80 0 -168 -30l-4 65q99 35 195 35q73 0 107 -38t15 -141zM315 146l20 101q-79 -1 -125 -9q-49 -7 -70 -28.5t-30 -70.5 q-9 -44 5 -62t48 -18q38 0 79.5 26t72.5 61zM221 596l-20 37q40 43 88 43q32 0 60.5 -22.5t47.5 -22.5q25 0 53 28l25 -35q-22 -26 -42.5 -39t-49.5 -13q-32 0 -61 22t-50 22q-22 0 -51 -20z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="488" d="M367 0h-69l4 60h-3q-71 -69 -157 -69q-70 0 -97 39t-16 102l2 11q14 85 60.5 119.5t143.5 43.5q53 4 112 5l3 18q13 67 -0.5 88.5t-64.5 21.5q-80 0 -168 -30l-4 65q99 35 195 35q73 0 107 -38t15 -141zM315 146l20 101q-79 -1 -125 -9q-49 -7 -70 -28.5t-30 -70.5 q-9 -44 5 -62t48 -18q38 0 79.5 26t72.5 61zM283 577h-87l18 95h88zM456 577h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="488" d="M367 0h-69l4 60h-3q-71 -69 -157 -69q-70 0 -97 39t-16 102l2 11q14 85 60.5 119.5t143.5 43.5q53 4 112 5l3 18q13 67 -0.5 88.5t-64.5 21.5q-80 0 -168 -30l-4 65q99 35 195 35q73 0 107 -38t15 -141zM241 675q10 48 43 76.5t81 28.5q47 0 69.5 -28.5t12.5 -76.5 q-9 -48 -42 -76.5t-81 -28.5q-47 0 -69.5 28.5t-13.5 76.5zM315 146l20 101q-79 -1 -125 -9q-49 -7 -70 -28.5t-30 -70.5q-9 -44 5 -62t48 -18q38 0 79.5 26t72.5 61zM288 675q-5 -28 7 -44t38 -16t44 16t23 44t-6.5 44t-37.5 16t-44.5 -16t-23.5 -44z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="774" d="M307 509q101 0 123 -70q53 70 157 70q91 0 128.5 -41.5t21.5 -129.5q-9 -51 -26 -100h-291q-20 -101 2 -139t89 -38q63 0 147 26l3 -65q-66 -31 -169 -31q-126 0 -154 85q-92 -85 -201 -85q-68 0 -93.5 39.5t-13.5 101.5l2 10q17 86 66 122t137 42q38 4 120 5l3 18 q13 67 -0.5 88.5t-66.5 21.5q-83 0 -171 -30l-3 65q99 35 190 35zM329 145q0 42 11 103q-89 -2 -126 -9q-46 -8 -70 -31t-33 -69q-17 -80 51 -80q47 0 92 24.5t75 61.5zM435 304h210q11 36 12 42q9 52 -10.5 74.5t-65.5 22.5q-60 -1 -94 -34.5t-52 -104.5z" /> 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157 30l4 -66q-91 -34 -176 -34q-111 0 -146 61.5t-10 198.5zM144 304h211q23 70 8 106t-73 36q-60 -1 -93.5 -35.5t-52.5 -106.5zM277 577h-87l18 95h88zM450 577 h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="299" d="M26 -27l118 622q15 79 53 106.5t105 27.5q59 0 113 -12l-24 -65q-54 7 -87 7q-35 0 -53 -14.5t-26 -59.5l-17 -85h140l-23 -62h-129l-89 -465q-18 -97 -50.5 -134.5t-108.5 -53.5q-29 -7 -64 -13l-4 66q9 2 33 7.5t32 8.5q39 11 54.5 34.5t26.5 84.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="790" d="M196 -12q-106 1 -139 60.5t-6 192.5q27 141 80 206t160 65q112 0 136 -91q56 91 179 91q91 0 128 -43t21 -132q-8 -50 -26 -99h-291q-20 -101 2 -139t90 -38q69 0 157 30l3 -66q-85 -34 -179 -34q-119 0 -146 77q-56 -80 -169 -80zM210 58q61 0 94.5 39.5t53.5 143.5 q21 107 3.5 154t-77.5 47q-61 0 -96 -46.5t-56 -154.5q-20 -106 -2 -144.5t80 -38.5zM453 304h211q8 27 11 42q18 100 -75 100q-61 -1 -94.5 -35.5t-52.5 -106.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="427" d="M-38 -228l1 66l54 11q37 8 55.5 25t37.5 61l33 73h-29l-49 492h80l22 -276q9 -81 9 -152h4q13 35 67 153l126 275h87l-278 -574q-35 -71 -64 -100.5t-88 -40.5zM412 717l-100 -140h-76l88 140h88z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="427" d="M-38 -228l1 66l54 11q37 8 55.5 25t37.5 61l33 73h-29l-49 492h80l22 -276q9 -81 9 -152h4q13 35 67 153l126 275h87l-278 -574q-35 -71 -64 -100.5t-88 -40.5zM235 577h-87l18 95h88zM408 577h-87l18 95h88z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="406" d="M51 247q27 136 83 199t164 63q66 0 120 -18l-28 -66q-54 14 -97 14q-66 0 -103 -45.5t-57 -146.5q-20 -107 -0.5 -146.5t88.5 -39.5q46 0 102 17l4 -66q-57 -21 -122 -21q-110 0 -145 61.5t-9 194.5zM143 -199h-73q8 7 19.5 20t29 49.5t13.5 70.5h81q3 -39 -14.5 -74 t-36.5 -51z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="498" d="M201 -12q-111 0 -144 59t-6 194q27 140 82 205.5t164 65.5q110 0 143 -66.5t6 -204.5q-26 -136 -80.5 -194.5t-164.5 -58.5zM213 58q64 0 98 39.5t54 143.5q20 107 2 154t-80 47t-98 -47t-56 -154q-20 -106 -2 -144.5t82 -38.5zM425 717l-77 -140h-68l64 140h81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="521" d="M228 500h111l-23 -62h-100l-90 -465q-19 -98 -52 -135t-111 -53q-33 -8 -64 -13l-4 66q8 2 33 7.5t33 8.5q40 11 55.5 34.5t27.5 84.5l90 465h-71l12 62h71l19 95q15 80 53 107t106 27q46 0 113 -7t97 -15l-138 -707h-81l127 650q-76 9 -112 9q-38 0 -57.5 -13.5 t-27.5 -57.5z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="945" d="M460 0l128 660q-38 9 -81 9q-48 0 -78.5 -23.5t-38.5 -66.5q-8 -42 23 -94l-24 -67q-91 21 -145 21q-79 0 -90 -58q-4 -29 7 -46.5t57 -33.5l36 -12q73 -25 97.5 -59t10.5 -109q-24 -130 -181 -130q-103 0 -188 30l26 69q97 -29 163 -29q45 0 69 14t32 57q7 37 -6.5 56 t-59.5 35l-35 12q-47 16 -70 29.5t-35 41.5t-3 73q13 71 54.5 100.5t114.5 29.5q39 0 92 -7q-22 43 -11 96q11 59 58.5 95t119.5 36q88 0 175 -27l-35 -184l-22 -83h2q74 74 167 74q21 0 40 -6t39 -23t25.5 -46.5t-1.5 -76.5l-69 -357h-81l67 350q17 89 -46 89 q-40 0 -82 -25t-72 -60l-68 -354h-81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="739" d="M471 108l64 330h-73l12 62h73l33 135q-40 9 -81 9q-47 0 -74.5 -20t-34.5 -54q-2 -9 -2 -18t0.5 -15t3.5 -12.5t4.5 -10t5.5 -8t6 -6.5l6 -6l4 -3l-28 -66q-54 14 -97 14q-66 0 -103 -45.5t-57 -146.5q-20 -107 -0.5 -146.5t88.5 -39.5q46 0 102 17l4 -66 q-57 -21 -122 -21q-110 0 -145 61.5t-9 194.5q27 136 83 199t164 63q9 0 33 -2q-18 34 -9 77q12 55 56 87.5t116 32.5q85 0 170 -26l-36 -178h132l-22 -62h-122l-64 -327q-6 -32 2.5 -41t36.5 -9q11 0 28.5 2.5t30.5 5.5l12 3l2 -64q-36 -17 -96 -17t-85.5 23.5t-11.5 93.5z " /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="920" d="M435 0l129 662q-27 6 -55 6q-98 0 -115 -86q-9 -50 24 -91l-28 -66q-54 14 -97 14q-66 0 -103 -45.5t-57 -146.5q-20 -107 -0.5 -146.5t88.5 -39.5q46 0 102 17l4 -66q-57 -21 -122 -21q-110 0 -145 61.5t-9 194.5q27 136 83 199t164 63q18 0 41 -3q-22 44 -12 96 q11 56 58.5 91t122.5 35q78 0 145 -25l-37 -185l-21 -83h2q72 74 167 74q21 0 40 -6t38.5 -23t25 -46.5t-1.5 -76.5l-68 -357h-81l66 350q18 89 -46 89q-40 0 -82 -25t-71 -60l-68 -354h-81z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="328" d="M61 404q20 102 56 139.5t99 37.5q70 0 122 -23l-40 -208q-4 -25 2 -31.5t30 -1.5v-47q-26 -8 -51 -8q-42 0 -50 37h-2q-54 -40 -97 -40q-47 0 -65.5 31.5t-3.5 113.5zM215 525q-33 0 -51.5 -22t-31.5 -90q-10 -65 -4 -81t28 -16q35 0 73 32l33 169q-21 8 -47 8z" /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="407" d="M322 536l-19 -97q-11 -59 -32.5 -90t-71.5 -73l-43 -35q-27 -22 -39 -42.5t-18 -51.5q-11 -55 12 -71.5t75 -16.5q59 0 141 21l-1 -62q-86 -27 -158 -27q-86 0 -126.5 35.5t-23.5 124.5q16 82 88 141l50 41q36 29 48 52t20 66l16 85h82zM353 697l-17 -85h-81l17 85h81z " /> +<glyph horiz-adv-x="239" d="M216 534l-103 -534h-81l103 534h81zM248 697l-17 -85h-81l17 85h81z" /> +<hkern u1="&#x24;" u2="&#x201c;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x24;" u2="&#x2018;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x28;" u2="J" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2c;" u2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2c;" u2="v" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2d;" u2="v" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2e;" u2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2e;" u2="v" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2f;" u2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2f;" u2="v" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x201d;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x201c;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x2019;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x2018;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x32;" u2="&#x39;" k="-5" /> 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/> +<hkern u1="C" u2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="C" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="E" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#x2122;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="v" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="F" u2="&#x3f;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="K" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="&#x2122;" k="80" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="&#xae;" k="75" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="w" k="23" /> +<hkern u1="L" u2="v" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x201d;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x201c;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x2019;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="M" u2="&#x2018;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="P" u2="r" k="5" /> +<hkern u1="P" u2="&#x3f;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="Q" u2="&#x2026;" k="-27" /> +<hkern u1="Q" u2="&#x2e;" k="-27" /> +<hkern u1="Q" u2="&#x2c;" k="-27" /> +<hkern u1="R" g2="t.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="w" k="36" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="v" k="42" /> +<hkern u1="T" u2="&#x3f;" k="-21" /> +<hkern u1="V" u2="&#x2122;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="V" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="13" /> +<hkern u1="V" u2="&#x3f;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="W" u2="&#x2122;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="W" u2="&#x3f;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="&#x2122;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="w" k="12" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="v" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="X" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="w" k="24" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="v" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="Y" u2="&#x3f;" k="-32" /> +<hkern u1="Z" u2="v" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="a" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="a" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="v" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern u1="f" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="&#x178;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="&#xdd;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="j" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="Y" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="g" u2="T" k="49" /> +<hkern u1="l" u2="w" k="5" /> +<hkern u1="l" u2="v" k="6" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="&#x178;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="&#xdd;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="Y" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="p" u2="T" k="45" /> +<hkern u1="r" u2="w" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="r" u2="v" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="ae.aalt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="aring.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="adieresis.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="atilde.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="acircumflex.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="aacute.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="agrave.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" g2="a.salt" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x201d;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x201c;" k="-6" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2019;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2018;" k="-6" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2014;" k="11" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2013;" k="11" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x178;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xe6;" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xdd;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#xad;" k="11" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="t" k="9" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="Y" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="T" k="29" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="&#x2d;" k="11" /> +<hkern u1="s" u2="v" k="8" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="ae.aalt" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="aring.salt" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="adieresis.salt" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="atilde.salt" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="acircumflex.salt" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="aacute.salt" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="agrave.salt" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="v" g2="a.salt" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2026;" k="73" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x201d;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x201c;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2019;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2018;" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#xe6;" k="7" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="T" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2e;" k="73" /> +<hkern u1="v" u2="&#x2c;" k="73" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="ae.aalt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="aring.salt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="adieresis.salt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="atilde.salt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="acircumflex.salt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="aacute.salt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="agrave.salt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="w" g2="a.salt" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2026;" k="63" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x201d;" k="-45" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x201c;" k="-36" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2019;" k="-45" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2018;" k="-36" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#xe6;" k="2" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="T" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2e;" k="63" /> +<hkern u1="w" u2="&#x2c;" k="63" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="&#x178;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="&#xdd;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="Y" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="y" u2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x201e;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x201d;" k="45" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x201c;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x201a;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x2019;" k="45" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x2018;" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#x178;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xdd;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc6;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc5;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc4;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc3;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc2;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc1;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="&#xc0;" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="Y" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="V" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa0;" u2="A" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa5;" u2="&#x201c;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xa5;" u2="&#x2018;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xad;" u2="v" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xae;" u2="&#x2026;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#xae;" u2="&#x2e;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#xae;" u2="&#x2c;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="c_t.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="ccedilla.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="oe.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="edieresis.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="ecircumflex.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="eacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="egrave.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="g.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="e.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="Oacute.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" g2="Ccedilla.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x153;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x152;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf8;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf6;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf5;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf4;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf3;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf2;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xf0;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xeb;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xea;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe9;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe8;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe7;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe5;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe4;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe3;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe2;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe1;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xe0;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xdc;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xdb;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xda;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd9;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd8;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd6;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd5;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd4;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd3;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xd2;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#xc7;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="q" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="o" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="e" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="d" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="c" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="a" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="W" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="V" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="U" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="Q" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="O" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="J" k="-15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="G" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="C" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xbf;" u2="&#x30;" k="25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc0;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc0;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc1;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc1;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc2;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc2;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc3;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc3;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc4;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc4;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc5;" u2="&#x2122;" k="55" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc5;" u2="&#xae;" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc6;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc7;" u2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc7;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc8;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xc9;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xca;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xcb;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="w" k="24" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="v" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xdd;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-32" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc6;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc5;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc4;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc3;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc2;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc1;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="&#xc0;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="Z" k="30" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="X" k="41" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="W" k="45" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="V" k="45" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="T" k="46" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="J" k="81" /> +<hkern u1="&#xde;" u2="A" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe0;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe0;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe1;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe1;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe2;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe2;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe3;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe3;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe4;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe4;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe5;" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#xe5;" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x152;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="18" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="w" k="24" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="v" k="35" /> +<hkern u1="&#x178;" u2="&#x3f;" k="-32" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x201d;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x201c;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x2019;" k="-8" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="&#x2018;" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x1e9e;" u2="v" k="4" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2013;" u2="v" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2014;" u2="v" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="&#xa5;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2018;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2019;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2019;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="v" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="M" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201a;" u2="&#x32;" k="-11" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xa5;" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="M" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="&#x32;" k="15" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x1e9e;" k="-25" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="w" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="v" k="20" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="M" k="-10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x32;" k="-11" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2026;" u2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2026;" u2="v" k="16" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2026;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2e;" k="100" /> +<hkern u1="&#x2122;" u2="&#x2c;" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="v" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="uniFB00" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="glyph226" g2="l.aalt" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="Ccedilla.aalt" u2="w" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Ccedilla.aalt" u2="&#x3f;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x201d;" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x201c;" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x2019;" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x2018;" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x178;" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#xdd;" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="Y" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="T" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#x2122;" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="a.salt" u2="&#xae;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="v" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.salt" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="glyph226" k="-24" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" u2="w" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" u2="v" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="&#x2122;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="&#xae;" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="w" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="v" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="]" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="&#x3f;" k="-35" /> +<hkern g1="f.aalt" u2="&#x29;" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#x178;" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdd;" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdc;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xdb;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xda;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xd9;" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc6;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc5;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc4;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc3;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc2;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc1;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="&#xc0;" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="Z" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="Y" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="W" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="V" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="U" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="T" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="questiondown.aalt" u2="A" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="T" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="V" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="W" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="t" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="73" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="S" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="j" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="T" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="V" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="J" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="X" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="three" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="zero,D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Oacute.aalt" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="J" k="73" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="92" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="x" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="z" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="slash" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="Z" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Eth,Ntilde,Thorn" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="igrave" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="F" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="T" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="W" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="12" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="one,H,I,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="J" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="J" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="J" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="K" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="T" k="71" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="V" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="W" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="t" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="S" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="j" k="-8" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="L" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="T" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="V" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="J" k="88" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="X" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="77" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="slash" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="Z" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="P" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="T" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="R" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="T" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="V" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="W" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="S" k="14" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="J" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="X" k="3" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="S" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="-3" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="V" k="-14" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="W" k="-4" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-11" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="t" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="61" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="J" k="54" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="X" k="2" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="75" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="56" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="71" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="71" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="x" k="51" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="z" k="51" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="slash" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="Z" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="56" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="colon,semicolon" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="9" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="J" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="T" k="-14" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="t" k="-4" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="31" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="18" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="J" k="79" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="78" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="x" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="z" k="8" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="slash" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="V" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="7" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="J" k="33" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="39" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="13" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="z" k="4" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-50" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="W" g2="i,iacute" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="11" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="T" k="2" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="t" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="X" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="T" k="-11" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-19" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="S" k="1" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="J" k="88" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="52" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="37" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="x" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="z" k="39" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="slash" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="Z" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="igrave" k="-30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="65" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="36" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="colon,semicolon" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="J" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="Z" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="T" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="W" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="T" k="55" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="W" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="b,o,p,v,w,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oacute.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="T" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="V" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="39" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="t" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,e.aalt,ae.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="V" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="t" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-57" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-66" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="z" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="f,uniFB00,f.salt,f.aalt" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-7" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-34" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-16" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="x" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="slash" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="k,f_k.liga" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="j" g2="j" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="j" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="j" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="i,iacute" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="l" g2="l" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="j" k="-2" /> +<hkern g1="l.aalt" g2="i,iacute" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="T" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="45" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="j" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="q" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="T" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="t" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-37" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-56" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="63" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="r" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.salt,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-14" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="t,uniFB06,t.aalt,f_t.liga,c_t.dlig" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="T" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-22" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="T" k="29" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="slash" k="-5" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="x" g2="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="T" k="21" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="V" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-42" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="z" g2="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="germandbls" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="T" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="S" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="77" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="J" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="three" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="z" k="31" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-26" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="igrave" k="-36" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="28" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.salt,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="four" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="nine" k="6" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="space,uni00A0" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="eight" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="one" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="seven" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="germandbls" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="zero,C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE,Ccedilla.aalt,Oacute.aalt" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="T" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="16" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="82" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="J" k="60" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="three" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="a,c,d,e,o,q,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe,e.aalt,g.aalt,egrave.aalt,eacute.aalt,ecircumflex.aalt,edieresis.aalt,oe.aalt,ccedilla.aalt,oacute.aalt,c_t.dlig,c_h.dlig" k="66" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="u,v,w,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,y.aalt,yacute.aalt,ydieresis.aalt" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="x" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="z" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="icircumflex,idieresis" k="-25" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="igrave" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="29" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.salt,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="four" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="space,uni00A0" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="f.aalt" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="eight" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="one" k="-23" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="seven" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="germandbls" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="three" k="-9" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="four" k="24" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="nine" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="one" k="-13" /> +<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="seven" k="-40" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="T" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="V" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="W" k="50" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="70" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="t" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="S" k="-6" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="j" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="ae,a.salt,agrave.salt,aacute.salt,acircumflex.salt,atilde.salt,adieresis.salt,aring.salt,ae.aalt" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="-24" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="J" k="-33" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="X" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="three" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="z" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="Z" k="-20" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="s,uniFB06,s_h.dlig" k="-10" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="f,uniFB00,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04,f.salt,f_b.liga,f_h.liga,f_j.liga,f_f_j.liga,f_k.liga,f_t.liga,f_l.aalt.liga" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="nine" k="41" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="space,uni00A0" k="38" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="f.aalt" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="one" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="quotesinglbase,quotedblbase" g2="seven" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="t" k="19" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="100" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="nine" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="space,uni00A0" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="eight" k="5" /> +<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="one" k="35" /> 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g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="x" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="i,iacute" k="15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="four" k="-15" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="one" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen,uni00AD,endash,emdash" g2="seven" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="colon,semicolon" g2="space,uni00A0" k="40" /> +<hkern g1="colon,semicolon" g2="one" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="V" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="35" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="X" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="three" k="25" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="one" k="20" /> +<hkern g1="hyphen.aalt,endash.aalt,emdash.aalt" g2="seven" k="30" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="one" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="seven" k="10" /> +<hkern g1="four" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="-1" /> +<hkern g1="five" 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0s-13.875 35.891 0 49.613l404.89 400.896c13.824 13.722 36.198 13.722 50.125 0l404.89-400.896c13.824-13.722 13.824-35.891 0-49.613-13.875-13.722-36.301-13.722-50.074 0l-379.904 365.619-379.802-365.619z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe92c;" glyph-name="chevron-up" d="M792.781 335.258c-22.323-22.835-53.402-24.627-80.691 0l-200.090 191.846-200.090-191.846c-27.29-24.627-58.419-22.835-80.589 0-22.323 22.784-20.89 61.286 0 82.688 20.787 21.402 240.384 230.502 240.384 230.502 11.11 11.418 25.702 17.152 40.294 17.152s29.184-5.734 40.397-17.152c0 0 219.494-209.101 240.384-230.502 20.941-21.402 22.323-59.904 0-82.688z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe92d;" glyph-name="chevron-with-circle-down" d="M640.256 527.462l-128.256-117.862-128.307 117.862c-10.138 10.035-26.522 10.035-36.762 0-10.086-10.035-10.086-26.368 0-36.352l146.637-143.718c10.189-10.035 26.624-10.035 36.71 0l146.637 143.718c10.189 9.984 10.138 26.317 0 36.352-10.086 10.035-26.47 10.035-36.659 0zM512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52 0-271.514 220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52s491.52 220.006 491.52 491.52c0 271.462-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM512 33.075c-236.288 0-427.725 191.488-427.725 427.725s191.437 427.725 427.725 427.725c236.186 0 427.725-191.488 427.725-427.725s-191.539-427.725-427.725-427.725z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe92e;" glyph-name="chevron-with-circle-left" d="M578.662 625.869c-10.035 10.086-26.368 10.086-36.352 0l-143.718-146.688c-10.035-10.189-10.035-26.624 0-36.71l143.718-146.637c9.984-10.189 26.317-10.138 36.352 0 10.035 10.086 10.035 26.522 0 36.71l-117.862 128.256 117.862 128.307c10.035 10.138 10.035 26.522 0 36.762zM512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52 0-271.514 220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52s491.52 220.006 491.52 491.52c0 271.462-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM512 33.075c-236.288 0-427.725 191.488-427.725 427.725s191.437 427.725 427.725 427.725c236.186 0 427.725-191.488 427.725-427.725s-191.539-427.725-427.725-427.725z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe92f;" glyph-name="chevron-with-circle-right" d="M563.2 460.8l-117.862 128.307c-10.035 10.138-10.035 26.573 0 36.762 10.035 10.086 26.368 10.086 36.352 0l143.718-146.637c10.035-10.189 10.035-26.624 0-36.71l-143.718-146.637c-9.984-10.189-26.317-10.138-36.352 0-10.035 10.086-10.035 26.522 0 36.71l117.862 128.205zM512 952.32c271.462 0 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 0-271.514-220.058-491.52-491.52-491.52s-491.52 220.006-491.52 491.52c0 271.462 220.058 491.52 491.52 491.52zM512 33.075c236.186 0 427.725 191.488 427.725 427.725s-191.539 427.725-427.725 427.725c-236.288 0-427.725-191.488-427.725-427.725-0.051-236.237 191.437-427.725 427.725-427.725z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe930;" glyph-name="chevron-with-circle-up" d="M530.381 574.208c-10.189 10.035-26.624 10.035-36.71 0l-146.637-143.718c-10.189-9.984-10.138-26.317 0-36.352 10.086-10.035 26.522-10.035 36.71 0l128.256 117.862 128.307-117.862c10.138-10.035 26.522-10.035 36.762 0 10.086 10.035 10.086 26.368 0 36.352l-146.688 143.718zM512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52 0-271.514 220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52s491.52 220.006 491.52 491.52c0 271.462-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM512 33.075c-236.288 0-427.725 191.488-427.725 427.725s191.437 427.725 427.725 427.725c236.186 0 427.725-191.488 427.725-427.725s-191.539-427.725-427.725-427.725z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe931;" glyph-name="cloud" d="M1024 393.216c0-132.301-109.773-239.616-245.094-239.616h-593.715c-102.298 0-185.19 81.101-185.19 181.094 0 99.891 82.893 180.992 185.19 180.992 7.475 0 14.746-0.614 21.965-1.382-1.894 12.595-2.918 25.498-2.918 38.707 0 146.995 121.907 266.189 272.384 266.189 123.238 0 227.277-79.974 260.915-189.798 13.466 2.202 27.238 3.379 41.421 3.379 135.27 0 245.043-107.162 245.043-239.565z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe932;" glyph-name="controller-fast-forward" d="M473.293 485.376l-368.794 253.389c-29.286 19.61-53.299 5.222-53.299-32v-491.981c0-37.12 24.013-51.507 53.299-32l368.794 253.491c0 0 14.285 10.189 14.285 24.474 0 14.336-14.285 24.627-14.285 24.627zM952.32 460.749c0-14.285-14.285-24.474-14.285-24.474l-368.794-253.491c-29.286-19.507-53.299-5.12-53.299 32v491.981c0 37.222 24.013 51.61 53.299 32l368.742-253.389c0 0 14.336-10.291 14.336-24.627z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe933;" glyph-name="controller-jump-to-start" d="M765.901 738.765l-368.794-253.389c0 0-14.285-10.291-14.285-24.627s14.285-24.525 14.285-24.525l368.794-253.491c29.286-19.456 53.299-5.069 53.299 32.051v491.981c0 37.222-24.013 51.61-53.299 32zM307.2 768h-51.2c-28.314 0-51.2-2.458-51.2-30.72v-552.96c0-28.262 22.886-30.72 51.2-30.72h51.2c28.314 0 51.2 2.458 51.2 30.72v552.96c0 28.262-22.886 30.72-51.2 30.72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe934;" glyph-name="controller-next" d="M626.893 485.376l-368.794 253.389c-29.286 19.61-53.299 5.222-53.299-32v-491.981c0-37.12 24.013-51.507 53.299-32l368.794 253.491c0 0 14.285 10.189 14.285 24.474 0 14.336-14.285 24.627-14.285 24.627zM716.8 768h51.2c28.314 0 51.2-2.458 51.2-30.72v-552.96c0-28.262-22.886-30.72-51.2-30.72h-51.2c-28.314 0-51.2 2.458-51.2 30.72v552.96c0 28.262 22.886 30.72 51.2 30.72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe935;" glyph-name="controller-paus" d="M768 819.2h-102.4c-28.314 0-51.2-2.458-51.2-30.72v-655.36c0-28.262 22.886-30.72 51.2-30.72h102.4c28.314 0 51.2 2.458 51.2 30.72v655.36c0 28.262-22.886 30.72-51.2 30.72zM358.4 819.2h-102.4c-28.314 0-51.2-2.458-51.2-30.72v-655.36c0-28.262 22.886-30.72 51.2-30.72h102.4c28.314 0 51.2 2.458 51.2 30.72v655.36c0 28.262-22.886 30.72-51.2 30.72z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe936;" glyph-name="controller-play" d="M768 460.749c0-15.309-15.616-26.317-15.616-26.317l-438.323-271.514c-31.949-20.941-58.061-5.427-58.061 34.253v527.206c0 39.782 26.112 55.194 58.112 34.304l438.323-271.616c-0.051 0 15.565-11.008 15.565-26.317z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe937;" glyph-name="controller-record" d="M512 819.2c-197.939 0-358.4-160.41-358.4-358.4 0-197.888 160.461-358.4 358.4-358.4s358.4 160.512 358.4 358.4c0 197.99-160.461 358.4-358.4 358.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe938;" glyph-name="controller-stop" d="M819.2 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112.64-112.589 112.64zM870.451 573.44c-62.208 0-112.691-50.432-112.691-112.64s50.483-112.64 112.691-112.64c62.208 0 112.589 50.432 112.589 112.64s-50.381 112.64-112.589 112.64z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe93c;" glyph-name="dots-three-vertical" d="M512.051 573.44c-62.208 0-112.691-50.432-112.691-112.64s50.483-112.64 112.691-112.64c62.208 0 112.589 50.432 112.589 112.64s-50.381 112.64-112.589 112.64zM512.051 706.56c62.208 0 112.589 50.483 112.589 112.64s-50.381 112.64-112.589 112.64c-62.208 0-112.691-50.432-112.691-112.64s50.483-112.64 112.691-112.64zM512.051 215.040c-62.208 0-112.691-50.432-112.691-112.64s50.483-112.64 112.691-112.64c62.208 0 112.589 50.432 112.589 112.64s-50.381 112.64-112.589 112.64z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe93d;" glyph-name="dots-two-horizontal" d="M716.851 573.44c-62.208 0-112.691-50.432-112.691-112.64s50.483-112.64 112.691-112.64c62.208 0 112.589 50.432 112.589 112.64s-50.381 112.64-112.589 112.64zM307.251 573.44c-62.208 0-112.691-50.432-112.691-112.64s50.483-112.64 112.691-112.64c62.208 0 112.589 50.483 112.589 112.64s-50.381 112.64-112.589 112.64z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe93e;" glyph-name="dots-two-vertical" d="M512.051 552.96c62.208 0 112.589 50.483 112.589 112.64s-50.381 112.64-112.589 112.64c-62.208 0-112.691-50.432-112.691-112.64s50.483-112.64 112.691-112.64zM512.051 368.64c-62.208 0-112.691-50.432-112.691-112.64s50.483-112.64 112.691-112.64c62.208 0 112.589 50.432 112.589 112.64s-50.381 112.64-112.589 112.64z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe93f;" glyph-name="download" d="M768 614.4h-153.6v307.2h-204.8v-307.2h-153.6l256-256 256 256zM990.106 279.962c-10.752 11.469-82.483 88.218-102.963 108.237-13.568 13.261-32.973 21.402-53.35 21.402h-89.958l156.877-153.293h-181.453c-5.222 0-9.933-2.662-12.288-6.81l-41.779-95.898h-306.381l-41.779 95.898c-2.355 4.147-7.117 6.81-12.288 6.81h-181.453l156.826 153.293h-89.907c-20.326 0-39.731-8.141-53.35-21.402-20.48-20.070-92.211-96.819-102.963-108.237-25.037-26.675-38.81-47.923-32.256-74.189l28.723-157.389c6.554-26.317 35.379-47.923 64.102-47.923h835.174c28.723 0 57.549 21.606 64.102 47.923l28.723 157.389c6.451 26.266-7.27 47.514-32.358 74.189z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe940;" glyph-name="emoji-flirt" d="M384 473.6c42.445 0 76.8 40.090 76.8 89.6s-34.355 89.6-76.8 89.6-76.8-40.141-76.8-89.6 34.406-89.6 76.8-89.6zM512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52c271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.411-220.109 491.469-491.52 491.469zM512 71.731c-214.886 0-389.12 174.182-389.12 389.12 0 214.886 174.182 389.12 389.12 389.12s389.12-174.234 389.12-389.171c0-214.886-174.234-389.069-389.12-389.069zM734.259 392.397c-18.586 9.574-41.728 2.202-51.61-16.384-1.741-3.328-44.493-81.562-170.598-81.562-125.491 0-168.499 77.466-170.65 81.51-9.626 18.688-32.358 26.317-51.405 16.845-18.944-9.472-26.675-32.563-17.152-51.558 2.56-5.069 63.898-123.597 239.206-123.597 175.36 0 236.595 118.579 239.104 123.648 9.421 18.79 1.843 41.472-16.896 51.098zM576 524.8h128c21.197 0 38.4 17.203 38.4 38.4s-17.203 38.4-38.4 38.4h-128c-21.197 0-38.4-17.203-38.4-38.4 0-21.248 17.203-38.4 38.4-38.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe941;" glyph-name="flow-branch" d="M839.68 768c0 67.891-54.989 122.88-122.88 122.88s-122.88-54.989-122.88-122.88c0-49.203 29.082-91.341 70.861-110.95-4.198-81.101-65.024-108.646-170.752-148.275-44.544-16.742-93.645-35.277-135.629-63.181v210.995c42.24 19.456 71.68 61.901 71.68 111.411 0 67.891-54.989 122.88-122.88 122.88s-122.88-54.989-122.88-122.88c0-49.51 29.491-91.955 71.68-111.411v-391.629c-42.24-19.405-71.68-61.85-71.68-111.36 0-67.891 54.989-122.88 122.88-122.88s122.88 55.040 122.88 122.88c0 49.203-29.082 91.341-70.861 110.95 4.198 81.050 65.075 108.646 170.752 148.275 103.936 39.014 232.499 87.603 237.568 243.507 42.445 19.354 72.141 61.952 72.141 111.667zM307.2 838.912c39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912-39.168 0-70.861 31.795-70.861 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.861 70.912zM307.2 82.688c-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912zM716.8 697.088c-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe942;" glyph-name="flow-cascade" d="M716.8 225.28c-49.51 0-91.955-29.491-111.411-71.68h-170.189c-42.394 0-76.8 34.406-76.8 76.8v197.12c23.347-11.162 49.203-17.92 76.8-17.92h170.189c19.456-42.189 61.85-71.68 111.411-71.68 67.891 0 122.88 55.040 122.88 122.88s-54.989 122.88-122.88 122.88c-49.51 0-91.955-29.491-111.411-71.68h-170.189c-42.394 0-76.8 34.406-76.8 76.8v118.989c42.24 19.456 71.68 61.901 71.68 111.411 0 67.891-54.989 122.88-122.88 122.88s-122.88-54.989-122.88-122.88c0-49.51 29.491-91.955 71.68-111.411v-477.389c0-98.97 80.23-179.2 179.2-179.2h170.189c19.456-42.189 61.85-71.68 111.411-71.68 67.891 0 122.88 55.040 122.88 122.88s-54.989 122.88-122.88 122.88zM716.8 531.712c39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0.051 39.219 31.744 70.912 70.912 70.912zM307.2 890.112c39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912-39.168 0-70.861 31.795-70.861 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.861 70.912zM716.8 31.488c-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe943;" glyph-name="flow-line" d="M563.2 265.011v391.578c42.24 19.456 71.68 61.85 71.68 111.411 0 67.891-54.989 122.88-122.88 122.88s-122.88-54.989-122.88-122.88c0-49.51 29.491-91.955 71.68-111.411v-391.629c-42.24-19.405-71.68-61.85-71.68-111.36 0-67.891 54.989-122.88 122.88-122.88s122.88 55.040 122.88 122.88c0 49.51-29.44 91.955-71.68 111.411zM512 838.912c39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912-39.168 0-70.861 31.795-70.861 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.861 70.912zM512 82.688c-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe944;" glyph-name="flow-parallel" d="M430.080 768c0 67.891-54.989 122.88-122.88 122.88s-122.88-54.989-122.88-122.88c0-49.51 29.491-91.955 71.68-111.411v-391.629c-42.24-19.405-71.68-61.85-71.68-111.36 0-67.891 54.989-122.88 122.88-122.88s122.88 55.040 122.88 122.88c0 49.51-29.491 91.955-71.68 111.411v391.578c42.24 19.456 71.68 61.901 71.68 111.411zM378.061 153.6c0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912zM307.2 697.088c-39.168 0-70.861 31.795-70.861 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912-0.051-39.117-31.795-70.912-70.912-70.912zM768 265.011v391.578c42.24 19.456 71.68 61.85 71.68 111.411 0 67.891-54.989 122.88-122.88 122.88s-122.88-54.989-122.88-122.88c0-49.51 29.491-91.955 71.68-111.411v-391.629c-42.24-19.456-71.68-61.85-71.68-111.411 0-67.891 54.989-122.88 122.88-122.88s122.88 55.040 122.88 122.88c0 49.562-29.44 92.006-71.68 111.462zM645.939 768c0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912zM716.8 82.688c-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe945;" glyph-name="flow-tree" d="M921.6 213.811v118.989c0 98.97-80.23 179.2-179.2 179.2h-102.4c-42.394 0-76.8 34.406-76.8 76.8v118.989c42.24 19.456 71.68 61.85 71.68 111.411 0 67.891-54.989 122.88-122.88 122.88s-122.88-54.989-122.88-122.88c0-49.51 29.491-91.955 71.68-111.411v-118.989c0-42.394-34.406-76.8-76.8-76.8h-102.4c-98.97 0-179.2-80.23-179.2-179.2v-118.989c-42.24-19.456-71.68-61.901-71.68-111.411 0-67.891 54.989-122.88 122.88-122.88s122.88 55.040 122.88 122.88c0 49.51-29.491 91.955-71.68 111.411v118.989c0 42.394 34.406 76.8 76.8 76.8h102.4c27.597 0 53.453 6.758 76.8 17.92v-213.709c-42.24-19.456-71.68-61.901-71.68-111.411 0-67.891 54.989-122.88 122.88-122.88s122.88 55.040 122.88 122.88c0 49.51-29.491 91.955-71.68 111.411v213.709c23.347-11.162 49.203-17.92 76.8-17.92h102.4c42.394 0 76.8-34.406 76.8-76.8v-118.989c-42.24-19.456-71.68-61.85-71.68-111.411 0-67.891 54.989-122.88 122.88-122.88s122.88 55.040 122.88 122.88c0 49.51-29.44 91.955-71.68 111.411zM512 890.112c39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912-39.168 0-70.861 31.795-70.861 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.861 70.912zM153.6 31.488c-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912zM512 31.488c-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912zM870.4 31.488c-39.219 0-70.912 31.795-70.912 70.912 0 39.219 31.693 70.912 70.912 70.912 39.117 0 70.861-31.693 70.861-70.912 0-39.117-31.744-70.912-70.861-70.912z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe946;" glyph-name="install" d="M975.821 414.822l-162.355 405.862c-11.981 30.054-41.062 49.715-73.421 49.715h-124.621l19.456-208.128h138.24l-261.12-216.474-261.12 216.474h138.24l19.456 208.128h-124.621c-32.358 0-61.44-19.661-73.421-49.715l-162.355-405.862c-14.746-36.915-19.098-77.158-12.595-116.326l30.208-181.197c6.349-38.144 39.322-66.099 77.978-66.099h736.41c38.656 0 71.629 27.955 77.978 66.099l30.208 181.197c6.605 39.168 2.253 79.411-12.544 116.326zM868.301 192.256c-3.686-22.323-22.989-38.656-45.619-38.656h-621.363c-22.63 0-41.933 16.333-45.619 38.656l-18.688 112.282c-4.762 28.211 16.998 53.862 45.619 53.862h658.79c28.57 0 50.33-25.651 45.619-53.862l-18.739-112.282z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe947;" glyph-name="layers" d="M473.498 378.829c23.040-16.026 53.76-16.026 76.8 0l465.306 270.387c12.083 8.397 10.752 26.522-2.458 33.075l-471.296 181.094c-18.842 9.37-41.062 9.37-59.904 0l-471.296-181.094c-13.21-6.502-14.541-24.678-2.458-33.075l465.306-270.387zM1013.146 419.277l-127.283 63.13-293.12-170.342c-24.013-15.821-51.917-24.115-80.845-24.115s-56.832 8.346-80.845 24.115l-292.915 170.445-127.488-63.181c-13.21-6.554-14.541-24.678-2.458-33.075l465.306-323.021c23.040-16.026 53.76-16.026 76.8 0l465.306 323.021c12.083 8.346 10.752 26.47-2.458 33.024z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe948;" glyph-name="open-book" d="M542.464 706.765l22.835-70.195c18.893 16.179 42.752 30.669 73.779 40.704 30.208 9.83 56.883 15.36 80.998 18.534l-22.016 67.738c-24.371-3.533-51.251-9.216-80.896-18.842-29.594-9.626-54.016-23.040-74.701-37.939zM589.926 560.589l22.835-70.195c18.893 16.179 42.752 30.669 73.779 40.704 30.208 9.83 56.883 15.36 80.998 18.534l-22.016 67.738c-24.371-3.533-51.251-9.216-80.896-18.842-29.594-9.574-53.965-22.989-74.701-37.939zM637.44 414.464l22.835-70.195c18.893 16.179 42.752 30.669 73.779 40.704 30.208 9.83 56.883 15.36 80.998 18.534l-22.016 67.738c-24.371-3.533-51.251-9.216-80.896-18.842-29.645-9.574-54.016-23.040-74.701-37.939zM275.866 303.258l22.016-67.738c21.35 11.571 46.182 22.784 76.39 32.563 31.027 10.086 58.829 12.39 83.61 10.394l-22.835 70.195c-25.549-0.102-53.146-3.584-82.688-13.158-29.645-9.626-54.733-20.787-76.493-32.256zM180.89 595.558l22.016-67.738c21.35 11.571 46.182 22.733 76.39 32.563 31.027 10.086 58.829 12.39 83.61 10.394l-22.784 70.246c-25.549-0.154-53.146-3.584-82.739-13.21-29.645-9.626-54.733-20.787-76.493-32.256zM228.352 449.382l22.016-67.738c21.35 11.571 46.182 22.784 76.39 32.563 31.027 10.086 58.829 12.39 83.61 10.394l-22.784 70.246c-25.549-0.102-53.146-3.584-82.688-13.158-29.645-9.626-54.784-20.838-76.544-32.307zM566.477 900.608c-88.218-28.672-134.298-89.702-156.314-131.021-42.086 20.48-115.2 42.752-203.418 14.080-129.178-41.984-203.213-134.502-203.213-134.502l209.664-644.454c6.451-19.814 33.075-24.422 44.954-7.322 25.549 36.813 74.752 84.89 166.758 114.79 87.962 28.57 152.013-2.765 187.136-29.594 13.926-10.65 33.894-3.072 39.014 13.722 12.902 42.342 46.438 104.448 133.632 132.762 92.109 29.952 160.205 19.917 202.547 5.12 19.712-6.861 38.4 12.39 32 32.205l-209.306 644.813c0 0-114.278 31.334-243.456-10.598zM560.691 191.693c-41.933 12.493-97.331 18.33-160.819-2.253-64.051-20.787-108.902-48.589-138.189-71.885l-166.144 511.078c18.33 18.33 60.774 53.35 136.294 77.875 71.117 23.091 129.434 3.328 167.885-19.354l160.973-495.462zM913.664 329.37c-37.427 1.638-90.061-2.253-154.112-23.091-63.488-20.634-104.858-57.958-131.43-92.672l-160.973 495.462c17.715 40.96 53.248 91.238 124.416 114.33 75.469 24.525 130.406 21.146 156.006 17.101l166.093-511.13z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe949;" glyph-name="resize-100" d="M209.92 250.88l-158.72-148.48 102.4-102.4 148.48 158.72 107.52-107.52v307.2h-307.2l107.52-107.52zM972.8 819.2l-102.4 102.4-148.48-158.72-107.52 107.52v-307.2h307.2l-107.52 107.52 158.72 148.48z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe94a;" glyph-name="resize-full-screen" d="M357.734 410.266l-150.067-155.187-105.267 124.365v-328.243h327.014l-124.416 106.547 155.136 150.118-102.4 102.4zM594.586 870.4l124.416-106.547-155.136-150.118 102.4-102.4 150.067 155.187 105.267-124.365v328.243h-327.014z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe94b;" glyph-name="save" d="M776.858 870.4h-572.058c-56.371 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-614.4c0-56.32 46.029-102.4 102.4-102.4h614.4c56.371 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v556.698l-144.742 160.102zM716.8 563.2c0-28.109-23.040-51.2-51.2-51.2h-307.2c-28.16 0-51.2 23.091-51.2 51.2v256h409.6v-256zM665.6 768h-102.4v-204.8h102.4v204.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe94c;" glyph-name="select-arrows" d="M512 921.6l-256-358.4h512l-256 358.4zM512 0l256 358.4h-512l256-358.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe94d;" glyph-name="sound-mute" d="M727.091 502.067c71.117-96.41 93.082-180.070 79.821-193.382-13.312-13.21-96.922 8.704-193.434 79.821l-282.931-282.982c214.323-94.106 492.902 103.322 542.976 153.395 47.36 47.206 4.966 169.421-95.027 294.605l-51.405-51.456zM443.75 566.221c-56.269 84.89-73.267 154.778-61.133 166.912 11.93 11.981 81.92-4.915 166.758-61.286l52.378 52.48c-115.917 85.709-225.024 119.501-269.158 75.213-47.514-47.411-227.738-300.902-165.427-509.798l276.582 276.48zM948.275 897.126c-19.968 20.019-52.378 20.019-72.397 0l-800.205-800.256c-20.019-20.019-20.019-52.429 0-72.397 20.019-20.019 52.378-20.019 72.397 0l800.205 800.256c20.019 20.019 20.019 52.429 0 72.397z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe94e;" glyph-name="sound" d="M271.974 739.021c-57.446-57.293-308.582-415.488-91.597-632.422 216.883-216.986 574.976 34.202 632.525 91.597 57.395 57.293-17.152 225.024-166.502 374.374-149.453 149.453-316.979 224.051-374.426 166.451zM746.291 248.013c-16.998-16.794-148.224 23.398-274.637 149.914-126.31 126.413-166.707 257.69-149.709 274.586 16.794 16.998 148.173-23.398 274.432-149.811 126.515-126.31 166.81-257.69 149.914-274.688zM790.221 666.522l97.485 97.587c20.019 20.019 20.019 52.378 0 72.397-19.968 20.019-52.378 20.019-72.397 0l-97.485-97.587c-20.019-20.019-20.019-52.429 0-72.397 19.968-19.968 52.378-19.968 72.397 0zM569.549 778.24c24.73-13.722 55.859-4.864 69.632 19.866l55.654 98.611c13.722 24.73 4.864 55.859-19.866 69.632-24.678 13.773-55.859 4.864-69.632-19.866l-55.654-98.611c-13.722-24.781-4.813-55.962 19.866-69.632zM1017.446 623.821c-13.67 24.73-44.902 33.638-69.632 19.866l-99.328-54.323c-24.73-13.722-33.638-44.954-19.866-69.632 13.722-24.73 44.902-33.638 69.632-19.866l99.328 54.323c24.73 13.773 33.638 44.902 19.866 69.632z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe94f;" glyph-name="trash" d="M173.517 608.614l56.371-558.49c3.123-23.603 117.094-101.222 282.112-101.325 165.12 0.102 279.091 77.722 282.163 101.325l56.422 558.49c-86.221-48.23-215.091-71.014-338.586-71.014-123.392 0-252.314 22.784-338.483 71.014zM674.202 895.488l-43.981 48.691c-16.998 24.218-35.43 28.621-71.322 28.621h-93.747c-35.84 0-54.323-4.403-71.27-28.621l-43.981-48.691c-131.584-22.989-227.021-83.968-227.021-128.973v-8.704c0-79.206 174.234-143.411 389.12-143.411 214.938 0 389.171 64.205 389.171 143.411v8.704c0 45.005-95.386 105.984-226.97 128.973zM617.984 750.592l-54.784 68.608h-102.4l-54.682-68.608h-87.040c0 0 95.334 113.715 108.083 129.126 9.728 11.776 19.661 16.282 32.563 16.282h104.602c12.954 0 22.886-4.506 32.614-16.282 12.698-15.411 108.083-129.126 108.083-129.126h-87.040z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe950;" glyph-name="triangle-down" d="M256 665.6h512l-256-460.8-256 460.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe951;" glyph-name="triangle-left" d="M716.8 716.8v-512l-460.8 256 460.8 256z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe952;" glyph-name="triangle-right" d="M768 460.8l-460.8-256v512l460.8-256z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe953;" glyph-name="triangle-up" d="M768 256h-512l256 460.8 256-460.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe954;" glyph-name="uninstall" d="M975.821 414.822l-162.355 405.862c-11.981 30.054-41.062 49.715-73.421 49.715h-456.090c-32.358 0-61.44-19.661-73.421-49.715l-162.355-405.862c-14.746-36.915-19.098-77.158-12.595-116.326l30.208-181.197c6.349-38.144 39.322-66.099 77.978-66.099h736.41c38.656 0 71.629 27.955 77.978 66.099l30.208 181.197c6.605 39.168 2.253 79.411-12.544 116.326zM282.624 727.757l83.917 57.958 146.842-102.963 146.842 102.963 83.917-57.958-146.893-104.090 149.914-105.472-83.917-59.955-149.862 106.291-149.862-106.291-83.917 59.955 149.914 105.472-146.893 104.090zM868.301 192.256c-3.686-22.323-22.989-38.656-45.619-38.656h-621.363c-22.63 0-41.933 16.333-45.619 38.656l-18.688 112.282c-4.762 28.211 16.998 53.862 45.619 53.862h658.79c28.57 0 50.33-25.651 45.619-53.862l-18.739-112.282z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe955;" glyph-name="upload-to-cloud" d="M778.906 632.883c-14.131 0-27.955-1.28-41.421-3.482-33.587 109.824-137.626 189.798-260.864 189.798-150.477 0-272.384-119.194-272.384-266.189 0-13.107 1.024-26.010 2.918-38.707-7.219 0.87-14.49 1.382-21.965 1.382-102.298 0-185.19-80.998-185.19-180.992s82.893-181.094 185.19-181.094h224.41v204.8h-128l230.4 256 230.4-256h-128v-204.8h164.506c135.322 0 245.094 107.315 245.094 239.616 0 132.403-109.773 239.667-245.094 239.667z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe956;" glyph-name="upload" d="M409.6 358.4h204.8v307.2h153.6l-256 256-256-256h153.6v-307.2zM990.106 279.962c-10.752 11.469-82.483 88.218-102.963 108.237-13.568 13.261-32.973 21.402-53.35 21.402h-89.958l156.877-153.293h-181.453c-5.222 0-9.933-2.662-12.288-6.81l-41.779-95.898h-306.381l-41.779 95.898c-2.355 4.147-7.117 6.81-12.288 6.81h-181.453l156.826 153.293h-89.907c-20.326 0-39.731-8.141-53.35-21.402-20.48-20.070-92.211-96.819-102.963-108.237-25.037-26.675-38.81-47.923-32.256-74.189l28.723-157.389c6.554-26.317 35.379-47.923 64.102-47.923h835.174c28.723 0 57.549 21.606 64.102 47.923l28.723 157.389c6.451 26.266-7.27 47.514-32.358 74.189z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe957;" glyph-name="add-user" d="M818.637-6.605c0.563 109.005-111.923 173.517-221.030 220.518-108.698 46.797-143.411 86.221-143.411 170.701 0 50.637 33.178 34.15 47.718 127.027 6.144 38.502 35.43 0.614 41.062 88.525 0 35.021-16.026 43.725-16.026 43.725s8.141 51.866 11.315 91.802c3.277 41.83-20.378 131.072-117.811 158.464-16.998 17.459-28.518 45.158 23.91 72.909-114.688 5.325-141.363-54.682-202.445-98.816-51.968-38.707-65.997-99.994-63.488-132.608 3.328-39.936 11.418-91.802 11.418-91.802s-16.077-8.704-16.077-43.725c5.632-87.962 35.021-50.022 41.114-88.525 14.541-92.877 47.77-76.39 47.77-127.027 0-84.48-10.854-113.152-119.603-159.949-109.107-46.95-143.053-122.214-142.49-231.219 0.154-32.614-0.563-44.595-0.563-44.595h819.2c0 0-0.717 11.981-0.563 44.595zM870.4 460.8v153.6h-102.4v-153.6h-153.6v-102.4h153.6v-153.6h102.4v153.6h153.6v102.4h-153.6z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe958;" glyph-name="address" d="M1013.709 708.352l-121.6 93.696c-6.912 4.762-16.589 9.011-26.675 12.134-10.138 3.123-20.634 5.018-29.030 5.018h-350.003l41.011-256h308.992c8.397 0 18.893 1.894 28.979 5.018s19.814 7.424 26.675 12.083l121.6 93.798c6.912 4.659 10.342 10.854 10.342 17.101s-3.43 12.442-10.291 17.152zM435.2 921.6h-51.2c-14.131 0-25.6-11.469-25.6-25.6v-179.2h-170.803c-8.499 0-18.944-1.894-29.030-5.069-10.138-3.072-19.814-7.322-26.675-12.083l-121.6-93.696c-6.912-4.659-10.291-10.906-10.291-17.152 0-6.195 3.379-12.39 10.291-17.152l121.6-93.798c6.861-4.659 16.538-8.96 26.675-12.032 10.086-3.123 20.531-5.018 29.030-5.018h170.803v-435.2c0-14.131 11.469-25.6 25.6-25.6h51.2c14.131 0 25.6 11.469 25.6 25.6v870.4c0 14.131-11.469 25.6-25.6 25.6z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe959;" glyph-name="adjust" d="M972.8 501.811c-9.318 0-40.909 0-50.176 0-28.314 0-51.2-18.381-51.2-41.011 0-22.579 22.886-40.909 51.2-40.909 9.318 0 40.909 0 50.176 0 28.262 0 51.2 18.278 51.2 40.909 0 22.579-22.989 41.011-51.2 41.011zM512 742.4c-156.211 0-281.6-125.389-281.6-281.6s125.389-281.6 281.6-281.6c156.16 0 281.6 125.389 281.6 281.6s-125.491 281.6-281.6 281.6zM512 256c-113.203 0-204.8 91.699-204.8 204.8 0 113.203 91.597 204.8 204.8 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49.203 7.27 65.229s-45.21 12.646-65.126-7.27zM192.768 837.888c-19.968 20.019-49.203 23.296-65.178 7.322s-12.698-45.21 7.219-65.229c5.53-5.478 30.362-30.31 35.84-35.789 20.019-20.019 49.152-23.296 65.126-7.322s12.749 45.21-7.219 65.178c-5.478 5.53-30.259 30.362-35.789 35.84zM795.341 119.501c5.53-5.478 30.362-30.31 35.84-35.789 20.019-20.019 49.152-23.194 65.126-7.322 15.974 15.974 12.749 45.21-7.27 65.178-5.478 5.478-30.31 30.31-35.789 35.789-20.019 20.019-49.203 23.296-65.229 7.322s-12.698-45.158 7.322-65.178z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe95a;" glyph-name="air" d="M135.322 647.322c89.446 76.8 160.102 137.523 351.846 29.184 92.109-52.019 166.4-71.68 228.198-71.578 108.288 0 178.483 60.211 239.155 112.282 21.658 18.586 24.422 51.61 6.246 73.677-18.278 22.118-50.534 24.986-72.192 6.4-89.395-76.902-160.102-137.626-351.846-29.184-253.338 143.002-372.019 41.114-467.354-40.806-21.606-18.586-24.371-51.507-6.195-73.677 18.227-22.016 50.483-24.934 72.141-6.298zM888.576 535.808c-89.395-76.8-160.102-137.626-351.846-29.184-253.338 143.104-372.019 41.165-467.354-40.704-21.606-18.586-24.422-51.61-6.195-73.677 18.176-22.118 50.483-24.986 72.141-6.4 89.446 76.851 160.102 137.574 351.846 29.286 92.109-52.122 166.4-71.68 228.198-71.68 108.288 0 178.483 60.211 239.155 112.384 21.658 18.586 24.422 51.61 6.246 73.626-18.227 22.17-50.534 24.934-72.192 6.349zM888.576 274.381c-89.395-76.902-160.102-137.626-351.846-29.286-253.338 143.104-372.019 41.216-467.354-40.704-21.606-18.586-24.422-51.61-6.195-73.677 18.176-22.118 50.483-24.883 72.141-6.298 89.446 76.8 160.102 137.472 351.846 29.184 92.109-52.019 166.4-71.68 228.198-71.68 108.288 0 178.483 60.314 239.155 112.384 21.658 18.586 24.422 51.61 6.246 73.677-18.227 22.118-50.534 24.934-72.192 6.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe95b;" glyph-name="aircraft-landing" d="M960.102 151.654c-4.966-13.619-42.086-51.302-308.685 44.954l-261.376 94.362c-90.982 32.819-219.034 84.429-269.21 113.51-35.123 20.326-42.803 65.638-42.803 65.638s-8.346 151.347-13.466 188.621c-5.12 37.274 4.864 43.674 40.755 25.19 22.323-11.52 95.488-131.174 126.157-182.63 77.414-19.507 146.534-38.963 178.842-48.589-13.158 87.91-37.888 252.314-46.746 303.77-8.499 49.306 28.16 27.392 28.16 27.392 16.947-9.728 50.33-33.843 61.747-51.302 77.926-119.091 188.006-337.92 196.403-354.714 45.875-14.336 116.582-37.53 158.822-52.736 110.387-39.885 158.054-155.341 151.398-173.466z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe95c;" glyph-name="aircraft-take-off" d="M1017.344 642.406c6.093-13.158 6.502-66.048-250.061-186.47l-251.546-118.067c-87.552-41.114-214.579-95.181-270.592-110.131-39.219-10.445-76.646 16.179-76.646 16.179s-112.947 101.12-142.95 123.853c-29.952 22.733-27.392 34.304 11.008 46.592 23.91 7.629 160.256-25.242 218.368-39.936 68.557 40.96 131.174 76.083 160.819 92.058-71.475 52.89-205.21 151.654-247.859 181.76-40.909 28.928 0.512 39.322 0.512 39.322 18.842 5.069 59.494 11.674 79.974 7.373 139.315-29.133 371.866-106.035 389.683-111.923 42.598 22.323 108.954 55.91 149.606 75.008 106.24 49.869 221.542 1.894 229.683-15.616z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe95d;" glyph-name="aircraft" d="M639.795 81.203c-20.173 56.115-92.416 244.48-122.368 322.406-56.474-37.734-119.501-73.472-179.814-98.714-18.739-65.536-56.013-189.901-74.035-206.49-30.925-28.518-42.598-24.832-47.36 14.285s-24.832 165.683-24.832 165.683-110.694 62.413-145.408 80.282-34.15 30.259 2.918 49.869c21.606 11.418 149.862 4.352 217.19-0.256 44.083 48.691 98.867 96.358 153.242 137.165-62.208 55.091-212.48 188.16-257.741 226.509-39.731 33.69 4.045 40.806 4.045 40.806 19.968 3.584 62.566 6.758 83.354 0.461 129.229-39.066 329.83-105.882 376.986-121.651 18.074 12.749 37.734 26.624 59.494 42.035 240.742 170.496 301.414 132.762 312.883 116.224s25.754-87.091-214.989-257.638c-21.76-15.411-41.37-29.338-59.392-42.138-1.485-50.176-8.038-263.731-15.923-399.923-1.28-21.914-18.79-61.338-28.928-79.053-0.051 0-21.658-39.168-39.322 10.138z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe95e;" glyph-name="align-bottom" d="M665.6 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0-50.944-51.2v-51.2h713.523v51.2zM970.65 665.6c-30.106 30.31-30.106 30.31-30.106 30.31v-81.51h-857.088v81.51c0 0 0 0-30.157-30.31s-51.763-38.4-39.629-102.4c12.083-63.795 70.605-413.491 79.309-460.8 9.523-51.917 62.31-51.2 62.31-51.2h713.523c0 0 52.736-0.717 62.31 51.2 8.704 47.309 67.174 397.005 79.309 460.8 12.032 64-9.574 72.090-39.782 102.4zM716.8 358.554c0-28.365-22.989-51.354-51.354-51.354h-306.893c-28.365 0-51.354 22.989-51.354 51.354v102.246h51.2v-102.4h307.2v102.4h51.2v-102.246z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe965;" glyph-name="area-graph" d="M1024 870.4v-819.2h-1007.616c-16.282 0-21.299 10.701-11.059 23.808l228.813 294.298c10.189 13.107 28.314 14.49 40.397 3.174l72.653-68.301c12.032-11.315 29.286-9.114 38.246 4.915l156.006 242.688c8.96 13.978 26.061 15.974 37.939 4.608l111.155-107.315c11.878-11.52 28.621-9.216 37.069 5.12l262.81 398.592c8.499 14.438 20.787 17.613 33.587 17.613z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe966;" glyph-name="attachment" d="M286.822-40.96c-66.202 0-128.205 28.416-172.954 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51.2-51.2 51.2zM563.2 614.4h-102.4c-28.262 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-562.79h204.8v562.79c0 28.314-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM256 307.2h-102.4c-28.262 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-255.59h204.8v255.59c0 28.314-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe96b;" glyph-name="battery" d="M788.89 460.8c0 141.619 65.382 221.184 116.582 221.184 18.586 0 67.328 0 67.328 0-34.202 54.221-62.515 86.016-187.29 86.016h-512.41c-191.181 0-273.101-176.179-273.101-307.2s81.92-307.2 273.101-307.2h512.41c124.826 0 153.088 31.795 187.29 86.016 0 0-16.128 0-67.328 0s-116.582 79.565-116.582 221.184zM649.626 368.896c-8.397-12.8-34.611-0.819-34.611-0.819l-151.398 68.506c0 0-13.517-34.304-23.91-58.419-10.496-24.115-18.483-51.405-61.901-20.89-43.469 30.618-183.347 166.4-183.347 166.4s-17.664 14.541-8.858 28.211c8.346 12.902 34.611 0.819 34.611 0.819l151.347-68.403c0 0 13.568 34.202 23.962 58.317 10.496 24.064 18.483 51.507 61.901 20.89 43.469-30.515 183.296-166.4 183.296-166.4s17.664-14.49 8.909-28.211zM966.349 566.886h-38.349c-28.621 0-56.576-38.605-56.576-101.325 0-62.822 28.006-101.376 56.576-101.376h38.349c28.672 0 57.651 38.605 57.651 101.376 0 62.72-28.979 101.325-57.651 101.325z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe96c;" glyph-name="beamed-note" d="M870.4 921.6l-0.102-665.6c0-63.642-66.611-153.6-191.898-153.6-63.642 0-115.2 33.434-115.2 96 0 81.357 73.984 130.56 153.6 130.56 22.118 0 38.605-3.021 51.2-6.298v375.501l-358.4-65.178v-479.386h-0.102c0-63.642-66.611-153.6-191.898-153.6-63.642 0-115.2 33.434-115.2 96 0 81.357 73.984 130.56 153.6 130.56 22.118 0 38.605-3.021 51.2-6.298v598.938l563.2 102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe96d;" glyph-name="bell" d="M750.080 536.986c-116.736 251.238-177.459 346.675-368.179 342.682-67.942-1.382-51.661 49.254-103.475 30.054-51.712-19.2-7.322-47.309-60.262-90.778-148.582-122.010-134.912-234.854-65.997-503.808 29.030-113.306-69.99-118.835-30.822-228.608 28.621-80.077 239.565-113.613 462.080-31.078 222.566 82.586 362.803 246.477 334.182 326.554-39.168 109.824-118.323 49.203-167.526 154.982zM559.309 123.136c-198.758-73.728-362.086-30.413-368.998-11.11-11.878 33.28 64.154 144.179 291.379 228.506s354.048 53.043 367.309 15.923c7.834-21.965-90.88-159.539-289.69-233.318zM495.411 302.029c-103.885-38.554-176.077-82.637-222.874-122.317 32.922-29.901 94.566-37.171 155.955-14.387 78.182 28.928 126.259 95.539 107.264 148.685-0.256 0.666-0.563 1.178-0.819 1.843-12.851-4.198-26.010-8.755-39.526-13.824z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe96e;" glyph-name="blackboard" d="M129.997-51.2h177.203l71.987 189.338-151.859 51.405-97.331-240.742zM644.813 138.138l71.987-189.338h177.203l-97.331 240.742-151.859-51.405zM921.6 870.4h-332.8l-25.6 102.4h-102.4l-25.6-102.4h-332.8c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-563.2c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h819.2c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v563.2c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe96f;" glyph-name="block" d="M512 952.32c-271.514 0-491.571-220.058-491.571-491.52 0-271.514 220.058-491.571 491.571-491.571 271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.462-220.109 491.52-491.52 491.52zM122.829 460.8c0 214.886 174.182 389.12 389.12 389.12 93.645 0 179.507-33.126 246.63-88.218l-547.533-547.533c-55.091 67.174-88.218 152.986-88.218 246.63zM511.949 71.731c-93.594 0-179.456 33.075-246.528 88.166l547.533 547.482c55.040-67.174 88.166-152.934 88.166-246.579 0-214.886-174.285-389.069-389.171-389.069z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe970;" glyph-name="book" d="M870.4 668.16v-529.971c0-26.726-23.142-39.475-51.2-59.392-22.528-16.026-51.2 3.84-51.2 30.054 0 0 0 507.136 0 517.837 0 10.803-3.789 21.094-16.077 27.392s-396.186 208.128-396.186 208.128c-6.195 2.304-33.229 19.354-69.274 0.819-34.253-17.613-52.89-36.762-57.651-45.773l418.816-229.478c11.11-5.837 17.971-14.848 17.971-26.419v-553.062c0-11.776-7.27-24.371-18.893-29.952-5.325-2.662-11.213-3.942-17.050-3.942-6.912 0-13.875 1.69-19.763 5.325-11.008 6.707-398.029 244.019-423.578 259.43-12.288 7.373-26.675 22.477-26.982 33.69l-5.734 526.643c0 10.138-1.178 28.006 14.797 52.838 35.686 55.501 160.205 118.63 223.232 85.914l460.749-233.216c11.11-5.734 18.022-17.203 18.022-36.864z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe971;" glyph-name="bowl" d="M867.789 590.234c-111.411-148.582-209.664-153.702-360.755-161.382h-5.171c-183.859 0.102-314.266 68.403-314.266 93.798-0.102 24.115 117.658 86.886 286.976 93.133l30.208 75.418c-0.973 0-1.894 0.102-2.918 0.102-251.29 0-398.899-79.974-398.899-156.211v-102.4c0-47.002 29.798-458.189 388.198-458.189s409.6 411.187 409.6 458.189v102.4c0 20.019-10.291 40.294-29.901 59.29l-3.072-4.147zM900.557 834.458c-22.579 16.896-54.733 12.39-71.629-10.291l-184.73-246.221 119.603 298.906c10.547 26.214-2.253 56.013-28.518 66.611-26.010 10.496-56.115-2.202-66.56-28.621l-166.861-416.87c147.558 7.526 218.982 11.622 310.63 133.683 91.597 122.214 98.253 131.123 98.253 131.123 16.998 22.579 12.442 54.682-10.189 71.68z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe972;" glyph-name="box" d="M942.029 870.4h-860.109c-16.998 0-30.72-13.67-30.72-30.72v-122.88h921.6v122.88c0 17.050-13.824 30.72-30.771 30.72zM102.4 122.88c0-39.424 32.205-71.68 71.629-71.68h675.84c39.424 0 71.68 32.307 71.68 71.68v542.72h-819.149v-542.72zM358.4 563.2h307.2v-102.4h-307.2v102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe973;" glyph-name="briefcase" d="M460.8 460.8h102.4v-102.4h460.8c0 0-7.629 228.301-10.24 299.725-2.56 67.891-26.88 109.875-102.4 109.875h-164.25c-25.446 48.026-52.838 99.584-61.286 115.507-16.947 31.898-22.733 38.093-60.365 38.093h-226.97c-37.632 0-43.366-6.195-60.365-38.093-8.448-15.923-35.84-67.482-61.235-115.507h-164.301c-75.571 0-99.584-41.984-102.4-109.875-2.765-67.942-10.189-299.725-10.189-299.725h460.8v102.4zM391.629 823.501c11.776 22.118 15.77 26.419 41.83 26.419h157.030c26.061 0 30.106-4.301 41.779-26.419 4.403-8.192 16.282-30.72 29.44-55.501h-299.52c13.158 24.781 25.037 47.309 29.44 55.501zM563.2 204.8h-102.4v102.4h-435.2c0 0 6.349-92.006 10.189-170.086 1.587-32.41 11.162-85.914 92.16-85.914h768.051c80.998 0 90.368 53.606 92.16 85.914 4.454 80.282 10.24 170.086 10.24 170.086h-435.2v-102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe974;" glyph-name="browser" d="M921.6 870.4h-819.2c-56.32 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-614.4c0-56.32 46.080-102.4 102.4-102.4h819.2c56.32 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v614.4c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4zM230.4 780.8c21.197 0 38.4-17.203 38.4-38.4s-17.203-38.4-38.4-38.4c-21.197 0-38.4 17.203-38.4 38.4s17.203 38.4 38.4 38.4zM89.6 742.4c0 21.197 17.203 38.4 38.4 38.4s38.4-17.203 38.4-38.4c0-21.197-17.203-38.4-38.4-38.4s-38.4 17.203-38.4 38.4zM921.6 153.6h-819.2v460.8h819.2v-460.8zM921.6 716.8h-614.4v51.2h615.373l-0.973-51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe975;" glyph-name="brush" d="M141.466 278.374c-77.568-76.186-12.032-154.419-115.046-270.285-46.49-52.378 191.386-36.403 309.197 79.411 50.022 49.203 35.891 120.781-17.715 173.517-53.606 52.634-126.464 66.56-176.435 17.357zM1000.397 939.059c-39.731 39.117-480.205-313.805-611.277-442.675-65.075-64-86.784-98.304-106.701-123.904-8.704-11.213 2.816-14.592 7.885-17.203 25.805-13.21 43.827-25.395 67.123-48.282 23.347-22.886 35.789-40.602 49.101-65.997 2.714-5.018 6.195-16.282 17.51-7.782 26.112 19.61 60.979 41.011 126.054 104.909 131.123 128.819 490.138 561.869 450.304 600.934z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe976;" glyph-name="bucket" d="M563.2 921.6c-251.29 0-409.498-81.51-398.848-151.040 3.072-19.917 11.52-99.584 22.221-167.578-123.136-47.821-163.942-125.389-158.464-188.621 6.502-74.803 73.779-154.88 221.594-168.704 84.378-7.885 185.907 38.4 251.699 117.504-6.246 10.598-9.882 23.040-9.882 36.198 0 39.629 32.102 71.68 71.68 71.68 39.629 0 71.68-32.102 71.68-71.68 0-39.014-31.232-70.707-70.093-71.578-78.285-101.018-197.53-161.997-310.477-154.88 2.611-16.589 3.584-48.486 4.915-56.986 4.608-29.645 120.166-115.712 303.974-115.917 183.808 0.205 299.366 86.272 304.026 115.866 4.506 29.542 84.019 584.141 94.822 654.694 10.65 69.53-147.61 151.040-398.848 151.040zM99.482 420.608c-2.816 32.922 23.296 76.698 98.509 109.517 10.803-68.608 22.579-143.206 32.922-208.589-82.125 16.026-127.898 58.829-131.43 99.072zM563.2 664.371c-183.808 0.102-314.214 68.301-314.214 93.798-0.102 25.293 130.406 91.648 314.214 91.546 183.808 0.102 314.317-66.253 314.214-91.546 0-25.498-130.406-93.696-314.214-93.798z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe977;" glyph-name="cake" d="M490.701 663.757c99.942 0 132.659 70.707 94.157 145.562-44.595 86.682 97.024 161.536 26.675 161.536-66.611 0-191.283-72.602-214.528-162.97-17.357-67.789 15.155-144.128 93.696-144.128zM757.555 205.466l-22.733 19.61c-24.934 21.504-64 21.402-88.832 0l-22.63-19.558c-31.744-27.341-71.526-41.011-111.309-41.011s-79.565 13.67-111.258 40.96l-22.733 19.661c-24.934 21.402-63.949 21.453-88.781-0.051l-22.733-19.61c-61.082-52.634-151.91-54.067-215.245-5.12v-200.346c0-28.262 22.938-51.2 51.2-51.2h819.2c28.262 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v200.294c-63.334-48.845-154.163-47.565-215.347 5.171zM512 614.4c-387.789 0-460.8-172.083-460.8-256v-24.013l59.597-51.354c24.883-21.555 63.949-21.35 88.832 0l22.733 19.61c63.334 54.528 158.976 54.579 222.464 0l22.733-19.661c24.781-21.35 63.744-21.504 88.832 0.051l22.63 19.558c63.488 54.63 159.078 54.63 222.515 0.051l22.733-19.61c24.934-21.555 64-21.35 88.832 0l59.699 51.354v24.013c0 83.917-73.011 256-460.8 256z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe978;" glyph-name="calculator" d="M747.52 921.6h-471.142c-39.373 0-71.578-32.205-71.578-71.68v-778.24c0-39.424 32.205-71.68 71.578-71.68h471.142c39.373 0 71.68 32.307 71.68 71.68v778.24c0 39.475-32.307 71.68-71.68 71.68zM358.4 358.4c35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2s28.672 51.2 64 51.2zM294.4 460.8c0 28.314 28.672 51.2 64 51.2 35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2zM358.4 204.8c35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2s28.672 51.2 64 51.2zM512 358.4c35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2s28.672 51.2 64 51.2zM448 460.8c0 28.314 28.672 51.2 64 51.2 35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2zM512 204.8c35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2s28.672 51.2 64 51.2zM665.6 358.4c35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2s28.672 51.2 64 51.2zM601.6 460.8c0 28.314 28.672 51.2 64 51.2 35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2zM665.6 204.8c35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2s28.672 51.2 64 51.2zM256 614.4v153.6h512v-153.6h-512z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe979;" glyph-name="calendar" d="M870.4 819.2h-51.2v-102.4h-153.6v102.4h-307.2v-102.4h-153.6v102.4h-51.2c-56.371 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-614.4c0-56.32 46.029-102.4 102.4-102.4h716.8c56.32 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v614.4c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4zM870.4 102.4h-716.8v409.6h716.8v-409.6zM332.8 921.6h-102.4v-179.2h102.4v179.2zM793.6 921.6h-102.4v-179.2h102.4v179.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe97a;" glyph-name="camera" d="M512 563.2c-84.838 0-153.6-68.813-153.6-153.6s68.762-153.6 153.6-153.6c84.787 0 153.6 68.813 153.6 153.6s-68.813 153.6-153.6 153.6zM921.6 716.8h-122.88c-16.896 0-35.123 13.107-40.397 29.184l-31.795 95.283c-5.376 16.026-23.501 29.133-40.448 29.133h-348.16c-16.896 0-35.123-13.107-40.397-29.082l-31.846-95.334c-5.325-16.077-23.501-29.184-40.397-29.184h-122.88c-56.32 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-460.8c0-56.32 46.080-102.4 102.4-102.4h819.2c56.32 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v460.8c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4zM512 153.6c-141.414 0-256 114.586-256 256s114.586 256 256 256c141.363 0 256-114.586 256-256s-114.637-256-256-256zM896 552.96c-19.814 0-35.84 16.077-35.84 35.891 0 19.712 16.026 35.84 35.84 35.84s35.84-16.077 35.84-35.84c0-19.814-16.026-35.891-35.84-35.891z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe97b;" glyph-name="ccw" d="M35.072 460.8h121.446v10.496c5.53 227.021 190.669 409.395 418.253 409.395 231.168 0 418.509-188.006 418.509-419.891s-187.341-419.789-418.509-419.789c-97.178 0-186.624 33.28-257.69 88.986l71.987 77.005c52.019-38.298 116.224-61.082 185.702-61.082 173.363 0 313.907 141.005 313.907 314.88s-140.544 314.88-313.907 314.88c-169.83 0-308.122-135.322-313.6-304.384v-10.496h136.806l-178.893-199.373-184.013 199.373z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe97c;" glyph-name="chat" d="M296.96 348.16v317.44h-194.56c-56.32 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-307.2c0-56.32 46.080-102.4 102.4-102.4h51.2v-153.6l153.6 153.6h256c56.32 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v93.184c-3.277-0.717-6.758-1.075-10.24-1.075l-358.4 0.051zM921.6 921.6h-460.8c-56.32 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-409.6h358.4l153.6-153.6v153.6h51.2c56.32 0 102.4 46.029 102.4 102.4v307.2c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe97d;" glyph-name="check" d="M424.653 102.502c-22.272 0-43.366 10.394-56.883 28.314l-182.938 241.715c-23.808 31.386-17.613 76.083 13.824 99.891 31.488 23.91 76.186 17.613 99.994-13.824l120.371-158.925 302.643 485.99c20.838 33.382 64.87 43.622 98.355 22.784 33.434-20.787 43.725-64.819 22.835-98.304l-357.581-573.952c-12.39-20.019-33.843-32.512-57.344-33.587-1.126-0.102-2.15-0.102-3.277-0.102z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe97e;" glyph-name="circle-with-cross" d="M512 890.88c-237.517 0-430.080-192.563-430.080-430.080s192.563-430.080 430.080-430.080 430.080 192.563 430.080 430.080c0 237.517-192.563 430.080-430.080 430.080zM757.197 304.077l-88.525-88.525-156.672 156.723-156.723-156.672-88.525 88.525 156.774 156.672-156.723 156.723 88.525 88.474 156.672-156.672 156.723 156.723 88.525-88.525-156.774-156.723 156.723-156.723z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe97f;" glyph-name="circle-with-minus" d="M512 890.88c-237.517 0-430.080-192.563-430.080-430.080s192.563-430.080 430.080-430.080 430.080 192.563 430.080 430.080c0 237.517-192.563 430.080-430.080 430.080zM768 409.6h-512v102.4h512v-102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe980;" glyph-name="circle-with-plus" d="M512 890.88c-237.517 0-430.080-192.563-430.080-430.080s192.563-430.080 430.080-430.080 430.080 192.563 430.080 430.080c0 237.517-192.563 430.080-430.080 430.080zM768 409.6h-204.8v-204.8h-102.4v204.8h-204.8v102.4h204.8v204.8h102.4v-204.8h204.8v-102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe981;" glyph-name="circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52c271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.411-220.109 491.469-491.52 491.469zM512 71.731c-214.886 0-389.12 174.182-389.12 389.12s174.182 389.069 389.12 389.069c214.886 0 389.171-174.182 389.171-389.12s-174.285-389.069-389.171-389.069z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe982;" glyph-name="circular-graph" d="M900.301 492.954h102.4c-3.328 53.709-15.002 105.114-34.202 152.781l-89.907-51.917c11.469-31.898 18.995-65.69 21.709-100.864zM721.971 906.496c-48.896 23.091-101.888 38.758-158.003 44.544v-103.475c37.53-4.966 73.37-15.104 106.701-29.952l51.302 88.883zM831.59 684.954l89.139 51.456c-30.259 44.954-68.096 84.224-111.206 116.992l-51.507-89.19c28.109-22.835 52.787-49.562 73.574-79.258zM512.717 73.165c-214.886 0-389.12 174.182-389.12 389.12 0 197.53 147.302 360.243 337.971 385.331v103.475c-247.45-25.6-440.371-234.65-440.371-488.806 0-271.514 220.058-491.571 491.571-491.571 246.989 0 450.918 182.426 485.683 419.84h-103.475c-33.69-180.582-191.898-317.389-382.259-317.389z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe983;" glyph-name="clapperboard" d="M1024 819.2v-716.8c0-28.262-22.886-51.2-51.2-51.2h-921.6c-28.314 0-51.2 22.938-51.2 51.2v716.8c0 28.314 22.886 51.2 51.2 51.2h51.2l153.6-153.6h128l-153.6 153.6h153.6l153.6-153.6h128l-153.6 153.6h153.6l153.6-153.6h128l-153.6 153.6h179.2c28.314 0 51.2-22.938 51.2-51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe984;" glyph-name="clipboard" d="M798.72 870.4l-61.44-153.6h-450.56l-61.44 153.6c-39.475 0-71.68-32.205-71.68-71.68v-778.24c0-39.424 32.205-71.68 71.629-71.68h573.44c39.424 0 71.68 32.307 71.68 71.68v778.24c0.051 39.475-32.256 71.68-71.629 71.68zM696.32 768l46.080 102.4h-111.667l-36.813 102.4h-163.84l-36.864-102.4h-111.616l46.029-102.4h368.691z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe985;" glyph-name="clock" d="M512 952.32c-271.514 0-491.571-220.058-491.571-491.52 0-271.514 220.058-491.571 491.571-491.571 271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.462-220.109 491.52-491.52 491.52zM511.949 71.68c-214.886 0-389.12 174.182-389.12 389.12 0 214.886 174.182 389.12 389.12 389.12 214.886 0 389.171-174.182 389.171-389.12 0-214.886-174.285-389.12-389.171-389.12zM563.2 495.104v272.896h-102.4v-319.744l-181.555-104.858 51.2-88.678 210.688 121.702c12.186 7.014 22.067 24.218 22.067 38.298v8.602l217.088 213.299c-10.138 13.875-21.043 27.085-33.126 39.219l-183.962-180.736z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe986;" glyph-name="code" d="M292.813 217.6c-12.083 0-24.269 4.25-33.997 12.902l-259.072 230.298 273.459 243.098c21.094 18.688 53.453 16.896 72.243-4.25s16.896-53.504-4.25-72.294l-187.341-166.554 172.954-153.702c21.146-18.79 23.040-51.149 4.25-72.294-10.086-11.418-24.166-17.203-38.246-17.203zM750.797 217.702l273.459 243.098-259.072 230.298c-21.146 18.79-53.504 16.896-72.243-4.25-18.79-21.146-16.896-53.504 4.25-72.294l172.954-153.754-187.341-166.502c-21.146-18.79-23.040-51.149-4.25-72.294 10.086-11.418 24.166-17.203 38.246-17.203 12.083 0 24.269 4.25 33.997 12.902zM511.283 145.152l102.4 614.4c4.659 27.904-14.182 54.272-42.086 58.931-28.006 4.71-54.323-14.182-58.88-42.086l-102.4-614.4c-4.659-27.904 14.182-54.272 42.086-58.931 2.867-0.461 5.632-0.666 8.448-0.666 24.576 0 46.285 17.766 50.432 42.752z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe987;" glyph-name="cog" d="M859.29 460.8c0 53.709 33.075 96 82.79 125.082-9.011 29.901-20.838 58.624-35.43 85.606-55.757-14.592-100.864 7.219-138.803 45.21-37.939 37.888-49.562 82.995-34.97 138.803-26.982 14.592-55.706 26.522-85.606 35.379-29.082-49.664-81.664-82.688-135.27-82.688-53.658 0-106.189 33.024-135.322 82.688-29.952-8.858-58.573-20.787-85.555-35.379 14.592-55.808 3.021-100.915-35.021-138.803-37.888-37.99-82.995-59.802-138.803-45.21-14.592-26.982-26.47-55.706-35.379-85.606 49.664-29.082 82.688-71.373 82.688-125.082 0-53.606-33.024-106.189-82.688-135.322 8.96-29.901 20.787-58.573 35.379-85.606 55.808 14.592 100.915 3.021 138.803-34.918 37.939-37.99 49.613-83.098 35.021-138.803 26.982-14.592 55.654-26.522 85.606-35.482 29.082 49.818 81.664 82.79 135.322 82.79 53.606 0 106.189-33.024 135.322-82.79 29.901 9.011 58.573 20.89 85.606 35.482-14.592 55.706-3.021 100.813 34.97 138.803 37.939 37.888 83.046 59.699 138.803 45.21 14.592 26.982 26.47 55.603 35.43 85.606-49.818 29.133-82.893 71.424-82.893 125.030zM512 273.818c-103.322 0-187.034 83.712-187.034 186.982 0 103.322 83.763 187.085 187.034 187.085 103.322 0 186.982-83.814 186.982-187.085 0-103.322-83.661-186.982-186.982-186.982z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe988;" glyph-name="colours" d="M162.765 665.702c-21.658 17.92-54.118 14.848-72.090-6.758l-65.382-78.797c-17.92-21.658-14.899-54.17 6.707-72.038l403.866-334.95-194.918 427.725-78.182 64.819zM359.066 835.43l-93.184-42.445c-25.549-11.674-36.966-42.24-25.344-67.789l217.6-477.44 10.906 469.965-42.086 92.365c-11.776 25.6-42.291 37.018-67.891 25.344zM727.603 824.986c0.666 28.16-21.862 51.712-49.971 52.378l-102.4 2.355c-28.109 0.666-51.661-21.862-52.326-49.971l-12.237-524.442 214.528 418.15 2.406 101.53zM982.579 776.346l-91.085 46.746c-25.037 12.8-56.115 2.816-68.966-22.221l-327.219-637.747c-12.851-25.037-2.867-56.115 22.221-68.966l91.085-46.746c25.037-12.851 56.064-2.867 68.915 22.17l327.219 637.747c12.851 25.139 2.867 56.166-22.17 69.018zM655.309 138.598c-12.902-25.19-43.776-35.123-68.915-22.221-25.19 12.902-35.072 43.725-22.17 68.915s43.725 35.072 68.915 22.17c25.19-12.851 35.072-43.725 22.17-68.864z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe989;" glyph-name="compass" d="M279.245 227.942c0 0 233.882 32.102 333.722 131.891s131.891 333.722 131.891 333.722-233.933-32.102-333.722-131.891-131.891-333.722-131.891-333.722zM461.67 511.232c41.882 41.882 122.112 71.68 190.925 90.214-18.483-68.71-48.384-149.504-90.112-191.078-27.802-27.904-73.011-27.904-100.813 0-27.904 27.802-27.904 72.96 0 100.864zM512.051 952.32c-271.514 0-491.571-220.058-491.571-491.52 0-271.514 220.058-491.571 491.571-491.571 271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.462-220.109 491.52-491.52 491.52zM512 71.68c-214.886 0-389.12 174.182-389.12 389.12 0 214.886 174.182 389.12 389.12 389.12 214.886 0 389.171-174.182 389.171-389.12 0-214.886-174.285-389.12-389.171-389.12z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe98a;" glyph-name="copy" d="M563.2 972.8h-409.6c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-614.4c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h256v-102.4h102.4v102.4h-102.349v102.4h102.349v102.4h-102.4v-102.4h-204.8v512h307.2v-204.8h102.4v256c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM409.6 614.4v-51.2h102.4v102.4h-51.2c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2zM614.4-51.2h102.4v102.4h-102.4v-102.4zM614.4 563.2h102.4v102.4h-102.4v-102.4zM409.6 0c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h51.2v102.4h-102.4v-51.2zM870.4 665.6h-51.2v-102.4h102.4v51.2c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM819.2-51.2h51.2c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v51.2h-102.4v-102.4zM819.2 358.4h102.4v102.4h-102.4v-102.4zM819.2 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12.851-29.286 19.814-61.542 24.73l-84.070 11.878c-59.597 8.909-103.526 27.699-134.861 58.419-33.178 33.638-49.818 79.155-49.818 138.598 0 110.336 70.758 191.642 189.798 209.92v100.096h102.4v-98.918c70.758-7.424 126.208-31.744 174.848-79.411l-85.965-86.118c-43.981 42.598-96.717 48.486-142.694 48.486-72.294 0-107.469-40.55-107.469-89.088 0-17.818 5.888-36.659 20.531-50.483 13.67-12.902 36.147-23.757 64.512-27.699l82.022-11.878c63.539-8.909 103.578-26.726 132.915-54.426 37.171-35.635 53.76-87.142 53.76-149.504 0-115.2-80.23-187.494-192.461-207.616z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe98d;" glyph-name="cross" d="M734.618 212.531c-24.013-24.013-62.925-24.013-86.886 0l-135.731 155.136-135.731-155.085c-24.013-24.013-62.925-24.013-86.886 0-24.013 24.013-24.013 62.925 0 86.886l141.21 161.28-141.261 161.382c-24.013 24.013-24.013 62.874 0 86.886s62.874 24.013 86.886 0l135.782-155.187 135.731 155.187c24.013 24.013 62.874 24.013 86.886 0s24.013-62.925 0-86.886l-141.21-161.382 141.21-161.28c24.013-24.013 24.013-62.925 0-86.938z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe98e;" glyph-name="cup" d="M512 921.6c-219.085 0-355.328-72.192-347.904-130.816l73.83-689.51c2.97-23.552 113.715-101.171 274.074-101.274 160.307 0.102 271.104 77.722 273.971 101.325l73.83 689.51c7.424 58.573-128.717 130.765-347.802 130.765zM512 701.901c-160.358 0.102-274.074 57.19-274.074 78.592-0.051 21.197 113.766 78.387 274.074 78.285 160.307 0.102 274.125-57.088 273.971-78.285 0-21.402-113.664-78.49-273.971-78.592z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe98f;" glyph-name="cw" d="M988.928 460.8h-121.446v10.496c-5.53 227.021-190.669 409.395-418.253 409.395-231.168 0-418.509-188.006-418.509-419.891s187.341-419.789 418.509-419.789c97.178 0 186.624 33.28 257.69 88.986l-71.987 77.005c-52.019-38.298-116.224-61.082-185.702-61.082-173.363 0-313.907 141.005-313.907 314.88s140.544 314.88 313.907 314.88c169.83 0 308.122-135.322 313.6-304.384v-10.496h-136.806l178.893-199.373 184.013 199.373z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe990;" glyph-name="cycle" d="M282.419 244.531c-115.814 124.518-113.766 319.693 6.554 440.883 49.254 49.613 110.797 79.206 174.797 88.883l-3.533 106.342c-89.856-10.906-176.742-50.995-245.606-120.371-161.229-162.304-163.174-424.397-6.298-590.387l-89.139-89.702 282.112-15.411-0.768 298.701-118.118-118.938zM622.746 856.832l0.768-298.701 118.118 118.886c115.814-124.621 113.766-319.795-6.554-440.883-49.203-49.613-110.797-79.206-174.797-88.883l3.533-106.291c89.856 10.906 176.742 50.995 245.658 120.32 161.178 162.406 163.123 424.499 6.246 590.387l89.139 89.805-282.112 15.36z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe991;" glyph-name="database" d="M856.371 325.581c-43.162-69.786-180.992-120.883-344.371-120.883s-301.21 51.098-344.422 120.883c-9.114 14.848-13.978 6.912-13.978-0.358 0-7.373 0-102.502 0-102.502 0-99.328 160.461-202.24 358.4-202.24s358.4 102.912 358.4 202.189c0 0 0 95.13 0 102.502 0 7.322-4.915 15.258-14.029 0.41zM856.934 587.52c-42.496-61.696-180.838-107.008-344.934-107.008s-302.49 45.312-344.986 107.008c-8.755 12.698-13.414 5.786-13.414 0.102 0-5.786 0-120.678 0-120.678 0-90.214 160.461-163.277 358.4-163.277s358.4 73.114 358.4 163.277c0 0 0 114.893 0 120.678 0 5.683-4.71 12.595-13.466-0.102zM512 921.6c-197.939 0-358.4-60.416-358.4-134.81v-64.512c0-78.899 160.461-142.899 358.4-142.899s358.4 64 358.4 142.899v64.512c0 74.394-160.461 134.81-358.4 134.81z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe992;" glyph-name="dial-pad" d="M307.2 972.8h-102.4c-28.262 0-51.2-22.938-51.2-51.2v-102.4c0-28.262 22.938-51.2 51.2-51.2h102.4c28.262 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v102.4c0 28.262-22.938 51.2-51.2 51.2zM563.2 972.8h-102.4c-28.262 0-51.2-22.938-51.2-51.2v-102.4c0-28.262 22.938-51.2 51.2-51.2h102.4c28.262 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v102.4c0 28.262-22.938 51.2-51.2 51.2zM819.2 972.8h-102.4c-28.262 0-51.2-22.938-51.2-51.2v-102.4c0-28.262 22.938-51.2 51.2-51.2h102.4c28.262 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v102.4c0 28.262-22.938 51.2-51.2 51.2zM307.2 716.8h-102.4c-28.262 0-51.2-22.938-51.2-51.2v-102.4c0-28.262 22.938-51.2 51.2-51.2h102.4c28.262 0 51.2 22.938 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51.2v102.4c0 28.262-22.938 51.2-51.2 51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe993;" glyph-name="direction" d="M924.672 873.421c-30.003 30.003-58.573 1.69-155.699-45.005-259.84-124.877-712.653-378.675-712.653-378.675l389.069-55.501 55.552-389.069c0 0 253.85 452.762 378.675 712.499 46.694 97.178 75.008 125.747 45.056 155.75zM831.283 773.325l-282.573-524.646-28.723 238.336 311.296 286.31z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe994;" glyph-name="document" d="M819.2 921.6h-614.4c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-819.2c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h614.4c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v819.2c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM768 102.4h-512v716.8h512v-716.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe995;" glyph-name="documents" d="M993.178 593.152l-381.133 102.195-66.714 248.883c-5.581 20.787-27.904 32.87-49.818 27.085l-464.691-124.518c-21.914-5.837-35.123-27.546-29.542-48.333l165.376-617.011c5.581-20.787 27.853-32.922 49.715-26.982l184.986 49.51-25.19-94.106c-5.581-20.787 7.629-42.496 29.542-48.282l415.232-111.309c21.914-5.888 44.134 6.195 49.766 27.085l152.064 567.501c5.53 20.787-7.68 42.496-29.594 48.282zM83.61 786.893l400.896 107.315 148.378-553.882-400.896-107.315-148.378 553.882zM802.714 27.494l-348.877 95.386 27.443 102.502 199.731 53.606c21.914 5.786 35.226 27.494 29.594 48.282l-77.21 288.102 304.486-83.507-135.168-504.371z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe996;" glyph-name="drink" d="M897.946 837.683c20.173 27.904 23.654 83.917 23.654 83.917h-819.2c0 0 3.482-56.013 23.654-83.917l334.746-428.083v-307.2h-102.4c-102.4 0-102.4-102.4-102.4-102.4h512c0 0 0 102.4-102.4 102.4h-102.4v307.2l334.746 428.083zM481.28 665.6c0 45.312 36.659 81.92 81.92 81.92s81.92-36.608 81.92-81.92c0-45.21-36.659-81.92-81.92-81.92s-81.92 36.71-81.92 81.92z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe997;" glyph-name="drive" d="M975.821 414.822l-162.355 405.862c-11.981 30.054-41.062 49.715-73.421 49.715h-456.090c-32.358 0-61.44-19.661-73.421-49.715l-162.355-405.862c-14.746-36.915-19.098-77.158-12.595-116.326l30.208-181.197c6.349-38.144 39.322-66.099 77.978-66.099h736.41c38.656 0 71.629 27.955 77.978 66.099l30.208 181.197c6.605 39.168 2.253 79.411-12.544 116.326zM868.301 192.256c-3.686-22.323-22.989-38.656-45.619-38.656h-621.363c-22.63 0-41.933 16.333-45.619 38.656l-18.688 112.282c-4.762 28.211 16.998 53.862 45.619 53.862h658.79c28.57 0 50.33-25.651 45.619-53.862l-18.739-112.282z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe998;" glyph-name="drop" d="M522.394 944.077c-1.382 11.008-19.456 11.008-20.787 0-45.21-363.878-276.378-438.886-276.378-691.814 0-156.314 131.277-282.982 286.771-282.982 155.443 0 286.72 126.72 286.72 282.982 0 252.928-231.117 327.936-276.326 691.814zM478.72 541.798c-3.021-11.213-6.298-22.733-9.677-34.714-20.531-72.909-43.827-155.597-43.827-251.187 0-51.814-30.618-70.195-59.187-70.195-32.717 0-59.187 26.778-59.187 59.699 0 112.998 54.374 186.829 102.4 251.904 15.104 20.378 29.286 39.68 40.806 58.88 5.274 8.806 19.456 8.397 25.907-0.307 3.021-4.096 4.045-9.318 2.765-14.080z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe999;" glyph-name="edit" d="M899.123 847.923c-73.83 73.882-129.28 62.822-129.28 62.822l-656.691-656.64-51.712-243.814 243.866 51.712 656.691 656.538c-0.051 0 11.059 55.45-62.874 129.382zM290.816 91.29l-83.149-17.92c-7.987 15.002-17.664 30.003-35.328 47.718-17.715 17.715-32.717 27.29-47.718 35.379l17.92 83.098 24.064 24.013c0 0 45.21-0.922 96.307-52.019 51.046-50.995 52.019-96.307 52.019-96.307l-24.115-23.962z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe99a;" glyph-name="email" d="M747.93 349.594c0-43.008 12.237-60.16 44.237-60.16 71.322 0 116.736 90.88 116.736 242.022 0 231.014-168.346 341.606-378.522 341.606-216.218 0-412.877-144.998-412.877-419.021 0-261.734 172.032-404.275 436.224-404.275 89.702 0 149.914 9.83 242.022 40.55l19.763-82.278c-90.931-29.542-188.109-38.093-263.014-38.093-346.522 0-532.122 190.464-532.122 484.147 0 296.141 215.091 497.664 511.232 497.664 308.429 0 471.808-184.32 471.808-410.419 0-191.693-60.16-337.92-249.395-337.92-86.067 0-142.541 34.406-149.914 110.643-22.118-84.787-81.101-110.643-161.024-110.643-106.906 0-196.608 82.381-196.608 248.218 0 167.117 78.694 270.336 220.006 270.336 74.957 0 121.651-29.491 142.438-76.186l35.686 65.126h103.219v-361.318h0.102zM596.838 511.795c0 67.533-50.432 95.846-92.211 95.846-45.466 0-95.795-36.813-95.795-144.998 0-86.016 38.093-133.939 95.795-133.939 40.55 0 92.211 25.805 92.211 97.075v86.016z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe99b;" glyph-name="emoji-happy" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52c271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.411-220.109 491.469-491.52 491.469zM512 71.731c-214.886 0-389.12 174.182-389.12 389.12s174.182 389.069 389.12 389.069c214.886 0 389.171-174.182 389.171-389.12s-174.285-389.069-389.171-389.069zM384.051 473.6c42.394 0 76.749 40.090 76.749 89.6s-34.406 89.6-76.8 89.6-76.8-40.090-76.8-89.6 34.406-89.6 76.851-89.6zM640 473.6c42.445 0 76.8 40.090 76.8 89.6s-34.406 89.6-76.8 89.6-76.8-40.141-76.8-89.6 34.406-89.6 76.8-89.6zM734.259 392.397c-18.586 9.523-41.728 2.202-51.61-16.384-1.741-3.379-44.493-81.562-170.598-81.562-125.491 0-168.499 77.466-170.65 81.51-9.626 18.688-32.358 26.317-51.405 16.845-18.944-9.523-26.624-32.563-17.152-51.558 2.56-5.069 63.898-123.597 239.206-123.597 175.36 0 236.595 118.579 239.104 123.648 9.421 18.79 1.843 41.472-16.896 51.098z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe99c;" glyph-name="emoji-neutral" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52c271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.411-220.109 491.469-491.52 491.469zM512 71.731c-214.886 0-389.12 174.182-389.12 389.12 0 214.886 174.182 389.12 389.12 389.12 214.886 0 389.12-174.182 389.12-389.12s-174.234-389.12-389.12-389.12zM640 652.749c-42.394 0-76.8-40.090-76.8-89.549s34.406-89.6 76.8-89.6c42.445 0 76.8 40.090 76.8 89.6s-34.355 89.549-76.8 89.549zM384.051 473.6c42.394 0 76.749 40.090 76.749 89.6s-34.406 89.6-76.8 89.6c-42.394 0-76.8-40.090-76.8-89.6s34.406-89.6 76.851-89.6zM665.6 345.6h-307.2c-21.197 0-38.4-17.203-38.4-38.4s17.203-38.4 38.4-38.4h307.2c21.197 0 38.4 17.203 38.4 38.4 0 21.248-17.152 38.4-38.4 38.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe99d;" glyph-name="emoji-sad" d="M512.051 952.32c-271.514 0-491.571-220.058-491.571-491.52 0-271.514 220.058-491.571 491.571-491.571 271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571-0.051 271.462-220.16 491.52-491.52 491.52zM512 71.731c-214.886 0-389.12 174.182-389.12 389.12 0 214.886 174.182 389.12 389.12 389.12 214.886 0 389.12-174.182 389.12-389.12s-174.234-389.12-389.12-389.12zM640.051 473.6c42.394 0 76.8 40.090 76.8 89.6s-34.406 89.6-76.8 89.6c-42.394 0-76.8-40.090-76.8-89.6s34.355-89.6 76.8-89.6zM384.051 473.6c42.394 0 76.8 40.090 76.8 89.6s-34.406 89.6-76.8 89.6c-42.394 0-76.8-40.090-76.8-89.6s34.355-89.6 76.8-89.6zM512.102 396.8c-175.309 0-236.646-118.528-239.206-123.597-9.523-18.995-1.792-42.035 17.152-51.558 5.53-2.714 11.366-4.045 17.152-4.045 14.080 0 27.648 7.731 34.406 21.197 0.41 0.87 42.086 81.203 170.496 81.203 126.106 0 168.858-78.182 170.394-81.152 9.421-18.944 32.512-26.778 51.507-17.203 18.995 9.421 26.675 32.563 17.203 51.507-2.509 5.069-63.795 123.648-239.104 123.648z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe99e;" glyph-name="erase" d="M921.6 819.2h-489.165c-22.528 0-54.835-12.083-71.782-26.88l-347.955-304.538c-16.947-14.797-16.947-39.117 0-53.914l347.955-304.486c16.947-14.797 49.254-26.982 71.782-26.982h489.165c56.32 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v512c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4zM777.779 256l-130.918 130.918-130.867-130.918-73.882 73.882 130.867 130.918-130.867 130.918 73.882 73.882 130.918-130.816 130.816 130.816 73.933-73.882-130.867-130.918 130.918-130.816-73.933-73.984z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe99f;" glyph-name="eraser" d="M870.298 758.784l-161.485 124.16c-44.646 34.355-109.312 25.907-143.718-18.688l-430.080-557.926c-34.355-44.595-25.958-109.158 18.688-143.514l161.434-124.16c44.646-34.355 109.312-25.907 143.718 18.688l430.131 557.926c34.355 44.595 25.958 109.158-18.688 143.514zM437.658 129.69l-27.494-34.867c-7.782-10.086-19.712-15.872-32.717-15.872-6.349 0-15.821 1.485-24.832 8.397l-161.434 124.16c-8.602 6.605-14.080 16.23-15.514 27.136s1.434 21.606 8.038 30.157l27.494 34.867c7.782 10.086 19.712 15.923 32.768 15.923 6.349 0 15.821-1.485 24.832-8.397l161.485-124.16c8.602-6.605 14.080-16.23 15.514-27.136 1.331-10.906-1.536-21.606-8.141-30.208z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a0;" glyph-name="export" d="M768 204.8h-665.6v460.8h132.864c0 0 35.277 45.875 111.104 102.4h-295.168c-28.314 0-51.2-22.989-51.2-51.2v-563.2c0-28.314 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h768c28.314 0 51.2 22.886 51.2 51.2v191.795l-102.4-84.224v-56.371zM684.083 560.64v-181.811l339.917 266.291-339.917 255.949v-160.307c-412.723 0-412.723-407.962-412.723-407.962 116.838 191.898 188.723 227.84 412.723 227.84z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a1;" glyph-name="eye" d="M512 747.52c-335.923 0-512-247.398-512-286.72 0-39.219 176.077-286.72 512-286.72 335.872 0 512 247.501 512 286.72 0 39.322-176.128 286.72-512 286.72zM512 240.282c-125.696 0-227.584 98.714-227.584 220.518s101.888 220.621 227.584 220.621c125.696 0 227.533-98.816 227.533-220.621s-101.837-220.518-227.533-220.518zM512 460.8c-20.838 22.886 33.946 110.285 0 110.285-62.874 0-113.818-49.408-113.818-110.285s50.944-110.285 113.818-110.285c62.822 0 113.818 49.408 113.818 110.285 0 28.006-96.102-19.405-113.818 0z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a2;" glyph-name="feather" d="M217.805-29.030c15.718 50.278 39.424 121.037 71.219 223.334 138.598 21.965 195.942-17.459 283.955 139.725-71.424-21.862-157.542 40.55-152.934 67.635 4.659 27.034 200.346-19.507 328.499 162.458-161.536-35.635-213.197 42.803-192.358 54.63 48.077 27.341 190.771 11.366 266.854 85.453 39.219 38.144 57.6 130.867 41.626 163.942-19.149 39.987-135.987 99.635-200.397 94.003-64.41-5.581-165.427-245.248-195.43-243.405-29.901 1.894-35.994 107.418 16.333 205.466-55.142-24.422-156.211-100.301-187.904-165.171-59.034-120.678 5.53-397.619-15.155-407.45-20.736-9.882-90.419 127.027-111.206 189.133-28.416-95.181-29.082-190.515 53.914-317.133-31.283-83.098-48.384-178.739-50.995-227.379-1.229-38.861 37.069-47.206 43.981-25.242z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a3;" glyph-name="flag" d="M969.011 686.899c-478.157-694.682-314.47 13.312-718.694-325.478l91.904-361.421h-103.373l-187.648 737.792 94.72 33.997c453.069 331.315 216.474-297.984 800.614-64.205 18.637 7.526 33.536-4.608 22.477-20.685z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a4;" glyph-name="flash" d="M348.314 0.102c-9.933 6.502 161.434 366.592 155.546 382.413-5.939 15.821-187.648 73.523-196.506 101.325-8.909 27.802 358.758 445.798 368.435 437.709 9.626-8.090-160.205-370.586-155.597-382.413 4.659-11.776 190.874-71.885 196.506-101.325 5.683-29.44-358.502-444.211-368.384-437.709z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a5;" glyph-name="flashlight" d="M876.288 825.139c-85.811 85.811-193.485 117.146-227.789 82.842l-138.035-138.035c-20.941-20.992-39.219-91.085-30.822-161.997l-417.843-417.843c-24.781-24.781-4.71-84.992 44.851-134.605s109.875-69.581 134.605-44.902l417.843 417.894c70.963-8.397 141.056 9.882 161.997 30.771l138.035 138.086c34.304 34.304 2.97 142.029-82.842 227.789zM416.819 407.603c-19.098 19.046-12.851 56.115 13.773 82.79 26.675 26.675 63.795 32.922 82.842 13.824 19.046-18.995 12.851-56.166-13.824-82.79-26.675-26.726-63.744-32.922-82.79-13.824zM762.419 711.27c-66.458 66.406-83.098 154.112-77.21 160 5.888 5.939 90.112-14.182 156.621-80.64 66.458-66.458 86.426-150.835 80.64-156.621-5.734-5.734-93.645 10.752-160.051 77.261z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a6;" glyph-name="flat-brush" d="M94.413 210.483c25.498-19.251 81.613 60.314 99.43 46.848s-41.984-90.214-27.034-101.478c14.95-11.264 77.466 63.437 94.822 50.381 17.306-13.056-41.114-90.829-22.374-105.011 18.79-14.182 79.974 61.542 94.822 50.33s-39.578-92.006-22.374-104.96c17.203-13.005 75.827 64.666 90.112 53.862 14.336-10.803-43.213-89.242-17.715-108.493 25.498-19.2 274.944 458.957 274.944 458.957l-198.451 150.477c0 0-391.68-371.712-366.182-390.912zM666.778 930.253l-172.134-263.987 210.995-159.181 225.075 217.395c-26.982 76.954-176.128 196.762-263.936 205.773z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a7;" glyph-name="folder-images" d="M942.336 829.491c-5.734 22.528-33.587 40.909-61.952 40.909h-736.768c-28.416 0-56.269-18.381-61.952-40.909l-10.291-61.491h881.203l-10.24 61.491zM993.894 716.8h-963.84c-17.51 0-31.181-15.053-29.542-32.512l47.258-597.453c1.946-20.173 18.944-35.635 39.219-35.635h849.971c20.326 0 37.274 15.462 39.219 35.635l47.258 597.453c1.69 17.459-12.032 32.512-29.542 32.512zM636.826 544c26.522 0 48.026-21.504 48.026-48.026s-21.504-48.026-48.026-48.026-48.026 21.555-48.026 48.077c0 26.47 21.504 47.974 48.026 47.974zM281.6 256l127.283 292.557 144.742-234.291 124.109 61.645 64.666-119.91h-460.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a8;" glyph-name="folder-music" d="M942.336 829.491c-5.734 22.528-33.587 40.909-61.952 40.909h-736.768c-28.416 0-56.269-18.381-61.952-40.909l-10.291-61.491h881.203l-10.24 61.491zM993.894 716.8h-963.84c-17.51 0-31.181-15.053-29.542-32.512l47.258-597.453c1.946-20.173 18.944-35.635 39.219-35.635h849.971c20.326 0 37.274 15.462 39.219 35.635l47.258 597.453c1.69 17.459-12.032 32.512-29.542 32.512zM611.43 331.725c-6.554-13.568-13.21-14.285-10.342 0 7.475 36.915 2.406 116.173-53.402 124.979v-168.653c0-34.509-15.923-64.614-58.163-78.234-41.062-13.107-86.989 0.563-97.69 30.003-10.752 29.491 13.363 65.331 53.862 80.077 22.63 8.243 48.845 10.394 66.509 3.584v239.718h35.533c-0.051-83.61 144.282-65.28 63.693-231.475z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9a9;" glyph-name="folder-video" d="M942.336 829.491c-5.734 22.528-33.587 40.909-61.952 40.909h-736.768c-28.416 0-56.269-18.381-61.952-40.909l-10.291-61.491h881.203l-10.24 61.491zM993.894 716.8h-963.84c-17.51 0-31.181-15.053-29.542-32.512l47.258-597.453c1.946-20.173 18.944-35.635 39.219-35.635h849.971c20.326 0 37.274 15.462 39.219 35.635l47.258 597.453c1.69 17.459-12.032 32.512-29.542 32.512zM409.6 256v256l224.41-128-224.41-128z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9aa;" glyph-name="folder" d="M942.336 727.091c-5.683 22.528-33.536 40.909-61.952 40.909h-348.877c-28.365 0-68.096 16.282-88.166 36.198l-30.515 30.106c-20.070 19.917-59.75 36.096-88.115 36.096h-166.656c-28.416 0-54.221-22.886-57.344-50.893l-14.95-153.907h866.867l-10.291 61.491zM993.894 614.4h-963.789c-17.51 0-31.232-15.053-29.542-32.512l47.258-495.053c1.894-20.173 18.893-35.635 39.219-35.635h849.92c20.326 0 37.274 15.462 39.219 35.635l47.258 495.053c1.69 17.459-12.032 32.512-29.542 32.512z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9ab;" glyph-name="forward" d="M614.4 364.851v-223.078l358.4 342.528-358.4 336.486v-203.93c-449.28 0-563.2-498.278-563.2-498.278 127.181 224.666 319.334 246.272 563.2 246.272z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9ac;" glyph-name="funnel" d="M512 921.6c-251.29 0-409.6-77.414-409.6-153.651v-102.4c0-47.002 307.2-307.2 307.2-307.2v-307.2c-0.051-35.021 51.2-51.2 102.4-51.2s102.451 16.179 102.4 51.2v307.2c0 0 307.2 260.198 307.2 307.2v102.4c0 76.237-158.31 153.651-409.6 153.651zM512 659.302c-183.859 0.051-314.266 68.25-314.266 93.747-0.102 25.344 130.458 93.747 314.266 93.645 183.808 0.102 314.368-68.301 314.266-93.594 0-25.549-130.406-93.747-314.266-93.798z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9ad;" glyph-name="game-controller" d="M995.533 493.517c-45.158 252.211-146.125 326.605-199.834 326.605-83.814 0-105.318-62.31-283.699-64.41-178.381 2.099-199.885 64.41-283.699 64.41-53.709 0-154.726-74.394-199.885-326.605-25.754-143.974-53.709-358.912 12.902-384.717 82.893-32.102 111.002 48.179 202.035 116.019 92.416 68.762 136.755 84.941 268.646 84.941s176.23-16.179 268.646-84.941c91.034-67.789 119.142-148.122 202.035-116.019 66.611 25.805 38.656 240.691 12.851 384.717zM307.2 460.8c-56.576 0-102.4 45.875-102.4 102.4 0 56.576 45.824 102.4 102.4 102.4s102.4-45.824 102.4-102.4c0-56.525-45.875-102.4-102.4-102.4zM665.6 460.8c-28.314 0-51.2 22.886-51.2 51.2s22.886 51.2 51.2 51.2c28.314 0 51.2-22.886 51.2-51.2s-22.886-51.2-51.2-51.2zM768 563.2c-28.314 0-51.2 22.886-51.2 51.2s22.886 51.2 51.2 51.2c28.314 0 51.2-22.886 51.2-51.2s-22.886-51.2-51.2-51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9ae;" glyph-name="gauge" d="M416.102 276.48c-35.277-61.286-11.52-111.616 37.478-139.878 48.947-28.314 104.499-23.808 139.878 37.478 35.277 61.184 258.406 607.488 239.002 618.701s-381.030-455.066-416.358-516.301zM512 665.6c22.426 0 44.237-1.894 65.587-5.581 22.426 28.109 47.514 59.085 71.936 88.474-43.622 12.595-89.702 19.507-137.523 19.507-287.078 0-512-242.125-512-551.219 0-18.995 0.819-37.99 2.509-56.474 2.509-28.211 27.648-48.896 55.501-46.49 28.211 2.611 48.998 27.392 46.49 55.603-1.382 15.462-2.099 31.488-2.099 47.36 0 251.699 179.917 448.819 409.6 448.819zM881.613 601.6c-14.285-38.4-29.389-77.517-42.701-111.309 51.968-75.264 82.688-169.677 82.688-273.51 0-16.179-0.768-32.512-2.202-48.282-2.56-28.211 18.176-53.094 46.336-55.706 1.536-0.102 3.123-0.205 4.71-0.205 26.163 0 48.538 20.019 50.944 46.592 1.69 18.944 2.611 38.298 2.611 57.6 0 151.245-53.914 286.208-142.387 384.819z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9af;" glyph-name="globe" d="M512 952.32c-271.104 0-491.571-220.518-491.571-491.52s220.467-491.52 491.571-491.52c271.002 0 491.52 220.518 491.52 491.52s-220.518 491.52-491.52 491.52zM931.226 460.8c0-95.898-32.563-184.32-86.835-254.976-15.36 11.981-31.693 44.39-16.333 77.978 15.514 33.792 19.558 112.026 15.974 142.49-3.379 30.413-19.2 103.68-62.157 104.397-42.906 0.614-72.346 14.797-97.843 65.69-52.89 105.882 99.277 126.208 46.387 184.781-14.797 16.486-91.29-67.686-102.502 44.493-0.717 8.038 6.912 20.070 17.203 32.563 166.093-55.808 286.106-212.838 286.106-397.414zM454.4 875.878c-10.035-19.558-36.506-27.494-52.582-42.189-35.021-31.693-50.074-27.29-68.915-57.702-18.995-30.413-80.23-74.189-80.23-96.205s30.925-47.923 46.387-42.906c15.462 5.12 56.269 4.813 80.23-3.584 24.013-8.499 200.397-16.998 144.179-166.093-17.818-47.411-95.898-39.424-116.685-117.914-3.123-11.52-13.926-60.723-14.592-76.8-1.28-24.883 17.613-118.682-6.4-118.682-24.115 0-88.986 83.917-88.986 99.123s-16.794 68.506-16.794 114.176c0 45.619-77.722 44.902-77.722 105.574 0 54.682 42.138 81.92 32.666 108.186-9.267 26.112-83.302 26.982-114.176 30.208 53.914 139.827 180.736 243.61 333.619 264.806zM380.109 62.976c25.19 13.312 27.75 30.515 50.586 31.386 26.112 1.178 47.36 10.189 76.8 16.691 26.112 5.683 72.858 32.205 113.971 35.584 34.714 2.816 103.168-1.792 121.6-35.277-66.304-44.083-145.818-69.786-231.117-69.786-46.029 0-90.368 7.629-131.84 21.402z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b0;" glyph-name="graduation-cap" d="M169.062 346.214c23.757-96.205 53.965-138.291 154.726-182.374 100.813-44.032 148.685-92.16 188.211-92.16 39.475 0 84.378 42.086 185.139 86.221 100.813 44.083 73.882 57.498 97.638 153.702l-282.778-137.523-342.938 172.134zM998.963 597.197l-426.24 238.694c-33.382 18.688-88.064 18.688-121.446 0l-426.291-238.694c-33.382-18.688-33.382-49.306 0-67.994l426.24-238.694c33.382-18.688 88.064-18.688 121.446 0l275.558 154.317-298.803 69.99c-11.52-2.816-24.166-4.403-37.427-4.403-53.862 0-97.485 25.907-97.485 57.907 0 32.102 43.674 58.010 97.485 58.010 41.779 0 77.312-15.718 91.136-37.581l316.518-103.885 79.309 44.39c33.331 18.637 33.331 49.254 0 67.942zM868.71 144.896c-3.328-19.712 65.69-52.122 72.243 5.478 29.645 259.686-21.299 334.387-21.299 334.387l-71.424-39.987c0 0.051 60.57-57.6 20.48-299.878z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b1;" glyph-name="grid" d="M409.6 768h-153.6c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-153.6c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h153.6c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v153.6c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM768 768h-153.6c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-153.6c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h153.6c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v153.6c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM409.6 409.6h-153.6c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-153.6c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h153.6c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v153.6c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM768 409.6h-153.6c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-153.6c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h153.6c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v153.6c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b2;" glyph-name="hair-cross" d="M512 952.32c-271.514 0-491.571-220.058-491.571-491.52 0-271.514 220.058-491.571 491.571-491.571 271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.462-220.109 491.52-491.52 491.52zM563.2 75.52v231.68h-102.4v-231.68c-173.875 22.835-311.296 160.205-334.182 334.080h231.782v102.4h-231.782c22.886 173.875 160.307 311.245 334.182 334.080v-231.68h102.4v231.68c173.773-22.886 311.194-160.256 334.080-334.080h-231.68v-102.4h231.68c-22.886-173.773-160.307-311.194-334.080-334.080z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b3;" glyph-name="hand" d="M917.709 86.272c-2.918-8.909-9.882-18.79-21.299-22.118-8.243-2.406-280.986-81.408-289.382-83.61-24.013-6.4-40.704-1.69-51.661 7.987-16.691 14.694-209.562 145.92-452.864 158.31-26.010 1.28-13.261 99.891 61.082 99.891 50.944 0 199.885-37.018 217.856-18.995 13.875 13.926 20.173 96.205-37.734 239.77v0l-116.48 288.614c-11.059 27.392 2.253 58.522 29.594 69.581 27.392 11.059 58.624-2.202 69.581-29.594 0 0 91.699-227.226 101.683-251.853 9.882-24.576 22.067-33.894 35.328-28.774 11.827 4.506 14.285 12.39 7.117 36.301l-104.755 308.634c-9.523 27.955 5.427 58.266 33.382 67.789 28.006 9.574 58.419-5.427 67.84-33.382l99.635-293.478c8.806-25.805 18.125-39.322 32.87-33.075 8.858 3.738 8.243 17.306 5.888 29.133l-69.939 280.115c-7.168 28.723 10.291 57.702 38.963 64.87 28.672 7.117 57.6-10.24 64.819-38.963l64.512-258.15c9.421-37.939 18.074-51.61 33.075-47.872 15.309 3.738 14.592 16.333 12.493 26.726-4.864 24.32-44.646 221.594-44.646 221.594-5.274 26.368 11.776 51.968 38.093 57.242 26.266 5.274 51.917-11.776 57.139-38.042l48.538-241.203 0.051-0.051c0 0 0 0 0-0.051l29.082-144.64c6.349-27.29 13.619-52.992 23.040-78.182 55.552-147.917 26.573-284.877 17.101-314.522z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b4;" glyph-name="heart-outlined" d="M880.128 760.013c-85.606 78.592-224.41 78.592-310.016 0l-58.112-53.299-58.163 53.299c-85.606 78.592-224.358 78.592-309.965 0-96.307-88.371-96.307-231.373 0-319.744l368.128-337.869 368.128 337.869c96.256 88.371 96.256 231.424 0 319.744zM825.549 492.8l-313.549-292.608-313.6 292.608c-31.59 29.030-43.827 66.918-43.827 107.213s7.066 73.37 38.707 102.349c27.904 25.651 65.434 39.782 105.626 39.782 40.141 0 77.67-24.371 105.574-50.074l107.52-93.44 107.469 93.491c27.955 25.702 65.434 50.074 105.626 50.074s77.722-14.131 105.626-39.782c31.642-28.979 38.656-62.054 38.656-102.349s-12.186-78.234-43.827-107.264z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b5;" glyph-name="heart" d="M880.128 760.064c-85.606 78.541-224.41 78.541-310.016 0l-58.112-53.35-58.163 53.35c-85.606 78.541-224.358 78.541-309.965 0-96.307-88.422-96.307-231.424 0-319.795l368.128-337.869 368.128 337.869c96.256 88.371 96.256 231.424 0 319.795z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b6;" glyph-name="help-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52c271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.411-220.109 491.469-491.52 491.469zM504.269 174.131h-2.611c-40.038 1.178-68.301 30.72-67.123 70.195 1.126 38.81 30.054 67.021 68.762 67.021l2.355-0.102c41.165-1.178 69.12-30.413 67.942-71.014-1.178-38.912-29.594-66.099-69.325-66.099zM672.768 508.518c-9.421-13.312-30.106-30.003-56.218-50.33l-28.774-19.814c-15.77-12.288-25.293-23.91-28.826-35.226-2.867-8.909-4.198-11.315-4.454-29.491v-4.608h-109.824l0.307 9.318c1.382 38.093 2.304 60.621 18.125 79.206 24.832 29.082 79.616 64.41 81.92 65.894 7.885 5.888 14.49 12.595 19.405 19.814 11.52 15.923 16.589 28.416 16.589 40.602 0 17.101-5.018 32.922-15.002 46.899-9.626 13.619-27.904 20.378-54.323 20.378-26.214 0-44.186-8.294-54.886-25.395-11.059-17.459-16.64-35.84-16.64-54.63v-4.71h-113.203l0.205 4.915c2.918 69.274 27.699 119.194 73.472 148.326 28.826 18.483 64.717 27.853 106.547 27.853 54.682 0 100.966-13.312 137.318-39.526 36.915-26.573 55.603-66.406 55.603-118.323-0.051-29.030-9.216-56.32-27.341-81.152z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b7;" glyph-name="help" d="M721.408 858.47c-58.368 42.086-131.686 63.13-219.955 63.13-67.123 0-123.802-14.797-169.83-44.442-73.062-46.387-111.872-125.184-116.582-236.288h169.318c0 32.41 9.472 63.488 28.314 93.594 18.893 30.003 50.944 45.005 96.154 45.005 45.978 0 77.67-12.186 94.925-36.506 17.357-24.422 26.010-51.405 26.010-80.998 0-25.805-12.902-49.408-28.518-70.81-8.55-12.493-19.814-24.013-33.843-34.509 0 0-91.802-58.88-132.096-106.189-23.347-27.392-25.446-68.506-27.546-127.386-0.102-4.198 1.485-12.902 16.128-12.902 14.694 0 118.579 0 131.635 0 13.107 0 15.821 9.677 15.974 14.029 0.922 21.402 3.277 32.41 7.219 44.8 7.373 23.398 27.546 43.776 50.125 61.389l46.592 32.102c42.086 32.819 75.622 59.699 90.47 80.794 25.293 34.611 43.11 77.312 43.11 128-0.051 82.688-29.235 144.998-87.603 187.187zM498.739 208.691c-58.317 1.792-106.445-38.605-108.288-101.888-1.792-63.181 43.93-105.011 102.298-106.701 60.877-1.792 107.725 37.222 109.619 100.506 1.741 63.283-42.701 106.291-103.629 108.083z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b8;" glyph-name="home" d="M956.006 409.6h-85.606v-307.2c0-22.784-9.933-51.2-51.2-51.2h-204.8v307.2h-204.8v-307.2h-204.8c-41.267 0-51.2 28.416-51.2 51.2v307.2h-85.606c-30.618 0-24.064 16.589-3.072 38.298l410.829 411.238c9.984 10.342 23.091 15.462 36.25 15.974 13.158-0.512 26.266-5.581 36.25-15.974l410.778-411.187c21.043-21.76 27.597-38.349-3.021-38.349z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9b9;" glyph-name="hour-glass" d="M798.72 738.509c0 109.517 0 120.218 0 120.218 0 40.397-128.41 114.074-286.72 114.074-158.362 0-286.72-73.677-286.72-114.074 0 0 0-10.701 0-120.218 0-109.619 198.502-200.090 198.502-277.709 0-77.517-198.502-167.987-198.502-277.606s0-120.32 0-120.32c0-40.346 128.358-114.074 286.72-114.074 158.31 0 286.72 73.728 286.72 114.125 0 0 0 10.701 0 120.32s-198.502 200.090-198.502 277.606c0 77.568 198.502 168.038 198.502 277.658zM304.179 853.606c35.635 22.477 102.4 55.398 210.637 55.398 108.186 0 205.107-55.398 205.107-55.398 7.27-4.403 35.738-19.61 16.23-31.181-42.906-25.446-126.874-52.224-224.154-52.224s-178.381 29.491-221.389 54.989c-19.507 11.52 13.568 28.416 13.568 28.416zM537.651 460.8c0-61.082 50.995-100.403 105.011-152.883 39.475-38.298 93.491-90.778 93.491-124.672v-67.994c-49.664 24.73-198.246 48.896-198.246 128.205 0 40.090-51.866 40.090-51.866 0 0-79.309-148.582-103.475-198.246-128.205v67.994c0 33.894 54.067 86.426 93.491 124.672 54.016 52.48 105.011 91.802 105.011 152.883s-50.995 100.403-105.011 152.883c-39.475 38.4-93.491 90.88-93.491 124.826l-2.355 51.098c52.531-28.314 135.782-55.194 226.56-55.194 90.726 0 174.387 26.88 226.97 55.194l-2.816-51.098c0-33.894-54.067-86.426-93.491-124.826-53.965-52.48-105.011-91.802-105.011-152.883z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9ba;" glyph-name="image-inverted" d="M921.6 819.2h-819.2c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-614.4c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h819.2c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v614.4c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM678.4 640c35.328 0 64-28.672 64-64s-28.672-64-64-64-64 28.672-64 64 28.672 64 64 64zM204.8 256l169.677 390.093 192.973-312.422 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205.722 141.722-175.923 133.018 136.294 170.906 61.696 67.174-176.589v-153.6z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9bd;" glyph-name="inbox" d="M985.754 484.25c-19.866 21.299-115.968 116.275-159.846 159.642-13.466 13.261-32.717 21.709-52.89 21.709h-522.035c-20.173 0-39.424-8.448-52.89-21.709-43.93-43.366-139.981-138.291-159.846-159.642-24.832-26.675-37.018-46.182-31.949-74.189s23.859-135.885 28.467-157.389c4.506-21.453 35.021-47.872 63.488-47.872h827.494c28.467 0 58.982 26.419 63.539 47.872 4.557 21.504 23.398 129.382 28.467 157.389s-7.117 47.565-32 74.189zM717.517 460.646c-5.171 0-9.882-2.662-12.186-6.81l-41.472-95.437h-303.718l-41.421 95.437c-2.304 4.147-7.014 6.81-12.186 6.81h-179.917l103.526 102.554h563.712l103.578-102.554h-179.917z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9be;" glyph-name="infinity" d="M814.182 686.080c-106.445 0-223.13-59.29-302.182-149.299-79.104 90.010-195.84 149.299-302.285 149.299-101.376 0-209.715-59.187-209.715-225.28s108.339-225.178 209.715-225.28v0c106.445 0 223.13 59.29 302.234 149.299 79.053-90.010 195.738-149.299 302.182-149.299 101.427 0 209.869 59.187 209.869 225.28s-108.442 225.28-209.818 225.28zM209.715 325.581c-77.414 0-117.555 45.517-117.555 135.219s40.141 135.219 117.555 135.219c85.658 0 185.037-55.603 246.118-135.219-61.082-79.616-160.461-135.219-246.118-135.219zM814.182 325.581c-85.658 0-185.037 55.603-246.118 135.219 61.030 79.616 160.512 135.219 246.118 135.219 77.414 0 117.658-45.517 117.658-135.219s-40.243-135.219-117.658-135.219z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9bf;" glyph-name="info-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.514 0-491.571-220.058-491.571-491.52 0-271.514 220.058-491.571 491.571-491.571 271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.462-220.109 491.52-491.52 491.52zM557.875 774.861c47.923 0 62.003-27.802 62.003-59.597 0-39.68-31.744-76.39-85.965-76.39-45.363 0-66.97 22.784-65.638 60.518 0 31.795 26.573 75.469 89.6 75.469zM435.098 166.4c-32.768 0-56.678 19.917-33.792 107.213l37.53 154.88c6.502 24.781 7.578 34.714 0 34.714-9.779 0-52.326-17.101-77.414-33.997l-16.333 26.778c79.616 66.509 171.162 105.523 210.33 105.523 32.768 0 38.195-38.707 21.862-98.304l-43.008-162.816c-7.629-28.774-4.352-38.707 3.277-38.707 9.83 0 41.984 11.878 73.626 36.813l18.534-24.883c-77.466-77.414-161.894-107.213-194.611-107.213z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9c0;" glyph-name="info" d="M636.518 972.8c68.608 0 102.912-46.694 102.912-100.198 0-66.816-59.597-128.614-137.165-128.614-64.973 0-102.861 38.4-101.069 101.888 0 53.402 45.107 126.925 135.322 126.925zM425.421-51.2c-54.17 0-93.85 33.382-55.962 180.429l62.157 260.71c10.803 41.677 12.595 58.419 0 58.419-16.23 0-86.477-28.774-128.102-57.19l-27.034 45.056c131.686 111.923 283.187 177.51 348.211 177.51 54.118 0 63.13-65.178 36.096-165.376l-71.219-274.022c-12.595-48.384-7.219-65.075 5.427-65.075 16.23 0 69.478 20.070 121.805 61.798l30.72-41.677c-128.102-130.406-268.032-180.582-322.099-180.582z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9c1;" glyph-name="key" d="M905.779 730.88c-25.754 152.422-164.864 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512v-102.4h-102.4v102.4h102.4zM256 665.6h102.4v-102.4h-102.4v102.4zM409.6 512v-102.4h-102.4v102.4h102.4zM102.4 665.6h102.4v-102.4h-102.4v102.4zM256 512v-102.4h-102.4v102.4h102.4zM204.8 256h-102.4v102.4h102.4v-102.4zM768 256h-512v102.4h512v-102.4zM921.6 256h-102.4v102.4h102.4v-102.4zM768 409.6v102.4h102.4v-102.4h-102.4zM921.6 563.2h-204.8v102.4h204.8v-102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9c3;" glyph-name="lab-flask" d="M841.318 204.8c-104.704 261.478-226.918 330.394-226.918 460.8v153.6h25.6c14.131 0 25.6 11.469 25.6 25.6v51.2c0 14.131-11.469 25.6-25.6 25.6h-256c-14.131 0-25.6-11.469-25.6-25.6v-51.2c0-14.131 11.469-25.6 25.6-25.6h25.6v-153.6c0-130.406-122.214-199.322-226.918-460.8-33.331-83.2-118.938-204.8 329.318-204.8s362.65 121.6 329.318 204.8zM758.528 115.149c-35.942-10.752-107.469-22.989-246.528-22.989s-210.586 12.237-246.528 22.989c-12.749 3.789-17.715 18.586-13.21 32.154 11.264 34.304 32.512 93.594 72.243 159.795 97.075 161.741 197.786-25.446 281.6-25.446s60.826 79.923 93.389 25.446c39.629-66.253 60.979-125.491 72.243-159.795 4.506-13.568-0.461-28.314-13.21-32.154z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9c4;" glyph-name="landline" d="M250.982 960c-71.885 14.182-142.694-32-157.133-103.578-56.576-279.296-56.576-511.846 0-791.245 12.646-62.72 68.454-106.138 130.816-106.138 8.704 0 17.51 0.819 26.368 2.56 72.294 14.285 119.245 83.866 104.755 155.443-50.074 247.398-50.074 440.218 0 687.616 14.438 71.475-32.512 141.056-104.806 155.341zM870.4 870.4h-438.477c3.738-23.91 4.147-48.691-0.87-73.728-47.923-241.664-47.923-429.978 0-671.744 5.018-25.088 4.608-49.818 0.87-73.728h438.477c56.32 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v614.4c0 56.32-46.029 102.4-102.4 102.4zM614.4 230.4c-42.394 0-76.8 34.406-76.8 76.8s34.406 76.8 76.8 76.8 76.8-34.406 76.8-76.8-34.406-76.8-76.8-76.8zM870.4 512h-358.4v204.8h358.4v-204.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9c5;" glyph-name="language" d="M1011.354 414.259c-31.949 87.398-121.139 139.571-238.643 139.571-4.608 0-9.011-0.102-13.414-0.307l-0.819 105.626c0 0 174.592 30.106 180.48 31.078s6.81 6.093 5.581 11.827c-1.178 5.683-8.55 45.21-9.626 49.971-1.382 6.707-5.222 6.502-10.598 5.581-5.325-0.922-166.4-23.603-166.4-23.603s-0.614 99.994-0.666 106.394c-0.051 6.4-3.533 8.090-9.933 7.987s-47.104-0.717-52.48-0.819c-5.376-0.102-8.397-2.509-8.294-7.578 0.102-5.12 1.69-118.118 1.69-118.118s-156.723-26.982-160.973-27.802c-4.301-0.717-8.704-2.714-7.731-7.322s9.728-56.013 10.65-60.006c0.922-4.096 3.686-6.605 9.626-5.478 5.888 0.973 149.709 25.805 149.709 25.805l1.792-103.322c-55.142-14.387-92.211-42.189-115.507-66.714-39.322-41.318-61.798-96.614-61.798-151.706 0-81.203 49.715-129.485 119.194-137.984 161.894-19.814 262.093 156.672 295.373 241.408 56.166-77.107 13.107-222.925-107.213-306.176-2.202-1.485-5.018-6.605-1.69-10.598s27.699-33.894 31.693-38.707c4.096-4.915 10.547-3.021 13.107-1.178 128.512 88.576 187.443 231.168 146.893 342.17zM633.19 251.034c-49.459 6.195-48.333 46.797-48.333 74.394 0 39.578 16.742 80.896 44.851 110.387 17.152 18.125 38.4 31.795 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51.149-51.2h921.702c25.549 0 51.149 25.6 51.149 51.2v25.6c0 14.694 0 25.6-12.595 44.493zM358.4 153.6l30.72 51.2h245.76l30.72-51.2h-307.2zM819.2 358.4h-614.4v409.6h614.4v-409.6z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9c7;" glyph-name="leaf" d="M974.080 789.146c-223.027-130.867-207.053-399.667-363.315-520.96-117.606-91.29-283.546-45.056-379.494-5.786 0 0-65.024-82.074-111.667-191.488-15.616-36.71-84.173 3.738-72.141 34.816 152.474 393.472 671.232 589.773 671.232 589.773s-366.029 15.514-610.662-304.128c-6.554 73.011-17.408 270.541 172.032 391.68 256.819 164.403 746.086 36.608 694.016 6.093z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9c8;" glyph-name="level-down" d="M51.2 358.4v358.4h153.6v-307.2h512v153.6l256-230.4-256-230.4v153.6h-563.2c-56.576 0-102.4 45.875-102.4 102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9c9;" glyph-name="level-up" d="M972.8 512v-358.4h-153.6v307.2h-512v-153.6l-256 230.4 256 230.4v-153.6h563.2c56.525 0 102.4-45.926 102.4-102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9ca;" glyph-name="lifebuoy" d="M859.546 808.346c-191.949 191.949-503.142 191.949-695.040 0-192-192-192-503.194-0.102-695.091 192-192 503.194-192 695.194 0 191.898 191.949 191.898 503.142-0.051 695.091zM345.498 294.298c-92.006 92.006-92.006 241.101 0 333.056 91.904 91.955 241.101 91.955 333.107 0 92.006-92.006 91.904-241.101 0-333.056-92.006-92.006-241.101-92.006-333.107 0zM785.766 313.395c49.562 92.109 49.613 202.701 0 294.861l91.29 49.152c65.997-122.419 65.997-270.848 0.102-393.114l-91.392 49.101zM708.557 825.907l-49.203-91.341c-92.109 49.51-202.701 49.51-294.707 0l-49.203 91.29c122.368 65.946 270.694 65.946 393.114 0.051zM146.944 657.408l91.341-49.203c-49.562-92.058-49.562-202.598-0.051-294.707l-91.341-49.203c-65.946 122.317-65.894 270.694 0.051 393.114zM315.341 95.795l49.203 91.29c92.109-49.613 202.752-49.613 294.861 0l49.203-91.392c-122.47-65.894-270.848-65.894-393.267 0.102z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9cb;" glyph-name="light-bulb" d="M367.923-8.806c40.397-26.112 87.091-43.776 144.077-42.394 56.883-1.382 103.68 16.282 144.077 42.394l-0.87 111.206h-286.413l-0.87-111.206zM650.086 153.6c0 223.078 237.056 299.418 219.29 521.626-11.162 140.186-106.138 297.472-357.376 297.472s-346.214-157.286-357.427-297.523c-17.766-222.157 219.341-298.496 219.341-521.574h276.173zM256 665.6c10.598 133.018 108.186 204.8 256 204.8 147.763 0 238.285-70.195 248.883-203.213 5.786-72.909-36.096-121.498-92.621-201.011-41.677-58.675-82.074-119.962-105.062-210.176h-102.4c-22.989 90.214-63.386 151.501-105.114 210.227-56.474 79.462-105.523 126.464-99.686 199.373z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9cc;" glyph-name="light-down" d="M512 624.794c-90.88 0-163.84-73.011-163.84-163.891 0-90.778 72.96-163.789 163.84-163.789 90.829 0 163.789 73.011 163.789 163.789 0 90.88-72.96 163.891-163.789 163.891zM512 355.994c-58.010 0-105.011 46.899-105.011 104.909s47.002 105.011 105.011 105.011c57.958 0 104.96-47.002 104.96-105.011-0.051-58.010-47.053-104.909-104.96-104.909zM768 716.8c-15.974 15.974-45.21 12.698-65.178-7.27-19.968-20.019-23.194-49.101-7.219-65.126s45.158-12.8 65.178 7.219c19.968 19.968 23.194 49.203 7.219 65.178zM263.27 269.875c-20.019-19.968-23.245-49.101-7.27-65.075s45.158-12.8 65.178 7.219c20.019 20.019 23.245 49.203 7.27 65.178s-45.21 12.698-65.178-7.322zM256 716.8c-15.974-15.974-12.749-45.21 7.219-65.178 20.019-20.019 49.203-23.194 65.178-7.219s12.749 45.21-7.27 65.178c-19.917 19.917-49.152 23.194-65.126 7.219zM702.822 212.122c19.968-20.019 49.152-23.296 65.178-7.322s12.749 45.21-7.27 65.229c-20.019 20.019-49.152 23.194-65.178 7.219s-12.698-45.158 7.27-65.126zM512 716.902c22.579 0 40.96 22.886 40.96 51.2-0.051 28.314-18.381 51.098-40.96 51.098-22.63 0-41.011-22.784-41.011-51.098s18.33-51.2 41.011-51.2zM512 102.4c22.579 0 40.96 22.886 40.96 51.2s-18.33 51.098-40.909 51.098c-22.63 0-41.011-22.784-41.011-51.098-0.051-28.314 18.278-51.2 40.96-51.2zM256 460.8c0 22.579-23.040 40.96-51.354 40.96s-51.046-18.381-51.046-40.96c0-22.63 22.733-40.96 51.046-40.96s51.354 18.33 51.354 40.96zM870.4 460.8c0 22.579-22.938 40.96-51.251 40.96s-51.149-18.381-51.149-40.96c0-22.63 22.835-40.96 51.149-40.96s51.251 18.33 51.251 40.96z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9cd;" glyph-name="light-up" d="M972.8 501.811c-9.318 0-40.909 0-50.176 0-28.314 0-51.2-18.381-51.2-41.011 0-22.579 22.886-40.909 51.2-40.909 9.318 0 40.909 0 50.176 0 28.262 0 51.2 18.278 51.2 40.909 0 22.579-22.989 41.011-51.2 41.011zM512 742.4c-156.211 0-281.6-125.389-281.6-281.6s125.389-281.6 281.6-281.6c156.16 0 281.6 125.389 281.6 281.6s-125.491 281.6-281.6 281.6zM512 256c-113.203 0-204.8 91.699-204.8 204.8 0 113.203 91.597 204.8 204.8 204.8 113.101 0 204.8-91.597 204.8-204.8 0-113.101-91.699-204.8-204.8-204.8zM153.6 460.8c0 22.579-22.989 41.011-51.2 41.011-9.472 0-41.779 0-51.2 0-28.314 0-51.2-18.381-51.2-41.011 0-22.579 22.886-40.909 51.2-40.909 9.421 0 41.728 0 51.2 0 28.211 0 51.2 18.33 51.2 40.909zM512 819.2c22.579 0 40.909 22.886 40.909 51.2 0 9.421 0 41.779 0 51.2 0 28.314-18.33 51.2-40.909 51.2-22.63 0-41.011-22.886-41.011-51.2 0-9.421 0-41.779 0-51.2 0-28.314 18.381-51.2 41.011-51.2zM512 102.4c-22.63 0-41.011-22.886-41.011-51.2 0-9.421 0-41.779 0-51.2 0-28.314 18.381-51.2 41.011-51.2 22.579 0 40.909 22.886 40.909 51.2 0 9.421 0 41.779 0 51.2 0 28.314-18.33 51.2-40.909 51.2zM889.088 779.981c20.019 20.019 23.245 49.203 7.27 65.178s-45.21 12.698-65.126-7.322c-5.53-5.478-30.362-30.31-35.84-35.789-20.019-20.019-23.245-49.203-7.27-65.178s45.21-12.698 65.178 7.322c5.478 5.53 30.259 30.31 35.789 35.789zM170.701 177.51c-5.53-5.581-30.362-30.413-35.84-35.891-20.019-20.019-23.245-49.101-7.27-65.075s45.21-12.8 65.126 7.219c5.53 5.478 30.362 30.31 35.84 35.789 20.019 20.019 23.245 49.203 7.27 65.229s-45.21 12.646-65.126-7.27zM192.768 837.888c-19.968 20.019-49.203 23.296-65.178 7.322s-12.698-45.21 7.219-65.229c5.53-5.478 30.362-30.31 35.84-35.789 20.019-20.019 49.152-23.296 65.126-7.322s12.749 45.21-7.219 65.178c-5.478 5.53-30.259 30.362-35.789 35.84zM795.341 119.501c5.53-5.478 30.362-30.31 35.84-35.789 20.019-20.019 49.152-23.194 65.126-7.322 15.974 15.974 12.749 45.21-7.27 65.178-5.478 5.478-30.31 30.31-35.789 35.789-20.019 20.019-49.203 23.296-65.229 7.322s-12.698-45.158 7.322-65.178z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9ce;" glyph-name="line-graph" d="M35.328 392.653l69.786-17.306 52.531 82.483-99.84 24.678c-24.986 6.195-50.227-8.909-56.422-33.792-6.195-24.73 8.96-49.818 33.946-56.064zM946.227 379.29l-228.506-205.619-268.646 207.923c-5.12 3.891-11.008 6.81-17.306 8.294l-35.738 8.909-52.582-82.483 56.32-13.978 291.686-225.69c8.499-6.502 18.534-9.677 28.621-9.677 11.213 0 22.426 3.994 31.181 11.878l257.434 231.782c19.046 17.101 20.531 46.387 3.277 65.382-17.254 18.944-46.643 20.48-65.741 3.277zM444.621 605.184l250.214-160.205c21.146-13.517 49.203-7.885 63.488 12.595l257.382 370.79c14.643 21.094 9.37 50.022-11.827 64.512-21.197 14.592-50.125 9.318-64.768-11.776l-231.834-333.875-251.699 161.126c-10.445 6.707-23.091 8.909-35.226 6.298-12.083-2.714-22.63-10.086-29.235-20.48l-383.846-602.47c-13.824-21.606-7.373-50.33 14.336-64 7.68-4.915 16.333-7.219 24.883-7.219 15.411 0 30.515 7.629 39.322 21.504l358.81 563.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9cf;" glyph-name="link" d="M402.381 220.621l-41.472-41.216c-35.891-35.584-94.362-35.584-130.304 0-17.203 17.101-26.675 39.885-26.675 64.102s9.523 46.899 26.675 64.102l152.576 151.296c31.59 31.386 91.085 77.568 134.451 34.56 19.917-19.763 52.019-19.661 71.834 0.256 19.712 19.917 19.61 52.070-0.307 71.782-73.626 73.114-182.579 59.597-277.453-34.56l-152.576-151.347c-36.608-36.301-56.73-84.685-56.73-136.090 0-51.507 20.173-99.789 56.73-136.090 37.683-37.376 87.142-56.115 136.653-56.115s99.021 18.688 136.653 56.115l41.523 41.216c19.917 19.712 20.019 51.814 0.256 71.68-19.814 19.866-51.917 19.968-71.834 0.307zM864.819 808.602c-79.206 78.541-189.901 82.79-263.117 10.086l-51.661-51.302c-19.917-19.763-20.070-51.866-0.307-71.731 19.763-19.917 51.866-20.019 71.782-0.256l51.712 51.251c37.888 37.683 87.603 22.067 120.115-10.086 17.203-17.152 26.726-39.885 26.726-64.102s-9.523-46.95-26.726-64.051l-162.816-161.485c-74.445-73.779-109.363-39.219-124.262-24.422-19.917 19.763-52.019 19.61-71.731-0.256-19.763-19.917-19.661-52.070 0.256-71.731 34.202-33.894 73.216-50.688 114.074-50.688 50.022 0 102.912 25.19 153.242 75.11l162.816 161.434c36.454 36.352 56.678 84.685 56.678 136.090 0 51.456-20.224 99.789-56.781 136.141z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d0;" glyph-name="list" d="M737.28 512h-296.96c-28.262 0-30.72-22.886-30.72-51.2s2.458-51.2 30.72-51.2h296.96c28.262 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2s-2.458 51.2-30.72 51.2zM839.68 256h-399.36c-28.262 0-30.72-22.886-30.72-51.2s2.458-51.2 30.72-51.2h399.36c28.262 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2s-2.458 51.2-30.72 51.2zM440.32 665.6h399.36c28.262 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2s-2.458 51.2-30.72 51.2h-399.36c-28.262 0-30.72-22.886-30.72-51.2s2.458-51.2 30.72-51.2zM276.48 512h-92.16c-28.262 0-30.72-22.886-30.72-51.2s2.458-51.2 30.72-51.2h92.16c28.262 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2s-2.458 51.2-30.72 51.2zM276.48 256h-92.16c-28.262 0-30.72-22.886-30.72-51.2s2.458-51.2 30.72-51.2h92.16c28.262 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2s-2.458 51.2-30.72 51.2zM276.48 768h-92.16c-28.262 0-30.72-22.886-30.72-51.2s2.458-51.2 30.72-51.2h92.16c28.262 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2s-2.458 51.2-30.72 51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d1;" glyph-name="location-pin" d="M512 869.939c-141.414 0-256-114.125-256-255.488 0-244.429 256-563.2 256-563.2s256 318.822 256 563.2c0 141.312-114.586 255.488-256 255.488zM512 473.088c-76.39 0-138.24 61.901-138.24 138.24s61.85 138.24 138.24 138.24c76.288 0 138.189-61.901 138.189-138.24s-61.901-138.24-138.189-138.24z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d2;" glyph-name="location" d="M991.59 45.978l-69.99 210.022h-76.8l42.65-204.8h-750.899l42.65 204.8h-76.8l-70.042-210.022c-17.766-53.453 13.722-97.178 70.042-97.178h819.2c56.32 0 87.808 43.725 69.99 97.178zM768 716.8c0 141.363-114.586 256-256 256s-256-114.637-256-256c0-244.48 256-512 256-512s256 267.52 256 512zM373.76 713.728c0 76.339 61.85 138.189 138.24 138.189s138.24-61.85 138.24-138.189c0-76.39-61.901-138.24-138.24-138.24s-138.24 61.901-138.24 138.24z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d3;" glyph-name="lock-open" d="M808.96 563.2h-92.16v122.88c0 148.326-68.352 235.52-204.8 235.52-136.499 0-204.8-87.194-204.8-235.52v-20.48h102.4v41.011c0 73.984 40.806 112.589 102.4 112.589s102.4-38.605 102.4-112.589v-143.411h-409.6c-28.314 0-51.2-33.075-51.2-61.389v-399.411c0-28.109 21.914-58.317 48.691-66.918l61.286-19.814c26.829-8.55 71.782-15.667 99.942-15.667h296.96c28.109 0 73.114 7.117 99.891 15.718l61.235 19.814c26.829 8.55 48.794 38.758 48.794 66.867v399.411c0 28.314-33.178 61.389-61.44 61.389z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d4;" glyph-name="lock" d="M808.96 563.2h-92.16v122.88c0 148.326-68.352 235.52-204.8 235.52-136.499 0-204.8-87.194-204.8-235.52v-122.88h-102.4c-28.314 0-51.2-33.075-51.2-61.389v-399.411c0-28.109 21.914-58.317 48.691-66.918l61.286-19.814c26.829-8.55 71.782-15.667 99.942-15.667h296.96c28.109 0 73.114 7.117 99.891 15.718l61.235 19.814c26.829 8.55 48.794 38.758 48.794 66.867v399.411c0 28.314-33.178 61.389-61.44 61.389zM614.4 563.2h-204.8v143.411c0 73.984 40.806 112.589 102.4 112.589s102.4-38.605 102.4-112.589v-143.411z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d5;" glyph-name="log-out" d="M972.8 460.8l-307.2 256v-153.6h-358.4v-204.8h358.4v-153.6l307.2 256zM153.6 819.2h409.6v102.4h-409.6c-56.32 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-716.8c0-56.32 46.080-102.4 102.4-102.4h409.6v102.4h-409.6v716.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d6;" glyph-name="login" d="M716.8 460.8l-307.2 256v-153.6h-358.4v-204.8h358.4v-153.6l307.2 256zM870.4 102.4h-409.6v-102.4h409.6c56.32 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v716.8c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4h-409.6v-102.4h409.6v-716.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d7;" glyph-name="loop" d="M1024 614.4v-358.4c0-56.474-45.875-102.4-102.4-102.4h-819.2c-56.525 0-102.4 45.926-102.4 102.4v358.4c0 56.525 45.875 102.4 102.4 102.4h358.4v102.4l204.8-179.2-204.8-179.2v102.4h-307.2v-256h716.8v256h-153.6v153.6h204.8c56.525 0 102.4-45.875 102.4-102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d8;" glyph-name="magnet" d="M622.848 58.368c-1.434-15.821 11.11-29.901 27.904-31.283l204.032-16.691c16.845-1.382 31.795 10.394 33.28 26.214l15.923 168.294-265.216 21.811-15.923-168.346zM120.013 204.851l15.974-168.294c1.434-15.821 16.435-27.597 33.28-26.214l204.032 16.691c16.794 1.382 29.338 15.514 27.955 31.283l-15.974 168.294-265.267-21.76zM93.747 482.15l16.435-173.619 265.267 21.811-16.486 173.414c-0.358 4.198-0.563 8.499-0.563 12.8 0 79.616 68.915 144.384 153.6 144.384s153.6-64.819 153.6-144.384c0-4.301-0.205-8.602-0.614-12.8l-16.435-173.414 265.267-21.811 16.435 173.619c1.075 11.52 1.536 22.989 1.536 34.406 0.051 217.702-188.262 394.803-419.789 394.803s-419.84-177.101-419.84-394.803c0-11.418 0.563-22.886 1.587-34.406z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9d9;" glyph-name="magnifying-glass" d="M898.304 180.89l-193.485 193.485c29.184 47.872 45.978 104.192 45.978 164.352 0 174.95-151.603 326.502-326.554 326.502-174.95 0.051-316.723-141.773-316.723-316.723 0-174.899 151.603-326.502 326.502-326.502 58.214 0 112.64 15.821 159.488 43.213l194.509-194.611c19.046-18.995 49.92-18.995 68.915 0l48.282 48.282c18.995 18.995 12.083 43.008-6.912 62.003zM205.005 548.506c0 121.139 98.15 219.29 219.238 219.29 121.139 0 229.069-107.878 229.069-229.069 0-121.088-98.202-219.29-219.29-219.29-121.139 0.051-229.018 107.981-229.018 229.069z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9da;" glyph-name="mail" d="M80.589 702.157c24.986-13.414 371.098-199.373 384-206.285s29.594-10.189 46.387-10.189c16.794 0 33.485 3.277 46.387 10.189s359.014 192.87 384 206.285c25.037 13.466 48.691 65.843 2.765 65.843h-866.253c-45.926 0-22.272-52.378 2.714-65.843zM952.986 589.363c-28.416-14.797-378.214-197.069-395.622-206.182s-29.594-10.189-46.387-10.189-28.979 1.075-46.387 10.189-365.21 191.437-393.626 206.234c-19.968 10.445-19.763-1.792-19.763-11.213s0-373.402 0-373.402c0-21.504 28.979-51.2 51.2-51.2h819.2c22.221 0 51.2 29.696 51.2 51.2 0 0 0 363.93 0 373.35s0.205 21.658-19.814 11.213z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9db;" 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2.611-46.131-7.066-13.363-9.626-21.248-25.088-21.248-41.523v-665.651c0-19.405 10.957-37.12 28.314-45.773l307.2-153.6c7.219-3.584 15.053-5.427 22.886-5.427s15.718 1.792 22.886 5.427l288.256 144.077 287.027-95.693c15.616-5.12 32.768-2.509 46.131 7.117s21.248 25.088 21.248 41.472v665.702c0.051 19.405-10.906 37.12-28.262 45.773zM409.6 704.973l204.8 102.4v-602.266l-204.8-102.4v602.266zM102.4 768l204.8-68.25v-597.043l-204.8 102.4v562.893zM921.6 141.978l-204.8 68.301v597.094l204.8-102.4v-562.995z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9dd;" glyph-name="mask" d="M1002.547 673.792c-2.202 24.013-23.654 41.114-47.104 37.376-89.19-14.234-298.291-96.768-443.443-96.768s-354.253 82.534-443.443 96.768c-23.45 3.738-44.851-13.312-47.104-37.325-7.27-78.438-21.453-287.283-21.453-318.925 0-42.496 177.766-139.878 307.2-139.878 125.542 0 151.040 139.878 204.8 139.878s79.258-139.878 204.8-139.878c129.434 0 307.2 97.382 307.2 139.878 0 31.642-14.182 240.486-21.453 318.874zM392.192 423.936c-18.074-16.282-68.352-54.784-129.587-42.752s-98.253 67.738-110.899 90.010c-3.072 5.427-2.099 12.288 2.253 16.23 18.074 16.282 68.352 54.784 129.638 42.752 61.235-12.032 98.253-67.738 110.899-90.010 3.021-5.427 2.048-12.288-2.304-16.23zM872.294 471.194c-12.595-22.323-49.613-77.978-110.899-90.010-61.235-12.032-111.565 26.47-129.587 42.752-4.403 3.942-5.325 10.803-2.304 16.23 12.595 22.323 49.613 77.978 110.899 90.010 61.235 12.032 111.565-26.47 129.587-42.752 4.403-3.942 5.376-10.803 2.304-16.23z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9de;" glyph-name="medal" d="M512 460.8c27.034 0 52.531-5.325 77.005-13.107l-311.142 466.688c-3.021 4.506-8.038 7.219-13.466 7.219h-182.067c-5.99 0-9.626-6.707-6.246-11.725l319.027-478.566c35.174 18.227 74.547 29.491 116.89 29.491zM941.67 921.6h-182.067c-5.427 0-10.445-2.714-13.466-7.219l-195.738-293.581 102.4-153.6 295.117 442.675c3.328 5.018-0.256 11.725-6.246 11.725zM512 409.6c-113.101 0-204.8-91.699-204.8-204.8s91.699-204.8 204.8-204.8 204.8 91.699 204.8 204.8c0 113.101-91.699 204.8-204.8 204.8zM620.134 198.81c3.174-3.277 2.662-8.090-1.126-10.65s-4.864-7.834-2.509-11.725c2.406-3.891 0.922-8.448-3.328-10.189s-6.4-6.656-4.864-10.957-0.87-8.448-5.325-9.267-7.629-5.171-7.014-9.677-2.611-8.090-7.168-7.936c-4.557 0.154-8.55-3.482-8.909-7.987s-4.25-7.373-8.653-6.298-9.114-1.587-10.394-5.99-5.683-6.349-9.779-4.352c-4.096 1.997-9.216 0.307-11.366-3.686s-6.861-5.018-10.496-2.202-8.96 2.253-11.878-1.229-7.731-3.482-10.701 0-8.294 4.045-11.878 1.229-8.294-1.792-10.496 2.202-7.27 5.683-11.366 3.686c-4.096-1.997-8.499 0-9.779 4.352s-5.939 7.066-10.394 5.99-8.346 1.741-8.653 6.298-4.301 8.141-8.858 8.038c-4.557-0.154-7.782 3.43-7.168 7.936s-2.56 8.858-7.014 9.677-6.912 4.966-5.325 9.267-0.666 9.216-4.864 10.957-5.683 6.298-3.328 10.189c2.406 3.891 1.28 9.165-2.509 11.725s-4.25 7.373-1.126 10.65c3.174 3.277 3.174 8.653 0 11.981s-2.662 8.090 1.126 10.65 4.864 7.834 2.509 11.725c-2.406 3.891-0.922 8.448 3.328 10.189s6.4 6.656 4.864 10.957 0.87 8.448 5.325 9.267 7.629 5.171 7.014 9.677 2.611 8.090 7.168 7.936c4.557-0.154 8.55 3.482 8.909 7.987s4.25 7.373 8.653 6.298 9.114 1.587 10.394 5.99 5.683 6.349 9.779 4.352c4.096-1.997 9.216-0.307 11.366 3.686s6.861 5.018 10.496 2.202 8.96-2.253 11.878 1.229 7.731 3.482 10.701 0 8.294-4.045 11.878-1.229 8.294 1.792 10.496-2.202 7.27-5.683 11.366-3.686c4.096 1.997 8.499 0 9.779-4.352s5.939-7.066 10.394-5.99 8.346-1.741 8.653-6.298 4.352-8.141 8.909-7.987c4.557 0.154 7.782-3.43 7.168-7.936s2.56-8.858 7.014-9.677 6.912-4.966 5.325-9.267 0.666-9.216 4.864-10.957 5.683-6.298 3.328-10.189c-2.406-3.891-1.28-9.165 2.509-11.725s4.25-7.373 1.126-10.65-3.226-8.755-0.051-12.032z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9df;" glyph-name="megaphone" d="M881.818 612.864c-81.101 188.723-211.558 332.288-277.555 305.51-112.077-45.619 66.765-264.397-483.686-488.090-47.565-19.405-59.597-96.666-39.68-142.95 19.866-46.182 84.89-92.211 132.454-72.909 8.243 3.379 38.451 13.107 38.451 13.107 33.946-45.619 69.478-18.586 82.125-47.514 15.155-34.816 48.077-110.49 59.29-136.192s36.608-49.51 55.040-42.496c18.381 7.014 80.998 30.822 104.96 39.885 23.962 9.114 29.645 30.515 22.323 47.309-7.885 18.176-40.243 23.501-49.51 44.698-9.216 21.094-39.373 88.986-48.026 110.387-11.776 29.082 13.261 52.787 49.664 56.525 250.573 26.214 297.421-128.614 382.72-93.901 65.894 26.88 52.48 218.061-28.57 406.63zM853.606 306.893c-14.694-5.888-113.306 71.782-176.282 218.47-63.027 146.586-55.091 280.576-40.448 286.566 14.643 5.888 110.848-87.91 173.824-234.496 63.027-146.586 57.549-264.55 42.906-270.541z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9e0;" glyph-name="menu" d="M839.68 512h-655.36c-28.262 0-30.72-22.886-30.72-51.2s2.458-51.2 30.72-51.2h655.36c28.262 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2s-2.458 51.2-30.72 51.2zM839.68 307.2h-655.36c-28.262 0-30.72-22.886-30.72-51.2s2.458-51.2 30.72-51.2h655.36c28.262 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2s-2.458 51.2-30.72 51.2zM184.32 614.4h655.36c28.262 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2s-2.458 51.2-30.72 51.2h-655.36c-28.262 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99.328-184.525 133.376-283.955 75.981-46.592-26.88-77.21-69.581-92.211-117.197l152.371-263.987c48.691-10.854 101.018-5.632 147.712 21.248 99.43 57.395 133.478 184.474 76.083 283.955z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9e6;" glyph-name="moon" d="M702.413 880.64c35.123-19.712 68.198-44.39 98.099-74.189 175.104-175.206 175.104-459.059 0-634.163s-459.008-175.104-634.163 0c-29.85 29.901-54.528 63.027-74.189 98.099 170.752-95.59 390.81-71.014 536.013 74.189 145.254 145.254 169.882 365.261 74.24 536.064z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9e7;" glyph-name="mouse" d="M788.582 235.418l-134.502 385.792c-36.966 106.138-151.859 164.864-260.71 135.834l-101.171 196.352c-9.165 17.715-30.618 24.525-48.026 15.155-17.357-9.37-24.013-31.437-14.797-49.203l98.765-191.59c-78.694-52.224-119.603-151.245-93.645-244.429l109.517-394.035c30.822-110.694 157.696-167.117 285.235-128.102 125.901 44.186 197.12 165.734 159.334 274.227zM455.629 515.942c-37.376-12.288-77.363 8.806-89.344 47.155-12.032 38.298 8.602 79.258 45.926 91.546 37.376 12.288 77.414-8.806 89.395-47.104s-8.602-79.309-45.978-91.597z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9e8;" glyph-name="music" d="M819.2 921.6h-614.4c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-819.2c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h614.4c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v819.2c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM655.104 383.027c-9.472-19.558-19.098-20.582-14.899 0 10.803 53.197 3.482 167.475-77.005 180.173v-243.2c0-49.818-22.938-93.184-83.917-112.794-59.187-18.893-125.389 0.819-140.902 43.315s19.302 94.208 77.722 115.507c32.614 11.878 70.4 14.95 95.898 5.171v345.6h51.2c0-120.576 208.128-94.157 91.904-333.773z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9e9;" glyph-name="network" d="M270.029 618.752c10.24 0 20.173-1.485 29.491-4.403 35.328 39.578 74.496 75.622 116.89 107.52-1.792 7.475-2.765 15.309-2.765 23.296 0 11.11 1.843 21.811 5.222 31.795-47.565 33.997-99.174 62.618-154.163 84.685-51.456-31.795-96.358-73.267-132.198-121.907 26.573-47.104 58.163-90.982 94.106-130.918 13.107 6.349 27.802 9.933 43.418 9.933zM169.779 518.554c0 14.080 2.97 27.494 8.141 39.578-32.154 35.43-61.286 73.523-86.784 114.125-32-63.59-50.176-135.424-50.176-211.507 0-88.013 24.269-170.394 66.304-240.896 15.053 84.685 43.571 164.813 82.944 238.182-12.8 16.794-20.429 37.837-20.429 60.518zM513.843 845.363c26.47 0 50.432-10.291 68.403-27.085 52.275 22.477 107.315 39.782 164.608 50.79-69.171 39.885-149.35 62.771-234.854 62.771-58.317 0-114.125-10.701-165.683-30.106 40.909-20.224 79.923-43.776 116.582-70.4 14.95 8.909 32.307 14.029 50.944 14.029zM663.654 373.35c6.246 13.005 15.104 24.525 26.061 33.587-29.594 90.982-76.442 174.285-136.806 245.914-11.981-5.12-25.19-7.885-39.117-7.885-21.76 0-41.779 7.014-58.214 18.688-36.352-27.597-69.99-58.522-100.557-92.314 9.626-15.309 15.206-33.382 15.206-52.787 0-10.394-1.587-20.48-4.608-30.003 87.91-58.675 189.133-99.021 298.035-115.2zM793.651 238.029c1.331-18.995 2.099-38.093 2.099-57.395 0-33.997-2.15-67.482-6.246-100.403 79.872 58.317 140.698 141.21 171.366 237.517-36.352-8.806-73.626-15.104-111.667-18.688-8.858-27.494-29.286-49.613-55.552-61.030zM640.205 305.971c-116.326 19.302-224.102 63.693-317.952 127.181-15.258-9.318-33.126-14.797-52.275-14.797-7.117 0-13.926 0.717-20.582 2.099-44.902-85.094-73.626-180.070-81.869-280.781 44.851-48.128 99.533-86.886 161.024-112.896 76.39 117.402 183.091 214.477 311.654 279.194zM828.211 809.933c-75.52-7.322-147.61-26.317-214.682-54.682 0.307-3.379 0.512-6.707 0.512-10.086 0-15.821-3.789-30.72-10.291-43.981 67.123-78.797 119.142-170.496 152.013-270.899 40.806-0.819 75.622-25.702 90.624-61.184 45.363 4.608 89.498 13.312 131.994 25.805 3.072 21.504 4.71 43.52 4.71 65.894-0.051 138.445-59.75 262.963-154.88 349.133zM690.637 252.467c-120.013-56.218-220.365-142.797-293.018-248.627 36.608-9.165 74.906-14.080 114.381-14.080 71.014 0 138.342 15.821 198.758 43.981 9.728 47.514 14.848 96.614 14.848 146.893 0 18.176-0.819 36.198-2.202 54.016-12.083 3.891-23.194 9.882-32.768 17.818z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9ea;" 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0.41l-46.541-80.896c-17.254-29.952-56.73-42.65-87.706-28.467l-81.92 37.581c-31.13 14.336-54.938-2.15-53.094-36.659l4.403-82.688c1.894-34.509-23.603-69.99-56.525-78.899l-79.104-21.197c-32.87-8.909-38.912-34.816-13.312-57.6l88.422-78.797c25.6-22.784 25.6-60.109 0-82.893l-88.422-78.797c-25.6-22.784-18.842-44.902 15.002-48.998l107.264-13.005c33.843-4.096 52.685-34.304 41.882-67.123l-54.989-166.81c-10.803-32.819 4.608-45.517 34.202-28.416l126.106 73.011c29.594 17.101 69.427 7.68 88.525-20.89l52.326-78.797c19.046-28.621 47.667-27.085 63.488 3.482l46.029 88.73c15.872 30.618 53.862 43.11 84.378 27.802l88.781-44.39c30.618-15.206 54.118 0.512 52.275 34.918l-4.454 82.79c-1.792 34.509 23.603 69.888 56.627 78.797l79.002 21.299c32.973 8.909 39.014 34.816 13.414 57.6zM563.2 256h-102.4v102.4h102.4v-102.4zM563.2 409.6h-102.4v256h102.4v-256z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9ec;" glyph-name="news" d="M716.8 716.8h-204.8v-102.4h204.8v102.4zM716.8 563.2h-204.8v-51.2h204.8v51.2zM460.8 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473.242-238.131 270.080 74.189 335.309 232.755 326.605 273.101s-136.448 84.582-87.962 179.098c60.826 118.426 160.205 58.829 203.878 83.046 43.776 24.166 27.597 176.23-156.826 238.234zM619.213 291.123c-40.858-11.162-83.098 13.107-94.362 54.221-11.315 41.216 12.698 83.507 53.555 94.669s83.046-13.005 94.362-54.221c11.264-41.114-12.698-83.507-53.555-94.669z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9f2;" glyph-name="paper-plane" d="M954.368 837.939c-17.613-6.195-886.835-312.525-903.987-318.566-14.541-5.12-17.766-17.664-0.512-24.525 20.531-8.243 194.355-77.875 194.355-77.875v0l115.2-46.131c0 0 554.906 407.45 562.381 412.979 7.578 5.53 16.282-4.864 10.803-10.803-5.478-5.99-402.995-435.866-402.995-435.866v-0.102l-23.142-25.754 30.669-16.486c0 0 238.080-128.205 255.078-137.318 14.899-7.987 34.202-1.382 38.502 17.101 5.069 21.811 145.664 627.763 148.787 641.28 4.045 17.562-7.578 28.262-25.139 22.067zM358.4 94.106c0-12.595 7.117-16.128 16.947-7.219 12.851 11.725 145.92 131.123 145.92 131.123l-162.867 84.173v-208.077z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9f3;" glyph-name="pencil" d="M752.128 836.557c-96.973 70.605-165.99 69.069-192.205 64.819-7.373-1.178-13.568-5.427-17.92-11.418l-352.41-486.246c-14.182-19.558-22.374-42.803-23.654-66.918l-15.155-287.949c-1.075-20.736 19.558-35.738 38.912-28.314l269.107 102.912c22.682 8.704 42.394 23.808 56.627 43.469l352.256 486.093c4.557 6.298 6.4 13.978 5.12 21.658-4.301 26.931-24.934 92.262-120.678 161.894zM459.622 180.992l-104.602-40.397c-4.096-1.587-8.653-0.307-11.315 3.174-13.466 17.152-29.491 34.15-55.040 52.736-25.549 18.534-46.643 28.57-67.072 36.147-4.096 1.536-6.707 5.427-6.451 9.83l6.246 111.923 28.109 38.656c0 0 62.925 8.653 145.050-51.098 82.022-59.699 93.235-122.266 93.235-122.266l-28.16-38.707z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9f4;" glyph-name="phone" d="M574.925 397.875c-81.050-80.998-174.95-158.515-212.070-121.395-53.094 53.094-85.862 99.379-203.008 5.222-117.094-94.106-27.136-156.877 24.32-208.282 59.392-59.392 280.781-3.174 499.61 215.603 218.778 218.829 274.842 440.218 215.398 499.61-51.456 51.507-113.92 141.414-208.026 24.32-94.157-117.094-47.923-149.862 5.274-203.008 36.966-37.12-40.499-131.021-121.498-212.070z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9f5;" glyph-name="pie-chart" d="M563.2 923.75v-462.797c0-28.365-22.989-51.354-51.354-51.354h-462.797c25.498-233.216 222.976-414.72 462.95-414.72 257.331 0 465.92 208.589 465.92 465.92 0 240.026-181.504 437.453-414.72 462.95zM460.8 923.75c-216.371-23.654-388.096-195.379-411.75-411.75h411.75v411.75z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9f6;" glyph-name="pin" d="M244.429 190.106l-107.776-166.4 11.469-54.426 54.272 11.622 107.725 166.298c-11.469 6.144-22.835 12.698-33.843 19.968-11.162 7.219-21.811 14.95-31.846 22.938zM700.723 248.218c0.717 1.485 1.178 3.123 1.843 4.71 2.714 5.99 5.12 11.981 7.066 18.278 0.307 1.126 0.461 2.253 0.819 3.277 1.997 6.963 3.686 13.824 5.018 20.89 0 0.358 0 0.614 0 1.075 9.984 59.853-7.424 126.618-47.258 186.931l56.832 87.757c65.485-8.346 122.112 8.141 149.35 50.278 47.258 72.858-10.24 194.15-128.256 271.002-118.118 76.902-252.058 80.128-299.213 7.373-27.341-42.189-19.354-100.71 15.002-157.338l-56.934-87.757c-71.117 11.93-139.059 0.819-189.594-32.768-0.307-0.102-0.666-0.205-0.87-0.41-5.888-3.994-11.622-8.397-16.998-13.005-0.87-0.717-1.894-1.382-2.611-2.099-5.018-4.301-9.523-9.114-13.875-13.926-1.024-1.229-2.458-2.304-3.43-3.584-5.427-6.195-10.445-12.749-14.848-19.712-70.861-109.21-10.394-274.483 134.81-369.101 145.306-94.618 320.512-82.637 391.219 26.573 4.454 6.912 8.55 14.131 11.93 21.555zM658.995 758.067c-45.414 29.542-67.584 76.134-49.408 104.243 18.125 28.006 69.683 26.726 114.995-2.816 45.517-29.542 67.482-76.237 49.408-104.243s-69.53-26.726-114.995 2.816z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9f7;" glyph-name="plus" d="M819.2 460.8c0-28.314-2.458-51.2-30.771-51.2h-225.229v-225.229c0-28.262-22.886-30.771-51.2-30.771s-51.2 2.509-51.2 30.771v225.229h-225.229c-28.262 0-30.771 22.886-30.771 51.2s2.509 51.2 30.771 51.2h225.229v225.229c0 28.314 22.886 30.771 51.2 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0-76.595-12.595-107.674-35.891zM870.4 665.6v-102.4h153.6v102.4h-153.6zM870.4 256h153.6v102.4h-153.6v-102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9fa;" glyph-name="price-ribbon" d="M656.64 427.366c6.042 13.21 22.784 25.446 37.222 27.085s27.597 14.848 29.235 29.286c1.741 14.336 13.926 31.13 27.085 37.222 13.21 6.093 21.658 22.682 18.893 36.864-2.97 14.234 3.482 33.946 14.131 43.725 10.701 9.933 13.619 28.314 6.502 41.011-7.117 12.595-7.117 33.331 0 45.926 7.117 12.749 4.198 31.13-6.502 41.011-10.65 9.882-17.050 29.542-14.131 43.725 2.765 14.234-5.683 30.874-18.893 36.966-13.107 6.093-25.344 22.784-27.085 37.222-1.69 14.336-14.848 27.546-29.235 29.286-14.438 1.69-31.181 13.926-37.222 27.034-6.144 13.21-22.733 21.658-36.966 18.739-14.234-2.816-33.894 3.584-43.725 14.234-9.882 10.752-28.314 13.619-40.96 6.502s-33.382-7.117-45.978 0c-12.646 7.219-31.027 4.352-41.011-6.4-9.779-10.65-29.44-17.050-43.725-14.234-14.182 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142.387-77.107 63.386 359.475c-30.566-8.858-62.822-13.875-96.256-13.875-77.261 0-148.429 25.702-206.029 68.659zM714.803 386.202c-15.923-11.571-32.87-21.811-50.688-30.566l-38.298-216.883 172.493 93.594-83.507 153.856z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xe9fb;" glyph-name="price-tag" d="M992.666 952.064c-5.683 16.077-23.245 24.576-39.373 18.995s-24.627-23.296-19.046-39.424c47.565-136.704-46.848-238.797-118.835-293.478l-29.082 41.677c-9.779 13.978-31.642 25.6-48.64 25.805l-163.226-0.717c-16.998 0.307-42.24-7.475-56.166-17.306l-480.973-337.254c-23.296-16.384-28.928-48.486-12.646-71.885l218.573-312.73c16.384-23.296 42.547-20.48 65.894-4.198l480.973 337.306c13.824 9.779 29.798 30.874 35.43 47.002l51.098 161.024c5.632 16.077 2.202 40.602-7.578 54.579l-17.715 25.395c96.666 74.086 197.018 205.005 141.312 365.21zM768.87 472.934c-37.222-26.112-88.627-16.998-114.688 20.275-26.163 37.376-17.050 88.781 20.224 114.995 29.594 20.736 67.994 19.251 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798.669c-82.381 0-149.248-68.762-149.248-153.6 0-84.787 66.867-153.6 149.248-153.6 149.299 0 49.818-296.909-149.248-296.909v-71.68c355.226-0.051 494.438 675.789 149.248 675.789z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea03;" glyph-name="radio" d="M870.4 563.2h-613.325l459.469 269.568-50.944 88.832-576.717-336.435c-23.347-13.619-37.683-38.554-37.683-65.587v-417.178c0-56.576 45.824-102.4 102.4-102.4h716.8c56.576 0 102.4 45.824 102.4 102.4v358.4c0 56.576-45.824 102.4-102.4 102.4zM793.6 102.4c-42.394 0-76.8 34.406-76.8 76.8s34.406 76.8 76.8 76.8 76.8-34.406 76.8-76.8c0-42.394-34.406-76.8-76.8-76.8zM870.4 358.4h-716.8v102.4h716.8v-102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea04;" glyph-name="reply-all" d="M369.92 677.53v137.267l-369.92-330.547 369.92-342.579v142.182l-216.32 200.397 216.32 193.28zM625.92 616.806v197.99l-369.92-330.547 369.92-342.579v223.078c168.55 0 270.899-21.606 398.080-246.272 0 0.051-18.842 498.33-398.080 498.33z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea05;" glyph-name="reply" d="M972.8 118.528c0 0-113.92 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110.899 0 30.618-31.283 30.618-82.074 0-113.51-30.669-31.283-80.333-31.283-110.899 0z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea08;" glyph-name="round-brush" d="M621.312 496.435c-130.97 96.205-343.040-59.904-390.758-270.541-36.762-162.304-207.002-155.648-204.595-177.357 2.355-21.709 382.618-56.474 519.987 57.498 128.307 106.496 218.982 284.877 75.366 390.4zM734.106 895.59l-172.186-263.987c56.422-9.165 186.112-96.512 210.995-159.181l225.075 217.395c-26.931 76.954-176.026 196.813-263.885 205.773z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea09;" glyph-name="rss" d="M122.88 849.92v-121.19c362.803 0 656.896-294.195 656.896-656.998h121.293c0 429.773-348.416 778.189-778.189 778.189zM122.88 607.386v-121.293c228.813 0 414.362-185.498 414.362-414.413h121.242c0 295.834-239.821 535.706-535.603 535.706zM239.053 304.179c-64.205 0-116.224-52.122-116.224-116.275s52.019-116.224 116.224-116.224 116.173 52.019 116.173 116.224-51.968 116.275-116.173 116.275z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea0a;" glyph-name="ruler" d="M729.549 950.374l-707.123-707.226c-29.901-29.901-29.901-78.746 0.102-108.749l163.072-163.174c29.901-29.901 78.899-30.003 108.749-0.102l707.226 707.226c29.901 29.952 29.901 78.899 0 108.8l-163.123 163.226c-30.054 30.003-78.95 29.85-108.902 0zM201.165 188.826l-38.861-38.861-97.075 97.126 38.861 38.861 97.075-97.126zM356.608 188.826l-38.861-38.861-174.848 174.848 38.861 38.912 174.848-174.899zM356.608 344.269l-38.861-38.861-97.178 97.075 38.912 38.912 97.126-97.126zM434.33 421.99l-38.861-38.861-97.075 97.075 38.861 38.912 97.075-97.126zM589.722 421.99l-38.861-38.861-174.797 174.797 38.861 38.861 174.797-174.797zM589.722 577.382l-38.861-38.861-97.075 97.075 38.861 38.861 97.075-97.075zM667.443 655.053l-38.861-38.861-97.126 97.126 38.861 38.861 97.126-97.126zM822.886 655.053l-38.912-38.861-174.797 174.848 38.861 38.912 174.848-174.899zM822.835 810.445l-38.861-38.861-97.075 97.178 38.861 38.81 97.075-97.126z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea0b;" glyph-name="scissors" d="M429.056 686.592c0 104.346-84.582 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614.4h-153.6v-102.4h102.4v-460.8h-614.4v460.8h102.4v102.4h-153.6c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-563.2c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h716.8c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v563.2c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea0d;" glyph-name="share" d="M768 284.57c-32.41 0-61.645-12.595-83.814-32.87l-304.026 177.306c2.355 9.626 3.84 19.661 3.84 29.901s-1.485 20.224-3.84 29.85l300.8 175.565c22.835-21.35 53.35-34.56 87.040-34.56 70.605 0 128 57.395 128 128s-57.395 128-128 128-128-57.395-128-128c0-10.24 1.485-20.275 3.84-29.85l-300.8-175.565c-22.835 21.299-53.35 34.56-87.040 34.56-70.605 0-128-57.395-128-128s57.395-128 128-128c33.69 0 64.205 13.21 87.040 34.56l304.026-177.306c-2.15-8.96-3.43-18.33-3.43-27.955 0-68.71 55.654-124.365 124.365-124.365s124.365 55.706 124.365 124.365-55.654 124.365-124.365 124.365z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea0e;" glyph-name="shareable" d="M348.16 460.8c0-90.522 73.37-163.891 163.84-163.891 90.522 0 163.789 73.37 163.789 163.891 0 90.47-73.267 163.84-163.789 163.84s-163.84-73.37-163.84-163.84zM231.885 522.24c28.109 128.819 142.797 225.28 280.115 225.28 79.155 0 150.784-32.102 202.701-83.968 24.013-24.013 62.925-24.013 86.886 0 24.013 24.013 24.013 62.925 0 86.886-74.086 74.086-176.486 119.962-289.587 119.962-183.398 0-338.637-120.525-390.81-286.771h-121.19v-122.829h163.789c51.149 0 63.744 41.626 68.096 61.44zM860.16 460.8c-51.149 0-63.744-41.677-68.045-61.389-28.109-128.819-142.797-225.28-280.115-225.28-79.206 0-150.835 32.102-202.701 84.019-24.013 24.013-62.925 24.013-86.938 0-23.962-24.013-23.962-62.925 0-86.886 74.138-74.189 176.538-120.064 289.638-120.064 183.398 0 338.586 120.627 390.81 286.72h121.19v122.88h-163.84z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea0f;" glyph-name="shield" d="M901.325 802.202c-236.237-34.202-283.085 25.549-389.325 119.398-106.24-93.85-153.088-153.6-389.325-119.398-125.901-627.098 389.325-802.202 389.325-802.202s515.226 175.104 389.325 802.202zM638.618 291.379l-126.618 66.56-126.566-66.56 24.166 140.954-102.4 99.84 141.517 20.531 63.283 128.256 63.283-128.256 141.517-20.531-102.4-99.789 24.218-141.005z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea10;" glyph-name="shop" d="M313.498 601.6l40.499 268.8h-210.637l-88.013-230.4c-2.714-8.192-4.147-16.691-4.147-25.6 0-56.525 58.88-102.4 131.635-102.4 67.072 0 122.522 39.117 130.662 89.6zM512 512c72.704 0 131.635 45.875 131.635 102.4 0 2.099-0.154 4.198-0.256 6.195l-26.061 249.805h-210.637l-26.112-249.6c-0.102-2.099-0.205-4.198-0.205-6.4 0-56.525 58.931-102.4 131.635-102.4zM768 458.445v-202.445h-512v202.138c-22.426-8.090-47.104-12.698-73.165-12.698-9.984 0-19.661 1.178-29.235 2.509v-325.069c0-39.424 32.205-71.68 71.578-71.68h573.542c39.424 0 71.68 32.307 71.68 71.68v325.018c-9.626-1.28-19.251-2.509-29.235-2.509-25.907 0.051-50.688 4.762-73.165 13.056zM968.704 640l-88.115 230.4h-210.586l40.448-268.39c7.885-50.688 63.334-90.010 130.714-90.010 72.704 0 131.635 45.875 131.635 102.4 0 8.909-1.434 17.408-4.096 25.6z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea11;" glyph-name="shopping-bag" d="M927.795 805.325c-15.104 13.107-97.587 88.627-112.998 101.939-15.309 13.261-38.707 14.336-56.422 14.336h-492.749c-17.664 0-41.062-1.075-56.422-14.336-15.411-13.312-97.894-88.883-112.998-101.939-15.206-13.107-27.802-32.922-23.757-61.030 4.045-28.211 96.768-699.443 99.174-715.418 2.355-15.923 16.282-28.518 33.178-28.877h614.4c16.896 0.358 30.822 12.954 33.178 28.928 2.406 15.923 95.13 687.206 99.226 715.418 3.994 28.058-8.602 47.872-23.808 60.979zM512 359.782c-166.298 0-201.882 235.315-209.254 283.802h94.054c14.131-70.707 46.285-191.693 115.2-191.693s101.12 120.986 115.2 191.693h94.106c-7.424-48.486-43.008-283.802-209.306-283.802zM162.304 767.693l93.696 102.707h512l93.696-102.707h-699.392z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea12;" glyph-name="shopping-basket" d="M942.029 614.4h-256.358l-92.774-92.774c-23.194-23.194-54.067-35.942-86.835-35.942-32.87 0-63.693 12.8-86.938 35.994-23.142 23.142-35.942 53.965-35.994 86.784 0 1.997 0.512 3.942 0.563 5.939h-301.773c-16.998 0-30.72-13.722-30.72-30.72v-122.88h921.6v122.88c0 16.998-13.824 30.72-30.771 30.72zM551.322 563.251l258.816 258.816c12.032 11.981 12.134 31.386 0.102 43.469l-47.104 47.104c-11.981 11.981-31.437 11.93-43.52 0l-258.816-258.867c-24.986-24.986-24.986-65.536 0-90.522 24.986-24.934 65.485-24.986 90.522 0zM195.738 88.525c4.966-20.531 26.368-37.325 47.462-37.325h537.6c21.094 0 42.496 16.794 47.462 37.325l77.978 321.075h-788.48l77.978-321.075z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea13;" glyph-name="shopping-cart" d="M665.6 102.4c0-56.525 45.773-102.4 102.4-102.4 56.525 0 102.4 45.875 102.4 102.4 0 56.627-45.875 102.4-102.4 102.4-56.627 0-102.4-45.773-102.4-102.4zM153.6 102.4c0-56.525 45.824-102.4 102.4-102.4 56.474 0 102.4 45.875 102.4 102.4 0 56.627-45.926 102.4-102.4 102.4-56.576 0-102.4-45.773-102.4-102.4zM335.206 349.594l566.682 161.894c10.803 3.123 19.712 14.797 19.712 26.112v281.6h-716.8v81.92c0 11.264-9.267 20.48-20.429 20.48h-163.942c-11.213 0-20.429-9.216-20.429-20.48v-81.92h102.4l97.792-458.598 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0-30.618-22.938-30.618-51.2v-51.2c0-28.314 2.355-51.2 30.669-51.2h245.811c28.16 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2v51.2c0 28.262-2.56 51.2-30.771 51.2zM665.6 614.4c0 28.262-2.56 51.2-30.771 51.2h-245.76c-28.314 0-30.669-22.938-30.669-51.2v-51.2c0-28.314 2.355-51.2 30.669-51.2h245.811c28.16 0 30.72 22.886 30.72 51.2v51.2zM563.2 890.88c0 28.314-22.938 30.72-51.2 30.72-28.314 0-51.2-2.406-51.2-30.72v-174.080h102.4v174.080zM460.8 30.72c0-28.211 22.886-30.72 51.2-30.72 28.262 0 51.2 2.509 51.2 30.72v430.080h-102.4v-430.080zM870.4 890.88c0 28.314-22.938 30.72-51.2 30.72-28.314 0-51.2-2.406-51.2-30.72v-481.28h102.4v481.28zM768 30.72c0-28.211 22.886-30.72 51.2-30.72 28.262 0 51.2 2.509 51.2 30.72v122.88h-102.4v-122.88z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea17;" glyph-name="sports-club" d="M307.2 281.6l204.8-128 204.8 128v435.2h-409.6v-435.2zM230.4 460.8c0 56.576-45.875 102.4-102.4 102.4s-102.4-45.824-102.4-102.4c0-56.576 45.875-102.4 102.4-102.4s102.4 45.824 102.4 102.4zM896 563.2c-56.525 0-102.4-45.824-102.4-102.4s45.875-102.4 102.4-102.4 102.4 45.824 102.4 102.4c0 56.576-45.875 102.4-102.4 102.4zM229.632 655.411c64.256 92.928 169.83 148.429 282.368 148.429 110.49 0 214.938-54.067 279.347-144.538 22.989-32.205 67.738-39.731 99.942-16.845 32.256 22.938 39.782 67.738 16.845 99.994-91.238 128.205-239.36 204.749-396.134 204.749-159.59 0-309.248-78.592-400.23-210.278-22.477-32.563-14.336-77.21 18.176-99.738 32.614-22.426 77.21-14.285 99.686 18.227zM791.347 262.298c-64.41-90.522-168.858-144.538-279.347-144.538-112.538 0-218.112 55.501-282.368 148.429-22.477 32.563-67.123 40.653-99.686 18.227-32.563-22.528-40.704-67.174-18.176-99.738 90.982-131.686 240.64-210.278 400.23-210.278 156.774 0 304.896 76.544 396.134 204.749 22.938 32.256 15.411 77.005-16.845 99.994-32.205 22.886-76.954 15.36-99.942-16.845z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea18;" glyph-name="spreadsheet" d="M819.2 921.6h-614.4c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-819.2c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h614.4c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 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185.446zM360.499 849.818c47.514 16.538 98.406 25.702 151.501 25.702s103.987-9.165 151.501-25.702c16.845-5.837 39.168 5.888 29.286 31.283-7.219 18.432-14.182 36.454-16.998 43.776-6.707 17.357-30.72 31.693-41.165 34.048-39.526 8.909-80.486 13.875-122.624 13.875s-83.098-4.966-122.675-13.875c-10.445-2.355-34.406-16.691-41.114-34.048-2.816-7.322-9.83-25.344-16.998-43.776-9.882-25.395 12.442-37.171 29.286-31.283zM977.818 809.677c-9.83 11.776-20.275 23.296-31.386 34.406-11.059 11.11-22.579 21.504-34.304 31.386-7.834 6.605-30.874 11.981-45.466-2.611-14.541-14.592-84.378-84.326-84.378-84.326 20.582-14.746 40.602-30.976 59.136-49.459s34.662-38.502 49.459-59.136c0 0 69.786 69.734 84.326 84.326 14.643 14.643 9.267 37.632 2.611 45.414zM512 824.32c-229.12 0-414.771-185.651-414.771-414.72 0-229.12 185.651-414.771 414.771-414.771 229.018 0 414.72 185.651 414.72 414.771 0 229.018-185.702 414.72-414.72 414.72zM512 97.229c-172.442 0-312.32 139.827-312.32 312.32s139.827 312.32 312.32 312.32c172.493 0 312.371-139.827 312.371-312.32 0-172.442-139.878-312.32-312.371-312.32z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea1f;" glyph-name="suitcase" d="M921.6 768h-51.2v-768h51.2c56.32 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v563.2c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4zM0 665.6v-563.2c0-56.32 46.029-102.4 102.4-102.4h51.2v768h-51.2c-56.371 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4zM691.2 875.213c-34.867 16.179-96.717 46.387-180.173 46.387-83.61 0-143.36-30.208-178.227-46.387v-107.213h-128v-768h614.4v768h-128v107.213zM614.4 768h-204.8v68.403c27.341 11.776 55.194 23.808 101.427 23.808 46.182 0 76.083-11.981 103.373-23.808v-68.403z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea20;" glyph-name="swap" d="M716.8 716.8h-512v102.4l-204.8-179.2 204.8-179.2v102.4h512v153.6zM1024 281.6l-204.8 179.2v-102.4h-512v-153.6h512v-102.4l204.8 179.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea21;" glyph-name="sweden" d="M921.6 768h-460.8v-256h512v204.8c0 28.314-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM51.2 204.8c0-28.314 12.698-51.2 40.96-51.2h266.24v256h-307.2v-204.8zM460.8 153.6h460.8c28.314 0 51.2 22.886 51.2 51.2v204.8h-512v-256zM51.2 716.8v-204.8h307.2v256h-266.24c-28.262 0-40.96-22.886-40.96-51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea22;" glyph-name="switch" d="M665.6 819.2h-307.2c-197.939 0-358.4-160.461-358.4-358.4s160.461-358.4 358.4-358.4h307.2c197.939 0 358.4 160.461 358.4 358.4s-160.461 358.4-358.4 358.4zM665.6 204.8c-141.363 0-256 114.637-256 256s114.637 256 256 256 256-114.637 256-256-114.637-256-256-256z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea23;" glyph-name="tablet" d="M819.2 972.8h-614.4c-56.32 0-102.4-46.029-102.4-102.4v-819.2c0-56.32 46.080-102.4 102.4-102.4h614.4c56.371 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v819.2c0 56.371-46.029 102.4-102.4 102.4zM512 0c-35.328 0-64 22.886-64 51.2s28.672 51.2 64 51.2c35.277 0 64-22.886 64-51.2s-28.723-51.2-64-51.2zM819.2 153.6h-614.4v716.8h614.4v-716.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea24;" glyph-name="tag" d="M955.494 690.125l-687.36-690.125 36.198 254.31-253.184-36.301 687.36 690.125c20.019 20.070 58.010 15.77 72.294 0l144.691-145.357c25.6-24.218 20.019-52.531 0-72.653z" /> 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0-8.806-4.198-18.995-12.8-31.181z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea2c;" glyph-name="ticket" d="M251.187 381.901l181.811-181.914 333.722 333.722-181.914 181.811-333.619-333.619zM978.125 631.603l-77.363 77.414c-14.797-7.987-31.642-12.595-49.613-12.595-57.242 0-103.629 46.387-103.629 103.578 0 18.022 4.557 34.918 12.595 49.613l-77.363 77.414c-20.173 20.122-53.146 20.122-73.318 0l-563.712-563.712c-20.122-20.070-20.122-53.094 0-73.318l77.414-77.312c14.797 7.987 31.642 12.595 49.664 12.595 57.19 0 103.578-46.387 103.578-103.68 0-17.92-4.557-34.816-12.595-49.613l77.414-77.312c20.173-20.173 53.094-20.173 73.318 0l563.61 563.61c20.173 20.224 20.173 53.197 0 73.318zM432.998 116.787l-265.011 265.114 416.87 416.819 265.011-265.011-416.87-416.922z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea2d;" glyph-name="time-slot" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52c271.411 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.571 0 271.411-220.109 491.469-491.52 491.469zM512 71.731c-214.886 0-389.12 174.182-389.12 389.12 0 214.886 174.182 389.12 389.12 389.12v0-389.171l347.75 173.875c26.266-52.378 41.37-111.258 41.37-173.875 0-214.886-174.234-389.069-389.12-389.069z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea2e;" glyph-name="tools" d="M160.512 620.032c47.77 37.12 87.398 11.52 140.288-49.715 5.939-6.912 13.926 1.178 18.483 5.12 4.506 3.994 74.291 66.816 77.722 69.683 3.379 3.021 7.475 8.653 2.099 14.95-5.478 6.298-25.293 32-38.042 48.691-92.57 121.088 253.235 203.213 200.141 204.493-27.034 0.717-135.475 1.997-151.706 0.205-65.69-6.912-148.173-68.301-189.696-96.922-54.323-37.171-74.598-58.982-77.926-62.003-15.36-13.414-2.458-44.39-30.31-68.813-29.44-25.754-47.821-6.246-64.87-21.197-8.448-7.475-32.102-25.19-38.861-31.078-6.81-5.99-8.038-16.077-1.075-24.115 0 0 64.717-71.475 70.144-77.824 5.376-6.246 20.019-11.674 29.030-3.635 9.062 7.987 32.358 28.314 36.25 31.898 3.994 3.379-2.56 44.083 18.33 60.262zM452.762 593.562c-6.144 7.117-13.773 7.322-20.326 1.485l-73.421-64.102c-5.786-5.12-6.605-14.49-1.382-20.48l424.653-483.277c9.933-11.418 27.136-12.595 38.451-2.714l49.664 41.626c11.366 9.984 12.544 27.29 2.662 38.81l-420.301 488.653zM1018.982 799.232c-3.789 25.293-16.896 20.019-23.706 9.318-6.81-10.803-36.915-56.422-49.306-77.107-12.288-20.48-42.598-60.979-99.021-20.992-58.778 41.523-38.349 70.502-28.109 90.010 10.291 19.61 41.882 74.598 46.438 81.408 4.557 6.912-0.768 26.982-18.995 18.586-18.278-8.397-129.178-52.48-144.538-115.712-15.718-64.307 13.158-121.805-43.52-178.893l-68.762-71.68 69.069-80.179 84.685 80.384c20.173 20.275 63.283 39.987 102.298 31.078 83.61-18.893 129.229 12.493 156.723 64.41 24.678 46.387 20.582 144.077 16.742 169.37zM140.237 99.686c-10.65-10.701-10.65-28.109 0-38.81l48.691-47.616c10.65-10.701 27.546-6.195 38.195 4.506l251.238 246.989-76.954 87.757-261.171-252.826z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea2f;" glyph-name="traffic-cone" d="M512 354.406c122.368 0 224.87 41.574 231.066 95.898-18.227 50.995-38.093 106.701-57.6 161.382-13.517-38.963-88.32-66.611-173.466-66.611s-159.949 27.648-173.466 66.611c-19.507-54.682-39.373-110.387-57.549-161.382 6.195-54.323 108.646-95.898 231.014-95.898zM512 697.702c57.549 0 110.95 17.818 126.618 45.517-21.555 60.518-40.038 112.486-51.763 145.203-7.782 21.862-43.059 33.178-74.854 33.178s-67.072-11.315-74.854-33.178c-11.674-32.717-30.208-84.685-51.763-145.203 15.667-27.699 69.12-45.517 126.618-45.517zM961.536 303.821l-192.256 77.517 22.17-61.798c-1.126-65.485-128.205-117.709-279.45-117.709-151.194 0-278.374 52.173-279.45 117.709l22.17 61.798-192.256-77.517c-53.914-21.709-56.218-61.901-5.018-89.293l361.574-193.894c51.098-27.392 134.81-27.392 185.958 0l361.626 193.894c51.149 27.392 48.845 67.584-5.069 89.293z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea30;" glyph-name="tree" d="M1024 460.8c0 69.683-38.81 133.939-103.987 185.446-0.102 0.051-0.205 0.051-0.256 0.154-18.534 182.886-193.894 326.4-407.757 326.4s-389.222-143.514-407.757-326.4c-0.051-0.102-0.154-0.102-0.256-0.154-65.178-51.507-103.987-115.763-103.987-185.446 0-159.334 202.086-290.253 460.8-305.664 0-17.306 0-34.97 0-52.736 0-51.2-93.235-97.843-93.235-97.843-5.069-2.509-7.578-8.858-5.581-14.182 0 0 15.616-41.574 47.616-41.574s57.549 25.6 121.549 25.6 124.877-22.118 124.877-22.118c5.222-1.946 12.851-0.256 16.845 3.738l36.71 36.71c3.994 3.994 2.97 8.858-2.355 10.854 0 0-92.774 34.816-92.774 98.816 0 15.974 0 36.147 0 57.395 233.677 28.416 409.549 152.371 409.549 301.005zM102.4 460.8c0 52.173 39.322 99.584 103.526 135.731-0.512 5.939-1.126 11.878-1.126 17.869 0 141.414 137.574 256 307.2 256s307.2-114.586 307.2-256c0-5.99-0.614-11.93-1.075-17.869 64.154-36.147 103.475-83.558 103.475-135.731 0-95.437-130.611-175.309-307.149-198.093 0 20.531 0 34.202 0 34.202 0 5.632 3.328 13.414 7.424 17.254l93.85 88.371c4.096 3.891 7.475 11.622 7.475 17.254v43.571c0 5.632-3.994 7.936-8.806 5.069l-91.085-53.606c-4.915-2.867-8.858-0.614-8.858 5.069v184.269c0 5.632-4.352 8.806-9.728 7.014l-134.195-44.749c-5.325-1.792-9.677-7.834-9.677-13.466v-133.12c0-5.632-4.045-8.090-9.062-5.478l-103.526 54.477c-4.966 2.611-12.288 1.536-16.282-2.458l-17.51-17.51c-3.994-3.994-3.738-10.291 0.461-13.978l138.24-120.883c4.25-3.738 7.68-11.366 7.68-16.998 0 0 0-15.258 0-39.168-201.984 12.544-358.451 98.509-358.451 202.957z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea31;" glyph-name="trophy" d="M572.416 237.773c0 74.291 56.32 115.405 148.173 176.23 112.333 74.547 252.211 167.168 252.211 387.072 0 19.814-16.23 35.789-36.301 35.789h-175.616c-24.781 45.875-98.765 94.976-248.883 94.976-150.221 0-224.102-49.101-248.934-94.976h-175.667c-20.019 0-36.198-16.026-36.198-35.789 0-219.904 139.776-312.525 252.211-387.021 91.853-60.826 148.173-101.939 148.173-176.23v-67.123c-96.461-10.701-167.373-46.387-167.373-88.883 0-50.893 101.99-92.109 227.789-92.109s227.789 41.216 227.789 92.109c0 42.496-70.912 78.182-167.373 88.883v67.072zM714.598 496.64c28.979 61.389 52.019 144.691 55.706 268.595h128.512c-12.288-138.291-95.334-208.077-184.218-268.595zM512 869.069c139.878 0.102 194.509-57.088 194.458-78.285 0-21.402-54.579-78.49-194.458-78.592-139.878 0.051-194.509 57.139-194.509 78.541-0.051 21.197 54.63 78.438 194.509 78.336zM125.184 765.235h128.461c3.738-123.904 26.675-207.206 55.757-268.595-88.883 60.518-171.981 130.304-184.218 268.595z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea32;" glyph-name="tv" d="M921.6 921.6h-819.2c-56.371 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-563.2c0-56.32 45.158-111.514 100.403-122.522l223.846-44.8c0 0-192.666-88.678-68.25-88.678h512c124.416 0-68.301 88.678-68.301 88.678l223.898 44.8c55.194 11.008 100.403 66.202 100.403 122.522v563.2c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4zM921.6 256h-819.2v563.2h819.2v-563.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea33;" glyph-name="typing" d="M819.2 768h-614.4c-56.371 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-358.4c0-56.32 46.029-102.4 102.4-102.4h204.8l204.8-153.6v153.6h204.8c56.32 0 102.4 46.080 102.4 102.4v358.4c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4zM307.2 430.080c-31.078 0-56.32 25.19-56.32 56.32s25.19 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.32-25.19 56.32-56.32c0-31.078-25.242-56.32-56.32-56.32zM512 430.080c-31.078 0-56.32 25.19-56.32 56.32s25.19 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.32-25.19 56.32-56.32c0-31.078-25.242-56.32-56.32-56.32zM716.8 430.080c-31.078 0-56.32 25.19-56.32 56.32s25.19 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.32-25.19 56.32-56.32c0-31.078-25.242-56.32-56.32-56.32z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea34;" glyph-name="unread" d="M870.4 819.2c-56.525 0-102.4-45.824-102.4-102.4s45.875-102.4 102.4-102.4 102.4 45.824 102.4 102.4c0 56.576-45.875 102.4-102.4 102.4zM640 768h-563.2c-14.131 0-25.6-11.469-25.6-25.6v-51.2c0-14.131 11.469-25.6 25.6-25.6h563.2c14.131 0 25.6 11.469 25.6 25.6v51.2c0 14.131-11.469 25.6-25.6 25.6zM640 512h-563.2c-14.131 0-25.6-11.469-25.6-25.6v-51.2c0-14.131 11.469-25.6 25.6-25.6h563.2c14.131 0 25.6 11.469 25.6 25.6v51.2c0 14.131-11.469 25.6-25.6 25.6zM640 256h-563.2c-14.131 0-25.6-11.469-25.6-25.6v-51.2c0-14.131 11.469-25.6 25.6-25.6h563.2c14.131 0 25.6 11.469 25.6 25.6v51.2c0 14.131-11.469 25.6-25.6 25.6z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea35;" glyph-name="untag" d="M51.2 218.010l253.184 36.301-36.147-254.31 305.254 306.432-208.333 226.765-313.958-315.187zM955.597 690.125c20.019 20.122 25.6 48.384 0 72.653l-144.691 145.357c-14.285 15.77-52.275 20.070-72.294 0l-192.819-193.536 208.282-226.765 201.523 202.291zM957.747 189.798l-716.851 716.8c-20.019 20.019-52.378 20.019-72.397 0s-20.019-52.378 0-72.397l716.851-716.8c10.035-10.035 23.142-15.002 36.198-15.002 13.107 0 26.214 5.018 36.198 15.002 20.019 19.968 20.019 52.378 0 72.397z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea36;" glyph-name="user" d="M395.52 862.925c-52.019-38.707-65.997-99.994-63.437-132.608 3.277-39.885 11.366-91.802 11.366-91.802s-16.026-8.704-16.026-43.725c5.581-87.91 34.97-49.971 41.011-88.525 14.541-92.877 47.77-76.339 47.77-127.027 0-84.429-34.816-123.904-143.514-170.701-109.056-47.002-221.491-106.138-221.491-208.538v-51.2h921.6v51.2c0 102.4-112.486 161.536-221.594 208.486-108.698 46.797-143.411 86.221-143.411 170.701 0 50.688 33.126 34.15 47.718 127.027 6.093 38.554 35.43 0.614 41.114 88.525 0 35.021-16.077 43.725-16.077 43.725s8.090 51.917 11.315 91.802c3.328 41.83-20.378 131.123-117.76 158.515-17.050 17.408-28.57 45.107 23.859 72.909-114.688 5.376-141.363-54.63-202.445-98.765z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea37;" glyph-name="users" d="M818.637-6.605c0 114.995-111.974 173.517-221.030 220.518-108.698 46.797-143.411 86.221-143.411 170.701 0 50.637 33.178 34.15 47.718 127.027 6.144 38.502 35.43 0.614 41.062 88.525 0 35.021-16.026 43.725-16.026 43.725s8.141 51.866 11.315 91.802c3.277 41.83-20.378 131.072-117.811 158.464-16.998 17.459-28.518 45.158 23.91 72.909-114.688 5.325-141.363-54.682-202.445-98.816-51.968-38.707-65.997-99.994-63.488-132.608 3.328-39.936 11.418-91.802 11.418-91.802s-16.077-8.704-16.077-43.725c5.632-87.962 35.021-50.022 41.114-88.525 14.541-92.877 47.77-76.39 47.77-127.027 0-84.48-10.854-113.152-119.603-159.949-109.107-46.95-143.053-122.214-142.49-231.219 0.154-32.614-0.563-44.595-0.563-44.595h819.2c0 0-0.563 11.981-0.563 44.595zM948.634 288.512c-58.112 23.398-82.176 51.302-82.176 105.779 0 32.819 21.402 22.118 30.822 82.074 3.942 24.781 22.886 0.41 26.522 57.088 0 22.579-10.342 28.211-10.342 28.211s5.274 33.587 7.322 59.341c2.56 32.102-18.637 115.046-116.122 115.046-97.434 0-118.682-82.944-116.173-115.046 2.15-25.702 7.373-59.341 7.373-59.341s-10.342-5.581-10.342-28.211c3.635-56.678 22.579-32.307 26.522-57.088 9.421-60.006 30.822-49.306 30.822-82.074 0-54.477-22.426-79.974-92.621-110.182-3.533-1.485-6.144-3.482-9.37-5.222 83.968-36.454 216.371-99.379 247.706-227.686h135.424c0 0 0 97.587 0 118.682 0 51.2-13.978 93.901-75.366 118.63z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea38;" glyph-name="v-card" d="M972.8 819.2h-921.6c-28.314 0-51.2-22.886-51.2-51.2v-614.4c0-28.262 22.886-51.2 51.2-51.2h921.6c28.314 0 51.2 22.938 51.2 51.2v614.4c0 28.262-22.886 51.2-51.2 51.2zM665.6 614.4h204.8v-51.2h-204.8v51.2zM563.2 214.886c-6.605 5.222-15.002 10.291-27.085 15.514-60.416 26.010-151.603 64.512-151.603 111.411 0 28.211 18.381 18.995 26.522 70.605 3.379 21.402 19.712 0.358 22.784 49.203 0 19.456-8.909 24.32-8.909 24.32s4.506 28.774 6.298 50.995c1.843 23.194-11.315 92.16-65.382 107.366-9.523 9.626-15.923 5.683 13.21 21.094-63.693 3.021-78.541-30.31-112.435-54.835-28.877-21.504-36.71-55.552-35.277-73.677 1.894-22.17 6.4-50.995 6.4-50.995s-8.96-4.813-8.96-24.269c3.123-48.845 19.456-27.802 22.784-49.203 8.090-51.61 26.573-42.394 26.573-70.605 0-46.899-91.187-85.402-151.603-111.411-10.394-4.506-17.869-8.858-24.115-13.312v499.712h460.8v-501.914zM921.6 409.6h-256v51.2h256v-51.2z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea39;" glyph-name="video" d="M1024 716.8v61.491c0 22.63-18.278 40.909-40.909 40.909h-942.080c-22.682 0-41.011-18.278-41.011-40.909v-61.491h102.4v-102.4h-102.4v-102.4h102.4v-102.4h-102.4v-102.4h102.4v-102.4h-102.4v-61.389c0-22.63 18.33-41.011 41.011-41.011h942.080c22.63 0 40.909 18.381 40.909 41.011v61.389h-102.4v102.4h102.4v102.4h-102.4v102.4h102.4v102.4h-102.4v102.4h102.4zM409.6 307.2v307.2l256-153.6-256-153.6z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea3a;" glyph-name="vinyl" d="M511.949 931.84c-260.147 0-470.989-210.893-470.989-471.091 0-260.096 210.842-470.989 470.989-470.989s471.040 210.893 471.040 470.989c0 260.198-210.893 471.091-471.040 471.091zM512 307.149c-84.838 0-153.6 68.813-153.6 153.6s68.762 153.6 153.6 153.6c84.787 0 153.6-68.813 153.6-153.6s-68.813-153.6-153.6-153.6z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea3b;" glyph-name="voicemail" d="M788.48 675.789c-130.099 0-235.571-105.421-235.571-235.52 0-49.408 15.258-95.181 41.267-133.12h-164.403c26.010 37.888 41.216 83.712 41.216 133.12 0 130.099-105.421 235.52-235.52 235.52-130.048 0-235.52-105.421-235.52-235.52 0.051-130.048 105.472-235.469 235.571-235.469h552.96c130.048 0 235.52 105.421 235.52 235.52s-105.472 235.469-235.52 235.469zM102.4 440.32c0 73.523 59.597 133.12 133.12 133.12s133.12-59.597 133.12-133.12c0-73.523-59.597-133.12-133.12-133.12s-133.12 59.597-133.12 133.12zM788.48 307.2c-73.574 0-133.171 59.597-133.171 133.12s59.597 133.12 133.171 133.12c73.472 0 133.12-59.597 133.12-133.12s-59.597-133.12-133.12-133.12z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea3c;" glyph-name="wallet" d="M819.2 665.6h-640v25.6l563.2 45.056v-45.056h76.8v76.8c0 56.32-45.619 95.846-101.325 87.91l-514.099-73.421c-55.757-7.987-101.376-60.57-101.376-116.89v-512c0-56.525 45.824-102.4 102.4-102.4h614.4c56.525 0 102.4 45.875 102.4 102.4v409.6c0 56.525-45.875 102.4-102.4 102.4zM742.4 306.893c-42.394 0-76.8 34.406-76.8 76.8s34.406 76.8 76.8 76.8 76.8-34.406 76.8-76.8-34.406-76.8-76.8-76.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea3d;" glyph-name="water" d="M505.958 507.238c-26.163-210.688-159.795-248.166-159.795-394.65 0-90.419 75.93-163.789 165.837-163.789s165.786 73.421 165.786 163.789c0 146.483-133.632 183.962-159.795 394.65-0.819 6.298-11.213 6.298-12.032 0zM198.81 968.038c-26.163-210.688-159.795-248.115-159.795-394.65 0-90.368 75.878-163.789 165.786-163.789s165.786 73.421 165.786 163.789c0 146.483-133.632 183.962-159.795 394.65-0.768 6.298-11.213 6.298-11.981 0zM813.21 968.038c-26.163-210.688-159.795-248.166-159.795-394.65 0-90.368 75.878-163.789 165.786-163.789s165.786 73.421 165.786 163.789c0 146.483-133.632 183.962-159.795 394.65-0.819 6.298-11.213 6.298-11.981 0z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea3e;" glyph-name="500px-with-circle" d="M427.469 498.842c-8.141 6.093-16.64 11.11-25.446 15.002-8.909 3.994-17.715 5.99-26.573 5.99-16.333 0-29.235-6.195-38.758-18.483-9.626-12.39-14.387-26.266-14.387-41.574 0-16.742 4.915-30.515 14.694-41.216s23.296-16.077 40.499-16.077c8.858 0 17.664 1.792 26.573 5.325 8.858 3.482 17.254 7.885 25.139 13.261 7.936 5.325 15.411 11.366 22.374 18.125 7.014 6.707 13.261 13.414 18.842 19.917-5.581 5.939-12.134 12.595-19.558 19.814s-15.258 13.875-23.398 19.917zM646.502 519.834c-9.318 0-18.33-1.997-26.88-5.99-8.602-3.891-16.742-8.909-24.474-15.002-7.68-6.042-15.002-12.698-22.016-19.917s-13.363-13.875-18.842-19.917c6.042-7.014 12.544-13.926 19.558-20.582 7.014-6.81 14.387-12.8 22.426-18.176 7.834-5.325 16.077-9.626 24.73-12.902 8.602-3.277 17.869-4.915 27.597-4.915 17.254 0 30.464 5.581 39.782 16.794 9.37 11.213 13.926 24.883 13.926 41.216 0 16.282-5.069 30.31-15.002 41.882-9.984 11.674-23.603 17.51-40.806 17.51zM512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM759.552 411.546c-5.53-15.821-13.466-29.696-23.706-41.523-10.24-11.93-22.938-21.197-38.042-27.955-15.155-6.758-32-10.086-50.637-10.086-14.438 0-27.955 2.202-40.499 6.605-12.595 4.454-24.371 10.24-35.277 17.51-10.957 7.219-21.299 15.565-31.13 25.088-9.728 9.626-19.046 19.456-27.955 29.696-9.728-10.24-19.302-20.122-28.621-29.696-9.37-9.523-19.2-17.92-29.747-25.088-10.445-7.27-21.862-13.056-34.202-17.51-12.288-4.403-26.163-6.605-41.574-6.605-19.098 0-36.045 3.328-50.995 10.086-14.899 6.758-27.75 15.821-38.4 27.238-10.701 11.469-18.842 25.037-24.474 40.858-5.478 15.821-8.294 32.819-8.294 50.944 0 18.176 2.662 35.021 8.038 50.637s13.21 29.082 23.398 40.55c10.24 11.469 22.784 20.429 37.734 27.238 14.848 6.707 31.59 10.086 50.278 10.086 15.36 0 29.44-2.304 42.24-7.014 12.8-4.608 24.627-10.803 35.584-18.483 11.008-7.629 21.248-16.486 30.822-26.522s18.944-20.582 28.262-31.795c8.909 10.701 18.125 21.197 27.597 31.386 9.626 10.291 19.814 19.251 30.822 26.88 10.906 7.68 22.784 13.875 35.584 18.483 12.8 4.71 26.675 7.014 41.472 7.014 18.688 0 35.43-3.174 50.381-9.779 14.899-6.502 27.443-15.411 37.683-26.829 10.24-11.469 18.125-24.73 23.706-40.141 5.632-15.411 8.397-32.102 8.397-50.278 0-18.227-2.765-35.226-8.448-50.995z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea3f;" glyph-name="500px" d="M327.578 216.32c24.627 8.909 47.514 20.48 68.454 34.97 20.992 14.438 40.806 31.13 59.392 50.278 18.586 19.098 37.683 38.861 57.242 59.341 17.715-20.48 36.352-40.243 55.91-59.341 19.558-19.149 40.294-35.84 62.157-50.278 21.914-14.438 45.414-26.061 70.605-34.97 25.088-8.858 52.070-13.261 80.998-13.261 37.222 0 71.014 6.758 101.222 20.275 30.259 13.517 55.654 32.102 76.134 55.91 20.429 23.757 36.352 51.456 47.514 83.098 11.213 31.59 16.794 65.587 16.794 101.939s-5.581 69.837-16.794 100.557c-11.162 30.822-27.034 57.498-47.514 80.333s-45.67 40.704-75.418 53.76c-29.85 13.107-63.386 19.61-100.659 19.61-29.747 0-57.498-4.71-83.098-13.978-25.6-9.318-49.357-21.658-71.219-37.018-21.914-15.36-42.394-33.28-61.491-53.811-19.046-20.429-37.478-41.472-55.194-62.874-18.637 22.374-37.478 43.52-56.525 63.59-19.098 20.019-39.578 37.734-61.491 53.094s-45.619 27.699-71.219 37.018c-25.6 9.318-53.811 13.978-84.48 13.978-37.274 0-70.912-6.81-100.608-20.275-29.901-13.517-54.938-31.59-75.469-54.477-20.48-22.835-36.147-49.869-46.797-81.050-10.701-31.181-16.026-64.922-16.026-101.171 0-36.352 5.53-70.349 16.691-101.99 11.213-31.693 27.494-58.88 48.896-81.766 21.453-22.835 47.053-41.011 76.8-54.477 29.901-13.517 63.795-20.275 102.042-20.275 30.72 0 58.47 4.403 83.149 13.261zM161.997 376.32c-19.61 21.402-29.338 48.896-29.338 82.381 0 30.72 9.523 58.47 28.723 83.149 19.046 24.576 44.851 37.018 77.568 37.018 17.664 0 35.277-3.994 52.992-11.878s34.714-17.92 51.046-30.054c16.23-12.134 31.846-25.395 46.694-39.782 14.899-14.49 27.955-27.75 39.168-39.834-11.213-13.056-23.757-26.368-37.734-39.731-13.978-13.619-28.774-25.702-44.646-36.352-15.923-10.752-32.614-19.558-50.33-26.573-17.664-7.014-35.379-10.496-53.043-10.496-34.56 0-61.542 10.701-81.101 32.154zM729.907 353.894c-17.203 6.502-33.792 15.155-49.562 25.856-15.923 10.701-30.874 22.784-44.749 36.301-13.978 13.517-27.034 27.238-39.117 41.267 11.162 12.083 23.706 25.344 37.683 39.834 13.978 14.387 28.672 27.648 43.981 39.731 15.36 12.134 31.693 22.17 48.896 30.054 17.254 7.885 35.226 11.878 53.811 11.878 34.458 0 61.645-11.622 81.715-34.97 20.070-23.245 30.054-51.2 30.054-83.866 0-32.614-9.37-60.006-27.955-82.33-18.637-22.426-45.158-33.536-79.616-33.536-19.507 0.051-37.939 3.277-55.142 9.779z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea40;" glyph-name="basecamp" d="M512 870.4c-239.258 0-476.16-331.827-476.16-636.006 0-70.502 232.141-183.194 476.16-183.194s476.16 112.691 476.16 183.194c0 304.179-236.902 636.006-476.16 636.006zM512.307 173.312c-266.138 0-341.658 105.882-341.658 139.366 0 65.894 109.056 229.632 148.787 229.632 36.813 0 78.95-92.723 118.477-92.723 63.539 0 131.43 202.445 183.245 202.445s235.571-265.114 235.571-345.549c0-13.875-55.501-133.171-344.422-133.171z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea41;" glyph-name="behance" d="M413.286 496.589c0 0 96.87 7.526 96.87 125.901 0 118.528-79.258 176.179-179.712 176.179h-330.445v-661.811h330.445c0 0 201.779-6.605 201.779 195.379-0.051 0.051 8.755 164.352-118.938 164.352zM145.613 681.114h184.832c0 0 44.954 0 44.954-68.813 0-68.915-26.419-78.899-56.422-78.899h-173.363v147.712zM321.075 254.515h-175.462v176.896h184.832c0 0 66.97 0.922 66.97-90.88 0-77.414-50.022-85.453-76.339-86.016zM801.229 630.374c-244.275 0-244.070-254.31-244.070-254.31s-16.691-252.979 244.070-252.979c0 0 217.242-13.005 217.242 175.974h-111.718c0 0 3.686-71.219-101.786-71.219 0 0-111.821-7.782-111.821 115.2h328.858c0.051 0.051 36.301 287.334-220.774 287.334zM900.608 431.411h-208.589c0 0 13.619 101.99 111.718 101.99s96.87-101.99 96.87-101.99zM926.566 759.808h-261.99v-81.613h261.99v81.613z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea42;" glyph-name="creative-cloud" d="M645.12 819.2c-100.659 0-191.488-41.626-256.614-108.493-19.661 3.994-39.987 6.093-60.826 6.093-169.677 0-307.2-137.523-307.2-307.2s137.523-307.2 307.2-307.2h317.44c197.939 0 358.4 160.461 358.4 358.4s-160.461 358.4-358.4 358.4zM327.68 167.526c-64.666 0-125.44 25.19-171.213 70.912-45.67 45.722-70.861 106.547-70.861 171.162s25.19 125.44 70.912 171.162c45.722 45.722 106.496 70.912 171.162 70.912s125.44-25.19 171.213-70.912l95.949-96c13.978-13.978 13.978-36.659 0-50.688-14.029-14.029-36.762-13.978-50.688 0l-95.949 96.051c-64.41 64.307-176.589 64.307-240.998 0-32.205-32.256-49.92-75.008-49.92-120.525s17.715-88.269 49.92-120.525c40.192-40.141 98.97-55.194 153.139-45.261 16.589-21.709 35.277-41.728 56.32-59.136-28.006-11.059-58.010-17.152-88.986-17.152zM854.477 251.443c-55.962-55.91-130.304-86.733-209.357-86.733-79.104 0-153.446 30.822-209.408 86.733l-138.701 138.701c-13.978 13.978-13.978 36.71 0 50.688s36.71 13.978 50.688 0l138.701-138.701c42.394-42.394 98.765-65.741 158.72-65.741s116.275 23.347 158.669 65.741 65.741 98.765 65.741 158.669-23.347 116.275-65.741 158.669-98.714 65.741-158.669 65.741c-44.698 0-87.398-13.056-123.802-37.222-19.507 15.821-41.062 29.133-64.051 39.885 52.992 43.93 118.221 69.069 187.904 69.069 79.053 0 153.395-30.822 209.357-86.733 55.962-55.962 86.733-130.304 86.733-209.357s-30.822-153.498-86.784-209.408z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea43;" glyph-name="dropbox" d="M312.781 926.618l-292.301-182.016 200.243-167.885 291.277 189.082-199.219 160.819zM688.742 154.010c-5.222 0-10.394 1.69-14.592 5.222l-162.15 134.554-162.15-134.605c-4.198-3.482-9.421-5.222-14.592-5.222-4.352 0-8.704 1.178-12.493 3.686l-120.115 78.49v-46.285l309.35-194.867 309.35 194.918v46.285l-120.115-78.49c-3.789-2.509-8.141-3.686-12.493-3.686zM1003.52 744.602l-292.352 182.016-199.168-160.819 291.226-189.082 200.294 167.885zM512 394.701l180.634-149.914 288.819 188.826-178.227 143.104-291.226-182.016zM331.366 244.787l180.634 149.914-291.277 182.016-178.176-143.104 288.819-188.826z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea44;" glyph-name="evernote" d="M887.757 752.282c0 58.88-88.678 65.382-88.678 65.382l-208.333 13.107c0 0-4.454 56.678-46.541 76.39-42.086 19.61-88.371 13.619-121.651 13.312-33.28-0.358-41.114-42.752-41.114-82.79 0-39.987 0.717-86.221 0.717-115.2 0-52.122-22.886-74.189-80.179-74.189h-118.118c-33.024 2.099-58.726-3.277-58.726-30.003 0-26.778 38.861-254.618 92.211-307.2 30.976-30.515 220.416-51.917 260.301-51.917s26.573 117.811 37.683 117.811c11.11 0 23.245-66.509 86.118-82.074 62.771-15.718 146.637-12.8 151.091-57.498 5.786-58.982 11.11-135.27-27.699-140.698l-87.859-3.482c-60.211 4.301-44.032 70.093-17.459 70.093s39.885 0.973 39.885 0.973l3.328 71.987c0 0-137.882 16.282-143.718-76.698-5.376-84.992 9.216-125.082 19.917-133.786 10.701-8.806 29.235-25.805 198.093-25.805 237.926 0 150.733 693.402 150.733 752.282zM790.528 444.416c-9.318-10.035-43.11 16.384-75.366 16.384-32.307 0-67.123-17.101-75.315-5.786-8.192 11.213 7.475 101.888 68.301 101.888s91.802-102.605 82.381-112.486zM297.165 759.501c0 11.725 2.97 152.781 2.97 152.781l-179.456-176.128c0 0 124.006 0 148.378 0 24.371 0.051 28.109 11.725 28.109 23.347z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea45;" glyph-name="flattr" d="M286.618 535.501c0 83.814 22.221 137.114 96.717 149.094 26.010 5.12 80.179 3.277 114.637 3.277v-128c0-1.229 0.154-3.277 0.461-4.301 1.382-5.171 6.093-8.96 11.674-8.96 3.123 0 6.042 1.587 9.114 4.608l319.283 319.181h-452.045c-188.109 0-284.058-108.288-284.058-310.579v-424.294l184.218 184.422v215.552zM737.28 601.702v-215.501c0-83.814-22.221-137.216-96.717-149.094-26.010-5.12-80.179-3.328-114.586-3.328v128c0 1.126-0.205 3.174-0.461 4.301-1.434 5.12-6.144 8.909-11.674 9.011-3.174 0-6.042-1.69-9.165-4.71l-319.232-319.078 452.096-0.102c188.058 0 284.058 108.288 284.058 310.579v424.294l-184.32-184.371z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea46;" glyph-name="foursquare" d="M251.904 921.6c-26.010 0-47.104-21.094-47.104-47.104v-845.619c0-32 39.168-47.411 61.030-24.064l228.915 245.248c3.482 3.789 8.346 5.939 13.517 5.939h165.734c24.883 0 46.336 17.562 51.251 41.984l108.083 538.317c8.858 44.134-24.883 85.299-69.888 85.299h-511.539zM452.506 348.672l-145.306-170.854v623.821c0 9.677 7.885 17.562 17.562 17.562h365.568c17.51 0 30.618-16.026 27.136-33.178l-21.146-105.216c-1.741-8.858-9.523-15.206-18.534-15.206h-189.952c-14.95 0-27.034-12.083-27.034-27.034v-62.464c0-7.117 5.786-12.902 12.954-12.902h168.653c15.667 0 27.443-14.336 24.371-29.747l-31.437-156.57c-2.202-10.752-11.674-18.483-22.63-18.483h-139.11c-8.141 0-15.821-3.533-21.094-9.728z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea47;" glyph-name="google-drive" d="M418.56 307.2l-170.189-307.2h605.389l170.24 307.2h-605.44zM300.288 855.091l-300.288-543.488 172.646-311.501 300.339 543.488-172.698 311.501zM995.584 358.4l-312.115 563.2h-345.344l311.706-563.2h345.754z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea48;" glyph-name="google-hangouts" d="M512 972.8c-243.2 0-440.32-194.867-440.32-435.2s197.12-435.2 440.32-435.2v-153.6c172.442 85.606 440.32 271.616 440.32 588.8 0 240.333-197.12 435.2-440.32 435.2zM460.8 474.061c0-67.994-52.275-124.006-118.784-129.946-6.298-0.563-11.674 4.506-11.674 10.803v43.622c0 5.427 4.045 9.933 9.421 10.752 27.187 3.891 47.974 24.934 53.606 51.507h-99.891c-20.685 0-37.478 16.794-37.478 37.478v129.843c0 20.685 16.794 37.478 37.478 37.478h129.843c20.685 0 37.478-16.794 37.478-37.478v-154.061zM768 474.061c0-67.994-52.275-124.006-118.784-129.946-6.298-0.563-11.674 4.506-11.674 10.803v43.622c0 5.427 4.045 9.933 9.421 10.752 27.187 3.942 47.974 24.934 53.606 51.507h-99.891c-20.685 0-37.478 16.794-37.478 37.478v129.843c0 20.685 16.794 37.478 37.478 37.478h129.843c20.685 0 37.478-16.794 37.478-37.478v-154.061z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea49;" glyph-name="grooveshark" d="M512 911.411c-248.883 0-450.56-201.728-450.56-450.611 0-248.781 201.677-450.611 450.611-450.611 248.832 0 450.56 201.779 450.56 450.611-0.051 248.883-201.728 450.611-450.611 450.611zM693.146 443.494c-24.371 34.099-49.306 67.584-76.646 99.277-25.651 29.901-52.941 58.419-82.637 84.224-29.594 25.805-61.85 50.278-97.28 67.379-23.808 11.52-48.333 20.122-73.677 27.443-2.867 0.768-10.65 4.301-12.902 0.768-1.434-2.202-0.307-6.298-0.102-8.704 0.717-5.274 1.331-10.496 1.997-15.77 7.578-62.874 10.445-129.28-9.114-190.413-10.445-32.922-29.594-62.976-55.040-86.323-21.146-19.405-51.302-38.912-81.254-37.478-5.53 0.205-11.162 1.178-16.589 3.021-32.051 10.803-33.946 45.363-34.15 73.882-0.205 30.618 3.482 61.184 11.059 90.88 2.304 9.114 5.171 18.074 8.192 26.982 35.072 101.683 116.224 184.422 218.061 220.518 38.093 13.517 78.438 20.326 118.938 20.326 119.091 0 232.397-61.184 297.83-160.614 16.384-24.986 29.542-52.019 39.219-80.179h-0.154c3.123-8.909 5.99-17.92 8.346-26.982 7.475-29.696 11.264-60.314 11.059-90.88-0.41-57.6-18.944-121.19-91.29-90.675-34.15 14.438-62.669 43.622-83.866 73.318z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea4a;" glyph-name="icloud" d="M558.541 716.8c96.461 0 174.95-81.818 174.95-182.323 0-6.963-0.614-14.848-1.894-24.781 0 0-8.346-64.614-10.547-81.613s9.523-33.28 27.034-33.434c17.51-0.102 84.48-0.512 84.48-0.512 49.050-0.307 89.037-42.752 89.037-94.618 0-52.224-40.192-94.72-89.6-94.72h-618.65c-61.184 0-110.95 52.326-110.95 116.634 0 46.746 26.573 88.832 67.738 107.264 0 0 21.555 9.626 33.331 14.899s26.010 22.067 26.419 39.68c0.41 17.613 0.819 36.557 0.819 36.557 0.614 27.392 21.555 49.664 46.592 49.664 1.638 0 4.813-0.307 10.598-1.792 0 0 39.629-10.086 53.197-13.517s31.027 3.379 37.376 15.821c6.349 12.442 25.754 50.227 25.754 50.227 30.618 59.546 89.754 96.563 154.317 96.563zM558.541 819.2c-106.547 0-198.963-61.798-245.402-152.269-11.52 2.918-23.398 4.915-35.789 4.915-81.254 0-147.098-66.765-148.992-149.709-75.469-33.741-128.358-110.797-128.358-200.704 0-120.986 95.488-219.034 213.35-219.034h618.65c106.035 0 192 88.269 192 197.12 0 108.442-85.35 196.352-190.874 197.018 1.587 12.442 2.714 25.037 2.714 37.939 0.051 157.235-124.109 284.723-277.299 284.723v0z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea4b;" glyph-name="mixi" d="M488.755 89.19h48.896v-109.722c333.312 35.021 511.078 365.722 482.355 598.579-28.877 232.96-279.091 393.83-560.333 359.424-281.19-34.509-484.762-251.29-455.987-484.301 26.266-211.866 235.622-364.186 485.069-363.981zM803.533 314.368h-93.747v253.594c0 10.189-0.922 19.814-2.714 28.518-1.485 7.578-4.301 13.978-8.397 19.507-3.891 5.12-9.574 9.318-16.896 12.493-7.782 3.379-18.586 5.12-31.898 5.12-27.494 0-48.998-7.219-64.051-21.299-14.899-13.978-22.17-32.41-22.17-56.32v-241.613h-93.696v253.594c0 10.496-0.973 20.224-3.021 28.877-1.741 7.68-4.659 14.182-8.858 19.814-3.942 5.222-9.165 9.114-16.077 12.134-7.373 3.174-17.408 4.813-29.696 4.813-15.974 0-29.696-3.021-40.704-8.909-11.418-5.99-20.736-13.312-27.699-21.606-7.066-8.397-12.237-17.101-15.309-25.907-3.174-8.806-4.71-15.872-4.71-21.197v-241.613h-93.798v394.035h90.010v-30.72c29.389 26.010 66.867 39.219 111.667 39.219 26.112 0 50.227-5.274 71.629-15.616 15.667-7.526 28.365-18.688 37.786-33.382 11.827 12.698 25.805 23.091 41.677 31.181 23.245 11.827 49.050 17.818 76.749 17.818 20.582 0 39.578-2.202 56.422-6.502 17.562-4.403 32.973-11.52 45.824-21.094 13.21-9.882 23.552-22.784 30.822-38.4 7.219-15.411 10.854-33.792 10.854-54.784v-281.754z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea4c;" glyph-name="onedrive" d="M329.165 468.634c24.934 100.403 115.149 173.773 222.259 173.773 63.283 0 122.573-25.856 165.478-70.758 18.125 5.837 39.322 10.342 58.163 10.752v6.656c0 127.078-94.464 230.144-210.944 230.144-83.251 0-154.624-53.146-188.928-129.587-25.293 17.101-54.835 27.392-86.733 27.392-91.392 0-165.427-80.742-165.427-180.378 0-10.752 1.229-21.197 2.918-31.386-70.502-6.963-125.696-79.053-125.696-157.696 0-0.819 0.205-1.485 0.205-2.304-0.051-0.717-0.461-1.434-0.461-2.15 0-31.488 10.957-60.262 28.723-83.507 25.19-33.894 64.614-54.784 109.568-54.784h64.563c-12.595 24.986-20.378 52.838-20.378 82.688-0.051 88.934 62.976 163.43 146.688 181.146zM915.917 369.818c-1.28 0-2.56-0.358-3.84-0.41 0.358 3.789 1.126 7.475 1.126 11.366 0 75.366-61.082 136.397-136.448 136.397-30.003 0-57.498-9.933-80.077-26.419-27.955 51.968-82.125 87.654-145.306 87.654-91.546 0-165.734-74.189-165.734-165.734 0-1.178 0.307-2.202 0.358-3.379-6.042 0.922-12.083 1.843-18.381 1.843-68.352 0-123.648-55.347-123.648-123.648 0-8.55 0.87-16.896 2.509-24.934 11.674-62.003 65.946-108.954 131.379-108.954h548.147v0.973c54.886 5.222 97.997 50.893 97.997 107.11 0 59.699-48.384 108.134-108.083 108.134z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea4d;" glyph-name="paypal" d="M405.197 426.138h84.941c184.525 0 289.229 83.098 322.56 253.952 1.075 5.632 2.048 11.059 2.867 16.486 1.843 11.571 2.765 21.965 3.174 31.949 0.307 6.861 0.512 10.906 0.461 14.694-0.41 20.019-3.942 36.966-11.059 53.197-6.605 15.155-16.589 30.054-31.386 47.002-43.674 49.664-119.757 78.182-210.637 78.182h-289.434c-20.378 0-37.734-14.848-40.909-34.97l-52.224-336.435-64.973-419.072c-2.355-15.104 9.318-28.723 24.576-28.723h141.926l43.469 258.202c5.99 37.888 38.246 65.536 76.646 65.536zM871.27 660.992c-40.55-193.075-171.878-295.526-381.184-295.526h-84.89c-8.397 0-15.462-6.042-16.794-14.438l-56.576-351.027h148.838c17.818 0 33.024 12.954 35.789 30.566l1.485 7.68 28.416 179.917 1.843 9.933c2.765 17.613 17.971 30.566 35.789 30.566h22.528c145.92 0 260.147 59.29 293.53 230.707 13.722 70.656 6.758 129.741-28.774 171.622z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea4e;" glyph-name="picasa" d="M297.37 879.462c-158.157-81.306-256.41-241.715-256.41-419.738 0-32.41 4.096-65.28 11.315-98.202l406.989 370.637c-43.418 39.475-157.491 143.309-161.894 147.302zM706.202 889.549c-61.44 27.904-126.771 42.291-194.253 42.291-47.821 0-94.976-7.987-140.749-22.579l335.002-304.691v284.979zM777.83 847.974v-543.59h178.432c17.562 50.278 26.726 102.605 26.726 155.392 0.051 155.29-77.926 300.646-205.158 388.198zM74.906 285.235c34.509-86.682 95.078-161.28 172.442-214.221v371.2l-104.704-95.283c-35.738-32.461-65.536-59.699-67.738-61.696zM318.976 29.44c47.872-21.606 97.946-34.918 149.504-39.68h86.477c154.573 14.387 293.222 105.882 368.589 242.893h-604.57v-203.213z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea4f;" glyph-name="qq" d="M870.656 306.278c-39.885 28.006-89.651 26.112-117.965-14.182-28.314-40.192-226.202-288.41-550.451-185.293 12.237-10.701 25.088-20.787 38.656-30.31 212.634-149.811 506.47-98.714 656.179 113.92 28.416 40.294 13.466 87.757-26.419 115.866zM244.992 337.869c-20.685 44.595-136.653 340.122 114.688 569.395-15.36-5.325-30.566-11.315-45.568-18.278-235.981-109.312-338.739-389.274-229.427-625.306 20.634-44.595 69.274-55.501 113.562-35.021 44.237 20.531 67.379 64.614 46.746 109.21zM554.291 930.662c-48.947 4.403-82.637-32.205-87.040-80.794-4.352-48.589 22.272-90.675 71.219-95.078s362.854-51.712 435.712-384.102c3.174 15.923 5.427 32.102 6.963 48.589 23.296 259.123-167.782 488.090-426.854 511.386zM352.819 433.664c-13.517-31.693-15.667-62.106-4.813-67.686 7.475-3.891 19.149 5.018 30.106 21.299 4.352-17.766 15.104-33.894 30.464-46.797-16.077-5.888-26.624-15.616-26.624-26.573 0-18.125 28.467-32.717 63.539-32.717 31.642 0 57.856 11.878 62.72 27.494 1.28 0 6.298 0 7.526 0 4.864-15.616 31.078-27.494 62.771-27.494 35.123 0 63.539 14.592 63.539 32.717 0 11.008-10.496 20.685-26.624 26.573 15.309 12.902 26.112 28.979 30.413 46.797 10.957-16.282 22.63-25.19 30.157-21.299 10.803 5.581 8.704 35.994-4.864 67.686-10.598 24.986-24.986 43.418-35.942 47.411 0.205 1.587 0.205 3.226 0.205 4.813 0 9.728-2.662 18.586-7.27 25.805 0.102 0.614 0.102 1.178 0.102 1.69 0 4.506-1.075 8.602-2.867 12.186-2.765 64.922-45.005 116.429-113.357 116.429-68.403 0-110.643-51.507-113.408-116.378-1.792-3.584-2.918-7.68-2.918-12.186 0-0.512 0.051-1.075 0.102-1.69-4.506-7.27-7.219-16.179-7.219-25.856 0-1.587 0.051-3.174 0.205-4.813-10.906-3.994-25.344-22.374-35.942-47.411z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea50;" glyph-name="rdio-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM686.234 487.322c1.126-8.704 1.741-17.51 1.741-26.522 0-111.411-89.19-201.779-199.27-201.779-109.978 0-199.219 90.419-199.219 201.779 0 111.514 89.19 201.83 199.219 201.83 15.821 0 31.13-1.997 45.875-5.478v-114.944c-23.245 8.499-51.968 7.27-78.899-5.683-48.742-23.603-73.472-76.493-55.245-118.323 18.278-41.779 72.602-56.627 121.395-33.024 33.587 16.179 63.181 55.194 63.181 104.192v148.122c4.198-2.304 8.294-4.915 12.288-7.475 37.837-23.808 94.106-55.603 159.795-58.982 25.651-1.331-10.086-65.741-70.861-83.712z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea51;" glyph-name="renren" d="M433.562 928.512c-222.771-37.325-392.602-231.014-392.602-464.435 0-116.019 41.984-222.106 111.565-304.179 164.915 79.821 280.166 260.403 281.037 470.579v298.035zM512.102 345.19c-29.338-121.498-116.992-225.28-226.202-294.298 67.072-36.813 144.179-57.805 226.099-57.805 82.022 0 159.13 20.992 226.202 57.805-109.21 69.018-196.813 172.8-226.099 294.298zM590.592 632.678c0-211.098 115.507-392.602 280.934-472.781 69.53 82.074 111.514 188.211 111.514 304.179 0 233.421-169.728 427.008-392.448 464.384v-295.782z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea52;" glyph-name="scribd" d="M237.722 36.659c0-11.469-3.686-25.19-7.578-36.659h293.734c16.794 19.302 26.266 42.547 26.266 68.71 0 70.912-84.173 110.285-268.339 196.71l-25.907 12.083c-90.778 43.162-158.003 81.152-204.698 126.413v-225.178c9.011 1.229 18.381 2.15 28.57 2.15 153.651-0.051 157.952-142.797 157.952-144.23zM870.4 921.6h-191.386c89.498-60.314 126.31-145.51 126.31-212.070 0-112.333-94.003-148.736-139.622-148.736l-13.875-0.102c-104.755 0-158.208 63.846-158.925 189.798-6.195 4.915-35.226 23.194-120.166 23.194-100.352 0-141.978-79.002-141.978-121.293 0-49.818 27.802-105.216 229.581-173.158 344.883-115.405 344.883-269.056 344.883-404.634v-1.331c0-22.374-1.587-47.309-5.99-73.267h71.168c56.32 0 102.4 46.029 102.4 102.4v716.8c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea53;" glyph-name="sina-weibo" d="M752.026 457.318c-14.029 4.301-23.706 7.27-16.333 26.010 15.923 40.806 17.613 75.981 0.358 101.12-32.41 47.104-121.037 44.595-222.618 1.28 0 0.102-31.898-14.182-23.757 11.622 15.667 51.046 13.261 93.85-11.059 118.528-55.091 56.218-201.574-2.099-327.27-129.997-94.157-95.795-148.787-197.274-148.787-285.082 0-167.987 211.558-280.32 418.56-280.32 271.309 0 451.84 170.701 451.84 298.086 0 77.056-63.693 120.73-120.934 138.752zM421.683 95.795c-165.12-16.384-307.763 58.726-318.464 167.68-10.701 109.005 114.483 210.688 279.654 227.226 165.171 16.384 307.763-58.675 318.464-167.68 10.701-109.107-114.483-210.842-279.654-227.226zM1021.44 594.074c-0.051 169.574-137.523 306.995-307.2 306.995-19.814 0-35.789-15.974-35.789-35.789s15.974-35.789 35.789-35.789c130.099 0 235.571-105.523 235.571-235.622 0-19.814 16.026-35.789 35.84-35.789s35.789 16.026 35.789 35.84v0.154zM879.053 599.296c-16.333 79.974-79.411 143.002-159.386 159.386-19.354 3.994-38.298-8.499-42.291-27.904-3.942-19.302 8.499-38.298 27.904-42.291 52.019-10.598 92.979-51.61 103.629-103.578 3.994-19.405 22.938-31.795 42.291-27.904 19.302 3.994 31.846 22.989 27.853 42.291zM336.998 383.898c-66.56-13.414-111.462-69.222-100.301-124.621 11.162-55.501 74.086-89.6 140.646-76.186 66.509 13.414 111.411 69.222 100.301 124.621-11.162 55.398-74.189 89.6-140.646 76.186z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea54;" glyph-name="skype-with-circle" d="M622.797 468.378c-11.776 7.885-26.317 14.694-43.059 20.224-16.538 5.478-35.226 10.496-55.654 15.002-16.077 3.789-27.802 6.81-34.765 8.806-6.81 1.894-13.619 4.608-20.275 8.090-6.349 3.277-11.418 7.219-15.002 11.725-3.328 4.198-5.018 9.216-5.018 15.104 0 9.626 5.12 17.715 15.616 24.781 10.854 7.322 25.549 11.008 43.571 11.008 19.456 0 33.587-3.277 42.035-9.882 8.704-6.81 16.282-16.486 22.528-28.774 5.427-9.626 10.291-16.282 15.053-20.48 5.069-4.608 12.339-7.014 21.658-7.014 10.291 0 18.944 3.686 25.856 11.11 6.861 7.322 10.342 15.718 10.342 24.986 0 9.626-2.714 19.61-7.885 29.491s-13.414 19.405-24.422 28.314c-11.008 8.909-24.934 15.974-41.523 21.299-16.486 5.325-36.301 7.987-58.726 7.987-28.16 0-52.992-3.994-73.882-11.981-21.146-8.090-37.581-19.866-48.845-34.97-11.366-15.206-17.101-32.819-17.101-52.378 0-20.48 5.478-37.888 16.282-51.814 10.598-13.722 25.19-24.678 43.213-32.614 17.715-7.68 39.834-14.49 65.997-20.275 19.149-4.096 34.714-8.090 46.131-11.776 10.957-3.482 20.019-8.602 26.88-15.206 6.502-6.298 9.677-14.285 9.677-24.627 0-12.902-6.093-23.398-18.586-32.307-12.851-9.011-29.901-13.517-50.688-13.517-15.155 0-27.392 2.202-36.557 6.707-9.062 4.403-16.128 9.984-21.094 16.691-5.171 7.014-9.984 15.923-14.438 26.419-3.994 9.677-9.011 17.101-14.797 22.221-5.99 5.325-13.517 7.885-22.118 7.885-10.598 0-19.405-3.379-26.317-9.984-6.963-6.81-10.496-15.002-10.496-24.525 0-15.104 5.427-30.925 16.128-46.694 10.598-15.821 24.525-28.518 41.472-37.888 23.654-12.902 53.965-19.405 90.112-19.405 30.106 0 56.525 4.813 78.643 14.182 22.272 9.523 39.475 22.989 51.098 39.885 11.674 16.998 17.613 36.506 17.613 57.805 0 17.818-3.43 33.178-10.24 45.619-6.81 12.39-16.384 22.682-28.416 30.771zM512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM629.811 185.6c-24.934 0-48.435 6.4-69.018 17.818-14.899-2.918-30.31-4.403-46.080-4.403-138.906 0-251.597 116.019-251.597 258.918 0 17.92 1.792 35.328 5.12 52.122-12.749 22.221-20.070 48.128-20.070 75.827 0 82.893 65.331 150.221 145.971 150.221 28.518 0 55.091-8.499 77.619-23.091 13.926 2.509 28.365 3.789 42.957 3.789 139.008 0 251.648-115.917 251.648-258.918 0-18.995-1.997-37.581-5.786-55.501 9.677-20.122 15.155-42.701 15.155-66.714-0.051-82.842-65.331-150.067-145.92-150.067z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea55;" glyph-name="skype" d="M955.955 356.506c6.758 31.898 10.394 65.126 10.394 99.226 0 255.283-201.216 462.285-449.382 462.285-26.163 0-51.814-2.406-76.8-6.81-40.192 26.010-87.654 41.114-138.598 41.114-143.923 0-260.608-120.013-260.608-268.134 0-49.408 13.107-95.795 35.789-135.578-5.939-30.003-9.114-61.133-9.114-92.928 0-255.283 201.216-462.285 449.28-462.285 28.211 0 55.654 2.611 82.278 7.68 36.71-20.275 78.592-31.795 123.187-31.795 143.923 0 260.608 120.013 260.608 268.083 0.051 42.854-9.728 83.251-27.034 119.142zM747.469 234.701c-20.787-30.208-51.507-54.221-91.29-71.219-39.373-16.896-86.63-25.395-140.39-25.395-64.512 0-118.63 11.622-160.922 34.714-30.208 16.794-55.091 39.475-73.984 67.482-19.046 28.416-28.723 56.525-28.723 83.61 0 16.896 6.298 31.59 18.688 43.622 12.288 11.878 28.109 18.022 46.899 18.022 15.411 0 28.774-4.813 39.578-14.182 10.342-9.011 19.2-22.426 26.317-39.578 7.987-18.79 16.691-34.611 25.856-47.104 8.806-11.981 21.504-22.118 37.632-30.003 16.282-7.885 38.298-11.878 65.28-11.878 37.12 0 67.584 8.090 90.522 24.218 22.426 15.821 33.28 34.611 33.28 57.702 0 18.278-5.683 32.614-17.408 43.878-12.186 11.674-28.416 20.89-47.923 27.187-20.429 6.502-48.179 13.619-82.483 20.992-46.592 10.291-86.17 22.477-117.709 36.198-32.256 14.080-58.214 33.69-77.21 58.214-19.2 24.73-29.030 55.91-29.030 92.518 0 34.918 10.24 66.406 30.515 93.594 20.122 26.88 49.408 47.872 87.194 62.31 37.274 14.182 81.715 21.402 131.891 21.402 40.090 0 75.418-4.813 104.806-14.182 29.594-9.523 54.579-22.323 74.189-38.093 19.814-15.923 34.509-32.922 43.725-50.483 9.318-17.92 14.080-35.584 14.080-52.787 0-16.486-6.195-31.488-18.483-44.595-12.288-13.21-27.802-19.814-46.080-19.814-16.589 0-29.696 4.198-38.707 12.39-8.397 7.578-17.203 19.61-26.829 36.71-11.213 21.914-24.781 39.219-40.346 51.302-15.104 11.878-40.346 17.92-75.059 17.92-32.205 0-58.419-6.707-77.773-19.814-18.842-12.749-27.904-27.238-27.904-44.339 0-10.598 2.97-19.405 9.011-26.88 6.4-8.090 15.411-15.104 26.778-20.992 11.776-6.144 23.91-10.957 36.096-14.438 12.493-3.584 33.485-8.806 62.208-15.718 36.403-7.987 69.786-16.998 99.277-26.675 29.952-9.882 55.808-22.016 76.902-36.096 21.504-14.49 38.605-33.024 50.637-55.091 12.134-22.221 18.278-49.613 18.278-81.408 0.051-38.144-10.547-72.806-31.386-103.219z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea56;" glyph-name="slideshare" d="M665.6 610.304c70.707 0 128 57.293 128 128s-57.293 128-128 128-128-57.293-128-128 57.344-128 128-128zM964.864 668.518c-183.296-130.816-267.725-107.93-350.464-105.318-57.242 2.918-76.8-15.258-76.8-55.296l0.051-307.2c0-256 431.155-175.616 264.448 253.389 85.555 49.101 157.491 124.621 198.451 174.694 21.043 31.13-1.434 63.744-35.686 39.731zM358.4 866.304c-70.707 0-128-57.293-128-128s57.293-128 128-128 128 57.293 128 128-57.344 128-128 128zM409.6 563.2c-82.739-2.611-167.168-25.498-350.464 105.318-34.253 24.013-56.73-8.602-35.686-39.68 40.96-50.125 112.896-125.594 198.451-174.694-166.707-429.005 264.448-509.389 264.448-253.389l0.051 307.2c0 39.987-19.558 58.163-76.8 55.245z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea57;" glyph-name="smashing" d="M513.178 151.962c-128.41 0-217.754 79.616-217.754 79.616l-75.93-172.186c52.378-28.006 107.11-47.923 138.701-58.419l-81.51-19.507c-38.195-9.114-76.595 14.49-85.76 52.685l-158.208 661.914c-9.165 38.195 14.387 76.595 52.634 85.811l190.259 45.517c-46.592-52.685-64.666-115.302-60.109-186.88 7.117-112.282 114.534-198.605 242.381-246.886 240.691-90.931 183.603-241.664 55.296-241.664zM991.283 225.587l-158.259 661.914c-9.114 38.195-47.514 61.798-85.76 52.582l-136.346-32.614c34.765-5.376 103.629-20.48 179.456-60.314l-59.341-164.506c0 0-49.408 55.194-181.914 61.901-125.952 6.4-195.994-129.894 49.613-210.176 188.109-61.491 248.218-180.019 245.094-289.69-1.587-56.986-21.555-103.322-44.646-138.291l139.52 33.382c38.195 9.114 61.747 47.514 52.582 85.811z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea58;" glyph-name="soundcloud" d="M34.406 304.384l16.794 71.731-16.794 74.086c-0.461 2.202-4.71 3.891-9.779 3.891-5.222 0-9.421-1.69-9.779-3.891l-14.848-74.086 14.797-71.68c0.41-2.304 4.608-3.891 9.779-3.891 5.12-0.051 9.37 1.536 9.83 3.84zM139.418 264.602l14.182 110.797-14.182 171.418c-0.461 4.301-5.837 7.782-12.237 7.782-6.502 0-11.93-3.482-12.186-7.782l-12.595-171.418 12.595-110.797c0.307-4.403 5.683-7.782 12.186-7.782 6.4 0 11.776 3.379 12.237 7.782zM244.122 266.394l11.878 108.902-11.878 228.198c-0.307 5.427-6.605 9.626-14.438 9.626-7.782 0-14.080-4.198-14.387-9.626l-10.496-228.198 10.496-109.005c0.307-5.274 6.605-9.523 14.387-9.523 7.834 0.051 14.131 4.25 14.438 9.626zM348.672 267.981l9.728 107.315-9.728 229.888c-0.256 6.298-7.475 11.315-16.384 11.315-9.011 0-16.179-5.018-16.435-11.315l-8.653-229.888 8.704-107.315c0.205-6.298 7.424-11.315 16.384-11.315 8.909 0.051 16.128 4.915 16.384 11.315zM453.12 269.414l7.68 105.779-7.68 263.629c-0.205 7.27-8.397 13.056-18.33 13.056s-18.125-5.888-18.278-13.107l-6.912-263.475 6.912-105.882c0.154-7.219 8.346-13.107 18.278-13.107s18.125 5.786 18.33 13.107zM526.182 256.205c0.41 0 363.52-0.205 365.824-0.205 72.909 0 131.994 57.19 131.994 127.693s-59.085 127.59-131.994 127.59c-18.074 0-35.277-3.584-50.995-9.882-10.496 114.995-110.234 205.21-231.885 205.21-29.747 0-58.778-5.683-84.378-15.206-10.035-3.789-12.646-7.578-12.749-15.104v-404.992c0.102-7.834 6.349-14.285 14.182-15.104z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea59;" glyph-name="spotify-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM663.757 264.346c-7.578 0-12.8 2.867-18.381 6.246-51.866 31.386-116.122 47.872-185.754 47.872-35.533 0-73.882-4.198-113.971-12.39l-4.864-1.229c-5.12-1.229-10.291-2.56-14.285-2.56-16.128 0-28.774 12.544-28.774 28.621 0 16.282 9.216 27.802 24.525 30.72 47.821 10.906 92.877 16.179 137.574 16.179 80.896 0 153.293-18.688 215.091-55.808 10.65-6.195 17.306-13.312 17.306-29.133-0.051-15.77-12.749-28.518-28.467-28.518zM703.59 376.115c-9.062 0-14.95 3.43-20.224 6.502-93.44 55.501-232.806 73.882-347.392 43.366-1.894-0.563-3.584-1.075-5.222-1.587-4.301-1.382-8.397-2.714-14.029-2.714-18.842 0-34.15 15.411-34.15 34.406 0 18.278 9.523 31.078 26.829 35.942 44.134 12.083 85.709 20.122 145.408 20.122 96.563 0 190.157-24.218 263.475-68.096 13.363-7.578 19.405-18.074 19.405-33.69 0-18.944-15.309-34.253-34.099-34.253zM748.8 503.501c-8.499 0-13.773 1.997-21.555 6.298-63.437 38.093-162.355 60.723-264.909 60.723-53.402 0-101.888-5.888-144.23-17.306-1.434-0.358-2.816-0.768-4.25-1.229-4.506-1.331-10.138-2.97-15.974-2.97-22.477 0-40.090 17.818-40.090 40.55 0 19.763 11.11 34.867 29.645 40.346 51.098 15.104 109.978 22.682 174.848 22.682 116.787 0 227.994-25.907 304.998-71.219 14.541-8.192 21.658-20.685 21.658-37.99 0-22.323-17.664-39.885-40.141-39.885z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea5a;" glyph-name="spotify" d="M512 911.36c-248.883 0-450.56-201.626-450.56-450.56 0-248.781 201.677-450.56 450.56-450.56 248.934 0 450.509 201.728 450.509 450.56 0 248.883-201.523 450.56-450.509 450.56zM690.074 230.298c-8.858 0-15.053 3.379-21.555 7.322-60.877 36.915-136.294 56.269-218.010 56.269-41.677 0-86.682-4.966-133.632-14.592l-5.734-1.434c-5.939-1.434-12.032-3.021-16.691-3.021-18.995 0-33.843 14.746-33.843 33.587 0 19.098 10.752 32.614 28.774 35.994 56.115 12.8 108.954 19.046 161.382 19.046 94.976 0 179.866-22.016 252.467-65.485 12.442-7.27 20.275-15.667 20.275-34.202-0.051-18.483-15.002-33.485-33.434-33.485zM736.819 361.421c-10.598 0-17.562 4.045-23.706 7.629-109.722 65.075-273.050 86.682-407.603 50.842-2.253-0.666-4.301-1.28-6.144-1.894-5.069-1.587-9.779-3.174-16.435-3.174-22.118 0-40.090 18.074-40.090 40.346 0 21.453 11.213 36.454 31.437 42.189 51.866 14.234 100.557 23.654 170.65 23.654 113.254 0 223.078-28.416 309.146-79.923 15.667-8.96 22.784-21.197 22.784-39.475 0-22.221-17.971-40.192-40.038-40.192zM789.862 510.925c-9.984 0-16.128 2.406-25.344 7.373-74.394 44.646-190.464 71.219-310.733 71.219-62.669 0-119.603-6.912-169.267-20.326-1.69-0.41-3.277-0.87-5.018-1.382-5.274-1.587-11.878-3.482-18.688-3.482-26.419 0-47.053 20.89-47.053 47.565 0 23.194 13.005 40.909 34.816 47.36 59.955 17.715 128.973 26.675 205.107 26.675 137.114 0 267.571-30.464 357.939-83.507 16.998-9.677 25.344-24.32 25.344-44.646 0-26.266-20.685-46.848-47.104-46.848z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea5b;" glyph-name="swarm" d="M526.643 9.165c-73.165 11.878-139.93 31.078-188.262 47.258-2.355 0.768-39.987 14.438-51.558 18.944-14.234 5.478-21.658 22.067-16.23 36.352 4.403 11.52 19.405 48.589 20.429 50.893 20.48 47.104 51.2 110.234 91.904 173.005 1.485-61.594 15.206-122.829 40.499-179.507 24.576-55.142 59.853-105.267 103.219-146.944zM520.858 613.018c-142.899 291.277-460.288 280.883-510.362 150.682-38.451-99.942 129.792-338.022 516.966-166.093 0.102 0.051 0.102 0.051 0.205 0.102-1.331 2.406-5.837 12.646-6.81 15.309zM591.872 624.384c0.051 0 0.102 0.051 0.102 0.051 218.675 97.126 188.109 265.779 131.533 287.437-76.134 29.133-214.528-83.149-135.526-278.886 0.768-1.382 3.379-7.168 3.891-8.602zM993.946 411.136c-33.075 74.24-93.85 127.437-164.506 152.781-7.117 2.56-14.387 3.738-21.658 3.738-36.71 0-72.038-30.464-75.366-68.506-5.581-63.437 7.014-128.051 34.816-190.362 27.392-61.389 66.253-113.306 116.224-151.398 13.005-9.933 28.928-14.592 44.8-14.592 28.621 0 57.19 15.155 68.557 42.291 29.235 69.734 30.566 151.194-2.867 226.048zM828.006 85.043c-61.184 46.694-109.67 109.517-144.128 186.675-34.918 78.285-49.203 157.44-42.342 235.315 1.894 21.658 8.243 42.547 18.432 61.645-1.792-0.461-5.683-1.382-5.837-1.434-32.154-8.038-63.334-21.965-91.034-40.141-40.141-26.317-75.52-65.382-90.726-111.462-4.096-12.442-7.219-26.112-8.243-39.168-4.864-62.362 5.274-126.771 32.563-187.904 26.419-59.136 65.792-108.442 113.306-146.074 28.979-22.886 81.203-37.376 123.904-37.376 40.090 0 79.667 11.93 115.2 29.952 11.11 5.632 35.584 20.89 37.171 21.965-21.248 5.427-41.165 14.95-58.266 28.006z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea5c;" glyph-name="vine-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM609.69 622.029c-18.944 0-32.358-18.022-32.358-52.634 0-70.554 44.8-111.155 102.963-111.155 10.291 0 21.862 1.229 33.69 3.942v-54.886c-19.354-4.403-38.81-6.195-54.989-6.298-38.656-81.459-108.186-151.091-131.328-164.25-14.848-8.346-28.723-8.806-44.954 0.922-28.621 17.050-136.602 105.728-172.698 384.41h78.336c19.814-167.322 67.84-252.979 120.986-317.235 29.235 29.235 57.395 68.198 79.462 112.282-52.48 26.726-84.378 85.146-84.378 153.19 0 68.864 39.68 120.934 107.622 120.934 65.894 0 101.939-41.062 101.939-111.667 0-26.317-5.581-56.218-16.077-79.258-48.998-9.626-66.816 21.658-66.816 21.658 3.584 12.083 8.602 32.512 8.602 51.098 0.051 32.768-11.981 48.947-30.003 48.947z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea5d;" glyph-name="vine" d="M893.542 463.309c-22.426-5.171-44.186-7.424-63.693-7.424-109.824 0-194.406 76.595-194.406 210.022 0 65.382 25.242 99.379 61.030 99.379 33.997 0 56.678-30.515 56.678-92.416 0-35.226-9.421-73.728-16.384-96.614 0 0 33.792-58.982 126.413-40.909 19.712 43.622 30.362 100.147 30.362 149.709 0 133.376-68.096 210.893-192.666 210.893-128.205 0-203.162-98.406-203.162-228.403 0-128.614 60.16-239.002 159.386-289.331-41.728-83.405-94.822-156.928-150.17-212.275-100.403 121.395-191.181 283.341-228.506 599.347h-147.968c68.352-526.285 272.333-693.914 326.298-726.067 30.515-18.33 56.73-17.459 84.685-1.741 43.776 24.832 175.206 156.365 248.166 310.323 30.566 0.102 67.277 3.533 103.936 11.827v103.68z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea5e;" glyph-name="vk-alternitive" d="M972.8 102.4v716.8c0 56.32-46.234 102.4-102.656 102.4h-716.288c-58.88 0-102.656-43.674-102.656-102.4v-716.8c0-58.778 43.776-102.4 102.656-102.4h716.288c56.422 0 102.656 46.029 102.656 102.4zM777.421 378.522c0 0 57.958-57.19 72.243-83.712 0.41-0.563 0.563-1.075 0.717-1.28 5.786-9.728 7.27-17.408 4.352-23.040-4.813-9.37-21.197-14.080-26.778-14.49 0 0-99.482 0-102.349 0-7.168 0-22.016 1.843-40.038 14.285-13.824 9.626-27.494 25.549-40.806 41.062-19.866 23.040-37.069 43.008-54.374 43.008-2.202 0-4.403-0.358-6.451-1.075-13.158-4.198-29.85-22.886-29.85-72.806 0-15.616-12.288-24.525-20.992-24.525 0 0-44.646 0-46.899 0-15.974 0-99.174 5.581-172.851 83.354-90.419 95.232-171.622 286.259-172.339 287.949-5.12 12.339 5.478 19.046 16.998 19.046h103.424c13.875 0 18.33-8.397 21.504-15.923 3.584-8.55 17.101-43.059 39.219-81.869 35.994-63.13 58.163-88.832 75.827-88.832 3.277 0 6.451 0.87 9.421 2.509 23.091 12.749 18.79 95.078 17.766 112.077 0 3.226-0.051 36.813-11.827 52.941-8.499 11.674-22.886 16.128-31.59 17.818 2.304 3.328 7.27 8.499 13.619 11.571 15.821 7.885 44.339 9.011 72.704 9.011h15.77c30.771-0.41 38.758-2.406 49.869-5.222 22.477-5.376 22.938-19.968 20.941-69.632-0.563-14.131-1.178-30.157-1.178-48.947 0-4.045-0.154-8.499-0.154-13.107-0.717-25.395-1.536-54.118 16.384-65.894 2.355-1.434 4.966-2.253 7.731-2.253 6.246 0 24.934 0 75.571 86.886 22.272 38.349 39.424 83.61 40.602 86.989 1.024 1.843 4.045 7.27 7.578 9.37 2.867 1.69 6.554 1.997 8.499 1.997h121.6c13.312 0 22.323-1.997 24.013-7.066 2.918-8.141-0.563-32.973-56.115-108.032-9.421-12.442-17.562-23.296-24.73-32.768-50.381-65.946-50.381-69.325 2.97-119.398z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea5f;" glyph-name="vk-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM701.030 397.773c0 0 43.469-42.906 54.17-62.822 0.307-0.41 0.461-0.819 0.563-1.024 4.352-7.322 5.376-13.005 3.226-17.254-3.584-7.066-15.872-10.547-20.070-10.854 0 0-74.65 0-76.8 0-5.325 0-16.486 1.382-30.003 10.701-10.394 7.27-20.634 19.2-30.618 30.822-14.899 17.306-27.802 32.256-40.806 32.256-1.638 0-3.328-0.256-4.864-0.768-9.83-3.174-22.426-17.203-22.426-54.579 0-11.674-9.216-18.381-15.718-18.381 0 0-33.536 0-35.174 0-11.981 0-74.394 4.198-129.69 62.515-67.686 71.424-128.614 214.682-129.126 216.013-3.84 9.267 4.096 14.234 12.749 14.234h77.568c10.342 0 13.722-6.298 16.077-11.878 2.765-6.502 12.902-32.358 29.542-61.44 26.982-47.411 43.52-66.662 56.781-66.662 2.509 0 4.813 0.666 7.117 1.843 17.306 9.626 14.080 71.322 13.312 84.122 0 2.406-0.051 27.597-8.909 39.68-6.349 8.755-17.152 12.083-23.706 13.312 1.69 2.509 5.478 6.349 10.189 8.653 11.878 5.939 33.28 6.81 54.528 6.81h11.827c23.040-0.307 28.979-1.792 37.325-3.891 16.896-4.045 17.254-14.95 15.77-52.275-0.461-10.598-0.922-22.579-0.922-36.71 0-3.072-0.154-6.349-0.154-9.83-0.512-18.995-1.126-40.55 12.288-49.408 1.741-1.075 3.738-1.69 5.837-1.69 4.659 0 18.688 0 56.678 65.178 16.64 28.774 29.542 62.72 30.464 65.229 0.768 1.331 3.021 5.427 5.683 7.014 2.099 1.229 4.915 1.485 6.349 1.485h91.187c9.933 0 16.742-1.485 18.022-5.325 2.253-6.093-0.41-24.678-42.035-81.050-7.014-9.318-13.21-17.459-18.586-24.525-37.734-49.459-37.734-51.968 2.355-89.498z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea60;" glyph-name="vk" d="M911.462 343.142c0 0 82.79-81.766 103.27-119.603 0.563-0.819 0.819-1.434 0.922-1.792 8.346-13.978 10.394-24.934 6.298-33.024-6.912-13.363-30.31-20.070-38.246-20.634 0 0-142.234 0-146.33 0-10.189 0-31.386 2.662-57.19 20.48-19.712 13.773-39.322 36.454-58.317 58.624-28.365 32.922-52.89 61.491-77.722 61.491-3.174 0-6.246-0.512-9.216-1.536-18.79-5.939-42.65-32.717-42.65-104.038 0-22.323-17.613-35.021-29.952-35.021 0 0-63.898 0-67.021 0-22.835 0-141.722 7.987-247.142 119.142-129.178 136.090-245.197 409.088-246.323 411.494-7.219 17.664 7.936 27.29 24.32 27.29h147.763c19.814 0 26.266-11.981 30.771-22.733 5.222-12.339 24.576-61.696 56.32-117.146 51.405-90.214 82.995-126.925 108.237-126.925 4.762 0 9.267 1.178 13.517 3.584 32.973 18.125 26.829 135.885 25.293 160.154 0 4.71-0.051 52.582-16.947 75.725-12.083 16.589-32.666 23.040-45.107 25.395 3.328 4.813 10.394 12.186 19.456 16.538 22.579 11.264 63.386 12.902 103.885 12.902h22.477c43.93-0.614 55.296-3.43 71.27-7.475 32.154-7.68 32.768-28.518 29.952-99.482-0.819-20.275-1.69-43.11-1.69-69.99 0-5.734-0.256-12.134-0.256-18.637-0.973-36.403-2.253-77.414 23.45-94.259 3.277-2.048 7.117-3.174 11.11-3.174 8.909 0 35.584 0 107.93 124.16 31.744 54.835 56.32 119.501 58.010 124.365 1.434 2.714 5.734 10.342 10.957 13.414 3.994 2.458 9.318 2.867 12.083 2.867h173.824c18.944 0 31.795-2.867 34.304-10.035 4.198-11.622-0.819-47.104-80.179-154.419-13.363-17.869-25.088-33.331-35.379-46.848-71.936-94.413-71.936-99.174 4.25-170.854z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea61;" glyph-name="xing-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM412.826 384c0 0-4.403-8.806-7.834-15.821-3.635-7.066-12.083-9.779-17.766-9.779h-72.397c-12.8 0-12.237 9.779-9.114 16.179 3.226 6.4 4.71 9.421 4.71 9.421l57.6 115.2-32 64c0 0-1.485 3.072-4.71 9.472-3.123 6.4-3.686 16.128 9.114 16.128h72.397c5.683 0 14.131-2.714 17.766-9.728 3.43-7.066 7.834-15.872 7.834-15.872l32-64-57.6-115.2zM718.336 675.072c-3.226-6.4-4.71-9.472-4.71-9.472l-128-256 76.8-153.6c0 0 1.485-3.021 4.71-9.421 3.174-6.4 3.686-16.179-9.114-16.179h-72.397c-5.734 0-14.080 2.714-17.664 9.779-3.533 7.066-7.936 15.821-7.936 15.821l-76.8 153.6 128 256c0 0 4.403 8.806 7.936 15.872s11.878 9.728 17.664 9.728h72.397c12.8 0 12.237-9.728 9.114-16.128z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea62;" glyph-name="xing" d="M906.394 921.6h-144.794c-11.418 0-28.314-5.376-35.328-19.507s-15.872-31.693-15.872-31.693l-256-512 153.6-307.2c0 0 8.806-17.613 15.872-31.693s23.91-19.507 35.328-19.507h144.794c25.6 0 24.576 19.507 18.176 32.307s-9.37 18.893-9.37 18.893l-153.6 307.2 256 512c0 0 3.021 6.093 9.421 18.893s7.373 32.307-18.227 32.307zM348.928 697.293c-7.014 14.131-23.91 19.507-35.328 19.507h-144.794c-25.6 0-24.576-19.507-18.176-32.307s9.37-18.893 9.37-18.893l64-128-115.2-230.4c0 0-3.021-6.093-9.421-18.893s-7.373-32.307 18.227-32.307h144.794c11.418 0 28.314 5.427 35.379 19.507 7.014 14.080 15.821 31.693 15.821 31.693l115.2 230.4-64 128c0 0-8.806 17.613-15.872 31.693z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea63;" glyph-name="yelp" d="M641.946 334.285l231.578-75.059c0 0 33.126-6.093 32.768-28.262-0.205-15.616-10.086-33.382-10.086-33.382l-97.792-141.107c0 0-17.459-14.643-35.123-14.643-17.613 0-37.939 27.494-37.939 27.494l-123.75 208.538c0 0-13.926 30.413 2.56 47.155 15.104 15.36 37.786 9.267 37.786 9.267zM592.384 430.080c11.827-20.275 44.544-14.387 44.544-14.387l231.066 68.147c0 0 31.488 12.954 35.994 30.157 4.403 17.254-5.222 38.042-5.222 38.042l-110.438 131.277c0 0-9.574 16.589-29.44 18.278-21.914 1.894-35.379-24.883-35.379-24.883l-130.56-207.36c0.051 0.051-11.469-20.582-0.563-39.27zM483.226 510.925c27.187 6.758 31.539 46.643 31.539 46.643l-1.843 332.032c0 0-4.096 40.96-22.323 52.070-28.621 17.51-37.069 8.397-45.261 7.168l-191.846-71.936c0 0-18.79-6.298-28.57-22.118-13.978-22.374 14.182-55.245 14.182-55.245l199.373-274.33c0 0 19.712-20.531 44.749-14.285zM435.866 376.576c0.666 25.6-30.464 41.011-30.464 41.011l-206.234 105.114c0 0-30.566 12.698-45.414 3.84-11.315-6.758-21.402-19.046-22.374-29.85l-13.414-166.861c0 0-1.997-28.928 5.427-42.086 10.496-18.637 45.107-5.683 45.107-5.683l240.742 53.709c9.318 6.349 25.702 6.963 26.624 40.806zM495.718 286.515c-20.685 10.701-45.414-11.469-45.414-11.469l-161.178-179.098c0 0-20.122-27.392-15.002-44.186 4.813-15.77 12.8-23.603 24.064-29.133l161.894-51.558c0 0 19.61-4.096 34.509 0.256 21.094 6.195 17.203 39.526 17.203 39.526l3.635 242.483c0-0.051-0.819 23.296-19.712 33.178z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea64;" glyph-name="dribbble-with-circle" d="M525.312 461.722c1.69 0.614 3.482 1.075 5.274 1.587-4.25 9.472-8.96 19.302-14.285 29.901-96.256-28.518-188.416-28.774-204.851-28.518-0.154-1.28-0.154-2.611-0.154-3.891 0-48.384 17.408-94.874 49.050-131.379 10.547 16.998 66.458 100.403 164.966 132.301zM390.298 301.414c35.277-27.034 77.414-41.318 121.702-41.318 26.47 0 52.173 5.12 76.493 15.104-3.379 19.507-15.104 78.899-42.086 149.606-108.595-38.4-149.606-110.694-156.109-123.392zM642.816 613.018c-36.403 31.283-82.79 48.486-130.816 48.486-14.541 0-29.133-1.587-43.52-4.813 10.496-14.080 42.598-58.675 72.755-113.818 65.69 25.242 95.386 61.645 101.581 70.144zM496.896 529.203c-31.13 54.886-63.539 100.096-72.448 112.179-54.63-26.47-94.822-77.107-108.186-136.090h0.87c20.787 0 94.669 1.69 179.763 23.91zM589.517 435.405c23.808-66.202 34.765-121.19 37.888-138.803 43.622 30.72 73.421 77.875 82.381 130.202-8.909 2.714-41.062 11.315-81.51 11.315-13.21 0-26.266-0.922-38.758-2.714zM512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM512 220.314c-132.71 0-240.589 107.878-240.589 240.486 0 132.71 107.878 240.589 240.589 240.589 132.659 0 240.538-107.93 240.538-240.589 0-132.608-107.878-240.486-240.538-240.486zM559.206 508.211c4.454-9.216 8.602-18.278 12.39-27.187 1.178-2.918 2.458-5.786 3.635-8.704 14.182 1.69 29.338 2.509 45.158 2.509 43.725 0 80.026-6.4 92.211-8.806-1.126 43.52-16.538 85.811-43.622 119.808-8.192-10.547-41.882-49.306-109.773-77.619z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea65;" glyph-name="dribbble" d="M489.728 592.845c-69.53 123.597-143.923 224.41-149.35 231.834-112.179-53.043-195.891-156.416-222.054-280.934 10.547-0.205 178.278-2.202 371.405 49.101zM539.802 457.677c5.222 1.69 10.547 3.277 15.821 4.813-10.086 22.886-21.094 45.824-32.614 68.403-207.155-62.054-405.914-57.549-412.928-57.344-0.154-4.301-0.358-8.499-0.358-12.8 0-103.373 39.066-197.683 103.219-268.902l-0.256 0.307c0 0 110.080 195.277 327.117 265.523zM264.755 143.667v0.205c-2.97 2.304-6.144 4.403-9.114 6.912 5.427-4.352 9.114-7.117 9.114-7.117zM415.642 851.354c-0.358-0.102-0.768-0.205-0.768-0.205 0.307 0.102 0.717 0.102 0.717 0.102l0.051 0.102zM777.677 762.675c-70.861 62.362-163.789 100.403-265.677 100.403-32.717 0-64.41-3.994-94.822-11.315 6.144-8.192 81.664-108.493 150.426-234.701 151.654 56.781 208.947 143.974 210.074 145.613zM512-10.24c-260.096 0-470.989 210.893-470.989 470.989-0.051 260.198 210.842 471.091 470.989 471.091 260.198 0 471.040-210.893 471.040-471.091 0-260.096-210.842-470.989-471.040-470.989zM580.403 394.957c-236.083-82.278-314.061-247.706-315.648-251.085 68.301-53.299 153.907-85.299 247.194-85.299 55.706 0 108.8 11.315 157.030 31.795-5.939 35.277-29.338 158.515-85.965 305.51-0.819-0.307-1.69-0.614-2.611-0.922zM598.528 557.056c9.421-19.098 18.33-38.605 26.778-58.317 3.021-6.912 5.837-13.926 8.704-20.787 138.906 17.51 275.712-12.186 280.218-13.107-0.973 95.386-35.123 182.886-91.494 251.494-0.922-1.178-65.485-94.362-224.205-159.283zM658.483 414.464c52.787-145.203 74.189-263.27 78.285-287.283 90.317 60.979 154.522 157.696 172.39 269.824-7.987 2.56-120.627 38.246-250.675 17.459z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea66;" glyph-name="facebook-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM628.429 612.659h-73.882c-8.755 0-18.483-11.52-18.483-26.829v-53.35h92.416l-13.978-76.083h-78.438v-228.403h-87.194v228.403h-79.104v76.083h79.104v44.749c0 64.205 44.544 116.378 105.677 116.378h73.882v-80.947z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea67;" glyph-name="facebook" d="M870.4 921.6h-716.8c-56.32 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-716.8c0-56.371 46.080-102.4 102.4-102.4h358.4v358.4h-102.4v126.72h102.4v104.96c0 110.797 62.054 188.621 192.819 188.621l92.314-0.102v-133.376h-61.286c-50.893 0-70.246-38.195-70.246-73.626v-86.528h131.482l-29.082-126.669h-102.4v-358.4h204.8c56.32 0 102.4 46.029 102.4 102.4v716.8c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea68;" glyph-name="flickr-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM380.723 358.4c-56.115 0-101.478 45.824-101.478 102.4s45.414 102.4 101.478 102.4c56.013 0 101.478-45.824 101.478-102.4s-45.517-102.4-101.478-102.4zM643.328 358.4c-56.064 0-101.53 45.824-101.53 102.4s45.466 102.4 101.53 102.4c56.115 0 101.478-45.824 101.478-102.4s-45.414-102.4-101.478-102.4z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea69;" glyph-name="flickr" d="M256 256c-112.026 0-202.752 91.597-202.752 204.8s90.726 204.8 202.752 204.8c111.974 0 202.752-91.597 202.752-204.8s-90.778-204.8-202.752-204.8zM768 256c-112.026 0-202.752 91.597-202.752 204.8s90.726 204.8 202.752 204.8c111.974 0 202.752-91.597 202.752-204.8s-90.778-204.8-202.752-204.8z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea6a;" glyph-name="github-with-circle" d="M512.768 463.411c0 0-0.512 0-0.768 0h-0.768c-60.979 0-114.688 15.514-146.483-13.722-18.995-17.51-26.982-38.605-26.982-61.286 0-94.822 75.93-106.496 173.517-106.496h1.485c97.536 0 173.517 11.725 173.517 106.496 0 22.682-7.987 43.827-26.982 61.286-31.846 29.235-85.555 13.722-146.534 13.722zM429.722 333.824c-18.586 0-33.587 20.89-33.587 46.592s15.002 46.49 33.587 46.49c18.586 0 33.638-20.787 33.638-46.49 0.051-25.702-15.002-46.592-33.638-46.592zM594.227 333.824c-18.586 0-33.638 20.89-33.638 46.592s15.053 46.49 33.638 46.49c18.534 0 33.587-20.787 33.587-46.49 0.051-25.702-15.002-46.592-33.587-46.592zM512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM556.851 259.123c-8.806 0-26.317 0-44.851-0.102-18.534 0.102-36.045 0.102-44.851 0.102-38.912 0-193.126 3.021-193.126 188.877 0 42.701 14.643 73.984 38.656 100.096-3.789 9.421-3.994 63.078 16.384 114.483 0 0 46.899-5.12 117.811-53.811 14.797 4.147 39.987 6.246 65.126 6.246s50.278-2.099 65.178-6.195c70.912 48.691 117.811 53.811 117.811 53.811 20.378-51.405 20.224-105.114 16.384-114.483 24.013-26.112 38.656-57.395 38.656-100.096-0.051-185.958-154.266-188.928-193.178-188.928z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea6b;" glyph-name="github" d="M674.816 393.779c-36.762 0-66.56-41.318-66.56-92.109 0-50.893 29.798-92.211 66.56-92.211s66.56 41.318 66.56 92.211c-0.051 50.79-29.798 92.109-66.56 92.109zM906.547 633.549c7.629 18.688 7.936 124.877-32.512 226.611 0 0-92.723-10.189-233.011-106.496-29.44 8.192-79.258 12.186-128.973 12.186-49.818 0-99.584-3.994-129.024-12.186-140.339 96.307-233.062 106.496-233.062 106.496-40.397-101.734-39.987-207.923-32.461-226.611-47.514-51.61-76.544-113.613-76.544-198.195 0-367.923 305.306-373.811 382.31-373.811 17.51 0 52.122-0.102 88.781-0.102 36.608 0 71.27 0.102 88.678 0.102 77.107 0 382.31 5.888 382.31 373.811 0 84.582-28.979 146.586-76.493 198.195zM513.434 106.752h-2.867c-193.075 0-343.501 22.989-343.501 210.688 0 45.005 15.872 86.682 53.606 121.293 62.822 57.702 169.216 27.187 289.894 27.187 0.512 0 1.024 0 1.485 0 0.512 0 0.922 0 1.382 0 120.678 0 227.123 30.515 289.997-27.187 37.632-34.611 53.504-76.288 53.504-121.293 0-187.699-150.374-210.688-343.501-210.688zM349.235 393.779c-36.762 0-66.56-41.318-66.56-92.109 0-50.893 29.798-92.211 66.56-92.211 36.813 0 66.611 41.318 66.611 92.211 0 50.79-29.798 92.109-66.611 92.109z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea6c;" glyph-name="google-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM483.686 249.805c-30.874-15.002-64.102-16.589-76.954-16.589-2.458 0-3.84 0-3.84 0s-1.178 0-2.765 0c-20.070 0-119.962 4.608-119.962 95.59 0 89.395 108.8 96.41 142.131 96.41h0.87c-19.251 25.702-15.258 51.61-15.258 51.61-1.69-0.102-4.147-0.205-7.168-0.205-12.544 0-36.762 1.997-57.549 15.411-25.498 16.384-38.4 44.288-38.4 82.893 0 109.107 119.142 113.51 120.32 113.613h118.989v-2.611c0-13.312-23.91-15.923-40.192-18.125-5.53-0.819-16.64-1.894-19.763-3.482 30.157-16.128 35.021-41.421 35.021-79.104 0-42.906-16.794-65.587-34.611-81.51-11.059-9.882-19.712-17.613-19.712-28.006 0-10.189 11.878-20.582 25.702-32.717 22.579-19.917 53.555-47.002 53.555-92.723 0-47.258-20.326-81.050-60.416-100.454zM742.4 460.8h-76.8v-76.8h-51.2v76.8h-76.8v51.2h76.8v76.8h51.2v-76.8h76.8v-51.2zM421.018 401.92c-2.662 0-5.325-0.102-8.038-0.307-22.733-1.69-43.725-10.189-58.88-24.013-15.053-13.619-22.733-30.822-21.658-48.179 2.304-36.403 41.37-57.702 88.832-54.323 46.694 3.379 77.824 30.31 75.571 66.714-2.15 34.202-31.898 60.109-75.827 60.109zM465.766 599.808c-12.39 43.52-32.358 56.422-63.386 56.422-3.328 0-6.707-0.512-9.933-1.382-13.466-3.84-24.166-15.053-30.106-31.744-6.093-16.896-6.451-34.509-1.229-54.579 9.472-35.891 34.97-61.901 60.672-61.901 3.379 0 6.758 0.41 9.933 1.382 28.109 7.885 45.722 50.79 34.048 91.802z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea6d;" glyph-name="google" d="M101.837 686.643c0-76.493 25.549-131.686 75.878-164.096 41.267-26.624 89.088-30.618 113.971-30.618 6.042 0 10.906 0.307 14.285 0.512 0 0-7.885-51.405 30.208-102.195h-1.741c-65.997 0-281.242-13.773-281.242-190.822 0-180.019 197.683-189.184 237.363-189.184 3.123 0 4.966 0.102 4.966 0.102 0.41 0 3.226-0.102 8.090-0.102 25.446 0 91.238 3.174 152.32 32.922 79.258 38.4 119.45 105.421 119.45 198.912 0 90.317-61.235 144.077-105.933 183.398-27.29 24.013-50.893 44.698-50.893 64.819 0 20.48 17.254 35.891 39.014 55.398 35.277 31.488 68.557 76.39 68.557 161.28 0 74.598-9.677 124.723-69.325 156.518 6.195 3.174 28.211 5.478 39.066 7.014 32.307 4.403 79.565 9.421 79.565 35.789v5.069h-235.469c-2.355-0.102-238.131-8.806-238.131-224.717zM481.946 225.178c4.506-71.987-57.088-125.082-149.606-131.789-93.952-6.912-171.264 35.379-175.77 107.315-2.202 34.611 13.005 68.403 42.752 95.386 30.157 27.29 71.578 44.186 116.634 47.514 5.325 0.307 10.598 0.614 15.872 0.614 86.989-0.051 145.869-51.149 150.118-119.040zM420.454 735.949c23.091-81.306-11.776-166.195-67.379-181.914-6.4-1.792-12.954-2.662-19.661-2.662-50.893 0-101.325 51.507-120.064 122.522-10.445 39.731-9.574 74.65 2.406 108.134 11.725 33.024 32.922 55.194 59.546 62.72 6.4 1.792 13.005 2.714 19.712 2.714 61.44 0 100.966-25.498 125.44-111.514zM819.2 563.2v153.6h-102.4v-153.6h-153.6v-102.4h153.6v-153.6h102.4v153.6h153.6v102.4h-153.6z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea6e;" glyph-name="instagram-with-circle" d="M665.6 460.8c0-84.838-68.762-153.6-153.6-153.6s-153.6 68.762-153.6 153.6c0 8.755 0.922 17.306 2.509 25.6h-53.709v-204.646c0-14.234 11.52-25.754 25.754-25.754h358.144c14.182 0 25.702 11.52 25.702 25.754v204.646h-53.709c1.587-8.294 2.509-16.845 2.509-25.6zM512 358.4c56.525 0 102.4 45.875 102.4 102.4s-45.875 102.4-102.4 102.4-102.4-45.875-102.4-102.4 45.875-102.4 102.4-102.4zM634.88 568.32h61.389c8.499 0 15.411 6.912 15.411 15.36v61.389c0 8.499-6.912 15.411-15.411 15.411h-61.389c-8.499 0-15.411-6.912-15.411-15.411v-61.389c0.051-8.448 6.963-15.36 15.411-15.36zM512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52c271.462 0 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52s-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM768 261.683c0-31.283-25.6-56.883-56.883-56.883h-398.234c-31.283 0-56.883 25.6-56.883 56.883v398.234c0 31.283 25.6 56.883 56.883 56.883h398.234c31.283 0 56.883-25.6 56.883-56.883v-398.234z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea6f;" glyph-name="instagram" d="M870.4 921.6h-716.8c-56.32 0-102.4-46.080-102.4-102.4v-716.8c0-56.371 46.080-102.4 102.4-102.4h716.8c56.32 0 102.4 46.029 102.4 102.4v716.8c0 56.32-46.080 102.4-102.4 102.4zM511.181 178.022c156.621 0 283.546 127.027 283.546 283.597 0 17.306-2.202 33.997-5.274 50.381h80.947v-369.459c0-19.558-15.872-35.328-35.482-35.328h-645.837c-19.61 0-35.482 15.77-35.482 35.328v369.459h79.309c-3.123-16.384-5.325-33.075-5.325-50.381 0-156.621 127.027-283.597 283.597-283.597zM333.978 461.619c0 97.894 79.36 177.203 177.254 177.203 97.843 0 177.254-79.309 177.254-177.203s-79.411-177.254-177.254-177.254c-97.946 0-177.254 79.36-177.254 177.254zM834.918 665.6h-82.688c-19.558 0-35.43 15.974-35.43 35.43v82.79c0 19.558 15.872 35.379 35.379 35.379h82.688c19.661 0 35.533-15.821 35.533-35.379v-82.739c0-19.507-15.872-35.482-35.482-35.482z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea70;" glyph-name="lastfm-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM647.373 315.904c-102.502 0-138.086 46.592-156.979 104.602l-18.995 59.699c-14.182 43.571-25.651 75.11-77.773 75.11-36.147 0-83.251-23.706-83.251-97.178 0-57.293 39.424-93.184 80.282-93.184 34.662 0 55.501 19.507 66.355 29.286l18.125-51.814c-12.339-8.909-37.581-26.47-87.398-26.47-68.915 0-134.4 48.998-134.4 139.776 0 94.413 68.25 150.016 138.496 150.016 78.848 0 108.186-28.672 133.12-106.394l19.558-59.699c14.234-43.622 44.288-75.315 104.141-75.315 40.294 0 61.645 9.011 61.645 31.078 0 17.306-10.086 29.901-40.294 37.018l-40.294 9.626c-49.203 11.878-68.762 37.581-68.762 78.285 0 65.075 52.122 85.402 105.523 85.402 60.467 0 97.178-22.118 101.888-75.878l-59.238-7.117c-2.355 25.6-17.766 36.403-46.234 36.403-26.061 0-42.035-11.981-42.035-32.307 0-17.92 7.68-28.621 33.792-34.611l37.888-8.397c50.944-11.93 78.234-37.018 78.234-85.402-0.051-59.853-49.869-82.534-123.392-82.534z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea71;" glyph-name="lastfm" d="M438.989 226.509c-24.422-17.818-74.496-52.429-173.107-52.429-136.243 0-265.882 96.922-265.882 276.736 0 186.778 135.014 296.704 274.125 296.704 156.006 0 214.17-56.73 263.373-210.381l38.707-118.221c28.211-86.426 87.706-148.992 206.131-148.992 79.77 0 121.958 17.715 121.958 61.389 0 34.304-19.917 59.187-79.718 73.421l-79.821 18.893c-97.28 23.603-135.987 74.496-135.987 154.88 0 128.819 103.219 169.011 208.742 169.011 119.654 0 192.358-43.725 201.728-150.118l-117.299-14.182c-4.71 50.79-35.226 72.090-91.494 72.090-51.61 0-83.302-23.603-83.302-63.795 0-35.482 15.309-56.781 66.918-68.608l75.059-16.589c100.864-23.603 154.88-73.318 154.88-169.114 0-118.221-98.509-163.123-244.019-163.123-202.906 0-273.306 92.211-310.784 206.899l-37.581 118.221c-28.109 86.374-50.688 148.582-153.907 148.582-71.578 0-164.813-46.899-164.813-192.307 0-113.51 77.978-184.525 158.925-184.525 68.608 0 109.875 38.605 131.277 57.907l35.891-102.349z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea72;" glyph-name="linkedin-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM391.68 257.075h-99.533v320.307h99.533v-320.307zM341.299 616.704c-31.437 0-51.763 22.272-51.763 49.818 0 28.109 20.941 49.715 53.043 49.715s51.763-21.606 52.378-49.715c0-27.546-20.275-49.818-53.658-49.818zM755.2 257.075h-99.533v177.51c0 41.318-14.438 69.376-50.432 69.376-27.494 0-43.827-18.995-51.046-37.274-2.662-6.502-3.328-15.718-3.328-24.883v-184.678h-99.584v218.112c0 39.987-1.28 73.421-2.611 102.195h86.477l4.557-44.493h1.997c13.107 20.89 45.21 51.712 98.918 51.712 65.485 0 114.586-43.878 114.586-138.189v-189.389z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea73;" glyph-name="linkedin" d="M256 819.2c0-54.374-36.352-101.171-102.451-101.171-62.208 0-102.349 44.134-102.349 98.509 0 55.808 38.912 105.062 102.4 105.062s101.171-46.592 102.4-102.4zM51.2 0v665.6h204.8v-665.6h-204.8zM358.4 438.067c0 79.104-2.611 145.203-5.222 202.291h184.013l9.114-88.218h3.891c25.907 41.523 89.395 102.4 195.686 102.4 129.638 0 226.918-86.784 226.918-273.51v-381.030h-204.8v351.283c0 81.613-31.078 143.872-102.4 143.872-54.374 0-81.613-44.032-95.898-80.333-5.222-13.005-6.502-31.13-6.502-49.306v-365.517h-204.8v438.067z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea74;" glyph-name="pinterest-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM545.638 344.32c-31.539 2.406-44.749 18.022-69.427 32.973-13.568-71.219-30.157-139.52-79.309-175.206-15.206 107.725 22.221 188.518 39.629 274.381-29.645 49.92 3.533 150.323 66.099 125.645 76.954-30.515-66.662-185.6 29.747-205.005 100.659-20.173 141.773 174.694 79.36 237.978-90.214 91.494-262.502 2.099-241.306-128.87 5.12-32 38.246-41.728 13.21-85.914-57.702 12.8-74.957 58.317-72.704 118.989 3.533 99.328 89.242 168.909 175.155 178.483 108.698 12.083 210.688-39.885 224.819-142.182 15.821-115.405-49.101-240.282-165.274-231.27z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea75;" glyph-name="pinterest" d="M441.19 295.578c-26.931-141.005-59.75-276.173-157.082-346.778-30.003 213.094 44.083 373.094 78.541 542.976-58.726 98.816 7.066 297.574 130.816 248.576 152.32-60.211-131.891-367.206 58.88-405.606 199.219-39.987 280.525 345.6 156.979 470.989-178.432 181.146-519.475 4.25-477.491-255.078 10.189-63.386 75.674-82.586 26.163-170.086-114.227 25.293-148.326 115.405-143.923 235.52 7.066 196.608 176.589 334.182 346.675 353.28 215.091 24.115 416.973-79.002 444.877-281.293 31.386-228.403-97.075-475.802-327.117-457.984-62.362 4.864-88.474 35.789-137.318 65.485z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea76;" glyph-name="rdio" d="M829.594 460.749c0-220.518-176.538-399.309-394.291-399.309s-394.342 178.79-394.342 399.309c0 220.621 176.538 399.411 394.291 399.411 31.283 0 61.645-3.891 90.829-10.906v-227.379c-46.182 16.896-102.912 14.387-156.314-11.418-96.512-46.592-145.459-151.398-109.312-233.984 36.096-82.688 143.718-112.026 240.179-65.382 66.509 32.102 125.082 109.414 125.082 206.285v293.069c8.294-4.608 16.384-9.626 24.32-14.797 74.957-47.104 186.266-110.182 316.314-116.787 50.688-2.509-19.917-130.099-140.186-165.683 2.253-17.101 3.43-34.611 3.43-52.429z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea77;" glyph-name="stumbleupon-with-circle" d="M512 952.32c-271.462 0-491.52-220.058-491.52-491.52s220.058-491.52 491.52-491.52 491.52 220.058 491.52 491.52-220.058 491.52-491.52 491.52zM512 574.208c-15.002 0-27.187-12.186-27.187-27.085v-162.202c0-63.693-51.968-115.507-115.763-115.507s-115.763 51.814-115.763 115.507v67.891h88.525v-67.891c0-15.002 12.186-27.085 27.187-27.085s27.187 12.083 27.187 27.085v162.202c0.102 63.693 51.968 115.456 115.814 115.456 63.795 0 115.763-51.814 115.763-115.507v-30.874l-53.248-17.101-35.328 17.101v30.925c0 14.899-12.134 27.085-27.187 27.085zM770.714 384.922c0-63.693-51.968-115.507-115.763-115.507-63.846 0-115.814 51.814-115.814 115.507v69.325l35.328-17.101 53.248 17.101v-69.325c0-15.002 12.186-27.085 27.187-27.085s27.136 12.083 27.136 27.085v67.891h88.627v-67.891z" /> +<glyph unicode="&#xea78;" glyph-name="stumbleupon" d="M565.811 560.179l69.888-33.792 105.421 33.792v61.133c0 126.106-102.81 228.608-229.12 228.608s-229.12-102.502-229.12-228.608v-321.024c0-29.594-24.166-53.709-53.811-53.709-29.696 0-53.811 24.115-53.811 53.709v134.4h-175.258v-134.4c0-126.003 102.758-228.608 229.12-228.608 126.31 0 229.069 102.605 229.069 228.608v321.024c0 29.594 24.166 53.709 53.862 53.709 29.645 0 53.811-24.115 53.811-53.709v-61.133zM848.691 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273.5t55.5 273.5t150 225t225 150t273.5 55.5t273.5 -55.5t225 -150t150 -225t55.5 -273.5q0 -220 -124 -399l343 -343q37 -37 37 -90z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf011;" d="M1536 640q0 -156 -61 -298t-164 -245t-245 -164t-298 -61t-298 61t-245 164t-164 245t-61 298q0 182 80.5 343t226.5 270q43 32 95.5 25t83.5 -50q32 -42 24.5 -94.5t-49.5 -84.5q-98 -74 -151.5 -181t-53.5 -228q0 -104 40.5 -198.5t109.5 -163.5t163.5 -109.5 t198.5 -40.5t198.5 40.5t163.5 109.5t109.5 163.5t40.5 198.5q0 121 -53.5 228t-151.5 181q-42 32 -49.5 84.5t24.5 94.5q31 43 84 50t95 -25q146 -109 226.5 -270t80.5 -343zM896 1408v-640q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38t-90 38t-38 90v640q0 52 38 90t90 38t90 -38t38 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf012;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M256 96v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM640 224v-320q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v320q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1024 480v-576q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23 v576q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 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-23q-15 -21 -51 -66.5t-54 -70.5q26 -50 41 -98l183 -28q13 -2 21 -12.5t8 -23.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf014;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M512 800v-576q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v576q0 14 9 23t23 9h64q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM768 800v-576q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v576q0 14 9 23t23 9h64q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1024 800v-576q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v576 q0 14 9 23t23 9h64q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1152 76v948h-896v-948q0 -22 7 -40.5t14.5 -27t10.5 -8.5h832q3 0 10.5 8.5t14.5 27t7 40.5zM480 1152h448l-48 117q-7 9 -17 11h-317q-10 -2 -17 -11zM1408 1120v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-96v-948q0 -83 -47 -143.5t-113 -60.5h-832 q-66 0 -113 58.5t-47 141.5v952h-96q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h309l70 167q15 37 54 63t79 26h320q40 0 79 -26t54 -63l70 -167h309q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf015;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1408 544v-480q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-384v384h-256v-384h-384q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v480q0 1 0.5 3t0.5 3l575 474l575 -474q1 -2 1 -6zM1631 613l-62 -74q-8 -9 -21 -11h-3q-13 0 -21 7l-692 577l-692 -577q-12 -8 -24 -7q-13 2 -21 11l-62 74q-8 10 -7 23.5t11 21.5 l719 599q32 26 76 26t76 -26l244 -204v195q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-408l219 -182q10 -8 11 -21.5t-7 -23.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf016;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf017;" d="M896 992v-448q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-320q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h224v352q0 14 9 23t23 9h64q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1312 640q0 148 -73 273t-198 198t-273 73t-273 -73t-198 -198t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73t273 73t198 198t73 273zM1536 640 q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf018;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1111 540v4l-24 320q-1 13 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608q0 -12 -10 -24l-319 -319q-11 -9 -23 -9t-23 9l-320 320q-15 16 -7 35q8 20 30 20h192v352q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-352h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM768 1184q-148 0 -273 -73t-198 -198t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73t273 73t198 198t73 273 t-73 273t-198 198t-273 73zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf01b;" d="M1118 660q-8 -20 -30 -20h-192v-352q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v352h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23q0 12 10 24l319 319q11 9 23 9t23 -9l320 -320q15 -16 7 -35zM768 1184q-148 0 -273 -73t-198 -198t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73t273 73t198 198 t73 273t-73 273t-198 198t-273 73zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf01c;" d="M1023 576h316q-1 3 -2.5 8t-2.5 8l-212 496h-708l-212 -496q-1 -2 -2.5 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164t-164 245t-61 298t61 298t164 245t245 164t298 61q147 0 284.5 -55.5t244.5 -156.5l130 129q29 31 70 14q39 -17 39 -59z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf021;" d="M1511 480q0 -5 -1 -7q-64 -268 -268 -434.5t-478 -166.5q-146 0 -282.5 55t-243.5 157l-129 -129q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19t-19 45v448q0 26 19 45t45 19h448q26 0 45 -19t19 -45t-19 -45l-137 -137q71 -66 161 -102t187 -36q134 0 250 65t186 179q11 17 53 117 q8 23 30 23h192q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1536 1280v-448q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-448q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45l138 138q-148 137 -349 137q-134 0 -250 -65t-186 -179q-11 -17 -53 -117q-8 -23 -30 -23h-199q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v7q65 268 270 434.5t480 166.5 q146 0 284 -55.5t245 -156.5l130 129q19 19 45 19t45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf022;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M384 352v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 608v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M384 864v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1536 352v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-960q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h960q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M1536 608v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-960q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h960q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1536 864v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-960q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h960q13 0 22.5 -9.5 t9.5 -22.5zM1664 160v832q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-1472q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-832q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h1472q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1792 1248v-1088q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1472q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1088q0 66 47 113t113 47h1472q66 0 113 -47 t47 -113z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf023;" horiz-adv-x="1152" d="M320 768h512v192q0 106 -75 181t-181 75t-181 -75t-75 -181v-192zM1152 672v-576q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-960q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v576q0 40 28 68t68 28h32v192q0 184 132 316t316 132t316 -132t132 -316v-192h32q40 0 68 -28t28 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf024;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M320 1280q0 -72 -64 -110v-1266q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v1266q-64 38 -64 110q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1792 1216v-763q0 -25 -12.5 -38.5t-39.5 -27.5q-215 -116 -369 -116q-61 0 -123.5 22t-108.5 48 t-115.5 48t-142.5 22q-192 0 -464 -146q-17 -9 -33 -9q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v742q0 32 31 55q21 14 79 43q236 120 421 120q107 0 200 -29t219 -88q38 -19 88 -19q54 0 117.5 21t110 47t88 47t54.5 21q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf025;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1664 650q0 -166 -60 -314l-20 -49l-185 -33q-22 -83 -90.5 -136.5t-156.5 -53.5v-32q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v576q0 14 9 23t23 9h64q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-32q71 0 130 -35.5t93 -95.5l68 12q29 95 29 193q0 148 -88 279t-236.5 209t-315.5 78 t-315.5 -78t-236.5 -209t-88 -279q0 -98 29 -193l68 -12q34 60 93 95.5t130 35.5v32q0 14 9 23t23 9h64q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-576q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v32q-88 0 -156.5 53.5t-90.5 136.5l-185 33l-20 49q-60 148 -60 314q0 151 67 291t179 242.5 t266 163.5t320 61t320 -61t266 -163.5t179 -242.5t67 -291z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf026;" horiz-adv-x="768" d="M768 1184v-1088q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19l-333 333h-262q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v384q0 26 19 45t45 19h262l333 333q19 19 45 19t45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf027;" horiz-adv-x="1152" d="M768 1184v-1088q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19l-333 333h-262q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v384q0 26 19 45t45 19h262l333 333q19 19 45 19t45 -19t19 -45zM1152 640q0 -76 -42.5 -141.5t-112.5 -93.5q-10 -5 -25 -5q-26 0 -45 18.5t-19 45.5q0 21 12 35.5t29 25t34 23t29 35.5 t12 57t-12 57t-29 35.5t-34 23t-29 25t-12 35.5q0 27 19 45.5t45 18.5q15 0 25 -5q70 -27 112.5 -93t42.5 -142z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf028;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M768 1184v-1088q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19l-333 333h-262q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v384q0 26 19 45t45 19h262l333 333q19 19 45 19t45 -19t19 -45zM1152 640q0 -76 -42.5 -141.5t-112.5 -93.5q-10 -5 -25 -5q-26 0 -45 18.5t-19 45.5q0 21 12 35.5t29 25t34 23t29 35.5 t12 57t-12 57t-29 35.5t-34 23t-29 25t-12 35.5q0 27 19 45.5t45 18.5q15 0 25 -5q70 -27 112.5 -93t42.5 -142zM1408 640q0 -153 -85 -282.5t-225 -188.5q-13 -5 -25 -5q-27 0 -46 19t-19 45q0 39 39 59q56 29 76 44q74 54 115.5 135.5t41.5 173.5t-41.5 173.5 t-115.5 135.5q-20 15 -76 44q-39 20 -39 59q0 26 19 45t45 19q13 0 26 -5q140 -59 225 -188.5t85 -282.5zM1664 640q0 -230 -127 -422.5t-338 -283.5q-13 -5 -26 -5q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45q0 36 39 59q7 4 22.5 10.5t22.5 10.5q46 25 82 51q123 91 192 227t69 289t-69 289 t-192 227q-36 26 -82 51q-7 4 -22.5 10.5t-22.5 10.5q-39 23 -39 59q0 26 19 45t45 19q13 0 26 -5q211 -91 338 -283.5t127 -422.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf029;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M384 384v-128h-128v128h128zM384 1152v-128h-128v128h128zM1152 1152v-128h-128v128h128zM128 129h384v383h-384v-383zM128 896h384v384h-384v-384zM896 896h384v384h-384v-384zM640 640v-640h-640v640h640zM1152 128v-128h-128v128h128zM1408 128v-128h-128v128h128z M1408 640v-384h-384v128h-128v-384h-128v640h384v-128h128v128h128zM640 1408v-640h-640v640h640zM1408 1408v-640h-640v640h640z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf02a;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M63 0h-63v1408h63v-1408zM126 1h-32v1407h32v-1407zM220 1h-31v1407h31v-1407zM377 1h-31v1407h31v-1407zM534 1h-62v1407h62v-1407zM660 1h-31v1407h31v-1407zM723 1h-31v1407h31v-1407zM786 1h-31v1407h31v-1407zM943 1h-63v1407h63v-1407zM1100 1h-63v1407h63v-1407z M1226 1h-63v1407h63v-1407zM1352 1h-63v1407h63v-1407zM1446 1h-63v1407h63v-1407zM1635 1h-94v1407h94v-1407zM1698 1h-32v1407h32v-1407zM1792 0h-63v1408h63v-1408z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf02b;" d="M448 1088q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1515 512q0 -53 -37 -90l-491 -492q-39 -37 -91 -37q-53 0 -90 37l-715 716q-38 37 -64.5 101t-26.5 117v416q0 52 38 90t90 38h416q53 0 117 -26.5t102 -64.5 l715 -714q37 -39 37 -91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf02c;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M448 1088q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1515 512q0 -53 -37 -90l-491 -492q-39 -37 -91 -37q-53 0 -90 37l-715 716q-38 37 -64.5 101t-26.5 117v416q0 52 38 90t90 38h416q53 0 117 -26.5t102 -64.5 l715 -714q37 -39 37 -91zM1899 512q0 -53 -37 -90l-491 -492q-39 -37 -91 -37q-36 0 -59 14t-53 45l470 470q37 37 37 90q0 52 -37 91l-715 714q-38 38 -102 64.5t-117 26.5h224q53 0 117 -26.5t102 -64.5l715 -714q37 -39 37 -91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf02d;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1639 1058q40 -57 18 -129l-275 -906q-19 -64 -76.5 -107.5t-122.5 -43.5h-923q-77 0 -148.5 53.5t-99.5 131.5q-24 67 -2 127q0 4 3 27t4 37q1 8 -3 21.5t-3 19.5q2 11 8 21t16.5 23.5t16.5 23.5q23 38 45 91.5t30 91.5q3 10 0.5 30t-0.5 28q3 11 17 28t17 23 q21 36 42 92t25 90q1 9 -2.5 32t0.5 28q4 13 22 30.5t22 22.5q19 26 42.5 84.5t27.5 96.5q1 8 -3 25.5t-2 26.5q2 8 9 18t18 23t17 21q8 12 16.5 30.5t15 35t16 36t19.5 32t26.5 23.5t36 11.5t47.5 -5.5l-1 -3q38 9 51 9h761q74 0 114 -56t18 -130l-274 -906 q-36 -119 -71.5 -153.5t-128.5 -34.5h-869q-27 0 -38 -15q-11 -16 -1 -43q24 -70 144 -70h923q29 0 56 15.5t35 41.5l300 987q7 22 5 57q38 -15 59 -43zM575 1056q-4 -13 2 -22.5t20 -9.5h608q13 0 25.5 9.5t16.5 22.5l21 64q4 13 -2 22.5t-20 9.5h-608q-13 0 -25.5 -9.5 t-16.5 -22.5zM492 800q-4 -13 2 -22.5t20 -9.5h608q13 0 25.5 9.5t16.5 22.5l21 64q4 13 -2 22.5t-20 9.5h-608q-13 0 -25.5 -9.5t-16.5 -22.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf02e;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1164 1408q23 0 44 -9q33 -13 52.5 -41t19.5 -62v-1289q0 -34 -19.5 -62t-52.5 -41q-19 -8 -44 -8q-48 0 -83 32l-441 424l-441 -424q-36 -33 -83 -33q-23 0 -44 9q-33 13 -52.5 41t-19.5 62v1289q0 34 19.5 62t52.5 41q21 9 44 9h1048z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf02f;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M384 0h896v256h-896v-256zM384 640h896v384h-160q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v160h-640v-640zM1536 576q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1664 576v-416q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-224v-160q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-960q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68 v160h-224q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v416q0 79 56.5 135.5t135.5 56.5h64v544q0 40 28 68t68 28h672q40 0 88 -20t76 -48l152 -152q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-256h64q79 0 135.5 -56.5t56.5 -135.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf030;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M960 864q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5t-84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5t-203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5t84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5zM1664 1280q106 0 181 -75t75 -181v-896q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75h-1408q-106 0 -181 75t-75 181v896q0 106 75 181t181 75h224l51 136 q19 49 69.5 84.5t103.5 35.5h512q53 0 103.5 -35.5t69.5 -84.5l51 -136h224zM960 128q185 0 316.5 131.5t131.5 316.5t-131.5 316.5t-316.5 131.5t-316.5 -131.5t-131.5 -316.5t131.5 -316.5t316.5 -131.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf031;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M725 977l-170 -450q33 0 136.5 -2t160.5 -2q19 0 57 2q-87 253 -184 452zM0 -128l2 79q23 7 56 12.5t57 10.5t49.5 14.5t44.5 29t31 50.5l237 616l280 724h75h53q8 -14 11 -21l205 -480q33 -78 106 -257.5t114 -274.5q15 -34 58 -144.5t72 -168.5q20 -45 35 -57 q19 -15 88 -29.5t84 -20.5q6 -38 6 -57q0 -4 -0.5 -13t-0.5 -13q-63 0 -190 8t-191 8q-76 0 -215 -7t-178 -8q0 43 4 78l131 28q1 0 12.5 2.5t15.5 3.5t14.5 4.5t15 6.5t11 8t9 11t2.5 14q0 16 -31 96.5t-72 177.5t-42 100l-450 2q-26 -58 -76.5 -195.5t-50.5 -162.5 q0 -22 14 -37.5t43.5 -24.5t48.5 -13.5t57 -8.5t41 -4q1 -19 1 -58q0 -9 -2 -27q-58 0 -174.5 10t-174.5 10q-8 0 -26.5 -4t-21.5 -4q-80 -14 -188 -14z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf032;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M555 15q74 -32 140 -32q376 0 376 335q0 114 -41 180q-27 44 -61.5 74t-67.5 46.5t-80.5 25t-84 10.5t-94.5 2q-73 0 -101 -10q0 -53 -0.5 -159t-0.5 -158q0 -8 -1 -67.5t-0.5 -96.5t4.5 -83.5t12 -66.5zM541 761q42 -7 109 -7q82 0 143 13t110 44.5t74.5 89.5t25.5 142 q0 70 -29 122.5t-79 82t-108 43.5t-124 14q-50 0 -130 -13q0 -50 4 -151t4 -152q0 -27 -0.5 -80t-0.5 -79q0 -46 1 -69zM0 -128l2 94q15 4 85 16t106 27q7 12 12.5 27t8.5 33.5t5.5 32.5t3 37.5t0.5 34v35.5v30q0 982 -22 1025q-4 8 -22 14.5t-44.5 11t-49.5 7t-48.5 4.5 t-30.5 3l-4 83q98 2 340 11.5t373 9.5q23 0 68.5 -0.5t67.5 -0.5q70 0 136.5 -13t128.5 -42t108 -71t74 -104.5t28 -137.5q0 -52 -16.5 -95.5t-39 -72t-64.5 -57.5t-73 -45t-84 -40q154 -35 256.5 -134t102.5 -248q0 -100 -35 -179.5t-93.5 -130.5t-138 -85.5t-163.5 -48.5 t-176 -14q-44 0 -132 3t-132 3q-106 0 -307 -11t-231 -12z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf033;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M0 -126l17 85q6 2 81.5 21.5t111.5 37.5q28 35 41 101q1 7 62 289t114 543.5t52 296.5v25q-24 13 -54.5 18.5t-69.5 8t-58 5.5l19 103q33 -2 120 -6.5t149.5 -7t120.5 -2.5q48 0 98.5 2.5t121 7t98.5 6.5q-5 -39 -19 -89q-30 -10 -101.5 -28.5t-108.5 -33.5 q-8 -19 -14 -42.5t-9 -40t-7.5 -45.5t-6.5 -42q-27 -148 -87.5 -419.5t-77.5 -355.5q-2 -9 -13 -58t-20 -90t-16 -83.5t-6 -57.5l1 -18q17 -4 185 -31q-3 -44 -16 -99q-11 0 -32.5 -1.5t-32.5 -1.5q-29 0 -87 10t-86 10q-138 2 -206 2q-51 0 -143 -9t-121 -11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf034;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1744 128q33 0 42 -18.5t-11 -44.5l-126 -162q-20 -26 -49 -26t-49 26l-126 162q-20 26 -11 44.5t42 18.5h80v1024h-80q-33 0 -42 18.5t11 44.5l126 162q20 26 49 26t49 -26l126 -162q20 -26 11 -44.5t-42 -18.5h-80v-1024h80zM81 1407l54 -27q12 -5 211 -5q44 0 132 2 t132 2q36 0 107.5 -0.5t107.5 -0.5h293q6 0 21 -0.5t20.5 0t16 3t17.5 9t15 17.5l42 1q4 0 14 -0.5t14 -0.5q2 -112 2 -336q0 -80 -5 -109q-39 -14 -68 -18q-25 44 -54 128q-3 9 -11 48t-14.5 73.5t-7.5 35.5q-6 8 -12 12.5t-15.5 6t-13 2.5t-18 0.5t-16.5 -0.5 q-17 0 -66.5 0.5t-74.5 0.5t-64 -2t-71 -6q-9 -81 -8 -136q0 -94 2 -388t2 -455q0 -16 -2.5 -71.5t0 -91.5t12.5 -69q40 -21 124 -42.5t120 -37.5q5 -40 5 -50q0 -14 -3 -29l-34 -1q-76 -2 -218 8t-207 10q-50 0 -151 -9t-152 -9q-3 51 -3 52v9q17 27 61.5 43t98.5 29t78 27 q19 42 19 383q0 101 -3 303t-3 303v117q0 2 0.5 15.5t0.5 25t-1 25.5t-3 24t-5 14q-11 12 -162 12q-33 0 -93 -12t-80 -26q-19 -13 -34 -72.5t-31.5 -111t-42.5 -53.5q-42 26 -56 44v383z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf035;" d="M81 1407l54 -27q12 -5 211 -5q44 0 132 2t132 2q70 0 246.5 1t304.5 0.5t247 -4.5q33 -1 56 31l42 1q4 0 14 -0.5t14 -0.5q2 -112 2 -336q0 -80 -5 -109q-39 -14 -68 -18q-25 44 -54 128q-3 9 -11 47.5t-15 73.5t-7 36q-10 13 -27 19q-5 2 -66 2q-30 0 -93 1t-103 1 t-94 -2t-96 -7q-9 -81 -8 -136l1 -152v52q0 -55 1 -154t1.5 -180t0.5 -153q0 -16 -2.5 -71.5t0 -91.5t12.5 -69q40 -21 124 -42.5t120 -37.5q5 -40 5 -50q0 -14 -3 -29l-34 -1q-76 -2 -218 8t-207 10q-50 0 -151 -9t-152 -9q-3 51 -3 52v9q17 27 61.5 43t98.5 29t78 27 q7 16 11.5 74t6 145.5t1.5 155t-0.5 153.5t-0.5 89q0 7 -2.5 21.5t-2.5 22.5q0 7 0.5 44t1 73t0 76.5t-3 67.5t-6.5 32q-11 12 -162 12q-41 0 -163 -13.5t-138 -24.5q-19 -12 -34 -71.5t-31.5 -111.5t-42.5 -54q-42 26 -56 44v383zM1310 125q12 0 42 -19.5t57.5 -41.5 t59.5 -49t36 -30q26 -21 26 -49t-26 -49q-4 -3 -36 -30t-59.5 -49t-57.5 -41.5t-42 -19.5q-13 0 -20.5 10.5t-10 28.5t-2.5 33.5t1.5 33t1.5 19.5h-1024q0 -2 1.5 -19.5t1.5 -33t-2.5 -33.5t-10 -28.5t-20.5 -10.5q-12 0 -42 19.5t-57.5 41.5t-59.5 49t-36 30q-26 21 -26 49 t26 49q4 3 36 30t59.5 49t57.5 41.5t42 19.5q13 0 20.5 -10.5t10 -28.5t2.5 -33.5t-1.5 -33t-1.5 -19.5h1024q0 2 -1.5 19.5t-1.5 33t2.5 33.5t10 28.5t20.5 10.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf036;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 192v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1664q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 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-45zM1792 576v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1280q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1280q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1792 960v-128q0 -26 -19 -45 t-45 -19h-1536q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1536q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1792 1344v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1152q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1152q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf039;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 192v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1664q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1664q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1792 576v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1664q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1664q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1792 960v-128q0 -26 -19 -45 t-45 -19h-1664q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1664q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1792 1344v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1664q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1664q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf03a;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M256 224v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-192q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h192q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM256 608v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-192q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h192q13 0 22.5 -9.5 t9.5 -22.5zM256 992v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-192q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h192q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 224v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1344q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1344 q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM256 1376v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-192q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h192q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 608v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1344q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5 t22.5 9.5h1344q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 992v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1344q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1344q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 1376v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1344q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192 q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1344q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf03b;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M384 992v-576q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5q-14 0 -23 9l-288 288q-9 9 -9 23t9 23l288 288q9 9 23 9q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 224v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1728q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1728q13 0 22.5 -9.5 t9.5 -22.5zM1792 608v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1088q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1088q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 992v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1088q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1088 q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 1376v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1728q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1728q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf03c;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M352 704q0 -14 -9 -23l-288 -288q-9 -9 -23 -9q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v576q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5q14 0 23 -9l288 -288q9 -9 9 -23zM1792 224v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1728q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1728q13 0 22.5 -9.5 t9.5 -22.5zM1792 608v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1088q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1088q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 992v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1088q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1088 q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 1376v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1728q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1728q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf03d;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 1184v-1088q0 -42 -39 -59q-13 -5 -25 -5q-27 0 -45 19l-403 403v-166q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-704q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v704q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h704q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5v-165l403 402q18 19 45 19q12 0 25 -5 q39 -17 39 -59z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf03e;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M640 960q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136t56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136zM1664 576v-448h-1408v192l320 320l160 -160l512 512zM1760 1280h-1600q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-1216q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h1600q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5v1216 q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5zM1920 1248v-1216q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1600q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1216q0 66 47 113t113 47h1600q66 0 113 -47t47 -113z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf040;" d="M363 0l91 91l-235 235l-91 -91v-107h128v-128h107zM886 928q0 22 -22 22q-10 0 -17 -7l-542 -542q-7 -7 -7 -17q0 -22 22 -22q10 0 17 7l542 542q7 7 7 17zM832 1120l416 -416l-832 -832h-416v416zM1515 1024q0 -53 -37 -90l-166 -166l-416 416l166 165q36 38 90 38 q53 0 91 -38l235 -234q37 -39 37 -91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf041;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M768 896q0 106 -75 181t-181 75t-181 -75t-75 -181t75 -181t181 -75t181 75t75 181zM1024 896q0 -109 -33 -179l-364 -774q-16 -33 -47.5 -52t-67.5 -19t-67.5 19t-46.5 52l-365 774q-33 70 -33 179q0 212 150 362t362 150t362 -150t150 -362z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf042;" d="M768 96v1088q-148 0 -273 -73t-198 -198t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf043;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M512 384q0 36 -20 69q-1 1 -15.5 22.5t-25.5 38t-25 44t-21 50.5q-4 16 -21 16t-21 -16q-7 -23 -21 -50.5t-25 -44t-25.5 -38t-15.5 -22.5q-20 -33 -20 -69q0 -53 37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1024 512q0 -212 -150 -362t-362 -150t-362 150t-150 362 q0 145 81 275q6 9 62.5 90.5t101 151t99.5 178t83 201.5q9 30 34 47t51 17t51.5 -17t33.5 -47q28 -93 83 -201.5t99.5 -178t101 -151t62.5 -90.5q81 -127 81 -275z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf044;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M888 352l116 116l-152 152l-116 -116v-56h96v-96h56zM1328 1072q-16 16 -33 -1l-350 -350q-17 -17 -1 -33t33 1l350 350q17 17 1 33zM1408 478v-190q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-832q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v832q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h832 q63 0 117 -25q15 -7 18 -23q3 -17 -9 -29l-49 -49q-14 -14 -32 -8q-23 6 -45 6h-832q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113v-832q0 -66 47 -113t113 -47h832q66 0 113 47t47 113v126q0 13 9 22l64 64q15 15 35 7t20 -29zM1312 1216l288 -288l-672 -672h-288v288zM1756 1084l-92 -92 l-288 288l92 92q28 28 68 28t68 -28l152 -152q28 -28 28 -68t-28 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf045;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1408 547v-259q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-832q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v832q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h255v0q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5q0 -27 -26 -32q-77 -26 -133 -60q-10 -4 -16 -4h-112q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113v-832q0 -66 47 -113t113 -47h832 q66 0 113 47t47 113v214q0 19 18 29q28 13 54 37q16 16 35 8q21 -9 21 -29zM1645 1043l-384 -384q-18 -19 -45 -19q-12 0 -25 5q-39 17 -39 59v192h-160q-323 0 -438 -131q-119 -137 -74 -473q3 -23 -20 -34q-8 -2 -12 -2q-16 0 -26 13q-10 14 -21 31t-39.5 68.5t-49.5 99.5 t-38.5 114t-17.5 122q0 49 3.5 91t14 90t28 88t47 81.5t68.5 74t94.5 61.5t124.5 48.5t159.5 30.5t196.5 11h160v192q0 42 39 59q13 5 25 5q26 0 45 -19l384 -384q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf046;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1408 606v-318q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-832q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v832q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h832q63 0 117 -25q15 -7 18 -23q3 -17 -9 -29l-49 -49q-10 -10 -23 -10q-3 0 -9 2q-23 6 -45 6h-832q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113v-832 q0 -66 47 -113t113 -47h832q66 0 113 47t47 113v254q0 13 9 22l64 64q10 10 23 10q6 0 12 -3q20 -8 20 -29zM1639 1095l-814 -814q-24 -24 -57 -24t-57 24l-430 430q-24 24 -24 57t24 57l110 110q24 24 57 24t57 -24l263 -263l647 647q24 24 57 24t57 -24l110 -110 q24 -24 24 -57t-24 -57z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf047;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 640q0 -26 -19 -45l-256 -256q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19t-19 45v128h-384v-384h128q26 0 45 -19t19 -45t-19 -45l-256 -256q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-256 256q-19 19 -19 45t19 45t45 19h128v384h-384v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19l-256 256q-19 19 -19 45 t19 45l256 256q19 19 45 19t45 -19t19 -45v-128h384v384h-128q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45l256 256q19 19 45 19t45 -19l256 -256q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19h-128v-384h384v128q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19l256 -256q19 -19 19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf048;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M979 1395q19 19 32 13t13 -32v-1472q0 -26 -13 -32t-32 13l-710 710q-9 9 -13 19v-678q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-128q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1408q0 26 19 45t45 19h128q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-678q4 11 13 19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf049;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1747 1395q19 19 32 13t13 -32v-1472q0 -26 -13 -32t-32 13l-710 710q-9 9 -13 19v-710q0 -26 -13 -32t-32 13l-710 710q-9 9 -13 19v-678q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-128q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1408q0 26 19 45t45 19h128q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-678q4 11 13 19l710 710 q19 19 32 13t13 -32v-710q4 11 13 19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf04a;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1619 1395q19 19 32 13t13 -32v-1472q0 -26 -13 -32t-32 13l-710 710q-8 9 -13 19v-710q0 -26 -13 -32t-32 13l-710 710q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l710 710q19 19 32 13t13 -32v-710q5 11 13 19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf04b;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1384 609l-1328 -738q-23 -13 -39.5 -3t-16.5 36v1472q0 26 16.5 36t39.5 -3l1328 -738q23 -13 23 -31t-23 -31z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf04c;" d="M1536 1344v-1408q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-512q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1408q0 26 19 45t45 19h512q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM640 1344v-1408q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-512q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1408q0 26 19 45t45 19h512q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf04d;" d="M1536 1344v-1408q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1408q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1408q0 26 19 45t45 19h1408q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf04e;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M45 -115q-19 -19 -32 -13t-13 32v1472q0 26 13 32t32 -13l710 -710q8 -8 13 -19v710q0 26 13 32t32 -13l710 -710q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45l-710 -710q-19 -19 -32 -13t-13 32v710q-5 -10 -13 -19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf050;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M45 -115q-19 -19 -32 -13t-13 32v1472q0 26 13 32t32 -13l710 -710q8 -8 13 -19v710q0 26 13 32t32 -13l710 -710q8 -8 13 -19v678q0 26 19 45t45 19h128q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-1408q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-128q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v678q-5 -10 -13 -19l-710 -710 q-19 -19 -32 -13t-13 32v710q-5 -10 -13 -19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf051;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M45 -115q-19 -19 -32 -13t-13 32v1472q0 26 13 32t32 -13l710 -710q8 -8 13 -19v678q0 26 19 45t45 19h128q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-1408q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-128q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v678q-5 -10 -13 -19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf052;" horiz-adv-x="1538" d="M14 557l710 710q19 19 45 19t45 -19l710 -710q19 -19 13 -32t-32 -13h-1472q-26 0 -32 13t13 32zM1473 0h-1408q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v256q0 26 19 45t45 19h1408q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-256q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf053;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1171 1235l-531 -531l531 -531q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45l-166 -166q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-742 742q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l742 742q19 19 45 19t45 -19l166 -166q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf054;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1107 659l-742 -742q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-166 166q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l531 531l-531 531q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l166 166q19 19 45 19t45 -19l742 -742q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf055;" d="M1216 576v128q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-256v256q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-256h-256q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-128q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h256v-256q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v256h256q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5 t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf056;" d="M1216 576v128q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-768q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-128q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h768q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5 t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf057;" d="M1149 414q0 26 -19 45l-181 181l181 181q19 19 19 45q0 27 -19 46l-90 90q-19 19 -46 19q-26 0 -45 -19l-181 -181l-181 181q-19 19 -45 19q-27 0 -46 -19l-90 -90q-19 -19 -19 -46q0 -26 19 -45l181 -181l-181 -181q-19 -19 -19 -45q0 -27 19 -46l90 -90q19 -19 46 -19 q26 0 45 19l181 181l181 -181q19 -19 45 -19q27 0 46 19l90 90q19 19 19 46zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf058;" d="M1284 802q0 28 -18 46l-91 90q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-408 -407l-226 226q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-91 -90q-18 -18 -18 -46q0 -27 18 -45l362 -362q19 -19 45 -19q27 0 46 19l543 543q18 18 18 45zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103 t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf059;" d="M896 160v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-192q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h192q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1152 832q0 88 -55.5 163t-138.5 116t-170 41q-243 0 -371 -213q-15 -24 8 -42l132 -100q7 -6 19 -6q16 0 25 12q53 68 86 92q34 24 86 24q48 0 85.5 -26t37.5 -59 q0 -38 -20 -61t-68 -45q-63 -28 -115.5 -86.5t-52.5 -125.5v-36q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h192q14 0 23 9t9 23q0 19 21.5 49.5t54.5 49.5q32 18 49 28.5t46 35t44.5 48t28 60.5t12.5 81zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5 t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf05a;" d="M1024 160v160q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-96v512q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-160q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h96v-320h-96q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-160q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h448q14 0 23 9t9 23zM896 1056v160q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-192q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-160q0 -14 9 -23 t23 -9h192q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf05b;" d="M1197 512h-109q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h109q-32 108 -112.5 188.5t-188.5 112.5v-109q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-128q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v109q-108 -32 -188.5 -112.5t-112.5 -188.5h109q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-109 q32 -108 112.5 -188.5t188.5 -112.5v109q0 26 19 45t45 19h128q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-109q108 32 188.5 112.5t112.5 188.5zM1536 704v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-143q-37 -161 -154.5 -278.5t-278.5 -154.5v-143q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-128q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v143 q-161 37 -278.5 154.5t-154.5 278.5h-143q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h143q37 161 154.5 278.5t278.5 154.5v143q0 26 19 45t45 19h128q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-143q161 -37 278.5 -154.5t154.5 -278.5h143q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf05c;" d="M1097 457l-146 -146q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-137 137l-137 -137q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-146 146q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l137 137l-137 137q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l146 146q10 10 23 10t23 -10l137 -137l137 137q10 10 23 10t23 -10l146 -146q10 -10 10 -23t-10 -23 l-137 -137l137 -137q10 -10 10 -23t-10 -23zM1312 640q0 148 -73 273t-198 198t-273 73t-273 -73t-198 -198t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73t273 73t198 198t73 273zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5 t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf05d;" d="M1171 723l-422 -422q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-294 294q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l102 102q19 19 45 19t45 -19l147 -147l275 275q19 19 45 19t45 -19l102 -102q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45zM1312 640q0 148 -73 273t-198 198t-273 73t-273 -73t-198 -198t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198 t273 -73t273 73t198 198t73 273zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf05e;" d="M1312 643q0 161 -87 295l-754 -753q137 -89 297 -89q111 0 211.5 43.5t173.5 116.5t116 174.5t43 212.5zM313 344l755 754q-135 91 -300 91q-148 0 -273 -73t-198 -199t-73 -274q0 -162 89 -299zM1536 643q0 -157 -61 -300t-163.5 -246t-245 -164t-298.5 -61t-298.5 61 t-245 164t-163.5 246t-61 300t61 299.5t163.5 245.5t245 164t298.5 61t298.5 -61t245 -164t163.5 -245.5t61 -299.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf060;" d="M1536 640v-128q0 -53 -32.5 -90.5t-84.5 -37.5h-704l293 -294q38 -36 38 -90t-38 -90l-75 -76q-37 -37 -90 -37q-52 0 -91 37l-651 652q-37 37 -37 90q0 52 37 91l651 650q38 38 91 38q52 0 90 -38l75 -74q38 -38 38 -91t-38 -91l-293 -293h704q52 0 84.5 -37.5 t32.5 -90.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf061;" d="M1472 576q0 -54 -37 -91l-651 -651q-39 -37 -91 -37q-51 0 -90 37l-75 75q-38 38 -38 91t38 91l293 293h-704q-52 0 -84.5 37.5t-32.5 90.5v128q0 53 32.5 90.5t84.5 37.5h704l-293 294q-38 36 -38 90t38 90l75 75q38 38 90 38q53 0 91 -38l651 -651q37 -35 37 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf062;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1611 565q0 -51 -37 -90l-75 -75q-38 -38 -91 -38q-54 0 -90 38l-294 293v-704q0 -52 -37.5 -84.5t-90.5 -32.5h-128q-53 0 -90.5 32.5t-37.5 84.5v704l-294 -293q-36 -38 -90 -38t-90 38l-75 75q-38 38 -38 90q0 53 38 91l651 651q35 37 90 37q54 0 91 -37l651 -651 q37 -39 37 -91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf063;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1611 704q0 -53 -37 -90l-651 -652q-39 -37 -91 -37q-53 0 -90 37l-651 652q-38 36 -38 90q0 53 38 91l74 75q39 37 91 37q53 0 90 -37l294 -294v704q0 52 38 90t90 38h128q52 0 90 -38t38 -90v-704l294 294q37 37 90 37q52 0 91 -37l75 -75q37 -39 37 -91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf064;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 896q0 -26 -19 -45l-512 -512q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19t-19 45v256h-224q-98 0 -175.5 -6t-154 -21.5t-133 -42.5t-105.5 -69.5t-80 -101t-48.5 -138.5t-17.5 -181q0 -55 5 -123q0 -6 2.5 -23.5t2.5 -26.5q0 -15 -8.5 -25t-23.5 -10q-16 0 -28 17q-7 9 -13 22 t-13.5 30t-10.5 24q-127 285 -127 451q0 199 53 333q162 403 875 403h224v256q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19l512 -512q19 -19 19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf065;" d="M755 480q0 -13 -10 -23l-332 -332l144 -144q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19h-448q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v448q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19l144 -144l332 332q10 10 23 10t23 -10l114 -114q10 -10 10 -23zM1536 1344v-448q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19l-144 144l-332 -332 q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-114 114q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l332 332l-144 144q-19 19 -19 45t19 45t45 19h448q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf066;" d="M768 576v-448q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19l-144 144l-332 -332q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-114 114q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l332 332l-144 144q-19 19 -19 45t19 45t45 19h448q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1523 1248q0 -13 -10 -23l-332 -332l144 -144q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45 t-45 -19h-448q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v448q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19l144 -144l332 332q10 10 23 10t23 -10l114 -114q10 -10 10 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf067;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1408 800v-192q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-416v-416q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-192q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v192q0 40 28 68t68 28h416v416q0 40 28 68t68 28h192q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-416h416q40 0 68 -28t28 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf068;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1408 800v-192q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1216q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v192q0 40 28 68t68 28h1216q40 0 68 -28t28 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf069;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1482 486q46 -26 59.5 -77.5t-12.5 -97.5l-64 -110q-26 -46 -77.5 -59.5t-97.5 12.5l-266 153v-307q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-128q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v307l-266 -153q-46 -26 -97.5 -12.5t-77.5 59.5l-64 110q-26 46 -12.5 97.5t59.5 77.5l266 154l-266 154 q-46 26 -59.5 77.5t12.5 97.5l64 110q26 46 77.5 59.5t97.5 -12.5l266 -153v307q0 52 38 90t90 38h128q52 0 90 -38t38 -90v-307l266 153q46 26 97.5 12.5t77.5 -59.5l64 -110q26 -46 12.5 -97.5t-59.5 -77.5l-266 -154z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf06a;" d="M768 1408q209 0 385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5t-103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103zM896 161v190q0 14 -9 23.5t-22 9.5h-192q-13 0 -23 -10t-10 -23v-190q0 -13 10 -23t23 -10h192 q13 0 22 9.5t9 23.5zM894 505l18 621q0 12 -10 18q-10 8 -24 8h-220q-14 0 -24 -8q-10 -6 -10 -18l17 -621q0 -10 10 -17.5t24 -7.5h185q14 0 23.5 7.5t10.5 17.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf06b;" d="M928 180v56v468v192h-320v-192v-468v-56q0 -25 18 -38.5t46 -13.5h192q28 0 46 13.5t18 38.5zM472 1024h195l-126 161q-26 31 -69 31q-40 0 -68 -28t-28 -68t28 -68t68 -28zM1160 1120q0 40 -28 68t-68 28q-43 0 -69 -31l-125 -161h194q40 0 68 28t28 68zM1536 864v-320 q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-96v-416q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1088q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-96q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v320q0 14 9 23t23 9h440q-93 0 -158.5 65.5t-65.5 158.5t65.5 158.5t158.5 65.5q107 0 168 -77l128 -165l128 165q61 77 168 77q93 0 158.5 -65.5t65.5 -158.5 t-65.5 -158.5t-158.5 -65.5h440q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf06c;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1280 832q0 26 -19 45t-45 19q-172 0 -318 -49.5t-259.5 -134t-235.5 -219.5q-19 -21 -19 -45q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19q24 0 45 19q27 24 74 71t67 66q137 124 268.5 176t313.5 52q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1792 1030q0 -95 -20 -193q-46 -224 -184.5 -383t-357.5 -268 q-214 -108 -438 -108q-148 0 -286 47q-15 5 -88 42t-96 37q-16 0 -39.5 -32t-45 -70t-52.5 -70t-60 -32q-30 0 -51 11t-31 24t-27 42q-2 4 -6 11t-5.5 10t-3 9.5t-1.5 13.5q0 35 31 73.5t68 65.5t68 56t31 48q0 4 -14 38t-16 44q-9 51 -9 104q0 115 43.5 220t119 184.5 t170.5 139t204 95.5q55 18 145 25.5t179.5 9t178.5 6t163.5 24t113.5 56.5l29.5 29.5t29.5 28t27 20t36.5 16t43.5 4.5q39 0 70.5 -46t47.5 -112t24 -124t8 -96z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf06d;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1408 -160v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1344q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1344q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 896q0 -78 -24.5 -144t-64 -112.5t-87.5 -88t-96 -77.5t-87.5 -72t-64 -81.5t-24.5 -96.5q0 -96 67 -224l-4 1l1 -1 q-90 41 -160 83t-138.5 100t-113.5 122.5t-72.5 150.5t-27.5 184q0 78 24.5 144t64 112.5t87.5 88t96 77.5t87.5 72t64 81.5t24.5 96.5q0 94 -66 224l3 -1l-1 1q90 -41 160 -83t138.5 -100t113.5 -122.5t72.5 -150.5t27.5 -184z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf06e;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1664 576q-152 236 -381 353q61 -104 61 -225q0 -185 -131.5 -316.5t-316.5 -131.5t-316.5 131.5t-131.5 316.5q0 121 61 225q-229 -117 -381 -353q133 -205 333.5 -326.5t434.5 -121.5t434.5 121.5t333.5 326.5zM944 960q0 20 -14 34t-34 14q-125 0 -214.5 -89.5 t-89.5 -214.5q0 -20 14 -34t34 -14t34 14t14 34q0 86 61 147t147 61q20 0 34 14t14 34zM1792 576q0 -34 -20 -69q-140 -230 -376.5 -368.5t-499.5 -138.5t-499.5 139t-376.5 368q-20 35 -20 69t20 69q140 229 376.5 368t499.5 139t499.5 -139t376.5 -368q20 -35 20 -69z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf070;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M555 201l78 141q-87 63 -136 159t-49 203q0 121 61 225q-229 -117 -381 -353q167 -258 427 -375zM944 960q0 20 -14 34t-34 14q-125 0 -214.5 -89.5t-89.5 -214.5q0 -20 14 -34t34 -14t34 14t14 34q0 86 61 147t147 61q20 0 34 14t14 34zM1307 1151q0 -7 -1 -9 q-105 -188 -315 -566t-316 -567l-49 -89q-10 -16 -28 -16q-12 0 -134 70q-16 10 -16 28q0 12 44 87q-143 65 -263.5 173t-208.5 245q-20 31 -20 69t20 69q153 235 380 371t496 136q89 0 180 -17l54 97q10 16 28 16q5 0 18 -6t31 -15.5t33 -18.5t31.5 -18.5t19.5 -11.5 q16 -10 16 -27zM1344 704q0 -139 -79 -253.5t-209 -164.5l280 502q8 -45 8 -84zM1792 576q0 -35 -20 -69q-39 -64 -109 -145q-150 -172 -347.5 -267t-419.5 -95l74 132q212 18 392.5 137t301.5 307q-115 179 -282 294l63 112q95 -64 182.5 -153t144.5 -184q20 -34 20 -69z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf071;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1024 161v190q0 14 -9.5 23.5t-22.5 9.5h-192q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -23.5v-190q0 -14 9.5 -23.5t22.5 -9.5h192q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 23.5zM1022 535l18 459q0 12 -10 19q-13 11 -24 11h-220q-11 0 -24 -11q-10 -7 -10 -21l17 -457q0 -10 10 -16.5t24 -6.5h185 q14 0 23.5 6.5t10.5 16.5zM1008 1469l768 -1408q35 -63 -2 -126q-17 -29 -46.5 -46t-63.5 -17h-1536q-34 0 -63.5 17t-46.5 46q-37 63 -2 126l768 1408q17 31 47 49t65 18t65 -18t47 -49z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf072;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1376 1376q44 -52 12 -148t-108 -172l-161 -161l160 -696q5 -19 -12 -33l-128 -96q-7 -6 -19 -6q-4 0 -7 1q-15 3 -21 16l-279 508l-259 -259l53 -194q5 -17 -8 -31l-96 -96q-9 -9 -23 -9h-2q-15 2 -24 13l-189 252l-252 189q-11 7 -13 23q-1 13 9 25l96 97q9 9 23 9 q6 0 8 -1l194 -53l259 259l-508 279q-14 8 -17 24q-2 16 9 27l128 128q14 13 30 8l665 -159l160 160q76 76 172 108t148 -12z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf073;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M128 -128h288v288h-288v-288zM480 -128h320v288h-320v-288zM128 224h288v320h-288v-320zM480 224h320v320h-320v-320zM128 608h288v288h-288v-288zM864 -128h320v288h-320v-288zM480 608h320v288h-320v-288zM1248 -128h288v288h-288v-288zM864 224h320v320h-320v-320z M512 1088v288q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-288q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h64q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1248 224h288v320h-288v-320zM864 608h320v288h-320v-288zM1248 608h288v288h-288v-288zM1280 1088v288q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-64 q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-288q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h64q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1664 1152v-1280q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-1408q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1280q0 52 38 90t90 38h128v96q0 66 47 113t113 47h64q66 0 113 -47t47 -113v-96h384v96q0 66 47 113t113 47 h64q66 0 113 -47t47 -113v-96h128q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf074;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M666 1055q-60 -92 -137 -273q-22 45 -37 72.5t-40.5 63.5t-51 56.5t-63 35t-81.5 14.5h-224q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h224q250 0 410 -225zM1792 256q0 -14 -9 -23l-320 -320q-9 -9 -23 -9q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q-32 0 -85 -0.5t-81 -1t-73 1 t-71 5t-64 10.5t-63 18.5t-58 28.5t-59 40t-55 53.5t-56 69.5q59 93 136 273q22 -45 37 -72.5t40.5 -63.5t51 -56.5t63 -35t81.5 -14.5h256v192q0 14 9 23t23 9q12 0 24 -10l319 -319q9 -9 9 -23zM1792 1152q0 -14 -9 -23l-320 -320q-9 -9 -23 -9q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5 v192h-256q-48 0 -87 -15t-69 -45t-51 -61.5t-45 -77.5q-32 -62 -78 -171q-29 -66 -49.5 -111t-54 -105t-64 -100t-74 -83t-90 -68.5t-106.5 -42t-128 -16.5h-224q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h224q48 0 87 15t69 45t51 61.5t45 77.5q32 62 78 171q29 66 49.5 111 t54 105t64 100t74 83t90 68.5t106.5 42t128 16.5h256v192q0 14 9 23t23 9q12 0 24 -10l319 -319q9 -9 9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf075;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 640q0 -174 -120 -321.5t-326 -233t-450 -85.5q-70 0 -145 8q-198 -175 -460 -242q-49 -14 -114 -22q-17 -2 -30.5 9t-17.5 29v1q-3 4 -0.5 12t2 10t4.5 9.5l6 9t7 8.5t8 9q7 8 31 34.5t34.5 38t31 39.5t32.5 51t27 59t26 76q-157 89 -247.5 220t-90.5 281 q0 130 71 248.5t191 204.5t286 136.5t348 50.5q244 0 450 -85.5t326 -233t120 -321.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf076;" d="M1536 704v-128q0 -201 -98.5 -362t-274 -251.5t-395.5 -90.5t-395.5 90.5t-274 251.5t-98.5 362v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h384q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-128q0 -52 23.5 -90t53.5 -57t71 -30t64 -13t44 -2t44 2t64 13t71 30t53.5 57t23.5 90v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h384 q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM512 1344v-384q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-384q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v384q0 26 19 45t45 19h384q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1536 1344v-384q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-384q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v384q0 26 19 45t45 19h384q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf077;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1683 205l-166 -165q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-531 531l-531 -531q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-166 165q-19 19 -19 45.5t19 45.5l742 741q19 19 45 19t45 -19l742 -741q19 -19 19 -45.5t-19 -45.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf078;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1683 728l-742 -741q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-742 741q-19 19 -19 45.5t19 45.5l166 165q19 19 45 19t45 -19l531 -531l531 531q19 19 45 19t45 -19l166 -165q19 -19 19 -45.5t-19 -45.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf079;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1280 32q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-960q-8 0 -13.5 2t-9 7t-5.5 8t-3 11.5t-1 11.5v13v11v160v416h-192q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45q0 24 15 41l320 384q19 22 49 22t49 -22l320 -384q15 -17 15 -41q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-192v-384h576q16 0 25 -11l160 -192q7 -11 7 -21 zM1920 448q0 -24 -15 -41l-320 -384q-20 -23 -49 -23t-49 23l-320 384q-15 17 -15 41q0 26 19 45t45 19h192v384h-576q-16 0 -25 12l-160 192q-7 9 -7 20q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h960q8 0 13.5 -2t9 -7t5.5 -8t3 -11.5t1 -11.5v-13v-11v-160v-416h192q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf07a;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M640 0q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38t-90 38t-38 90t38 90t90 38t90 -38t38 -90zM1536 0q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38t-90 38t-38 90t38 90t90 38t90 -38t38 -90zM1664 1088v-512q0 -24 -16.5 -42.5t-40.5 -21.5l-1044 -122q13 -60 13 -70q0 -16 -24 -64h920q26 0 45 -19t19 -45 t-19 -45t-45 -19h-1024q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45q0 11 8 31.5t16 36t21.5 40t15.5 29.5l-177 823h-204q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h256q16 0 28.5 -6.5t19.5 -15.5t13 -24.5t8 -26t5.5 -29.5t4.5 -26h1201q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf07b;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1664 928v-704q0 -92 -66 -158t-158 -66h-1216q-92 0 -158 66t-66 158v960q0 92 66 158t158 66h320q92 0 158 -66t66 -158v-32h672q92 0 158 -66t66 -158z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf07c;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1879 584q0 -31 -31 -66l-336 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0v-128h-2048v1536h128v-1408h1920zM1408 896v-768h-256v768h256zM1792 1280v-1152h-256v1152h256z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf081;" d="M1280 926q-56 -25 -121 -34q68 40 93 117q-65 -38 -134 -51q-61 66 -153 66q-87 0 -148.5 -61.5t-61.5 -148.5q0 -29 5 -48q-129 7 -242 65t-192 155q-29 -50 -29 -106q0 -114 91 -175q-47 1 -100 26v-2q0 -75 50 -133.5t123 -72.5q-29 -8 -51 -8q-13 0 -39 4 q21 -63 74.5 -104t121.5 -42q-116 -90 -261 -90q-26 0 -50 3q148 -94 322 -94q112 0 210 35.5t168 95t120.5 137t75 162t24.5 168.5q0 18 -1 27q63 45 105 109zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5 t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf082;" d="M1248 1408q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-188v595h199l30 232h-229v148q0 56 23.5 84t91.5 28l122 1v207q-63 9 -178 9q-136 0 -217.5 -80t-81.5 -226v-171h-200v-232h200v-595h-532q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960 q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf083;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M928 704q0 14 -9 23t-23 9q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9t23 9t9 23q0 40 28 68t68 28q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1152 574q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181t75 181t181 75t181 -75t75 -181zM128 0h1536v128h-1536v-128zM1280 574q0 159 -112.5 271.5 t-271.5 112.5t-271.5 -112.5t-112.5 -271.5t112.5 -271.5t271.5 -112.5t271.5 112.5t112.5 271.5zM256 1216h384v128h-384v-128zM128 1024h1536v118v138h-828l-64 -128h-644v-128zM1792 1280v-1280q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5h-1536q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5v1280 q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5h1536q53 0 90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf084;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M832 1024q0 80 -56 136t-136 56t-136 -56t-56 -136q0 -42 19 -83q-41 19 -83 19q-80 0 -136 -56t-56 -136t56 -136t136 -56t136 56t56 136q0 42 -19 83q41 -19 83 -19q80 0 136 56t56 136zM1683 320q0 -17 -49 -66t-66 -49q-9 0 -28.5 16t-36.5 33t-38.5 40t-24.5 26 l-96 -96l220 -220q28 -28 28 -68q0 -42 -39 -81t-81 -39q-40 0 -68 28l-671 671q-176 -131 -365 -131q-163 0 -265.5 102.5t-102.5 265.5q0 160 95 313t248 248t313 95q163 0 265.5 -102.5t102.5 -265.5q0 -189 -131 -365l355 -355l96 96q-3 3 -26 24.5t-40 38.5t-33 36.5 t-16 28.5q0 17 49 66t66 49q13 0 23 -10q6 -6 46 -44.5t82 -79.5t86.5 -86t73 -78t28.5 -41z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf085;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M896 640q0 106 -75 181t-181 75t-181 -75t-75 -181t75 -181t181 -75t181 75t75 181zM1664 128q0 52 -38 90t-90 38t-90 -38t-38 -90q0 -53 37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1664 1152q0 52 -38 90t-90 38t-90 -38t-38 -90q0 -53 37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5 t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1280 731v-185q0 -10 -7 -19.5t-16 -10.5l-155 -24q-11 -35 -32 -76q34 -48 90 -115q7 -10 7 -20q0 -12 -7 -19q-23 -30 -82.5 -89.5t-78.5 -59.5q-11 0 -21 7l-115 90q-37 -19 -77 -31q-11 -108 -23 -155q-7 -24 -30 -24h-186q-11 0 -20 7.5t-10 17.5 l-23 153q-34 10 -75 31l-118 -89q-7 -7 -20 -7q-11 0 -21 8q-144 133 -144 160q0 9 7 19q10 14 41 53t47 61q-23 44 -35 82l-152 24q-10 1 -17 9.5t-7 19.5v185q0 10 7 19.5t16 10.5l155 24q11 35 32 76q-34 48 -90 115q-7 11 -7 20q0 12 7 20q22 30 82 89t79 59q11 0 21 -7 l115 -90q34 18 77 32q11 108 23 154q7 24 30 24h186q11 0 20 -7.5t10 -17.5l23 -153q34 -10 75 -31l118 89q8 7 20 7q11 0 21 -8q144 -133 144 -160q0 -9 -7 -19q-12 -16 -42 -54t-45 -60q23 -48 34 -82l152 -23q10 -2 17 -10.5t7 -19.5zM1920 198v-140q0 -16 -149 -31 q-12 -27 -30 -52q51 -113 51 -138q0 -4 -4 -7q-122 -71 -124 -71q-8 0 -46 47t-52 68q-20 -2 -30 -2t-30 2q-14 -21 -52 -68t-46 -47q-2 0 -124 71q-4 3 -4 7q0 25 51 138q-18 25 -30 52q-149 15 -149 31v140q0 16 149 31q13 29 30 52q-51 113 -51 138q0 4 4 7q4 2 35 20 t59 34t30 16q8 0 46 -46.5t52 -67.5q20 2 30 2t30 -2q51 71 92 112l6 2q4 0 124 -70q4 -3 4 -7q0 -25 -51 -138q17 -23 30 -52q149 -15 149 -31zM1920 1222v-140q0 -16 -149 -31q-12 -27 -30 -52q51 -113 51 -138q0 -4 -4 -7q-122 -71 -124 -71q-8 0 -46 47t-52 68 q-20 -2 -30 -2t-30 2q-14 -21 -52 -68t-46 -47q-2 0 -124 71q-4 3 -4 7q0 25 51 138q-18 25 -30 52q-149 15 -149 31v140q0 16 149 31q13 29 30 52q-51 113 -51 138q0 4 4 7q4 2 35 20t59 34t30 16q8 0 46 -46.5t52 -67.5q20 2 30 2t30 -2q51 71 92 112l6 2q4 0 124 -70 q4 -3 4 -7q0 -25 -51 -138q17 -23 30 -52q149 -15 149 -31z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf086;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1408 768q0 -139 -94 -257t-256.5 -186.5t-353.5 -68.5q-86 0 -176 16q-124 -88 -278 -128q-36 -9 -86 -16h-3q-11 0 -20.5 8t-11.5 21q-1 3 -1 6.5t0.5 6.5t2 6l2.5 5t3.5 5.5t4 5t4.5 5t4 4.5q5 6 23 25t26 29.5t22.5 29t25 38.5t20.5 44q-124 72 -195 177t-71 224 q0 139 94 257t256.5 186.5t353.5 68.5t353.5 -68.5t256.5 -186.5t94 -257zM1792 512q0 -120 -71 -224.5t-195 -176.5q10 -24 20.5 -44t25 -38.5t22.5 -29t26 -29.5t23 -25q1 -1 4 -4.5t4.5 -5t4 -5t3.5 -5.5l2.5 -5t2 -6t0.5 -6.5t-1 -6.5q-3 -14 -13 -22t-22 -7 q-50 7 -86 16q-154 40 -278 128q-90 -16 -176 -16q-271 0 -472 132q58 -4 88 -4q161 0 309 45t264 129q125 92 192 212t67 254q0 77 -23 152q129 -71 204 -178t75 -230z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf087;" d="M256 192q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1408 768q0 51 -39 89.5t-89 38.5h-352q0 58 48 159.5t48 160.5q0 98 -32 145t-128 47q-26 -26 -38 -85t-30.5 -125.5t-59.5 -109.5q-22 -23 -77 -91q-4 -5 -23 -30t-31.5 -41t-34.5 -42.5 t-40 -44t-38.5 -35.5t-40 -27t-35.5 -9h-32v-640h32q13 0 31.5 -3t33 -6.5t38 -11t35 -11.5t35.5 -12.5t29 -10.5q211 -73 342 -73h121q192 0 192 167q0 26 -5 56q30 16 47.5 52.5t17.5 73.5t-18 69q53 50 53 119q0 25 -10 55.5t-25 47.5q32 1 53.5 47t21.5 81zM1536 769 q0 -89 -49 -163q9 -33 9 -69q0 -77 -38 -144q3 -21 3 -43q0 -101 -60 -178q1 -139 -85 -219.5t-227 -80.5h-36h-93q-96 0 -189.5 22.5t-216.5 65.5q-116 40 -138 40h-288q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5v640q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5h274q36 24 137 155q58 75 107 128 q24 25 35.5 85.5t30.5 126.5t62 108q39 37 90 37q84 0 151 -32.5t102 -101.5t35 -186q0 -93 -48 -192h176q104 0 180 -76t76 -179z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf088;" d="M256 1088q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1408 512q0 35 -21.5 81t-53.5 47q15 17 25 47.5t10 55.5q0 69 -53 119q18 32 18 69t-17.5 73.5t-47.5 52.5q5 30 5 56q0 85 -49 126t-136 41h-128q-131 0 -342 -73q-5 -2 -29 -10.5 t-35.5 -12.5t-35 -11.5t-38 -11t-33 -6.5t-31.5 -3h-32v-640h32q16 0 35.5 -9t40 -27t38.5 -35.5t40 -44t34.5 -42.5t31.5 -41t23 -30q55 -68 77 -91q41 -43 59.5 -109.5t30.5 -125.5t38 -85q96 0 128 47t32 145q0 59 -48 160.5t-48 159.5h352q50 0 89 38.5t39 89.5z M1536 511q0 -103 -76 -179t-180 -76h-176q48 -99 48 -192q0 -118 -35 -186q-35 -69 -102 -101.5t-151 -32.5q-51 0 -90 37q-34 33 -54 82t-25.5 90.5t-17.5 84.5t-31 64q-48 50 -107 127q-101 131 -137 155h-274q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5v640q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5 h288q22 0 138 40q128 44 223 66t200 22h112q140 0 226.5 -79t85.5 -216v-5q60 -77 60 -178q0 -22 -3 -43q38 -67 38 -144q0 -36 -9 -69q49 -74 49 -163z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf089;" horiz-adv-x="896" d="M832 1504v-1339l-449 -236q-22 -12 -40 -12q-21 0 -31.5 14.5t-10.5 35.5q0 6 2 20l86 500l-364 354q-25 27 -25 48q0 37 56 46l502 73l225 455q19 41 49 41z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf08a;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1664 940q0 81 -21.5 143t-55 98.5t-81.5 59.5t-94 31t-98 8t-112 -25.5t-110.5 -64t-86.5 -72t-60 -61.5q-18 -22 -49 -22t-49 22q-24 28 -60 61.5t-86.5 72t-110.5 64t-112 25.5t-98 -8t-94 -31t-81.5 -59.5t-55 -98.5t-21.5 -143q0 -168 187 -355l581 -560l580 559 q188 188 188 356zM1792 940q0 -221 -229 -450l-623 -600q-18 -18 -44 -18t-44 18l-624 602q-10 8 -27.5 26t-55.5 65.5t-68 97.5t-53.5 121t-23.5 138q0 220 127 344t351 124q62 0 126.5 -21.5t120 -58t95.5 -68.5t76 -68q36 36 76 68t95.5 68.5t120 58t126.5 21.5 q224 0 351 -124t127 -344z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf08b;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M640 96q0 -4 1 -20t0.5 -26.5t-3 -23.5t-10 -19.5t-20.5 -6.5h-320q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v704q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h320q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5q0 -4 1 -20t0.5 -26.5t-3 -23.5t-10 -19.5t-20.5 -6.5h-320q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113v-704 q0 -66 47 -113t113 -47h288h11h13t11.5 -1t11.5 -3t8 -5.5t7 -9t2 -13.5zM1568 640q0 -26 -19 -45l-544 -544q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19t-19 45v288h-448q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v384q0 26 19 45t45 19h448v288q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19l544 -544q19 -19 19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf08c;" d="M237 122h231v694h-231v-694zM483 1030q-1 52 -36 86t-93 34t-94.5 -34t-36.5 -86q0 -51 35.5 -85.5t92.5 -34.5h1q59 0 95 34.5t36 85.5zM1068 122h231v398q0 154 -73 233t-193 79q-136 0 -209 -117h2v101h-231q3 -66 0 -694h231v388q0 38 7 56q15 35 45 59.5t74 24.5 q116 0 116 -157v-371zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf08d;" horiz-adv-x="1152" d="M480 672v448q0 14 -9 23t-23 9t-23 -9t-9 -23v-448q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9t23 9t9 23zM1152 320q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-429l-51 -483q-2 -12 -10.5 -20.5t-20.5 -8.5h-1q-27 0 -32 27l-76 485h-404q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45q0 123 78.5 221.5t177.5 98.5v512q-52 0 -90 38 t-38 90t38 90t90 38h640q52 0 90 -38t38 -90t-38 -90t-90 -38v-512q99 0 177.5 -98.5t78.5 -221.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf08e;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1408 608v-320q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-832q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v832q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h704q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-704q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113v-832q0 -66 47 -113t113 -47h832q66 0 113 47t47 113v320 q0 14 9 23t23 9h64q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1792 1472v-512q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19l-176 176l-652 -652q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-114 114q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l652 652l-176 176q-19 19 -19 45t19 45t45 19h512q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf090;" d="M1184 640q0 -26 -19 -45l-544 -544q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19t-19 45v288h-448q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v384q0 26 19 45t45 19h448v288q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19l544 -544q19 -19 19 -45zM1536 992v-704q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-320q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5 q0 4 -1 20t-0.5 26.5t3 23.5t10 19.5t20.5 6.5h320q66 0 113 47t47 113v704q0 66 -47 113t-113 47h-288h-11h-13t-11.5 1t-11.5 3t-8 5.5t-7 9t-2 13.5q0 4 -1 20t-0.5 26.5t3 23.5t10 19.5t20.5 6.5h320q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf091;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M458 653q-74 162 -74 371h-256v-96q0 -78 94.5 -162t235.5 -113zM1536 928v96h-256q0 -209 -74 -371q141 29 235.5 113t94.5 162zM1664 1056v-128q0 -71 -41.5 -143t-112 -130t-173 -97.5t-215.5 -44.5q-42 -54 -95 -95q-38 -34 -52.5 -72.5t-14.5 -89.5q0 -54 30.5 -91 t97.5 -37q75 0 133.5 -45.5t58.5 -114.5v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-832q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 69 58.5 114.5t133.5 45.5q67 0 97.5 37t30.5 91q0 51 -14.5 89.5t-52.5 72.5q-53 41 -95 95q-113 5 -215.5 44.5t-173 97.5t-112 130t-41.5 143v128q0 40 28 68t68 28h288v96 q0 66 47 113t113 47h576q66 0 113 -47t47 -113v-96h288q40 0 68 -28t28 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf092;" d="M394 184q-8 -9 -20 3q-13 11 -4 19q8 9 20 -3q12 -11 4 -19zM352 245q9 -12 0 -19q-8 -6 -17 7t0 18q9 7 17 -6zM291 305q-5 -7 -13 -2q-10 5 -7 12q3 5 13 2q10 -5 7 -12zM322 271q-6 -7 -16 3q-9 11 -2 16q6 6 16 -3q9 -11 2 -16zM451 159q-4 -12 -19 -6q-17 4 -13 15 t19 7q16 -5 13 -16zM514 154q0 -11 -16 -11q-17 -2 -17 11q0 11 16 11q17 2 17 -11zM572 164q2 -10 -14 -14t-18 8t14 15q16 2 18 -9zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-224q-16 0 -24.5 1t-19.5 5t-16 14.5t-5 27.5v239q0 97 -52 142q57 6 102.5 18t94 39 t81 66.5t53 105t20.5 150.5q0 121 -79 206q37 91 -8 204q-28 9 -81 -11t-92 -44l-38 -24q-93 26 -192 26t-192 -26q-16 11 -42.5 27t-83.5 38.5t-86 13.5q-44 -113 -7 -204q-79 -85 -79 -206q0 -85 20.5 -150t52.5 -105t80.5 -67t94 -39t102.5 -18q-40 -36 -49 -103 q-21 -10 -45 -15t-57 -5t-65.5 21.5t-55.5 62.5q-19 32 -48.5 52t-49.5 24l-20 3q-21 0 -29 -4.5t-5 -11.5t9 -14t13 -12l7 -5q22 -10 43.5 -38t31.5 -51l10 -23q13 -38 44 -61.5t67 -30t69.5 -7t55.5 3.5l23 4q0 -38 0.5 -103t0.5 -68q0 -22 -11 -33.5t-22 -13t-33 -1.5 h-224q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf093;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1280 64q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1536 64q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1664 288v-320q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1472q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v320q0 40 28 68t68 28h427q21 -56 70.5 -92 t110.5 -36h256q61 0 110.5 36t70.5 92h427q40 0 68 -28t28 -68zM1339 936q-17 -40 -59 -40h-256v-448q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-256q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v448h-256q-42 0 -59 40q-17 39 14 69l448 448q18 19 45 19t45 -19l448 -448q31 -30 14 -69z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf094;" d="M1407 710q0 44 -7 113.5t-18 96.5q-12 30 -17 44t-9 36.5t-4 48.5q0 23 5 68.5t5 67.5q0 37 -10 55q-4 1 -13 1q-19 0 -58 -4.5t-59 -4.5q-60 0 -176 24t-175 24q-43 0 -94.5 -11.5t-85 -23.5t-89.5 -34q-137 -54 -202 -103q-96 -73 -159.5 -189.5t-88 -236t-24.5 -248.5 q0 -40 12.5 -120t12.5 -121q0 -23 -11 -66.5t-11 -65.5t12 -36.5t34 -14.5q24 0 72.5 11t73.5 11q57 0 169.5 -15.5t169.5 -15.5q181 0 284 36q129 45 235.5 152.5t166 245.5t59.5 275zM1535 712q0 -165 -70 -327.5t-196 -288t-281 -180.5q-124 -44 -326 -44 q-57 0 -170 14.5t-169 14.5q-24 0 -72.5 -14.5t-73.5 -14.5q-73 0 -123.5 55.5t-50.5 128.5q0 24 11 68t11 67q0 40 -12.5 120.5t-12.5 121.5q0 111 18 217.5t54.5 209.5t100.5 194t150 156q78 59 232 120q194 78 316 78q60 0 175.5 -24t173.5 -24q19 0 57 5t58 5 q81 0 118 -50.5t37 -134.5q0 -23 -5 -68t-5 -68q0 -10 1 -18.5t3 -17t4 -13.5t6.5 -16t6.5 -17q16 -40 25 -118.5t9 -136.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf095;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1408 296q0 -27 -10 -70.5t-21 -68.5q-21 -50 -122 -106q-94 -51 -186 -51q-27 0 -52.5 3.5t-57.5 12.5t-47.5 14.5t-55.5 20.5t-49 18q-98 35 -175 83q-128 79 -264.5 215.5t-215.5 264.5q-48 77 -83 175q-3 9 -18 49t-20.5 55.5t-14.5 47.5t-12.5 57.5t-3.5 52.5 q0 92 51 186q56 101 106 122q25 11 68.5 21t70.5 10q14 0 21 -3q18 -6 53 -76q11 -19 30 -54t35 -63.5t31 -53.5q3 -4 17.5 -25t21.5 -35.5t7 -28.5q0 -20 -28.5 -50t-62 -55t-62 -53t-28.5 -46q0 -9 5 -22.5t8.5 -20.5t14 -24t11.5 -19q76 -137 174 -235t235 -174 q2 -1 19 -11.5t24 -14t20.5 -8.5t22.5 -5q18 0 46 28.5t53 62t55 62t50 28.5q14 0 28.5 -7t35.5 -21.5t25 -17.5q25 -15 53.5 -31t63.5 -35t54 -30q70 -35 76 -53q3 -7 3 -21z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf096;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1120 1280h-832q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113v-832q0 -66 47 -113t113 -47h832q66 0 113 47t47 113v832q0 66 -47 113t-113 47zM1408 1120v-832q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-832q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v832q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h832 q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf097;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1152 1280h-1024v-1242l423 406l89 85l89 -85l423 -406v1242zM1164 1408q23 0 44 -9q33 -13 52.5 -41t19.5 -62v-1289q0 -34 -19.5 -62t-52.5 -41q-19 -8 -44 -8q-48 0 -83 32l-441 424l-441 -424q-36 -33 -83 -33q-23 0 -44 9q-33 13 -52.5 41t-19.5 62v1289 q0 34 19.5 62t52.5 41q21 9 44 9h1048z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf098;" d="M1280 343q0 11 -2 16q-3 8 -38.5 29.5t-88.5 49.5l-53 29q-5 3 -19 13t-25 15t-21 5q-18 0 -47 -32.5t-57 -65.5t-44 -33q-7 0 -16.5 3.5t-15.5 6.5t-17 9.5t-14 8.5q-99 55 -170.5 126.5t-126.5 170.5q-2 3 -8.5 14t-9.5 17t-6.5 15.5t-3.5 16.5q0 13 20.5 33.5t45 38.5 t45 39.5t20.5 36.5q0 10 -5 21t-15 25t-13 19q-3 6 -15 28.5t-25 45.5t-26.5 47.5t-25 40.5t-16.5 18t-16 2q-48 0 -101 -22q-46 -21 -80 -94.5t-34 -130.5q0 -16 2.5 -34t5 -30.5t9 -33t10 -29.5t12.5 -33t11 -30q60 -164 216.5 -320.5t320.5 -216.5q6 -2 30 -11t33 -12.5 t29.5 -10t33 -9t30.5 -5t34 -2.5q57 0 130.5 34t94.5 80q22 53 22 101zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf099;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1620 1128q-67 -98 -162 -167q1 -14 1 -42q0 -130 -38 -259.5t-115.5 -248.5t-184.5 -210.5t-258 -146t-323 -54.5q-271 0 -496 145q35 -4 78 -4q225 0 401 138q-105 2 -188 64.5t-114 159.5q33 -5 61 -5q43 0 85 11q-112 23 -185.5 111.5t-73.5 205.5v4q68 -38 146 -41 q-66 44 -105 115t-39 154q0 88 44 163q121 -149 294.5 -238.5t371.5 -99.5q-8 38 -8 74q0 134 94.5 228.5t228.5 94.5q140 0 236 -102q109 21 205 78q-37 -115 -142 -178q93 10 186 50z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf09a;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M959 1524v-264h-157q-86 0 -116 -36t-30 -108v-189h293l-39 -296h-254v-759h-306v759h-255v296h255v218q0 186 104 288.5t277 102.5q147 0 228 -12z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf09b;" d="M1536 640q0 -251 -146.5 -451.5t-378.5 -277.5q-27 -5 -39.5 7t-12.5 30v211q0 97 -52 142q57 6 102.5 18t94 39t81 66.5t53 105t20.5 150.5q0 121 -79 206q37 91 -8 204q-28 9 -81 -11t-92 -44l-38 -24q-93 26 -192 26t-192 -26q-16 11 -42.5 27t-83.5 38.5t-86 13.5 q-44 -113 -7 -204q-79 -85 -79 -206q0 -85 20.5 -150t52.5 -105t80.5 -67t94 -39t102.5 -18q-40 -36 -49 -103q-21 -10 -45 -15t-57 -5t-65.5 21.5t-55.5 62.5q-19 32 -48.5 52t-49.5 24l-20 3q-21 0 -29 -4.5t-5 -11.5t9 -14t13 -12l7 -5q22 -10 43.5 -38t31.5 -51l10 -23 q13 -38 44 -61.5t67 -30t69.5 -7t55.5 3.5l23 4q0 -38 0.5 -89t0.5 -54q0 -18 -13 -30t-40 -7q-232 77 -378.5 277.5t-146.5 451.5q0 209 103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf09c;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1664 960v-256q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-64q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v256q0 106 -75 181t-181 75t-181 -75t-75 -181v-192h96q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-576q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-960q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v576q0 40 28 68t68 28h672v192q0 185 131.5 316.5t316.5 131.5 t316.5 -131.5t131.5 -316.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf09d;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1760 1408q66 0 113 -47t47 -113v-1216q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1600q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1216q0 66 47 113t113 47h1600zM160 1280q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-224h1664v224q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-1600zM1760 0q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5v608h-1664v-608 q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h1600zM256 128v128h256v-128h-256zM640 128v128h384v-128h-384z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf09e;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M384 192q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136t56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136zM896 69q2 -28 -17 -48q-18 -21 -47 -21h-135q-25 0 -43 16.5t-20 41.5q-22 229 -184.5 391.5t-391.5 184.5q-25 2 -41.5 20t-16.5 43v135q0 29 21 47q17 17 43 17h5q160 -13 306 -80.5 t259 -181.5q114 -113 181.5 -259t80.5 -306zM1408 67q2 -27 -18 -47q-18 -20 -46 -20h-143q-26 0 -44.5 17.5t-19.5 42.5q-12 215 -101 408.5t-231.5 336t-336 231.5t-408.5 102q-25 1 -42.5 19.5t-17.5 43.5v143q0 28 20 46q18 18 44 18h3q262 -13 501.5 -120t425.5 -294 q187 -186 294 -425.5t120 -501.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a0;" d="M1040 320q0 -33 -23.5 -56.5t-56.5 -23.5t-56.5 23.5t-23.5 56.5t23.5 56.5t56.5 23.5t56.5 -23.5t23.5 -56.5zM1296 320q0 -33 -23.5 -56.5t-56.5 -23.5t-56.5 23.5t-23.5 56.5t23.5 56.5t56.5 23.5t56.5 -23.5t23.5 -56.5zM1408 160v320q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5 h-1216q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-320q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h1216q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM178 640h1180l-157 482q-4 13 -16 21.5t-26 8.5h-782q-14 0 -26 -8.5t-16 -21.5zM1536 480v-320q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1216q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v320q0 25 16 75 l197 606q17 53 63 86t101 33h782q55 0 101 -33t63 -86l197 -606q16 -50 16 -75z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a1;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1664 896q53 0 90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5t-37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5v-384q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38q-417 347 -812 380q-58 -19 -91 -66t-31 -100.5t40 -92.5q-20 -33 -23 -65.5t6 -58t33.5 -55t48 -50t61.5 -50.5q-29 -58 -111.5 -83t-168.5 -11.5t-132 55.5q-7 23 -29.5 87.5 t-32 94.5t-23 89t-15 101t3.5 98.5t22 110.5h-122q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v192q0 66 47 113t113 47h480q435 0 896 384q52 0 90 -38t38 -90v-384zM1536 292v954q-394 -302 -768 -343v-270q377 -42 768 -341z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a2;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M912 -160q0 16 -16 16q-59 0 -101.5 42.5t-42.5 101.5q0 16 -16 16t-16 -16q0 -73 51.5 -124.5t124.5 -51.5q16 0 16 16zM246 128h1300q-266 300 -266 832q0 51 -24 105t-69 103t-121.5 80.5t-169.5 31.5t-169.5 -31.5t-121.5 -80.5t-69 -103t-24 -105q0 -532 -266 -832z M1728 128q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-448q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181h-448q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90q50 42 91 88t85 119.5t74.5 158.5t50 206t19.5 260q0 152 117 282.5t307 158.5q-8 19 -8 39q0 40 28 68t68 28t68 -28t28 -68q0 -20 -8 -39q190 -28 307 -158.5 t117 -282.5q0 -139 19.5 -260t50 -206t74.5 -158.5t85 -119.5t91 -88z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a3;" d="M1376 640l138 -135q30 -28 20 -70q-12 -41 -52 -51l-188 -48l53 -186q12 -41 -19 -70q-29 -31 -70 -19l-186 53l-48 -188q-10 -40 -51 -52q-12 -2 -19 -2q-31 0 -51 22l-135 138l-135 -138q-28 -30 -70 -20q-41 11 -51 52l-48 188l-186 -53q-41 -12 -70 19q-31 29 -19 70 l53 186l-188 48q-40 10 -52 51q-10 42 20 70l138 135l-138 135q-30 28 -20 70q12 41 52 51l188 48l-53 186q-12 41 19 70q29 31 70 19l186 -53l48 188q10 41 51 51q41 12 70 -19l135 -139l135 139q29 30 70 19q41 -10 51 -51l48 -188l186 53q41 12 70 -19q31 -29 19 -70 l-53 -186l188 -48q40 -10 52 -51q10 -42 -20 -70z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a4;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M256 192q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1664 768q0 51 -39 89.5t-89 38.5h-576q0 20 15 48.5t33 55t33 68t15 84.5q0 67 -44.5 97.5t-115.5 30.5q-24 0 -90 -139q-24 -44 -37 -65q-40 -64 -112 -145q-71 -81 -101 -106 q-69 -57 -140 -57h-32v-640h32q72 0 167 -32t193.5 -64t179.5 -32q189 0 189 167q0 26 -5 56q30 16 47.5 52.5t17.5 73.5t-18 69q53 50 53 119q0 25 -10 55.5t-25 47.5h331q52 0 90 38t38 90zM1792 769q0 -105 -75.5 -181t-180.5 -76h-169q-4 -62 -37 -119q3 -21 3 -43 q0 -101 -60 -178q1 -139 -85 -219.5t-227 -80.5q-133 0 -322 69q-164 59 -223 59h-288q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5v640q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5h288q10 0 21.5 4.5t23.5 14t22.5 18t24 22.5t20.5 21.5t19 21.5t14 17q65 74 100 129q13 21 33 62t37 72t40.5 63t55 49.5 t69.5 17.5q125 0 206.5 -67t81.5 -189q0 -68 -22 -128h374q104 0 180 -76t76 -179z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a5;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1376 128h32v640h-32q-35 0 -67.5 12t-62.5 37t-50 46t-49 54q-2 3 -3.5 4.5t-4 4.5t-4.5 5q-72 81 -112 145q-14 22 -38 68q-1 3 -10.5 22.5t-18.5 36t-20 35.5t-21.5 30.5t-18.5 11.5q-71 0 -115.5 -30.5t-44.5 -97.5q0 -43 15 -84.5t33 -68t33 -55t15 -48.5h-576 q-50 0 -89 -38.5t-39 -89.5q0 -52 38 -90t90 -38h331q-15 -17 -25 -47.5t-10 -55.5q0 -69 53 -119q-18 -32 -18 -69t17.5 -73.5t47.5 -52.5q-4 -24 -4 -56q0 -85 48.5 -126t135.5 -41q84 0 183 32t194 64t167 32zM1664 192q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45 t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1792 768v-640q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5h-288q-59 0 -223 -59q-190 -69 -317 -69q-142 0 -230 77.5t-87 217.5l1 5q-61 76 -61 178q0 22 3 43q-33 57 -37 119h-169q-105 0 -180.5 76t-75.5 181q0 103 76 179t180 76h374q-22 60 -22 128 q0 122 81.5 189t206.5 67q38 0 69.5 -17.5t55 -49.5t40.5 -63t37 -72t33 -62q35 -55 100 -129q2 -3 14 -17t19 -21.5t20.5 -21.5t24 -22.5t22.5 -18t23.5 -14t21.5 -4.5h288q53 0 90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a6;" d="M1280 -64q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1408 700q0 189 -167 189q-26 0 -56 -5q-16 30 -52.5 47.5t-73.5 17.5t-69 -18q-50 53 -119 53q-25 0 -55.5 -10t-47.5 -25v331q0 52 -38 90t-90 38q-51 0 -89.5 -39t-38.5 -89v-576 q-20 0 -48.5 15t-55 33t-68 33t-84.5 15q-67 0 -97.5 -44.5t-30.5 -115.5q0 -24 139 -90q44 -24 65 -37q64 -40 145 -112q81 -71 106 -101q57 -69 57 -140v-32h640v32q0 72 32 167t64 193.5t32 179.5zM1536 705q0 -133 -69 -322q-59 -164 -59 -223v-288q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5 t-90.5 -37.5h-640q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5v288q0 10 -4.5 21.5t-14 23.5t-18 22.5t-22.5 24t-21.5 20.5t-21.5 19t-17 14q-74 65 -129 100q-21 13 -62 33t-72 37t-63 40.5t-49.5 55t-17.5 69.5q0 125 67 206.5t189 81.5q68 0 128 -22v374q0 104 76 180t179 76 q105 0 181 -75.5t76 -180.5v-169q62 -4 119 -37q21 3 43 3q101 0 178 -60q139 1 219.5 -85t80.5 -227z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a7;" d="M1408 576q0 84 -32 183t-64 194t-32 167v32h-640v-32q0 -35 -12 -67.5t-37 -62.5t-46 -50t-54 -49q-9 -8 -14 -12q-81 -72 -145 -112q-22 -14 -68 -38q-3 -1 -22.5 -10.5t-36 -18.5t-35.5 -20t-30.5 -21.5t-11.5 -18.5q0 -71 30.5 -115.5t97.5 -44.5q43 0 84.5 15t68 33 t55 33t48.5 15v-576q0 -50 38.5 -89t89.5 -39q52 0 90 38t38 90v331q46 -35 103 -35q69 0 119 53q32 -18 69 -18t73.5 17.5t52.5 47.5q24 -4 56 -4q85 0 126 48.5t41 135.5zM1280 1344q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1536 580 q0 -142 -77.5 -230t-217.5 -87l-5 1q-76 -61 -178 -61q-22 0 -43 3q-54 -30 -119 -37v-169q0 -105 -76 -180.5t-181 -75.5q-103 0 -179 76t-76 180v374q-54 -22 -128 -22q-121 0 -188.5 81.5t-67.5 206.5q0 38 17.5 69.5t49.5 55t63 40.5t72 37t62 33q55 35 129 100 q3 2 17 14t21.5 19t21.5 20.5t22.5 24t18 22.5t14 23.5t4.5 21.5v288q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5h640q53 0 90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5v-288q0 -59 59 -223q69 -190 69 -317z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a8;" d="M1280 576v128q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-502l189 189q19 19 19 45t-19 45l-91 91q-18 18 -45 18t-45 -18l-362 -362l-91 -91q-18 -18 -18 -45t18 -45l91 -91l362 -362q18 -18 45 -18t45 18l91 91q18 18 18 45t-18 45l-189 189h502q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1536 640 q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0a9;" d="M1285 640q0 27 -18 45l-91 91l-362 362q-18 18 -45 18t-45 -18l-91 -91q-18 -18 -18 -45t18 -45l189 -189h-502q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-128q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h502l-189 -189q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45l91 -91q18 -18 45 -18t45 18l362 362l91 91q18 18 18 45zM1536 640 q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0aa;" d="M1284 641q0 27 -18 45l-362 362l-91 91q-18 18 -45 18t-45 -18l-91 -91l-362 -362q-18 -18 -18 -45t18 -45l91 -91q18 -18 45 -18t45 18l189 189v-502q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v502l189 -189q19 -19 45 -19t45 19l91 91q18 18 18 45zM1536 640 q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ab;" d="M1284 639q0 27 -18 45l-91 91q-18 18 -45 18t-45 -18l-189 -189v502q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-502l-189 189q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-91 -91q-18 -18 -18 -45t18 -45l362 -362l91 -91q18 -18 45 -18t45 18l91 91l362 362q18 18 18 45zM1536 640 q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ac;" d="M768 1408q209 0 385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5t-103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103zM1042 887q-2 -1 -9.5 -9.5t-13.5 -9.5q2 0 4.5 5t5 11t3.5 7q6 7 22 15q14 6 52 12q34 8 51 -11 q-2 2 9.5 13t14.5 12q3 2 15 4.5t15 7.5l2 22q-12 -1 -17.5 7t-6.5 21q0 -2 -6 -8q0 7 -4.5 8t-11.5 -1t-9 -1q-10 3 -15 7.5t-8 16.5t-4 15q-2 5 -9.5 10.5t-9.5 10.5q-1 2 -2.5 5.5t-3 6.5t-4 5.5t-5.5 2.5t-7 -5t-7.5 -10t-4.5 -5q-3 2 -6 1.5t-4.5 -1t-4.5 -3t-5 -3.5 q-3 -2 -8.5 -3t-8.5 -2q15 5 -1 11q-10 4 -16 3q9 4 7.5 12t-8.5 14h5q-1 4 -8.5 8.5t-17.5 8.5t-13 6q-8 5 -34 9.5t-33 0.5q-5 -6 -4.5 -10.5t4 -14t3.5 -12.5q1 -6 -5.5 -13t-6.5 -12q0 -7 14 -15.5t10 -21.5q-3 -8 -16 -16t-16 -12q-5 -8 -1.5 -18.5t10.5 -16.5 q2 -2 1.5 -4t-3.5 -4.5t-5.5 -4t-6.5 -3.5l-3 -2q-11 -5 -20.5 6t-13.5 26q-7 25 -16 30q-23 8 -29 -1q-5 13 -41 26q-25 9 -58 4q6 1 0 15q-7 15 -19 12q3 6 4 17.5t1 13.5q3 13 12 23q1 1 7 8.5t9.5 13.5t0.5 6q35 -4 50 11q5 5 11.5 17t10.5 17q9 6 14 5.5t14.5 -5.5 t14.5 -5q14 -1 15.5 11t-7.5 20q12 -1 3 17q-5 7 -8 9q-12 4 -27 -5q-8 -4 2 -8q-1 1 -9.5 -10.5t-16.5 -17.5t-16 5q-1 1 -5.5 13.5t-9.5 13.5q-8 0 -16 -15q3 8 -11 15t-24 8q19 12 -8 27q-7 4 -20.5 5t-19.5 -4q-5 -7 -5.5 -11.5t5 -8t10.5 -5.5t11.5 -4t8.5 -3 q14 -10 8 -14q-2 -1 -8.5 -3.5t-11.5 -4.5t-6 -4q-3 -4 0 -14t-2 -14q-5 5 -9 17.5t-7 16.5q7 -9 -25 -6l-10 1q-4 0 -16 -2t-20.5 -1t-13.5 8q-4 8 0 20q1 4 4 2q-4 3 -11 9.5t-10 8.5q-46 -15 -94 -41q6 -1 12 1q5 2 13 6.5t10 5.5q34 14 42 7l5 5q14 -16 20 -25 q-7 4 -30 1q-20 -6 -22 -12q7 -12 5 -18q-4 3 -11.5 10t-14.5 11t-15 5q-16 0 -22 -1q-146 -80 -235 -222q7 -7 12 -8q4 -1 5 -9t2.5 -11t11.5 3q9 -8 3 -19q1 1 44 -27q19 -17 21 -21q3 -11 -10 -18q-1 2 -9 9t-9 4q-3 -5 0.5 -18.5t10.5 -12.5q-7 0 -9.5 -16t-2.5 -35.5 t-1 -23.5l2 -1q-3 -12 5.5 -34.5t21.5 -19.5q-13 -3 20 -43q6 -8 8 -9q3 -2 12 -7.5t15 -10t10 -10.5q4 -5 10 -22.5t14 -23.5q-2 -6 9.5 -20t10.5 -23q-1 0 -2.5 -1t-2.5 -1q3 -7 15.5 -14t15.5 -13q1 -3 2 -10t3 -11t8 -2q2 20 -24 62q-15 25 -17 29q-3 5 -5.5 15.5 t-4.5 14.5q2 0 6 -1.5t8.5 -3.5t7.5 -4t2 -3q-3 -7 2 -17.5t12 -18.5t17 -19t12 -13q6 -6 14 -19.5t0 -13.5q9 0 20 -10t17 -20q5 -8 8 -26t5 -24q2 -7 8.5 -13.5t12.5 -9.5l16 -8t13 -7q5 -2 18.5 -10.5t21.5 -11.5q10 -4 16 -4t14.5 2.5t13.5 3.5q15 2 29 -15t21 -21 q36 -19 55 -11q-2 -1 0.5 -7.5t8 -15.5t9 -14.5t5.5 -8.5q5 -6 18 -15t18 -15q6 4 7 9q-3 -8 7 -20t18 -10q14 3 14 32q-31 -15 -49 18q0 1 -2.5 5.5t-4 8.5t-2.5 8.5t0 7.5t5 3q9 0 10 3.5t-2 12.5t-4 13q-1 8 -11 20t-12 15q-5 -9 -16 -8t-16 9q0 -1 -1.5 -5.5t-1.5 -6.5 q-13 0 -15 1q1 3 2.5 17.5t3.5 22.5q1 4 5.5 12t7.5 14.5t4 12.5t-4.5 9.5t-17.5 2.5q-19 -1 -26 -20q-1 -3 -3 -10.5t-5 -11.5t-9 -7q-7 -3 -24 -2t-24 5q-13 8 -22.5 29t-9.5 37q0 10 2.5 26.5t3 25t-5.5 24.5q3 2 9 9.5t10 10.5q2 1 4.5 1.5t4.5 0t4 1.5t3 6q-1 1 -4 3 q-3 3 -4 3q7 -3 28.5 1.5t27.5 -1.5q15 -11 22 2q0 1 -2.5 9.5t-0.5 13.5q5 -27 29 -9q3 -3 15.5 -5t17.5 -5q3 -2 7 -5.5t5.5 -4.5t5 0.5t8.5 6.5q10 -14 12 -24q11 -40 19 -44q7 -3 11 -2t4.5 9.5t0 14t-1.5 12.5l-1 8v18l-1 8q-15 3 -18.5 12t1.5 18.5t15 18.5q1 1 8 3.5 t15.5 6.5t12.5 8q21 19 15 35q7 0 11 9q-1 0 -5 3t-7.5 5t-4.5 2q9 5 2 16q5 3 7.5 11t7.5 10q9 -12 21 -2q7 8 1 16q5 7 20.5 10.5t18.5 9.5q7 -2 8 2t1 12t3 12q4 5 15 9t13 5l17 11q3 4 0 4q18 -2 31 11q10 11 -6 20q3 6 -3 9.5t-15 5.5q3 1 11.5 0.5t10.5 1.5 q15 10 -7 16q-17 5 -43 -12zM879 10q206 36 351 189q-3 3 -12.5 4.5t-12.5 3.5q-18 7 -24 8q1 7 -2.5 13t-8 9t-12.5 8t-11 7q-2 2 -7 6t-7 5.5t-7.5 4.5t-8.5 2t-10 -1l-3 -1q-3 -1 -5.5 -2.5t-5.5 -3t-4 -3t0 -2.5q-21 17 -36 22q-5 1 -11 5.5t-10.5 7t-10 1.5t-11.5 -7 q-5 -5 -6 -15t-2 -13q-7 5 0 17.5t2 18.5q-3 6 -10.5 4.5t-12 -4.5t-11.5 -8.5t-9 -6.5t-8.5 -5.5t-8.5 -7.5q-3 -4 -6 -12t-5 -11q-2 4 -11.5 6.5t-9.5 5.5q2 -10 4 -35t5 -38q7 -31 -12 -48q-27 -25 -29 -40q-4 -22 12 -26q0 -7 -8 -20.5t-7 -21.5q0 -6 2 -16z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ad;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M384 64q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1028 484l-682 -682q-37 -37 -90 -37q-52 0 -91 37l-106 108q-38 36 -38 90q0 53 38 91l681 681q39 -98 114.5 -173.5t173.5 -114.5zM1662 919q0 -39 -23 -106q-47 -134 -164.5 -217.5 t-258.5 -83.5q-185 0 -316.5 131.5t-131.5 316.5t131.5 316.5t316.5 131.5q58 0 121.5 -16.5t107.5 -46.5q16 -11 16 -28t-16 -28l-293 -169v-224l193 -107q5 3 79 48.5t135.5 81t70.5 35.5q15 0 23.5 -10t8.5 -25z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ae;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1024 128h640v128h-640v-128zM640 640h1024v128h-1024v-128zM1280 1152h384v128h-384v-128zM1792 320v-256q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1664q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v256q0 26 19 45t45 19h1664q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1792 832v-256q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1664q-26 0 -45 19 t-19 45v256q0 26 19 45t45 19h1664q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1792 1344v-256q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1664q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v256q0 26 19 45t45 19h1664q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0b0;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1403 1241q17 -41 -14 -70l-493 -493v-742q0 -42 -39 -59q-13 -5 -25 -5q-27 0 -45 19l-256 256q-19 19 -19 45v486l-493 493q-31 29 -14 70q17 39 59 39h1280q42 0 59 -39z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0b1;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M640 1280h512v128h-512v-128zM1792 640v-480q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1472q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v480h672v-160q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h320q26 0 45 19t19 45v160h672zM1024 640v-128h-256v128h256zM1792 1120v-384h-1792v384q0 66 47 113t113 47h352v160q0 40 28 68 t68 28h576q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-160h352q66 0 113 -47t47 -113z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0b2;" d="M1283 995l-355 -355l355 -355l144 144q29 31 70 14q39 -17 39 -59v-448q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-448q-42 0 -59 40q-17 39 14 69l144 144l-355 355l-355 -355l144 -144q31 -30 14 -69q-17 -40 -59 -40h-448q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v448q0 42 40 59q39 17 69 -14l144 -144 l355 355l-355 355l-144 -144q-19 -19 -45 -19q-12 0 -24 5q-40 17 -40 59v448q0 26 19 45t45 19h448q42 0 59 -40q17 -39 -14 -69l-144 -144l355 -355l355 355l-144 144q-31 30 -14 69q17 40 59 40h448q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-448q0 -42 -39 -59q-13 -5 -25 -5q-26 0 -45 19z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0c0;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M593 640q-162 -5 -265 -128h-134q-82 0 -138 40.5t-56 118.5q0 353 124 353q6 0 43.5 -21t97.5 -42.5t119 -21.5q67 0 133 23q-5 -37 -5 -66q0 -139 81 -256zM1664 3q0 -120 -73 -189.5t-194 -69.5h-874q-121 0 -194 69.5t-73 189.5q0 53 3.5 103.5t14 109t26.5 108.5 t43 97.5t62 81t85.5 53.5t111.5 20q10 0 43 -21.5t73 -48t107 -48t135 -21.5t135 21.5t107 48t73 48t43 21.5q61 0 111.5 -20t85.5 -53.5t62 -81t43 -97.5t26.5 -108.5t14 -109t3.5 -103.5zM640 1280q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181t75 181t181 75t181 -75 t75 -181zM1344 896q0 -159 -112.5 -271.5t-271.5 -112.5t-271.5 112.5t-112.5 271.5t112.5 271.5t271.5 112.5t271.5 -112.5t112.5 -271.5zM1920 671q0 -78 -56 -118.5t-138 -40.5h-134q-103 123 -265 128q81 117 81 256q0 29 -5 66q66 -23 133 -23q59 0 119 21.5t97.5 42.5 t43.5 21q124 0 124 -353zM1792 1280q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181t75 181t181 75t181 -75t75 -181z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0c1;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1456 320q0 40 -28 68l-208 208q-28 28 -68 28q-42 0 -72 -32q3 -3 19 -18.5t21.5 -21.5t15 -19t13 -25.5t3.5 -27.5q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28q-15 0 -27.5 3.5t-25.5 13t-19 15t-21.5 21.5t-18.5 19q-33 -31 -33 -73q0 -40 28 -68l206 -207q27 -27 68 -27q40 0 68 26 l147 146q28 28 28 67zM753 1025q0 40 -28 68l-206 207q-28 28 -68 28q-39 0 -68 -27l-147 -146q-28 -28 -28 -67q0 -40 28 -68l208 -208q27 -27 68 -27q42 0 72 31q-3 3 -19 18.5t-21.5 21.5t-15 19t-13 25.5t-3.5 27.5q0 40 28 68t68 28q15 0 27.5 -3.5t25.5 -13t19 -15 t21.5 -21.5t18.5 -19q33 31 33 73zM1648 320q0 -120 -85 -203l-147 -146q-83 -83 -203 -83q-121 0 -204 85l-206 207q-83 83 -83 203q0 123 88 209l-88 88q-86 -88 -208 -88q-120 0 -204 84l-208 208q-84 84 -84 204t85 203l147 146q83 83 203 83q121 0 204 -85l206 -207 q83 -83 83 -203q0 -123 -88 -209l88 -88q86 88 208 88q120 0 204 -84l208 -208q84 -84 84 -204z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0c2;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1920 384q0 -159 -112.5 -271.5t-271.5 -112.5h-1088q-185 0 -316.5 131.5t-131.5 316.5q0 132 71 241.5t187 163.5q-2 28 -2 43q0 212 150 362t362 150q158 0 286.5 -88t187.5 -230q70 62 166 62q106 0 181 -75t75 -181q0 -75 -41 -138q129 -30 213 -134.5t84 -239.5z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0c3;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1527 88q56 -89 21.5 -152.5t-140.5 -63.5h-1152q-106 0 -140.5 63.5t21.5 152.5l503 793v399h-64q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h512q26 0 45 -19t19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19h-64v-399zM748 813l-272 -429h712l-272 429l-20 31v37v399h-128v-399v-37z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0c4;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M960 640q26 0 45 -19t19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19zM1260 576l507 -398q28 -20 25 -56q-5 -35 -35 -51l-128 -64q-13 -7 -29 -7q-17 0 -31 8l-690 387l-110 -66q-8 -4 -12 -5q14 -49 10 -97q-7 -77 -56 -147.5t-132 -123.5q-132 -84 -277 -84 q-136 0 -222 78q-90 84 -79 207q7 76 56 147t131 124q132 84 278 84q83 0 151 -31q9 13 22 22l122 73l-122 73q-13 9 -22 22q-68 -31 -151 -31q-146 0 -278 84q-82 53 -131 124t-56 147q-5 59 15.5 113t63.5 93q85 79 222 79q145 0 277 -84q83 -52 132 -123t56 -148 q4 -48 -10 -97q4 -1 12 -5l110 -66l690 387q14 8 31 8q16 0 29 -7l128 -64q30 -16 35 -51q3 -36 -25 -56zM579 836q46 42 21 108t-106 117q-92 59 -192 59q-74 0 -113 -36q-46 -42 -21 -108t106 -117q92 -59 192 -59q74 0 113 36zM494 91q81 51 106 117t-21 108 q-39 36 -113 36q-100 0 -192 -59q-81 -51 -106 -117t21 -108q39 -36 113 -36q100 0 192 59zM672 704l96 -58v11q0 36 33 56l14 8l-79 47l-26 -26q-3 -3 -10 -11t-12 -12q-2 -2 -4 -3.5t-3 -2.5zM896 480l96 -32l736 576l-128 64l-768 -431v-113l-160 -96l9 -8q2 -2 7 -6 q4 -4 11 -12t11 -12l26 -26zM1600 64l128 64l-520 408l-177 -138q-2 -3 -13 -7z" /> 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-98 100 -235 z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0c7;" d="M384 0h768v384h-768v-384zM1280 0h128v896q0 14 -10 38.5t-20 34.5l-281 281q-10 10 -34 20t-39 10v-416q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-576q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-128v-1280h128v416q0 40 28 68t68 28h832q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-416zM896 928v320q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5 h-192q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-320q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h192q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1536 896v-928q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1344q0 40 28 68t68 28h928q40 0 88 -20t76 -48l280 -280q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0c8;" d="M1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0c9;" d="M1536 192v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1408q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1408q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1536 704v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1408q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1408q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1536 1216v-128q0 -26 -19 -45 t-45 -19h-1408q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h1408q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ca;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M384 128q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136t56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136zM384 640q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136t56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136zM1792 224v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1216q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5 t22.5 9.5h1216q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 1152q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136t56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136zM1792 736v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1216q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1216q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M1792 1248v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1216q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1216q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0cb;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M381 -84q0 -80 -54.5 -126t-135.5 -46q-106 0 -172 66l57 88q49 -45 106 -45q29 0 50.5 14.5t21.5 42.5q0 64 -105 56l-26 56q8 10 32.5 43.5t42.5 54t37 38.5v1q-16 0 -48.5 -1t-48.5 -1v-53h-106v152h333v-88l-95 -115q51 -12 81 -49t30 -88zM383 543v-159h-362 q-6 36 -6 54q0 51 23.5 93t56.5 68t66 47.5t56.5 43.5t23.5 45q0 25 -14.5 38.5t-39.5 13.5q-46 0 -81 -58l-85 59q24 51 71.5 79.5t105.5 28.5q73 0 123 -41.5t50 -112.5q0 -50 -34 -91.5t-75 -64.5t-75.5 -50.5t-35.5 -52.5h127v60h105zM1792 224v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5 t-22.5 -9.5h-1216q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h1216q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 1123v-99h-335v99h107q0 41 0.5 122t0.5 121v12h-2q-8 -17 -50 -54l-71 76l136 127h106v-404h108zM1792 736v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1216q-13 0 -22.5 9.5 t-9.5 22.5v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h1216q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 1248v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1216q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1216q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0cc;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1760 640q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-1728q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h1728zM483 704q-28 35 -51 80q-48 97 -48 188q0 181 134 309q133 127 393 127q50 0 167 -19q66 -12 177 -48q10 -38 21 -118q14 -123 14 -183q0 -18 -5 -45l-12 -3l-84 6 l-14 2q-50 149 -103 205q-88 91 -210 91q-114 0 -182 -59q-67 -58 -67 -146q0 -73 66 -140t279 -129q69 -20 173 -66q58 -28 95 -52h-743zM990 448h411q7 -39 7 -92q0 -111 -41 -212q-23 -55 -71 -104q-37 -35 -109 -81q-80 -48 -153 -66q-80 -21 -203 -21q-114 0 -195 23 l-140 40q-57 16 -72 28q-8 8 -8 22v13q0 108 -2 156q-1 30 0 68l2 37v44l102 2q15 -34 30 -71t22.5 -56t12.5 -27q35 -57 80 -94q43 -36 105 -57q59 -22 132 -22q64 0 139 27q77 26 122 86q47 61 47 129q0 84 -81 157q-34 29 -137 71z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0cd;" d="M48 1313q-37 2 -45 4l-3 88q13 1 40 1q60 0 112 -4q132 -7 166 -7q86 0 168 3q116 4 146 5q56 0 86 2l-1 -14l2 -64v-9q-60 -9 -124 -9q-60 0 -79 -25q-13 -14 -13 -132q0 -13 0.5 -32.5t0.5 -25.5l1 -229l14 -280q6 -124 51 -202q35 -59 96 -92q88 -47 177 -47 q104 0 191 28q56 18 99 51q48 36 65 64q36 56 53 114q21 73 21 229q0 79 -3.5 128t-11 122.5t-13.5 159.5l-4 59q-5 67 -24 88q-34 35 -77 34l-100 -2l-14 3l2 86h84l205 -10q76 -3 196 10l18 -2q6 -38 6 -51q0 -7 -4 -31q-45 -12 -84 -13q-73 -11 -79 -17q-15 -15 -15 -41 q0 -7 1.5 -27t1.5 -31q8 -19 22 -396q6 -195 -15 -304q-15 -76 -41 -122q-38 -65 -112 -123q-75 -57 -182 -89q-109 -33 -255 -33q-167 0 -284 46q-119 47 -179 122q-61 76 -83 195q-16 80 -16 237v333q0 188 -17 213q-25 36 -147 39zM1536 -96v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-1472 q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h1472q14 0 23 9t9 23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ce;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M512 160v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM512 544v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1024 160v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23 v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM512 928v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1024 544v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1536 160v192 q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1024 928v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1536 544v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192 q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1536 928v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1664 1248v-1088q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1344q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1088q0 66 47 113t113 47h1344q66 0 113 -47t47 -113 z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d0;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1190 955l293 293l-107 107l-293 -293zM1637 1248q0 -27 -18 -45l-1286 -1286q-18 -18 -45 -18t-45 18l-198 198q-18 18 -18 45t18 45l1286 1286q18 18 45 18t45 -18l198 -198q18 -18 18 -45zM286 1438l98 -30l-98 -30l-30 -98l-30 98l-98 30l98 30l30 98zM636 1276 l196 -60l-196 -60l-60 -196l-60 196l-196 60l196 60l60 196zM1566 798l98 -30l-98 -30l-30 -98l-30 98l-98 30l98 30l30 98zM926 1438l98 -30l-98 -30l-30 -98l-30 98l-98 30l98 30l30 98z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d1;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M640 128q0 52 -38 90t-90 38t-90 -38t-38 -90t38 -90t90 -38t90 38t38 90zM256 640h384v256h-158q-13 0 -22 -9l-195 -195q-9 -9 -9 -22v-30zM1536 128q0 52 -38 90t-90 38t-90 -38t-38 -90t38 -90t90 -38t90 38t38 90zM1792 1216v-1024q0 -15 -4 -26.5t-13.5 -18.5 t-16.5 -11.5t-23.5 -6t-22.5 -2t-25.5 0t-22.5 0.5q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181h-384q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181h-64q-3 0 -22.5 -0.5t-25.5 0t-22.5 2t-23.5 6t-16.5 11.5t-13.5 18.5t-4 26.5q0 26 19 45t45 19v320q0 8 -0.5 35t0 38 t2.5 34.5t6.5 37t14 30.5t22.5 30l198 198q19 19 50.5 32t58.5 13h160v192q0 26 19 45t45 19h1024q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d2;" d="M1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103q-111 0 -218 32q59 93 78 164q9 34 54 211q20 -39 73 -67.5t114 -28.5q121 0 216 68.5t147 188.5t52 270q0 114 -59.5 214t-172.5 163t-255 63q-105 0 -196 -29t-154.5 -77t-109 -110.5t-67 -129.5t-21.5 -134 q0 -104 40 -183t117 -111q30 -12 38 20q2 7 8 31t8 30q6 23 -11 43q-51 61 -51 151q0 151 104.5 259.5t273.5 108.5q151 0 235.5 -82t84.5 -213q0 -170 -68.5 -289t-175.5 -119q-61 0 -98 43.5t-23 104.5q8 35 26.5 93.5t30 103t11.5 75.5q0 50 -27 83t-77 33 q-62 0 -105 -57t-43 -142q0 -73 25 -122l-99 -418q-17 -70 -13 -177q-206 91 -333 281t-127 423q0 209 103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d3;" d="M1248 1408q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-725q85 122 108 210q9 34 53 209q21 -39 73.5 -67t112.5 -28q181 0 295.5 147.5t114.5 373.5q0 84 -35 162.5t-96.5 139t-152.5 97t-197 36.5q-104 0 -194.5 -28.5t-153 -76.5 t-107.5 -109.5t-66.5 -128t-21.5 -132.5q0 -102 39.5 -180t116.5 -110q13 -5 23.5 0t14.5 19q10 44 15 61q6 23 -11 42q-50 62 -50 150q0 150 103.5 256.5t270.5 106.5q149 0 232.5 -81t83.5 -210q0 -168 -67.5 -286t-173.5 -118q-60 0 -97 43.5t-23 103.5q8 34 26.5 92.5 t29.5 102t11 74.5q0 49 -26.5 81.5t-75.5 32.5q-61 0 -103.5 -56.5t-42.5 -139.5q0 -72 24 -121l-98 -414q-24 -100 -7 -254h-183q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d4;" d="M829 318q0 -76 -58.5 -112.5t-139.5 -36.5q-41 0 -80.5 9.5t-75.5 28.5t-58 53t-22 78q0 46 25 80t65.5 51.5t82 25t84.5 7.5q20 0 31 -2q2 -1 23 -16.5t26 -19t23 -18t24.5 -22t19 -22.5t17 -26t9 -26.5t4.5 -31.5zM755 863q0 -60 -33 -99.5t-92 -39.5q-53 0 -93 42.5 t-57.5 96.5t-17.5 106q0 61 32 104t92 43q53 0 93.5 -45t58 -101t17.5 -107zM861 1120l88 64h-265q-85 0 -161 -32t-127.5 -98t-51.5 -153q0 -93 64.5 -154.5t158.5 -61.5q22 0 43 3q-13 -29 -13 -54q0 -44 40 -94q-175 -12 -257 -63q-47 -29 -75.5 -73t-28.5 -95 q0 -43 18.5 -77.5t48.5 -56.5t69 -37t77.5 -21t76.5 -6q60 0 120.5 15.5t113.5 46t86 82.5t33 117q0 49 -20 89.5t-49 66.5t-58 47.5t-49 44t-20 44.5t15.5 42.5t37.5 39.5t44 42t37.5 59.5t15.5 82.5q0 60 -22.5 99.5t-72.5 90.5h83zM1152 672h128v64h-128v128h-64v-128 h-128v-64h128v-160h64v160zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d5;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M735 740q0 -36 32 -70.5t77.5 -68t90.5 -73.5t77 -104t32 -142q0 -90 -48 -173q-72 -122 -211 -179.5t-298 -57.5q-132 0 -246.5 41.5t-171.5 137.5q-37 60 -37 131q0 81 44.5 150t118.5 115q131 82 404 100q-32 42 -47.5 74t-15.5 73q0 36 21 85q-46 -4 -68 -4 q-148 0 -249.5 96.5t-101.5 244.5q0 82 36 159t99 131q77 66 182.5 98t217.5 32h418l-138 -88h-131q74 -63 112 -133t38 -160q0 -72 -24.5 -129.5t-59 -93t-69.5 -65t-59.5 -61.5t-24.5 -66zM589 836q38 0 78 16.5t66 43.5q53 57 53 159q0 58 -17 125t-48.5 129.5 t-84.5 103.5t-117 41q-42 0 -82.5 -19.5t-65.5 -52.5q-47 -59 -47 -160q0 -46 10 -97.5t31.5 -103t52 -92.5t75 -67t96.5 -26zM591 -37q58 0 111.5 13t99 39t73 73t27.5 109q0 25 -7 49t-14.5 42t-27 41.5t-29.5 35t-38.5 34.5t-36.5 29t-41.5 30t-36.5 26q-16 2 -48 2 q-53 0 -105 -7t-107.5 -25t-97 -46t-68.5 -74.5t-27 -105.5q0 -70 35 -123.5t91.5 -83t119 -44t127.5 -14.5zM1401 839h213v-108h-213v-219h-105v219h-212v108h212v217h105v-217z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d6;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M768 384h384v96h-128v448h-114l-148 -137l77 -80q42 37 55 57h2v-288h-128v-96zM1280 640q0 -70 -21 -142t-59.5 -134t-101.5 -101t-138 -39t-138 39t-101.5 101t-59.5 134t-21 142t21 142t59.5 134t101.5 101t138 39t138 -39t101.5 -101t59.5 -134t21 -142zM1792 384 v512q-106 0 -181 75t-75 181h-1152q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75v-512q106 0 181 -75t75 -181h1152q0 106 75 181t181 75zM1920 1216v-1152q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1792q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1152q0 26 19 45t45 19h1792q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d7;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M1024 832q0 -26 -19 -45l-448 -448q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-448 448q-19 19 -19 45t19 45t45 19h896q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d8;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M1024 320q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-896q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45l448 448q19 19 45 19t45 -19l448 -448q19 -19 19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0d9;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 1088v-896q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19l-448 448q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l448 448q19 19 45 19t45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0da;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M576 640q0 -26 -19 -45l-448 -448q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19t-19 45v896q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19l448 -448q19 -19 19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0db;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M160 0h608v1152h-640v-1120q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5zM1536 32v1120h-640v-1152h608q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1664 1248v-1216q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1344q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1216q0 66 47 113t113 47h1344q66 0 113 -47t47 -113z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0dc;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M1024 448q0 -26 -19 -45l-448 -448q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-448 448q-19 19 -19 45t19 45t45 19h896q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1024 832q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-896q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45l448 448q19 19 45 19t45 -19l448 -448q19 -19 19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0dd;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M1024 448q0 -26 -19 -45l-448 -448q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-448 448q-19 19 -19 45t19 45t45 19h896q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0de;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M1024 832q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-896q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45l448 448q19 19 45 19t45 -19l448 -448q19 -19 19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e0;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 826v-794q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1472q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v794q44 -49 101 -87q362 -246 497 -345q57 -42 92.5 -65.5t94.5 -48t110 -24.5h1h1q51 0 110 24.5t94.5 48t92.5 65.5q170 123 498 345q57 39 100 87zM1792 1120q0 -79 -49 -151t-122 -123 q-376 -261 -468 -325q-10 -7 -42.5 -30.5t-54 -38t-52 -32.5t-57.5 -27t-50 -9h-1h-1q-23 0 -50 9t-57.5 27t-52 32.5t-54 38t-42.5 30.5q-91 64 -262 182.5t-205 142.5q-62 42 -117 115.5t-55 136.5q0 78 41.5 130t118.5 52h1472q65 0 112.5 -47t47.5 -113z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e1;" d="M349 911v-991h-330v991h330zM370 1217q1 -73 -50.5 -122t-135.5 -49h-2q-82 0 -132 49t-50 122q0 74 51.5 122.5t134.5 48.5t133 -48.5t51 -122.5zM1536 488v-568h-329v530q0 105 -40.5 164.5t-126.5 59.5q-63 0 -105.5 -34.5t-63.5 -85.5q-11 -30 -11 -81v-553h-329 q2 399 2 647t-1 296l-1 48h329v-144h-2q20 32 41 56t56.5 52t87 43.5t114.5 15.5q171 0 275 -113.5t104 -332.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e2;" d="M1536 640q0 -156 -61 -298t-164 -245t-245 -164t-298 -61q-172 0 -327 72.5t-264 204.5q-7 10 -6.5 22.5t8.5 20.5l137 138q10 9 25 9q16 -2 23 -12q73 -95 179 -147t225 -52q104 0 198.5 40.5t163.5 109.5t109.5 163.5t40.5 198.5t-40.5 198.5t-109.5 163.5 t-163.5 109.5t-198.5 40.5q-98 0 -188 -35.5t-160 -101.5l137 -138q31 -30 14 -69q-17 -40 -59 -40h-448q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v448q0 42 40 59q39 17 69 -14l130 -129q107 101 244.5 156.5t284.5 55.5q156 0 298 -61t245 -164t164 -245t61 -298z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e3;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1771 0q0 -53 -37 -90l-107 -108q-39 -37 -91 -37q-53 0 -90 37l-363 364q-38 36 -38 90q0 53 43 96l-256 256l-126 -126q-14 -14 -34 -14t-34 14q2 -2 12.5 -12t12.5 -13t10 -11.5t10 -13.5t6 -13.5t5.5 -16.5t1.5 -18q0 -38 -28 -68q-3 -3 -16.5 -18t-19 -20.5 t-18.5 -16.5t-22 -15.5t-22 -9t-26 -4.5q-40 0 -68 28l-408 408q-28 28 -28 68q0 13 4.5 26t9 22t15.5 22t16.5 18.5t20.5 19t18 16.5q30 28 68 28q10 0 18 -1.5t16.5 -5.5t13.5 -6t13.5 -10t11.5 -10t13 -12.5t12 -12.5q-14 14 -14 34t14 34l348 348q14 14 34 14t34 -14 q-2 2 -12.5 12t-12.5 13t-10 11.5t-10 13.5t-6 13.5t-5.5 16.5t-1.5 18q0 38 28 68q3 3 16.5 18t19 20.5t18.5 16.5t22 15.5t22 9t26 4.5q40 0 68 -28l408 -408q28 -28 28 -68q0 -13 -4.5 -26t-9 -22t-15.5 -22t-16.5 -18.5t-20.5 -19t-18 -16.5q-30 -28 -68 -28 q-10 0 -18 1.5t-16.5 5.5t-13.5 6t-13.5 10t-11.5 10t-13 12.5t-12 12.5q14 -14 14 -34t-14 -34l-126 -126l256 -256q43 43 96 43q52 0 91 -37l363 -363q37 -39 37 -91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e4;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M384 384q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM576 832q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1004 351l101 382q6 26 -7.5 48.5t-38.5 29.5 t-48 -6.5t-30 -39.5l-101 -382q-60 -5 -107 -43.5t-63 -98.5q-20 -77 20 -146t117 -89t146 20t89 117q16 60 -6 117t-72 91zM1664 384q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1024 1024q0 53 -37.5 90.5 t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1472 832q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1792 384q0 -261 -141 -483q-19 -29 -54 -29h-1402q-35 0 -54 29 q-141 221 -141 483q0 182 71 348t191 286t286 191t348 71t348 -71t286 -191t191 -286t71 -348z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e5;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M896 1152q-204 0 -381.5 -69.5t-282 -187.5t-104.5 -255q0 -112 71.5 -213.5t201.5 -175.5l87 -50l-27 -96q-24 -91 -70 -172q152 63 275 171l43 38l57 -6q69 -8 130 -8q204 0 381.5 69.5t282 187.5t104.5 255t-104.5 255t-282 187.5t-381.5 69.5zM1792 640 q0 -174 -120 -321.5t-326 -233t-450 -85.5q-70 0 -145 8q-198 -175 -460 -242q-49 -14 -114 -22h-5q-15 0 -27 10.5t-16 27.5v1q-3 4 -0.5 12t2 10t4.5 9.5l6 9t7 8.5t8 9q7 8 31 34.5t34.5 38t31 39.5t32.5 51t27 59t26 76q-157 89 -247.5 220t-90.5 281q0 174 120 321.5 t326 233t450 85.5t450 -85.5t326 -233t120 -321.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e6;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M704 1152q-153 0 -286 -52t-211.5 -141t-78.5 -191q0 -82 53 -158t149 -132l97 -56l-35 -84q34 20 62 39l44 31l53 -10q78 -14 153 -14q153 0 286 52t211.5 141t78.5 191t-78.5 191t-211.5 141t-286 52zM704 1280q191 0 353.5 -68.5t256.5 -186.5t94 -257t-94 -257 t-256.5 -186.5t-353.5 -68.5q-86 0 -176 16q-124 -88 -278 -128q-36 -9 -86 -16h-3q-11 0 -20.5 8t-11.5 21q-1 3 -1 6.5t0.5 6.5t2 6l2.5 5t3.5 5.5t4 5t4.5 5t4 4.5q5 6 23 25t26 29.5t22.5 29t25 38.5t20.5 44q-124 72 -195 177t-71 224q0 139 94 257t256.5 186.5 t353.5 68.5zM1526 111q10 -24 20.5 -44t25 -38.5t22.5 -29t26 -29.5t23 -25q1 -1 4 -4.5t4.5 -5t4 -5t3.5 -5.5l2.5 -5t2 -6t0.5 -6.5t-1 -6.5q-3 -14 -13 -22t-22 -7q-50 7 -86 16q-154 40 -278 128q-90 -16 -176 -16q-271 0 -472 132q58 -4 88 -4q161 0 309 45t264 129 q125 92 192 212t67 254q0 77 -23 152q129 -71 204 -178t75 -230q0 -120 -71 -224.5t-195 -176.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e7;" horiz-adv-x="896" d="M885 970q18 -20 7 -44l-540 -1157q-13 -25 -42 -25q-4 0 -14 2q-17 5 -25.5 19t-4.5 30l197 808l-406 -101q-4 -1 -12 -1q-18 0 -31 11q-18 15 -13 39l201 825q4 14 16 23t28 9h328q19 0 32 -12.5t13 -29.5q0 -8 -5 -18l-171 -463l396 98q8 2 12 2q19 0 34 -15z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e8;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 288v-320q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-320q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v320q0 40 28 68t68 28h96v192h-512v-192h96q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-320q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-320q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v320q0 40 28 68t68 28h96v192h-512v-192h96q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-320 q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-320q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v320q0 40 28 68t68 28h96v192q0 52 38 90t90 38h512v192h-96q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v320q0 40 28 68t68 28h320q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-320q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-96v-192h512q52 0 90 -38t38 -90v-192h96q40 0 68 -28t28 -68 z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0e9;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M896 708v-580q0 -104 -76 -180t-180 -76t-180 76t-76 180q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45q0 -50 39 -89t89 -39t89 39t39 89v580q33 11 64 11t64 -11zM1664 681q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5q-11 0 -23 10q-49 46 -93 69t-102 23q-68 0 -128 -37t-103 -97 q-7 -10 -17.5 -28t-14.5 -24q-11 -17 -28 -17q-18 0 -29 17q-4 6 -14.5 24t-17.5 28q-43 60 -102.5 97t-127.5 37t-127.5 -37t-102.5 -97q-7 -10 -17.5 -28t-14.5 -24q-11 -17 -29 -17q-17 0 -28 17q-4 6 -14.5 24t-17.5 28q-43 60 -103 97t-128 37q-58 0 -102 -23t-93 -69 q-12 -10 -23 -10q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5q0 5 1 7q45 183 172.5 319.5t298 204.5t360.5 68q140 0 274.5 -40t246.5 -113.5t194.5 -187t115.5 -251.5q1 -2 1 -7zM896 1408v-98q-42 2 -64 2t-64 -2v98q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ea;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M768 -128h896v640h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-384v-1152zM1024 1312v64q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-704q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-64q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h704q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1280 640h299l-299 299v-299zM1792 512v-672q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28 h-960q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v160h-544q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1344q0 40 28 68t68 28h1088q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-328q21 -13 36 -28l408 -408q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0eb;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M736 960q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5t-22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5q0 46 -54 71t-106 25q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5t9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5q50 0 99.5 -16t87 -54t37.5 -90zM896 960q0 72 -34.5 134t-90 101.5t-123 62t-136.5 22.5t-136.5 -22.5t-123 -62t-90 -101.5t-34.5 -134 q0 -101 68 -180q10 -11 30.5 -33t30.5 -33q128 -153 141 -298h228q13 145 141 298q10 11 30.5 33t30.5 33q68 79 68 180zM1024 960q0 -155 -103 -268q-45 -49 -74.5 -87t-59.5 -95.5t-34 -107.5q47 -28 47 -82q0 -37 -25 -64q25 -27 25 -64q0 -52 -45 -81q13 -23 13 -47 q0 -46 -31.5 -71t-77.5 -25q-20 -44 -60 -70t-87 -26t-87 26t-60 70q-46 0 -77.5 25t-31.5 71q0 24 13 47q-45 29 -45 81q0 37 25 64q-25 27 -25 64q0 54 47 82q-4 50 -34 107.5t-59.5 95.5t-74.5 87q-103 113 -103 268q0 99 44.5 184.5t117 142t164 89t186.5 32.5 t186.5 -32.5t164 -89t117 -142t44.5 -184.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ec;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 352v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-1376v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5q-12 0 -24 10l-319 320q-9 9 -9 22q0 14 9 23l320 320q9 9 23 9q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-192h1376q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1792 896q0 -14 -9 -23l-320 -320q-9 -9 -23 -9 q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192h-1376q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1376v192q0 14 9 23t23 9q12 0 24 -10l319 -319q9 -9 9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ed;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1280 608q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-224v352q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-192q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-352h-224q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5q0 -14 9 -23l352 -352q9 -9 23 -9t23 9l351 351q10 12 10 24zM1920 384q0 -159 -112.5 -271.5t-271.5 -112.5h-1088 q-185 0 -316.5 131.5t-131.5 316.5q0 130 70 240t188 165q-2 30 -2 43q0 212 150 362t362 150q156 0 285.5 -87t188.5 -231q71 62 166 62q106 0 181 -75t75 -181q0 -76 -41 -138q130 -31 213.5 -135.5t83.5 -238.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0ee;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1280 672q0 14 -9 23l-352 352q-9 9 -23 9t-23 -9l-351 -351q-10 -12 -10 -24q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h224v-352q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h192q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5v352h224q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1920 384q0 -159 -112.5 -271.5t-271.5 -112.5h-1088 q-185 0 -316.5 131.5t-131.5 316.5q0 130 70 240t188 165q-2 30 -2 43q0 212 150 362t362 150q156 0 285.5 -87t188.5 -231q71 62 166 62q106 0 181 -75t75 -181q0 -76 -41 -138q130 -31 213.5 -135.5t83.5 -238.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f0;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M384 192q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45zM1408 131q0 -121 -73 -190t-194 -69h-874q-121 0 -194 69t-73 190q0 68 5.5 131t24 138t47.5 132.5t81 103t120 60.5q-22 -52 -22 -120v-203q-58 -20 -93 -70t-35 -111q0 -80 56 -136t136 -56 t136 56t56 136q0 61 -35.5 111t-92.5 70v203q0 62 25 93q132 -104 295 -104t295 104q25 -31 25 -93v-64q-106 0 -181 -75t-75 -181v-89q-32 -29 -32 -71q0 -40 28 -68t68 -28t68 28t28 68q0 42 -32 71v89q0 52 38 90t90 38t90 -38t38 -90v-89q-32 -29 -32 -71q0 -40 28 -68 t68 -28t68 28t28 68q0 42 -32 71v89q0 68 -34.5 127.5t-93.5 93.5q0 10 0.5 42.5t0 48t-2.5 41.5t-7 47t-13 40q68 -15 120 -60.5t81 -103t47.5 -132.5t24 -138t5.5 -131zM1088 1024q0 -159 -112.5 -271.5t-271.5 -112.5t-271.5 112.5t-112.5 271.5t112.5 271.5t271.5 112.5 t271.5 -112.5t112.5 -271.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f1;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1280 832q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1408 832q0 -62 -35.5 -111t-92.5 -70v-395q0 -159 -131.5 -271.5t-316.5 -112.5t-316.5 112.5t-131.5 271.5v132q-164 20 -274 128t-110 252v512q0 26 19 45t45 19q6 0 16 -2q17 30 47 48 t65 18q53 0 90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5t-37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5q-33 0 -64 18v-402q0 -106 94 -181t226 -75t226 75t94 181v402q-31 -18 -64 -18q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5q35 0 65 -18t47 -48q10 2 16 2q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-512q0 -144 -110 -252 t-274 -128v-132q0 -106 94 -181t226 -75t226 75t94 181v395q-57 21 -92.5 70t-35.5 111q0 80 56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f2;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M640 1152h512v128h-512v-128zM288 1152v-1280h-64q-92 0 -158 66t-66 158v832q0 92 66 158t158 66h64zM1408 1152v-1280h-1024v1280h128v160q0 40 28 68t68 28h576q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-160h128zM1792 928v-832q0 -92 -66 -158t-158 -66h-64v1280h64q92 0 158 -66 t66 -158z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f3;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M912 -160q0 16 -16 16q-59 0 -101.5 42.5t-42.5 101.5q0 16 -16 16t-16 -16q0 -73 51.5 -124.5t124.5 -51.5q16 0 16 16zM1728 128q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-448q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181h-448q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90q50 42 91 88t85 119.5t74.5 158.5 t50 206t19.5 260q0 152 117 282.5t307 158.5q-8 19 -8 39q0 40 28 68t68 28t68 -28t28 -68q0 -20 -8 -39q190 -28 307 -158.5t117 -282.5q0 -139 19.5 -260t50 -206t74.5 -158.5t85 -119.5t91 -88z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f4;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1664 896q0 80 -56 136t-136 56h-64v-384h64q80 0 136 56t56 136zM0 128h1792q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75h-1280q-106 0 -181 75t-75 181zM1856 896q0 -159 -112.5 -271.5t-271.5 -112.5h-64v-32q0 -92 -66 -158t-158 -66h-704q-92 0 -158 66t-66 158v736q0 26 19 45 t45 19h1152q159 0 271.5 -112.5t112.5 -271.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f5;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M640 1472v-640q0 -61 -35.5 -111t-92.5 -70v-779q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-128q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v779q-57 20 -92.5 70t-35.5 111v640q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45v-416q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45v416q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45v-416q0 -26 19 -45 t45 -19t45 19t19 45v416q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45zM1408 1472v-1600q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-128q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v512h-224q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v800q0 132 94 226t226 94h256q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f6;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z M384 736q0 14 9 23t23 9h704q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-704q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64zM1120 512q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-704q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h704zM1120 256q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-704 q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h704z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f7;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M384 224v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 480v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M640 480v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M1152 224v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM896 480v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M640 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 992v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M1152 480v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM896 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M640 992v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M1152 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM896 992v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M640 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 992v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 -128h384v1536h-1152v-1536h384v224q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h320q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-224zM1408 1472v-1664q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1280q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1664q0 26 19 45t45 19h1280q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f8;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M384 224v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 480v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M640 480v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M1152 224v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM896 480v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M640 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 480v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 -128h384v1152h-256v-32q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-448q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v32h-256v-1152h384v224q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h320q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-224zM896 1056v320q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-96h-128v96q0 13 -9.5 22.5 t-22.5 9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-320q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h64q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5v96h128v-96q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h64q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1408 1088v-1280q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1280q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1280q0 26 19 45t45 19h320 v288q0 40 28 68t68 28h448q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-288h320q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0f9;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M640 128q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM256 640h384v256h-158q-14 -2 -22 -9l-195 -195q-7 -12 -9 -22v-30zM1536 128q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5 t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1664 800v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-224v224q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-192q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-224h-224q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h224v-224q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h192q14 0 23 9t9 23v224h224q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1920 1344v-1152 q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-192q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181h-384q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181h-128q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19v416q0 26 13 58t32 51l198 198q19 19 51 32t58 13h160v320q0 26 19 45t45 19h1152q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0fa;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1280 416v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-224v224q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-192q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-224h-224q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h224v-224q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h192q14 0 23 9t9 23v224h224q14 0 23 9t9 23zM640 1152h512v128h-512v-128zM256 1152v-1280h-32 q-92 0 -158 66t-66 158v832q0 92 66 158t158 66h32zM1440 1152v-1280h-1088v1280h160v160q0 40 28 68t68 28h576q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-160h160zM1792 928v-832q0 -92 -66 -158t-158 -66h-32v1280h32q92 0 158 -66t66 -158z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0fb;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1920 576q-1 -32 -288 -96l-352 -32l-224 -64h-64l-293 -352h69q26 0 45 -4.5t19 -11.5t-19 -11.5t-45 -4.5h-96h-160h-64v32h64v416h-160l-192 -224h-96l-32 32v192h32v32h128v8l-192 24v128l192 24v8h-128v32h-32v192l32 32h96l192 -224h160v416h-64v32h64h160h96 q26 0 45 -4.5t19 -11.5t-19 -11.5t-45 -4.5h-69l293 -352h64l224 -64l352 -32q261 -58 287 -93z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0fc;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M640 640v384h-256v-256q0 -53 37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5h128zM1664 192v-192h-1152v192l128 192h-128q-159 0 -271.5 112.5t-112.5 271.5v320l-64 64l32 128h480l32 128h960l32 -192l-64 -32v-800z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0fd;" d="M1280 192v896q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-320h-512v320q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-896q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v320h512v-320q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1536 1120v-960 q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0fe;" d="M1280 576v128q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-320v320q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-320h-320q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-128q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h320v-320q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v320h320q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1536 1120v-960 q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf100;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M627 160q0 -13 -10 -23l-50 -50q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-466 466q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l466 466q10 10 23 10t23 -10l50 -50q10 -10 10 -23t-10 -23l-393 -393l393 -393q10 -10 10 -23zM1011 160q0 -13 -10 -23l-50 -50q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-466 466q-10 10 -10 23 t10 23l466 466q10 10 23 10t23 -10l50 -50q10 -10 10 -23t-10 -23l-393 -393l393 -393q10 -10 10 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf101;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M595 576q0 -13 -10 -23l-466 -466q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-50 50q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l393 393l-393 393q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l50 50q10 10 23 10t23 -10l466 -466q10 -10 10 -23zM979 576q0 -13 -10 -23l-466 -466q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-50 50q-10 10 -10 23t10 23 l393 393l-393 393q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l50 50q10 10 23 10t23 -10l466 -466q10 -10 10 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf102;" horiz-adv-x="1152" d="M1075 224q0 -13 -10 -23l-50 -50q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-393 393l-393 -393q-10 -10 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50q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l393 393l-393 393q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l50 50q10 10 23 10t23 -10l466 -466q10 -10 10 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf106;" horiz-adv-x="1152" d="M1075 352q0 -13 -10 -23l-50 -50q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-393 393l-393 -393q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-50 50q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l466 466q10 10 23 10t23 -10l466 -466q10 -10 10 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf107;" horiz-adv-x="1152" d="M1075 800q0 -13 -10 -23l-466 -466q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-466 466q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l50 50q10 10 23 10t23 -10l393 -393l393 393q10 10 23 10t23 -10l50 -50q10 -10 10 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf108;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1792 544v832q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-1600q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-832q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h1600q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1920 1376v-1088q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-544q0 -37 16 -77.5t32 -71t16 -43.5q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-512q-26 0 -45 19 t-19 45q0 14 16 44t32 70t16 78h-544q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1088q0 66 47 113t113 47h1600q66 0 113 -47t47 -113z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf109;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M416 256q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v704q0 66 47 113t113 47h1088q66 0 113 -47t47 -113v-704q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1088zM384 1120v-704q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h1088q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5v704q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-1088q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5z M1760 192h160v-96q0 -40 -47 -68t-113 -28h-1600q-66 0 -113 28t-47 68v96h160h1600zM1040 96q16 0 16 16t-16 16h-160q-16 0 -16 -16t16 -16h160z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf10a;" horiz-adv-x="1152" d="M640 128q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1024 288v960q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-832q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-960q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h832q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1152 1248v-1088q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-832 q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1088q0 66 47 113t113 47h832q66 0 113 -47t47 -113z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf10b;" horiz-adv-x="768" d="M464 128q0 33 -23.5 56.5t-56.5 23.5t-56.5 -23.5t-23.5 -56.5t23.5 -56.5t56.5 -23.5t56.5 23.5t23.5 56.5zM672 288v704q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-512q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-704q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h512q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM480 1136 q0 16 -16 16h-160q-16 0 -16 -16t16 -16h160q16 0 16 16zM768 1152v-1024q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-512q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1024q0 52 38 90t90 38h512q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf10c;" d="M768 1184q-148 0 -273 -73t-198 -198t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73t273 73t198 198t73 273t-73 273t-198 198t-273 73zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103 t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf10d;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M768 576v-384q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56h-384q-80 0 -136 56t-56 136v704q0 104 40.5 198.5t109.5 163.5t163.5 109.5t198.5 40.5h64q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-64q-106 0 -181 -75t-75 -181v-32q0 -40 28 -68t68 -28h224q80 0 136 -56t56 -136z M1664 576v-384q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56h-384q-80 0 -136 56t-56 136v704q0 104 40.5 198.5t109.5 163.5t163.5 109.5t198.5 40.5h64q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-64q-106 0 -181 -75t-75 -181v-32q0 -40 28 -68t68 -28h224q80 0 136 -56t56 -136z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf10e;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M768 1216v-704q0 -104 -40.5 -198.5t-109.5 -163.5t-163.5 -109.5t-198.5 -40.5h-64q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h64q106 0 181 75t75 181v32q0 40 -28 68t-68 28h-224q-80 0 -136 56t-56 136v384q0 80 56 136t136 56h384q80 0 136 -56t56 -136zM1664 1216 v-704q0 -104 -40.5 -198.5t-109.5 -163.5t-163.5 -109.5t-198.5 -40.5h-64q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h64q106 0 181 75t75 181v32q0 40 -28 68t-68 28h-224q-80 0 -136 56t-56 136v384q0 80 56 136t136 56h384q80 0 136 -56t56 -136z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf110;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M526 142q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1024 -64q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM320 640q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5 t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1522 142q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM558 1138q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47t-113 47t-47 113t47 113t113 47t113 -47t47 -113z M1728 640q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1088 1344q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136t56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136zM1618 1138q0 -93 -66 -158.5t-158 -65.5q-93 0 -158.5 65.5t-65.5 158.5 q0 92 65.5 158t158.5 66q92 0 158 -66t66 -158z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf111;" d="M1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf112;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 416q0 -166 -127 -451q-3 -7 -10.5 -24t-13.5 -30t-13 -22q-12 -17 -28 -17q-15 0 -23.5 10t-8.5 25q0 9 2.5 26.5t2.5 23.5q5 68 5 123q0 101 -17.5 181t-48.5 138.5t-80 101t-105.5 69.5t-133 42.5t-154 21.5t-175.5 6h-224v-256q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19 l-512 512q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l512 512q19 19 45 19t45 -19t19 -45v-256h224q713 0 875 -403q53 -134 53 -333z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf113;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M640 320q0 -40 -12.5 -82t-43 -76t-72.5 -34t-72.5 34t-43 76t-12.5 82t12.5 82t43 76t72.5 34t72.5 -34t43 -76t12.5 -82zM1280 320q0 -40 -12.5 -82t-43 -76t-72.5 -34t-72.5 34t-43 76t-12.5 82t12.5 82t43 76t72.5 34t72.5 -34t43 -76t12.5 -82zM1440 320 q0 120 -69 204t-187 84q-41 0 -195 -21q-71 -11 -157 -11t-157 11q-152 21 -195 21q-118 0 -187 -84t-69 -204q0 -88 32 -153.5t81 -103t122 -60t140 -29.5t149 -7h168q82 0 149 7t140 29.5t122 60t81 103t32 153.5zM1664 496q0 -207 -61 -331q-38 -77 -105.5 -133t-141 -86 t-170 -47.5t-171.5 -22t-167 -4.5q-78 0 -142 3t-147.5 12.5t-152.5 30t-137 51.5t-121 81t-86 115q-62 123 -62 331q0 237 136 396q-27 82 -27 170q0 116 51 218q108 0 190 -39.5t189 -123.5q147 35 309 35q148 0 280 -32q105 82 187 121t189 39q51 -102 51 -218 q0 -87 -27 -168q136 -160 136 -398z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf114;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1536 224v704q0 40 -28 68t-68 28h-704q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v64q0 40 -28 68t-68 28h-320q-40 0 -68 -28t-28 -68v-960q0 -40 28 -68t68 -28h1216q40 0 68 28t28 68zM1664 928v-704q0 -92 -66 -158t-158 -66h-1216q-92 0 -158 66t-66 158v960q0 92 66 158t158 66h320 q92 0 158 -66t66 -158v-32h672q92 0 158 -66t66 -158z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf115;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1781 605q0 35 -53 35h-1088q-40 0 -85.5 -21.5t-71.5 -52.5l-294 -363q-18 -24 -18 -40q0 -35 53 -35h1088q40 0 86 22t71 53l294 363q18 22 18 39zM640 768h768v160q0 40 -28 68t-68 28h-576q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v64q0 40 -28 68t-68 28h-320q-40 0 -68 -28t-28 -68 v-853l256 315q44 53 116 87.5t140 34.5zM1909 605q0 -62 -46 -120l-295 -363q-43 -53 -116 -87.5t-140 -34.5h-1088q-92 0 -158 66t-66 158v960q0 92 66 158t158 66h320q92 0 158 -66t66 -158v-32h544q92 0 158 -66t66 -158v-160h192q54 0 99 -24.5t67 -70.5q15 -32 15 -68z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf116;" horiz-adv-x="1792" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf117;" horiz-adv-x="1792" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf118;" d="M1134 461q-37 -121 -138 -195t-228 -74t-228 74t-138 195q-8 25 4 48.5t38 31.5q25 8 48.5 -4t31.5 -38q25 -80 92.5 -129.5t151.5 -49.5t151.5 49.5t92.5 129.5q8 26 32 38t49 4t37 -31.5t4 -48.5zM640 896q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5 t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1152 896q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1408 640q0 130 -51 248.5t-136.5 204t-204 136.5t-248.5 51t-248.5 -51t-204 -136.5t-136.5 -204t-51 -248.5 t51 -248.5t136.5 -204t204 -136.5t248.5 -51t248.5 51t204 136.5t136.5 204t51 248.5zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf119;" d="M1134 307q8 -25 -4 -48.5t-37 -31.5t-49 4t-32 38q-25 80 -92.5 129.5t-151.5 49.5t-151.5 -49.5t-92.5 -129.5q-8 -26 -31.5 -38t-48.5 -4q-26 8 -38 31.5t-4 48.5q37 121 138 195t228 74t228 -74t138 -195zM640 896q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5 t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1152 896q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1408 640q0 130 -51 248.5t-136.5 204t-204 136.5t-248.5 51t-248.5 -51t-204 -136.5t-136.5 -204 t-51 -248.5t51 -248.5t136.5 -204t204 -136.5t248.5 -51t248.5 51t204 136.5t136.5 204t51 248.5zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf11a;" d="M1152 448q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-640q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h640q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM640 896q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1152 896q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5 t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1408 640q0 130 -51 248.5t-136.5 204t-204 136.5t-248.5 51t-248.5 -51t-204 -136.5t-136.5 -204t-51 -248.5t51 -248.5t136.5 -204t204 -136.5t248.5 -51t248.5 51t204 136.5t136.5 204t51 248.5zM1536 640 q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf11b;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M832 448v128q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-192v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-128q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-192h-192q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h192v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128q14 0 23 9t9 23v192h192q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1408 384q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5 t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1664 640q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1920 512q0 -212 -150 -362t-362 -150q-192 0 -338 128h-220q-146 -128 -338 -128q-212 0 -362 150 t-150 362t150 362t362 150h896q212 0 362 -150t150 -362z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf11c;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M384 368v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM512 624v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-224q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h224q16 0 16 -16zM384 880v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM1408 368v-96q0 -16 -16 -16 h-864q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h864q16 0 16 -16zM768 624v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM640 880v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM1024 624v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16 h96q16 0 16 -16zM896 880v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM1280 624v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM1664 368v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM1152 880v-96 q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM1408 880v-96q0 -16 -16 -16h-96q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM1664 880v-352q0 -16 -16 -16h-224q-16 0 -16 16v96q0 16 16 16h112v240q0 16 16 16h96q16 0 16 -16zM1792 128v896h-1664v-896 h1664zM1920 1024v-896q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5h-1664q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5v896q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5h1664q53 0 90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf11d;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1664 491v616q-169 -91 -306 -91q-82 0 -145 32q-100 49 -184 76.5t-178 27.5q-173 0 -403 -127v-599q245 113 433 113q55 0 103.5 -7.5t98 -26t77 -31t82.5 -39.5l28 -14q44 -22 101 -22q120 0 293 92zM320 1280q0 -35 -17.5 -64t-46.5 -46v-1266q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9 h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v1266q-29 17 -46.5 46t-17.5 64q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1792 1216v-763q0 -39 -35 -57q-10 -5 -17 -9q-218 -116 -369 -116q-88 0 -158 35l-28 14q-64 33 -99 48t-91 29t-114 14q-102 0 -235.5 -44t-228.5 -102 q-15 -9 -33 -9q-16 0 -32 8q-32 19 -32 56v742q0 35 31 55q35 21 78.5 42.5t114 52t152.5 49.5t155 19q112 0 209 -31t209 -86q38 -19 89 -19q122 0 310 112q22 12 31 17q31 16 62 -2q31 -20 31 -55z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf11e;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M832 536v192q-181 -16 -384 -117v-185q205 96 384 110zM832 954v197q-172 -8 -384 -126v-189q215 111 384 118zM1664 491v184q-235 -116 -384 -71v224q-20 6 -39 15q-5 3 -33 17t-34.5 17t-31.5 15t-34.5 15.5t-32.5 13t-36 12.5t-35 8.5t-39.5 7.5t-39.5 4t-44 2 q-23 0 -49 -3v-222h19q102 0 192.5 -29t197.5 -82q19 -9 39 -15v-188q42 -17 91 -17q120 0 293 92zM1664 918v189q-169 -91 -306 -91q-45 0 -78 8v-196q148 -42 384 90zM320 1280q0 -35 -17.5 -64t-46.5 -46v-1266q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v1266 q-29 17 -46.5 46t-17.5 64q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1792 1216v-763q0 -39 -35 -57q-10 -5 -17 -9q-218 -116 -369 -116q-88 0 -158 35l-28 14q-64 33 -99 48t-91 29t-114 14q-102 0 -235.5 -44t-228.5 -102q-15 -9 -33 -9q-16 0 -32 8 q-32 19 -32 56v742q0 35 31 55q35 21 78.5 42.5t114 52t152.5 49.5t155 19q112 0 209 -31t209 -86q38 -19 89 -19q122 0 310 112q22 12 31 17q31 16 62 -2q31 -20 31 -55z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf120;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M585 553l-466 -466q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-50 50q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l393 393l-393 393q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l50 50q10 10 23 10t23 -10l466 -466q10 -10 10 -23t-10 -23zM1664 96v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-960q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h960q14 0 23 -9 t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf121;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M617 137l-50 -50q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-466 466q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l466 466q10 10 23 10t23 -10l50 -50q10 -10 10 -23t-10 -23l-393 -393l393 -393q10 -10 10 -23t-10 -23zM1208 1204l-373 -1291q-4 -13 -15.5 -19.5t-23.5 -2.5l-62 17q-13 4 -19.5 15.5t-2.5 24.5 l373 1291q4 13 15.5 19.5t23.5 2.5l62 -17q13 -4 19.5 -15.5t2.5 -24.5zM1865 553l-466 -466q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-50 50q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l393 393l-393 393q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l50 50q10 10 23 10t23 -10l466 -466q10 -10 10 -23t-10 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf122;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M640 454v-70q0 -42 -39 -59q-13 -5 -25 -5q-27 0 -45 19l-512 512q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l512 512q29 31 70 14q39 -17 39 -59v-69l-397 -398q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45zM1792 416q0 -58 -17 -133.5t-38.5 -138t-48 -125t-40.5 -90.5l-20 -40q-8 -17 -28 -17q-6 0 -9 1 q-25 8 -23 34q43 400 -106 565q-64 71 -170.5 110.5t-267.5 52.5v-251q0 -42 -39 -59q-13 -5 -25 -5q-27 0 -45 19l-512 512q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l512 512q29 31 70 14q39 -17 39 -59v-262q411 -28 599 -221q169 -173 169 -509z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf123;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1186 579l257 250l-356 52l-66 10l-30 60l-159 322v-963l59 -31l318 -168l-60 355l-12 66zM1638 841l-363 -354l86 -500q5 -33 -6 -51.5t-34 -18.5q-17 0 -40 12l-449 236l-449 -236q-23 -12 -40 -12q-23 0 -34 18.5t-6 51.5l86 500l-364 354q-32 32 -23 59.5t54 34.5 l502 73l225 455q20 41 49 41q28 0 49 -41l225 -455l502 -73q45 -7 54 -34.5t-24 -59.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf124;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1401 1187l-640 -1280q-17 -35 -57 -35q-5 0 -15 2q-22 5 -35.5 22.5t-13.5 39.5v576h-576q-22 0 -39.5 13.5t-22.5 35.5t4 42t29 30l1280 640q13 7 29 7q27 0 45 -19q15 -14 18.5 -34.5t-6.5 -39.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf125;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M557 256h595v595zM512 301l595 595h-595v-595zM1664 224v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-224v-224q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v224h-864q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v864h-224q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h224v224q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23 v-224h851l246 247q10 9 23 9t23 -9q9 -10 9 -23t-9 -23l-247 -246v-851h224q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf126;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M288 64q0 40 -28 68t-68 28t-68 -28t-28 -68t28 -68t68 -28t68 28t28 68zM288 1216q0 40 -28 68t-68 28t-68 -28t-28 -68t28 -68t68 -28t68 28t28 68zM928 1088q0 40 -28 68t-68 28t-68 -28t-28 -68t28 -68t68 -28t68 28t28 68zM1024 1088q0 -52 -26 -96.5t-70 -69.5 q-2 -287 -226 -414q-68 -38 -203 -81q-128 -40 -169.5 -71t-41.5 -100v-26q44 -25 70 -69.5t26 -96.5q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136q0 52 26 96.5t70 69.5v820q-44 25 -70 69.5t-26 96.5q0 80 56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136q0 -52 -26 -96.5t-70 -69.5v-497 q54 26 154 57q55 17 87.5 29.5t70.5 31t59 39.5t40.5 51t28 69.5t8.5 91.5q-44 25 -70 69.5t-26 96.5q0 80 56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf127;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M439 265l-256 -256q-10 -9 -23 -9q-12 0 -23 9q-9 10 -9 23t9 23l256 256q10 9 23 9t23 -9q9 -10 9 -23t-9 -23zM608 224v-320q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9t-23 9t-9 23v320q0 14 9 23t23 9t23 -9t9 -23zM384 448q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-320q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23t9 23t23 9h320 q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1648 320q0 -120 -85 -203l-147 -146q-83 -83 -203 -83q-121 0 -204 85l-334 335q-21 21 -42 56l239 18l273 -274q27 -27 68 -27.5t68 26.5l147 146q28 28 28 67q0 40 -28 68l-274 275l18 239q35 -21 56 -42l336 -336q84 -86 84 -204zM1031 1044l-239 -18 l-273 274q-28 28 -68 28q-39 0 -68 -27l-147 -146q-28 -28 -28 -67q0 -40 28 -68l274 -274l-18 -240q-35 21 -56 42l-336 336q-84 86 -84 204q0 120 85 203l147 146q83 83 203 83q121 0 204 -85l334 -335q21 -21 42 -56zM1664 960q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-320q-14 0 -23 9 t-9 23t9 23t23 9h320q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1120 1504v-320q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9t-23 9t-9 23v320q0 14 9 23t23 9t23 -9t9 -23zM1527 1353l-256 -256q-11 -9 -23 -9t-23 9q-9 10 -9 23t9 23l256 256q10 9 23 9t23 -9q9 -10 9 -23t-9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf128;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M704 280v-240q0 -16 -12 -28t-28 -12h-240q-16 0 -28 12t-12 28v240q0 16 12 28t28 12h240q16 0 28 -12t12 -28zM1020 880q0 -54 -15.5 -101t-35 -76.5t-55 -59.5t-57.5 -43.5t-61 -35.5q-41 -23 -68.5 -65t-27.5 -67q0 -17 -12 -32.5t-28 -15.5h-240q-15 0 -25.5 18.5 t-10.5 37.5v45q0 83 65 156.5t143 108.5q59 27 84 56t25 76q0 42 -46.5 74t-107.5 32q-65 0 -108 -29q-35 -25 -107 -115q-13 -16 -31 -16q-12 0 -25 8l-164 125q-13 10 -15.5 25t5.5 28q160 266 464 266q80 0 161 -31t146 -83t106 -127.5t41 -158.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf129;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 192v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-512q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h64v384h-64q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v128q0 26 19 45t45 19h384q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-576h64q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM512 1344v-192q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-256q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v192 q0 26 19 45t45 19h256q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf12a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M512 288v-224q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-256q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v224q0 26 19 45t45 19h256q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM542 1344l-28 -768q-1 -26 -20.5 -45t-45.5 -19h-256q-26 0 -45.5 19t-20.5 45l-28 768q-1 26 17.5 45t44.5 19h320q26 0 44.5 -19t17.5 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf12b;" d="M897 167v-167h-248l-159 252l-24 42q-8 9 -11 21h-3l-9 -21q-10 -20 -25 -44l-155 -250h-258v167h128l197 291l-185 272h-137v168h276l139 -228q2 -4 23 -42q8 -9 11 -21h3q3 9 11 21l25 42l140 228h257v-168h-125l-184 -267l204 -296h109zM1534 846v-206h-514l-3 27 q-4 28 -4 46q0 64 26 117t65 86.5t84 65t84 54.5t65 54t26 64q0 38 -29.5 62.5t-70.5 24.5q-51 0 -97 -39q-14 -11 -36 -38l-105 92q26 37 63 66q83 65 188 65q110 0 178 -59.5t68 -158.5q0 -56 -24.5 -103t-62 -76.5t-81.5 -58.5t-82 -50.5t-65.5 -51.5t-30.5 -63h232v80 h126z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf12c;" d="M897 167v-167h-248l-159 252l-24 42q-8 9 -11 21h-3l-9 -21q-10 -20 -25 -44l-155 -250h-258v167h128l197 291l-185 272h-137v168h276l139 -228q2 -4 23 -42q8 -9 11 -21h3q3 9 11 21l25 42l140 228h257v-168h-125l-184 -267l204 -296h109zM1536 -50v-206h-514l-4 27 q-3 45 -3 46q0 64 26 117t65 86.5t84 65t84 54.5t65 54t26 64q0 38 -29.5 62.5t-70.5 24.5q-51 0 -97 -39q-14 -11 -36 -38l-105 92q26 37 63 66q80 65 188 65q110 0 178 -59.5t68 -158.5q0 -66 -34.5 -118.5t-84 -86t-99.5 -62.5t-87 -63t-41 -73h232v80h126z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf12d;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M896 128l336 384h-768l-336 -384h768zM1909 1205q15 -34 9.5 -71.5t-30.5 -65.5l-896 -1024q-38 -44 -96 -44h-768q-38 0 -69.5 20.5t-47.5 54.5q-15 34 -9.5 71.5t30.5 65.5l896 1024q38 44 96 44h768q38 0 69.5 -20.5t47.5 -54.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf12e;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1664 438q0 -81 -44.5 -135t-123.5 -54q-41 0 -77.5 17.5t-59 38t-56.5 38t-71 17.5q-110 0 -110 -124q0 -39 16 -115t15 -115v-5q-22 0 -33 -1q-34 -3 -97.5 -11.5t-115.5 -13.5t-98 -5q-61 0 -103 26.5t-42 83.5q0 37 17.5 71t38 56.5t38 59t17.5 77.5q0 79 -54 123.5 t-135 44.5q-84 0 -143 -45.5t-59 -127.5q0 -43 15 -83t33.5 -64.5t33.5 -53t15 -50.5q0 -45 -46 -89q-37 -35 -117 -35q-95 0 -245 24q-9 2 -27.5 4t-27.5 4l-13 2q-1 0 -3 1q-2 0 -2 1v1024q2 -1 17.5 -3.5t34 -5t21.5 -3.5q150 -24 245 -24q80 0 117 35q46 44 46 89 q0 22 -15 50.5t-33.5 53t-33.5 64.5t-15 83q0 82 59 127.5t144 45.5q80 0 134 -44.5t54 -123.5q0 -41 -17.5 -77.5t-38 -59t-38 -56.5t-17.5 -71q0 -57 42 -83.5t103 -26.5q64 0 180 15t163 17v-2q-1 -2 -3.5 -17.5t-5 -34t-3.5 -21.5q-24 -150 -24 -245q0 -80 35 -117 q44 -46 89 -46q22 0 50.5 15t53 33.5t64.5 33.5t83 15q82 0 127.5 -59t45.5 -143z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf130;" horiz-adv-x="1152" d="M1152 832v-128q0 -221 -147.5 -384.5t-364.5 -187.5v-132h256q26 0 45 -19t19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19h-640q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h256v132q-217 24 -364.5 187.5t-147.5 384.5v128q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45v-128q0 -185 131.5 -316.5t316.5 -131.5 t316.5 131.5t131.5 316.5v128q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45zM896 1216v-512q0 -132 -94 -226t-226 -94t-226 94t-94 226v512q0 132 94 226t226 94t226 -94t94 -226z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf131;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M271 591l-101 -101q-42 103 -42 214v128q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45v-128q0 -53 15 -113zM1385 1193l-361 -361v-128q0 -132 -94 -226t-226 -94q-55 0 -109 19l-96 -96q97 -51 205 -51q185 0 316.5 131.5t131.5 316.5v128q0 26 19 45t45 19t45 -19t19 -45v-128 q0 -221 -147.5 -384.5t-364.5 -187.5v-132h256q26 0 45 -19t19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19h-640q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h256v132q-125 13 -235 81l-254 -254q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-82 82q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l1234 1234q10 10 23 10t23 -10l82 -82q10 -10 10 -23 t-10 -23zM1005 1325l-621 -621v512q0 132 94 226t226 94q102 0 184.5 -59t116.5 -152z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf132;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1088 576v640h-448v-1137q119 63 213 137q235 184 235 360zM1280 1344v-768q0 -86 -33.5 -170.5t-83 -150t-118 -127.5t-126.5 -103t-121 -77.5t-89.5 -49.5t-42.5 -20q-12 -6 -26 -6t-26 6q-16 7 -42.5 20t-89.5 49.5t-121 77.5t-126.5 103t-118 127.5t-83 150 t-33.5 170.5v768q0 26 19 45t45 19h1152q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf133;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M128 -128h1408v1024h-1408v-1024zM512 1088v288q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-288q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1280 1088v288q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-288q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1664 1152v-1280 q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-1408q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1280q0 52 38 90t90 38h128v96q0 66 47 113t113 47h64q66 0 113 -47t47 -113v-96h384v96q0 66 47 113t113 47h64q66 0 113 -47t47 -113v-96h128q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf134;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M512 1344q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45zM1408 1376v-320q0 -16 -12 -25q-8 -7 -20 -7q-4 0 -7 1l-448 96q-11 2 -18 11t-7 20h-256v-102q111 -23 183.5 -111t72.5 -203v-800q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-512q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v800 q0 106 62.5 190.5t161.5 114.5v111h-32q-59 0 -115 -23.5t-91.5 -53t-66 -66.5t-40.5 -53.5t-14 -24.5q-17 -35 -57 -35q-16 0 -29 7q-23 12 -31.5 37t3.5 49q5 10 14.5 26t37.5 53.5t60.5 70t85 67t108.5 52.5q-25 42 -25 86q0 66 47 113t113 47t113 -47t47 -113 q0 -33 -14 -64h302q0 11 7 20t18 11l448 96q3 1 7 1q12 0 20 -7q12 -9 12 -25z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf135;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1440 1088q0 40 -28 68t-68 28t-68 -28t-28 -68t28 -68t68 -28t68 28t28 68zM1664 1376q0 -249 -75.5 -430.5t-253.5 -360.5q-81 -80 -195 -176l-20 -379q-2 -16 -16 -26l-384 -224q-7 -4 -16 -4q-12 0 -23 9l-64 64q-13 14 -8 32l85 276l-281 281l-276 -85q-3 -1 -9 -1 q-14 0 -23 9l-64 64q-17 19 -5 39l224 384q10 14 26 16l379 20q96 114 176 195q188 187 358 258t431 71q14 0 24 -9.5t10 -22.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf136;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1745 763l-164 -763h-334l178 832q13 56 -15 88q-27 33 -83 33h-169l-204 -953h-334l204 953h-286l-204 -953h-334l204 953l-153 327h1276q101 0 189.5 -40.5t147.5 -113.5q60 -73 81 -168.5t0 -194.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf137;" d="M909 141l102 102q19 19 19 45t-19 45l-307 307l307 307q19 19 19 45t-19 45l-102 102q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-454 -454q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45l454 -454q19 -19 45 -19t45 19zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5 t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf138;" d="M717 141l454 454q19 19 19 45t-19 45l-454 454q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-102 -102q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45l307 -307l-307 -307q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45l102 -102q19 -19 45 -19t45 19zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5 t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf139;" d="M1165 397l102 102q19 19 19 45t-19 45l-454 454q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-454 -454q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45l102 -102q19 -19 45 -19t45 19l307 307l307 -307q19 -19 45 -19t45 19zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5 t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf13a;" d="M813 237l454 454q19 19 19 45t-19 45l-102 102q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-307 -307l-307 307q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-102 -102q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45l454 -454q19 -19 45 -19t45 19zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5 t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf13b;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1130 939l16 175h-884l47 -534h612l-22 -228l-197 -53l-196 53l-13 140h-175l22 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d="M1056 768q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-576q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-960q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v576q0 40 28 68t68 28h32v320q0 185 131.5 316.5t316.5 131.5t316.5 -131.5t131.5 -316.5q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-64q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45q0 106 -75 181t-181 75t-181 -75t-75 -181 v-320h736z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf140;" d="M1024 640q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181t75 181t181 75t181 -75t75 -181zM1152 640q0 159 -112.5 271.5t-271.5 112.5t-271.5 -112.5t-112.5 -271.5t112.5 -271.5t271.5 -112.5t271.5 112.5t112.5 271.5zM1280 640q0 -212 -150 -362t-362 -150t-362 150 t-150 362t150 362t362 150t362 -150t150 -362zM1408 640q0 130 -51 248.5t-136.5 204t-204 136.5t-248.5 51t-248.5 -51t-204 -136.5t-136.5 -204t-51 -248.5t51 -248.5t136.5 -204t204 -136.5t248.5 -51t248.5 51t204 136.5t136.5 204t51 248.5zM1536 640 q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf141;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M384 800v-192q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-192q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v192q0 40 28 68t68 28h192q40 0 68 -28t28 -68zM896 800v-192q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-192q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v192q0 40 28 68t68 28h192q40 0 68 -28t28 -68zM1408 800v-192q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-192 q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v192q0 40 28 68t68 28h192q40 0 68 -28t28 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf142;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 288v-192q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-192q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v192q0 40 28 68t68 28h192q40 0 68 -28t28 -68zM384 800v-192q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-192q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v192q0 40 28 68t68 28h192q40 0 68 -28t28 -68zM384 1312v-192q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-192 q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v192q0 40 28 68t68 28h192q40 0 68 -28t28 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf143;" d="M512 256q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM863 162q-13 232 -177 396t-396 177q-14 1 -24 -9t-10 -23v-128q0 -13 8.5 -22t21.5 -10q154 -11 264 -121t121 -264q1 -13 10 -21.5t22 -8.5h128q13 0 23 10 t9 24zM1247 161q-5 154 -56 297.5t-139.5 260t-205 205t-260 139.5t-297.5 56q-14 1 -23 -9q-10 -10 -10 -23v-128q0 -13 9 -22t22 -10q204 -7 378 -111.5t278.5 -278.5t111.5 -378q1 -13 10 -22t22 -9h128q13 0 23 10q11 9 9 23zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5 t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf144;" d="M768 1408q209 0 385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5t-103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103zM1152 585q32 18 32 55t-32 55l-544 320q-31 19 -64 1q-32 -19 -32 -56v-640q0 -37 32 -56 q16 -8 32 -8q17 0 32 9z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf145;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1024 1084l316 -316l-572 -572l-316 316zM813 105l618 618q19 19 19 45t-19 45l-362 362q-18 18 -45 18t-45 -18l-618 -618q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45l362 -362q18 -18 45 -18t45 18zM1702 742l-907 -908q-37 -37 -90.5 -37t-90.5 37l-126 126q56 56 56 136t-56 136 t-136 56t-136 -56l-125 126q-37 37 -37 90.5t37 90.5l907 906q37 37 90.5 37t90.5 -37l125 -125q-56 -56 -56 -136t56 -136t136 -56t136 56l126 -125q37 -37 37 -90.5t-37 -90.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf146;" d="M1280 576v128q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-896q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-128q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h896q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5 t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf147;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1152 736v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-832q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h832q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1280 288v832q0 66 -47 113t-113 47h-832q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113v-832q0 -66 47 -113t113 -47h832q66 0 113 47t47 113zM1408 1120v-832q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5 t-203.5 -84.5h-832q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v832q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h832q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf148;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M1018 933q-18 -37 -58 -37h-192v-864q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-704q-21 0 -29 18q-8 20 4 35l160 192q9 11 25 11h320v640h-192q-40 0 -58 37q-17 37 9 68l320 384q18 22 49 22t49 -22l320 -384q27 -32 9 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf149;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M32 1280h704q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -23.5v-863h192q40 0 58 -37t-9 -69l-320 -384q-18 -22 -49 -22t-49 22l-320 384q-26 31 -9 69q18 37 58 37h192v640h-320q-14 0 -25 11l-160 192q-13 14 -4 34q9 19 29 19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf14a;" d="M685 237l614 614q19 19 19 45t-19 45l-102 102q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-467 -467l-211 211q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19l-102 -102q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45l358 -358q19 -19 45 -19t45 19zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5 t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf14b;" d="M404 428l152 -152l-52 -52h-56v96h-96v56zM818 818q14 -13 -3 -30l-291 -291q-17 -17 -30 -3q-14 13 3 30l291 291q17 17 30 3zM544 128l544 544l-288 288l-544 -544v-288h288zM1152 736l92 92q28 28 28 68t-28 68l-152 152q-28 28 -68 28t-68 -28l-92 -92zM1536 1120 v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf14c;" d="M1280 608v480q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-480q-42 0 -59 -39q-17 -41 14 -70l144 -144l-534 -534q-19 -19 -19 -45t19 -45l102 -102q19 -19 45 -19t45 19l534 534l144 -144q18 -19 45 -19q12 0 25 5q39 17 39 59zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960 q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf14d;" d="M1005 435l352 352q19 19 19 45t-19 45l-352 352q-30 31 -69 14q-40 -17 -40 -59v-160q-119 0 -216 -19.5t-162.5 -51t-114 -79t-76.5 -95.5t-44.5 -109t-21.5 -111.5t-5 -110.5q0 -181 167 -404q10 -12 25 -12q7 0 13 3q22 9 19 33q-44 354 62 473q46 52 130 75.5 t224 23.5v-160q0 -42 40 -59q12 -5 24 -5q26 0 45 19zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf14e;" d="M640 448l256 128l-256 128v-256zM1024 1039v-542l-512 -256v542zM1312 640q0 148 -73 273t-198 198t-273 73t-273 -73t-198 -198t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73t273 73t198 198t73 273zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103 t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf150;" d="M1145 861q18 -35 -5 -66l-320 -448q-19 -27 -52 -27t-52 27l-320 448q-23 31 -5 66q17 35 57 35h640q40 0 57 -35zM1280 160v960q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-960q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-960q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h960q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1536 1120 v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf151;" d="M1145 419q-17 -35 -57 -35h-640q-40 0 -57 35q-18 35 5 66l320 448q19 27 52 27t52 -27l320 -448q23 -31 5 -66zM1280 160v960q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-960q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-960q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h960q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1536 1120v-960 q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf152;" d="M1088 640q0 -33 -27 -52l-448 -320q-31 -23 -66 -5q-35 17 -35 57v640q0 40 35 57q35 18 66 -5l448 -320q27 -19 27 -52zM1280 160v960q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-960q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-960q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h960q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5 t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf153;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M976 229l35 -159q3 -12 -3 -22.5t-17 -14.5l-5 -1q-4 -2 -10.5 -3.5t-16 -4.5t-21.5 -5.5t-25.5 -5t-30 -5t-33.5 -4.5t-36.5 -3t-38.5 -1q-234 0 -409 130.5t-238 351.5h-95q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v113q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h66q-2 57 1 105h-67q-14 0 -23 9 t-9 23v114q0 14 9 23t23 9h98q67 210 243.5 338t400.5 128q102 0 194 -23q11 -3 20 -15q6 -11 3 -24l-43 -159q-3 -13 -14 -19.5t-24 -2.5l-4 1q-4 1 -11.5 2.5l-17.5 3.5t-22.5 3.5t-26 3t-29 2.5t-29.5 1q-126 0 -226 -64t-150 -176h468q16 0 25 -12q10 -12 7 -26 l-24 -114q-5 -26 -32 -26h-488q-3 -37 0 -105h459q15 0 25 -12q9 -12 6 -27l-24 -112q-2 -11 -11 -18.5t-20 -7.5h-387q48 -117 149.5 -185.5t228.5 -68.5q18 0 36 1.5t33.5 3.5t29.5 4.5t24.5 5t18.5 4.5l12 3l5 2q13 5 26 -2q12 -7 15 -21z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf154;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M1020 399v-367q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-956q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v150q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h97v383h-95q-14 0 -23 9.5t-9 22.5v131q0 14 9 23t23 9h95v223q0 171 123.5 282t314.5 111q185 0 335 -125q9 -8 10 -20.5t-7 -22.5l-103 -127q-9 -11 -22 -12q-13 -2 -23 7 q-5 5 -26 19t-69 32t-93 18q-85 0 -137 -47t-52 -123v-215h305q13 0 22.5 -9t9.5 -23v-131q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-305v-379h414v181q0 13 9 22.5t23 9.5h162q14 0 23 -9.5t9 -22.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf155;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M978 351q0 -153 -99.5 -263.5t-258.5 -136.5v-175q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-135q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v175q-66 9 -127.5 31t-101.5 44.5t-74 48t-46.5 37.5t-17.5 18q-17 21 -2 41l103 135q7 10 23 12q15 2 24 -9l2 -2q113 -99 243 -125q37 -8 74 -8q81 0 142.5 43 t61.5 122q0 28 -15 53t-33.5 42t-58.5 37.5t-66 32t-80 32.5q-39 16 -61.5 25t-61.5 26.5t-62.5 31t-56.5 35.5t-53.5 42.5t-43.5 49t-35.5 58t-21 66.5t-8.5 78q0 138 98 242t255 134v180q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h135q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-176q57 -6 110.5 -23t87 -33.5 t63.5 -37.5t39 -29t15 -14q17 -18 5 -38l-81 -146q-8 -15 -23 -16q-14 -3 -27 7q-3 3 -14.5 12t-39 26.5t-58.5 32t-74.5 26t-85.5 11.5q-95 0 -155 -43t-60 -111q0 -26 8.5 -48t29.5 -41.5t39.5 -33t56 -31t60.5 -27t70 -27.5q53 -20 81 -31.5t76 -35t75.5 -42.5t62 -50 t53 -63.5t31.5 -76.5t13 -94z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf156;" horiz-adv-x="898" d="M898 1066v-102q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-168q-23 -144 -129 -234t-276 -110q167 -178 459 -536q14 -16 4 -34q-8 -18 -29 -18h-195q-16 0 -25 12q-306 367 -498 571q-9 9 -9 22v127q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h112q132 0 212.5 43t102.5 125h-427q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v102 q0 14 9 23t23 9h413q-57 113 -268 113h-145q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v133q0 14 9 23t23 9h832q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-102q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-233q47 -61 64 -144h171q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf157;" horiz-adv-x="1027" d="M603 0h-172q-13 0 -22.5 9t-9.5 23v330h-288q-13 0 -22.5 9t-9.5 23v103q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h288v85h-288q-13 0 -22.5 9t-9.5 23v104q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h214l-321 578q-8 16 0 32q10 16 28 16h194q19 0 29 -18l215 -425q19 -38 56 -125q10 24 30.5 68t27.5 61 l191 420q8 19 29 19h191q17 0 27 -16q9 -14 1 -31l-313 -579h215q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-104q0 -14 -9.5 -23t-22.5 -9h-290v-85h290q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-103q0 -14 -9.5 -23t-22.5 -9h-290v-330q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf158;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1043 971q0 100 -65 162t-171 62h-320v-448h320q106 0 171 62t65 162zM1280 971q0 -193 -126.5 -315t-326.5 -122h-340v-118h505q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-128q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-505v-192q0 -14 -9.5 -23t-22.5 -9h-167q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192h-224q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v128 q0 14 9 23t23 9h224v118h-224q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v149q0 13 9 22.5t23 9.5h224v629q0 14 9 23t23 9h539q200 0 326.5 -122t126.5 -315z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf159;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M514 341l81 299h-159l75 -300q1 -1 1 -3t1 -3q0 1 0.5 3.5t0.5 3.5zM630 768l35 128h-292l32 -128h225zM822 768h139l-35 128h-70zM1271 340l78 300h-162l81 -299q0 -1 0.5 -3.5t1.5 -3.5q0 1 0.5 3t0.5 3zM1382 768l33 128h-297l34 -128h230zM1792 736v-64q0 -14 -9 -23 t-23 -9h-213l-164 -616q-7 -24 -31 -24h-159q-24 0 -31 24l-166 616h-209l-167 -616q-7 -24 -31 -24h-159q-11 0 -19.5 7t-10.5 17l-160 616h-208q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h175l-33 128h-142q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h109l-89 344q-5 15 5 28 q10 12 26 12h137q26 0 31 -24l90 -360h359l97 360q7 24 31 24h126q24 0 31 -24l98 -360h365l93 360q5 24 31 24h137q16 0 26 -12q10 -13 5 -28l-91 -344h111q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-145l-34 -128h179q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf15a;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1167 896q18 -182 -131 -258q117 -28 175 -103t45 -214q-7 -71 -32.5 -125t-64.5 -89t-97 -58.5t-121.5 -34.5t-145.5 -15v-255h-154v251q-80 0 -122 1v-252h-154v255q-18 0 -54 0.5t-55 0.5h-200l31 183h111q50 0 58 51v402h16q-6 1 -16 1v287q-13 68 -89 68h-111v164 l212 -1q64 0 97 1v252h154v-247q82 2 122 2v245h154v-252q79 -7 140 -22.5t113 -45t82.5 -78t36.5 -114.5zM952 351q0 36 -15 64t-37 46t-57.5 30.5t-65.5 18.5t-74 9t-69 3t-64.5 -1t-47.5 -1v-338q8 0 37 -0.5t48 -0.5t53 1.5t58.5 4t57 8.5t55.5 14t47.5 21t39.5 30 t24.5 40t9.5 51zM881 827q0 33 -12.5 58.5t-30.5 42t-48 28t-55 16.5t-61.5 8t-58 2.5t-54 -1t-39.5 -0.5v-307q5 0 34.5 -0.5t46.5 0t50 2t55 5.5t51.5 11t48.5 18.5t37 27t27 38.5t9 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf15b;" d="M1024 1024v472q22 -14 36 -28l408 -408q14 -14 28 -36h-472zM896 992q0 -40 28 -68t68 -28h544v-1056q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h800v-544z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf15c;" d="M1468 1060q14 -14 28 -36h-472v472q22 -14 36 -28zM992 896h544v-1056q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h800v-544q0 -40 28 -68t68 -28zM1152 160v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-704q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h704 q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1152 416v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-704q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h704q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1152 672v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-704q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h704q14 0 23 9t9 23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf15d;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1191 1128h177l-72 218l-12 47q-2 16 -2 20h-4l-3 -20q0 -1 -3.5 -18t-7.5 -29zM736 96q0 -12 -10 -24l-319 -319q-10 -9 -23 -9q-12 0 -23 9l-320 320q-15 16 -7 35q8 20 30 20h192v1376q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-1376h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1572 -23 v-233h-584v90l369 529q12 18 21 27l11 9v3q-2 0 -6.5 -0.5t-7.5 -0.5q-12 -3 -30 -3h-232v-115h-120v229h567v-89l-369 -530q-6 -8 -21 -26l-11 -11v-2l14 2q9 2 30 2h248v119h121zM1661 874v-106h-288v106h75l-47 144h-243l-47 -144h75v-106h-287v106h70l230 662h162 l230 -662h70z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf15e;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1191 104h177l-72 218l-12 47q-2 16 -2 20h-4l-3 -20q0 -1 -3.5 -18t-7.5 -29zM736 96q0 -12 -10 -24l-319 -319q-10 -9 -23 -9q-12 0 -23 9l-320 320q-15 16 -7 35q8 20 30 20h192v1376q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-1376h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1661 -150 v-106h-288v106h75l-47 144h-243l-47 -144h75v-106h-287v106h70l230 662h162l230 -662h70zM1572 1001v-233h-584v90l369 529q12 18 21 27l11 9v3q-2 0 -6.5 -0.5t-7.5 -0.5q-12 -3 -30 -3h-232v-115h-120v229h567v-89l-369 -530q-6 -8 -21 -26l-11 -10v-3l14 3q9 1 30 1h248 v119h121z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf160;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M736 96q0 -12 -10 -24l-319 -319q-10 -9 -23 -9q-12 0 -23 9l-320 320q-15 16 -7 35q8 20 30 20h192v1376q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-1376h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1792 -32v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-832q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h832 q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1600 480v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-640q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h640q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1408 992v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-448q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h448q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1216 1504v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-256 q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h256q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf161;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1216 -32v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-256q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h256q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM736 96q0 -12 -10 -24l-319 -319q-10 -9 -23 -9q-12 0 -23 9l-320 320q-15 16 -7 35q8 20 30 20h192v1376q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-1376h192 q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1408 480v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-448q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h448q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1600 992v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-640q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h640q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1792 1504v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-832 q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h832q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf162;" d="M1346 223q0 63 -44 116t-103 53q-52 0 -83 -37t-31 -94t36.5 -95t104.5 -38q50 0 85 27t35 68zM736 96q0 -12 -10 -24l-319 -319q-10 -9 -23 -9q-12 0 -23 9l-320 320q-15 16 -7 35q8 20 30 20h192v1376q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-1376h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23 zM1486 165q0 -62 -13 -121.5t-41 -114t-68 -95.5t-98.5 -65.5t-127.5 -24.5q-62 0 -108 16q-24 8 -42 15l39 113q15 -7 31 -11q37 -13 75 -13q84 0 134.5 58.5t66.5 145.5h-2q-21 -23 -61.5 -37t-84.5 -14q-106 0 -173 71.5t-67 172.5q0 105 72 178t181 73q123 0 205 -94.5 t82 -252.5zM1456 882v-114h-469v114h167v432q0 7 0.5 19t0.5 17v16h-2l-7 -12q-8 -13 -26 -31l-62 -58l-82 86l192 185h123v-654h165z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf163;" d="M1346 1247q0 63 -44 116t-103 53q-52 0 -83 -37t-31 -94t36.5 -95t104.5 -38q50 0 85 27t35 68zM736 96q0 -12 -10 -24l-319 -319q-10 -9 -23 -9q-12 0 -23 9l-320 320q-15 16 -7 35q8 20 30 20h192v1376q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-1376h192q14 0 23 -9 t9 -23zM1456 -142v-114h-469v114h167v432q0 7 0.5 19t0.5 17v16h-2l-7 -12q-8 -13 -26 -31l-62 -58l-82 86l192 185h123v-654h165zM1486 1189q0 -62 -13 -121.5t-41 -114t-68 -95.5t-98.5 -65.5t-127.5 -24.5q-62 0 -108 16q-24 8 -42 15l39 113q15 -7 31 -11q37 -13 75 -13 q84 0 134.5 58.5t66.5 145.5h-2q-21 -23 -61.5 -37t-84.5 -14q-106 0 -173 71.5t-67 172.5q0 105 72 178t181 73q123 0 205 -94.5t82 -252.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf164;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M256 192q0 26 -19 45t-45 19q-27 0 -45.5 -19t-18.5 -45q0 -27 18.5 -45.5t45.5 -18.5q26 0 45 18.5t19 45.5zM416 704v-640q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-288q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v640q0 26 19 45t45 19h288q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1600 704q0 -86 -55 -149q15 -44 15 -76 q3 -76 -43 -137q17 -56 0 -117q-15 -57 -54 -94q9 -112 -49 -181q-64 -76 -197 -78h-36h-76h-17q-66 0 -144 15.5t-121.5 29t-120.5 39.5q-123 43 -158 44q-26 1 -45 19.5t-19 44.5v641q0 25 18 43.5t43 20.5q24 2 76 59t101 121q68 87 101 120q18 18 31 48t17.5 48.5 t13.5 60.5q7 39 12.5 61t19.5 52t34 50q19 19 45 19q46 0 82.5 -10.5t60 -26t40 -40.5t24 -45t12 -50t5 -45t0.5 -39q0 -38 -9.5 -76t-19 -60t-27.5 -56q-3 -6 -10 -18t-11 -22t-8 -24h277q78 0 135 -57t57 -135z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf165;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M256 960q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19q-27 0 -45.5 19t-18.5 45q0 27 18.5 45.5t45.5 18.5q26 0 45 -18.5t19 -45.5zM416 448v640q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-288q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-640q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h288q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1545 597q55 -61 55 -149q-1 -78 -57.5 -135 t-134.5 -57h-277q4 -14 8 -24t11 -22t10 -18q18 -37 27 -57t19 -58.5t10 -76.5q0 -24 -0.5 -39t-5 -45t-12 -50t-24 -45t-40 -40.5t-60 -26t-82.5 -10.5q-26 0 -45 19q-20 20 -34 50t-19.5 52t-12.5 61q-9 42 -13.5 60.5t-17.5 48.5t-31 48q-33 33 -101 120q-49 64 -101 121 t-76 59q-25 2 -43 20.5t-18 43.5v641q0 26 19 44.5t45 19.5q35 1 158 44q77 26 120.5 39.5t121.5 29t144 15.5h17h76h36q133 -2 197 -78q58 -69 49 -181q39 -37 54 -94q17 -61 0 -117q46 -61 43 -137q0 -32 -15 -76z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf166;" d="M919 233v157q0 50 -29 50q-17 0 -33 -16v-224q16 -16 33 -16q29 0 29 49zM1103 355h66v34q0 51 -33 51t-33 -51v-34zM532 621v-70h-80v-423h-74v423h-78v70h232zM733 495v-367h-67v40q-39 -45 -76 -45q-33 0 -42 28q-6 16 -6 54v290h66v-270q0 -24 1 -26q1 -15 15 -15 q20 0 42 31v280h67zM985 384v-146q0 -52 -7 -73q-12 -42 -53 -42q-35 0 -68 41v-36h-67v493h67v-161q32 40 68 40q41 0 53 -42q7 -21 7 -74zM1236 255v-9q0 -29 -2 -43q-3 -22 -15 -40q-27 -40 -80 -40q-52 0 -81 38q-21 27 -21 86v129q0 59 20 86q29 38 80 38t78 -38 q21 -28 21 -86v-76h-133v-65q0 -51 34 -51q24 0 30 26q0 1 0.5 7t0.5 16.5v21.5h68zM785 1079v-156q0 -51 -32 -51t-32 51v156q0 52 32 52t32 -52zM1318 366q0 177 -19 260q-10 44 -43 73.5t-76 34.5q-136 15 -412 15q-275 0 -411 -15q-44 -5 -76.5 -34.5t-42.5 -73.5 q-20 -87 -20 -260q0 -176 20 -260q10 -43 42.5 -73t75.5 -35q137 -15 412 -15t412 15q43 5 75.5 35t42.5 73q20 84 20 260zM563 1017l90 296h-75l-51 -195l-53 195h-78l24 -69t23 -69q35 -103 46 -158v-201h74v201zM852 936v130q0 58 -21 87q-29 38 -78 38q-51 0 -78 -38 q-21 -29 -21 -87v-130q0 -58 21 -87q27 -38 78 -38q49 0 78 38q21 27 21 87zM1033 816h67v370h-67v-283q-22 -31 -42 -31q-15 0 -16 16q-1 2 -1 26v272h-67v-293q0 -37 6 -55q11 -27 43 -27q36 0 77 45v-40zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960 q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf167;" d="M971 292v-211q0 -67 -39 -67q-23 0 -45 22v301q22 22 45 22q39 0 39 -67zM1309 291v-46h-90v46q0 68 45 68t45 -68zM343 509h107v94h-312v-94h105v-569h100v569zM631 -60h89v494h-89v-378q-30 -42 -57 -42q-18 0 -21 21q-1 3 -1 35v364h-89v-391q0 -49 8 -73 q12 -37 58 -37q48 0 102 61v-54zM1060 88v197q0 73 -9 99q-17 56 -71 56q-50 0 -93 -54v217h-89v-663h89v48q45 -55 93 -55q54 0 71 55q9 27 9 100zM1398 98v13h-91q0 -51 -2 -61q-7 -36 -40 -36q-46 0 -46 69v87h179v103q0 79 -27 116q-39 51 -106 51q-68 0 -107 -51 q-28 -37 -28 -116v-173q0 -79 29 -116q39 -51 108 -51q72 0 108 53q18 27 21 54q2 9 2 58zM790 1011v210q0 69 -43 69t-43 -69v-210q0 -70 43 -70t43 70zM1509 260q0 -234 -26 -350q-14 -59 -58 -99t-102 -46q-184 -21 -555 -21t-555 21q-58 6 -102.5 46t-57.5 99 q-26 112 -26 350q0 234 26 350q14 59 58 99t103 47q183 20 554 20t555 -20q58 -7 102.5 -47t57.5 -99q26 -112 26 -350zM511 1536h102l-121 -399v-271h-100v271q-14 74 -61 212q-37 103 -65 187h106l71 -263zM881 1203v-175q0 -81 -28 -118q-37 -51 -106 -51q-67 0 -105 51 q-28 38 -28 118v175q0 80 28 117q38 51 105 51q69 0 106 -51q28 -37 28 -117zM1216 1365v-499h-91v55q-53 -62 -103 -62q-46 0 -59 37q-8 24 -8 75v394h91v-367q0 -33 1 -35q3 -22 21 -22q27 0 57 43v381h91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf168;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M597 869q-10 -18 -257 -456q-27 -46 -65 -46h-239q-21 0 -31 17t0 36l253 448q1 0 0 1l-161 279q-12 22 -1 37q9 15 32 15h239q40 0 66 -45zM1403 1511q11 -16 0 -37l-528 -934v-1l336 -615q11 -20 1 -37q-10 -15 -32 -15h-239q-42 0 -66 45l-339 622q18 32 531 942 q25 45 64 45h241q22 0 31 -15z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf169;" d="M685 771q0 1 -126 222q-21 34 -52 34h-184q-18 0 -26 -11q-7 -12 1 -29l125 -216v-1l-196 -346q-9 -14 0 -28q8 -13 24 -13h185q31 0 50 36zM1309 1268q-7 12 -24 12h-187q-30 0 -49 -35l-411 -729q1 -2 262 -481q20 -35 52 -35h184q18 0 25 12q8 13 -1 28l-260 476v1 l409 723q8 16 0 28zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf16a;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1280 640q0 37 -30 54l-512 320q-31 20 -65 2q-33 -18 -33 -56v-640q0 -38 33 -56q16 -8 31 -8q20 0 34 10l512 320q30 17 30 54zM1792 640q0 -96 -1 -150t-8.5 -136.5t-22.5 -147.5q-16 -73 -69 -123t-124 -58q-222 -25 -671 -25t-671 25q-71 8 -124.5 58t-69.5 123 q-14 65 -21.5 147.5t-8.5 136.5t-1 150t1 150t8.5 136.5t22.5 147.5q16 73 69 123t124 58q222 25 671 25t671 -25q71 -8 124.5 -58t69.5 -123q14 -65 21.5 -147.5t8.5 -136.5t1 -150z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf16b;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M402 829l494 -305l-342 -285l-490 319zM1388 274v-108l-490 -293v-1l-1 1l-1 -1v1l-489 293v108l147 -96l342 284v2l1 -1l1 1v-2l343 -284zM554 1418l342 -285l-494 -304l-338 270zM1390 829l338 -271l-489 -319l-343 285zM1239 1418l489 -319l-338 -270l-494 304z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf16c;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M928 135v-151l-707 -1v151zM1169 481v-701l-1 -35v-1h-1132l-35 1h-1v736h121v-618h928v618h120zM241 393l704 -65l-13 -150l-705 65zM309 709l683 -183l-39 -146l-683 183zM472 1058l609 -360l-77 -130l-609 360zM832 1389l398 -585l-124 -85l-399 584zM1285 1536 l121 -697l-149 -26l-121 697z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf16d;" d="M1362 110v648h-135q20 -63 20 -131q0 -126 -64 -232.5t-174 -168.5t-240 -62q-197 0 -337 135.5t-140 327.5q0 68 20 131h-141v-648q0 -26 17.5 -43.5t43.5 -17.5h1069q25 0 43 17.5t18 43.5zM1078 643q0 124 -90.5 211.5t-218.5 87.5q-127 0 -217.5 -87.5t-90.5 -211.5 t90.5 -211.5t217.5 -87.5q128 0 218.5 87.5t90.5 211.5zM1362 1003v165q0 28 -20 48.5t-49 20.5h-174q-29 0 -49 -20.5t-20 -48.5v-165q0 -29 20 -49t49 -20h174q29 0 49 20t20 49zM1536 1211v-1142q0 -81 -58 -139t-139 -58h-1142q-81 0 -139 58t-58 139v1142q0 81 58 139 t139 58h1142q81 0 139 -58t58 -139z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf16e;" d="M1248 1408q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960zM698 640q0 88 -62 150t-150 62t-150 -62t-62 -150t62 -150t150 -62t150 62t62 150zM1262 640q0 88 -62 150 t-150 62t-150 -62t-62 -150t62 -150t150 -62t150 62t62 150z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf170;" d="M768 914l201 -306h-402zM1133 384h94l-459 691l-459 -691h94l104 160h522zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf171;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M815 677q8 -63 -50.5 -101t-111.5 -6q-39 17 -53.5 58t-0.5 82t52 58q36 18 72.5 12t64 -35.5t27.5 -67.5zM926 698q-14 107 -113 164t-197 13q-63 -28 -100.5 -88.5t-34.5 -129.5q4 -91 77.5 -155t165.5 -56q91 8 152 84t50 168zM1165 1240q-20 27 -56 44.5t-58 22 t-71 12.5q-291 47 -566 -2q-43 -7 -66 -12t-55 -22t-50 -43q30 -28 76 -45.5t73.5 -22t87.5 -11.5q228 -29 448 -1q63 8 89.5 12t72.5 21.5t75 46.5zM1222 205q-8 -26 -15.5 -76.5t-14 -84t-28.5 -70t-58 -56.5q-86 -48 -189.5 -71.5t-202 -22t-201.5 18.5q-46 8 -81.5 18 t-76.5 27t-73 43.5t-52 61.5q-25 96 -57 292l6 16l18 9q223 -148 506.5 -148t507.5 148q21 -6 24 -23t-5 -45t-8 -37zM1403 1166q-26 -167 -111 -655q-5 -30 -27 -56t-43.5 -40t-54.5 -31q-252 -126 -610 -88q-248 27 -394 139q-15 12 -25.5 26.5t-17 35t-9 34t-6 39.5 t-5.5 35q-9 50 -26.5 150t-28 161.5t-23.5 147.5t-22 158q3 26 17.5 48.5t31.5 37.5t45 30t46 22.5t48 18.5q125 46 313 64q379 37 676 -50q155 -46 215 -122q16 -20 16.5 -51t-5.5 -54z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf172;" d="M848 666q0 43 -41 66t-77 1q-43 -20 -42.5 -72.5t43.5 -70.5q39 -23 81 4t36 72zM928 682q8 -66 -36 -121t-110 -61t-119 40t-56 113q-2 49 25.5 93t72.5 64q70 31 141.5 -10t81.5 -118zM1100 1073q-20 -21 -53.5 -34t-53 -16t-63.5 -8q-155 -20 -324 0q-44 6 -63 9.5 t-52.5 16t-54.5 32.5q13 19 36 31t40 15.5t47 8.5q198 35 408 1q33 -5 51 -8.5t43 -16t39 -31.5zM1142 327q0 7 5.5 26.5t3 32t-17.5 16.5q-161 -106 -365 -106t-366 106l-12 -6l-5 -12q26 -154 41 -210q47 -81 204 -108q249 -46 428 53q34 19 49 51.5t22.5 85.5t12.5 71z M1272 1020q9 53 -8 75q-43 55 -155 88q-216 63 -487 36q-132 -12 -226 -46q-38 -15 -59.5 -25t-47 -34t-29.5 -54q8 -68 19 -138t29 -171t24 -137q1 -5 5 -31t7 -36t12 -27t22 -28q105 -80 284 -100q259 -28 440 63q24 13 39.5 23t31 29t19.5 40q48 267 80 473zM1536 1120 v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf173;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M944 207l80 -237q-23 -35 -111 -66t-177 -32q-104 -2 -190.5 26t-142.5 74t-95 106t-55.5 120t-16.5 118v544h-168v215q72 26 129 69.5t91 90t58 102t34 99t15 88.5q1 5 4.5 8.5t7.5 3.5h244v-424h333v-252h-334v-518q0 -30 6.5 -56t22.5 -52.5t49.5 -41.5t81.5 -14 q78 2 134 29z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf174;" d="M1136 75l-62 183q-44 -22 -103 -22q-36 -1 -62 10.5t-38.5 31.5t-17.5 40.5t-5 43.5v398h257v194h-256v326h-188q-8 0 -9 -10q-5 -44 -17.5 -87t-39 -95t-77 -95t-118.5 -68v-165h130v-418q0 -57 21.5 -115t65 -111t121 -85.5t176.5 -30.5q69 1 136.5 25t85.5 50z M1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf175;" horiz-adv-x="768" d="M765 237q8 -19 -5 -35l-350 -384q-10 -10 -23 -10q-14 0 -24 10l-355 384q-13 16 -5 35q9 19 29 19h224v1248q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-1248h224q21 0 29 -19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf176;" horiz-adv-x="768" d="M765 1043q-9 -19 -29 -19h-224v-1248q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v1248h-224q-21 0 -29 19t5 35l350 384q10 10 23 10q14 0 24 -10l355 -384q13 -16 5 -35z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf177;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 736v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-1248v-224q0 -21 -19 -29t-35 5l-384 350q-10 10 -10 23q0 14 10 24l384 354q16 14 35 6q19 -9 19 -29v-224h1248q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf178;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1728 643q0 -14 -10 -24l-384 -354q-16 -14 -35 -6q-19 9 -19 29v224h-1248q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h1248v224q0 21 19 29t35 -5l384 -350q10 -10 10 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf179;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1393 321q-39 -125 -123 -250q-129 -196 -257 -196q-49 0 -140 32q-86 32 -151 32q-61 0 -142 -33q-81 -34 -132 -34q-152 0 -301 259q-147 261 -147 503q0 228 113 374q112 144 284 144q72 0 177 -30q104 -30 138 -30q45 0 143 34q102 34 173 34q119 0 213 -65 q52 -36 104 -100q-79 -67 -114 -118q-65 -94 -65 -207q0 -124 69 -223t158 -126zM1017 1494q0 -61 -29 -136q-30 -75 -93 -138q-54 -54 -108 -72q-37 -11 -104 -17q3 149 78 257q74 107 250 148q1 -3 2.5 -11t2.5 -11q0 -4 0.5 -10t0.5 -10z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf17a;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M682 530v-651l-682 94v557h682zM682 1273v-659h-682v565zM1664 530v-786l-907 125v661h907zM1664 1408v-794h-907v669z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf17b;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M493 1053q16 0 27.5 11.5t11.5 27.5t-11.5 27.5t-27.5 11.5t-27 -11.5t-11 -27.5t11 -27.5t27 -11.5zM915 1053q16 0 27 11.5t11 27.5t-11 27.5t-27 11.5t-27.5 -11.5t-11.5 -27.5t11.5 -27.5t27.5 -11.5zM103 869q42 0 72 -30t30 -72v-430q0 -43 -29.5 -73t-72.5 -30 t-73 30t-30 73v430q0 42 30 72t73 30zM1163 850v-666q0 -46 -32 -78t-77 -32h-75v-227q0 -43 -30 -73t-73 -30t-73 30t-30 73v227h-138v-227q0 -43 -30 -73t-73 -30q-42 0 -72 30t-30 73l-1 227h-74q-46 0 -78 32t-32 78v666h918zM931 1255q107 -55 171 -153.5t64 -215.5 h-925q0 117 64 215.5t172 153.5l-71 131q-7 13 5 20q13 6 20 -6l72 -132q95 42 201 42t201 -42l72 132q7 12 20 6q12 -7 5 -20zM1408 767v-430q0 -43 -30 -73t-73 -30q-42 0 -72 30t-30 73v430q0 43 30 72.5t72 29.5q43 0 73 -29.5t30 -72.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf17c;" d="M663 1125q-11 -1 -15.5 -10.5t-8.5 -9.5q-5 -1 -5 5q0 12 19 15h10zM750 1111q-4 -1 -11.5 6.5t-17.5 4.5q24 11 32 -2q3 -6 -3 -9zM399 684q-4 1 -6 -3t-4.5 -12.5t-5.5 -13.5t-10 -13q-7 -10 -1 -12q4 -1 12.5 7t12.5 18q1 3 2 7t2 6t1.5 4.5t0.5 4v3t-1 2.5t-3 2z M1254 325q0 18 -55 42q4 15 7.5 27.5t5 26t3 21.5t0.5 22.5t-1 19.5t-3.5 22t-4 20.5t-5 25t-5.5 26.5q-10 48 -47 103t-72 75q24 -20 57 -83q87 -162 54 -278q-11 -40 -50 -42q-31 -4 -38.5 18.5t-8 83.5t-11.5 107q-9 39 -19.5 69t-19.5 45.5t-15.5 24.5t-13 15t-7.5 7 q-14 62 -31 103t-29.5 56t-23.5 33t-15 40q-4 21 6 53.5t4.5 49.5t-44.5 25q-15 3 -44.5 18t-35.5 16q-8 1 -11 26t8 51t36 27q37 3 51 -30t4 -58q-11 -19 -2 -26.5t30 -0.5q13 4 13 36v37q-5 30 -13.5 50t-21 30.5t-23.5 15t-27 7.5q-107 -8 -89 -134q0 -15 -1 -15 q-9 9 -29.5 10.5t-33 -0.5t-15.5 5q1 57 -16 90t-45 34q-27 1 -41.5 -27.5t-16.5 -59.5q-1 -15 3.5 -37t13 -37.5t15.5 -13.5q10 3 16 14q4 9 -7 8q-7 0 -15.5 14.5t-9.5 33.5q-1 22 9 37t34 14q17 0 27 -21t9.5 -39t-1.5 -22q-22 -15 -31 -29q-8 -12 -27.5 -23.5 t-20.5 -12.5q-13 -14 -15.5 -27t7.5 -18q14 -8 25 -19.5t16 -19t18.5 -13t35.5 -6.5q47 -2 102 15q2 1 23 7t34.5 10.5t29.5 13t21 17.5q9 14 20 8q5 -3 6.5 -8.5t-3 -12t-16.5 -9.5q-20 -6 -56.5 -21.5t-45.5 -19.5q-44 -19 -70 -23q-25 -5 -79 2q-10 2 -9 -2t17 -19 q25 -23 67 -22q17 1 36 7t36 14t33.5 17.5t30 17t24.5 12t17.5 2.5t8.5 -11q0 -2 -1 -4.5t-4 -5t-6 -4.5t-8.5 -5t-9 -4.5t-10 -5t-9.5 -4.5q-28 -14 -67.5 -44t-66.5 -43t-49 -1q-21 11 -63 73q-22 31 -25 22q-1 -3 -1 -10q0 -25 -15 -56.5t-29.5 -55.5t-21 -58t11.5 -63 q-23 -6 -62.5 -90t-47.5 -141q-2 -18 -1.5 -69t-5.5 -59q-8 -24 -29 -3q-32 31 -36 94q-2 28 4 56q4 19 -1 18l-4 -5q-36 -65 10 -166q5 -12 25 -28t24 -20q20 -23 104 -90.5t93 -76.5q16 -15 17.5 -38t-14 -43t-45.5 -23q8 -15 29 -44.5t28 -54t7 -70.5q46 24 7 92 q-4 8 -10.5 16t-9.5 12t-2 6q3 5 13 9.5t20 -2.5q46 -52 166 -36q133 15 177 87q23 38 34 30q12 -6 10 -52q-1 -25 -23 -92q-9 -23 -6 -37.5t24 -15.5q3 19 14.5 77t13.5 90q2 21 -6.5 73.5t-7.5 97t23 70.5q15 18 51 18q1 37 34.5 53t72.5 10.5t60 -22.5zM626 1152 q3 17 -2.5 30t-11.5 15q-9 2 -9 -7q2 -5 5 -6q10 0 7 -15q-3 -20 8 -20q3 0 3 3zM1045 955q-2 8 -6.5 11.5t-13 5t-14.5 5.5q-5 3 -9.5 8t-7 8t-5.5 6.5t-4 4t-4 -1.5q-14 -16 7 -43.5t39 -31.5q9 -1 14.5 8t3.5 20zM867 1168q0 11 -5 19.5t-11 12.5t-9 3q-14 -1 -7 -7l4 -2 q14 -4 18 -31q0 -3 8 2zM921 1401q0 2 -2.5 5t-9 7t-9.5 6q-15 15 -24 15q-9 -1 -11.5 -7.5t-1 -13t-0.5 -12.5q-1 -4 -6 -10.5t-6 -9t3 -8.5q4 -3 8 0t11 9t15 9q1 1 9 1t15 2t9 7zM1486 60q20 -12 31 -24.5t12 -24t-2.5 -22.5t-15.5 -22t-23.5 -19.5t-30 -18.5 t-31.5 -16.5t-32 -15.5t-27 -13q-38 -19 -85.5 -56t-75.5 -64q-17 -16 -68 -19.5t-89 14.5q-18 9 -29.5 23.5t-16.5 25.5t-22 19.5t-47 9.5q-44 1 -130 1q-19 0 -57 -1.5t-58 -2.5q-44 -1 -79.5 -15t-53.5 -30t-43.5 -28.5t-53.5 -11.5q-29 1 -111 31t-146 43q-19 4 -51 9.5 t-50 9t-39.5 9.5t-33.5 14.5t-17 19.5q-10 23 7 66.5t18 54.5q1 16 -4 40t-10 42.5t-4.5 36.5t10.5 27q14 12 57 14t60 12q30 18 42 35t12 51q21 -73 -32 -106q-32 -20 -83 -15q-34 3 -43 -10q-13 -15 5 -57q2 -6 8 -18t8.5 -18t4.5 -17t1 -22q0 -15 -17 -49t-14 -48 q3 -17 37 -26q20 -6 84.5 -18.5t99.5 -20.5q24 -6 74 -22t82.5 -23t55.5 -4q43 6 64.5 28t23 48t-7.5 58.5t-19 52t-20 36.5q-121 190 -169 242q-68 74 -113 40q-11 -9 -15 15q-3 16 -2 38q1 29 10 52t24 47t22 42q8 21 26.5 72t29.5 78t30 61t39 54q110 143 124 195 q-12 112 -16 310q-2 90 24 151.5t106 104.5q39 21 104 21q53 1 106 -13.5t89 -41.5q57 -42 91.5 -121.5t29.5 -147.5q-5 -95 30 -214q34 -113 133 -218q55 -59 99.5 -163t59.5 -191q8 -49 5 -84.5t-12 -55.5t-20 -22q-10 -2 -23.5 -19t-27 -35.5t-40.5 -33.5t-61 -14 q-18 1 -31.5 5t-22.5 13.5t-13.5 15.5t-11.5 20.5t-9 19.5q-22 37 -41 30t-28 -49t7 -97q20 -70 1 -195q-10 -65 18 -100.5t73 -33t85 35.5q59 49 89.5 66.5t103.5 42.5q53 18 77 36.5t18.5 34.5t-25 28.5t-51.5 23.5q-33 11 -49.5 48t-15 72.5t15.5 47.5q1 -31 8 -56.5 t14.5 -40.5t20.5 -28.5t21 -19t21.5 -13t16.5 -9.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf17d;" d="M1024 36q-42 241 -140 498h-2l-2 -1q-16 -6 -43 -16.5t-101 -49t-137 -82t-131 -114.5t-103 -148l-15 11q184 -150 418 -150q132 0 256 52zM839 643q-21 49 -53 111q-311 -93 -673 -93q-1 -7 -1 -21q0 -124 44 -236.5t124 -201.5q50 89 123.5 166.5t142.5 124.5t130.5 81 t99.5 48l37 13q4 1 13 3.5t13 4.5zM732 855q-120 213 -244 378q-138 -65 -234 -186t-128 -272q302 0 606 80zM1416 536q-210 60 -409 29q87 -239 128 -469q111 75 185 189.5t96 250.5zM611 1277q-1 0 -2 -1q1 1 2 1zM1201 1132q-185 164 -433 164q-76 0 -155 -19 q131 -170 246 -382q69 26 130 60.5t96.5 61.5t65.5 57t37.5 40.5zM1424 647q-3 232 -149 410l-1 -1q-9 -12 -19 -24.5t-43.5 -44.5t-71 -60.5t-100 -65t-131.5 -64.5q25 -53 44 -95q2 -6 6.5 -17.5t7.5 -16.5q36 5 74.5 7t73.5 2t69 -1.5t64 -4t56.5 -5.5t48 -6.5t36.5 -6 t25 -4.5zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf17e;" d="M1173 473q0 50 -19.5 91.5t-48.5 68.5t-73 49t-82.5 34t-87.5 23l-104 24q-30 7 -44 10.5t-35 11.5t-30 16t-16.5 21t-7.5 30q0 77 144 77q43 0 77 -12t54 -28.5t38 -33.5t40 -29t48 -12q47 0 75.5 32t28.5 77q0 55 -56 99.5t-142 67.5t-182 23q-68 0 -132 -15.5 t-119.5 -47t-89 -87t-33.5 -128.5q0 -61 19 -106.5t56 -75.5t80 -48.5t103 -32.5l146 -36q90 -22 112 -36q32 -20 32 -60q0 -39 -40 -64.5t-105 -25.5q-51 0 -91.5 16t-65 38.5t-45.5 45t-46 38.5t-54 16q-50 0 -75.5 -30t-25.5 -75q0 -92 122 -157.5t291 -65.5 q73 0 140 18.5t122.5 53.5t88.5 93.5t33 131.5zM1536 256q0 -159 -112.5 -271.5t-271.5 -112.5q-130 0 -234 80q-77 -16 -150 -16q-143 0 -273.5 55.5t-225 150t-150 225t-55.5 273.5q0 73 16 150q-80 104 -80 234q0 159 112.5 271.5t271.5 112.5q130 0 234 -80 q77 16 150 16q143 0 273.5 -55.5t225 -150t150 -225t55.5 -273.5q0 -73 -16 -150q80 -104 80 -234z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf180;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1000 1102l37 194q5 23 -9 40t-35 17h-712q-23 0 -38.5 -17t-15.5 -37v-1101q0 -7 6 -1l291 352q23 26 38 33.5t48 7.5h239q22 0 37 14.5t18 29.5q24 130 37 191q4 21 -11.5 40t-36.5 19h-294q-29 0 -48 19t-19 48v42q0 29 19 47.5t48 18.5h346q18 0 35 13.5t20 29.5z M1227 1324q-15 -73 -53.5 -266.5t-69.5 -350t-35 -173.5q-6 -22 -9 -32.5t-14 -32.5t-24.5 -33t-38.5 -21t-58 -10h-271q-13 0 -22 -10q-8 -9 -426 -494q-22 -25 -58.5 -28.5t-48.5 5.5q-55 22 -55 98v1410q0 55 38 102.5t120 47.5h888q95 0 127 -53t10 -159zM1227 1324 l-158 -790q4 17 35 173.5t69.5 350t53.5 266.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf181;" d="M704 192v1024q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-480q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-1024q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h480q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1376 576v640q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-480q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-640q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h480q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1536 1344v-1408q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1408 q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1408q0 26 19 45t45 19h1408q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf182;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1280 480q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28q-51 0 -80 43l-227 341h-45v-132l247 -411q9 -15 9 -33q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-192v-272q0 -46 -33 -79t-79 -33h-160q-46 0 -79 33t-33 79v272h-192q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45q0 18 9 33l247 411v132h-45l-227 -341q-29 -43 -80 -43 q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68q0 29 16 53l256 384q73 107 176 107h384q103 0 176 -107l256 -384q16 -24 16 -53zM864 1280q0 -93 -65.5 -158.5t-158.5 -65.5t-158.5 65.5t-65.5 158.5t65.5 158.5t158.5 65.5t158.5 -65.5t65.5 -158.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf183;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M1024 832v-416q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28t-68 28t-28 68v352h-64v-912q0 -46 -33 -79t-79 -33t-79 33t-33 79v464h-64v-464q0 -46 -33 -79t-79 -33t-79 33t-33 79v912h-64v-352q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28t-68 28t-28 68v416q0 80 56 136t136 56h640q80 0 136 -56t56 -136z M736 1280q0 -93 -65.5 -158.5t-158.5 -65.5t-158.5 65.5t-65.5 158.5t65.5 158.5t158.5 65.5t158.5 -65.5t65.5 -158.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf184;" d="M773 234l350 473q16 22 24.5 59t-6 85t-61.5 79q-40 26 -83 25.5t-73.5 -17.5t-54.5 -45q-36 -40 -96 -40q-59 0 -95 40q-24 28 -54.5 45t-73.5 17.5t-84 -25.5q-46 -31 -60.5 -79t-6 -85t24.5 -59zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103 t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf185;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1472 640q0 117 -45.5 223.5t-123 184t-184 123t-223.5 45.5t-223.5 -45.5t-184 -123t-123 -184t-45.5 -223.5t45.5 -223.5t123 -184t184 -123t223.5 -45.5t223.5 45.5t184 123t123 184t45.5 223.5zM1748 363q-4 -15 -20 -20l-292 -96v-306q0 -16 -13 -26q-15 -10 -29 -4 l-292 94l-180 -248q-10 -13 -26 -13t-26 13l-180 248l-292 -94q-14 -6 -29 4q-13 10 -13 26v306l-292 96q-16 5 -20 20q-5 17 4 29l180 248l-180 248q-9 13 -4 29q4 15 20 20l292 96v306q0 16 13 26q15 10 29 4l292 -94l180 248q9 12 26 12t26 -12l180 -248l292 94 q14 6 29 -4q13 -10 13 -26v-306l292 -96q16 -5 20 -20q5 -16 -4 -29l-180 -248l180 -248q9 -12 4 -29z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf186;" d="M1262 233q-54 -9 -110 -9q-182 0 -337 90t-245 245t-90 337q0 192 104 357q-201 -60 -328.5 -229t-127.5 -384q0 -130 51 -248.5t136.5 -204t204 -136.5t248.5 -51q144 0 273.5 61.5t220.5 171.5zM1465 318q-94 -203 -283.5 -324.5t-413.5 -121.5q-156 0 -298 61 t-245 164t-164 245t-61 298q0 153 57.5 292.5t156 241.5t235.5 164.5t290 68.5q44 2 61 -39q18 -41 -15 -72q-86 -78 -131.5 -181.5t-45.5 -218.5q0 -148 73 -273t198 -198t273 -73q118 0 228 51q41 18 72 -13q14 -14 17.5 -34t-4.5 -38z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf187;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1088 704q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-256q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19h256q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1664 896v-960q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1408q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v960q0 26 19 45t45 19h1408q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1728 1344v-256q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1536 q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v256q0 26 19 45t45 19h1536q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf188;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1632 576q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-224q0 -171 -67 -290l208 -209q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45q-18 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-198 197q-5 -5 -15 -13t-42 -28.5t-65 -36.5t-82 -29t-97 -13v896h-128v-896q-51 0 -101.5 13.5t-87 33t-66 39t-43.5 32.5l-15 14l-183 -207 q-20 -21 -48 -21q-24 0 -43 16q-19 18 -20.5 44.5t15.5 46.5l202 227q-58 114 -58 274h-224q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h224v294l-173 173q-19 19 -19 45t19 45t45 19t45 -19l173 -173h844l173 173q19 19 45 19t45 -19t19 -45t-19 -45l-173 -173v-294h224q26 0 45 -19 t19 -45zM1152 1152h-640q0 133 93.5 226.5t226.5 93.5t226.5 -93.5t93.5 -226.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf189;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1917 1016q23 -64 -150 -294q-24 -32 -65 -85q-78 -100 -90 -131q-17 -41 14 -81q17 -21 81 -82h1l1 -1l1 -1l2 -2q141 -131 191 -221q3 -5 6.5 -12.5t7 -26.5t-0.5 -34t-25 -27.5t-59 -12.5l-256 -4q-24 -5 -56 5t-52 22l-20 12q-30 21 -70 64t-68.5 77.5t-61 58 t-56.5 15.5q-3 -1 -8 -3.5t-17 -14.5t-21.5 -29.5t-17 -52t-6.5 -77.5q0 -15 -3.5 -27.5t-7.5 -18.5l-4 -5q-18 -19 -53 -22h-115q-71 -4 -146 16.5t-131.5 53t-103 66t-70.5 57.5l-25 24q-10 10 -27.5 30t-71.5 91t-106 151t-122.5 211t-130.5 272q-6 16 -6 27t3 16l4 6 q15 19 57 19l274 2q12 -2 23 -6.5t16 -8.5l5 -3q16 -11 24 -32q20 -50 46 -103.5t41 -81.5l16 -29q29 -60 56 -104t48.5 -68.5t41.5 -38.5t34 -14t27 5q2 1 5 5t12 22t13.5 47t9.5 81t0 125q-2 40 -9 73t-14 46l-6 12q-25 34 -85 43q-13 2 5 24q17 19 38 30q53 26 239 24 q82 -1 135 -13q20 -5 33.5 -13.5t20.5 -24t10.5 -32t3.5 -45.5t-1 -55t-2.5 -70.5t-1.5 -82.5q0 -11 -1 -42t-0.5 -48t3.5 -40.5t11.5 -39t22.5 -24.5q8 -2 17 -4t26 11t38 34.5t52 67t68 107.5q60 104 107 225q4 10 10 17.5t11 10.5l4 3l5 2.5t13 3t20 0.5l288 2 q39 5 64 -2.5t31 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf18a;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M675 252q21 34 11 69t-45 50q-34 14 -73 1t-60 -46q-22 -34 -13 -68.5t43 -50.5t74.5 -2.5t62.5 47.5zM769 373q8 13 3.5 26.5t-17.5 18.5q-14 5 -28.5 -0.5t-21.5 -18.5q-17 -31 13 -45q14 -5 29 0.5t22 18.5zM943 266q-45 -102 -158 -150t-224 -12 q-107 34 -147.5 126.5t6.5 187.5q47 93 151.5 139t210.5 19q111 -29 158.5 -119.5t2.5 -190.5zM1255 426q-9 96 -89 170t-208.5 109t-274.5 21q-223 -23 -369.5 -141.5t-132.5 -264.5q9 -96 89 -170t208.5 -109t274.5 -21q223 23 369.5 141.5t132.5 264.5zM1563 422 q0 -68 -37 -139.5t-109 -137t-168.5 -117.5t-226 -83t-270.5 -31t-275 33.5t-240.5 93t-171.5 151t-65 199.5q0 115 69.5 245t197.5 258q169 169 341.5 236t246.5 -7q65 -64 20 -209q-4 -14 -1 -20t10 -7t14.5 0.5t13.5 3.5l6 2q139 59 246 59t153 -61q45 -63 0 -178 q-2 -13 -4.5 -20t4.5 -12.5t12 -7.5t17 -6q57 -18 103 -47t80 -81.5t34 -116.5zM1489 1046q42 -47 54.5 -108.5t-6.5 -117.5q-8 -23 -29.5 -34t-44.5 -4q-23 8 -34 29.5t-4 44.5q20 63 -24 111t-107 35q-24 -5 -45 8t-25 37q-5 24 8 44.5t37 25.5q60 13 119 -5.5t101 -65.5z M1670 1209q87 -96 112.5 -222.5t-13.5 -241.5q-9 -27 -34 -40t-52 -4t-40 34t-5 52q28 82 10 172t-80 158q-62 69 -148 95.5t-173 8.5q-28 -6 -52 9.5t-30 43.5t9.5 51.5t43.5 29.5q123 26 244 -11.5t208 -134.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf18b;" d="M1133 -34q-171 -94 -368 -94q-196 0 -367 94q138 87 235.5 211t131.5 268q35 -144 132.5 -268t235.5 -211zM638 1394v-485q0 -252 -126.5 -459.5t-330.5 -306.5q-181 215 -181 495q0 187 83.5 349.5t229.5 269.5t325 137zM1536 638q0 -280 -181 -495 q-204 99 -330.5 306.5t-126.5 459.5v485q179 -30 325 -137t229.5 -269.5t83.5 -349.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf18c;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1402 433q-32 -80 -76 -138t-91 -88.5t-99 -46.5t-101.5 -14.5t-96.5 8.5t-86.5 22t-69.5 27.5t-46 22.5l-17 10q-113 -228 -289.5 -359.5t-384.5 -132.5q-19 0 -32 13t-13 32t13 31.5t32 12.5q173 1 322.5 107.5t251.5 294.5q-36 -14 -72 -23t-83 -13t-91 2.5t-93 28.5 t-92 59t-84.5 100t-74.5 146q114 47 214 57t167.5 -7.5t124.5 -56.5t88.5 -77t56.5 -82q53 131 79 291q-7 -1 -18 -2.5t-46.5 -2.5t-69.5 0.5t-81.5 10t-88.5 23t-84 42.5t-75 65t-54.5 94.5t-28.5 127.5q70 28 133.5 36.5t112.5 -1t92 -30t73.5 -50t56 -61t42 -63t27.5 -56 t16 -39.5l4 -16q12 122 12 195q-8 6 -21.5 16t-49 44.5t-63.5 71.5t-54 93t-33 112.5t12 127t70 138.5q73 -25 127.5 -61.5t84.5 -76.5t48 -85t20.5 -89t-0.5 -85.5t-13 -76.5t-19 -62t-17 -42l-7 -15q1 -5 1 -50.5t-1 -71.5q3 7 10 18.5t30.5 43t50.5 58t71 55.5t91.5 44.5 t112 14.5t132.5 -24q-2 -78 -21.5 -141.5t-50 -104.5t-69.5 -71.5t-81.5 -45.5t-84.5 -24t-80 -9.5t-67.5 1t-46.5 4.5l-17 3q-23 -147 -73 -283q6 7 18 18.5t49.5 41t77.5 52.5t99.5 42t117.5 20t129 -23.5t137 -77.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf18d;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1259 283v-66q0 -85 -57.5 -144.5t-138.5 -59.5h-57l-260 -269v269h-529q-81 0 -138.5 59.5t-57.5 144.5v66h1238zM1259 609v-255h-1238v255h1238zM1259 937v-255h-1238v255h1238zM1259 1077v-67h-1238v67q0 84 57.5 143.5t138.5 59.5h846q81 0 138.5 -59.5t57.5 -143.5z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf18e;" d="M1152 640q0 -14 -9 -23l-320 -320q-9 -9 -23 -9q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192h-352q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v192q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h352v192q0 14 9 23t23 9q12 0 24 -10l319 -319q9 -9 9 -23zM1312 640q0 148 -73 273t-198 198t-273 73t-273 -73t-198 -198 t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73t273 73t198 198t73 273zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf190;" d="M1152 736v-192q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-352v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9q-12 0 -24 10l-319 319q-9 9 -9 23t9 23l320 320q9 9 23 9q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-192h352q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1312 640q0 148 -73 273t-198 198t-273 73t-273 -73t-198 -198 t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73t273 73t198 198t73 273zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf191;" d="M1024 960v-640q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19q-20 0 -37 12l-448 320q-27 19 -27 52t27 52l448 320q17 12 37 12q26 0 45 -19t19 -45zM1280 160v960q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-960q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-960q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h960q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5z M1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf192;" d="M1024 640q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-181 75t-75 181t75 181t181 75t181 -75t75 -181zM768 1184q-148 0 -273 -73t-198 -198t-73 -273t73 -273t198 -198t273 -73t273 73t198 198t73 273t-73 273t-198 198t-273 73zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5 t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> 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-12 85 -1.5t76 31.5q131 77 250 237 q104 139 172.5 292.5t82.5 226.5zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf195;" horiz-adv-x="1152" d="M1152 704q0 -191 -94.5 -353t-256.5 -256.5t-353 -94.5h-160q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v611l-215 -66q-3 -1 -9 -1q-10 0 -19 6q-13 10 -13 26v128q0 23 23 31l233 71v93l-215 -66q-3 -1 -9 -1q-10 0 -19 6q-13 10 -13 26v128q0 23 23 31l233 71v250q0 14 9 23t23 9h160 q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-181l375 116q15 5 28 -5t13 -26v-128q0 -23 -23 -31l-393 -121v-93l375 116q15 5 28 -5t13 -26v-128q0 -23 -23 -31l-393 -121v-487q188 13 318 151t130 328q0 14 9 23t23 9h160q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf196;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M1152 736v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-352v-352q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v352h-352q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h352v352q0 14 9 23t23 9h64q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-352h352q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1280 288v832q0 66 -47 113t-113 47h-832 q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113v-832q0 -66 47 -113t113 -47h832q66 0 113 47t47 113zM1408 1120v-832q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-832q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v832q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h832q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf197;" horiz-adv-x="2176" d="M620 416q-110 -64 -268 -64h-128v64h-64q-13 0 -22.5 23.5t-9.5 56.5q0 24 7 49q-58 2 -96.5 10.5t-38.5 20.5t38.5 20.5t96.5 10.5q-7 25 -7 49q0 33 9.5 56.5t22.5 23.5h64v64h128q158 0 268 -64h1113q42 -7 106.5 -18t80.5 -14q89 -15 150 -40.5t83.5 -47.5t22.5 -40 t-22.5 -40t-83.5 -47.5t-150 -40.5q-16 -3 -80.5 -14t-106.5 -18h-1113zM1739 668q53 -36 53 -92t-53 -92l81 -30q68 48 68 122t-68 122zM625 400h1015q-217 -38 -456 -80q-57 0 -113 -24t-83 -48l-28 -24l-288 -288q-26 -26 -70.5 -45t-89.5 -19h-96l-93 464h29 q157 0 273 64zM352 816h-29l93 464h96q46 0 90 -19t70 -45l288 -288q4 -4 11 -10.5t30.5 -23t48.5 -29t61.5 -23t72.5 -10.5l456 -80h-1015q-116 64 -273 64z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf198;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1519 760q62 0 103.5 -40.5t41.5 -101.5q0 -97 -93 -130l-172 -59l56 -167q7 -21 7 -47q0 -59 -42 -102t-101 -43q-47 0 -85.5 27t-53.5 72l-55 165l-310 -106l55 -164q8 -24 8 -47q0 -59 -42 -102t-102 -43q-47 0 -85 27t-53 72l-55 163l-153 -53q-29 -9 -50 -9 q-61 0 -101.5 40t-40.5 101q0 47 27.5 85t71.5 53l156 53l-105 313l-156 -54q-26 -8 -48 -8q-60 0 -101 40.5t-41 100.5q0 47 27.5 85t71.5 53l157 53l-53 159q-8 24 -8 47q0 60 42 102.5t102 42.5q47 0 85 -27t53 -72l54 -160l310 105l-54 160q-8 24 -8 47q0 59 42.5 102 t101.5 43q47 0 85.5 -27.5t53.5 -71.5l53 -161l162 55q21 6 43 6q60 0 102.5 -39.5t42.5 -98.5q0 -45 -30 -81.5t-74 -51.5l-157 -54l105 -316l164 56q24 8 46 8zM725 498l310 105l-105 315l-310 -107z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf199;" d="M1248 1408q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960zM1280 352v436q-31 -35 -64 -55q-34 -22 -132.5 -85t-151.5 -99q-98 -69 -164 -69v0v0q-66 0 -164 69 q-46 32 -141.5 92.5t-142.5 92.5q-12 8 -33 27t-31 27v-436q0 -40 28 -68t68 -28h832q40 0 68 28t28 68zM1280 925q0 41 -27.5 70t-68.5 29h-832q-40 0 -68 -28t-28 -68q0 -37 30.5 -76.5t67.5 -64.5q47 -32 137.5 -89t129.5 -83q3 -2 17 -11.5t21 -14t21 -13t23.5 -13 t21.5 -9.5t22.5 -7.5t20.5 -2.5t20.5 2.5t22.5 7.5t21.5 9.5t23.5 13t21 13t21 14t17 11.5l267 174q35 23 66.5 62.5t31.5 73.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf19a;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M127 640q0 163 67 313l367 -1005q-196 95 -315 281t-119 411zM1415 679q0 -19 -2.5 -38.5t-10 -49.5t-11.5 -44t-17.5 -59t-17.5 -58l-76 -256l-278 826q46 3 88 8q19 2 26 18.5t-2.5 31t-28.5 13.5l-205 -10q-75 1 -202 10q-12 1 -20.5 -5t-11.5 -15t-1.5 -18.5t9 -16.5 t19.5 -8l80 -8l120 -328l-168 -504l-280 832q46 3 88 8q19 2 26 18.5t-2.5 31t-28.5 13.5l-205 -10q-7 0 -23 0.5t-26 0.5q105 160 274.5 253.5t367.5 93.5q147 0 280.5 -53t238.5 -149h-10q-55 0 -92 -40.5t-37 -95.5q0 -12 2 -24t4 -21.5t8 -23t9 -21t12 -22.5t12.5 -21 t14.5 -24t14 -23q63 -107 63 -212zM909 573l237 -647q1 -6 5 -11q-126 -44 -255 -44q-112 0 -217 32zM1570 1009q95 -174 95 -369q0 -209 -104 -385.5t-279 -278.5l235 678q59 169 59 276q0 42 -6 79zM896 1536q182 0 348 -71t286 -191t191 -286t71 -348t-71 -348t-191 -286 t-286 -191t-348 -71t-348 71t-286 191t-191 286t-71 348t71 348t191 286t286 191t348 71zM896 -215q173 0 331.5 68t273 182.5t182.5 273t68 331.5t-68 331.5t-182.5 273t-273 182.5t-331.5 68t-331.5 -68t-273 -182.5t-182.5 -273t-68 -331.5t68 -331.5t182.5 -273 t273 -182.5t331.5 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf19b;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1086 1536v-1536l-272 -128q-228 20 -414 102t-293 208.5t-107 272.5q0 140 100.5 263.5t275 205.5t391.5 108v-172q-217 -38 -356.5 -150t-139.5 -255q0 -152 154.5 -267t388.5 -145v1360zM1755 954l37 -390l-525 114l147 83q-119 70 -280 99v172q277 -33 481 -157z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf19c;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M960 1536l960 -384v-128h-128q0 -26 -20.5 -45t-48.5 -19h-1526q-28 0 -48.5 19t-20.5 45h-128v128zM256 896h256v-768h128v768h256v-768h128v768h256v-768h128v768h256v-768h59q28 0 48.5 -19t20.5 -45v-64h-1664v64q0 26 20.5 45t48.5 19h59v768zM1851 -64 q28 0 48.5 -19t20.5 -45v-128h-1920v128q0 26 20.5 45t48.5 19h1782z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf19d;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M1774 700l18 -316q4 -69 -82 -128t-235 -93.5t-323 -34.5t-323 34.5t-235 93.5t-82 128l18 316l574 -181q22 -7 48 -7t48 7zM2304 1024q0 -23 -22 -31l-1120 -352q-4 -1 -10 -1t-10 1l-652 206q-43 -34 -71 -111.5t-34 -178.5q63 -36 63 -109q0 -69 -58 -107l58 -433 q2 -14 -8 -25q-9 -11 -24 -11h-192q-15 0 -24 11q-10 11 -8 25l58 433q-58 38 -58 107q0 73 65 111q11 207 98 330l-333 104q-22 8 -22 31t22 31l1120 352q4 1 10 1t10 -1l1120 -352q22 -8 22 -31z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf19e;" d="M859 579l13 -707q-62 11 -105 11q-41 0 -105 -11l13 707q-40 69 -168.5 295.5t-216.5 374.5t-181 287q58 -15 108 -15q43 0 111 15q63 -111 133.5 -229.5t167 -276.5t138.5 -227q37 61 109.5 177.5t117.5 190t105 176t107 189.5q54 -14 107 -14q56 0 114 14v0 q-28 -39 -60 -88.5t-49.5 -78.5t-56.5 -96t-49 -84q-146 -248 -353 -610z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a0;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M981 197q0 25 -7 49t-14.5 42t-27 41.5t-29.5 35t-38.5 34.5t-36.5 29t-41.5 30t-36.5 26q-16 2 -49 2q-53 0 -104.5 -7t-107 -25t-97 -46t-68.5 -74.5t-27 -105.5q0 -56 23.5 -102t61 -75.5t87 -50t100 -29t101.5 -8.5q58 0 111.5 13t99 39t73 73t27.5 109zM864 1055 q0 59 -17 125.5t-48 129t-84 103.5t-117 41q-42 0 -82.5 -19.5t-66.5 -52.5q-46 -59 -46 -160q0 -46 10 -97.5t31.5 -103t52 -92.5t75 -67t96.5 -26q37 0 77.5 16.5t65.5 43.5q53 56 53 159zM752 1536h417l-137 -88h-132q75 -63 113 -133t38 -160q0 -72 -24.5 -129.5 t-59.5 -93t-69.5 -65t-59 -61.5t-24.5 -66q0 -36 32 -70.5t77 -68t90.5 -73.5t77.5 -104t32 -142q0 -91 -49 -173q-71 -122 -209.5 -179.5t-298.5 -57.5q-132 0 -246.5 41.5t-172.5 137.5q-36 59 -36 131q0 81 44.5 150t118.5 115q131 82 404 100q-32 41 -47.5 73.5 t-15.5 73.5q0 40 21 85q-46 -4 -68 -4q-148 0 -249.5 96.5t-101.5 244.5q0 82 36 159t99 131q76 66 182 98t218 32z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a1;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M1509 107q0 -14 -12 -29q-52 -59 -147.5 -83t-196.5 -24q-252 0 -346 107q-12 15 -12 29q0 17 12 29.5t29 12.5q15 0 30 -12q58 -49 125.5 -66t159.5 -17t160 17t127 66q15 12 30 12q17 0 29 -12.5t12 -29.5zM978 498q0 -61 -43 -104t-104 -43q-60 0 -104.5 43.5 t-44.5 103.5q0 61 44 105t105 44t104 -44t43 -105zM1622 498q0 -61 -43 -104t-104 -43q-60 0 -104.5 43.5t-44.5 103.5q0 61 44 105t105 44t104 -44t43 -105zM415 793q-39 27 -88 27q-66 0 -113 -47t-47 -113q0 -72 54 -121q53 141 194 254zM2020 382q0 222 -249 387 q-128 85 -291.5 126.5t-331.5 41.5t-331.5 -41.5t-292.5 -126.5q-249 -165 -249 -387t249 -387q129 -85 292.5 -126.5t331.5 -41.5t331.5 41.5t291.5 126.5q249 165 249 387zM2137 660q0 66 -47 113t-113 47q-50 0 -93 -30q140 -114 192 -256q61 48 61 126zM1993 1335 q0 49 -34.5 83.5t-82.5 34.5q-49 0 -83.5 -34.5t-34.5 -83.5q0 -48 34.5 -82.5t83.5 -34.5q48 0 82.5 34.5t34.5 82.5zM2220 660q0 -65 -33 -122t-89 -90q5 -35 5 -66q0 -139 -79 -255.5t-208 -201.5q-140 -92 -313.5 -136.5t-354.5 -44.5t-355 44.5t-314 136.5 q-129 85 -208 201.5t-79 255.5q0 36 6 71q-53 33 -83.5 88.5t-30.5 118.5q0 100 71 171.5t172 71.5q91 0 159 -60q265 170 638 177l144 456q10 29 40 29q24 0 384 -90q24 55 74 88t110 33q82 0 141 -59t59 -142t-59 -141.5t-141 -58.5q-83 0 -141.5 58.5t-59.5 140.5 l-339 80l-125 -395q349 -15 603 -179q71 63 163 63q101 0 172 -71.5t71 -171.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a2;" d="M950 393q7 7 17.5 7t17.5 -7t7 -18t-7 -18q-65 -64 -208 -64h-1h-1q-143 0 -207 64q-8 7 -8 18t8 18q7 7 17.5 7t17.5 -7q49 -51 172 -51h1h1q122 0 173 51zM671 613q0 -37 -26 -64t-63 -27t-63 27t-26 64t26 63t63 26t63 -26t26 -63zM1214 1049q-29 0 -50 21t-21 50 q0 30 21 51t50 21q30 0 51 -21t21 -51q0 -29 -21 -50t-51 -21zM1216 1408q132 0 226 -94t94 -227v-894q0 -133 -94 -227t-226 -94h-896q-132 0 -226 94t-94 227v894q0 133 94 227t226 94h896zM1321 596q35 14 57 45.5t22 70.5q0 51 -36 87.5t-87 36.5q-60 0 -98 -48 q-151 107 -375 115l83 265l206 -49q1 -50 36.5 -85t84.5 -35q50 0 86 35.5t36 85.5t-36 86t-86 36q-36 0 -66 -20.5t-45 -53.5l-227 54q-9 2 -17.5 -2.5t-11.5 -14.5l-95 -302q-224 -4 -381 -113q-36 43 -93 43q-51 0 -87 -36.5t-36 -87.5q0 -37 19.5 -67.5t52.5 -45.5 q-7 -25 -7 -54q0 -98 74 -181.5t201.5 -132t278.5 -48.5q150 0 277.5 48.5t201.5 132t74 181.5q0 27 -6 54zM971 702q37 0 63 -26t26 -63t-26 -64t-63 -27t-63 27t-26 64t26 63t63 26z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a3;" d="M866 697l90 27v62q0 79 -58 135t-138 56t-138 -55.5t-58 -134.5v-283q0 -20 -14 -33.5t-33 -13.5t-32.5 13.5t-13.5 33.5v120h-151v-122q0 -82 57.5 -139t139.5 -57q81 0 138.5 56.5t57.5 136.5v280q0 19 13.5 33t33.5 14q19 0 32.5 -14t13.5 -33v-54zM1199 502v122h-150 v-126q0 -20 -13.5 -33.5t-33.5 -13.5q-19 0 -32.5 14t-13.5 33v123l-90 -26l-60 28v-123q0 -80 58 -137t139 -57t138.5 57t57.5 139zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103 t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a4;" horiz-adv-x="1920" d="M1062 824v118q0 42 -30 72t-72 30t-72 -30t-30 -72v-612q0 -175 -126 -299t-303 -124q-178 0 -303.5 125.5t-125.5 303.5v266h328v-262q0 -43 30 -72.5t72 -29.5t72 29.5t30 72.5v620q0 171 126.5 292t301.5 121q176 0 302 -122t126 -294v-136l-195 -58zM1592 602h328 v-266q0 -178 -125.5 -303.5t-303.5 -125.5q-177 0 -303 124.5t-126 300.5v268l131 -61l195 58v-270q0 -42 30 -71.5t72 -29.5t72 29.5t30 71.5v275z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a5;" d="M1472 160v480h-704v704h-480q-93 0 -158.5 -65.5t-65.5 -158.5v-480h704v-704h480q93 0 158.5 65.5t65.5 158.5zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5 t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a6;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M328 1254h204v-983h-532v697h328v286zM328 435v369h-123v-369h123zM614 968v-697h205v697h-205zM614 1254v-204h205v204h-205zM901 968h533v-942h-533v163h328v82h-328v697zM1229 435v369h-123v-369h123zM1516 968h532v-942h-532v163h327v82h-327v697zM1843 435v369h-123 v-369h123z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a7;" d="M1046 516q0 -64 -38 -109t-91 -45q-43 0 -70 15v277q28 17 70 17q53 0 91 -45.5t38 -109.5zM703 944q0 -64 -38 -109.5t-91 -45.5q-43 0 -70 15v277q28 17 70 17q53 0 91 -45t38 -109zM1265 513q0 134 -88 229t-213 95q-20 0 -39 -3q-23 -78 -78 -136q-87 -95 -211 -101 v-636l211 41v206q51 -19 117 -19q125 0 213 95t88 229zM922 940q0 134 -88.5 229t-213.5 95q-74 0 -141 -36h-186v-840l211 41v206q55 -19 116 -19q125 0 213.5 95t88.5 229zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960 q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a8;" horiz-adv-x="2038" d="M1222 607q75 3 143.5 -20.5t118 -58.5t101 -94.5t84 -108t75.5 -120.5q33 -56 78.5 -109t75.5 -80.5t99 -88.5q-48 -30 -108.5 -57.5t-138.5 -59t-114 -47.5q-44 37 -74 115t-43.5 164.5t-33 180.5t-42.5 168.5t-72.5 123t-122.5 48.5l-10 -2l-6 -4q4 -5 13 -14 q6 -5 28 -23.5t25.5 -22t19 -18t18 -20.5t11.5 -21t10.5 -27.5t4.5 -31t4 -40.5l1 -33q1 -26 -2.5 -57.5t-7.5 -52t-12.5 -58.5t-11.5 -53q-35 1 -101 -9.5t-98 -10.5q-39 0 -72 10q-2 16 -2 47q0 74 3 96q2 13 31.5 41.5t57 59t26.5 51.5q-24 2 -43 -24 q-36 -53 -111.5 -99.5t-136.5 -46.5q-25 0 -75.5 63t-106.5 139.5t-84 96.5q-6 4 -27 30q-482 -112 -513 -112q-16 0 -28 11t-12 27q0 15 8.5 26.5t22.5 14.5l486 106q-8 14 -8 25t5.5 17.5t16 11.5t20 7t23 4.5t18.5 4.5q4 1 15.5 7.5t17.5 6.5q15 0 28 -16t20 -33 q163 37 172 37q17 0 29.5 -11t12.5 -28q0 -15 -8.5 -26t-23.5 -14l-182 -40l-1 -16q-1 -26 81.5 -117.5t104.5 -91.5q47 0 119 80t72 129q0 36 -23.5 53t-51 18.5t-51 11.5t-23.5 34q0 16 10 34l-68 19q43 44 43 117q0 26 -5 58q82 16 144 16q44 0 71.5 -1.5t48.5 -8.5 t31 -13.5t20.5 -24.5t15.5 -33.5t17 -47.5t24 -60l50 25q-3 -40 -23 -60t-42.5 -21t-40 -6.5t-16.5 -20.5zM1282 842q-5 5 -13.5 15.5t-12 14.5t-10.5 11.5t-10 10.5l-8 8t-8.5 7.5t-8 5t-8.5 4.5q-7 3 -14.5 5t-20.5 2.5t-22 0.5h-32.5h-37.5q-126 0 -217 -43 q16 30 36 46.5t54 29.5t65.5 36t46 36.5t50 55t43.5 50.5q12 -9 28 -31.5t32 -36.5t38 -13l12 1v-76l22 -1q247 95 371 190q28 21 50 39t42.5 37.5t33 31t29.5 34t24 31t24.5 37t23 38t27 47.5t29.5 53l7 9q-2 -53 -43 -139q-79 -165 -205 -264t-306 -142q-14 -3 -42 -7.5 t-50 -9.5t-39 -14q3 -19 24.5 -46t21.5 -34q0 -11 -26 -30zM1061 -79q39 26 131.5 47.5t146.5 21.5q9 0 22.5 -15.5t28 -42.5t26 -50t24 -51t14.5 -33q-121 -45 -244 -45q-61 0 -125 11zM822 568l48 12l109 -177l-73 -48zM1323 51q3 -15 3 -16q0 -7 -17.5 -14.5t-46 -13 t-54 -9.5t-53.5 -7.5t-32 -4.5l-7 43q21 2 60.5 8.5t72 10t60.5 3.5h14zM866 679l-96 -20l-6 17q10 1 32.5 7t34.5 6q19 0 35 -10zM1061 45h31l10 -83l-41 -12v95zM1950 1535v1v-1zM1950 1535l-1 -5l-2 -2l1 3zM1950 1535l1 1z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1a9;" d="M1167 -50q-5 19 -24 5q-30 -22 -87 -39t-131 -17q-129 0 -193 49q-5 4 -13 4q-11 0 -26 -12q-7 -6 -7.5 -16t7.5 -20q34 -32 87.5 -46t102.5 -12.5t99 4.5q41 4 84.5 20.5t65 30t28.5 20.5q12 12 7 29zM1128 65q-19 47 -39 61q-23 15 -76 15q-47 0 -71 -10 q-29 -12 -78 -56q-26 -24 -12 -44q9 -8 17.5 -4.5t31.5 23.5q3 2 10.5 8.5t10.5 8.5t10 7t11.5 7t12.5 5t15 4.5t16.5 2.5t20.5 1q27 0 44.5 -7.5t23 -14.5t13.5 -22q10 -17 12.5 -20t12.5 1q23 12 14 34zM1483 346q0 22 -5 44.5t-16.5 45t-34 36.5t-52.5 14 q-33 0 -97 -41.5t-129 -83.5t-101 -42q-27 -1 -63.5 19t-76 49t-83.5 58t-100 49t-111 19q-115 -1 -197 -78.5t-84 -178.5q-2 -112 74 -164q29 -20 62.5 -28.5t103.5 -8.5q57 0 132 32.5t134 71t120 70.5t93 31q26 -1 65 -31.5t71.5 -67t68 -67.5t55.5 -32q35 -3 58.5 14 t55.5 63q28 41 42.5 101t14.5 106zM1536 506q0 -164 -62 -304.5t-166 -236t-242.5 -149.5t-290.5 -54t-293 57.5t-247.5 157t-170.5 241.5t-64 302q0 89 19.5 172.5t49 145.5t70.5 118.5t78.5 94t78.5 69.5t64.5 46.5t42.5 24.5q14 8 51 26.5t54.5 28.5t48 30t60.5 44 q36 28 58 72.5t30 125.5q129 -155 186 -193q44 -29 130 -68t129 -66q21 -13 39 -25t60.5 -46.5t76 -70.5t75 -95t69 -122t47 -148.5t19.5 -177.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1aa;" d="M1070 463l-160 -160l-151 -152l-30 -30q-65 -64 -151.5 -87t-171.5 -2q-16 -70 -72 -115t-129 -45q-85 0 -145 60.5t-60 145.5q0 72 44.5 128t113.5 72q-22 86 1 173t88 152l12 12l151 -152l-11 -11q-37 -37 -37 -89t37 -90q37 -37 89 -37t89 37l30 30l151 152l161 160z M729 1145l12 -12l-152 -152l-12 12q-37 37 -89 37t-89 -37t-37 -89.5t37 -89.5l29 -29l152 -152l160 -160l-151 -152l-161 160l-151 152l-30 30q-68 67 -90 159.5t5 179.5q-70 15 -115 71t-45 129q0 85 60 145.5t145 60.5q76 0 133.5 -49t69.5 -123q84 20 169.5 -3.5 t149.5 -87.5zM1536 78q0 -85 -60 -145.5t-145 -60.5q-74 0 -131 47t-71 118q-86 -28 -179.5 -6t-161.5 90l-11 12l151 152l12 -12q37 -37 89 -37t89 37t37 89t-37 89l-30 30l-152 152l-160 160l152 152l160 -160l152 -152l29 -30q64 -64 87.5 -150.5t2.5 -171.5 q76 -11 126.5 -68.5t50.5 -134.5zM1534 1202q0 -77 -51 -135t-127 -69q26 -85 3 -176.5t-90 -158.5l-12 -12l-151 152l12 12q37 37 37 89t-37 89t-89 37t-89 -37l-30 -30l-152 -152l-160 -160l-152 152l161 160l152 152l29 30q67 67 159 89.5t178 -3.5q11 75 68.5 126 t135.5 51q85 0 145 -60.5t60 -145.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ab;" d="M654 458q-1 -3 -12.5 0.5t-31.5 11.5l-20 9q-44 20 -87 49q-7 5 -41 31.5t-38 28.5q-67 -103 -134 -181q-81 -95 -105 -110q-4 -2 -19.5 -4t-18.5 0q6 4 82 92q21 24 85.5 115t78.5 118q17 30 51 98.5t36 77.5q-8 1 -110 -33q-8 -2 -27.5 -7.5t-34.5 -9.5t-17 -5 q-2 -2 -2 -10.5t-1 -9.5q-5 -10 -31 -15q-23 -7 -47 0q-18 4 -28 21q-4 6 -5 23q6 2 24.5 5t29.5 6q58 16 105 32q100 35 102 35q10 2 43 19.5t44 21.5q9 3 21.5 8t14.5 5.5t6 -0.5q2 -12 -1 -33q0 -2 -12.5 -27t-26.5 -53.5t-17 -33.5q-25 -50 -77 -131l64 -28 q12 -6 74.5 -32t67.5 -28q4 -1 10.5 -25.5t4.5 -30.5zM449 944q3 -15 -4 -28q-12 -23 -50 -38q-30 -12 -60 -12q-26 3 -49 26q-14 15 -18 41l1 3q3 -3 19.5 -5t26.5 0t58 16q36 12 55 14q17 0 21 -17zM1147 815l63 -227l-139 42zM39 15l694 232v1032l-694 -233v-1031z M1280 332l102 -31l-181 657l-100 31l-216 -536l102 -31l45 110l211 -65zM777 1294l573 -184v380zM1088 -29l158 -13l-54 -160l-40 66q-130 -83 -276 -108q-58 -12 -91 -12h-84q-79 0 -199.5 39t-183.5 85q-8 7 -8 16q0 8 5 13.5t13 5.5q4 0 18 -7.5t30.5 -16.5t20.5 -11 q73 -37 159.5 -61.5t157.5 -24.5q95 0 167 14.5t157 50.5q15 7 30.5 15.5t34 19t28.5 16.5zM1536 1050v-1079l-774 246q-14 -6 -375 -127.5t-368 -121.5q-13 0 -18 13q0 1 -1 3v1078q3 9 4 10q5 6 20 11q106 35 149 50v384l558 -198q2 0 160.5 55t316 108.5t161.5 53.5 q20 0 20 -21v-418z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ac;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M288 1152q66 0 113 -47t47 -113v-1088q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-128q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1088q0 66 47 113t113 47h128zM1664 989q58 -34 93 -93t35 -128v-768q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75h-864q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1536q0 40 28 68t68 28h672q40 0 88 -20t76 -48 l152 -152q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-163zM928 0v128q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-128q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128q14 0 23 9t9 23zM928 256v128q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-128q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128q14 0 23 9t9 23zM928 512v128q0 14 -9 23 t-23 9h-128q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1184 0v128q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-128q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1184 256v128q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-128q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128 q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1184 512v128q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-128q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1440 0v128q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-128q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1440 256v128q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-128 q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1440 512v128q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-128q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-128q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h128q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1536 896v256h-160q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v160h-640v-512h896z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ad;" d="M1344 1536q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-1664q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1280q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1664q0 26 19 45t45 19h1280zM512 1248v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23zM512 992v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9 t9 23v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23zM512 736v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23zM512 480v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23zM384 160v64 q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM384 416v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM384 672v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64 q14 0 23 9t9 23zM384 928v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM384 1184v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM896 -96v192q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-320q-14 0 -23 -9 t-9 -23v-192q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h320q14 0 23 9t9 23zM896 416v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM896 672v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM896 928v64 q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM896 1184v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1152 160v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64 q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1152 416v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1152 672v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1152 928v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9 t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1152 1184v64q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-64q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ae;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1188 988l-292 -292v-824q0 -46 -33 -79t-79 -33t-79 33t-33 79v384h-64v-384q0 -46 -33 -79t-79 -33t-79 33t-33 79v824l-292 292q-28 28 -28 68t28 68t68 28t68 -28l228 -228h368l228 228q28 28 68 28t68 -28t28 -68t-28 -68zM864 1152q0 -93 -65.5 -158.5 t-158.5 -65.5t-158.5 65.5t-65.5 158.5t65.5 158.5t158.5 65.5t158.5 -65.5t65.5 -158.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b0;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M780 1064q0 -60 -19 -113.5t-63 -92.5t-105 -39q-76 0 -138 57.5t-92 135.5t-30 151q0 60 19 113.5t63 92.5t105 39q77 0 138.5 -57.5t91.5 -135t30 -151.5zM438 581q0 -80 -42 -139t-119 -59q-76 0 -141.5 55.5t-100.5 133.5t-35 152q0 80 42 139.5t119 59.5 q76 0 141.5 -55.5t100.5 -134t35 -152.5zM832 608q118 0 255 -97.5t229 -237t92 -254.5q0 -46 -17 -76.5t-48.5 -45t-64.5 -20t-76 -5.5q-68 0 -187.5 45t-182.5 45q-66 0 -192.5 -44.5t-200.5 -44.5q-183 0 -183 146q0 86 56 191.5t139.5 192.5t187.5 146t193 59zM1071 819 q-61 0 -105 39t-63 92.5t-19 113.5q0 74 30 151.5t91.5 135t138.5 57.5q61 0 105 -39t63 -92.5t19 -113.5q0 -73 -30 -151t-92 -135.5t-138 -57.5zM1503 923q77 0 119 -59.5t42 -139.5q0 -74 -35 -152t-100.5 -133.5t-141.5 -55.5q-77 0 -119 59t-42 139q0 74 35 152.5 t100.5 134t141.5 55.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b1;" horiz-adv-x="768" d="M704 1008q0 -145 -57 -243.5t-152 -135.5l45 -821q2 -26 -16 -45t-44 -19h-192q-26 0 -44 19t-16 45l45 821q-95 37 -152 135.5t-57 243.5q0 128 42.5 249.5t117.5 200t160 78.5t160 -78.5t117.5 -200t42.5 -249.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b2;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M896 -93l640 349v636l-640 -233v-752zM832 772l698 254l-698 254l-698 -254zM1664 1024v-768q0 -35 -18 -65t-49 -47l-704 -384q-28 -16 -61 -16t-61 16l-704 384q-31 17 -49 47t-18 65v768q0 40 23 73t61 47l704 256q22 8 44 8t44 -8l704 -256q38 -14 61 -47t23 -73z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b3;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M640 -96l384 192v314l-384 -164v-342zM576 358l404 173l-404 173l-404 -173zM1664 -96l384 192v314l-384 -164v-342zM1600 358l404 173l-404 173l-404 -173zM1152 651l384 165v266l-384 -164v-267zM1088 1030l441 189l-441 189l-441 -189zM2176 512v-416q0 -36 -19 -67 t-52 -47l-448 -224q-25 -14 -57 -14t-57 14l-448 224q-5 2 -7 4q-2 -2 -7 -4l-448 -224q-25 -14 -57 -14t-57 14l-448 224q-33 16 -52 47t-19 67v416q0 38 21.5 70t56.5 48l434 186v400q0 38 21.5 70t56.5 48l448 192q23 10 50 10t50 -10l448 -192q35 -16 56.5 -48t21.5 -70 v-400l434 -186q36 -16 57 -48t21 -70z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b4;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1848 1197h-511v-124h511v124zM1596 771q-90 0 -146 -52.5t-62 -142.5h408q-18 195 -200 195zM1612 186q63 0 122 32t76 87h221q-100 -307 -427 -307q-214 0 -340.5 132t-126.5 347q0 208 130.5 345.5t336.5 137.5q138 0 240.5 -68t153 -179t50.5 -248q0 -17 -2 -47h-658 q0 -111 57.5 -171.5t166.5 -60.5zM277 236h296q205 0 205 167q0 180 -199 180h-302v-347zM277 773h281q78 0 123.5 36.5t45.5 113.5q0 144 -190 144h-260v-294zM0 1282h594q87 0 155 -14t126.5 -47.5t90 -96.5t31.5 -154q0 -181 -172 -263q114 -32 172 -115t58 -204 q0 -75 -24.5 -136.5t-66 -103.5t-98.5 -71t-121 -42t-134 -13h-611v1260z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b5;" d="M1248 1408q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960zM499 1041h-371v-787h382q117 0 197 57.5t80 170.5q0 158 -143 200q107 52 107 164q0 57 -19.5 96.5 t-56.5 60.5t-79 29.5t-97 8.5zM477 723h-176v184h163q119 0 119 -90q0 -94 -106 -94zM486 388h-185v217h189q124 0 124 -113q0 -104 -128 -104zM1136 356q-68 0 -104 38t-36 107h411q1 10 1 30q0 132 -74.5 220.5t-203.5 88.5q-128 0 -210 -86t-82 -216q0 -135 79 -217 t213 -82q205 0 267 191h-138q-11 -34 -47.5 -54t-75.5 -20zM1126 722q113 0 124 -122h-254q4 56 39 89t91 33zM964 988h319v-77h-319v77z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b6;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1582 954q0 -101 -71.5 -172.5t-172.5 -71.5t-172.5 71.5t-71.5 172.5t71.5 172.5t172.5 71.5t172.5 -71.5t71.5 -172.5zM812 212q0 104 -73 177t-177 73q-27 0 -54 -6l104 -42q77 -31 109.5 -106.5t1.5 -151.5q-31 -77 -107 -109t-152 -1q-21 8 -62 24.5t-61 24.5 q32 -60 91 -96.5t130 -36.5q104 0 177 73t73 177zM1642 953q0 126 -89.5 215.5t-215.5 89.5q-127 0 -216.5 -89.5t-89.5 -215.5q0 -127 89.5 -216t216.5 -89q126 0 215.5 89t89.5 216zM1792 953q0 -189 -133.5 -322t-321.5 -133l-437 -319q-12 -129 -109 -218t-229 -89 q-121 0 -214 76t-118 192l-230 92v429l389 -157q79 48 173 48q13 0 35 -2l284 407q2 187 135.5 319t320.5 132q188 0 321.5 -133.5t133.5 -321.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b7;" d="M1242 889q0 80 -57 136.5t-137 56.5t-136.5 -57t-56.5 -136q0 -80 56.5 -136.5t136.5 -56.5t137 56.5t57 136.5zM632 301q0 -83 -58 -140.5t-140 -57.5q-56 0 -103 29t-72 77q52 -20 98 -40q60 -24 120 1.5t85 86.5q24 60 -1.5 120t-86.5 84l-82 33q22 5 42 5 q82 0 140 -57.5t58 -140.5zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v153l172 -69q20 -92 93.5 -152t168.5 -60q104 0 181 70t87 173l345 252q150 0 255.5 105.5t105.5 254.5q0 150 -105.5 255.5t-255.5 105.5 q-148 0 -253 -104.5t-107 -252.5l-225 -322q-9 1 -28 1q-75 0 -137 -37l-297 119v468q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5zM1289 887q0 -100 -71 -170.5t-171 -70.5t-170.5 70.5t-70.5 170.5t70.5 171t170.5 71q101 0 171.5 -70.5t70.5 -171.5z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b8;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M836 367l-15 -368l-2 -22l-420 29q-36 3 -67 31.5t-47 65.5q-11 27 -14.5 55t4 65t12 55t21.5 64t19 53q78 -12 509 -28zM449 953l180 -379l-147 92q-63 -72 -111.5 -144.5t-72.5 -125t-39.5 -94.5t-18.5 -63l-4 -21l-190 357q-17 26 -18 56t6 47l8 18q35 63 114 188 l-140 86zM1680 436l-188 -359q-12 -29 -36.5 -46.5t-43.5 -20.5l-18 -4q-71 -7 -219 -12l8 -164l-230 367l211 362l7 -173q170 -16 283 -5t170 33zM895 1360q-47 -63 -265 -435l-317 187l-19 12l225 356q20 31 60 45t80 10q24 -2 48.5 -12t42 -21t41.5 -33t36 -34.5 t36 -39.5t32 -35zM1550 1053l212 -363q18 -37 12.5 -76t-27.5 -74q-13 -20 -33 -37t-38 -28t-48.5 -22t-47 -16t-51.5 -14t-46 -12q-34 72 -265 436l313 195zM1407 1279l142 83l-220 -373l-419 20l151 86q-34 89 -75 166t-75.5 123.5t-64.5 80t-47 46.5l-17 13l405 -1 q31 3 58 -10.5t39 -28.5l11 -15q39 -61 112 -190z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1b9;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M480 448q0 66 -47 113t-113 47t-113 -47t-47 -113t47 -113t113 -47t113 47t47 113zM516 768h1016l-89 357q-2 8 -14 17.5t-21 9.5h-768q-9 0 -21 -9.5t-14 -17.5zM1888 448q0 66 -47 113t-113 47t-113 -47t-47 -113t47 -113t113 -47t113 47t47 113zM2048 544v-384 q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-96v-128q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136v128h-1024v-128q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136v128h-96q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v384q0 93 65.5 158.5t158.5 65.5h28l105 419q23 94 104 157.5t179 63.5h768q98 0 179 -63.5t104 -157.5 l105 -419h28q93 0 158.5 -65.5t65.5 -158.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ba;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1824 640q93 0 158.5 -65.5t65.5 -158.5v-384q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-96v-64q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136v64h-1024v-64q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56t-136 56t-56 136v64h-96q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v384q0 93 65.5 158.5t158.5 65.5h28l105 419q23 94 104 157.5 t179 63.5h128v224q0 14 9 23t23 9h448q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-224h128q98 0 179 -63.5t104 -157.5l105 -419h28zM320 160q66 0 113 47t47 113t-47 113t-113 47t-113 -47t-47 -113t47 -113t113 -47zM516 640h1016l-89 357q-2 8 -14 17.5t-21 9.5h-768q-9 0 -21 -9.5t-14 -17.5z M1728 160q66 0 113 47t47 113t-47 113t-113 47t-113 -47t-47 -113t47 -113t113 -47z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1bb;" d="M1504 64q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-462q1 -17 6 -87.5t5 -108.5q0 -25 -18 -42.5t-43 -17.5h-320q-25 0 -43 17.5t-18 42.5q0 38 5 108.5t6 87.5h-462q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45l402 403h-229q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45l402 403h-197q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45l384 384 q19 19 45 19t45 -19l384 -384q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19h-197l402 -403q19 -19 19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19h-229l402 -403q19 -19 19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1bc;" d="M1127 326q0 32 -30 51q-193 115 -447 115q-133 0 -287 -34q-42 -9 -42 -52q0 -20 13.5 -34.5t35.5 -14.5q5 0 37 8q132 27 243 27q226 0 397 -103q19 -11 33 -11q19 0 33 13.5t14 34.5zM1223 541q0 40 -35 61q-237 141 -548 141q-153 0 -303 -42q-48 -13 -48 -64 q0 -25 17.5 -42.5t42.5 -17.5q7 0 37 8q122 33 251 33q279 0 488 -124q24 -13 38 -13q25 0 42.5 17.5t17.5 42.5zM1331 789q0 47 -40 70q-126 73 -293 110.5t-343 37.5q-204 0 -364 -47q-23 -7 -38.5 -25.5t-15.5 -48.5q0 -31 20.5 -52t51.5 -21q11 0 40 8q133 37 307 37 q159 0 309.5 -34t253.5 -95q21 -12 40 -12q29 0 50.5 20.5t21.5 51.5zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1bd;" horiz-adv-x="1024" d="M1024 1233l-303 -582l24 -31h279v-415h-507l-44 -30l-142 -273l-30 -30h-301v303l303 583l-24 30h-279v415h507l44 30l142 273l30 30h301v-303z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1be;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M784 164l16 241l-16 523q-1 10 -7.5 17t-16.5 7q-9 0 -16 -7t-7 -17l-14 -523l14 -241q1 -10 7.5 -16.5t15.5 -6.5q22 0 24 23zM1080 193l11 211l-12 586q0 16 -13 24q-8 5 -16 5t-16 -5q-13 -8 -13 -24l-1 -6l-10 -579q0 -1 11 -236v-1q0 -10 6 -17q9 -11 23 -11 q11 0 20 9q9 7 9 20zM35 533l20 -128l-20 -126q-2 -9 -9 -9t-9 9l-17 126l17 128q2 9 9 9t9 -9zM121 612l26 -207l-26 -203q-2 -9 -10 -9q-9 0 -9 10l-23 202l23 207q0 9 9 9q8 0 10 -9zM401 159zM213 650l25 -245l-25 -237q0 -11 -11 -11q-10 0 -12 11l-21 237l21 245 q2 12 12 12q11 0 11 -12zM307 657l23 -252l-23 -244q-2 -13 -14 -13q-13 0 -13 13l-21 244l21 252q0 13 13 13q12 0 14 -13zM401 639l21 -234l-21 -246q-2 -16 -16 -16q-6 0 -10.5 4.5t-4.5 11.5l-20 246l20 234q0 6 4.5 10.5t10.5 4.5q14 0 16 -15zM784 164zM495 785 l21 -380l-21 -246q0 -7 -5 -12.5t-12 -5.5q-16 0 -18 18l-18 246l18 380q2 18 18 18q7 0 12 -5.5t5 -12.5zM589 871l19 -468l-19 -244q0 -8 -5.5 -13.5t-13.5 -5.5q-18 0 -20 19l-16 244l16 468q2 19 20 19q8 0 13.5 -5.5t5.5 -13.5zM687 911l18 -506l-18 -242 q-2 -21 -22 -21q-19 0 -21 21l-16 242l16 506q0 9 6.5 15.5t14.5 6.5q9 0 15 -6.5t7 -15.5zM1079 169v0v0zM881 915l15 -510l-15 -239q0 -10 -7.5 -17.5t-17.5 -7.5t-17 7t-8 18l-14 239l14 510q0 11 7.5 18t17.5 7t17.5 -7t7.5 -18zM980 896l14 -492l-14 -236q0 -11 -8 -19 t-19 -8t-19 8t-9 19l-12 236l12 492q1 12 9 20t19 8t18.5 -8t8.5 -20zM1192 404l-14 -231v0q0 -13 -9 -22t-22 -9t-22 9t-10 22l-6 114l-6 117l12 636v3q2 15 12 24q9 7 20 7q8 0 15 -5q14 -8 16 -26zM2304 423q0 -117 -83 -199.5t-200 -82.5h-786q-13 2 -22 11t-9 22v899 q0 23 28 33q85 34 181 34q195 0 338 -131.5t160 -323.5q53 22 110 22q117 0 200 -83t83 -201z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c0;" d="M768 768q237 0 443 43t325 127v-170q0 -69 -103 -128t-280 -93.5t-385 -34.5t-385 34.5t-280 93.5t-103 128v170q119 -84 325 -127t443 -43zM768 0q237 0 443 43t325 127v-170q0 -69 -103 -128t-280 -93.5t-385 -34.5t-385 34.5t-280 93.5t-103 128v170q119 -84 325 -127 t443 -43zM768 384q237 0 443 43t325 127v-170q0 -69 -103 -128t-280 -93.5t-385 -34.5t-385 34.5t-280 93.5t-103 128v170q119 -84 325 -127t443 -43zM768 1536q208 0 385 -34.5t280 -93.5t103 -128v-128q0 -69 -103 -128t-280 -93.5t-385 -34.5t-385 34.5t-280 93.5 t-103 128v128q0 69 103 128t280 93.5t385 34.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c1;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z M894 465q33 -26 84 -56q59 7 117 7q147 0 177 -49q16 -22 2 -52q0 -1 -1 -2l-2 -2v-1q-6 -38 -71 -38q-48 0 -115 20t-130 53q-221 -24 -392 -83q-153 -262 -242 -262q-15 0 -28 7l-24 12q-1 1 -6 5q-10 10 -6 36q9 40 56 91.5t132 96.5q14 9 23 -6q2 -2 2 -4q52 85 107 197 q68 136 104 262q-24 82 -30.5 159.5t6.5 127.5q11 40 42 40h21h1q23 0 35 -15q18 -21 9 -68q-2 -6 -4 -8q1 -3 1 -8v-30q-2 -123 -14 -192q55 -164 146 -238zM318 54q52 24 137 158q-51 -40 -87.5 -84t-49.5 -74zM716 974q-15 -42 -2 -132q1 7 7 44q0 3 7 43q1 4 4 8 q-1 1 -1 2t-0.5 1.5t-0.5 1.5q-1 22 -13 36q0 -1 -1 -2v-2zM592 313q135 54 284 81q-2 1 -13 9.5t-16 13.5q-76 67 -127 176q-27 -86 -83 -197q-30 -56 -45 -83zM1238 329q-24 24 -140 24q76 -28 124 -28q14 0 18 1q0 1 -2 3z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c2;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z M233 768v-107h70l164 -661h159l128 485q7 20 10 46q2 16 2 24h4l3 -24q1 -3 3.5 -20t5.5 -26l128 -485h159l164 661h70v107h-300v-107h90l-99 -438q-5 -20 -7 -46l-2 -21h-4l-3 21q-1 5 -4 21t-5 25l-144 545h-114l-144 -545q-2 -9 -4.5 -24.5t-3.5 -21.5l-4 -21h-4l-2 21 q-2 26 -7 46l-99 438h90v107h-300z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c3;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z M429 106v-106h281v106h-75l103 161q5 7 10 16.5t7.5 13.5t3.5 4h2q1 -4 5 -10q2 -4 4.5 -7.5t6 -8t6.5 -8.5l107 -161h-76v-106h291v106h-68l-192 273l195 282h67v107h-279v-107h74l-103 -159q-4 -7 -10 -16.5t-9 -13.5l-2 -3h-2q-1 4 -5 10q-6 11 -17 23l-106 159h76v107 h-290v-107h68l189 -272l-194 -283h-68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c4;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z M416 106v-106h327v106h-93v167h137q76 0 118 15q67 23 106.5 87t39.5 146q0 81 -37 141t-100 87q-48 19 -130 19h-368v-107h92v-555h-92zM769 386h-119v268h120q52 0 83 -18q56 -33 56 -115q0 -89 -62 -120q-31 -15 -78 -15z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c5;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z M1280 320v-320h-1024v192l192 192l128 -128l384 384zM448 512q-80 0 -136 56t-56 136t56 136t136 56t136 -56t56 -136t-56 -136t-136 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c6;" d="M640 1152v128h-128v-128h128zM768 1024v128h-128v-128h128zM640 896v128h-128v-128h128zM768 768v128h-128v-128h128zM1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400 v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-128v-128h-128v128h-512v-1536h1280zM781 593l107 -349q8 -27 8 -52q0 -83 -72.5 -137.5t-183.5 -54.5t-183.5 54.5t-72.5 137.5q0 25 8 52q21 63 120 396v128h128v-128h79 q22 0 39 -13t23 -34zM640 128q53 0 90.5 19t37.5 45t-37.5 45t-90.5 19t-90.5 -19t-37.5 -45t37.5 -45t90.5 -19z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c7;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z M620 686q20 -8 20 -30v-544q0 -22 -20 -30q-8 -2 -12 -2q-12 0 -23 9l-166 167h-131q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h131l166 167q16 15 35 7zM1037 -3q31 0 50 24q129 159 129 363t-129 363q-16 21 -43 24t-47 -14q-21 -17 -23.5 -43.5t14.5 -47.5 q100 -123 100 -282t-100 -282q-17 -21 -14.5 -47.5t23.5 -42.5q18 -15 40 -15zM826 145q27 0 47 20q87 93 87 219t-87 219q-18 19 -45 20t-46 -17t-20 -44.5t18 -46.5q52 -57 52 -131t-52 -131q-19 -20 -18 -46.5t20 -44.5q20 -17 44 -17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c8;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z M768 768q52 0 90 -38t38 -90v-384q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-384q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v384q0 52 38 90t90 38h384zM1260 766q20 -8 20 -30v-576q0 -22 -20 -30q-8 -2 -12 -2q-14 0 -23 9l-265 266v90l265 266q9 9 23 9q4 0 12 -2z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1c9;" d="M1468 1156q28 -28 48 -76t20 -88v-1152q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-1344q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v1600q0 40 28 68t68 28h896q40 0 88 -20t76 -48zM1024 1400v-376h376q-10 29 -22 41l-313 313q-12 12 -41 22zM1408 -128v1024h-416q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v416h-768v-1536h1280z M480 768q8 11 21 12.5t24 -6.5l51 -38q11 -8 12.5 -21t-6.5 -24l-182 -243l182 -243q8 -11 6.5 -24t-12.5 -21l-51 -38q-11 -8 -24 -6.5t-21 12.5l-226 301q-14 19 0 38zM1282 467q14 -19 0 -38l-226 -301q-8 -11 -21 -12.5t-24 6.5l-51 38q-11 8 -12.5 21t6.5 24l182 243 l-182 243q-8 11 -6.5 24t12.5 21l51 38q11 8 24 6.5t21 -12.5zM662 6q-13 2 -20.5 13t-5.5 24l138 831q2 13 13 20.5t24 5.5l63 -10q13 -2 20.5 -13t5.5 -24l-138 -831q-2 -13 -13 -20.5t-24 -5.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ca;" d="M1497 709v-198q-101 -23 -198 -23q-65 -136 -165.5 -271t-181.5 -215.5t-128 -106.5q-80 -45 -162 3q-28 17 -60.5 43.5t-85 83.5t-102.5 128.5t-107.5 184t-105.5 244t-91.5 314.5t-70.5 390h283q26 -218 70 -398.5t104.5 -317t121.5 -235.5t140 -195q169 169 287 406 q-142 72 -223 220t-81 333q0 192 104 314.5t284 122.5q178 0 273 -105.5t95 -297.5q0 -159 -58 -286q-7 -1 -19.5 -3t-46 -2t-63 6t-62 25.5t-50.5 51.5q31 103 31 184q0 87 -29 132t-79 45q-53 0 -85 -49.5t-32 -140.5q0 -186 105 -293.5t267 -107.5q62 0 121 14z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1cb;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M216 367l603 -402v359l-334 223zM154 511l193 129l-193 129v-258zM973 -35l603 402l-269 180l-334 -223v-359zM896 458l272 182l-272 182l-272 -182zM485 733l334 223v359l-603 -402zM1445 640l193 -129v258zM1307 733l269 180l-603 402v-359zM1792 913v-546 q0 -41 -34 -64l-819 -546q-21 -13 -43 -13t-43 13l-819 546q-34 23 -34 64v546q0 41 34 64l819 546q21 13 43 13t43 -13l819 -546q34 -23 34 -64z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1cc;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1800 764q111 -46 179.5 -145.5t68.5 -221.5q0 -164 -118 -280.5t-285 -116.5q-4 0 -11.5 0.5t-10.5 0.5h-1209h-1h-2h-5q-170 10 -288 125.5t-118 280.5q0 110 55 203t147 147q-12 39 -12 82q0 115 82 196t199 81q95 0 172 -58q75 154 222.5 248t326.5 94 q166 0 306 -80.5t221.5 -218.5t81.5 -301q0 -6 -0.5 -18t-0.5 -18zM468 498q0 -122 84 -193t208 -71q137 0 240 99q-16 20 -47.5 56.5t-43.5 50.5q-67 -65 -144 -65q-55 0 -93.5 33.5t-38.5 87.5q0 53 38.5 87t91.5 34q44 0 84.5 -21t73 -55t65 -75t69 -82t77 -75t97 -55 t121.5 -21q121 0 204.5 71.5t83.5 190.5q0 121 -84 192t-207 71q-143 0 -241 -97q14 -16 29.5 -34t34.5 -40t29 -34q66 64 142 64q52 0 92 -33t40 -84q0 -57 -37 -91.5t-94 -34.5q-43 0 -82.5 21t-72 55t-65.5 75t-69.5 82t-77.5 75t-96.5 55t-118.5 21q-122 0 -207 -70.5 t-85 -189.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1cd;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M896 1536q182 0 348 -71t286 -191t191 -286t71 -348t-71 -348t-191 -286t-286 -191t-348 -71t-348 71t-286 191t-191 286t-71 348t71 348t191 286t286 191t348 71zM896 1408q-190 0 -361 -90l194 -194q82 28 167 28t167 -28l194 194q-171 90 -361 90zM218 279l194 194 q-28 82 -28 167t28 167l-194 194q-90 -171 -90 -361t90 -361zM896 -128q190 0 361 90l-194 194q-82 -28 -167 -28t-167 28l-194 -194q171 -90 361 -90zM896 256q159 0 271.5 112.5t112.5 271.5t-112.5 271.5t-271.5 112.5t-271.5 -112.5t-112.5 -271.5t112.5 -271.5 t271.5 -112.5zM1380 473l194 -194q90 171 90 361t-90 361l-194 -194q28 -82 28 -167t-28 -167z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ce;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 640q0 -182 -71 -348t-191 -286t-286 -191t-348 -71t-348 71t-286 191t-191 286t-71 348q0 222 101 414.5t276.5 317t390.5 155.5v-260q-221 -45 -366.5 -221t-145.5 -406q0 -130 51 -248.5t136.5 -204t204 -136.5t248.5 -51t248.5 51t204 136.5t136.5 204t51 248.5 q0 230 -145.5 406t-366.5 221v260q215 -31 390.5 -155.5t276.5 -317t101 -414.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d0;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M19 662q8 217 116 406t305 318h5q0 -1 -1 -3q-8 -8 -28 -33.5t-52 -76.5t-60 -110.5t-44.5 -135.5t-14 -150.5t39 -157.5t108.5 -154q50 -50 102 -69.5t90.5 -11.5t69.5 23.5t47 32.5l16 16q39 51 53 116.5t6.5 122.5t-21 107t-26.5 80l-14 29q-10 25 -30.5 49.5t-43 41 t-43.5 29.5t-35 19l-13 6l104 115q39 -17 78 -52t59 -61l19 -27q1 48 -18.5 103.5t-40.5 87.5l-20 31l161 183l160 -181q-33 -46 -52.5 -102.5t-22.5 -90.5l-4 -33q22 37 61.5 72.5t67.5 52.5l28 17l103 -115q-44 -14 -85 -50t-60 -65l-19 -29q-31 -56 -48 -133.5t-7 -170 t57 -156.5q33 -45 77.5 -60.5t85 -5.5t76 26.5t57.5 33.5l21 16q60 53 96.5 115t48.5 121.5t10 121.5t-18 118t-37 107.5t-45.5 93t-45 72t-34.5 47.5l-13 17q-14 13 -7 13l10 -3q40 -29 62.5 -46t62 -50t64 -58t58.5 -65t55.5 -77t45.5 -88t38 -103t23.5 -117t10.5 -136 q3 -259 -108 -465t-312 -321t-456 -115q-185 0 -351 74t-283.5 198t-184 293t-60.5 353z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d1;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M874 -102v-66q-208 6 -385 109.5t-283 275.5l58 34q29 -49 73 -99l65 57q148 -168 368 -212l-17 -86q65 -12 121 -13zM276 428l-83 -28q22 -60 49 -112l-57 -33q-98 180 -98 385t98 385l57 -33q-30 -56 -49 -112l82 -28q-35 -100 -35 -212q0 -109 36 -212zM1528 251 l58 -34q-106 -172 -283 -275.5t-385 -109.5v66q56 1 121 13l-17 86q220 44 368 212l65 -57q44 50 73 99zM1377 805l-233 -80q14 -42 14 -85t-14 -85l232 -80q-31 -92 -98 -169l-185 162q-57 -67 -147 -85l48 -241q-52 -10 -98 -10t-98 10l48 241q-90 18 -147 85l-185 -162 q-67 77 -98 169l232 80q-14 42 -14 85t14 85l-233 80q33 93 99 169l185 -162q59 68 147 86l-48 240q44 10 98 10t98 -10l-48 -240q88 -18 147 -86l185 162q66 -76 99 -169zM874 1448v-66q-65 -2 -121 -13l17 -86q-220 -42 -368 -211l-65 56q-38 -42 -73 -98l-57 33 q106 172 282 275.5t385 109.5zM1705 640q0 -205 -98 -385l-57 33q27 52 49 112l-83 28q36 103 36 212q0 112 -35 212l82 28q-19 56 -49 112l57 33q98 -180 98 -385zM1585 1063l-57 -33q-35 56 -73 98l-65 -56q-148 169 -368 211l17 86q-56 11 -121 13v66q209 -6 385 -109.5 t282 -275.5zM1748 640q0 173 -67.5 331t-181.5 272t-272 181.5t-331 67.5t-331 -67.5t-272 -181.5t-181.5 -272t-67.5 -331t67.5 -331t181.5 -272t272 -181.5t331 -67.5t331 67.5t272 181.5t181.5 272t67.5 331zM1792 640q0 -182 -71 -348t-191 -286t-286 -191t-348 -71 t-348 71t-286 191t-191 286t-71 348t71 348t191 286t286 191t348 71t348 -71t286 -191t191 -286t71 -348z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d2;" d="M582 228q0 -66 -93 -66q-107 0 -107 63q0 64 98 64q102 0 102 -61zM546 694q0 -85 -74 -85q-77 0 -77 84q0 90 77 90q36 0 55 -25.5t19 -63.5zM712 769v125q-78 -29 -135 -29q-50 29 -110 29q-86 0 -145 -57t-59 -143q0 -50 29.5 -102t73.5 -67v-3q-38 -17 -38 -85 q0 -53 41 -77v-3q-113 -37 -113 -139q0 -45 20 -78.5t54 -51t72 -25.5t81 -8q224 0 224 188q0 67 -48 99t-126 46q-27 5 -51.5 20.5t-24.5 39.5q0 44 49 52q77 15 122 70t45 134q0 24 -10 52q37 9 49 13zM771 350h137q-2 27 -2 82v387q0 46 2 69h-137q3 -23 3 -71v-392 q0 -50 -3 -75zM1280 366v121q-30 -21 -68 -21q-53 0 -53 82v225h52q9 0 26.5 -1t26.5 -1v117h-105q0 82 3 102h-140q4 -24 4 -55v-47h-60v-117q36 3 37 3q3 0 11 -0.5t12 -0.5v-2h-2v-217q0 -37 2.5 -64t11.5 -56.5t24.5 -48.5t43.5 -31t66 -12q64 0 108 24zM924 1072 q0 36 -24 63.5t-60 27.5t-60.5 -27t-24.5 -64q0 -36 25 -62.5t60 -26.5t59.5 27t24.5 62zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d3;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M595 22q0 100 -165 100q-158 0 -158 -104q0 -101 172 -101q151 0 151 105zM536 777q0 61 -30 102t-89 41q-124 0 -124 -145q0 -135 124 -135q119 0 119 137zM805 1101v-202q-36 -12 -79 -22q16 -43 16 -84q0 -127 -73 -216.5t-197 -112.5q-40 -8 -59.5 -27t-19.5 -58 q0 -31 22.5 -51.5t58 -32t78.5 -22t86 -25.5t78.5 -37.5t58 -64t22.5 -98.5q0 -304 -363 -304q-69 0 -130 12.5t-116 41t-87.5 82t-32.5 127.5q0 165 182 225v4q-67 41 -67 126q0 109 63 137v4q-72 24 -119.5 108.5t-47.5 165.5q0 139 95 231.5t235 92.5q96 0 178 -47 q98 0 218 47zM1123 220h-222q4 45 4 134v609q0 94 -4 128h222q-4 -33 -4 -124v-613q0 -89 4 -134zM1724 442v-196q-71 -39 -174 -39q-62 0 -107 20t-70 50t-39.5 78t-18.5 92t-4 103v351h2v4q-7 0 -19 1t-18 1q-21 0 -59 -6v190h96v76q0 54 -6 89h227q-6 -41 -6 -165h171 v-190q-15 0 -43.5 2t-42.5 2h-85v-365q0 -131 87 -131q61 0 109 33zM1148 1389q0 -58 -39 -101.5t-96 -43.5q-58 0 -98 43.5t-40 101.5q0 59 39.5 103t98.5 44q58 0 96.5 -44.5t38.5 -102.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d4;" d="M825 547l343 588h-150q-21 -39 -63.5 -118.5t-68 -128.5t-59.5 -118.5t-60 -128.5h-3q-21 48 -44.5 97t-52 105.5t-46.5 92t-54 104.5t-49 95h-150l323 -589v-435h134v436zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960 q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d5;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M842 964q0 -80 -57 -136.5t-136 -56.5q-60 0 -111 35q-62 -67 -115 -146q-247 -371 -202 -859q1 -22 -12.5 -38.5t-34.5 -18.5h-5q-20 0 -35 13.5t-17 33.5q-14 126 -3.5 247.5t29.5 217t54 186t69 155.5t74 125q61 90 132 165q-16 35 -16 77q0 80 56.5 136.5t136.5 56.5 t136.5 -56.5t56.5 -136.5zM1223 953q0 -158 -78 -292t-212.5 -212t-292.5 -78q-64 0 -131 14q-21 5 -32.5 23.5t-6.5 39.5q5 20 23 31.5t39 7.5q51 -13 108 -13q97 0 186 38t153 102t102 153t38 186t-38 186t-102 153t-153 102t-186 38t-186 -38t-153 -102t-102 -153 t-38 -186q0 -114 52 -218q10 -20 3.5 -40t-25.5 -30t-39.5 -3t-30.5 26q-64 123 -64 265q0 119 46.5 227t124.5 186t186 124t226 46q158 0 292.5 -78t212.5 -212.5t78 -292.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d6;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M270 730q-8 19 -8 52q0 20 11 49t24 45q-1 22 7.5 53t22.5 43q0 139 92.5 288.5t217.5 209.5q139 66 324 66q133 0 266 -55q49 -21 90 -48t71 -56t55 -68t42 -74t32.5 -84.5t25.5 -89.5t22 -98l1 -5q55 -83 55 -150q0 -14 -9 -40t-9 -38q0 -1 1.5 -3.5t3.5 -5t2 -3.5 q77 -114 120.5 -214.5t43.5 -208.5q0 -43 -19.5 -100t-55.5 -57q-9 0 -19.5 7.5t-19 17.5t-19 26t-16 26.5t-13.5 26t-9 17.5q-1 1 -3 1l-5 -4q-59 -154 -132 -223q20 -20 61.5 -38.5t69 -41.5t35.5 -65q-2 -4 -4 -16t-7 -18q-64 -97 -302 -97q-53 0 -110.5 9t-98 20 t-104.5 30q-15 5 -23 7q-14 4 -46 4.5t-40 1.5q-41 -45 -127.5 -65t-168.5 -20q-35 0 -69 1.5t-93 9t-101 20.5t-74.5 40t-32.5 64q0 40 10 59.5t41 48.5q11 2 40.5 13t49.5 12q4 0 14 2q2 2 2 4l-2 3q-48 11 -108 105.5t-73 156.5l-5 3q-4 0 -12 -20q-18 -41 -54.5 -74.5 t-77.5 -37.5h-1q-4 0 -6 4.5t-5 5.5q-23 54 -23 100q0 275 252 466z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d7;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M580 1075q0 41 -25 66t-66 25q-43 0 -76 -25.5t-33 -65.5q0 -39 33 -64.5t76 -25.5q41 0 66 24.5t25 65.5zM1323 568q0 28 -25.5 50t-65.5 22q-27 0 -49.5 -22.5t-22.5 -49.5q0 -28 22.5 -50.5t49.5 -22.5q40 0 65.5 22t25.5 51zM1087 1075q0 41 -24.5 66t-65.5 25 q-43 0 -76 -25.5t-33 -65.5q0 -39 33 -64.5t76 -25.5q41 0 65.5 24.5t24.5 65.5zM1722 568q0 28 -26 50t-65 22q-27 0 -49.5 -22.5t-22.5 -49.5q0 -28 22.5 -50.5t49.5 -22.5q39 0 65 22t26 51zM1456 965q-31 4 -70 4q-169 0 -311 -77t-223.5 -208.5t-81.5 -287.5 q0 -78 23 -152q-35 -3 -68 -3q-26 0 -50 1.5t-55 6.5t-44.5 7t-54.5 10.5t-50 10.5l-253 -127l72 218q-290 203 -290 490q0 169 97.5 311t264 223.5t363.5 81.5q176 0 332.5 -66t262 -182.5t136.5 -260.5zM2048 404q0 -117 -68.5 -223.5t-185.5 -193.5l55 -181l-199 109 q-150 -37 -218 -37q-169 0 -311 70.5t-223.5 191.5t-81.5 264t81.5 264t223.5 191.5t311 70.5q161 0 303 -70.5t227.5 -192t85.5 -263.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d8;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1764 1525q33 -24 27 -64l-256 -1536q-5 -29 -32 -45q-14 -8 -31 -8q-11 0 -24 5l-453 185l-242 -295q-18 -23 -49 -23q-13 0 -22 4q-19 7 -30.5 23.5t-11.5 36.5v349l864 1059l-1069 -925l-395 162q-37 14 -40 55q-2 40 32 59l1664 960q15 9 32 9q20 0 36 -11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1d9;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1764 1525q33 -24 27 -64l-256 -1536q-5 -29 -32 -45q-14 -8 -31 -8q-11 0 -24 5l-527 215l-298 -327q-18 -21 -47 -21q-14 0 -23 4q-19 7 -30 23.5t-11 36.5v452l-472 193q-37 14 -40 55q-3 39 32 59l1664 960q35 21 68 -2zM1422 26l221 1323l-1434 -827l336 -137 l863 639l-478 -797z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1da;" d="M1536 640q0 -156 -61 -298t-164 -245t-245 -164t-298 -61q-172 0 -327 72.5t-264 204.5q-7 10 -6.5 22.5t8.5 20.5l137 138q10 9 25 9q16 -2 23 -12q73 -95 179 -147t225 -52q104 0 198.5 40.5t163.5 109.5t109.5 163.5t40.5 198.5t-40.5 198.5t-109.5 163.5 t-163.5 109.5t-198.5 40.5q-98 0 -188 -35.5t-160 -101.5l137 -138q31 -30 14 -69q-17 -40 -59 -40h-448q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v448q0 42 40 59q39 17 69 -14l130 -129q107 101 244.5 156.5t284.5 55.5q156 0 298 -61t245 -164t164 -245t61 -298zM896 928v-448q0 -14 -9 -23 t-23 -9h-320q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h224v352q0 14 9 23t23 9h64q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1db;" d="M768 1280q-130 0 -248.5 -51t-204 -136.5t-136.5 -204t-51 -248.5t51 -248.5t136.5 -204t204 -136.5t248.5 -51t248.5 51t204 136.5t136.5 204t51 248.5t-51 248.5t-136.5 204t-204 136.5t-248.5 51zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103 t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1dc;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1682 -128q-44 0 -132.5 3.5t-133.5 3.5q-44 0 -132 -3.5t-132 -3.5q-24 0 -37 20.5t-13 45.5q0 31 17 46t39 17t51 7t45 15q33 21 33 140l-1 391q0 21 -1 31q-13 4 -50 4h-675q-38 0 -51 -4q-1 -10 -1 -31l-1 -371q0 -142 37 -164q16 -10 48 -13t57 -3.5t45 -15 t20 -45.5q0 -26 -12.5 -48t-36.5 -22q-47 0 -139.5 3.5t-138.5 3.5q-43 0 -128 -3.5t-127 -3.5q-23 0 -35.5 21t-12.5 45q0 30 15.5 45t36 17.5t47.5 7.5t42 15q33 23 33 143l-1 57v813q0 3 0.5 26t0 36.5t-1.5 38.5t-3.5 42t-6.5 36.5t-11 31.5t-16 18q-15 10 -45 12t-53 2 t-41 14t-18 45q0 26 12 48t36 22q46 0 138.5 -3.5t138.5 -3.5q42 0 126.5 3.5t126.5 3.5q25 0 37.5 -22t12.5 -48q0 -30 -17 -43.5t-38.5 -14.5t-49.5 -4t-43 -13q-35 -21 -35 -160l1 -320q0 -21 1 -32q13 -3 39 -3h699q25 0 38 3q1 11 1 32l1 320q0 139 -35 160 q-18 11 -58.5 12.5t-66 13t-25.5 49.5q0 26 12.5 48t37.5 22q44 0 132 -3.5t132 -3.5q43 0 129 3.5t129 3.5q25 0 37.5 -22t12.5 -48q0 -30 -17.5 -44t-40 -14.5t-51.5 -3t-44 -12.5q-35 -23 -35 -161l1 -943q0 -119 34 -140q16 -10 46 -13.5t53.5 -4.5t41.5 -15.5t18 -44.5 q0 -26 -12 -48t-36 -22z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1dd;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M1278 1347v-73q0 -29 -18.5 -61t-42.5 -32q-50 0 -54 -1q-26 -6 -32 -31q-3 -11 -3 -64v-1152q0 -25 -18 -43t-43 -18h-108q-25 0 -43 18t-18 43v1218h-143v-1218q0 -25 -17.5 -43t-43.5 -18h-108q-26 0 -43.5 18t-17.5 43v496q-147 12 -245 59q-126 58 -192 179 q-64 117 -64 259q0 166 88 286q88 118 209 159q111 37 417 37h479q25 0 43 -18t18 -43z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1de;" d="M352 128v-128h-352v128h352zM704 256q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-256q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-256q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v256q0 26 19 45t45 19h256zM864 640v-128h-864v128h864zM224 1152v-128h-224v128h224zM1536 128v-128h-736v128h736zM576 1280q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-256 q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-256q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v256q0 26 19 45t45 19h256zM1216 768q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-256q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-256q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v256q0 26 19 45t45 19h256zM1536 640v-128h-224v128h224zM1536 1152v-128h-864v128h864z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1e0;" d="M1216 512q133 0 226.5 -93.5t93.5 -226.5t-93.5 -226.5t-226.5 -93.5t-226.5 93.5t-93.5 226.5q0 12 2 34l-360 180q-92 -86 -218 -86q-133 0 -226.5 93.5t-93.5 226.5t93.5 226.5t226.5 93.5q126 0 218 -86l360 180q-2 22 -2 34q0 133 93.5 226.5t226.5 93.5 t226.5 -93.5t93.5 -226.5t-93.5 -226.5t-226.5 -93.5q-126 0 -218 86l-360 -180q2 -22 2 -34t-2 -34l360 -180q92 86 218 86z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1e1;" d="M1280 341q0 88 -62.5 151t-150.5 63q-84 0 -145 -58l-241 120q2 16 2 23t-2 23l241 120q61 -58 145 -58q88 0 150.5 63t62.5 151t-62.5 150.5t-150.5 62.5t-151 -62.5t-63 -150.5q0 -7 2 -23l-241 -120q-62 57 -145 57q-88 0 -150.5 -62.5t-62.5 -150.5t62.5 -150.5 t150.5 -62.5q83 0 145 57l241 -120q-2 -16 -2 -23q0 -88 63 -150.5t151 -62.5t150.5 62.5t62.5 150.5zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> 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horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M609 720l287 208l287 -208l-109 -336h-355zM896 1536q182 0 348 -71t286 -191t191 -286t71 -348t-71 -348t-191 -286t-286 -191t-348 -71t-348 71t-286 191t-191 286t-71 348t71 348t191 286t286 191t348 71zM1515 186q149 203 149 454v3l-102 -89l-240 224l63 323 l134 -12q-150 206 -389 282l53 -124l-287 -159l-287 159l53 124q-239 -76 -389 -282l135 12l62 -323l-240 -224l-102 89v-3q0 -251 149 -454l30 132l326 -40l139 -298l-116 -69q117 -39 240 -39t240 39l-116 69l139 298l326 40z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1e4;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M448 224v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM256 608v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM832 224v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23 v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM640 608v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM66 768q-28 0 -47 19t-19 46v129h514v-129q0 -27 -19 -46t-46 -19h-383zM1216 224v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192 q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1024 608v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1600 224v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23 zM1408 608v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1792 1016v-13h-514v10q0 104 -382 102q-382 -1 -382 -102v-10h-514v13q0 17 8.5 43t34 64t65.5 75.5t110.5 76t160 67.5t224 47.5t293.5 18.5t293 -18.5t224 -47.5 t160.5 -67.5t110.5 -76t65.5 -75.5t34 -64t8.5 -43zM1792 608v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1792 962v-129q0 -27 -19 -46t-46 -19h-384q-27 0 -46 19t-19 46v129h514z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1e5;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M704 1216v-768q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19v-576q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-512q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v512l249 873q7 23 31 23h424zM1024 1216v-704h-256v704h256zM1792 320v-512q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-512q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v576q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v768h424q24 0 31 -23z M736 1504v-224h-352v224q0 14 9 23t23 9h288q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1408 1504v-224h-352v224q0 14 9 23t23 9h288q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1e6;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1755 1083q37 -37 37 -90t-37 -91l-401 -400l150 -150l-160 -160q-163 -163 -389.5 -186.5t-411.5 100.5l-362 -362h-181v181l362 362q-124 185 -100.5 411.5t186.5 389.5l160 160l150 -150l400 401q38 37 91 37t90 -37t37 -90.5t-37 -90.5l-400 -401l234 -234l401 400 q38 37 91 37t90 -37z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1e7;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M873 796q0 -83 -63.5 -142.5t-152.5 -59.5t-152.5 59.5t-63.5 142.5q0 84 63.5 143t152.5 59t152.5 -59t63.5 -143zM1375 796q0 -83 -63 -142.5t-153 -59.5q-89 0 -152.5 59.5t-63.5 142.5q0 84 63.5 143t152.5 59q90 0 153 -59t63 -143zM1600 616v667q0 87 -32 123.5 t-111 36.5h-1112q-83 0 -112.5 -34t-29.5 -126v-673q43 -23 88.5 -40t81 -28t81 -18.5t71 -11t70 -4t58.5 -0.5t56.5 2t44.5 2q68 1 95 -27q6 -6 10 -9q26 -25 61 -51q7 91 118 87q5 0 36.5 -1.5t43 -2t45.5 -1t53 1t54.5 4.5t61 8.5t62 13.5t67 19.5t67.5 27t72 34.5z M1763 621q-121 -149 -372 -252q84 -285 -23 -465q-66 -113 -183 -148q-104 -32 -182 15q-86 51 -82 164l-1 326v1q-8 2 -24.5 6t-23.5 5l-1 -338q4 -114 -83 -164q-79 -47 -183 -15q-117 36 -182 150q-105 180 -22 463q-251 103 -372 252q-25 37 -4 63t60 -1q3 -2 11 -7 t11 -8v694q0 72 47 123t114 51h1257q67 0 114 -51t47 -123v-694l21 15q39 27 60 1t-4 -63z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1e8;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M896 1102v-434h-145v434h145zM1294 1102v-434h-145v434h145zM1294 342l253 254v795h-1194v-1049h326v-217l217 217h398zM1692 1536v-1013l-434 -434h-326l-217 -217h-217v217h-398v1158l109 289h1483z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1e9;" d="M773 217v-127q-1 -292 -6 -305q-12 -32 -51 -40q-54 -9 -181.5 38t-162.5 89q-13 15 -17 36q-1 12 4 26q4 10 34 47t181 216q1 0 60 70q15 19 39.5 24.5t49.5 -3.5q24 -10 37.5 -29t12.5 -42zM624 468q-3 -55 -52 -70l-120 -39q-275 -88 -292 -88q-35 2 -54 36 q-12 25 -17 75q-8 76 1 166.5t30 124.5t56 32q13 0 202 -77q70 -29 115 -47l84 -34q23 -9 35.5 -30.5t11.5 -48.5zM1450 171q-7 -54 -91.5 -161t-135.5 -127q-37 -14 -63 7q-14 10 -184 287l-47 77q-14 21 -11.5 46t19.5 46q35 43 83 26q1 -1 119 -40q203 -66 242 -79.5 t47 -20.5q28 -22 22 -61zM778 803q5 -102 -54 -122q-58 -17 -114 71l-378 598q-8 35 19 62q41 43 207.5 89.5t224.5 31.5q40 -10 49 -45q3 -18 22 -305.5t24 -379.5zM1440 695q3 -39 -26 -59q-15 -10 -329 -86q-67 -15 -91 -23l1 2q-23 -6 -46 4t-37 32q-30 47 0 87 q1 1 75 102q125 171 150 204t34 39q28 19 65 2q48 -23 123 -133.5t81 -167.5v-3z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ea;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1024 1024h-384v-384h384v384zM1152 384v-128h-640v128h640zM1152 1152v-640h-640v640h640zM1792 384v-128h-512v128h512zM1792 640v-128h-512v128h512zM1792 896v-128h-512v128h512zM1792 1152v-128h-512v128h512zM256 192v960h-128v-960q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19t45 19 t19 45zM1920 192v1088h-1536v-1088q0 -33 -11 -64h1483q26 0 45 19t19 45zM2048 1408v-1216q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56h-1664q-80 0 -136 56t-56 136v1088h256v128h1792z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1eb;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1024 13q-20 0 -93 73.5t-73 93.5q0 32 62.5 54t103.5 22t103.5 -22t62.5 -54q0 -20 -73 -93.5t-93 -73.5zM1294 284q-2 0 -40 25t-101.5 50t-128.5 25t-128.5 -25t-101 -50t-40.5 -25q-18 0 -93.5 75t-75.5 93q0 13 10 23q78 77 196 121t233 44t233 -44t196 -121 q10 -10 10 -23q0 -18 -75.5 -93t-93.5 -75zM1567 556q-11 0 -23 8q-136 105 -252 154.5t-268 49.5q-85 0 -170.5 -22t-149 -53t-113.5 -62t-79 -53t-31 -22q-17 0 -92 75t-75 93q0 12 10 22q132 132 320 205t380 73t380 -73t320 -205q10 -10 10 -22q0 -18 -75 -93t-92 -75z M1838 827q-11 0 -22 9q-179 157 -371.5 236.5t-420.5 79.5t-420.5 -79.5t-371.5 -236.5q-11 -9 -22 -9q-17 0 -92.5 75t-75.5 93q0 13 10 23q187 186 445 288t527 102t527 -102t445 -288q10 -10 10 -23q0 -18 -75.5 -93t-92.5 -75z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ec;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M384 0q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM768 0q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM384 384q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5 t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1152 0q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM768 384q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5 t37.5 90.5zM384 768q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1152 384q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM768 768q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5 t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1536 0v384q0 52 -38 90t-90 38t-90 -38t-38 -90v-384q0 -52 38 -90t90 -38t90 38t38 90zM1152 768q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5z M1536 1088v256q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-1280q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-256q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h1280q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1536 768q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1664 1408v-1536q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38 h-1408q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1536q0 52 38 90t90 38h1408q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ed;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1112 1090q0 159 -237 159h-70q-32 0 -59.5 -21.5t-34.5 -52.5l-63 -276q-2 -5 -2 -16q0 -24 17 -39.5t41 -15.5h53q69 0 128.5 13t112.5 41t83.5 81.5t30.5 126.5zM1716 938q0 -265 -220 -428q-219 -161 -612 -161h-61q-32 0 -59 -21.5t-34 -52.5l-73 -316 q-8 -36 -40.5 -61.5t-69.5 -25.5h-213q-31 0 -53 20t-22 51q0 10 13 65h151q34 0 64 23.5t38 56.5l73 316q8 33 37.5 57t63.5 24h61q390 0 607 160t217 421q0 129 -51 207q183 -92 183 -335zM1533 1123q0 -264 -221 -428q-218 -161 -612 -161h-60q-32 0 -59.5 -22t-34.5 -53 l-73 -315q-8 -36 -40 -61.5t-69 -25.5h-214q-31 0 -52.5 19.5t-21.5 51.5q0 8 2 20l300 1301q8 36 40.5 61.5t69.5 25.5h444q68 0 125 -4t120.5 -15t113.5 -30t96.5 -50.5t77.5 -74t49.5 -103.5t18.5 -136z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1ee;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M602 949q19 -61 31 -123.5t17 -141.5t-14 -159t-62 -145q-21 81 -67 157t-95.5 127t-99 90.5t-78.5 57.5t-33 19q-62 34 -81.5 100t14.5 128t101 81.5t129 -14.5q138 -83 238 -177zM927 1236q11 -25 20.5 -46t36.5 -100.5t42.5 -150.5t25.5 -179.5t0 -205.5t-47.5 -209.5 t-105.5 -208.5q-51 -72 -138 -72q-54 0 -98 31q-57 40 -69 109t28 127q60 85 81 195t13 199.5t-32 180.5t-39 128t-22 52q-31 63 -8.5 129.5t85.5 97.5q34 17 75 17q47 0 88.5 -25t63.5 -69zM1248 567q-17 -160 -72 -311q-17 131 -63 246q25 174 -5 361q-27 178 -94 342 q114 -90 212 -211q9 -37 15 -80q26 -179 7 -347zM1520 1440q9 -17 23.5 -49.5t43.5 -117.5t50.5 -178t34 -227.5t5 -269t-47 -300t-112.5 -323.5q-22 -48 -66 -75.5t-95 -27.5q-39 0 -74 16q-67 31 -92.5 100t4.5 136q58 126 90 257.5t37.5 239.5t-3.5 213.5t-26.5 180.5 t-38.5 138.5t-32.5 90t-15.5 32.5q-34 65 -11.5 135.5t87.5 104.5q37 20 81 20q49 0 91.5 -25.5t66.5 -70.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f0;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M1975 546h-138q14 37 66 179l3 9q4 10 10 26t9 26l12 -55zM531 611l-58 295q-11 54 -75 54h-268l-2 -13q311 -79 403 -336zM710 960l-162 -438l-17 89q-26 70 -85 129.5t-131 88.5l135 -510h175l261 641h-176zM849 318h166l104 642h-166zM1617 944q-69 27 -149 27 q-123 0 -201 -59t-79 -153q-1 -102 145 -174q48 -23 67 -41t19 -39q0 -30 -30 -46t-69 -16q-86 0 -156 33l-22 11l-23 -144q74 -34 185 -34q130 -1 208.5 59t80.5 160q0 106 -140 174q-49 25 -71 42t-22 38q0 22 24.5 38.5t70.5 16.5q70 1 124 -24l15 -8zM2042 960h-128 q-65 0 -87 -54l-246 -588h174l35 96h212q5 -22 20 -96h154zM2304 1280v-1280q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-2048q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1280q0 52 38 90t90 38h2048q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f1;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M671 603h-13q-47 0 -47 -32q0 -22 20 -22q17 0 28 15t12 39zM1066 639h62v3q1 4 0.5 6.5t-1 7t-2 8t-4.5 6.5t-7.5 5t-11.5 2q-28 0 -36 -38zM1606 603h-12q-48 0 -48 -32q0 -22 20 -22q17 0 28 15t12 39zM1925 629q0 41 -30 41q-19 0 -31 -20t-12 -51q0 -42 28 -42 q20 0 32.5 20t12.5 52zM480 770h87l-44 -262h-56l32 201l-71 -201h-39l-4 200l-34 -200h-53l44 262h81l2 -163zM733 663q0 -6 -4 -42q-16 -101 -17 -113h-47l1 22q-20 -26 -58 -26q-23 0 -37.5 16t-14.5 42q0 39 26 60.5t73 21.5q14 0 23 -1q0 3 0.5 5.5t1 4.5t0.5 3 q0 20 -36 20q-29 0 -59 -10q0 4 7 48q38 11 67 11q74 0 74 -62zM889 721l-8 -49q-22 3 -41 3q-27 0 -27 -17q0 -8 4.5 -12t21.5 -11q40 -19 40 -60q0 -72 -87 -71q-34 0 -58 6q0 2 7 49q29 -8 51 -8q32 0 32 19q0 7 -4.5 11.5t-21.5 12.5q-43 20 -43 59q0 72 84 72 q30 0 50 -4zM977 721h28l-7 -52h-29q-2 -17 -6.5 -40.5t-7 -38.5t-2.5 -18q0 -16 19 -16q8 0 16 2l-8 -47q-21 -7 -40 -7q-43 0 -45 47q0 12 8 56q3 20 25 146h55zM1180 648q0 -23 -7 -52h-111q-3 -22 10 -33t38 -11q30 0 58 14l-9 -54q-30 -8 -57 -8q-95 0 -95 95 q0 55 27.5 90.5t69.5 35.5q35 0 55.5 -21t20.5 -56zM1319 722q-13 -23 -22 -62q-22 2 -31 -24t-25 -128h-56l3 14q22 130 29 199h51l-3 -33q14 21 25.5 29.5t28.5 4.5zM1506 763l-9 -57q-28 14 -50 14q-31 0 -51 -27.5t-20 -70.5q0 -30 13.5 -47t38.5 -17q21 0 48 13 l-10 -59q-28 -8 -50 -8q-45 0 -71.5 30.5t-26.5 82.5q0 70 35.5 114.5t91.5 44.5q26 0 61 -13zM1668 663q0 -18 -4 -42q-13 -79 -17 -113h-46l1 22q-20 -26 -59 -26q-23 0 -37 16t-14 42q0 39 25.5 60.5t72.5 21.5q15 0 23 -1q2 7 2 13q0 20 -36 20q-29 0 -59 -10q0 4 8 48 q38 11 67 11q73 0 73 -62zM1809 722q-14 -24 -21 -62q-23 2 -31.5 -23t-25.5 -129h-56l3 14q19 104 29 199h52q0 -11 -4 -33q15 21 26.5 29.5t27.5 4.5zM1950 770h56l-43 -262h-53l3 19q-23 -23 -52 -23q-31 0 -49.5 24t-18.5 64q0 53 27.5 92t64.5 39q31 0 53 -29z M2061 640q0 148 -72.5 273t-198 198t-273.5 73q-181 0 -328 -110q127 -116 171 -284h-50q-44 150 -158 253q-114 -103 -158 -253h-50q44 168 171 284q-147 110 -328 110q-148 0 -273.5 -73t-198 -198t-72.5 -273t72.5 -273t198 -198t273.5 -73q181 0 328 110 q-120 111 -165 264h50q46 -138 152 -233q106 95 152 233h50q-45 -153 -165 -264q147 -110 328 -110q148 0 273.5 73t198 198t72.5 273zM2304 1280v-1280q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-2048q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1280q0 52 38 90t90 38h2048q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f2;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M313 759q0 -51 -36 -84q-29 -26 -89 -26h-17v220h17q61 0 89 -27q36 -31 36 -83zM2089 824q0 -52 -64 -52h-19v101h20q63 0 63 -49zM380 759q0 74 -50 120.5t-129 46.5h-95v-333h95q74 0 119 38q60 51 60 128zM410 593h65v333h-65v-333zM730 694q0 40 -20.5 62t-75.5 42 q-29 10 -39.5 19t-10.5 23q0 16 13.5 26.5t34.5 10.5q29 0 53 -27l34 44q-41 37 -98 37q-44 0 -74 -27.5t-30 -67.5q0 -35 18 -55.5t64 -36.5q37 -13 45 -19q19 -12 19 -34q0 -20 -14 -33.5t-36 -13.5q-48 0 -71 44l-42 -40q44 -64 115 -64q51 0 83 30.5t32 79.5zM1008 604 v77q-37 -37 -78 -37q-49 0 -80.5 32.5t-31.5 82.5q0 48 31.5 81.5t77.5 33.5q43 0 81 -38v77q-40 20 -80 20q-74 0 -125.5 -50.5t-51.5 -123.5t51 -123.5t125 -50.5q42 0 81 19zM2240 0v527q-65 -40 -144.5 -84t-237.5 -117t-329.5 -137.5t-417.5 -134.5t-504 -118h1569 q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1389 757q0 75 -53 128t-128 53t-128 -53t-53 -128t53 -128t128 -53t128 53t53 128zM1541 584l144 342h-71l-90 -224l-89 224h-71l142 -342h35zM1714 593h184v56h-119v90h115v56h-115v74h119v57h-184v-333zM2105 593h80l-105 140q76 16 76 94q0 47 -31 73 t-87 26h-97v-333h65v133h9zM2304 1274v-1268q0 -56 -38.5 -95t-93.5 -39h-2040q-55 0 -93.5 39t-38.5 95v1268q0 56 38.5 95t93.5 39h2040q55 0 93.5 -39t38.5 -95z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f3;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M119 854h89l-45 108zM740 328l74 79l-70 79h-163v-49h142v-55h-142v-54h159zM898 406l99 -110v217zM1186 453q0 33 -40 33h-84v-69h83q41 0 41 36zM1475 457q0 29 -42 29h-82v-61h81q43 0 43 32zM1197 923q0 29 -42 29h-82v-60h81q43 0 43 31zM1656 854h89l-44 108z M699 1009v-271h-66v212l-94 -212h-57l-94 212v-212h-132l-25 60h-135l-25 -60h-70l116 271h96l110 -257v257h106l85 -184l77 184h108zM1255 453q0 -20 -5.5 -35t-14 -25t-22.5 -16.5t-26 -10t-31.5 -4.5t-31.5 -1t-32.5 0.5t-29.5 0.5v-91h-126l-80 90l-83 -90h-256v271h260 l80 -89l82 89h207q109 0 109 -89zM964 794v-56h-217v271h217v-57h-152v-49h148v-55h-148v-54h152zM2304 235v-229q0 -55 -38.5 -94.5t-93.5 -39.5h-2040q-55 0 -93.5 39.5t-38.5 94.5v678h111l25 61h55l25 -61h218v46l19 -46h113l20 47v-47h541v99l10 1q10 0 10 -14v-86h279 v23q23 -12 55 -18t52.5 -6.5t63 0.5t51.5 1l25 61h56l25 -61h227v58l34 -58h182v378h-180v-44l-25 44h-185v-44l-23 44h-249q-69 0 -109 -22v22h-172v-22q-24 22 -73 22h-628l-43 -97l-43 97h-198v-44l-22 44h-169l-78 -179v391q0 55 38.5 94.5t93.5 39.5h2040 q55 0 93.5 -39.5t38.5 -94.5v-678h-120q-51 0 -81 -22v22h-177q-55 0 -78 -22v22h-316v-22q-31 22 -87 22h-209v-22q-23 22 -91 22h-234l-54 -58l-50 58h-349v-378h343l55 59l52 -59h211v89h21q59 0 90 13v-102h174v99h8q8 0 10 -2t2 -10v-87h529q57 0 88 24v-24h168 q60 0 95 17zM1546 469q0 -23 -12 -43t-34 -29q25 -9 34 -26t9 -46v-54h-65v45q0 33 -12 43.5t-46 10.5h-69v-99h-65v271h154q48 0 77 -15t29 -58zM1269 936q0 -24 -12.5 -44t-33.5 -29q26 -9 34.5 -25.5t8.5 -46.5v-53h-65q0 9 0.5 26.5t0 25t-3 18.5t-8.5 16t-17.5 8.5 t-29.5 3.5h-70v-98h-64v271l153 -1q49 0 78 -14.5t29 -57.5zM1798 327v-56h-216v271h216v-56h-151v-49h148v-55h-148v-54zM1372 1009v-271h-66v271h66zM2065 357q0 -86 -102 -86h-126v58h126q34 0 34 25q0 16 -17 21t-41.5 5t-49.5 3.5t-42 22.5t-17 55q0 39 26 60t66 21 h130v-57h-119q-36 0 -36 -25q0 -16 17.5 -20.5t42 -4t49 -2.5t42 -21.5t17.5 -54.5zM2304 407v-101q-24 -35 -88 -35h-125v58h125q33 0 33 25q0 13 -12.5 19t-31 5.5t-40 2t-40 8t-31 24t-12.5 48.5q0 39 26.5 60t66.5 21h129v-57h-118q-36 0 -36 -25q0 -20 29 -22t68.5 -5 t56.5 -26zM2139 1008v-270h-92l-122 203v-203h-132l-26 60h-134l-25 -60h-75q-129 0 -129 133q0 138 133 138h63v-59q-7 0 -28 1t-28.5 0.5t-23 -2t-21.5 -6.5t-14.5 -13.5t-11.5 -23t-3 -33.5q0 -38 13.5 -58t49.5 -20h29l92 213h97l109 -256v256h99l114 -188v188h66z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f4;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M322 689h-15q-19 0 -19 18q0 28 19 85q5 15 15 19.5t28 4.5q77 0 77 -49q0 -41 -30.5 -59.5t-74.5 -18.5zM664 528q-47 0 -47 29q0 62 123 62l3 -3q-5 -88 -79 -88zM1438 687h-15q-19 0 -19 19q0 28 19 85q5 15 14.5 19t28.5 4q77 0 77 -49q0 -41 -30.5 -59.5 t-74.5 -18.5zM1780 527q-47 0 -47 30q0 62 123 62l3 -3q-5 -89 -79 -89zM373 894h-128q-8 0 -14.5 -4t-8.5 -7.5t-7 -12.5q-3 -7 -45 -190t-42 -192q0 -7 5.5 -12.5t13.5 -5.5h62q25 0 32.5 34.5l15 69t32.5 34.5q47 0 87.5 7.5t80.5 24.5t63.5 52.5t23.5 84.5 q0 36 -14.5 61t-41 36.5t-53.5 15.5t-62 4zM719 798q-38 0 -74 -6q-2 0 -8.5 -1t-9 -1.5l-7.5 -1.5t-7.5 -2t-6.5 -3t-6.5 -4t-5 -5t-4.5 -7t-4 -9q-9 -29 -9 -39t9 -10q5 0 21.5 5t19.5 6q30 8 58 8q74 0 74 -36q0 -11 -10 -14q-8 -2 -18 -3t-21.5 -1.5t-17.5 -1.5 q-38 -4 -64.5 -10t-56.5 -19.5t-45.5 -39t-15.5 -62.5q0 -38 26 -59.5t64 -21.5q24 0 45.5 6.5t33 13t38.5 23.5q-3 -7 -3 -15t5.5 -13.5t12.5 -5.5h56q1 1 7 3.5t7.5 3.5t5 3.5t5 5.5t2.5 8l45 194q4 13 4 30q0 81 -145 81zM1247 793h-74q-22 0 -39 -23q-5 -7 -29.5 -51 t-46.5 -81.5t-26 -38.5l-5 4q0 77 -27 166q-1 5 -3.5 8.5t-6 6.5t-6.5 5t-8.5 3t-8.5 1.5t-9.5 1t-9 0.5h-10h-8.5q-38 0 -38 -21l1 -5q5 -53 25 -151t25 -143q2 -16 2 -24q0 -19 -30.5 -61.5t-30.5 -58.5q0 -13 40 -13q61 0 76 25l245 415q10 20 10 26q0 9 -8 9zM1489 892 h-129q-18 0 -29 -23q-6 -13 -46.5 -191.5t-40.5 -190.5q0 -20 43 -20h7.5h9h9t9.5 1t8.5 2t8.5 3t6.5 4.5t5.5 6t3 8.5l21 91q2 10 10.5 17t19.5 7q47 0 87.5 7t80.5 24.5t63.5 52.5t23.5 84q0 36 -14.5 61t-41 36.5t-53.5 15.5t-62 4zM1835 798q-26 0 -74 -6 q-38 -6 -48 -16q-7 -8 -11 -19q-8 -24 -8 -39q0 -10 8 -10q1 0 41 12q30 8 58 8q74 0 74 -36q0 -12 -10 -14q-4 -1 -57 -7q-38 -4 -64.5 -10t-56.5 -19.5t-45.5 -39t-15.5 -62.5t26 -58.5t64 -21.5q24 0 45 6t34 13t38 24q-3 -15 -3 -16q0 -5 2 -8.5t6.5 -5.5t8 -3.5 t10.5 -2t9.5 -0.5h9.5h8q42 0 48 25l45 194q3 15 3 31q0 81 -145 81zM2157 889h-55q-25 0 -33 -40q-10 -44 -36.5 -167t-42.5 -190v-5q0 -16 16 -18h1h57q10 0 18.5 6.5t10.5 16.5l83 374h-1l1 5q0 7 -5.5 12.5t-13.5 5.5zM2304 1280v-1280q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-2048 q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1280q0 52 38 90t90 38h2048q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f5;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M1597 633q0 -69 -21 -106q-19 -35 -52 -35q-23 0 -41 9v224q29 30 57 30q57 0 57 -122zM2035 669h-110q6 98 56 98q51 0 54 -98zM476 534q0 59 -33 91.5t-101 57.5q-36 13 -52 24t-16 25q0 26 38 26q58 0 124 -33l18 112q-67 32 -149 32q-77 0 -123 -38q-48 -39 -48 -109 q0 -58 32.5 -90.5t99.5 -56.5q39 -14 54.5 -25.5t15.5 -27.5q0 -31 -48 -31q-29 0 -70 12.5t-72 30.5l-18 -113q72 -41 168 -41q81 0 129 37q51 41 51 117zM771 749l19 111h-96v135l-129 -21l-18 -114l-46 -8l-17 -103h62v-219q0 -84 44 -120q38 -30 111 -30q32 0 79 11v118 q-32 -7 -44 -7q-42 0 -42 50v197h77zM1087 724v139q-15 3 -28 3q-32 0 -55.5 -16t-33.5 -46l-10 56h-131v-471h150v306q26 31 82 31q16 0 26 -2zM1124 389h150v471h-150v-471zM1746 638q0 122 -45 179q-40 52 -111 52q-64 0 -117 -56l-8 47h-132v-645l150 25v151 q36 -11 68 -11q83 0 134 56q61 65 61 202zM1278 986q0 33 -23 56t-56 23t-56 -23t-23 -56t23 -56.5t56 -23.5t56 23.5t23 56.5zM2176 629q0 113 -48 176q-50 64 -144 64q-96 0 -151.5 -66t-55.5 -180q0 -128 63 -188q55 -55 161 -55q101 0 160 40l-16 103q-57 -31 -128 -31 q-43 0 -63 19q-23 19 -28 66h248q2 14 2 52zM2304 1280v-1280q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-2048q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1280q0 52 38 90t90 38h2048q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f6;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1558 684q61 -356 298 -556q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-448q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-180.5 74.5t-75.5 180.5zM1024 -176q16 0 16 16t-16 16q-59 0 -101.5 42.5t-42.5 101.5q0 16 -16 16t-16 -16q0 -73 51.5 -124.5t124.5 -51.5zM2026 1424q8 -10 7.5 -23.5t-10.5 -22.5 l-1872 -1622q-10 -8 -23.5 -7t-21.5 11l-84 96q-8 10 -7.5 23.5t10.5 21.5l186 161q-19 32 -19 66q50 42 91 88t85 119.5t74.5 158.5t50 206t19.5 260q0 152 117 282.5t307 158.5q-8 19 -8 39q0 40 28 68t68 28t68 -28t28 -68q0 -20 -8 -39q124 -18 219 -82.5t148 -157.5 l418 363q10 8 23.5 7t21.5 -11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f7;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1040 -160q0 16 -16 16q-59 0 -101.5 42.5t-42.5 101.5q0 16 -16 16t-16 -16q0 -73 51.5 -124.5t124.5 -51.5q16 0 16 16zM503 315l877 760q-42 88 -132.5 146.5t-223.5 58.5q-93 0 -169.5 -31.5t-121.5 -80.5t-69 -103t-24 -105q0 -384 -137 -645zM1856 128 q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-448q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75t-180.5 74.5t-75.5 180.5l149 129h757q-166 187 -227 459l111 97q61 -356 298 -556zM1942 1520l84 -96q8 -10 7.5 -23.5t-10.5 -22.5l-1872 -1622q-10 -8 -23.5 -7t-21.5 11l-84 96q-8 10 -7.5 23.5t10.5 21.5l186 161 q-19 32 -19 66q50 42 91 88t85 119.5t74.5 158.5t50 206t19.5 260q0 152 117 282.5t307 158.5q-8 19 -8 39q0 40 28 68t68 28t68 -28t28 -68q0 -20 -8 -39q124 -18 219 -82.5t148 -157.5l418 363q10 8 23.5 7t21.5 -11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f8;" horiz-adv-x="1408" d="M512 160v704q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-704q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM768 160v704q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-704q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM1024 160v704q0 14 -9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0 -23 -9t-9 -23v-704 q0 -14 9 -23t23 -9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23zM480 1152h448l-48 117q-7 9 -17 11h-317q-10 -2 -17 -11zM1408 1120v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-96v-948q0 -83 -47 -143.5t-113 -60.5h-832q-66 0 -113 58.5t-47 141.5v952h-96q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h309l70 167 q15 37 54 63t79 26h320q40 0 79 -26t54 -63l70 -167h309q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1f9;" d="M1150 462v-109q0 -50 -36.5 -89t-94 -60.5t-118 -32.5t-117.5 -11q-205 0 -342.5 139t-137.5 346q0 203 136 339t339 136q34 0 75.5 -4.5t93 -18t92.5 -34t69 -56.5t28 -81v-109q0 -16 -16 -16h-118q-16 0 -16 16v70q0 43 -65.5 67.5t-137.5 24.5q-140 0 -228.5 -91.5 t-88.5 -237.5q0 -151 91.5 -249.5t233.5 -98.5q68 0 138 24t70 66v70q0 7 4.5 11.5t10.5 4.5h119q6 0 11 -4.5t5 -11.5zM768 1280q-130 0 -248.5 -51t-204 -136.5t-136.5 -204t-51 -248.5t51 -248.5t136.5 -204t204 -136.5t248.5 -51t248.5 51t204 136.5t136.5 204t51 248.5 t-51 248.5t-136.5 204t-204 136.5t-248.5 51zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1fa;" d="M972 761q0 108 -53.5 169t-147.5 61q-63 0 -124 -30.5t-110 -84.5t-79.5 -137t-30.5 -180q0 -112 53.5 -173t150.5 -61q96 0 176 66.5t122.5 166t42.5 203.5zM1536 640q0 -111 -37 -197t-98.5 -135t-131.5 -74.5t-145 -27.5q-6 0 -15.5 -0.5t-16.5 -0.5q-95 0 -142 53 q-28 33 -33 83q-52 -66 -131.5 -110t-173.5 -44q-161 0 -249.5 95.5t-88.5 269.5q0 157 66 290t179 210.5t246 77.5q87 0 155 -35.5t106 -99.5l2 19l11 56q1 6 5.5 12t9.5 6h118q5 0 13 -11q5 -5 3 -16l-120 -614q-5 -24 -5 -48q0 -39 12.5 -52t44.5 -13q28 1 57 5.5t73 24 t77 50t57 89.5t24 137q0 292 -174 466t-466 174q-130 0 -248.5 -51t-204 -136.5t-136.5 -204t-51 -248.5t51 -248.5t136.5 -204t204 -136.5t248.5 -51q228 0 405 144q11 9 24 8t21 -12l41 -49q8 -12 7 -24q-2 -13 -12 -22q-102 -83 -227.5 -128t-258.5 -45q-156 0 -298 61 t-245 164t-164 245t-61 298t61 298t164 245t245 164t298 61q344 0 556 -212t212 -556z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1fb;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1698 1442q94 -94 94 -226.5t-94 -225.5l-225 -223l104 -104q10 -10 10 -23t-10 -23l-210 -210q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-105 105l-603 -603q-37 -37 -90 -37h-203l-256 -128l-64 64l128 256v203q0 53 37 90l603 603l-105 105q-10 10 -10 23t10 23l210 210q10 10 23 10 t23 -10l104 -104l223 225q93 94 225.5 94t226.5 -94zM512 64l576 576l-192 192l-576 -576v-192h192z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1fc;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1615 1536q70 0 122.5 -46.5t52.5 -116.5q0 -63 -45 -151q-332 -629 -465 -752q-97 -91 -218 -91q-126 0 -216.5 92.5t-90.5 219.5q0 128 92 212l638 579q59 54 130 54zM706 502q39 -76 106.5 -130t150.5 -76l1 -71q4 -213 -129.5 -347t-348.5 -134q-123 0 -218 46.5 t-152.5 127.5t-86.5 183t-29 220q7 -5 41 -30t62 -44.5t59 -36.5t46 -17q41 0 55 37q25 66 57.5 112.5t69.5 76t88 47.5t103 25.5t125 10.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1fd;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1792 128v-384h-1792v384q45 0 85 14t59 27.5t47 37.5q30 27 51.5 38t56.5 11t55.5 -11t52.5 -38q29 -25 47 -38t58 -27t86 -14q45 0 85 14.5t58 27t48 37.5q21 19 32.5 27t31 15t43.5 7q35 0 56.5 -11t51.5 -38q28 -24 47 -37.5t59 -27.5t85 -14t85 14t59 27.5t47 37.5 q30 27 51.5 38t56.5 11q34 0 55.5 -11t51.5 -38q28 -24 47 -37.5t59 -27.5t85 -14zM1792 448v-192q-35 0 -55.5 11t-52.5 38q-29 25 -47 38t-58 27t-85 14q-46 0 -86 -14t-58 -27t-47 -38q-22 -19 -33 -27t-31 -15t-44 -7q-35 0 -56.5 11t-51.5 38q-29 25 -47 38t-58 27 t-86 14q-45 0 -85 -14.5t-58 -27t-48 -37.5q-21 -19 -32.5 -27t-31 -15t-43.5 -7q-35 0 -56.5 11t-51.5 38q-28 24 -47 37.5t-59 27.5t-85 14q-46 0 -86 -14t-58 -27t-47 -38q-30 -27 -51.5 -38t-56.5 -11v192q0 80 56 136t136 56h64v448h256v-448h256v448h256v-448h256v448 h256v-448h64q80 0 136 -56t56 -136zM512 1312q0 -77 -36 -118.5t-92 -41.5q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5q0 29 9.5 51t23.5 34t31 28t31 31.5t23.5 44.5t9.5 67q38 0 83 -74t45 -150zM1024 1312q0 -77 -36 -118.5t-92 -41.5q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5q0 29 9.5 51 t23.5 34t31 28t31 31.5t23.5 44.5t9.5 67q38 0 83 -74t45 -150zM1536 1312q0 -77 -36 -118.5t-92 -41.5q-53 0 -90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5q0 29 9.5 51t23.5 34t31 28t31 31.5t23.5 44.5t9.5 67q38 0 83 -74t45 -150z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1fe;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M2048 0v-128h-2048v1536h128v-1408h1920zM1664 1024l256 -896h-1664v576l448 576l576 -576z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf200;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M768 646l546 -546q-106 -108 -247.5 -168t-298.5 -60q-209 0 -385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103v-762zM955 640h773q0 -157 -60 -298.5t-168 -247.5zM1664 768h-768v768q209 0 385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf201;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M2048 0v-128h-2048v1536h128v-1408h1920zM1920 1248v-435q0 -21 -19.5 -29.5t-35.5 7.5l-121 121l-633 -633q-10 -10 -23 -10t-23 10l-233 233l-416 -416l-192 192l585 585q10 10 23 10t23 -10l233 -233l464 464l-121 121q-16 16 -7.5 35.5t29.5 19.5h435q14 0 23 -9 t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf202;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1292 832q0 -6 10 -41q10 -29 25 -49.5t41 -34t44 -20t55 -16.5q325 -91 325 -332q0 -146 -105.5 -242.5t-254.5 -96.5q-59 0 -111.5 18.5t-91.5 45.5t-77 74.5t-63 87.5t-53.5 103.5t-43.5 103t-39.5 106.5t-35.5 95q-32 81 -61.5 133.5t-73.5 96.5t-104 64t-142 20 q-96 0 -183 -55.5t-138 -144.5t-51 -185q0 -160 106.5 -279.5t263.5 -119.5q177 0 258 95q56 63 83 116l84 -152q-15 -34 -44 -70l1 -1q-131 -152 -388 -152q-147 0 -269.5 79t-190.5 207.5t-68 274.5q0 105 43.5 206t116 176.5t172 121.5t204.5 46q87 0 159 -19t123.5 -50 t95 -80t72.5 -99t58.5 -117t50.5 -124.5t50 -130.5t55 -127q96 -200 233 -200q81 0 138.5 48.5t57.5 128.5q0 42 -19 72t-50.5 46t-72.5 31.5t-84.5 27t-87.5 34t-81 52t-65 82t-39 122.5q-3 16 -3 33q0 110 87.5 192t198.5 78q78 -3 120.5 -14.5t90.5 -53.5h-1 q12 -11 23 -24.5t26 -36t19 -27.5l-129 -99q-26 49 -54 70v1q-23 21 -97 21q-49 0 -84 -33t-35 -83z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf203;" d="M1432 484q0 173 -234 239q-35 10 -53 16.5t-38 25t-29 46.5q0 2 -2 8.5t-3 12t-1 7.5q0 36 24.5 59.5t60.5 23.5q54 0 71 -15h-1q20 -15 39 -51l93 71q-39 54 -49 64q-33 29 -67.5 39t-85.5 10q-80 0 -142 -57.5t-62 -137.5q0 -7 2 -23q16 -96 64.5 -140t148.5 -73 q29 -8 49 -15.5t45 -21.5t38.5 -34.5t13.5 -46.5v-5q1 -58 -40.5 -93t-100.5 -35q-97 0 -167 144q-23 47 -51.5 121.5t-48 125.5t-54 110.5t-74 95.5t-103.5 60.5t-147 24.5q-101 0 -192 -56t-144 -148t-50 -192v-1q4 -108 50.5 -199t133.5 -147.5t196 -56.5q186 0 279 110 q20 27 31 51l-60 109q-42 -80 -99 -116t-146 -36q-115 0 -191 87t-76 204q0 105 82 189t186 84q112 0 170 -53.5t104 -172.5q8 -21 25.5 -68.5t28.5 -76.5t31.5 -74.5t38.5 -74t45.5 -62.5t55.5 -53.5t66 -33t80 -13.5q107 0 183 69.5t76 174.5zM1536 1120v-960 q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf204;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1152 640q0 104 -40.5 198.5t-109.5 163.5t-163.5 109.5t-198.5 40.5t-198.5 -40.5t-163.5 -109.5t-109.5 -163.5t-40.5 -198.5t40.5 -198.5t109.5 -163.5t163.5 -109.5t198.5 -40.5t198.5 40.5t163.5 109.5t109.5 163.5t40.5 198.5zM1920 640q0 104 -40.5 198.5 t-109.5 163.5t-163.5 109.5t-198.5 40.5h-386q119 -90 188.5 -224t69.5 -288t-69.5 -288t-188.5 -224h386q104 0 198.5 40.5t163.5 109.5t109.5 163.5t40.5 198.5zM2048 640q0 -130 -51 -248.5t-136.5 -204t-204 -136.5t-248.5 -51h-768q-130 0 -248.5 51t-204 136.5 t-136.5 204t-51 248.5t51 248.5t136.5 204t204 136.5t248.5 51h768q130 0 248.5 -51t204 -136.5t136.5 -204t51 -248.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf205;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M0 640q0 130 51 248.5t136.5 204t204 136.5t248.5 51h768q130 0 248.5 -51t204 -136.5t136.5 -204t51 -248.5t-51 -248.5t-136.5 -204t-204 -136.5t-248.5 -51h-768q-130 0 -248.5 51t-204 136.5t-136.5 204t-51 248.5zM1408 128q104 0 198.5 40.5t163.5 109.5 t109.5 163.5t40.5 198.5t-40.5 198.5t-109.5 163.5t-163.5 109.5t-198.5 40.5t-198.5 -40.5t-163.5 -109.5t-109.5 -163.5t-40.5 -198.5t40.5 -198.5t109.5 -163.5t163.5 -109.5t198.5 -40.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf206;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M762 384h-314q-40 0 -57.5 35t6.5 67l188 251q-65 31 -137 31q-132 0 -226 -94t-94 -226t94 -226t226 -94q115 0 203 72.5t111 183.5zM576 512h186q-18 85 -75 148zM1056 512l288 384h-480l-99 -132q105 -103 126 -252h165zM2176 448q0 132 -94 226t-226 94 q-60 0 -121 -24l174 -260q15 -23 10 -49t-27 -40q-15 -11 -36 -11q-35 0 -53 29l-174 260q-93 -95 -93 -225q0 -132 94 -226t226 -94t226 94t94 226zM2304 448q0 -185 -131.5 -316.5t-316.5 -131.5t-316.5 131.5t-131.5 316.5q0 97 39.5 183.5t109.5 149.5l-65 98l-353 -469 q-18 -26 -51 -26h-197q-23 -164 -149 -274t-294 -110q-185 0 -316.5 131.5t-131.5 316.5t131.5 316.5t316.5 131.5q114 0 215 -55l137 183h-224q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h384v-128h435l-85 128h-222q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h256q33 0 53 -28l267 -400 q91 44 192 44q185 0 316.5 -131.5t131.5 -316.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf207;" d="M384 320q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1408 320q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1362 716l-72 384q-5 23 -22.5 37.5t-40.5 14.5 h-918q-23 0 -40.5 -14.5t-22.5 -37.5l-72 -384q-5 -30 14 -53t49 -23h1062q30 0 49 23t14 53zM1136 1328q0 20 -14 34t-34 14h-640q-20 0 -34 -14t-14 -34t14 -34t34 -14h640q20 0 34 14t14 34zM1536 603v-603h-128v-128q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5 t-37.5 90.5v128h-768v-128q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5v128h-128v603q0 112 25 223l103 454q9 78 97.5 137t230 89t312.5 30t312.5 -30t230 -89t97.5 -137l105 -454q23 -102 23 -223z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf208;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1463 704q0 -35 -25 -60.5t-61 -25.5h-702q-36 0 -61 25.5t-25 60.5t25 60.5t61 25.5h702q36 0 61 -25.5t25 -60.5zM1677 704q0 86 -23 170h-982q-36 0 -61 25t-25 60q0 36 25 61t61 25h908q-88 143 -235 227t-320 84q-177 0 -327.5 -87.5t-238 -237.5t-87.5 -327 q0 -86 23 -170h982q36 0 61 -25t25 -60q0 -36 -25 -61t-61 -25h-908q88 -143 235.5 -227t320.5 -84q132 0 253 51.5t208 139t139 208t52 253.5zM2048 959q0 -35 -25 -60t-61 -25h-131q17 -85 17 -170q0 -167 -65.5 -319.5t-175.5 -263t-262.5 -176t-319.5 -65.5 q-246 0 -448.5 133t-301.5 350h-189q-36 0 -61 25t-25 61q0 35 25 60t61 25h132q-17 85 -17 170q0 167 65.5 319.5t175.5 263t262.5 176t320.5 65.5q245 0 447.5 -133t301.5 -350h188q36 0 61 -25t25 -61z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf209;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M953 1158l-114 -328l117 -21q165 451 165 518q0 56 -38 56q-57 0 -130 -225zM654 471l33 -88q37 42 71 67l-33 5.5t-38.5 7t-32.5 8.5zM362 1367q0 -98 159 -521q18 10 49 10q15 0 75 -5l-121 351q-75 220 -123 220q-19 0 -29 -17.5t-10 -37.5zM283 608q0 -36 51.5 -119 t117.5 -153t100 -70q14 0 25.5 13t11.5 27q0 24 -32 102q-13 32 -32 72t-47.5 89t-61.5 81t-62 32q-20 0 -45.5 -27t-25.5 -47zM125 273q0 -41 25 -104q59 -145 183.5 -227t281.5 -82q227 0 382 170q152 169 152 427q0 43 -1 67t-11.5 62t-30.5 56q-56 49 -211.5 75.5 t-270.5 26.5q-37 0 -49 -11q-12 -5 -12 -35q0 -34 21.5 -60t55.5 -40t77.5 -23.5t87.5 -11.5t85 -4t70 0h23q24 0 40 -19q15 -19 19 -55q-28 -28 -96 -54q-61 -22 -93 -46q-64 -46 -108.5 -114t-44.5 -137q0 -31 18.5 -88.5t18.5 -87.5l-3 -12q-4 -12 -4 -14 q-137 10 -146 216q-8 -2 -41 -2q2 -7 2 -21q0 -53 -40.5 -89.5t-94.5 -36.5q-82 0 -166.5 78t-84.5 159q0 34 33 67q52 -64 60 -76q77 -104 133 -104q12 0 26.5 8.5t14.5 20.5q0 34 -87.5 145t-116.5 111q-43 0 -70 -44.5t-27 -90.5zM11 264q0 101 42.5 163t136.5 88 q-28 74 -28 104q0 62 61 123t122 61q29 0 70 -15q-163 462 -163 567q0 80 41 130.5t119 50.5q131 0 325 -581q6 -17 8 -23q6 16 29 79.5t43.5 118.5t54 127.5t64.5 123t70.5 86.5t76.5 36q71 0 112 -49t41 -122q0 -108 -159 -550q61 -15 100.5 -46t58.5 -78t26 -93.5 t7 -110.5q0 -150 -47 -280t-132 -225t-211 -150t-278 -55q-111 0 -223 42q-149 57 -258 191.5t-109 286.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf20a;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M785 528h207q-14 -158 -98.5 -248.5t-214.5 -90.5q-162 0 -254.5 116t-92.5 316q0 194 93 311.5t233 117.5q148 0 232 -87t97 -247h-203q-5 64 -35.5 99t-81.5 35q-57 0 -88.5 -60.5t-31.5 -177.5q0 -48 5 -84t18 -69.5t40 -51.5t66 -18q95 0 109 139zM1497 528h206 q-14 -158 -98 -248.5t-214 -90.5q-162 0 -254.5 116t-92.5 316q0 194 93 311.5t233 117.5q148 0 232 -87t97 -247h-204q-4 64 -35 99t-81 35q-57 0 -88.5 -60.5t-31.5 -177.5q0 -48 5 -84t18 -69.5t39.5 -51.5t65.5 -18q49 0 76.5 38t33.5 101zM1856 647q0 207 -15.5 307 t-60.5 161q-6 8 -13.5 14t-21.5 15t-16 11q-86 63 -697 63q-625 0 -710 -63q-5 -4 -17.5 -11.5t-21 -14t-14.5 -14.5q-45 -60 -60 -159.5t-15 -308.5q0 -208 15 -307.5t60 -160.5q6 -8 15 -15t20.5 -14t17.5 -12q44 -33 239.5 -49t470.5 -16q610 0 697 65q5 4 17 11t20.5 14 t13.5 16q46 60 61 159t15 309zM2048 1408v-1536h-2048v1536h2048z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf20b;" d="M992 912v-496q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-160q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v496q0 112 -80 192t-192 80h-272v-1152q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-160q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v1344q0 14 9 23t23 9h464q135 0 249 -66.5t180.5 -180.5t66.5 -249zM1376 1376v-880q0 -135 -66.5 -249t-180.5 -180.5 t-249 -66.5h-464q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v960q0 14 9 23t23 9h160q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-768h272q112 0 192 80t80 192v880q0 14 9 23t23 9h160q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf20c;" d="M1311 694v-114q0 -24 -13.5 -38t-37.5 -14h-202q-24 0 -38 14t-14 38v114q0 24 14 38t38 14h202q24 0 37.5 -14t13.5 -38zM821 464v250q0 53 -32.5 85.5t-85.5 32.5h-133q-68 0 -96 -52q-28 52 -96 52h-130q-53 0 -85.5 -32.5t-32.5 -85.5v-250q0 -22 21 -22h55 q22 0 22 22v230q0 24 13.5 38t38.5 14h94q24 0 38 -14t14 -38v-230q0 -22 21 -22h54q22 0 22 22v230q0 24 14 38t38 14h97q24 0 37.5 -14t13.5 -38v-230q0 -22 22 -22h55q21 0 21 22zM1410 560v154q0 53 -33 85.5t-86 32.5h-264q-53 0 -86 -32.5t-33 -85.5v-410 q0 -21 22 -21h55q21 0 21 21v180q31 -42 94 -42h191q53 0 86 32.5t33 85.5zM1536 1176v-1072q0 -96 -68 -164t-164 -68h-1072q-96 0 -164 68t-68 164v1072q0 96 68 164t164 68h1072q96 0 164 -68t68 -164z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf20d;" d="M915 450h-294l147 551zM1001 128h311l-324 1024h-440l-324 -1024h311l383 314zM1536 1120v-960q0 -118 -85 -203t-203 -85h-960q-118 0 -203 85t-85 203v960q0 118 85 203t203 85h960q118 0 203 -85t85 -203z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf20e;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M2048 641q0 -21 -13 -36.5t-33 -19.5l-205 -356q3 -9 3 -18q0 -20 -12.5 -35.5t-32.5 -19.5l-193 -337q3 -8 3 -16q0 -23 -16.5 -40t-40.5 -17q-25 0 -41 18h-400q-17 -20 -43 -20t-43 20h-399q-17 -20 -43 -20q-23 0 -40 16.5t-17 40.5q0 8 4 20l-193 335 q-20 4 -32.5 19.5t-12.5 35.5q0 9 3 18l-206 356q-20 5 -32.5 20.5t-12.5 35.5q0 21 13.5 36.5t33.5 19.5l199 344q0 1 -0.5 3t-0.5 3q0 36 34 51l209 363q-4 10 -4 18q0 24 17 40.5t40 16.5q26 0 44 -21h396q16 21 43 21t43 -21h398q18 21 44 21q23 0 40 -16.5t17 -40.5 q0 -6 -4 -18l207 -358q23 -1 39 -17.5t16 -38.5q0 -13 -7 -27l187 -324q19 -4 31.5 -19.5t12.5 -35.5zM1063 -158h389l-342 354h-143l-342 -354h360q18 16 39 16t39 -16zM112 654q1 -4 1 -13q0 -10 -2 -15l208 -360q2 0 4.5 -1t5.5 -2.5l5 -2.5l188 199v347l-187 194 q-13 -8 -29 -10zM986 1438h-388l190 -200l554 200h-280q-16 -16 -38 -16t-38 16zM1689 226q1 6 5 11l-64 68l-17 -79h76zM1583 226l22 105l-252 266l-296 -307l63 -64h463zM1495 -142l16 28l65 310h-427l333 -343q8 4 13 5zM578 -158h5l342 354h-373v-335l4 -6q14 -5 22 -13 zM552 226h402l64 66l-309 321l-157 -166v-221zM359 226h163v189l-168 -177q4 -8 5 -12zM358 1051q0 -1 0.5 -2t0.5 -2q0 -16 -8 -29l171 -177v269zM552 1121v-311l153 -157l297 314l-223 236zM556 1425l-4 -8v-264l205 74l-191 201q-6 -2 -10 -3zM1447 1438h-16l-621 -224 l213 -225zM1023 946l-297 -315l311 -319l296 307zM688 634l-136 141v-284zM1038 270l-42 -44h85zM1374 618l238 -251l132 624l-3 5l-1 1zM1718 1018q-8 13 -8 29v2l-216 376q-5 1 -13 5l-437 -463l310 -327zM522 1142v223l-163 -282zM522 196h-163l163 -283v283zM1607 196 l-48 -227l130 227h-82zM1729 266l207 361q-2 10 -2 14q0 1 3 16l-171 296l-129 -612l77 -82q5 3 15 7z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf210;" d="M0 856q0 131 91.5 226.5t222.5 95.5h742l352 358v-1470q0 -132 -91.5 -227t-222.5 -95h-780q-131 0 -222.5 95t-91.5 227v790zM1232 102l-176 180v425q0 46 -32 79t-78 33h-484q-46 0 -78 -33t-32 -79v-492q0 -46 32.5 -79.5t77.5 -33.5h770z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf211;" d="M934 1386q-317 -121 -556 -362.5t-358 -560.5q-20 89 -20 176q0 208 102.5 384.5t278.5 279t384 102.5q82 0 169 -19zM1203 1267q93 -65 164 -155q-389 -113 -674.5 -400.5t-396.5 -676.5q-93 72 -155 162q112 386 395 671t667 399zM470 -67q115 356 379.5 622t619.5 384 q40 -92 54 -195q-292 -120 -516 -345t-343 -518q-103 14 -194 52zM1536 -125q-193 50 -367 115q-135 -84 -290 -107q109 205 274 370.5t369 275.5q-21 -152 -101 -284q65 -175 115 -370z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf212;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1893 1144l155 -1272q-131 0 -257 57q-200 91 -393 91q-226 0 -374 -148q-148 148 -374 148q-193 0 -393 -91q-128 -57 -252 -57h-5l155 1272q224 127 482 127q233 0 387 -106q154 106 387 106q258 0 482 -127zM1398 157q129 0 232 -28.5t260 -93.5l-124 1021 q-171 78 -368 78q-224 0 -374 -141q-150 141 -374 141q-197 0 -368 -78l-124 -1021q105 43 165.5 65t148.5 39.5t178 17.5q202 0 374 -108q172 108 374 108zM1438 191l-55 907q-211 -4 -359 -155q-152 155 -374 155q-176 0 -336 -66l-114 -941q124 51 228.5 76t221.5 25 q209 0 374 -102q172 107 374 102z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf213;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1500 165v733q0 21 -15 36t-35 15h-93q-20 0 -35 -15t-15 -36v-733q0 -20 15 -35t35 -15h93q20 0 35 15t15 35zM1216 165v531q0 20 -15 35t-35 15h-101q-20 0 -35 -15t-15 -35v-531q0 -20 15 -35t35 -15h101q20 0 35 15t15 35zM924 165v429q0 20 -15 35t-35 15h-101 q-20 0 -35 -15t-15 -35v-429q0 -20 15 -35t35 -15h101q20 0 35 15t15 35zM632 165v362q0 20 -15 35t-35 15h-101q-20 0 -35 -15t-15 -35v-362q0 -20 15 -35t35 -15h101q20 0 35 15t15 35zM2048 311q0 -166 -118 -284t-284 -118h-1244q-166 0 -284 118t-118 284 q0 116 63 214.5t168 148.5q-10 34 -10 73q0 113 80.5 193.5t193.5 80.5q102 0 180 -67q45 183 194 300t338 117q149 0 275 -73.5t199.5 -199.5t73.5 -275q0 -66 -14 -122q135 -33 221 -142.5t86 -247.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf214;" d="M0 1536h1536v-1392l-776 -338l-760 338v1392zM1436 209v926h-1336v-926l661 -294zM1436 1235v201h-1336v-201h1336zM181 937v-115h-37v115h37zM181 789v-115h-37v115h37zM181 641v-115h-37v115h37zM181 493v-115h-37v115h37zM181 345v-115h-37v115h37zM207 202l15 34 l105 -47l-15 -33zM343 142l15 34l105 -46l-15 -34zM478 82l15 34l105 -46l-15 -34zM614 23l15 33l104 -46l-15 -34zM797 10l105 46l15 -33l-105 -47zM932 70l105 46l15 -34l-105 -46zM1068 130l105 46l15 -34l-105 -46zM1203 189l105 47l15 -34l-105 -46zM259 1389v-36h-114 v36h114zM421 1389v-36h-115v36h115zM583 1389v-36h-115v36h115zM744 1389v-36h-114v36h114zM906 1389v-36h-114v36h114zM1068 1389v-36h-115v36h115zM1230 1389v-36h-115v36h115zM1391 1389v-36h-114v36h114zM181 1049v-79h-37v115h115v-36h-78zM421 1085v-36h-115v36h115z M583 1085v-36h-115v36h115zM744 1085v-36h-114v36h114zM906 1085v-36h-114v36h114zM1068 1085v-36h-115v36h115zM1230 1085v-36h-115v36h115zM1355 970v79h-78v36h115v-115h-37zM1355 822v115h37v-115h-37zM1355 674v115h37v-115h-37zM1355 526v115h37v-115h-37zM1355 378 v115h37v-115h-37zM1355 230v115h37v-115h-37zM760 265q-129 0 -221 91.5t-92 221.5q0 129 92 221t221 92q130 0 221.5 -92t91.5 -221q0 -130 -91.5 -221.5t-221.5 -91.5zM595 646q0 -36 19.5 -56.5t49.5 -25t64 -7t64 -2t49.5 -9t19.5 -30.5q0 -49 -112 -49q-97 0 -123 51 h-3l-31 -63q67 -42 162 -42q29 0 56.5 5t55.5 16t45.5 33t17.5 53q0 46 -27.5 69.5t-67.5 27t-79.5 3t-67 5t-27.5 25.5q0 21 20.5 33t40.5 15t41 3q34 0 70.5 -11t51.5 -34h3l30 58q-3 1 -21 8.5t-22.5 9t-19.5 7t-22 7t-20 4.5t-24 4t-23 1q-29 0 -56.5 -5t-54 -16.5 t-43 -34t-16.5 -53.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf215;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M863 504q0 112 -79.5 191.5t-191.5 79.5t-191 -79.5t-79 -191.5t79 -191t191 -79t191.5 79t79.5 191zM1726 505q0 112 -79 191t-191 79t-191.5 -79t-79.5 -191q0 -113 79.5 -192t191.5 -79t191 79.5t79 191.5zM2048 1314v-1348q0 -44 -31.5 -75.5t-76.5 -31.5h-1832 q-45 0 -76.5 31.5t-31.5 75.5v1348q0 44 31.5 75.5t76.5 31.5h431q44 0 76 -31.5t32 -75.5v-161h754v161q0 44 32 75.5t76 31.5h431q45 0 76.5 -31.5t31.5 -75.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf216;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1430 953zM1690 749q148 0 253 -98.5t105 -244.5q0 -157 -109 -261.5t-267 -104.5q-85 0 -162 27.5t-138 73.5t-118 106t-109 126.5t-103.5 132.5t-108.5 126t-117 106t-136 73.5t-159 27.5q-154 0 -251.5 -91.5t-97.5 -244.5q0 -157 104 -250t263 -93q100 0 208 37.5 t193 98.5q5 4 21 18.5t30 24t22 9.5q14 0 24.5 -10.5t10.5 -24.5q0 -24 -60 -77q-101 -88 -234.5 -142t-260.5 -54q-133 0 -245.5 58t-180 165t-67.5 241q0 205 141.5 341t347.5 136q120 0 226.5 -43.5t185.5 -113t151.5 -153t139 -167.5t133.5 -153.5t149.5 -113 t172.5 -43.5q102 0 168.5 61.5t66.5 162.5q0 95 -64.5 159t-159.5 64q-30 0 -81.5 -18.5t-68.5 -18.5q-20 0 -35.5 15t-15.5 35q0 18 8.5 57t8.5 59q0 159 -107.5 263t-266.5 104q-58 0 -111.5 -18.5t-84 -40.5t-55.5 -40.5t-33 -18.5q-15 0 -25.5 10.5t-10.5 25.5 q0 19 25 46q59 67 147 103.5t182 36.5q191 0 318 -125.5t127 -315.5q0 -37 -4 -66q57 15 115 15z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf217;" horiz-adv-x="1664" d="M1216 832q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-128v128q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45v-128h-128q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19h128v-128q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19t45 19t19 45v128h128q26 0 45 19t19 45zM640 0q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5 t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1536 0q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1664 1088v-512q0 -24 -16 -42.5t-41 -21.5l-1044 -122q1 -7 4.5 -21.5t6 -26.5t2.5 -22q0 -16 -24 -64h920 q26 0 45 -19t19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19h-1024q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45q0 14 11 39.5t29.5 59.5t20.5 38l-177 823h-204q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h256q16 0 28.5 -6.5t20 -15.5t13 -24.5t7.5 -26.5t5.5 -29.5t4.5 -25.5h1201q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf218;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1280 832q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19l-147 -146v293q0 26 -19 45t-45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45v-293l-147 146q-19 19 -45 19t-45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45l256 -256q19 -19 45 -19t45 19l256 256q19 19 19 45zM640 0q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5 t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1536 0q0 -53 -37.5 -90.5t-90.5 -37.5t-90.5 37.5t-37.5 90.5t37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5t90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM1664 1088v-512q0 -24 -16 -42.5t-41 -21.5l-1044 -122q1 -7 4.5 -21.5t6 -26.5t2.5 -22q0 -16 -24 -64h920 q26 0 45 -19t19 -45t-19 -45t-45 -19h-1024q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45q0 14 11 39.5t29.5 59.5t20.5 38l-177 823h-204q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h256q16 0 28.5 -6.5t20 -15.5t13 -24.5t7.5 -26.5t5.5 -29.5t4.5 -25.5h1201q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf219;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M212 768l623 -665l-300 665h-323zM1024 -4l349 772h-698zM538 896l204 384h-262l-288 -384h346zM1213 103l623 665h-323zM683 896h682l-204 384h-274zM1510 896h346l-288 384h-262zM1651 1382l384 -512q14 -18 13 -41.5t-17 -40.5l-960 -1024q-18 -20 -47 -20t-47 20 l-960 1024q-16 17 -17 40.5t13 41.5l384 512q18 26 51 26h1152q33 0 51 -26z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf21a;" horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M1811 -19q19 19 45 19t45 -19l128 -128l-90 -90l-83 83l-83 -83q-18 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83 q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-128 128l90 90l83 -83l83 83q19 19 45 19t45 -19l83 -83l83 83q19 19 45 19t45 -19l83 -83l83 83q19 19 45 19t45 -19l83 -83l83 83q19 19 45 19t45 -19l83 -83l83 83q19 19 45 19t45 -19l83 -83l83 83 q19 19 45 19t45 -19l83 -83zM237 19q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-128 128l90 90l83 -82l83 82q19 19 45 19t45 -19l83 -82l64 64v293l-210 314q-17 26 -7 56.5t40 40.5l177 58v299h128v128h256v128h256v-128h256v-128h128v-299l177 -58q30 -10 40 -40.5t-7 -56.5l-210 -314 v-293l19 18q19 19 45 19t45 -19l83 -82l83 82q19 19 45 19t45 -19l128 -128l-90 -90l-83 83l-83 -83q-18 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83 q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83l-83 -83q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-83 83zM640 1152v-128l384 128l384 -128v128h-128v128h-512v-128h-128z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf21b;" d="M576 0l96 448l-96 128l-128 64zM832 0l128 640l-128 -64l-96 -128zM992 1010q-2 4 -4 6q-10 8 -96 8q-70 0 -167 -19q-7 -2 -21 -2t-21 2q-97 19 -167 19q-86 0 -96 -8q-2 -2 -4 -6q2 -18 4 -27q2 -3 7.5 -6.5t7.5 -10.5q2 -4 7.5 -20.5t7 -20.5t7.5 -17t8.5 -17t9 -14 t12 -13.5t14 -9.5t17.5 -8t20.5 -4t24.5 -2q36 0 59 12.5t32.5 30t14.5 34.5t11.5 29.5t17.5 12.5h12q11 0 17.5 -12.5t11.5 -29.5t14.5 -34.5t32.5 -30t59 -12.5q13 0 24.5 2t20.5 4t17.5 8t14 9.5t12 13.5t9 14t8.5 17t7.5 17t7 20.5t7.5 20.5q2 7 7.5 10.5t7.5 6.5 q2 9 4 27zM1408 131q0 -121 -73 -190t-194 -69h-874q-121 0 -194 69t-73 190q0 61 4.5 118t19 125.5t37.5 123.5t63.5 103.5t93.5 74.5l-90 220h214q-22 64 -22 128q0 12 2 32q-194 40 -194 96q0 57 210 99q17 62 51.5 134t70.5 114q32 37 76 37q30 0 84 -31t84 -31t84 31 t84 31q44 0 76 -37q36 -42 70.5 -114t51.5 -134q210 -42 210 -99q0 -56 -194 -96q7 -81 -20 -160h214l-82 -225q63 -33 107.5 -96.5t65.5 -143.5t29 -151.5t8 -148.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf21c;" horiz-adv-x="2304" d="M2301 500q12 -103 -22 -198.5t-99 -163.5t-158.5 -106t-196.5 -31q-161 11 -279.5 125t-134.5 274q-12 111 27.5 210.5t118.5 170.5l-71 107q-96 -80 -151 -194t-55 -244q0 -27 -18.5 -46.5t-45.5 -19.5h-256h-69q-23 -164 -149 -274t-294 -110q-185 0 -316.5 131.5 t-131.5 316.5t131.5 316.5t316.5 131.5q76 0 152 -27l24 45q-123 110 -304 110h-64q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19h128q78 0 145 -13.5t116.5 -38.5t71.5 -39.5t51 -36.5h512h115l-85 128h-222q-30 0 -49 22.5t-14 52.5q4 23 23 38t43 15h253q33 0 53 -28l70 -105 l114 114q19 19 46 19h101q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-128q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-179l115 -172q131 63 275 36q143 -26 244 -134.5t118 -253.5zM448 128q115 0 203 72.5t111 183.5h-314q-35 0 -55 31q-18 32 -1 63l147 277q-47 13 -91 13q-132 0 -226 -94t-94 -226t94 -226 t226 -94zM1856 128q132 0 226 94t94 226t-94 226t-226 94q-60 0 -121 -24l174 -260q15 -23 10 -49t-27 -40q-15 -11 -36 -11q-35 0 -53 29l-174 260q-93 -95 -93 -225q0 -132 94 -226t226 -94z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf21d;" d="M1408 0q0 -63 -61.5 -113.5t-164 -81t-225 -46t-253.5 -15.5t-253.5 15.5t-225 46t-164 81t-61.5 113.5q0 49 33 88.5t91 66.5t118 44.5t131 29.5q26 5 48 -10.5t26 -41.5q5 -26 -10.5 -48t-41.5 -26q-58 -10 -106 -23.5t-76.5 -25.5t-48.5 -23.5t-27.5 -19.5t-8.5 -12 q3 -11 27 -26.5t73 -33t114 -32.5t160.5 -25t201.5 -10t201.5 10t160.5 25t114 33t73 33.5t27 27.5q-1 4 -8.5 11t-27.5 19t-48.5 23.5t-76.5 25t-106 23.5q-26 4 -41.5 26t-10.5 48q4 26 26 41.5t48 10.5q71 -12 131 -29.5t118 -44.5t91 -66.5t33 -88.5zM1024 896v-384 q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-64v-384q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-256q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v384h-64q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v384q0 53 37.5 90.5t90.5 37.5h384q53 0 90.5 -37.5t37.5 -90.5zM928 1280q0 -93 -65.5 -158.5t-158.5 -65.5t-158.5 65.5t-65.5 158.5t65.5 158.5t158.5 65.5 t158.5 -65.5t65.5 -158.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf21e;" horiz-adv-x="1792" d="M1280 512h305q-5 -6 -10 -10.5t-9 -7.5l-3 -4l-623 -600q-18 -18 -44 -18t-44 18l-624 602q-5 2 -21 20h369q22 0 39.5 13.5t22.5 34.5l70 281l190 -667q6 -20 23 -33t39 -13q21 0 38 13t23 33l146 485l56 -112q18 -35 57 -35zM1792 940q0 -145 -103 -300h-369l-111 221 q-8 17 -25.5 27t-36.5 8q-45 -5 -56 -46l-129 -430l-196 686q-6 20 -23.5 33t-39.5 13t-39 -13.5t-22 -34.5l-116 -464h-423q-103 155 -103 300q0 220 127 344t351 124q62 0 126.5 -21.5t120 -58t95.5 -68.5t76 -68q36 36 76 68t95.5 68.5t120 58t126.5 21.5q224 0 351 -124 t127 -344z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf221;" horiz-adv-x="1280" 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unicode="&#xf223;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M830 1220q145 -72 233.5 -210.5t88.5 -305.5q0 -221 -147.5 -384.5t-364.5 -187.5v-132h96q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-96v-96q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v96h-96q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h96v132q-217 24 -364.5 187.5 t-147.5 384.5q0 167 88.5 305.5t233.5 210.5q-165 96 -228 273q-6 16 3.5 29.5t26.5 13.5h69q21 0 29 -20q44 -106 140 -171t214 -65t214 65t140 171q8 20 37 20h61q17 0 26.5 -13.5t3.5 -29.5q-63 -177 -228 -273zM576 256q185 0 316.5 131.5t131.5 316.5t-131.5 316.5 t-316.5 131.5t-316.5 -131.5t-131.5 -316.5t131.5 -316.5t316.5 -131.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf224;" d="M1024 1504q0 14 9 23t23 9h288q26 0 45 -19t19 -45v-288q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v134l-254 -255q126 -158 126 -359q0 -221 -147.5 -384.5t-364.5 -187.5v-132h96q14 0 23 -9t9 -23v-64q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-96v-96q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-64 q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v96h-96q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v64q0 14 9 23t23 9h96v132q-149 16 -270.5 103t-186.5 223.5t-53 291.5q16 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0-10.826-4.888-32.478-57.098-84.686-52.208-52.166-127.030-98.438-185.088-126.986-58.146-28.55-85.646-26.584-93.59-12.79zM740.216 29.63c-4.976-4.932-50.202-36.406-103.37-41.338-53.17-4.934-125.11-7.902-168.414 31.472-6.896 6.896-4.888 16.764 0 20.692 4.976 3.93 8.906 6.896 14.756 6.896 5.936 0 4.976 0 7.944-1.962 19.644-15.76 49.242-28.548 112.19-28.548 63.034 0 107.298 17.722 127.030 32.476 8.904 6.898 12.834 1.004 13.794-2.924 0.96-3.972 2.968-9.864-3.93-16.764zM567.876 119.25c10.826 9.822 28.548 25.582 45.312 32.478 16.762 6.896 25.58 5.892 41.382 5.892 15.714 0 32.476-0.96 44.264-8.818 11.788-7.9 18.772-25.624 22.7-35.488 3.93-9.822 0-15.76-7.946-19.688-6.896-3.93-7.858-1.964-14.754 10.826-6.896 12.834-12.746 25.624-47.232 25.624s-45.31-11.83-62.074-25.624c-16.676-13.794-22.612-18.684-28.548-10.826-5.852 7.902-3.932 15.758 6.896 25.624zM828.832 111.35c-35.446 2.968-106.338 113.234-151.65 115.2-57.098 1.964-181.158-119.128-278.592-119.128-59.106 0-76.83 8.862-96.56 21.652-29.51 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26.726-74.272 26.726h-112.846l-52.354-269.376h58.684l13.916 71.61h50.268c22.174 0 40.42 2.328 54.744 6.994 14.322 4.658 27.338 12.466 39.056 23.438 9.83 9.040 17.788 19.004 23.886 29.908zM603.628 369.088l24.362 125.364c4.958 25.494 1.238 43.942-11.144 55.328-12.392 11.376-34.898 17.074-67.536 17.074h-51.866l13.922 71.62h-58.22l-52.364-269.384h58.22l29.992 154.33h46.534c14.896 0 24.634-2.464 29.208-7.396 4.574-4.934 5.546-14.182 2.91-27.738l-23.162-119.196h59.144zM854.022 540.126c-15.56 17.82-40.328 26.726-74.27 26.726h-112.848l-52.356-269.376h58.686l13.914 71.61h50.27c22.172 0 40.42 2.328 54.742 6.994 14.322 4.658 27.338 12.466 39.056 23.438 9.84 9.042 17.792 19.004 23.886 29.908 6.088 10.896 10.404 22.922 12.966 36.074 6.206 31.936 1.524 56.808-14.046 74.626z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe909;" glyph-name="prog-nodejs01" data-tags="prog-nodejs01" d="M231.778 656.23l-48.106 27.546c-3.024 1.782-4.902 4.998-4.902 8.488v58.612c0 3.49-1.856 6.728-4.886 8.464l-20.478 11.798c-1.484 0.888-3.202 1.324-4.864 1.324-1.708 0-3.378-0.436-4.902-1.324l-20.492-11.798c-3.032-1.738-4.88-4.976-4.88-8.464v-58.612c0-3.49-1.856-6.684-4.892-8.488l-48.122-27.546c-1.494-0.916-3.35-0.916-4.858 0-1.532 0.842-2.44 2.468-2.44 4.214l-0.178 125.466c0 3.518 1.876 6.75 4.894 8.494l80.966 46.596c1.39 0.806 2.92 1.22 4.464 1.286 0.12 0 0.704 0 0.844 0 1.552-0.066 3.082-0.48 4.458-1.286l80.96-46.598c3.040-1.746 4.886-4.976 4.886-8.494l-0.156-125.466c0-1.746-0.938-3.372-2.432-4.214-1.49-0.916-3.376-0.916-4.884 0.002zM543.234 689.86v93.506c0 3.496 1.864 6.72 4.886 8.464l81.006 46.746c3.016 1.746 6.742 1.752 9.774 0.008l20.272-11.688c1.064-0.614 2.374-0.614 3.43 0 1.050 0.614 1.708 1.744 1.708 2.964v124.254c0 1.738 0.918 3.334 2.41 4.22 1.502 0.874 3.35 0.888 4.866 0.044l48.196-26.896c3.104-1.722 5.020-4.998 5.020-8.54v-233.082c0-3.498-1.864-6.72-4.894-8.472l-81.004-46.776c-3.024-1.76-6.758-1.76-9.79 0l-80.99 46.776c-3.026 1.752-4.89 4.976-4.89 8.472zM603.562 720.578c0-0.872 0.464-1.678 1.218-2.114l27.812-16.028c0.754-0.428 1.686-0.428 2.44 0l27.812 16.028c0.754 0.436 1.218 1.242 1.218 2.114v32.116c0 0.872-0.464 1.686-1.218 2.114l-27.804 16.066c-0.762 0.436-1.694 0.436-2.456 0l-27.812-16.066c-0.746-0.428-1.21-1.242-1.21-2.114v-32.116zM961.35 793.102l-80.47 46.73c-3.026 1.76-6.766 1.766-9.796 0.008l-80.974-46.738c-3.024-1.746-4.886-4.976-4.886-8.472v-93.476c0-3.518 1.892-6.756 4.94-8.502l80.464-45.842c2.962-1.702 6.608-1.708 9.588-0.060l48.664 27.050c1.544 0.866 2.506 2.484 2.514 4.244 0.014 1.76-0.924 3.394-2.456 4.274l-81.476 46.768c-1.516 0.872-2.456 2.492-2.456 4.244v29.29c0 1.746 0.932 3.364 2.448 4.244l25.358 14.624c1.508 0.866 3.372 0.866 4.878 0l25.374-14.624c1.516-0.88 2.448-2.5 2.448-4.244v-23.050c0-1.746 0.938-3.364 2.454-4.236 1.516-0.866 3.378-0.866 4.894 0.008l48.49 28.19c3.024 1.752 4.874 4.974 4.874 8.464v22.648c-0.002 3.49-1.85 6.714-4.874 8.458zM305.566 683.118l80.96-46.774c3.032-1.746 6.756-1.746 9.788 0l80.99 46.774c3.024 1.752 4.886 4.976 4.886 8.472v93.542c0 3.49-1.864 6.728-4.894 8.472l-80.982 46.73c-3.032 1.752-6.756 1.752-9.782 0l-80.966-46.73c-3.032-1.746-4.894-4.984-4.894-8.472v-93.542c0-3.498 1.864-6.72 4.894-8.472zM787.89 467.354l-249.668 144.28c-15.666 8.93-36.676 8.93-52.474 0l-249.676-144.28c-16.176-9.316-26.186-26.792-26.186-45.51v-288.146c0-18.706 10.010-36.204 26.186-45.534l65.464-37.712c31.722-15.614 43.094-15.614 57.518-15.614 46.954 0 73.936 28.404 73.936 77.938v284.478c0 4.024-3.282 7.194-7.236 7.194h-31.664c-4.022 0-7.252-3.17-7.252-7.194v-284.478c0-21.958-22.726-43.81-59.832-25.278l-68.398 39.538c-2.41 1.308-3.942 3.896-3.942 6.662v288.146c0 2.734 1.532 5.456 3.956 6.846l249.528 144.030c2.312 1.346 5.388 1.346 7.688 0l249.58-143.992c2.386-1.428 3.874-4.058 3.874-6.882v-288.146c0-2.766-1.486-5.412-3.814-6.742l-249.682-144.12c-2.136-1.3-5.412-1.3-7.734 0l-64.044 38.030c-1.906 1.094-4.346 1.508-6.196 0.458-17.728-10.062-21.084-11.384-37.69-17.152-4.11-1.434-10.18-3.896 2.256-10.838l83.364-49.326c7.984-4.626 17.070-7.008 26.186-7.008 9.248 0 18.304 2.38 26.29 7.008l249.668 144.156c16.168 9.41 26.228 26.828 26.228 45.534v288.144c-0.004 18.718-10.066 36.158-26.234 45.51zM598.896 161.184c-74.506 0-90.896 18.718-96.388 55.772-0.636 3.956-4.024 6.906-8.088 6.906h-36.404c-4.51 0-8.13-3.608-8.13-8.14 0-47.41 25.808-103.966 149.012-103.966 89.21 0 140.364 35.118 140.364 96.462 0 60.83-41.106 77.006-127.618 88.464-87.438 11.57-96.322 17.536-96.322 38.014 0 16.872 7.526 39.434 72.288 39.434 57.836 0 79.156-12.462 87.924-51.432 0.77-3.674 4.112-6.352 7.896-6.352h36.542c2.27 0 4.422 0.976 5.958 2.588 1.544 1.708 2.366 3.934 2.15 6.27-5.654 67.158-50.286 98.452-140.472 98.452-80.28 0-128.156-33.88-128.156-90.666 0-61.626 47.638-78.668 124.666-86.268 92.184-9.050 99.34-22.512 99.34-40.654 0-31.474-25.248-44.884-84.562-44.884zM876.656 757.912c-0.576 0.34-1.292 0.34-1.87 0l-15.534-8.968c-0.584-0.334-0.94-0.954-0.94-1.62v-17.958c0-0.666 0.356-1.288 0.94-1.62l15.534-8.968c0.576-0.334 1.292-0.334 1.87 0l15.546 8.968c0.586 0.332 0.94 0.954 0.94 1.62v17.958c0 0.666-0.354 1.286-0.94 1.62l-15.546 8.968z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe90a;" glyph-name="prog-nodejs02" data-tags="prog-nodejs02" d="M965.17 664.262v-432.226c0-28.050-15.092-54.168-39.344-68.286l-374.496-216.232c-11.978-6.948-25.564-10.518-39.438-10.518-13.676 0-27.298 3.57-39.278 10.518l-125.042 73.98c-18.652 10.414-9.55 14.118-3.384 16.256 24.908 8.644 29.946 10.636 56.536 25.726 2.774 1.586 6.432 0.966 9.294-0.686l96.062-57.038c3.482-1.962 8.4-1.962 11.602 0l374.526 216.172c3.488 1.992 5.724 5.966 5.724 10.106v432.228c0 4.234-2.236 8.188-5.812 10.326l-374.372 215.98c-3.452 2.020-8.060 2.020-11.536 0l-374.288-216.040c-3.636-2.080-5.93-6.158-5.93-10.266v-432.226c0-4.138 2.292-8.018 5.908-9.98l102.598-59.308c55.658-27.806 89.75 4.97 89.75 37.912v426.722c0 6.034 4.846 10.792 10.878 10.792h47.494c5.938 0 10.858-4.756 10.858-10.792v-426.724c0-74.292-40.472-116.908-110.904-116.908-21.632 0-38.694 0-86.276 23.426l-98.196 56.574c-24.266 13.99-39.276 40.234-39.276 68.286v432.226c0 28.086 15.010 54.3 39.276 68.27l374.512 216.416c23.7 13.402 55.216 13.402 78.714 0l374.496-216.416c24.252-14.028 39.344-40.184 39.344-68.27zM642.342 273.266c-111.76 0-136.35 28.096-144.588 83.672-0.954 5.932-6.036 10.35-12.126 10.35h-54.612c-6.764 0-12.192-5.406-12.192-12.208 0-71.12 38.708-155.942 223.518-155.942 133.812 0 210.538 52.678 210.538 144.686 0 91.246-61.654 115.52-191.418 132.7-131.158 17.356-144.486 26.294-144.486 57.016 0 25.322 11.286 59.162 108.432 59.162 86.748 0 118.73-18.698 131.88-77.152 1.158-5.51 6.166-9.53 11.846-9.53h54.818c3.4 0 6.63 1.46 8.94 3.886 2.316 2.56 3.546 5.894 3.222 9.39-8.482 100.754-75.426 147.688-210.708 147.688-120.418 0-192.236-50.828-192.236-136.004 0-92.434 71.458-118 187-129.404 138.276-13.564 149.008-33.766 149.008-60.976 0-47.198-37.868-67.334-126.836-67.334z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe90b;" glyph-name="prog-jquery" data-tags="prog-jquery" d="M998.322 230.74c0 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4.292-9.706 8.692-14.472 13.182-1.438 1.314-2.87 2.72-4.316 4.1-3.56 3.42-7.086 6.864-10.554 10.356-1.44 1.414-2.862 2.844-4.242 4.276-4.482 4.608-8.908 9.222-13.232 13.94-0.158 0.214-0.316 0.34-0.506 0.548-0.076 0.082-0.184 0.192-0.258 0.284-4.424 4.874-8.766 9.856-13.016 14.854-1.19 1.406-2.386 2.844-3.56 4.266-3.168 3.818-6.288 7.626-9.348 11.486-1.272 1.606-2.544 3.226-3.8 4.84-3.434 4.434-6.828 8.9-10.114 13.442-0.616 0.848-1.272 1.68-1.864 2.512-0.126 0.14-0.232 0.292-0.316 0.432-3.808 5.266-7.484 10.63-11.094 16.002-1.122 1.648-2.178 3.344-3.26 5.042-2.612 3.974-5.174 7.952-7.652 11.976-1.296 2.062-2.528 4.132-3.776 6.206-2.254 3.758-4.458 7.518-6.596 11.31-1.222 2.146-2.428 4.242-3.61 6.446-0.658 1.164-1.372 2.364-2.012 3.584-1.124 2.032-2.138 4.15-3.236 6.222-1.696 3.252-3.418 6.52-5.056 9.83-69.114 138.188-80.392 307.388 10.096 437.446l70.628 89.578c-79.686-154.014-43.872-341.556 55.816-477.52 3.6-4.95 7.286-9.832 11.052-14.712 1.166-1.472 2.336-2.954 3.502-4.368 3.134-3.992 6.336-7.934 9.572-11.836 1.166-1.372 2.304-2.718 3.494-4.132 4.326-5.108 8.75-10.18 13.292-15.128 0.216-0.24 0.424-0.458 0.632-0.69 4.292-4.684 8.666-9.306 13.116-13.866 1.38-1.396 2.786-2.778 4.192-4.176 3.494-3.566 7.062-7.028 10.688-10.47 1.372-1.364 2.752-2.678 4.176-4.034 4.898-4.558 9.838-9.090 14.87-13.516 0.524-0.458 1.064-0.88 1.546-1.304 4.658-4.050 9.374-7.994 14.148-11.92 1.664-1.356 3.36-2.71 5.056-4.058 3.75-3.018 7.544-5.956 11.362-8.874 1.822-1.398 3.692-2.82 5.582-4.216 4.15-3.078 8.342-6.106 12.576-9.1 1.438-0.972 2.836-2.030 4.292-3.010 4.376-3.028 8.834-5.972 13.308-8.85 1.68-1.116 3.344-2.28 5.040-3.362 6.172-3.908 12.41-7.75 18.714-11.46 1.622-0.932 3.244-1.804 4.84-2.704 4.758-2.752 9.524-5.462 14.38-8.058 2.628-1.462 5.332-2.786 7.992-4.192 3.976-2.046 7.952-4.126 11.976-6.088 1.522-0.748 3.002-1.448 4.492-2.154 5.132-2.47 10.28-4.85 15.486-7.21 1.232-0.534 2.428-1.090 3.668-1.622 6.064-2.654 12.192-5.2 18.372-7.634 1.588-0.632 3.178-1.24 4.774-1.874 5.622-2.178 11.286-4.292 17.016-6.312 0.89-0.316 1.78-0.64 2.644-0.956 6.388-2.198 12.816-4.292 19.296-6.272 1.654-0.516 3.31-1.016 5.006-1.514 6.636-1.962 13.232-4.084 20.036-5.624 179.546-40.862 369.034-4.166 475.79 134.92zM364.88 450.484c9.814-14.048 20.676-30.772 33.692-42.062 4.708-5.196 9.648-10.26 14.68-15.242 1.264-1.296 2.57-2.544 3.876-3.816 4.874-4.742 9.864-9.408 14.988-13.94 0.216-0.158 0.408-0.376 0.616-0.526 0.058-0.066 0.108-0.082 0.15-0.148 5.69-4.974 11.562-9.774 17.516-14.488 1.324-1.016 2.636-2.072 3.976-3.104 5.98-4.582 12.078-9.090 18.332-13.38 0.192-0.132 0.34-0.268 0.532-0.4 2.752-1.912 5.564-3.692 8.35-5.522 1.348-0.866 2.62-1.796 3.966-2.612 4.474-2.87 8.992-5.656 13.59-8.334 0.65-0.4 1.282-0.732 1.922-1.106 3.95-2.28 7.984-4.534 12.010-6.712 1.396-0.782 2.828-1.48 4.258-2.228 2.778-1.448 5.572-2.936 8.4-4.342 0.424-0.2 0.866-0.398 1.274-0.574 5.764-2.836 11.576-5.58 17.524-8.158 1.264-0.566 2.578-1.064 3.868-1.598 4.75-2.012 9.54-3.984 14.356-5.83 2.044-0.774 4.118-1.514 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10.13 21.718l10.97 5.914c1.538-4.378 1.772-9.752 0.782-15.66-1.772-9.132-6.92-15.886-16.576-21.11-6.538-3.528-12.668-5.214-17.89-4.912-12.042 0.618-22.554 8.214-29.922 21.8zM262.048 856.368l35.38 19.034c-7.292 11.744-17.116 15.276-27.246 9.826-10.28-5.53-13.508-17.654-8.134-28.86zM320.674 882.46c-7.37 20.88-0.84 38.456 16.194 44.44 8.9 3.142 16.726 1.768 24.56-4.146l0.224 0.232-12.276 34.85 11.66 4.14 33.152-94.1-11.044-3.908-3.31 9.436c-1.838-9.436-6.828-15.2-15.652-18.264-18.49-6.524-35.3 4.148-43.508 27.32zM333.026 885.918c5.988-17.042 16.352-24.714 27.788-20.648 6.364 2.226 11.196 7.752 12.426 14.356 0.766 4.832 0.308 9.132-2.070 15.964-6.754 19.106-16.12 25.938-28.928 21.488-11.662-4.146-14.888-15.046-9.216-31.16zM439.542 878.088l-10.52 99.238 12.35 1.306 3.768-36.076 1.148 1.384c5.68 8.134 10.438 11.128 19.114 12.050 17.648 1.914 31.53-11.286 33.684-32.314 2.686-25.172-7.826-42.214-27.164-44.206-9.664-1.078-14.738 1.072-21.566 8.898l0.924-8.978-11.738-1.302zM447.826 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23.9-43.56 49.288-57.502 79.164zM514.796 581.104c-4.23-39.584 16.426-76.924 41.078-106.302 11.944-13.192 22.152-29.374 22.646-47.798 0.502-24.636-13.432-47.548-31.368-63.722 4.238 0.492 7.224 4.23 10.71 6.22 26.886 17.178 52.77 38.836 65.964 68.454 8.714 20.166 6.724 44.068-4.724 62.742-13.448 21.906-31.118 41.324-41.572 65.22-5.734 13.442-7.724 29.124-2.992 43.314 6.228 19.166 19.668 34.852 33.86 48.544 39.080 37.088 86.378 63.486 131.688 92.358-57.258-16.428-113.766-39.084-162.060-74.686-30.622-22.902-58.996-54.764-63.23-94.344zM786.894 393.896c27.136-1.496 53.764-21.408 58.748-48.794 4.732-23.65-6.716-47.048-21.41-64.97-24.15-28.876-56.764-49.542-89.614-67.218-3.244-1.982-5.98-4.474-8.47-7.216 43.318 10.956 86.628 27.378 121.734 55.512 19.41 16.182 36.588 37.598 40.326 63.238 3.486 22.152-5.72 45.056-22.154 59.742-19.92 18.18-48.042 24.896-74.436 21.408-15.186-1.99-31.862-5.226-42.316-17.922 12.452 2.482 24.64 7.466 37.592 6.22zM246.44 322.706c32.606-8.714 66.216-11.206 99.574-13.448 29.872-1.99 59.75-2.492 89.874-2.24 77.666 1.238 155.832 6.472 232.006 23.398 7.216 1.74 15.186 2.986 21.666 7.466 12.694 8.22 26.626 14.694 40.324 21.166-61.99-9.958-124.226-18.43-186.956-22.41-63.48-3.982-127.462-6.472-191.186-2.242-18.172 1.74-36.846 2.742-53.772 9.716-3.988 1.74-9.466 5.218-7.476 10.454 3.738 6.722 11.206 9.954 17.678 13.44 27.388 12.946 57.258 20.162 86.386 28.626-50.042 0.752-99.832-11.942-145.628-31.612-10.21-4.982-21.66-8.962-29.872-17.428-3.244-3.478-3.244-9.464 0.494-12.444 7.47-6.722 17.422-9.708 26.888-12.442zM649.728 254.24c-43.568-7.718-87.388-14.944-131.452-17.178-48.294-3.236-96.588-0.494-144.382 4.482-9.208 1.246-18.422 2.736-26.634 6.966-4.232 2.492-8.462 6.472-8.212 11.708 0.494 8.212 7.46 13.934 12.444 19.912-15.43-5.478-30.868-11.198-43.812-21.416-5.484-4.232-10.956-10.948-9.466-18.416 2.25-8.712 10.712-13.94 18.18-17.92 18.416-9.466 39.080-13.692 59.25-17.428 51.022-8.22 103.054-8.47 154.334-4.976 54.282 4.23 108.296 13.188 160.822 28.626-14.936 6.716-29.128 14.442-41.072 25.64zM376.136 168.098c-13.94-3.98-28.132-8.714-39.58-17.914-5.736-4.482-10.21-12.208-7.468-19.426 3.486-9.208 12.2-14.694 20.406-19.41 21.416-11.708 45.56-17.178 69.208-21.416 53.53-8.458 108.54-7.216 161.816 2.24 31.612 5.978 63.23 14.442 92.602 27.63-19.168 7.968-37.834 16.934-55.756 27.386-31.118-5.476-62.492-11.206-94.356-13.196-42.064-3.236-84.638 0.25-126.71 5.476-9.96 2.242-22.404 3.236-29.126 11.952-3.478 7.226 4.484 12.454 8.964 16.678zM716.69 8.036c34.848 7.208 69.954 15.438 101.816 31.612 9.952 5.734 22.152 11.958 25.396 23.9 1.74 11.45-10.21 17.428-18.674 22.16 5.226-5.986 8.712-14.694 3.48-21.66-8.714-11.706-23.642-16.182-36.84-20.664-41.32-11.7-84.144-16.432-126.71-21.164-112.77-10.204-226.292-12.696-339.056-3.236-37.84 3.988-76.434 8.218-112.528 21.658-5.72 2.492-14.434 4.984-14.434 12.704 2.234 6.708 8.714 10.454 14.434 13.69 25.89 13.19 54.768 20.414 83.644 22.154-8.456 4.982-18.416 5.476-28.124 5.226-24.152-0.746-47.8-6.966-70.698-14.694-19.668-7.208-39.832-15.18-55.52-29.622-6.222-5.47-11.942-15.924-5.478-23.398 9.96-10.706 25.398-13.44 39.080-16.676 76.676-13.198 154.342-20.656 232.022-23.398 103.062-2.996 206.868 1.488 308.19 21.408zM818.756-5.412c-46.804-14.936-95.344-23.148-143.644-29.872-83.392-10.454-167.538-13.69-251.432-11.206-51.030 1.99-102.060 5.476-152.352 13.948 11.7-7.968 26.142-10.454 39.588-14.192 56.514-11.952 114.51-14.192 172.020-15.932 84.38-1.496 168.774 1.74 251.924 14.936 39.338 6.96 78.918 15.43 114.26 33.854 18.43 9.708 37.104 24.652 40.326 46.304-18.664-19.91-45.544-29.126-70.69-37.84z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe90f;" glyph-name="prog-js02" data-tags="prog-js02" d="M436.39 444.958c0-129.438 9.248-238.2-54.618-302.566-35.922-36.21-92.602-57.544-162.34-57.544-114.384 0-177.894 55.724-218.43 132.832 39.024 24.918 78.904 49.004 119.55 72.308 16.584-46.376 72.582-98.516 135.776-66.42 40.054 20.36 35.43 82.080 35.43 149.074 0 139.098 0 299.56 0 425.056-0.126 2.088-0.25 4.174 1.464 4.428 47.732 0 95.456 0 143.17 0-0.002-111.79-0.002-238.264-0.002-357.168zM799.454 529.076c-36.494 15.628-81.856 34.116-92.976 67.904-12.466 37.868 8.792 69.066 32.462 79.682 52.046 23.376 114.076-15.112 126.926-54.602 39.166 23.314 78.206 46.768 113.652 73.792-41.652 69.168-102.708 118.684-214.006 115.122-61.28-1.958-107.314-21.304-141.682-50.176-33.542-28.17-59.442-67.708-63.474-123.978-12.050-168.424 113.976-211.416 221.39-258.274 33.86-14.77 71.502-29.684 87.080-59.034 32.122-60.564-24.778-100.52-73.796-104.794-78.672-6.854-131.716 39.174-162.35 87.080-38.266-23.72-79.876-44.090-116.596-69.366 51.074-89.816 134.818-147.96 265.662-147.586 133.48 0.376 232.438 64.732 240.562 185.954 11.046 164.768-112.396 210.99-222.854 258.276z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe910;" glyph-name="prog-objc" data-tags="prog-objc" d="M1023 401.122c-6.746-28.136-17.358-51.628-31.838-70.492s-32.46-33.094-53.936-42.704c-21.482-9.598-48.804-14.402-81.99-14.402-40.246 0-73.14 5.856-98.656 17.554-25.526 11.704-47.542 32.262-66.070 61.73-18.524 29.45-27.788 67.16-27.788 113.116 0 61.26 16.3 108.35 48.886 141.252 32.586 32.906 78.706 49.366 138.33 49.366 46.65 0 83.32-9.44 110.018-28.298 26.698-18.868 46.526-47.844 59.492-86.91l-101.052-22.482c-3.528 11.278-7.236 19.538-11.112 24.752-6.404 8.758-14.238 15.5-23.496 20.21-9.274 4.712-19.62 7.082-31.072 7.082-25.95 0-45.818-10.434-59.632-31.296-10.43-15.478-15.654-39.79-15.654-72.924 0-41.052 6.23-69.19 18.682-84.42 12.474-15.218 29.99-22.82 52.562-22.82 21.89 0 38.442 6.136 49.644 18.438 11.196 12.286 19.32 30.152 24.376 53.554l100.306-30.306zM223.332 546.674c4.598-18.538 6.894-39.414 6.894-62.62 0-26.526-3.12-49.43-9.374-68.728-6.254-19.296-14.706-35.23-25.326-47.804-10.62-12.594-23.054-21.934-37.302-28.040-14.238-6.098-29.276-9.156-45.094-9.156-18.988 0-35.53 3.426-49.62 10.296-14.096 6.852-25.774 16.758-35.040 29.722-9.274 12.96-16.168 28.746-20.694 47.36s-6.776 39.596-6.776 62.962c0 26.224 3.094 48.974 9.274 68.27 6.17 19.292 14.58 35.226 25.202 47.81 10.62 12.58 23.022 21.928 37.186 28.032 14.164 6.106 29.168 9.154 44.986 9.154 18.988 0 35.53-3.468 49.628-10.4 14.088-6.928 25.808-16.838 35.148-29.726 9.346-12.882 16.316-28.592 20.908-47.132zM188.408 481.116c0 17.328-1.314 33.194-3.95 47.586-2.646 14.388-6.904 26.79-12.784 37.186-5.872 10.4-13.45 18.46-22.714 24.19-9.274 5.73-20.46 8.59-33.576 8.59-12.65 0-23.546-3.052-32.662-9.156-9.124-6.106-16.618-14.394-22.498-24.864-5.872-10.48-10.246-22.76-13.108-36.852-2.862-14.090-4.292-29.048-4.292-44.872 0-17.486 1.348-33.422 4.068-47.82 2.71-14.386 6.97-26.746 12.776-37.070 5.796-10.32 13.29-18.344 22.49-24.074 9.19-5.73 20.268-8.586 33.226-8.586 12.658 0 23.586 3.046 32.778 9.148 9.198 6.106 16.768 14.39 22.722 24.872 5.956 10.476 10.364 22.718 13.224 36.734 2.862 14.020 4.3 29.010 4.3 44.988zM452.15 451.952c0-18.842-2.604-35.682-7.792-50.53-5.206-14.836-12.592-27.43-22.166-37.742-9.564-10.332-21.208-18.238-34.922-23.738-13.714-5.504-29.16-8.25-46.342-8.25-13.416 0-27.122 1.282-41.144 3.844-14.014 2.562-27.878 6.622-41.594 12.208v306.084h39.332v-87.94l-1.804-42.046c11.294 15.22 23.396 25.962 36.288 32.216 12.876 6.25 26.706 9.378 41.478 9.378 12.958 0 24.336-2.708 34.132-8.138 9.798-5.422 18.006-13.074 24.644-22.942s11.61-21.782 14.92-35.718c3.308-13.946 4.97-29.508 4.97-46.686zM411.904 450.148c0 11.898-0.856 22.83-2.594 32.778-1.73 9.948-4.484 18.46-8.25 25.546-3.768 7.082-8.592 12.622-14.472 16.618-5.872 3.988-12.882 5.988-21.016 5.988-4.974 0-10.022-0.79-15.146-2.374-5.132-1.58-10.438-4.216-15.944-7.91-5.498-3.698-11.302-8.592-17.408-14.696-6.096-6.106-12.618-13.678-19.554-22.722v-110.096c7.686-3.012 15.528-5.39 23.512-7.122 7.984-1.726 15.602-2.594 22.83-2.594 9.048 0 17.674 1.43 25.882 4.292 8.208 2.86 15.454 7.652 21.708 14.356s11.228 15.602 14.92 26.68c3.686 11.076 5.532 24.826 5.532 41.256zM460.36 528.818h111.232v-191.706c0-21.098-4.906-37.078-14.706-47.922-9.796-10.852-23.28-16.286-40.454-16.286-5.432 0-11.012 0.34-16.734 1.024-5.722 0.676-11.42 1.688-17.076 3.050-5.648 1.36-11.144 3.012-16.492 4.976-5.356 1.954-10.372 4.14-15.038 6.55v-37.524c8.592-3.622 18.198-6.446 28.828-8.484 10.622-2.032 21.508-3.042 32.662-3.042 15.378 0 29.202 2.176 41.486 6.55 12.284 4.376 22.638 10.782 31.080 19.214 8.434 8.45 14.93 18.804 19.446 31.090 4.516 12.282 6.78 26.332 6.78 42.156v222.904h-151.014v-32.55zM609.684 647.502c-2.794 2.852-6.070 5.082-9.84 6.666-3.766 1.58-7.834 2.376-12.2 2.376-4.376 0-8.452-0.794-12.21-2.376-3.776-1.584-7.052-3.814-9.838-6.666-2.788-2.866-4.974-6.188-6.562-9.952-1.572-3.768-2.372-7.764-2.372-11.98 0-4.376 0.798-8.406 2.372-12.098 1.588-3.692 3.776-6.974 6.562-9.832 2.786-2.866 6.062-5.086 9.838-6.666 3.76-1.588 7.836-2.374 12.21-2.374 4.366 0 8.434 0.786 12.2 2.374 3.77 1.58 7.044 3.8 9.84 6.666 2.778 2.858 4.974 6.138 6.544 9.832 1.59 3.692 2.378 7.722 2.378 12.098 0 4.216-0.79 8.212-2.378 11.98-1.57 3.766-3.768 7.088-6.544 9.952z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe911;" glyph-name="prog-ccplusplus" data-tags="prog-ccplusplus" d="M677.784 415.564l96.82-29.26c-6.514-27.164-16.76-49.836-30.732-68.042-13.98-18.206-31.338-31.946-52.064-41.218-20.734-9.266-47.108-13.898-79.144-13.898-38.85 0-70.596 5.638-95.23 16.934-24.636 11.294-45.886 31.156-63.776 59.592-0.936 1.488-1.748 3.086-2.632 4.618l-30.902-213.166h-51.34l91.364 633.758h51.852l-24.298-167.606c30.236 23.68 70.158 35.586 119.844 35.586 45.038 0 80.434-9.112 106.2-27.318 25.776-18.208 44.912-46.18 57.43-83.89l-97.542-21.704c-3.408 10.886-6.986 18.86-10.728 23.896-6.18 8.454-13.74 14.958-22.68 19.506-8.95 4.55-18.94 6.838-29.992 6.838-25.050 0-44.23-10.072-57.562-30.212-10.072-14.942-15.112-38.408-15.112-70.39 0-39.626 6.014-66.79 18.032-81.478 12.042-14.696 28.952-22.040 50.742-22.040 21.126 0 37.102 5.93 47.914 17.798 10.81 11.856 18.654 29.098 23.536 51.696zM228.414 363.866c-10.812-11.87-26.79-17.798-47.914-17.798-21.792 0-38.7 7.344-50.742 22.040-12.018 14.69-18.032 41.852-18.032 81.478 0 31.982 5.040 55.45 15.112 70.39 13.332 20.14 32.512 30.212 57.562 30.212 11.054 0 21.042-2.288 29.992-6.838 8.942-4.548 16.5-11.052 22.68-19.506 3.744-5.038 7.32-13.010 10.73-23.896l97.542 21.704c-12.518 37.71-31.654 65.682-57.43 83.89-25.766 18.208-61.164 27.318-106.2 27.318-57.554 0-102.066-15.89-133.522-47.654-31.456-31.758-47.192-77.216-47.192-136.35 0-44.354 8.94-80.75 26.822-109.186 17.89-28.436 39.14-48.296 63.776-59.592s56.382-16.934 95.23-16.934c32.038 0 58.41 4.632 79.144 13.898 20.726 9.274 38.084 23.014 52.066 41.218 13.972 18.208 24.218 40.878 30.732 68.042l-96.82 29.26c-4.882-22.596-12.724-39.838-23.536-51.696zM966.958 471.362v56.034h-47.008v-56.034h-67.444v56.034h-47.006v-56.034h-55.748v-47.016h55.748v-55.74h47.008v55.74h67.444v-55.74h47.008v55.74h56.040v47.016h-56.042z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe912;" glyph-name="prog-cplusplus" data-tags="prog-cplusplus" d="M431.2 392.392l165.966-50.17c-11.152-46.548-28.708-85.424-52.672-116.628-23.976-31.222-53.728-54.776-89.258-70.662-35.54-15.884-80.758-23.828-135.676-23.828-66.602 0-121.022 9.682-163.248 29.036-42.234 19.362-78.662 53.404-109.328 102.15-30.656 48.736-45.984 111.13-45.984 187.174 0 101.38 26.972 179.298 80.892 233.75 53.928 54.448 130.228 81.682 228.902 81.682 77.208 0 137.896-15.62 182.060-46.826 44.188-31.218 76.992-79.162 98.456-143.814l-167.222-37.206c-5.846 18.664-11.986 32.328-18.39 40.97-10.596 14.488-23.554 25.638-38.89 33.442-15.33 7.798-32.462 11.71-51.416 11.71-42.932 0-75.818-17.266-98.674-51.786-17.266-25.616-25.908-65.842-25.908-120.672 0-67.93 10.306-114.49 30.922-139.69 20.626-25.184 49.62-37.776 86.972-37.776 36.22 0 63.6 10.172 82.148 30.524 18.54 20.33 31.988 49.888 40.348 88.62zM926.938 488.046v96.062h-80.592v-96.062h-115.608v96.062h-80.592v-96.062h-95.562v-80.592h95.562v-95.564h80.592v95.564h115.608v-95.564h80.592v95.564h96.062v80.592h-96.062z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe913;" glyph-name="prog-csharp" data-tags="prog-csharp" d="M466.548 387.822l179.604-54.29c-12.070-50.376-31.070-92.446-57-126.214-25.95-33.788-58.142-59.276-96.594-76.466-38.458-17.192-87.394-25.788-146.824-25.788-72.076 0-130.964 10.476-176.66 31.422-45.704 20.954-85.126 57.792-118.31 110.542-33.176 52.744-49.764 120.264-49.764 202.556 0 109.71 29.188 194.032 87.538 252.958 58.36 58.922 140.928 88.394 247.71 88.394 83.552 0 149.228-16.902 197.020-50.672 47.82-33.784 83.318-85.668 106.546-155.632l-180.962-40.262c-6.328 20.196-12.97 34.984-19.9 44.336-11.466 15.678-25.49 27.742-42.086 36.19-16.588 8.44-35.128 12.674-55.64 12.674-46.46 0-82.048-18.686-106.782-56.042-18.684-27.722-28.036-71.252-28.036-130.588 0-73.512 11.152-123.896 33.464-151.168 22.32-27.254 53.696-40.878 94.118-40.878 39.198 0 68.826 11.006 88.898 33.032 20.060 21.994 34.614 53.982 43.66 95.896zM970.69 481.482l-13.708-68.584h66.018v-74.524h-80.904l-19-95.044h-76.82l19.054 95.044h-59.538l-19.19-95.044h-76.28l19.054 95.044h-37.144v74.524h52.094l13.752 68.584h-65.846v74.524h80.796l19.376 96.664h76.818l-19.504-96.664h59.25l19.388 96.664h76.546l-19.314-96.664h37.412v-74.524h-52.31zM894.034 481.482h-59.36l-13.842-68.584h59.448l13.754 68.584z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe914;" glyph-name="prog-js01" data-tags="prog-js01" d="M2.016 959c-1.14-0.166-1.056-1.54-0.974-2.916 0-339.336 0-678.62 0-1017.948 338.728-2.27 681.616-0.324 1021.958-0.972 0 340.618 0 681.22 0 1021.836-340.316 0-680.666 0-1020.984 0zM519.786 55.666c-23.644-23.838-60.956-37.876-106.858-37.876-75.286 0-117.086 36.68-143.768 87.422 25.684 16.4 51.932 32.244 78.688 47.59 10.912-30.524 47.772-64.84 89.366-43.714 26.366 13.398 23.322 54.020 23.322 98.108 0 91.546 0 197.156 0 279.744-0.084 1.376-0.166 2.75 0.964 2.916 31.414 0 62.826 0 94.232 0 0-73.576 0-156.804 0-235.058 0-85.196 6.088-156.774-35.946-199.132zM941.392 140.166c-5.348-79.768-70.486-122.126-158.34-122.376-86.124-0.248-141.248 38.026-174.866 97.134 24.17 16.634 51.556 30.034 76.75 45.644 20.16-31.522 55.074-61.82 106.858-57.304 32.262 2.812 69.712 29.11 48.57 68.964-10.254 19.32-35.032 29.134-57.312 38.85-70.704 30.848-153.656 59.142-145.722 169.984 2.654 37.028 19.704 63.050 41.778 81.592 22.622 19 52.92 31.734 93.258 33.022 73.258 2.346 113.446-30.24 140.858-75.768-23.328-17.782-49.028-33.216-74.802-48.562-8.458 25.99-49.288 51.316-83.544 35.938-15.578-6.986-29.576-27.522-21.368-52.448 7.32-22.23 37.178-34.398 61.198-44.688 72.704-31.12 153.954-61.534 146.684-169.982z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe915;" glyph-name="prog-ruby" data-tags="prog-ruby" d="M730.562 186.128l217.27-192.832-427.508 33.588c83.756 50.6 152.852 111.026 204.588 159.134 0.852-0.166 1.758-0.258 2.664-0.258 0.99 0.002 1.988 0.12 2.986 0.368zM971.036 70.9l40.016 524.090c-19.796-50.568-51.114-109.46-91.714-172.344l51.698-351.746zM745.094 198.034l216.768-192.392-57.872 393.73c-47.706-71.012-104.99-143.616-158.896-201.338zM491.902 10.448c-46.69-25.868-94.746-46.47-143.414-61.514l499.572 33.596-356.158 27.918zM74.694 262.898l130.858-305.78 107.702 356.8-238.56-51.020zM345.028 332.024l364.364-117.034-92.976 368.408-271.388-251.374zM636.806 619.988l339.658 22.736-265.562 216.896-74.096-239.632zM830.004 954.162l-222.884 1.008 99.086-69.38 123.798 68.372zM9.57 392.484l-7.334-217.306 53.458 97.5-46.124 119.806zM131.336 305.184c42.368-2.702 85.166 6.686 128.34 25.584 29.082 13.782 59.252 31.224 89.534 51.726 43.43 30.684 87.2 69.064 131.29 112.76 158.584 157.166 223.79 332.934 154.492 402.918-16.536 16.688-40.208 25.218-70.376 25.35-91.32 0.394-227.81-68.35-344.138-183.684-111.172-110.196-183.262-240.992-183.648-333.236-0.136-32.798 8.938-58.638 26.966-76.814 16.034-16.198 38.816-22.762 67.54-24.604zM462.206 15.64c4.972 2.572 9.926 5.172 14.816 7.818l-146.644 282.944-110.366-365.572c0.924 0.12 8.378 1.016 8.378 1.016 9.632 1.226 19.146 2.636 28.542 4.23 60.636 10.338 120.63 29.266 178.308 56.278 9.128 4.268 18.102 8.706 26.966 13.286zM761.686 249.018l3.478 3.992c2.428 2.848 4.874 5.75 7.308 8.662 0 0 7.536 8.972 10.464 12.536 4.928 5.96 9.826 12.042 14.742 18.158 4.516 5.64 9.020 11.298 13.516 17.058 4.716 6.042 9.432 12.096 14.112 18.268 10.594 13.946 21.306 28.568 32.754 44.72 12.114 17.088 23.816 34.284 34.832 51.168l-19.862 12.146c-52.742 32.25-158.74 97.212-228.406 140.006l90.148-357.19c8.398 9.222 17.264 19.25 26.914 30.476zM1016.47 824.1l-280.46 39.378 267.376-218.654c9.394 30.992 15.512 61.048 18.176 89.398 0.384 3.974 0.63 7.97 0.87 11.996 0.228 3.704 0.358 7.422 0.458 11.148 0.642 24.146-1.52 46.576-6.42 66.734zM908.65 440.516c0.688 0.906 1.458 1.924 2.298 3.146 5.338 7.558 12.93 19.924 21.372 34.818 23.496 41.434 52.478 100.508 64.564 143.986l-348.824-23.272c72.758-44.712 179.042-109.848 231.884-142.168l28.174-17.196c0.168 0.21 0.34 0.44 0.532 0.686zM490.528 27.744l1.090 0.614c76.092 42.168 144.1 94.042 220.284 168.174l-370.838 119.614 149.464-288.402zM1 136.116c1.638-48.292 11.886-88.162 30.482-118.782l17.316 206.226-47.798-87.444zM68.568 237.186l-19.98-238c28.468-37.24 66.504-53.87 123.056-53.87 5.696 0 11.612 0.156 17.956 0.466l-9.99 24.824c-21.618 53.704-83.306 206.898-111.042 266.58zM1012.288 838.792c-4.112 12.578-9.36 24.192-15.622 34.612-25.264 42.030-68.904 68.922-129.742 79.952l-135.922-75.062 281.286-39.502z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe916;" glyph-name="prog-c" data-tags="prog-c" d="M725.034 358.34l267.63-80.894c-17.984-75.062-46.292-137.762-84.942-188.094-38.646-50.316-86.628-88.308-143.928-113.926-57.306-25.622-130.22-38.43-218.77-38.43-107.41 0-195.156 15.618-263.24 46.836-68.094 31.21-126.862 86.098-176.296 164.708-49.432 78.59-74.154 179.208-74.154 301.83 0 163.476 43.488 289.112 130.452 376.932 86.954 87.79 209.99 131.7 369.094 131.7 124.494 0 222.348-25.18 293.582-75.506 71.244-50.33 124.15-127.644 158.772-231.898l-269.664-60c-9.44 30.098-19.328 52.128-29.656 66.060-17.086 23.366-37.99 41.354-62.702 53.934-24.72 12.576-52.364 18.876-82.916 18.876-69.22 0-122.252-27.84-159.106-83.5-27.862-41.308-41.788-106.168-41.788-194.582 0-109.538 16.618-184.62 49.882-225.238 33.254-40.618 79.996-60.938 140.226-60.938 58.424 0 102.568 16.418 132.462 49.21 29.888 32.798 51.574 80.448 65.062 142.92z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe917;" glyph-name="axe" data-tags="axe" d="M439.752 261.428l264.7 264.698-14.104 14.104 60.015 60.013-87.232 87.234-60.015-60.015-14.105 14.105-10.92-10.92c-37.888 75.191-30.805 166.974 37.033 282.885l-0.002 0.003c-329.678 132.36-685.271-269.162-571.215-583.966 106.837 62.11 217.013 88.614 299.25 66.146l-18.846-18.846 14.105-14.105-316.969-316.967v-90.817h83.649l320.552 320.552 14.104-14.104zM978.495 550.161c-117.528-68.782-210.087-75.332-285.749-35.741l-232.906-232.906c24.15-82.545-2.302-194.184-65.31-302.568 314.802-114.055 716.326 241.539 583.966 571.215z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe918;" glyph-name="github-01" data-tags="github-01" d="M13.924 426.494c45.18 11.282 106.61 26.648 214.236 29.506-2.974 5.948-5.66 12.106-8.038 18.456-41.88 0.364-170.86-5.584-215.042-16.5-0.25-0.078-0.518-0.096-0.786-0.096-1.478 0-2.84 1.016-3.204 2.512-0.422 1.746 0.652 3.548 2.416 3.99 43.78 10.82 169.65 16.826 214.236 16.71-10.034 29.506-14.466 63.31-14.466 101.046 0 67.032 20.874 92.318 48.92 128.040-21.448 76.394 7.694 128.614 7.694 128.614s45.066 9.342 130.264-51.664c46.178 19.78 169.294 21.428 227.54 4.392 35.76 23.636 101.142 57.17 127.54 47.79 7.136-11.51 22.524-45.026 9.324-118.696 8.978-16.154 55.522-50.572 55.712-147.856-0.768-35.876-4.49-66.168-11.396-91.798 111.080 0.94 176.424-8.23 221.43-16.518 1.766-0.364 2.956-2.072 2.648-3.856-0.306-1.574-1.688-2.706-3.222-2.706-0.23 0-0.422 0.018-0.652 0.038-44.932 8.326-110.388 17.458-222.122 16.442-1.958-6.504-4.144-12.682-6.524-18.572 38.026-1.266 142.466-5.334 227.646-31.386 1.766-0.538 2.724-2.378 2.188-4.144-0.422-1.4-1.726-2.32-3.146-2.32-0.306 0-0.652 0.038-0.958 0.152-86.37 26.398-193.076 30.024-228.566 31.196-30.888-67.858-94.236-93.18-196.644-103.712 33.19-20.892 42.706-47.096 42.706-118.006 0-70.906-0.958-80.422-0.728-96.726 0.346-26.766 39.558-39.578 38.102-48.192-1.458-8.598-32.806-7.214-47.462-2.094-41.516 14.464-37.374 49-37.374 49l-1.38 94.808c0 0 2.84 51.032-16 51.032 0-10.262 0-118.484 0-155.184 0-33.726 23.598-43.972 23.598-56.442 0-21.43-43.126 2.032-56.404 15.406-20.268 20.336-17.964 63.46-17.466 97.57 0.46 32.942-0.306 104.98-0.306 104.98l-13.754-0.29c0 0 5.64-157.372-7.252-186.050-16.67-36.816-66.954-49.48-66.954-32.71 0 11.282 12.392 7.692 19.242 32.976 5.85 21.508 3.856 181.95 3.856 181.95s-16.114-9.536-16.114-39.578c0-13.754-0.384-92.316-0.384-115.704 0-29.41-41.766-46.156-61.834-46.156-10.168 0-22.81 0.496-22.81 5.886 0 13.602 38.198 21.586 38.198 49.882 0 24.536-0.538 87.652-0.538 87.652s-19.262-3.296-46.734-3.296c-69.256 0-91.166 44.2-101.584 68.93-13.564 32.21-31.156 47.346-49.842 59.434-11.472 7.424-14.12 16.192-0.844 18.686 61.314 11.548 76.988-69.526 117.928-82.436 29.218-9.23 66.782-5.238 85.468 6.848 2.476 24.77 20.318 46.178 35.186 57.458-104.134 9.996-165.872 46.158-197.872 104.29-108.932-2.61-170.744-18.072-216.058-29.39-3.3-0.826-6.522-1.63-9.63-2.418-0.268-0.056-0.538-0.076-0.806-0.076-1.478 0-2.82 0.998-3.204 2.494-0.442 1.764 0.652 3.568 2.418 4.010 3.12 0.768 6.324 1.552 9.604 2.396z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe919;" glyph-name="instagram" data-tags="instagram" d="M132.168 959h759.638c72.158 0 131.194-59.010 131.194-131.168v-759.638c0-72.158-59.036-131.194-131.194-131.194h-759.638c-72.158 0-131.168 59.036-131.168 131.194v759.638c0 72.158 59.010 131.168 131.168 131.168v0zM745.468 845.472c-25.3 0-46.010-20.71-46.010-46.010v-110.134c0-25.3 20.708-46.010 46.010-46.010h115.524c25.3 0 46.010 20.708 46.010 46.010v110.134c0 25.3-20.708 46.010-46.010 46.010h-115.524zM907.476 526.82h-89.95c8.508-27.794 13.1-57.212 13.1-87.704 0-169.992-142.222-307.796-317.678-307.796-175.432 0-317.654 137.804-317.654 307.796 0 30.49 4.59 59.908 13.1 87.704h-93.842v-431.706c0-22.356 18.264-40.644 40.622-40.644h711.682c22.332 0 40.622 18.29 40.622 40.644v431.706h-0.002zM512.95 649.106c-113.354 0-205.25-89.050-205.25-198.886s91.896-198.886 205.25-198.886c113.376 0 205.272 89.050 205.272 198.886s-91.896 198.886-205.272 198.886z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe91a;" glyph-name="github-02" data-tags="github-02" d="M512.15 361.12c-7.584 0-14.97-0.374-22.38-0.822-4.914 14.022-7.908 29.392-7.908 46.134 0 16.492 2.918 45.56 7.684 45.612 2.47 0 4.99-0.224 7.46-0.224 125.502 0 227.206 101.85 227.206 227.378 0 29.942-13.7 68.742-29.668 84.71l77.922 43.614v151.478l-162.582-90.772c-36.102 24.078-72.856 38.226-119.514 38.226-125.504 0-223.912-101.702-223.912-227.206 0-70.612 33.884-133.688 84.41-175.356-14.074-29.542-21.308-62.402-21.308-97.286 0-31.338 6.986-61.106 18.44-88.178-66.046-38.7-108.738-100.078-108.738-169.318 0-117.17 122.186-212.11 272.768-212.11 150.654 0 272.716 94.94 272.716 212.11-0.004 117.072-122.016 212.010-272.596 212.010zM497.004 785.29c58.584 0 106.018-47.458 106.018-105.992 0-58.584-47.434-106.068-106.018-106.068-58.586 0-106.042 47.482-106.042 106.068 0 58.536 47.456 105.992 106.042 105.992zM512.15 67.52c-66.918 0-121.188 36.504-121.188 81.59 0 45.038 54.27 81.542 121.188 81.542 66.92 0 121.19-36.504 121.19-81.542 0-45.086-54.27-81.59-121.19-81.59z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe91b;" glyph-name="angularjs" data-tags="angularjs" d="M512 650.505l84.838-198.722-169.679 0.002 84.84 198.72zM956.433 773.524l-66.241-596.163-378.192-213.864-378.192 213.862-66.241 596.167 444.433 158.976 444.433-158.978zM795.563 224.673l-283.563 622.662-283.563-622.662h105.986l54.885 143.838 122.692 1.893 122.69-1.893 54.883-143.838h105.99z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe91c;" glyph-name="battered-axe" data-tags="battered-axe" d="M946.36 876.538c-96.057-214.044-249.731-207.069-403.969-129.791l37.738 54.072c-24.775 37.484-69.871 64.654-111.516 76.848l-42.019-61.524c-35.132 24.011-69.513 49.773-102.428 75.388l-0.007-0.007c-3.961-6.034-7.641-11.869-11.080-17.538-67.845 38.349-157.474 55.396-258.245 55.396 99.809-40.31 178.113-93.819 213.146-184.851-2.030-27.668-0.309-55.657-0.309-89.808 11.86-6.567 23.398-13.461 34.574-20.65l-261.157-382.386 1.6-220.927 361.579 518.079c107.578-119.1 121.076-273.051-68.96-392.977 103.72-30.189 200.425-31.741 286.869-11.662l17.493 110.784 74.017-77.129c61.306 35.133 151.694 99.911 191.805 157.628l-64.083 110.751 109.616-30.319c67.267 103.392 74.48 327.516-4.664 460.623z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe91d;" glyph-name="prog-cakephp" data-tags="prog-cakephp" d="M942 379.834l81 68.166-81 68.162 56.116 89.788-98.158 39.68 25.466 102.762-105.626 7.406-7.402 105.622-102.766-25.458-39.688 98.154-89.776-56.12-68.166 81.004-68.162-81.004-89.788 56.12-39.68-98.154-102.762 25.462-7.41-105.618-105.618-7.406 25.458-102.766-98.15-39.688 56.112-89.784-81-68.162 81-68.166-56.112-89.784 98.15-39.68-25.466-102.766 105.626-7.402 7.402-105.626 102.77 25.466 39.688-98.158 89.78 56.124 68.162-81.008 68.166 81.008 89.784-56.124 39.68 98.158 102.766-25.466 7.402 105.618 105.626 7.412-25.466 102.766 98.158 39.688-56.116 89.774zM883.996 289.852l-34.258-13.858 8.882-35.872 13.284-53.586-91.996-6.456-2.586-36.91-3.868-55.076-89.45 22.166-13.858-34.258-20.66-51.11-78.096 48.82-59.39-70.576-59.384 70.578-78.102-48.82-34.52 85.368-89.458-22.166-3.86 55.084-2.586 36.912-92 6.454 22.168 89.45-85.366 34.516 48.812 78.106-70.566 59.382 70.566 59.384-48.812 78.104 85.366 34.52-22.16 89.454 91.992 6.454 2.59 36.908 3.864 55.084 89.456-22.168 34.512 85.368 78.104-48.816 59.384 70.57 59.392-70.576 78.088 48.822 34.526-85.366 89.45 22.16 3.868-55.084 2.586-36.912 91.996-6.454-22.176-89.452 85.384-34.512-48.812-78.104 70.562-59.384-70.572-59.392 48.82-78.088-51.116-20.668zM604.336 238.536l1.048-73.93c0 0-124.828-14.456-209.612 4.298-122.514 27.098-136.334 111.208-136.334 111.208l-11.086 58.22c5.102-16.702 30.728-76.536 139.472-97.218 83.808-15.944 205.584-3.728 216.512-2.578zM491.94 634.572l55.010-85.816 229.334-56.456-3.676-25.916-209.858 57.724 38.376-59.882c-28.21-6.142-58.384-10.376-89.828-12.3-153.378-9.374-283.254 39.332-305.79 111.208l24.838-130.354c17.188-24.65 56.182-59.376 142.946-73.672 82.506-13.598 198.34-4.924 232.374-1.896l0.084-20.16c0 0-139.618-14.838-234.1 1.462-81.844 14.106-119.786 47.574-137.082 72.134l9.36-49.146c0.288-0.498 0.548-0.98 0.84-1.48 4.17-14.47 28.698-77.256 144.492-98.324 75.918-13.822 182.040-5.956 214.792-2.994l-0.956 66.67 157.184-57.004 14.264 35.032 24.302 286.434c-2.046-6.424-4.858-12.766-8.476-18.984l-298.43 63.72zM762.51 363.284l-159.954 43.996-0.1 22.222 163.728-40.302-3.674-25.916zM202.106 580.99l3.402-17.858c-1.822 5.814-3.028 11.758-3.402 17.858z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe91e;" glyph-name="dropbox" data-tags="dropbox" d="M825.044 549.466l197.956 164.958-301.62 192.71-207.352-173.88-202.688 173.88-310.34-202.148 213.716-162.58-213.716-162.604 310.342-183.812 202.688 155.518 202.622-155.518 306.348 183.812-197.956 169.664zM514.658 724.244l292.742-168.186-295.41-195.758-293.574 184.954 296.242 178.99zM725.416 167.396l90.28 54.164v-49.254l-304.4-197.442-297.656 198.788v46.428l98.936-58.602 9.146 6.994 192.306 147.56 201.454-154.6 9.934 5.964z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe91f;" glyph-name="tl-toolbox" data-tags="tl-toolbox" d="M980.416 384.124h42.584v-298.084c0-23.42-19.162-42.582-42.584-42.582h-936.832c-23.42 0-42.584 19.162-42.584 42.582v298.084h178.85v-76.65h153.302v76.65h357.7v-76.65h153.3v76.65h136.264zM385.41 701.196c0 2.724 0.246 5.402 0.536 8.068 0.138 1.138 0.266 2.28 0.454 3.41 0.166 1.046 0.42 2.078 0.632 3.124 0.644 3.040 1.414 6.050 2.4 8.994 13.91 41.596 63.508 72.502 122.568 72.502 59.058 0 108.654-30.906 122.568-72.504 0.99-2.944 1.756-5.956 2.404-8.994 0.208-1.044 0.464-2.076 0.63-3.124 0.184-1.13 0.316-2.272 0.45-3.41 0.292-2.666 0.534-5.344 0.534-8.068l0.1-59.974h56.422v59.974c0 4.224-0.298 8.392-0.764 12.522-0.376 3.726-0.99 7.39-1.68 11.034 0 0.016 0 0.030-0.010 0.042-13.78 72.256-89.424 127.75-180.654 127.75s-166.874-55.492-180.654-127.75c0-0.012-0.004-0.026-0.008-0.042-0.69-3.642-1.306-7.306-1.68-11.034-0.47-4.128-0.766-8.296-0.766-12.522v-59.974h56.422l0.096 59.976zM936.17 690.724c-14.58 18.738-46.392 34.066-70.696 34.066h-138.122c1.156-7.734 1.822-15.598 1.822-23.596v-94.040h-124.508l-0.048 34.014-0.1 60.028c0 8.3-2.596 16.278-7.244 23.596h-170.542c-4.65-7.328-7.256-15.328-7.256-23.65l-0.096-59.972-0.054-34.014h-124.5v94.038c0 7.998 0.666 15.862 1.822 23.596h-138.122c-24.298 0-56.116-15.328-70.696-34.066l-86.83-136.266v-127.748h178.85v76.648h153.302v-76.648h357.7v76.648h153.3v-76.648h178.848v127.748l-86.83 136.266zM810.084 384.124v85.166h-85.168v-127.75h85.168v42.584zM299.084 384.124v85.166h-85.166v-127.75h85.166v42.584z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe920;" glyph-name="vc-fossil" data-tags="vc-fossil" d="M570.62 49.862l-0.924 1.23-0.914 1.322-1.024 1.43-0.924 1.738-0.814 1.83-0.914 1.948-0.816 2.144-0.814 2.346-0.714 2.346-0.714 2.552-0.716 2.762-0.616 2.754-0.616 2.958-0.616 2.96-0.508 3.17-0.508 3.168-0.414 3.262-0.4 3.376-0.306 3.476-0.308 3.468-0.208 3.468-0.208 3.576-0.1 3.576-0.1 3.676v7.144l0.1 3.676 0.1 3.576 0.208 3.568 0.208 3.476 0.308 3.476 0.306 3.468 0.4 3.37 0.414 3.268 0.508 3.17 0.508 3.16 1.232 5.92 0.616 2.76 0.716 2.762 0.714 2.544 0.714 2.354 0.814 2.354 0.816 2.138 0.914 1.938 0.814 1.838 0.924 1.738 1.024 1.432 0.914 1.33 0.924 1.222 1.024 1.024 1.014 0.814 1.024 0.616 1.024 0.408 1.014 0.306 1.032 0.1 1.016-0.1 1.024-0.306 1.022-0.408 1.024-0.616 1.024-0.814 1.014-1.024 0.916-1.222 0.922-1.33 1.024-1.432 0.916-1.738 0.822-1.838 0.916-1.938 0.814-2.138 0.824-2.354 0.714-2.354 0.714-2.544 0.714-2.762 0.608-2.76 1.232-5.92 0.508-3.16 0.508-3.17 0.408-3.268 0.414-3.37 0.3-3.468 0.306-3.476 0.208-3.476 0.2-3.568 0.1-3.576 0.108-3.676v-7.144l-0.108-3.676-0.1-3.576-0.2-3.576-0.208-3.468-0.306-3.468-0.3-3.476-0.414-3.376-0.408-3.262-0.508-3.168-0.508-3.17-0.616-2.96-0.616-2.958-0.608-2.754-0.714-2.762-0.714-2.552-0.714-2.346-0.824-2.346-0.814-2.144-0.916-1.948-0.822-1.83-0.916-1.738-1.024-1.43-0.922-1.322-0.916-1.23-1.014-1.024-1.024-0.814-1.024-0.618-1.022-0.406-1.024-0.308-1.016-0.1-1.032 0.1-1.014 0.308-1.024 0.406-1.024 0.618-1.014 0.814-1.024 1.024zM544.986 371.124l-0.308 1.124-0.408 1.024-0.616 0.924-0.708 0.814-0.822 0.608-1.024 0.506-1.014 0.316-1.132 0.3h-2.644l-3.068-0.508-3.37-1.024-3.576-1.53-3.984-2.046-4.182-2.446-8.888-6.128-9.598-7.66-9.8-9.082-10.010-10.422-9.394-10.92-8.068-10.73-6.74-10.312-5.208-9.498-2.042-4.39-1.634-4.084-1.126-3.786-0.612-3.466-0.204-3.060v-1.324l0.204-1.23 0.412-1.23 0.408-1.016 0.612-0.814 0.714-0.814 0.818-0.616 1.020-0.516 1.024-0.408 1.124-0.208 1.326-0.1 1.326 0.1 3.064 0.516 3.37 1.022 3.576 1.532 3.978 1.938 4.19 2.446 8.886 6.138 9.598 7.75 9.8 9.1 10.010 10.414 9.294 10.928 8.168 10.72 6.736 10.312 5.208 9.498 2.044 4.392 1.532 4.084 1.13 3.776 0.708 3.476 0.208 2.96-0.1 1.43-0.208 1.22zM547.738 215.288l-3.776 3.168-3.776 2.754-3.476 2.354-3.362 1.738-1.538 0.714-1.432 0.616-1.322 0.4-1.124 0.214-1.124 0.092h-0.516l-0.406-0.092-0.408-0.108-0.308-0.208-0.306-0.2-0.3-0.208-0.214-0.308-0.2-0.306-0.102-0.408v-0.408l-0.1-0.406 0.1-0.516 0.202-1.016 0.314-1.124 0.608-1.33 0.716-1.322 0.814-1.43 2.146-3.062 2.752-3.276 3.168-3.362 3.578-3.476 3.776-3.168 3.784-2.854 3.468-2.254 3.37-1.838 1.53-0.714 1.432-0.508 1.23-0.406 1.222-0.202 1.024-0.108h0.516l0.398 0.108 0.416 0.1 0.298 0.202 0.308 0.2 0.306 0.208 0.202 0.308 0.208 0.306 0.1 0.408v0.408l0.11 0.406-0.11 0.416-0.1 1.116-0.408 1.13-0.516 1.222-0.714 1.43-0.814 1.432-2.246 3.060-2.652 3.268-3.17 3.37-3.576 3.47zM567.15 392.774l-2.144-3.060-0.924-1.432-0.714-1.43-0.508-1.23-0.416-1.116-0.1-1.13-0.1-0.4 0.1-0.416v-0.406l0.1-0.408 0.208-0.306 0.208-0.308 0.2-0.2 0.308-0.208 0.406-0.208 0.308-0.1h0.924l1.014 0.1 1.23 0.208 1.332 0.408 1.422 0.616 1.43 0.616 3.37 1.83 3.476 2.354 3.776 2.862 3.776 3.168 3.576 3.468 3.17 3.37 2.652 3.268 2.246 3.070 0.814 1.43 0.716 1.422 0.516 1.222 0.398 1.13 0.108 1.016 0.1 0.516-0.1 0.408v0.406l-0.108 0.3-0.2 0.314-0.2 0.3-0.616 0.416-0.306 0.2-0.814 0.2h-0.508l-1.024-0.1-1.124-0.2-1.33-0.416-1.432-0.608-1.53-0.714-3.27-1.738-3.566-2.346-3.686-2.862-3.776-3.16-3.568-3.476-3.178-3.37-2.642-3.27zM569.396 436.478l-0.416-0.1-0.398-0.208-0.416-0.202-0.816-0.616-0.922-0.714-0.916-1.014-1.024-1.232-1.122-1.43-2.146-3.27-2.246-3.882-2.246-4.392-2.144-4.79-1.938-4.908-1.532-4.59-1.23-4.392-0.714-3.776-0.3-1.746-0.108-1.63-0.1-1.33 0.1-1.222 0.208-1.024 0.102-0.508 0.208-0.306 0.2-0.408 0.408-0.408 0.306-0.2 0.308-0.108h0.614l0.408 0.108 0.406 0.2 0.408 0.2 0.814 0.618 0.924 0.714 1.016 1.024 1.032 1.222 1.014 1.43 2.146 3.268 2.246 3.884 2.244 4.392 2.146 4.79 1.938 4.908 1.54 4.7 1.222 4.284 0.708 3.882 0.316 1.738 0.1 1.532 0.1 1.43-0.1 1.232-0.208 1.014-0.1 0.408-0.2 0.406-0.208 0.308-0.202 0.308-0.208 0.2-0.308 0.108-0.306 0.1h-0.608zM562.144 185.062l-0.208 0.308-0.306 0.406-0.716 0.714-1.014 0.816-1.23 0.814-3.060 1.532-3.678 1.638-4.39 1.636-4.798 1.432-5.314 1.322-5.306 1.124-5.108 0.814-4.594 0.416-4.084 0.2-3.472-0.2-1.432-0.108-1.226-0.308-1.018-0.298-0.408-0.208-0.308-0.306-0.306-0.2-0.206-0.208-0.204-0.306-0.1-0.3v-0.614l0.1-0.416 0.204-0.298 0.206-0.408 0.306-0.306 0.716-0.816 1.018-0.714 1.226-0.814 3.066-1.638 3.676-1.638 4.394-1.53 4.792-1.532 5.314-1.33 5.314-1.116 5.1-0.714 4.6-0.516 4.084-0.1 3.466 0.1 1.432 0.208 1.23 0.308 1.014 0.298 0.416 0.208 0.3 0.208 0.306 0.298 0.208 0.208 0.2 0.306 0.1 0.3v0.614l-0.1 0.416-0.202 0.298zM960.098 262.678l-0.208 0.914-0.2 0.816-0.308 0.616-0.306 0.616-0.408 0.398-0.308 0.216-0.208 0.1-0.298 0.1h-0.208l-0.608 0.1-0.714-0.2-0.616-0.208-0.814-0.408-0.716-0.616-1.738-1.432-1.838-1.828-2.044-2.462-4.284-6.022-4.6-7.452-4.906-8.882-4.89-9.906-4.908-10.828-4.39-11.022-3.776-10.53-2.96-9.598-2.146-8.574-1.23-7.244-0.3-3.17-0.1-2.652 0.1-2.246 0.202-0.922 0.208-0.824 0.308-0.608 0.406-0.608 0.408-0.416 0.298-0.2 0.216-0.108 0.298-0.1h0.208l0.608-0.1 0.714 0.2 0.616 0.208 0.814 0.408 0.714 0.616 1.738 1.422 1.838 1.848 2.046 2.444 4.284 5.922 4.6 7.56 4.898 8.882 4.898 9.906 4.808 10.828 4.39 11.030 3.776 10.512 2.96 9.598 2.146 8.584 1.322 7.252 0.306 3.16 0.102 2.662-0.2 2.248zM291.222 386.336l2.142-4.592 1.226-1.838 1.326-1.638 1.326-1.322 1.432-1.024 1.53-0.814 1.634-0.408 1.634-0.108 1.738 0.208 1.734 0.408 1.738 0.814 1.734 1.132 1.838 1.322 3.572 3.576 3.676 4.6 3.68 5.606 3.676 6.538 3.678 7.352 7.042 17.266 6.538 20.012 5.922 22.364 4.904 24.204 3.676 24.406 2.14 23.076 0.618 21.038-0.716 18.584-0.918 8.17-1.226 7.352-1.532 6.534-1.838 5.618-2.25 4.594-1.222 1.838-1.226 1.634-1.43 1.326-1.428 1.024-1.534 0.816-1.634 0.408-1.63 0.104-1.738-0.104-1.734-0.508-1.738-0.818-1.732-1.020-1.844-1.43-3.572-3.576-3.676-4.59-3.676-5.518-3.676-6.534-3.676-7.456-7.044-17.258-6.538-20.014-5.822-22.366-5.002-24.202-3.678-24.406-2.042-23.076-0.714-21.042 0.714-18.582 0.92-8.166 1.226-7.354 1.53-6.538 1.942-5.622zM286.014 344.168l-0.716-6.846-0.51-15.52 0.818-17.564 2.246-19.096 3.676-20.218 4.902-19.912 5.718-18.38 6.328-16.342 6.846-13.99 3.472-6.030 3.572-5.306 3.472-4.39 3.576-3.678 3.466-2.76 1.634-1.116 1.738-0.824 1.634-0.506 1.634-0.316 1.632-0.092 1.532 0.2 1.532 0.408 1.43 0.714 1.326 1.024 1.326 1.124 1.126 1.43 1.124 1.63 2.042 3.984 1.738 4.798 1.426 5.522 1.124 6.22 0.714 6.846 0.512 15.626-0.818 17.458-2.142 19.096-3.676 20.218-4.902 20.020-5.718 18.272-6.434 16.452-6.74 13.99-3.572 5.922-3.472 5.304-3.576 4.492-3.468 3.676-3.476 2.762-1.734 1.014-1.734 0.824-1.632 0.508-1.634 0.306-1.634 0.11-1.536-0.208-1.53-0.408-1.432-0.714-1.326-1.024-1.326-1.122-1.124-1.432-1.124-1.628-2.044-3.992-1.734-4.692-1.432-5.624-1.12-6.22zM592.168 384.296l-5.314-1.022-5.314-1.332-4.89-1.43-4.398-1.532-3.668-1.628-1.638-0.816-1.432-0.814-1.222-0.814-1.032-0.714-0.708-0.824-0.306-0.308-0.2-0.406-0.208-0.308-0.108-0.406v-0.606l0.108-0.308 0.208-0.306 0.2-0.202 0.306-0.314 0.308-0.206 0.398-0.2 1.032-0.316 1.222-0.298 1.432-0.208 3.466-0.102 4.084 0.102 4.6 0.506 5.108 0.716 5.306 1.13 5.314 1.322 4.798 1.43 4.39 1.532 3.776 1.638 2.96 1.628 1.232 0.714 1.014 0.816 0.814 0.714 0.208 0.416 0.306 0.298 0.102 0.416 0.1 0.298v0.616l-0.1 0.298-0.202 0.316-0.208 0.2-0.308 0.306-0.298 0.208-0.416 0.2-1.014 0.308-1.232 0.306-1.43 0.2-3.468 0.102-4.084-0.102-4.59-0.406-5.004-0.808zM374.344 299.846l10.418-12.866 10.316-11.446 10.006-9.796 9.394-8.168 4.39-3.268 4.084-2.754 3.88-2.254 3.47-1.628 3.27-1.024 1.43-0.308 1.328-0.1 1.226 0.1 1.124 0.208 1.018 0.298 0.924 0.616 0.814 0.714 0.612 0.916 0.512 1.032 0.308 1.114 0.204 1.332 0.1 1.53-0.204 3.27-0.612 3.882-1.226 4.292-1.634 4.69-2.042 5.008-5.41 11.228-7.048 12.158-8.474 12.86-9.702 13.38-10.418 12.868-10.312 11.436-10.006 9.906-9.398 8.068-4.386 3.376-4.088 2.754-3.876 2.246-3.476 1.638-3.266 1.014-1.43 0.308-1.326 0.108-1.226-0.108-1.124-0.208-1.024-0.298-0.92-0.616-0.814-0.716-0.612-0.914-0.512-1.024-0.306-1.222-0.206-1.33-0.104-1.43 0.104-3.37 0.716-3.786 1.226-4.284 1.628-4.798 2.046-5.006 5.41-11.228 7.044-12.16 8.376-12.866 9.804-13.374zM431.328 125.122l0.408-1.43 1.326-3.070 1.838-3.36 2.552-3.676 3.066-3.884 3.676-4.184 8.784-8.682 10.72-9.192 12.254-9.398 13.582-9.29 14.094-8.684 13.478-7.352 12.766-6.022 11.538-4.592 5.214-1.638 4.79-1.222 4.392-0.822 3.892-0.408 3.26 0.1 1.53 0.208 1.232 0.308 1.222 0.408 0.914 0.608 0.924 0.714 0.616 0.822 0.498 0.924 0.316 1.016 0.1 1.23v1.222l-0.306 1.322-0.408 1.43-1.23 3.070-1.938 3.368-2.554 3.676-3.060 3.876-3.576 4.192-8.882 8.684-10.612 9.182-12.26 9.398-13.582 9.398-14.094 8.674-13.478 7.362-12.766 6.022-11.542 4.49-5.206 1.63-4.798 1.23-4.396 0.816-3.876 0.406-3.374-0.108-1.426-0.2-1.332-0.3-1.122-0.416-1.024-0.616-0.816-0.714-0.714-0.814-0.512-0.916-0.302-1.014-0.104-1.23 0.104-1.232 0.204-1.32zM566.734 205.996l2.046-2.652 1.014-1.024 0.924-0.814 0.814-0.608 0.408-0.208 0.308-0.208 0.406-0.1h0.614l0.308 0.1 0.306 0.208 0.202 0.208 0.208 0.2 0.2 0.408 0.208 0.306 0.1 0.508 0.208 1.024v2.552l-0.208 1.638-0.2 1.73-0.816 3.776-1.23 4.392-1.53 4.598-1.948 4.898-2.136 4.8-2.146 4.398-2.246 3.876-2.144 3.26-1.124 1.43-1.024 1.232-0.914 1.022-0.924 0.816-0.814 0.606-0.416 0.216-0.4 0.2-0.416 0.1h-0.604l-0.308-0.1-0.308-0.2-0.208-0.216-0.2-0.2-0.2-0.406-0.102-0.308-0.108-0.508-0.208-1.022-0.1-1.232 0.1-1.322 0.416-3.368 0.814-3.778 1.124-4.39 1.53-4.592 1.938-4.906 2.146-4.806 2.246-4.392 2.246-3.876 2.148-3.266zM835.408 60.48l-0.714 0.816-0.914 0.714-1.13 0.608-1.322 0.616-1.432 0.416-3.576 0.616-4.284 0.2-4.906-0.1-11.538-1.33-13.582-2.662-15.218-3.876-16.542-5.208-17.358-6.33-17.050-7.152-15.626-7.352-13.88-7.454-11.744-7.252-9.298-6.946-3.676-3.16-2.96-3.068-2.246-2.854-0.814-1.33-0.616-1.33-0.308-1.222-0.208-1.124v-1.124l0.306-1.024 0.508-0.914 0.714-0.824 0.924-0.708 1.124-0.616 1.33-0.616 1.43-0.408 3.578-0.616 4.284-0.208 4.898 0.108 11.542 1.322 13.582 2.662 15.212 3.876 16.442 5.208 17.36 6.338 17.056 7.144 15.728 7.352 13.79 7.46 11.844 7.244 9.292 6.946 3.676 3.16 2.96 3.068 2.254 2.862 0.814 1.322 0.608 1.33 0.308 1.222 0.2 1.124v1.13l-0.3 1.016-0.522 0.928zM365.154-53.688l-1.222 3.060-1.944 3.37-2.552 3.676-3.064 3.884-3.572 4.184-8.882 8.682-10.622 9.192-12.254 9.398-13.582 9.39-14.094 8.682-13.478 7.354-12.766 6.022-11.542 4.498-5.206 1.63-4.798 1.222-4.392 0.824-3.878 0.398-3.374-0.1-1.426-0.2-1.332-0.308-1.124-0.408-1.018-0.616-0.82-0.714-0.714-0.814-0.512-0.916-0.302-1.032-0.104-1.222 0.104-1.222 0.204-1.33 0.408-1.43 1.326-3.060 1.838-3.37 2.552-3.676 3.066-3.884 3.676-4.184 8.784-8.684 10.72-9.19 12.254-9.398 13.582-9.282 14.094-8.684 13.476-7.352 12.768-6.032 11.54-4.598 5.208-1.63 4.798-1.222 4.392-0.814 3.878-0.408 3.27 0.1 1.53 0.2 1.226 0.308 1.226 0.408 0.92 0.616 0.918 0.714 0.612 0.814 0.512 0.916 0.308 1.032 0.1 1.222v1.222l-0.302 1.33-0.414 1.432zM226.172 20.65l-0.204 0.308-0.308 0.408-0.714 0.714-1.020 0.814-1.226 0.814-3.064 1.54-3.676 1.63-4.392 1.638-4.798 1.43-5.31 1.322-5.306 1.124-5.106 0.814-4.596 0.416-4.088 0.202-3.472-0.202-1.426-0.108-1.226-0.308-1.024-0.298-0.408-0.208-0.306-0.308-0.304-0.2-0.204-0.208-0.204-0.306-0.104-0.298v-0.616l0.104-0.414 0.204-0.3 0.204-0.406 0.304-0.308 0.714-0.814 1.024-0.714 1.226-0.816 3.060-1.638 3.676-1.638 4.392-1.53 4.798-1.532 5.314-1.33 5.306-1.116 5.106-0.714 4.596-0.516 4.088-0.1 3.468 0.1 1.43 0.208 1.226 0.306 1.020 0.298 0.412 0.208 0.302 0.208 0.308 0.3 0.204 0.208 0.204 0.308 0.104 0.298v0.614l-0.104 0.416-0.204 0.3zM393.034 26.572l-0.206 3.576-0.204 3.476-0.306 3.468-0.408 3.468-0.308 3.376-0.506 3.26-0.412 3.178-0.512 3.16-1.224 5.92-0.612 2.76-0.714 2.754-0.82 2.552-0.714 2.346-0.814 2.346-0.816 2.154-0.918 1.938-0.82 1.838-0.918 1.738-1.020 1.432-0.922 1.322-1.020 1.222-1.024 1.022-1.020 0.824-1.022 0.608-1.024 0.408-1.020 0.314-1.018 0.1-1.024-0.1-1.024-0.314-1.020-0.408-1.022-0.608-1.020-0.824-1.024-1.022-1.018-1.222-0.92-1.322-1.024-1.432-0.918-1.738-0.816-1.838-0.922-1.938-0.816-2.154-0.818-2.346-0.71-2.346-0.82-2.552-0.714-2.754-0.612-2.76-0.612-2.96-0.616-2.96-0.508-3.16-0.406-3.178-0.512-3.26-0.308-3.376-0.406-3.468-0.308-3.468-0.204-3.476-0.206-3.576-0.104-3.568-0.1-3.684v-7.144l0.1-3.676 0.104-3.568 0.206-3.576 0.204-3.476 0.308-3.468 0.406-3.466 0.308-3.376 0.512-3.262 0.406-3.176 0.508-3.16 0.616-2.96 0.612-2.96 0.612-2.762 0.714-2.754 0.82-2.552 0.71-2.346 0.818-2.346 0.816-2.154 0.922-1.938 0.816-1.838 0.918-1.738 1.024-1.43 0.92-1.322 1.018-1.222 1.024-1.032 1.020-0.816 1.022-0.616 1.020-0.398 1.024-0.308 1.024-0.108 1.018 0.108 1.020 0.308 1.024 0.398 1.022 0.616 1.020 0.816 1.024 1.032 1.020 1.222 0.922 1.322 1.020 1.43 0.918 1.738 0.82 1.838 0.918 1.938 0.816 2.154 0.814 2.346 0.714 2.346 0.82 2.552 0.714 2.754 0.612 2.762 1.224 5.92 0.512 3.16 0.412 3.176 0.506 3.262 0.308 3.376 0.408 3.466 0.306 3.468 0.204 3.476 0.206 3.576 0.104 3.568 0.1 3.676v7.144l-0.1 3.684-0.104 3.568zM911.494 151.976l-0.208 0.516-0.208 0.202-0.2 0.2-0.202 0.216-0.314 0.1-0.508 0.2-0.714 0.1-0.708-0.1-0.824-0.1-0.924-0.308-2.038-0.822-2.354-1.222-2.652-1.63-5.922-4.284-6.746-5.722-7.452-6.844-7.752-7.96-7.976-8.792-7.66-9.090-6.836-8.784-5.822-8.166-4.692-7.454-3.576-6.538-1.23-2.862-0.914-2.446-0.618-2.144-0.1-1.024v-1.532l0.202-0.714 0.208-0.508 0.208-0.2 0.2-0.216 0.2-0.2 0.316-0.1 0.506-0.208 0.716-0.102 0.708 0.102 0.822 0.108 0.924 0.298 2.136 0.816 2.354 1.23 2.654 1.628 5.922 4.292 6.736 5.72 7.46 6.838 7.76 7.966 7.958 8.784 7.668 9.082 6.838 8.784 5.82 8.168 4.692 7.458 3.576 6.538 1.23 2.854 0.916 2.46 0.516 2.138 0.1 1.024 0.1 0.814-0.1 0.714-0.196 0.722zM175.212 293.916l0.82 3.786 0.612 4.39 0.306 4.898v5.524l-0.714 12.35-1.738 13.89-2.858 15.21-3.778 16.036-4.596 15.936-5.108 14.598-5.304 12.964-5.416 11.128-2.756 4.708-2.654 4.184-2.656 3.576-2.552 2.96-2.554 2.142-1.124 0.818-1.222 0.612-1.126 0.512-1.124 0.204-1.018 0.106-1.024-0.206-1.020-0.41-0.818-0.512-0.92-0.816-0.714-0.918-0.714-1.124-0.612-1.33-1.124-3.162-0.814-3.776-0.512-4.39-0.308-4.908v-5.514l0.716-12.352 1.732-13.888 2.862-15.22 3.778-16.036 4.594-15.926 5.112-14.498 5.306-13.074 5.414-11.126 2.758-4.7 2.652-4.184 2.658-3.578 2.552-2.86 2.552-2.246 1.124-0.814 1.222-0.618 1.124-0.516 1.124-0.2 1.024-0.1 1.022 0.2 0.92 0.416 0.918 0.5 0.816 0.822 0.818 0.924 0.71 1.116 0.616 1.33 1.016 3.162zM456.754 23.612l1.33 0.616 1.222 0.716 1.124 0.914 0.92 1.13 0.818 1.322 0.612 1.54 0.512 1.63 0.302 1.728 0.308 4.092-0.308 4.592-0.814 5.008-1.43 5.614-1.838 5.93-5.306 13.066-7.048 14.098-8.886 14.904-10.518 15.21-11.436 14.614-11.542 12.958-11.336 11.028-10.824 8.982-5.102 3.576-4.904 2.97-4.594 2.344-4.188 1.638-3.984 1.016-1.834 0.208h-1.638l-1.63-0.208-1.43-0.298-1.432-0.618-1.22-0.714-1.126-0.914-0.92-1.13-0.814-1.322-0.616-1.54-0.508-1.63-0.308-1.73-0.306-3.992 0.306-4.59 0.92-5.108 1.326-5.514 1.942-6.030 5.208-12.958 7.148-14.206 8.882-14.804 10.522-15.312 11.436-14.612 11.436-12.958 11.336-11.028 10.824-8.892 5.108-3.566 4.902-3.070 4.592-2.346 4.292-1.636 3.88-0.916 1.838-0.306h1.738l1.53 0.208 1.526 0.296zM255.48 744.060l-1.124 8.782 0.1 8.272 0.512 3.88 0.716 3.78 1.122 3.572 1.432 3.472 1.838 3.268 2.042 3.064 1.19 1.448 0.446 1.92 0.92 2.858 2.96 6.23 4.288 6.742 5.514 7.352 6.846 7.76 7.86 8.272 18.996 17.362 22.772 18.28 26.14 18.688 28.902 18.584 29.816 17.154 28.594 14.606 26.756 11.842 24.1 8.886 10.928 3.27 10.11 2.344 8.992 1.536 8.062 0.716 6.838-0.208 2.96-0.506 2.652-0.716 2.354-0.918 1.938-1.124 1.638-1.534 1.322-1.634 0.924-1.938 0.258-1.036 0.756-0.908 1.638-2.35 1.532-2.756 2.552-6.534 2.246-8.068 1.63-9.498 1.23-10.724 0.814-11.844 0.1-26.96-1.838-30.636-3.776-33.392-5.722-35.638-7.344-35.332-8.484-32.578-9.29-29.206-9.806-25.222-4.898-10.824-5.002-9.498-5.008-8.272-4.898-6.742-4.798-5.206-2.35-2.042-2.35-1.634-2.246-1.122-2.25-0.82-0.382-0.038-2.27-1.8-3.164-2.042-3.374-1.838-3.676-1.532-7.862-2.348-8.782-1.328-9.394-0.308-10.010 0.612-10.622 1.534-11.128 2.554-11.44 3.472-11.744 4.288-12.046 5.31-12.154 6.126-12.256 6.946-12.15 7.864-12.152 8.678-11.638 9.294-10.93 9.598-10.11 9.802-9.19 10.010-8.376 10.11-7.354 10.11-6.534 10.11-5.414 9.906-4.39 9.806-3.37 9.494-2.24 9.090zM440.14 736.954l4.462-3.92 10.11-9.802 9.19-10.010 3.734-4.508 0.35 6.142 3.78 33.492 5.718 35.638 0.306 1.46-10.010-14.426-15.112-19.508-12.528-14.558zM356.566 788.606l4.708-1.758 12.052-5.208 12.15-6.23 8.614-4.882 10.176 16.422 14.092 20.318 15.114 19.608 3.97 4.62-5.908-3.8-29.822-17.158-28.59-14.604-16.556-7.328zM656.194-11.104l-0.714 1.33-1.024 1.322-1.124 1.432-3.060 2.752-3.984 2.762-4.798 2.762-5.514 2.644-6.33 2.762-14.504 5.208-16.852 4.698-18.788 4.184-20.318 3.476-20.428 2.446-19.196 1.332-17.466 0.208-15.42-0.822-6.84-0.816-6.026-1.014-5.41-1.332-4.596-1.53-3.676-1.738-1.532-0.924-1.33-1.014-1.024-1.124-0.814-1.124-0.612-1.23-0.308-1.222v-1.222l0.206-1.332 0.406-1.33 0.714-1.322 1.024-1.33 1.124-1.422 3.064-2.762 3.98-2.762 4.802-2.754 5.51-2.652 6.334-2.762 14.5-5.206 16.852-4.7 18.688-4.184 20.32-3.476 20.426-2.446 19.196-1.332 17.566-0.2 15.42 0.816 6.736 0.814 6.128 1.014 5.416 1.332 4.59 1.53 3.676 1.738 1.532 0.924 1.33 1.014 1.024 1.132 0.814 1.114 0.616 1.23 0.308 1.222v1.222l-0.2 1.332-0.414 1.332zM228.522 44.854l2.14-3.268 1.126-1.324 1.020-1.23 0.92-1.014 0.918-0.816 0.82-0.616 0.406-0.208 0.408-0.208 0.408-0.1h0.614l0.302 0.1 0.308 0.208 0.204 0.208 0.204 0.2 0.206 0.416 0.208 0.3 0.1 0.516 0.206 1.014 0.104 1.23-0.104 1.432-0.102 1.53-0.306 1.738-0.714 3.876-1.226 4.284-1.532 4.708-1.942 4.898-2.142 4.798-2.144 4.392-2.246 3.876-2.246 3.278-1.024 1.322-1.024 1.222-0.914 1.024-0.918 0.814-0.924 0.616-0.408 0.208-0.406 0.2-0.308 0.1h-0.714l-0.308-0.1-0.306-0.2-0.206-0.208-0.204-0.208-0.204-0.408-0.206-0.308-0.104-0.506-0.204-1.024v-2.644l0.204-1.54 0.206-1.738 0.818-3.876 1.124-4.292 1.53-4.69 1.944-4.908 2.144-4.806 2.246-4.382 2.248-3.886zM225.56 33.624l-0.512 1.322-0.714 1.332-0.92 1.43-2.144 3.060-2.654 3.37-3.168 3.376-3.676 3.466-3.778 3.17-3.78 2.862-3.572 2.346-3.37 1.728-1.534 0.716-1.428 0.516-1.226 0.406-1.226 0.308h-1.53l-0.408-0.11-0.412-0.090-0.302-0.11-0.308-0.306-0.306-0.202-0.206-0.306-0.204-0.308-0.1-0.416-0.104-0.398v-0.814l0.204-1.13 0.408-1.116 0.512-1.23 0.714-1.432 0.818-1.43 2.142-3.060 2.756-3.27 3.17-3.368 3.676-3.476 3.776-3.262 3.782-2.76 3.572-2.346 3.268-1.848 1.532-0.714 1.43-0.508 1.326-0.406 1.226-0.2 1.020-0.11h0.512l0.412 0.11 0.406 0.1 0.304 0.2 0.306 0.2 0.308 0.216 0.204 0.298 0.206 0.308 0.1 0.406v0.408l0.104 0.408-0.104 0.516-0.1 1.014-0.408 1.134zM183.692 287.080l0.508-1.532 0.512-1.33 0.714-1.222 0.816-1.124 1.022-1.024 1.124-0.922 1.226-0.716 1.228-0.506 1.426-0.508 1.534-0.308 1.634-0.1 3.468 0.1 3.78 0.616 4.084 1.124 4.292 1.63 4.49 2.146 4.802 2.552 4.798 2.96 10.006 7.352 10.212 8.784 10.11 10.312 9.192 11.030 7.864 11.038 6.224 10.71 2.558 5.108 2.14 4.906 1.634 4.8 1.124 4.39 0.818 4.184 0.206 3.876-0.206 3.376-0.306 1.63-0.512 1.43-0.512 1.432-0.71 1.23-0.818 1.116-1.020 1.032-1.126 0.814-1.222 0.714-1.226 0.608-1.432 0.408-1.53 0.306-1.634 0.208-3.472-0.1-3.78-0.716-4.084-1.13-4.288-1.628-4.492-2.146-4.7-2.552-4.902-2.96-10.006-7.354-10.11-8.784-10.114-10.312-9.29-11.028-7.76-11.030-6.334-10.622-2.45-5.208-2.146-4.906-1.634-4.692-1.226-4.498-0.71-4.184-0.306-3.778 0.204-3.476 0.308-1.526zM78.714 474.264l0.512-1.228 0.71-1.426 0.818-1.43 2.146-3.064 2.752-3.27 3.17-3.368 3.676-3.472 3.776-3.27 3.782-2.756 3.572-2.35 3.268-1.838 1.536-0.714 1.43-0.506 1.322-0.408 1.226-0.208 1.024-0.1h0.512l0.408 0.1 0.406 0.106 0.308 0.204 0.302 0.204 0.308 0.204 0.204 0.308 0.206 0.308 0.104 0.408v0.408l0.104 0.408-0.104 0.51-0.104 1.024-0.408 1.124-0.512 1.326-0.714 1.326-0.916 1.43-2.144 3.066-2.658 3.368-3.164 3.368-3.676 3.472-3.778 3.168-3.78 2.856-3.572 2.35-3.374 1.734-1.53 0.714-1.432 0.512-1.226 0.408-1.226 0.308h-1.53l-0.408-0.104-0.408-0.1-0.306-0.104-0.308-0.302-0.302-0.208-0.206-0.304-0.208-0.308-0.1-0.408-0.104-0.408v-0.82l0.204-1.124 0.412-1.124zM116.192 437.194l-0.204 0.408-0.308 0.308-0.714 0.814-1.020 0.714-1.226 0.82-3.064 1.632-3.676 1.63-4.392 1.536-4.798 1.53-5.31 1.328-5.31 1.022-5.106 0.816-4.592 0.412-4.088 0.204-3.472-0.204-1.43-0.104-1.222-0.308-1.024-0.304-0.408-0.204-0.306-0.308-0.304-0.204-0.204-0.204-0.208-0.308-0.102-0.308v-0.612l0.102-0.408 0.412-0.61 0.304-0.412 0.714-0.71 1.024-0.82 1.222-0.818 3.064-1.63 3.676-1.534 4.392-1.634 4.798-1.422 5.31-1.332 5.31-1.13 5.106-0.814 4.596-0.398 4.084-0.208 3.472 0.208 1.43 0.1 1.226 0.298 1.020 0.308 0.406 0.208 0.308 0.298 0.308 0.208 0.204 0.208 0.204 0.3 0.104 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170zM802.022 733.23c-76.916-23.68-179.914-36.728-290.022-36.728s-213.106 13.046-290.030 36.728c-80.15 24.68-97.506 50.658-97.506 55.768s17.356 31.088 97.506 55.768c76.924 23.682 179.922 36.724 290.030 36.724s213.106-13.042 290.022-36.724c80.158-24.68 97.516-50.656 97.516-55.768s-17.358-31.088-97.516-55.768zM519.944 571.144c144.672 0 303.108 19.47 412.564 67.378l-102.826-616.966c0 0-84.552-84.552-295.932-84.552-295.934 0-338.21 84.552-338.21 84.552l-40.112 240.652 285.826-64.050v374.96c26.43-1.296 52.788-1.974 78.69-1.974zM173.138 580.904c-24.168 16.986-46.858 37.222-67.444 60.070-3.312 3.79-3.246 8.108-1.304 9.982 1.312 1.28 3.402 1.57 5.606 0.768 1.132-0.414 2.246-1.098 3.228-1.998 41.096-37.454 88.738-66.692 137.786-84.56 49.030-17.836 96.682-23.268 137.786-15.738 0.982 0.182 2.098 0.058 3.228-0.356 2.196-0.792 4.292-2.608 5.606-4.846 1.942-3.286 2.008-7.646-1.28-9.024-20.618-7.862-43.3-11.584-67.476-10.982-25.052 0.62-51.242 5.838-77.856 15.516h-0.016c-26.612 9.692-52.812 23.548-77.864 41.168zM171.628 502.552c-13.072 23.532-20.312 44.084-22.128 63.076-0.182 1.882 0.602 3.476 2.13 4.080 0.974 0.396 2.13 0.346 3.328-0.084 0.668-0.24 1.33-0.61 1.974-1.082 11.89-8.884 24.020-16.87 35.076-23.458 2.246-1.354 4.062-3.682 4.822-5.962 8.042-24.968 28.586-53.358 50.136-83.182 0.876-1.172 2.082-2.658 4.046-3.37 1.974-0.726 3.188-0.082 4.046 0.43 21.55 14.136 42.096 27.636 50.146 46.742 0.75 1.734 2.566 2.742 4.83 2.454 11.032-1.446 23.134-2.394 35.042-2.172 0.634 0.008 1.304-0.108 1.964-0.346 1.198-0.438 2.376-1.256 3.352-2.354 1.486-1.676 2.328-3.932 2.13-5.708-1.816-17.66-9.050-32.828-22.122-46.858-12.294-13.17-28.304-23.682-43.794-33.838-1.13-0.742-2.254-1.468-3.362-2.212-1.13-0.734-1.742-2.792-0.272-5.168 3.626-5.83 7.092-11.694 10.33-17.614 15.448-28.214 23.474-52.482 24.524-74.182 0.082-1.536-0.47-2.806-1.512-3.526-1.042-0.71-2.486-0.808-3.996-0.256l-33.534 12.204c-2.888 1.048-5.284 4.154-5.498 7.11-2.362 32.74-29.33 70.052-57.866 109.554-15.488 21.44-31.506 43.602-43.792 65.722zM215.028 412.18c10.056-14.152 16.81-24.268 22.326-33.45 1.106-1.842 2.61-5.748 0.678-8.622-5.558-8.306-8.612-17.036-9.338-26.58-0.214-2.792-2.642-4.16-5.524-3.114l-33.474 12.18c-1.502 0.544-2.964 1.718-4.004 3.188s-1.594 3.154-1.52 4.632c1 19.99 8.29 37.594 22.394 53.926 0.562 0.66 2.048 1.85 4.55 0.934 1.962-0.718 3.118-1.988 3.912-3.094zM269.788 510.868c2.592-0.942 5.070-3.97 5.070-6.954 0-0.858-0.198-1.402-0.404-1.88-1.396-3.22-7.746-14.318-19.578-21.51-1.32-0.802-2.824-0.504-3.864-0.126l-0.008 0.008c-1.032 0.374-2.536 1.166-3.856 2.932-11.832 15.804-18.182 31.526-19.578 35.754-0.206 0.626-0.404 1.32-0.404 2.188 0 2.98 2.476 4.204 5.070 3.252 2.138-0.776 8.242-3.624 18.744-7.456l0.066-0.016c10.5-3.832 16.604-5.418 18.742-6.192z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe922;" glyph-name="vc-git" data-tags="vc-git" d="M1003.724 400.414l-444.14-444.13c-25.724-25.7-67.388-25.7-93.080 0l-446.222 446.192c-25.708 25.702-25.708 67.38 0 93.106l305.96 305.948 115.866-115.884c-11.88-28.458-6.304-62.466 16.872-85.622 7.574-7.598 16.306-13.27 25.638-17.088v-280.596c-9.332-3.826-18.078-9.532-25.638-17.084-30.594-30.59-30.594-80.142 0-110.766 30.562-30.592 80.148-30.592 110.746 0 30.59 30.624 30.59 80.176 0 110.766-6.22 6.188-13.258 11.112-20.716 14.804l0.008 278.020 105.652-105.652c-11.652-28.348-5.964-62.148 17.042-85.17 30.616-30.608 80.176-30.608 110.784 0 30.59 30.598 30.59 80.158 0 110.744-21.89 21.924-53.512 28.030-80.916 18.586l-113.28 113.278c9.458 27.414 3.31 59.002-18.572 80.908-21.774 21.776-53.092 27.962-80.412 18.738l-117.534 117.538 92.652 92.666c25.712 25.704 67.392 25.704 93.066 0l446.224-446.196c25.7-25.704 25.7-67.396 0-93.106z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe923;" glyph-name="dbs-mongodb" data-tags="dbs-mongodb" d="M741.986 464.99c-2.96 183.898-99.554 335.854-198.652 431.274-31.51 30.342-36.596 62.736-36.596 62.736s0.674-14.242-15.682-31.368c-68.76-71.996-112.456-110.064-154.214-201.264-51.99-113.54-54.888-263.99-54.888-263.99s2.766-123.842 54.888-224.786c40.35-78.146 111.436-142.022 139.598-165.458 2.59 8.834 7.56 26.748 10.958 44.996 5.268 28.318 7.634 58.436 7.656 58.734 0.524 6.72 6.072 11.944 12.812 12.060 0.076 0 0.15 0 0.224 0 6.646 0 12.248-4.99 12.988-11.62 0.048-0.45 5.138-45.386 14.996-72.832 4.998-13.924 13.904-18.59 14.288-18.782 3.62-1.48 6.022-4.358 7.17-8.1 0.066-0.184 0.092-0.376 0.132-0.566 27.114 22.292 187.932 164.066 184.322 388.966zM469.37 207.936c-4.666-7.452-7.598-16.018-8.3-25.066-0.016-0.216-0.82-10.388-2.508-24.122-26.374 27.664-55.278 63.076-75.41 102.066-44.882 86.93-49.748 194.548-50.126 205.336 0.37 12.288 5.436 146.666 51.004 246.184 25.25 55.146 51.324 89.146 85.34 125.982v-630.38zM544.682 72.918c0 0-8.642-13.018-10.456-28.744-4.566-39.59-5.222-107.174-5.222-107.174l-26.142 7.844c0 0-0.71 44.53-5.232 78.412-3.006 22.556-10.454 39.214-10.454 39.214s8.11 25.6 13.070 52.274c5.468 29.382 7.838 60.116 7.838 60.116s5.18-46.536 15.688-75.802c7.11-19.82 20.91-26.14 20.91-26.14z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe924;" glyph-name="dbs-mysql" data-tags="dbs-mysql" d="M505.034 386.57h94.536v-22.44h-96.154c-0.974 0-2.266-0.214-3.24-0.214-11.976-1.082-15.538-3.028-17.154-9.932-0.328-1.080-0.328-1.946-0.328-2.81v-15.32c0-1.082 0-1.948 0.328-3.028 1.618-9.066 8.092-13.158 21.686-13.158h40.792c10.038 0 20.392-1.73 28.818-4.972 15.86-6.040 23.96-15.104 23.96-24.818v-24.602c0-11.876-7.126-20.944-21.692-27.628-8.75-4.102-19.752-6.47-31.088-6.47h-96.798v22.44h92.922c1.296 0 2.262 0.214 3.56 0.214 6.47 0.434 11.328 2.162 14.238 4.758 3.244 2.578 4.858 5.606 4.858 7.984v19.636c0 2.154-0.648 4.1-2.586 6.046-3.236 3.882-7.778 5.822-18.458 6.686-0.972 0.216-2.262 0.216-3.558 0.216h-34.97c-3.236 0-6.47 0.216-9.714 0.434-28.81 3.018-45.968 15.968-45.968 31.080v19.636c0 17.266 8.742 27.198 28.814 33.458 6.474 1.94 13.598 2.804 27.196 2.804zM767.134 237.986l33.168-29.934h-39.1l-26.83 24.22-27.014-1.714h-36.014c-6.162 0-12.65 0.866-19.786 2.812-21.408 5.838-31.796 17.082-31.796 35.688v80.020c0 20.334 14.282 32.668 42.5 36.56 2.92 0.434 6.164 0.648 9.082 0.648h63.918c3.242 0 6.162-0.214 9.406-0.648 28.218-3.892 42.492-16.226 42.492-36.56v-80.020c0.002-16.492-6.052-25.324-20.026-31.072zM755.698 347.13c0 0.866 0 1.948-0.324 3.038-1.946 8.648-10.704 13.624-23.678 13.624h-50.934c-14.93 0-24.652-6.488-24.652-16.66v-76.126c0-1.082 0.324-2.162 0.64-3.46 1.946-9.306 10.712-14.496 24.012-14.496h30.582l-28.096 25.368h39.1l24.51-22.124c4.508 2.412 7.484 6.088 8.516 10.82 0.324 1.072 0.324 2.162 0.324 3.244v76.772zM218.562 386.356c-25.576 7.984-42.738 1.080-50.504-16.186l-51.154-114.392-49.532 114.392c-7.448 17.266-24.93 24.17-50.504 16.186-10.684-3.236-15.866-9.498-15.866-22.44v-132.74h33.666v132.956l52.128-115.906c6.15-14.032 14.568-18.996 31.076-18.996 16.514 0 24.606 4.964 30.76 18.996l52.124 115.906v-132.956h33.672v132.74c-0.002 12.942-5.182 19.204-15.866 22.44zM389.016 339.746v-87.212c-0.59 0-63.804-0.15-73.214 0-18.444 0.284-20.036 9.63-19.72 13.608v73.256h-33.66c0.736-0.732-0.008-74.022 0.016-75.568 0.262-16.716 21.466-31.24 54.76-31.554h71.564v-8.824c0.004-3.626 2.562-14.398-19.108-16.694-0.266-0.016-106.316 0-106.5 0v-22.656h106.314c16.862 0.5 53.446 6.872 53.258 36.206-0.004 0.508 0.188 119.442 0.030 119.442h-33.74zM1002.292 252.534l8.132-12.444h-5.554l-7.41 12.244h-4.434v-12.244h-4.758v28.328h11.044c7.012 0 10.654-2.386 10.654-8.142 0-5.164-3.31-7.278-7.674-7.742zM998.116 256.308c3.576 0 6.688 0.334 6.688 4.292 0 3.308-3.444 3.842-6.29 3.842h-5.488v-8.134h5.090zM1023 254.254c0-14.82-11.71-24.808-24.818-24.808-13.092 0-24.808 9.988-24.808 24.808 0 14.822 11.716 24.81 24.808 24.81 13.108 0 24.818-9.988 24.818-24.81zM1017.444 254.254c0 11.254-8.6 19.654-19.262 19.654-10.78 0-19.254-8.4-19.254-19.654 0-11.244 8.474-19.652 19.254-19.652 10.662 0 19.262 8.408 19.262 19.652zM724.126 648.034c-4.316 0.080-7.37-0.468-10.596-1.176 0-0.196 0-0.39 0-0.586 0.2 0 0.39 0 0.59 0 2.062-4.23 5.698-6.954 8.242-10.598 1.956-4.122 3.918-8.238 5.88-12.354 0.2 0.196 0.398 0.39 0.59 0.586 3.65 2.566 5.314 6.674 5.298 12.946-1.464 1.54-1.682 3.464-2.946 5.298-1.676 2.446-4.936 3.828-7.058 5.884zM1008.96 346.124c2.778-2.038 4.64-5.198 8.242-6.478 0 0.2 0 0.398 0 0.59-1.896 2.404-2.378 5.722-4.118 8.242-2.544 2.544-5.108 5.098-7.652 7.652-7.484 9.93-16.974 18.646-27.070 25.89-8.042 5.782-26.066 13.582-29.426 22.948-0.192 0.2-0.392 0.398-0.592 0.598 5.706 0.64 12.392 2.704 17.658 4.118 8.848 2.372 16.758 1.756 25.89 4.118 4.126 1.182 8.242 2.362 12.36 3.528 0 0.79 0 1.57 0 2.362-4.618 4.74-7.91 11.012-12.942 15.302-13.184 11.216-27.562 22.432-42.376 31.776-8.208 5.188-18.366 8.554-27.072 12.95-2.928 1.476-8.068 2.246-10.006 4.708-4.566 5.832-7.060 13.222-10.588 20.012-7.384 14.226-14.646 29.762-21.192 44.73-4.458 10.204-7.376 20.268-12.942 29.426-26.722 43.934-55.492 70.454-100.046 96.52-9.488 5.542-20.9 7.73-32.958 10.59-6.47 0.39-12.952 0.788-19.422 1.178-3.95 1.65-8.058 6.482-11.768 8.828-14.764 9.324-52.63 29.61-63.558 2.94-6.904-16.83 10.312-33.254 16.474-41.786 4.326-5.982 9.856-12.692 12.952-19.418 2.030-4.422 2.376-8.86 4.126-13.538 4.276-11.528 7.992-24.068 13.524-34.724 2.802-5.388 5.888-11.070 9.424-15.888 2.17-2.958 5.878-4.26 6.46-8.828-3.626-5.086-3.834-12.978-5.872-19.42-9.2-29.004-5.73-65.048 7.652-86.516 4.1-6.586 13.772-20.724 27.062-15.298 11.626 4.736 9.034 19.416 12.36 32.366 0.748 2.942 0.292 5.1 1.764 7.062 0-0.192 0-0.39 0-0.586 3.536-7.062 7.068-14.124 10.596-21.184 7.844-12.626 21.758-25.83 33.55-34.728 6.106-4.616 10.92-12.6 18.83-15.302 0 0.2 0 0.398 0 0.598-0.2 0-0.4 0-0.59 0-1.54 2.378-3.936 3.376-5.88 5.29-4.608 4.518-9.73 10.13-13.542 15.304-10.728 14.558-20.202 30.494-28.834 47.078-4.126 7.922-7.71 16.66-11.188 24.718-1.338 3.11-1.322 7.808-4.118 9.418-3.808-5.904-9.414-10.684-12.36-17.656-4.708-11.148-5.314-24.742-7.060-38.84-1.032-0.372-0.574-0.118-1.182-0.586-8.2 1.972-11.078 10.412-14.122 17.652-7.702 18.304-9.132 47.782-2.354 68.856 1.754 5.45 9.69 22.624 6.47 27.66-1.532 5.028-6.58 7.93-9.406 11.772-3.512 4.748-7.004 10.994-9.432 16.48-6.296 14.272-9.24 30.294-15.878 44.724-3.176 6.894-8.542 13.878-12.95 20.012-4.88 6.792-10.346 11.792-14.124 20.012-1.346 2.918-3.176 7.588-1.18 10.59 0.63 2.026 1.53 2.87 3.536 3.532 3.418 2.632 12.916-0.876 16.474-2.354 9.432-3.918 17.316-7.652 25.31-12.946 3.834-2.544 7.716-7.468 12.35-8.83 1.772 0 3.536 0 5.298 0 8.292-1.902 17.574-0.594 25.308-2.944 13.682-4.158 25.942-10.626 37.076-17.658 33.918-21.414 61.654-51.906 80.626-88.276 3.052-5.856 4.376-11.444 7.060-17.658 5.422-12.526 12.26-25.412 17.656-37.664 5.382-12.216 10.63-24.55 18.24-34.722 4-5.344 19.46-8.212 26.49-11.184 4.924-2.078 12.99-4.25 17.648-7.054 8.916-5.378 17.542-11.774 25.898-17.662 4.176-2.946 17.018-9.398 17.65-14.706-20.694 0.548-36.504-1.374-50.020-7.070-3.842-1.614-9.964-1.662-10.596-6.468 2.112-2.212 2.446-5.524 4.126-8.242 3.218-5.224 8.666-12.218 13.532-15.894 5.314-4.010 10.788-8.3 16.476-11.77 10.13-6.18 21.442-9.706 31.19-15.892 5.768-3.652 11.474-8.242 17.078-12.36zM841.988 270.448v116.124h-33.668v-116.338c0-23.088 17.158-36.040 51.798-38.632 3.234-0.208 6.47-0.424 9.714-0.424h87.736v22.44h-88.386c-19.742-0.002-27.194 4.97-27.194 16.83z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe925;" glyph-name="os-apple" data-tags="os-apple" d="M497.278 713.040c-10.894 59.424 17.202 120.572 51.036 161.788 37.292 45.464 101.284 80.342 155.968 84.172 9.248-62.298-16.176-122.998-49.644-165.93-35.898-46.122-97.626-81.894-157.36-80.030zM818.058 497.744c16.926 47.208 50.444 89.682 102.452 118.344-52.564 65.588-126.338 103.656-195.984 103.656-92.128 0-131.068-43.888-195.060-43.888-65.92 0-115.94 43.888-195.732 43.888-78.248 0-161.552-47.69-214.374-129.156-19.428-30.092-32.594-67.502-39.764-109.17-19.902-116.888 9.832-269.116 98.558-404.286 43.14-65.604 100.636-139.476 175.756-140.126 66.92-0.648 85.916 42.784 176.488 43.248 90.722 0.5 107.914-43.698 174.75-43.048 75.144 0.632 135.8 82.388 178.95 147.976 30.708 47.058 42.334 70.828 66.22 124.042-121.462 45.812-171.408 179.634-132.26 288.52z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe926;" glyph-name="os-linux" data-tags="os-linux_1" d="M485.86 687.090c4.582 0 8.908-1.206 12.816-3.452 3.91-2.196 7.42-5.464 10.38-9.472 2.91-4.026 5.306-8.85 6.944-14.274 1.646-5.406 2.544-11.394 2.544-17.766 0-6.346-0.906-12.342-2.57-17.782-1.662-5.488-4.068-10.378-7.036-14.462-2.978-4.092-6.554-7.394-10.514-9.682s-8.332-3.536-12.974-3.536c-4.656 0-9.064 1.248-13.042 3.536-3.974 2.288-7.536 5.59-10.496 9.682-2.952 4.084-5.322 8.974-6.92 14.462-1.614 5.44-2.46 11.436-2.42 17.782 0.076 6.372 1.024 12.36 2.72 17.766 1.68 5.424 4.126 10.248 7.12 14.274 2.994 4.008 6.538 7.278 10.496 9.472 3.978 2.246 8.352 3.452 12.952 3.452zM540.928 680.968c-4.424 0-8.616-1.13-12.426-3.144-3.816-2.062-7.252-5.006-10.128-8.632-2.878-3.66-5.208-8.010-6.814-12.842-1.606-4.84-2.494-10.188-2.494-15.778 0.008-5.58 0.906-10.902 2.544-15.77 1.638-4.848 3.986-9.282 6.888-12.982 2.936-3.708 6.394-6.72 10.254-8.798 3.876-2.096 8.118-3.26 12.592-3.26 4.408 0 8.6 1.164 12.426 3.26 3.81 2.078 7.236 5.106 10.090 8.798 2.87 3.76 5.164 8.168 6.744 13.034 1.59 4.898 2.43 10.28 2.378 15.87-0.050 5.564-0.998 10.886-2.644 15.694-1.646 4.816-4.010 9.148-6.92 12.776-2.902 3.668-6.338 6.57-10.146 8.632-3.81 2.012-7.97 3.142-12.344 3.142zM242.346 184.616c3.884 0.792 7.818 1.498 11.744 2.096 3.942 0.626 7.884 1.124 11.844 1.556 3.958 0.432 7.942 0.748 11.892 0.964 3.976 0.232 7.936 0.374 11.876 0.374 34.832 0 64.792-3.518 90.126-9.646 25.39-6.124 46.192-14.904 62.668-25.452 16.51-10.58 28.67-22.93 36.704-36.212 8.068-13.314 11.96-27.562 11.928-41.808-0.018-2.462-0.118-4.792-0.3-7.020-0.2-2.212-0.482-4.36-0.866-6.388-0.38-1.996-0.856-3.926-1.412-5.756-0.566-1.828-1.232-3.55-1.98-5.19 2.046-0.132 4.11-0.232 6.172-0.332 2.044-0.084 4.108-0.166 6.17-0.2 2.046-0.066 4.126-0.1 6.164-0.118 2.070-0.034 4.118-0.034 6.18-0.034 0.516 0 0.932 0 1.33 0 0.382 0 0.732 0 1.082 0 0.332 0 0.682 0 1.032 0 0.366 0 0.764 0 1.23 0 1.872 0 3.742 0 5.614 0.034 1.856 0 3.734 0.050 5.598 0.084 1.848 0.048 3.694 0.1 5.54 0.166 1.864 0.066 3.708 0.14 5.524 0.232-0.766 1.63-1.432 3.344-2.014 5.19-0.582 1.83-1.080 3.744-1.496 5.79-0.4 2.030-0.7 4.176-0.924 6.438-0.208 2.246-0.324 4.608-0.324 7.104-0.034 14.246 3.868 28.494 11.926 41.808 8.036 13.284 20.21 25.632 36.746 36.212 16.466 10.546 37.278 19.328 62.686 25.452 25.376 6.128 55.35 9.646 90.222 9.646 4.184 0 8.36-0.14 12.534-0.406 4.176-0.234 8.334-0.592 12.476-1.064 4.158-0.5 8.284-1.066 12.376-1.774 4.11-0.722 8.176-1.522 12.21-2.436 3.742 7.884 7.002 16.118 9.78 24.702 2.78 8.584 5.042 17.49 6.788 26.774 1.746 9.282 2.978 18.886 3.642 28.834 0.682 9.948 0.806 20.228 0.368 30.848-0.95 23.13-4.792 48.332-11.762 73.88-6.92 25.392-16.916 51.118-30.222 75.602-13.224 24.32-29.726 47.458-49.744 67.834-19.912 20.244-43.324 37.842-70.57 51.284 10.544 2.362 20.392 6.080 29.176 10.912 8.766 4.824 16.5 10.696 22.878 17.424 6.348 6.688 11.354 14.23 14.698 22.314 3.326 8.084 5.016 16.734 4.758 25.684-0.334 10.828-3.46 21.092-8.824 30.424-5.35 9.282-12.934 17.648-22.166 24.652-9.232 6.986-20.126 12.64-32.154 16.534-12.010 3.892-25.15 6.046-38.874 6.046-11.958 0-23.42-1.638-34.018-4.65-10.62-2.976-20.4-7.352-28.984-12.806-8.608-5.506-16.010-12.076-21.866-19.512-5.872-7.436-10.198-15.72-12.592-24.586-1.198 13.24-4.708 25.716-10.066 36.978-5.34 11.226-12.516 21.224-21.126 29.608-8.566 8.342-18.562 15.022-29.558 19.662-10.978 4.59-22.962 7.136-35.564 7.136 0 0-0.034 0-0.048 0-0.034 0-0.050 0-0.066 0-0.018 0-0.034 0-0.066 0-0.018 0-0.050 0-0.066 0-13.376 0-26.184-2.846-37.86-8.036-11.718-5.182-22.348-12.716-31.374-22.008-9.032-9.33-16.466-20.51-21.74-32.918-5.306-12.476-8.434-26.248-8.85-40.704v-0.166c-0.284-9.682 0.692-19.13 2.762-28.114 2.062-9.016 5.24-17.582 9.348-25.49 4.142-7.936 9.2-15.228 15.080-21.716 5.878-6.486 12.55-12.16 19.852-16.816-23.986-14.44-44.644-32.272-62.244-52.182-17.7-20.094-32.312-42.35-44.040-65.488-11.802-23.32-20.702-47.556-26.872-71.41-6.222-24.002-9.664-47.598-10.562-69.374-0.432-10.586-0.3-20.8 0.382-30.682 0.698-9.914 1.912-19.46 3.642-28.676 1.762-9.208 4.008-18.064 6.762-26.582 2.748-8.532 5.99-16.716 9.684-24.526zM515.328 873.732c17.65-0.236 35.098-1.764 52.166-4.516 17.066-2.748 33.766-6.728 49.91-11.898 16.16-5.172 31.794-11.528 46.7-18.974 14.93-7.484 29.144-16.098 42.452-25.792 12.276-8.92 23.57-18.614 33.758-28.922 10.222-10.31 19.356-21.256 27.206-32.6 7.884-11.376 14.514-23.172 19.746-35.182 5.238-12.042 9.064-24.336 11.344-36.626 1.43-7.652 2.71-14.79 3.842-21.526 1.148-6.744 2.164-13.058 3.078-19.080s1.746-11.694 2.512-17.148c0.766-5.44 1.48-10.628 2.18-15.67 0.756-5.34 1.456-10.396 2.162-15.278 0.714-4.89 1.43-9.608 2.162-14.23 0.748-4.632 1.532-9.184 2.412-13.74 0.88-4.592 1.846-9.132 2.91-13.806 7.128-12.666 14.456-22.856 21.776-31.272 7.318-8.4 14.654-15.004 21.756-20.576 7.088-5.556 13.99-10.064 20.428-14.274 6.47-4.208 12.492-8.118 17.898-12.474 8.284-6.678 17.564-13.542 27.22-20.494 9.656-6.968 19.704-14.072 29.444-21.324 9.782-7.27 19.262-14.654 27.82-22.156 8.566-7.536 16.194-15.212 22.222-23.006 3.542-4.582 6.67-9.33 9.082-13.888 2.43-4.542 4.194-8.95 4.99-12.842 0.806-3.908 0.666-7.318-0.648-9.914-1.314-2.56-3.826-4.358-7.776-4.99-0.508-0.1-1.024-0.132-1.556-0.232-0.532-0.050-1.046-0.1-1.58-0.132-0.532-0.050-1.080-0.066-1.628-0.084-0.534-0.016-1.074-0.048-1.63-0.048-8.25 0-17.5 2.244-27.212 5.754-9.732 3.476-19.946 8.218-30.192 13.242-10.246 5.006-20.494 10.272-30.324 14.82-9.814 4.592-19.228 8.466-27.762 10.646-1.174 0.332-2.372 0.624-3.576 0.874-1.232 0.25-2.446 0.474-3.694 0.656-1.23 0.2-2.486 0.382-3.726 0.5-1.264 0.182-2.512 0.248-3.776 0.34 1.13-5.646 1.93-11.318 2.32-17.258 0.39-5.97 0.398-12.192 0-18.93-0.39-6.752-1.206-14.006-2.438-22.006-1.246-8.036-2.91-16.8-5.040-26.556-0.898-4.292-2.478-10.828-5.024-19.088-2.53-8.268-6.022-18.264-10.762-29.442-4.776-11.236-10.78-23.638-18.332-36.746-7.584-13.14-16.702-26.948-27.696-40.854 13.556-4.548 26.48-10.138 38.342-16.576 11.876-6.454 22.672-13.748 31.97-21.63 9.332-7.918 17.132-16.436 23.004-25.318 5.888-8.858 9.806-18.098 11.354-27.47 0.848-5.19 1.256-10.122 1.256-14.796-0.016-4.69-0.464-9.064-1.33-13.174-0.866-4.092-2.146-7.852-3.844-11.278-1.696-3.452-3.816-6.512-6.354-9.24-2.294-2.496-4.924-4.692-7.852-6.562-2.96-1.888-6.206-3.444-9.764-4.714-3.56-1.266-7.436-2.188-11.594-2.838-4.158-0.624-8.618-0.922-13.366-0.922-13.284 0-26.556 0-39.714-0.026-13.14 0-26.2 0-39.032 0-12.834 0-25.492-0.034-37.834-0.048-12.344-0.036-24.42-0.058-36.114-0.126-9.24 0-18.248 0-26.956 0s-17.142 0-25.226 0-15.844 0-23.22 0c-7.37 0-14.374 0-20.944 0-6.902 0-13.888 0.14-20.708 0.664-6.82 0.534-13.472 1.432-19.696 2.928-6.236 1.522-12.042 3.66-17.2 6.654-5.124 2.954-9.58 6.81-13.108 11.702-2.062-0.066-4.126-0.166-6.188-0.24-2.070-0.1-4.126-0.184-6.22-0.242-2.080-0.042-4.184-0.116-6.29-0.148-2.096-0.034-4.24-0.066-6.386-0.066h-9c-2.244 0-4.464 0.034-6.67 0.066-2.21 0.034-4.408 0.108-6.57 0.166-2.18 0.082-4.35 0.166-6.504 0.266-2.162 0.132-4.324 0.232-6.47 0.376-3.526-4.964-7.984-8.824-13.124-11.818-5.14-3.020-10.938-5.148-17.176-6.688-6.228-1.522-12.882-2.42-19.704-2.954-6.82-0.524-13.79-0.664-20.708-0.664-6.57 0-13.556 0-20.944 0-7.37 0-15.136 0-23.204 0-8.11 0-16.518 0-25.226 0s-17.714 0-26.956 0c-11.71 0.066-23.77 0.090-36.122 0.126-12.368 0.016-24.994 0.048-37.834 0.048-12.858 0-25.9 0-39.058 0-13.14 0.026-26.398 0.026-39.688 0.026-4.792 0-9.266 0.298-13.44 0.922-4.166 0.65-8.034 1.572-11.594 2.838-3.542 1.272-6.788 2.826-9.714 4.714-2.928 1.872-5.54 4.066-7.834 6.562-2.528 2.728-4.64 5.79-6.336 9.24-1.698 3.426-2.994 7.186-3.842 11.278-0.866 4.11-1.314 8.484-1.332 13.174-0.016 4.676 0.4 9.608 1.256 14.796 1.522 9.406 5.49 18.706 11.436 27.604 5.93 8.916 13.824 17.45 23.22 25.368 9.398 7.936 20.294 15.238 32.288 21.674 11.944 6.438 24.976 12.010 38.624 16.518-10.944 13.924-20.044 27.712-27.612 40.82-7.518 13.074-13.524 25.484-18.264 36.68-4.742 11.178-8.234 21.158-10.78 29.408-2.528 8.226-4.1 14.764-5.006 19.054-2.128 9.806-3.792 18.588-5.040 26.638-1.24 8.036-2.046 15.304-2.446 22.056-0.4 6.738-0.4 12.974-0.016 18.93 0.4 5.956 1.18 11.636 2.312 17.276-1.38-0.092-2.788-0.192-4.184-0.308-1.406-0.14-2.82-0.332-4.234-0.498-1.398-0.232-2.794-0.482-4.192-0.74-1.38-0.308-2.76-0.6-4.108-0.972-8.55-2.18-17.948-6.054-27.762-10.646-9.83-4.548-20.084-9.814-30.306-14.82-10.238-5.024-20.444-9.766-30.158-13.242-9.714-3.51-18.914-5.754-27.13-5.754-0.548 0-1.082 0.034-1.63 0.048-0.548 0.018-1.074 0.034-1.598 0.084-0.532 0.034-1.064 0.082-1.596 0.132-0.516 0.1-1.022 0.132-1.53 0.232-3.958 0.632-6.47 2.43-7.792 4.99-1.322 2.596-1.438 6.006-0.64 9.914 0.816 3.892 2.554 8.3 4.99 12.842 2.428 4.558 5.54 9.306 9.084 13.888 6.038 7.792 13.672 15.47 22.24 23.006 8.534 7.502 18.032 14.886 27.78 22.156 9.748 7.252 19.744 14.356 29.392 21.324 9.63 6.954 18.878 13.816 27.13 20.494 5.588 4.558 11.876 8.618 18.614 12.99 6.72 4.376 13.922 9.132 21.342 15.088 7.41 5.914 15.046 13.026 22.656 22.174 7.586 9.13 15.154 20.226 22.456 34.182 0.882 4.11 1.672 8.15 2.412 12.226 0.716 4.092 1.398 8.184 2.054 12.376 0.64 4.15 1.272 8.444 1.904 12.834 0.648 4.45 1.282 9.008 1.962 13.782 0.698 5.042 1.414 10.23 2.178 15.67 0.766 5.456 1.598 11.126 2.496 17.148 0.932 6.022 1.93 12.336 3.078 19.080 1.13 6.736 2.404 13.874 3.842 21.526 2.262 12.292 6.106 24.584 11.344 36.626 5.222 12.010 11.844 23.804 19.728 35.182 7.86 11.344 16.966 22.29 27.198 32.6 10.18 10.308 21.482 20.002 33.75 28.922 13.308 9.694 27.514 18.306 42.452 25.792 14.886 7.448 30.506 13.802 46.676 18.974 16.118 5.17 32.8 9.15 49.852 11.898 17.050 2.752 34.45 4.28 52.064 4.516h5.154zM514.064 627.922c-0.516-3.208-1.166-6.372-1.946-9.498-0.798-3.094-1.714-6.154-2.746-9.14-1.046-2.984-2.204-5.93-3.476-8.792-1.264-2.862-2.644-5.68-4.118-8.4-9.44-0.532-18.97-2.162-27.986-4.408-9.016-2.21-17.532-5.106-24.984-8.2-7.436-3.126-13.796-6.478-18.496-9.616-4.692-3.126-7.736-6.096-8.5-8.45-0.766-2.296-0.866-4.592-0.516-6.82 0.34-2.212 1.13-4.326 2.144-6.272 0.982-1.946 2.188-3.742 3.376-5.274 1.198-1.53 2.364-2.794 3.278-3.734 0.898-0.988 4.806-4.964 10.246-10.454 5.458-5.506 12.444-12.526 19.496-19.596 7.068-7.052 14.206-14.138 19.91-19.728 5.706-5.588 9.964-9.646 11.278-10.678 1.332-1.082 2.57-2.096 3.826-3.028 1.282-0.932 2.578-1.764 3.992-2.462 1.414-0.732 2.978-1.296 4.742-1.698 1.78-0.38 3.784-0.616 6.122-0.616h2.652c2.338 0 4.334 0.234 6.088 0.616 1.756 0.4 3.292 0.964 4.692 1.698 1.396 0.7 2.67 1.532 3.918 2.462 1.246 0.932 2.478 1.946 3.776 3.028 1.338 1.032 5.622 5.090 11.318 10.678 5.698 5.59 12.834 12.676 19.912 19.728 7.060 7.070 14.046 14.090 19.504 19.596 5.448 5.488 9.366 9.464 10.262 10.454 0.916 0.94 2.072 2.206 3.262 3.734 1.18 1.532 2.402 3.328 3.392 5.274 0.998 1.946 1.796 4.058 2.146 6.272 0.35 2.228 0.248 4.524-0.516 6.82-0.732 2.228-3.428 4.99-7.62 7.918-4.208 2.96-9.88 6.054-16.602 8.998-6.704 2.954-14.42 5.748-22.688 8.050-8.26 2.294-17.050 4.142-25.95 5.132 0.616-0.042 1.212-0.076 1.83-0.102 0.59-0.042 1.212-0.090 1.812-0.108 0.6-0.066 1.214-0.092 1.812-0.132 0.608-0.018 1.214-0.058 1.83-0.108-2.662 2.652-5.108 5.43-7.302 8.292-2.228 2.894-4.208 5.888-5.938 8.966-1.746 3.094-3.21 6.27-4.426 9.546-1.208 3.282-2.158 6.626-2.806 10.052z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe927;" glyph-name="os-win-04" data-tags="os-win-04" d="M1021.196 959c-108.772-15.132-211.52-29.426-308.064-42.878-91.246-12.7-160.038-24.776-242.010-36.188 0-68.72 0-137.328 0-205.868 0-68.532 0-137.064 0-205.606 81.972 0.482 150.764 0.99 242.11 1.54 96.544 0.566 199.194 1.164 307.964 1.814 0 81.158 0 162.29 0 243.44 0 81.144 0 162.392 0 243.746v0zM423.864 873.342c-75.568-10.53-165.458-20.542-233.876-30.080-65.288-9.088-127.616-17.784-187.184-26.096 0-58.66 0-117.266 0-175.786 0-58.536 0-117.054 0-175.588 59.466 0.348 121.894 0.722 187.184 1.114 68.416 0.4 158.208 0.832 233.876 1.282 0 67.476 0 134.96 0 202.446s0 135.054 0 202.708v0zM2.804 431.224c0-58.612 0-117.128 0-175.664s0-117.054 0-175.508c59.466-8.368 121.794-17.132 187.076-26.298 68.432-9.614 158.314-19.718 233.982-30.348 0 67.4 0 134.884 0 202.372 0 67.474 0 134.968 0 202.536-75.668 0.55-165.458 1.074-233.876 1.564-65.386 0.464-127.714 0.914-187.182 1.346v0zM471.122 16.76c81.972-11.518 150.764-23.678 242.11-36.512 96.544-13.564 199.194-27.986 307.964-43.248 0 81.042 0 162.192 0 243.332 0 81.158 0 162.292 0 243.542-108.772 0.782-211.42 1.538-307.964 2.228-91.346 0.656-160.136 1.282-242.11 1.878 0-68.616 0-137.156 0-205.712 0-68.518 0-137.050 0-205.508z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe928;" glyph-name="os-ios" data-tags="os-ios" d="M56.692 618.216c-33.136 0-55.692 23.962-55.692 55.674 0 32.436 23.272 55.69 55.692 55.69 33.834 0 56.372-23.254 56.372-55.69 0-33.832-23.954-55.674-56.372-55.674zM109.546 566.76v-392.574h-104.312v392.574h104.312zM636.748 451.874c0-188.888-95.856-285.458-230.474-285.458-143.086 0-224.128 119.832-224.128 277 0 162.116 89.516 281.224 231.166 281.224 150.138 0.002 223.436-128.28 223.436-272.766zM291.39 445.54c0-106.426 41.594-193.822 118.4-193.822 77.542 0 117.71 86.69 117.71 195.934 0 99.39-37.36 191.716-117.004 191.716-81.746 0-119.106-94.458-119.106-193.828zM712.88 284.836c28.188-16.916 73.298-30.298 116.996-30.298 57.796 0 88.104 27.488 88.104 67.658 0 38.776-26.074 62.030-85.99 88.104-81.756 35.24-132.498 85.99-132.498 156.46 0 88.818 69.762 157.184 186.768 157.184 51.45 0 90.922-11.976 116.296-24.676l-21.85-85.292c-19.030 9.872-52.164 23.27-96.552 23.27-54.974 0-79.652-29.608-79.652-59.916 0-38.756 26.79-56.39 93.042-86.698 86.69-38.758 125.456-88.792 125.456-159.986 0-94.44-71.186-163.506-197.356-163.506-53.562 0-107.84 14.804-133.198 30.308l20.434 87.388z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe929;" glyph-name="brw-chrome" data-tags="brw-chrome" d="M513.298 260.018c-101.306 0-183.724 82.426-183.724 183.724 0 101.316 82.418 183.734 183.724 183.734s183.732-82.418 183.732-183.734c0.002-101.298-82.424-183.724-183.732-183.724zM590.702 227.372c-25.71-9.354-52.636-14.078-80.234-14.078-54.15 0-107.018 19.012-148.852 53.522-33.938 28.002-59.232 64.854-73.172 106.662l-0.074 0.248-202.476 350.702c-72.74-111.876-98.55-245.274-72.658-376.47 26.372-133.614 103.186-248.952 216.304-324.79 58.928-39.5 124.21-65.846 194.080-78.336l167.082 282.54zM972.628 673.408c-126.454 254.428-435.226 358.17-689.648 231.716-65.848-32.728-123.708-79.132-169.918-135.882l171.042-296.264c11.1 86.052 70.664 162.122 158.876 189.868 21.282 6.688 43.424 10.248 65.722 10.562zM511.304-63c128.174 0 250.846 48.068 345.366 135.336 95.016 87.716 152.718 207.084 162.476 336.104 5.58 73.892-5.372 149.548-31.686 219.036h-334.54c56.286-44.556 89.312-112.646 88.982-184.8-0.24-51.95-18.052-103.004-50.326-143.994l-213.258-360.622c10.984-0.704 22.050-1.060 32.968-1.060 0.018 0 0.002 0 0.018 0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe92a;" glyph-name="dbs-sqlite" data-tags="dbs-sqlite" d="M883.69 936.8c-43.914 39.166-97.094 23.434-149.574-23.146-7.784-6.918-15.568-14.596-23.294-22.796-12.134-12.866-24.128-27.258-35.904-42.782-12.218 5.048-25.576 7.86-39.572 7.86h-435.22c-57.538 0-104.616-47.080-104.616-104.616v-435.226c0-57.538 47.078-104.614 104.616-104.614h306.154c3.676-20.292 5.822-34.73 5.822-34.73s0.274-3.786 0.732-9.6c-1.688-39.338-0.674-80.126 2.37-116.986 4.040-48.804 11.63-90.722 21.316-113.162l6.57 3.594c-14.212 44.196-19.994 102.126-17.46 168.936 3.826 102.108 27.326 225.258 70.74 353.608 73.356 193.758 175.132 349.216 268.284 423.462-84.9-76.674-199.808-324.864-234.2-416.772-38.518-102.918-65.804-199.498-82.26-292.032 28.374 86.748 120.134 124.034 120.134 124.034s45.012 55.498 97.61 134.8c-31.506-7.176-83.238-19.486-100.57-26.764-25.558-10.72-32.446-14.378-32.446-14.378s82.796 50.422 153.832 73.248c97.694 153.86 204.124 372.446 96.936 468.062zM511.814 484.46c10.084-20.452 17.96-46.55 23.15-66.486 1.326-5.124 2.528-9.922 3.484-14.006 2.284-9.664 3.506-15.936 3.506-15.936s-0.802 3.044-4.106 12.626c-0.626 1.838-1.33 3.844-2.162 6.206-0.354 0.98-0.844 2.162-1.384 3.426-5.86 13.608-22.056 42.346-29.188 54.852-6.096-17.986-11.486-34.814-15.994-50.042 20.58-37.652 33.124-102.192 33.124-102.192s-1.090 4.184-6.258 18.78c-4.596 12.908-27.464 52.988-32.882 62.354-9.266-34.216-12.946-57.304-9.626-62.944 4.898-8.268 9.614-21.118 13.964-35.93h-287.316c-11.34 0-20.922 9.588-20.922 20.926v435.224c0 11.34 9.582 20.922 20.922 20.922h424.472c-52.98-90.304-95.58-198.234-112.784-287.78z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe92b;" glyph-name="os-osx_1" data-tags="os-osx_1" d="M1023 258.92h-81.524l-33.892 73.182c-12.768 26.024-21.616 46.168-30.948 68.758h-1.464c-7.868-22.59-16.7-43.224-28.012-69.256l-30.93-72.684h-79.57l97.742 192.026-94.298 185.652h81.042l33.884-74.156c9.822-21.624 17.2-40.77 26.032-61.896h0.982c8.84 23.588 15.218 40.788 24.56 62.378l31.92 73.672h80.050l-96.742-185.154 101.168-192.522zM317.796 452.424c0-131.626-66.802-198.91-160.602-198.91-99.722 0-156.194 83.496-156.194 193.024 0 112.96 62.378 195.95 161.102 195.95 104.61-0.002 155.694-89.376 155.694-190.064zM241.662 449.488c0 69.24-26.032 133.582-81.524 133.582-56.988 0-83.022-65.822-83.022-135.070 0-74.154 28.986-135.060 82.522-135.060 54.028 0 82.024 60.406 82.024 136.548zM499.516 479.44c-46.168 21.108-64.832 33.4-64.832 60.398 0 21.126 17.202 41.752 55.51 41.752 30.94 0 54.028-9.332 67.286-16.202l15.218 59.426c-17.682 8.84-45.186 17.192-81.042 17.192-81.524 0-130.144-47.64-130.144-109.52 0-49.122 35.364-84.484 92.326-109.038 41.762-18.164 59.926-34.38 59.926-61.396 0-27.986-21.126-47.148-61.396-47.148-30.458 0-61.878 9.324-81.524 21.126l-14.24-60.906c17.666-10.802 55.492-21.108 92.818-21.108 87.912 0 137.516 48.122 137.516 113.926 0 49.6-27.006 84.482-87.422 111.498z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe92c;" glyph-name="brw-firefox" data-tags="brw-firefox" d="M1022.97 544.34c-0.298 9.414-20.612-44.488-21.422-35.238-6.042 68.852-20.502 150.73-56.9 206.964 2.028-11.050-5.164-21.084-11.15-30.104-84.058 152.642-246.456 256.076-433.028 256.076-145.292 0-275.926-62.724-366.322-162.564-9.956 18.888-17.376 44.098-22.16 75.602-35.676-34.976-53.414-96.78-53.208-185.582-3.932-7.83-7.66-15.778-11.182-23.836-8.762-13.256-20.3-31.158-26.178-41.834-15.276-27.252-19.656-49.886-20.42-69.23 0.124 0.198 0.24 0.378 0.352 0.56 0.13-4.002 0.652-7.864 1.686-11.472l10.59 8.624c-4.71-27.4-7.194-55.56-7.194-84.304 0-272.85 221.186-494.038 494.038-494.038 0.782 0 1.558 0.026 2.338 0.030 1.034-0.006 2.062-0.030 3.096-0.030 1.656 0 3.304 0.046 4.956 0.060 138.61 1.368 263.56 59.776 352.464 152.922 68.486 71.746 127.432 175.944 142.916 278.64 3.65 24.226 7.232 36.542 9.51 68.342 1.254 17.526 7.746 73.682 7.218 90.412zM323.566 866.812c56.010 23.69 115.53 35.702 176.906 35.702s120.896-12.012 176.904-35.702c21.49-9.090 42.098-19.764 61.766-31.916-36.4 8.586-78.034 13.63-124.78 15 25.124-5.012 46.448-11.242 63.674-19.148 26.586-11.734 44.062-26.824 52.224-44.78-24.678 4.544-46.942 2.868-66.582-4.792 140.796-55.544 207.616-121.64 199.942-198.016-10.296 16.040-23.958 26.576-41.438 31.834 21.564-83.806 23.726-153 6.25-207.598-11.976 36.404-16.296 76.056-26.126 83.716 13.676-112.306-11.478-213.248-62.002-267.36 9.572 33.042 13.416 60.088 11.24 81.416-59.366-88.852-120.188-116.952-195.872-119.834-29.912 0.256-58.176 4.784-84.75 13.42-0.274-0.010-0.544 0-0.814-0.010 0.262 0.010 0.524 0.018 0.788 0.026-38.994 13.074-74.36 35.364-105.796 67.066 49.128-4.092 93.916 4.42 133.358 24.374l64.654 41.928-0.238 0.214c8.382 3.114 16.28 2.884 23.954-0.708 15.796 2.154 21.286 10.536 16.026 24.654-7.65 10.536-19.148 20.116-33.996 28.48-32.33 16.784-66.090 14.152-101.286-8.118-33.53-18.926-65.85-18.204-97.216 1.922-20.596 14.112-40.464 33.038-59.622 56.738l-7.668 11.248 29.454 39.51c21.082-1.914 45.266-6.696 72.55-14.602 4.55 26.1-1.432 53.4-17.952 81.406 0 0.248 0 0.486 0 0.486 25.626 23.708 48.374 40.942 67.756 51.96 8.63 4.552 20.596 35.912 11.984 41.188-17.956-0.97-35.922 0.23-53.876 3.83l-0.24-0.722c-7.43 2.154-16.762 8.622-28.26 19.64l-29.454 28.73c0 0-8.858 10.058-8.144 10.536 4.068 21.794 10.784 40.464 20.356 56.514 0 0 30.166 34.712 57.24 52.914-50.296-6.228-95.79-28.738-136.254-67.534-33.522 12.228-73.268 9.582-119.010-7.888l0.236 0.23c-3.44 1.578-6.74 3.516-9.908 5.792 6.284 7.114 12.784 14.072 19.542 20.83 41.748 41.758 90.362 74.534 144.48 97.424z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe92d;" glyph-name="brw-safari-01" data-tags="brw-safari-01" d="M954.094 568.506c-69.538 191.048-249.958 309.684-442.128 309.684-41.934 0-84.42-5.676-126.438-17.45 21.398 12.682 31.54 39.334 22.74 63.514-9.934 27.302-40.402 41.51-67.704 31.576l-49.638-18.066c-27.3-9.94-41.51-40.408-31.574-67.708 8.786-24.146 33.64-38.038 58.156-34.050-221.924-100.466-332.296-356.614-247.604-589.32 69.548-191.062 249.94-309.686 442.138-309.686 53.412 0 107.77 9.174 160.868 28.5 244.156 88.872 370.054 358.842 281.184 603.006zM866.574 242.254c-44.168-94.71-122.57-166.556-220.768-202.296-43.244-15.74-88.256-23.72-133.766-23.72-39.534 0-78.792 6.020-116.7 17.896-37.564 11.768-73.040 29.040-105.45 51.34-67.196 46.228-117.516 111.348-145.534 188.314-35.74 98.2-31.104 204.436 13.064 299.146 44.168 94.714 122.57 166.556 220.77 202.3 43.242 15.738 88.254 23.722 133.774 23.722 39.514 0 78.774-6.026 116.682-17.902 37.562-11.768 73.040-29.044 105.458-51.346 67.196-46.232 117.526-111.346 145.534-188.304 35.74-98.198 31.104-204.442-13.064-299.15zM604.142 441.132c8.956-24.612 7.792-51.236-3.278-74.976-11.068-23.74-30.72-41.746-55.328-50.702-10.842-3.948-22.12-5.948-33.524-5.948-8.92 0-17.622 1.29-25.962 3.598l63.814 71.202 40.802 81.696c5.578-7.49 10.178-15.816 13.476-24.87zM479.104 400.628c-1.078 8.652 2.36 17.948 7.36 24.316 4.918 5.726 11.86 9.74 19.952 10.752 7.83 0.97 15.316-1.052 21.376-5.126 7.286-4.888 12.512-12.78 13.682-22.178 0.744-6.026-0.354-11.818-2.72-16.966-4.646-8.694-14.038-16.794-24.58-18.106-8.012-0.998-15.67 1.146-21.802 5.412-7.080 4.926-12.124 12.684-13.268 21.896zM535.19 502.852l-63.824-69.676-39.706-81.65c-4.816 6.882-8.846 14.404-11.802 22.534-8.958 24.612-7.794 51.236 3.276 74.976 11.068 23.74 30.72 41.746 55.328 50.706 10.842 3.942 22.12 5.942 33.534 5.942 7.928-0.002 15.706-0.99 23.194-2.832zM511.994 764.16c-196.924 0-356.556-159.638-356.556-356.566 0-196.92 159.632-356.562 356.556-356.562s356.566 159.642 356.566 356.562c0 196.928-159.642 356.566-356.566 356.566zM379.562 712.17l52.756-31.756-9.158 25.168c-1.458 4-2.804 6.876-4.046 8.638-1.244 1.76-2.614 2.904-4.112 3.42-1.17 0.382-2.734 0.508-4.704 0.382-1.968-0.136-3.54-0.308-4.702-0.518l-1.328 3.656 28.552 10.398 1.328-3.658c-0.838-0.416-2.022-1.042-3.56-1.886-1.534-0.844-2.782-1.988-3.742-3.43-0.848-1.26-1.138-3.012-0.884-5.236 0.264-2.222 1.116-5.316 2.558-9.292l17.312-47.552-8.348-3.040-60.184 36.356 11.37-31.23c1.412-3.874 2.744-6.732 3.992-8.556 1.252-1.834 2.624-3.002 4.12-3.52 1.098-0.38 2.668-0.5 4.702-0.362 2.042 0.136 3.642 0.318 4.798 0.526l1.334-3.658-28.6-10.406-1.332 3.656c1.188 0.536 2.498 1.27 3.946 2.204 1.448 0.936 2.568 1.97 3.358 3.104 0.888 1.352 1.23 3.030 1.016 5.018-0.216 1.996-1.106 5.144-2.676 9.462l-11.468 31.512c-0.572 1.56-1.348 2.958-2.34 4.174-0.99 1.206-2.188 2.124-3.584 2.758-1.474 0.662-3.042 1.042-4.682 1.134-1.646 0.090-3.44-0.028-5.374-0.334l-1.37 3.756 25.052 9.112zM255.17 337.212c0.39-5.244 1.088-13.61 2.114-25.096 1.018-11.486 2.064-23.428 3.148-35.822l-7.39-2.686-31.668 44.458 5.642-53.932-7.38-2.686c-9.604 13.71-16.99 24.272-22.142 31.694-5.158 7.412-9.496 13.628-13.012 18.654-1.074 1.526-2.044 2.558-2.908 3.112-0.866 0.544-1.9 1.052-3.118 1.498-0.862 0.318-1.714 0.472-2.552 0.472-0.84-0.010-1.774-0.11-2.808-0.3l-1.334 3.656 27.702 10.080 1.296-3.564c-1.542-0.844-2.668-1.534-3.388-2.060-0.716-0.526-1.266-0.998-1.632-1.414-0.35-0.408-0.522-0.772-0.514-1.090 0-0.316 0.046-0.59 0.126-0.798 0.16-0.444 0.356-0.852 0.59-1.224 0.232-0.372 0.496-0.806 0.786-1.306 1.474-2.222 4.338-6.414 8.598-12.574 4.254-6.162 9.528-13.8 15.804-22.938l-5.792 52.752 7.758 2.82 31.87-45.012c-0.902 8.774-1.678 15.924-2.322 21.458s-1.216 10.27-1.708 14.19c-0.32 2.404-0.608 4.41-0.862 6.016s-0.58 2.95-0.98 4.046c-0.234 0.654-0.676 1.134-1.324 1.424-0.644 0.3-1.434 0.472-2.36 0.528-0.78 0.028-1.75-0.064-2.892-0.282-1.152-0.226-2.136-0.436-2.972-0.626l-1.366 3.748 20.886 7.604 1.37-3.748c-0.724-0.372-1.402-0.862-2.042-1.46-0.634-0.608-1.224-1.296-1.78-2.058-0.82-1.224-1.296-2.404-1.424-3.548-0.12-1.146-0.13-2.47-0.020-3.986zM649.244 109.36c-0.368-3.186-1.366-6.080-2.994-8.694-1.788-2.884-4.128-5.454-7.022-7.71-2.894-2.26-6.534-4.184-10.906-5.782-4.066-1.478-8.040-2.35-11.928-2.612-3.886-0.264-7.298-0.154-10.238 0.334l-2.042-4.454-3.984-1.454-9.372 23.826 4.038 1.47c1.736-1.952 3.774-3.948 6.106-5.97s4.782-3.71 7.36-5.036c2.666-1.416 5.426-2.35 8.266-2.804s5.834-0.108 8.99 1.044c4.256 1.542 7.132 3.774 8.642 6.678 1.51 2.902 1.692 5.942 0.542 9.1-0.946 2.596-2.706 4.428-5.274 5.498-2.562 1.070-6.096 1.516-10.598 1.334-2.93-0.118-5.632-0.208-8.102-0.292-2.466-0.072-4.808-0.090-7.024-0.044-5.118 0.154-9.364 1.498-12.746 4.030-3.38 2.522-5.816 5.842-7.304 9.944-0.944 2.596-1.292 5.298-1.042 8.104 0.254 2.802 1.116 5.552 2.576 8.246 1.416 2.532 3.526 4.946 6.334 7.25 2.812 2.294 6.106 4.136 9.888 5.518 3.694 1.342 7.332 2.076 10.93 2.222 3.598 0.134 6.5 0.028 8.722-0.336l1.834 3.856 4.082 1.488 8.638-22.556-4.040-1.468c-1.822 2.106-3.838 4.202-6.034 6.288-2.196 2.096-4.3 3.738-6.324 4.908-2.196 1.262-4.49 2.068-6.886 2.424-2.394 0.354-4.936 0.044-7.622-0.936-3.378-1.234-5.79-3.194-7.234-5.878-1.444-2.696-1.656-5.444-0.63-8.266 0.97-2.658 2.694-4.5 5.166-5.508 2.472-1.016 5.912-1.452 10.32-1.296 2.6 0.062 5.246 0.134 7.94 0.226 2.69 0.090 5.104 0.118 7.24 0.090 5.172-0.108 9.5-1.27 12.984-3.492 3.484-2.232 6.050-5.626 7.716-10.2 1.050-2.876 1.396-5.908 1.032-9.090zM630.816 372.844l59.928-48.596-75.75 14.666c-8.422-12.652-19.208-23.816-32.016-32.768l13.714-131.23-73.852 109.332c-3.622-0.322-7.236-0.49-10.828-0.49-15.454 0-30.596 2.946-44.722 8.42l-140.95-157.22 92.792 190.808c-3.026 3.43-5.862 7.058-8.52 10.856l-131.29-13.714 109.336 73.848c-1.378 15.564 0.24 31.008 4.524 45.592l-59.928 48.6 75.752-14.672c8.42 12.654 19.208 23.822 32.014 32.768l-13.712 131.23 73.85-109.332c3.622 0.322 7.232 0.49 10.83 0.49 14.618 0.004 28.948-2.68 42.416-7.604l143.256 156.404-1.616-3.244-92.76-185.718c3.634-3.96 6.974-8.234 10.104-12.704l131.29 13.718-109.34-73.854c1.376-15.558-0.248-31.002-4.522-45.586zM812.19 539.18l-3.566-1.296c-1.824 2.196-4.314 4.174-7.476 5.96-3.156 1.77-5.924 2.496-8.274 2.168-1.016-0.126-2.376-0.472-4.060-1.034-1.694-0.552-3.084-1.034-4.178-1.434l-9.654-3.52 9.332-25.65 6.846 2.496c1.714 0.626 3.21 1.398 4.468 2.314 1.256 0.916 2.254 2.168 2.988 3.748 0.456 0.98 0.722 2.504 0.798 4.592 0.072 2.078-0.028 3.828-0.294 5.252l3.562 1.298 10.106-27.764-3.564-1.296c-0.662 1.252-1.742 2.722-3.23 4.436-1.488 1.696-2.712 2.804-3.67 3.302-1.438 0.752-2.946 1.088-4.504 0.99-1.562-0.082-3.268-0.472-5.11-1.144l-6.84-2.486 6.976-19.18c0.73-2.004 1.452-3.538 2.178-4.6 0.724-1.062 1.606-1.76 2.638-2.086 1.004-0.308 2.214-0.308 3.648-0.008 1.424 0.308 3.312 0.888 5.662 1.742 1.088 0.4 2.394 0.898 3.92 1.488 1.514 0.582 2.826 1.17 3.928 1.742 1.256 0.634 2.396 1.316 3.42 2.050 1.026 0.716 1.714 1.488 2.060 2.286 0.944 2.078 1.784 5.026 2.514 8.856 0.734 3.82 1.116 6.624 1.142 8.402l3.42 1.244 6.28-21.186-62.418-22.718-1.33 3.666c0.854 0.38 1.996 0.934 3.426 1.67 1.434 0.734 2.418 1.342 2.954 1.814 1.008 0.934 1.57 1.85 1.702 2.766 0.124 0.916-0.028 1.97-0.458 3.158l-17.084 46.936c-0.412 1.126-0.922 1.996-1.534 2.612-0.618 0.6-1.684 0.972-3.212 1.080-0.944 0.082-2.212 0.008-3.792-0.208-1.59-0.226-2.774-0.426-3.558-0.608l-1.332 3.656 58.992 21.476 6.178-16.982z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe92e;" glyph-name="brw-safari-02" data-tags="brw-safari-02" d="M954.094 568.506c-69.538 191.048-249.958 309.684-442.128 309.684-42.052 0-84.66-5.778-126.796-17.622 21.63 12.6 31.948 39.38 23.1 63.686-9.934 27.302-40.402 41.51-67.704 31.576l-49.638-18.066c-27.302-9.94-41.512-40.408-31.576-67.708 8.796-24.172 33.7-38.044 58.242-34.016-221.984-100.438-332.392-356.62-247.69-589.354 69.546-191.062 249.94-309.686 442.136-309.686 53.414 0 107.772 9.172 160.868 28.498 244.158 88.874 370.056 358.844 281.186 603.008zM866.574 242.252c-44.168-94.708-122.57-166.554-220.77-202.294-43.242-15.742-88.254-23.72-133.766-23.72-39.532 0-78.792 6.020-116.698 17.896-37.564 11.768-73.040 29.040-105.45 51.34-67.196 46.228-117.516 111.346-145.534 188.314-35.74 98.2-31.104 204.436 13.064 299.146 44.168 94.714 122.57 166.556 220.77 202.3 43.242 15.738 88.254 23.722 133.774 23.722 39.514 0 78.774-6.024 116.682-17.902 37.562-11.768 73.040-29.044 105.458-51.346 67.196-46.232 117.526-111.346 145.534-188.304 35.74-98.198 31.104-204.442-13.064-299.152zM618.826 476.736c-3.126 4.468-6.464 8.742-10.104 12.702l94.382 188.962-143.258-156.404c-13.472 4.922-27.798 7.608-42.42 7.604-3.598 0-7.208-0.168-10.83-0.49l-73.846 109.332 13.708-131.23c-12.802-8.946-23.59-20.116-32.014-32.768l-75.752 14.67 59.932-48.6c-4.282-14.586-5.906-30.030-4.528-45.594l-109.336-73.846 131.292 13.712c2.654-3.796 5.49-7.426 8.52-10.856l-92.794-190.808 7.302 8.104 133.652 149.118c14.126-5.472 29.272-8.42 44.716-8.42 3.598 0 7.208 0.172 10.83 0.49l73.852-109.332-13.714 131.234c12.81 8.946 23.594 20.116 32.020 32.762l75.752-14.662-59.934 48.592c4.278 14.586 5.902 30.028 4.524 45.588l109.34 73.856-131.292-13.716zM437.106 349.694c-4.822 6.88-8.852 14.402-11.808 22.534-8.958 24.61-7.794 51.236 3.276 74.974 11.072 23.74 30.72 41.746 55.332 50.706 10.838 3.942 22.116 5.944 33.53 5.944h0.006c7.93 0 15.7-0.99 23.19-2.832l-63.82-69.678-39.706-81.648zM491.906 423.114c4.914 5.724 11.854 9.74 19.948 10.752 7.83 0.97 15.32-1.052 21.38-5.126 7.288-4.89 12.512-12.78 13.678-22.18 0.75-6.026-0.35-11.818-2.716-16.966-4.65-8.692-14.042-16.794-24.58-18.106-8.016-0.998-15.668 1.148-21.806 5.412-7.072 4.928-12.118 12.684-13.266 21.898-1.076 8.65 2.364 17.946 7.362 24.316zM606.304 364.322c-11.068-23.738-30.716-41.74-55.328-50.696-10.842-3.948-22.12-5.954-33.526-5.954-8.914 0-17.616 1.29-25.96 3.604l63.814 71.198 40.802 81.694c5.576-7.488 10.176-15.814 13.472-24.87 8.96-24.61 7.798-51.236-3.274-74.976zM365.172 701.626l-1.366 3.756 25.046 9.11 52.756-31.756-9.158 25.168c-1.458 4.002-2.804 6.878-4.042 8.638-1.242 1.76-2.618 2.904-4.11 3.42-1.172 0.38-2.74 0.508-4.708 0.38-1.97-0.136-3.54-0.308-4.702-0.516l-1.328 3.656 28.552 10.398 1.328-3.656c-0.838-0.416-2.022-1.042-3.56-1.888-1.534-0.844-2.782-1.986-3.742-3.43-0.848-1.26-1.138-3.012-0.88-5.234 0.26-2.224 1.112-5.318 2.558-9.292l17.306-47.552-8.346-3.040-60.176 36.358 11.364-31.23c1.41-3.874 2.744-6.732 3.996-8.556 1.248-1.834 2.624-3.004 4.12-3.52 1.094-0.382 2.664-0.5 4.698-0.364 2.042 0.136 3.642 0.318 4.802 0.526l1.33-3.656-28.6-10.408-1.334 3.656c1.19 0.536 2.5 1.27 3.948 2.206s2.568 1.968 3.358 3.102c0.888 1.352 1.23 3.032 1.016 5.018-0.212 1.996-1.106 5.144-2.676 9.464l-11.468 31.51c-0.566 1.56-1.348 2.958-2.336 4.174-0.994 1.208-2.188 2.124-3.584 2.758-1.478 0.664-3.040 1.044-4.686 1.134-1.652 0.094-3.442-0.024-5.376-0.334zM657.506 120.772c1.046-2.876 1.392-5.906 1.030-9.090-0.368-3.186-1.366-6.080-2.994-8.694-1.788-2.884-4.128-5.454-7.024-7.71-2.892-2.26-6.532-4.184-10.904-5.782-4.066-1.478-8.040-2.35-11.928-2.612-3.886-0.264-7.298-0.154-10.238 0.334l-2.042-4.454-3.984-1.454-9.368 23.826 4.034 1.47c1.736-1.952 3.774-3.948 6.106-5.97s4.782-3.71 7.36-5.036c2.666-1.416 5.426-2.35 8.266-2.804s5.834-0.108 8.99 1.044c4.256 1.542 7.13 3.774 8.642 6.678 1.51 2.902 1.692 5.942 0.54 9.1-0.944 2.596-2.704 4.428-5.272 5.498-2.562 1.070-6.096 1.516-10.598 1.334-2.93-0.118-5.632-0.208-8.102-0.292-2.466-0.072-4.808-0.090-7.022-0.044-5.12 0.154-9.366 1.498-12.748 4.030-3.38 2.522-5.812 5.844-7.304 9.944-0.944 2.596-1.292 5.298-1.040 8.104 0.25 2.802 1.112 5.552 2.576 8.246 1.412 2.532 3.522 4.946 6.33 7.25 2.812 2.294 6.106 4.136 9.888 5.516 3.694 1.344 7.332 2.078 10.93 2.224 3.598 0.134 6.5 0.028 8.722-0.336l1.834 3.856 4.082 1.488 8.638-22.556-4.040-1.468c-1.822 2.106-3.838 4.202-6.034 6.288-2.196 2.096-4.3 3.738-6.324 4.908-2.196 1.262-4.49 2.068-6.886 2.424-2.394 0.354-4.936 0.044-7.622-0.936-3.378-1.234-5.79-3.194-7.236-5.878-1.442-2.696-1.654-5.444-0.628-8.266 0.97-2.658 2.694-4.5 5.166-5.508 2.472-1.016 5.912-1.452 10.32-1.296 2.6 0.062 5.244 0.134 7.94 0.226 2.69 0.090 5.104 0.118 7.24 0.090 5.172-0.108 9.5-1.27 12.984-3.492 3.488-2.234 6.054-5.626 7.72-10.2zM266.574 314.44c1.016-11.486 2.064-23.428 3.152-35.822l-7.394-2.686-31.664 44.458 5.642-53.932-7.384-2.686c-9.606 13.71-16.986 24.272-22.144 31.694-5.158 7.412-9.494 13.628-13.006 18.654-1.080 1.526-2.050 2.558-2.912 3.112-0.862 0.544-1.9 1.052-3.118 1.498-0.862 0.318-1.708 0.472-2.552 0.472-0.84-0.010-1.776-0.11-2.808-0.3l-1.334 3.656 27.7 10.080 1.298-3.564c-1.54-0.844-2.668-1.534-3.388-2.060-0.716-0.526-1.262-0.998-1.634-1.414-0.348-0.408-0.516-0.772-0.512-1.090 0.004-0.316 0.050-0.59 0.126-0.798 0.158-0.444 0.354-0.852 0.59-1.224 0.23-0.372 0.494-0.806 0.786-1.306 1.474-2.222 4.336-6.414 8.596-12.574 4.26-6.162 9.532-13.8 15.81-22.938l-5.796 52.752 7.758 2.82 31.87-45.012c-0.902 8.774-1.674 15.924-2.324 21.458-0.642 5.534-1.214 10.27-1.706 14.19-0.322 2.404-0.608 4.41-0.858 6.016-0.258 1.606-0.584 2.95-0.98 4.046-0.24 0.654-0.68 1.134-1.328 1.424-0.644 0.3-1.434 0.472-2.36 0.528-0.78 0.028-1.746-0.064-2.894-0.282-1.146-0.226-2.136-0.436-2.97-0.626l-1.366 3.748 20.89 7.604 1.366-3.748c-0.72-0.372-1.402-0.862-2.038-1.46-0.634-0.608-1.228-1.296-1.778-2.058-0.826-1.224-1.302-2.404-1.43-3.548-0.12-1.142-0.126-2.466-0.014-3.982 0.384-5.248 1.086-13.614 2.108-25.1zM836.668 514.366l6.28-21.186-62.418-22.718-1.33 3.666c0.854 0.38 1.996 0.934 3.426 1.668 1.434 0.736 2.418 1.342 2.954 1.814 1.006 0.934 1.568 1.852 1.702 2.768 0.122 0.916-0.028 1.968-0.458 3.158l-17.084 46.936c-0.414 1.126-0.922 1.996-1.534 2.614-0.618 0.598-1.684 0.97-3.212 1.080-0.944 0.082-2.212 0.008-3.792-0.208-1.588-0.226-2.772-0.426-3.556-0.608l-1.332 3.658 58.992 21.476 6.18-16.976-3.566-1.298c-1.824 2.196-4.314 4.174-7.476 5.96-3.156 1.77-5.924 2.496-8.274 2.168-1.018-0.126-2.376-0.472-4.060-1.034-1.694-0.554-3.086-1.034-4.178-1.434l-9.654-3.52 9.332-25.65 6.846 2.496c1.714 0.626 3.21 1.396 4.468 2.314 1.256 0.916 2.254 2.168 2.988 3.748 0.456 0.98 0.722 2.504 0.798 4.59 0.072 2.078-0.028 3.83-0.294 5.252l3.56 1.298 10.108-27.764-3.564-1.298c-0.662 1.252-1.742 2.722-3.23 4.438-1.488 1.696-2.712 2.802-3.67 3.302-1.438 0.754-2.946 1.088-4.506 0.99-1.56-0.082-3.266-0.472-5.108-1.144l-6.842-2.486 6.978-19.18c0.73-2.006 1.452-3.54 2.178-4.6 0.724-1.062 1.606-1.76 2.64-2.086 1.002-0.308 2.212-0.308 3.646-0.008 1.424 0.308 3.312 0.89 5.662 1.742 1.088 0.4 2.394 0.898 3.92 1.488 1.514 0.58 2.826 1.17 3.928 1.742 1.256 0.634 2.394 1.316 3.42 2.050 1.026 0.716 1.714 1.488 2.060 2.288 0.944 2.078 1.784 5.026 2.514 8.854 0.734 3.82 1.116 6.624 1.142 8.402l3.416 1.238z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe92f;" glyph-name="brw-explorer" data-tags="brw-explorer" d="M968.41 730.54c94.562 245.362-89.1 228.2-89.1 228.2-117.838 0-265.144-107.316-265.144-107.316s-175.698 47.34-351.412-58.922c-191.492-122.048-185.172-338.792-185.172-338.792 155.71 223.054 372.454 313.54 372.454 313.54v-14.73c-319.85-218.728-395.606-538.696-414.544-603.93-18.94-65.224-6.312-211.588 128.366-211.588s271.45 108.482 271.45 108.482 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0 0.372 0.016 0.548 0.016 58.71 0 99.878-28.75 128.428-73.83 42.562-71.894 52.252-188.402 52.252-313.77 0.004-177.962-11.826-410.914-180.676-410.914z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe931;" glyph-name="android" data-tags="android" d="M241.212 622h541.576v-441.326c0-26.218-21.256-47.474-47.442-47.474h-54.246v-134.406c0-34.132-27.224-61.794-60.83-61.794-33.692 0-60.876 27.662-60.876 61.794v134.406h-94.742v-134.406c0-34.132-27.278-61.794-60.882-61.794-33.598 0-60.874 27.662-60.874 61.794v134.406h-54.198c-26.192 0-47.488 21.256-47.488 47.474v441.326zM135.082 625.602c-33.948 0-61.446-27.926-61.446-62.4v-243.874c0-34.434 27.498-62.408 61.446-62.408 33.954 0 61.446 27.974 61.446 62.408v243.874c0 34.474-27.492 62.4-61.446 62.4zM782.79 666.472h-541.578c6.684 77.156 56.734 143.552 128.784 181.996l-51.492 75.608c-6.944 10.196-4.324 24.108 5.892 31.050 10.204 6.942 24.088 4.302 31.066-5.886l56.122-82.464c31.116 10.76 64.892 16.938 100.416 16.938 35.566 0 69.344-6.178 100.458-16.952l56.122 82.448c6.892 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33.882-18.562 45.586-13.098 12.226-30.312 21.758-51.298 28.294-21.83 6.786-51.498 14.146-88.152 21.832-49.876 10.678-92.27 23.354-125.978 37.702-34.458 14.646-62.252 34.98-82.564 60.432-20.634 25.798-31.088 58.21-31.088 96.312 0 36.304 10.978 69.040 32.636 97.26 21.482 28.044 52.872 49.828 93.292 64.772 39.896 14.746 87.33 22.232 141 22.232 42.938 0 80.664-4.964 112.18-14.77 31.66-9.856 58.386-23.18 79.368-39.572 21.136-16.518 36.856-34.184 46.734-52.522 9.98-18.564 15.024-36.978 15.024-54.842 0-17.166-6.614-32.786-19.71-46.36-13.176-13.698-29.77-20.66-49.356-20.66-17.792 0-31.738 4.366-41.394 12.924-9.008 7.934-18.34 20.36-28.696 38.174-12 22.78-26.496 40.72-43.138 53.37-16.144 12.302-43.142 18.54-80.244 18.54-34.458 0-62.452-6.936-83.262-20.56-20.060-13.15-29.792-28.246-29.792-46.084 0-10.954 3.12-20.086 9.582-27.97 6.836-8.334 16.468-15.668 28.644-21.756 12.626-6.362 25.65-11.402 38.674-14.996 13.374-3.718 35.804-9.206 66.518-16.318 38.9-8.334 74.654-17.692 106.268-27.796 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220.788 73.294 32.172 175.672 38.008 254.012 46.794v17.548c0 32.148 2.506 70.182-16.436 97.958-16.434 24.86-48.026 35.084-75.81 35.084-51.52 0-97.34-26.392-108.576-81.104-2.356-12.188-11.224-24.22-23.49-24.85l-130.918 14.184c-11.048 2.482-23.352 11.364-20.148 28.238 30.072 158.842 173.524 206.836 302.074 206.836 65.714 0 151.646-17.548 203.458-67.26 65.714-61.42 59.4-143.3 59.4-232.496v-210.446c0-63.3 26.276-91.086 50.974-125.23 8.634-12.256 10.584-26.88-0.418-35.84-27.6-23.142-76.648-65.738-103.622-89.74l-0.276 0.302zM908.522 125.246c-125.442-53.204-261.768-78.922-385.768-78.922-183.866 0-361.848 50.418-505.764 134.192-12.604 7.336-21.936-5.594-11.466-15.064 133.404-120.472 309.69-192.85 505.464-192.85 139.692 0 301.898 43.942 413.806 126.508 18.498 13.694 2.646 34.168-16.272 26.136zM941.924 24.69c-4.086-10.212 4.69-14.344 13.928-6.592 60.028 50.232 75.534 155.432 63.23 170.634-12.186 15.064-117.13 28.042-181.198-16.922-9.842-6.962-8.124-16.48 2.788-15.18 36.072 4.34 116.364 13.972 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12.724-18.288 26.348-25.872 40.82-8.86 14.046-13.252 30.94-13.252 50.702 0 11.826 1.698 21.732 5.040 29.642 2.97 8.332 5.688 15.992 8.212 23.004-15.248-1.746-29.62-2.596-43.144-2.596-71.434 0.85-125.904 23.33-163.356 67.418-39.222 41.020-58.81 88.826-58.81 143.37 0 65.92 27.77 125.68 83.312 179.374 38.174 31.414 77.822 51.924 118.966 61.554 40.72 8.284 78.87 12.426 114.502 12.426h268.45l-82.886-48.406h-82.788zM724.25 137.906c0 34.084-11.106 63.75-33.336 89.076-23.504 24.004-60.258 53.47-110.286 88.402-8.532 0.874-18.562 1.322-30.118 1.322-6.836 0.848-24.352 0-52.572-2.644-27.77-3.918-56.214-10.23-85.258-18.962-6.836-2.644-16.442-6.588-28.868-11.802-12.4-5.664-24.976-13.748-37.8-24.226-12.402-10.93-22.856-24.454-31.414-40.622-9.83-17.018-14.746-37.528-14.746-61.554 0-47.132 21.358-86.006 64.1-116.546 40.622-30.59 96.162-46.286 166.7-47.158 63.224 0.874 111.556 14.822 144.866 41.918 32.486 26.646 48.732 60.878 48.732 102.796zM537.088 531.386c35.358 1.296 64.798 13.972 88.326 38.076 11.378 17.016 18.692 34.534 21.906 52.448 1.972 17.964 2.946 33.036 2.946 45.286 0 52.92-13.524 106.266-40.622 160.086-12.676 25.798-29.39 46.784-50.102 62.976-21.158 15.294-45.484 23.404-72.982 24.278-36.378-0.874-66.62-15.52-90.748-43.964-20.31-29.742-30.066-62.976-29.194-99.706 0-48.554 14.222-99.082 42.642-151.554 13.748-24.502 31.488-45.286 53.246-62.328 21.76-17.064 46.636-25.598 74.582-25.598z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe94d;" glyph-name="gmail" data-tags="gmail" d="M1023 66.494v763.012h-1022v-763.012h1022zM876.49 222.896v-148.448h-717.43v140.494h1.23l3.632 1.21 269.328 216.87 81.48-69.038 72.352 63.56 289.408-204.648zM876.49 249.144l-274.228 191.834 274.228 237.638v-429.472zM830.906 821.57l-37.11-35.43-17.622-17.138-16.41-17.064-17.028-15.888-15.796-15.89-15.2-14.66-14.008-14.66-14.588-13.45-38.3-38.488-34.648-32.99-9.742-10.376-10.32-8.57-9.148-8.532-16.39-15.908-7.918-6.708-6.688-6.742-6.688-5.44-5.496-6.148-10.32-8.568-4.246-3.018-3.054-3.69-3.632-1.824-2.442-2.458-3.036-2.422-308.872 307.274 628.702-1.212zM417.454 446.472l-258.394-206.474 0.596 425.786 257.798-219.312z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe94e;" glyph-name="foursquare_2" data-tags="foursquare_2" d="M600.528 908.224c20.336 0 42.418-2.17 66.394-6.836 45.61-8.834 73.156-45.96 121.786-71.036-13.122-44.414-51.25-63.85-81.192-91.372-32.434 27.522-62.426 39.374-89.074 39.374-83.312 0-133.864-115.874-124.106-232.27 12.25-9.332 31.336-11.776 52.946-11.776 24.052 0 51.176 3.044 75.254 3.044 8.48 0 16.59-0.376 24.028-1.422-48.282-38.6-60.258-113.552-147.212-113.552-7.81 0-16.218 0.624-25.326 1.922-35.282-137.306-57.288-287.862-81.216-436.522-44.014 0-88.002 0-131.942 0 16.392 149.334 53.246 278.304 71.010 426.366-5.638 9.284-18.164 11.728-33.134 11.728-16.418 0-35.854-2.946-52.322-2.946-5.79 0-11.228 0.376-16.018 1.374 4.492 39.472 7.66 80.292 20.31 111.63 33.81 0 67.642 0 101.476 0 17.488 187.83 61.726 372.294 248.338 372.294zM600.528 959v0c-104.496 0-182.718-48.082-232.52-142.87-36.154-68.89-52.472-154.248-61.504-229.426h-90.074l-12.826-31.788c-13.698-34.058-17.964-73.008-22.056-110.684-0.524-4.716-1.074-9.482-1.596-14.222l-5.24-46.058 45.436-9.382c7.834-1.622 16.442-2.394 26.274-2.394 9.83 0 19.462 0.748 28.818 1.522-7.934-53.22-18.014-104.994-27.82-155.446-13.922-71.586-28.294-145.59-37.028-224.936l-6.188-56.314h231.82l6.912 42.692c2.97 18.638 5.938 37.226 8.882 55.866 17.99 112.978 36.478 229.302 61.654 336.566 74.654 5.39 109.11 53.122 134.688 88.552 10.204 14.072 19.758 27.346 30.14 35.654l92.218 73.732-116.972 16.168c-9.208 1.272-19.36 1.896-31.012 1.896-13.55 0-27.348-0.824-40.672-1.622-12.376-0.748-24.102-1.448-34.582-1.448-1.148 0-2.172 0-3.218 0 1.82 51.424 16.992 99.18 41.020 125.33 15.844 17.216 28.992 17.216 33.308 17.216 15.77 0 35.208-9.456 56.29-27.322l34.16-28.994 32.984 30.316c6.062 5.564 13.028 11.128 20.41 16.992 27.046 21.632 60.708 48.554 75.18 97.384l11.876 40.222-37.3 19.262c-15.77 8.108-29.316 18.19-43.692 28.868-24.826 18.464-52.998 39.374-91.744 46.908-26.6 5.14-52.176 7.76-76.026 7.76v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe94f;" glyph-name="burning-embers" data-tags="burning-embers" d="M202.096 232.208c-100.142-27.212-164.829-67.517-164.829-112.226 0-81.903 212.698-148.463 474.616-148.463s474.616 66.56 474.616 148.463c0 44.55-64.136 85.019-163.661 112.226 34.405-17.729 54.944-38.436 54.944-60.789 0-64.156-164.351-116.9-365.897-116.9s-364.726 52.749-364.726 116.9c0 22.471 20.188 43.001 54.944 60.789h-0.007zM608.47 852.759l0.007-0.005-0.003 0.008zM747.289 606.591c-11.717-163.955-140.757-99.918-87.92 116.604 12.97 53.154-24.031 114.237-50.893 129.559 52.807-134.027-118.288-234.184-113.836-70.327-80.296-73.726-25.583-168.192 9.553-243.361 26.636-56.995 24.655-107.48-20.206-126.704-32.018-13.716-67.627 23.144-79.117 60.962-5.112 16.827-3.411 41.735 1.851 75.881-42.096-85.46-107.781-91.664-76.815 62.938-119.018-135.44-76.015-397.058 89.886-476.962-25.934 50.843-40.17 113.951-28.4 167.746 0 0 0 0 0 0.002v0c0 0 0 0 0-0.002 72.58-157.372 241.786-2.873 251.633 137.904 26.941-89.085 23.161-219.118-21.623-312.409 180.56 70.484 221.070 342.375 125.885 478.168z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe950;" glyph-name="com-laptop" data-tags="com-laptop" d="M991.096 213.792h-43.548v553.582c0 23.422-16.334 42.584-36.294 42.584h-798.504c-19.964 0-36.3-19.162-36.3-42.584v-553.584h-43.55c-23.958 0-37.356-18.18-29.784-40.394l16.010-46.958c7.578-22.214 33.372-40.396 57.326-40.396h871.096c23.954 0 49.754 18.182 57.322 40.396l16.018 46.958c7.57 22.216-5.832 40.396-29.792 40.396zM599.114 128.624h-174.228v42.584h174.228v-42.584zM903.992 256.374v-42.584h-783.984v511.002c0 23.42 19.598 42.582 43.556 42.582h696.872c23.954 0 43.556-19.162 43.556-42.588v-468.412zM163.556 724.792l0.008-468.418h696.872v468.414l-696.88 0.006zM256.5 682.208c23.516 0 42.584-19.062 42.584-42.584 0-23.52-19.066-42.582-42.584-42.582s-42.584 19.062-42.584 42.582c0 23.522 19.066 42.584 42.584 42.584z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe951;" glyph-name="foursquare_1" data-tags="foursquare_1" d="M1022 894.288l-267.292-297.568-171.056 171.426-59.804-73.85c-32.866 110.042-135.604 190.324-256.38 190.324-147.298 0-267.468-119.446-267.468-266.744 0-0.222 0-0.444 0-0.622 0-0.266 0-0.532 0-0.798 0-139.538 108.030-253.924 244.418-265.28l-2.668-3.812 342.098-345.652 379.556 386.988-62.916 62.14 121.512 106.67v336.778zM976 563.41l-442.418-384.312-209.518 206.902c-0.044 0-0.044 0-0.088 0l-8.916 5.64c-15.348-3.238-31.27-6.294-47.548-6.294-127.916 0-231.97 103.604-231.97 231.764 0 128.182 104.052 232.142 231.97 232.142 127.916 0 232.014-104.456 232.014-232.638 0-37.834-9.136-73.65-25.192-105.252l19.382-34.696c0.178 0.266 0.31 0.482 0.488 0.748l58.538-124.416 423.258 469.616v-259.204z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe952;" glyph-name="linkedin" data-tags="linkedin" d="M233.008-40.438v659.13h-219.058v-659.128l219.058-0.002zM123.502 708.652c76.366 0 123.936 50.656 123.936 113.906-1.444 64.656-47.57 113.882-122.504 113.882-74.946-0.002-123.934-49.228-123.934-113.884 0-63.25 47.544-113.906 121.060-113.906h1.442v0.002zM354.248-40.438c0 0 2.874 597.286 0 659.128h219.092v-95.588h-1.454c28.808 44.98 80.708 111.066 198.88 111.066 144.17 0 252.232-94.206 252.232-296.666v-377.942h-219.056v352.616c0 88.602-31.696 149.062-110.994 149.062-60.508 0-96.568-40.76-112.404-80.16-5.794-14.024-7.204-33.722-7.204-53.422v-368.094h-219.092z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe954;" glyph-name="campfire" data-tags="campfire" d="M809.322 178.599c122.354 90.164 186.231 281.754 10.546 364.97 78.031-120.758-26.193-209.776-121.278-82.794-76.969 144.033 164.49 226.429-136.434 452.459h-0.005c96.719-142.775-36.839-290.674-127.106-117.782 54.501-288.532-130.238-332.159-149.265-149.265-153.020-135.345-115.826-307.654-30.782-436.563l-125.564-72.181c7.809-75.624 43.526-135.221 104.533-180.269l170.483 98.002c7.275-57.232 56.315-101.5 115.772-101.5 43.728 0 81.818 23.955 101.817 59.387l215.875-57.593c47.221 59.235 66.224 126 54.112 201.063l-82.703 22.065zM305.966 410.194c51.295-78.729 213.348-20.124 193.917 119.699 21.355-64.041 75.472-57.805 131.338 40.973-75.991-205.097 43.596-338.184 123.628-276.789 3.592-29.29-10.486-63.745-32.424-92.294l-239.477 63.891c-16.658-16.257-29.519-35.409-38.939-56.051l-39.889 12.639c-1.831 0.64-3.633 1.343-5.426 2.075-0.448 0.182-0.892 0.368-1.336 0.556-1.744 0.738-3.475 1.507-5.182 2.33-0.159 0.077-0.314 0.16-0.473 0.239-1.55 0.757-3.079 1.56-4.597 2.385-0.551 0.301-1.101 0.603-1.647 0.912-1.363 0.77-2.713 1.567-4.048 2.39-0.66 0.408-1.313 0.829-1.966 1.25-1.069 0.687-2.128 1.39-3.177 2.111-0.727 0.499-1.45 1.006-2.167 1.52-0.844 0.606-1.675 1.231-2.507 1.859-1.278 0.966-2.541 1.956-3.789 2.972-0.563 0.458-1.128 0.915-1.684 1.385-0.905 0.762-1.806 1.533-2.694 2.32-0.304 0.269-0.603 0.548-0.905 0.82-1.817 1.64-3.603 3.331-5.349 5.077-0.195 0.195-0.393 0.388-0.586 0.583-3.049 3.082-5.984 6.321-8.8 9.702-31.371 37.679-47.959 93.174-41.82 147.444zM347.181 863.903c-128.047-64.56-29.208-120.777-27.987-184.337 88.102 77.739-7.459 106.788 27.987 184.337z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe957;" glyph-name="candle-fire" data-tags="candle-fire" d="M364.41 918.925c48.374-371.294-188.237-561.456-139.152-744.638 7.323-27.332 20.381-52.291 37.719-74.6-5.128 14.257-8.070 29.28-8.404 44.919-2.103 98.496 100.821 184.113 174.397 321.957 23.019-62.421 47.523-137.253 33.456-232.201 125.665 36.485 221.166 132.846 242.011 234.957 96.625-172.937 82.802-376.68-100.193-481.94-4.248-2.444-8.59-4.704-13.003-6.804 49.815 7.171 96.084 25.473 132.218 56.419h0.002c296.449 253.88 51.648 716.187-359.051 881.931z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe958;" glyph-name="candle" data-tags="candle" d="M466.247 406.835c-30.89 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137.562-36.699-137.563c-115.381-16.172-206.653-107.462-222.796-222.849h-230.798v-104.259h104.060v-355.032h-104.060v-104.259h364.98l-25.623-45.908h304.399l-25.978 45.908h362.802v104.259h-103.9v355.032h103.9zM547.23 101.823h-73.583v354.768h73.583v-354.768zM262.096 456.591h73.584v-355.032h-73.584v355.032zM758.779 101.559h-73.581v355.032h73.581v-355.032z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe95d;" glyph-name="castle-emblem" data-tags="castle-emblem" d="M507.648 910.733c-254.555 0-460.915-206.357-460.915-460.915 0-137.867 60.55-261.576 156.485-346.040v278.080l-27.985 45.482h15.158l88.625 228.561 87.461-228.561h16.326l-29.151-45.482v-36.152h74.632v246.056l-27.987 45.482h15.158l88.624 228.559 88.624-228.554h15.158l-29.151-45.482v-176.088h73.467v67.636l-29.151 45.482h16.326l87.463 228.561 88.625-228.561h15.158l-27.987-45.482v-387.657c101.406 84.548 165.951 211.809 165.951 354.162 0.003 254.557-206.354 460.914-460.91 460.914z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe969;" glyph-name="clockwork" data-tags="clockwork" d="M684.58 280.582l-94.358 125.615c6.386 11.997 10.016 25.685 10.016 40.225 0 31.306-16.783 58.685-41.837 73.656v98.449h45.48l-89.791 258.258-90.959-258.258h45.48v-99.664c-23.966-15.208-39.888-41.957-39.888-72.442 0-47.361 38.396-85.755 85.757-85.755 1.458 0 2.907 0.038 4.347 0.11l97.908-130.339-34.619-26.081 227.759-161.445-91.913 262.817-33.383-25.147zM942.301 446.236c0 56.35-10.88 110.149-30.611 159.45l78.369 78.369-239.292 239.289-78.332-78.332c-43.927 17.592-91.433 28.144-141.128 30.246l38.053-95.351c11.035-1.854 21.882-4.263 32.526-7.158 2.736-0.745 5.459-1.522 8.169-2.334 0.68-0.204 1.361-0.401 2.038-0.608 3.142-0.962 6.266-1.969 9.37-3.020 0.631-0.214 1.258-0.438 1.888-0.655 2.693-0.93 5.371-1.893 8.032-2.888 0.618-0.231 1.239-0.456 1.854-0.69 3.072-1.169 6.124-2.382 9.153-3.638 0.591-0.246 1.176-0.499 1.766-0.747 2.656-1.119 5.295-2.27 7.916-3.455 0.55-0.249 1.103-0.491 1.65-0.742 2.995-1.373 5.967-2.79 8.914-4.246 0.548-0.271 1.092-0.55 1.639-0.824 2.616-1.311 5.214-2.654 7.791-4.031 0.474-0.254 0.952-0.501 1.427-0.757 2.913-1.574 5.8-3.191 8.66-4.846 0.499-0.289 0.994-0.585 1.492-0.877 2.581-1.512 5.142-3.055 7.677-4.632 0.388-0.242 0.78-0.478 1.168-0.72 2.83-1.776 5.631-3.595 8.404-5.452 0.438-0.294 0.872-0.593 1.308-0.887 2.551-1.726 5.078-3.481 7.577-5.274 0.296-0.212 0.596-0.419 0.89-0.633 2.74-1.978 5.447-3.997 8.125-6.054 0.376-0.289 0.748-0.583 1.124-0.874 2.514-1.948 5.003-3.926 7.459-5.942 0.2-0.165 0.406-0.327 0.606-0.493 2.644-2.182 5.254-4.403 7.831-6.664 0.307-0.269 0.61-0.541 0.917-0.812 2.477-2.187 4.925-4.405 7.337-6.662 0.104-0.097 0.209-0.192 0.312-0.289 2.539-2.384 5.040-4.808 7.504-7.268 0.244-0.242 0.483-0.488 0.727-0.732 2.427-2.436 4.823-4.903 7.175-7.412 0.008-0.008 0.017-0.018 0.027-0.027 2.424-2.588 4.806-5.215 7.148-7.878 0.179-0.204 0.356-0.409 0.535-0.613 4.661-5.32 9.159-10.786 13.484-16.394 0.12-0.155 0.239-0.314 0.359-0.469 4.358-5.673 8.544-11.486 12.544-17.436 0.074-0.109 0.145-0.217 0.217-0.326 4.029-6.009 7.873-12.151 11.518-18.424 0.035-0.060 0.070-0.122 0.105-0.182 3.672-6.326 7.146-12.781 10.41-19.359 0.007-0.015 0.013-0.028 0.022-0.043 9.852-19.854 17.812-40.811 23.646-62.639l0.002 0.002c7.465-27.937 11.464-57.289 11.464-87.581 0-30.309-3.994-59.681-11.469-87.631l-0.010 0.010c-14.019-52.438-40.347-99.827-75.652-138.957l63.921-173.277 161.982 161.982-78.374 78.374c19.755 49.314 30.64 103.137 30.64 159.512zM734.89 78.58l-83.91 58.669c-11.83-5.297-24.018-9.941-36.518-13.88-0.538-0.169-1.076-0.341-1.615-0.508-1.692-0.525-3.391-1.034-5.095-1.532-0.74-0.215-1.483-0.424-2.227-0.636-1.667-0.474-3.336-0.947-5.015-1.397l0.002-0.002c-27.957-7.48-57.336-11.485-87.651-11.485-30.291 0-59.643 4.002-87.578 11.468v0c-21.828 5.833-42.787 13.793-62.641 23.644-0.017 0.008-0.033 0.017-0.052 0.025-9.908 4.918-19.54 10.308-28.867 16.14-0.023 0.015-0.048 0.030-0.072 0.045-9.328 5.835-18.352 12.113-27.042 18.803-0.012 0.008-0.023 0.018-0.035 0.027-23.208 17.872-44.032 38.69-61.911 61.893-0.002 0.003-0.005 0.007-0.007 0.008-6.699 8.693-12.985 17.722-18.826 27.057-0.012 0.018-0.023 0.038-0.035 0.057-5.835 9.326-11.229 18.958-16.152 28.864-0.010 0.020-0.020 0.040-0.030 0.060-4.925 9.916-9.376 20.107-13.329 30.546-0.002 0.007-0.005 0.012-0.007 0.018-3.954 10.449-7.407 21.147-10.327 32.061v0c-7.484 27.97-11.498 57.361-11.498 87.691 0 30.317 4.006 59.694 11.485 87.653l0.002-0.002c12.635 47.248 35.242 90.418 65.424 127.123 0.060 0.074 0.12 0.149 0.18 0.222 4.55 5.524 9.274 10.898 14.161 16.122 0.142 0.152 0.282 0.304 0.424 0.456 4.828 5.142 9.817 10.128 14.954 14.961 0.222 0.209 0.443 0.419 0.665 0.628 5.088 4.759 10.327 9.361 15.702 13.803 0.299 0.247 0.596 0.496 0.897 0.742 5.334 4.377 10.805 8.59 16.402 12.639 0.374 0.271 0.748 0.543 1.124 0.812 5.566 3.991 11.259 7.814 17.069 11.469 0.439 0.277 0.879 0.553 1.32 0.829 5.787 3.603 11.692 7.034 17.704 10.29 0.501 0.271 1.002 0.541 1.503 0.81 5.997 3.207 12.101 6.239 18.307 9.089 0.551 0.252 1.103 0.504 1.655 0.755 6.196 2.806 12.492 5.429 18.88 7.866 0.596 0.227 1.194 0.453 1.792 0.677 6.383 2.392 12.858 4.599 19.418 6.612 0.635 0.195 1.271 0.386 1.908 0.576 3.172 0.952 6.359 1.871 9.57 2.731 12.514 3.356 25.311 6.019 38.352 7.931l35.391 94.408c-51.24-1.655-100.202-12.306-145.385-30.391l-78.39 78.39-239.289-239.289 78.379-78.379c-19.748-49.319-30.638-103.142-30.638-159.517 0-56.399 10.891-110.248 30.655-159.585l-78.382-78.382 239.29-239.29 78.419 78.419c49.304-19.73 103.11-30.603 159.46-30.603 56.377 0 110.208 10.876 159.529 30.625l78.36-78.36 57.929 57.929-73.788 51.593c0 0 0 0 0 0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe96b;" glyph-name="clovers-card" data-tags="clovers-card" d="M914.086 709.71l-370.803 214.083c-48.285 27.877-110.031 11.332-137.909-36.953l-328.213-568.484c-27.879-48.285-11.332-110.031 36.953-137.909l370.803-214.083c48.285-27.879 110.031-11.332 137.909 36.953l328.213 568.484c27.879 48.285 11.332 110.031-36.953 137.909zM472.67 839.357c12.213 21.152 39.261 28.401 60.416 16.189s28.401-39.263 16.189-60.414c-12.213-21.153-39.261-28.401-60.416-16.189s-28.401 39.263-16.189 60.414zM540.423 308.215c-18.86 11.645-32.14 29.116-39.127 48.684l-19.763-124.39-131.456 81.153 0.463 0.331h-0.002l100.405 72.001c-2.238-0.212-4.489-0.334-6.742-0.389-0.256-0.007-0.511-0.022-0.768-0.025-1.206-0.020-2.416-0.015-3.623 0.012-0.317 0.007-0.636 0.028-0.954 0.038-0.887 0.028-1.774 0.060-2.661 0.114-0.474 0.028-0.947 0.074-1.42 0.109-0.733 0.055-1.467 0.109-2.198 0.18-0.516 0.050-1.031 0.117-1.545 0.175-0.692 0.080-1.381 0.159-2.073 0.254-0.535 0.074-1.067 0.16-1.602 0.244-0.67 0.104-1.338 0.209-2.006 0.327-0.543 0.097-1.086 0.204-1.629 0.309-0.658 0.129-1.316 0.261-1.973 0.404-0.545 0.119-1.089 0.246-1.634 0.374-0.651 0.154-1.303 0.314-1.953 0.483-0.543 0.14-1.084 0.287-1.625 0.438-0.65 0.182-1.3 0.371-1.948 0.566-0.535 0.162-1.069 0.327-1.602 0.498-0.651 0.209-1.3 0.429-1.948 0.655-0.528 0.182-1.054 0.366-1.58 0.558-0.651 0.239-1.3 0.491-1.949 0.745-0.515 0.202-1.029 0.401-1.542 0.613-0.658 0.272-1.313 0.56-1.968 0.849-0.498 0.219-0.996 0.433-1.492 0.66-0.673 0.311-1.34 0.64-2.008 0.966-0.469 0.231-0.94 0.451-1.408 0.69-0.715 0.366-1.423 0.752-2.132 1.138-0.414 0.226-0.83 0.439-1.243 0.67-0.94 0.53-1.873 1.084-2.801 1.65-0.167 0.102-0.337 0.195-0.504 0.299-0.074 0.045-0.142 0.095-0.215 0.14-1.214 0.755-2.405 1.535-3.575 2.335-0.451 0.309-0.887 0.633-1.331 0.949-0.78 0.555-1.555 1.113-2.315 1.687-0.506 0.384-1.004 0.777-1.5 1.169-0.668 0.526-1.328 1.061-1.978 1.602-0.521 0.434-1.037 0.874-1.545 1.318-0.595 0.52-1.179 1.047-1.759 1.579-0.523 0.479-1.046 0.957-1.557 1.447-0.526 0.504-1.036 1.022-1.549 1.539-0.53 0.533-1.067 1.061-1.584 1.605-0.346 0.364-0.673 0.742-1.012 1.111-1.301 1.418-2.557 2.867-3.762 4.353-0.195 0.241-0.398 0.474-0.59 0.715-0.635 0.798-1.245 1.612-1.851 2.427-0.226 0.304-0.456 0.605-0.678 0.91-0.605 0.835-1.193 1.68-1.769 2.532-0.189 0.279-0.376 0.558-0.561 0.837-0.596 0.902-1.179 1.811-1.744 2.731-0.117 0.19-0.231 0.384-0.347 0.576-3.323 5.506-6.077 11.312-8.229 17.324-0.003 0.007-0.007 0.013-0.010 0.022-9.442 26.415-7.333 56.734 8.433 82.267 27.503 44.543 86.636 58.528 131.177 31.027 3.468-2.142 6.421-4.774 9.517-7.267-2.108 20.006 1.936 41.473 13.222 59.948 0.002 0 0.002 0 0.003 0 0.074 0.122 0.14 0.246 0.215 0.366 0.21 0.341 0.438 0.665 0.651 1.002 0.61 0.961 1.223 1.919 1.861 2.85 0.374 0.545 0.767 1.067 1.151 1.602 0.513 0.715 1.024 1.433 1.554 2.13 0.424 0.556 0.864 1.096 1.298 1.64 0.515 0.646 1.029 1.293 1.559 1.923 0.456 0.543 0.925 1.071 1.392 1.6 0.533 0.605 1.067 1.206 1.614 1.794 0.483 0.52 0.972 1.029 1.463 1.535 0.553 0.57 1.113 1.133 1.679 1.686 0.503 0.491 1.011 0.979 1.523 1.457 0.58 0.541 1.168 1.072 1.761 1.599 0.518 0.459 1.036 0.917 1.564 1.363 0.613 0.52 1.236 1.024 1.861 1.525 0.525 0.421 1.046 0.847 1.579 1.255 0.66 0.506 1.331 0.994 2.003 1.482 0.516 0.374 1.026 0.757 1.549 1.121 0.753 0.525 1.522 1.022 2.289 1.522 0.456 0.297 0.905 0.61 1.366 0.899 1.214 0.762 2.442 1.495 3.687 2.198 0.398 0.226 0.807 0.429 1.208 0.648 0.875 0.478 1.752 0.956 2.641 1.405 0.538 0.272 1.084 0.521 1.627 0.783 0.767 0.369 1.533 0.74 2.309 1.087 0.585 0.262 1.174 0.506 1.764 0.755 0.747 0.317 1.495 0.631 2.25 0.929 0.61 0.239 1.223 0.466 1.836 0.693 0.748 0.277 1.498 0.548 2.253 0.805 0.623 0.212 1.248 0.416 1.874 0.615 0.758 0.241 1.52 0.473 2.284 0.695 0.628 0.182 1.26 0.361 1.891 0.531 0.778 0.209 1.562 0.404 2.345 0.593 0.623 0.15 1.246 0.302 1.873 0.439 0.812 0.179 1.629 0.337 2.447 0.494 0.605 0.117 1.209 0.239 1.816 0.344 0.875 0.15 1.756 0.277 2.636 0.404 0.555 0.080 1.106 0.17 1.66 0.241 1.092 0.137 2.188 0.244 3.286 0.344 0.347 0.032 0.692 0.077 1.039 0.105 1.438 0.115 2.882 0.195 4.327 0.246 0.446 0.015 0.894 0.010 1.341 0.020 1.011 0.020 2.020 0.038 3.032 0.027 0.565-0.007 1.129-0.033 1.694-0.048 0.897-0.027 1.794-0.053 2.693-0.105 0.603-0.035 1.206-0.085 1.809-0.132 0.862-0.065 1.722-0.135 2.584-0.226 0.618-0.063 1.236-0.14 1.853-0.215 0.849-0.105 1.696-0.217 2.544-0.346 0.62-0.094 1.238-0.194 1.856-0.299 0.849-0.145 1.697-0.304 2.544-0.473 0.608-0.12 1.218-0.244 1.824-0.378 0.864-0.189 1.726-0.398 2.586-0.611 0.585-0.145 1.171-0.287 1.754-0.444 0.902-0.242 1.799-0.508 2.696-0.778 0.535-0.16 1.072-0.312 1.605-0.483 1.006-0.321 2.005-0.673 3.004-1.029 0.419-0.15 0.844-0.286 1.261-0.441 2.731-1.017 5.434-2.173 8.1-3.455 0.52-0.249 1.036-0.516 1.552-0.775 0.835-0.419 1.667-0.847 2.494-1.293 0.406-0.219 0.812-0.438 1.216-0.662 1.255-0.7 2.502-1.418 3.735-2.18 44.536-27.503 58.136-84.994 30.635-129.535-0.077-0.124-0.159-0.241-0.236-0.364-0.845-1.353-1.722-2.674-2.628-3.967-0.242-0.347-0.488-0.688-0.733-1.031-0.92-1.281-1.863-2.541-2.836-3.764-11.090-13.935-25.613-24.045-41.469-29.908 3.996-1.744 7.963-3.526 11.773-5.88 25.396-15.679 40.511-41.439 43.733-68.944 0.226-1.928 0.386-3.865 0.494-5.808 0.030-0.535 0.070-1.069 0.092-1.605 0.032-0.807 0.038-1.614 0.048-2.422 0.008-0.62 0.020-1.239 0.017-1.861-0.005-0.778-0.027-1.559-0.050-2.339-0.020-0.655-0.043-1.308-0.077-1.963-0.038-0.76-0.087-1.52-0.144-2.28-0.052-0.682-0.112-1.363-0.179-2.045-0.070-0.737-0.144-1.472-0.232-2.207-0.087-0.723-0.19-1.445-0.294-2.167-0.1-0.697-0.194-1.395-0.309-2.090-0.139-0.839-0.304-1.675-0.466-2.511-0.112-0.578-0.209-1.156-0.331-1.732-0.292-1.37-0.615-2.738-0.969-4.101-0.139-0.533-0.299-1.061-0.446-1.592-0.246-0.885-0.493-1.772-0.765-2.654-0.18-0.585-0.379-1.166-0.571-1.747-0.274-0.827-0.551-1.654-0.849-2.476-0.212-0.59-0.438-1.178-0.662-1.764-0.312-0.815-0.636-1.629-0.972-2.439-0.239-0.575-0.481-1.148-0.732-1.721-0.364-0.834-0.747-1.662-1.138-2.489-0.252-0.536-0.501-1.072-0.765-1.605-0.448-0.904-0.92-1.801-1.398-2.698-0.237-0.444-0.463-0.89-0.707-1.331-0.738-1.331-1.503-2.653-2.312-3.961-27.499-44.538-85.617-59.15-130.162-31.647zM553.324 46.956c-12.213-21.153-39.261-28.401-60.416-16.189s-28.401 39.261-16.189 60.414c12.213 21.153 39.261 28.401 60.416 16.189s28.401-39.261 16.189-60.414z" /> 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75.181 113.093 126.786 105.708s87.362-65.275 92.058-137.016c52.089 4.724 102.948 17.072 149.506 37.489-31.482 65.887-28.462 134.966 13.678 166.551 19.247 14.436 45.049 17.984 71.057 14.194 30.174-4.313 62.245-20.472 90.942-45.492 32.125 38.628 58.699 82.919 77.619 131.007-67.549 24.626-113.089 75.18-105.708 126.789zM512.229 174.697c-148.908 0-269.618 120.708-269.618 269.618s120.71 269.618 269.618 269.618 269.618-120.713 269.618-269.618-120.71-269.618-269.618-269.618z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe976;" glyph-name="cracked-shield" data-tags="cracked-shield" d="M947.138 908.544c-83.719-18.617-167.438-32.614-251.157-41.154l-141.080-270.239 92.805-41.204-229.774-378.077 82.79 338.588-44.969 20.48-142.485-39.817 118.617 100.339 87.14 260.315c-137.62-0.697-275.239 14.964-412.859 50.769h-0.002c61.001-51.982 105.429-189.988 105.429-352.388 0-88.573-13.803-169.002-35.551-232.957 62.165-142.627 171.576-244.414 359.192-350.023 182.817 97.335 287.577 192.828 346.932 334.651-24.962 66.012-40.456 152.676-40.456 248.328-0.003 162.402 44.426 300.408 105.427 352.39z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe979;" glyph-name="crossed-axes" data-tags="crossed-axes" d="M886.56 76.201l-57.326 75.853-16.919-12.724c-131.074 138.895-177.588 269.631-242.098 417.065 20.265 44.984 41.456 89.516 64.866 132.871l30.71-17.786c103.294 126.657 134.979-160.907 71.456-280.279 208.873 53.507 390.076 392.551 158.641 526.169-57.15-98.987-141.624-70.998-279.173 8.663l-97.611-169.6 25.714-14.892c-11.932-20.674-22.937-40.93-33.219-60.815-10.282 19.885-21.289 40.141-33.219 60.817l25.712 14.892-97.611 169.598c-137.55-79.662-222.024-107.65-279.173-8.663-231.434-133.618-50.231-472.662 158.641-526.171-63.523 119.372-31.838 406.936 71.456 280.279l30.71 17.786c23.412-43.355 44.602-87.887 64.868-132.873-64.512-147.433-111.025-278.171-242.098-417.064l-16.92 12.726-57.324-75.853 5-3.76c-4.467-3.956-9.012-7.92-13.638-11.894 19.773-37.504 58.69-58.184 102.068-74.946 4.159 3.66 8.25 7.358 12.296 11.084l25.055-18.845 57.324 75.853-16.207 12.189c89.728 106.149 147.877 230.337 203.059 356.649 55.182-126.311 113.332-250.499 203.061-356.648l-16.209-12.191 57.326-75.853 25.057 18.845c4.046-3.723 8.135-7.422 12.295-11.082 43.377 16.762 82.294 37.442 102.068 74.946-4.626 3.974-9.171 7.938-13.638 11.892l4.998 3.76z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe97c;" glyph-name="crossed-sabres" data-tags="crossed-sabres" d="M273.331 375.122l-215.812-218.802c108.003-351.623 464.919-77.774 271.018 111.424-38.982 38.038-57.723 77.149-55.206 107.378zM264.083 278.003c19.448-14.097 35.021-28.707 47.196-43.471-58.044-7.328-162.286-87.002-184.252-144.736-9.179 14.055-17.547 30.657-24.783 50.081l161.839 138.126zM147.514 63.846c59.282 6.996 159.458 91.973 181.373 145.301 71.566-125.723-82.884-247.594-181.373-145.301zM394.878 353.085c-24.095-18.668-48.021-37.293-71.581-55.889l61.903-103.895c42.574 25.471 84.883 51.826 126.184 78.943 41.301-27.115 83.611-53.47 126.184-78.943l61.901 103.895c-23.56 18.596-47.485 37.221-71.58 55.889 237.645 175.167 409.483 374.712 340.798 570.49-71.030-167.684-259.356-325.894-457.305-480.263-197.948 154.368-386.272 312.579-457.302 480.263-68.685-195.776 103.153-395.322 340.798-570.49zM694.229 267.744c-193.9-189.198 163.016-463.048 271.018-111.424l-215.812 218.802c2.517-30.227-16.222-69.338-55.206-107.378zM693.878 209.147c21.917-53.328 122.092-138.305 181.375-145.301-98.489-102.293-252.941 19.578-181.375 145.301zM920.519 139.876c-7.235-19.424-15.604-36.025-24.783-50.081-21.963 57.735-126.206 137.408-184.252 144.736 12.176 14.764 27.75 29.374 47.196 43.471l161.839-138.126z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe97d;" glyph-name="crossed-swords" data-tags="crossed-swords" d="M769.936 259.056l137.563 137.563-56.945 56.943c-22.192-43.638-48.741-83.863-78.808-120.959-46.035 45.981-91.367 90.987-136.678 134.831 133.417 141.84 254.131 289.344 346.59 463.725-177.222-98.768-327.164-216.224-471.102-346.742-143.936 130.517-293.878 247.973-471.1 346.742 92.459-174.379 213.171-321.883 346.59-463.725-45.31-43.843-90.642-88.847-136.676-134.829-30.065 37.096-56.616 77.321-78.808 120.959l-56.945-56.945 137.565-137.565c-52.495-87.21-126.819-152.596-211.627-207.494l56.031-56.031c55.518 84.185 123.299 156.119 207.822 211.3l137.241-137.241 56.945 56.945c-41.857 24.183-82.004 50.951-119.653 80.527 44.67 44.585 89.031 88.453 132.617 132.245 43.586-43.791 87.949-87.66 132.619-132.245-37.649-29.577-77.797-56.343-119.653-80.527l56.945-56.945 137.243 137.243c84.523-55.181 152.302-127.113 207.82-211.298l56.031 56.031c-84.807 54.897-159.131 120.282-211.627 207.493z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe982;" glyph-name="crystal-ball" data-tags="crystal-ball" d="M838.581 247.993c0.545 3.378 0.84 6.785 0.84 10.223 0 33.232-25.899 63.829-69.381 88.203 126.174 138.886 122.218 353.843-11.887 487.949-138.192 138.192-362.242 138.192-500.434 0-134.107-134.107-138.061-349.065-11.884-487.952-43.479-24.374-69.378-54.969-69.378-88.199 0-4.3 0.459-8.553 1.308-12.757-50.308-30.127-80.042-67.333-80.042-107.605 0-100.399 184.728-181.791 412.607-181.791s412.607 81.389 412.607 181.791c0 41.409-31.438 79.578-84.356 110.139zM283.995 807.234c123.735 123.734 324.346 123.734 448.079 0s123.735-324.344 0-448.079c-61.497-61.497-141.982-92.414-222.579-92.783-53.004 0.155-105.978 13.516-153.553 40.106-0.603-0.107-1.198-0.221-1.799-0.329-25.146 13.984-48.793 31.65-70.148 53.006-123.734 123.734-123.735 324.346 0 448.079zM751.527 667.355c-28.827-28.827-88.791-15.601-133.933 29.542s-58.368 105.106-29.542 133.933c28.827 28.827 88.791 15.601 133.933-29.542s58.368-105.106 29.542-133.933zM557.428 311.625c-57.675-57.675-177.649-31.211-267.97 59.109s-116.784 210.295-59.109 267.97c57.675 57.675 177.649 31.211 267.97-59.109s116.784-210.295 59.109-267.97z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe989;" glyph-name="daggers" data-tags="daggers" d="M985.92 810.444l15.178 56.646c-39.622 39.662-95.641 53.178-149.417 40.036l-15.178-56.646 27.586-7.392-61.838-230.779-15.392 4.124c-16.011-25.080-54.599-37.198-96.109-29.783l-15.393-57.446c26.566-2.422 52.782-6.129 78.691-10.983-85.872-165.94-116.387-370.762-72.39-543.163 130.015 148.662 202.506 322.892 209.018 506.14 24.987-8.852 49.705-18.719 74.166-29.561l15.393 57.446c-39.657 14.333-67.018 44.121-68.344 73.847l-15.393 4.124 61.838 230.779 27.585-7.39zM812.533 462.204c-20.423 5.471-32.542 26.465-27.072 46.885 0.227 0.847 0.491 1.674 0.77 2.492 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.815 8.244 8.225 14.967 15.054 19.496 0.033 0.022 0.065 0.045 0.097 0.067 0.93 0.613 1.891 1.183 2.872 1.712 0.067 0.037 0.134 0.074 0.2 0.109 0.957 0.511 1.939 0.979 2.938 1.407 0.097 0.042 0.192 0.084 0.289 0.124 0.982 0.413 1.985 0.782 3 1.111 0.119 0.038 0.237 0.075 0.356 0.114 1.007 0.316 2.030 0.591 3.065 0.824 0.13 0.028 0.261 0.057 0.391 0.084 1.034 0.221 2.080 0.401 3.135 0.536 0.132 0.017 0.266 0.030 0.398 0.045 1.062 0.124 2.133 0.207 3.212 0.241 0.124 0.003 0.247 0.003 0.373 0.005 1.096 0.023 2.197 0.005 3.303-0.067 0.1-0.007 0.2-0.018 0.299-0.025 1.134-0.084 2.272-0.212 3.411-0.399 0.060-0.010 0.12-0.023 0.18-0.033 1.181-0.2 2.364-0.451 3.545-0.768 1.189-0.319 2.347-0.695 3.478-1.116 0.053-0.020 0.109-0.037 0.162-0.057 1.089-0.411 2.147-0.874 3.179-1.373 0.085-0.042 0.174-0.080 0.261-0.122 1.002-0.494 1.973-1.036 2.917-1.61 0.102-0.062 0.205-0.12 0.306-0.182 0.924-0.573 1.814-1.188 2.678-1.831 0.107-0.079 0.214-0.157 0.319-0.237 0.849-0.646 1.664-1.33 2.449-2.041 0.102-0.094 0.205-0.184 0.307-0.279 0.777-0.718 1.52-1.468 2.233-2.245 0.090-0.099 0.182-0.199 0.272-0.297 0.707-0.788 1.38-1.604 2.018-2.446 0.075-0.1 0.15-0.2 0.226-0.302 0.636-0.857 1.236-1.737 1.799-2.643 0.058-0.094 0.115-0.189 0.174-0.284 0.563-0.924 1.089-1.871 1.572-2.838 0.040-0.080 0.077-0.16 0.117-0.241 0.486-0.992 0.934-2.005 1.333-3.039 0.022-0.055 0.042-0.112 0.062-0.167 0.406-1.062 0.768-2.143 1.079-3.241 0.007-0.023 0.012-0.047 0.018-0.070 1.597-5.69 1.896-11.814 0.646-17.943-0.155-0.763-0.327-1.525-0.531-2.287-5.474-20.418-26.467-32.537-46.89-27.067zM575.518 622.275h-15.938v238.919h28.558v58.644c-48.537 28.056-106.145 26.612-154.687 0v-58.644h28.558v-238.919h-15.933c-8.974-28.37-43.112-50.062-85.126-53.642v-59.472c26.287 4.535 52.57 7.741 78.851 9.756-39.998-182.511-16.463-388.251 70.656-543.392 87.108 177.247 112.037 364.303 70.898 542.994 26.427-2.083 52.855-5.217 79.287-9.358v59.472c-42.014 3.58-76.15 25.271-85.126 53.642zM549.076 518.227c0-21.14-17.141-38.281-38.284-38.281s-38.284 17.141-38.284 38.281c0 0.877 0.040 1.746 0.099 2.608v0c0.585 8.686 4.069 16.579 9.49 22.72 0.030 0.033 0.057 0.067 0.087 0.1 0.735 0.827 1.51 1.62 2.314 2.38 0.062 0.058 0.124 0.12 0.187 0.179 0.785 0.733 1.605 1.432 2.451 2.098 0.092 0.072 0.182 0.144 0.274 0.215 0.834 0.645 1.696 1.255 2.581 1.829 0.115 0.075 0.232 0.149 0.347 0.222 0.88 0.558 1.784 1.081 2.71 1.567 0.134 0.070 0.269 0.139 0.403 0.205 0.927 0.473 1.874 0.91 2.843 1.306 0.142 0.058 0.284 0.112 0.426 0.169 0.977 0.388 1.971 0.738 2.985 1.046 0.139 0.042 0.281 0.079 0.421 0.12 1.031 0.299 2.076 0.561 3.14 0.773 0.124 0.025 0.251 0.043 0.374 0.067 1.092 0.207 2.197 0.374 3.319 0.486 0.090 0.008 0.184 0.012 0.274 0.020 1.148 0.105 2.307 0.167 3.483 0.169 0.025 0 0.050 0.002 0.075 0.002s0.048-0.002 0.074-0.002c1.184-0.002 2.354-0.063 3.51-0.17 0.087-0.008 0.174-0.012 0.261-0.020 1.133-0.114 2.247-0.282 3.348-0.491 0.12-0.023 0.241-0.040 0.361-0.065 1.071-0.214 2.123-0.479 3.161-0.782 0.139-0.040 0.281-0.077 0.418-0.119 1.017-0.309 2.015-0.663 2.993-1.052 0.145-0.057 0.291-0.112 0.434-0.172 0.966-0.398 1.911-0.837 2.835-1.31 0.144-0.074 0.287-0.145 0.429-0.221 0.917-0.483 1.809-1.004 2.681-1.557 0.134-0.085 0.266-0.169 0.399-0.256 0.869-0.566 1.711-1.168 2.529-1.802 0.117-0.090 0.232-0.182 0.349-0.274 0.819-0.65 1.612-1.333 2.374-2.046 0.095-0.090 0.189-0.18 0.284-0.271 0.768-0.735 1.508-1.498 2.213-2.294 0.072-0.080 0.14-0.164 0.212-0.244 0.715-0.82 1.398-1.669 2.041-2.547 0.045-0.062 0.089-0.127 0.134-0.189 0.656-0.909 1.278-1.846 1.856-2.813 0.018-0.032 0.037-0.063 0.055-0.095 3.012-5.083 4.884-10.923 5.259-17.167v0c0.047-0.77 0.077-1.544 0.077-2.324zM346.51 529.205l-15.393 57.446c-41.51-7.415-80.098 4.702-96.109 29.783l-15.392-4.124-61.838 230.779 27.586 7.392-15.178 56.646c-53.776 13.142-109.795-0.374-149.417-40.036l15.178-56.646 27.585 7.392 61.838-230.781-15.393-4.124c-1.326-29.726-28.685-59.514-68.342-73.847l15.393-57.446c24.461 10.841 49.177 20.709 74.164 29.561 6.512-183.248 79.005-357.478 209.020-506.14 43.999 172.4 13.481 377.221-72.39 543.163 25.907 4.854 52.125 8.561 78.689 10.983zM236.405 509.089c5.472-20.42-6.648-41.413-27.072-46.885s-41.416 6.648-46.887 27.068c-0.202 0.753-0.373 1.508-0.528 2.263 0 0 0 0 0.002 0-1.258 6.142-0.959 12.281 0.645 17.983 0.005 0.015 0.008 0.030 0.012 0.047 0.312 1.104 0.677 2.19 1.084 3.257 0.020 0.052 0.037 0.104 0.057 0.154 0.401 1.037 0.85 2.053 1.338 3.050 0.037 0.077 0.074 0.152 0.112 0.229 0.484 0.972 1.012 1.921 1.577 2.848 0.057 0.092 0.112 0.184 0.169 0.276 0.563 0.907 1.164 1.789 1.801 2.648 0.074 0.1 0.149 0.199 0.224 0.299 0.638 0.842 1.311 1.659 2.020 2.447 0.090 0.1 0.18 0.199 0.271 0.297 0.712 0.778 1.457 1.528 2.233 2.247 0.1 0.094 0.204 0.184 0.306 0.276 0.787 0.712 1.602 1.395 2.451 2.041 0.105 0.080 0.214 0.157 0.319 0.237 0.864 0.645 1.754 1.258 2.678 1.831 0.1 0.062 0.204 0.12 0.306 0.182 0.944 0.575 1.914 1.114 2.917 1.61 0.085 0.042 0.174 0.080 0.261 0.122 1.031 0.499 2.090 0.962 3.179 1.373 0.053 0.020 0.11 0.037 0.164 0.057 1.131 0.421 2.289 0.797 3.476 1.116 1.181 0.316 2.362 0.568 3.545 0.768 0.060 0.010 0.12 0.023 0.18 0.033 1.139 0.187 2.277 0.316 3.411 0.399 0.1 0.007 0.2 0.018 0.299 0.025 1.106 0.074 2.207 0.090 3.303 0.067 0.124-0.003 0.249-0.002 0.373-0.005 1.079-0.033 2.15-0.117 3.212-0.241 0.132-0.015 0.266-0.028 0.398-0.045 1.056-0.134 2.101-0.314 3.135-0.536 0.13-0.028 0.261-0.055 0.389-0.084 1.036-0.232 2.058-0.508 3.067-0.824 0.119-0.037 0.236-0.075 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110.031-36.953 137.909zM472.67 839.357c12.213 21.152 39.261 28.401 60.416 16.189s28.401-39.263 16.189-60.414c-12.213-21.153-39.261-28.401-60.416-16.189s-28.401 39.263-16.189 60.414zM656.032 548.696c0.002-0.003 0.002-0.007 0.003-0.008l25.346-161.697c0-0.002 0-0.003-0.002-0.005l2.634-16.795-260.524-98.317-43.113 275.057 260.514 98.371 15.141-96.605zM553.324 46.956c-12.213-21.153-39.261-28.401-60.416-16.189s-28.401 39.261-16.189 60.414c12.213 21.153 39.261 28.401 60.416 16.189s28.401-39.261 16.189-60.414z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe994;" glyph-name="diamonds" data-tags="diamonds" d="M513.589 785.983l273.191-336.029-273.191-336.027-273.189 336.029 273.189 336.027z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe995;" glyph-name="dice-five" data-tags="dice-five" d="M873.572 888.13h-724.815c-42.457 0-76.875-34.418-76.875-76.875v-724.815c0-42.457 34.418-76.875 76.875-76.875h724.815c42.457 0 76.875 34.418 76.875 76.875v724.815c0 42.457-34.418 76.875-76.875 76.875zM243.602 81.448c-55.139 0-99.837 44.699-99.837 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259.795 72.58 329.98l65.543-60.91-60.204-237.53-77.919-31.54zM345.235 45.74c-10.44 88.984-56.594 171.576-141.148 287.169l156.027-164.605-14.879-122.564zM304.803 564.080l19.718 74.725 227.293 61.238 165.019-166.057-60.195-227.293-89.257-23.871c238.664 215.391-69.527 475.941-262.578 281.258zM551.143 43.884c122.36 52.802 166.446 74.732 181.619 114.96l48.447-49.615-230.066-65.346zM801.399 596.118c32.345 42.667-64.482 181.883-129.136 261.467l246.597-246.398-117.461-15.069zM825.371 517.697v0l119.666 9.278-58.442-231.912c13.434 137.525-0.074 181.405-61.225 222.634z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9b4;" glyph-name="eye-shield" data-tags="eye-shield" d="M92.225 921.661l0.003-0.002v0.002zM92.228 921.659c0-430.215 54.093-736.513 420.647-946.383 369.303 211.445 421.125 514.985 421.125 946.383-274.863-41.693-568.472-41.181-841.771 0zM516.609 694.592c89.15 0 161.418-72.43 161.418-161.775s-72.268-161.775-161.418-161.775c-89.15 0-161.418 72.43-161.418 161.775s72.268 161.775 161.418 161.775zM804.867 606.423c33.353-21.319 66.231-46.331 98.476-75.063-32.25-28.735-65.387-53.669-99.176-74.829 6.413 24.35 9.846 49.915 9.846 76.287 0 25.403-3.181 50.061-9.146 73.604zM228.265 606.428c-5.967-23.545-9.148-48.203-9.148-73.609 0-26.372 3.433-51.937 9.846-76.287-33.622 21.088-66.724 45.991-99.089 74.829 32.387 28.856 65.23 53.843 98.391 75.068zM589.657 532.87c0-40.444-32.714-73.23-73.068-73.23s-73.068 32.786-73.068 73.23c0 40.444 32.714 73.23 73.068 73.23s73.068-32.786 73.068-73.23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9bb;" glyph-name="feather-wing" data-tags="feather-wing" d="M917.278 142.823c-62.917 35.015-99.727 94.789-103.427 149.551-19.815 293.237-508.455 331.44-757.172 624.281l-0.002-0.008c12.904-373.139 422.543-371.339 663.804-558.364-156.126 67.612-412.016 52.772-597.256 172.924 86.414-280.813 394.638-188.356 620.987-264.688-134.797 13.165-312.561-62.965-480.625-2.76 148.413-233.931 340.939-77.675 527.457-79.055-94.074-23.97-191.252-128.812-321.147-118.978 158.259-152.32 241.166-4.452 354.54 52.254-11.436-13.609-18.661-30.942-19.513-50.074-2.058-46.185 33.717-85.294 79.902-87.352s85.294 33.717 87.352 79.902c1.667 37.412-21.492 70.175-54.9 82.368z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9bc;" glyph-name="feathered-wing" data-tags="feathered-wing" d="M44.871 902.582c214.754-135.992 413.362-242.663 642.973-266.923 81.279-8.586 95.469-69.762 63.242-139.972-52.952-115.36 32.805-286.626 224.319-390.294-11.946-55.881-92.481-102.921-142.085-86.402-41.297 86.193-105.631 177.185-175.326 152.501-142.555-50.488-289.358-61.225-389.036-6.886 132.238 17.946 258.123 53.104 368.994 108.507-200.306-29.957-437.462-30.73-527.33 69.829 181.816-7.265 329.185 11.18 493.712 52.363-219.139 20.183-460.075 60.252-527.905 194.613 161.69-50.415 378.521-69.181 525.207-70.203-228.524 57.571-535.868 215.22-556.765 382.867v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9c1;" glyph-name="fire-shield" data-tags="fire-shield" d="M120.596 889c0-400.314 74.405-696.472 393.627-880.777 311.695 179.958 394.671 479.359 394.671 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3.989-19.905 6.834-42.724 18.748-67.845 121.844 58.306 176.088-25.189-154.824 275.389-26.814 46.645 327.682l0.003 0.003c170.169-53.669 277.611-119.826 354.504-237.89 54.217 48.35 93.11 130.372 104.952 211.068 86.828-155.807 46.904-395.366-158.411-482.947 45.402 0.090 75.841 0.074 79.079-0.175 309.014 69.43 278.217 489.069-28.35 786.863z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9c6;" glyph-name="fizzing-flask" data-tags="fizzing-flask" d="M680.252 882.57c-48.766 15.178-114.855 8.172-136.434-39.644-31.331 41.653-95.574 27.914-110.206-19.67-14.632-47.578 26.883-98.788 89.217-96.944-6.146-67.85 88.462-109.197 163.259-78.131-0.945-38.551 16.599-83.57 60.638-89.791-12.766-36.164 6.202-83.961 57.139-83.961 62.842 0 75.925 72.514 41.981 106.118 18.915 20.749 25.625 50.248 22.159 78.131 34.51-24.165 69.066 13.023 67.424 40.1-3.027 49.857-40.664 71.817-67.424 48.517-17.57 55.141-74.363 63.909-104.952 32.651 2.694 14.827 0.399 26.165-10.492 38.483 45.138 11.383 37.764 75.275 9.345 93.655-34.749 22.471-70.8 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177.566-148.345v-65.803h116.97c-27.8-70.080-80.057-125.917-139.53-174.092h511.531c-70.902 48.145-123.109 103.925-149.656 174.092zM475.368 461.868l98.423 44.313-42.61 140.473-111.452 109.498-63.882-28.762 33.705-111.135-355.031-159.819 25.049-55.643 355.052 159.828zM721.492 465.203l253.671 101.717-141.387 3.927 95.381 137.166-146.676-78.414 42.894 190.828-152.574-242.71-16.506 65.275-60.353-177.653 125.154 58.644z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9db;" glyph-name="gear-hammer" data-tags="gear-hammer" d="M970.324 310.366l19.147 116.009-42.108 6.949c1.213 37.604-2.566 74.488-10.798 109.929l39.665 14.931-41.423 110.041-40.352-15.19c-17.747 32.17-39.579 61.965-64.905 88.607l28.311 34.499-90.894 74.587-29.375-35.797c-30.745 18.203-64.15 32.725-99.707 42.903l7.933 48.058-116.011 19.149-8.337-50.517c-35.934 0.197-71.137-4.146-104.969-12.564l-18.841 50.052-110.041-41.423 19.752-52.473c-29.973-17.147-57.81-37.86-82.854-61.676l-44.834 36.792-74.587-90.892 46.152-37.873c-17.046-28.806-30.872-59.938-40.913-92.994l-60.038 9.913-19.147-116.009 60.652-10.011c-0.748-34.4 2.658-68.177 9.841-100.763l-57.691-21.716 41.423-110.041 57.17 21.519c16.115-29.998 35.746-57.99 58.448-83.352l-37.855-46.13 90.894-74.587 36.654 44.668c28.725-18.205 59.933-33.129 93.172-44.206l-9.061-54.892 116.011-19.149 8.655 52.434c36.035-1.746 71.456 1.094 105.626 8.063l17.872-47.48 110.041 41.423-17.017 45.208c32.202 16.661 62.165 37.36 89.162 61.514l35.792-29.372 74.587 90.894-34.312 28.156c19.429 30.643 35.122 64.111 46.391 99.858l42.721-7.051zM829.525 259.813c-3.825-6.306-7.833-12.477-12.016-18.507-0.028-0.042-0.057-0.084-0.085-0.124-1.251-1.802-2.524-3.588-3.807-5.366-0.254-0.351-0.504-0.703-0.76-1.054-1.241-1.707-2.496-3.401-3.765-5.083-0.271-0.359-0.545-0.718-0.817-1.077-1.311-1.726-2.633-3.441-3.974-5.142-0.11-0.14-0.224-0.279-0.334-0.419-5.927-7.492-12.139-14.734-18.614-21.708-0.164-0.175-0.324-0.352-0.488-0.528-1.498-1.609-3.014-3.201-4.542-4.781-0.251-0.259-0.501-0.518-0.752-0.775-1.54-1.584-3.090-3.156-4.659-4.711-0.144-0.142-0.287-0.282-0.431-0.423-6.872-6.794-14.005-13.31-21.382-19.526v0c-18.784-15.829-39.136-29.741-60.732-41.49v0.002c-6.136-3.339-12.377-6.495-18.704-9.478-0.421-0.199-0.839-0.401-1.261-0.598-1.814-0.847-3.638-1.674-5.467-2.492-0.536-0.239-1.072-0.479-1.61-0.717-1.839-0.81-3.683-1.609-5.536-2.389-0.448-0.189-0.897-0.373-1.345-0.56-10.903-4.542-22.050-8.566-33.409-12.037-0.212-0.065-0.423-0.13-0.635-0.195-2.208-0.67-4.425-1.321-6.65-1.949-0.16-0.045-0.321-0.090-0.481-0.135-11.789-3.316-23.788-6.047-35.964-8.162v0c-23.114-4.014-46.852-5.807-70.947-5.188v0c-5.852 0.15-11.727 0.448-17.615 0.88-0.643 0.048-1.285 0.094-1.928 0.145-1.647 0.13-3.296 0.269-4.946 0.423-1.513 0.142-3.027 0.297-4.542 0.458-1.63 0.172-3.261 0.354-4.893 0.548-1.848 0.221-3.697 0.451-5.546 0.7-0.925 0.124-1.851 0.252-2.776 0.383-2.524 0.361-5.048 0.738-7.576 1.153-0.137 0.022-0.274 0.042-0.411 0.063-0.57 0.094-1.134 0.205-1.704 0.302-2.354 0.399-4.701 0.81-7.036 1.253-1.445 0.274-2.878 0.578-4.317 0.869-1.435 0.291-2.873 0.573-4.3 0.879-1.754 0.378-3.496 0.782-5.24 1.183-1.064 0.246-2.132 0.483-3.191 0.737-1.974 0.474-3.937 0.972-5.897 1.477-0.782 0.2-1.567 0.399-2.347 0.605-2.158 0.571-4.305 1.164-6.443 1.774-0.54 0.154-1.081 0.306-1.619 0.461-2.319 0.672-4.627 1.365-6.924 2.080-0.316 0.099-0.631 0.197-0.947 0.296-2.471 0.777-4.93 1.574-7.373 2.4-0.099 0.033-0.197 0.067-0.296 0.1-2.578 0.874-5.142 1.771-7.689 2.698v-0.002c-21.76 7.915-42.445 17.782-61.859 29.4l0.002 0.002c-0.388 0.232-0.767 0.473-1.153 0.707-1.911 1.154-3.814 2.319-5.7 3.506-0.939 0.591-1.868 1.196-2.8 1.796-1.356 0.872-2.713 1.746-4.056 2.634-1.034 0.685-2.061 1.378-3.089 2.073-1.211 0.819-2.419 1.644-3.618 2.477-1.082 0.752-2.163 1.507-3.237 2.27-1.109 0.788-2.208 1.587-3.308 2.385-1.121 0.817-2.245 1.629-3.356 2.457-0.966 0.72-1.919 1.455-2.878 2.183-4.667 3.553-9.244 7.21-13.721 10.975-0.511 0.429-1.026 0.854-1.533 1.286-1.46 1.241-2.903 2.499-4.342 3.762-0.501 0.439-1.002 0.879-1.502 1.321-1.485 1.318-2.958 2.648-4.42 3.987-0.369 0.339-0.735 0.678-1.103 1.019-1.587 1.468-3.166 2.945-4.726 4.442-0.015 0.015-0.032 0.030-0.047 0.045-8.835 8.476-17.226 17.381-25.146 26.676v0c-14.615 17.151-27.623 35.625-38.833 55.177v0c-4.752 8.289-9.178 16.775-13.27 25.431-0.149 0.314-0.299 0.628-0.448 0.944-0.914 1.948-1.811 3.906-2.691 5.87-0.155 0.347-0.309 0.697-0.464 1.044-0.899 2.023-1.784 4.054-2.646 6.096-0.038 0.090-0.075 0.182-0.114 0.272-3.74 8.875-7.133 17.914-10.165 27.097-0.050 0.15-0.1 0.299-0.15 0.448-0.708 2.153-1.393 4.313-2.061 6.481-0.087 0.284-0.175 0.57-0.262 0.854-0.665 2.178-1.313 4.363-1.938 6.558-0.035 0.125-0.070 0.252-0.105 0.378-2.671 9.421-4.971 18.978-6.879 28.654v0c-4.301 21.818-6.622 44.227-6.79 67.001-0.052 7.12 0.115 14.278 0.484 21.459 0.037 0.707 0.065 1.412 0.105 2.118 0.099 1.732 0.224 3.466 0.347 5.202 0.084 1.168 0.167 2.335 0.264 3.503 0.124 1.518 0.261 3.039 0.403 4.56 0.137 1.445 0.282 2.892 0.436 4.338 0.14 1.326 0.282 2.653 0.438 3.981 0.209 1.774 0.438 3.551 0.673 5.329 0.139 1.047 0.267 2.093 0.414 3.142 0.403 2.855 0.832 5.713 1.305 8.575 0.459 2.78 0.959 5.543 1.477 8.296 0.155 0.827 0.321 1.65 0.481 2.476 0.394 2.018 0.805 4.028 1.233 6.030 0.175 0.825 0.349 1.652 0.531 2.476 0.58 2.633 1.179 5.255 1.816 7.863 0.022 0.087 0.040 0.175 0.062 0.262 0.655 2.683 1.348 5.347 2.061 8.002 0.217 0.807 0.441 1.61 0.663 2.414 0.535 1.938 1.084 3.869 1.649 5.793 0.239 0.814 0.476 1.627 0.72 2.437 0.745 2.471 1.508 4.931 2.304 7.377 0.050 0.155 0.097 0.314 0.149 0.469 7.138 21.875 16.267 42.706 27.11 62.35v0c1.201 2.177 2.424 4.338 3.667 6.485 0.005 0.008 0.010 0.017 0.015 0.025 6.107 10.544 12.724 20.724 19.802 30.521 0.212 0.294 0.423 0.59 0.636 0.882 1.221 1.679 2.459 3.346 3.707 5.001 0.344 0.456 0.69 0.912 1.037 1.366 1.206 1.585 2.424 3.162 3.655 4.726 0.366 0.463 0.735 0.922 1.103 1.383 3.902 4.903 7.926 9.695 12.066 14.378 0.501 0.566 0.996 1.141 1.5 1.704 1.042 1.164 2.101 2.312 3.157 3.461 0.778 0.849 1.557 1.697 2.344 2.537 0.991 1.057 1.99 2.105 2.992 3.149 0.884 0.922 1.772 1.839 2.664 2.75 0.962 0.982 1.928 1.961 2.9 2.932 0.976 0.974 1.961 1.938 2.948 2.9 0.924 0.902 1.846 1.807 2.78 2.698 1.166 1.114 2.349 2.21 3.53 3.308 0.768 0.713 1.527 1.438 2.3 2.145v0c17.236 15.748 35.95 29.801 55.854 41.964v-0.002c3.396 2.075 6.836 4.081 10.298 6.044 0.984 0.558 1.964 1.121 2.953 1.669 1.346 0.747 2.701 1.477 4.056 2.205 0.976 0.526 1.953 1.051 2.933 1.567 1.402 0.738 2.808 1.465 4.22 2.185 0.912 0.464 1.826 0.924 2.741 1.381 1.492 0.745 2.985 1.485 4.487 2.21 0.747 0.359 1.497 0.71 2.245 1.064 8.075 3.825 16.299 7.363 24.661 10.592 0.351 0.135 0.7 0.274 1.051 0.408 2.015 0.77 4.038 1.522 6.067 2.257 0.352 0.127 0.705 0.256 1.057 0.381 2.113 0.758 4.233 1.5 6.361 2.22 0.107 0.037 0.215 0.072 0.322 0.109 11.616 3.912 23.468 7.248 35.514 9.978v0c23.303 5.28 47.331 8.289 71.802 8.82 2.636 0.057 5.279 0.082 7.925 0.082 0.222 0 0.443 0 0.665 0 2.481-0.005 4.966-0.038 7.455-0.094 0.436-0.010 0.87-0.020 1.306-0.032 2.312-0.060 4.627-0.142 6.946-0.247 0.662-0.030 1.323-0.065 1.986-0.099 2.13-0.107 4.261-0.231 6.395-0.376 0.905-0.062 1.811-0.135 2.718-0.204 1.926-0.145 3.852-0.297 5.782-0.474 1.198-0.11 2.397-0.239 3.597-0.362 1.669-0.17 3.338-0.336 5.010-0.528 1.635-0.19 3.274-0.408 4.911-0.62 1.27-0.164 2.539-0.314 3.81-0.491 2.943-0.413 5.89-0.857 8.84-1.345 2.699-0.446 5.382-0.932 8.058-1.435 0.845-0.159 1.689-0.322 2.532-0.486 1.933-0.378 3.857-0.773 5.778-1.181 1.395-0.297 2.786-0.6 4.175-0.912 1.654-0.371 3.304-0.75 4.95-1.143 1.575-0.378 3.146-0.767 4.712-1.164 0.665-0.169 1.328-0.341 1.993-0.513 5.693-1.478 11.327-3.079 16.895-4.809v0c24.285-7.552 47.336-17.512 68.919-29.581v0c1.861-1.041 3.707-2.105 5.546-3.177 0.453-0.264 0.909-0.526 1.361-0.792 1.736-1.021 3.458-2.058 5.173-3.107 0.526-0.321 1.051-0.645 1.574-0.969 1.714-1.061 3.421-2.132 5.115-3.219 0.416-0.267 0.827-0.538 1.241-0.807 7.798-5.050 15.377-10.385 22.722-15.99 0.282-0.215 0.568-0.429 0.852-0.646 1.654-1.27 3.293-2.556 4.921-3.852 0.403-0.321 0.807-0.641 1.208-0.964 1.615-1.296 3.219-2.604 4.811-3.926 0.329-0.274 0.656-0.551 0.986-0.825 9.041-7.567 17.69-15.555 25.922-23.931 0.244-0.249 0.491-0.496 0.735-0.747 1.512-1.547 3.009-3.105 4.49-4.679 0.239-0.254 0.478-0.509 0.717-0.765 1.532-1.632 3.050-3.276 4.55-4.936v0c17.027-18.845 32.061-39.413 44.812-61.368h-0.002c0.119-0.205 0.232-0.414 0.351-0.62 1.204-2.083 2.389-4.178 3.551-6.284 0.503-0.912 0.991-1.833 1.487-2.748 0.78-1.443 1.557-2.887 2.319-4.34 0.558-1.066 1.106-2.138 1.654-3.211 0.668-1.308 1.33-2.621 1.983-3.939 0.573-1.156 1.143-2.315 1.704-3.478 0.59-1.221 1.166-2.449 1.742-3.677 0.585-1.25 1.173-2.496 1.744-3.752 0.484-1.064 0.952-2.138 1.427-3.207 2.395-5.407 4.667-10.875 6.8-16.406 0.215-0.558 0.438-1.114 0.65-1.674 0.698-1.839 1.376-3.687 2.046-5.538 0.205-0.57 0.414-1.139 0.616-1.711 0.683-1.921 1.351-3.849 2.005-5.782 0.142-0.421 0.281-0.844 0.423-1.266 4.589-13.786 8.371-27.897 11.289-42.27v0c5.003-24.648 7.5-50.057 7.198-75.906v0c-0.003-0.322-0.017-0.645-0.020-0.967-0.035-2.389-0.095-4.781-0.177-7.176-0.032-0.944-0.074-1.888-0.114-2.831-0.079-1.881-0.174-3.764-0.281-5.648-0.053-0.929-0.104-1.859-0.165-2.788-0.169-2.588-0.359-5.177-0.585-7.771-0.030-0.352-0.065-0.707-0.097-1.059-0.226-2.507-0.479-5.018-0.758-7.53-0.099-0.897-0.207-1.794-0.314-2.691-0.234-1.976-0.483-3.954-0.748-5.932-0.117-0.869-0.231-1.736-0.354-2.604-0.388-2.735-0.797-5.472-1.25-8.212-0.005-0.028-0.008-0.055-0.013-0.084-0.008-0.055-0.020-0.11-0.028-0.165-0.463-2.798-0.964-5.581-1.488-8.352-0.204-1.074-0.424-2.142-0.638-3.212-0.341-1.722-0.688-3.441-1.052-5.152-0.284-1.33-0.581-2.653-0.879-3.976-0.314-1.398-0.636-2.793-0.966-4.185-0.356-1.5-0.72-2.997-1.094-4.487-0.282-1.126-0.576-2.248-0.869-3.369-0.441-1.689-0.884-3.379-1.348-5.057-0.187-0.677-0.384-1.346-0.575-2.021-1.964-6.944-4.113-13.8-6.461-20.548v0c-8.419-24.214-19.272-47.116-32.227-68.474zM572.673 770.061c-177.865 29.359-345.855-91.027-375.213-268.896-29.359-177.867 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24.27-9.010l61.214 109.478c3.715 9.186 18.296 11.093 26.704 7.454 7.805-5.17 12.925-12.022 12.925-21.685v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9f9;" glyph-name="hearts-card" data-tags="hearts-card" d="M914.086 709.71l-370.803 214.083c-48.285 27.877-110.031 11.332-137.909-36.953l-328.213-568.484c-27.879-48.285-11.332-110.031 36.953-137.909l370.803-214.083c48.285-27.879 110.031-11.332 137.909 36.953l328.213 568.484c27.879 48.285 11.332 110.031-36.953 137.909zM472.67 839.357c12.213 21.152 39.261 28.401 60.416 16.189s28.401-39.263 16.189-60.414c-12.213-21.153-39.261-28.401-60.416-16.189s-28.401 39.263-16.189 60.414zM553.324 46.956c-12.213-21.153-39.261-28.401-60.416-16.189s-28.401 39.261-16.189 60.414c12.213 21.153 39.261 28.401 60.416 16.189s28.401-39.261 16.189-60.414zM696.377 360.591v0c-0.398-0.254-0.807-0.498-1.208-0.75-1.422-0.892-2.86-1.769-4.313-2.629-0.583-0.344-1.166-0.69-1.754-1.029-1.771-1.024-3.556-2.031-5.371-3.010-0.352-0.19-0.713-0.374-1.067-0.563-1.61-0.857-3.237-1.697-4.879-2.522-0.528-0.266-1.056-0.531-1.587-0.793-1.929-0.95-3.875-1.884-5.845-2.793-0.302-0.139-0.61-0.274-0.914-0.413-1.792-0.819-3.603-1.619-5.426-2.402-0.459-0.197-0.919-0.398-1.381-0.593-2.073-0.879-4.161-1.739-6.268-2.578-85.779-34.081-199.204-34.849-234.277-69.726-0.084-0.080-0.174-0.159-0.256-0.241 7.434 28.296-5.558 68.426-21.41 113.634-0.127 0.362-0.257 0.733-0.386 1.096-0.952 2.713-1.914 5.444-2.882 8.192-1.711 4.858-3.433 9.747-5.16 14.7-14.374 41.206-28.582 85.438-30.646 128.087-0.087 1.794-0.154 3.585-0.195 5.372 0 0.030-0.002 0.060-0.002 0.090-0.251 10.561 0.292 21.008 1.787 31.278 0.062 0.428 0.115 0.859 0.182 1.286 0.184 1.196 0.396 2.389 0.606 3.58 0.12 0.682 0.236 1.365 0.366 2.045 0.202 1.062 0.426 2.122 0.651 3.179 0.172 0.809 0.344 1.617 0.528 2.422 0.222 0.971 0.461 1.938 0.702 2.903 0.224 0.894 0.454 1.786 0.695 2.676 0.242 0.895 0.493 1.791 0.753 2.683 0.281 0.962 0.573 1.921 0.872 2.878 0.259 0.827 0.521 1.654 0.795 2.477 0.346 1.034 0.71 2.065 1.079 3.092 0.269 0.748 0.533 1.497 0.815 2.24 0.428 1.131 0.884 2.255 1.341 3.379 0.262 0.641 0.515 1.286 0.787 1.926 0.563 1.321 1.161 2.636 1.769 3.947 0.204 0.439 0.391 0.88 0.6 1.318 0.842 1.769 1.722 3.53 2.648 5.28 0.855 1.615 1.732 3.187 2.624 4.732 0.207 0.359 0.419 0.708 0.628 1.064 0.697 1.184 1.405 2.349 2.123 3.493 0.247 0.393 0.494 0.785 0.743 1.173 0.77 1.198 1.55 2.372 2.342 3.525 0.165 0.241 0.327 0.489 0.494 0.728 0.987 1.415 1.99 2.798 3.010 4.144 0.077 0.102 0.155 0.197 0.232 0.297 0.919 1.203 1.851 2.375 2.795 3.523 0.257 0.314 0.518 0.62 0.777 0.929 0.807 0.962 1.624 1.904 2.449 2.826 0.257 0.289 0.515 0.58 0.773 0.864 1.006 1.101 2.020 2.178 3.049 3.222 0.053 0.055 0.107 0.114 0.16 0.167 1.123 1.134 2.26 2.23 3.409 3.296 0.19 0.177 0.384 0.346 0.575 0.52 0.935 0.855 1.879 1.689 2.831 2.501 0.292 0.249 0.586 0.494 0.879 0.74 0.917 0.763 1.841 1.507 2.771 2.232 0.249 0.194 0.496 0.391 0.745 0.583 2.364 1.804 4.771 3.48 7.216 5.031 0.276 0.175 0.555 0.342 0.832 0.515 0.954 0.593 1.913 1.166 2.878 1.721 0.324 0.185 0.648 0.373 0.972 0.553 1.026 0.575 2.056 1.126 3.092 1.659 0.214 0.11 0.424 0.226 0.64 0.334 1.273 0.643 2.554 1.256 3.844 1.836 0.139 0.063 0.281 0.119 0.419 0.182 1.118 0.498 2.24 0.971 3.369 1.422 0.349 0.14 0.7 0.274 1.051 0.409 0.961 0.371 1.923 0.725 2.89 1.064 0.352 0.124 0.707 0.251 1.061 0.369 1.153 0.389 2.309 0.755 3.468 1.098 0.134 0.040 0.266 0.085 0.401 0.124 1.303 0.379 2.611 0.725 3.922 1.047 0.324 0.080 0.65 0.149 0.976 0.226 0.981 0.231 1.963 0.446 2.947 0.645 0.424 0.085 0.849 0.167 1.275 0.247 0.934 0.175 1.869 0.334 2.806 0.483 0.394 0.062 0.79 0.129 1.184 0.187 1.295 0.187 2.593 0.356 3.892 0.489 0.139 0.015 0.277 0.022 0.416 0.037 1.163 0.115 2.327 0.209 3.493 0.284 0.463 0.030 0.927 0.048 1.392 0.072 0.857 0.042 1.714 0.075 2.569 0.095 0.506 0.012 1.011 0.022 1.517 0.027 0.872 0.007 1.744-0.002 2.616-0.017 0.449-0.008 0.899-0.008 1.348-0.022 1.245-0.038 2.489-0.099 3.73-0.182 0.474-0.032 0.947-0.080 1.42-0.119 0.82-0.067 1.642-0.139 2.461-0.226 0.578-0.062 1.154-0.13 1.732-0.202 0.723-0.089 1.445-0.187 2.167-0.291 0.593-0.085 1.188-0.17 1.779-0.267 0.753-0.122 1.503-0.259 2.253-0.398 0.778-0.144 1.555-0.292 2.332-0.453 0.92-0.19 1.839-0.388 2.755-0.605 0.643-0.152 1.283-0.319 1.923-0.481 0.615-0.157 1.229-0.316 1.841-0.483 0.672-0.184 1.343-0.376 2.011-0.573 0.57-0.169 1.139-0.344 1.707-0.521 0.687-0.215 1.373-0.428 2.055-0.656 0.515-0.172 1.024-0.357 1.537-0.538 1.325-0.466 2.643-0.956 3.954-1.473 0.456-0.179 0.912-0.354 1.365-0.54 0.735-0.302 1.467-0.618 2.198-0.935 0.453-0.197 0.905-0.396 1.355-0.598 0.742-0.334 1.482-0.675 2.218-1.026 0.396-0.189 0.787-0.384 1.181-0.578 2.611-1.283 5.183-2.669 7.708-4.159 0.302-0.179 0.605-0.352 0.905-0.533 0.773-0.466 1.54-0.944 2.304-1.43 0.317-0.202 0.635-0.406 0.95-0.611 0.782-0.508 1.562-1.019 2.334-1.547 0.177-0.12 0.351-0.247 0.528-0.369 2.613-1.807 5.163-3.73 7.644-5.763 0.221-0.18 0.443-0.361 0.662-0.543 0.76-0.631 1.512-1.275 2.258-1.928 0.205-0.179 0.408-0.361 0.611-0.543 2.541-2.257 5.003-4.629 7.368-7.125 0.015-0.015 0.028-0.030 0.043-0.045 0.73-0.772 1.448-1.559 2.16-2.352 0.174-0.194 0.349-0.389 0.523-0.585 0.697-0.785 1.385-1.58 2.063-2.387 0.114-0.135 0.226-0.274 0.339-0.409 2.188-2.629 4.28-5.369 6.263-8.217 0.094-0.134 0.187-0.266 0.281-0.399 0.611-0.885 1.211-1.782 1.801-2.688 0.145-0.222 0.289-0.448 0.433-0.672 0.593-0.922 1.179-1.853 1.751-2.796 11.386-18.81 18.328-41.708 18.454-67.768 22.515 13.143 45.141 19.134 66.313 19.406v-0.005c18.668 0.239 36.201-3.977 51.519-11.68 0.020-0.010 0.040-0.020 0.058-0.030 0.984-0.494 1.956-1.006 2.922-1.53 0.055-0.030 0.109-0.058 0.164-0.089 0.934-0.508 1.856-1.031 2.771-1.567 0.085-0.050 0.17-0.1 0.256-0.15 0.887-0.523 1.767-1.057 2.638-1.604 0.107-0.067 0.214-0.135 0.321-0.202 0.849-0.536 1.689-1.086 2.519-1.644 0.124-0.084 0.247-0.169 0.373-0.252 0.812-0.551 1.615-1.114 2.41-1.687 0.137-0.099 0.272-0.199 0.409-0.299 0.78-0.568 1.552-1.144 2.315-1.732 0.144-0.11 0.284-0.222 0.426-0.334 0.752-0.586 1.495-1.179 2.23-1.784 0.147-0.122 0.292-0.246 0.439-0.368 0.725-0.603 1.443-1.214 2.15-1.836 0.147-0.13 0.292-0.262 0.438-0.394 0.7-0.623 1.395-1.253 2.078-1.894 0.144-0.135 0.282-0.274 0.426-0.409 0.68-0.646 1.355-1.296 2.016-1.961 0.13-0.13 0.257-0.266 0.386-0.398 0.668-0.678 1.331-1.36 1.981-2.056 0.092-0.099 0.182-0.202 0.274-0.302 2.725-2.942 5.274-6.044 7.642-9.288 0.222-0.304 0.451-0.601 0.67-0.907 0.334-0.468 0.653-0.945 0.979-1.418 0.332-0.483 0.67-0.962 0.996-1.452 0.279-0.419 0.545-0.849 0.817-1.273 0.356-0.555 0.717-1.108 1.062-1.67 0.244-0.396 0.478-0.8 0.715-1.199 0.359-0.601 0.72-1.203 1.066-1.812 0.217-0.383 0.426-0.772 0.64-1.158 0.352-0.638 0.705-1.276 1.044-1.923 0.195-0.373 0.384-0.752 0.575-1.128 0.341-0.67 0.68-1.34 1.006-2.018 0.175-0.366 0.346-0.735 0.518-1.104 0.327-0.7 0.651-1.403 0.962-2.111 0.155-0.354 0.306-0.712 0.458-1.067 0.312-0.733 0.62-1.47 0.917-2.212 0.137-0.344 0.271-0.692 0.404-1.037 0.296-0.763 0.583-1.53 0.86-2.302 0.12-0.336 0.237-0.672 0.354-1.009 0.276-0.793 0.543-1.59 0.8-2.394 0.104-0.324 0.205-0.65 0.306-0.976 0.256-0.825 0.499-1.654 0.735-2.487 0.089-0.312 0.175-0.625 0.261-0.939 0.234-0.859 0.456-1.721 0.667-2.589 0.072-0.296 0.144-0.591 0.214-0.887 0.21-0.899 0.409-1.802 0.598-2.71 0.057-0.272 0.114-0.543 0.169-0.815 0.187-0.944 0.361-1.894 0.523-2.848 0.042-0.242 0.085-0.484 0.125-0.728 0.162-0.996 0.309-1.996 0.443-3.002 0.028-0.209 0.058-0.416 0.085-0.623 0.135-1.061 0.252-2.128 0.357-3.201 0.015-0.155 0.033-0.311 0.048-0.468 0.107-1.148 0.194-2.302 0.264-3.461 0.005-0.084 0.012-0.167 0.017-0.251 0.219-3.784 0.244-7.629 0.063-11.53l0.005 0.008c-0.815-17.575-5.797-36.241-15.846-55.199-11.199-21.115-28.059-37.442-48.352-50.393z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9fd;" 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0.348 2.045 0.698 4.044 1.042 5.982 0.027 0.149 0.054 0.294 0.079 0.442 0.142 0.791 0.283 1.569 0.423 2.339 0.032 0.177 0.065 0.356 0.097 0.532 0.326 1.774 0.648 3.479 0.965 5.102 0.040 0.204 0.079 0.403 0.119 0.604 0.12 0.609 0.239 1.205 0.356 1.787 0.042 0.202 0.082 0.407 0.122 0.606 0.152 0.745 0.305 1.474 0.453 2.17 76.825-25.873 157.713-38.92 239.552-38.444 81.808-0.445 162.696 12.571 239.521 38.444 0.146-0.681 0.293-1.394 0.442-2.122 0.052-0.249 0.102-0.505 0.154-0.76 0.102-0.502 0.204-1.014 0.306-1.534 0.057-0.286 0.112-0.571 0.169-0.863 0.131-0.664 0.259-1.344 0.392-2.035 0.054-0.279 0.107-0.564 0.161-0.848 0.117-0.622 0.234-1.253 0.353-1.894 0.069-0.371 0.137-0.75 0.206-1.128 0.089-0.492 0.179-0.987 0.269-1.487 0.070-0.393 0.142-0.786 0.212-1.186 0.109-0.606 0.216-1.221 0.325-1.841 0.104-0.594 0.209-1.195 0.313-1.799 0.090-0.517 0.179-1.036 0.269-1.559 0.082-0.477 0.162-0.955 0.244-1.437 0.075-0.443 0.151-0.888 0.226-1.335 0.087-0.517 0.174-1.034 0.261-1.556 0.077-0.457 0.152-0.919 0.229-1.379 0.141-0.85 0.281-1.703 0.422-2.56 0.077-0.474 0.156-0.947 0.233-1.424 0.085-0.529 0.171-1.057 0.256-1.588 0.072-0.448 0.144-0.895 0.216-1.344 0.080-0.507 0.162-1.012 0.243-1.519 0.115-0.723 0.229-1.447 0.343-2.17 0.089-0.557 0.176-1.114 0.263-1.672 0.092-0.586 0.184-1.171 0.274-1.757 0.070-0.447 0.139-0.892 0.207-1.337 0.087-0.557 0.172-1.113 0.258-1.667 0.065-0.427 0.132-0.853 0.197-1.278 0.137-0.897 0.274-1.79 0.408-2.675 0.042-0.276 0.084-0.549 0.125-0.823 0.11-0.73 0.221-1.456 0.33-2.177 0.040-0.266 0.080-0.532 0.12-0.798 0.122-0.818 0.244-1.63 0.365-2.431 0.020-0.131 0.040-0.264 0.059-0.395 2.294-15.39 3.945-27.492 3.945-27.492s-60.336-51.829-207.949-60.463z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9ff;" glyph-name="help" data-tags="help" d="M511.992 928.008c-265.111 0-480-214.915-480-480 0-265.111 214.889-480 480-480s480 214.915 480 480-214.889 480-480 480zM511.992 807.99c198.827 0 360.006-161.18 360.006-360.006s-161.18-360.006-360.006-360.006-360.006 161.18-360.006 360.006c0.025 198.827 161.18 360.006 360.006 360.006zM511.992 748.010c-132.543 0-240.013-80.59-240.013-180.003 0-60.009 119.994-60.009 119.994 0 0 33.129 53.735 60.009 119.994 60.009 66.284 0 119.994-26.855 119.994-60.009 0-33.129-60.009-29.992-119.994-60.009-3.74-1.882-6.952-4.267-9.387-6.576-49.569-31.398-50.623-85.283-50.623-113.443v-29.992c0-33.23 26.755-60.009 60.009-60.009 33.23 0 60.009 26.755 60.009 60.009v29.992c0 90.002 180.003 80.59 180.003 180.003 0.025 99.438-107.42 180.028-239.987 180.028zM511.992 268.010c33.129 0 60.009-26.855 60.009-60.009 0-33.129-26.855-60.009-60.009-60.009-33.129 0-60.009 26.855-60.009 60.009 0.025 33.129 26.88 60.009 60.009 60.009z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea0b;" glyph-name="hydra" data-tags="hydra" d="M617.97 911.832c66.867-13.985 108.928-43.601 131.513-78.297-30.92 5.287-61.214 8.979-90.842 11.095l-37.683 34.783-38.459-32.831c-15.046-0.334-29.888-1.118-44.53-2.327l-58.817 32.347-29.786-45.554c-16.163-3.543-32.030-7.674-47.58-12.408l-58.826 29.88-22.586-61.435c-17.545-8.382-34.594-17.647-51.138-27.773l-65.275 10.586-0.892-57.989c-12.627-10.492-24.885-21.576-36.75-33.271h-70.466l7.133-73.108c-8.76-11.812-17.224-24.055-25.393-36.715l-40.709 7.327v-78.798c-0.030-0.060-0.062-0.119-0.092-0.179l0.005-0.003v-522.113h36.943c46.97 185.63 188.824 260.412 337.387 170.255 84.112-51.045 187.29-124.41 297.658-82.226-1.801-15.866-6.533-31.161-13.776-45.001l190.387-38.359c5.967 15.469 11.124 31.376 15.198 47.051-7.105-4.574-20.699-9.515-39.525-6.568-82.468 12.918-66.142 107.872-1.011 116.604 21.796 2.91 42.211-6.41 55.015-22.443l36.507 77.617c-135.977-12.134-258.816 61.522-394.317 33.276l0.005-0.002c70.821-14.809 113.809-47.157 135.31-84.504-14.642-1.128-28.786-1.191-42.473-0.312l-21.624 20.457-27.219-12.853c-11.937 3.037-23.453 6.899-34.582 11.493l-15.422 30.839-21.741-11.905c-14.281 8.75-27.82 18.83-40.641 30.109l-3.608 53.4-38.847-10.045c-14.986 15.226-30.244 27.324-45.662 36.628l-2.542 39.403-47.65-18.748c-23.39 5.394-46.867 5.245-70.051 0.511 88.308 180.505 267.723 184.475 361.069 128.874-10.437-11.341-22.769-20.647-36.223-27.488l132.906-141.613c13.833 9.148 27.252 19.114 39.66 29.531-8.441 0.409-28.241 10.035-34.868 16.13-68.949 63.371 14.151 127.44 65.621 97.034 18.938-11.187 30.682-29.691 31.824-50.176l69.36 47.62c-117.837 68.929-169.867 194.617-296.653 250.135l-0.007-0.002c46.117-49.864 63.291-98.104 61.811-139.311-17.831 13.484-37.158 24.198-57.606 32.362l-27.595 42.423-36.311-25.483c-10.369 1.513-20.896 2.517-31.554 3.025l-38.093 36.087-30.449-39.263c-15.821-2.13-31.736-5.187-47.642-9.126l-31.425 25.924-19.498-41.538c-13.955-5.098-27.808-10.825-41.485-17.166l-47.131 16.583-17.248-51.74c-24.462-15.502-47.846-32.922-69.612-52.022 68.81 274.962 412.677 341.797 589.238 302.731-2.238-13.576-6.632-26.636-12.896-38.608l190.387-38.359c5.967 15.47 11.124 31.366 15.198 47.046-7.105-4.569-14.967-10.628-23.886-9.411-92.462 12.6-87.469 109.292-16.653 119.451 21.77 3.134 42.211-6.418 55.019-22.443 1.996 20.335 3.59 71.216 4.347 91.692-135.98-12.138-226.655 47.435-362.15 19.207z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea0c;" glyph-name="ice-cube" data-tags="ice-cube" d="M942.185 733.888l-400.955 157.455c-51.821 21.345-80.027 18.43-125.997 0.966l-313.995-113.826c-41.899-15.27-43.1-23.605-44.612-66.433l-14.789-467.318c-2.41-54.945-1.31-66.259 46.421-86.977l370.9-162.575c38.62-16.554 63.752-15.286 90.267-6.431l363.299 112.924c43.832 14.568 49.971 19.177 51.638 73.521l15.355 499.55c1.321 34.684-11.348 49.297-37.532 59.145zM507.43 246.564c-15.539-219.26-17.562-219.351-256.516-118.38-146.058 61.712-173.352 81.556-170.119 177.633l10.95 325.341c2.534 75.298 6.396 81.867 154.161 16.035 281.39-125.369 280.598-131.518 261.524-400.63zM448.271 599.893l-221.71 97.026c-69.024 30.2-89.223 54.872 35.636 100.068 215.463 77.994 216.508 77.857 390.921 10.085 190.778-74.122 263.001-107.43 139.159-155.623-147.763-57.504-255.94-90.094-344.006-51.556zM934.371 420.573c-8.22-269.823-18.064-279.916-240.349-346.879-140.607-42.345-162.727-51.147-157.694 24.025l21.948 327.819c6.423 95.914 15.121 102.793 189.286 167.485 190.611 70.798 193.798 56.905 186.809-172.45zM306.158 489.438c-9.878-119.018-143.519-26.429-191.279-133.030-63.655-142.085 117.93-196.11 230.432-242.81 97.616-40.522 137.039 9.72 140.929 131.972 8.351 262.607-168.028 389.15-180.082 243.867v0zM654.511 110.018c173.535-9.211 272.549 114.755 254.119 370.883-8.695 120.84-138.868 113.407-128.752-5.539 4.721-55.528-42.609-161.982-109.672-171.12-131.83-17.956-137.604-187.756-15.694-194.234l-0.002 0.010zM709.291 536.702c-149.265-8.381-142.137-100.115-96.757-157.693 105.409-133.748 253.15 166.476 96.757 157.693zM579.614 609.067c289.891 56.731 260.859 145.238 25.199 176.506-216.774 28.761-227.893-216.173-25.199-176.506z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea12;" glyph-name="jigsaw-piece" data-tags="jigsaw-piece" d="M984.699 161.656l-60.626 226.254c-28.707 36.208-84.18 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22.034 35.387 55.249-34.4 35.86 52.333-75.298 46.883 22.034 35.387 29.863-18.594zM197.871 63.131c-36.326 0-65.775 29.449-65.775 65.773s29.447 65.773 65.775 65.773 65.775-29.449 65.775-65.773c-0.002-36.326-29.449-65.773-65.775-65.773z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea19;" glyph-name="knife" data-tags="knife" d="M467.253 692.519l-1.228-1.109c-60.817 104.687-138.192 195.873-260.781 252.16-42.976 19.733-75.591-12.946-92.822-51.329-67.684-150.777 169.755 3.089 293.551-255.071l-0.491-0.444c-9.164-65.412-98.815-131.745-179.649-134.314 155.254-370.173 512.917-637.327 763.284-476.528-329.088 112.605-386.461 421.803-521.864 666.636z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea1d;" glyph-name="large-hammer" data-tags="large-hammer" d="M858.809 565.015l-22.627-39.176-144.606 83.455 41.122 71.217-202.017 116.482-41.077-71.139-133.494 77.042 22.627 39.173-119.661 69.057-215.867-373.738 119.661-69.057 23.6 40.86 133.533-77.062-41.167-71.296 35.062-20.216-223.818-387.271h177.252l178.946 310.94 34.575-19.935 41.122 71.217 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224.233-231.651-529.919-725.274-651.082 406.167-251.603 1192.676 113.245 846.43 537.029zM825.227 900.939c20.091 9.774 44.48 10.349 62.972-6.996 10.554-99.306-21.77-309.203-149.265-455.959 97.235 177.214 104.361 305.538 86.293 462.952v0.003z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea2d;" glyph-name="lightning-bolt" data-tags="lightning-bolt" d="M751.997 538.010h-240v389.998l-240-570.002h240v-389.998l240 570.002z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea30;" glyph-name="lightning-trio" data-tags="lightning-trio" d="M108.325 835.293l502.495-669.507-9.737 119.345 334.602-265.024-368.817 556.926 9.737-119.345-468.28 377.605zM154.981 862.677l534.951-234.022-34.35 73.432 269.994-27.688-361.378 203.188 34.35-73.431-443.566 58.52zM72.826 776.803l66.027-572.376 46.351 73.905 123.197-252.076-17.378 436.231-46.351-73.905-171.847 388.221z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea34;" glyph-name="load" data-tags="load" d="M302.94 652.513h96.971c8.511 0 15.41 8.897 15.41 19.87v139.967c0 10.975-6.899 19.87-15.41 19.87h-96.971c-8.511 0-15.41-8.895-15.41-19.87v-139.967c0-10.975 6.899-19.87 15.41-19.87zM830.643 211.235v255.582h-255.582v-255.582h-127.791l255.582-255.582 255.582 255.582zM227.627 137.355c-8.822 0-15.975 7.151-15.975 15.975v367.399c0 8.822 7.151 15.975 15.975 15.975h567.074c8.822 0 15.975-7.151 15.975-15.975v-17.161h49.713v-275.413h50.124v476.274c0 8.845-134.916 143.766-143.766 143.766h-151.717c5.399-2.198 9.169-7.151 9.169-12.919v-197.797c0-7.808-6.899-14.137-15.41-14.137h-339.014c-8.511 0-15.41 6.329-15.41 14.137v197.797c0 5.768 3.77 10.721 9.169 12.919h-135.743c-8.85 0-15.975-7.125-15.975-15.975v-766.747c0-8.85 7.125-15.975 15.975-15.975h461.169l-87.857 87.857h-273.476z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea3a;" glyph-name="match" data-tags="match" d="M931.576 740.522c1.189-27.573-2.501-54.902-12.33-81.337-20.714 79.164-61.296 189.28-181.56 240.937-31.694 11.062-66.812 19.020-105.527 23.206h-0.005c81.369-99.224 55.207-173.111 10.644-245.040 1.602 85.7-74.278 116.049-166.252 88.006 142.645-0.286 126.811-107.323 94.372-201.847-16.778-32.27-28.553-66.37-28.553-104.070 0-42.228 13.446-76.934 37.048-103.68l-543.981-332.459v-47.809h119.776l526.587 327.842c10.638-3.784 22.080-5.862 34.013-5.862 56.183 0 101.73 45.669 101.73 102.002s-45.547 102.002-101.73 102.002-101.73-45.669-101.73-102.002c0-7.263 0.77-14.344 2.21-21.178l-19.331-11.814c-4.492 18.768-4.697 39.709 0.221 62.633 20.33 94.794 104.069 144.372 141.1 223.897 19.155-35.309 48.434-60.556 76.965-60.638 38.808-0.112 60.187 45.074 50.146 101.456 82.668-118.964 56.562-303.301-23.325-387.157 131.374 59.983 178.273 273.326 89.514 432.911z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea49;" glyph-name="musket" data-tags="musket" d="M897.343 785.22c-59.761 96.649-133.205 159.56-164.040 140.525-3.934-2.427-6.978-6.079-9.183-10.79-109.232-201.538-263.138-307.116-439.253-416.507-69.66-4.103-114.74-45.806-131.364-92.977l-46.701 46.608c-1.515-22.276 14.004-47.677 42.189-62.626-0.613-2.888-1.133-5.785-1.535-8.68h-0.002v-0.002c-79.783-57.426-153.876-192.412-87.763-350.215 59.173-141.244 293.42-64.676 230.044 45.928-30.022 52.391-58.393 105.948-43.895 155.015 84.67-39.373 167.271 27.022 150.434 110.378 5.469 1.787 11.105 3.556 16.93 5.302 0.895 16.519 1.61 33.257 0.66 49.334 159.497 94.44 315.529 168.848 519.36 176.049 6.319-0.653 11.882 0.349 16.488 3.192 30.835 19.035 7.387 112.824-52.369 209.464z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea4d;" glyph-name="nuclear" data-tags="nuclear" d="M510.824 693.139c-216.057 0-537.114 191.797-486.248-270.206h0.002c18.191-165.237 158.907-257.388 281.64-214.061 65.837 23.241 147.986 177.591 204.608 177.591s138.771-154.352 204.608-177.591c122.73-43.324 260.99 49.197 281.64 214.061 58.022 463.294-276.831 270.206-486.25 270.206zM143.746 535.698c86.657 85.49 173.317 78.315 259.974 0-86.657-109.164-216.645-73.967-259.974 0zM608.331 535.698c86.659 78.315 173.317 85.49 259.974 0-43.329-73.967-173.317-109.164-259.974 0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea50;" glyph-name="octopus" data-tags="octopus" d="M961.047 415.172c-45.18 48.407-108.985 59.937-134.794-26.206 60.276 40.115 121.348-53.56 67.691-95.015-43.828-33.864-122.86-38.182-172.647-10.955-61.48 33.618-107.338 75.465-140.081 132.819 113.94-27.316 238.767 2.17 285.517 90.568 127.009 240.161-126.692 401.373-227.647 243.321-35.645-55.802-19.603-122.827 70.195-118.016-58.121 43.185-3.799 127.001 53.343 90.503 46.68-29.816 44.941-103.594 19.494-154.315-30.272-60.342-120.939-101.306-189.802-49.296-68.13 129.226-18.806 324.603-215.874 388.514-290.529 94.225-389.095-350.662-35.315-410.494 0.003-0.005 0.007-0.008 0.010-0.013-58.924-1.051-110.607-16.192-183.254-51.863-196.205-96.343-156.55-409.164 43.543-375.285 68.845 11.658 102.261 100.531 1.754 130.581 32.977-59.123-55.859-94.053-83.689-3.874-22.486 72.861 42.22 149.579 104.765 169.718 60.902 19.611 110.318 21.666 164.684 11.647-73.053-68.386-112.901-160.631-84.604-246.812 88.899-270.747 383.659-164.812 325.151 13.374-20.659 62.912-82.707 92.903-135.804 20.323 70.215 17.677 100.743-77.425 36.324-98.575-52.623-17.281-120.207 27.010-131.827 82.551-15.614 74.645 39.425 154.155 109.314 190.217 44.281-70.634 77.545-97.188 166.222-144.123 171.406-90.718 425.207 72.963 287.331 220.706z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea54;" glyph-name="overhead" data-tags="overhead" d="M39.019 715.237c212.502 0 221.116-2.872 221.116-2.872 274.075 445.429 491.062-160.64 519.191-379.9l-80.285-0.348 157.064-274.176 150.828 273.335-78.112 3.221c-180.185 628.712-663.127 656.411-889.801 380.74v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea59;" glyph-name="perspective-dice-five" data-tags="perspective-dice-five" d="M867.542 696.107l-305.007 176.435c-28.637 16.566-75.066 16.566-103.705 0l-305.007-176.435c-22.526-13.031-27.321-32.427-14.408-48.176l347.368-198.342c17.959-3.571 37.83-3.012 55.169 1.716l335.625 192.061c18.058 16.406 14.725 38.419-10.036 52.742zM318.766 641.088c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.915 38.753 0 53.537 24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.782 24.917-38.752 0-53.537zM556.72 499.9c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.915 38.753 0 53.537 24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.917-38.753 0-53.537zM466.488 694.106c24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.917-38.753 0-53.537s-65.314-14.784-90.229 0c-24.917 14.784-24.917 38.753 0 53.537zM556.72 781.236c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.915 38.753 0 53.537 24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.917-38.753 0-53.537zM793.795 640.567c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0s-24.915 38.753 0 53.537c24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.915-38.752 0-53.537zM888.516 634.228l-355.188-203.256c-5.419-7.536-10.056-15.801-13.676-24.312h1.727v-381.977c9.445-9.338 24.636-10.166 41.772-0.271l293.385 169.418c28.649 16.544 51.875 56.774 51.875 89.858v314.883c0 19.145-7.789 31.682-19.895 35.658zM642.948 164.619c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.524 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM642.948 409.639c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.524-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.067 0-0.132 0-0.195zM754.765 229.176c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM754.765 474.196c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.524 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM866.583 293.733c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.524-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM866.583 538.753c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903 24.812 14.379 44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833 0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM503.701 404.74c-4.215 10.409-9.978 20.502-16.833 29.414l-351.232 200.547c-13.015-3.368-21.491-16.153-21.491-36.129v-314.883c0-33.084 23.225-73.314 51.875-89.858l293.385-169.418c18.756-10.831 35.185-8.822 44.296 3.14v377.186zM245.83 241.663c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.067 0-0.13 0-0.195zM245.83 486.683c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.067 0-0.132 0-0.195zM469.465 112.547c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM469.465 357.567c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea5a;" glyph-name="perspective-dice-four" data-tags="perspective-dice-four" d="M867.542 696.107l-305.007 176.435c-28.637 16.566-75.066 16.566-103.705 0l-305.007-176.435c-20.366-11.78-26.233-28.766-17.632-43.553l357.488-204.12c11.961-1.64 24.491-1.537 36.373 0.337l354.606 202.922c9.341 14.986 3.645 32.404-17.117 44.413zM318.766 641.088c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.915 38.753 0 53.537 24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.782 24.917-38.752 0-53.537zM556.72 499.9c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.915 38.753 0 53.537 24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.917-38.753 0-53.537zM556.72 781.236c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.915 38.753 0 53.537 24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.917-38.753 0-53.537zM793.795 640.567c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0s-24.915 38.753 0 53.537c24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.915-38.752 0-53.537zM883.099 635.405l-343.703-196.683c-7.814-9.173-14.451-19.905-19.324-31.103v-381.558c9.313-10.623 25.131-12.017 43.080-1.652l293.385 169.418c28.649 16.544 51.875 56.774 51.875 89.858v314.884c0 21.87-10.155 35.132-25.313 36.836zM642.948 164.619c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.524 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM642.948 409.639c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.524-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.067 0-0.132 0-0.195zM754.772 352.399c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM866.583 293.733c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.524-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM866.583 538.753c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903 24.812 14.379 44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833 0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM502.393 407.837c-4.978 11.379-11.775 22.272-19.775 31.525l-343.326 196.033c-15.068-1.781-25.147-15.029-25.147-36.822v-314.883c0-33.084 23.225-73.314 51.875-89.858l293.385-169.418c17.889-10.33 33.663-8.98 42.988 1.544v381.878zM245.83 241.663c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.067 0-0.13 0-0.195zM245.83 364.881c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM245.83 486.683c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.067 0-0.132 0-0.195zM469.465 112.547c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM469.465 235.766c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM469.465 357.567c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea5b;" glyph-name="perspective-dice-one" data-tags="perspective-dice-one" d="M867.542 696.107l-305.007 176.435c-28.637 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411.711c-5.282 11.028-12.255 21.461-20.31 30.217l-339.118 193.633c-16.123-0.849-27.063-14.284-27.063-36.988v-314.883c0-33.084 23.225-73.314 51.875-89.858l293.385-169.418c16.815-9.71 31.754-9.091 41.234-0.242v387.538h-0.003zM245.83 486.683c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.067 0-0.132 0-0.195zM357.64 300.329c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0.002-0.067 0.002-0.132 0-0.195zM469.465 112.547c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea5c;" glyph-name="perspective-dice-random" data-tags="perspective-dice-random" d="M501.631 406.023h1.544c-3.658 8.745-8.401 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0l-305.007-176.435c-24.432-14.132-28.002-35.753-10.744-52.085l338.49-193.274c18.671-4.666 40.006-4.634 58.639 0.104l338.857 193.91c16.376 16.242 12.54 37.427-11.523 51.345zM521.766 626.657l-7.37 4.129c-8.222 4.605-13.469 9.812-15.743 15.617-2.374 5.862-1.978 15.183 1.188 27.965l3.042 11.478c1.771 6.834 1.944 12.437 0.518 16.807-1.303 4.438-4.261 7.948-8.874 10.532-7.019 3.932-15.425 5.346-25.217 4.241-9.893-1.049-20.109-4.525-30.65-10.43-9.926-5.561-18.945-12.524-27.057-20.888-8.21-8.307-15.258-17.817-21.142-28.528l-47.226 26.459c10.618 10.668 21.051 19.996 31.301 27.985s21.075 15.176 32.471 21.562c29.903 16.753 57.712 26.716 83.425 29.886 25.613 3.227 47.996-0.525 67.148-11.252 9.826-5.506 16.26-11.787 19.302-18.846 2.942-7.003 3.114-16.232 0.518-27.685l-3.192-11.394c-2.116-8.152-2.557-14.015-1.321-17.592 1.136-3.52 3.961-6.545 8.473-9.072l6.769-3.792-66.363-37.183zM597.568 584.19l-53.544 29.997 66.363 37.18 53.544-29.997-66.363-37.18zM887.91 634.428l-353.92-202.53c-5.872-8.010-10.871-16.877-14.68-26.014v-378.888c9.196-11.451 25.388-13.238 43.842-2.583l293.385 169.418c28.649 16.544 51.875 56.774 51.875 89.858v314.881c0 19.464-8.047 32.108-20.502 35.858zM740.711 202.228l-58.557-33.807v61.368l58.557 33.809v-61.37zM790.508 395.435c-4.218-11.284-11.409-24.975-21.572-41.072l-10.382-15.819c-7.353-11.371-12.166-19.895-14.436-25.573-2.27-5.563-3.406-10.932-3.406-16.102v-7.758l-58.557-33.807v8.448c0 9.423 1.784 18.786 5.352 28.086 3.568 9.415 11.084 23.063 22.546 40.943l10.38 15.991c6.164 9.535 10.651 17.757 13.462 24.666 2.92 6.973 4.38 13.102 4.38 18.389 0 8.045-2.596 12.809-7.786 14.294-5.19 1.6-12.437-0.286-21.736-5.655-8.76-5.058-18.222-12.473-28.386-22.251-10.165-9.662-20.762-21.469-31.792-35.422v54.128c13.085 12.382 25.034 22.842 35.847 31.385 10.813 8.541 21.248 15.716 31.306 21.522 26.385 15.233 46.499 21.1 60.341 17.6 13.842-3.386 20.762-16.055 20.762-38.005 0.003-11.261-2.105-22.591-6.323-33.989z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea5d;" glyph-name="perspective-dice-six-two" data-tags="perspective-dice-six-two" d="M503.93 404.175c-4.261 10.681-10.163 21.048-17.206 30.165l-332.586 199.443c-22.921 7.031-39.993-6.851-39.993-35.21v-314.883c0-33.084 23.225-73.314 51.875-89.858l293.385-169.418c18.918-10.923 35.464-8.782 44.526 3.455v376.306h-0.002zM357.64 300.329c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0.002-0.067 0.002-0.132 0-0.195zM867.542 696.107l-305.007 176.435c-28.637 16.566-75.066 16.566-103.705 0l-305.007-176.435c-14.715-8.513-21.848-19.742-21.441-30.897l361.542-216.806c11.795-1.592 24.135-1.495 35.852 0.326l348.741 195.505c16.999 16.307 13.349 37.801-10.977 51.872zM556.72 499.9c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.915 38.753 0 53.537 24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.917-38.753 0-53.537zM556.72 781.236c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.915 38.753 0 53.537 24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.917-38.753 0-53.537zM891.112 633.224l-355.659-199.384c-9.637-12.607-17.106-27.536-21.056-42.383v-355.797c7.25-18.8 26.342-24.19 48.754-11.247l293.385 169.418c28.649 16.544 51.875 56.774 51.875 89.858v314.883c0 17.742-6.685 29.815-17.299 34.654zM642.948 164.619c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.524 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM754.772 352.399c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM866.583 538.753c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903 24.812 14.379 44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833 0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea5e;" 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352.399c0.048-27.541-20.027-61.525-44.839-75.903s-44.966-3.708-45.014 23.833c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195-0.048 27.541 20.027 61.525 44.839 75.903s44.966 3.708 45.014-23.833c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195zM867.542 696.107l-305.007 176.435c-28.637 16.566-75.066 16.566-103.705 0l-305.007-176.435c-20.375-11.787-26.238-28.781-17.62-43.573l357.443-204.095c10.749-1.477 21.958-1.55 32.746-0.187l359.609 205.786c7.38 14.43 1.226 30.682-18.46 42.069zM318.766 641.088c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.915 38.753 0 53.537 24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.782 24.917-38.752 0-53.537zM556.717 640.569c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0-24.917 14.784-24.917 38.753 0 53.537s65.314 14.784 90.229 0c24.917-14.784 24.917-38.753 0-53.537zM793.795 640.567c-24.917-14.784-65.314-14.784-90.229 0s-24.915 38.753 0 53.537c24.917 14.784 65.314 14.784 90.229 0 24.917-14.784 24.915-38.752 0-53.537zM501.003 410.927c-4.821 10.245-11.099 20.002-18.364 28.41l-343.367 196.057c-15.056-1.791-25.127-15.038-25.127-36.821v-314.883c0-33.084 23.225-73.314 51.875-89.858l293.385-169.418c17.029-9.834 32.142-9.084 41.598 0.089v386.424zM245.83 241.663c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.067 0-0.13 0-0.195zM469.465 357.567c-0.048-27.541-20.203-38.212-45.014-23.833s-44.887 48.362-44.839 75.903c0 0.065 0 0.13 0 0.195 0.048 27.541 20.203 38.212 45.014 23.833s44.887-48.362 44.839-75.903c0-0.065 0-0.13 0-0.195z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea72;" glyph-name="potion" data-tags="potion" d="M925.171 431.334c-10.187 51.091-54.508 69.159-95.845 61.094v196.306l22.917 18.674-12.669 8.907 61.764 63.847c-0.002 66.979-113.333 145.401-184.186 129.495l-39.179-79.723-15.016 10.557-33.525-95.212c0.349-0.797 0.718-1.574 1.076-2.364-105.652-172.69-304.208-206.845-454.12-260.081-157.24-55.847-61.228-328.739 77.371-426.174s427.975-95.468 427.325 71.398c-0.62 159.245-35.731 357.845 91.585 515.752 0.444-0.052 0.875-0.115 1.321-0.165l38.693 31.529v-187.491c-39.674-15.003-71.374-54.992-58.425-113.18l48.701-255.136 170.908 56.821-48.698 255.146zM580.929 59.030l-152.162-23.626-159.884 51.673-107.101 131.62-33.548 171.614h518.724l2.581-251.62-68.61-79.662zM837.938 360.123c-26.965 0-48.825 21.856-48.825 48.823s21.86 48.823 48.825 48.823c26.965 0 48.825-21.856 48.825-48.823s-21.861-48.823-48.825-48.823z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea75;" glyph-name="quill-ink" data-tags="quill-ink" d="M992.273 931.906c-189.98-6.983-344.077-48.068-461.856-111.437l-58.821-98.351-9.923 56.058c-21.025-14.772-40.509-30.379-58.473-46.713l-29.359-90.007-10.070 50.301c-87.16-97.557-126.152-215.543-116.307-336.136h-147.264v-98.030h80.607l-86.492-75.938-44.458-169.683 29.036-31.686h353.851l29.036 31.686-44.46 169.685-81.857 75.936h70.579v98.030h-129.752c51.076 26.462 100.668 63.074 149.773 105.388l-59.591-3.105 0.55 0.611 106.985 45.545c93.52 87.102 186.487 189.584 285.942 275.994l-48.918 10.357 113.118 42.131c53.53 40.816 109.231 75.445 168.121 99.363z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea7a;" glyph-name="raven" data-tags="raven" d="M807.919 841.029c-17.659 43.456-65.143 74.632-122.442 74.632-114.471 0-122.285-72.236-181.916-109.616-194.492 69.036-237.76-288.279-164.423-504.932-30.742-63.744-61.351-151.555-87.463-269.379 113.467-61.218 237.845-77.226 363.832-19.822-12.382 75.303-28.335 137.512-43.885 190.456 49.966 25.217 119.021 29.118 172.742-28.744 0.511 61.303-43.801 85.169-90.359 84.573l-41.299 87.232c88.405 91.226 156.069 204.105 122.314 320.646-20.572 76.775 116.248 124.236 244.32 107.316-48.962 42.26-111.808 60.862-171.421 67.639zM546.457 283.617c17.5 14.896 34.948 30.702 51.828 47.291l35.28-74.52c-26.829-4.332-52.303-16.232-68.174-33.191-6.587 21.648-13.003 41.695-18.935 60.419zM740.457 822.65c-7.292 0-13.202 5.912-13.202 13.202 0 7.292 5.912 13.202 13.202 13.202s13.202-5.912 13.202-13.202c0-7.29-5.91-13.202-13.202-13.202z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea7e;" 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d="M512.413 926.974c-264.47-0.060-478.817-214.503-478.758-478.974 0-0.072 0-0.144 0-0.216 0.060-264.471 214.505-478.819 478.974-478.758 264.471 0.060 478.819 214.505 478.758 478.974 0 0.072 0 0.144 0 0.216-0.059 264.471-214.503 478.819-478.974 478.758zM492.614 891.101l22.285 12.869 22.285-12.869v-25.734l-22.285-12.869-22.285 12.869v25.734zM114.153 677.466l22.285 12.869 22.285-12.869v-25.734l-22.285-12.869-22.285 12.869v25.734zM159.597 217.336l-22.285-12.869-22.285 12.869v25.734l22.285 12.869 22.285-12.869v-25.734zM533.959 4.571l-22.285-12.869-22.285 12.869v25.734l22.285 12.869 22.285-12.869v-25.734zM512.597 64.838c-211.576-0.038-383.127 171.446-383.165 383.025 0 0.047 0 0.095 0 0.142-0.038 211.575 171.446 383.125 383.025 383.163 211.576 0.038 383.127-171.446 383.165-383.025 0-0.047 0-0.094 0-0.142 0.038-211.576-171.446-383.125-383.025-383.163zM908.321 219.109l-22.285-12.869-22.285 12.869v25.734l22.285 12.869 22.285-12.869v-25.734zM909.197 651.732l-22.285-12.869-22.285 12.869v25.734l22.285 12.869 22.285-12.869v-25.734zM697.469 725.772c-46.030 30.715-100.121 50.295-158.431 54.879v-665.326c58.313 4.585 112.401 24.168 158.431 54.881v555.565zM332.191 167.171c47.372-30.489 102.956-49.318 162.701-52.428v666.493c-59.747-3.11-115.331-21.939-162.701-52.428v-561.637zM288.045 694.894c-67.085-61.043-109.19-149.059-109.171-246.906 0-0.042 0-0.082 0-0.124 0.018-97.802 42.116-185.766 109.171-246.781v493.811zM741.615 690.598v-485.217c64.39 60.841 104.573 147.029 104.557 242.608 0 0.042 0 0.082 0 0.124-0.018 95.535-40.195 181.675-104.557 242.486z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea89;" glyph-name="rune-stone" data-tags="rune-stone" d="M393.323 203.495l-2.205-1.133-203.011 395.259 1.752 0.9 93.533 326.861-231.010-234.788 159.826-628.873 436.282-103.671 118.368 109.127zM206.945 597.507l194.821-379.311 378.912-138.28 0.641 0.591 222.789 418.896-145.786 271.103-553.568 168.81-97.81-341.809zM463.331 453.514c9.704 16.808 37.071 19.177 61.126 5.289s35.686-38.773 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618.132zM247.885 28.644l92.653 149.866 236.753 80.099c-73.252-79.352-218.718-175.38-329.406-229.966zM335.551 188.003l-21.552 393.478 372.564 130.588 21.552-393.478-372.564-130.588zM710.676 460.687l-16.479 249.268 103.123 142.872c-8.142-123.090-41.289-294.152-86.644-392.14zM570.281 396.267c-42.534 3.015-72.644 44.394-67.25 92.419s44.249 84.514 86.783 81.499c7.165-0.508 13.963-2.127 20.313-4.661-3.269 31.909-11.334 63.425-24.312 92.558h-0.003l-259.090-87.857 17.632-273.187c114.793-25.879 193.898 22.977 234.852 99.193-2.95-0.172-5.927-0.177-8.924 0.037z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea8d;" glyph-name="save" data-tags="save" d="M302.94 860.619h96.971c8.511 0 15.41-8.895 15.41-19.87v-139.967c0-10.973-6.899-19.87-15.41-19.87h-96.971c-8.511 0-15.41 8.895-15.41 19.87v139.967c0 10.975 6.899 19.87 15.41 19.87zM702.852 495.216l255.582-255.582h-127.791v-255.582h-255.582v255.582h-127.791l255.582 255.582zM557.52 167.424h-329.892c-8.822 0-15.975 7.151-15.975 15.975v367.399c0 8.822 7.151 15.975 15.975 15.975h567.074c8.822 0 15.975-7.151 15.975-15.975v-140.854l99.837-99.837v424.392c0 8.845-134.916 143.766-143.766 143.766h-151.717c5.399-2.198 9.169-7.151 9.169-12.919v-197.797c0-7.808-6.899-14.137-15.41-14.137h-339.016c-8.511 0-15.41 6.329-15.41 14.137v197.797c0 5.768 3.77 10.721 9.169 12.919h-135.743c-8.85 0-15.975-7.125-15.975-15.975v-766.747c0-8.85 7.125-15.975 15.975-15.975h429.729v87.857zM848.183 227.105v-147.536h46.356c8.85 0 15.975 7.125 15.975 15.975v131.563l-62.33-0.002z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea8f;" glyph-name="scroll-unfurled" data-tags="scroll-unfurled" d="M854.173 195.911h-141.775l-1.355 2.419c0.501 86.681 34.198 175.368 98.214 245.312 47.831 52.261 83.95 121.041 102.458 189.368l-82.338 49.795 76.414 13.791-86.599 51.529 104.084 17.674c-10.445 78.138-57.588 136.002-154.489 136.002-94.565-18.374-363.959-23.983-503.322-5.922-17.664 5.751-35.459 9.136-52.817 9.731-0.129 0.035-0.267 0.068-0.394 0.102 0.074-0.032 0.145-0.065 0.219-0.097-45.31 1.502-87.613-16.030-116.708-60.236-40.414-61.408 2.616-166.812 97.48-166.812 5.359 0 10.253 0.289 14.727 0.832v-0.733h118.467c-17.921-72.21-62.36-152.533-113.828-233.474-4.318-6.79-8.509-13.721-12.575-20.767l69.657-71.359-112.351-18.818c-65.349-171.651-54.745-363.552 96.403-363.552v0.002l15.634-0.11v-0.234h171.175v0.311h451.103c135.99-0.002 154.656 225.247-37.485 225.247zM452.277 87.592c-0.003 0.935-0.030 1.888-0.055 2.836 0.025-0.95 0.052-1.903 0.055-2.836zM447.891 123.38c0.027-0.119 0.047-0.232 0.074-0.351-0.027 0.117-0.047 0.231-0.074 0.347-5.374 23.696-20.779 43.454-40.897 56.175h0.007c20.114-12.721 35.516-32.477 40.89-56.171zM452.105 93.733c-0.047 0.952-0.107 1.914-0.174 2.88 0.067-0.966 0.127-1.928 0.174-2.88zM451.646 100.119c-0.089 0.952-0.18 1.908-0.287 2.875 0.107-0.967 0.199-1.923 0.287-2.875zM450.881 106.801c-0.125 0.924-0.242 1.844-0.384 2.781 0.144-0.937 0.261-1.858 0.384-2.781zM449.768 113.944c-0.144 0.814-0.269 1.615-0.426 2.437 0.157-0.822 0.282-1.624 0.426-2.437zM236.579 690.13c28.031 23.871-1.146 80.303-34.722 127.243h115.747c19.346-37.343 21.335-80.462 11.471-127.243h-92.496zM325.781 167.877c51.786 17.213 110.468-15.682 122.11-67.013 1.991-8.782 3.269-17.061 3.911-24.882 0.075 0.817 0.112 1.662 0.17 2.491-1.291-18.519-6.792-33.936-15.602-46.701h-1.034c-0.984-1.412-2.003-2.781-3.062-4.103l1.614 0.707c-14.802-19.359-37.539-32.29-64.57-40.636h-28.104l1.368 0.6c-29.614 0.008-63.612 2.798-63.612 2.798 43.925 0.703 62.862 19.294 70.065 40.598-31.298-11.376-64.654 9.072-75.146 39.264-14.161 40.748 12.502 83.784 51.893 96.877zM452.239 84.425c-0.018-0.919-0.027-1.846-0.065-2.75 0.038 0.905 0.045 1.831 0.065 2.75zM434.019 28.553c0.795 1.044 1.577 2.1 2.327 3.182-0.748-1.084-1.533-2.138-2.327-3.182z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea92;" glyph-name="seagull" data-tags="seagull" d="M745.572 222.889c161.897 72.285 273.951 246.169 212.062 477.137-52.296 195.171-162.808 210.677-269.818 106.67-47.49-46.159-142.161-43.644-156.787-112.152 226.613 90.939 275.63-64.861 100.935-93.415-235.909-38.556-346.981-330.463-589.65-336.437h-0.005c33.079-40.987 150.889-82.167 293.136-95.942l93.121-161.119c-16.802-8.671-32.223-20.238-45.263-35.016h458.4c-33.927 44.296-111.070 66.087-179.85 50.407l-87.399 151.22c59.447 9.146 117.708 24.8 171.12 48.648zM735.68 764.688c0 14.75 11.959 26.708 26.708 26.708s26.708-11.957 26.708-26.708c0.002-14.75-11.957-26.708-26.708-26.708s-26.708 11.957-26.708 26.708zM630.936 13.089c-6.069-2.573-11.994-5.491-17.735-8.768-42.316 23.794-102.151 31.281-154.913 15.313l-84.449 146.116c53.935-3.209 110.467-2.352 166.575 3.964l90.523-156.625z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea96;" glyph-name="shield" data-tags="shield" d="M511.992 928.008c49.995-48.013 200.006-143.987 299.997-143.987 0-48.013 0-143.987 0-192 0-192-150.011-480-299.997-623.987-150.011 143.987-299.997 431.987-299.997 623.987 0 48.013 0 143.987 0 192 100.016-0.025 250.002 95.975 299.997 143.987v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea9d;" glyph-name="sickle" data-tags="sickle" d="M227.677 252.844c-39.029-3.61-54.444-24.947-58.891-51.609l108.768-104.249 1.562-1.634 0.072 0.070 14.612-14.005c36.391 3.344 57.643 20.672 53.622 52.882l-119.745 118.545zM60.708 70.881c-33.418-53.906 29.365-122.172 102.046-89.146l102.017 99.614-89.599 93.807-114.464-104.274zM514.258 909.792c705.168-552.836 33.81-816.464-175.435-585.551l-84.040-76.559 87.027-91.113 4.24 4.141c434.971-390.488 1069.432 489.632 168.208 749.082z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea9e;" glyph-name="sideswipe" data-tags="sideswipe" d="M857.962 162.717c0 199.052-2.691 207.121-2.691 207.121 442.608 126.524-459.922 167.023-546.835 155.472l-0.326-75.205-256.821 147.122 256.034 141.281 3.017-73.167c657.126 12.355 803.196-181.702 547.621-502.625v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeaa3;" glyph-name="small-fire" data-tags="small-fire" d="M490.103 928.974c68.576-97.631-47.072-641.084-180.607-273.438-95.905-345.759-231.583-360.575-231.744-200.64-143.199-158.623 87.647-441.533 174.751-487.869h104.256c-91.839 80.031-153.567 155.999-164.35 271.934 94.623-18.849 143.711-41.92 162.527 124.095 121.471-173.183 201.887 98.751 274.367 214.239-3.296-80.64-6.688-186.91 45.695-259.775 17.472-24.288 66.463-32.224 109.471-31.615-19.839-32.159-89.695-138.752-34.016-178.399 55.679-39.648 66.143 0.768 51.712-32.351-26.527-41.76-45.983-78.751-118.143-108.127h112.128c118.879 37.441 223.613 183.328 189.214 271.071-44.032-37.312-87.552-61.791-122.591-59.072 98.239 144.16 75.679 291.807 29.504 442.686-40.448-144.767-66.975-164.991-109.151-199.039 58.207 137.311-170.879 428.894-293.021 506.303v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeaa9;" glyph-name="spades-card" data-tags="spades-card" d="M914.086 709.71l-370.803 214.083c-48.285 27.877-110.031 11.332-137.909-36.953l-328.213-568.484c-27.879-48.285-11.332-110.031 36.953-137.909l370.803-214.083c48.285-27.879 110.031-11.332 137.909 36.953l328.213 568.484c27.879 48.285 11.332 110.031-36.953 137.909zM472.67 839.357c12.213 21.152 39.261 28.401 60.416 16.189s28.401-39.263 16.189-60.414c-12.213-21.153-39.261-28.401-60.416-16.189s-28.401 39.263-16.189 60.414zM553.324 46.956c-12.213-21.153-39.261-28.401-60.416-16.189s-28.401 39.261-16.189 60.414c12.213 21.153 39.261 28.401 60.416 16.189s28.401-39.261 16.189-60.414zM669.091 357.751v0.010c-51.178-82.548-158.291-55.214-172.388 33.877l-6.466-158.306-148.567 85.782 129.764 82.151c-81.539-25.52-161.321 52.396-110.442 134.366 58.132 93.645 226.772 70.432 273.129 116.786-15.53-57.95 90.627-204.902 34.97-294.666z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeaad;" glyph-name="speech-bubble" data-tags="speech-bubble" d="M507.455 827.648c-248.695 0-450.304-149.162-450.304-333.176 0-103.482 63.76-195.945 163.797-257.056l-27.955-211.647 201.357 146.121c36.142-6.917 74.042-10.602 113.106-10.602 248.695 0 450.304 149.17 450.304 333.184 0 184.006-201.609 333.176-450.304 333.176zM313.513 412.030c25.339 0 45.885-20.542 45.885-45.885 0-25.341-20.545-45.885-45.885-45.885s-45.885 20.545-45.885 45.885 20.545 45.885 45.885 45.885zM506.828 320.261c-25.339 0-45.885 20.545-45.885 45.885s20.545 45.885 45.885 45.885c25.339 0 45.885-20.542 45.885-45.885 0-25.341-20.545-45.885-45.885-45.885zM706.204 320.261c-25.339 0-45.885 20.545-45.885 45.885s20.545 45.885 45.885 45.885c25.339 0 45.885-20.542 45.885-45.885 0-25.341-20.543-45.885-45.885-45.885z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeaae;" glyph-name="speech-bubbles" data-tags="speech-bubbles" d="M897.179 127.886c49.808 33.779 80.696 80.731 80.696 132.654 0 102.868-121.198 186.263-270.715 186.263s-270.72-83.393-270.72-186.263 121.208-186.263 270.72-186.263c36.406 0 71.125 4.956 102.834 13.923l136.825-102.136-49.64 141.821zM785.58 685.060c0 118.29-162.801 214.186-363.624 214.186s-363.624-95.89-363.624-214.186c0-55.652 36.037-106.341 95.107-144.426l-57.306-233.771 197.066 177.839c40.028-8.93 83.417-13.833 128.757-13.833 200.823 0 363.624 95.895 363.624 214.191z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeac3;" glyph-name="target-arrows" data-tags="target-arrows" d="M993.081 142.696l-135.826 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12.5q-34 0 -67.5 -8.5t-78.5 -39.5t-78.5 -82t-58.5 -145t-27 -218q42 71 115 112.5t156 41.5q68 0 130.5 -28.5t111.5 -80.5 t78.5 -132t29.5 -177q0 -191 -106.5 -309t-257.5 -118q-88 0 -168 43.5t-134 125.5q-96 145 -96 433zM286 527q-13 -177 62.5 -299t193.5 -122q89 0 153.5 75.5t64.5 216.5q0 79 -20 139t-53.5 94t-71.5 50.5t-79 16.5q-71 0 -139 -46t-111 -125z" /> -<glyph unicode="7" d="M161 1140v136h723v-79q-129 -295 -242 -600q-118 -320 -204 -597h-161q119 360 244 682q69 180 186 458h-546z" /> -<glyph unicode="8" d="M123 321q0 109 70.5 206.5t184.5 151.5q-88 45 -141 125.5t-53 173.5q0 130 100 222t245 92q140 0 236 -88t96 -214q0 -92 -55.5 -175.5t-148.5 -132.5q110 -50 178.5 -146t68.5 -207q0 -146 -113 -248t-280 -102q-164 0 -276 99.5t-112 242.5zM270 340q0 -96 72 -164 t176 -68q101 0 171 65t70 158t-74.5 171.5t-198.5 117.5q-94 -39 -155 -115.5t-61 -164.5zM322 990q0 -47 23 -91t56 -73t66 -51t56 -32l23 -10q77 41 126 108t49 139q0 80 -59 136t-144 56q-83 0 -139.5 -53t-56.5 -129z" /> -<glyph unicode="9" d="M140 866q0 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9.5t-46.5 18q-122 61 -122 242v9q-59 9 -113.5 35t-108.5 78t-93 123.5t-63.5 179.5t-24.5 239zM200 661q0 -117 19 -212t51 -156.5t74 -103t86.5 -59t91.5 -17.5q37 0 73.5 11t79.5 44.5t75.5 86.5t54.5 146.5t22 214.5q0 211 -52 340 q-42 105 -114 154t-148 49q-44 0 -86 -15.5t-84 -52.5t-73 -92.5t-50.5 -142.5t-19.5 -195z" /> -<glyph unicode="R" d="M115 0v1276h376q51 0 83.5 -2t77.5 -12t83 -29q86 -44 133.5 -126.5t47.5 -180.5q0 -127 -72 -226.5t-188 -130.5l295 -569h-161l-283 564h-247v-564h-145zM260 689h247q97 0 148 26q54 27 84 80t30 115q0 64 -31.5 119.5t-89.5 84.5q-56 28 -157 28h-231v-453z" /> -<glyph unicode="S" d="M106 143l85 147q9 -4 9 -20q0 -14 6 -22q47 -60 127 -100t178 -40q130 0 204.5 70t74.5 161q0 110 -107 176q-38 24 -185.5 83.5t-213.5 108.5q-136 101 -136 249q0 135 110 231t279 96q105 0 197.5 -41t156.5 -118l-90 -122q-11 3 -11 17q0 12 -5 20q-39 57 -106.5 91.5 t-153.5 34.5q-105 0 -167.5 -55t-62.5 -132q0 -115 130 -190q43 -25 127 -57.5t158 -69t123 -82.5q99 -93 99 -232q0 -50 -14 -100t-46.5 -99t-80 -86t-121 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-182v1554h585v-122h-455v-1315h456v-117h-586z" /> -<glyph unicode="\" d="M131 1299l122 62l641 -1388l-120 -60z" /> -<glyph unicode="]" d="M170 -65h456v1315h-455v122h585v-1554h-586v117z" /> -<glyph unicode="^" d="M191 751l313 525h44l277 -523l-109 -51l-198 358l-225 -358z" /> -<glyph unicode="_" d="M71 -39h883v-125h-883v125z" /> -<glyph unicode="`" d="M285 1323l105 51l55 -134q25 -61 58 -100q15 -17 47 -45.5t46 -45.5q24 -29 30.5 -58.5t-1.5 -50t-24 -34.5q-17 -14 -39.5 -18t-53.5 9.5t-59 46.5q-26 30 -50.5 83t-63.5 160z" /> -<glyph unicode="a" d="M100 242q0 83 54.5 155.5t160.5 111.5q55 20 133.5 30t124 11t146.5 0h30v35q0 36 -1 54.5t-8 50.5t-21 56q-54 90 -193 90q-168 0 -268 -104l-72 93q127 131 333 131q110 0 195.5 -40t130.5 -115q29 -49 37.5 -99.5t8.5 -121.5v-580h-140v103q-153 -126 -336 -126 q-141 0 -228 78.5t-87 186.5zM249 252q0 -66 53.5 -114t142.5 -48q81 0 144.5 35t101.5 75q29 31 44 66t17.5 56t2.5 54v62h-34h-73h-54h-35q-26 0 -70.5 -3.5t-74.5 -10.5q-82 -20 -123.5 -68t-41.5 -104z" /> -<glyph unicode="b" d="M122 0v1363h173q2 -10 -11 -23q-12 -10 -12 -23v-525q44 77 121.5 121.5t166.5 44.5q71 0 137 -29.5t120.5 -86.5t87 -151t32.5 -212q0 -122 -34 -220.5t-90 -158.5t-124.5 -91.5t-142.5 -31.5q-84 0 -157.5 39.5t-119.5 107.5l-52 -124h-95zM272 498q0 -136 6 -185 q7 -51 27.5 -89.5t45 -59.5t55.5 -34t54.5 -16.5t46.5 -3.5q32 0 64.5 7t72 29.5t69 58t50 98.5t20.5 145q0 94 -20.5 166t-50 112t-69.5 65t-71.5 32.5t-62.5 7.5q-70 0 -128 -36.5t-84 -99.5q-25 -61 -25 -197z" /> -<glyph unicode="c" d="M115 468q0 211 132 348.5t338 137.5q111 0 202.5 -45.5t147.5 -127.5l-104 -122q-9 7 -9.5 24.5t-3.5 23.5q-2 5 -11.5 17t-30.5 30.5t-47 34.5t-67 28t-86 12q-132 0 -220.5 -95t-88.5 -251q0 -163 91.5 -267.5t229.5 -104.5q71 0 136 29.5t112 83.5l85 -99 q-66 -72 -156 -110t-189 -38q-199 0 -330 139.5t-131 351.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="d" d="M92 476q0 103 24 187t63 138.5t91.5 91t106 52t109.5 15.5q95 0 167.5 -43.5t106.5 -117.5v564h157q1 -10 -11 -31q-8 -13 -8 -28l2 -1217q0 -54 8 -87h-146q-9 30 -9 69v81q-44 -79 -121.5 -125t-167.5 -46q-70 0 -135 30t-118.5 88.5t-86 156.5t-32.5 222zM235 500 q0 -88 17.5 -158.5t44.5 -113t63 -70.5t70 -38.5t68 -10.5q76 0 140.5 48t90.5 130q19 60 19 170q0 141 -16 200q-17 65 -60.5 108.5t-88.5 59t-91 15.5q-44 0 -86 -16.5t-82 -53t-64.5 -106t-24.5 -164.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="e" d="M100 457q0 124 35.5 222t96 157.5t136.5 90.5t162 31q61 0 117 -17t108.5 -54t91 -104t53.5 -157q10 -59 10 -117q0 -31 -3 -62h-664q3 -80 25.5 -143t54.5 -101t74.5 -62.5t82 -33.5t80.5 -9q148 0 242 105l82 -79q-59 -71 -146 -108t-189 -37q-96 0 -177.5 31.5 t-142 90.5t-95 150.5t-34.5 205.5zM247 560h515q2 19 2 37q0 92 -60 163q-72 85 -185 85q-41 0 -81.5 -14t-80.5 -45t-70 -89t-40 -137z" /> -<glyph unicode="f" d="M129 764v116h203v92q0 76 9.5 131t42.5 108q48 78 133.5 120.5t185.5 42.5q181 0 287 -128l-67 -136q-5 -1 -10.5 3.5t-6.5 13.5q-2 18 -6 24q-31 47 -85 77t-119 30q-60 0 -110 -26.5t-78 -76.5q-16 -29 -24 -68t-9 -62.5t-1 -71.5v-73h305v-116h-305v-764h-142v764 h-203z" /> -<glyph unicode="g" d="M79 -131q0 110 152 207q-75 39 -75 125q0 92 106 181q-65 42 -102 109.5t-37 143.5q0 136 104.5 233.5t245.5 97.5q131 0 222 -89q99 84 228 84q15 0 31 -1l18 -120q-24 4 -54 4q-90 0 -163 -45q47 -71 47 -159q0 -130 -99.5 -225t-237.5 -95q-62 0 -119 21 q-66 -59 -66 -105q0 -45 56 -61q48 -12 134 -12q19 0 78 1q43 2 70 2h16q29 -1 74 -8t79 -21q71 -29 108 -84t37 -119q0 -39 -14 -77.5t-46.5 -77t-80.5 -67t-123 -46.5t-166 -18q-117 0 -203.5 19.5t-132 53t-66.5 70.5t-21 78zM214 -96q0 -78 92 -114q79 -31 193 -31 q134 0 210 41q88 48 88 124q0 37 -26.5 68.5t-85.5 40.5q-31 5 -105 5t-93 1q-113 5 -157 11q-116 -64 -116 -146zM258 644q0 -85 60.5 -145.5t145.5 -60.5t145.5 60.5t60.5 145.5t-60.5 145t-145.5 60t-145.5 -60t-60.5 -145z" /> -<glyph unicode="h" d="M143 0v1361h170q1 -2 1 -6q0 -9 -13 -22q-8 -8 -8 -20v-542q55 82 137.5 134.5t173.5 52.5q81 0 147.5 -43.5t101.5 -121.5q34 -77 34 -226v-567h-145v564q0 46 -1.5 72t-13.5 66.5t-36 68.5q-50 59 -127 59q-66 0 -127.5 -41.5t-96.5 -88.5q-28 -37 -37.5 -73.5 t-9.5 -87.5v-539h-150z" /> -<glyph unicode="i" d="M205 0v118h239v699h-227v120h375v-819h219v-118h-606zM415 1238q0 44 31 74.5t75 30.5t75 -30.5t31 -74.5t-31 -74.5t-75 -30.5t-75 30.5t-31 74.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="j" d="M99 -226l95 127q7 -6 11.5 -20t6.5 -18q6 -9 17 -20.5t33.5 -30t57.5 -30.5t74 -12q61 0 111.5 31t76.5 87q24 52 24 149v778h-348v122h497v-872q0 -76 -7.5 -129t-34.5 -106q-46 -90 -135 -138.5t-193 -48.5q-87 0 -161.5 34.5t-124.5 96.5zM576 1238q0 44 31 74.5 t75 30.5t75 -30.5t31 -74.5t-31 -74.5t-75 -30.5t-75 30.5t-31 74.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="k" d="M136 -2v1363h168q2 -12 -12 -29q-7 -9 -7 -24v-803l468 435q40 -10 110 -10h53l-395 -371l460 -561h-14q-44 0 -88 -2t-67 -4l-22 -1l-382 477l-123 -115v-355h-149z" /> -<glyph unicode="l" d="M161 0v118h277v1124h-265v119h414v-1243h276v-118h-702z" /> -<glyph unicode="m" d="M78 0v935h136l-2 -92q34 51 85 83t107 32q62 0 108 -38.5t57 -97.5q27 62 84.5 99t125.5 37q97 0 146 -74q19 -29 28 -72t9.5 -65.5t0.5 -81.5v-667h-139v665q0 5 0.5 25.5t0 30.5t-1.5 26t-4 29t-8 24q-22 52 -74 52q-61 0 -109 -84q-39 -65 -39 -147v-619h-138v650 q0 90 -10 123q-11 36 -35 54t-51 18q-66 0 -113 -87q-30 -54 -30 -134v-624h-134z" /> -<glyph unicode="n" d="M140 0v935h150v-164q55 82 137.5 134.5t173.5 52.5q81 0 147.5 -43.5t101.5 -121.5q34 -77 34 -226v-567h-145v564q0 46 -1.5 72t-13.5 66.5t-36 68.5q-50 59 -127 59q-66 0 -128 -41.5t-97 -88.5q-27 -37 -36.5 -73t-9.5 -88v-539h-150z" /> -<glyph unicode="o" d="M83 461q0 106 36 199t96 157.5t141.5 101.5t169.5 37q81 0 155 -32t132.5 -92t93.5 -155.5t35 -212.5q0 -113 -34.5 -206.5t-93 -154.5t-134 -94.5t-159.5 -33.5q-88 0 -168 36.5t-139.5 99.5t-95 154.5t-35.5 195.5zM239 473q0 -167 83 -269t200 -102q111 0 191.5 94 t80.5 261q0 180 -83 277t-195 97q-114 0 -195.5 -97t-81.5 -261z" /> -<glyph unicode="p" d="M122 935h150v-143q48 76 127 120t169 44q71 0 137 -29t121 -85.5t88 -150.5t33 -213q0 -124 -34 -222.5t-90.5 -158.5t-125 -91t-142.5 -31q-85 0 -159.5 39.5t-121.5 109.5v-465h-150zM272 511q0 -84 1 -122t7 -81t19 -73q27 -62 85.5 -95.5t128.5 -33.5q31 0 63.5 7 t73 29t71.5 57.5t52 100t21 148.5q0 97 -22 170t-52.5 112t-72 63.5t-72.5 31t-61 6.5q-71 0 -130.5 -37t-86.5 -99q-25 -58 -25 -184z" /> -<glyph unicode="q" d="M87 477q0 115 34.5 209t92 152.5t129.5 90t150 31.5q42 0 80 -9t65 -23t49.5 -31.5t36.5 -34.5t23.5 -31.5t13.5 -22.5l4 -9v136h140v-1276h-147v491q-45 -79 -121.5 -125t-165.5 -46q-160 0 -272 138.5t-112 359.5zM235 498q0 -186 80 -287.5t189 -101.5q75 0 139.5 48 t90.5 130q19 60 19 170q0 159 -22 223q-28 80 -95 120t-138 40q-49 0 -94.5 -20t-84 -59t-61.5 -107t-23 -156z" /> -<glyph unicode="r" d="M203 -2v937h154l-5 -180q44 97 136.5 150t199.5 53q150 0 251 -103l-69 -141q-7 7 -13 14.5t-12 17.5t-10 15q-54 70 -155 70q-29 0 -58 -6.5t-65 -22t-72.5 -48.5t-66.5 -81q-30 -47 -45.5 -90.5t-18 -68t-2.5 -60.5v-456h-149z" /> -<glyph unicode="s" d="M117 127l84 147q10 -5 10 -19q0 -16 5 -22q22 -25 53.5 -50t99 -52.5t140.5 -27.5q102 0 171.5 41.5t69.5 106.5q0 75 -94 119q-40 18 -133 47.5t-118 38.5q-19 7 -29.5 11t-37.5 16t-45 24t-42 32.5t-38.5 42t-25 52t-10.5 63.5q0 108 100 184.5t259 76.5 q104 0 194.5 -38t154.5 -109l-86 -129q-11 3 -11 17t-4 19q-37 48 -104.5 88.5t-155.5 40.5q-81 0 -139 -36.5t-58 -91.5q0 -69 93 -114q36 -17 161 -53.5t183 -69.5q137 -77 137 -211q0 -54 -25.5 -105.5t-72.5 -93.5t-123 -67.5t-168 -25.5q-235 0 -395 148z" /> -<glyph unicode="t" d="M143 815l2 120h223l17 251l161 26q2 -13 1 -18.5t-6 -17t-6 -19.5q-4 -23 -10 -78t-10 -99l-4 -43h306v-122h-308q-18 -183 -18 -366q0 -132 6 -180q10 -78 54.5 -114.5t103.5 -36.5q95 0 209 85l46 -116q-143 -105 -299 -105q-143 0 -213 100q-25 36 -38 84t-15 81.5 t-2 88.5q0 245 19 479h-219z" /> -<glyph unicode="u" d="M127 414l2 521h148v-521q0 -136 33 -202q27 -55 75 -85t104 -30q65 0 124 39t92 100q37 68 37 185v514h149v-850q0 -54 10 -85h-155q-4 26 -4 53v19l2 71q-46 -77 -123.5 -121.5t-165.5 -44.5q-93 0 -172 50t-119 141q-17 38 -26 85t-10 77t-1 84z" /> -<glyph unicode="v" d="M81 937h177q2 -10 -2.5 -23t-4.5 -17q0 -5 4 -13l270 -684l150 348q97 225 127 389h133q-36 -167 -140 -410l-228 -534h-115z" /> -<glyph unicode="w" d="M32 937h150q4 -14 -3 -41q-6 -19 -2 -37l136 -675l161 664h90l198 -662q58 384 74 522q13 116 12 197v30h136q-60 -467 -155 -937h-138l-173 606l-165 -606h-132z" /> -<glyph unicode="x" d="M97 0l329 476l-323 461h160l246 -347l233 347h151l-304 -456l344 -481h-168l-258 364l-244 -364h-166z" /> -<glyph unicode="y" d="M46 -277l76 132q5 -4 8 -9.5t4.5 -13t3.5 -10.5q4 -8 15 -19.5t37.5 -24.5t57.5 -13q73 0 131 61q33 35 65 109l30 69l-380 931h183q1 -10 -4 -23.5t-5 -20.5q0 -4 4 -16l274 -689l179 502q52 145 70 249h154q-39 -128 -94 -271l-291 -772q-37 -99 -81 -148 q-90 -102 -234 -102q-121 0 -203 79z" /> -<glyph unicode="z" d="M103 -2v101l579 709h-537v129h728v-101l-571 -711h557q14 0 31.5 7.5t30.5 5.5v-140h-818z" /> -<glyph unicode="{" d="M108 467v114h40q93 0 138 47q53 55 53 174q0 24 -3 72t-3 74q0 182 101 274q14 13 31 24t31 19t34.5 14.5t33.5 10.5t36.5 7t34 4.5t36.5 2t34 0.5h36h33h62v-116h-71q-14 0 -49.5 0.5t-48.5 0t-36.5 -2.5t-40 -8t-32.5 -16q-82 -51 -82 -191q0 -24 3 -71.5t3 -72.5 q0 -99 -32 -164q-46 -95 -146 -138q33 -11 60.5 -32t54.5 -56.5t42.5 -95t15.5 -135.5q0 -33 -3.5 -89t-3.5 -82q0 -153 84 -211q12 -8 23.5 -14t28 -9.5t25 -6t31 -3.5t28.5 -1h34.5h33.5h76v-115h-74h-41h-41.5t-36.5 0.5t-38.5 2.5t-34 4.5t-35.5 7.5t-31 11t-33 15 t-29 20q-114 88 -114 298q0 42 4 108t4 96q0 135 -54 188q-42 41 -130 41h-42z" /> -<glyph unicode="|" d="M444 -309v1645h137v-1645h-137z" /> -<glyph unicode="}" d="M189 1188v116h62h33h36t34 -0.5t36.5 -2t34 -4.5t36.5 -7t33.5 -10.5t34.5 -14.5t31 -19t31 -24q101 -92 101 -274q0 -26 -2.5 -74t-2.5 -72q0 -119 53 -174q45 -47 137 -47h40v-114h-42q-88 0 -130 -41q-54 -53 -54 -188q0 -30 4 -96t4 -108q0 -210 -114 -298 q-14 -11 -29 -20t-33 -15t-31 -11t-35.5 -7.5t-34 -4.5t-38.5 -2.5t-36.5 -0.5h-41.5h-41h-74v115h76h33.5h34.5t28.5 1t31 3.5t25 6t28 9.5t23.5 14q84 58 84 211q0 26 -3.5 82t-3.5 89q0 76 15.5 135.5t42.5 95t54.5 56.5t60.5 32q-100 43 -146 138q-32 65 -32 164 q0 25 3 72.5t3 71.5q0 140 -82 191q-16 10 -32.5 16t-40 8t-36.5 2.5t-48.5 0t-49.5 -0.5h-71z" /> -<glyph unicode="~" d="M85 767q47 81 122 132.5t159 51.5q47 0 88.5 -16t71.5 -38.5t57.5 -45t59 -38.5t63.5 -16q46 0 85 32.5t89 100.5l94 -78q-49 -76 -123 -132.5t-161 -56.5q-46 0 -85.5 17t-68 40.5t-55 47.5t-58.5 41t-66 17q-93 0 -170 -126z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa0;" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" d="M369 1247q0 50 35.5 85.5t85.5 35.5t86 -35.5t36 -85.5t-36 -85.5t-86 -35.5t-85.5 35.5t-35.5 85.5zM382 148q0 45 8.5 127.5t10.5 106.5l37 565h103l30 -565q4 -69 12 -144t8 -107q0 -52 -14 -88q-13 -32 -37.5 -49t-52.5 -17q-31 0 -58.5 22t-38.5 66q-8 32 -8 83z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" d="M99 558q0 208 125.5 344t329.5 146l29 230l138 -14q1 -13 -7 -29q-9 -17 -11 -28l-22 -168q160 -32 243 -159l-90 -116q-9 6 -9 20q0 2 0.5 8t0.5 9t-2 7.5t-6 8.5q-58 69 -153 98l-95 -717h2q74 0 144.5 30t123.5 85l74 -99q-65 -71 -155 -109t-191 -38h-15l-30 -228 l-118 14l29 232q-152 42 -243.5 169.5t-91.5 303.5zM244 577q0 -131 56 -224.5t151 -131.5l89 708q-130 -8 -213 -102t-83 -250z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" d="M80 101q59 27 78 37t38.5 26t35.5 41q71 110 71 249q0 75 -31 203h-134v117h106q-14 67 -14 131q0 167 105.5 269t253.5 102q153 0 266 -104l-90 -113q-9 7 -15.5 22t-11.5 20q-8 9 -24 20.5t-52.5 25t-75.5 13.5q-89 0 -154 -66.5t-65 -186.5q0 -57 17 -133h203v-117 h-176q28 -118 28 -199q0 -153 -75 -274q30 5 55 5q70 0 176 -42.5t162 -42.5q85 0 151 57l55 -106q-106 -85 -213 -85q-54 0 -114.5 22.5t-124 45.5t-126.5 23q-106 0 -252 -77z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" d="M139 408l115 115q-58 82 -58 184t59 185l-116 115l73 73l116 -115q82 60 186 60q100 0 183 -59l114 114l73 -73l-113 -113q61 -83 61 -187t-60 -186l112 -113l-73 -72l-112 112q-83 -59 -185 -59q-104 0 -187 61l-115 -114zM308 707q0 -85 60.5 -145.5t145.5 -60.5 t145 60.5t60 145.5t-60 145t-145 60t-145.5 -60t-60.5 -145z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" d="M74 1278h159l297 -534l272 532h152l-357 -672v-42h276v-117h-276v-129h276v-115h-276v-201h-139v201h-287v115h287v129h-287v117h287v42z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" d="M444 -309v710h137v-710h-137zM444 604v732h137v-732h-137z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" d="M133 64l107 125q7 -3 10 -9t4.5 -15t2.5 -12q4 -10 18 -27.5t41 -42t73 -42t99 -17.5q91 0 146.5 47.5t55.5 114.5q0 90 -94 145q-40 24 -145.5 55.5t-158.5 62.5q-130 77 -130 198q0 68 46 123.5t121 82.5q-70 43 -103.5 105t-33.5 127q0 119 96.5 205t238.5 86 q101 0 185.5 -48.5t132.5 -132.5l-115 -103q-7 5 -9.5 12t-3.5 16.5t-3 13.5q-16 44 -65 82.5t-122 38.5q-80 0 -133 -46.5t-53 -111.5q0 -94 109 -152q30 -16 103.5 -42.5t114.5 -45.5q100 -47 144 -108t44 -123q0 -63 -42 -117t-110 -81q65 -44 98.5 -107t33.5 -131 q0 -123 -98.5 -212t-250.5 -89q-103 0 -196.5 46t-157.5 129zM311 688q0 -98 110 -151q33 -16 103 -35.5t104 -33.5q34 17 54 50t20 72q0 103 -118 161q-30 15 -93 35t-87 30q-41 -14 -67 -49t-26 -79z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" d="M230 1258q0 43 30 73t73 30t73.5 -30t30.5 -73t-30.5 -73.5t-73.5 -30.5t-73 30.5t-30 73.5zM596 1258q0 43 30 73t72 30t72.5 -30t30.5 -73t-30.5 -73.5t-72.5 -30.5t-72 30.5t-30 73.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" d="M28 561q0 218 146.5 371t350.5 153q100 0 191 -40.5t158 -110t106.5 -166.5t39.5 -205q0 -144 -67 -264.5t-181 -190t-248 -69.5t-248 69t-181 189.5t-67 263.5zM121 562q0 -182 119 -308.5t286 -126.5q166 0 285.5 126.5t119.5 309.5q0 182 -119 309t-285 127t-286 -127 t-120 -310zM235 565q0 130 88.5 216.5t213.5 86.5q95 0 165 -53t90 -136l-106 -41q-7 8 -7.5 24.5t-0.5 17.5q-2 8 -9.5 20t-22 28t-42.5 27t-63 11q-79 0 -135 -49t-56 -139q0 -93 56 -157t137 -64q48 0 89 25t64 67l91 -60q-43 -65 -110.5 -102.5t-142.5 -37.5 q-124 0 -211.5 93.5t-87.5 222.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" d="M156 311v111h715v-111h-715zM209 740q0 55 30.5 106.5t90.5 83.5q17 9 37 16t34.5 11.5t40.5 8t36.5 5t42 2.5t37 1h41.5h37h30v25q0 71 -22 105q-39 61 -131 61q-125 0 -191 -90l-71 84q101 116 275 116q86 0 151 -34.5t96 -100.5q24 -50 24 -147v-447h-129v69 q-94 -88 -218 -88q-104 0 -172.5 62.5t-68.5 150.5zM341 746q0 -45 36 -77t93 -32q87 0 156 65q30 28 38 57t8 73v36h-34q-11 0 -41 0.5t-47.5 0.5t-42.5 -2t-44 -5q-62 -11 -92 -44.5t-30 -71.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xab;" d="M138 470v48l311 302l79 -85l-247 -242l262 -286l-82 -82zM509 470v48l311 302l80 -85l-248 -242l262 -286l-82 -82z" /> 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35v129h843v-129h-843z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" d="M228 1135q45 80 126 125t175 45q120 0 196.5 -67t76.5 -162q0 -103 -95 -191q-30 -28 -86 -67.5t-114.5 -86t-108.5 -102.5h373q11 0 21 9q13 13 28 9v-129h-573v90q40 55 93 109.5t87.5 83.5t87 69.5t58.5 45.5q51 42 78.5 79t27.5 80q0 51 -42 88t-112 37 q-56 0 -104.5 -25t-77.5 -62q-6 -8 -11 -21.5t-9 -20.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" d="M230 647l95 106q9 -9 14 -28t15 -29q11 -11 27 -23t57 -28t85 -16q75 0 128 39t53 94q0 17 -6.5 34t-24 36t-56 31t-93.5 12q-21 0 -61 -4v103q26 -2 41 -2q91 0 130.5 31t39.5 74q0 48 -43 84.5t-110 36.5q-52 0 -103 -25t-87 -70l-75 76q52 61 123 94t149 33 q113 0 190.5 -65t77.5 -155q0 -56 -32 -99.5t-84 -60.5q65 -11 108 -61t43 -114q0 -99 -93 -168t-217 -69q-84 0 -159.5 35t-131.5 98z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" d="M417 1131l180 301l129 -87l-206 -276z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" d="M49 -341q1 112 21 366t20 389v521h134v-555q0 -114 31 -178q26 -54 71.5 -84t95.5 -30q56 0 106 36t77 98q26 60 26 170v543h131v-698q0 -69 17 -100q22 -40 64 -40q31 0 59 24.5t41 49.5l13 25l55 -104q-32 -49 -79 -81t-101 -32q-64 0 -112 46t-56 113 q-35 -73 -103.5 -117t-147.5 -44q-75 0 -138 39.5t-95 107.5q0 -311 -2 -465h-128z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" d="M131 1015q0 97 55 179.5t155 125.5q46 20 102.5 30t92.5 11.5t100 1.5h257v-1503h-119v1386h-155v-1386h-122v799q-155 10 -260.5 113.5t-105.5 242.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" d="M368 678q0 48 35.5 82.5t85.5 34.5t85.5 -34.5t35.5 -82.5t-35.5 -83t-85.5 -35t-85.5 34.5t-35.5 83.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" d="M322 -286l51 85q90 -73 203 -73q53 0 73.5 15.5t20.5 34.5q0 22 -22 36q-20 13 -75 13h-60l23 175h88l-11 -97l34 -2q51 -2 79 -16q61 -30 61 -95q0 -60 -59 -106t-164 -46q-134 0 -242 76z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" d="M253 1147l270 149h87v-667h191v-111h-522v111h204v504l-197 -50z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xba;" d="M156 311v111h715v-111h-715zM196 885q0 171 94 280t226 109q57 0 109 -23t94.5 -66.5t68 -114.5t25.5 -160q0 -95 -27 -171t-72 -121.5t-99 -69t-112 -23.5q-127 0 -217 99t-90 261zM320 895q0 -120 55.5 -186t130.5 -66q74 0 129.5 64.5t55.5 187.5q0 125 -54.5 194.5 t-130.5 69.5t-131 -69.5t-55 -194.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" d="M138 207l261 286l-247 242l80 85l311 -302v-48l-324 -345zM509 207l262 286l-248 242l80 85l311 -302v-48l-324 -345z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" d="M12 1269l217 118h69v-533h153v-89h-417v89h162v403l-157 -39zM156 -34l641 1395l97 -55l-643 -1393zM483 17v58l328 420h63v-402h103v-78h-103v-158h-93v160h-298zM590 93h192v242z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" d="M12 1269l217 118h69v-533h153v-89h-417v89h162v403l-157 -39zM156 -34l641 1395l97 -55l-643 -1393zM538 344q36 64 101 100t140 36q96 0 157.5 -53.5t61.5 -129.5q0 -82 -77 -152q-24 -22 -69 -54t-91.5 -69t-86.5 -82h298q10 0 18 7q11 11 22 7v-103h-458v72 q32 44 74.5 87.5t69.5 66.5t69.5 56t46.5 36q85 69 85 127q0 41 -33.5 70.5t-89.5 29.5q-45 0 -83.5 -20t-62.5 -49q-5 -6 -8.5 -17t-6.5 -17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" d="M23 873l76 85q7 -7 11 -22.5t12 -23.5q60 -53 136 -53q60 0 102.5 31t42.5 75q0 14 -5.5 27.5t-19 28.5t-44.5 24.5t-75 9.5q-25 0 -49 -3v82q11 -1 32 -1q73 0 105 25t32 59q0 38 -34.5 67.5t-88.5 29.5q-42 0 -82.5 -20t-69.5 -56l-60 60q41 49 98 75.5t119 26.5 q90 0 152.5 -52t62.5 -124q0 -45 -25.5 -80t-66.5 -48q52 -9 86 -48.5t34 -91.5q0 -79 -74 -134t-174 -55q-67 0 -128 28t-105 78zM166 -34l642 1395l97 -55l-643 -1393zM483 17v58l328 420h63v-402h103v-78h-103v-158h-93v160h-298zM590 93h192v242z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" d="M138 335q0 46 11 87.5t25.5 69.5t40.5 58t42.5 45t45.5 38.5t38 31.5q57 51 73 96.5t16 111.5v85h134v-85q0 -82 -17 -138.5t-79 -124.5q-7 -8 -39.5 -41t-48 -52t-38 -52t-32.5 -68t-10 -73q0 -91 61.5 -154t153.5 -63q78 0 153 48t124 129l104 -97 q-66 -101 -171.5 -157.5t-222.5 -56.5q-167 0 -265.5 105.5t-98.5 256.5zM371 1245q0 48 36 83t86 35t85.5 -34.5t35.5 -83.5q0 -48 -35.5 -82.5t-85.5 -34.5t-86 34.5t-36 82.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" d="M30 -2l451 1301h16l493 -1299h-149l-141 373h-405l-124 -375h-141zM290 1478l81 143l313 -184l-48 -85zM323 484h345l-180 486z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" d="M30 -2l451 1301h16l493 -1299h-149l-141 373h-405l-124 -375h-141zM318 1437l313 184l81 -143l-346 -126zM323 484h345l-180 486z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" d="M30 -2l451 1301h16l493 -1299h-149l-141 373h-405l-124 -375h-141zM209 1417l268 204h44l253 -200l-67 -78l-212 145l-228 -139zM323 484h345l-180 486z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" d="M30 -2l451 1301h16l493 -1299h-149l-141 373h-405l-124 -375h-141zM177 1465q112 177 231 177q38 0 75 -18.5t52 -32t37 -36.5q61 -65 103 -65q15 0 27 4.5t24.5 17t20 21.5t23.5 32t24 33l76 -82q-60 -75 -105 -110t-98 -35q-40 0 -78.5 24t-64.5 53.5t-58.5 53.5 t-62.5 24q-37 0 -64 -28t-70 -98zM323 484h345l-180 486z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" d="M30 -2l451 1301h16l493 -1299h-149l-141 373h-405l-124 -375h-141zM207 1512q0 43 30 73t73 30t73.5 -30t30.5 -73t-30.5 -73t-73.5 -30t-73 30t-30 73zM323 484h345l-180 486zM573 1512q0 43 30 73t72 30t72.5 -30t30.5 -73t-30.5 -73t-72.5 -30t-72 30t-30 73z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" d="M30 -2l440 1270q-71 8 -118.5 59.5t-47.5 120.5q0 74 54.5 127t132.5 53t133 -53t55 -127q0 -70 -49.5 -122t-121.5 -58l482 -1268h-149l-141 373h-405l-124 -375h-141zM323 484h345l-180 486zM408 1449q0 -39 25 -66.5t60 -27.5t60 27.5t25 66.5t-25 66.5t-60 27.5 t-60 -27t-25 -67z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" d="M9 0l401 1278h582v-127h-356l4 -419h299v-131h-297l3 -474h341v-127h-470v346h-267l-109 -346h-131zM279 465h237v686h-23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" d="M83 631q0 147 32 264t81.5 188.5t115.5 119t129 66t127 18.5q127 0 233.5 -68.5t158.5 -184.5l-136 -67q-10 7 -10 20q0 3 0.5 8t0.5 7q0 10 -7 22q-40 68 -105 108t-139 40q-142 0 -241.5 -142.5t-99.5 -386.5q0 -249 102.5 -395t250.5 -146q75 0 145.5 42t114.5 114 l106 -69q-52 -86 -136.5 -140.5t-183.5 -66.5l-9 -79l34 -2q51 -2 79 -16q61 -30 61 -95q0 -60 -59 -106t-164 -46q-134 0 -242 76l51 85q90 -73 203 -73q53 0 73.5 15.5t20.5 34.5q0 22 -22 36q-20 13 -75 13h-60l20 155q-65 5 -125.5 29t-120.5 74t-104.5 122t-72 181.5 t-27.5 244.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" d="M120 0v1278h783v-127h-647v-419h534v-131h-534v-474h642v-127h-778zM290 1478l81 143l313 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unicode="&#xcf;" d="M166 -2v120h251v1038h-237v120h633v-120h-253v-1039h265v-119h-659zM214 1512q0 43 30 73t73 30t73.5 -30t30.5 -73t-30.5 -73t-73.5 -30t-73 30t-30 73zM580 1512q0 43 30 73t72 30t72.5 -30t30.5 -73t-30.5 -73t-72.5 -30t-72 30t-30 73z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" d="M62 617v118h99v541h286q94 0 160 -15t128 -61q110 -81 165 -231t55 -324q0 -210 -79 -375t-222 -232q-85 -40 -232 -40h-261v619h-99zM293 117h122q68 0 116 9.5t97 42.5q91 61 140 183t49 276q0 115 -26.5 222.5t-81.5 182.5q-31 42 -66 69t-74 37.5t-65.5 13.5t-65.5 3 h-145v-421h214v-118h-214v-500z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" d="M103 0v1276h139l536 -945v947h152q2 -10 -6 -26q-8 -14 -8 -29v-1225h-114l-562 1006v-1004h-137zM186 1465q112 177 231 177q38 0 75 -18.5t52 -32t37 -36.5q30 -32 53 -48.5t49 -16.5q15 0 27 4.5t24.5 17t20 21.5t23.5 32t24 33l76 -82q-61 -75 -105 -110t-97 -35 q-40 0 -78.5 24t-64.5 53.5t-58.5 53.5t-62.5 24q-37 0 -64.5 -28.5t-70.5 -97.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" d="M60 640q0 144 30 259.5t76.5 187t109 119t122.5 66t121 18.5q110 0 208.5 -61t159.5 -179q78 -152 78 -415q0 -255 -76 -408q-60 -122 -159.5 -184t-209.5 -62q-62 0 -123 20t-123 68.5t-108.5 121.5t-76 189t-29.5 260zM201 659q0 -117 19.5 -211.5t51.5 -154.5 t74.5 -100t86 -56.5t88.5 -16.5q70 0 136 42.5t108 130.5q57 121 57 324q0 213 -50 337q-41 103 -112 152.5t-147 49.5q-43 0 -84.5 -14.5t-83 -51.5t-73 -91.5t-51.5 -142.5t-20 -197zM290 1478l81 143l313 -184l-48 -85z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" d="M60 640q0 144 30 259.5t76.5 187t109 119t122.5 66t121 18.5q110 0 208.5 -61t159.5 -179q78 -152 78 -415q0 -255 -76 -408q-60 -122 -159.5 -184t-209.5 -62q-62 0 -123 20t-123 68.5t-108.5 121.5t-76 189t-29.5 260zM201 659q0 -117 19.5 -211.5t51.5 -154.5 t74.5 -100t86 -56.5t88.5 -16.5q70 0 136 42.5t108 130.5q57 121 57 324q0 213 -50 337q-41 103 -112 152.5t-147 49.5q-43 0 -84.5 -14.5t-83 -51.5t-73 -91.5t-51.5 -142.5t-20 -197zM353 1437l313 184l82 -143l-347 -126z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" d="M60 640q0 144 30 259.5t76.5 187t109 119t122.5 66t121 18.5q110 0 208.5 -61t159.5 -179q78 -152 78 -415q0 -255 -76 -408q-60 -122 -159.5 -184t-209.5 -62q-62 0 -123 20t-123 68.5t-108.5 121.5t-76 189t-29.5 260zM201 659q0 -117 19.5 -211.5t51.5 -154.5 t74.5 -100t86 -56.5t88.5 -16.5q70 0 136 42.5t108 130.5q57 121 57 324q0 213 -50 337q-41 103 -112 152.5t-147 49.5q-43 0 -84.5 -14.5t-83 -51.5t-73 -91.5t-51.5 -142.5t-20 -197zM232 1417l268 204h44l253 -200l-67 -78l-212 145l-228 -139z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" d="M60 640q0 144 30 259.5t76.5 187t109 119t122.5 66t121 18.5q110 0 208.5 -61t159.5 -179q78 -152 78 -415q0 -255 -76 -408q-60 -122 -159.5 -184t-209.5 -62q-62 0 -123 20t-123 68.5t-108.5 121.5t-76 189t-29.5 260zM186 1465q112 177 231 177q38 0 75 -18.5t52 -32 t37 -36.5q30 -32 53 -48.5t49 -16.5q15 0 27 4.5t24.5 17t20 21.5t23.5 32t24 33l76 -82q-61 -75 -105 -110t-97 -35q-40 0 -78.5 24t-64.5 53.5t-58.5 53.5t-62.5 24q-37 0 -64.5 -28.5t-70.5 -97.5zM201 659q0 -117 19.5 -211.5t51.5 -154.5t74.5 -100t86 -56.5 t88.5 -16.5q70 0 136 42.5t108 130.5q57 121 57 324q0 213 -50 337q-41 103 -112 152.5t-147 49.5q-43 0 -84.5 -14.5t-83 -51.5t-73 -91.5t-51.5 -142.5t-20 -197z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" d="M60 640q0 144 30 259.5t76.5 187t109 119t122.5 66t121 18.5q110 0 208.5 -61t159.5 -179q78 -152 78 -415q0 -255 -76 -408q-60 -122 -159.5 -184t-209.5 -62q-62 0 -123 20t-123 68.5t-108.5 121.5t-76 189t-29.5 260zM201 659q0 -117 19.5 -211.5t51.5 -154.5 t74.5 -100t86 -56.5t88.5 -16.5q70 0 136 42.5t108 130.5q57 121 57 324q0 213 -50 337q-41 103 -112 152.5t-147 49.5q-43 0 -84.5 -14.5t-83 -51.5t-73 -91.5t-51.5 -142.5t-20 -197zM221 1512q0 43 30 73t73 30t73.5 -30t30.5 -73t-30.5 -73t-73.5 -30t-73 30t-30 73z M587 1512q0 43 30 73t72 30t72.5 -30t30.5 -73t-30.5 -73t-72.5 -30t-72 30t-30 73z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" d="M173 396l258 268l-258 273l97 93l255 -269l258 269l97 -90l-265 -274l260 -275l-96 -94l-258 273l-256 -264z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" d="M60 640q0 144 30 259.5t76.5 187t109 119t122.5 66t121 18.5q131 0 237 -81l94 177l110 -59l-113 -211q21 -28 40 -66q78 -152 78 -415q0 -255 -76 -408q-60 -122 -159.5 -184t-209.5 -62q-130 0 -238 81l-102 -191l-106 55l120 225q-134 175 -134 489zM201 659 q0 -223 70 -363l418 786q-78 74 -176 74q-43 0 -84.5 -14.5t-83 -51.5t-73 -91.5t-51.5 -142.5t-20 -197zM351 189q76 -69 170 -69q70 0 136 42.5t108 130.5q57 121 57 324q0 213 -50 337l-5 13z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" d="M103 440v836h160q2 -6 2 -10q0 -7 -13 -28q-8 -11 -8 -27v-773q0 -121 31 -188q34 -72 99.5 -111.5t143.5 -39.5q77 0 143 38.5t100 110.5q33 69 33 196v832h136v-829q0 -87 -9.5 -149t-41.5 -122q-53 -97 -151 -148t-213 -51q-117 0 -214 51t-149 147q-32 59 -40.5 119 t-8.5 146zM290 1478l81 143l313 -184l-48 -85z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xda;" d="M103 440v836h160q2 -6 2 -10q0 -7 -13 -28q-8 -11 -8 -27v-773q0 -121 31 -188q34 -72 99.5 -111.5t143.5 -39.5q77 0 143 38.5t100 110.5q33 69 33 196v832h136v-829q0 -87 -9.5 -149t-41.5 -122q-53 -97 -151 -148t-213 -51q-117 0 -214 51t-149 147q-32 59 -40.5 119 t-8.5 146zM353 1437l313 184l82 -143l-347 -126z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" d="M103 440v836h160q2 -6 2 -10q0 -7 -13 -28q-8 -11 -8 -27v-773q0 -121 31 -188q34 -72 99.5 -111.5t143.5 -39.5q77 0 143 38.5t100 110.5q33 69 33 196v832h136v-829q0 -87 -9.5 -149t-41.5 -122q-53 -97 -151 -148t-213 -51q-117 0 -214 51t-149 147q-32 59 -40.5 119 t-8.5 146zM232 1417l268 204h44l253 -200l-67 -78l-212 145l-228 -139z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" d="M103 440v836h160q2 -6 2 -10q0 -7 -13 -28q-8 -11 -8 -27v-773q0 -121 31 -188q34 -72 99.5 -111.5t143.5 -39.5q77 0 143 38.5t100 110.5q33 69 33 196v832h136v-829q0 -87 -9.5 -149t-41.5 -122q-53 -97 -151 -148t-213 -51q-117 0 -214 51t-149 147q-32 59 -40.5 119 t-8.5 146zM239 1512q0 43 30 73t73 30t73 -30t30 -73t-30 -73t-73 -30t-73 30t-30 73zM604 1512q0 43 30.5 73t72.5 30t72 -30t30 -73t-30 -73t-72 -30t-72.5 30t-30.5 73z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" d="M58 1278h163l313 -621l283 619h152l-363 -772v-504h-155v504zM353 1437l313 184l82 -143l-347 -126z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xde;" d="M120 0v1276h161q1 -3 1 -8q0 -8 -11 -27q-6 -9 -6 -21v-184h244q76 0 131.5 -8t109.5 -36q88 -45 135.5 -130.5t47.5 -185.5t-47 -183.5t-133 -127.5q-53 -26 -106.5 -34t-126.5 -8h-255v-323h-145zM265 449h260q97 0 148 26q54 27 84 80t30 115q0 64 -31.5 119.5 t-89.5 84.5q-54 27 -157 27h-244v-452z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" d="M113 0v866q0 60 1.5 96t11.5 89t30 97q46 105 136.5 163.5t197.5 58.5q152 0 261.5 -107t109.5 -254q0 -88 -43.5 -161.5t-119.5 -112.5q115 -36 184 -136.5t69 -228.5q0 -166 -109 -278.5t-267 -112.5q-119 0 -213 63l73 115q59 -47 138 -47q99 0 170.5 75t71.5 185 q0 79 -37.5 146t-97.5 104q-66 41 -180 41h-62v117h59q58 0 94 16q58 26 94 86.5t36 132.5q0 101 -65.5 170t-157.5 69q-52 0 -101.5 -26t-84.5 -77q-27 -40 -41 -93t-16 -89.5t-2 -96.5v-870h-140z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" d="M100 242q0 83 54.5 155.5t160.5 111.5q55 20 133.5 30t124 11t146.5 1h30v34q0 36 -1 54.5t-8 50.5t-21 56q-54 90 -193 90q-168 0 -268 -104l-72 93q127 131 333 131q110 0 195.5 -40t130.5 -115q29 -49 37.5 -99.5t8.5 -121.5v-580h-140v103q-153 -126 -336 -126 q-141 0 -228 78.5t-87 186.5zM249 252q0 -66 53.5 -114t142.5 -48q81 0 144.5 35t101.5 75q29 31 44 66t17.5 56t2.5 54v62h-34q-10 0 -73 0.5t-89 0t-70.5 -4t-74.5 -10.5q-82 -20 -123.5 -68t-41.5 -104zM369 1345l129 87l181 -301l-103 -62z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" d="M100 242q0 83 54.5 155.5t160.5 111.5q55 20 133.5 30t124 11t146.5 1h30v34q0 36 -1 54.5t-8 50.5t-21 56q-54 90 -193 90q-168 0 -268 -104l-72 93q127 131 333 131q110 0 195.5 -40t130.5 -115q29 -49 37.5 -99.5t8.5 -121.5v-580h-140v103q-153 -126 -336 -126 q-141 0 -228 78.5t-87 186.5zM249 252q0 -66 53.5 -114t142.5 -48q81 0 144.5 35t101.5 75q29 31 44 66t17.5 56t2.5 54v62h-34q-10 0 -73 0.5t-89 0t-70.5 -4t-74.5 -10.5q-82 -20 -123.5 -68t-41.5 -104zM417 1131l180 301l129 -87l-206 -276z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" d="M100 242q0 83 54.5 155.5t160.5 111.5q55 20 133.5 30t124 11t146.5 1h30v34q0 36 -1 54.5t-8 50.5t-21 56q-54 90 -193 90q-168 0 -268 -104l-72 93q127 131 333 131q110 0 195.5 -40t130.5 -115q29 -49 37.5 -99.5t8.5 -121.5v-580h-140v103q-153 -126 -336 -126 q-141 0 -228 78.5t-87 186.5zM249 252q0 -66 53.5 -114t142.5 -48q81 0 144.5 35t101.5 75q29 31 44 66t17.5 56t2.5 54v62h-34q-10 0 -73 0.5t-89 0t-70.5 -4t-74.5 -10.5q-82 -20 -123.5 -68t-41.5 -104zM288 1115l228 288h44l227 -290l-96 -70l-159 210l-166 -208z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" d="M100 242q0 83 54.5 155.5t160.5 111.5q55 20 133.5 30t124 11t146.5 1h30v34q0 36 -1 54.5t-8 50.5t-21 56q-54 90 -193 90q-168 0 -268 -104l-72 93q127 131 333 131q110 0 195.5 -40t130.5 -115q29 -49 37.5 -99.5t8.5 -121.5v-580h-140v103q-153 -126 -336 -126 q-141 0 -228 78.5t-87 186.5zM205 1207q112 177 232 177q38 0 75.5 -19t51.5 -32t37 -37q60 -64 102 -64q15 0 27 4.5t24.5 17t20 21.5t23.5 32t24 33l76 -82q-61 -75 -105 -110t-97 -35q-33 0 -64 16t-55.5 38.5t-47 45.5t-48 39t-50.5 16q-37 0 -64 -28t-70 -98zM249 252 q0 -66 53.5 -114t142.5 -48q81 0 144.5 35t101.5 75q29 31 44 66t17.5 56t2.5 54v62h-34q-10 0 -73 0.5t-89 0t-70.5 -4t-74.5 -10.5q-82 -20 -123.5 -68t-41.5 -104z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" d="M100 242q0 83 54.5 155.5t160.5 111.5q55 20 133.5 30t124 11t146.5 1h30v34q0 36 -1 54.5t-8 50.5t-21 56q-54 90 -193 90q-168 0 -268 -104l-72 93q127 131 333 131q110 0 195.5 -40t130.5 -115q29 -49 37.5 -99.5t8.5 -121.5v-580h-140v103q-153 -126 -336 -126 q-141 0 -228 78.5t-87 186.5zM249 252q0 -66 53.5 -114t142.5 -48q81 0 144.5 35t101.5 75q29 31 44 66t17.5 56t2.5 54v62h-34q-10 0 -73 0.5t-89 0t-70.5 -4t-74.5 -10.5q-82 -20 -123.5 -68t-41.5 -104zM256 1258q0 43 30.5 73t73.5 30t73 -30t30 -73t-30 -73.5 t-73 -30.5t-73.5 30.5t-30.5 73.5zM622 1258q0 43 30.5 73t72.5 30t72 -30t30 -73t-30 -73.5t-72 -30.5t-72.5 30.5t-30.5 73.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" d="M100 242q0 83 54.5 155.5t160.5 111.5q55 20 133.5 30t124 11t146.5 1h30v34q0 36 -1 54.5t-8 50.5t-21 56q-54 90 -193 90q-168 0 -268 -104l-72 93q127 131 333 131q110 0 195.5 -40t130.5 -115q29 -49 37.5 -99.5t8.5 -121.5v-580h-140v103q-153 -126 -336 -126 q-141 0 -228 78.5t-87 186.5zM249 252q0 -66 53.5 -114t142.5 -48q81 0 144.5 35t101.5 75q29 31 44 66t17.5 56t2.5 54v62h-34q-10 0 -73 0.5t-89 0t-70.5 -4t-74.5 -10.5q-82 -20 -123.5 -68t-41.5 -104zM337 1239q0 74 55 127t133 53t132.5 -53t54.5 -127t-54.5 -127 t-132.5 -53t-133 53t-55 127zM442 1240q0 -39 25 -66t60 -27t60 27.5t25 66.5t-25 66t-60 27t-60 -27t-25 -67z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" d="M21 253q0 84 47.5 160t139.5 117q76 34 199 39l45 2v53q0 68 -13 105q-19 51 -59.5 81.5t-88.5 30.5q-43 0 -84.5 -23.5t-70.5 -64.5l-72 90q43 54 105 83.5t131 29.5q74 0 134.5 -34t93.5 -93q34 59 92.5 93t123.5 34q59 0 114.5 -29.5t91.5 -89.5q26 -41 38.5 -97 t14 -90.5t1.5 -99.5v-78l-426 -18v-95q0 -89 21 -135q26 -59 78 -93t113 -34q95 0 150 74l73 -84q-44 -52 -105.5 -81t-128.5 -29q-78 0 -147 37.5t-111 103.5q-33 -65 -95 -103t-136 -38q-111 0 -190 80.5t-79 195.5zM152 262q0 -66 44.5 -113t107.5 -47q44 0 81 25t54 71 q5 14 8 29t4 34t1.5 31.5t0 39t-0.5 39.5v78l-44 -2q-108 -4 -158 -30q-48 -24 -73 -66t-25 -89zM578 571l307 12v41q0 83 -19 127q-19 43 -52 67t-72 24q-74 0 -125 -77q-39 -59 -39 -159v-35z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" d="M115 468q0 211 132 348.5t338 137.5q111 0 202.5 -45.5t147.5 -127.5l-104 -122q-9 7 -9.5 24.5t-3.5 23.5q-2 5 -11.5 17t-30.5 30.5t-47 34.5t-67 28t-86 12q-132 0 -220.5 -95t-88.5 -251q0 -163 91.5 -267.5t229.5 -104.5q71 0 136 29.5t112 83.5l85 -99 q-120 -129 -299 -146l-9 -76l34 -2q51 -2 79 -16q61 -30 61 -95q0 -60 -59 -106t-164 -46q-134 0 -242 76l51 85q90 -73 203 -73q53 0 73.5 15.5t20.5 34.5q0 22 -22 36q-20 13 -75 13h-60l20 154q-183 16 -300.5 152.5t-117.5 336.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" d="M100 457q0 124 35.5 222t96 157.5t136.5 90.5t162 31q61 0 117 -17t108.5 -54t91 -104t53.5 -157q15 -91 7 -179h-664q3 -80 25.5 -143t54.5 -101t74.5 -62.5t82 -33.5t80.5 -9q148 0 242 105l82 -79q-59 -71 -146 -108t-189 -37q-96 0 -177.5 31.5t-142 90.5t-95 150.5 t-34.5 205.5zM247 560h515q14 115 -58 200t-185 85q-41 0 -81.5 -14t-80.5 -45t-70 -89t-40 -137zM369 1345l129 87l181 -301l-103 -62z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" d="M100 457q0 124 35.5 222t96 157.5t136.5 90.5t162 31q61 0 117 -17t108.5 -54t91 -104t53.5 -157q15 -91 7 -179h-664q3 -80 25.5 -143t54.5 -101t74.5 -62.5t82 -33.5t80.5 -9q148 0 242 105l82 -79q-59 -71 -146 -108t-189 -37q-96 0 -177.5 31.5t-142 90.5t-95 150.5 t-34.5 205.5zM247 560h515q14 115 -58 200t-185 85q-41 0 -81.5 -14t-80.5 -45t-70 -89t-40 -137zM417 1131l180 301l129 -87l-206 -276z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea;" d="M100 457q0 124 35.5 222t96 157.5t136.5 90.5t162 31q61 0 117 -17t108.5 -54t91 -104t53.5 -157q15 -91 7 -179h-664q3 -80 25.5 -143t54.5 -101t74.5 -62.5t82 -33.5t80.5 -9q148 0 242 105l82 -79q-59 -71 -146 -108t-189 -37q-96 0 -177.5 31.5t-142 90.5t-95 150.5 t-34.5 205.5zM247 560h515q14 115 -58 200t-185 85q-41 0 -81.5 -14t-80.5 -45t-70 -89t-40 -137zM274 1115l228 288h44l226 -290l-95 -70l-159 210l-166 -208z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" d="M100 457q0 124 35.5 222t96 157.5t136.5 90.5t162 31q61 0 117 -17t108.5 -54t91 -104t53.5 -157q15 -91 7 -179h-664q3 -80 25.5 -143t54.5 -101t74.5 -62.5t82 -33.5t80.5 -9q148 0 242 105l82 -79q-59 -71 -146 -108t-189 -37q-96 0 -177.5 31.5t-142 90.5t-95 150.5 t-34.5 205.5zM233 1258q0 43 30.5 73t73.5 30t73 -30t30 -73t-30 -73.5t-73 -30.5t-73.5 30.5t-30.5 73.5zM247 560h515q14 115 -58 200t-185 85q-41 0 -81.5 -14t-80.5 -45t-70 -89t-40 -137zM599 1258q0 43 30.5 73t72.5 30t72 -30t30 -73t-30 -73.5t-72 -30.5t-72.5 30.5 t-30.5 73.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xec;" d="M205 0v118h239v699h-227v120h375v-819h219v-118h-606zM263 1345l129 87l181 -301l-103 -62z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xed;" d="M205 0v118h239v699h-227v120h375v-819h219v-118h-606zM399 1131l181 301l129 -87l-207 -276z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xee;" d="M205 0v118h239v699h-227v120h375v-819h219v-118h-606zM232 1115l228 288h44l226 -290l-95 -70l-160 210l-166 -208z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xef;" d="M205 0v118h239v699h-227v120h375v-819h219v-118h-606zM209 1258q0 43 30 73t73 30t73 -30t30 -73t-30 -73.5t-73 -30.5t-73 30.5t-30 73.5zM574 1258q0 43 30.5 73t72.5 30t72 -30t30 -73t-30 -73.5t-72 -30.5t-72.5 30.5t-30.5 73.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" d="M83 456q0 208 127 354.5t299 146.5q147 0 246 -107q-61 157 -176 281l-261 -74l-37 97l213 58q-95 80 -209 131l166 34q94 -53 178 -128l221 61l35 -92l-175 -50q233 -265 233 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261q0 180 -83 277t-195 97q-114 0 -195.5 -97t-81.5 -261zM369 1345l129 87l181 -301l-103 -62z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" d="M83 461q0 106 36 199t96 157.5t141.5 101.5t169.5 37q81 0 155 -32t132.5 -92t93.5 -155.5t35 -212.5q0 -113 -34.5 -206.5t-93 -154.5t-134 -94.5t-159.5 -33.5q-88 0 -168 36.5t-139.5 99.5t-95 154.5t-35.5 195.5zM239 473q0 -167 83 -269t200 -102q111 0 191.5 94 t80.5 261q0 180 -83 277t-195 97q-114 0 -195.5 -97t-81.5 -261zM417 1131l180 301l129 -87l-206 -276z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" d="M83 461q0 106 36 199t96 157.5t141.5 101.5t169.5 37q81 0 155 -32t132.5 -92t93.5 -155.5t35 -212.5q0 -113 -34.5 -206.5t-93 -154.5t-134 -94.5t-159.5 -33.5q-88 0 -168 36.5t-139.5 99.5t-95 154.5t-35.5 195.5zM239 473q0 -167 83 -269t200 -102q111 0 191.5 94 t80.5 261q0 180 -83 277t-195 97q-114 0 -195.5 -97t-81.5 -261zM274 1115l228 288h44l226 -290l-95 -70l-159 210l-166 -208z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf5;" d="M83 461q0 106 36 199t96 157.5t141.5 101.5t169.5 37q81 0 155 -32t132.5 -92t93.5 -155.5t35 -212.5q0 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-106q-7 -39 -32.5 -57.5t-79.5 -18.5h-102l-52 -283h145q33 0 50 -16t17 -54q0 -14 -4 -32l-12 -80h-222zM459 600h210l52 283h-209z" /> -<glyph unicode="$" d="M474 -9q-120 16 -225 65t-178 122l77 116q10 15 27.5 25t35.5 10q23 0 48.5 -16t58 -37.5t74.5 -43t100 -31.5l38 458q-73 20 -144 48t-127.5 73.5t-91.5 115.5t-35 174q0 78 31.5 152t90.5 132.5t146 96.5t200 43l11 129q2 25 20.5 44.5t48.5 19.5h93l-17 -202 q109 -17 187.5 -61.5t136.5 -99.5l-61 -93q-14 -20 -28.5 -30.5t-35.5 -10.5q-15 0 -36 9.5t-48 23.5t-60 28.5t-73 23.5l-36 -424q74 -23 146.5 -50t130 -70t93.5 -107t36 -160q0 -95 -32 -178.5t-92.5 -147.5t-150 -104t-203.5 -48l-13 -151q-2 -24 -20 -43.5t-48 -19.5 h-93zM868 425q0 39 -13.5 68t-38.5 51.5t-59 39t-74 29.5l-35 -415q109 14 164.5 73t55.5 154zM371 1095q0 -39 13 -69t37 -53t57 -41t72 -32l32 379q-56 -7 -96.5 -24t-66 -41.5t-37 -54.5t-11.5 -64z" /> -<glyph unicode="%" horiz-adv-x="1644" d="M746 1122q0 -84 -28 -151.5t-75 -115t-109.5 -73t-130.5 -25.5q-74 0 -136 25.5t-107.5 73t-71.5 115t-26 151.5q0 86 26 156t71.5 118t108 74t135.5 26q74 0 137 -26t109 -74t71.5 -118t25.5 -156zM551 1122q0 59 -11.5 99.5t-31.5 65t-47 35t-58 10.5t-57.5 -10.5 t-45.5 -35t-30 -64.5t-11 -100q0 -57 11 -95.5t30 -62t46 -33.5t57 -10q31 0 58 10t47 33.5t31.5 62t11.5 95.5zM1239 1441q12 15 30.5 27.5t51.5 12.5h183l-1100 -1443q-12 -16 -31 -27t-45 -11h-189zM1582 348q0 -84 -28 -151.5t-75 -115t-109.5 -73.5t-130.5 -26 q-74 0 -136.5 26t-108 73.5t-71 115t-25.5 151.5q0 86 25.5 155.5t71 118t108 74.5t136.5 26t137 -26t109 -74.5t71.5 -118t25.5 -155.5zM1388 348q0 59 -12 99t-32 65t-47 35.5t-58 10.5t-57.5 -10.5t-45.5 -35.5t-30 -64.5t-11 -99.5q0 -57 11 -96t30 -62.5t45.5 -34 t57.5 -10.5t58 10.5t47 34t32 62.5t12 96z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x26;" horiz-adv-x="1462" d="M679 1497q90 0 161 -27.5t122 -73.5t80 -105.5t34 -123.5l-161 -33q-3 -1 -6.5 -1h-6.5q-17 0 -31 9.5t-22 29.5q-9 27 -23.5 51t-35 42t-48 29t-63.5 11q-43 0 -77 -15t-57.5 -40t-35.5 -58.5t-12 -70.5q0 -31 6.5 -59.5t21 -57t37.5 -59t56 -64.5l394 -409 q34 65 54 136.5t27 145.5q2 24 15 38t37 14h159q-1 -135 -39 -258t-109 -226l310 -322h-247q-19 0 -34.5 2t-28.5 7.5t-25.5 15t-25.5 23.5l-103 106q-98 -80 -218 -125t-261 -45q-86 0 -168 29t-146.5 84.5t-103.5 133.5t-39 177q0 69 22.5 130.5t62 115t94.5 96.5t121 73 q-54 77 -79.5 150.5t-25.5 145.5q0 77 28 146t82 120.5t132 81.5t176 30zM323 428q0 -56 19 -101t53 -76.5t78.5 -48.5t94.5 -17q90 0 164.5 28.5t135.5 78.5l-389 399q-82 -53 -119 -119.5t-37 -143.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="'" horiz-adv-x="487" d="M354 1481v-295l-23 -160q-7 -45 -26 -69t-62 -24q-37 0 -58.5 24t-27.5 69l-23 160v295h220z" /> -<glyph unicode="(" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M328 642q0 -211 51 -414.5t146 -383.5q7 -13 10 -24t3 -21q0 -20 -10.5 -33t-24.5 -21l-113 -69q-76 117 -129 235t-87 237.5t-49.5 242.5t-15.5 251t15.5 251.5t49.5 243t87 237t129 234.5l113 -68q14 -8 24.5 -21t10.5 -32t-14 -46q-94 -179 -145 -383.5t-51 -415.5z " /> -<glyph unicode=")" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M287 642q0 211 -51.5 415.5t-145.5 383.5q-13 27 -13 46t10 32t25 21l112 68q76 -117 129.5 -234.5t87 -237t49.5 -243t16 -251.5t-16 -251t-49.5 -242.5t-87 -237.5t-129.5 -235l-112 69q-14 8 -24.5 21t-10.5 33q0 9 2.5 20.5t9.5 24.5q95 179 146.5 383t51.5 415z" /> -<glyph unicode="*" horiz-adv-x="819" d="M348 857v187q0 20 2.5 40t8.5 37q-11 -14 -26.5 -25.5t-32.5 -22.5l-162 -94l-60 102l163 95q18 11 36 18t37 10q-19 2 -37 10.5t-36 19.5l-163 95l59 103l163 -97q17 -11 33 -23t27 -26q-7 17 -9.5 36.5t-2.5 40.5v189h121v-187q0 -22 -2.5 -41.5t-9.5 -37.5 q11 14 26.5 26t33.5 23l162 95l60 -103l-162 -93q-18 -11 -36.5 -19t-37.5 -11q35 -6 74 -28l162 -96l-59 -102l-163 95q-18 11 -33.5 22.5t-27.5 25.5q13 -33 13 -75v-189h-121z" /> -<glyph unicode="+" d="M694 1201v-420h399v-187h-399v-422h-205v422h-396v187h396v420h205z" /> -<glyph unicode="," horiz-adv-x="460" d="M82 156q0 29 10.5 53.5t30 43.5t47.5 30t60 11q39 0 68 -14t48.5 -38t28.5 -55t9 -66q0 -49 -15 -103.5t-43.5 -108.5t-70.5 -105.5t-96 -94.5l-44 40q-18 15 -19 38q0 8 6 18.5t14 18.5l27.5 30t33 41t30 50t19.5 58q-32 0 -58.5 12t-45.5 32.5t-29.5 48t-10.5 60.5z " /> -<glyph unicode="-" horiz-adv-x="735" d="M102 724h531v-211h-531v211z" /> -<glyph unicode="." horiz-adv-x="460" d="M75 139q0 32 11.5 60.5t32.5 49t50 33t61 12.5t60.5 -12.5t49 -33t33 -49t12.5 -60.5q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-33 -48.5t-49 -32t-60.5 -11.5q-33 0 -61.5 11.5t-49.5 32t-32.5 48.5t-11.5 61z" /> -<glyph unicode="/" horiz-adv-x="792" d="M223 -3q-9 -24 -23.5 -41t-33 -29t-38.5 -18t-40 -6h-106l598 1530q17 43 50 66t79 23h107z" /> -<glyph unicode="0" d="M1137 740q0 -194 -41.5 -336.5t-115 -235.5t-173 -138.5t-215.5 -45.5t-214.5 45.5t-171.5 138.5t-114 236t-41 336q0 195 41 337.5t114 235.5t171.5 138.5t214.5 45.5t215.5 -45.5t173 -138.5t115 -235.5t41.5 -337.5zM876 740q0 161 -24 266.5t-63 168t-90.5 87.5 t-106.5 25q-54 0 -105 -25t-90 -87.5t-62 -168t-23 -266.5t23 -266t62 -167.5t90 -87.5t105 -25q55 0 106.5 25t90.5 87.5t63 167.5t24 266z" /> -<glyph unicode="1" d="M275 189h300v864q0 50 4 105l-213 -178q-13 -11 -27 -15t-28 -4q-20 0 -37 8.5t-25 19.5l-80 110l452 384h207v-1294h267v-189h-820v189z" /> -<glyph unicode="2" d="M616 1497q102 0 187.5 -30t146 -85.5t94 -133.5t33.5 -173q0 -82 -24 -151.5t-64.5 -133t-94.5 -123t-114 -120.5l-334 -341q49 14 96.5 22t90.5 8h380q41 0 65 -23.5t24 -60.5v-152h-1016v84q0 26 11 53.5t34 50.5l450 451q56 57 100.5 109.5t74.5 103.5t46 104t16 111 q0 53 -15.5 93.5t-44 68t-68 41.5t-88.5 14q-91 0 -150 -46t-82 -124q-11 -39 -34 -56t-57 -17q-15 0 -34 3l-133 24q15 106 59 186.5t110 134.5t151.5 81t183.5 27z" /> -<glyph unicode="3" d="M640 1497q102 0 184.5 -29t141 -81t89.5 -121.5t31 -150.5q0 -71 -15.5 -124.5t-46 -93.5t-74 -67.5t-98.5 -46.5q133 -42 198.5 -128t65.5 -216q0 -111 -41 -195.5t-110.5 -142.5t-161 -87.5t-194.5 -29.5q-112 0 -194.5 25.5t-144 75.5t-104.5 123t-74 168l112 46 q29 12 58 12q27 0 48 -11t32 -33q18 -36 40 -70.5t53 -62t72.5 -44t98.5 -16.5q65 0 113 21t80 54.5t48 75t16 83.5q0 53 -11 96.5t-47 74.5t-103 48.5t-180 17.5v180q93 1 154.5 17.5t98 45.5t51 70t14.5 90q0 105 -57.5 159t-156.5 54q-90 0 -149.5 -47.5t-83.5 -122.5 q-12 -39 -33.5 -56t-56.5 -17q-16 0 -35 3l-133 24q15 106 59.5 186.5t110.5 134.5t151.5 81t183.5 27z" /> -<glyph unicode="4" d="M965 558h186v-146q0 -20 -13.5 -35.5t-38.5 -15.5h-134v-361h-222v361h-624q-26 0 -45.5 16t-24.5 40l-25 128l701 937h240v-924zM743 1042q0 33 2.5 71t7.5 79l-460 -634h450v484z" /> -<glyph unicode="5" d="M1013 1373q0 -54 -34.5 -88t-114.5 -34h-407l-54 -309q100 20 184 21q117 0 205.5 -35t148.5 -96.5t91 -144t31 -177.5q0 -118 -41.5 -215t-115 -166.5t-174.5 -107t-220 -37.5q-70 0 -132.5 14t-117 38t-101 55.5t-83.5 66.5l78 107q25 35 65 35q26 0 52 -16.5t61 -36 t81 -35.5t111 -16q70 0 123 22.5t88.5 63t53.5 96t18 121.5q0 121 -70 189t-207 68q-108 0 -216 -39l-157 45l123 719h731v-108z" /> -<glyph unicode="6" d="M686 925q84 0 163.5 -28t140 -83.5t97 -138.5t36.5 -194q0 -103 -37.5 -193.5t-106.5 -158.5t-165.5 -106.5t-213.5 -38.5q-119 0 -213 37.5t-160.5 106t-102 164t-35.5 212.5q0 104 42.5 214t131.5 229l353 474q18 25 54 42.5t82 17.5h225l-439 -538q-14 -17 -27 -32.5 t-26 -31.5q43 22 93 34t108 12zM332 465q0 -61 17 -112t50 -87t82 -56t114 -20q60 0 111 20.5t87 57.5t56.5 86.5t20.5 108.5q0 63 -19.5 114t-55 86t-86 53.5t-110.5 18.5t-109.5 -20.5t-84.5 -56.5t-54 -86t-19 -107z" /> -<glyph unicode="7" d="M1122 1481v-110q0 -49 -10.5 -79t-20.5 -51l-561 -1155q-17 -36 -48.5 -61t-86.5 -25h-183l573 1132q36 70 80 119h-708q-24 0 -41.5 17.5t-17.5 41.5v171h1024z" /> -<glyph unicode="8" d="M594 -16q-115 0 -209.5 30.5t-162 87t-105 136t-37.5 178.5q0 131 64.5 221.5t200.5 134.5q-109 45 -162.5 128t-53.5 200q0 84 34.5 156.5t96 126.5t147 84t187.5 30t187.5 -30t147 -84t96 -126.5t34.5 -156.5q0 -117 -54.5 -200t-161.5 -128q136 -44 200.5 -134.5 t64.5 -221.5q0 -98 -37.5 -178t-105 -136.5t-162 -87t-209.5 -30.5zM594 181q62 0 109.5 18t79.5 50t48.5 76t16.5 95q0 122 -67.5 184.5t-186.5 62.5t-186.5 -62.5t-67.5 -184.5q0 -51 16.5 -95t48.5 -76t79.5 -50t109.5 -18zM594 865q61 0 103 19.5t68 52t36.5 74 t10.5 85.5q0 42 -13.5 79.5t-40 67t-67.5 47t-97 17.5t-97 -17.5t-68.5 -47t-40 -67t-12.5 -79.5q0 -44 10.5 -85.5t36.5 -74t68 -52t103 -19.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="9" d="M543 591q-77 0 -151 26.5t-131.5 80.5t-92.5 133t-35 186q0 99 37 186t103.5 152.5t159.5 103.5t206 38q114 0 204.5 -36t154.5 -100.5t98 -154.5t34 -197q0 -69 -11.5 -130.5t-33.5 -118.5t-53 -110.5t-68 -107.5l-339 -484q-17 -25 -51.5 -41.5t-78.5 -16.5h-233 l460 574q17 22 32.5 42.5t29.5 40.5q-51 -33 -112 -49.5t-129 -16.5zM888 1034q0 60 -18.5 108t-52.5 80.5t-80.5 50t-101.5 17.5q-57 0 -103.5 -19t-78.5 -52.5t-49.5 -80t-17.5 -102.5q0 -124 64 -189t182 -65q61 0 108.5 19.5t80.5 53.5t50 80t17 99z" /> -<glyph unicode=":" horiz-adv-x="542" d="M116 139q0 32 11.5 60.5t32.5 49t50 33t61 12.5t60.5 -12.5t49 -33t33 -49t12.5 -60.5q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-33 -48.5t-49 -32t-60.5 -11.5q-33 0 -61.5 11.5t-49.5 32t-32.5 48.5t-11.5 61zM116 869q0 32 11.5 60.5t32.5 49t50 33t61 12.5t60.5 -12.5t49 -33t33 -49 t12.5 -60.5q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-33 -48.5t-49 -32t-60.5 -11.5q-33 0 -61.5 11.5t-49.5 32t-32.5 48.5t-11.5 61z" /> -<glyph unicode=";" horiz-adv-x="542" d="M123 156q0 29 10.5 53.5t30 43.5t47.5 30t60 11q39 0 68 -14t48.5 -38t28.5 -55t9 -66q0 -49 -15 -103.5t-43.5 -108.5t-70.5 -105.5t-96 -94.5l-44 40q-18 15 -19 38q0 8 5.5 18.5t14.5 18.5l27.5 30t32.5 41t30 50t20 58q-32 0 -58.5 12t-45.5 32.5t-29.5 48 t-10.5 60.5zM116 869q0 32 11.5 60.5t32.5 49t50 33t61 12.5t60.5 -12.5t49 -33t33 -49t12.5 -60.5q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-33 -48.5t-49 -32t-60.5 -11.5q-33 0 -61.5 11.5t-49.5 32t-32.5 48.5t-11.5 61z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3c;" d="M142 741l811 423v-180q0 -20 -10 -37t-34 -29l-371 -191q-24 -12 -50 -21t-56 -16q30 -7 56 -15.5t50 -21.5l371 -191q24 -12 34 -29t10 -38v-180l-811 424v102z" /> -<glyph unicode="=" d="M139 602h908v-188h-908v188zM139 963h908v-188h-908v188z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3e;" d="M234 215v180q0 20 10.5 37.5t34.5 29.5l371 191q45 23 106 37q-30 7 -56 16t-50 21l-371 191q-24 12 -34.5 29t-10.5 37v180l812 -423v-102z" /> -<glyph unicode="?" horiz-adv-x="861" d="M38 1347q35 31 76.5 58.5t89.5 48t104.5 32t121.5 11.5q89 0 162.5 -24.5t125.5 -70t80.5 -110t28.5 -144.5q0 -78 -22.5 -135t-56.5 -99t-74 -72.5t-76 -57.5t-62 -53t-31 -59l-24 -150h-173l-17 167q-1 5 -1 8.5v9.5q0 45 22.5 78t56 62.5t72.5 57t73 59.5t56.5 73 t22.5 97q0 37 -14 66t-38.5 50t-59 32t-73.5 11q-58 0 -99 -12.5t-69 -28.5t-47.5 -29t-34.5 -13q-37 0 -54 31zM231 139q0 32 12 60.5t33 49t49.5 33t61.5 12.5q32 0 60.5 -12.5t49 -33t33 -49t12.5 -60.5q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-33 -48.5t-49 -32t-60.5 -11.5q-33 0 -61.5 11.5 t-49.5 32t-33 48.5t-12 61z" /> -<glyph unicode="@" horiz-adv-x="1684" d="M1194 188q-70 0 -124.5 33t-76.5 106q-60 -74 -127.5 -106t-145.5 -32q-65 0 -112.5 22.5t-79.5 62t-48 93.5t-16 117q0 58 15 118.5t44.5 116t74 104t105 85t135 57.5t166.5 21q79 0 135 -12t108 -35l-98 -380q-16 -66 -16 -109q0 -31 7.5 -51.5t20.5 -33t31 -17 t40 -4.5q43 0 81.5 27t67 76.5t45.5 117t17 147.5q0 133 -41.5 234.5t-116 169.5t-177.5 102t-226 34q-134 0 -249.5 -50.5t-200 -138.5t-132 -208t-47.5 -258q0 -168 52 -295.5t143.5 -213t214.5 -128.5t267 -43q79 0 147.5 8.5t126 23.5t104.5 34t84 41q20 11 34 11 q30 0 42 -33l35 -91q-106 -70 -248.5 -114t-324.5 -44q-185 0 -343 58.5t-273 167.5t-180 265.5t-65 352.5q0 110 28 213t80 194t126 166.5t164 130t195 84.5t220 30q145 0 278.5 -48.5t236.5 -139t164.5 -221t61.5 -294.5q0 -110 -32 -205.5t-90 -166.5t-136.5 -111.5 t-170.5 -40.5zM770 352q27 0 54 8.5t51.5 29.5t45 55.5t33.5 86.5l75 289q-33 6 -67 6q-63 0 -119 -27.5t-96 -74.5t-64 -108t-24 -127t28.5 -102t82.5 -36z" /> -<glyph unicode="A" horiz-adv-x="1454" d="M1451 0h-213q-36 0 -59 18t-33 44l-111 303h-613l-111 -303q-8 -24 -32 -43t-59 -19h-214l582 1481h281zM493 559h472l-181 493q-12 33 -27 77.5t-29 96.5q-14 -52 -28 -97.5t-27 -78.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="B" horiz-adv-x="1334" d="M150 0v1481h510q145 0 248.5 -28t169.5 -79t96.5 -123.5t30.5 -164.5q0 -52 -15 -99.5t-47.5 -89t-82 -75.5t-118.5 -57q305 -69 305 -330q0 -94 -35.5 -174t-104.5 -137.5t-169 -90.5t-229 -33h-559zM425 649v-434h280q77 0 128.5 18.5t82.5 49t45 71.5t14 87 q0 48 -15.5 86.5t-48 66t-84 41.5t-124.5 14h-278zM425 840h220q140 0 213 51t73 163q0 116 -65.5 165t-205.5 49h-235v-428z" /> -<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="1373" d="M1167 349q23 0 39 -17l109 -118q-90 -112 -221.5 -171t-316.5 -59q-165 0 -296.5 56t-224.5 156.5t-143 239.5t-50 304q0 167 55.5 306t156 239t240 156t308.5 56q165 0 288.5 -52.5t211.5 -139.5l-92 -128q-8 -12 -21 -21.5t-35 -9.5q-24 0 -48.5 18.5t-62.5 40t-96 40 t-147 18.5q-104 0 -191.5 -36.5t-150.5 -104t-98.5 -164.5t-35.5 -218q0 -125 35.5 -222t96 -163.5t142 -102t176.5 -35.5q56 0 101.5 6t84 19.5t72.5 34.5t68 52q10 9 21.5 14.5t24.5 5.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="D" horiz-adv-x="1530" d="M1464 740q0 -163 -54 -299t-152.5 -234t-236.5 -152.5t-306 -54.5h-565v1481h565q168 0 306 -55t236.5 -152.5t152.5 -234t54 -299.5zM1183 740q0 122 -33 219t-93.5 164t-147 103t-194.5 36h-288v-1043h288q109 0 195 36t146.5 103t93.5 163.5t33 218.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="E" horiz-adv-x="1172" d="M1083 1481v-219h-656v-411h517v-212h-517v-419h656v-220h-933v1481h933z" /> -<glyph unicode="F" horiz-adv-x="1149" d="M1083 1481v-219h-656v-439h554v-220h-554v-603h-277v1481h933z" /> -<glyph unicode="G" horiz-adv-x="1480" d="M829 203q93 0 162.5 17t131.5 46v270h-185q-27 0 -42 14.5t-15 36.5v155h492v-599q-56 -41 -117 -71t-130 -49.5t-148 -29t-170 -9.5q-162 0 -298 56t-235.5 156.5t-155.5 239.5t-56 304q0 167 54.5 306.5t154.5 239.5t242 155.5t320 55.5q181 0 313.5 -53.5 t224.5 -139.5l-80 -125q-24 -38 -62 -38q-25 0 -50 16q-33 19 -67.5 38.5t-76 34t-93 24t-119.5 9.5q-110 0 -198 -37t-150.5 -105.5t-96.5 -165t-34 -215.5q0 -128 36 -227.5t100.5 -168.5t153.5 -105t194 -36z" /> -<glyph unicode="H" horiz-adv-x="1548" d="M1399 0h-278v647h-694v-647h-277v1481h277v-637h694v637h278v-1481z" /> -<glyph unicode="I" horiz-adv-x="643" d="M460 0h-277v1481h277v-1481z" /> -<glyph unicode="J" horiz-adv-x="894" d="M745 526q0 -125 -30.5 -225t-91.5 -171t-152 -108.5t-212 -37.5q-55 0 -108.5 6.5t-111.5 20.5l14 164q2 23 17 36.5t44 13.5q17 0 45 -7t71 -7q58 0 103.5 17t75.5 53.5t45.5 95.5t15.5 143v961h275v-955z" /> -<glyph unicode="K" horiz-adv-x="1429" d="M434 860h65q39 0 64.5 11t43.5 34l409 517q26 33 54 46t71 13h237l-498 -616q-24 -29 -45.5 -48t-46.5 -32q34 -12 61.5 -34.5t52.5 -57.5l514 -693h-244q-49 0 -73 14t-40 40l-419 547q-20 27 -46 38.5t-73 11.5h-87v-651h-275v1482h275v-622z" /> -<glyph unicode="L" horiz-adv-x="1058" d="M425 227h593v-227h-868v1481h275v-1254z" /> -<glyph unicode="M" horiz-adv-x="1904" d="M893 614q17 -33 32 -68t29 -71q14 37 29.5 73t33.5 68l438 821q8 15 17 24t19.5 13.5t24 5.5t31.5 1h208v-1481h-243v956q0 27 2 59t5 64l-448 -839q-15 -29 -39.5 -45t-57.5 -16h-38q-33 0 -57.5 16t-39.5 45l-454 842q4 -34 5.5 -66t1.5 -60v-956h-242v1481h207 q18 0 31.5 -1t24.5 -5.5t20 -13.5t18 -24l442 -823v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="N" horiz-adv-x="1548" d="M294 1481q18 0 30.5 -1.5t22 -6.5t19 -13.5t20.5 -22.5l777 -991q-4 36 -5.5 70.5t-1.5 64.5v900h243v-1481h-143q-33 0 -54 10t-42 37l-774 986q3 -33 4.5 -65t1.5 -59v-909h-242v1481h144v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="O" horiz-adv-x="1637" d="M1570 740q0 -163 -54.5 -301.5t-152.5 -240t-236.5 -158t-306.5 -56.5t-306.5 56.5t-237.5 158t-153 240.5t-54 301q0 163 54 302t153 240t237.5 158t306.5 57t306.5 -57.5t236.5 -158t152.5 -239.5t54.5 -302zM1287 740q0 122 -32 219t-92.5 164.5t-147 103.5t-195.5 36 t-195.5 -36t-147.5 -103.5t-94 -164.5t-33 -219t33 -218.5t94 -163.5t148 -103t195 -36q109 0 195.5 36t147 103t92.5 163.5t32 218.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="P" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M434 521v-521h-275v1481h482q148 0 257 -35t179.5 -97.5t104 -149.5t33.5 -190q0 -108 -35.5 -197.5t-107.5 -154t-179.5 -100.5t-251.5 -36h-207zM434 736h207q76 0 132 19t93 54.5t55.5 86t18.5 113.5q0 59 -18.5 107t-55.5 82t-93 52t-132 18h-207v-532z" /> -<glyph unicode="Q" horiz-adv-x="1637" d="M1570 740q0 -99 -20.5 -189.5t-59 -169.5t-94 -145t-125.5 -116l376 -410h-228q-49 0 -88.5 13.5t-72.5 49.5l-217 239q-52 -14 -106.5 -21t-114.5 -7q-168 0 -306.5 56.5t-237.5 158t-153 240.5t-54 301q0 163 54 302t153 240t237.5 158t306.5 57t306.5 -57.5 t236.5 -158t152.5 -239.5t54.5 -302zM1287 740q0 122 -32 219t-92.5 164.5t-147 103.5t-195.5 36t-195.5 -36t-147.5 -103.5t-94 -164.5t-33 -219t33 -218.5t94 -163.5t148 -103t195 -36q109 0 195.5 36t147 103t92.5 163.5t32 218.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="R" horiz-adv-x="1341" d="M434 579v-579h-275v1481h451q152 0 260 -31.5t177 -87.5t101.5 -134.5t32.5 -172.5q0 -75 -22 -141.5t-63.5 -121t-102.5 -95.5t-139 -65q52 -30 90 -85l371 -547h-248q-36 0 -61 14.5t-42 40.5l-312 474q-17 27 -38 38.5t-62 11.5h-118zM434 776h172q78 0 136 19.5 t95 54t55.5 81.5t18.5 103q0 113 -74 173.5t-227 60.5h-176v-492z" /> -<glyph unicode="S" horiz-adv-x="1098" d="M943 1211q-11 -23 -26 -32t-35 -9t-46 16t-61 35.5t-81.5 35.5t-109.5 16q-57 0 -100 -14t-72 -38.5t-43.5 -59t-14.5 -75.5q0 -52 29.5 -86.5t77.5 -59.5t109.5 -44t125.5 -41t125.5 -51.5t109.5 -74t77 -109t29 -156.5q0 -100 -34 -188t-100 -153t-161.5 -102 t-218.5 -37q-71 0 -139.5 13.5t-131.5 39t-117.5 61.5t-97.5 80l80 132q11 14 27 24t35 10q26 0 55.5 -21t70 -46.5t95.5 -46.5t131 -21q118 0 182.5 56t64.5 160q0 58 -29 95t-77 62t-109.5 42.5t-125 38t-125 49t-109.5 75t-77.5 115.5t-29.5 170q0 81 32.5 158t94.5 136 t152 95t206 36q131 0 241.5 -41t188.5 -115z" /> -<glyph unicode="T" horiz-adv-x="1218" d="M1193 1481v-227h-445v-1254h-276v1254h-447v227h1168z" /> -<glyph unicode="U" horiz-adv-x="1490" d="M745 222q80 0 143 26.5t106.5 75t66.5 117t23 153.5v887h276v-887q0 -132 -42.5 -244t-122.5 -193.5t-193.5 -127t-256.5 -45.5q-142 0 -255.5 45.5t-193 127t-122 193.5t-42.5 244v887h276v-886q0 -85 23 -153.5t66 -117.5t105.5 -75.5t142.5 -26.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="V" horiz-adv-x="1454" d="M4 1481h222q36 0 58.5 -17.5t33.5 -45.5l349 -903q17 -44 33 -96.5t30 -111.5q24 118 58 208l348 903q9 24 32.5 43.5t58.5 19.5h222l-598 -1481h-249z" /> -<glyph unicode="W" horiz-adv-x="2143" d="M12 1481h232q36 0 60 -17t32 -46l252 -886q9 -33 16.5 -71t15.5 -81q8 43 17.5 81.5t20.5 70.5l291 886q8 24 32.5 43.5t58.5 19.5h81q36 0 59.5 -17t32.5 -46l289 -886q23 -66 39 -145q7 40 15 77t16 68l252 886q7 26 31.5 44.5t59.5 18.5h216l-460 -1481h-249 l-323 1012q-6 19 -13 41.5t-13 48.5q-6 -26 -12.5 -48.5t-12.5 -41.5l-327 -1012h-249z" /> -<glyph unicode="X" horiz-adv-x="1390" d="M505 762l-472 719h274q29 0 41.5 -8t23.5 -25l337 -544q5 13 11 26t14 26l308 487q23 38 59 38h264l-477 -708l490 -773h-275q-28 0 -45 14.5t-28 32.5l-343 567q-4 -12 -9 -22.5t-10 -20.5l-329 -524q-11 -17 -27.5 -32t-41.5 -15h-258z" /> -<glyph unicode="Y" horiz-adv-x="1340" d="M808 575v-575h-276v575l-539 906h243q36 0 56.5 -17.5t35.5 -44.5l271 -494q24 -44 41 -83.5t32 -77.5q13 39 30 78.5t40 82.5l270 494q11 23 33.5 42.5t57.5 19.5h244z" /> -<glyph unicode="Z" horiz-adv-x="1263" d="M1207 1481v-102q0 -47 -26 -86l-760 -1073h768v-220h-1126v109q0 20 7.5 39t18.5 35l762 1079h-739v219h1095z" /> -<glyph unicode="[" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M118 -315v1899h420v-99q0 -27 -19 -46t-49 -19h-141v-1572h141q30 0 49 -18.5t19 -45.5v-99h-420z" /> -<glyph unicode="\" horiz-adv-x="799" d="M-29 1522h109q45 0 78 -23t51 -66l597 -1530h-107q-40 0 -78 23.5t-56 70.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="]" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M77 -315v99q0 27 19 45.5t48 18.5h142v1572h-142q-30 0 -48.5 19t-18.5 46v99h420v-1899h-420z" /> -<glyph unicode="^" d="M1053 796h-186q-24 0 -38.5 12t-24.5 30l-163 296q-15 29 -28 54t-21 52q-8 -27 -19.5 -53t-26.5 -53l-160 -296q-9 -17 -24.5 -29.5t-42.5 -12.5h-194l382 685h164z" /> -<glyph unicode="_" horiz-adv-x="806" d="M807 -137v-164h-807v164h807z" /> -<glyph unicode="`" horiz-adv-x="653" d="M236 1497q42 0 61.5 -14t35.5 -40l146 -249h-144q-29 0 -47 7.5t-36 28.5l-253 267h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="1072" d="M958 0h-113q-36 0 -56.5 11t-30.5 43l-23 75q-40 -36 -78.5 -63t-79 -45.5t-87 -27.5t-102.5 -9q-67 0 -123 17.5t-96.5 53.5t-63 89.5t-22.5 123.5q0 59 31 117t104 105t193.5 77.5t300.5 34.5v62q0 105 -44.5 155.5t-129.5 50.5q-61 0 -102.5 -14t-71.5 -32 t-55.5 -32.5t-56.5 -14.5q-26 0 -44.5 13.5t-29.5 32.5l-46 81q181 166 437 166q92 0 164.5 -30t122.5 -84t76 -128.5t26 -163.5v-664zM467 158q39 0 71.5 7t62 21.5t56.5 35.5t55 49v178q-111 -5 -185 -19t-119.5 -35.5t-64 -50.5t-18.5 -62q0 -67 39.5 -95.5t102.5 -28.5z " /> -<glyph unicode="b" horiz-adv-x="1167" d="M138 0v1522h253v-600q62 67 141 106t185 39q86 0 157 -35.5t123 -103t80 -166.5t28 -228q0 -118 -32 -218.5t-90.5 -174t-142 -115t-187.5 -41.5q-48 0 -88 9.5t-72.5 27t-61 42.5t-53.5 56l-11 -71q-6 -27 -21 -38t-41 -11h-167zM630 870q-79 0 -135 -33t-104 -94v-471 q43 -53 94 -74t110 -21q57 0 103 21.5t78.5 65.5t50 111t17.5 159t-15 156t-42.5 104t-67 58t-89.5 18z" /> -<glyph unicode="c" horiz-adv-x="976" d="M873 828q-11 -14 -21.5 -22t-31.5 -8q-19 0 -37.5 11.5t-44 26.5t-61 26.5t-87.5 11.5q-67 0 -117 -24t-83.5 -69t-49.5 -109t-16 -145q0 -84 17.5 -149.5t51.5 -110t82 -67.5t109 -23q60 0 97.5 15t63 33t44.5 32.5t42 14.5q31 0 47 -23l72 -92q-42 -49 -91 -82.5 t-101.5 -53.5t-109 -28t-111.5 -8q-97 0 -183.5 36t-150.5 106t-101 170.5t-37 229.5q0 116 33 215t97.5 171t160 113t218.5 41q118 0 206.5 -38t159.5 -108z" /> -<glyph unicode="d" horiz-adv-x="1167" d="M874 0q-49 0 -64 46l-20 101q-33 -37 -69 -66.5t-77.5 -51t-89 -33t-102.5 -11.5q-86 0 -158 35.5t-123.5 104t-80 168.5t-28.5 229q0 117 32 217.5t91.5 174t142.5 115t186 41.5q88 0 150.5 -28t111.5 -75v555h253v-1522h-155zM538 185q79 0 134 33t104 93v471 q-43 52 -93.5 74t-109.5 22q-57 0 -103.5 -21.5t-79 -65t-49.5 -111t-17 -158.5q0 -92 14.5 -156t42.5 -104.5t68 -58.5t89 -18z" /> -<glyph unicode="e" horiz-adv-x="1094" d="M569 1067q99 0 183 -31.5t144 -92.5t94 -149.5t34 -202.5q0 -29 -2.5 -48t-9 -29.5t-18 -15t-28.5 -4.5h-650q11 -162 87 -238t201 -76q61 0 106 14.5t78 32t58 31.5t49 14q15 0 26.5 -6t19.5 -17l74 -92q-42 -49 -94.5 -82.5t-109 -53.5t-115.5 -28t-114 -8 q-110 0 -204 36t-164 107.5t-109.5 176.5t-39.5 243q0 108 34.5 202.5t99.5 164.5t158.5 111t211.5 41zM574 886q-111 0 -173 -62.5t-79 -177.5h475q0 49 -13.5 92.5t-41 76.5t-70 52t-98.5 19z" /> -<glyph unicode="f" horiz-adv-x="717" d="M180 0v860l-91 14q-30 5 -47.5 20.5t-17.5 43.5v103h156v78q0 90 27 162t78 122t123.5 76.5t163.5 26.5q73 0 136 -19l-6 -127q-2 -30 -27.5 -37t-59.5 -7q-45 0 -80 -10t-59.5 -34t-37.5 -63.5t-13 -97.5v-70h273v-180h-265v-861h-253z" /> -<glyph unicode="g" horiz-adv-x="1059" d="M499 1069q68 0 127 -14t108 -40h302v-94q0 -24 -12 -37.5t-42 -18.5l-94 -17q10 -27 15.5 -56.5t5.5 -62.5q0 -78 -31 -141t-86 -107t-130 -68t-163 -24q-59 0 -116 11q-49 -30 -49 -66q0 -32 29 -47t76.5 -21t108 -7.5t124 -6.5t124 -18t108 -40.5t77 -75t29.5 -122.5 q0 -70 -34.5 -135.5t-99.5 -116.5t-159 -82.5t-215 -31.5q-120 0 -208 23t-146 61.5t-86.5 89t-28.5 104.5q0 74 45 124t125 80q-39 22 -62.5 57.5t-23.5 92.5q0 24 8 49t25 49.5t42.5 46.5t60.5 39q-80 43 -125.5 115t-45.5 168q0 78 31 141t87 107.5t132.5 68t166.5 23.5z M776 -47q0 31 -18.5 50.5t-50 30t-74 15.5t-90 7.5t-98.5 5.5t-98 9q-43 -24 -69 -56t-26 -74q0 -28 14 -52t44 -41.5t78 -27t118 -9.5q71 0 122 10.5t84 29.5t48.5 45t15.5 57zM499 551q47 0 81.5 13t58 35.5t35 54t11.5 69.5q0 78 -46.5 123.5t-139.5 45.5t-140 -45.5 t-47 -123.5q0 -37 12 -68.5t35 -54.5t58.5 -36t81.5 -13z" /> -<glyph unicode="h" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M135 0v1522h253v-585q61 58 135 94t173 36q86 0 152.5 -29t111.5 -82t68 -126t23 -161v-669h-253v669q0 96 -44.5 148.5t-133.5 52.5q-66 0 -123.5 -29.5t-108.5 -80.5v-760h-253z" /> -<glyph unicode="i" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M404 1051v-1051h-252v1051h252zM442 1357q0 -33 -13 -61.5t-35 -50t-52 -34.5t-63 -13t-62.5 13t-51 34.5t-34 50t-12.5 61.5q0 34 12.5 63.5t34 51t51 34.5t62.5 13q34 0 63.5 -13t51.5 -34.5t35 -51t13 -63.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="j" horiz-adv-x="550" d="M404 1051v-1087q0 -69 -17.5 -129t-57 -105.5t-103.5 -72t-156 -26.5q-36 0 -67 5t-62 15l8 136q3 20 16 26t51 6t64 7.5t42 24.5t23 44.5t7 68.5v1087h252zM442 1357q0 -33 -13 -61.5t-35 -50t-52 -34.5t-63 -13t-62.5 13t-51 34.5t-34 50t-12.5 61.5q0 34 12.5 63.5 t34 51t51 34.5t62.5 13q34 0 63.5 -13t51.5 -34.5t35 -51t13 -63.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="k" horiz-adv-x="1129" d="M391 1522v-872h47q26 0 40.5 7.5t30.5 26.5l261 323q17 20 36.5 32t51.5 12h232l-327 -391q-17 -22 -35.5 -39.5t-40.5 -30.5q22 -15 38 -35.5t33 -44.5l350 -510h-228q-30 0 -50.5 10t-36.5 35l-268 398q-15 24 -30.5 31t-45.5 7h-58v-481h-253v1522h253z" /> -<glyph unicode="l" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M404 1522v-1522h-252v1522h252z" /> -<glyph unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="1724" d="M135 0v1051h155q49 0 64 -46l17 -78q28 31 58 56.5t64 44t73.5 29t86.5 10.5q99 0 163.5 -54t95.5 -143q25 52 62 89.5t81 61t93.5 35t99.5 11.5q87 0 154.5 -26.5t114 -78t70.5 -125t24 -168.5v-669h-253v669q0 100 -44 150.5t-129 50.5q-39 0 -72.5 -13t-58.5 -38 t-39.5 -63t-14.5 -87v-669h-254v669q0 105 -42 153t-125 48q-54 0 -102 -27t-89 -74v-769h-253z" /> -<glyph unicode="n" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M135 0v1051h155q49 0 64 -46l18 -83q32 33 67 59.5t74.5 46t84.5 29.5t98 10q86 0 152.5 -29t111.5 -82t68 -126t23 -161v-669h-253v669q0 96 -44.5 148.5t-133.5 52.5q-66 0 -123.5 -29.5t-108.5 -80.5v-760h-253z" /> -<glyph unicode="o" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M584 1067q118 0 213.5 -38t163 -107.5t104.5 -170t37 -224.5q0 -125 -37 -225t-104.5 -171t-163.5 -108.5t-213 -37.5q-118 0 -214.5 37.5t-164.5 108.5t-105.5 171t-37.5 225q0 124 37.5 224.5t105.5 170t164.5 107.5t214.5 38zM584 179q131 0 194 88t63 258t-63 259 t-194 89q-133 0 -196.5 -89.5t-63.5 -258.5t63.5 -257.5t196.5 -88.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="p" horiz-adv-x="1158" d="M135 -343v1394h155q25 0 42 -11.5t22 -34.5l21 -98q63 73 145.5 118t193.5 45q86 0 157 -36t123 -104t80 -167.5t28 -228.5q0 -118 -32 -218.5t-90.5 -174t-142 -115t-187.5 -41.5q-89 0 -151 27t-111 75v-430h-253zM627 870q-79 0 -135 -33t-104 -94v-471 q43 -53 93.5 -74t109.5 -21q57 0 103.5 21.5t79 65.5t50 111t17.5 159t-15 156t-42.5 104t-67 58t-89.5 18z" /> -<glyph unicode="q" horiz-adv-x="1167" d="M1029 1051v-1394h-253v475q-32 -34 -67 -61t-75 -46t-85 -29.5t-97 -10.5q-86 0 -158 35.5t-123.5 104t-80 168.5t-28.5 229q0 117 32 217.5t91.5 174t142.5 115t186 41.5q49 0 89.5 -8.5t75 -25t63 -39t55.5 -51.5l13 59q5 24 22.5 35t41.5 11h155zM538 185q79 0 134 33 t104 93v471q-43 52 -93.5 74t-109.5 22q-57 0 -103.5 -21.5t-79 -65t-49.5 -111t-17 -158.5q0 -92 14.5 -156t42.5 -104.5t68 -58.5t89 -18z" /> -<glyph unicode="r" horiz-adv-x="836" d="M135 0v1051h149q39 0 54 -14.5t20 -49.5l16 -127q56 97 132 153.5t170 56.5q78 0 129 -36l-33 -189q-3 -18 -13 -26t-28 -8q-15 0 -41.5 7t-71.5 7q-79 0 -135 -43.5t-95 -127.5v-654h-253z" /> -<glyph unicode="s" horiz-adv-x="894" d="M759 846q-10 -16 -21.5 -23t-28.5 -7q-18 0 -39.5 10.5t-49 23t-63 23t-83.5 10.5q-75 0 -118 -32t-43 -83q0 -34 22 -57t58.5 -40.5t82.5 -31t94 -30t94.5 -37.5t82.5 -53.5t58 -77.5t22 -108q0 -76 -27.5 -140t-80.5 -110.5t-131.5 -72.5t-179.5 -26q-54 0 -106 9.5 t-99.5 27t-88 41t-71.5 51.5l58 96q11 17 26.5 26.5t39.5 9.5t44.5 -13.5t48.5 -29t65 -28.5t95 -13q45 0 77 10.5t53 28t31 40.5t10 48q0 37 -22 60.5t-58.5 41t-83 31t-95 30t-95.5 38.5t-83 56t-58 83t-22 118q0 65 25.5 123.5t75 102t124 69.5t171.5 26q109 0 198 -36 t148 -94z" /> -<glyph unicode="t" horiz-adv-x="792" d="M480 -16q-136 0 -209.5 77t-73.5 213v587h-107q-20 0 -35 13.5t-15 39.5v101l169 27l53 287q4 20 19 31.5t37 11.5h132v-331h276v-180h-276v-569q0 -49 24.5 -77t65.5 -28q24 0 39.5 6t27 12t21 11.5t18.5 5.5q11 0 18.5 -5.5t15.5 -16.5l76 -123q-55 -46 -127 -69.5 t-149 -23.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="u" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M367 1051v-668q0 -96 44.5 -149t133.5 -53q66 0 123 29.5t108 80.5v760h253v-1051h-155q-49 0 -64 46l-17 84q-33 -33 -68 -60t-74.5 -46t-85 -29.5t-97.5 -10.5q-86 0 -152 29t-111 82t-68 126.5t-23 161.5v668h253z" /> -<glyph unicode="v" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M662 0h-230l-418 1051h210q28 0 47 -13.5t26 -33.5l203 -562q17 -49 29 -96t21 -94q9 47 21 94t30 96l208 562q7 20 25.5 33.5t44.5 13.5h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="w" horiz-adv-x="1619" d="M7 1051h201q29 0 48 -13.5t25 -33.5l150 -562q12 -46 20 -90t15 -88q11 44 24 88t27 90l174 564q6 20 24.5 33.5t43.5 13.5h111q28 0 46.5 -13.5t24.5 -33.5l172 -574q13 -44 24 -85.5t21 -83.5q7 44 16 88t22 91l156 562q5 20 24.5 33.5t44.5 13.5h192l-333 -1051h-204 q-33 0 -47 45l-189 607q-9 30 -17 60t-13 60q-6 -31 -13 -61t-17 -61l-191 -605q-14 -45 -55 -45h-194z" /> -<glyph unicode="x" horiz-adv-x="1105" d="M384 542l-345 509h244q28 0 41 -8t23 -25l220 -351q5 17 13 34.5t19 34.5l177 277q12 19 25.5 28.5t33.5 9.5h232l-346 -498l360 -553h-243q-28 0 -45 14.5t-28 32.5l-223 366q-9 -37 -26 -62l-197 -304q-11 -17 -27.5 -32t-40.5 -15h-226z" /> -<glyph unicode="y" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M508 -289q-11 -27 -29 -40.5t-55 -13.5h-188l196 421l-425 973h221q31 0 47.5 -14.5t24.5 -32.5l224 -545q11 -27 19.5 -55.5t14.5 -57.5q8 30 18 57.5t21 56.5l211 544q8 20 27 33.5t43 13.5h202z" /> -<glyph unicode="z" horiz-adv-x="961" d="M895 946q0 -27 -9.5 -52t-23.5 -42l-500 -657h519v-195h-812v105q0 17 8 41.5t25 46.5l504 664h-508v194h797v-105z" /> -<glyph unicode="{" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M153 420q0 62 -29.5 101.5t-93.5 39.5v147q65 0 94 39t29 102q0 48 -7 95.5t-15.5 96t-15 97t-6.5 98.5q0 78 22.5 142t69 110t117.5 71t167 25h55v-113q0 -13 -6 -22.5t-14.5 -16t-17.5 -9.5t-17 -3h-9q-72 0 -109.5 -45t-37.5 -124q0 -56 6 -107.5t12.5 -100.5t13 -96 t6.5 -95q0 -39 -11 -74t-32 -63t-50 -49.5t-66 -31.5q37 -11 66 -32t50 -50t32 -63.5t11 -72.5q0 -48 -6.5 -95.5t-13 -96t-12.5 -100t-6 -108.5q0 -78 37.5 -123t109.5 -45h9q7 0 16.5 -3t18 -9t14.5 -16t6 -24v-111h-55q-96 0 -167 25t-117.5 70.5t-69 109.5t-22.5 142 q0 50 6.5 98.5t15 96.5t15.5 96.5t7 96.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="|" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M209 1584h197v-1927h-197v1927z" /> -<glyph unicode="}" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M462 420q0 -48 6.5 -96.5t15.5 -96.5t15.5 -96.5t6.5 -98.5q0 -78 -22.5 -142t-69 -109.5t-118 -70.5t-167.5 -25h-54v111q0 13 5.5 23.5t14 16.5t18 9t16.5 3h9q72 0 110 45.5t38 122.5q0 56 -6.5 108t-13 100.5t-12.5 96t-6 95.5q0 38 10.5 72.5t31 63.5t50.5 50t67 32 q-37 10 -67 31.5t-50.5 49.5t-31 63t-10.5 74q0 48 6 95t12.5 96t13 100.5t6.5 107.5q0 79 -38 124t-110 45h-9q-7 0 -16.5 3t-18 9.5t-14 16t-5.5 22.5v113h54q96 0 167.5 -25t118 -71t69 -110t22.5 -142q0 -50 -6.5 -98.5t-15.5 -97t-15.5 -96t-6.5 -95.5q0 -62 29 -101.5 t94 -39.5v-147q-65 0 -94 -39.5t-29 -101.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="~" d="M763 664q57 0 89 36.5t32 103.5h203q0 -79 -20.5 -143t-60 -109.5t-97 -70t-131.5 -24.5q-54 0 -103.5 14t-94 31t-83.5 31.5t-72 14.5q-57 0 -89 -37t-32 -103h-204q0 79 21 142.5t60.5 109.5t97 70.5t131.5 24.5q54 0 103.5 -14.5t94 -31.5t83.5 -31t72 -14z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" horiz-adv-x="738" d="M253 -343v546q0 93 9 182.5t25 189.5h171q15 -100 24.5 -189.5t9.5 -182.5v-546h-239zM214 913q0 33 12 61t32.5 48.5t49 32.5t61.5 12t61 -12t49 -32.5t33 -48.5t12 -61t-12 -61t-33 -48.5t-49.5 -32.5t-60.5 -12q-33 0 -61.5 12t-49 32.5t-32.5 48.5t-12 61z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" d="M552 -8q-91 13 -169 54.5t-135.5 109.5t-89.5 161t-32 208q0 112 34 208.5t100 168.5t162.5 115t221.5 48l14 161q2 24 20.5 43.5t48.5 19.5h93l-20 -234q81 -14 146.5 -48.5t120.5 -85.5l-66 -90q-10 -14 -20 -21t-31 -7q-14 0 -29.5 6.5t-35.5 17t-44.5 20.5t-57.5 18 l-59 -689q54 5 90.5 20t62.5 30.5t45.5 27.5t40.5 12q31 0 47 -21l69 -90q-36 -42 -79 -72t-90 -50t-98 -30.5t-104 -14.5l-13 -151q-2 -25 -20.5 -44.5t-47.5 -19.5h-93zM376 525q0 -137 50 -221.5t143 -114.5l59 683q-129 -16 -190.5 -106t-61.5 -241z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" d="M40 695q0 35 21.5 60t63.5 25h111v242q0 96 28.5 182.5t87 151.5t146.5 103t207 38q82 0 146.5 -21t115.5 -57t88.5 -84.5t63.5 -104.5l-101 -65q-33 -16 -59 -16q-38 0 -67 34q-19 23 -38 41.5t-41 32t-48.5 20.5t-59.5 7q-105 0 -157.5 -69t-52.5 -192v-243h418v-100 q0 -25 -20 -45.5t-51 -20.5h-347v-198q0 -68 -25.5 -120.5t-69.5 -97.5q76 17 151 17h600v-106q0 -18 -7.5 -38t-22 -36t-34.5 -25.5t-45 -9.5h-982v159q35 8 67 23t56 38t38.5 54t14.5 73v267h-196v81z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" d="M216 689q0 54 14 103t39 92l-156 155l128 125l153 -153q44 27 94.5 41.5t105.5 14.5q53 0 102 -14t92 -39l156 155l126 -126l-155 -154q27 -44 42 -94.5t15 -105.5q0 -54 -14 -102t-39 -91l156 -156l-128 -126l-154 154q-43 -27 -93.5 -41.5t-105.5 -14.5 q-53 0 -102 13.5t-92 39.5l-156 -156l-126 127l154 153q-27 44 -41.5 94.5t-14.5 105.5zM402 689q0 -39 15 -74t41 -61.5t61 -41.5t75 -15t75.5 15t61.5 41.5t41 61.5t15 74q0 41 -15 76.5t-41 61.5t-61.5 41.5t-75.5 15.5t-75 -15.5t-61 -41.5t-41 -61.5t-15 -76.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" d="M136 648h283l-408 833h210q36 0 58.5 -17t34.5 -45l225 -499q20 -46 32.5 -85t20.5 -77q8 38 20 77t32 85l222 499q11 24 34 43t57 19h212l-408 -833h282v-141h-326v-97h326v-141h-326v-269h-253v269h-328v141h328v97h-328v141z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M209 1584h197v-828h-197v828zM209 484h197v-827h-197v827z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" horiz-adv-x="1034" d="M847 1275q-10 -16 -21.5 -23.5t-28.5 -7.5q-19 0 -40.5 10.5t-49 23t-63 23t-83.5 10.5q-43 0 -75.5 -10t-54.5 -27t-34 -39.5t-12 -47.5q0 -33 24 -57.5t64 -46.5t90.5 -42.5t104 -43.5t104 -50.5t90.5 -63.5t64 -83t24 -109q0 -83 -38.5 -150t-123.5 -108 q46 -38 75.5 -88t29.5 -120q0 -76 -27 -139.5t-80.5 -110.5t-132 -73t-180.5 -26q-54 0 -106 10t-99.5 27t-88 40.5t-70.5 51.5l59 96q11 17 26 26.5t38 9.5q24 0 45 -13t49.5 -28.5t68.5 -29t101 -13.5q84 0 130.5 35t46.5 96q0 41 -24.5 71t-65.5 53t-93 42t-105.5 40.5 t-105.5 47.5t-93 62t-65.5 85t-24.5 116q0 81 42.5 145t129.5 102q-47 40 -76.5 95t-29.5 133q0 65 25 122.5t75 101.5t124 70t171 26q109 0 198.5 -36t147.5 -94zM321 742q0 -43 29.5 -74t77 -56t107 -48t117.5 -50q41 20 59.5 51.5t18.5 68.5q0 45 -28.5 76t-74.5 57 t-104 48.5t-115 48.5q-46 -25 -66.5 -54t-20.5 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" horiz-adv-x="653" d="M276 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-31 -43.5t-46 -29t-55 -10.5q-28 0 -53 10.5t-44.5 29t-30.5 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30.5 45.5t44.5 30.5t53 11q29 0 55 -11t46 -30.5t31 -45.5t11 -56zM659 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-30.5 -43.5t-45.5 -29t-55 -10.5t-54.5 10.5t-44.5 29 t-30 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30 45.5t44.5 30.5t54.5 11t55 -11t45.5 -30.5t30.5 -45.5t11 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" horiz-adv-x="1620" d="M1041 524q11 0 20.5 -4.5t15.5 -12.5l84 -89q-57 -73 -144 -111.5t-205 -38.5q-102 0 -185 36.5t-142 100.5t-91 150.5t-32 187.5q0 104 36 191.5t99.5 150.5t149 98t186.5 35q115 0 196 -38t136 -99l-66 -91q-6 -8 -16.5 -16t-27.5 -8t-32.5 10t-37 22.5t-54.5 22.5 t-85 10q-61 0 -109.5 -20t-81.5 -57.5t-50.5 -90.5t-17.5 -120q0 -70 18 -123t49.5 -89t75 -55t94.5 -19q50 0 82.5 8t55 19.5t39.5 22.5t40 17zM54 740q0 104 27.5 201t76.5 181t118 153.5t153 118.5t180.5 76t200.5 27t201 -27t181 -76t153 -118.5t118 -153.5t76.5 -180.5 t27.5 -201.5q0 -103 -27.5 -200t-76.5 -180.5t-118 -152.5t-153 -118t-181 -76t-201 -27t-200.5 27t-180.5 76t-153 118t-118 152.5t-76.5 180t-27.5 200.5zM193 740q0 -133 47.5 -248.5t131 -201t196 -135t242.5 -49.5t243.5 49.5t197.5 135t132.5 201t48.5 248.5 q0 89 -22 171t-62 153.5t-97 129t-125.5 99t-148.5 64t-167 22.5t-166.5 -22.5t-148 -64t-124.5 -99t-95.5 -129t-61 -153.5t-21.5 -171z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" horiz-adv-x="712" d="M637 861h-85q-25 0 -39 6.5t-23 30.5l-12 37q-25 -20 -47 -35.5t-46 -26t-51 -15.5t-61 -5q-43 0 -77.5 11.5t-59.5 33.5t-39 54t-14 74q0 34 17.5 69t60.5 64t115.5 48t183.5 22v25q0 55 -24 78.5t-70 23.5q-35 0 -57.5 -7.5t-40 -16.5t-33 -16t-36.5 -7q-19 0 -32.5 10 t-21.5 23l-31 59q57 52 125.5 76t148.5 24q57 0 103.5 -18.5t78.5 -51.5t49.5 -78t17.5 -99v-393zM331 977q39 0 68.5 14t60.5 43v83q-60 -2 -99 -9t-62.5 -18t-32.5 -24.5t-9 -30.5q0 -33 19 -45.5t55 -12.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xab;" horiz-adv-x="995" d="M126 535v32l262 406l83 -39q20 -9 29.5 -23.5t9.5 -31.5q0 -22 -13 -44l-142 -241q-14 -27 -32 -43q16 -14 32 -43l142 -242q13 -23 13 -45q0 -35 -39 -53l-83 -39zM463 535v32l262 406l83 -39q20 -9 29.5 -23.5t9.5 -31.5q0 -22 -13 -44l-142 -241q-14 -27 -33 -43 q16 -14 33 -43l142 -242q13 -23 13 -45q0 -35 -39 -53l-83 -39z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xac;" d="M139 781h908v-477h-214v290h-694v187z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xad;" horiz-adv-x="735" d="M102 724h531v-211h-531v211z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xae;" horiz-adv-x="1620" d="M54 740q0 104 27.5 201t76.5 181t118 153.5t153 118.5t180.5 76t200.5 27t201 -27t181 -76t153 -118.5t118 -153.5t76.5 -180.5t27.5 -201.5q0 -103 -27.5 -200t-76.5 -180.5t-118 -152.5t-153 -118t-181 -76t-201 -27t-200.5 27t-180.5 76t-153 118t-118 152.5 t-76.5 180t-27.5 200.5zM193 740q0 -133 47.5 -248.5t131 -201t196 -135t242.5 -49.5t243.5 49.5t197.5 135t132.5 201t48.5 248.5q0 89 -22 171t-62 153.5t-97 129t-125.5 99t-148.5 64t-167 22.5t-166.5 -22.5t-148 -64t-124.5 -99t-95.5 -129t-61 -153.5t-21.5 -171z M695 616v-332h-219v918h329q191 0 280.5 -68.5t89.5 -196.5q0 -91 -47.5 -159t-146.5 -100q24 -13 39 -33t31 -47l185 -314h-211q-46 0 -64 33l-148 270q-10 14 -23 21.5t-38 7.5h-57zM695 773h91q52 0 86 9t53 26t26 43t7 58t-6 56t-23 40t-47 23.5t-77 7.5h-110v-263z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaf;" horiz-adv-x="653" d="M20 1405h613v-162h-613v162z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb0;" horiz-adv-x="822" d="M56 1150q0 73 27.5 137t75 111t112 74t139.5 27t139.5 -27t113 -74t76 -111t27.5 -137q0 -71 -27.5 -134.5t-76 -111t-113.5 -75t-139 -27.5q-75 0 -139.5 27.5t-112 75t-75 111t-27.5 134.5zM232 1148q0 -38 13.5 -71t37.5 -57t56.5 -37.5t70.5 -13.5t70.5 13.5 t56.5 37.5t37.5 57t13.5 71q0 39 -13.5 72t-37.5 58t-57 39t-70 14q-38 0 -70.5 -14t-56.5 -39t-37.5 -58t-13.5 -72z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb1;" d="M694 1271v-363h399v-188h-399v-349h-205v349h-396v188h396v363h205zM93 269h1000v-187h-1000v187z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" horiz-adv-x="681" d="M358 1689q59 0 106 -17.5t79 -47.5t48.5 -70.5t16.5 -87.5q0 -42 -12.5 -76.5t-33.5 -66.5t-49 -61.5t-57 -60.5l-131 -133q29 8 56.5 12.5t50.5 4.5h132q29 0 45 -15t16 -41v-107h-554v58q0 17 6.5 36.5t22.5 36.5l214 211q23 23 43.5 47.5t35 49.5t23 50.5t8.5 48.5 q0 37 -20 60t-56 23q-34 0 -54.5 -17t-33.5 -48q-11 -18 -24 -27.5t-36 -9.5q-5 0 -11 0.5t-13 1.5l-101 15q17 118 92.5 174.5t190.5 56.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" horiz-adv-x="681" d="M369 1689q58 0 103 -17t77 -45t48 -63t16 -73q0 -65 -26.5 -109.5t-84.5 -68.5q61 -20 93 -57.5t32 -98.5q0 -63 -23.5 -109t-61.5 -76t-86 -44.5t-98 -14.5q-55 0 -99 11t-78.5 35t-60 63.5t-44.5 96.5l79 32q23 8 41 8q38 0 52 -29q6 -11 14 -23t20.5 -22t29 -16 t37.5 -6q46 0 70.5 25.5t24.5 61.5q0 28 -7 46t-24 29.5t-46 16t-72 4.5v119q43 0 71 6.5t44 18.5t22.5 29.5t6.5 38.5q0 38 -20 60t-60 22q-36 0 -56.5 -17t-32.5 -43q-9 -20 -21 -30t-33 -10q-11 0 -27 3l-93 15q8 58 32.5 102t60 72.5t82 42.5t98.5 14z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" horiz-adv-x="653" d="M681 1497l-253 -267q-19 -20 -37 -28t-47 -8h-151l145 249q15 27 35.5 40.5t61.5 13.5h246z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M367 1051v-668q0 -96 44.5 -149t133.5 -53q66 0 123 29.5t108 80.5v760h253v-1051h-155q-49 0 -64 46l-17 85q-32 -32 -63 -54t-62.5 -35.5t-66 -20t-73.5 -6.5q-60 0 -109 18.5t-87 52.5q11 -45 14.5 -93t3.5 -90v-246h-125q-53 0 -82 27t-29 78v1289h253z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" horiz-adv-x="1434" d="M1403 1481v-212h-219v-1483h-221v1483h-241v-1483h-221v859q-106 0 -192.5 33.5t-147.5 90t-94 132.5t-33 161q0 93 33 170t94 132t147 86t193 31h902z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" horiz-adv-x="572" d="M93 609q0 40 15 75.5t41 61.5t61 41t75 15q41 0 76 -15t61.5 -41t41.5 -61.5t15 -75.5t-15 -74t-41.5 -60t-61.5 -41t-76 -15q-40 0 -75 15t-61 41t-41 60t-15 74z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" horiz-adv-x="653" d="M187 -232q7 0 15 -2.5t17.5 -5.5t21.5 -5t28 -2q34 0 51 13t17 31q0 30 -37 43t-114 23l46 151h158l-20 -70q91 -23 128 -61.5t37 -90.5q0 -34 -18 -61.5t-51 -47t-79 -30t-101 -10.5q-42 0 -78.5 6t-72.5 17l24 78q5 24 28 24z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" horiz-adv-x="681" d="M165 1038h142v369l5 52l-79 -62q-16 -12 -34 -13q-15 0 -27.5 6.5t-17.5 14.5l-57 77l239 198h152v-642h118v-116h-441v116z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xba;" horiz-adv-x="794" d="M399 1499q74 0 135.5 -22.5t105.5 -64t68 -101.5t24 -134q0 -76 -24 -137t-68 -103.5t-105.5 -65t-135.5 -22.5q-76 0 -137.5 22.5t-105.5 65t-69 103.5t-25 137q0 75 25 134.5t69 101t105.5 64t137.5 22.5zM399 996q69 0 102.5 43.5t33.5 135.5q0 91 -33.5 134 t-102.5 43q-73 0 -106 -43t-33 -134t33 -135t106 -44z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" horiz-adv-x="995" d="M269 129l-83 39q-20 9 -29.5 23.5t-9.5 31.5q0 20 14 43l141 242q16 29 33 43q-18 16 -33 43l-141 241q-13 23 -14 44q0 37 39 55l83 39l262 -406v-32zM606 129l-83 39q-20 9 -29.5 23.5t-9.5 31.5q0 20 14 43l141 242q16 29 33 43q-18 16 -33 43l-141 241q-13 23 -14 44 q0 37 39 55l83 39l262 -406v-32z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" horiz-adv-x="1458" d="M466 73q-27 -42 -57 -57.5t-69 -15.5h-109l854 1398q24 39 55.5 61t78.5 22h107zM1352 289h96v-90q0 -13 -9 -23.5t-26 -10.5h-61v-165h-152v165h-296q-25 0 -38.5 10.5t-16.5 27.5l-15 78l343 478h175v-470zM145 840h143v368l5 53l-79 -63q-16 -12 -35 -12 q-15 0 -27.5 6t-17.5 14l-56 77l238 199h153v-642h118v-117h-442v117zM1200 461q0 24 1.5 52.5t5.5 58.5l-207 -283h200v172z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" horiz-adv-x="1458" d="M424 73q-27 -42 -57 -57.5t-69 -15.5h-109l854 1398q24 39 55.5 61t78.5 22h107zM1155 767q59 0 106 -17.5t79 -47t48.5 -70t16.5 -87.5q0 -42 -13 -77t-34 -66.5t-48.5 -61.5t-57.5 -60l-131 -134q29 8 56.5 13t51.5 5h132q29 0 44.5 -15.5t15.5 -40.5v-108h-554v58 q0 17 7 37t23 36l214 211q23 23 43.5 48t34.5 50t23 50t9 49q0 37 -20 60t-56 23q-34 0 -53.5 -16t-34.5 -50q-16 -37 -61 -37q-5 0 -10.5 0.5t-12.5 1.5l-102 16q17 118 93 174t191 56zM145 840h143v368l5 53l-79 -63q-16 -12 -35 -12q-15 0 -27.5 6t-17.5 14l-56 77 l238 199h153v-642h118v-117h-442v117z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" horiz-adv-x="1459" d="M469 73q-27 -42 -57 -57.5t-69 -15.5h-109l855 1398q24 39 55.5 61t77.5 22h107zM1352 289h96v-90q0 -13 -9 -23.5t-26 -10.5h-61v-165h-152v165h-296q-25 0 -38.5 10.5t-16.5 27.5l-15 78l343 478h175v-470zM349 1490q58 0 103.5 -17t77 -44.5t48 -63t16.5 -73.5 q0 -65 -26.5 -109t-85.5 -69q61 -20 93 -57.5t32 -98.5q0 -63 -23.5 -108.5t-61.5 -76t-86 -44.5t-97 -14q-55 0 -99 10.5t-78.5 34.5t-60 63.5t-45.5 97.5l79 31q23 8 41 9q38 0 52 -29q6 -11 14.5 -23.5t20.5 -22t28.5 -16t38.5 -6.5q46 0 70.5 25.5t24.5 61.5 q0 28 -7 46.5t-24 29.5t-46.5 16t-72.5 5v118q43 0 71.5 7t44.5 18.5t22.5 29t6.5 39.5q0 38 -20 59.5t-60 21.5q-36 0 -57 -16t-32 -44q-10 -20 -22 -30t-32 -10q-11 0 -27 3l-93 16q8 58 32 101.5t60 72t82 42.5t98 14zM1200 461q0 24 1.5 52.5t5.5 58.5l-207 -283h200 v172z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" horiz-adv-x="861" d="M840 -208q-36 -31 -77.5 -58t-89.5 -48t-104.5 -32.5t-122.5 -11.5q-89 0 -162 23.5t-125.5 67.5t-81 107t-28.5 143q0 78 22.5 132t57 92.5t75 65t76 50t62 47.5t31.5 57l23 148h173l18 -166q1 -5 1 -10v-10q0 -47 -22.5 -78.5t-56.5 -56.5t-73 -47t-72.5 -49t-56 -63.5 t-22.5 -89.5q0 -37 13.5 -66t38 -50t58.5 -32.5t74 -11.5q58 0 98.5 13.5t69 29t47.5 28.5t36 13q36 0 52 -31zM332 913q0 32 11.5 60.5t32.5 49t50 33t61 12.5t61 -12.5t49 -33t32.5 -49t12.5 -60.5q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-32.5 -48.5t-49 -32t-61 -11.5q-33 0 -61.5 11.5 t-49.5 32t-32.5 48.5t-11.5 61z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" horiz-adv-x="1454" d="M1451 0h-213q-36 0 -59 18t-33 44l-111 303h-613l-111 -303q-8 -24 -32 -43t-59 -19h-214l582 1481h281zM493 559h472l-181 493q-12 33 -27 77.5t-29 96.5q-14 -52 -28 -97.5t-27 -78.5zM582 1834q20 0 34.5 -1.5t26 -6t22 -13t22.5 -20.5l202 -207h-200q-14 0 -25 0.5 t-20 3t-18.5 8t-20.5 13.5l-304 223h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" horiz-adv-x="1454" d="M1451 0h-213q-36 0 -59 18t-33 44l-111 303h-613l-111 -303q-8 -24 -32 -43t-59 -19h-214l582 1481h281zM493 559h472l-181 493q-12 33 -27 77.5t-29 96.5q-14 -52 -28 -97.5t-27 -78.5zM1121 1834l-303 -221q-11 -8 -21 -13.5t-19.5 -8.5t-20.5 -4t-25 -1h-199l201 207 q12 12 23 20.5t22.5 13t25.5 6t35 1.5h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" horiz-adv-x="1454" d="M1451 0h-213q-36 0 -59 18t-33 44l-111 303h-613l-111 -303q-8 -24 -32 -43t-59 -19h-214l582 1481h281zM493 559h472l-181 493q-12 33 -27 77.5t-29 96.5q-14 -52 -28 -97.5t-27 -78.5zM1101 1586h-191q-15 0 -33.5 4t-30.5 13l-103 68q-4 2 -7.5 5t-7.5 6 q-2 -2 -6.5 -5t-9.5 -6l-103 -68q-11 -8 -29.5 -12.5t-34.5 -4.5h-191l248 224h252z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" horiz-adv-x="1454" d="M1451 0h-213q-36 0 -59 18t-33 44l-111 303h-613l-111 -303q-8 -24 -32 -43t-59 -19h-214l582 1481h281zM493 559h472l-181 493q-12 33 -27 77.5t-29 96.5q-14 -52 -28 -97.5t-27 -78.5zM854 1740q28 0 44.5 16t17.5 48h137q0 -51 -13 -93t-37.5 -71.5t-60.5 -46.5 t-82 -17q-37 0 -71.5 11t-65.5 24.5t-58 25t-49 11.5q-28 0 -44 -17t-17 -50h-140q0 50 13.5 92.5t39 73.5t61.5 47.5t81 16.5q37 0 71.5 -11t66 -24.5t58 -24.5t48.5 -11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" horiz-adv-x="1454" d="M1451 0h-213q-36 0 -59 18t-33 44l-111 303h-613l-111 -303q-8 -24 -32 -43t-59 -19h-214l582 1481h281zM493 559h472l-181 493q-12 33 -27 77.5t-29 96.5q-14 -52 -28 -97.5t-27 -78.5zM644 1707q0 -28 -11.5 -52.5t-31 -43t-45 -28.5t-54.5 -10q-27 0 -50.5 10 t-42 28.5t-29.5 43t-11 52.5t11 53t29.5 44t42.5 30t50 11q29 0 54.5 -11t45 -30t31 -44t11.5 -53zM1086 1707q0 -28 -10.5 -52.5t-29 -43t-43.5 -28.5t-54 -10q-28 0 -53 10t-44 28.5t-29.5 43t-10.5 52.5t10.5 53t29.5 44t44 30t53 11q29 0 54 -11t43.5 -30t29 -44 t10.5 -53z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" horiz-adv-x="1454" d="M1451 0h-213q-36 0 -59 18t-33 44l-111 303h-613l-111 -303q-8 -24 -32 -43t-59 -19h-214l582 1481h281zM493 559h472l-181 493q-12 33 -27 77.5t-29 96.5q-14 -52 -28 -97.5t-27 -78.5zM517 1723q0 44 17.5 80t46 61.5t66.5 40t80 14.5q44 0 82.5 -14.5t68.5 -40 t47.5 -61.5t17.5 -80q0 -43 -17.5 -78t-47.5 -60.5t-68.5 -39.5t-82.5 -14q-42 0 -80 14t-66.5 39.5t-46 60.5t-17.5 78zM638 1723q0 -40 24 -65.5t69 -25.5q41 0 65.5 25.5t24.5 65.5q0 43 -24.5 68t-65.5 25q-45 0 -69 -25t-24 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" horiz-adv-x="1912" d="M1823 1262h-711l51 -411h521v-212h-495l51 -419h583v-220h-816l-45 365h-533l-145 -304q-13 -28 -40 -44.5t-64 -16.5h-209l753 1481h1099v-219zM523 559h415l-88 717q-16 -52 -34 -98t-36 -85z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" horiz-adv-x="1373" d="M647 -232q7 0 15 -2.5t17.5 -5.5t21.5 -5t28 -2q34 0 51 13t17 31q0 30 -37 43t-114 23l38 126q-144 15 -259 77t-195 161t-123.5 229.5t-43.5 283.5q0 167 55.5 306t156 239t240 156t308.5 56q165 0 288.5 -52.5t211.5 -139.5l-92 -128q-8 -12 -21 -21.5t-35 -9.5 q-24 0 -48.5 18.5t-62.5 40t-96 40t-147 18.5q-104 0 -191.5 -36.5t-150.5 -104t-98.5 -164.5t-35.5 -218q0 -125 35.5 -222t96 -163.5t142 -102t176.5 -35.5q56 0 101.5 6t84 19.5t72.5 34.5t68 52q10 9 21.5 14.5t24.5 5.5q23 0 39 -17l109 -118q-82 -102 -198.5 -160 t-274.5 -68l-13 -42q91 -23 128 -61.5t37 -90.5q0 -34 -18 -61.5t-50.5 -47t-78.5 -30t-102 -10.5q-42 0 -78 6t-72 17l23 78q6 24 29 24z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" horiz-adv-x="1172" d="M1083 1481v-219h-656v-411h517v-212h-517v-419h656v-220h-933v1481h933zM486 1834q20 0 34.5 -1.5t26 -6t22 -13t22.5 -20.5l202 -207h-200q-14 0 -25 0.5t-20 3t-18.5 8t-20.5 13.5l-304 223h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc9;" horiz-adv-x="1172" d="M1083 1481v-219h-656v-411h517v-212h-517v-419h656v-220h-933v1481h933zM1025 1834l-303 -221q-11 -8 -21 -13.5t-19.5 -8.5t-20.5 -4t-25 -1h-199l201 207q12 12 23 20.5t22.5 13t25.5 6t35 1.5h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xca;" horiz-adv-x="1172" d="M1083 1481v-219h-656v-411h517v-212h-517v-419h656v-220h-933v1481h933zM1005 1586h-191q-15 0 -33.5 4t-30.5 13l-103 68q-4 2 -7.5 5t-7.5 6q-2 -2 -6.5 -5t-9.5 -6l-103 -68q-11 -8 -29.5 -12.5t-34.5 -4.5h-191l248 224h252z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcb;" horiz-adv-x="1172" d="M1083 1481v-219h-656v-411h517v-212h-517v-419h656v-220h-933v1481h933zM548 1707q0 -28 -11.5 -52.5t-31 -43t-45 -28.5t-54.5 -10q-27 0 -50.5 10t-42 28.5t-29.5 43t-11 52.5t11 53t29.5 44t42.5 30t50 11q29 0 54.5 -11t45 -30t31 -44t11.5 -53zM990 1707 q0 -28 -10.5 -52.5t-29 -43t-43.5 -28.5t-54 -10q-28 0 -53 10t-44 28.5t-29.5 43t-10.5 52.5t10.5 53t29.5 44t44 30t53 11q29 0 54 -11t43.5 -30t29 -44t10.5 -53z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcc;" horiz-adv-x="643" d="M460 0h-277v1481h277v-1481zM181 1834q20 0 34.5 -1.5t26 -6t22 -13t22.5 -20.5l202 -207h-200q-14 0 -25 0.5t-20 3t-18.5 8t-20.5 13.5l-304 223h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcd;" horiz-adv-x="643" d="M460 0h-277v1481h277v-1481zM720 1834l-303 -221q-11 -8 -21 -13.5t-19.5 -8.5t-20.5 -4t-25 -1h-199l201 207q12 12 23 20.5t22.5 13t25.5 6t35 1.5h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xce;" horiz-adv-x="643" d="M460 0h-277v1481h277v-1481zM699 1586h-191q-15 0 -33.5 4t-30.5 13l-103 68q-4 2 -7.5 5t-7.5 6q-2 -2 -6.5 -5t-9.5 -6l-103 -68q-11 -8 -29.5 -12.5t-34.5 -4.5h-191l248 224h252z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcf;" horiz-adv-x="643" d="M460 0h-277v1481h277v-1481zM242 1707q0 -28 -11.5 -52.5t-31 -43t-45 -28.5t-54.5 -10q-27 0 -50.5 10t-42 28.5t-29.5 43t-11 52.5t11 53t29.5 44t42.5 30t50 11q29 0 54.5 -11t45 -30t31 -44t11.5 -53zM684 1707q0 -28 -10.5 -52.5t-29 -43t-43.5 -28.5t-54 -10 q-28 0 -53 10t-44 28.5t-29.5 43t-10.5 52.5t10.5 53t29.5 44t44 30t53 11q29 0 54 -11t43.5 -30t29 -44t10.5 -53z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" horiz-adv-x="1618" d="M54 823h185v658h565q168 0 306 -55t236.5 -152.5t152.5 -234t54 -299.5t-54 -299t-152.5 -234t-236.5 -152.5t-306 -54.5h-565v667h-185v156zM1271 740q0 122 -32.5 219t-93 164t-147 103t-194.5 36h-288v-439h370v-156h-370v-448h288q109 0 195 36t146.5 103t93 163.5 t32.5 218.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" horiz-adv-x="1548" d="M294 1481q18 0 30.5 -1.5t22 -6.5t19 -13.5t20.5 -22.5l777 -991q-4 36 -5.5 70.5t-1.5 64.5v900h243v-1481h-143q-33 0 -54 10t-42 37l-774 986q3 -33 4.5 -65t1.5 -59v-909h-242v1481h144v0zM917 1740q28 0 44.5 16t17.5 48h137q0 -51 -13 -93t-37.5 -71.5t-60.5 -46.5 t-82 -17q-37 0 -71.5 11t-65.5 24.5t-58 25t-49 11.5q-28 0 -44 -17t-17 -50h-140q0 50 13.5 92.5t39 73.5t61.5 47.5t81 16.5q37 0 71.5 -11t66 -24.5t58 -24.5t48.5 -11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" horiz-adv-x="1637" d="M1570 740q0 -163 -54.5 -301.5t-152.5 -240t-236.5 -158t-306.5 -56.5t-306.5 56.5t-237.5 158t-153 240.5t-54 301q0 163 54 302t153 240t237.5 158t306.5 57t306.5 -57.5t236.5 -158t152.5 -239.5t54.5 -302zM1287 740q0 122 -32 219t-92.5 164.5t-147 103.5t-195.5 36 t-195.5 -36t-147.5 -103.5t-94 -164.5t-33 -219t33 -218.5t94 -163.5t148 -103t195 -36q109 0 195.5 36t147 103t92.5 163.5t32 218.5zM676 1834q20 0 34.5 -1.5t26 -6t22 -13t22.5 -20.5l202 -207h-200q-14 0 -25 0.5t-20 3t-18.5 8t-20.5 13.5l-304 223h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" horiz-adv-x="1637" d="M1570 740q0 -163 -54.5 -301.5t-152.5 -240t-236.5 -158t-306.5 -56.5t-306.5 56.5t-237.5 158t-153 240.5t-54 301q0 163 54 302t153 240t237.5 158t306.5 57t306.5 -57.5t236.5 -158t152.5 -239.5t54.5 -302zM1287 740q0 122 -32 219t-92.5 164.5t-147 103.5t-195.5 36 t-195.5 -36t-147.5 -103.5t-94 -164.5t-33 -219t33 -218.5t94 -163.5t148 -103t195 -36q109 0 195.5 36t147 103t92.5 163.5t32 218.5zM1215 1834l-303 -221q-11 -8 -21 -13.5t-19.5 -8.5t-20.5 -4t-25 -1h-199l201 207q12 12 23 20.5t22.5 13t25.5 6t35 1.5h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" horiz-adv-x="1637" d="M1570 740q0 -163 -54.5 -301.5t-152.5 -240t-236.5 -158t-306.5 -56.5t-306.5 56.5t-237.5 158t-153 240.5t-54 301q0 163 54 302t153 240t237.5 158t306.5 57t306.5 -57.5t236.5 -158t152.5 -239.5t54.5 -302zM1287 740q0 122 -32 219t-92.5 164.5t-147 103.5t-195.5 36 t-195.5 -36t-147.5 -103.5t-94 -164.5t-33 -219t33 -218.5t94 -163.5t148 -103t195 -36q109 0 195.5 36t147 103t92.5 163.5t32 218.5zM1196 1586h-191q-15 0 -33.5 4t-30.5 13l-103 68q-4 2 -7.5 5t-7.5 6q-2 -2 -6.5 -5t-9.5 -6l-103 -68q-11 -8 -29.5 -12.5t-34.5 -4.5 h-191l248 224h252z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" horiz-adv-x="1637" d="M1570 740q0 -163 -54.5 -301.5t-152.5 -240t-236.5 -158t-306.5 -56.5t-306.5 56.5t-237.5 158t-153 240.5t-54 301q0 163 54 302t153 240t237.5 158t306.5 57t306.5 -57.5t236.5 -158t152.5 -239.5t54.5 -302zM1287 740q0 122 -32 219t-92.5 164.5t-147 103.5t-195.5 36 t-195.5 -36t-147.5 -103.5t-94 -164.5t-33 -219t33 -218.5t94 -163.5t148 -103t195 -36q109 0 195.5 36t147 103t92.5 163.5t32 218.5zM949 1740q28 0 44.5 16t17.5 48h137q0 -51 -13 -93t-37.5 -71.5t-60.5 -46.5t-82 -17q-37 0 -71.5 11t-65.5 24.5t-58 25t-49 11.5 q-28 0 -44 -17t-17 -50h-140q0 50 13.5 92.5t39 73.5t61.5 47.5t81 16.5q37 0 71.5 -11t66 -24.5t58 -24.5t48.5 -11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" horiz-adv-x="1637" d="M1570 740q0 -163 -54.5 -301.5t-152.5 -240t-236.5 -158t-306.5 -56.5t-306.5 56.5t-237.5 158t-153 240.5t-54 301q0 163 54 302t153 240t237.5 158t306.5 57t306.5 -57.5t236.5 -158t152.5 -239.5t54.5 -302zM1287 740q0 122 -32 219t-92.5 164.5t-147 103.5t-195.5 36 t-195.5 -36t-147.5 -103.5t-94 -164.5t-33 -219t33 -218.5t94 -163.5t148 -103t195 -36q109 0 195.5 36t147 103t92.5 163.5t32 218.5zM739 1707q0 -28 -11.5 -52.5t-31 -43t-45 -28.5t-54.5 -10q-27 0 -50.5 10t-42 28.5t-29.5 43t-11 52.5t11 53t29.5 44t42.5 30t50 11 q29 0 54.5 -11t45 -30t31 -44t11.5 -53zM1181 1707q0 -28 -10.5 -52.5t-29 -43t-43.5 -28.5t-54 -10q-28 0 -53 10t-44 28.5t-29.5 43t-10.5 52.5t10.5 53t29.5 44t44 30t53 11q29 0 54 -11t43.5 -30t29 -44t10.5 -53z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" d="M1058 1020l-333 -333l349 -348l-134 -132l-348 347l-349 -349l-134 132l350 350l-335 335l133 133l335 -335l332 333z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" horiz-adv-x="1637" d="M1570 740q0 -163 -54.5 -301.5t-152.5 -240t-236.5 -158t-306.5 -56.5q-103 0 -194 21.5t-171 62.5l-78 -108q-30 -41 -71.5 -57.5t-80.5 -16.5h-108l199 275q-118 102 -182.5 250.5t-64.5 328.5q0 163 54 302t153 240t237.5 158t306.5 57q113 0 211.5 -25.5t182.5 -74.5 l61 84q13 18 24.5 31.5t24 21t28 11t38.5 3.5h141l-183 -252q106 -102 164 -244t58 -312zM350 740q0 -118 30 -211t87 -160l603 829q-106 65 -250 65q-109 0 -195.5 -36t-147.5 -103.5t-94 -164.5t-33 -219zM1287 740q0 105 -24 191.5t-70 151.5l-594 -817q97 -47 221 -47 q109 0 195.5 36t147 103t92.5 163.5t32 218.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" horiz-adv-x="1490" d="M745 222q80 0 143 26.5t106.5 75t66.5 117t23 153.5v887h276v-887q0 -132 -42.5 -244t-122.5 -193.5t-193.5 -127t-256.5 -45.5q-142 0 -255.5 45.5t-193 127t-122 193.5t-42.5 244v887h276v-886q0 -85 23 -153.5t66 -117.5t105.5 -75.5t142.5 -26.5zM600 1834 q20 0 34.5 -1.5t26 -6t22 -13t22.5 -20.5l202 -207h-200q-14 0 -25 0.5t-20 3t-18.5 8t-20.5 13.5l-304 223h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xda;" horiz-adv-x="1490" d="M745 222q80 0 143 26.5t106.5 75t66.5 117t23 153.5v887h276v-887q0 -132 -42.5 -244t-122.5 -193.5t-193.5 -127t-256.5 -45.5q-142 0 -255.5 45.5t-193 127t-122 193.5t-42.5 244v887h276v-886q0 -85 23 -153.5t66 -117.5t105.5 -75.5t142.5 -26.5zM1139 1834 l-303 -221q-11 -8 -21 -13.5t-19.5 -8.5t-20.5 -4t-25 -1h-199l201 207q12 12 23 20.5t22.5 13t25.5 6t35 1.5h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" horiz-adv-x="1490" d="M745 222q80 0 143 26.5t106.5 75t66.5 117t23 153.5v887h276v-887q0 -132 -42.5 -244t-122.5 -193.5t-193.5 -127t-256.5 -45.5q-142 0 -255.5 45.5t-193 127t-122 193.5t-42.5 244v887h276v-886q0 -85 23 -153.5t66 -117.5t105.5 -75.5t142.5 -26.5zM1119 1586h-191 q-15 0 -33.5 4t-30.5 13l-103 68q-4 2 -7.5 5t-7.5 6q-2 -2 -6.5 -5t-9.5 -6l-103 -68q-11 -8 -29.5 -12.5t-34.5 -4.5h-191l248 224h252z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" horiz-adv-x="1490" d="M745 222q80 0 143 26.5t106.5 75t66.5 117t23 153.5v887h276v-887q0 -132 -42.5 -244t-122.5 -193.5t-193.5 -127t-256.5 -45.5q-142 0 -255.5 45.5t-193 127t-122 193.5t-42.5 244v887h276v-886q0 -85 23 -153.5t66 -117.5t105.5 -75.5t142.5 -26.5zM662 1707 q0 -28 -11.5 -52.5t-31 -43t-45 -28.5t-54.5 -10q-27 0 -50.5 10t-42 28.5t-29.5 43t-11 52.5t11 53t29.5 44t42.5 30t50 11q29 0 54.5 -11t45 -30t31 -44t11.5 -53zM1104 1707q0 -28 -10.5 -52.5t-29 -43t-43.5 -28.5t-54 -10q-28 0 -53 10t-44 28.5t-29.5 43t-10.5 52.5 t10.5 53t29.5 44t44 30t53 11q29 0 54 -11t43.5 -30t29 -44t10.5 -53z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" horiz-adv-x="1340" d="M808 575v-575h-276v575l-539 906h243q36 0 56.5 -17.5t35.5 -44.5l271 -494q24 -44 41 -83.5t32 -77.5q13 39 30 78.5t40 82.5l270 494q11 23 33.5 42.5t57.5 19.5h244zM1066 1834l-303 -221q-11 -8 -21 -13.5t-19.5 -8.5t-20.5 -4t-25 -1h-199l201 207q12 12 23 20.5 t22.5 13t25.5 6t35 1.5h281z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="1280" d="M434 267v-267h-275v1481h275v-254h207q148 0 257 -35t179.5 -97.5t104 -149.5t33.5 -190q0 -108 -35.5 -197.5t-107.5 -154t-179.5 -100.5t-251.5 -36h-207zM434 482h207q76 0 132 19t93 54.5t55.5 86t18.5 113.5q0 59 -18.5 107t-55.5 82t-93 52t-132 18h-207v-532z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="1300" d="M717 1506q120 0 205 -34.5t138 -87t77.5 -113t24.5 -112.5q0 -59 -20 -101t-50 -74t-65 -55.5t-65 -45t-50 -44.5t-20 -53q0 -34 25.5 -58.5t63.5 -48t83 -50t83 -65t63.5 -92.5t25.5 -133q0 -87 -32.5 -153t-87.5 -111t-128.5 -68t-154.5 -23q-47 0 -93.5 9.5t-89 27 t-80.5 41t-68 51.5l59 96q10 17 25.5 26.5t39.5 9.5t45 -13.5t46.5 -29t58.5 -28.5t79 -13q65 0 104.5 38.5t39.5 99.5q0 48 -27.5 80t-69 57t-89.5 49t-89.5 56t-69 78.5t-27.5 116.5q0 58 21.5 100.5t53.5 75t70 58.5t70 54t54 59.5t22 74.5q0 34 -12 64t-37.5 52 t-66 35.5t-96.5 13.5q-134 0 -203.5 -82.5t-69.5 -241.5v-999h-253v1008q0 109 37.5 199.5t106.5 157.5t168.5 104t224.5 37z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="1072" d="M958 0h-113q-36 0 -56.5 11t-30.5 43l-23 75q-40 -36 -78.5 -63t-79 -45.5t-87 -27.5t-102.5 -9q-67 0 -123 17.5t-96.5 53.5t-63 89.5t-22.5 123.5q0 59 31 117t104 105t193.5 77.5t300.5 34.5v62q0 105 -44.5 155.5t-129.5 50.5q-61 0 -102.5 -14t-71.5 -32 t-55.5 -32.5t-56.5 -14.5q-26 0 -44.5 13.5t-29.5 32.5l-46 81q181 166 437 166q92 0 164.5 -30t122.5 -84t76 -128.5t26 -163.5v-664zM467 158q39 0 71.5 7t62 21.5t56.5 35.5t55 49v178q-111 -5 -185 -19t-119.5 -35.5t-64 -50.5t-18.5 -62q0 -67 39.5 -95.5t102.5 -28.5z M468 1497q42 0 61.5 -14t35.5 -40l146 -249h-144q-29 0 -47 7.5t-36 28.5l-253 267h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" horiz-adv-x="1072" d="M958 0h-113q-36 0 -56.5 11t-30.5 43l-23 75q-40 -36 -78.5 -63t-79 -45.5t-87 -27.5t-102.5 -9q-67 0 -123 17.5t-96.5 53.5t-63 89.5t-22.5 123.5q0 59 31 117t104 105t193.5 77.5t300.5 34.5v62q0 105 -44.5 155.5t-129.5 50.5q-61 0 -102.5 -14t-71.5 -32 t-55.5 -32.5t-56.5 -14.5q-26 0 -44.5 13.5t-29.5 32.5l-46 81q181 166 437 166q92 0 164.5 -30t122.5 -84t76 -128.5t26 -163.5v-664zM467 158q39 0 71.5 7t62 21.5t56.5 35.5t55 49v178q-111 -5 -185 -19t-119.5 -35.5t-64 -50.5t-18.5 -62q0 -67 39.5 -95.5t102.5 -28.5z M913 1497l-253 -267q-19 -20 -37 -28t-47 -8h-151l145 249q15 27 35.5 40.5t61.5 13.5h246z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" horiz-adv-x="1072" d="M958 0h-113q-36 0 -56.5 11t-30.5 43l-23 75q-40 -36 -78.5 -63t-79 -45.5t-87 -27.5t-102.5 -9q-67 0 -123 17.5t-96.5 53.5t-63 89.5t-22.5 123.5q0 59 31 117t104 105t193.5 77.5t300.5 34.5v62q0 105 -44.5 155.5t-129.5 50.5q-61 0 -102.5 -14t-71.5 -32 t-55.5 -32.5t-56.5 -14.5q-26 0 -44.5 13.5t-29.5 32.5l-46 81q181 166 437 166q92 0 164.5 -30t122.5 -84t76 -128.5t26 -163.5v-664zM467 158q39 0 71.5 7t62 21.5t56.5 35.5t55 49v178q-111 -5 -185 -19t-119.5 -35.5t-64 -50.5t-18.5 -62q0 -67 39.5 -95.5t102.5 -28.5z M912 1196h-169q-32 0 -51 18l-108 98q-5 5 -10.5 10t-10.5 12q-5 -7 -11 -12t-11 -10l-109 -98q-8 -7 -22 -12.5t-30 -5.5h-175l235 285h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="1072" d="M958 0h-113q-36 0 -56.5 11t-30.5 43l-23 75q-40 -36 -78.5 -63t-79 -45.5t-87 -27.5t-102.5 -9q-67 0 -123 17.5t-96.5 53.5t-63 89.5t-22.5 123.5q0 59 31 117t104 105t193.5 77.5t300.5 34.5v62q0 105 -44.5 155.5t-129.5 50.5q-61 0 -102.5 -14t-71.5 -32 t-55.5 -32.5t-56.5 -14.5q-26 0 -44.5 13.5t-29.5 32.5l-46 81q181 166 437 166q92 0 164.5 -30t122.5 -84t76 -128.5t26 -163.5v-664zM467 158q39 0 71.5 7t62 21.5t56.5 35.5t55 49v178q-111 -5 -185 -19t-119.5 -35.5t-64 -50.5t-18.5 -62q0 -67 39.5 -95.5t102.5 -28.5z M668 1392q31 0 48.5 16.5t17.5 60.5h153q0 -57 -15.5 -103.5t-43.5 -80t-66 -51t-85 -17.5q-37 0 -68.5 13t-59 28.5t-51.5 28.5t-45 13q-30 0 -46.5 -17.5t-16.5 -60.5h-157q0 57 16 103.5t44.5 80t67 52t83.5 18.5q37 0 69 -13.5t60 -29t51.5 -28.5t43.5 -13z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" horiz-adv-x="1072" d="M958 0h-113q-36 0 -56.5 11t-30.5 43l-23 75q-40 -36 -78.5 -63t-79 -45.5t-87 -27.5t-102.5 -9q-67 0 -123 17.5t-96.5 53.5t-63 89.5t-22.5 123.5q0 59 31 117t104 105t193.5 77.5t300.5 34.5v62q0 105 -44.5 155.5t-129.5 50.5q-61 0 -102.5 -14t-71.5 -32 t-55.5 -32.5t-56.5 -14.5q-26 0 -44.5 13.5t-29.5 32.5l-46 81q181 166 437 166q92 0 164.5 -30t122.5 -84t76 -128.5t26 -163.5v-664zM467 158q39 0 71.5 7t62 21.5t56.5 35.5t55 49v178q-111 -5 -185 -19t-119.5 -35.5t-64 -50.5t-18.5 -62q0 -67 39.5 -95.5t102.5 -28.5z M508 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-31 -43.5t-46 -29t-55 -10.5q-28 0 -53 10.5t-44.5 29t-30.5 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30.5 45.5t44.5 30.5t53 11q29 0 55 -11t46 -30.5t31 -45.5t11 -56zM891 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-30.5 -43.5t-45.5 -29t-55 -10.5t-54.5 10.5t-44.5 29t-30 43.5 t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30 45.5t44.5 30.5t54.5 11t55 -11t45.5 -30.5t30.5 -45.5t11 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" horiz-adv-x="1072" d="M958 0h-113q-36 0 -56.5 11t-30.5 43l-23 75q-40 -36 -78.5 -63t-79 -45.5t-87 -27.5t-102.5 -9q-67 0 -123 17.5t-96.5 53.5t-63 89.5t-22.5 123.5q0 59 31 117t104 105t193.5 77.5t300.5 34.5v62q0 105 -44.5 155.5t-129.5 50.5q-61 0 -102.5 -14t-71.5 -32 t-55.5 -32.5t-56.5 -14.5q-26 0 -44.5 13.5t-29.5 32.5l-46 81q181 166 437 166q92 0 164.5 -30t122.5 -84t76 -128.5t26 -163.5v-664zM467 158q39 0 71.5 7t62 21.5t56.5 35.5t55 49v178q-111 -5 -185 -19t-119.5 -35.5t-64 -50.5t-18.5 -62q0 -67 39.5 -95.5t102.5 -28.5z M331 1357q0 47 18.5 86t50 66.5t72.5 43t86 15.5q46 0 88 -15.5t73.5 -43t50.5 -66.5t19 -86q0 -46 -19 -84t-50.5 -65t-73.5 -42t-88 -15q-45 0 -86 15t-72.5 42t-50 65t-18.5 84zM469 1357q0 -39 24 -65t69 -26q41 0 65.5 26t24.5 65q0 43 -24.5 68t-65.5 25 q-45 0 -69 -25t-24 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" horiz-adv-x="1690" d="M1202 1067q89 0 166 -34.5t132.5 -99t87.5 -156.5t32 -207q0 -29 -2.5 -47.5t-8.5 -29.5t-17 -15.5t-28 -4.5h-613q14 -151 85.5 -222t184.5 -71q70 0 113 13.5t72 30t48.5 29.5t40.5 13q18 0 30.5 -6t20.5 -17l68 -86q-42 -49 -92.5 -82.5t-105 -53.5t-111 -28 t-109.5 -8q-112 0 -208.5 50t-159.5 156q-31 -55 -75.5 -94t-99 -64.5t-116 -37t-123.5 -11.5q-77 0 -138 19.5t-104 56.5t-66 93t-23 129q0 59 31 119t104 109t193.5 81.5t300.5 36.5v36q0 105 -44.5 159.5t-129.5 54.5q-61 0 -102.5 -16t-71.5 -34.5t-55.5 -34.5 t-56.5 -16q-26 0 -44.5 13.5t-29.5 32.5l-46 81q91 83 190 124.5t220 41.5q119 0 194.5 -45t115.5 -124q58 77 145 121.5t205 44.5zM712 473q-111 -5 -185 -21t-119.5 -39.5t-64 -54t-18.5 -64.5q0 -71 39.5 -103.5t109.5 -32.5q50 0 93.5 15t75.5 47.5t50.5 83.5t18.5 122 v47zM1191 886q-108 0 -166.5 -68t-72.5 -192h444q0 50 -12.5 97t-37.5 83.5t-64 58t-91 21.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" horiz-adv-x="976" d="M415 -232q7 0 14.5 -2.5t17.5 -5.5t21.5 -5t28.5 -2q34 0 50.5 13t16.5 31q0 30 -37 43t-113 23l39 129q-82 14 -153.5 56.5t-123.5 110.5t-81.5 161t-29.5 207q0 116 33 215t97.5 171t160 113t218.5 41q118 0 206.5 -38t159.5 -108l-67 -93q-11 -14 -21.5 -22t-31.5 -8 q-19 0 -37.5 11.5t-44 26.5t-61 26.5t-87.5 11.5q-67 0 -117 -24t-83.5 -69t-49.5 -109t-16 -145q0 -84 17.5 -149.5t51.5 -110t82 -67.5t109 -23q60 0 97.5 15t63 33t44.5 32.5t42 14.5q28 0 47 -23l72 -92q-71 -83 -159 -121.5t-182 -46.5l-12 -45q91 -23 128 -61.5 t37 -90.5q0 -34 -18 -61.5t-51 -47t-79 -30t-101 -10.5q-42 0 -78.5 6t-72.5 17l24 78q6 24 29 24z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" horiz-adv-x="1094" d="M569 1067q99 0 183 -31.5t144 -92.5t94 -149.5t34 -202.5q0 -29 -2.5 -48t-9 -29.5t-18 -15t-28.5 -4.5h-650q11 -162 87 -238t201 -76q61 0 106 14.5t78 32t58 31.5t49 14q15 0 26.5 -6t19.5 -17l74 -92q-42 -49 -94.5 -82.5t-109 -53.5t-115.5 -28t-114 -8 q-110 0 -204 36t-164 107.5t-109.5 176.5t-39.5 243q0 108 34.5 202.5t99.5 164.5t158.5 111t211.5 41zM574 886q-111 0 -173 -62.5t-79 -177.5h475q0 49 -13.5 92.5t-41 76.5t-70 52t-98.5 19zM485 1497q42 0 61.5 -14t35.5 -40l146 -249h-144q-29 0 -47 7.5t-36 28.5 l-253 267h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" horiz-adv-x="1094" d="M569 1067q99 0 183 -31.5t144 -92.5t94 -149.5t34 -202.5q0 -29 -2.5 -48t-9 -29.5t-18 -15t-28.5 -4.5h-650q11 -162 87 -238t201 -76q61 0 106 14.5t78 32t58 31.5t49 14q15 0 26.5 -6t19.5 -17l74 -92q-42 -49 -94.5 -82.5t-109 -53.5t-115.5 -28t-114 -8 q-110 0 -204 36t-164 107.5t-109.5 176.5t-39.5 243q0 108 34.5 202.5t99.5 164.5t158.5 111t211.5 41zM574 886q-111 0 -173 -62.5t-79 -177.5h475q0 49 -13.5 92.5t-41 76.5t-70 52t-98.5 19zM930 1497l-253 -267q-19 -20 -37 -28t-47 -8h-151l145 249q15 27 35.5 40.5 t61.5 13.5h246z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea;" horiz-adv-x="1094" d="M569 1067q99 0 183 -31.5t144 -92.5t94 -149.5t34 -202.5q0 -29 -2.5 -48t-9 -29.5t-18 -15t-28.5 -4.5h-650q11 -162 87 -238t201 -76q61 0 106 14.5t78 32t58 31.5t49 14q15 0 26.5 -6t19.5 -17l74 -92q-42 -49 -94.5 -82.5t-109 -53.5t-115.5 -28t-114 -8 q-110 0 -204 36t-164 107.5t-109.5 176.5t-39.5 243q0 108 34.5 202.5t99.5 164.5t158.5 111t211.5 41zM574 886q-111 0 -173 -62.5t-79 -177.5h475q0 49 -13.5 92.5t-41 76.5t-70 52t-98.5 19zM929 1196h-169q-32 0 -51 18l-108 98q-5 5 -10.5 10t-10.5 12q-5 -7 -11 -12 t-11 -10l-109 -98q-8 -7 -22 -12.5t-30 -5.5h-175l235 285h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" horiz-adv-x="1094" d="M569 1067q99 0 183 -31.5t144 -92.5t94 -149.5t34 -202.5q0 -29 -2.5 -48t-9 -29.5t-18 -15t-28.5 -4.5h-650q11 -162 87 -238t201 -76q61 0 106 14.5t78 32t58 31.5t49 14q15 0 26.5 -6t19.5 -17l74 -92q-42 -49 -94.5 -82.5t-109 -53.5t-115.5 -28t-114 -8 q-110 0 -204 36t-164 107.5t-109.5 176.5t-39.5 243q0 108 34.5 202.5t99.5 164.5t158.5 111t211.5 41zM574 886q-111 0 -173 -62.5t-79 -177.5h475q0 49 -13.5 92.5t-41 76.5t-70 52t-98.5 19zM525 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-31 -43.5t-46 -29t-55 -10.5q-28 0 -53 10.5 t-44.5 29t-30.5 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30.5 45.5t44.5 30.5t53 11q29 0 55 -11t46 -30.5t31 -45.5t11 -56zM908 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-30.5 -43.5t-45.5 -29t-55 -10.5t-54.5 10.5t-44.5 29t-30 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30 45.5t44.5 30.5t54.5 11t55 -11t45.5 -30.5 t30.5 -45.5t11 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xec;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M404 1051v-1051h-252v1051h252zM195 1497q42 0 61.5 -14t35.5 -40l146 -249h-144q-29 0 -47 7.5t-36 28.5l-253 267h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xed;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M404 1051v-1051h-252v1051h252zM640 1497l-253 -267q-19 -20 -37 -28t-47 -8h-151l145 249q15 27 35.5 40.5t61.5 13.5h246z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M404 1051v-1051h-252v1051h252zM639 1196h-169q-32 0 -51 18l-108 98q-5 5 -10.5 10t-10.5 12q-5 -7 -11 -12t-11 -10l-109 -98q-8 -7 -22 -12.5t-30 -5.5h-175l235 285h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xef;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M404 1051v-1051h-252v1051h252zM235 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-31 -43.5t-46 -29t-55 -10.5q-28 0 -53 10.5t-44.5 29t-30.5 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30.5 45.5t44.5 30.5t53 11q29 0 55 -11t46 -30.5t31 -45.5t11 -56zM618 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-30.5 -43.5t-45.5 -29 t-55 -10.5t-54.5 10.5t-44.5 29t-30 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30 45.5t44.5 30.5t54.5 11t55 -11t45.5 -30.5t30.5 -45.5t11 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" horiz-adv-x="1163" d="M395 1087q-10 16 -10 34q0 31 33 49l77 44q-33 13 -69.5 24.5t-76.5 23.5q-26 7 -42.5 25.5t-16.5 48.5q0 16 8 43l30 87q103 -17 199 -49t181 -82l180 117l50 -82q10 -17 10 -32q0 -14 -7.5 -26.5t-21.5 -20.5l-83 -47q58 -52 105 -116t81 -141t52 -168t18 -196 q0 -151 -34.5 -269t-101 -200.5t-165 -125.5t-225.5 -43q-106 0 -197 34t-158 98.5t-105 157.5t-38 210q0 94 33 179.5t94 149.5t147 101.5t193 37.5q97 0 178 -35t143 -103q-22 109 -73 187t-138 137l-203 -131zM572 177q59 0 109.5 21.5t87.5 69t59 123.5t25 184 q-15 38 -39 72t-57 59t-75.5 40t-95.5 15q-66 0 -115.5 -21.5t-83.5 -59.5t-51.5 -88t-17.5 -109q0 -75 20 -131.5t54.5 -95.5t80.5 -59t99 -20z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M135 0v1051h155q49 0 64 -46l18 -83q32 33 67 59.5t74.5 46t84.5 29.5t98 10q86 0 152.5 -29t111.5 -82t68 -126t23 -161v-669h-253v669q0 96 -44.5 148.5t-133.5 52.5q-66 0 -123.5 -29.5t-108.5 -80.5v-760h-253zM701 1392q31 0 48.5 16.5t17.5 60.5h153 q0 -57 -15.5 -103.5t-43.5 -80t-66 -51t-85 -17.5q-37 0 -68.5 13t-59 28.5t-51.5 28.5t-45 13q-30 0 -46.5 -17.5t-16.5 -60.5h-157q0 57 16 103.5t44.5 80t67 52t83.5 18.5q37 0 69 -13.5t60 -29t51.5 -28.5t43.5 -13z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf2;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M584 1067q118 0 213.5 -38t163 -107.5t104.5 -170t37 -224.5q0 -125 -37 -225t-104.5 -171t-163.5 -108.5t-213 -37.5q-118 0 -214.5 37.5t-164.5 108.5t-105.5 171t-37.5 225q0 124 37.5 224.5t105.5 170t164.5 107.5t214.5 38zM584 179q131 0 194 88t63 258t-63 259 t-194 89q-133 0 -196.5 -89.5t-63.5 -258.5t63.5 -257.5t196.5 -88.5zM494 1497q42 0 61.5 -14t35.5 -40l146 -249h-144q-29 0 -47 7.5t-36 28.5l-253 267h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M584 1067q118 0 213.5 -38t163 -107.5t104.5 -170t37 -224.5q0 -125 -37 -225t-104.5 -171t-163.5 -108.5t-213 -37.5q-118 0 -214.5 37.5t-164.5 108.5t-105.5 171t-37.5 225q0 124 37.5 224.5t105.5 170t164.5 107.5t214.5 38zM584 179q131 0 194 88t63 258t-63 259 t-194 89q-133 0 -196.5 -89.5t-63.5 -258.5t63.5 -257.5t196.5 -88.5zM939 1497l-253 -267q-19 -20 -37 -28t-47 -8h-151l145 249q15 27 35.5 40.5t61.5 13.5h246z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M584 1067q118 0 213.5 -38t163 -107.5t104.5 -170t37 -224.5q0 -125 -37 -225t-104.5 -171t-163.5 -108.5t-213 -37.5q-118 0 -214.5 37.5t-164.5 108.5t-105.5 171t-37.5 225q0 124 37.5 224.5t105.5 170t164.5 107.5t214.5 38zM584 179q131 0 194 88t63 258t-63 259 t-194 89q-133 0 -196.5 -89.5t-63.5 -258.5t63.5 -257.5t196.5 -88.5zM938 1196h-169q-32 0 -51 18l-108 98q-5 5 -10.5 10t-10.5 12q-5 -7 -11 -12t-11 -10l-109 -98q-8 -7 -22 -12.5t-30 -5.5h-175l235 285h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf5;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M584 1067q118 0 213.5 -38t163 -107.5t104.5 -170t37 -224.5q0 -125 -37 -225t-104.5 -171t-163.5 -108.5t-213 -37.5q-118 0 -214.5 37.5t-164.5 108.5t-105.5 171t-37.5 225q0 124 37.5 224.5t105.5 170t164.5 107.5t214.5 38zM584 179q131 0 194 88t63 258t-63 259 t-194 89q-133 0 -196.5 -89.5t-63.5 -258.5t63.5 -257.5t196.5 -88.5zM694 1392q31 0 48.5 16.5t17.5 60.5h153q0 -57 -15.5 -103.5t-43.5 -80t-66 -51t-85 -17.5q-37 0 -68.5 13t-59 28.5t-51.5 28.5t-45 13q-30 0 -46.5 -17.5t-16.5 -60.5h-157q0 57 16 103.5t44.5 80 t67 52t83.5 18.5q37 0 69 -13.5t60 -29t51.5 -28.5t43.5 -13z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf6;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M584 1067q118 0 213.5 -38t163 -107.5t104.5 -170t37 -224.5q0 -125 -37 -225t-104.5 -171t-163.5 -108.5t-213 -37.5q-118 0 -214.5 37.5t-164.5 108.5t-105.5 171t-37.5 225q0 124 37.5 224.5t105.5 170t164.5 107.5t214.5 38zM584 179q131 0 194 88t63 258t-63 259 t-194 89q-133 0 -196.5 -89.5t-63.5 -258.5t63.5 -257.5t196.5 -88.5zM534 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-31 -43.5t-46 -29t-55 -10.5q-28 0 -53 10.5t-44.5 29t-30.5 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30.5 45.5t44.5 30.5t53 11q29 0 55 -11t46 -30.5t31 -45.5t11 -56zM917 1323 q0 -29 -11 -54t-30.5 -43.5t-45.5 -29t-55 -10.5t-54.5 10.5t-44.5 29t-30 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30 45.5t44.5 30.5t54.5 11t55 -11t45.5 -30.5t30.5 -45.5t11 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf7;" d="M93 781h1000v-187h-1000v187zM437 1052q0 32 12 60.5t32.5 49t49 32.5t61.5 12q32 0 60.5 -12t49.5 -32.5t33.5 -49.5t12.5 -60q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-33.5 -48.5t-49.5 -32.5t-60.5 -12q-33 0 -61.5 12t-49 32.5t-32.5 48.5t-12 61zM437 323q0 32 12 60.5t32.5 49t49 32.5 t61.5 12q32 0 60.5 -12t49.5 -32.5t33.5 -49.5t12.5 -60q0 -33 -12.5 -61.5t-33.5 -48.5t-49.5 -32t-60.5 -12q-33 0 -61.5 12t-49 32t-32.5 48.5t-12 61.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf8;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M966 914q66 -71 101 -168t35 -219q0 -125 -37 -225t-104.5 -171t-163.5 -108.5t-213 -37.5q-74 0 -139 14.5t-121 43.5l-35 -48q-30 -40 -71.5 -57t-80.5 -17h-93l158 214q-68 71 -104 169.5t-36 222.5t37.5 224.5t105.5 170t164.5 107.5t214.5 38q74 0 139 -15.5 t121 -43.5l57 76q13 18 24.5 31t24.5 21.5t28 12t38 3.5h125zM307 525q0 -122 33 -201l385 522q-57 35 -141 35q-134 0 -205.5 -93t-71.5 -263zM584 171q131 0 202 92t71 262q0 60 -8 109.5t-24 88.5l-383 -519q57 -33 142 -33z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf9;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M367 1051v-668q0 -96 44.5 -149t133.5 -53q66 0 123 29.5t108 80.5v760h253v-1051h-155q-49 0 -64 46l-17 84q-33 -33 -68 -60t-74.5 -46t-85 -29.5t-97.5 -10.5q-86 0 -152 29t-111 82t-68 126.5t-23 161.5v668h253zM489 1497q42 0 61.5 -14t35.5 -40l146 -249h-144 q-29 0 -47 7.5t-36 28.5l-253 267h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfa;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M367 1051v-668q0 -96 44.5 -149t133.5 -53q66 0 123 29.5t108 80.5v760h253v-1051h-155q-49 0 -64 46l-17 84q-33 -33 -68 -60t-74.5 -46t-85 -29.5t-97.5 -10.5q-86 0 -152 29t-111 82t-68 126.5t-23 161.5v668h253zM934 1497l-253 -267q-19 -20 -37 -28t-47 -8h-151 l145 249q15 27 35.5 40.5t61.5 13.5h246z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfb;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M367 1051v-668q0 -96 44.5 -149t133.5 -53q66 0 123 29.5t108 80.5v760h253v-1051h-155q-49 0 -64 46l-17 84q-33 -33 -68 -60t-74.5 -46t-85 -29.5t-97.5 -10.5q-86 0 -152 29t-111 82t-68 126.5t-23 161.5v668h253zM933 1196h-169q-32 0 -51 18l-108 98q-5 5 -10.5 10 t-10.5 12q-5 -7 -11 -12t-11 -10l-109 -98q-8 -7 -22 -12.5t-30 -5.5h-175l235 285h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfc;" horiz-adv-x="1164" d="M367 1051v-668q0 -96 44.5 -149t133.5 -53q66 0 123 29.5t108 80.5v760h253v-1051h-155q-49 0 -64 46l-17 84q-33 -33 -68 -60t-74.5 -46t-85 -29.5t-97.5 -10.5q-86 0 -152 29t-111 82t-68 126.5t-23 161.5v668h253zM529 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-31 -43.5t-46 -29 t-55 -10.5q-28 0 -53 10.5t-44.5 29t-30.5 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30.5 45.5t44.5 30.5t53 11q29 0 55 -11t46 -30.5t31 -45.5t11 -56zM912 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-30.5 -43.5t-45.5 -29t-55 -10.5t-54.5 10.5t-44.5 29t-30 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30 45.5t44.5 30.5 t54.5 11t55 -11t45.5 -30.5t30.5 -45.5t11 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfd;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M508 -289q-11 -27 -29 -40.5t-55 -13.5h-188l196 421l-425 973h221q31 0 47.5 -14.5t24.5 -32.5l224 -545q11 -27 19.5 -55.5t14.5 -57.5q8 30 18 57.5t21 56.5l211 544q8 20 27 33.5t43 13.5h202zM921 1497l-253 -267q-19 -20 -37 -28t-47 -8h-151l145 249 q15 27 35.5 40.5t61.5 13.5h246z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfe;" horiz-adv-x="1158" d="M135 -343v1865h253v-600q62 67 141 106t185 39q86 0 157 -35.5t123 -103t80 -166.5t28 -228q0 -118 -32 -218.5t-90.5 -174t-142 -115t-187.5 -41.5q-45 0 -83 8t-69.5 24t-58 38t-51.5 49v-447h-253zM627 870q-79 0 -135 -33t-104 -94v-471q43 -53 93.5 -74t109.5 -21 q57 0 103.5 21.5t79 65.5t50 111t17.5 159t-15 156t-42.5 104t-67 58t-89.5 18z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xff;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M508 -289q-11 -27 -29 -40.5t-55 -13.5h-188l196 421l-425 973h221q31 0 47.5 -14.5t24.5 -32.5l224 -545q11 -27 19.5 -55.5t14.5 -57.5q8 30 18 57.5t21 56.5l211 544q8 20 27 33.5t43 13.5h202zM516 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-31 -43.5t-46 -29t-55 -10.5q-28 0 -53 10.5 t-44.5 29t-30.5 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30.5 45.5t44.5 30.5t53 11q29 0 55 -11t46 -30.5t31 -45.5t11 -56zM899 1323q0 -29 -11 -54t-30.5 -43.5t-45.5 -29t-55 -10.5t-54.5 10.5t-44.5 29t-30 43.5t-11 54q0 30 11 56t30 45.5t44.5 30.5t54.5 11t55 -11t45.5 -30.5 t30.5 -45.5t11 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x131;" horiz-adv-x="555" d="M404 1051v-1051h-252v1051h252z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x152;" horiz-adv-x="2214" d="M2125 1481v-219h-657v-411h519v-212h-519v-419h657v-220h-901v189q-89 -96 -209.5 -150t-270.5 -54q-152 0 -276 56.5t-213 157.5t-137.5 240t-48.5 301q0 163 48.5 302t137.5 240t213.5 158t275.5 57q148 0 269.5 -54t210.5 -152v190h901zM1192 740q0 122 -28.5 220 t-83 167t-132.5 106t-175 37q-98 0 -177 -37t-133 -106t-83.5 -167t-29.5 -220t29.5 -219.5t83.5 -166t133 -105.5t177 -37q97 0 175 37t132.5 105.5t83 166t28.5 219.5z" /> 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52.5t11 53t29.5 44t42.5 30t50 11q29 0 54.5 -11t45 -30t31 -44t11.5 -53zM1031 1707q0 -28 -10.5 -52.5t-29 -43t-43.5 -28.5t-54 -10q-28 0 -53 10t-44 28.5t-29.5 43t-10.5 52.5t10.5 53t29.5 44t44 30t53 11q29 0 54 -11t43.5 -30t29 -44t10.5 -53z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2c6;" horiz-adv-x="653" d="M680 1196h-169q-32 0 -51 18l-108 98q-5 5 -10.5 10t-10.5 12q-5 -7 -11 -12t-11 -10l-109 -98q-8 -7 -22 -12.5t-30 -5.5h-175l235 285h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2da;" horiz-adv-x="653" d="M98 1357q0 47 18.5 86t50 66.5t72.5 43t86 15.5q46 0 88 -15.5t73.5 -43t50.5 -66.5t19 -86q0 -46 -19 -84t-50.5 -65t-73.5 -42t-88 -15q-45 0 -86 15t-72.5 42t-50 65t-18.5 84zM236 1357q0 -39 24 -65t69 -26q41 0 65.5 26t24.5 65q0 43 -24.5 68t-65.5 25 q-45 0 -69 -25t-24 -68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2dc;" horiz-adv-x="653" d="M436 1392q31 0 48.5 16.5t17.5 60.5h153q0 -57 -15.5 -103.5t-43.5 -80t-66 -51t-85 -17.5q-37 0 -68.5 13t-59 28.5t-51.5 28.5t-45 13q-30 0 -46.5 -17.5t-16.5 -60.5h-157q0 57 16 103.5t44.5 80t67 52t83.5 18.5q37 0 69 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196t150 171l79 -48 q10 -6 14 -14.5t4 -16.5q0 -9 -4 -17.5t-9 -14.5q-13 -15 -28 -35.5t-27.5 -45t-20.5 -53t-8 -61.5q0 -35 11.5 -74t37.5 -82q9 -14 9 -29q0 -33 -36 -46z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x201d;" horiz-adv-x="800" d="M316 1569q36 -57 53 -114.5t17 -115.5q0 -102 -51.5 -195t-149.5 -172l-79 48q-10 6 -14 14.5t-4 17.5q0 19 13 32q13 15 28 35t27.5 44.5t20 53t7.5 61.5q0 35 -11 74.5t-38 83.5q-9 13 -9 27q0 33 38 46zM656 1569q36 -57 53 -114.5t17 -115.5q0 -102 -51.5 -195 t-149.5 -172l-79 48q-10 6 -14 14.5t-4 17.5q0 19 13 32q13 15 28 35t27.5 44.5t20 53t7.5 61.5q0 35 -11 74.5t-38 83.5q-9 13 -9 27q0 33 38 46z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x201e;" horiz-adv-x="800" d="M316 298q36 -57 53 -114.5t17 -114.5q0 -102 -51.5 -195.5t-149.5 -172.5l-79 48q-10 6 -14 15t-4 17q0 19 13 33q13 15 28 34.5t27.5 44t20 53t7.5 61.5q0 35 -11 74.5t-38 83.5q-9 13 -9 28q0 33 38 46zM656 298q36 -57 53 -114.5t17 -114.5q0 -102 -51.5 -195.5 t-149.5 -172.5l-79 48q-10 6 -14 15t-4 17q0 19 13 33q13 15 28 34.5t27.5 44t20 53t7.5 61.5q0 35 -11 74.5t-38 83.5q-9 13 -9 28q0 33 38 46z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2022;" d="M146 607q0 92 35.5 173t96 142t141.5 96t173 35t174 -35t142.5 -96t95.5 -142t35 -173q0 -91 -35 -171.5t-95.5 -141t-142.5 -95t-174 -34.5t-173 34.5t-141.5 95t-96 141t-35.5 171.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2026;" horiz-adv-x="1553" d="M75 139q0 32 11.5 60.5t32.5 49t50 33t61 12.5t60.5 -12.5t49 -33t33 -49t12.5 -60.5q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-33 -48.5t-49 -32t-60.5 -11.5q-33 0 -61.5 11.5t-49.5 32t-32.5 48.5t-11.5 61zM1168 139q0 32 12 60.5t33 49t49.5 33t61.5 12.5q32 0 60.5 -12.5t49 -33t33 -49 t12.5 -60.5q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-33 -48.5t-49 -32t-60.5 -11.5q-33 0 -61.5 11.5t-49.5 32t-33 48.5t-12 61zM622 139q0 32 11.5 60.5t32.5 49t49.5 33t61.5 12.5q32 0 60.5 -12.5t49 -33t33 -49t12.5 -60.5q0 -33 -12.5 -61t-33 -48.5t-49 -32t-60.5 -11.5q-33 0 -61.5 11.5 t-49.5 32t-32.5 48.5t-11.5 61z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x202f;" horiz-adv-x="383" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2039;" horiz-adv-x="657" d="M126 535v32l262 406l83 -39q20 -9 29.5 -23.5t9.5 -31.5q0 -22 -13 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1586h-191q-15 0 -33.5 4t-30.5 13l-103 68q-4 2 -7.5 5t-7.5 6q-2 -2 -6.5 -5t-9.5 -6l-103 -68q-11 -8 -29.5 -12.5t-34.5 -4.5h-191l248 224h252z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="653" d="M115 1723q0 44 17.5 80t46 61.5t66.5 40t80 14.5q44 0 82.5 -14.5t68.5 -40t47.5 -61.5t17.5 -80q0 -43 -17.5 -78t-47.5 -60.5t-68.5 -39.5t-82.5 -14q-42 0 -80 14t-66.5 39.5t-46 60.5t-17.5 78zM236 1723q0 -40 24 -65.5t69 -25.5q41 0 65.5 25.5t24.5 65.5 q0 43 -24.5 68t-65.5 25q-45 0 -69 -25t-24 -68z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="653" d="M453 1740q28 0 44.5 16t17.5 48h137q0 -51 -13 -93t-37.5 -71.5t-60.5 -46.5t-82 -17q-37 0 -71.5 11t-65.5 24.5t-58 25t-49 11.5q-28 0 -44 -17t-17 -50h-140q0 50 13.5 92.5t39 73.5t61.5 47.5t81 16.5q37 0 71.5 -11t66 -24.5t58 -24.5t48.5 -11z" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x203a;" k="173" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2039;" k="173" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2022;" k="173" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x201e;" k="218" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x201a;" k="218" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2014;" k="173" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2013;" k="173" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x178;" k="-37" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x153;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x152;" k="43" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf8;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf6;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf5;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf4;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf3;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf2;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf0;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xeb;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xea;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe9;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe8;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe7;" k="98" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe6;" k="68" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe5;" k="68" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe4;" k="68" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe3;" k="68" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe2;" k="68" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe1;" k="68" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe0;" k="68" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" 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-114t24 -158.5zM621 1101q0 79 -18 135t-49.5 92.5t-73 53.5t-87.5 17t-87 -17 t-71.5 -53.5t-48.5 -92.5t-18 -135t18 -135t48.5 -91.5t71.5 -52.5t87 -17t87.5 17t73 52.5t49.5 91.5t18 135zM1248 1431q6 8 15 13t23 5h69l-1041 -1431q-13 -18 -35 -18h-70zM1481 344q0 -89 -24.5 -157t-66 -113t-97 -68t-116.5 -23q-63 0 -119.5 23t-97 68t-64.5 113 t-24 157q0 90 24 158.5t64.5 114.5t96.5 69t120 23q63 0 118.5 -23t97 -69t65 -114.5t23.5 -158.5zM1403 344q0 79 -18 136t-48.5 93t-72 53t-87.5 17t-87.5 -17t-72.5 -53t-49 -93t-18 -136t18 -134.5t49 -91.5t72 -52.5t88 -16.5q46 0 87.5 16.5t72 52.5t48.5 91.5 t18 134.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x26;" horiz-adv-x="1416" d="M675 1465q69 0 130 -23.5t106.5 -63.5t73 -92.5t29.5 -109.5q-14 -3 -26 -7q-24 -5 -37 -5q-8 0 -15 6.5t-10 17.5q-7 27 -24.5 61.5t-47.5 65.5t-74.5 52.5t-104.5 21.5q-61 0 -111.5 -19t-86.5 -53.5t-56 -81.5t-20 -103q0 -84 43 -161t134 -165l456 -451 q46 74 73.5 154t35.5 155q2 13 8 20.5t18 7.5h57q-2 -96 -36.5 -198t-97.5 -195l305 -299h-91q-18 0 -30 4t-28 19l-210 205q-46 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23t14.5 20l494 501q61 62 113.5 120.5t91 118t60.5 121.5t22 133 q0 80 -26.5 139t-71 97t-102.5 56t-122 18q-69 0 -126.5 -21t-102 -58t-73.5 -89t-41 -113q-10 -36 -41 -36q-2 0 -5 0.5t-5 0.5l-49 8q12 93 50.5 166t97 123t135 76t165.5 26z" /> -<glyph unicode="3" d="M628 1465q83 0 156.5 -23t129.5 -69t88 -114.5t32 -158.5q0 -71 -22 -128t-60.5 -100t-90.5 -72t-113 -44q160 -30 241.5 -123.5t81.5 -234.5q0 -89 -36 -165t-98.5 -131.5t-147 -86.5t-184.5 -31q-124 0 -206.5 33t-135.5 86.5t-82.5 119.5t-48.5 131l39 17q12 5 24 5 q11 0 21 -5t15 -20l8 -20q6 -18 17 -45.5t29 -56.5t44.5 -58.5t65 -52.5t90.5 -37t119 -14q92 0 161.5 30.5t116 78t69.5 106.5t23 114q0 67 -21 124.5t-70 98.5t-129.5 65.5t-198.5 24.5v70q94 2 166 25t120 63t72.5 95.5t24.5 121.5q0 77 -25.5 133.5t-68.5 93.5 t-100.5 54t-119.5 17q-69 0 -126.5 -20.5t-101.5 -57t-73.5 -88.5t-43.5 -115q-8 -36 -38 -36q-7 0 -12 1l-50 8q13 93 51 166t96.5 123t135.5 76t166 26z" /> -<glyph unicode="4" d="M880 494h265v-54q0 -11 -6.5 -17.5t-21.5 -6.5h-237v-416h-88v416h-683q-15 0 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-67.5 27t-27.5 67zM154 87q0 36 24.5 61.5t64.5 25.5q44 0 68 -30t24 -79q0 -42 -11 -86t-31.5 -85.5t-49 -80.5 t-63.5 -72l-15 15q-8 8 -8 18q0 5 3 10t7 9q10 10 26 30t32 47.5t28.5 60t16.5 69.5q-6 -2 -13.5 -3t-16.5 -1q-38 0 -62 25.5t-24 65.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3c;" d="M164 709l768 394v-67q0 -11 -6 -19t-22 -17l-566 -286q-34 -17 -74 -27q43 -9 74 -25l566 -288q15 -8 21.5 -16.5t6.5 -19.5v-67l-768 396v42z" /> -<glyph unicode="=" d="M170 569h847v-75h-847v75zM170 890h847v-76h-847v76z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3e;" d="M257 271v67q0 11 6 20t21 16l567 288q32 16 73 25q-20 5 -38 12t-35 15l-567 286q-27 14 -27 36v67l768 -394v-42z" /> -<glyph unicode="?" horiz-adv-x="758" d="M34 1323q28 28 62.5 53.5t76 45.5t90.5 31.5t107 11.5q72 0 135 -21.5t111 -61.5t76 -97.5t28 -129.5q0 -78 -24 -134t-61 -98.5t-80 -75t-80.5 -60.5t-63.5 -57t-28 -63l-12 -168h-67l-5 175v5q0 42 24.5 73.5t61 61.5t79 60.5t79 69t61 88.5t24.5 119q0 55 -21.5 98.5 t-58.5 74t-85 46t-101 15.5q-68 0 -117 -17.5t-83 -39.5t-53.5 -40t-26.5 -18q-15 0 -23 12zM241 79q0 19 7 36.5t20 30.5t29.5 20.5t37.5 7.5q19 0 36.5 -7.5t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t7.5 -36.5q0 -20 -7.5 -37t-20.5 -30t-30.5 -20t-36.5 -7q-40 0 -67 27t-27 67z" /> -<glyph unicode="@" horiz-adv-x="1682" d="M1195 193q-90 0 -135.5 47.5t-47.5 136.5q-57 -95 -129.5 -137.5t-156.5 -42.5q-57 0 -99 20t-70 54.5t-41.5 81.5t-13.5 102q0 87 33 174.5t97 157.5t157.5 114t211.5 44q54 0 102 -9t86 -27l-93 -355q-12 -47 -18 -84.5t-6 -67.5q0 -45 11.5 -73t30.5 -44.5t43.5 -22 t50.5 -5.5q58 0 111.5 30.5t94.5 87.5t65 138t24 181q0 152 -49.5 265t-135 188t-199 111.5t-241.5 36.5q-140 0 -266 -54t-220.5 -151.5t-150.5 -232t-56 -295.5q0 -181 58 -319t157.5 -230.5t232 -140t281.5 -47.5q152 0 277.5 35t227.5 101q7 5 18 5q14 0 20 -14l16 -38 q-115 -76 -253 -117t-306 -41q-169 0 -315 54t-254.5 157t-171 253t-62.5 342q0 171 60 317.5t164.5 254t244 168.5t298.5 61q137 0 263 -42.5t222.5 -127t154.5 -209.5t58 -290q0 -112 -29.5 -204t-81.5 -158t-121.5 -102.5t-148.5 -36.5zM744 264q37 0 76.5 12.5t76 44.5 t68 87t53.5 140l82 317q-25 7 -51 11t-61 4q-92 0 -167.5 -37.5t-128 -98t-81.5 -135.5t-29 -152q0 -41 10 -76.5t30.5 -61t50.5 -40.5t71 -15z" /> -<glyph unicode="A" horiz-adv-x="1319" d="M1306 0h-81q-14 0 -23.5 7.5t-14.5 20.5l-171 421h-712l-170 -421q-4 -11 -14 -19.5t-25 -8.5h-80l593 1449h105zM336 526h649l-296 732q-7 17 -14 39.5t-15 47.5q-7 -25 -14 -47t-14 -41z" /> -<glyph unicode="B" horiz-adv-x="1312" d="M215 0v1449h417q124 0 214.5 -24.5t150 -72t88.5 -116.5t29 -156q0 -57 -20 -110.5t-58 -98.5t-92.5 -78t-125.5 -51q171 -26 263.5 -113.5t92.5 -232.5q0 -92 -33 -165.5t-95.5 -125t-153.5 -78.5t-207 -27h-470zM319 694v-610h364q191 0 288.5 82.5t97.5 231.5 q0 69 -26 124t-75 93t-121 58.5t-163 20.5h-365zM319 771h315q100 0 171.5 25.5t117 67.5t67 95.5t21.5 109.5q0 146 -93 221.5t-286 75.5h-313v-595z" /> -<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="1440" d="M1268 244q10 0 17 -7l41 -44q-45 -48 -98 -86.5t-116 -66t-138.5 -42t-165.5 -14.5q-151 0 -276 52.5t-215 149.5t-140 234t-50 305q0 165 51.5 301t145.5 234t224.5 151.5t288.5 53.5q79 0 144.5 -11.5t122 -33.5t107 -55t98.5 -76l-32 -46q-8 -12 -26 -12 q-9 0 -23.5 10.5t-36.5 26.5t-53 35t-74 35t-99.5 26.5t-127.5 10.5q-132 0 -243 -45.5t-190.5 -130t-124.5 -205t-45 -269.5q0 -154 44.5 -274.5t122 -204t183.5 -128t230 -44.5q78 0 139 10t112 30.5t95 50.5t87 69q5 4 10 7t11 3z" /> -<glyph unicode="D" horiz-adv-x="1556" d="M1435 725q0 -168 -50.5 -302t-141.5 -228.5t-218 -144.5t-282 -50h-528v1449h528q155 0 282 -50t218 -144.5t141.5 -228.5t50.5 -301zM1326 725q0 152 -42 270.5t-118 200.5t-184 125t-239 43h-422v-1279h422q131 0 239 43t184 125t118 200.5t42 271.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="E" horiz-adv-x="1210" d="M1083 1449v-87h-762v-586h634v-85h-634v-604h762v-87h-868v1449h868z" /> -<glyph unicode="F" horiz-adv-x="1171" d="M1083 1449v-87h-762v-609h660v-87h-660v-666h-106v1449h868z" /> -<glyph unicode="G" horiz-adv-x="1532" d="M838 69q75 0 136 7.5t114 23t100.5 37.5t95.5 49v391h-278q-11 0 -19 7t-8 16v57h400v-515q-54 -38 -112.5 -67.5t-125 -49.5t-143 -30.5t-168.5 -10.5q-157 0 -286 52.5t-222 149.5t-144 234t-51 305t51 304.5t145.5 233.5t229 149.5t301.5 52.5q83 0 153 -11t130.5 -33 t113 -54.5t100.5 -74.5l-28 -45q-9 -15 -26 -15q-9 0 -17 4q-15 6 -44.5 28.5t-79 47t-124.5 44t-181 19.5q-141 0 -255 -45t-194 -129t-124 -204.5t-44 -271.5q0 -154 44.5 -275.5t123.5 -206t190.5 -129.5t245.5 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="H" horiz-adv-x="1548" d="M1333 0h-105v694h-907v-694h-106v1449h106v-676h907v676h105v-1449z" /> -<glyph unicode="I" horiz-adv-x="612" d="M358 0h-105v1449h105v-1449z" /> -<glyph unicode="J" horiz-adv-x="929" d="M715 483q0 -122 -30.5 -215t-86 -156.5t-136 -95.5t-180.5 -32q-46 0 -93.5 7t-97.5 22q2 14 3.5 28.5t2.5 29.5q2 9 8 16t20 7q9 0 22 -3.5t31 -7.5t41 -7.5t53 -3.5q78 0 140.5 24.5t106.5 75t67 128t23 181.5v968h106v-966z" /> -<glyph unicode="K" horiz-adv-x="1351" d="M350 780h86q19 0 33.5 1.5t26.5 6.5t22 12t22 18l584 601q16 16 30 23t35 7h85l-633 -650q-19 -20 -34 -31.5t-34 -18.5q22 -6 39 -19t34 -34l668 -696h-85q-27 0 -38 7.5t-24 20.5l-613 626q-11 11 -20.5 19.5t-21 14t-28 8t-41.5 2.5h-93v-698h-104v1451h104v-671z" /> -<glyph unicode="L" horiz-adv-x="1047" d="M319 89h688v-89h-792v1449h104v-1360z" /> -<glyph unicode="M" horiz-adv-x="1861" d="M911 422q15 -29 27 -62q6 16 12.5 32.5t15.5 30.5l569 1007q8 13 16.5 16t22.5 3h73v-1449h-93v1235q0 27 4 56l-571 -1012q-14 -27 -41 -27h-16q-26 0 -41 27l-586 1013q3 -30 3 -57v-1235h-91v1449h72q14 0 22.5 -3t17.5 -16l584 -1008v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="N" horiz-adv-x="1548" d="M266 1449q14 0 22.5 -3.5t17.5 -15.5l938 -1256q-3 31 -3 59v1216h92v-1449h-50q-24 0 -38 20l-942 1258q3 -31 3 -58v-1220h-91v1449h51v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="O" horiz-adv-x="1633" d="M1507 725q0 -168 -50 -304.5t-141 -233.5t-218 -149.5t-282 -52.5q-153 0 -279.5 52.5t-218 149.5t-142 233.5t-50.5 304.5q0 167 50.5 303.5t142 233.5t218.5 150t279 53q155 0 282 -52.5t218 -150t141 -234t50 -303.5zM1399 725q0 152 -42 272.5t-118.5 204.5 t-184 128.5t-238.5 44.5q-129 0 -236 -44.5t-184.5 -128.5t-120 -204.5t-42.5 -272.5q0 -153 42.5 -273t120 -204t184.5 -128t236 -44q131 0 238.5 44t184 128t118.5 204t42 273z" /> -<glyph unicode="P" horiz-adv-x="1215" d="M350 584v-584h-104v1449h374q255 0 384.5 -111.5t129.5 -318.5q0 -95 -35.5 -175t-102 -138t-162 -90t-214.5 -32h-270zM350 668h270q96 0 171.5 26.5t128.5 73.5t81 111t28 140q0 167 -103 257t-306 90h-270v-698z" /> -<glyph unicode="Q" horiz-adv-x="1633" d="M1507 725q0 -110 -22 -206.5t-63 -178t-99.5 -146t-132.5 -110.5l377 -403h-88q-20 0 -37 5.5t-29 19.5l-309 334q-65 -27 -136.5 -41t-151.5 -14q-153 0 -279.5 52.5t-218 149.5t-142 233.5t-50.5 304.5q0 167 50.5 303.5t142 233.5t218.5 150t279 53q155 0 282 -52.5 t218 -150t141 -234t50 -303.5zM1399 725q0 152 -42 272.5t-118.5 204.5t-184 128.5t-238.5 44.5q-129 0 -236 -44.5t-184.5 -128.5t-120 -204.5t-42.5 -272.5q0 -153 42.5 -273t120 -204t184.5 -128t236 -44q131 0 238.5 44t184 128t118.5 204t42 273z" /> -<glyph unicode="R" horiz-adv-x="1292" d="M350 655v-655h-104v1449h369q251 0 375 -97t124 -284q0 -83 -28.5 -151.5t-82.5 -120.5t-129.5 -85t-171.5 -43q25 -15 44 -41l499 -627h-91q-16 0 -28 6t-23 21l-464 587q-17 23 -37 32t-62 9h-190zM350 733h252q96 0 172.5 23t129 66t80.5 103.5t28 136.5 q0 155 -101.5 229.5t-295.5 74.5h-265v-633z" /> -<glyph unicode="S" horiz-adv-x="1070" d="M915 1273q-9 -17 -26 -18q-13 0 -34 19t-57 42t-90 42.5t-133 19.5t-138.5 -22.5t-100 -61.5t-61.5 -90t-21 -107q0 -74 31 -122t82.5 -82t116.5 -57t133.5 -45.5t133.5 -49.5t116.5 -68t82.5 -101t31 -149q0 -91 -31 -171.5t-90.5 -140t-145.5 -93.5t-197 -34 q-143 0 -246.5 50.5t-181.5 138.5l29 45q12 15 28 15q9 0 23.5 -12t35 -30t49.5 -39t66.5 -39t87 -30t111.5 -12q86 0 153.5 26t114.5 71t71.5 107t24.5 133q0 77 -31.5 126.5t-82.5 82.5t-116 55.5t-133.5 44t-133.5 48.5t-116.5 68t-82.5 103t-31 156q0 73 27.5 140 t80.5 119t131.5 83t178.5 31q113 0 202.5 -35.5t163.5 -109.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="T" horiz-adv-x="1197" d="M1161 1449v-89h-509v-1360h-104v1360h-512v89h1125z" /> -<glyph unicode="U" horiz-adv-x="1502" d="M751 75q104 0 186.5 36t140 100.5t87.5 152.5t30 189v896h104v-896q0 -120 -37.5 -224t-109 -181t-173 -121t-228.5 -44t-229 44t-173 121t-109 181t-38 224v896h105v-895q0 -101 30.5 -188.5t87 -152.5t139.5 -101.5t187 -36.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="V" horiz-adv-x="1319" d="M15 1449h83q14 0 23.5 -7.5t14.5 -20.5l494 -1202q19 -47 32 -100q11 55 29 100l493 1202q5 11 14.5 19.5t24.5 8.5h82l-598 -1449h-94z" /> -<glyph unicode="W" horiz-adv-x="2021" d="M17 1449h87q30 0 38 -28l366 -1191q6 -20 10.5 -43.5t9.5 -49.5q5 26 10.5 49.5t12.5 43.5l410 1191q4 11 14 19.5t24 8.5h29q14 0 23.5 -7.5t14.5 -20.5l410 -1191q7 -20 12.5 -42.5t10.5 -48.5q5 25 9 48t11 43l365 1191q3 11 14 19.5t25 8.5h80l-456 -1449h-94 l-428 1257q-8 25 -14 53q-6 -28 -15 -53l-429 -1257h-93z" /> -<glyph unicode="X" horiz-adv-x="1227" d="M541 743l-500 706h103q14 0 21 -6t12 -15l440 -634q3 8 7 15.5t9 15.5l425 602q6 8 13 15t18 7h100l-501 -700l521 -749h-103q-14 0 -22.5 8.5t-13.5 17.5l-457 667q-4 -15 -14 -29l-448 -638q-7 -9 -16.5 -17.5t-21.5 -8.5h-96z" /> -<glyph unicode="Y" horiz-adv-x="1227" d="M667 598v-598h-106v598l-535 851h91q14 0 22.5 -6.5t17.5 -19.5l414 -665q14 -24 24.5 -46t18.5 -44q8 23 18.5 44.5t24.5 45.5l414 665q6 11 15.5 18.5t23.5 7.5h92z" /> -<glyph unicode="Z" horiz-adv-x="1296" d="M1191 1449v-36q0 -22 -14 -42l-920 -1284h926v-87h-1065v38q0 19 12 37l922 1287h-908v87h1047z" /> -<glyph unicode="[" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M179 -270v1823h326v-36q0 -13 -9 -21.5t-23 -8.5h-211v-1691h211q14 0 23 -8t9 -21v-37h-326z" /> -<glyph unicode="\" horiz-adv-x="732" d="M-8 1490h42q40 0 55 -38l637 -1538h-40q-17 0 -33.5 9.5t-24.5 30.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="]" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M110 -233q0 13 8 21t22 8h211v1691h-211q-14 0 -22 8t-8 22v36h324v-1823h-324v37z" /> -<glyph unicode="^" d="M557 1449h61l350 -630h-70q-11 0 -20 7t-14 17l-247 446q-9 17 -16 32.5t-12 32.5q-5 -16 -12 -32t-16 -33l-246 -446q-5 -8 -13 -16t-21 -8h-73z" /> -<glyph unicode="_" horiz-adv-x="806" d="M807 -210v-70h-807v70h807z" /> -<glyph unicode="`" horiz-adv-x="599" d="M182 1465q25 0 37 -7t24 -25l160 -244h-55q-12 0 -21 3.5t-17 13.5l-222 259h94z" /> -<glyph unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="996" d="M816 0q-31 0 -38 29l-14 130q-42 -41 -83.5 -74t-86.5 -55.5t-97.5 -34t-114.5 -11.5q-52 0 -101.5 15t-87 47t-60.5 81.5t-23 119.5q0 65 36.5 120t115 96t202 65.5t296.5 28.5v107q0 141 -61 217t-181 76q-74 0 -125.5 -20.5t-87.5 -45t-58.5 -45t-37.5 -20.5 q-20 0 -31 19l-17 29q80 80 168 121t199 41q82 0 143.5 -26t102 -74.5t61 -117.5t20.5 -154v-664h-39zM407 54q59 0 108.5 13t92 36t79.5 54.5t73 68.5v266q-145 -4 -250.5 -22t-173.5 -49t-100 -73.5t-32 -96.5q0 -51 17 -88.5t44.5 -61.5t64.5 -35.5t77 -11.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="b" horiz-adv-x="1118" d="M176 0v1490h98v-649q68 90 157 142t201 52q187 0 292 -129.5t105 -389.5q0 -112 -29 -208.5t-86 -167.5t-139.5 -112t-189.5 -41q-106 0 -183 41.5t-133 122.5l-6 -125q-3 -26 -27 -26h-60zM604 957q-101 0 -183 -52t-147 -145v-538q58 -88 129 -123.5t163 -35.5 q90 0 158 33t113.5 93t68.5 143.5t23 183.5q0 227 -84 334t-241 107z" /> -<glyph unicode="c" horiz-adv-x="931" d="M837 883q-5 -5 -10 -9t-13 -4q-10 0 -28 14t-47.5 30.5t-74 30t-108.5 13.5q-88 0 -156 -31t-114.5 -89.5t-71.5 -141.5t-25 -186q0 -108 25.5 -190.5t71.5 -139.5t111.5 -87t145.5 -30q74 0 123.5 17.5t81.5 38t51 38t30 17.5q13 0 21 -10l27 -33q-24 -31 -60 -57.5 t-81 -46t-97.5 -30t-110.5 -10.5q-97 0 -177.5 35t-138 102t-90 164.5t-32.5 221.5q0 117 31 213t89.5 165.5t144 108t196.5 38.5q99 0 176.5 -31.5t134.5 -85.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="d" horiz-adv-x="1118" d="M888 0q-26 0 -30 27l-10 160q-68 -92 -158.5 -146t-203.5 -54q-187 0 -292 130t-105 390q0 112 29 208.5t86 167.5t139.5 112t190.5 41q103 0 178.5 -38.5t131.5 -111.5v604h98v-1490h-54zM514 66q101 0 183 52t147 145v538q-59 87 -130.5 122.5t-161.5 35.5 t-157.5 -32.5t-113 -92.5t-69 -143.5t-23.5 -183.5q0 -227 84 -334t241 -107z" /> -<glyph unicode="e" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M550 1035q86 0 159 -29.5t127 -86.5t84 -140t30 -190q0 -23 -6.5 -31t-20.5 -8h-737v-20q0 -115 27 -201.5t76 -145.5t118.5 -88.5t155.5 -29.5q77 0 133.5 16.5t94.5 37.5t60.5 38t33.5 17q13 0 20 -10l27 -33q-25 -31 -65.5 -57.5t-90 -45.5t-106.5 -30t-114 -11 q-104 0 -190 36t-147.5 106t-95 170.5t-33.5 230.5q0 110 31.5 202.5t90 159.5t144 105t194.5 38zM551 963q-79 0 -141.5 -25t-108 -71t-73.5 -110.5t-38 -144.5h672q0 82 -22.5 147t-63.5 110t-98 69.5t-127 24.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="f" horiz-adv-x="659" d="M204 0v912l-144 10q-30 2 -29 25v40h173v129q0 87 22.5 153t63.5 110t98.5 66t127.5 22q32 0 64 -5.5t57 -15.5l-3 -47q-1 -14 -20 -15q-12 0 -33 3.5t-52 3.5q-50 0 -92.5 -15t-73 -48t-47.5 -85.5t-17 -129.5v-126h331v-73h-329v-914h-97z" /> -<glyph unicode="g" horiz-adv-x="1033" d="M502 1036q67 0 123.5 -16t101.5 -46h261v-34q0 -26 -29 -28l-154 -11q29 -39 44 -87.5t15 -103.5q0 -74 -26.5 -134t-74 -102.5t-114 -66t-147.5 -23.5q-88 0 -160 27q-43 -25 -67.5 -59t-24.5 -65q0 -44 30.5 -67.5t81.5 -34.5t116 -14t132 -6.5t132 -13t115.5 -32.5 t81.5 -64.5t31 -109.5q0 -63 -32 -122t-92 -104t-145 -72t-190 -27q-108 0 -188.5 22t-135.5 59.5t-82.5 86.5t-27.5 104q0 81 53 139.5t146 90.5q-51 17 -81 50t-30 91q0 22 8 45.5t24.5 46.5t39.5 43.5t54 36.5q-73 42 -113.5 111.5t-40.5 163.5q0 74 26 133.5t74 102.5 t115.5 66.5t149.5 23.5zM880 -69q0 48 -25.5 77.5t-67.5 46t-96.5 23t-114.5 9.5t-120.5 6t-112.5 12q-39 -15 -72 -35t-57 -45t-37 -55t-13 -66q0 -45 23 -83.5t67.5 -66.5t109 -44.5t148.5 -16.5q78 0 145 17.5t116.5 49t78 75.5t28.5 96zM502 451q66 0 117 18.5 t85.5 52.5t52.5 81t18 105q0 57 -18.5 104.5t-53.5 81.5t-86 52.5t-115 18.5q-65 0 -116 -18.5t-86.5 -52.5t-54 -81.5t-18.5 -104.5t18.5 -104.5t54 -81.5t86.5 -52.5t116 -18.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="h" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M166 0v1490h97v-645q71 87 161.5 138.5t203.5 51.5q84 0 148 -26.5t106 -76.5t63.5 -121t21.5 -160v-651h-98v651q0 143 -65.5 224.5t-200.5 81.5q-100 0 -186 -51.5t-154 -141.5v-764h-97z" /> -<glyph unicode="i" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M292 1019v-1019h-97v1019h97zM335 1370q0 -18 -8 -34t-20 -28.5t-28.5 -19.5t-34.5 -7t-34.5 7t-29 19.5t-19.5 28.5t-7 34t7 35t19.5 29.5t28.5 19.5t35 7q18 0 34.5 -7t28.5 -19.5t20 -29.5t8 -35z" /> -<glyph unicode="j" horiz-adv-x="482" d="M292 1019v-1149q0 -53 -15.5 -98t-45.5 -78.5t-75.5 -52.5t-107.5 -19q-30 0 -53.5 5t-45.5 17l5 49q1 12 14 12q8 0 23 -4t41 -4q83 0 123 45t40 128v1149h97zM335 1370q0 -18 -8 -34t-20 -28.5t-28.5 -19.5t-34.5 -7t-34.5 7t-29 19.5t-19.5 28.5t-7 34t7 35t19.5 29.5 t28.5 19.5t35 7q18 0 34.5 -7t28.5 -19.5t20 -29.5t8 -35z" /> -<glyph unicode="k" horiz-adv-x="1007" d="M274 1490v-908h48q14 0 26.5 4t28.5 19l408 388q11 11 23 18.5t31 7.5h86l-450 -427q-10 -10 -19.5 -19t-20.5 -15q16 -8 27.5 -19.5t23.5 -24.5l472 -514h-85q-14 0 -25 5.5t-23 18.5l-428 458q-17 18 -31.5 25t-44.5 7h-47v-514h-98v1490h98z" /> -<glyph unicode="l" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M292 1490v-1490h-97v1490h97z" /> -<glyph unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="1629" d="M166 0v1019h53q27 0 31 -26l9 -147q30 42 63.5 76.5t72 60t82 39t91.5 13.5q112 0 178.5 -65t90.5 -180q18 63 51.5 109t76.5 76.5t93.5 45t103.5 14.5q76 0 136.5 -25t103 -74t65 -121t22.5 -164v-651h-98v651q0 150 -64.5 228t-184.5 78q-53 0 -102 -19t-86.5 -57.5 t-59.5 -96t-22 -133.5v-651h-97v651q0 148 -59.5 227t-172.5 79q-83 0 -154 -49.5t-126 -137.5v-770h-97z" /> -<glyph unicode="n" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M166 0v1019h53q27 0 31 -26l9 -153q70 88 162.5 141.5t206.5 53.5q84 0 148 -26.5t106 -76.5t63.5 -121t21.5 -160v-651h-98v651q0 143 -65.5 224.5t-200.5 81.5q-100 0 -186 -51.5t-154 -141.5v-764h-97z" /> -<glyph unicode="o" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M554 1035q110 0 196.5 -37t145.5 -106t90.5 -165.5t31.5 -216.5t-31.5 -216t-90.5 -165t-145.5 -105.5t-196.5 -36.5t-196.5 36.5t-146 105.5t-91 165t-31.5 216t31.5 216.5t91 165.5t146 106t196.5 37zM554 63q91 0 159 31.5t113.5 90t68.5 141t23 184.5q0 101 -23 184 t-68.5 142t-113.5 90.5t-159 31.5t-159 -31.5t-113.5 -90.5t-69 -142t-23.5 -184q0 -102 23.5 -184.5t69 -141t113.5 -90t159 -31.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="p" horiz-adv-x="1095" d="M166 -360v1379h53q13 0 21.5 -5.5t9.5 -20.5l9 -157q68 92 158.5 146t203.5 54q188 0 292.5 -130t104.5 -390q0 -112 -29.5 -208.5t-85.5 -167.5t-138.5 -112t-190.5 -41q-104 0 -180 37.5t-131 112.5v-497h-97zM593 957q-101 0 -183.5 -52.5t-146.5 -146.5v-535 q58 -88 129.5 -124t162.5 -36q90 0 157.5 33t113 93t69 143.5t23.5 183.5q0 227 -83.5 334t-241.5 107z" /> -<glyph unicode="q" horiz-adv-x="1118" d="M942 1019v-1379h-98v541q-68 -90 -157.5 -142t-200.5 -52q-187 0 -292 130t-105 390q0 112 29 208.5t86 167.5t139.5 112t190.5 41q105 0 182.5 -40t132.5 -117l9 114q1 26 30 26h54zM514 66q101 0 183 52t147 145v539q-55 84 -128 120.5t-164 36.5q-90 0 -157.5 -32.5 t-113 -92.5t-69 -143.5t-23.5 -183.5q0 -227 84 -334t241 -107z" /> -<glyph unicode="r" horiz-adv-x="813" d="M166 0v1019h51q17 0 25 -7t9 -25l8 -215q49 124 131 194t202 70q46 0 85 -9.5t74 -28.5l-14 -67q-3 -16 -20 -17q-6 0 -17.5 4.5t-28.5 9.5t-41.5 9t-56.5 4q-116 0 -190 -71.5t-120 -206.5v-663h-97z" /> -<glyph unicode="s" horiz-adv-x="880" d="M727 893q-7 -14 -22 -14q-11 0 -29.5 12.5t-47.5 28.5t-71.5 29t-103.5 13q-55 0 -101 -16t-78 -42.5t-50 -62t-18 -74.5q0 -48 24.5 -80t64.5 -54.5t90.5 -38.5t104 -32.5t104 -36.5t90.5 -50t64.5 -73t24.5 -104q0 -67 -24 -124t-69.5 -99t-112 -66.5t-151.5 -24.5 q-108 0 -185.5 34t-139.5 90l24 34q5 8 11 12.5t17 4.5q13 0 33 -16.5t51 -35.5t77.5 -35.5t115.5 -16.5q65 0 114 18t81.5 49t49.5 72.5t17 87.5q0 51 -24.5 84.5t-64.5 57t-90.5 40t-104.5 33t-104.5 36t-90.5 49t-64.5 72t-24.5 106.5q0 54 23.5 104t67 88t106 60.5 t140.5 22.5q93 0 165 -26.5t133 -81.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="t" horiz-adv-x="730" d="M444 -16q-103 0 -161 57t-58 177v696h-146q-11 0 -18.5 6.5t-7.5 17.5v38l174 12l25 365q1 9 7.5 16t18.5 7h46v-389h320v-73h-320v-691q0 -42 10.5 -72t29.5 -49.5t44.5 -29t55.5 -9.5q37 0 63.5 11t46 24t31.5 23.5t20 10.5t16 -10l27 -43q-39 -43 -99 -69t-125 -26z " /> -<glyph unicode="u" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M239 1019v-651q0 -143 65.5 -225t199.5 -82q99 0 185 51t155 141v766h98v-1019h-54q-29 0 -30 27l-9 151q-71 -88 -163.5 -141t-206.5 -53q-85 0 -148.5 26.5t-105.5 76.5t-63.5 121t-21.5 160v651h99z" /> -<glyph unicode="v" horiz-adv-x="997" d="M542 0h-86l-430 1019h76q14 0 23 -7.5t13 -17.5l336 -804q10 -24 15.5 -45t10.5 -43q5 22 10.5 44t14.5 44l338 804q5 11 14 18t21 7h74z" /> -<glyph unicode="w" horiz-adv-x="1509" d="M23 1019h74q14 0 23.5 -7.5t12.5 -17.5l257 -804q7 -24 11.5 -45t8.5 -43q5 22 11 43.5t14 44.5l274 811q7 23 28 23h40q23 0 30 -23l269 -811q15 -46 25 -89q4 22 8.5 44t12.5 45l258 804q8 25 35 25h72l-341 -1019h-72q-16 0 -23 22l-280 827q-5 15 -9 30.5t-7 30.5 q-3 -15 -7 -30.5t-9 -30.5l-282 -827q-6 -22 -25 -22h-68z" /> -<glyph unicode="x" horiz-adv-x="943" d="M404 521l-354 498h93q14 0 21 -6t12 -15l299 -432q4 17 18 37l279 394q5 9 13 15.5t18 6.5h90l-356 -493l370 -526h-93q-14 0 -22.5 8.5t-13.5 17.5l-309 450q-5 -20 -15 -35l-297 -417q-7 -9 -15 -16.5t-19 -7.5h-87z" /> -<glyph unicode="y" horiz-adv-x="997" d="M388 -328q-6 -14 -16 -23t-28 -9h-70l180 398l-431 981h80q15 0 24 -7.5t13 -17.5l343 -792q6 -15 11 -31t9 -33q5 16 10.5 32t11.5 32l339 792q5 11 14.5 18t20.5 7h75z" /> -<glyph unicode="z" horiz-adv-x="925" d="M846 978q0 -22 -15 -39l-637 -862h626v-77h-744v39q0 17 15 38l640 865h-621v77h736v-41z" /> -<glyph unicode="{" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M224 456q0 34 -11 62t-32 49t-51 32t-65 11v63q36 0 65.5 11t50.5 32t32 49.5t11 61.5q0 56 -9.5 109.5t-21 107t-21 107t-9.5 111.5q0 62 19.5 115.5t56 92.5t90.5 61t122 22h56v-43q0 -11 -9 -17t-17 -6h-34q-44 0 -80 -15.5t-62 -44t-41 -69.5t-15 -91q0 -58 9 -113.5 t20.5 -109.5t20.5 -107.5t9 -108.5q0 -38 -12.5 -69.5t-33.5 -55t-48.5 -39.5t-56.5 -23q30 -6 57 -22t48 -40t33.5 -55t12.5 -69q0 -54 -9 -108t-20.5 -108.5t-20.5 -109.5t-9 -113q0 -50 15 -91t41 -69.5t62 -44t80 -15.5h34q8 0 17 -6t9 -17v-43h-56q-68 0 -122 22 t-90.5 61.5t-56 92.5t-19.5 116q0 57 9.5 110.5t21 107t21 107t9.5 109.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="|" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M268 1553h77v-1913h-77v1913z" /> -<glyph unicode="}" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M390 456q0 -56 10 -109.5t21 -107t21 -107t10 -110.5q0 -62 -19.5 -115.5t-56.5 -93t-91 -61.5t-121 -22h-56v43q0 11 8 17t17 6h34q44 0 80.5 15.5t62.5 44t41 69.5t15 91q0 57 -9.5 112.5t-20.5 110t-20.5 108t-9.5 108.5q0 38 12.5 69t33.5 55t48 40t57 22 q-30 7 -57 23t-48 39.5t-33.5 55.5t-12.5 69q0 54 9.5 108t20.5 108t20.5 109t9.5 114q0 50 -15 91t-41 69.5t-62.5 44t-80.5 15.5h-34q-9 0 -17 6t-8 17v43h56q68 0 121.5 -22t90.5 -61t56.5 -92.5t19.5 -115.5q0 -57 -10 -111t-21 -107.5t-21 -106.5t-10 -110 q0 -34 11.5 -62t32.5 -49t50 -32t65 -11v-63q-36 0 -65 -11t-50 -32t-32.5 -49t-11.5 -62z" /> -<glyph unicode="~" d="M798 581q38 0 69 13.5t52.5 38t33.5 58.5t12 74h79q0 -56 -16 -104.5t-47 -84t-76 -56t-102 -20.5q-52 0 -107 20t-108.5 44.5t-104 44.5t-94.5 20q-39 0 -69 -14t-51.5 -38.5t-33.5 -58.5t-13 -74h-79q0 56 16.5 104.5t47.5 84.5t75.5 56.5t101.5 20.5q53 0 108 -20 t108 -44.5t103.5 -44.5t94.5 -20z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" horiz-adv-x="660" d="M286 -360v563q0 46 1 87t2.5 83.5t4.5 89.5t6 104h67q3 -57 6 -104t4.5 -89.5t2.5 -83.5t1 -87v-563h-95zM236 941q0 40 27 67t67 27q19 0 36.5 -7t30.5 -20t20.5 -30t7.5 -37t-7.5 -37.5t-20.5 -30.5t-30.5 -20.5t-36.5 -7.5q-40 0 -67 28t-27 68z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" d="M603 -11q-98 6 -179 44t-139.5 104.5t-90 160t-31.5 212.5q0 115 32.5 210.5t95.5 164.5t155 108.5t209 41.5l11 210q1 13 8.5 23t21.5 10h37l-12 -246q89 -8 158 -37.5t123 -76.5l-24 -34q-5 -5 -9.5 -9t-13.5 -4t-26 12t-45 27t-69 28.5t-98 18.5l-44 -895 q77 2 129 19.5t86.5 37.5t54.5 36.5t31 16.5q8 0 12 -2t8 -7l25 -32q-24 -30 -59 -55t-80 -44t-98.5 -30.5t-112.5 -13.5l-11 -215q-1 -13 -8.5 -22.5t-21.5 -9.5h-37zM259 510q0 -100 24 -179.5t69.5 -136.5t109.5 -89.5t144 -39.5l45 893q-94 -3 -167 -35t-123 -90 t-76 -140t-26 -183z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" d="M69 680q0 15 9.5 25.5t26.5 10.5h169v301q0 95 27 177t79.5 142t132 94t183.5 34q78 0 137.5 -19t104 -51.5t76.5 -76.5t54 -93l-39 -23q-9 -5 -22 -5q-17 0 -31 17q-20 32 -43.5 62.5t-55 54t-75.5 37t-106 13.5q-80 0 -139.5 -26.5t-100.5 -74t-61.5 -114.5t-20.5 -148 v-301h490v-40q0 -11 -8.5 -20t-21.5 -9h-460v-311q0 -91 -37 -153t-101 -106q23 4 44.5 6t45.5 2h806v-41q0 -15 -12.5 -29.5t-33.5 -14.5h-993v67q35 13 68 33.5t58.5 50t40 69.5t14.5 93v334h-205v33z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" d="M243 687q0 63 20.5 119t57.5 102l-158 158l50 51l158 -158q46 37 102 58.5t121 21.5q63 0 119 -21t102 -57l158 157l50 -51l-157 -157q37 -46 58.5 -102t21.5 -121q0 -63 -21 -119t-58 -102l158 -158l-51 -51l-158 158q-46 -37 -102.5 -58t-119.5 -21t-119 20.5 t-102 57.5l-159 -158l-50 51l158 157q-37 46 -58 102t-21 121zM316 687q0 -57 22 -107.5t59.5 -87.5t88.5 -59t108 -22t108 22t88.5 59t59.5 87.5t22 107.5t-22 108t-59.5 89t-88.5 60t-108 22t-108 -22t-88.5 -60t-59.5 -89t-22 -108z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" d="M165 631h354l-432 818h81q27 0 40 -26l354 -681q8 -20 15 -38t12 -35q9 34 26 73l354 681q5 11 14.5 18.5t24.5 7.5h82l-434 -818h356v-60h-375v-120h375v-60h-375v-391h-97v391h-375v60h375v120h-375v60z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M268 1553h77v-796h-77v796zM268 435h77v-795h-77v795z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" horiz-adv-x="1026" d="M827 1322q-7 -13 -22 -13q-11 0 -29 12.5t-47.5 28t-72 28.5t-103.5 13q-57 0 -104 -16t-79.5 -43t-50.5 -63t-18 -76q0 -47 25.5 -82t67.5 -63t95.5 -51.5t109 -48t109 -53t95.5 -64t67.5 -83.5t25.5 -111q0 -85 -43 -148t-127 -99q55 -39 89.5 -89t34.5 -121 q0 -67 -24 -124t-69.5 -99t-112 -66.5t-151.5 -24.5q-108 0 -186 34t-139 90l23 35q5 8 11.5 12t17.5 4q13 0 32.5 -16.5t51.5 -35.5t79 -35t117 -16q63 0 112.5 17t83 48t51 72.5t17.5 89.5q0 52 -26.5 91t-70.5 69t-100 54.5t-114 49.5t-113.5 51.5t-99.5 62t-71 81 t-27 107.5q0 79 47 142t152 101q-56 38 -91.5 88.5t-35.5 126.5q0 55 23.5 104.5t67 88t106 61t140.5 22.5q93 0 165 -27t133 -81zM229 744q0 -42 20 -75t54.5 -60t79.5 -50t94 -44.5t100 -43.5t97 -48q73 33 104.5 82t31.5 111q0 46 -18.5 82t-49.5 64.5t-72.5 51 t-87.5 43.5t-94 41t-92 43q-91 -39 -129 -87.5t-38 -109.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" horiz-adv-x="599" d="M208 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5t-31 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t26.5 18.5t31.5 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5zM559 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26 t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t27 18.5t32 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" horiz-adv-x="1651" d="M1106 424q12 10 23 10q5 0 9.5 -2t6.5 -4l32 -32q-60 -60 -142.5 -96t-200.5 -36q-98 0 -181 33.5t-141.5 94t-91.5 145.5t-33 189q0 102 34.5 187t96 146t146.5 95t186 34q53 0 97.5 -8t82.5 -22.5t71 -35.5t64 -49l-24 -34q-7 -11 -21 -11q-10 0 -27 13.5t-46.5 29 t-76 29t-116.5 13.5q-85 0 -154.5 -27t-119.5 -77.5t-77 -122t-27 -160.5q0 -92 27 -164t75.5 -121.5t114.5 -75.5t145 -26q87 0 150 21t118 64zM87 725q0 101 26.5 196t74.5 177t115.5 149.5t149.5 115.5t176 74.5t196 26.5t196.5 -26.5t177 -74.5t150 -115.5t115 -149.5 t74.5 -177t27 -196q0 -102 -27 -196.5t-74.5 -176.5t-115 -149.5t-150 -115.5t-176.5 -74.5t-197 -26.5q-101 0 -195.5 26.5t-176.5 74.5t-149.5 115.5t-115.5 149.5t-74.5 176.5t-26.5 196.5zM147 725q0 -142 53 -266.5t145 -217.5t215.5 -146t264.5 -53t265.5 53t217 146 t145.5 217.5t53 266.5t-53 266.5t-145.5 218t-216.5 147t-266 53.5q-141 0 -264.5 -53.5t-215.5 -147t-145 -218t-53 -266.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" horiz-adv-x="687" d="M579 859h-33q-11 0 -16.5 4t-10.5 16l-10 69q-26 -24 -51 -42t-52 -30.5t-58.5 -19t-67.5 -6.5q-34 0 -65 9t-54.5 28t-37.5 48.5t-14 69.5q0 37 21.5 70t69 58t123 41t183.5 18v52q0 78 -35 118.5t-110 40.5q-44 0 -74 -11.5t-50.5 -24t-34.5 -24t-25 -11.5 q-15 0 -22 14l-13 23q49 49 103.5 72t123.5 23q103 0 156.5 -59.5t53.5 -160.5v-385zM299 904q34 0 62.5 7.5t53.5 20t47 30t44 37.5v142q-172 -5 -249.5 -40t-77.5 -92q0 -28 10 -48t26.5 -33t38 -18.5t45.5 -5.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xab;" horiz-adv-x="894" d="M159 525v14l247 387l30 -16q16 -10 17 -25q0 -12 -8 -24l-187 -300q-13 -20 -22 -30q10 -8 22 -28l187 -301q7 -11 8 -24q0 -15 -17 -25l-30 -16zM420 525v14l247 387l30 -16q16 -10 17 -25q0 -12 -7 -24l-188 -300q-13 -20 -22 -30q10 -8 22 -28l188 -301q7 -11 7 -24 q0 -15 -17 -25l-30 -16z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xac;" d="M168 724h849v-377h-84v302h-765v75z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xad;" horiz-adv-x="680" d="M102 649h477v-83h-477v83z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xae;" horiz-adv-x="1651" d="M87 725q0 101 26.5 196t74.5 177t115.5 149.5t149.5 115.5t176 74.5t196 26.5t196.5 -26.5t177 -74.5t150 -115.5t115 -149.5t74.5 -177t27 -196q0 -102 -27 -196.5t-74.5 -176.5t-115 -149.5t-150 -115.5t-176.5 -74.5t-197 -26.5q-101 0 -195.5 26.5t-176.5 74.5 t-149.5 115.5t-115.5 149.5t-74.5 176.5t-26.5 196.5zM147 725q0 -142 53 -266.5t145 -217.5t215.5 -146t264.5 -53t265.5 53t217 146t145.5 217.5t53 266.5t-53 266.5t-145.5 218t-216.5 147t-266 53.5q-141 0 -264.5 -53.5t-215.5 -147t-145 -218t-53 -266.5zM639 673 v-401h-87v907h253q157 0 237 -59t80 -180q0 -102 -66 -167.5t-186 -82.5q12 -7 22 -16.5t19 -24.5l292 -377h-82q-10 0 -17.5 3.5t-13.5 13.5l-277 359q-8 11 -21 18t-40 7h-113zM639 738h152q124 0 184.5 50t60.5 143q0 94 -55 137t-176 43h-166v-373z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaf;" horiz-adv-x="599" d="M20 1349h559v-67h-559v67z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb0;" horiz-adv-x="804" d="M93 1161q0 63 24 119t65.5 97.5t98 65t120.5 23.5q65 0 121.5 -23.5t98 -65t65.5 -97t24 -119.5q0 -63 -24 -118.5t-65.5 -97t-98 -65.5t-121.5 -24t-121 24t-97.5 65.5t-65.5 97t-24 118.5zM166 1161q0 -49 18.5 -92t50 -74.5t74.5 -50t92 -18.5t92.5 18.5t74.5 50 t49.5 74.5t18.5 92t-18.5 92t-49.5 75.5t-74 51t-93 18.5q-49 0 -92 -18.5t-74.5 -51t-50 -75.5t-18.5 -92z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb1;" d="M632 1181v-416h441v-75h-441v-411h-80v411h-440v75h440v416h80zM112 157h961v-75h-961v75z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" horiz-adv-x="677" d="M350 1662q45 0 85 -13.5t69.5 -38.5t46 -62.5t16.5 -86.5q0 -41 -12.5 -76t-34 -67.5t-50.5 -62.5t-59 -61l-212 -215q19 5 39 7.5t41 2.5h281q25 0 25 -24v-43h-486v24q0 8 3 16.5t12 15.5l240 243q29 29 54 57.5t44 57.5t30 59.5t11 63.5q0 36 -12 62.5t-32 44 t-46.5 26.5t-55.5 9q-63 0 -100 -36.5t-58 -93.5q-7 -19 -27 -19q-2 0 -8.5 0.5t-9.5 1.5l-30 5q14 98 77.5 150.5t158.5 52.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" horiz-adv-x="677" d="M356 1662q45 0 84 -13t67.5 -37t44.5 -58t16 -78q0 -68 -36.5 -112.5t-98.5 -64.5q75 -17 114.5 -60t39.5 -111q0 -49 -19 -88.5t-52 -67.5t-77 -43.5t-93 -15.5q-61 0 -102.5 15.5t-70 41.5t-45 60.5t-28.5 71.5l31 13q4 2 7.5 3t8.5 1q8 0 15.5 -4t10.5 -12l3 -8 q4 -12 14 -33t28.5 -39.5t48.5 -33t76 -14.5q42 0 74 13.5t52.5 35.5t31.5 48.5t11 51.5q0 34 -11 60.5t-34.5 45.5t-61 29.5t-92.5 10.5v50q93 2 139 40.5t46 102.5q0 35 -11.5 60.5t-31.5 42.5t-46 25t-56 8q-65 0 -102 -33t-55 -93q-6 -20 -25 -21q-7 0 -23 3l-25 4 q14 98 77 150.5t156 52.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" horiz-adv-x="599" d="M529 1465l-221 -259q-8 -10 -16.5 -13.5t-21.5 -3.5h-58l161 244q11 18 23.5 25t36.5 7h96z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M239 1019v-651q0 -143 65.5 -225t199.5 -82q99 0 185 51t155 141v766h98v-1019h-54q-29 0 -30 27l-9 151q-72 -90 -159 -137t-191 -47q-100 0 -168 39.5t-106 112.5q5 -44 6.5 -89t1.5 -82v-335h-49q-20 0 -32 11t-12 32v1336h99z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" horiz-adv-x="1294" d="M1249 1449v-84h-230v-1560h-87v1560h-336v-1560h-88v911q-105 0 -189.5 28.5t-142.5 78.5t-89.5 118.5t-31.5 147.5q0 82 31.5 148.5t89.5 113.5t142 72.5t190 25.5h741z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" horiz-adv-x="544" d="M169 606q0 22 8 41.5t22 33.5t32.5 22.5t38.5 8.5q22 0 41.5 -8.5t33.5 -22.5t22.5 -33.5t8.5 -41.5q0 -20 -8.5 -39t-22.5 -33t-33.5 -22t-41.5 -8q-20 0 -38.5 8t-32.5 22t-22 33t-8 39z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" horiz-adv-x="599" d="M162 -280q5 0 13.5 -5.5t22.5 -12t34.5 -12t50.5 -5.5q52 0 81 22.5t29 61.5q0 26 -13 42.5t-38 27.5t-58 17.5t-73 11.5l43 137h62l-30 -98q91 -16 138.5 -47t47.5 -91q0 -31 -14 -55.5t-39 -41.5t-59.5 -26.5t-75.5 -9.5q-42 0 -82 12t-67 31l10 29q7 12 17 12z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" horiz-adv-x="677" d="M191 972h162v553l4 38l-147 -129q-8 -6 -16 -7q-11 0 -19 10l-22 31l216 189h59v-685h151v-50h-388v50z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xba;" horiz-adv-x="764" d="M384 1463q68 0 122 -21.5t92 -62t58 -97t20 -127.5t-20 -127.5t-58 -97t-92 -62t-122 -21.5q-70 0 -124 21.5t-92.5 62t-58.5 97t-20 127.5t20 127.5t58.5 97t92.5 62t124 21.5zM384 906q106 0 160 66t54 183q0 116 -54 182.5t-160 66.5q-110 0 -163.5 -66.5 t-53.5 -182.5q0 -117 53.5 -183t163.5 -66z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" horiz-adv-x="894" d="M228 137l-30 16q-17 9 -18 26q0 11 7 23l188 301q6 11 11.5 17.5t10.5 10.5q-5 5 -10.5 12t-11.5 18l-188 300q-7 11 -7 24q0 16 18 25l30 16l247 -387v-14zM489 137l-30 16q-17 9 -18 26q0 11 8 23l187 301q6 11 11.5 17.5t10.5 10.5q-5 5 -10.5 12t-11.5 18l-187 300 q-7 11 -8 24q0 16 18 25l30 16l247 -387v-14z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" horiz-adv-x="1458" d="M1297 253h129v-37q0 -16 -17 -16h-112v-200h-64v200h-333q-24 0 -26 16l-6 33l361 483h68v-479zM176 768h162v553l4 38l-147 -129q-8 -6 -17 -6q-11 0 -18 9l-23 32l216 188h60v-685h150v-50h-387v50zM1233 596q0 24 3 53l-296 -396h293v343zM418 32q-11 -18 -25 -25 t-32 -7h-40l819 1413q10 17 23 26.5t33 9.5h43z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" horiz-adv-x="1458" d="M1153 740q45 0 85 -13t69 -38t46 -62.5t17 -86.5q0 -41 -12.5 -76.5t-34 -67.5t-50.5 -62.5t-60 -61.5l-212 -215q19 5 39.5 8t40.5 3h282q25 0 25 -25v-43h-486v25q0 8 3 16t11 15l241 243q29 29 54 57.5t44 57.5t29.5 60t10.5 64q0 36 -11.5 62.5t-31.5 44t-46.5 26 t-55.5 8.5q-63 0 -100.5 -33t-57.5 -96q-6 -19 -27 -20q-2 0 -12.5 1t-12.5 3l-24 4q14 98 78 150t159 52zM176 768h162v553l4 38l-147 -129q-8 -6 -17 -6q-11 0 -18 9l-23 32l216 188h60v-685h150v-50h-387v50zM370 32q-11 -18 -25 -25t-32 -7h-41l820 1413 q10 17 22.5 26.5t33.5 9.5h43z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" horiz-adv-x="1462" d="M1297 253h129v-37q0 -16 -17 -16h-112v-200h-64v200h-333q-24 0 -26 16l-6 33l361 483h68v-479zM341 1458q45 0 84 -12.5t67 -37t44.5 -58.5t16.5 -78q0 -68 -37 -112.5t-98 -63.5q75 -17 114 -60.5t39 -110.5q0 -49 -18.5 -88.5t-51.5 -68t-77 -43.5t-93 -15 q-61 0 -103 15t-70 41.5t-45 60.5t-28 71l31 13q4 2 7.5 3t8.5 1q8 0 15.5 -4t10.5 -12l3 -8q4 -12 13.5 -32.5t28 -39.5t49 -33.5t76.5 -14.5q42 0 73.5 14t52.5 35.5t32 48t11 52.5q0 34 -11 60.5t-34.5 45.5t-61.5 29t-92 10v50q93 2 138.5 40.5t45.5 103.5 q0 35 -11 60.5t-31 42t-46 25t-56 8.5q-63 0 -101 -36.5t-57 -90.5q-7 -20 -24 -21h-3t-7 1t-14 2t-24 4q14 98 77 150.5t156 52.5zM1233 596q0 24 3 53l-296 -396h293v343zM426 32q-11 -18 -25 -25t-31 -7h-41l819 1413q10 17 23 26.5t33 9.5h43z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" horiz-adv-x="758" d="M729 -229q-28 -28 -62.5 -53.5t-76 -45.5t-90.5 -32t-107 -12q-71 0 -134.5 21t-111.5 60.5t-76 96.5t-28 129q0 78 24.5 133t61 94.5t79.5 68.5t81 54.5t64 52.5t28 62l11 167h67l6 -174v-5q0 -43 -24.5 -73.5t-61 -57.5t-79.5 -54t-79.5 -62.5t-61 -83t-24.5 -114.5 q0 -55 21.5 -99t58.5 -74t85 -46t100 -16q71 0 119.5 18t81.5 40t51.5 40t28.5 18q9 0 13.5 -3.5t8.5 -9.5zM333 940q0 19 7 36.5t20 30.5t30 20.5t37 7.5q19 0 36.5 -7.5t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t7.5 -36.5q0 -20 -7.5 -37t-20.5 -30t-30.5 -20t-36.5 -7q-40 0 -67 27 t-27 67z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" horiz-adv-x="1319" d="M1306 0h-81q-14 0 -23.5 7.5t-14.5 20.5l-171 421h-712l-170 -421q-4 -11 -14 -19.5t-25 -8.5h-80l593 1449h105zM336 526h649l-296 732q-7 17 -14 39.5t-15 47.5q-7 -25 -14 -47t-14 -41zM474 1812q25 0 36.5 -4.5t25.5 -17.5l234 -211h-73q-12 0 -20.5 2t-18.5 10 l-300 221h116z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" horiz-adv-x="1319" d="M1306 0h-81q-14 0 -23.5 7.5t-14.5 20.5l-171 421h-712l-170 -421q-4 -11 -14 -19.5t-25 -8.5h-80l593 1449h105zM336 526h649l-296 732q-7 17 -14 39.5t-15 47.5q-7 -25 -14 -47t-14 -41zM955 1812l-299 -221q-10 -7 -19 -9.5t-21 -2.5h-72l233 211q14 13 26.5 17.5 t36.5 4.5h115z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" horiz-adv-x="1319" d="M1306 0h-81q-14 0 -23.5 7.5t-14.5 20.5l-171 421h-712l-170 -421q-4 -11 -14 -19.5t-25 -8.5h-80l593 1449h105zM336 526h649l-296 732q-7 17 -14 39.5t-15 47.5q-7 -25 -14 -47t-14 -41zM946 1579h-75q-8 0 -18 2.5t-17 7.5l-160 126q-8 6 -11 9t-5 6l-5.5 -5.5 t-11.5 -9.5l-161 -126q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-76l241 204h92z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" horiz-adv-x="1319" d="M1306 0h-81q-14 0 -23.5 7.5t-14.5 20.5l-171 421h-712l-170 -421q-4 -11 -14 -19.5t-25 -8.5h-80l593 1449h105zM336 526h649l-296 732q-7 17 -14 39.5t-15 47.5q-7 -25 -14 -47t-14 -41zM782 1655q43 0 65.5 28t23.5 72h55q0 -36 -9 -66t-26.5 -53t-44.5 -36t-62 -13 q-34 0 -64.5 16.5t-59.5 35.5t-56 35.5t-55 16.5q-43 0 -65 -29t-24 -72h-57q0 35 9.5 66t28 54t45.5 35.5t61 12.5q35 0 66 -16.5t59.5 -35t55 -35t54.5 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" horiz-adv-x="1319" d="M1306 0h-81q-14 0 -23.5 7.5t-14.5 20.5l-171 421h-712l-170 -421q-4 -11 -14 -19.5t-25 -8.5h-80l593 1449h105zM336 526h649l-296 732q-7 17 -14 39.5t-15 47.5q-7 -25 -14 -47t-14 -41zM529 1705q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31.5 -6.5t-31 6.5t-26.5 17.5 t-18 26t-6.5 31t6.5 31.5t18 27.5t26.5 18.5t31 6.5t31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -31.5zM955 1705q0 -16 -6.5 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 34 24.5 59t58.5 25q16 0 31 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t6.5 -31.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" horiz-adv-x="1319" d="M1306 0h-81q-14 0 -23.5 7.5t-14.5 20.5l-171 421h-712l-170 -421q-4 -11 -14 -19.5t-25 -8.5h-80l593 1449h105zM336 526h649l-296 732q-7 17 -14 39.5t-15 47.5q-7 -25 -14 -47t-14 -41zM488 1669q0 35 14 65t37 51.5t54 34t66 12.5t66.5 -12.5t54.5 -34t37 -51.5 t14 -65q0 -36 -14 -65.5t-37 -51t-54.5 -33.5t-66.5 -12t-66 12t-54 33.5t-37 51t-14 65.5zM542 1669q0 -51 33 -84t85 -33q51 0 84 33t33 84t-33 84t-84 33q-52 0 -85 -33t-33 -84z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" horiz-adv-x="1891" d="M781 1449h983v-87h-834l74 -586h632v-85h-621l77 -604h672v-87h-759l-58 449h-610l-233 -423q-13 -26 -43 -26h-80zM380 526h557l-108 843q-8 -27 -18 -50.5t-21 -46.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" horiz-adv-x="1440" d="M672 -280q5 0 13.5 -5.5t22.5 -12t34.5 -12t50.5 -5.5q52 0 81 22.5t29 61.5q0 26 -13 42.5t-38 27.5t-58 17.5t-73 11.5l37 118q-140 8 -256.5 64t-199.5 152.5t-129 228.5t-46 294q0 165 51.5 301t145.5 234t224.5 151.5t288.5 53.5q79 0 144.5 -11.5t122 -33.5 t107 -55t98.5 -76l-32 -46q-8 -12 -26 -12q-9 0 -23.5 10.5t-36.5 26.5t-53 35t-74 35t-99.5 26.5t-127.5 10.5q-132 0 -243 -45.5t-190.5 -130t-124.5 -205t-45 -269.5q0 -154 44.5 -274.5t122 -204t183.5 -128t230 -44.5q78 0 139 10t112 30.5t95 50.5t87 69q5 4 10 7 t11 3q10 0 17 -7l41 -44q-45 -47 -96.5 -85t-113.5 -65.5t-136 -42.5t-161 -16l-23 -77q91 -16 138.5 -47t47.5 -91q0 -31 -14 -55.5t-39 -41.5t-59.5 -26.5t-75.5 -9.5q-42 0 -82 12t-67 31l10 29q7 12 17 12z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" horiz-adv-x="1210" d="M1083 1449v-87h-762v-586h634v-85h-634v-604h762v-87h-868v1449h868zM473 1812q25 0 36.5 -4.5t25.5 -17.5l234 -211h-73q-12 0 -20.5 2t-18.5 10l-300 221h116z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc9;" horiz-adv-x="1210" d="M1083 1449v-87h-762v-586h634v-85h-634v-604h762v-87h-868v1449h868zM954 1812l-299 -221q-10 -7 -19 -9.5t-21 -2.5h-72l233 211q14 13 26.5 17.5t36.5 4.5h115z" /> 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4.5h115z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xce;" horiz-adv-x="612" d="M358 0h-105v1449h105v-1449zM595 1579h-75q-8 0 -18 2.5t-17 7.5l-160 126q-8 6 -11 9t-5 6l-5.5 -5.5t-11.5 -9.5l-161 -126q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-76l241 204h92z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcf;" horiz-adv-x="612" d="M358 0h-105v1449h105v-1449zM178 1705q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31.5 -6.5t-31 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31t6.5 31.5t18 27.5t26.5 18.5t31 6.5t31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -31.5zM604 1705q0 -16 -6.5 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31 -6.5 q-17 0 -32 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 34 24.5 59t58.5 25q16 0 31 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t6.5 -31.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" horiz-adv-x="1612" d="M50 767h221v682h529q155 0 281.5 -50t218 -144.5t141.5 -228.5t50 -301q0 -168 -50 -302t-141.5 -228.5t-218.5 -144.5t-281 -50h-529v701h-221v66zM1382 725q0 152 -42 270.5t-118 200.5t-183.5 125t-238.5 43h-423v-597h414v-66h-414v-616h423q131 0 238.5 43 t183.5 125t118 200.5t42 271.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" horiz-adv-x="1548" d="M266 1449q14 0 22.5 -3.5t17.5 -15.5l938 -1256q-3 31 -3 59v1216h92v-1449h-50q-24 0 -38 20l-942 1258q3 -31 3 -58v-1220h-91v1449h51v0zM934 1655q43 0 65.5 28t23.5 72h55q0 -36 -9 -66t-26.5 -53t-44.5 -36t-62 -13q-34 0 -64.5 16.5t-59.5 35.5t-56 35.5t-55 16.5 q-43 0 -65 -29t-24 -72h-57q0 35 9.5 66t28 54t45.5 35.5t61 12.5q35 0 66 -16.5t59.5 -35t55 -35t54.5 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" horiz-adv-x="1633" d="M1507 725q0 -168 -50 -304.5t-141 -233.5t-218 -149.5t-282 -52.5q-153 0 -279.5 52.5t-218 149.5t-142 233.5t-50.5 304.5q0 167 50.5 303.5t142 233.5t218.5 150t279 53q155 0 282 -52.5t218 -150t141 -234t50 -303.5zM1399 725q0 152 -42 272.5t-118.5 204.5 t-184 128.5t-238.5 44.5q-129 0 -236 -44.5t-184.5 -128.5t-120 -204.5t-42.5 -272.5q0 -153 42.5 -273t120 -204t184.5 -128t236 -44q131 0 238.5 44t184 128t118.5 204t42 273zM633 1812q25 0 36.5 -4.5t25.5 -17.5l234 -211h-73q-12 0 -20.5 2t-18.5 10l-300 221h116z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" horiz-adv-x="1633" d="M1507 725q0 -168 -50 -304.5t-141 -233.5t-218 -149.5t-282 -52.5q-153 0 -279.5 52.5t-218 149.5t-142 233.5t-50.5 304.5q0 167 50.5 303.5t142 233.5t218.5 150t279 53q155 0 282 -52.5t218 -150t141 -234t50 -303.5zM1399 725q0 152 -42 272.5t-118.5 204.5 t-184 128.5t-238.5 44.5q-129 0 -236 -44.5t-184.5 -128.5t-120 -204.5t-42.5 -272.5q0 -153 42.5 -273t120 -204t184.5 -128t236 -44q131 0 238.5 44t184 128t118.5 204t42 273zM1114 1812l-299 -221q-10 -7 -19 -9.5t-21 -2.5h-72l233 211q14 13 26.5 17.5t36.5 4.5h115z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" horiz-adv-x="1633" d="M1507 725q0 -168 -50 -304.5t-141 -233.5t-218 -149.5t-282 -52.5q-153 0 -279.5 52.5t-218 149.5t-142 233.5t-50.5 304.5q0 167 50.5 303.5t142 233.5t218.5 150t279 53q155 0 282 -52.5t218 -150t141 -234t50 -303.5zM1399 725q0 152 -42 272.5t-118.5 204.5 t-184 128.5t-238.5 44.5q-129 0 -236 -44.5t-184.5 -128.5t-120 -204.5t-42.5 -272.5q0 -153 42.5 -273t120 -204t184.5 -128t236 -44q131 0 238.5 44t184 128t118.5 204t42 273zM1105 1579h-75q-8 0 -18 2.5t-17 7.5l-160 126q-8 6 -11 9t-5 6l-5.5 -5.5t-11.5 -9.5 l-161 -126q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-76l241 204h92z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" horiz-adv-x="1633" d="M1507 725q0 -168 -50 -304.5t-141 -233.5t-218 -149.5t-282 -52.5q-153 0 -279.5 52.5t-218 149.5t-142 233.5t-50.5 304.5q0 167 50.5 303.5t142 233.5t218.5 150t279 53q155 0 282 -52.5t218 -150t141 -234t50 -303.5zM1399 725q0 152 -42 272.5t-118.5 204.5 t-184 128.5t-238.5 44.5q-129 0 -236 -44.5t-184.5 -128.5t-120 -204.5t-42.5 -272.5q0 -153 42.5 -273t120 -204t184.5 -128t236 -44q131 0 238.5 44t184 128t118.5 204t42 273zM941 1655q43 0 65.5 28t23.5 72h55q0 -36 -9 -66t-26.5 -53t-44.5 -36t-62 -13 q-34 0 -64.5 16.5t-59.5 35.5t-56 35.5t-55 16.5q-43 0 -65 -29t-24 -72h-57q0 35 9.5 66t28 54t45.5 35.5t61 12.5q35 0 66 -16.5t59.5 -35t55 -35t54.5 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" horiz-adv-x="1633" d="M1507 725q0 -168 -50 -304.5t-141 -233.5t-218 -149.5t-282 -52.5q-153 0 -279.5 52.5t-218 149.5t-142 233.5t-50.5 304.5q0 167 50.5 303.5t142 233.5t218.5 150t279 53q155 0 282 -52.5t218 -150t141 -234t50 -303.5zM1399 725q0 152 -42 272.5t-118.5 204.5 t-184 128.5t-238.5 44.5q-129 0 -236 -44.5t-184.5 -128.5t-120 -204.5t-42.5 -272.5q0 -153 42.5 -273t120 -204t184.5 -128t236 -44q131 0 238.5 44t184 128t118.5 204t42 273zM688 1705q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31.5 -6.5t-31 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31 t6.5 31.5t18 27.5t26.5 18.5t31 6.5t31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -31.5zM1114 1705q0 -16 -6.5 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 34 24.5 59t58.5 25q16 0 31 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t6.5 -31.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" d="M1022 1061l-376 -375l381 -381l-52 -53l-382 381l-383 -383l-53 53l382 383l-377 377l54 55l377 -378l375 376z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" horiz-adv-x="1633" d="M1507 725q0 -168 -50 -304.5t-141 -233.5t-218 -149.5t-282 -52.5q-118 0 -219.5 31t-184.5 89l-134 -180q-13 -17 -30 -25t-34 -8h-45l189 255q-111 98 -171.5 244.5t-60.5 333.5q0 167 50.5 303.5t142 233.5t218.5 150t279 53q124 0 230.5 -34t191.5 -99l114 153 q12 16 21 23.5t30 7.5h56l-169 -228q103 -98 160 -240.5t57 -322.5zM233 725q0 -164 48.5 -289.5t135.5 -209.5l764 1029q-73 58 -164.5 89t-200.5 31q-129 0 -236 -44.5t-184.5 -128.5t-120 -204.5t-42.5 -272.5zM1399 725q0 156 -44 277.5t-124 205.5l-763 -1026 q71 -52 158.5 -79t189.5 -27q131 0 238.5 44t184 128t118.5 204t42 273z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" horiz-adv-x="1502" d="M751 75q104 0 186.5 36t140 100.5t87.5 152.5t30 189v896h104v-896q0 -120 -37.5 -224t-109 -181t-173 -121t-228.5 -44t-229 44t-173 121t-109 181t-38 224v896h105v-895q0 -101 30.5 -188.5t87 -152.5t139.5 -101.5t187 -36.5zM565 1812q25 0 36.5 -4.5t25.5 -17.5 l234 -211h-73q-12 0 -20.5 2t-18.5 10l-300 221h116z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xda;" horiz-adv-x="1502" d="M751 75q104 0 186.5 36t140 100.5t87.5 152.5t30 189v896h104v-896q0 -120 -37.5 -224t-109 -181t-173 -121t-228.5 -44t-229 44t-173 121t-109 181t-38 224v896h105v-895q0 -101 30.5 -188.5t87 -152.5t139.5 -101.5t187 -36.5zM1046 1812l-299 -221q-10 -7 -19 -9.5 t-21 -2.5h-72l233 211q14 13 26.5 17.5t36.5 4.5h115z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" horiz-adv-x="1502" d="M751 75q104 0 186.5 36t140 100.5t87.5 152.5t30 189v896h104v-896q0 -120 -37.5 -224t-109 -181t-173 -121t-228.5 -44t-229 44t-173 121t-109 181t-38 224v896h105v-895q0 -101 30.5 -188.5t87 -152.5t139.5 -101.5t187 -36.5zM1038 1579h-75q-8 0 -18 2.5t-17 7.5 l-160 126q-8 6 -11 9t-5 6l-5.5 -5.5t-11.5 -9.5l-161 -126q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-76l241 204h92z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" horiz-adv-x="1502" d="M751 75q104 0 186.5 36t140 100.5t87.5 152.5t30 189v896h104v-896q0 -120 -37.5 -224t-109 -181t-173 -121t-228.5 -44t-229 44t-173 121t-109 181t-38 224v896h105v-895q0 -101 30.5 -188.5t87 -152.5t139.5 -101.5t187 -36.5zM621 1705q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26 t-27 -17.5t-31.5 -6.5t-31 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31t6.5 31.5t18 27.5t26.5 18.5t31 6.5t31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -31.5zM1047 1705q0 -16 -6.5 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 34 24.5 59t58.5 25 q16 0 31 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t6.5 -31.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" horiz-adv-x="1227" d="M667 598v-598h-106v598l-535 851h91q14 0 22.5 -6.5t17.5 -19.5l414 -665q14 -24 24.5 -46t18.5 -44q8 23 18.5 44.5t24.5 45.5l414 665q6 11 15.5 18.5t23.5 7.5h92zM910 1812l-299 -221q-10 -7 -19 -9.5t-21 -2.5h-72l233 211q14 13 26.5 17.5t36.5 4.5h115z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="1215" d="M350 293v-293h-104v1449h104v-291h270q255 0 384.5 -111.5t129.5 -318.5q0 -95 -35.5 -175t-102 -138t-162 -90t-214.5 -32h-270zM350 377h270q96 0 171.5 26.5t128.5 73.5t81 111t28 140q0 167 -103 256.5t-306 89.5h-270v-697z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="1185" d="M656 1467q87 0 155 -26t114 -67.5t69.5 -92.5t23.5 -102q0 -63 -24 -110.5t-60.5 -84t-78.5 -65t-78.5 -56.5t-60.5 -58t-24 -68q0 -37 17 -62t45 -43.5t63.5 -33.5t73 -32t72.5 -38t63.5 -52t45.5 -73.5t17 -102.5q0 -70 -26 -128t-72 -100t-110.5 -65t-143.5 -23 q-103 0 -177.5 34t-135.5 90l22 34q5 8 12 12.5t18 4.5q13 0 32 -16.5t50 -35.5t76.5 -35.5t109.5 -16.5q60 0 107.5 18t80 49.5t49 73.5t16.5 90q0 69 -30 110t-75 67.5t-97.5 46t-97.5 45t-75 63.5t-30 103q0 50 24.5 87t62 68.5t80.5 61.5t80.5 64.5t62 77t24.5 100.5 q0 32 -14.5 69t-46.5 69.5t-84.5 54t-127.5 21.5q-73 0 -136.5 -22t-112 -67t-76 -115.5t-27.5 -166.5v-1023h-97v1025q0 103 33.5 185.5t93.5 139.5t143.5 87t181.5 30z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="996" d="M816 0q-31 0 -38 29l-14 130q-42 -41 -83.5 -74t-86.5 -55.5t-97.5 -34t-114.5 -11.5q-52 0 -101.5 15t-87 47t-60.5 81.5t-23 119.5q0 65 36.5 120t115 96t202 65.5t296.5 28.5v107q0 141 -61 217t-181 76q-74 0 -125.5 -20.5t-87.5 -45t-58.5 -45t-37.5 -20.5 q-20 0 -31 19l-17 29q80 80 168 121t199 41q82 0 143.5 -26t102 -74.5t61 -117.5t20.5 -154v-664h-39zM407 54q59 0 108.5 13t92 36t79.5 54.5t73 68.5v266q-145 -4 -250.5 -22t-173.5 -49t-100 -73.5t-32 -96.5q0 -51 17 -88.5t44.5 -61.5t64.5 -35.5t77 -11.5zM401 1465 q25 0 37 -7t24 -25l160 -244h-55q-12 0 -21 3.5t-17 13.5l-222 259h94z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" horiz-adv-x="996" d="M816 0q-31 0 -38 29l-14 130q-42 -41 -83.5 -74t-86.5 -55.5t-97.5 -34t-114.5 -11.5q-52 0 -101.5 15t-87 47t-60.5 81.5t-23 119.5q0 65 36.5 120t115 96t202 65.5t296.5 28.5v107q0 141 -61 217t-181 76q-74 0 -125.5 -20.5t-87.5 -45t-58.5 -45t-37.5 -20.5 q-20 0 -31 19l-17 29q80 80 168 121t199 41q82 0 143.5 -26t102 -74.5t61 -117.5t20.5 -154v-664h-39zM407 54q59 0 108.5 13t92 36t79.5 54.5t73 68.5v266q-145 -4 -250.5 -22t-173.5 -49t-100 -73.5t-32 -96.5q0 -51 17 -88.5t44.5 -61.5t64.5 -35.5t77 -11.5zM748 1465 l-221 -259q-8 -10 -16.5 -13.5t-21.5 -3.5h-58l161 244q11 18 23.5 25t36.5 7h96z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" horiz-adv-x="996" d="M816 0q-31 0 -38 29l-14 130q-42 -41 -83.5 -74t-86.5 -55.5t-97.5 -34t-114.5 -11.5q-52 0 -101.5 15t-87 47t-60.5 81.5t-23 119.5q0 65 36.5 120t115 96t202 65.5t296.5 28.5v107q0 141 -61 217t-181 76q-74 0 -125.5 -20.5t-87.5 -45t-58.5 -45t-37.5 -20.5 q-20 0 -31 19l-17 29q80 80 168 121t199 41q82 0 143.5 -26t102 -74.5t61 -117.5t20.5 -154v-664h-39zM407 54q59 0 108.5 13t92 36t79.5 54.5t73 68.5v266q-145 -4 -250.5 -22t-173.5 -49t-100 -73.5t-32 -96.5q0 -51 17 -88.5t44.5 -61.5t64.5 -35.5t77 -11.5zM784 1197 h-66q-16 0 -28 12l-160 167q-6 4 -11 12q-2 -4 -5 -7l-5 -5l-161 -167q-5 -5 -12 -8.5t-16 -3.5h-68l223 252h87z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="996" d="M816 0q-31 0 -38 29l-14 130q-42 -41 -83.5 -74t-86.5 -55.5t-97.5 -34t-114.5 -11.5q-52 0 -101.5 15t-87 47t-60.5 81.5t-23 119.5q0 65 36.5 120t115 96t202 65.5t296.5 28.5v107q0 141 -61 217t-181 76q-74 0 -125.5 -20.5t-87.5 -45t-58.5 -45t-37.5 -20.5 q-20 0 -31 19l-17 29q80 80 168 121t199 41q82 0 143.5 -26t102 -74.5t61 -117.5t20.5 -154v-664h-39zM407 54q59 0 108.5 13t92 36t79.5 54.5t73 68.5v266q-145 -4 -250.5 -22t-173.5 -49t-100 -73.5t-32 -96.5q0 -51 17 -88.5t44.5 -61.5t64.5 -35.5t77 -11.5zM636 1311 q44 0 66.5 28t23.5 76h60q0 -37 -9.5 -69t-28.5 -55.5t-46.5 -37t-62.5 -13.5q-34 0 -64 17t-58 37t-54 37t-53 17q-43 0 -65.5 -29.5t-24.5 -75.5h-62q0 37 10 69.5t29.5 56t47.5 36.5t62 13q35 0 65.5 -17t57.5 -36.5t53 -36.5t53 -17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" horiz-adv-x="996" d="M816 0q-31 0 -38 29l-14 130q-42 -41 -83.5 -74t-86.5 -55.5t-97.5 -34t-114.5 -11.5q-52 0 -101.5 15t-87 47t-60.5 81.5t-23 119.5q0 65 36.5 120t115 96t202 65.5t296.5 28.5v107q0 141 -61 217t-181 76q-74 0 -125.5 -20.5t-87.5 -45t-58.5 -45t-37.5 -20.5 q-20 0 -31 19l-17 29q80 80 168 121t199 41q82 0 143.5 -26t102 -74.5t61 -117.5t20.5 -154v-664h-39zM407 54q59 0 108.5 13t92 36t79.5 54.5t73 68.5v266q-145 -4 -250.5 -22t-173.5 -49t-100 -73.5t-32 -96.5q0 -51 17 -88.5t44.5 -61.5t64.5 -35.5t77 -11.5zM427 1315 q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5t-31 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t26.5 18.5t31.5 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5zM778 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5 t18.5 27t27 18.5t32 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" horiz-adv-x="996" d="M816 0q-31 0 -38 29l-14 130q-42 -41 -83.5 -74t-86.5 -55.5t-97.5 -34t-114.5 -11.5q-52 0 -101.5 15t-87 47t-60.5 81.5t-23 119.5q0 65 36.5 120t115 96t202 65.5t296.5 28.5v107q0 141 -61 217t-181 76q-74 0 -125.5 -20.5t-87.5 -45t-58.5 -45t-37.5 -20.5 q-20 0 -31 19l-17 29q80 80 168 121t199 41q82 0 143.5 -26t102 -74.5t61 -117.5t20.5 -154v-664h-39zM407 54q59 0 108.5 13t92 36t79.5 54.5t73 68.5v266q-145 -4 -250.5 -22t-173.5 -49t-100 -73.5t-32 -96.5q0 -51 17 -88.5t44.5 -61.5t64.5 -35.5t77 -11.5zM342 1333 q0 37 14 68t38 53t56 34.5t68 12.5t68 -12.5t56 -34.5t38.5 -53t14.5 -68t-14.5 -67t-38.5 -52.5t-56 -35t-68 -12.5t-68 12.5t-56 35t-38 52.5t-14 67zM401 1333q0 -51 33 -83.5t85 -32.5q51 0 84 32.5t33 83.5t-33 84t-84 33q-52 0 -85 -33t-33 -84z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" horiz-adv-x="1647" d="M1187 1035q77 0 143.5 -30.5t115.5 -89.5t77 -146t28 -201q0 -23 -5 -31t-19 -8h-676q0 -115 24.5 -201.5t69.5 -145t108.5 -88t141.5 -29.5q73 0 124 16.5t86 36.5t54.5 37t29.5 17q14 0 22 -10l25 -31q-24 -31 -61.5 -57.5t-83.5 -45.5t-98 -30t-105 -11 q-134 0 -231 70.5t-145 210.5q-20 -79 -63.5 -133t-99 -88t-117.5 -48.5t-118 -14.5q-65 0 -120 15.5t-96 49.5t-64.5 87t-23.5 128q0 66 36.5 123.5t115 102t202 72t296.5 31.5v71q0 141 -61 218t-181 77q-74 0 -125.5 -20.5t-87.5 -45.5t-58.5 -46t-37.5 -21 q-11 0 -18.5 5.5t-12.5 13.5l-17 29q79 80 164.5 121t194.5 41q129 0 203 -66t97 -180q48 114 140.5 179.5t226.5 65.5zM760 527q-145 -5 -250.5 -25.5t-173.5 -54t-100 -79t-32 -100.5q0 -57 17 -97.5t47.5 -66t72.5 -38t92 -12.5q68 0 127.5 22.5t104 66t70 107 t25.5 144.5v133zM1185 963q-74 0 -133 -27t-101 -75t-67 -116.5t-31 -152.5h612q0 87 -20.5 156t-57 116.5t-88.5 73t-114 25.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" horiz-adv-x="931" d="M402 -280q5 0 14 -5.5t23 -12t34.5 -12t49.5 -5.5q52 0 81.5 22.5t29.5 61.5q0 26 -13.5 42.5t-38 27.5t-57.5 17.5t-73 11.5l37 121q-89 6 -162.5 44.5t-126.5 105t-81.5 160t-28.5 211.5q0 117 31 213t89.5 165.5t144 108t196.5 38.5q99 0 176.5 -31.5t134.5 -85.5 l-25 -35q-5 -5 -10 -9t-13 -4q-10 0 -28 14t-47.5 30.5t-74 30t-108.5 13.5q-88 0 -156 -31t-114.5 -89.5t-71.5 -141.5t-25 -186q0 -108 25.5 -190.5t71.5 -139.5t111.5 -87t145.5 -30q74 0 123.5 17.5t81.5 38t51 38t30 17.5q13 0 21 -10l27 -33q-46 -59 -132 -99 t-194 -44l-25 -81q91 -16 139 -47t48 -91q0 -31 -14 -55.5t-39 -41.5t-60 -26.5t-76 -9.5q-42 0 -82 12t-66 31l10 29q6 12 16 12z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M550 1035q86 0 159 -29.5t127 -86.5t84 -140t30 -190q0 -23 -6.5 -31t-20.5 -8h-737v-20q0 -115 27 -201.5t76 -145.5t118.5 -88.5t155.5 -29.5q77 0 133.5 16.5t94.5 37.5t60.5 38t33.5 17q13 0 20 -10l27 -33q-25 -31 -65.5 -57.5t-90 -45.5t-106.5 -30t-114 -11 q-104 0 -190 36t-147.5 106t-95 170.5t-33.5 230.5q0 110 31.5 202.5t90 159.5t144 105t194.5 38zM551 963q-79 0 -141.5 -25t-108 -71t-73.5 -110.5t-38 -144.5h672q0 82 -22.5 147t-63.5 110t-98 69.5t-127 24.5zM433 1465q25 0 37 -7t24 -25l160 -244h-55q-12 0 -21 3.5 t-17 13.5l-222 259h94z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M550 1035q86 0 159 -29.5t127 -86.5t84 -140t30 -190q0 -23 -6.5 -31t-20.5 -8h-737v-20q0 -115 27 -201.5t76 -145.5t118.5 -88.5t155.5 -29.5q77 0 133.5 16.5t94.5 37.5t60.5 38t33.5 17q13 0 20 -10l27 -33q-25 -31 -65.5 -57.5t-90 -45.5t-106.5 -30t-114 -11 q-104 0 -190 36t-147.5 106t-95 170.5t-33.5 230.5q0 110 31.5 202.5t90 159.5t144 105t194.5 38zM551 963q-79 0 -141.5 -25t-108 -71t-73.5 -110.5t-38 -144.5h672q0 82 -22.5 147t-63.5 110t-98 69.5t-127 24.5zM780 1465l-221 -259q-8 -10 -16.5 -13.5t-21.5 -3.5h-58 l161 244q11 18 23.5 25t36.5 7h96z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea;" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M550 1035q86 0 159 -29.5t127 -86.5t84 -140t30 -190q0 -23 -6.5 -31t-20.5 -8h-737v-20q0 -115 27 -201.5t76 -145.5t118.5 -88.5t155.5 -29.5q77 0 133.5 16.5t94.5 37.5t60.5 38t33.5 17q13 0 20 -10l27 -33q-25 -31 -65.5 -57.5t-90 -45.5t-106.5 -30t-114 -11 q-104 0 -190 36t-147.5 106t-95 170.5t-33.5 230.5q0 110 31.5 202.5t90 159.5t144 105t194.5 38zM551 963q-79 0 -141.5 -25t-108 -71t-73.5 -110.5t-38 -144.5h672q0 82 -22.5 147t-63.5 110t-98 69.5t-127 24.5zM816 1197h-66q-16 0 -28 12l-160 167q-6 4 -11 12 q-2 -4 -5 -7l-5 -5l-161 -167q-5 -5 -12 -8.5t-16 -3.5h-68l223 252h87z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M550 1035q86 0 159 -29.5t127 -86.5t84 -140t30 -190q0 -23 -6.5 -31t-20.5 -8h-737v-20q0 -115 27 -201.5t76 -145.5t118.5 -88.5t155.5 -29.5q77 0 133.5 16.5t94.5 37.5t60.5 38t33.5 17q13 0 20 -10l27 -33q-25 -31 -65.5 -57.5t-90 -45.5t-106.5 -30t-114 -11 q-104 0 -190 36t-147.5 106t-95 170.5t-33.5 230.5q0 110 31.5 202.5t90 159.5t144 105t194.5 38zM551 963q-79 0 -141.5 -25t-108 -71t-73.5 -110.5t-38 -144.5h672q0 82 -22.5 147t-63.5 110t-98 69.5t-127 24.5zM459 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5 t-31 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t26.5 18.5t31.5 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5zM810 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t27 18.5t32 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5 t18.5 -27t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xec;" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M292 1019v-1019h-97v1019h97zM129 1465q25 0 37 -7t24 -25l160 -244h-55q-12 0 -21 3.5t-17 13.5l-222 259h94z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xed;" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M292 1019v-1019h-97v1019h97zM476 1465l-221 -259q-8 -10 -16.5 -13.5t-21.5 -3.5h-58l161 244q11 18 23.5 25t36.5 7h96z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M292 1019v-1019h-97v1019h97zM512 1197h-66q-16 0 -28 12l-160 167q-6 4 -11 12q-2 -4 -5 -7l-5 -5l-161 -167q-5 -5 -12 -8.5t-16 -3.5h-68l223 252h87z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xef;" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M292 1019v-1019h-97v1019h97zM155 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5t-31 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t26.5 18.5t31.5 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5zM506 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5 q-17 0 -32 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t27 18.5t32 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" horiz-adv-x="1097" d="M465 1096q-7 8 -7 18t12 22l129 111q-61 34 -129.5 58t-143.5 40q-10 2 -18.5 9.5t-8.5 21.5q0 3 2.5 14t4.5 15l6 20q92 -14 182 -44.5t170 -80.5l156 139l19 -30q5 -8 5 -16q0 -11 -14 -24l-116 -102q65 -48 118.5 -110.5t93 -143.5t61 -180.5t21.5 -219.5 q0 -141 -29.5 -256t-87.5 -197.5t-146.5 -127t-205.5 -44.5q-93 0 -174.5 33t-142.5 95t-96 150.5t-35 199.5q0 98 30 185t86.5 152t139.5 102.5t189 37.5q54 0 108.5 -14t105.5 -43t95 -74t77 -106q-15 185 -87 309t-185 200l-168 -148zM541 65q90 0 158.5 35t115.5 101 t72.5 161.5t28.5 214.5q-15 52 -45 104t-75 93t-105.5 66.5t-138.5 25.5q-90 0 -158 -30.5t-114 -85t-69 -127.5t-23 -157q0 -95 28.5 -170t77 -126t112.5 -78t135 -27z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M166 0v1019h53q27 0 31 -26l9 -153q70 88 162.5 141.5t206.5 53.5q84 0 148 -26.5t106 -76.5t63.5 -121t21.5 -160v-651h-98v651q0 143 -65.5 224.5t-200.5 81.5q-100 0 -186 -51.5t-154 -141.5v-764h-97zM680 1311q44 0 66.5 28t23.5 76h60q0 -37 -9.5 -69t-28.5 -55.5 t-46.5 -37t-62.5 -13.5q-34 0 -64 17t-58 37t-54 37t-53 17q-43 0 -65.5 -29.5t-24.5 -75.5h-62q0 37 10 69.5t29.5 56t47.5 36.5t62 13q35 0 65.5 -17t57.5 -36.5t53 -36.5t53 -17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf2;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M554 1035q110 0 196.5 -37t145.5 -106t90.5 -165.5t31.5 -216.5t-31.5 -216t-90.5 -165t-145.5 -105.5t-196.5 -36.5t-196.5 36.5t-146 105.5t-91 165t-31.5 216t31.5 216.5t91 165.5t146 106t196.5 37zM554 63q91 0 159 31.5t113.5 90t68.5 141t23 184.5q0 101 -23 184 t-68.5 142t-113.5 90.5t-159 31.5t-159 -31.5t-113.5 -90.5t-69 -142t-23.5 -184q0 -102 23.5 -184.5t69 -141t113.5 -90t159 -31.5zM438 1465q25 0 37 -7t24 -25l160 -244h-55q-12 0 -21 3.5t-17 13.5l-222 259h94z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M554 1035q110 0 196.5 -37t145.5 -106t90.5 -165.5t31.5 -216.5t-31.5 -216t-90.5 -165t-145.5 -105.5t-196.5 -36.5t-196.5 36.5t-146 105.5t-91 165t-31.5 216t31.5 216.5t91 165.5t146 106t196.5 37zM554 63q91 0 159 31.5t113.5 90t68.5 141t23 184.5q0 101 -23 184 t-68.5 142t-113.5 90.5t-159 31.5t-159 -31.5t-113.5 -90.5t-69 -142t-23.5 -184q0 -102 23.5 -184.5t69 -141t113.5 -90t159 -31.5zM785 1465l-221 -259q-8 -10 -16.5 -13.5t-21.5 -3.5h-58l161 244q11 18 23.5 25t36.5 7h96z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M554 1035q110 0 196.5 -37t145.5 -106t90.5 -165.5t31.5 -216.5t-31.5 -216t-90.5 -165t-145.5 -105.5t-196.5 -36.5t-196.5 36.5t-146 105.5t-91 165t-31.5 216t31.5 216.5t91 165.5t146 106t196.5 37zM554 63q91 0 159 31.5t113.5 90t68.5 141t23 184.5q0 101 -23 184 t-68.5 142t-113.5 90.5t-159 31.5t-159 -31.5t-113.5 -90.5t-69 -142t-23.5 -184q0 -102 23.5 -184.5t69 -141t113.5 -90t159 -31.5zM821 1197h-66q-16 0 -28 12l-160 167q-6 4 -11 12q-2 -4 -5 -7l-5 -5l-161 -167q-5 -5 -12 -8.5t-16 -3.5h-68l223 252h87z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf5;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M554 1035q110 0 196.5 -37t145.5 -106t90.5 -165.5t31.5 -216.5t-31.5 -216t-90.5 -165t-145.5 -105.5t-196.5 -36.5t-196.5 36.5t-146 105.5t-91 165t-31.5 216t31.5 216.5t91 165.5t146 106t196.5 37zM554 63q91 0 159 31.5t113.5 90t68.5 141t23 184.5q0 101 -23 184 t-68.5 142t-113.5 90.5t-159 31.5t-159 -31.5t-113.5 -90.5t-69 -142t-23.5 -184q0 -102 23.5 -184.5t69 -141t113.5 -90t159 -31.5zM673 1311q44 0 66.5 28t23.5 76h60q0 -37 -9.5 -69t-28.5 -55.5t-46.5 -37t-62.5 -13.5q-34 0 -64 17t-58 37t-54 37t-53 17 q-43 0 -65.5 -29.5t-24.5 -75.5h-62q0 37 10 69.5t29.5 56t47.5 36.5t62 13q35 0 65.5 -17t57.5 -36.5t53 -36.5t53 -17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf6;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M554 1035q110 0 196.5 -37t145.5 -106t90.5 -165.5t31.5 -216.5t-31.5 -216t-90.5 -165t-145.5 -105.5t-196.5 -36.5t-196.5 36.5t-146 105.5t-91 165t-31.5 216t31.5 216.5t91 165.5t146 106t196.5 37zM554 63q91 0 159 31.5t113.5 90t68.5 141t23 184.5q0 101 -23 184 t-68.5 142t-113.5 90.5t-159 31.5t-159 -31.5t-113.5 -90.5t-69 -142t-23.5 -184q0 -102 23.5 -184.5t69 -141t113.5 -90t159 -31.5zM464 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5t-31 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t26.5 18.5t31.5 7 q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5zM815 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t27 18.5t32 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf7;" d="M112 724h961v-75h-961v75zM498 1050q0 40 27 68t67 28q19 0 36.5 -8t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t7.5 -37q0 -20 -7.5 -37.5t-20.5 -30t-30.5 -20t-36.5 -7.5q-40 0 -67 27.5t-27 67.5zM498 321q0 40 27 68t67 28q19 0 36.5 -8t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t7.5 -37 q0 -20 -7.5 -37.5t-20.5 -30t-30.5 -20t-36.5 -7.5q-40 0 -67 27.5t-27 67.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf8;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M893 894q61 -69 93 -166t32 -218q0 -120 -31.5 -216t-90.5 -165t-145.5 -105.5t-196.5 -36.5q-165 0 -275 81l-83 -112q-13 -17 -30.5 -25t-34.5 -8h-39l138 186q-70 69 -105.5 170t-35.5 231q0 120 31.5 216.5t91 165.5t146 106t196.5 37q90 0 163.5 -25t129.5 -71 l89 119q11 15 21 22t29 7h51zM184 510q0 -106 24 -190t74 -143l516 695q-46 43 -106.5 66t-137.5 23q-91 0 -160 -32.5t-116 -91.5t-70.5 -142.5t-23.5 -184.5zM554 61q91 0 160 32t115.5 90.5t70 141.5t23.5 185q0 196 -82 313l-514 -691q89 -71 227 -71z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf9;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M239 1019v-651q0 -143 65.5 -225t199.5 -82q99 0 185 51t155 141v766h98v-1019h-54q-29 0 -30 27l-9 151q-71 -88 -163.5 -141t-206.5 -53q-85 0 -148.5 26.5t-105.5 76.5t-63.5 121t-21.5 160v651h99zM431 1465q25 0 37 -7t24 -25l160 -244h-55q-12 0 -21 3.5t-17 13.5 l-222 259h94z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfa;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M239 1019v-651q0 -143 65.5 -225t199.5 -82q99 0 185 51t155 141v766h98v-1019h-54q-29 0 -30 27l-9 151q-71 -88 -163.5 -141t-206.5 -53q-85 0 -148.5 26.5t-105.5 76.5t-63.5 121t-21.5 160v651h99zM778 1465l-221 -259q-8 -10 -16.5 -13.5t-21.5 -3.5h-58l161 244 q11 18 23.5 25t36.5 7h96z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfb;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M239 1019v-651q0 -143 65.5 -225t199.5 -82q99 0 185 51t155 141v766h98v-1019h-54q-29 0 -30 27l-9 151q-71 -88 -163.5 -141t-206.5 -53q-85 0 -148.5 26.5t-105.5 76.5t-63.5 121t-21.5 160v651h99zM814 1197h-66q-16 0 -28 12l-160 167q-6 4 -11 12q-2 -4 -5 -7 l-5 -5l-161 -167q-5 -5 -12 -8.5t-16 -3.5h-68l223 252h87z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfc;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M239 1019v-651q0 -143 65.5 -225t199.5 -82q99 0 185 51t155 141v766h98v-1019h-54q-29 0 -30 27l-9 151q-71 -88 -163.5 -141t-206.5 -53q-85 0 -148.5 26.5t-105.5 76.5t-63.5 121t-21.5 160v651h99zM457 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5t-31 6.5 t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t26.5 18.5t31.5 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5zM808 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t27 18.5t32 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27 t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfd;" horiz-adv-x="997" d="M388 -328q-6 -14 -16 -23t-28 -9h-70l180 398l-431 981h80q15 0 24 -7.5t13 -17.5l343 -792q6 -15 11 -31t9 -33q5 16 10.5 32t11.5 32l339 792q5 11 14.5 18t20.5 7h75zM754 1465l-221 -259q-8 -10 -16.5 -13.5t-21.5 -3.5h-58l161 244q11 18 23.5 25t36.5 7h96z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfe;" horiz-adv-x="1095" d="M166 -360v1850h97v-650q68 90 157 142.5t201 52.5q188 0 292.5 -129.5t104.5 -389.5q0 -112 -29.5 -208.5t-85.5 -167.5t-138.5 -112t-190.5 -41q-104 0 -180 40t-131 117v-504h-97zM593 957q-101 0 -183.5 -52.5t-146.5 -146.5v-535q58 -88 129.5 -124t162.5 -36 q90 0 157.5 33t113 93t69 143.5t23.5 183.5q0 227 -83.5 334t-241.5 107z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xff;" horiz-adv-x="997" d="M388 -328q-6 -14 -16 -23t-28 -9h-70l180 398l-431 981h80q15 0 24 -7.5t13 -17.5l343 -792q6 -15 11 -31t9 -33q5 16 10.5 32t11.5 32l339 792q5 11 14.5 18t20.5 7h75zM433 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5t-31 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5 t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t26.5 18.5t31.5 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5zM784 1315q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26.5t-27.5 -18t-32 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31.5t6.5 32.5t18.5 27t27 18.5t32 7q16 0 32 -7t27.5 -18.5t18.5 -27t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x131;" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M292 1019v-1019h-97v1019h97z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x152;" horiz-adv-x="2280" d="M2153 1362h-762v-586h634v-85h-634v-604h762v-87h-857v342q-38 -84 -92.5 -150t-124 -111.5t-153 -69.5t-178.5 -24q-138 0 -252.5 52t-196.5 149t-127.5 233t-45.5 304q0 167 45.5 303.5t127.5 233.5t196 150t253 53q95 0 178.5 -24.5t153 -70.5t124 -112t92.5 -150v341 h857v-87zM1285 725q0 152 -38 272.5t-107 205t-165.5 129.5t-214.5 45q-117 0 -214 -45t-166.5 -129.5t-108 -205t-38.5 -272.5q0 -153 38.5 -273.5t108 -204t166.5 -128t214 -44.5q118 0 214.5 44.5t165.5 128t107 204t38 273.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x153;" horiz-adv-x="1758" d="M1296 1035q77 0 144 -30.5t116.5 -89.5t77.5 -146t28 -201q0 -23 -5.5 -31t-20.5 -8h-675q0 -115 24.5 -201.5t70 -145t109 -88t141.5 -29.5q69 0 119.5 16.5t85.5 37.5t56 38t32 17q12 0 20 -10l27 -33q-24 -31 -62 -57.5t-84 -45.5t-97.5 -30t-105.5 -11 q-138 0 -237 76t-145 226q-43 -142 -143 -222t-252 -80q-100 0 -180 36.5t-136 105.5t-85.5 165t-29.5 216t29.5 216.5t85.5 165.5t137 106t182 37q147 0 246.5 -78.5t142.5 -217.5q20 68 56 122t84 93t109 60t135 21zM528 63q84 0 147 31.5t105 90t63 141t21 184.5 q0 101 -21 184t-63 142t-105 90.5t-147 31.5q-85 0 -148.5 -31.5t-106 -90.5t-63.5 -142t-21 -184q0 -102 21 -184.5t63.5 -141t106 -90t148.5 -31.5zM1294 963q-74 0 -132.5 -27t-100.5 -75t-67 -116.5t-31 -152.5h613q0 87 -20.5 156t-58 116.5t-89.5 73t-114 25.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x178;" horiz-adv-x="1227" d="M667 598v-598h-106v598l-535 851h91q14 0 22.5 -6.5t17.5 -19.5l414 -665q14 -24 24.5 -46t18.5 -44q8 23 18.5 44.5t24.5 45.5l414 665q6 11 15.5 18.5t23.5 7.5h92zM484 1705q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31.5 -6.5t-31 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31t6.5 31.5 t18 27.5t26.5 18.5t31 6.5t31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -31.5zM910 1705q0 -16 -6.5 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 34 24.5 59t58.5 25q16 0 31 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t6.5 -31.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2c6;" horiz-adv-x="599" d="M565 1197h-66q-16 0 -28 12l-160 167q-6 4 -11 12q-2 -4 -5 -7l-5 -5l-161 -167q-5 -5 -12 -8.5t-16 -3.5h-68l223 252h87z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2da;" horiz-adv-x="599" d="M123 1333q0 37 14 68t38 53t56 34.5t68 12.5t68 -12.5t56 -34.5t38.5 -53t14.5 -68t-14.5 -67t-38.5 -52.5t-56 -35t-68 -12.5t-68 12.5t-56 35t-38 52.5t-14 67zM182 1333q0 -51 33 -83.5t85 -32.5q51 0 84 32.5t33 83.5t-33 84t-84 33q-52 0 -85 -33t-33 -84z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2dc;" horiz-adv-x="599" d="M417 1311q44 0 66.5 28t23.5 76h60q0 -37 -9.5 -69t-28.5 -55.5t-46.5 -37t-62.5 -13.5q-34 0 -64 17t-58 37t-54 37t-53 17q-43 0 -65.5 -29.5t-24.5 -75.5h-62q0 37 10 69.5t29.5 56t47.5 36.5t62 13q35 0 65.5 -17t57.5 -36.5t53 -36.5t53 -17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2000;" horiz-adv-x="916" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2001;" horiz-adv-x="1832" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2002;" horiz-adv-x="916" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2003;" horiz-adv-x="1832" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2004;" horiz-adv-x="610" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2005;" horiz-adv-x="458" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2006;" horiz-adv-x="305" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2007;" horiz-adv-x="305" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2008;" horiz-adv-x="229" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2009;" horiz-adv-x="366" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x200a;" horiz-adv-x="101" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2010;" horiz-adv-x="680" d="M102 649h477v-83h-477v83z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2011;" horiz-adv-x="680" d="M102 649h477v-83h-477v83z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2012;" horiz-adv-x="680" d="M102 649h477v-83h-477v83z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2013;" horiz-adv-x="1107" d="M151 629h805v-73h-805v73z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2014;" horiz-adv-x="1629" d="M151 629h1328v-73h-1328v73z" /> 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unicode="&#x201d;" horiz-adv-x="680" d="M246 1512q23 -39 33 -77t10 -77q0 -80 -39 -154t-102 -134l-28 19q-7 6 -7 14t6 14q39 51 64.5 103t25.5 107q0 59 -36 122q-5 8 -5 16q0 14 15 21zM521 1512q23 -39 33 -77t10 -77q0 -80 -39 -154t-101 -134l-29 19q-7 6 -7 14t6 14q39 51 64.5 103t25.5 107 q0 59 -35 122q-5 8 -6 16q0 14 16 21z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x201e;" horiz-adv-x="680" d="M246 180q23 -39 33 -77t10 -77q0 -80 -39 -154t-102 -134l-28 18q-7 6 -7 15q0 8 6 14q39 51 64.5 103t25.5 107q0 59 -36 122q-5 8 -5 16q0 14 15 21zM521 180q23 -39 33 -77t10 -77q0 -80 -39 -154t-101 -134l-29 18q-7 6 -7 15q0 8 6 14q39 51 64.5 103t25.5 107 q0 59 -35 122q-5 8 -6 16q0 14 16 21z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2022;" d="M293 610q0 62 23.5 117.5t64.5 97t95 65t116 23.5t117.5 -23.5t96.5 -65t64.5 -96.5t23.5 -118q0 -61 -23.5 -115t-64.5 -95t-96.5 -64.5t-117.5 -23.5q-61 0 -115.5 23.5t-95.5 64.5t-64.5 95t-23.5 115z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2026;" horiz-adv-x="1409" d="M108 79q0 19 7 36.5t19.5 30.5t29.5 20.5t38 7.5q19 0 36.5 -7.5t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t7.5 -36.5q0 -20 -7.5 -37t-20.5 -30t-30.5 -20t-36.5 -7q-40 0 -67 27t-27 67zM1112 79q0 19 7 36.5t20 30.5t30 20.5t37 7.5q19 0 37 -7.5t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t8 -36.5 q0 -20 -8 -37t-20.5 -30t-30 -20t-37.5 -7q-40 0 -67 27t-27 67zM609 79q0 19 7.5 36.5t20 30.5t29.5 20.5t37 7.5q19 0 37 -7.5t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t8 -36.5q0 -20 -8 -37t-20.5 -30t-30 -20t-37.5 -7q-40 0 -67 27t-27 67z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x202f;" horiz-adv-x="366" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2039;" horiz-adv-x="633" d="M159 525v14l247 387l30 -16q16 -10 17 -25q0 -12 -8 -24l-187 -300q-13 -20 -22 -30q10 -8 22 -28l187 -301q7 -11 8 -24q0 -15 -17 -25l-30 -16z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x203a;" horiz-adv-x="633" d="M228 137l-30 16q-17 9 -18 26q0 11 7 23l188 301q6 11 11.5 17.5t10.5 10.5q-5 5 -10.5 12t-11.5 18l-188 300q-7 11 -7 24q0 16 18 25l30 16l247 -387v-14z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x205f;" horiz-adv-x="458" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x20ac;" d="M32 884h168q16 135 62 242.5t117 182t164 114.5t206 40q66 0 121.5 -11.5t103 -34t89 -56t79.5 -77.5l-32 -36q-4 -5 -9 -8.5t-14 -3.5q-8 0 -19 10.5t-28.5 26t-42.5 34.5t-59.5 34.5t-80 26t-104.5 10.5q-92 0 -169 -32t-135 -94.5t-96 -154.5t-53 -213h616v-31 q0 -11 -7.5 -20t-24.5 -9h-590q-3 -48 -3 -99q0 -22 0.5 -41.5t1.5 -40.5h529v-31q0 -12 -8 -20.5t-23 -8.5h-493q13 -127 50 -223.5t94.5 -161t134 -97t168.5 -32.5q63 0 112 12t86 31t63.5 41t45 41t31.5 31.5t22 12.5q10 0 19 -10l38 -35q-37 -47 -80 -85.5t-95 -66 t-113.5 -42t-133.5 -14.5q-116 0 -210 40t-163 116.5t-112 187.5t-57 254h-166v60h161l-2 40t-1 42q0 50 4 99h-162v60z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2122;" horiz-adv-x="1461" d="M1002 1034q5 16 14 30l218 373q5 8 9.5 10t14.5 2h59v-589h-64v454l5 45l-224 -389q-8 -16 -25 -17h-12q-17 0 -25 17l-229 387l6 -43v-454h-65v589h58q10 0 15 -2t12 -10l222 -373zM556 1449v-60h-204v-529h-72v529h-206v60h482z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x25fc;" horiz-adv-x="1018" d="M0 1019h1019v-1019h-1019v1019z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="599" d="M119 1812q25 0 36.5 -4.5t25.5 -17.5l234 -211h-73q-12 0 -20.5 2t-18.5 10l-300 221h116z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="599" d="M169 1705q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31.5 -6.5t-31 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26t-6.5 31t6.5 31.5t18 27.5t26.5 18.5t31 6.5t31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -31.5zM595 1705q0 -16 -6.5 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -17.5t-31 -6.5q-17 0 -32 6.5t-26.5 17.5t-18 26 t-6.5 31q0 34 24.5 59t58.5 25q16 0 31 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t6.5 -31.5z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="599" d="M600 1812l-299 -221q-10 -7 -19 -9.5t-21 -2.5h-72l233 211q14 13 26.5 17.5t36.5 4.5h115z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="599" d="M586 1579h-75q-8 0 -18 2.5t-17 7.5l-160 126q-8 6 -11 9t-5 6l-5.5 -5.5t-11.5 -9.5l-161 -126q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-76l241 204h92z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="599" d="M128 1669q0 35 14 65t37 51.5t54 34t66 12.5t66.5 -12.5t54.5 -34t37 -51.5t14 -65q0 -36 -14 -65.5t-37 -51t-54.5 -33.5t-66.5 -12t-66 12t-54 33.5t-37 51t-14 65.5zM182 1669q0 -51 33 -84t85 -33q51 0 84 33t33 84t-33 84t-84 33q-52 0 -85 -33t-33 -84z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="599" d="M422 1655q43 0 65.5 28t23.5 72h55q0 -36 -9 -66t-26.5 -53t-44.5 -36t-62 -13q-34 0 -64.5 16.5t-59.5 35.5t-56 35.5t-55 16.5q-43 0 -65 -29t-24 -72h-57q0 35 9.5 66t28 54t45.5 35.5t61 12.5q35 0 66 -16.5t59.5 -35t55 -35t54.5 -16.5z" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x203a;" k="195" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2039;" k="195" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2022;" k="195" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x201e;" k="251" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x201a;" k="251" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2014;" k="195" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2013;" k="195" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x178;" k="-26" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x153;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x152;" k="49" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf8;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf6;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf5;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf4;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf3;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf2;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf0;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xeb;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xea;" k="87" /> -<hkern 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416q6 19 20 29t31 10h41l-152 -455h306l154 455h42 q12 0 19.5 -6.5t7.5 -19.5q0 -7 -3 -16l-140 -413h231l-12 -37q-5 -16 -16 -24t-31 -8h-192l-133 -401h232q29 0 28 -26v-7t-2 -8l-9 -29h-268zM394 524h307l135 401h-308z" /> -<glyph unicode="$" d="M493 -15q-131 6 -222 56t-154 132l31 39q11 14 31 14q9 0 21 -11t29.5 -28t41.5 -37.5t57 -38.5t77 -30.5t101 -15.5l114 656q-61 20 -120 44.5t-104.5 61t-73 90t-27.5 131.5q0 80 31 153.5t89.5 131t142.5 92.5t190 38l29 171q2 14 11.5 23t22.5 9h36l-35 -204 q102 -7 175 -45t129 -103l-25 -34q-12 -16 -28 -16q-12 0 -30 16.5t-48.5 37.5t-75.5 40t-111 24l-102 -589q66 -22 129.5 -46.5t114 -61t82 -89.5t31.5 -133q0 -94 -35 -178.5t-99.5 -149.5t-156 -105t-206.5 -45l-37 -218q-2 -12 -11 -21.5t-23 -9.5h-35zM959 440 q0 59 -23 100.5t-61.5 70.5t-89 50t-105.5 39l-110 -635q91 5 163.5 36.5t122.5 82t76.5 116.5t26.5 140zM385 1068q0 -55 20 -94.5t55 -68.5t80 -50.5t96 -40.5l98 569q-86 -4 -151 -31.5t-109 -70.5t-66.5 -98.5t-22.5 -114.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="%" horiz-adv-x="1447" d="M723 1164q0 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86.5t-118 57.5t-185 21l9 67q99 3 178 28.5t133.5 71t83.5 109t29 140.5q0 66 -22.5 114.5t-61 81t-89.5 47.5t-110 15 q-70 0 -130 -19.5t-109.5 -56.5t-85 -90t-56.5 -118q-5 -18 -15.5 -26t-25.5 -8q-7 0 -11 1l-47 7q24 92 70.5 165t111 123t144 76.5t168.5 26.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="4" d="M879 493h266l-7 -52q-1 -11 -8.5 -17.5t-21.5 -6.5h-239l-50 -417h-86l51 417h-681q-15 0 -24.5 6.5t-11.5 17.5l-4 46l847 964h86zM887 1256q3 33 14 73l-732 -836h625z" /> -<glyph unicode="5" d="M1100 1408q-3 -20 -17 -33t-44 -13h-526l-148 -488q133 32 242 32q105 0 184.5 -27.5t132.5 -77t79 -118.5t26 -151q0 -128 -46.5 -229.5t-125 -172.5t-180.5 -108.5t-213 -37.5q-59 0 -112.5 10t-98.5 28t-82.5 41t-65.5 49l33 40q12 14 30 14q13 0 36 -15.5t60 -34.5 t90 -34t124 -15q93 0 175.5 31t144.5 89.5t98 143t36 191.5q0 68 -20.5 123.5t-63.5 95.5t-109 62.5t-156 22.5q-113 0 -261 -38l-58 20l192 641h650z" /> -<glyph unicode="6" d="M686 865q86 0 156 -27t120.5 -76t78 -118.5t27.5 -153.5q0 -111 -41.5 -203.5t-113.5 -160t-170.5 -105t-212.5 -37.5q-91 0 -165 28t-126.5 81t-80.5 128.5t-28 169.5q0 59 14 117t43.5 119t75.5 126t110 139l463 533q9 10 22 17t30 7h83l-501 -565q-39 -43 -70.5 -81.5 t-58.5 -74.5q68 65 157 101t188 36zM220 387q0 -70 21.5 -129t62.5 -102.5t100 -68.5t135 -25q96 0 176 31.5t137 87t88.5 131.5t31.5 165q0 72 -22.5 130.5t-64 99.5t-101 63t-132.5 22q-97 0 -176.5 -35t-136 -92t-88 -129.5t-31.5 -148.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="7" d="M1213 1449l-4 -36q-1 -14 -5.5 -28t-9.5 -23l-837 -1332q-8 -13 -19.5 -21.5t-29.5 -8.5h-74l834 1315q8 13 17 24.5t19 22.5h-838q-11 0 -17.5 6.5t-6.5 16.5l8 64h963z" /> -<glyph unicode="8" d="M530 -16q-96 0 -174 25t-134 71t-87 111t-31 145q0 91 28 162t77 123.5t116.5 85.5t146.5 50q-112 34 -169 112t-57 185q0 86 33.5 161t95 130.5t147 87.5t190.5 32q89 0 158.5 -26t118 -70.5t73.5 -104.5t25 -128q0 -70 -20.5 -131t-60 -110t-97 -85t-131.5 -55 q61 -14 112 -41.5t87.5 -67.5t56.5 -93.5t20 -121.5q0 -104 -40 -187t-110 -141t-166 -88.5t-208 -30.5zM539 59q91 0 167.5 26.5t132 75t86.5 116.5t31 153q0 81 -31 136t-80 88t-109 47t-116 14q-45 0 -93 -8t-94 -25t-87.5 -46t-72.5 -70t-49.5 -95.5t-18.5 -125.5 q0 -65 23.5 -117t66.5 -90t105 -58.5t139 -20.5zM629 792q93 0 161.5 29t114 76.5t67.5 108t22 123.5q0 55 -19 103t-55.5 83.5t-91 55.5t-125.5 20q-85 0 -152.5 -26t-114.5 -71t-72.5 -106t-25.5 -131q0 -51 17 -99.5t52.5 -85t90.5 -58.5t131 -22z" /> -<glyph unicode="9" d="M603 616q-82 0 -149.5 26.5t-115.5 73.5t-74 113.5t-26 147.5q0 104 40 194t111 155t165 102t202 37q87 0 158 -28.5t121.5 -80.5t78 -125t27.5 -161q0 -70 -15.5 -128t-45 -115t-73.5 -116t-101 -129l-450 -559q-17 -23 -50 -23h-87l502 599q33 39 65 78t61 81 q-68 -68 -158 -105t-186 -37zM1050 1073q0 69 -22 126.5t-62 99t-96.5 64.5t-124.5 23q-88 0 -163 -29t-130.5 -81.5t-86.5 -126t-31 -161.5q0 -69 21 -124t60.5 -93.5t95.5 -59t126 -20.5q95 0 171.5 33.5t130 87t82.5 122t29 139.5z" /> -<glyph unicode=":" horiz-adv-x="404" d="M59 79q0 19 7.5 36.5t20 30.5t29.5 20.5t38 7.5q19 0 37 -7.5t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t8 -36.5q0 -40 -28 -67t-68 -27t-67.5 27t-27.5 67zM164 895q0 19 7 36.5t20 30.5t30 20.5t37 7.5q19 0 37 -7.5t31 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t7.5 -36.5q0 -40 -28 -67t-68 -27t-67 27t-27 67 z" /> -<glyph unicode=";" horiz-adv-x="404" d="M61 87q0 36 25 61.5t65 25.5q44 0 68 -30t24 -79q0 -42 -11 -86t-31.5 -85.5t-49 -80.5t-63.5 -72l-16 15q-5 4 -6 9t-1 10q0 8 15.5 27t35.5 48t38.5 67t23.5 83q-6 -2 -13.5 -3t-17.5 -1q-38 0 -62 25.5t-24 65.5zM175 895q0 19 7 36.5t20 30.5t30 20.5t37 7.5 q19 0 37.5 -7.5t31 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t8 -36.5q0 -40 -28.5 -67t-68.5 -27t-67 27t-27 67z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3c;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M182 709l816 394l-8 -67q-3 -22 -32 -36l-602 -286q-17 -8 -36 -15t-39 -12q41 -10 69 -25l532 -288q23 -11 22 -31v-2.5t-1 -8t-2.5 -21t-4.5 -40.5l-719 396z" /> -<glyph unicode="=" d="M172 568h847l-9 -72h-846zM212 888h846l-8 -73h-847z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3e;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M959 666l-816 -395l9 67q3 22 31 36l602 286q17 8 36.5 15t39.5 12q-41 10 -69 26l-532 287q-23 11 -22 31v2.5t1 8.5t2.5 21t4.5 40l719 -395z" /> -<glyph unicode="?" horiz-adv-x="701" d="M130 1321q30 28 65 54t76.5 46t89 32t100.5 12q62 0 115 -19.5t91.5 -55t60 -85.5t21.5 -110q0 -85 -25.5 -145.5t-64 -105.5t-84.5 -78t-87.5 -64t-72 -62.5t-38.5 -72.5l-33 -168h-65l17 174q4 45 33 80t69 67t86 64t85 73t64.5 94.5t25.5 127.5q0 48 -16 86.5 t-45.5 65.5t-69 41t-84.5 14q-63 0 -110 -17.5t-80 -39t-53.5 -39.5t-30.5 -18q-12 0 -19 12zM185 79q0 19 7.5 36.5t20 30.5t29.5 20.5t38 7.5q19 0 36.5 -7.5t30 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t8 -36.5q0 -20 -8 -37t-20.5 -30t-30 -20t-36.5 -7q-40 0 -67.5 27t-27.5 67z" /> -<glyph unicode="@" horiz-adv-x="1540" d="M1057 193q-75 0 -111.5 39.5t-36.5 113.5v14.5t1 15.5q-65 -94 -136.5 -136.5t-148.5 -42.5q-46 0 -80 16t-55.5 45.5t-32.5 68.5t-11 84q0 60 17 123.5t49 123t78 111.5t104 91t127.5 61.5t149.5 22.5q50 0 93 -8.5t77 -26.5l-130 -355q-24 -62 -33.5 -108.5t-9.5 -78.5 q0 -34 9 -55.5t24 -34t35 -17t41 -4.5q60 0 119 37.5t105.5 106.5t74.5 167t28 218q0 127 -39 223.5t-106.5 160t-159.5 95.5t-198 32q-94 0 -184.5 -28t-172 -80t-149.5 -127t-118 -169t-78 -205.5t-28 -235.5q0 -152 44 -268.5t122.5 -196.5t184.5 -121t231 -41 q140 0 259.5 35t216.5 98q11 7 20 7q18 0 22 -18l7 -32q-114 -76 -245.5 -117t-287.5 -41q-141 0 -259.5 46.5t-204 135.5t-134 216.5t-48.5 289.5q0 132 31 251.5t85 221.5t129.5 184.5t165.5 140t191 89t207 31.5q115 0 218 -37.5t180.5 -110.5t123 -180.5t45.5 -248.5 q0 -132 -35 -241t-93 -187t-133 -121t-157 -43zM652 262q34 0 71 12.5t74 44.5t72.5 87.5t66.5 141.5l115 318q-23 7 -46.5 11t-54.5 4q-60 0 -115.5 -19t-102.5 -52.5t-85.5 -78.5t-65.5 -95.5t-42 -105.5t-15 -108q0 -34 8 -63t23.5 -50.5t39.5 -34t57 -12.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="A" horiz-adv-x="1208" d="M1139 0h-78q-14 0 -23 7.5t-12 19.5l-103 424h-650l-206 -424q-5 -11 -16.5 -19t-25.5 -8h-78l724 1449h100zM310 525h595l-179 738q-5 17 -9.5 38.5t-7.5 45.5q-2 -6 -8 -19t-12 -26.5t-11 -24.5t-7 -15z" /> -<glyph unicode="B" horiz-adv-x="1207" d="M134 0l178 1449h386q104 0 180 -21.5t126.5 -62t74.5 -99t24 -131.5q0 -70 -22.5 -133.5t-64 -115t-101 -89t-134.5 -56.5q141 -24 216 -101t75 -201q0 -100 -34 -181.5t-99.5 -139t-158.5 -88t-211 -30.5h-435zM322 695l-76 -614h332q190 0 291.5 92.5t101.5 262.5 q0 59 -21 107t-61.5 81.5t-99.5 52t-135 18.5h-332zM331 769h285q99 0 172 29.5t120 78.5t69.5 111.5t22.5 128.5q0 122 -76 186.5t-235 64.5h-285z" /> -<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="1297" d="M695 71q75 0 134.5 12.5t105.5 31.5t79.5 41t57 41t38 32t23.5 13t13 -6l36 -43q-47 -48 -101 -86.5t-115.5 -66t-132.5 -42t-153 -14.5q-125 0 -226 45t-172 128t-109.5 198.5t-38.5 256.5q0 189 57.5 346.5t158.5 270t237.5 174.5t295.5 62q75 0 134 -11.5t109 -34 t91 -56.5t80 -77l-31 -41q-11 -12 -28 -12q-12 0 -33 22.5t-61 49.5t-104 49.5t-162 22.5q-135 0 -252 -53t-203 -151.5t-135.5 -238.5t-49.5 -314q0 -127 33.5 -229t94 -173.5t145 -109t184.5 -37.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="D" horiz-adv-x="1431" d="M1357 835q0 -128 -25 -240t-72 -204.5t-113 -165t-147.5 -123t-177 -76.5t-200.5 -26h-488l178 1449h488q128 0 231.5 -43.5t175.5 -123.5t111 -193.5t39 -253.5zM1251 833q0 124 -32 223t-92 167.5t-145.5 105.5t-191.5 37h-386l-158 -1283h385q135 0 248.5 50.5 t196.5 147t129 236t46 316.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="E" horiz-adv-x="1113" d="M1102 1365h-698l-72 -590h580l-11 -82h-579l-75 -609h700l-11 -84h-802l178 1449h801z" /> -<glyph unicode="F" horiz-adv-x="1077" d="M1102 1365h-698l-75 -613h605l-12 -85h-604l-81 -667h-103l178 1449h801z" /> -<glyph unicode="G" horiz-adv-x="1409" d="M716 67q69 0 125.5 7.5t106.5 23t96.5 37t92.5 48.5l49 395h-253q-23 0 -23 19v1q0 2 0.5 7.5t2 17.5t3.5 33h372l-64 -514q-54 -38 -111 -67.5t-121 -49.5t-136 -30.5t-156 -10.5q-130 0 -235 45.5t-178.5 128.5t-113 199t-39.5 257q0 191 56.5 348.5t158 269 t241.5 172.5t308 61q79 0 143.5 -11.5t117.5 -34t97 -55.5t83 -75l-31 -40q-12 -15 -27 -15q-8 0 -16 4q-9 4 -23 16.5t-34 27.5t-48 32t-66.5 31t-89 23t-114.5 9q-144 0 -264 -53t-206.5 -151.5t-134 -239t-47.5 -316.5q0 -127 33.5 -228.5t96 -173.5t150.5 -110t198 -38z " /> -<glyph unicode="H" horiz-adv-x="1425" d="M1166 0h-102l85 695h-827l-85 -695h-103l178 1449h103l-84 -677h827l84 677h103z" /> -<glyph unicode="I" horiz-adv-x="563" d="M271 0h-102l177 1449h103z" /> -<glyph unicode="J" horiz-adv-x="854" d="M652 452q-15 -120 -52 -208t-93 -146t-130.5 -86t-163.5 -28q-55 0 -100.5 7t-89.5 22l8 56q2 8 7 15t19 7q10 0 22.5 -3.5t30.5 -7.5t43 -7.5t61 -3.5q60 0 115.5 18.5t100 63.5t76 118t44.5 181l123 999h102z" /> -<glyph unicode="K" horiz-adv-x="1245" d="M358 778h79q35 0 55.5 8t44.5 31l606 602q17 17 31.5 23.5t33.5 6.5h83l-657 -652q-19 -18 -34 -30.5t-33 -18.5q18 -6 31.5 -19t28.5 -33l523 -696h-82q-27 0 -36.5 7t-18.5 20l-482 628q-9 11 -16.5 19.5t-18 14t-24.5 8t-37 2.5h-86l-86 -699h-101l177 1451h102z" /> -<glyph unicode="L" horiz-adv-x="963" d="M246 87h631l-12 -87h-731l178 1449h102z" /> -<glyph unicode="M" horiz-adv-x="1713" d="M833 410q4 -11 7.5 -23t5.5 -25q10 23 24 48l654 1020q8 13 16.5 16t23.5 3h70l-178 -1449h-89l153 1238q2 11 4 25t5 28l-645 -1012q-16 -26 -42 -26h-17q-27 0 -35 26l-412 1015q0 -31 -3 -55l-152 -1239h-89l178 1449h70q14 0 23 -2.5t14 -16.5l414 -1020v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="N" horiz-adv-x="1423" d="M362 1449q14 0 21 -3.5t14 -15.5l703 -1262q1 14 1.5 27t2.5 24l151 1230h90l-179 -1449h-47q-26 0 -38 23l-703 1261l-3 -46l-152 -1238h-89l178 1449h50v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="O" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1426 836q0 -191 -55.5 -348t-155 -268.5t-234.5 -173t-293 -61.5q-127 0 -229.5 45.5t-174.5 128.5t-111 198.5t-39 255.5q0 190 56.5 347.5t155 269.5t233.5 173.5t291 61.5q128 0 231 -45.5t175.5 -128.5t111 -199t38.5 -256zM1321 834q0 126 -32.5 226.5t-92.5 172 t-145.5 109.5t-191.5 38q-133 0 -246.5 -53t-197 -152.5t-130.5 -240.5t-47 -318q0 -126 32.5 -226.5t93 -171.5t145.5 -109t190 -38q135 0 249 52.5t197 152t129.5 240.5t46.5 318z" /> -<glyph unicode="P" horiz-adv-x="1120" d="M335 585l-72 -585h-101l177 1449h348q213 0 319.5 -96t106.5 -269q0 -111 -38 -202t-107.5 -157.5t-168 -103t-218.5 -36.5h-246zM431 1368l-86 -701h246q96 0 173.5 30.5t132 85t84.5 129t30 162.5q0 139 -83.5 216.5t-250.5 77.5h-246z" /> -<glyph unicode="Q" horiz-adv-x="1499" d="M1426 836q0 -132 -27 -248t-76.5 -212t-119.5 -171.5t-157 -125.5l297 -398h-79q-20 0 -35.5 5t-25.5 19l-244 331q-127 -51 -271 -51q-127 0 -229.5 45.5t-174.5 128.5t-111 198.5t-39 255.5q0 190 56.5 347.5t155 269.5t233.5 173.5t291 61.5q128 0 231 -45.5 t175.5 -128.5t111 -199t38.5 -256zM1321 834q0 126 -32.5 226.5t-92.5 172t-145.5 109.5t-191.5 38q-133 0 -246.5 -53t-197 -152.5t-130.5 -240.5t-47 -318q0 -126 32.5 -226.5t93 -171.5t145.5 -109t190 -38q135 0 249 52.5t197 152t129.5 240.5t46.5 318z" /> -<glyph unicode="R" horiz-adv-x="1189" d="M344 656l-81 -656h-101l177 1449h344q210 0 314 -83.5t104 -242.5q0 -94 -31 -172.5t-87 -137t-135.5 -95.5t-175.5 -49q22 -15 36 -40l377 -629h-87q-31 0 -46 26l-349 589q-14 23 -31 32t-55 9h-173zM432 1368l-79 -636h229q97 0 174.5 26.5t131.5 76t82.5 119 t28.5 154.5q0 131 -82.5 195.5t-242.5 64.5h-242z" /> -<glyph unicode="S" horiz-adv-x="985" d="M938 1274q-11 -17 -27 -18q-12 0 -29.5 19.5t-47.5 42.5t-77.5 42.5t-119.5 19.5q-78 0 -139 -25t-103.5 -68.5t-65 -101.5t-22.5 -123q0 -62 25.5 -105t67 -73t94.5 -52t108.5 -43t108.5 -46t94.5 -61t67 -87t25.5 -126q0 -98 -34 -186.5t-96.5 -155t-153 -105 t-201.5 -38.5q-131 0 -221.5 50.5t-151.5 138.5l34 44q14 14 28 14q9 0 21 -12t29 -30t40 -39t56 -39t76.5 -30t100.5 -12q86 0 155.5 29t119 80t75.5 120.5t26 148.5q0 63 -25.5 106t-67 72.5t-94.5 50t-108 41t-108.5 45t-95 61t-66.5 89.5t-25 129q0 83 29.5 160 t85.5 136t137 93.5t184 34.5q104 0 183 -38t137 -112z" /> -<glyph unicode="T" horiz-adv-x="1102" d="M1186 1449l-10 -86h-467l-167 -1363h-102l167 1363h-469l10 86h1038z" /> -<glyph unicode="U" horiz-adv-x="1381" d="M638 72q95 0 175 36.5t140 101t99 153t51 189.5l109 897h103l-111 -897q-15 -120 -62.5 -224t-123 -180.5t-175 -120.5t-216.5 -44q-105 0 -188 36t-139.5 99.5t-86.5 151t-30 191.5q0 45 6 91l110 897h102l-110 -896q-2 -20 -3.5 -40.5t-1.5 -41.5q0 -86 23 -159 t67.5 -126.5t110 -83.5t151.5 -30z" /> -<glyph unicode="V" horiz-adv-x="1219" d="M130 1449h81q14 0 22 -7.5t11 -19.5l301 -1209q5 -22 10 -46.5t8 -50.5q9 27 19 51t21 46l597 1209q5 11 16 19t25 8h80l-727 -1449h-91z" /> -<glyph unicode="W" horiz-adv-x="1862" d="M132 1449h80q30 0 33 -27l191 -1204q3 -19 4 -40t3 -44q7 23 15 44t16 40l523 1204q5 11 15.5 19t24.5 8h23q28 0 33 -27l227 -1204q3 -18 5 -39t4 -43q7 22 14 43t14 39l486 1204q4 11 16 19t26 8h79l-598 -1449h-91l-237 1263q-2 11 -3.5 24t-3.5 28q-5 -14 -9.5 -27.5 t-9.5 -24.5l-547 -1263h-91z" /> -<glyph unicode="X" horiz-adv-x="1134" d="M530 774l-358 675h91q14 0 21 -5t12 -17l308 -601q7 14 16 27l442 578q14 18 33 18h101l-524 -670l405 -779h-91q-14 0 -21 8t-11 17l-354 695q-3 -6 -6 -12.5t-8 -11.5l-512 -671q-9 -11 -19 -18t-22 -7h-101z" /> -<glyph unicode="Y" horiz-adv-x="1133" d="M630 597l-75 -597h-101l74 598l-390 851h90q14 0 22 -7t13 -19l306 -684q8 -17 12.5 -34t7.5 -33q8 17 17 33.5t21 33.5l475 684q7 11 16 18.5t24 7.5h85z" /> -<glyph unicode="Z" horiz-adv-x="1192" d="M1213 1449l-5 -34q-2 -9 -5.5 -16t-10.5 -16l-997 -1299h843l-11 -84h-982l4 34q1 8 5.5 14.5t10.5 14.5l999 1302h-826l11 84h964z" /> -<glyph unicode="[" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M70 -269l223 1821h301l-4 -35q-2 -12 -11 -20t-22 -8h-191l-209 -1694h192q12 0 19.5 -6.5t7.5 -17.5q0 -1 -0.5 -7t-4.5 -33h-301z" /> -<glyph unicode="\" horiz-adv-x="674" d="M116 1480h40q40 0 49 -37l393 -1529h-38q-17 0 -32 9t-20 29z" /> -<glyph unicode="]" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M228 1552h303l-224 -1821h-302l4 36q2 12 11 20t23 8h191l208 1694h-191q-27 0 -27 23z" /> -<glyph unicode="^" d="M618 1449h61l349 -630h-69q-11 0 -20 7t-14 17l-247 446q-18 32 -29 64q-5 -16 -11.5 -31.5t-14.5 -32.5l-246 -446q-5 -8 -13.5 -16t-22.5 -8h-72z" /> -<glyph unicode="_" horiz-adv-x="743" d="M655 -212l-9 -67h-742l8 67h743z" /> -<glyph unicode="`" horiz-adv-x="552" d="M221 1465q24 0 34 -7.5t18 -24.5l118 -244h-54q-22 0 -34 16l-173 260h91z" /> -<glyph unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="1003" d="M784 0h-47q-19 0 -27 9t-8 23l34 320q-39 -82 -85.5 -149t-99 -115t-111 -74.5t-121.5 -26.5q-65 0 -112.5 25t-80 71t-49 111.5t-16.5 147.5q0 89 22.5 174.5t64 162.5t99 141.5t126.5 111.5t148 73.5t163 26.5q61 0 114.5 -10.5t105.5 -37.5zM351 68q58 0 115 32.5 t108.5 92.5t97 144.5t81.5 186.5l51 415q-60 20 -131 20q-69 0 -133.5 -23t-121.5 -64t-104.5 -97t-82 -123t-53.5 -142t-19 -153q0 -137 46.5 -213t145.5 -76z" /> -<glyph unicode="b" horiz-adv-x="1043" d="M104 0l181 1490h95l-99 -815q40 81 89 147t103 113t114 73t122 26q67 0 117 -25.5t83.5 -72t51 -113t17.5 -148.5q0 -79 -16.5 -160.5t-46.5 -157.5t-73.5 -144t-99 -118t-121.5 -79t-140 -29q-87 0 -158.5 39.5t-114.5 116.5l-20 -110q-3 -17 -10 -25t-25 -8h-49z M677 955q-58 0 -117 -32.5t-114 -92t-102.5 -143.5t-84.5 -186l-36 -291q22 -40 50 -68t60.5 -45.5t66.5 -25.5t70 -8q65 0 120.5 26.5t101 71.5t81 105t59.5 126.5t37 136.5t13 137q0 137 -52.5 213t-152.5 76z" /> -<glyph unicode="c" horiz-adv-x="881" d="M816 186q-54 -60 -102.5 -99t-95.5 -61.5t-95 -30.5t-102 -8q-88 0 -153 30t-108 84.5t-64.5 129t-21.5 162.5q0 81 17 160.5t48.5 151t76.5 132t101.5 104.5t122.5 69t141 25q50 0 90.5 -9.5t74 -27.5t61.5 -43.5t51 -57.5l-29 -34q-9 -11 -21 -11q-10 0 -25 16.5 t-40 35.5t-65 35t-100 16q-86 0 -160.5 -46t-129.5 -123.5t-86 -179.5t-31 -213q0 -71 16 -131t49 -104t83.5 -68.5t118.5 -24.5q54 0 97.5 11.5t76.5 29t58 38.5t44.5 38.5t33.5 29t25 11.5t22 -10l21 -27v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="d" horiz-adv-x="1045" d="M769 0q-19 0 -27 9t-8 23l34 324q-40 -83 -89.5 -151t-105 -116.5t-116 -75t-122.5 -26.5q-67 0 -117 25.5t-84 72.5t-51 113.5t-17 149.5q0 78 16 159.5t46.5 157.5t74 143.5t98.5 117.5t120.5 79t140.5 29q83 0 152.5 -36t114.5 -109l75 601h94l-182 -1490h-47zM367 66 q58 0 116.5 32t113 91.5t102 143t84.5 184.5l36 295q-44 80 -109.5 112.5t-136.5 32.5q-65 0 -120.5 -26t-101 -71t-80.5 -104.5t-59.5 -126t-37 -137t-12.5 -136.5q0 -137 52.5 -213.5t152.5 -76.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="e" horiz-adv-x="916" d="M858 824q0 -42 -11 -79.5t-40 -71.5t-78 -64t-126 -55.5t-183.5 -45.5t-249.5 -35q-2 -22 -3 -42.5t-1 -41.5q0 -153 69 -238.5t208 -85.5q54 0 98 11.5t78 30t60.5 39t46.5 39t35 30t27 11.5t22 -10l23 -27q-50 -53 -98 -91.5t-96.5 -63t-101 -36t-111.5 -11.5 q-85 0 -151 28t-111 79.5t-68.5 126t-23.5 166.5q0 77 15 155t45.5 149.5t75 134t102 108.5t127 72.5t150.5 26.5q75 0 126.5 -21t83.5 -52t46.5 -67.5t14.5 -68.5zM582 962q-82 0 -148 -35t-117 -93t-85 -134t-51 -159q130 14 224.5 33t160 40t106 45.5t63 50.5t30 54 t7.5 57q0 22 -9.5 47t-32 45.5t-59 34.5t-89.5 14z" /> -<glyph unicode="f" horiz-adv-x="581" d="M313 915l-108 -893l-43 -236q-4 -23 -17.5 -32.5t-32.5 -9.5h-36l143 1170l-129 9q-23 2 -22 22q0 1 0.5 6.5t3.5 35.5h155l17 129q10 87 39.5 153t74 110t101 66t121.5 22q29 0 57.5 -5.5t50.5 -15.5l-10 -49q-1 -11 -15 -12q-11 0 -32 4.5t-47 4.5q-46 0 -87.5 -15.5 t-74 -49t-55.5 -86.5t-32 -130l-17 -126h289l-10 -72h-284z" /> -<glyph unicode="g" horiz-adv-x="902" d="M780 754q-1 -56 -14.5 -102.5t-34 -85t-44.5 -71.5t-44.5 -65t-34 -64.5t-13.5 -69.5q0 -31 12.5 -57t30 -50.5t39 -49.5t39.5 -53t30.5 -60.5t12.5 -72.5q0 -65 -33 -124.5t-92.5 -106t-142.5 -74t-186 -27.5q-81 0 -148 16.5t-115.5 47.5t-75 76t-26.5 103 q0 74 38 130.5t104 95.5t154 59.5t188 20.5q35 0 69.5 -2.5t70.5 -7.5q-17 24 -29 50.5t-12 58.5q0 36 12.5 73t47.5 89q-42 -29 -89 -44t-102 -15q-58 0 -108.5 18.5t-86.5 54.5t-56.5 89t-20.5 122q0 71 25 139t72.5 121.5t117 85.5t159.5 32q52 0 98 -12.5t82 -38.5h266 l-4 -33q-1 -10 -7.5 -17.5t-21.5 -9.5l-166 -14q18 -32 28.5 -70.5t10.5 -84.5zM670 -53q0 50 -16.5 86t-40.5 65l1 -3q-50 8 -95 11.5t-87 3.5q-101 0 -176 -19t-124.5 -51.5t-74.5 -75.5t-25 -90q0 -44 20 -78.5t56.5 -57.5t89 -35t115.5 -12q80 0 145.5 21.5t112 57 t72.5 82t27 95.5zM415 435q66 0 117.5 27.5t87 72.5t54 101.5t18.5 114.5q0 106 -56 160t-152 54q-66 0 -117 -26.5t-86 -69.5t-53.5 -98.5t-18.5 -114.5q0 -109 55.5 -165t150.5 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="h" horiz-adv-x="1054" d="M104 0l181 1490h96l-94 -778q41 77 90.5 136.5t104.5 101t112 63t116 21.5q115 0 171.5 -73.5t56.5 -211.5q0 -8 -0.5 -19t-3 -36.5t-7.5 -73.5t-14.5 -128t-23 -200.5t-34.5 -291.5h-96l77 651q6 47 6 89q0 104 -39.5 158.5t-124.5 54.5q-55 0 -112.5 -28t-111.5 -80.5 t-102 -127.5t-85 -167l-66 -550h-97z" /> -<glyph unicode="i" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M342 1019l-124 -1019h-95l124 1019h95zM417 1370q0 -18 -7.5 -34t-19.5 -28.5t-28 -19.5t-32 -7q-17 0 -32.5 7t-27.5 19.5t-19 28.5t-7 34t7 34.5t19 29.5t27 20t33 7q16 0 32 -7t28 -19.5t19.5 -29.5t7.5 -35z" /> -<glyph unicode="j" horiz-adv-x="450" d="M338 1019l-141 -1149q-6 -53 -26.5 -98t-53 -78.5t-77 -52.5t-98.5 -19q-30 0 -51 5t-42 17l6 22q5 23 8.5 31t11.5 8t21.5 -4t35.5 -4q76 0 118 45t52 128l142 1149h94zM415 1370q0 -18 -8 -34t-20 -28.5t-28 -19.5t-32 -7q-17 0 -32.5 7t-27 19.5t-18.5 28.5t-7 34 t7 34.5t19 29.5t27 20t33 7q16 0 32 -7t28 -19.5t19.5 -29.5t7.5 -35z" /> -<glyph unicode="k" horiz-adv-x="909" d="M379 1490l-112 -908h38q18 0 29.5 4.5t26.5 18.5l422 388q12 11 23.5 18.5t29.5 7.5h84l-466 -427q-11 -10 -21 -19t-21 -15q14 -8 23 -19.5t19 -24.5l372 -514h-82q-14 0 -23 5t-19 19l-337 458q-14 18 -27.5 25t-41.5 7h-37l-62 -514h-96l183 1490h95z" /> -<glyph unicode="l" horiz-adv-x="458" d="M120 0l180 1490h95l-181 -1490h-94z" /> -<glyph unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="1588" d="M96 0l123 1022h44q36 0 36 -37l-29 -285q80 159 184.5 246.5t220.5 87.5q102 0 145.5 -64.5t43.5 -185.5q0 -35 -3 -74q40 82 87.5 142.5t100.5 101t108 60.5t110 20q110 0 158 -69t48 -197q0 -10 -1 -23t-3.5 -40.5t-7.5 -76t-14 -130.5t-23.5 -203.5t-34.5 -294.5h-96 l77 651q4 32 6 60t2 54q0 92 -31.5 139.5t-110.5 47.5q-50 0 -102 -23t-101.5 -69t-94 -115.5t-80.5 -163.5l-68 -581h-96l77 651q9 71 9 126q0 86 -29.5 130.5t-105.5 44.5q-117 0 -215.5 -106.5t-173.5 -300.5l-65 -545h-95z" /> -<glyph unicode="n" horiz-adv-x="1048" d="M96 0l123 1022h44q35 0 35 -37l-30 -295q42 81 93 145t107 108.5t115.5 67.5t119.5 23q114 0 171.5 -74.5t57.5 -214.5q0 -9 -0.5 -20.5t-3 -37t-8 -72.5t-14.5 -126t-23 -198.5t-34 -290.5h-96l76 651q6 47 7 89q0 103 -39.5 157.5t-124.5 54.5q-57 0 -115.5 -29 t-113.5 -83t-103 -130t-85 -171l-62 -539h-97z" /> -<glyph unicode="o" horiz-adv-x="1011" d="M444 63q89 0 162.5 47t125.5 124t80.5 177t28.5 205q0 164 -73 253t-202 89q-59 0 -111.5 -21t-96.5 -58.5t-79 -89.5t-59 -113.5t-37 -130t-13 -139.5q0 -163 72 -253t202 -90zM436 -13q-82 0 -149 28.5t-114.5 83t-73.5 131.5t-26 176q0 124 36.5 238t104 201 t159.5 138.5t202 51.5q82 0 149.5 -29t115 -83t73.5 -131.5t26 -174.5q0 -124 -37.5 -237.5t-104 -201t-158.5 -139.5t-203 -52z" /> -<glyph unicode="p" horiz-adv-x="1033" d="M51 -360l168 1382h44q36 0 36 -37l-33 -320q40 83 90 151t105.5 116.5t116 75t122.5 26.5q67 0 117 -25.5t84 -72t51.5 -113t17.5 -148.5q0 -79 -16.5 -160.5t-46.5 -157.5t-73.5 -144t-99 -118t-121.5 -79t-140 -29q-83 0 -153 36.5t-114 108.5l-61 -492h-94zM669 955 q-58 0 -117 -32t-113.5 -91.5t-102.5 -143t-85 -185.5l-36 -293q45 -81 110.5 -114t136.5 -33q65 0 120.5 26.5t101 71.5t81 105t59.5 126.5t36.5 136.5t12.5 137q0 137 -52 213t-152 76z" /> -<glyph unicode="q" horiz-adv-x="1003" d="M739 -360h-55q-20 0 -29 11t-9 30q0 8 1 13l81 642q-39 -79 -84.5 -143t-97 -110t-108.5 -71t-119 -25q-65 0 -112.5 25t-80 71t-49 111.5t-16.5 147.5q0 89 22.5 174.5t64 162.5t99 141.5t126.5 111.5t148 73.5t163 26.5q61 0 114.5 -10.5t105.5 -37.5zM351 68 q58 0 114 32t107.5 91.5t96.5 142.5t81 184l1 3l53 418q-60 20 -131 20q-69 0 -133.5 -23t-121.5 -64t-104.5 -97t-82 -123t-53.5 -142t-19 -153q0 -137 46.5 -213t145.5 -76z" /> -<glyph unicode="r" horiz-adv-x="688" d="M96 0l123 1022h44q36 0 36 -37l-30 -303q70 167 159.5 257.5t191.5 90.5q42 0 86 -17l-18 -91q-47 17 -88 17q-110 0 -197.5 -108t-149.5 -312l-62 -519h-95z" /> -<glyph unicode="s" horiz-adv-x="790" d="M728 894q-8 -14 -22 -14q-10 0 -25 12.5t-41 28.5t-63.5 29t-94.5 13q-52 0 -98.5 -17.5t-81 -47t-54.5 -67.5t-20 -81q0 -42 19.5 -71t52 -50t73 -36t83.5 -30.5t83.5 -34.5t72.5 -45.5t51.5 -65t19.5 -92.5q0 -66 -26 -127.5t-74 -109t-116.5 -76t-152.5 -28.5 q-99 0 -165.5 34t-114.5 90l23 34q6 8 12.5 12.5t15.5 4.5q10 0 25.5 -16.5t42.5 -36.5t69 -36.5t106 -16.5q60 0 109.5 20t85 55t55 80.5t19.5 96.5q0 45 -19.5 76t-51 53t-72.5 37t-83.5 30t-83.5 33t-73 43.5t-51.5 62.5t-19.5 90q0 59 26 114t72 97.5t109.5 67.5 t138.5 25q86 0 149.5 -26.5t113.5 -79.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="t" horiz-adv-x="673" d="M179 171q0 6 0.5 15.5t2 27.5t5 47.5t9.5 74.5l69 578h-134q-20 0 -20 20l5 42l160 12l68 365q2 9 9 16t18 7h47l-48 -389h295l-9 -73h-295l-70 -575q-5 -42 -8 -68.5t-5.5 -43.5t-3 -25t-0.5 -13q0 -67 31.5 -96.5t80.5 -29.5q34 0 60 11t45.5 24t32 23.5t18.5 10.5 t9 -2.5t6 -7.5l18 -43q-41 -43 -99 -69t-117 -26q-84 0 -131.5 46t-48.5 141z" /> -<glyph unicode="u" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M296 1019l-77 -648q-6 -48 -6 -89q0 -104 39.5 -159t124.5 -55q56 0 113.5 28.5t111.5 82t102.5 129t85.5 169.5l65 542h96l-123 -1019h-45q-19 0 -28 10t-9 28l31 290q-42 -81 -92.5 -144.5t-106.5 -107t-115.5 -66.5t-118.5 -23q-114 0 -170.5 75t-56.5 214q0 9 0.5 20 t3 37t7.5 72.5t14.5 125.5t23 198t34.5 290h96z" /> -<glyph unicode="v" horiz-adv-x="924" d="M85 1019h75q14 0 21.5 -7.5t9.5 -17.5l208 -804q4 -24 7 -46t5 -46q13 43 34 92l407 804q5 11 15 18t21 7h73l-523 -1019h-80z" /> -<glyph unicode="w" horiz-adv-x="1395" d="M88 1019h69q26 0 30 -25l138 -804q4 -23 4.5 -43.5t0.5 -41.5q8 20 16 41.5t18 43.5l350 811q8 23 30 23h37q23 0 26 -23l150 -811q5 -24 7 -45t4 -43q6 22 13 43.5t17 44.5l334 804q5 11 14 18t20 7h68l-437 -1019h-69q-15 0 -20 22l-156 827q-5 26 -6 47 q-7 -23 -18 -47l-360 -827q-8 -22 -25 -22h-68z" /> -<glyph unicode="x" horiz-adv-x="874" d="M380 545l-257 474h82q13 0 19 -3.5t12 -11.5l214 -408q7 15 16 28l295 377q7 8 12.5 13t14.5 5h86l-373 -475l285 -544h-81q-13 0 -21 5.5t-13 17.5l-241 466q-6 -15 -15 -27l-342 -442q-7 -8 -15 -14t-20 -6h-82z" /> -<glyph unicode="y" horiz-adv-x="924" d="M257 -332q-14 -29 -42 -28h-69l215 398l-273 981h76q14 0 20.5 -6.5t10.5 -18.5l215 -792q4 -15 5.5 -30.5t3.5 -31.5q6 15 12.5 31t14.5 31l411 795q5 11 14.5 16.5t18.5 5.5h75z" /> -<glyph unicode="z" horiz-adv-x="858" d="M842 978q-3 -20 -19 -39l-687 -862h573l-10 -77h-690l4 39q1 8 6.5 18.5t13.5 19.5l689 865h-567l10 77h683z" /> -<glyph unicode="{" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M201 478q0 58 -35 95.5t-93 37.5l7 61q76 0 123 59.5t47 180.5q0 61 -7 132.5t-7 133.5q0 87 22 156t61.5 117.5t96.5 74.5t128 26h52l-4 -41q-2 -11 -11.5 -16.5t-17.5 -5.5h-29q-59 0 -100.5 -26t-66.5 -70t-35.5 -100.5t-10.5 -115.5q0 -68 4.5 -135.5t4.5 -131.5 q0 -46 -8.5 -89t-28.5 -78.5t-52 -62t-79 -39.5q25 -6 46 -20t37 -35t26 -48t10 -60q0 -62 -17.5 -122.5t-38.5 -121.5t-38.5 -124t-17.5 -129q0 -42 11 -76t31 -58.5t49 -38t65 -13.5h31q7 0 14.5 -5t7.5 -15v-1t-0.5 -6t-1.5 -13.5t-3 -23.5h-52q-57 0 -101 19t-73.5 52.5 t-45 79t-15.5 99.5q0 70 18 132.5t39.5 122.5t39.5 119.5t18 122.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="|" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M207 1553h77v-1913h-77v1913z" /> -<glyph unicode="}" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M398 805q0 -58 35 -95.5t93 -37.5l-7 -61q-76 0 -123 -59t-47 -181q0 -61 7.5 -132.5t7.5 -133.5q0 -87 -22.5 -156t-62 -117.5t-96.5 -74.5t-128 -26h-52l4 41q2 11 11.5 16.5t17.5 5.5h30q59 0 100 26t66 70t36 100t11 116q0 68 -5 135.5t-5 131.5q0 46 8.5 89t28.5 79 t51.5 62t79.5 39q-25 6 -46 20t-37 34.5t-26 48t-10 60.5q0 62 17.5 122.5t38.5 121.5t38.5 124t17.5 130q0 41 -11 75t-31 58.5t-49.5 38t-64.5 13.5h-31q-7 0 -14.5 5t-7.5 15v1t0.5 6t1.5 13.5t3 23.5h53q56 0 100 -19t73.5 -52.5t45 -79t15.5 -98.5q0 -70 -18 -133 t-39.5 -123t-39.5 -119.5t-18 -122.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="~" d="M736 581q38 0 69.5 13.5t53 38t33 58.5t11.5 74h80q0 -56 -16.5 -104.5t-47 -84t-75.5 -56t-103 -20.5q-52 0 -106.5 20t-108.5 44.5t-104 44.5t-94 20q-39 0 -69.5 -14t-52 -38.5t-33 -58.5t-12.5 -74h-79q0 56 16.5 104.5t47 84.5t75 56.5t102.5 20.5q53 0 107.5 -20 t108 -44.5t103.5 -44.5t94 -20z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" horiz-adv-x="610" d="M175 -360l70 563q6 46 11 87t11 83.5t13 89.5t15 104h42q-6 -57 -10.5 -104t-9.5 -89.5t-9.5 -83.5t-9.5 -87l-69 -563h-54zM262 939q0 40 27 68t67 28q19 0 37.5 -7.5t31 -20.5t20.5 -31t8 -37q0 -40 -28.5 -67t-68.5 -27t-67 27t-27 67z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" d="M542 -12q-88 6 -159 38.5t-121 89.5t-76.5 136.5t-26.5 177.5q0 132 39 242t111.5 190t176.5 125t235 47l36 212q2 12 11 22t23 10h35l-42 -246q88 -8 155 -38t114 -76l-28 -33q-5 -5 -10 -8.5t-14 -3.5t-24 11.5t-42 26.5t-67 28.5t-97 18.5l-154 -898q77 2 132.5 19.5 t93 37.5t59 36.5t32.5 16.5t17 -9l22 -31q-27 -29 -65 -54t-85.5 -44t-102.5 -30.5t-115 -13.5l-37 -216q-2 -13 -10.5 -22t-21.5 -9h-36zM252 435q0 -83 21 -149t60 -113.5t94.5 -75.5t126.5 -35l154 897q-108 -3 -192.5 -40.5t-143 -106t-89.5 -164t-31 -213.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" d="M886 677q-2 -12 -11.5 -20.5t-23.5 -8.5h-486l-40 -330q-5 -45 -16.5 -80.5t-29.5 -65t-42 -53.5t-56 -44q23 4 44 6t44 2h810l-4 -40q-2 -15 -15.5 -29t-33.5 -14h-994l8 66q37 13 68 31t55 44.5t40 64t22 91.5l43 351h-180l4 38q2 11 11.5 19.5t23.5 8.5h149l37 304 q11 95 50 177t101.5 142t147.5 94t190 34q82 0 142 -19t101 -51t68 -76t43 -93l-41 -23q-12 -5 -21 -5q-17 0 -29 17q-16 33 -35.5 64t-50 54.5t-75.5 37t-111 13.5q-80 0 -146.5 -26.5t-116 -75t-80.5 -115.5t-40 -148l-37 -305h517l-4 -37v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" d="M284 687q0 63 20.5 119t55.5 102l-157 158l51 51l157 -159q46 38 102 59.5t121 21.5q63 0 119.5 -21t102.5 -57l158 157l50 -51l-158 -157q38 -46 59 -102t21 -121q0 -63 -21 -119t-57 -102l157 -158l-50 -51l-158 158q-46 -37 -102.5 -58t-120.5 -21q-63 0 -119 20.5 t-101 57.5l-159 -158l-50 51l157 158q-37 46 -57.5 101.5t-20.5 120.5zM357 687q0 -57 22 -107.5t59.5 -87.5t88 -59t107.5 -22q58 0 109 22t88.5 59t59.5 87.5t22 107.5t-22 108t-59.5 89t-88.5 60t-109 22q-57 0 -107.5 -22t-88 -60t-59.5 -89t-22 -108z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" d="M180 631h356l-331 818h79q26 0 34 -26l273 -684q8 -20 11.5 -38t5.5 -35q7 17 14.5 35t20.5 38l440 684q7 11 17.5 18.5t24.5 7.5h80l-533 -818h355l-7 -59h-376l-15 -120h376l-7 -58h-375l-49 -394h-95l48 394h-375l7 58h375l15 120h-375z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M207 1553h77v-796h-77v796zM207 435h77v-795h-77v795z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" horiz-adv-x="944" d="M863 1323q-9 -13 -23 -13q-11 0 -26 12.5t-40 28.5t-62.5 29t-94.5 13q-55 0 -101.5 -18t-80.5 -48t-52.5 -69.5t-18.5 -82.5q0 -42 20 -74t54 -58t77.5 -48.5t88.5 -45.5t88.5 -49.5t77.5 -59.5t54.5 -75t20.5 -98q0 -96 -48 -167t-144 -110q41 -35 66.5 -78.5 t25.5 -103.5q0 -70 -25.5 -132t-73 -109t-116.5 -74t-155 -27q-99 0 -167.5 33.5t-117.5 89.5l27 35q10 15 29 15q12 0 28 -16.5t43 -35.5t68 -35.5t104 -16.5t113.5 20t85.5 54.5t53 80t18 96.5q0 62 -37 105t-93 75.5t-121.5 62.5t-121.5 66t-93 86t-37 122q0 87 51 158 t167 113q-43 34 -69.5 78t-26.5 107q0 60 25.5 115.5t71.5 97.5t110 67t142 25q85 0 148 -26.5t112 -80.5zM242 727q0 -39 16.5 -69.5t45.5 -56.5t66.5 -48t78 -42.5t82.5 -42.5t79 -46q80 39 114.5 93.5t34.5 125.5q0 41 -15.5 73t-41 58.5t-60 48t-72.5 41t-76.5 39 t-74.5 41.5q-98 -44 -137.5 -96.5t-39.5 -118.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" horiz-adv-x="552" d="M290 1337q0 -16 -7.5 -31t-19 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32 7t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31q0 17 6.5 32.5t18.5 27.5t26.5 18.5t32.5 6.5q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t19 -27.5t7.5 -32.5zM640 1337q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32.5 7t-27 18t-18 26 t-6.5 31q0 35 24.5 60t59.5 25q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" horiz-adv-x="1651" d="M1140 431q2 2 5.5 4t6.5 2q5 0 8 -2t4 -3l35 -36q-60 -60 -142 -96t-201 -36q-98 0 -180 33.5t-141 94t-91.5 145.5t-32.5 189q0 102 34 187t95 146t146 95t186 34q53 0 98 -8t83 -22.5t71 -35.5t64 -49l-24 -34q-7 -11 -21 -11q-9 0 -26 13.5t-47.5 29t-77 29 t-115.5 13.5q-85 0 -155 -27t-119.5 -77.5t-76.5 -122t-27 -160.5q0 -92 27 -164t75.5 -121.5t114.5 -75.5t144 -26q61 0 105.5 9.5t76.5 23.5t55.5 30t42.5 29zM110 725q0 101 26.5 196t74.5 177t115.5 149.5t149.5 115.5t176 74.5t197 26.5q101 0 196 -26.5t177 -74.5 t149.5 -115.5t115.5 -149.5t74.5 -177t26.5 -196q0 -102 -26.5 -196.5t-74.5 -176.5t-115.5 -149.5t-149.5 -115.5t-177 -74.5t-196 -26.5t-196 26.5t-177 74.5t-149.5 115.5t-115.5 149.5t-74.5 176.5t-26.5 196.5zM171 725q0 -142 52.5 -266.5t145 -217.5t216 -146 t264.5 -53q94 0 181 24t163 68.5t138 106.5t106.5 138t68.5 163.5t24 182.5q0 142 -53.5 266.5t-146 218t-216.5 147t-265 53.5t-264.5 -53.5t-216 -147t-145 -218t-52.5 -266.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" horiz-adv-x="633" d="M546 859q-11 0 -17.5 3.5t-6.5 15.5v69q-53 -47 -103.5 -72t-118.5 -25q-29 0 -54.5 8t-45 24t-30.5 41t-11 59q0 43 21 80t67.5 65t120.5 45t180 19q3 25 5 40.5t3 25.5t1 15.5v9.5q0 122 -114 122q-40 0 -68.5 -11.5t-49.5 -24.5t-35 -24.5t-24 -11.5q-8 0 -13 4t-7 10 l-9 23q50 48 103.5 71t118.5 23q43 0 74.5 -14t52.5 -39.5t31 -58.5t10 -70v-7.5t-1.5 -18.5t-5 -40.5t-9 -72t-13.5 -115t-20 -168.5h-32zM326 902q62 0 108.5 27t90.5 69l17 143q-164 -5 -239 -43.5t-75 -106.5q0 -47 29.5 -68t68.5 -21z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xab;" horiz-adv-x="837" d="M150 525l2 13l275 387l29 -15q13 -8 13 -21q0 -12 -11 -27l-207 -302q-17 -22 -27 -29q9 -8 19 -28l134 -302q5 -12 5 -20q0 -19 -20 -28l-32 -16zM392 525l2 13l276 387l28 -15q13 -8 14 -21q0 -12 -12 -27l-206 -302q-17 -22 -27 -29q9 -8 18 -28l135 -302q5 -12 5 -20 q0 -19 -20 -28l-33 -16z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xac;" d="M197 723h847l-47 -375h-81l37 302h-765z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xad;" horiz-adv-x="626" d="M113 647h438l-9 -80h-441z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xae;" horiz-adv-x="1651" d="M116 725q0 101 26.5 196t74.5 177t115.5 149.5t149.5 115.5t176.5 74.5t196.5 26.5t196.5 -26.5t176.5 -74.5t149.5 -115.5t115.5 -149.5t74.5 -177t26.5 -196q0 -102 -26.5 -196.5t-74.5 -176.5t-115.5 -149.5t-149.5 -115.5t-177 -74.5t-196 -26.5t-196 26.5t-177 74.5 t-149.5 115.5t-115.5 149.5t-74.5 176.5t-26.5 196.5zM177 725q0 -142 53 -266.5t145 -217.5t215.5 -146t264.5 -53q94 0 181 24t163 68.5t138 106.5t106.5 138t68.5 163.5t24 182.5q0 142 -53 266.5t-146 218t-217 147t-265 53.5t-264.5 -53.5t-215.5 -147t-145 -218 t-53 -266.5zM668 673v-401h-87v907h253q158 0 237.5 -59t79.5 -180q0 -102 -65.5 -167.5t-186.5 -82.5q12 -7 21.5 -17t19.5 -24l292 -377h-81q-19 0 -32 17l-277 359q-8 11 -20.5 18t-41.5 7h-112zM668 738h151q124 0 185 50t61 143q0 94 -55 137t-176 43h-166v-373z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaf;" horiz-adv-x="552" d="M124 1348h516l-8 -66h-515z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb0;" horiz-adv-x="777" d="M165 1161q0 63 24.5 119t66 97.5t97.5 65t119 23.5q65 0 121 -23.5t97.5 -65t65.5 -97t24 -119.5q0 -63 -24 -118.5t-65.5 -97t-97.5 -65.5t-121 -24q-63 0 -119 24t-97.5 65.5t-66 97t-24.5 118.5zM236 1161q0 -49 18 -92t50 -74.5t75.5 -50t92.5 -18.5t92 18.5t74.5 50 t50 74.5t18.5 92t-18.5 92t-50 75.5t-74.5 51t-92 18.5t-92.5 -18.5t-75.5 -51t-50 -75.5t-18 -92z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb1;" d="M714 1179l-51 -416h443l-9 -73h-444l-50 -414h-78l50 414h-439l8 73h441l51 416h78zM70 155h960l-8 -73h-961z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" horiz-adv-x="677" d="M487 1661q41 0 76.5 -11.5t61.5 -34t40.5 -54.5t14.5 -75q0 -46 -16 -85t-42 -74t-60.5 -67t-72.5 -66l-240 -217q19 5 39.5 7.5t40.5 2.5h284q23 0 23 -20q0 -2 -1 -9.5t-2 -15.5l-2 -20h-485l2 24q2 16 18 31l272 243q35 32 66.5 62t54 61.5t35.5 64.5t13 70 q0 32 -10 54.5t-28 38t-42 23.5t-51 8q-58 0 -104 -34t-70 -97q-4 -11 -11 -15t-19 -4q-6 0 -9 1l-37 6q26 98 96 150t165 52z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" horiz-adv-x="677" d="M506 1661q41 0 75.5 -11.5t60.5 -32.5t40 -51.5t14 -69.5q0 -77 -43.5 -125.5t-113.5 -67.5q66 -15 99 -54t33 -97q0 -54 -22 -97.5t-59 -75.5t-85 -49t-101 -17q-61 0 -101 15.5t-65 41.5t-38 60.5t-20 71.5l33 13q9 3 17 3q20 0 25 -22q2 -12 8.5 -33t23 -41 t45.5 -34.5t77 -14.5q45 0 80 15.5t59 40t37 54.5t13 61q0 29 -9.5 52t-31.5 39.5t-57 26t-84 9.5l6 51q99 2 151 44t52 116q0 31 -10.5 52.5t-28 36.5t-41 22.5t-50.5 7.5q-65 0 -108 -34t-66 -94q-9 -20 -27 -21q-6 0 -9 1l-37 6q12 49 37 86.5t59 63t75 39t87 13.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" horiz-adv-x="552" d="M610 1465l-237 -260q-15 -16 -38 -16h-56l177 244q13 17 25.5 24.5t35.5 7.5h93z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" horiz-adv-x="1020" d="M287 1019l-84 -685q-1 -5 -1 -12.5v-26.5q0 -112 50.5 -174t159.5 -62q90 0 174 50.5t157 140.5l96 769h93l-125 -1019h-52q-26 0 -26 24l1 4q0 5 0.5 21t2.5 46t5 82q-77 -90 -161 -136.5t-180 -46.5q-90 0 -146 38t-83 107q-2 -43 -5.5 -85t-8.5 -78l-41 -336h-47 q-16 0 -27.5 9.5t-11.5 31.5l166 1338h94z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" horiz-adv-x="1294" d="M1364 1449l-9 -84h-232l-191 -1560h-87l191 1560h-336l-191 -1560h-88l111 911q-94 0 -169 23t-128.5 65.5t-82 103.5t-28.5 138q0 88 35.5 161.5t101 127.5t157.5 84t205 30h741z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" horiz-adv-x="544" d="M197 606q0 22 8 41.5t22 33.5t32.5 22.5t38.5 8.5q22 0 41 -8.5t33.5 -22.5t22.5 -33.5t8 -41.5q0 -20 -8 -39t-22.5 -33t-34 -22t-40.5 -8q-20 0 -38.5 8t-32.5 22t-22 33t-8 39z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" horiz-adv-x="552" d="M53 -281q5 0 13 -5.5t19.5 -12t29.5 -12t45 -5.5q52 0 81.5 25.5t29.5 68.5q0 23 -11 38t-31.5 25.5t-49 16t-63.5 10.5l57 137h59l-39 -99q76 -14 115.5 -42.5t39.5 -80.5q0 -34 -15 -61t-40.5 -46t-60.5 -29.5t-76 -10.5q-39 0 -74 12t-58 33l13 27q8 11 16 11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" horiz-adv-x="677" d="M254 976h162l68 551l9 38l-164 -130q-8 -6 -17 -7q-13 0 -18 9l-19 31l239 188h58l-84 -680h147l-6 -54h-382z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xba;" horiz-adv-x="705" d="M471 1463q56 0 99.5 -18.5t74 -52.5t46.5 -81.5t16 -106.5q0 -81 -22 -147t-62.5 -112.5t-98 -72t-128.5 -25.5q-57 0 -101 18.5t-74.5 52t-46 81.5t-15.5 106q0 81 22 147t62.5 113t98 72.5t129.5 25.5zM403 904q56 0 99.5 21.5t72 61t43.5 95t15 122.5q0 91 -42 146 t-126 55q-59 0 -103 -22t-72.5 -62t-42.5 -95.5t-14 -121.5q0 -91 42 -145.5t128 -54.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" horiz-adv-x="837" d="M172 137l-28 16q-14 8 -14 21q0 12 9 27l210 302q12 19 24 28q-8 6 -18 29l-135 302q-4 8 -4 17q0 22 21 31l31 15l179 -387l-1 -13zM415 137l-28 16q-14 8 -14 21q0 12 9 27l210 302q12 19 23 28q-8 6 -17 29l-135 302q-4 8 -4 17q0 22 20 31l32 15l179 -387l-1 -13z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" horiz-adv-x="1510" d="M1279 257h130l-3 -40q-2 -16 -21 -16h-112l-25 -201h-62l24 201h-333q-24 0 -24 16l-2 35l420 479h66zM429 32q-12 -19 -26.5 -25.5t-31.5 -6.5h-39l929 1413q23 36 59 36h41zM225 772h162l69 551l8 38l-153 -122q-12 -10 -18 -12t-10 -2q-12 0 -18 8l-18 32l238 187h59 l-84 -680h146l-6 -54h-382zM1260 599q2 12 4 26t6 29l-344 -397h292z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" horiz-adv-x="1510" d="M384 32q-12 -19 -26.5 -25.5t-31.5 -6.5h-39l928 1413q23 36 60 36h41zM1192 739q41 0 76.5 -11t61.5 -33.5t40 -55t14 -75.5q0 -46 -15.5 -85t-42 -73.5t-60.5 -67t-72 -66.5l-241 -217q19 5 40 8t40 3h285q23 0 22 -20v-3t-1 -10l-4 -33h-484l2 25q2 7 5.5 15t11.5 15 l273 243q35 32 66 62t53.5 62t36 64.5t13.5 69.5q0 32 -10.5 55t-28.5 38.5t-42 23t-50 7.5q-63 0 -108.5 -36t-65.5 -94q-7 -18 -29 -19h-8t-15 3l-24 4q26 98 96 149.5t165 51.5zM225 772h162l69 551l8 38l-153 -122q-12 -10 -18 -12t-10 -2q-12 0 -18 8l-18 32l238 187 h59l-84 -680h146l-6 -54h-382z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" horiz-adv-x="1510" d="M1297 257h130l-3 -40q-2 -8 -6.5 -12t-13.5 -4h-113l-24 -201h-63l25 201h-334q-24 0 -24 16l-2 35l420 479h67zM456 32q-12 -19 -26.5 -25.5t-32.5 -6.5h-39l929 1413q23 36 60 36h41zM494 1457q41 0 75.5 -11t60 -32t40 -52t14.5 -70q0 -77 -43.5 -125.5t-114.5 -67.5 q66 -15 99 -53.5t33 -97.5q0 -54 -22 -97.5t-58.5 -75.5t-85 -48.5t-100.5 -16.5q-61 0 -101 15t-65 41.5t-38 60.5t-20 71l33 13q9 3 17 3t14.5 -3.5t8.5 -11.5q5 -23 13.5 -46t26 -41.5t45 -30.5t70.5 -12q45 0 80.5 15.5t59.5 40t37 54.5t13 61q0 29 -10 52t-32 40 t-56.5 26t-84.5 9l7 51q99 2 150.5 44t51.5 116q0 31 -10 53t-27.5 36.5t-41 22t-51.5 7.5q-65 0 -108.5 -35.5t-65.5 -92.5q-9 -20 -25 -21h-6t-13 2l-28 5q12 49 37 86.5t59 63.5t75 39t87 13zM1278 599q2 12 4 26t6 29l-344 -397h292z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" horiz-adv-x="701" d="M585 -229q-30 -28 -65 -54t-76 -46t-88 -32t-100 -12q-60 0 -113 19t-92 54t-61 85t-22 114q0 84 25 143t63.5 101.5t84.5 74t87 59t71.5 56t37.5 66.5l33 168h63l-15 -175q-4 -44 -32 -76t-67 -61.5t-84.5 -58.5t-83.5 -67.5t-63.5 -90t-25.5 -124.5q0 -49 17 -88 t46 -66t67 -41t80 -14q62 0 110 18.5t82 40t54 40t27 18.5q8 0 12 -3.5t7 -8.5zM351 940q0 19 7.5 36.5t20 30.5t29.5 20.5t37 7.5q19 0 37 -7.5t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t8 -36.5q0 -20 -8 -37t-20.5 -30t-30 -20t-37.5 -7q-40 0 -67 27t-27 67z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" horiz-adv-x="1208" d="M1139 0h-78q-14 0 -23 7.5t-12 19.5l-103 424h-650l-206 -424q-5 -11 -16.5 -19t-25.5 -8h-78l724 1449h100zM310 525h595l-179 738q-5 17 -9.5 38.5t-7.5 45.5q-2 -6 -8 -19t-12 -26.5t-11 -24.5t-7 -15zM565 1812q24 0 34.5 -4.5t21.5 -17.5l187 -211h-74 q-12 0 -19.5 3.5t-16.5 11.5l-244 218h111z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" horiz-adv-x="1208" d="M1139 0h-78q-14 0 -23 7.5t-12 19.5l-103 424h-650l-206 -424q-5 -11 -16.5 -19t-25.5 -8h-78l724 1449h100zM310 525h595l-179 738q-5 17 -9.5 38.5t-7.5 45.5q-2 -6 -8 -19t-12 -26.5t-11 -24.5t-7 -15zM1056 1812l-298 -218q-11 -8 -19.5 -11.5t-20.5 -3.5h-75 l240 211q14 13 26 17.5t35 4.5h112z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" horiz-adv-x="1208" d="M1139 0h-78q-14 0 -23 7.5t-12 19.5l-103 424h-650l-206 -424q-5 -11 -16.5 -19t-25.5 -8h-78l724 1449h100zM310 525h595l-179 738q-5 17 -9.5 38.5t-7.5 45.5q-2 -6 -8 -19t-12 -26.5t-11 -24.5t-7 -15zM994 1579h-73q-7 0 -16 2.5t-14 7.5l-137 134q-2 2 -4 4.5 t-3 4.5q-3 -5 -8 -9l-171 -134q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-73l247 204h89z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" horiz-adv-x="1208" d="M1139 0h-78q-14 0 -23 7.5t-12 19.5l-103 424h-650l-206 -424q-5 -11 -16.5 -19t-25.5 -8h-78l724 1449h100zM310 525h595l-179 738q-5 17 -9.5 38.5t-7.5 45.5q-2 -6 -8 -19t-12 -26.5t-11 -24.5t-7 -15zM858 1654q39 0 63 28t32 72h53q-5 -35 -17 -65.5t-31.5 -53 t-46 -35.5t-59.5 -13q-32 0 -58 16.5t-50 36t-47 36t-47 16.5q-39 0 -63.5 -29.5t-30.5 -72.5h-56q4 35 17 66t33 53.5t46.5 35t59.5 12.5q32 0 58.5 -16.5t50 -35t46 -35t47.5 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" horiz-adv-x="1208" d="M1139 0h-78q-14 0 -23 7.5t-12 19.5l-103 424h-650l-206 -424q-5 -11 -16.5 -19t-25.5 -8h-78l724 1449h100zM310 525h595l-179 738q-5 17 -9.5 38.5t-7.5 45.5q-2 -6 -8 -19t-12 -26.5t-11 -24.5t-7 -15zM643 1705q0 -32 -24 -54.5t-55 -22.5t-54.5 22.5t-23.5 54.5 q0 33 23.5 56t54.5 23q32 0 55.5 -23t23.5 -56zM986 1705q0 -32 -23.5 -54.5t-54.5 -22.5q-32 0 -55 22.5t-23 54.5q0 33 23 56t55 23t55 -23t23 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" horiz-adv-x="1208" d="M1139 0h-78q-14 0 -23 7.5t-12 19.5l-103 424h-650l-206 -424q-5 -11 -16.5 -19t-25.5 -8h-78l724 1449h100zM310 525h595l-179 738q-5 17 -9.5 38.5t-7.5 45.5q-2 -6 -8 -19t-12 -26.5t-11 -24.5t-7 -15zM560 1669q0 35 14 65t37 51.5t54 34t65 12.5q35 0 67 -12.5 t55 -34t36.5 -51.5t13.5 -65q0 -36 -13.5 -65.5t-36.5 -51t-55 -33.5t-67 -12t-65.5 12t-53.5 33.5t-37 51t-14 65.5zM615 1669q0 -51 32 -84t84 -33q51 0 84 33t33 84t-32.5 84t-84.5 33t-84 -33t-32 -84z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" horiz-adv-x="1738" d="M1727 1365h-769v-591h580l-11 -82h-569v-608h614l-12 -84h-697v451h-558l-264 -424q-7 -11 -18.5 -19t-25.5 -8h-79l908 1449h912zM351 525h512v841q-10 -26 -21.5 -48t-23.5 -43z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" horiz-adv-x="1297" d="M532 -281q5 0 13 -5.5t20 -12t29.5 -12t44.5 -5.5q52 0 82 25.5t30 68.5q0 23 -11.5 38t-32 25.5t-49 16t-63.5 10.5l48 117q-117 6 -211 54t-160 130t-102 194.5t-36 248.5q0 189 57.5 346.5t158.5 270t237.5 174.5t295.5 62q75 0 134 -11.5t109 -34t91 -56.5t80 -77 l-31 -41q-11 -12 -28 -12q-12 0 -33 22.5t-61 49.5t-104 49.5t-162 22.5q-135 0 -252 -53t-203 -151.5t-135.5 -238.5t-49.5 -314q0 -127 33.5 -229t94 -173.5t145 -109t184.5 -37.5q75 0 134.5 12.5t105.5 31.5t79.5 41t57 41t38 32t23.5 13t13 -6l36 -43 q-46 -46 -97.5 -83.5t-110.5 -65t-126.5 -43t-145.5 -17.5l-30 -78q76 -14 115.5 -42.5t39.5 -80.5q0 -34 -14.5 -61t-40.5 -46t-61 -29.5t-76 -10.5q-39 0 -74 12t-58 33l13 27q8 11 16 11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" horiz-adv-x="1113" d="M1102 1365h-698l-72 -590h580l-11 -82h-579l-75 -609h700l-11 -84h-802l178 1449h801zM572 1812q24 0 34.5 -4.5t21.5 -17.5l187 -211h-74q-12 0 -19.5 3.5t-16.5 11.5l-244 218h111z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc9;" horiz-adv-x="1113" d="M1102 1365h-698l-72 -590h580l-11 -82h-579l-75 -609h700l-11 -84h-802l178 1449h801zM1055 1812l-298 -218q-11 -8 -19.5 -11.5t-20.5 -3.5h-75l240 211q14 13 26 17.5t35 4.5h112z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xca;" horiz-adv-x="1113" d="M1102 1365h-698l-72 -590h580l-11 -82h-579l-75 -609h700l-11 -84h-802l178 1449h801zM1001 1579h-73q-7 0 -16 2.5t-14 7.5l-137 134q-2 2 -4 4.5t-3 4.5q-3 -5 -8 -9l-171 -134q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-73l247 204h89z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcb;" horiz-adv-x="1113" d="M1102 1365h-698l-72 -590h580l-11 -82h-579l-75 -609h700l-11 -84h-802l178 1449h801zM650 1705q0 -32 -24 -54.5t-55 -22.5t-54.5 22.5t-23.5 54.5q0 33 23.5 56t54.5 23q32 0 55.5 -23t23.5 -56zM993 1705q0 -32 -23.5 -54.5t-54.5 -22.5q-32 0 -55 22.5t-23 54.5 q0 33 23 56t55 23t55 -23t23 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcc;" horiz-adv-x="563" d="M271 0h-102l177 1449h103zM243 1812q24 0 34.5 -4.5t21.5 -17.5l187 -211h-74q-12 0 -19.5 3.5t-16.5 11.5l-244 218h111z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcd;" horiz-adv-x="563" d="M271 0h-102l177 1449h103zM726 1812l-298 -218q-11 -8 -19.5 -11.5t-20.5 -3.5h-75l240 211q14 13 26 17.5t35 4.5h112z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xce;" horiz-adv-x="563" d="M271 0h-102l177 1449h103zM672 1579h-73q-7 0 -16 2.5t-14 7.5l-137 134q-2 2 -4 4.5t-3 4.5q-3 -5 -8 -9l-171 -134q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-73l247 204h89z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcf;" horiz-adv-x="563" d="M271 0h-102l177 1449h103zM321 1705q0 -32 -24 -54.5t-55 -22.5t-54.5 22.5t-23.5 54.5q0 33 23.5 56t54.5 23q32 0 55.5 -23t23.5 -56zM664 1705q0 -32 -23.5 -54.5t-54.5 -22.5q-32 0 -55 22.5t-23 54.5q0 33 23 56t55 23t55 -23t23 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" horiz-adv-x="1483" d="M79 766h203l84 683h487q128 0 231 -43.5t175 -123.5t111 -193.5t39 -253.5q0 -191 -55.5 -346t-153.5 -263.5t-232.5 -167t-292.5 -58.5h-488l86 702h-202zM1304 833q0 124 -32.5 223t-92.5 167.5t-145.5 105.5t-190.5 37h-386l-74 -600h380l-7 -64h-380l-76 -619h385 q135 0 248.5 50.5t195.5 147t128.5 236t46.5 316.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" horiz-adv-x="1423" d="M362 1449q14 0 21 -3.5t14 -15.5l703 -1262q1 14 1.5 27t2.5 24l151 1230h90l-179 -1449h-47q-26 0 -38 23l-703 1261l-3 -46l-152 -1238h-89l178 1449h50v0zM966 1654q39 0 63 28t32 72h53q-5 -35 -17 -65.5t-31.5 -53t-46 -35.5t-59.5 -13q-32 0 -58 16.5t-50 36 t-47 36t-47 16.5q-39 0 -63.5 -29.5t-30.5 -72.5h-56q4 35 17 66t33 53.5t46.5 35t59.5 12.5q32 0 58.5 -16.5t50 -35t46 -35t47.5 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1426 836q0 -191 -55.5 -348t-155 -268.5t-234.5 -173t-293 -61.5q-127 0 -229.5 45.5t-174.5 128.5t-111 198.5t-39 255.5q0 190 56.5 347.5t155 269.5t233.5 173.5t291 61.5q128 0 231 -45.5t175.5 -128.5t111 -199t38.5 -256zM1321 834q0 126 -32.5 226.5t-92.5 172 t-145.5 109.5t-191.5 38q-133 0 -246.5 -53t-197 -152.5t-130.5 -240.5t-47 -318q0 -126 32.5 -226.5t93 -171.5t145.5 -109t190 -38q135 0 249 52.5t197 152t129.5 240.5t46.5 318zM708 1812q24 0 34.5 -4.5t21.5 -17.5l187 -211h-74q-12 0 -19.5 3.5t-16.5 11.5l-244 218 h111z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1426 836q0 -191 -55.5 -348t-155 -268.5t-234.5 -173t-293 -61.5q-127 0 -229.5 45.5t-174.5 128.5t-111 198.5t-39 255.5q0 190 56.5 347.5t155 269.5t233.5 173.5t291 61.5q128 0 231 -45.5t175.5 -128.5t111 -199t38.5 -256zM1321 834q0 126 -32.5 226.5t-92.5 172 t-145.5 109.5t-191.5 38q-133 0 -246.5 -53t-197 -152.5t-130.5 -240.5t-47 -318q0 -126 32.5 -226.5t93 -171.5t145.5 -109t190 -38q135 0 249 52.5t197 152t129.5 240.5t46.5 318zM1191 1812l-298 -218q-11 -8 -19.5 -11.5t-20.5 -3.5h-75l240 211q14 13 26 17.5t35 4.5 h112z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1426 836q0 -191 -55.5 -348t-155 -268.5t-234.5 -173t-293 -61.5q-127 0 -229.5 45.5t-174.5 128.5t-111 198.5t-39 255.5q0 190 56.5 347.5t155 269.5t233.5 173.5t291 61.5q128 0 231 -45.5t175.5 -128.5t111 -199t38.5 -256zM1321 834q0 126 -32.5 226.5t-92.5 172 t-145.5 109.5t-191.5 38q-133 0 -246.5 -53t-197 -152.5t-130.5 -240.5t-47 -318q0 -126 32.5 -226.5t93 -171.5t145.5 -109t190 -38q135 0 249 52.5t197 152t129.5 240.5t46.5 318zM1137 1579h-73q-7 0 -16 2.5t-14 7.5l-137 134q-2 2 -4 4.5t-3 4.5q-3 -5 -8 -9l-171 -134 q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-73l247 204h89z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1426 836q0 -191 -55.5 -348t-155 -268.5t-234.5 -173t-293 -61.5q-127 0 -229.5 45.5t-174.5 128.5t-111 198.5t-39 255.5q0 190 56.5 347.5t155 269.5t233.5 173.5t291 61.5q128 0 231 -45.5t175.5 -128.5t111 -199t38.5 -256zM1321 834q0 126 -32.5 226.5t-92.5 172 t-145.5 109.5t-191.5 38q-133 0 -246.5 -53t-197 -152.5t-130.5 -240.5t-47 -318q0 -126 32.5 -226.5t93 -171.5t145.5 -109t190 -38q135 0 249 52.5t197 152t129.5 240.5t46.5 318zM1001 1654q39 0 63 28t32 72h53q-5 -35 -17 -65.5t-31.5 -53t-46 -35.5t-59.5 -13 q-32 0 -58 16.5t-50 36t-47 36t-47 16.5q-39 0 -63.5 -29.5t-30.5 -72.5h-56q4 35 17 66t33 53.5t46.5 35t59.5 12.5q32 0 58.5 -16.5t50 -35t46 -35t47.5 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1426 836q0 -191 -55.5 -348t-155 -268.5t-234.5 -173t-293 -61.5q-127 0 -229.5 45.5t-174.5 128.5t-111 198.5t-39 255.5q0 190 56.5 347.5t155 269.5t233.5 173.5t291 61.5q128 0 231 -45.5t175.5 -128.5t111 -199t38.5 -256zM1321 834q0 126 -32.5 226.5t-92.5 172 t-145.5 109.5t-191.5 38q-133 0 -246.5 -53t-197 -152.5t-130.5 -240.5t-47 -318q0 -126 32.5 -226.5t93 -171.5t145.5 -109t190 -38q135 0 249 52.5t197 152t129.5 240.5t46.5 318zM786 1705q0 -32 -24 -54.5t-55 -22.5t-54.5 22.5t-23.5 54.5q0 33 23.5 56t54.5 23 q32 0 55.5 -23t23.5 -56zM1129 1705q0 -32 -23.5 -54.5t-54.5 -22.5q-32 0 -55 22.5t-23 54.5q0 33 23 56t55 23t55 -23t23 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" d="M1091 1062l-423 -376l333 -381l-55 -52l-336 382l-432 -384l-45 52l431 384l-332 377l59 53l331 -379l422 377z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" horiz-adv-x="1499" d="M1426 836q0 -191 -55.5 -348t-155 -268.5t-234.5 -173t-293 -61.5q-106 0 -195 31.5t-157 89.5l-148 -182q-14 -17 -31.5 -24.5t-33.5 -7.5h-42l209 260q-76 83 -116 200t-40 261q0 190 56.5 347.5t155 269.5t233.5 173.5t291 61.5q112 0 204.5 -35t163.5 -100l125 155 q13 17 23.5 23t29.5 6h53l-186 -231q70 -83 106.5 -196.5t36.5 -250.5zM238 616q0 -121 29.5 -218t84.5 -168l825 1023q-59 61 -139.5 94t-178.5 33q-133 0 -246.5 -53t-197 -152.5t-130.5 -241t-47 -317.5zM1321 834q0 114 -26.5 206.5t-75.5 162.5l-823 -1021 q58 -55 134.5 -83t168.5 -28q135 0 249 52.5t197 152t129.5 240.5t46.5 318z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" horiz-adv-x="1381" d="M638 72q95 0 175 36.5t140 101t99 153t51 189.5l109 897h103l-111 -897q-15 -120 -62.5 -224t-123 -180.5t-175 -120.5t-216.5 -44q-105 0 -188 36t-139.5 99.5t-86.5 151t-30 191.5q0 45 6 91l110 897h102l-110 -896q-2 -20 -3.5 -40.5t-1.5 -41.5q0 -86 23 -159 t67.5 -126.5t110 -83.5t151.5 -30zM653 1812q24 0 34.5 -4.5t21.5 -17.5l187 -211h-74q-12 0 -19.5 3.5t-16.5 11.5l-244 218h111z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xda;" horiz-adv-x="1381" d="M638 72q95 0 175 36.5t140 101t99 153t51 189.5l109 897h103l-111 -897q-15 -120 -62.5 -224t-123 -180.5t-175 -120.5t-216.5 -44q-105 0 -188 36t-139.5 99.5t-86.5 151t-30 191.5q0 45 6 91l110 897h102l-110 -896q-2 -20 -3.5 -40.5t-1.5 -41.5q0 -86 23 -159 t67.5 -126.5t110 -83.5t151.5 -30zM1136 1812l-298 -218q-11 -8 -19.5 -11.5t-20.5 -3.5h-75l240 211q14 13 26 17.5t35 4.5h112z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" horiz-adv-x="1381" d="M638 72q95 0 175 36.5t140 101t99 153t51 189.5l109 897h103l-111 -897q-15 -120 -62.5 -224t-123 -180.5t-175 -120.5t-216.5 -44q-105 0 -188 36t-139.5 99.5t-86.5 151t-30 191.5q0 45 6 91l110 897h102l-110 -896q-2 -20 -3.5 -40.5t-1.5 -41.5q0 -86 23 -159 t67.5 -126.5t110 -83.5t151.5 -30zM1082 1579h-73q-7 0 -16 2.5t-14 7.5l-137 134q-2 2 -4 4.5t-3 4.5q-3 -5 -8 -9l-171 -134q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-73l247 204h89z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" horiz-adv-x="1381" d="M638 72q95 0 175 36.5t140 101t99 153t51 189.5l109 897h103l-111 -897q-15 -120 -62.5 -224t-123 -180.5t-175 -120.5t-216.5 -44q-105 0 -188 36t-139.5 99.5t-86.5 151t-30 191.5q0 45 6 91l110 897h102l-110 -896q-2 -20 -3.5 -40.5t-1.5 -41.5q0 -86 23 -159 t67.5 -126.5t110 -83.5t151.5 -30zM731 1705q0 -32 -24 -54.5t-55 -22.5t-54.5 22.5t-23.5 54.5q0 33 23.5 56t54.5 23q32 0 55.5 -23t23.5 -56zM1074 1705q0 -32 -23.5 -54.5t-54.5 -22.5q-32 0 -55 22.5t-23 54.5q0 33 23 56t55 23t55 -23t23 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" horiz-adv-x="1133" d="M630 597l-75 -597h-101l74 598l-390 851h90q14 0 22 -7t13 -19l306 -684q8 -17 12.5 -34t7.5 -33q8 17 17 33.5t21 33.5l475 684q7 11 16 18.5t24 7.5h85zM1021 1812l-298 -218q-11 -8 -19.5 -11.5t-20.5 -3.5h-75l240 211q14 13 26 17.5t35 4.5h112z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="1120" d="M466 1156h248q212 0 319 -95t107 -268q0 -111 -38 -202.5t-108 -157.5t-168.5 -103t-218.5 -37h-247l-35 -293h-102l177 1449h103zM457 1075l-86 -700h246q96 0 173.5 30.5t132.5 85t84.5 129t29.5 162.5q0 140 -83 216.5t-252 76.5h-245z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="1048" d="M710 1466q75 0 131 -23t94 -60t57 -84.5t19 -94.5q0 -72 -27 -123t-66 -90t-85.5 -69.5t-85.5 -60.5t-66 -63t-27 -77q0 -42 23.5 -68t59 -46t77 -39.5t77 -47.5t59 -71t23.5 -111q0 -78 -27.5 -143t-76.5 -112t-116 -73t-146 -26q-95 0 -159.5 34t-113.5 90l25 33 q12 15 30 16q12 0 28 -16.5t42 -35.5t65 -35.5t99 -16.5q59 0 107 20.5t82 56t52.5 83t18.5 101.5q0 57 -24 93t-61 61t-79 42.5t-79 40.5t-61 57t-24 88q0 57 27 99.5t67.5 76.5t88 65.5t88 67.5t68 82.5t27.5 110.5q0 30 -11.5 64.5t-38 64t-69.5 49t-106 19.5 q-67 0 -129.5 -34t-113.5 -94.5t-86 -143t-48 -178.5l-114 -923l-43 -236q-4 -23 -17.5 -32.5t-32.5 -9.5h-36l143 1169l-134 10q-25 1 -25 22l5 41h164q18 97 63 184.5t108.5 153.5t142.5 104t167 38z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="1003" d="M784 0h-47q-19 0 -27 9t-8 23l34 320q-39 -82 -85.5 -149t-99 -115t-111 -74.5t-121.5 -26.5q-65 0 -112.5 25t-80 71t-49 111.5t-16.5 147.5q0 89 22.5 174.5t64 162.5t99 141.5t126.5 111.5t148 73.5t163 26.5q61 0 114.5 -10.5t105.5 -37.5zM351 68q58 0 115 32.5 t108.5 92.5t97 144.5t81.5 186.5l51 415q-60 20 -131 20q-69 0 -133.5 -23t-121.5 -64t-104.5 -97t-82 -123t-53.5 -142t-19 -153q0 -137 46.5 -213t145.5 -76zM569 1465q24 0 34 -7.5t18 -24.5l118 -244h-54q-22 0 -34 16l-173 260h91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" horiz-adv-x="1003" d="M784 0h-47q-19 0 -27 9t-8 23l34 320q-39 -82 -85.5 -149t-99 -115t-111 -74.5t-121.5 -26.5q-65 0 -112.5 25t-80 71t-49 111.5t-16.5 147.5q0 89 22.5 174.5t64 162.5t99 141.5t126.5 111.5t148 73.5t163 26.5q61 0 114.5 -10.5t105.5 -37.5zM351 68q58 0 115 32.5 t108.5 92.5t97 144.5t81.5 186.5l51 415q-60 20 -131 20q-69 0 -133.5 -23t-121.5 -64t-104.5 -97t-82 -123t-53.5 -142t-19 -153q0 -137 46.5 -213t145.5 -76zM918 1465l-237 -260q-15 -16 -38 -16h-56l177 244q13 17 25.5 24.5t35.5 7.5h93z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" horiz-adv-x="1003" d="M784 0h-47q-19 0 -27 9t-8 23l34 320q-39 -82 -85.5 -149t-99 -115t-111 -74.5t-121.5 -26.5q-65 0 -112.5 25t-80 71t-49 111.5t-16.5 147.5q0 89 22.5 174.5t64 162.5t99 141.5t126.5 111.5t148 73.5t163 26.5q61 0 114.5 -10.5t105.5 -37.5zM351 68q58 0 115 32.5 t108.5 92.5t97 144.5t81.5 186.5l51 415q-60 20 -131 20q-69 0 -133.5 -23t-121.5 -64t-104.5 -97t-82 -123t-53.5 -142t-19 -153q0 -137 46.5 -213t145.5 -76zM901 1197h-62q-15 0 -25 12l-126 168l-8 13l-11 -13l-168 -168q-5 -5 -12.5 -8.5t-15.5 -3.5h-66l236 252h85z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="1003" d="M784 0h-47q-19 0 -27 9t-8 23l34 320q-39 -82 -85.5 -149t-99 -115t-111 -74.5t-121.5 -26.5q-65 0 -112.5 25t-80 71t-49 111.5t-16.5 147.5q0 89 22.5 174.5t64 162.5t99 141.5t126.5 111.5t148 73.5t163 26.5q61 0 114.5 -10.5t105.5 -37.5zM351 68q58 0 115 32.5 t108.5 92.5t97 144.5t81.5 186.5l51 415q-60 20 -131 20q-69 0 -133.5 -23t-121.5 -64t-104.5 -97t-82 -123t-53.5 -142t-19 -153q0 -137 46.5 -213t145.5 -76zM776 1310q41 0 64.5 28t31.5 76h58q-4 -37 -17 -68.5t-33.5 -55t-48 -37t-60.5 -13.5q-32 0 -57 17t-48 37.5 t-45 37.5t-46 17q-39 0 -63.5 -30t-32.5 -76h-59q4 37 18 69.5t35 55.5t48 36t60 13q32 0 57.5 -17t48 -37t43.5 -36.5t46 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" horiz-adv-x="1003" d="M784 0h-47q-19 0 -27 9t-8 23l34 320q-39 -82 -85.5 -149t-99 -115t-111 -74.5t-121.5 -26.5q-65 0 -112.5 25t-80 71t-49 111.5t-16.5 147.5q0 89 22.5 174.5t64 162.5t99 141.5t126.5 111.5t148 73.5t163 26.5q61 0 114.5 -10.5t105.5 -37.5zM351 68q58 0 115 32.5 t108.5 92.5t97 144.5t81.5 186.5l51 415q-60 20 -131 20q-69 0 -133.5 -23t-121.5 -64t-104.5 -97t-82 -123t-53.5 -142t-19 -153q0 -137 46.5 -213t145.5 -76zM583 1337q0 -16 -7.5 -31t-19 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32 7t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31q0 17 6.5 32.5 t18.5 27.5t26.5 18.5t32.5 6.5q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t19 -27.5t7.5 -32.5zM933 1337q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32.5 7t-27 18t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 35 24.5 60t59.5 25q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" horiz-adv-x="1003" d="M784 0h-47q-19 0 -27 9t-8 23l34 320q-39 -82 -85.5 -149t-99 -115t-111 -74.5t-121.5 -26.5q-65 0 -112.5 25t-80 71t-49 111.5t-16.5 147.5q0 89 22.5 174.5t64 162.5t99 141.5t126.5 111.5t148 73.5t163 26.5q61 0 114.5 -10.5t105.5 -37.5zM351 68q58 0 115 32.5 t108.5 92.5t97 144.5t81.5 186.5l51 415q-60 20 -131 20q-69 0 -133.5 -23t-121.5 -64t-104.5 -97t-82 -123t-53.5 -142t-19 -153q0 -137 46.5 -213t145.5 -76zM516 1333q0 37 13.5 68t38 53t56.5 34.5t68 12.5t68 -12.5t56 -34.5t38.5 -53t14.5 -68t-14.5 -67t-38.5 -52.5 t-56 -35t-68 -12.5t-68 12.5t-56.5 35t-38 52.5t-13.5 67zM575 1333q0 -51 33 -83.5t85 -32.5q51 0 84 32.5t33 83.5t-33 84t-84 33q-52 0 -85 -33t-33 -84z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" horiz-adv-x="1464" d="M1141 1035q56 0 103.5 -16.5t82.5 -46.5t54.5 -71.5t19.5 -90.5q0 -59 -32 -112.5t-105.5 -93.5t-195.5 -64.5t-301 -25.5q-3 -42 -3 -84q0 -176 71 -270.5t195 -94.5q54 0 97.5 11.5t78.5 30t61 39t46.5 39t35.5 30t26 11.5q12 0 22 -10l22 -27q-49 -52 -96 -90.5 t-96 -63.5t-102 -36.5t-112 -11.5q-119 0 -199.5 72t-110.5 208q-29 -79 -75 -133t-100.5 -87.5t-111.5 -48t-106 -14.5q-57 0 -104.5 13.5t-82 42.5t-53.5 73.5t-19 105.5q0 77 36 141t112.5 110.5t197.5 74t291 32.5l11 87q2 20 4 38t2 35q0 108 -47.5 164t-140.5 56 q-68 0 -117.5 -20.5t-85 -44.5t-59.5 -44.5t-38 -20.5q-22 0 -29 19l-12 28q83 80 166.5 121t184.5 41q117 0 176.5 -61.5t70.5 -170.5q58 109 151 170t216 61zM680 513q-141 -5 -242.5 -25t-166.5 -55.5t-96.5 -85.5t-31.5 -115q0 -47 13.5 -80.5t38 -55.5t58.5 -33t74 -11 q62 0 119 23t102.5 66.5t76 107t41.5 145.5zM1130 963q-73 0 -132 -28t-104.5 -78.5t-76 -122.5t-43.5 -161q155 5 258.5 25t166.5 51t89.5 71t26.5 86q0 74 -50.5 115.5t-134.5 41.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" horiz-adv-x="881" d="M279 -281q5 0 12.5 -5.5t19.5 -12t29.5 -12t44.5 -5.5q52 0 82 25.5t30 68.5q0 23 -11.5 38t-32 25.5t-49 16t-63.5 10.5l50 120q-81 5 -140.5 37t-98.5 86t-58.5 125.5t-19.5 156.5q0 81 17 160.5t48.5 151t76.5 132t101.5 104.5t122.5 69t141 25q50 0 90.5 -9.5 t74 -27.5t61.5 -43.5t51 -57.5l-29 -34q-9 -11 -21 -11q-10 0 -25 16.5t-40 35.5t-65 35t-100 16q-86 0 -160.5 -46t-129.5 -123.5t-86 -179.5t-31 -213q0 -71 16 -131t49 -104t83.5 -68.5t118.5 -24.5q54 0 97.5 11.5t76.5 29t58 38.5t44.5 38.5t33.5 29t25 11.5 q13 0 22 -10l21 -27q-51 -56 -96 -93.5t-89 -60t-88 -32.5t-92 -12l-33 -82q76 -14 115.5 -42.5t39.5 -80.5q0 -34 -14.5 -61t-40 -46t-61 -29.5t-76.5 -10.5q-39 0 -74 12t-58 33l13 27q9 11 17 11z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" horiz-adv-x="916" d="M858 824q0 -42 -11 -79.5t-40 -71.5t-78 -64t-126 -55.5t-183.5 -45.5t-249.5 -35q-2 -22 -3 -42.5t-1 -41.5q0 -153 69 -238.5t208 -85.5q54 0 98 11.5t78 30t60.5 39t46.5 39t35 30t27 11.5t22 -10l23 -27q-50 -53 -98 -91.5t-96.5 -63t-101 -36t-111.5 -11.5 q-85 0 -151 28t-111 79.5t-68.5 126t-23.5 166.5q0 77 15 155t45.5 149.5t75 134t102 108.5t127 72.5t150.5 26.5q75 0 126.5 -21t83.5 -52t46.5 -67.5t14.5 -68.5zM582 962q-82 0 -148 -35t-117 -93t-85 -134t-51 -159q130 14 224.5 33t160 40t106 45.5t63 50.5t30 54 t7.5 57q0 22 -9.5 47t-32 45.5t-59 34.5t-89.5 14zM465 1465q24 0 34 -7.5t18 -24.5l118 -244h-54q-22 0 -34 16l-173 260h91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" horiz-adv-x="916" d="M858 824q0 -42 -11 -79.5t-40 -71.5t-78 -64t-126 -55.5t-183.5 -45.5t-249.5 -35q-2 -22 -3 -42.5t-1 -41.5q0 -153 69 -238.5t208 -85.5q54 0 98 11.5t78 30t60.5 39t46.5 39t35 30t27 11.5t22 -10l23 -27q-50 -53 -98 -91.5t-96.5 -63t-101 -36t-111.5 -11.5 q-85 0 -151 28t-111 79.5t-68.5 126t-23.5 166.5q0 77 15 155t45.5 149.5t75 134t102 108.5t127 72.5t150.5 26.5q75 0 126.5 -21t83.5 -52t46.5 -67.5t14.5 -68.5zM582 962q-82 0 -148 -35t-117 -93t-85 -134t-51 -159q130 14 224.5 33t160 40t106 45.5t63 50.5t30 54 t7.5 57q0 22 -9.5 47t-32 45.5t-59 34.5t-89.5 14zM839 1465l-237 -260q-15 -16 -38 -16h-56l177 244q13 17 25.5 24.5t35.5 7.5h93z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea;" horiz-adv-x="916" d="M858 824q0 -42 -11 -79.5t-40 -71.5t-78 -64t-126 -55.5t-183.5 -45.5t-249.5 -35q-2 -22 -3 -42.5t-1 -41.5q0 -153 69 -238.5t208 -85.5q54 0 98 11.5t78 30t60.5 39t46.5 39t35 30t27 11.5t22 -10l23 -27q-50 -53 -98 -91.5t-96.5 -63t-101 -36t-111.5 -11.5 q-85 0 -151 28t-111 79.5t-68.5 126t-23.5 166.5q0 77 15 155t45.5 149.5t75 134t102 108.5t127 72.5t150.5 26.5q75 0 126.5 -21t83.5 -52t46.5 -67.5t14.5 -68.5zM582 962q-82 0 -148 -35t-117 -93t-85 -134t-51 -159q130 14 224.5 33t160 40t106 45.5t63 50.5t30 54 t7.5 57q0 22 -9.5 47t-32 45.5t-59 34.5t-89.5 14zM837 1197h-62q-15 0 -25 12l-126 168l-8 13l-11 -13l-168 -168q-5 -5 -12.5 -8.5t-15.5 -3.5h-66l236 252h85z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" horiz-adv-x="916" d="M858 824q0 -42 -11 -79.5t-40 -71.5t-78 -64t-126 -55.5t-183.5 -45.5t-249.5 -35q-2 -22 -3 -42.5t-1 -41.5q0 -153 69 -238.5t208 -85.5q54 0 98 11.5t78 30t60.5 39t46.5 39t35 30t27 11.5t22 -10l23 -27q-50 -53 -98 -91.5t-96.5 -63t-101 -36t-111.5 -11.5 q-85 0 -151 28t-111 79.5t-68.5 126t-23.5 166.5q0 77 15 155t45.5 149.5t75 134t102 108.5t127 72.5t150.5 26.5q75 0 126.5 -21t83.5 -52t46.5 -67.5t14.5 -68.5zM582 962q-82 0 -148 -35t-117 -93t-85 -134t-51 -159q130 14 224.5 33t160 40t106 45.5t63 50.5t30 54 t7.5 57q0 22 -9.5 47t-32 45.5t-59 34.5t-89.5 14zM519 1337q0 -16 -7.5 -31t-19 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32 7t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31q0 17 6.5 32.5t18.5 27.5t26.5 18.5t32.5 6.5q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t19 -27.5t7.5 -32.5zM869 1337q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26 t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32.5 7t-27 18t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 35 24.5 60t59.5 25q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xec;" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M342 1019l-124 -1019h-95l124 1019h95zM190 1465q24 0 34 -7.5t18 -24.5l118 -244h-54q-22 0 -34 16l-173 260h91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xed;" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M342 1019l-124 -1019h-95l124 1019h95zM564 1465l-237 -260q-15 -16 -38 -16h-56l177 244q13 17 25.5 24.5t35.5 7.5h93z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M342 1019l-124 -1019h-95l124 1019h95zM562 1197h-62q-15 0 -25 12l-126 168l-8 13l-11 -13l-168 -168q-5 -5 -12.5 -8.5t-15.5 -3.5h-66l236 252h85z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xef;" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M342 1019l-124 -1019h-95l124 1019h95zM244 1337q0 -16 -7.5 -31t-19 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32 7t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31q0 17 6.5 32.5t18.5 27.5t26.5 18.5t32.5 6.5q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t19 -27.5t7.5 -32.5zM594 1337q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -18 t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32.5 7t-27 18t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 35 24.5 60t59.5 25q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" horiz-adv-x="1013" d="M503 1096q-4 8 -4 13q0 9 8 17l143 124q-52 36 -112.5 60.5t-129.5 42.5q-24 6 -24 23q0 9 4 18l13 30q83 -14 162.5 -45t148.5 -84l165 140l16 -30q3 -6 3 -13q0 -10 -10 -20l-131 -114q44 -41 80.5 -93t63.5 -116.5t41 -141.5t14 -168q0 -163 -32.5 -300.5t-98 -238 t-162.5 -156.5t-226 -56q-78 0 -144 29t-114 82.5t-75 129t-27 168.5q0 112 33 211t95 173.5t149.5 118t195.5 43.5q50 0 99 -14t92 -43t78.5 -74t58.5 -107q0 8 0.5 16.5t0.5 16.5q0 165 -47.5 283t-134.5 194l-175 -149zM445 62q166 0 270.5 130t138.5 391q-9 52 -31 103 t-58.5 91.5t-88 65.5t-121.5 25q-92 0 -164.5 -36.5t-121.5 -100t-74.5 -148t-25.5 -181.5q0 -79 21.5 -141.5t58.5 -106.5t87.5 -68t108.5 -24z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="1048" d="M96 0l123 1022h44q35 0 35 -37l-30 -295q42 81 93 145t107 108.5t115.5 67.5t119.5 23q114 0 171.5 -74.5t57.5 -214.5q0 -9 -0.5 -20.5t-3 -37t-8 -72.5t-14.5 -126t-23 -198.5t-34 -290.5h-96l76 651q6 47 7 89q0 103 -39.5 157.5t-124.5 54.5q-57 0 -115.5 -29 t-113.5 -83t-103 -130t-85 -171l-62 -539h-97zM747 1312q41 0 64.5 28t31.5 76h58q-4 -37 -17 -68.5t-33.5 -55t-48 -37t-60.5 -13.5q-32 0 -57 17t-48 37.5t-45 37.5t-46 17q-39 0 -63.5 -30t-32.5 -76h-59q4 37 18 69.5t35 55.5t48 36t60 13q32 0 57.5 -17t48 -37 t43.5 -36.5t46 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf2;" horiz-adv-x="1011" d="M444 63q89 0 162.5 47t125.5 124t80.5 177t28.5 205q0 164 -73 253t-202 89q-59 0 -111.5 -21t-96.5 -58.5t-79 -89.5t-59 -113.5t-37 -130t-13 -139.5q0 -163 72 -253t202 -90zM436 -13q-82 0 -149 28.5t-114.5 83t-73.5 131.5t-26 176q0 124 36.5 238t104 201 t159.5 138.5t202 51.5q82 0 149.5 -29t115 -83t73.5 -131.5t26 -174.5q0 -124 -37.5 -237.5t-104 -201t-158.5 -139.5t-203 -52zM462 1467q24 0 34 -7.5t18 -24.5l118 -244h-54q-22 0 -34 16l-173 260h91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" horiz-adv-x="1011" d="M444 63q89 0 162.5 47t125.5 124t80.5 177t28.5 205q0 164 -73 253t-202 89q-59 0 -111.5 -21t-96.5 -58.5t-79 -89.5t-59 -113.5t-37 -130t-13 -139.5q0 -163 72 -253t202 -90zM436 -13q-82 0 -149 28.5t-114.5 83t-73.5 131.5t-26 176q0 124 36.5 238t104 201 t159.5 138.5t202 51.5q82 0 149.5 -29t115 -83t73.5 -131.5t26 -174.5q0 -124 -37.5 -237.5t-104 -201t-158.5 -139.5t-203 -52zM835 1467l-237 -260q-15 -16 -38 -16h-56l177 244q13 17 25.5 24.5t35.5 7.5h93z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" horiz-adv-x="1011" d="M444 63q89 0 162.5 47t125.5 124t80.5 177t28.5 205q0 164 -73 253t-202 89q-59 0 -111.5 -21t-96.5 -58.5t-79 -89.5t-59 -113.5t-37 -130t-13 -139.5q0 -163 72 -253t202 -90zM436 -13q-82 0 -149 28.5t-114.5 83t-73.5 131.5t-26 176q0 124 36.5 238t104 201 t159.5 138.5t202 51.5q82 0 149.5 -29t115 -83t73.5 -131.5t26 -174.5q0 -124 -37.5 -237.5t-104 -201t-158.5 -139.5t-203 -52zM833 1199h-62q-15 0 -25 12l-126 168l-8 13l-11 -13l-168 -168q-5 -5 -12.5 -8.5t-15.5 -3.5h-66l236 252h85z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf5;" horiz-adv-x="1011" d="M444 63q89 0 162.5 47t125.5 124t80.5 177t28.5 205q0 164 -73 253t-202 89q-59 0 -111.5 -21t-96.5 -58.5t-79 -89.5t-59 -113.5t-37 -130t-13 -139.5q0 -163 72 -253t202 -90zM436 -13q-82 0 -149 28.5t-114.5 83t-73.5 131.5t-26 176q0 124 36.5 238t104 201 t159.5 138.5t202 51.5q82 0 149.5 -29t115 -83t73.5 -131.5t26 -174.5q0 -124 -37.5 -237.5t-104 -201t-158.5 -139.5t-203 -52zM708 1312q41 0 64.5 28t31.5 76h58q-4 -37 -17 -68.5t-33.5 -55t-48 -37t-60.5 -13.5q-32 0 -57 17t-48 37.5t-45 37.5t-46 17q-39 0 -63.5 -30 t-32.5 -76h-59q4 37 18 69.5t35 55.5t48 36t60 13q32 0 57.5 -17t48 -37t43.5 -36.5t46 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf6;" horiz-adv-x="1011" d="M444 63q89 0 162.5 47t125.5 124t80.5 177t28.5 205q0 164 -73 253t-202 89q-59 0 -111.5 -21t-96.5 -58.5t-79 -89.5t-59 -113.5t-37 -130t-13 -139.5q0 -163 72 -253t202 -90zM436 -13q-82 0 -149 28.5t-114.5 83t-73.5 131.5t-26 176q0 124 36.5 238t104 201 t159.5 138.5t202 51.5q82 0 149.5 -29t115 -83t73.5 -131.5t26 -174.5q0 -124 -37.5 -237.5t-104 -201t-158.5 -139.5t-203 -52zM515 1339q0 -16 -7.5 -31t-19 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32 7t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31q0 17 6.5 32.5t18.5 27.5t26.5 18.5t32.5 6.5 q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t19 -27.5t7.5 -32.5zM865 1339q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32.5 7t-27 18t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 35 24.5 60t59.5 25q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf7;" d="M140 723h961l-8 -73h-962zM566 1038q0 22 8.5 41.5t22.5 34t33 23t41 8.5q37 0 60.5 -25t23.5 -61q0 -22 -9 -41t-23.5 -32.5t-34 -21.5t-40.5 -8q-37 0 -59.5 24t-22.5 58zM476 309q0 22 8.5 41.5t22.5 34t33 23t41 8.5q37 0 60.5 -25t23.5 -61q0 -22 -9 -41t-24 -32.5 t-33.5 -21.5t-40.5 -8q-36 0 -59 24t-23 58z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf8;" horiz-adv-x="1011" d="M436 -13q-137 0 -228 76l-72 -98q-13 -17 -30 -25t-34 -8h-39l130 177q-44 54 -67 128.5t-23 168.5q0 124 36.5 238t104 201t159.5 138.5t202 51.5q70 0 128 -20.5t104 -59.5l62 85q12 16 21.5 23.5t30.5 7.5h51l-120 -163q42 -54 64.5 -127t22.5 -164 q0 -124 -37.5 -237.5t-104 -201t-158.5 -139.5t-203 -52zM165 406q0 -140 56 -230l531 715q-73 73 -186 73q-89 0 -162.5 -46t-127 -122.5t-82.5 -177.5t-29 -212zM444 58q89 0 163.5 46.5t127 123.5t82 178t29.5 210q0 68 -14 124.5t-39 99.5l-531 -714q72 -68 182 -68z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf9;" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M296 1019l-77 -648q-6 -48 -6 -89q0 -104 39.5 -159t124.5 -55q56 0 113.5 28.5t111.5 82t102.5 129t85.5 169.5l65 542h96l-123 -1019h-45q-19 0 -28 10t-9 28l31 290q-42 -81 -92.5 -144.5t-106.5 -107t-115.5 -66.5t-118.5 -23q-114 0 -170.5 75t-56.5 214q0 9 0.5 20 t3 37t7.5 72.5t14.5 125.5t23 198t34.5 290h96zM458 1467q24 0 34 -7.5t18 -24.5l118 -244h-54q-22 0 -34 16l-173 260h91z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfa;" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M296 1019l-77 -648q-6 -48 -6 -89q0 -104 39.5 -159t124.5 -55q56 0 113.5 28.5t111.5 82t102.5 129t85.5 169.5l65 542h96l-123 -1019h-45q-19 0 -28 10t-9 28l31 290q-42 -81 -92.5 -144.5t-106.5 -107t-115.5 -66.5t-118.5 -23q-114 0 -170.5 75t-56.5 214q0 9 0.5 20 t3 37t7.5 72.5t14.5 125.5t23 198t34.5 290h96zM831 1467l-237 -260q-15 -16 -38 -16h-56l177 244q13 17 25.5 24.5t35.5 7.5h93z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfb;" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M296 1019l-77 -648q-6 -48 -6 -89q0 -104 39.5 -159t124.5 -55q56 0 113.5 28.5t111.5 82t102.5 129t85.5 169.5l65 542h96l-123 -1019h-45q-19 0 -28 10t-9 28l31 290q-42 -81 -92.5 -144.5t-106.5 -107t-115.5 -66.5t-118.5 -23q-114 0 -170.5 75t-56.5 214q0 9 0.5 20 t3 37t7.5 72.5t14.5 125.5t23 198t34.5 290h96zM829 1199h-62q-15 0 -25 12l-126 168l-8 13l-11 -13l-168 -168q-5 -5 -12.5 -8.5t-15.5 -3.5h-66l236 252h85z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfc;" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M296 1019l-77 -648q-6 -48 -6 -89q0 -104 39.5 -159t124.5 -55q56 0 113.5 28.5t111.5 82t102.5 129t85.5 169.5l65 542h96l-123 -1019h-45q-19 0 -28 10t-9 28l31 290q-42 -81 -92.5 -144.5t-106.5 -107t-115.5 -66.5t-118.5 -23q-114 0 -170.5 75t-56.5 214q0 9 0.5 20 t3 37t7.5 72.5t14.5 125.5t23 198t34.5 290h96zM511 1339q0 -16 -7.5 -31t-19 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32 7t-27 18t-18.5 26t-6.5 31q0 17 6.5 32.5t18.5 27.5t26.5 18.5t32.5 6.5q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t19 -27.5t7.5 -32.5zM861 1339q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26 t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32.5 7t-27 18t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 35 24.5 60t59.5 25q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfd;" horiz-adv-x="924" d="M257 -332q-14 -29 -42 -28h-69l215 398l-273 981h76q14 0 20.5 -6.5t10.5 -18.5l215 -792q4 -15 5.5 -30.5t3.5 -31.5q6 15 12.5 31t14.5 31l411 795q5 11 14.5 16.5t18.5 5.5h75zM791 1467l-237 -260q-15 -16 -38 -16h-56l177 244q13 17 25.5 24.5t35.5 7.5h93z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfe;" horiz-adv-x="1042" d="M60 -360l227 1850h95l-100 -814q40 80 89 146t103.5 113t114 73t121.5 26q67 0 117 -25.5t83.5 -72t51 -113t17.5 -148.5q0 -79 -16.5 -160.5t-46.5 -157.5t-73.5 -144t-99 -118t-121.5 -79t-140 -29q-83 0 -153 36.5t-114 109.5l-55 -454q-2 -17 -14 -28t-29 -11h-57z M678 955q-58 0 -117 -32.5t-114 -92.5t-102.5 -144t-84.5 -186l-36 -291q23 -40 51 -67.5t60 -45t66 -25.5t70 -8q65 0 120.5 26.5t101 71.5t81.5 105t60 126.5t37 136.5t13 137q0 137 -53 213t-153 76z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xff;" horiz-adv-x="924" d="M257 -332q-14 -29 -42 -28h-69l215 398l-273 981h76q14 0 20.5 -6.5t10.5 -18.5l215 -792q4 -15 5.5 -30.5t3.5 -31.5q6 15 12.5 31t14.5 31l411 795q5 11 14.5 16.5t18.5 5.5h75zM471 1339q0 -16 -7.5 -31t-19 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32 7t-27 18t-18.5 26 t-6.5 31q0 17 6.5 32.5t18.5 27.5t26.5 18.5t32.5 6.5q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t19 -27.5t7.5 -32.5zM821 1339q0 -16 -7 -31t-18.5 -26t-27 -18t-31.5 -7q-17 0 -32.5 7t-27 18t-18 26t-6.5 31q0 35 24.5 60t59.5 25q16 0 31.5 -6.5t27 -18.5t18.5 -27.5t7 -32.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x131;" horiz-adv-x="465" d="M342 1019l-124 -1019h-95l124 1019h95z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x152;" horiz-adv-x="2097" d="M2097 1449l-9 -84h-694l-73 -591h575l-9 -82h-576l-74 -608h693l-11 -84h-785l40 326q-44 -80 -102 -143t-128 -106.5t-150 -66.5t-168 -23q-114 0 -204.5 44.5t-154.5 125.5t-98.5 194.5t-34.5 251.5q0 194 52 352.5t142.5 271.5t213 175.5t264.5 62.5q89 0 163 -27 t132.5 -76.5t100 -121t65.5 -159.5l45 368h785zM1217 844q0 123 -28.5 222t-81 169.5t-128.5 108.5t-171 38q-122 0 -226.5 -54.5t-180.5 -156t-119.5 -245t-43.5 -320.5q0 -123 28.5 -222t81.5 -169.5t129 -107.5t170 -37q123 0 227.5 54t180 154.5t119 244t43.5 321.5z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#x153;" horiz-adv-x="1566" d="M1254 1035q62 0 112 -16.5t85 -45.5t53 -69.5t18 -89.5q0 -38 -11.5 -73.5t-40 -68.5t-76.5 -61.5t-121.5 -53.5t-175 -44.5t-235.5 -34.5q-1 -12 -1 -24v-24q0 -176 71.5 -270.5t194.5 -94.5q54 0 98 11.5t78.5 30t61 39t47 39t35 30t26.5 11.5t21 -10l23 -27 q-49 -52 -96.5 -90.5t-96.5 -63.5t-102 -36.5t-112 -11.5q-124 0 -205.5 78t-107.5 225q-32 -71 -75.5 -127.5t-97.5 -95t-118.5 -59.5t-136.5 -21q-81 0 -140.5 29.5t-98 79t-57 114.5t-18.5 136q0 165 39.5 293t108.5 216t162.5 134t200.5 46q123 0 197.5 -70t97.5 -190 q59 121 159.5 190.5t233.5 69.5zM392 61q73 0 131.5 26t103 70t76 102.5t52 124.5t30 135t9.5 133q0 69 -14.5 126t-44 97t-74.5 62t-105 22q-92 0 -167 -43t-128 -121.5t-81.5 -190.5t-28.5 -252q0 -55 12.5 -107t41 -93t74.5 -66t113 -25zM1241 964q-74 0 -137 -30 t-111.5 -84.5t-80.5 -133t-45 -175.5q178 20 290.5 50t175.5 65t86 75t23 80q0 31 -12 58.5t-36.5 48.5t-62.5 33.5t-90 12.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x178;" horiz-adv-x="1133" d="M630 597l-75 -597h-101l74 598l-390 851h90q14 0 22 -7t13 -19l306 -684q8 -17 12.5 -34t7.5 -33q8 17 17 33.5t21 33.5l475 684q7 11 16 18.5t24 7.5h85zM616 1705q0 -32 -24 -54.5t-55 -22.5t-54.5 22.5t-23.5 54.5q0 33 23.5 56t54.5 23q32 0 55.5 -23t23.5 -56z M959 1705q0 -32 -23.5 -54.5t-54.5 -22.5q-32 0 -55 22.5t-23 54.5q0 33 23 56t55 23t55 -23t23 -56z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2c6;" horiz-adv-x="552" d="M608 1197h-62q-15 0 -25 12l-126 168l-8 13l-11 -13l-168 -168q-5 -5 -12.5 -8.5t-15.5 -3.5h-66l236 252h85z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2da;" horiz-adv-x="552" d="M203 1333q0 37 13.5 68t38 53t56.5 34.5t68 12.5t68 -12.5t56 -34.5t38.5 -53t14.5 -68t-14.5 -67t-38.5 -52.5t-56 -35t-68 -12.5t-68 12.5t-56.5 35t-38 52.5t-13.5 67zM262 1333q0 -51 33 -83.5t85 -32.5q51 0 84 32.5t33 83.5t-33 84t-84 33q-52 0 -85 -33t-33 -84z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2dc;" horiz-adv-x="552" d="M483 1310q41 0 64.5 28t31.5 76h58q-4 -37 -17 -68.5t-33.5 -55t-48 -37t-60.5 -13.5q-32 0 -57 17t-48 37.5t-45 37.5t-46 17q-39 0 -63.5 -30t-32.5 -76h-59q4 37 18 69.5t35 55.5t48 36t60 13q32 0 57.5 -17t48 -37t43.5 -36.5t46 -16.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2000;" horiz-adv-x="916" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2001;" horiz-adv-x="1832" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2002;" horiz-adv-x="916" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2003;" horiz-adv-x="1832" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2004;" horiz-adv-x="610" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2005;" horiz-adv-x="458" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2006;" horiz-adv-x="305" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2007;" horiz-adv-x="305" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2008;" horiz-adv-x="229" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2009;" horiz-adv-x="366" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x200a;" horiz-adv-x="101" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2010;" horiz-adv-x="626" d="M113 647h438l-9 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horiz-adv-x="629" d="M232 1084q-24 56 -23 117q0 90 47 172t121 150l23 -17q6 -5 7 -12q0 -5 -3 -10t-11 -14q-42 -50 -71.5 -110.5t-29.5 -124.5q0 -48 19 -91q2 -4 2 -11q0 -16 -17 -23zM488 1084q-24 56 -23 117q0 90 47 172t121 150l23 -17q6 -5 7 -12q0 -5 -3 -10t-11 -14 q-42 -50 -71.5 -110.5t-29.5 -124.5q0 -48 19 -91q2 -4 2 -11q0 -16 -17 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x201d;" horiz-adv-x="629" d="M348 1510q24 -56 24 -116q0 -90 -47 -172.5t-121 -149.5l-24 17q-7 5 -7 12q0 5 3 9.5t11 13.5q43 50 72 110.5t29 125.5q0 24 -4 46t-15 45q-2 4 -2 11q0 15 18 23zM604 1510q24 -56 24 -116q0 -90 -47 -172.5t-121 -149.5l-24 17q-7 5 -7 12q0 5 3 9.5t11 13.5 q43 50 72 110.5t29 125.5q0 24 -4 46t-15 45q-2 4 -2 11q0 15 18 23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x201e;" horiz-adv-x="629" d="M127 178q24 -56 24 -117q0 -90 -47.5 -172.5t-120.5 -148.5l-24 16q-7 5 -7 13q0 5 3 9.5t11 13.5q43 50 72 110.5t29 125.5q0 24 -4.5 46t-14.5 45q-2 4 -2 11q0 15 17 23zM383 178q24 -56 24 -117q0 -90 -47.5 -172.5t-120.5 -148.5l-24 16q-7 5 -7 13q0 5 3 9.5 t11 13.5q43 50 72 110.5t29 125.5q0 24 -4.5 46t-14.5 45q-2 4 -2 11q0 15 17 23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2022;" d="M321 610q0 62 23.5 117.5t64.5 97t94.5 65t114.5 23.5q62 0 118 -23.5t96.5 -65t64.5 -96.5t24 -118q0 -61 -24 -115t-64.5 -95t-96 -64.5t-118.5 -23.5q-61 0 -114.5 23.5t-94.5 64.5t-64.5 95t-23.5 115z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2026;" horiz-adv-x="1409" d="M59 79q0 19 7.5 36.5t20 30.5t29.5 20.5t38 7.5q19 0 37 -7.5t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t8 -36.5q0 -40 -28 -67t-68 -27t-67.5 27t-27.5 67zM562 79q0 19 7.5 36.5t20 30.5t29.5 20.5t37 7.5q19 0 37 -7.5t30.5 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t8 -36.5q0 -20 -8 -37t-20.5 -30t-30 -20 t-37.5 -7q-40 0 -67 27t-27 67zM1064 79q0 19 7 36.5t20 30.5t30 20.5t37 7.5q19 0 37 -7.5t31 -20.5t20.5 -30.5t7.5 -36.5q0 -40 -28 -67t-68 -27t-67 27t-27 67z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x202f;" horiz-adv-x="366" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2039;" horiz-adv-x="594" d="M150 525l2 13l275 387l29 -15q13 -8 13 -21q0 -12 -11 -27l-207 -302q-17 -22 -27 -29q9 -8 19 -28l134 -302q5 -12 5 -20q0 -19 -20 -28l-32 -16z" /> 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2.5h55l-71 -589h-61l55 457l10 40l-251 -387q-9 -15 -27 -16h-10q-15 0 -23 16l-160 389v-42l-57 -457h-61l71 589h57q10 0 15 -2.5t8 -10.5zM628 1449l-7 -59h-187l-64 -530h-71l65 530h-188 l8 59h444z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x25fc;" horiz-adv-x="1018" d="M0 1019h1019v-1019h-1019v1019z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="552" d="M237 1812q24 0 34.5 -4.5t21.5 -17.5l187 -211h-74q-12 0 -19.5 3.5t-16.5 11.5l-244 218h111z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="552" d="M315 1705q0 -32 -24 -54.5t-55 -22.5t-54.5 22.5t-23.5 54.5q0 33 23.5 56t54.5 23q32 0 55.5 -23t23.5 -56zM658 1705q0 -32 -23.5 -54.5t-54.5 -22.5q-32 0 -55 22.5t-23 54.5q0 33 23 56t55 23t55 -23t23 -56z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="552" d="M720 1812l-298 -218q-11 -8 -19.5 -11.5t-20.5 -3.5h-75l240 211q14 13 26 17.5t35 4.5h112z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="552" d="M666 1579h-73q-7 0 -16 2.5t-14 7.5l-137 134q-2 2 -4 4.5t-3 4.5q-3 -5 -8 -9l-171 -134q-7 -5 -16.5 -7.5t-17.5 -2.5h-73l247 204h89z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="552" d="M232 1669q0 35 14 65t37 51.5t54 34t65 12.5q35 0 67 -12.5t55 -34t36.5 -51.5t13.5 -65q0 -36 -13.5 -65.5t-36.5 -51t-55 -33.5t-67 -12t-65.5 12t-53.5 33.5t-37 51t-14 65.5zM287 1669q0 -51 32 -84t84 -33q51 0 84 33t33 84t-32.5 84t-84.5 33t-84 -33t-32 -84z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="552" d="M530 1654q39 0 63 28t32 72h53q-5 -35 -17 -65.5t-31.5 -53t-46 -35.5t-59.5 -13q-32 0 -58 16.5t-50 36t-47 36t-47 16.5q-39 0 -63.5 -29.5t-30.5 -72.5h-56q4 35 17 66t33 53.5t46.5 35t59.5 12.5q32 0 58.5 -16.5t50 -35t46 -35t47.5 -16.5z" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x203a;" k="138" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2039;" k="138" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2026;" k="154" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2022;" k="138" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x201e;" k="154" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x201a;" k="154" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2014;" k="138" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x2013;" k="138" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x178;" k="-48" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#x153;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf8;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf6;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf5;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf4;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf3;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf2;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xf0;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xeb;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xea;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe9;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe8;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe7;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe6;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe5;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe4;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe3;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe2;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe1;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xe0;" k="87" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xdd;" k="-48" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xc6;" k="169" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xc5;" k="169" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xc4;" k="169" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xc3;" k="169" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xc2;" k="169" /> -<hkern u1="&#x22;" u2="&#xc1;" 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k="169" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="&#x2f;" k="169" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="&#x2e;" k="154" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="&#x2d;" k="138" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="&#x2c;" k="154" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201d;" u2="&#x26;" k="169" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x203a;" k="187" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x2039;" k="187" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x2022;" k="187" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x201d;" k="200" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x201c;" k="200" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x2019;" k="200" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x2018;" k="200" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x2014;" k="187" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x2013;" k="187" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x178;" k="160" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#x152;" k="59" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#xff;" k="133" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#xfd;" k="133" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#xdd;" k="160" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#xd8;" k="59" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" u2="&#xd6;" k="59" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201e;" 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-13q-5 0 -10.5 0.5t-12.5 1.5l-95 16q14 100 55 177.5t104 130t144.5 79.5t175.5 27z" /> -<glyph unicode="4" d="M925 529h222v-104q0 -16 -10 -27.5t-30 -11.5h-182v-386h-161v386h-650q-20 0 -35.5 12t-19.5 29l-18 93l714 947h170v-938zM764 1135q0 27 1.5 57.5t6.5 62.5l-533 -726h525v606z" /> -<glyph unicode="5" d="M1001 1388q0 -39 -24.5 -64.5t-82.5 -25.5h-461l-67 -385q115 25 212 25q115 0 202 -34t146.5 -93t90 -140t30.5 -176q0 -117 -41 -211.5t-112.5 -161.5t-167.5 -102.5t-208 -35.5q-65 0 -124 12.5t-110.5 34t-95.5 49.5t-77 58l55 78q18 27 49 27q19 0 45.5 -16 t63 -35.5t86.5 -35.5t118 -16q77 0 138.5 24.5t105 70.5t67 109.5t23.5 141.5q0 69 -20 124.5t-60.5 94t-100.5 60t-141 21.5q-55 0 -114.5 -9t-123.5 -29l-115 33l119 686h695v-79z" /> -<glyph unicode="6" d="M666 899q88 0 166.5 -29t138 -85t94.5 -137.5t35 -185.5q0 -101 -37 -188.5t-103 -152t-159 -101t-205 -36.5q-111 0 -200.5 35t-153 100t-97.5 158t-34 207q0 96 43 205t136 234l372 500q14 18 39.5 31t58.5 13h162l-509 -644q52 36 115.5 56t137.5 20zM287 453 q0 -71 20.5 -129.5t60 -100.5t96 -65t129.5 -23q74 0 133 23.5t101.5 65.5t65.5 99.5t23 125.5q0 72 -22.5 129.5t-63 98t-98 62t-126.5 21.5q-74 0 -133 -25t-100.5 -67.5t-63.5 -98.5t-22 -116z" /> -<glyph unicode="7" d="M1110 1467v-82q0 -35 -7.5 -57t-16.5 -38l-607 -1225q-13 -27 -36.5 -46t-63.5 -19h-130l616 1210q13 26 27 47.5t32 40.5h-766q-17 0 -31 14t-14 31v124h997z" /> -<glyph unicode="8" d="M593 -16q-110 0 -201 29t-156.5 83.5t-101.5 131.5t-36 173q0 141 74 233t211 131q-116 43 -174.5 128.5t-58.5 204.5q0 81 31.5 151.5t90 122.5t140 82t181.5 30q99 0 181 -30t140.5 -82t90 -122.5t31.5 -151.5q0 -119 -59 -204.5t-174 -128.5q137 -39 210.5 -130.5 t73.5 -233.5q0 -96 -36 -173t-101 -131.5t-156 -83.5t-201 -29zM593 129q72 0 128.5 20t96 56.5t60.5 87t21 111.5q0 76 -25 130t-67.5 87.5t-98 49.5t-115.5 16t-115.5 -16t-98 -49.5t-67.5 -87.5t-25 -130q0 -61 21 -111.5t60.5 -87t96 -56.5t128.5 -20zM593 834 q72 0 122.5 22t82 58t46 83t14.5 98t-17 96t-50 79t-83 53t-115 19q-66 0 -115.5 -19t-83 -53t-50 -79t-16.5 -96q0 -50 14 -97.5t46 -83.5t82.5 -58t122.5 -22z" /> -<glyph unicode="9" d="M562 602q-83 0 -157 27.5t-130.5 81.5t-89.5 132.5t-33 179.5q0 96 35.5 180t100 146.5t153.5 98.5t196 36q105 0 191 -35t147.5 -97.5t95 -149.5t33.5 -192q0 -63 -12 -120t-34.5 -111.5t-53.5 -108.5t-71 -111l-358 -516q-13 -19 -37.5 -31t-56.5 -12h-168l447 585 q23 30 42 56.5t37 52.5q-56 -45 -127 -68.5t-150 -23.5zM929 1031q0 69 -22 124.5t-61 94.5t-93 60t-118 21q-68 0 -123.5 -22t-95 -61t-61 -93t-21.5 -119q0 -70 20 -124.5t57.5 -92.5t91 -57.5t120.5 -19.5q74 0 130.5 24.5t95.5 64t59.5 92t20.5 108.5z" /> -<glyph unicode=":" horiz-adv-x="516" d="M131 113q0 27 10 50t26.5 40.5t40 28t50.5 10.5t50.5 -10.5t41 -28t27 -41t9.5 -49.5q0 -28 -9.5 -51t-27 -40.5t-41 -27t-50.5 -9.5t-50.5 9.5t-40 27t-26.5 40.5t-10 51zM131 881q0 27 10 50t26.5 40.5t40 28t50.5 10.5t50.5 -10.5t41 -28t27 -41t9.5 -49.5 q0 -28 -9.5 -51t-27 -40.5t-41 -27t-50.5 -9.5t-50.5 9.5t-40 27t-26.5 40.5t-10 51z" /> -<glyph unicode=";" horiz-adv-x="516" d="M137 126q0 24 9 44.5t24.5 36.5t38 25.5t49.5 9.5q31 0 55 -11.5t40 -31.5t24 -46t8 -57q0 -46 -13.5 -95.5t-38 -98t-60.5 -95t-83 -85.5l-30 30q-13 12 -14 29q0 13 15 28q10 11 26 30t32.5 43.5t30 54t19.5 63.5h-13q-27 0 -48.5 9t-37 26t-24.5 40t-9 51zM131 881 q0 27 10 50t26.5 40.5t40 28t50.5 10.5t50.5 -10.5t41 -28t27 -41t9.5 -49.5q0 -28 -9.5 -51t-27 -40.5t-41 -27t-50.5 -9.5t-50.5 9.5t-40 27t-26.5 40.5t-10 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3c;" d="M152 727l792 411v-130q0 -17 -8 -30t-29 -24l-460 -233q-20 -11 -43 -19t-49 -14q26 -5 49 -13t43 -19l460 -232q20 -10 28.5 -23.5t8.5 -29.5v-131l-792 411v76z" /> -<glyph unicode="=" d="M154 588h879v-138h-879v138zM154 931h879v-138h-879v138z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3e;" d="M244 240v131q0 16 8 29.5t29 23.5l459 232q20 10 42.5 18.5t47.5 13.5q-26 6 -47.5 14t-42.5 19l-459 233q-20 10 -28.5 23t-8.5 31v130l791 -411v-76z" /> -<glyph unicode="?" horiz-adv-x="815" d="M35 1336q32 30 70 56.5t83.5 47t98.5 32.5t114 12q81 0 150.5 -23.5t119.5 -66.5t78.5 -104.5t28.5 -138.5q0 -78 -23 -134t-58 -98.5t-77 -74t-78.5 -59t-62.5 -55.5t-30 -61l-19 -157h-125l-12 170v11q0 43 23 76.5t58.5 62.5t75.5 58.5t75.5 64.5t58.5 80t23 107 q0 44 -17.5 79.5t-47 61t-70 38.5t-86.5 13q-62 0 -107 -15t-75.5 -33.5t-49.5 -34t-31 -15.5q-26 0 -40 24zM236 113q0 27 9.5 50t26.5 40.5t40.5 28t49.5 10.5q27 0 50.5 -10.5t41 -28t27 -41t9.5 -49.5q0 -28 -9.5 -51t-27 -40.5t-41 -27t-50.5 -9.5t-50 9.5t-40 27 t-26.5 40.5t-9.5 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="@" horiz-adv-x="1683" d="M1195 190q-80 0 -130 38.5t-64 118.5q-59 -83 -128.5 -118.5t-149.5 -35.5q-61 0 -106.5 20.5t-75.5 58t-45 89t-15 110.5q0 87 33.5 175.5t99 160t163 116.5t225.5 45q69 0 121 -11t98 -31l-96 -370q-19 -77 -19 -127q0 -37 9 -61t25 -38t37 -19t45 -5q50 0 95 29 t79.5 81t54 125t19.5 162q0 141 -45.5 248t-124.5 178t-187 106.5t-233 35.5q-137 0 -257 -52.5t-209 -144.5t-140.5 -218t-51.5 -274q0 -174 55 -306t149.5 -221t222 -134t274.5 -45q156 0 275 34t206 86q15 9 28 9q22 0 31 -24l26 -68q-110 -74 -249.5 -116t-316.5 -42 t-330 56.5t-265 162.5t-176 259.5t-64 348.5q0 112 28 215t79.5 192.5t123 164t159.5 127t189.5 82t212.5 29.5q94 0 184 -20.5t170.5 -60.5t148 -99t116 -135.5t76 -170t27.5 -203.5q0 -111 -31.5 -204t-86 -162t-129 -108t-160.5 -39zM759 313q32 0 64 10.5t62 36 t55.5 69.5t42.5 111l78 302q-40 9 -87 9q-77 0 -141 -32.5t-110 -84.5t-72 -119.5t-26 -138.5q0 -74 33.5 -118.5t100.5 -44.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="A" horiz-adv-x="1392" d="M1385 0h-153q-27 0 -43.5 13.5t-24.5 33.5l-137 354h-658l-138 -354q-7 -18 -24.5 -32.5t-42.5 -14.5h-154l587 1467h202zM424 545h548l-231 597q-23 55 -44 138q-11 -42 -21.5 -77.5t-21.5 -61.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="B" horiz-adv-x="1325" d="M178 0v1467h468q135 0 233 -26.5t161 -75.5t93 -120t30 -161q0 -54 -17 -104t-51 -93t-86 -77t-121 -55q161 -32 242.5 -116t81.5 -221q0 -93 -34 -170t-100 -132.5t-162 -85.5t-219 -30h-519zM377 669v-511h317q85 0 146 19.5t100.5 54.5t58 84t18.5 107 q0 114 -80.5 180t-243.5 66h-316zM377 810h262q84 0 145.5 18.5t102 51t60 79.5t19.5 102q0 129 -78 189.5t-242 60.5h-269v-501z" /> -<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="1402" d="M1212 303q16 0 30 -13l78 -85q-90 -104 -218.5 -162.5t-309.5 -58.5q-159 0 -288 54.5t-220 153.5t-141.5 237t-50.5 304t54 304.5t151 237.5t233 154t299 55q162 0 279.5 -50.5t208.5 -136.5l-65 -91q-7 -10 -16 -16.5t-27 -6.5q-13 0 -28 9.5t-35.5 24t-48 31 t-65.5 30.5t-88 24t-116 10q-118 0 -215.5 -40.5t-168 -115.5t-110 -182.5t-39.5 -240.5q0 -137 39.5 -244.5t107.5 -182t161 -113t201 -38.5q66 0 118 7.5t96.5 24t83 41.5t77.5 60q17 15 33 15z" /> -<glyph unicode="D" horiz-adv-x="1542" d="M1450 733q0 -165 -52 -300t-147.5 -231.5t-228.5 -149t-295 -52.5h-549v1467h549q162 0 295 -52.5t228.5 -149.5t147.5 -232t52 -300zM1246 733q0 135 -37 241.5t-104.5 180.5t-163.5 113t-214 39h-349v-1146h349q118 0 214 39t163.5 112t104.5 179.5t37 241.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="E" horiz-adv-x="1189" d="M1082 1467v-161h-704v-488h570v-155h-570v-501h704v-162h-904v1467h904z" /> -<glyph unicode="F" horiz-adv-x="1159" d="M1082 1467v-161h-704v-513h602v-162h-602v-631h-200v1467h904z" /> -<glyph unicode="G" horiz-adv-x="1503" d="M833 144q59 0 108.5 6t93.5 17t83 27t78 36v324h-227q-19 0 -31 11.5t-12 27.5v113h450v-564q-55 -40 -115 -69.5t-128 -49.5t-146 -29.5t-169 -9.5q-160 0 -293 54.5t-229 153.5t-150 237t-54 304q0 168 53 306.5t150.5 237t236.5 153t311 54.5q87 0 161.5 -13 t138.5 -37t118.5 -58.5t101.5 -77.5l-56 -90q-17 -28 -45 -27q-16 0 -36 11q-26 14 -57.5 34.5t-77 39.5t-107.5 32.5t-147 13.5q-124 0 -224.5 -40.5t-171 -116t-108.5 -182.5t-38 -240q0 -139 39.5 -248t111 -185t170 -116t217.5 -40z" /> -<glyph unicode="H" horiz-adv-x="1548" d="M1368 0h-200v668h-790v-668h-200v1467h200v-654h790v654h200v-1467z" /> -<glyph unicode="I" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M414 0h-199v1467h199v-1467z" /> -<glyph unicode="J" horiz-adv-x="909" d="M730 507q0 -123 -30 -220.5t-89 -164.5t-145 -102.5t-198 -35.5q-99 0 -207 28q2 30 5.5 59t6.5 58q2 17 12.5 28t32.5 11q18 0 49 -9t82 -9q68 0 120.5 20t89 63t55 110.5t18.5 159.5v964h198v-960z" /> -<glyph unicode="K" horiz-adv-x="1394" d="M396 824h75q39 0 62 10t44 33l488 553q23 26 43.5 36.5t53.5 10.5h169l-559 -631q-22 -24 -40.5 -40.5t-40.5 -26.5q29 -9 50.5 -27.5t44.5 -46.5l584 -695h-172q-19 0 -32.5 3t-23 8t-18 13.5t-16.5 17.5l-507 583q-11 12 -21 20.5t-22.5 15t-29.5 9t-42 2.5h-90v-672 h-197v1467h197v-643z" /> -<glyph unicode="L" horiz-adv-x="1052" d="M377 167h635v-167h-834v1467h199v-1300z" /> -<glyph unicode="M" horiz-adv-x="1884" d="M900 530q14 -25 25 -51.5t21 -54.5q10 29 21.5 55t25.5 52l497 903q13 24 27.5 28.5t41.5 4.5h146v-1467h-174v1078q0 22 1 46.5t3 50.5l-503 -918q-26 -46 -71 -46h-29q-46 0 -72 46l-514 921q3 -27 4.5 -52.5t1.5 -47.5v-1078h-174v1467h147q27 0 41 -5t27 -28 l507 -904v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="N" horiz-adv-x="1548" d="M281 1467q27 0 39.5 -6.5t28.5 -26.5l850 -1106q-3 27 -4 51.5t-1 48.5v1039h174v-1467h-100q-24 0 -40 8t-31 28l-849 1105q2 -26 3 -50.5t1 -44.5v-1046h-174v1467h103v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="O" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M1541 733q0 -165 -52 -302.5t-147.5 -237t-229 -154t-295.5 -54.5t-295 54.5t-228 154t-147.5 237t-52.5 302.5t52.5 303t147.5 237.5t228 155t295 55.5t295.5 -55.5t229 -155t147.5 -237.5t52 -303zM1337 733q0 135 -36.5 242.5t-104.5 182t-164 114.5t-215 40 q-118 0 -214 -40t-164 -114.5t-105 -182t-37 -242.5t37 -242t105 -181t164 -113.5t214 -39.5q119 0 215 39.5t164 113.5t104.5 181t36.5 242z" /> -<glyph unicode="P" horiz-adv-x="1251" d="M396 549v-549h-197v1467h433q139 0 242 -32t170.5 -91.5t101 -143.5t33.5 -187q0 -102 -36 -187.5t-105 -147t-171.5 -95.5t-234.5 -34h-236zM396 707h236q85 0 150 22.5t109 63t66.5 96.5t22.5 124q0 140 -86.5 219t-261.5 79h-236v-604z" /> -<glyph unicode="Q" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M1541 733q0 -103 -21 -196.5t-61 -173.5t-97 -145.5t-129 -114.5l377 -406h-164q-37 0 -65.5 10t-52.5 36l-258 281q-58 -18 -121 -28.5t-132 -10.5q-162 0 -295 54.5t-228 154t-147.5 237t-52.5 302.5t52.5 303t147.5 237.5t228 155t295 55.5t295.5 -55.5t229 -155 t147.5 -237.5t52 -303zM1337 733q0 135 -36.5 242.5t-104.5 182t-164 114.5t-215 40q-118 0 -214 -40t-164 -114.5t-105 -182t-37 -242.5t37 -242t105 -181t164 -113.5t214 -39.5q119 0 215 39.5t164 113.5t104.5 181t36.5 242z" /> -<glyph unicode="R" horiz-adv-x="1318" d="M396 612v-612h-197v1467h414q139 0 240.5 -28t167.5 -81t98 -128.5t32 -168.5q0 -78 -24.5 -145.5t-71 -121.5t-114 -91.5t-151.5 -57.5q37 -22 65 -62l428 -583h-176q-54 0 -80 42l-381 524q-17 25 -37.5 35.5t-61.5 10.5h-151zM396 757h208q87 0 153 21t110.5 59.5 t67 91.5t22.5 118q0 131 -86.5 197.5t-257.5 66.5h-217v-554z" /> -<glyph unicode="S" horiz-adv-x="1085" d="M930 1238q-9 -15 -19.5 -23t-26.5 -8q-17 0 -40.5 17.5t-58.5 38.5t-85 38.5t-120 17.5q-67 0 -118 -18t-85.5 -48.5t-52 -72t-17.5 -89.5q0 -61 30.5 -102t80 -69.5t112.5 -49.5t129 -43.5t129 -50.5t112.5 -71t80 -105.5t30.5 -154.5q0 -96 -33 -180.5t-96 -147 t-154.5 -98t-208.5 -35.5q-142 0 -259.5 51.5t-200.5 139.5l58 94q8 11 19.5 19t26.5 8q22 0 49.5 -23t69 -50.5t100 -51t143.5 -23.5q71 0 126.5 19.5t93.5 55t58.5 84.5t20.5 110q0 67 -30 109t-79 71t-112 49t-129 41t-129 48.5t-112.5 71.5t-79.5 110t-30 163 q0 78 30 151t87.5 129t142 90t194.5 34q123 0 224 -39t177 -113z" /> -<glyph unicode="T" horiz-adv-x="1208" d="M1178 1467v-167h-475v-1300h-198v1300h-476v167h1149z" /> -<glyph unicode="U" horiz-adv-x="1495" d="M749 158q91 0 162.5 30.5t121 86t76 132t26.5 168.5v892h197v-892q0 -127 -40.5 -235.5t-115.5 -187.5t-183.5 -124t-243.5 -45t-244 45t-184.5 124t-116 188t-40.5 235v892h197v-890q0 -92 26.5 -169t76 -132.5t122 -86.5t163.5 -31z" /> -<glyph unicode="V" horiz-adv-x="1392" d="M8 1467h159q27 0 43 -13t24 -34l415 -1035q14 -35 26 -76t23 -85q9 44 20 85t25 76l413 1035q7 17 24.5 32t43.5 15h159l-598 -1467h-179z" /> -<glyph unicode="W" horiz-adv-x="2086" d="M14 1467h165q27 0 44.5 -13t23.5 -34l303 -1020q8 -28 14.5 -59.5t13.5 -66.5q7 35 14 67.5t16 58.5l345 1020q6 17 24 32t44 15h57q27 0 44 -13t24 -34l343 -1020q18 -53 33 -121q6 34 11 64.5t13 56.5l304 1020q5 18 23 32.5t44 14.5h155l-458 -1467h-178l-372 1119 q-11 32 -21 74q-5 -20 -9.5 -39t-9.5 -35l-374 -1119h-178z" /> -<glyph unicode="X" horiz-adv-x="1316" d="M519 754l-484 713h197q22 0 32 -7t19 -20l383 -588q7 22 21 47l362 537q9 14 19.5 22.5t26.5 8.5h189l-486 -704l502 -763h-196q-23 0 -35.5 12t-20.5 26l-394 615q-7 -22 -18 -41l-383 -574q-9 -14 -21 -26t-33 -12h-185z" /> -<glyph unicode="Y" horiz-adv-x="1288" d="M743 584v-584h-197v584l-538 883h174q27 0 42.5 -13t26.5 -33l336 -570q20 -36 34 -67.5t25 -62.5q11 32 24.5 63.5t34.5 66.5l334 570q9 16 25 31t42 15h176z" /> -<glyph unicode="Z" horiz-adv-x="1277" d="M1200 1467v-73q0 -35 -21 -66l-831 -1166h838v-162h-1098v78q0 31 20 58l831 1170h-812v161h1073z" /> -<glyph unicode="[" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M145 -296v1866h377v-72q0 -23 -13.5 -35.5t-36.5 -12.5h-173v-1625h173q23 0 36.5 -13t13.5 -36v-72h-377z" /> -<glyph unicode="\" horiz-adv-x="768" d="M-20 1508h77q34 0 58.5 -17t38.5 -50l615 -1533h-77q-30 0 -58.5 17.5t-41.5 52.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="]" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M92 -224q0 20 14 34.5t36 14.5h173v1625h-173q-23 0 -36.5 14t-13.5 34v72h377v-1866h-377v72z" /> -<glyph unicode="^" d="M528 1467h118l367 -661h-132q-17 0 -29.5 10t-21.5 25l-200 360q-13 24 -23 46t-17 43q-14 -45 -38 -89l-199 -360q-8 -14 -19.5 -24.5t-32.5 -10.5h-139z" /> -<glyph unicode="_" horiz-adv-x="806" d="M807 -169v-123h-807v123h807z" /> -<glyph unicode="`" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M212 1484q34 0 50.5 -11t30.5 -34l152 -248h-104q-22 0 -35 6.5t-27 22.5l-240 264h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="1038" d="M911 0h-81q-27 0 -43 8t-21 35l-21 96q-41 -37 -79.5 -66t-81.5 -49t-92 -30t-108 -10q-60 0 -113 16.5t-92 50.5t-62 85.5t-23 122.5q0 61 34 118t109 101t197 72.5t298 32.5v81q0 121 -51.5 182.5t-153.5 61.5q-67 0 -112 -17t-78.5 -37.5t-57.5 -37.5t-48 -17 q-18 0 -32 9.5t-22 24.5l-33 58q86 83 185.5 124t220.5 41q87 0 154.5 -29t113.5 -80t69.5 -123.5t23.5 -159.5v-664zM438 112q48 0 88 9.5t75.5 27.5t67.5 43.5t63 58.5v216q-126 -4 -214 -20t-143.5 -41.5t-80.5 -60.5t-25 -78q0 -41 13.5 -70.5t36 -48.5t53 -27.5 t66.5 -8.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="b" horiz-adv-x="1144" d="M156 0v1508h183v-620q65 75 148 120.5t191 45.5q90 0 162.5 -34t124 -101t79 -166t27.5 -228q0 -115 -30.5 -213.5t-88.5 -170.5t-141.5 -113.5t-187.5 -41.5q-100 0 -170.5 38.5t-122.5 108.5l-9 -94q-8 -39 -48 -39h-117zM618 908q-89 0 -156 -41t-123 -115v-502 q49 -68 109 -95.5t134 -27.5q145 0 223 103.5t78 294.5q0 101 -18 174t-52 119.5t-83.5 68t-111.5 21.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="c" horiz-adv-x="956" d="M857 853q-8 -11 -16 -17.5t-24 -6.5q-15 0 -33 13t-45.5 28.5t-67 28t-97.5 12.5q-76 0 -134 -27t-97.5 -78t-59.5 -124t-20 -163q0 -94 21.5 -167t60.5 -123t95 -76t125 -26q67 0 110 16t71.5 35.5t47 35t36.5 15.5q24 0 35 -17l51 -67q-68 -83 -169 -121t-213 -38 q-97 0 -181 35.5t-145.5 104t-96.5 167.5t-35 226q0 116 32 214t94 169.5t153 111.5t209 40q109 0 193 -35.5t148 -99.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="d" horiz-adv-x="1144" d="M880 0q-39 0 -50 38l-16 126q-67 -81 -152 -129.5t-196 -48.5q-89 0 -162 34t-124 100.5t-78.5 166t-27.5 228.5q0 115 30.5 213.5t88.5 171.5t141 114.5t188 41.5q95 0 163 -32.5t121 -90.5v575h182v-1508h-108zM526 133q89 0 156.5 41t123.5 116v502q-50 68 -110 94.5 t-133 26.5q-145 0 -223 -103t-78 -295q0 -101 17.5 -173.5t51.5 -119t83 -68t112 -21.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="e" horiz-adv-x="1073" d="M560 1054q93 0 172 -31.5t136.5 -90.5t89.5 -145.5t32 -196.5q0 -43 -9 -57.5t-35 -14.5h-690q2 -98 26.5 -171t67.5 -121.5t102.5 -72.5t133.5 -24q69 0 118.5 16t85 34.5t59.5 34t42 15.5q23 0 35 -17l51 -67q-34 -41 -81 -71t-101 -49.5t-111 -29t-114 -9.5 q-108 0 -198 36t-156 106.5t-103 174t-37 237.5q0 109 33 203t95.5 163t152.5 108.5t203 39.5zM564 920q-132 0 -207.5 -76.5t-94.5 -211.5h564q0 63 -17 116t-51 91.5t-83 59.5t-111 21z" /> -<glyph unicode="f" horiz-adv-x="690" d="M190 0v882l-114 13q-22 5 -35.5 16t-13.5 31v75h163v100q0 89 25.5 158.5t72 117t112 72t147.5 24.5q70 0 129 -21l-4 -91q-1 -20 -17.5 -24t-46.5 -4h-31q-47 0 -85.5 -12.5t-66.5 -40t-42.5 -72.5t-14.5 -112v-95h300v-132h-294v-885h-184z" /> -<glyph unicode="g" horiz-adv-x="1046" d="M499 1055q68 0 126.5 -15t106.5 -44h282v-67q0 -34 -43 -43l-118 -17q35 -67 35 -148q0 -76 -29.5 -138t-81 -106t-122.5 -67.5t-156 -23.5q-73 0 -138 17q-33 -20 -49.5 -43.5t-16.5 -46.5q0 -37 29.5 -55.5t79 -27t112 -10.5t127.5 -6.5t127.5 -16t111.5 -37 t78.5 -70.5t29.5 -117q0 -67 -33 -129t-95.5 -110.5t-153 -78t-203.5 -29.5q-114 0 -199.5 22.5t-141.5 60.5t-84.5 87.5t-28.5 104.5q0 77 48.5 130.5t133.5 85.5q-44 20 -70 54.5t-26 91.5q0 23 8.5 47t25 47.5t41.5 45t57 37.5q-77 43 -120.5 114.5t-43.5 166.5 q0 76 29.5 138t81.5 105.5t124.5 67t158.5 23.5zM822 -56q0 39 -21.5 62.5t-58 36t-85 19t-101.5 9t-108.5 5.5t-105.5 11q-58 -28 -94.5 -67.5t-36.5 -95.5q0 -35 18 -65t55 -52t92.5 -35t131.5 -13q74 0 132 13.5t98.5 38t62 58.5t21.5 75zM499 507q55 0 97.5 15.5t71 43 t43 66t14.5 84.5q0 95 -58 151.5t-168 56.5t-168 -56.5t-58 -151.5q0 -46 15 -84.5t43.5 -66t71 -43t96.5 -15.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="h" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M150 0v1508h182v-610q67 71 147.5 113.5t186.5 42.5q85 0 150 -28.5t108.5 -80t66 -124t22.5 -161.5v-660h-183v660q0 118 -53.5 183t-164.5 65q-81 0 -151 -39t-129 -105v-764h-182z" /> -<glyph unicode="i" horiz-adv-x="524" d="M352 1037v-1037h-182v1037h182zM393 1363q0 -27 -10.5 -50t-28.5 -41t-41.5 -28t-50.5 -10t-50 10t-40.5 28t-28 41t-10.5 50t10.5 51t28 42t41 28t49.5 10q27 0 50.5 -10t41.5 -28t28.5 -42t10.5 -51z" /> -<glyph unicode="j" horiz-adv-x="520" d="M352 1037v-1114q0 -62 -16.5 -116t-51.5 -94t-91 -63t-134 -23q-34 0 -61.5 5.5t-54.5 15.5l8 98q2 13 9 17t23 4q8 0 17 -0.5t23 -0.5q80 0 113.5 37t33.5 120v1114h182zM393 1363q0 -27 -10.5 -50t-28.5 -41t-41.5 -28t-50.5 -10t-50 10t-40.5 28t-28 41t-10.5 50 t10.5 51t28 42t41 28t49.5 10q27 0 50.5 -10t41.5 -28t28.5 -42t10.5 -51z" /> -<glyph unicode="k" horiz-adv-x="1073" d="M339 1508v-887h47q20 0 33.5 5.5t30.5 22.5l327 351q15 16 30.5 26.5t41.5 10.5h166l-382 -406q-14 -17 -28 -30.5t-32 -23.5q18 -12 33.5 -28.5t28.5 -36.5l405 -512h-163q-23 0 -39 8.5t-30 27.5l-341 425q-15 22 -30.5 28.5t-46.5 6.5h-51v-496h-183v1508h183z" /> -<glyph unicode="l" horiz-adv-x="524" d="M352 1508v-1508h-182v1508h182z" /> -<glyph unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="1681" d="M150 0v1037h108q39 0 49 -38l14 -106q57 71 128 116t165 45q105 0 170.5 -58.5t94.5 -157.5q22 56 57 97t79 67.5t93.5 39t100.5 12.5q82 0 146 -26.5t108.5 -76.5t68 -123t23.5 -168v-660h-182v660q0 122 -53 185t-155 63q-45 0 -85.5 -15.5t-71 -46.5t-48.5 -77.5 t-18 -108.5v-660h-182v660q0 125 -50.5 186.5t-146.5 61.5q-68 0 -125.5 -36t-105.5 -99v-773h-182z" /> -<glyph unicode="n" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M150 0v1037h108q39 0 49 -38l15 -112q68 75 151 121t193 46q85 0 150 -28.5t108.5 -80t66 -124t22.5 -161.5v-660h-183v660q0 118 -53.5 183t-164.5 65q-81 0 -151 -39t-129 -105v-764h-182z" /> -<glyph unicode="o" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M569 1054q114 0 205.5 -38t155.5 -107.5t98.5 -168.5t34.5 -221q0 -123 -34.5 -221t-98.5 -168t-155.5 -107t-205.5 -37t-205.5 37t-156 107t-99 168t-34.5 221q0 122 34.5 221t99 168.5t156 107.5t205.5 38zM569 128q154 0 229.5 103t75.5 287q0 185 -75.5 288.5 t-229.5 103.5q-78 0 -135 -26.5t-95.5 -76.5t-57.5 -123.5t-19 -165.5t19 -164.5t57.5 -122.5t95.5 -76.5t135 -26.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="p" horiz-adv-x="1130" d="M150 -351v1388h108q39 0 49 -38l16 -122q67 81 152 130t197 49q89 0 161.5 -34.5t124 -101.5t79 -166.5t27.5 -228.5q0 -115 -31 -213.5t-88 -170.5t-140.5 -113.5t-188.5 -41.5q-96 0 -164 31.5t-120 90.5v-459h-182zM611 908q-89 0 -156 -41t-123 -115v-502 q50 -68 110 -95.5t133 -27.5q144 0 222.5 103.5t78.5 294.5q0 101 -18 174t-52 119.5t-83.5 68t-111.5 21.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="q" horiz-adv-x="1144" d="M988 1037v-1388h-182v505q-66 -76 -149.5 -122t-190.5 -46q-89 0 -162 34t-124 100.5t-78.5 166t-27.5 228.5q0 115 30.5 213.5t88.5 171.5t141 114.5t188 41.5q100 0 170.5 -36t125.5 -101l12 80q10 38 50 38h108zM526 133q89 0 156.5 41t123.5 116v502 q-49 66 -109.5 93.5t-133.5 27.5q-145 0 -223 -103t-78 -295q0 -101 17.5 -173.5t51.5 -119t83 -68t112 -21.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="r" horiz-adv-x="825" d="M150 0v1037h104q30 0 41 -11t15 -39l13 -162q53 109 131 170t184 61q43 0 78 -10t64 -27l-23 -136q-7 -26 -32 -26q-14 0 -44 10t-83 10q-95 0 -159 -55.5t-107 -161.5v-660h-182z" /> -<glyph unicode="s" horiz-adv-x="888" d="M743 866q-12 -23 -37 -22q-15 0 -35 11t-48 25t-67 26t-92 12q-46 0 -83 -12t-63 -32.5t-40 -47.5t-14 -59q0 -40 23 -66.5t61 -46t86 -34.5t99 -32t99 -37.5t86 -51t61 -75t23 -107.5q0 -72 -25.5 -132.5t-76 -105t-123 -70t-167.5 -25.5q-109 0 -197 35t-150 91l43 69 q8 13 19.5 20.5t30.5 7.5q18 0 38.5 -14.5t49.5 -32t70.5 -31.5t104.5 -14q53 0 93 13.5t66.5 37t39.5 54.5t13 66q0 43 -23 71t-61 48t-86.5 35t-99.5 31t-99.5 37t-86.5 53t-61 78.5t-23 113.5q0 59 24.5 114t71.5 96.5t116 66t157 24.5q102 0 183.5 -32.5t140.5 -88.5z " /> -<glyph unicode="t" horiz-adv-x="763" d="M464 -16q-123 0 -189 68.5t-66 197.5v635h-125q-16 0 -27.5 9.5t-11.5 30.5v72l170 22l42 320q2 15 13.5 25t28.5 10h92v-357h297v-132h-297v-623q0 -66 32 -97.5t82 -31.5q29 0 49.5 7.5t36 17t26.5 17t19 7.5q14 0 26 -17l53 -87q-47 -44 -113.5 -69t-137.5 -25z" /> -<glyph unicode="u" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M307 1037v-661q0 -118 54.5 -182.5t163.5 -64.5q80 0 150.5 38t130.5 105v765h182v-1037h-108q-39 0 -50 38l-14 112q-68 -75 -151.5 -120.5t-192.5 -45.5q-85 0 -150 28t-109 79t-66 124t-22 161v661h182z" /> -<glyph unicode="v" horiz-adv-x="1048" d="M18 1037h150q22 0 36 -11t20 -27l263 -667q14 -37 22.5 -74t15.5 -73q8 36 17.5 73t23.5 74l267 667q6 16 19.5 27t34.5 11h142l-423 -1037h-165z" /> 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753h-559v143h770v-78z" /> -<glyph unicode="{" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M185 435q0 65 -35.5 106.5t-104.5 41.5v109q69 0 104.5 41t35.5 107q0 51 -8 101t-17.5 100.5t-18 101.5t-8.5 104q0 71 21 130.5t63.5 102.5t105.5 66.5t147 23.5h54v-81q0 -20 -14 -29.5t-27 -9.5h-20q-79 0 -124.5 -51.5t-45.5 -140.5q0 -57 7 -110t16.5 -104 t16.5 -101t7 -101q0 -39 -11.5 -72.5t-32.5 -59.5t-49 -45t-62 -28q34 -9 62 -28t49 -45.5t32.5 -59.5t11.5 -71q0 -51 -7 -101t-16.5 -101t-16.5 -104t-7 -111q0 -89 45.5 -140t124.5 -51h20q12 0 26.5 -9.5t14.5 -29.5v-82h-54q-84 0 -147 24t-105.5 67t-63.5 102.5 t-21 130.5q0 53 8.5 103.5t18 101.5t17.5 101t8 101z" /> -<glyph unicode="|" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M236 1570h141v-1921h-141v1921z" /> -<glyph unicode="}" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M429 435q0 -51 8 -101t18 -101t18 -101.5t8 -103.5q0 -71 -21.5 -130.5t-63.5 -102.5t-105 -67t-147 -24h-54v82q0 20 14.5 29.5t26.5 9.5h21q79 0 124.5 51t45.5 140q0 57 -7.5 110.5t-16.5 104.5t-16.5 101t-7.5 101q0 38 11.5 71t32.5 59.5t49 45.5t62 28 q-34 9 -62 28t-49 45t-32.5 59.5t-11.5 72.5q0 51 7.5 101t16.5 101t16.5 104t7.5 110q0 88 -46 140t-124 52h-21q-12 0 -26.5 9t-14.5 30v81h54q84 0 147 -23.5t105 -66.5t63.5 -102.5t21.5 -130.5q0 -53 -8 -104t-18 -101.5t-18 -100.5t-8 -101q0 -66 36 -107t104 -41 v-109q-69 0 -104.5 -41.5t-35.5 -106.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="~" d="M777 628q67 0 104.5 43.5t38.5 114.5h147q0 -69 -19 -126t-54.5 -98t-87.5 -63.5t-118 -22.5q-53 0 -105 16.5t-100.5 36.5t-93 37t-80.5 17q-67 0 -104.5 -43t-38.5 -116h-147q0 69 19 126t54 98t87 64t118 23q53 0 105.5 -17t101 -36.5t92.5 -36.5t81 -17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" horiz-adv-x="702" d="M268 -351v554q0 46 1.5 89.5t5 88t8 91.5t10.5 100h124q6 -53 10.5 -100t7.5 -91.5t4.5 -88t1.5 -89.5v-554h-173zM223 926q0 28 10 50.5t27.5 40t40.5 27.5t50 10t50 -10t40.5 -27.5t27.5 -40.5t10 -50t-10 -50.5t-27.5 -41t-40.5 -27.5t-50 -10q-28 0 -50.5 10 t-40 27.5t-27.5 41t-10 50.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" d="M574 -11q-94 10 -173 50.5t-137 108t-90.5 160.5t-32.5 210q0 114 34 209.5t98.5 166.5t158.5 112.5t216 44.5l12 183q2 20 16 35t36 15h67l-16 -238q84 -12 151.5 -44.5t122.5 -82.5l-47 -64q-8 -11 -15.5 -16.5t-22.5 -5.5q-12 0 -29 8.5t-40 20.5t-55 24.5t-75 19.5 l-54 -780q65 4 108.5 20t73.5 33.5t49.5 31.5t36.5 14q11 0 20 -4.5t14 -11.5l50 -65q-61 -74 -156 -111.5t-205 -44.5l-12 -179q-2 -19 -16 -34.5t-35 -15.5h-68zM323 518q0 -166 69 -264t193 -122l53 778q-78 -6 -137 -35t-99 -80t-59.5 -120.5t-19.5 -156.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" d="M53 688q0 27 16.5 45.5t46.5 18.5h137v267q0 96 27.5 180.5t84 147.5t140.5 99.5t196 36.5q80 0 142 -20t110 -55t83.5 -81t60.5 -99l-74 -47q-10 -6 -21 -9t-21 -3q-14 0 -27 6t-24 20q-20 26 -41.5 50t-47.5 42t-59.5 28.5t-80.5 10.5q-65 0 -113.5 -21.5t-81.5 -61.5 t-49.5 -96t-16.5 -126v-269h452v-74q0 -18 -15.5 -33.5t-37.5 -15.5h-399v-249q0 -77 -29 -133t-80 -102q30 5 59 9t60 4h692v-78q0 -14 -6 -28t-16 -26t-24.5 -19t-32.5 -7h-987v118q35 10 66.5 27.5t56 43.5t39.5 61.5t15 82.5v296h-200v59z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" d="M228 688q0 58 17 110t47 97l-157 157l93 92l155 -156q45 32 98.5 49.5t112.5 17.5q58 0 110.5 -17t96.5 -48l156 157l92 -93l-155 -156q32 -45 49.5 -97.5t17.5 -112.5q0 -58 -17 -110.5t-47 -96.5l156 -154l-94 -95l-155 156q-45 -31 -98.5 -48t-111.5 -17t-110 16.5 t-97 46.5l-157 -157l-91 94l155 155q-31 45 -48.5 98t-17.5 112zM364 688q0 -47 17.5 -88.5t49.5 -72.5t73.5 -49.5t89.5 -18.5t90.5 18.5t74 49.5t49.5 72.5t18 88.5q0 48 -18 90t-49.5 74t-74 50t-90.5 18t-89.5 -18t-73.5 -50t-49.5 -74t-17.5 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" d="M150 640h313l-418 827h153q27 0 42.5 -12.5t25.5 -33.5l283 -579q14 -36 24.5 -66t17.5 -59q7 30 16 60t24 65l281 579q8 17 25 31.5t43 14.5h154l-419 -827h314v-104h-348v-108h348v-105h-348v-323h-183v323h-348v105h348v108h-348v104z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M236 1570h141v-813h-141v813zM236 463h141v-814h-141v814z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" horiz-adv-x="1030" d="M837 1295q-12 -23 -38 -22q-15 0 -35 11t-48 25t-67 26t-92 12q-49 0 -88.5 -13t-66.5 -34.5t-41.5 -50t-14.5 -60.5q0 -39 25 -68t65.5 -53.5t93 -46.5t106 -45.5t106 -51.5t92.5 -64.5t65.5 -83.5t25.5 -109q0 -83 -40 -148t-126 -104q50 -38 81.5 -88.5t31.5 -120.5 q0 -72 -25.5 -133t-75 -105.5t-123 -70t-167.5 -25.5q-109 0 -196.5 35.5t-149.5 90.5l42 70q8 13 20 20t29 7q18 0 39 -14t50.5 -32t73 -32.5t108.5 -14.5q51 0 91.5 13t68 36t42 54.5t14.5 70.5q0 46 -25.5 80t-67.5 60t-95.5 47.5t-110 44t-109.5 48.5t-95 62t-67.5 83.5 t-25.5 113.5q0 80 44 144t139 99q-51 39 -83.5 93t-32.5 131q0 59 24.5 114t72 96t116 65.5t156.5 24.5q102 0 183.5 -32t141.5 -88zM279 743q0 -52 35.5 -88.5t91.5 -65.5t123.5 -56t130.5 -59q55 27 80 65.5t25 86.5q0 37 -15.5 65.5t-42 52t-62.5 43t-76.5 37.5t-83.5 36 t-84 38q-68 -31 -95 -68.5t-27 -86.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M245 1320q0 -24 -9.5 -44.5t-25.5 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-45 -9.5q-23 0 -43 9.5t-36 24.5t-25.5 35.5t-9.5 44.5t9.5 45t25.5 37t36 25.5t43 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t37 -25.5t25.5 -37t9.5 -45zM612 1320q0 -24 -9 -44.5t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9.5q-24 0 -45 9.5t-36.5 24.5 t-24.5 35.5t-9 44.5t9 45t24.5 37t36.5 25.5t45 9.5t44.5 -9.5t36.5 -25.5t25 -37t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M1055 474q8 5 13.5 8.5t11.5 3.5q11 0 15.5 -3t10.5 -9l62 -65q-58 -68 -143 -105.5t-204 -37.5q-100 0 -182.5 35t-141.5 97.5t-91 148.5t-32 188q0 103 35 190t97.5 149t148 96t186.5 34q111 0 188.5 -34.5t135.5 -91.5l-47 -66q-5 -6 -13 -12.5t-21 -6.5 q-14 0 -30 11.5t-41.5 25t-64.5 25.5t-99 12q-72 0 -129.5 -23t-98 -66t-62.5 -104.5t-22 -138.5q0 -79 22 -141t60.5 -103.5t93 -64t117.5 -22.5q49 0 83 6.5t58.5 16.5t44 22.5t39.5 24.5zM70 733q0 103 26.5 199t75 179.5t117 151.5t151.5 117.5t178.5 76t198.5 26.5 t199 -26.5t179 -76t151.5 -117.5t117 -151.5t75.5 -179t27 -199.5q0 -102 -27 -198t-75.5 -179t-117 -151t-151.5 -117t-178.5 -75.5t-199.5 -26.5q-103 0 -198.5 26.5t-178.5 75.5t-151.5 117t-117 151t-75 178.5t-26.5 198.5zM172 733q0 -91 22.5 -175t64.5 -157 t100.5 -132.5t130 -102t154.5 -65.5t173 -23q135 0 253.5 51t206 139.5t138 208t50.5 256.5q0 91 -23 176t-65 158.5t-100.5 134t-130.5 103t-155.5 66t-173.5 23.5q-135 0 -253 -52t-205 -141.5t-137 -210t-50 -257.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" horiz-adv-x="700" d="M610 860h-61q-18 0 -27.5 5.5t-17.5 24.5l-12 50q-25 -22 -48.5 -38t-49 -28t-54.5 -17.5t-64 -5.5q-39 0 -72 10t-57.5 31t-38.5 52t-14 73q0 35 19.5 69t64.5 61.5t119.5 45t183.5 19.5v38q0 65 -29.5 95.5t-87.5 30.5q-39 0 -65 -9t-44.5 -20t-33.5 -19.5t-32 -8.5 q-14 0 -24 7.5t-15 18.5l-23 43q53 50 115 73.5t137 23.5q55 0 98 -17.5t73 -48t45 -73.5t15 -96v-390zM316 945q52 0 90 19.5t75 55.5v107q-72 -2 -121.5 -10.5t-80 -22.5t-44 -32t-13.5 -39q0 -43 26.5 -60.5t67.5 -17.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xab;" horiz-adv-x="948" d="M141 530v24l255 398l60 -28q14 -7 21 -18.5t7 -24.5q0 -17 -10 -34l-163 -267q-14 -25 -28 -38q15 -14 28 -37l163 -267q5 -8 7.5 -17.5t2.5 -17.5q0 -29 -28 -42l-60 -29zM444 530v24l255 398l60 -28q14 -7 21 -18.5t7 -24.5q0 -17 -10 -34l-163 -267q-14 -25 -28 -38 q15 -14 28 -37l163 -267q5 -8 7.5 -17.5t2.5 -17.5q0 -29 -28 -42l-60 -29z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xac;" d="M152 757h880v-434h-154v295h-726v139z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xad;" horiz-adv-x="710" d="M102 691h506v-154h-506v154z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xae;" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M70 733q0 103 26.5 199t75 179.5t117 151.5t151.5 117.5t178.5 76t198.5 26.5t199 -26.5t179 -76t151.5 -117.5t117 -151.5t75.5 -179t27 -199.5q0 -102 -27 -198t-75.5 -179t-117 -151t-151.5 -117t-178.5 -75.5t-199.5 -26.5q-103 0 -198.5 26.5t-178.5 75.5 t-151.5 117t-117 151t-75 178.5t-26.5 198.5zM172 733q0 -91 22.5 -175t64.5 -157t100.5 -132.5t130 -102t154.5 -65.5t173 -23q135 0 253.5 51t206 139.5t138 208t50.5 256.5q0 91 -23 176t-65 158.5t-100.5 134t-130.5 103t-155.5 66t-173.5 23.5q-135 0 -253 -52 t-205 -141.5t-137 -210t-50 -257.5zM670 641v-362h-160v913h295q176 0 261 -64t85 -189q0 -96 -55 -163.5t-163 -93.5q17 -10 30 -25.5t24 -35.5l234 -342h-152q-34 0 -50 25l-206 309q-9 13 -22 20.5t-39 7.5h-82zM670 758h118q56 0 96 10.5t64 31t34.5 50.5t10.5 69 q0 38 -9.5 66.5t-31.5 47t-58 27.5t-89 9h-135v-311z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaf;" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M20 1380h588v-119h-588v119z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb0;" horiz-adv-x="813" d="M72 1155q0 69 25.5 129.5t70.5 105t106 70t132 25.5t131.5 -25.5t105.5 -70t70.5 -105t25.5 -129.5q0 -68 -25.5 -127.5t-70.5 -104t-106 -71t-131 -26.5q-71 0 -132 26.5t-106 71t-70.5 104t-25.5 127.5zM202 1154q0 -43 15 -80.5t43 -65t65 -43.5t81 -16q43 0 79.5 16 t64.5 43.5t43 65t15 80.5t-15 81t-43 66t-64.5 44t-79.5 16t-80.5 -16t-65.5 -44t-43 -66t-15 -81z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb1;" d="M667 1231v-385h416v-139h-416v-377h-150v377h-415v139h415v385h150zM102 220h981v-138h-981v138z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" horiz-adv-x="679" d="M354 1676q53 0 97 -15t74.5 -43t47.5 -67.5t17 -87.5q0 -41 -13 -76t-34.5 -67t-49 -61.5t-58.5 -60.5l-166 -169q24 6 48 10t45 4h200q22 0 33.5 -11t11.5 -32v-78h-523v44q0 13 5 27.5t17 26.5l227 224q26 26 48 52.5t38.5 53.5t26.5 54.5t10 54.5q0 52 -31 80.5 t-77 28.5q-47 0 -76 -24.5t-44 -67.5q-8 -14 -17.5 -22.5t-27.5 -8.5q-4 0 -8.5 0.5t-9.5 1.5l-73 12q15 109 86 163t176 54z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" horiz-adv-x="679" d="M362 1676q52 0 94.5 -14.5t72.5 -41t46.5 -61t16.5 -75.5q0 -131 -122 -177q68 -19 103 -59.5t35 -103.5q0 -56 -21.5 -99.5t-56.5 -72.5t-82 -44t-96 -15q-58 0 -101 13t-74.5 38t-53.5 62t-37 85l56 25q15 6 30 6q30 0 41 -24q6 -13 15.5 -29.5t24.5 -31t37 -24 t55 -9.5q32 0 56 10t40.5 26t24.5 36.5t8 42.5q0 31 -8.5 52.5t-28.5 36t-53.5 21.5t-81.5 7v90q89 1 125.5 31.5t36.5 83.5q0 51 -30 78t-79 27t-78 -24t-41 -65q-8 -16 -17 -24t-24 -8q-4 0 -9 0.5t-10 1.5l-68 12q7 54 29.5 94.5t55.5 68t76 41t93 13.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M611 1484l-238 -264q-14 -15 -28 -22t-36 -7h-108l151 248q14 24 31 34.5t50 10.5h178z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M307 1037v-673q0 -112 55.5 -173.5t162.5 -61.5q80 0 150.5 38t130.5 105v765h182v-1037h-108q-39 0 -50 38l-14 112q-69 -74 -141 -109t-161 -35q-76 0 -133 26t-97 73q7 -43 10 -87.5t3 -83.5v-285h-91q-39 0 -60 20.5t-21 57.5v1310h182z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" horiz-adv-x="1370" d="M1333 1467v-156h-224v-1517h-161v1517h-283v-1517h-161v882q-106 0 -191.5 31t-145 85t-92 126.5t-32.5 155.5q0 88 32.5 160.5t92 124t144.5 80t192 28.5h829z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" horiz-adv-x="559" d="M127 607q0 32 12 60.5t33 49t48.5 33t58.5 12.5q32 0 60.5 -12.5t49 -33t32.5 -49t12 -60.5q0 -31 -12 -58.5t-32.5 -48.5t-49.5 -32.5t-60 -11.5t-58.5 11.5t-48.5 32.5t-33 48.5t-12 58.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M176 -253q6 0 14.5 -3.5t19.5 -8t27.5 -8t37.5 -3.5q43 0 65 16.5t22 43.5q0 19 -11 32.5t-32 22.5t-51.5 15.5t-69.5 11.5l44 144h114l-24 -82q92 -20 133.5 -55.5t41.5 -90.5q0 -33 -16.5 -59t-45.5 -44.5t-70 -28t-90 -9.5q-42 0 -80 8.5t-70 22.5l18 57q6 18 23 18z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" horiz-adv-x="679" d="M177 1009h151v450l4 44l-110 -90q-12 -9 -26 -9q-24 0 -33 14l-40 58l227 194h111v-661h133v-87h-417v87z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xba;" horiz-adv-x="780" d="M391 1484q72 0 130 -22t98.5 -63t63.5 -100t23 -132q0 -74 -23 -133t-63.5 -100.5t-98.5 -63.5t-130 -22q-73 0 -131 22t-99.5 63.5t-64 101t-22.5 132.5t22.5 132t64 100t99.5 63t131 22zM391 956q86 0 128.5 54t42.5 156t-42.5 155.5t-128.5 53.5q-89 0 -131.5 -53 t-42.5 -156q0 -102 42.5 -156t131.5 -54z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" horiz-adv-x="948" d="M242 132l-60 29q-29 13 -28 42q0 17 10 35l163 267q13 25 27 37q-12 11 -27 38l-163 267q-10 17 -10 35q0 29 28 42l60 28l255 -398v-24zM800 554v-24l-255 -398l-60 29q-29 13 -28 42q0 17 10 35l163 267q13 25 27 37q-12 11 -27 38l-163 267q-10 17 -10 35q0 29 28 42 l60 28z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" horiz-adv-x="1458" d="M1326 273h112v-66q0 -11 -7.5 -19t-20.5 -8h-84v-180h-112v180h-313q-18 0 -29 8.5t-13 20.5l-10 58l350 479h127v-473zM159 807h150v450l4 45l-109 -91q-12 -9 -27 -9q-24 0 -33 15l-40 57l228 194h110v-661h133v-87h-416v87zM1214 520q0 19 1.5 42t4.5 46l-247 -335 h241v247zM444 54q-19 -32 -41.5 -43t-52.5 -11h-78l838 1405q18 30 42 46t56 16h79z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" horiz-adv-x="1458" d="M1153 755q53 0 96.5 -15.5t74.5 -43t48 -67t17 -87.5q0 -41 -13 -76.5t-34.5 -67t-49 -61.5t-58.5 -61l-166 -168q24 6 48 10t45 4h200q22 0 33.5 -11.5t11.5 -31.5v-79h-523v44q0 13 5 27.5t17 26.5l227 225q26 26 48 52t38.5 53.5t26 54.5t9.5 55q0 52 -30.5 80 t-76.5 28q-47 0 -76.5 -24.5t-43.5 -67.5q-8 -14 -18 -22.5t-27 -8.5q-4 0 -8.5 0.5t-9.5 1.5l-73 13q15 109 86 163t176 54zM159 807h150v450l4 45l-109 -91q-12 -9 -27 -9q-24 0 -33 15l-40 57l228 194h110v-661h133v-87h-416v87zM399 54q-19 -32 -41.5 -43t-52.5 -11h-78 l838 1405q18 30 41.5 46t56.5 16h79z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" horiz-adv-x="1460" d="M1327 273h112v-66q0 -11 -7.5 -19t-20.5 -8h-84v-180h-112v180h-313q-18 0 -29 8.5t-13 20.5l-10 58l350 479h127v-473zM346 1475q52 0 94 -15t72.5 -41t46.5 -61t16 -76q0 -131 -121 -177q68 -19 103 -59t35 -104q0 -56 -21.5 -99t-57 -72.5t-82 -44t-95.5 -14.5 q-58 0 -101.5 12.5t-74.5 37.5t-53 62t-37 85l56 25q15 6 30 6q30 0 41 -24q6 -13 15 -29.5t24.5 -30.5t37.5 -24t55 -10q32 0 56 10.5t40 26t24.5 36t8.5 42.5q0 31 -9 53t-29 36t-53 21.5t-81 7.5v89q89 1 125 31.5t36 84.5q0 51 -29.5 77.5t-78.5 26.5t-78.5 -24 t-41.5 -65q-8 -16 -16.5 -24t-24.5 -8q-4 0 -8.5 0.5t-9.5 1.5l-69 12q7 54 29.5 95t56 68t76.5 41t93 14zM1215 520q0 19 1.5 42t4.5 46l-247 -335h241v247zM450 54q-19 -32 -42 -43t-53 -11h-77l837 1405q18 30 42 46t56 16h79z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" horiz-adv-x="815" d="M788 -217q-32 -30 -70 -56.5t-83 -47t-98.5 -32.5t-114.5 -12q-81 0 -150 23t-119.5 64.5t-79 102t-28.5 137.5q0 78 23 132t58.5 93t77.5 67t78 52.5t62.5 49.5t30.5 59l18 157h125l12 -171v-12q0 -45 -23 -76.5t-58 -57.5t-75.5 -50t-76 -54.5t-58.5 -71.5t-23 -102 q0 -45 17.5 -80t47 -60t70 -38.5t86.5 -13.5q62 0 107 15.5t75.5 34t50 33.5t31.5 15q14 0 23 -6t16 -17zM332 925q0 27 9.5 50t26.5 40.5t40.5 28t50.5 10.5t50 -10.5t40.5 -28t27.5 -41t10 -49.5q0 -28 -10 -51t-27.5 -40.5t-41 -27t-49.5 -9.5q-27 0 -50.5 9.5t-40.5 27 t-26.5 40.5t-9.5 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" horiz-adv-x="1392" d="M1385 0h-153q-27 0 -43.5 13.5t-24.5 33.5l-137 354h-658l-138 -354q-7 -18 -24.5 -32.5t-42.5 -14.5h-154l587 1467h202zM424 545h548l-231 597q-23 55 -44 138q-11 -42 -21.5 -77.5t-21.5 -61.5zM533 1825q33 0 49 -7t37 -27l216 -208h-142q-22 0 -34.5 3.5t-29.5 16.5 l-302 222h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" horiz-adv-x="1392" d="M1385 0h-153q-27 0 -43.5 13.5t-24.5 33.5l-137 354h-658l-138 -354q-7 -18 -24.5 -32.5t-42.5 -14.5h-154l587 1467h202zM424 545h548l-231 597q-23 55 -44 138q-11 -42 -21.5 -77.5t-21.5 -61.5zM1046 1825l-301 -221q-17 -12 -30.5 -16.5t-35.5 -4.5h-141l216 208 q10 10 19 16.5t18 10.5t20.5 5.5t28.5 1.5h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" horiz-adv-x="1392" d="M1385 0h-153q-27 0 -43.5 13.5t-24.5 33.5l-137 354h-658l-138 -354q-7 -18 -24.5 -32.5t-42.5 -14.5h-154l587 1467h202zM424 545h548l-231 597q-23 55 -44 138q-11 -42 -21.5 -77.5t-21.5 -61.5zM1030 1583h-138q-12 0 -26.5 3.5t-23.5 9.5l-133 98q-8 4 -13 8 q-8 -6 -12 -8l-133 -98q-9 -6 -23.5 -9.5t-26.5 -3.5h-138l243 215h180z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" horiz-adv-x="1392" d="M1385 0h-153q-27 0 -43.5 13.5t-24.5 33.5l-137 354h-658l-138 -354q-7 -18 -24.5 -32.5t-42.5 -14.5h-154l587 1467h202zM424 545h548l-231 597q-23 55 -44 138q-11 -42 -21.5 -77.5t-21.5 -61.5zM820 1703q36 0 55 21t20 59h100q0 -44 -11 -81t-32.5 -64t-53.5 -42 t-73 -15q-36 0 -68.5 13.5t-62.5 29t-57 29t-51 13.5q-35 0 -54 -22t-20 -59h-102q0 44 11.5 81.5t33.5 64t54.5 42t72.5 15.5q36 0 68.5 -13.5t62 -29t56 -29t51.5 -13.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" horiz-adv-x="1392" d="M1385 0h-153q-27 0 -43.5 13.5t-24.5 33.5l-137 354h-658l-138 -354q-7 -18 -24.5 -32.5t-42.5 -14.5h-154l587 1467h202zM424 545h548l-231 597q-23 55 -44 138q-11 -42 -21.5 -77.5t-21.5 -61.5zM592 1706q0 -23 -9.5 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-45 -9q-22 0 -41.5 9 t-35 24.5t-24.5 35t-9 42.5q0 24 9 45t24.5 36t35.5 24.5t41 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9.5 -45zM1028 1706q0 -23 -9 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-43.5 -9q-24 0 -44 9t-35.5 24.5t-24 35t-8.5 42.5q0 24 8.5 45t24 36t36 24.5t43.5 9.5t43.5 -9.5t36 -24.5 t24.5 -36t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" horiz-adv-x="1392" d="M1385 0h-153q-27 0 -43.5 13.5t-24.5 33.5l-137 354h-658l-138 -354q-7 -18 -24.5 -32.5t-42.5 -14.5h-154l587 1467h202zM424 545h548l-231 597q-23 55 -44 138q-11 -42 -21.5 -77.5t-21.5 -61.5zM501 1699q0 40 16 73.5t42 57.5t60.5 37.5t73.5 13.5q40 0 75.5 -13.5 t62.5 -37.5t42.5 -57.5t15.5 -73.5q0 -39 -15.5 -72t-42.5 -56.5t-62.5 -36.5t-75.5 -13q-39 0 -73.5 13t-60.5 36.5t-42 56.5t-16 72zM592 1699q0 -44 27.5 -73.5t75.5 -29.5q46 0 74.5 29.5t28.5 73.5q0 46 -28.5 74.5t-74.5 28.5q-48 0 -75.5 -28.5t-27.5 -74.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" horiz-adv-x="1902" d="M751 1467h1045v-161h-767l62 -488h572v-155h-553l62 -501h624v-162h-790l-51 401h-569l-183 -355q-11 -20 -30 -33t-46 -13h-152zM461 545h476l-96 771q-12 -42 -27 -77.5t-30 -67.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" horiz-adv-x="1402" d="M658 -253q6 0 14.5 -3.5t19.5 -8t27.5 -8t38.5 -3.5q43 0 65 16.5t22 43.5q0 19 -11.5 32.5t-32.5 22.5t-51.5 15.5t-69.5 11.5l37 121q-142 12 -258 72t-197.5 157.5t-125.5 229t-44 287.5q0 166 54 304.5t151 237.5t233 154t299 55q162 0 279.5 -50.5t208.5 -136.5 l-65 -91q-7 -10 -16 -16.5t-27 -6.5q-13 0 -28 9.5t-35.5 24t-48 31t-65.5 30.5t-88 24t-116 10q-118 0 -215.5 -40.5t-168 -115.5t-110 -182.5t-39.5 -240.5q0 -137 39.5 -244.5t107.5 -182t161 -113t201 -38.5q66 0 118 7.5t96.5 24t83 41.5t77.5 60q17 15 33 15t30 -13 l78 -85q-85 -99 -204.5 -156.5t-285.5 -63.5l-16 -57q92 -20 133.5 -55.5t41.5 -90.5q0 -33 -16.5 -59t-45.5 -44.5t-70 -28t-90 -9.5q-42 0 -80 8.5t-70 22.5l18 57q6 18 23 18z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" horiz-adv-x="1189" d="M1082 1467v-161h-704v-488h570v-155h-570v-501h704v-162h-904v1467h904zM479 1825q33 0 49 -7t37 -27l216 -208h-142q-22 0 -34.5 3.5t-29.5 16.5l-302 222h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc9;" horiz-adv-x="1189" d="M1082 1467v-161h-704v-488h570v-155h-570v-501h704v-162h-904v1467h904zM992 1825l-301 -221q-17 -12 -30.5 -16.5t-35.5 -4.5h-141l216 208q10 10 19 16.5t18 10.5t20.5 5.5t28.5 1.5h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xca;" horiz-adv-x="1189" d="M1082 1467v-161h-704v-488h570v-155h-570v-501h704v-162h-904v1467h904zM977 1583h-138q-12 0 -26.5 3.5t-23.5 9.5l-133 98q-8 4 -13 8q-8 -6 -12 -8l-133 -98q-9 -6 -23.5 -9.5t-26.5 -3.5h-138l243 215h180z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcb;" horiz-adv-x="1189" d="M1082 1467v-161h-704v-488h570v-155h-570v-501h704v-162h-904v1467h904zM539 1706q0 -23 -9.5 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-45 -9q-22 0 -41.5 9t-35 24.5t-24.5 35t-9 42.5q0 24 9 45t24.5 36t35.5 24.5t41 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9.5 -45zM975 1706 q0 -23 -9 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-43.5 -9q-24 0 -44 9t-35.5 24.5t-24 35t-8.5 42.5q0 24 8.5 45t24 36t36 24.5t43.5 9.5t43.5 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcc;" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M414 0h-199v1467h199v-1467zM153 1825q33 0 49 -7t37 -27l216 -208h-142q-22 0 -34.5 3.5t-29.5 16.5l-302 222h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcd;" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M414 0h-199v1467h199v-1467zM666 1825l-301 -221q-17 -12 -30.5 -16.5t-35.5 -4.5h-141l216 208q10 10 19 16.5t18 10.5t20.5 5.5t28.5 1.5h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xce;" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M414 0h-199v1467h199v-1467zM650 1583h-138q-12 0 -26.5 3.5t-23.5 9.5l-133 98q-8 4 -13 8q-8 -6 -12 -8l-133 -98q-9 -6 -23.5 -9.5t-26.5 -3.5h-138l243 215h180z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcf;" horiz-adv-x="628" d="M414 0h-199v1467h199v-1467zM211 1706q0 -23 -9.5 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-45 -9q-22 0 -41.5 9t-35 24.5t-24.5 35t-9 42.5q0 24 9 45t24.5 36t35.5 24.5t41 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9.5 -45zM647 1706q0 -23 -9 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-43.5 -9 q-24 0 -44 9t-35.5 24.5t-24 35t-8.5 42.5q0 24 8.5 45t24 36t36 24.5t43.5 9.5t43.5 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" horiz-adv-x="1615" d="M51 799h202v668h548q162 0 295.5 -52.5t228.5 -149.5t147.5 -232t52.5 -300t-52.5 -300t-147.5 -231.5t-228.5 -149t-295.5 -52.5h-548v682h-202v117zM1321 733q0 135 -37 241.5t-104.5 180.5t-163.5 113t-215 39h-349v-508h390v-117h-390v-521h349q119 0 215 39 t163.5 112t104.5 179.5t37 241.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" horiz-adv-x="1548" d="M281 1467q27 0 39.5 -6.5t28.5 -26.5l850 -1106q-3 27 -4 51.5t-1 48.5v1039h174v-1467h-100q-24 0 -40 8t-31 28l-849 1105q2 -26 3 -50.5t1 -44.5v-1046h-174v1467h103v0zM922 1703q36 0 55 21t20 59h100q0 -44 -11 -81t-32.5 -64t-53.5 -42t-73 -15q-36 0 -68.5 13.5 t-62.5 29t-57 29t-51 13.5q-35 0 -54 -22t-20 -59h-102q0 44 11.5 81.5t33.5 64t54.5 42t72.5 15.5q36 0 68.5 -13.5t62 -29t56 -29t51.5 -13.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M1541 733q0 -165 -52 -302.5t-147.5 -237t-229 -154t-295.5 -54.5t-295 54.5t-228 154t-147.5 237t-52.5 302.5t52.5 303t147.5 237.5t228 155t295 55.5t295.5 -55.5t229 -155t147.5 -237.5t52 -303zM1337 733q0 135 -36.5 242.5t-104.5 182t-164 114.5t-215 40 q-118 0 -214 -40t-164 -114.5t-105 -182t-37 -242.5t37 -242t105 -181t164 -113.5t214 -39.5q119 0 215 39.5t164 113.5t104.5 181t36.5 242zM656 1825q33 0 49 -7t37 -27l216 -208h-142q-22 0 -34.5 3.5t-29.5 16.5l-302 222h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M1541 733q0 -165 -52 -302.5t-147.5 -237t-229 -154t-295.5 -54.5t-295 54.5t-228 154t-147.5 237t-52.5 302.5t52.5 303t147.5 237.5t228 155t295 55.5t295.5 -55.5t229 -155t147.5 -237.5t52 -303zM1337 733q0 135 -36.5 242.5t-104.5 182t-164 114.5t-215 40 q-118 0 -214 -40t-164 -114.5t-105 -182t-37 -242.5t37 -242t105 -181t164 -113.5t214 -39.5q119 0 215 39.5t164 113.5t104.5 181t36.5 242zM1169 1825l-301 -221q-17 -12 -30.5 -16.5t-35.5 -4.5h-141l216 208q10 10 19 16.5t18 10.5t20.5 5.5t28.5 1.5h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M1541 733q0 -165 -52 -302.5t-147.5 -237t-229 -154t-295.5 -54.5t-295 54.5t-228 154t-147.5 237t-52.5 302.5t52.5 303t147.5 237.5t228 155t295 55.5t295.5 -55.5t229 -155t147.5 -237.5t52 -303zM1337 733q0 135 -36.5 242.5t-104.5 182t-164 114.5t-215 40 q-118 0 -214 -40t-164 -114.5t-105 -182t-37 -242.5t37 -242t105 -181t164 -113.5t214 -39.5q119 0 215 39.5t164 113.5t104.5 181t36.5 242zM1153 1583h-138q-12 0 -26.5 3.5t-23.5 9.5l-133 98q-8 4 -13 8q-8 -6 -12 -8l-133 -98q-9 -6 -23.5 -9.5t-26.5 -3.5h-138 l243 215h180z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M1541 733q0 -165 -52 -302.5t-147.5 -237t-229 -154t-295.5 -54.5t-295 54.5t-228 154t-147.5 237t-52.5 302.5t52.5 303t147.5 237.5t228 155t295 55.5t295.5 -55.5t229 -155t147.5 -237.5t52 -303zM1337 733q0 135 -36.5 242.5t-104.5 182t-164 114.5t-215 40 q-118 0 -214 -40t-164 -114.5t-105 -182t-37 -242.5t37 -242t105 -181t164 -113.5t214 -39.5q119 0 215 39.5t164 113.5t104.5 181t36.5 242zM943 1703q36 0 55 21t20 59h100q0 -44 -11 -81t-32.5 -64t-53.5 -42t-73 -15q-36 0 -68.5 13.5t-62.5 29t-57 29t-51 13.5 q-35 0 -54 -22t-20 -59h-102q0 44 11.5 81.5t33.5 64t54.5 42t72.5 15.5q36 0 68.5 -13.5t62 -29t56 -29t51.5 -13.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M1541 733q0 -165 -52 -302.5t-147.5 -237t-229 -154t-295.5 -54.5t-295 54.5t-228 154t-147.5 237t-52.5 302.5t52.5 303t147.5 237.5t228 155t295 55.5t295.5 -55.5t229 -155t147.5 -237.5t52 -303zM1337 733q0 135 -36.5 242.5t-104.5 182t-164 114.5t-215 40 q-118 0 -214 -40t-164 -114.5t-105 -182t-37 -242.5t37 -242t105 -181t164 -113.5t214 -39.5q119 0 215 39.5t164 113.5t104.5 181t36.5 242zM715 1706q0 -23 -9.5 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-45 -9q-22 0 -41.5 9t-35 24.5t-24.5 35t-9 42.5q0 24 9 45t24.5 36t35.5 24.5 t41 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9.5 -45zM1151 1706q0 -23 -9 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-43.5 -9q-24 0 -44 9t-35.5 24.5t-24 35t-8.5 42.5q0 24 8.5 45t24 36t36 24.5t43.5 9.5t43.5 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" d="M1041 1038l-352 -352l363 -361l-98 -99l-362 363l-366 -365l-97 99l365 364l-354 353l98 99l353 -355l352 353z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" horiz-adv-x="1634" d="M1541 733q0 -165 -52 -302.5t-147.5 -237t-229 -154t-295.5 -54.5q-111 0 -207 25t-177 74l-102 -139q-23 -30 -52.5 -43.5t-59.5 -13.5h-80l196 267q-115 100 -178 247.5t-63 330.5q0 165 52.5 303t147.5 237.5t228 155t295 55.5q118 0 220.5 -30t187.5 -85l84 114 q20 28 36.5 39.5t49.5 11.5h102l-176 -241q105 -100 162.5 -242.5t57.5 -317.5zM297 733q0 -138 38.5 -246t108.5 -183l675 921q-61 43 -137 65t-165 22q-118 0 -214 -40t-164 -114.5t-105 -182t-37 -242.5zM1337 733q0 129 -33 232t-95 177l-670 -914q119 -72 278 -71 q119 0 215 39.5t164 113.5t104.5 181t36.5 242z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" horiz-adv-x="1495" d="M749 158q91 0 162.5 30.5t121 86t76 132t26.5 168.5v892h197v-892q0 -127 -40.5 -235.5t-115.5 -187.5t-183.5 -124t-243.5 -45t-244 45t-184.5 124t-116 188t-40.5 235v892h197v-890q0 -92 26.5 -169t76 -132.5t122 -86.5t163.5 -31zM584 1825q33 0 49 -7t37 -27 l216 -208h-142q-22 0 -34.5 3.5t-29.5 16.5l-302 222h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xda;" horiz-adv-x="1495" d="M749 158q91 0 162.5 30.5t121 86t76 132t26.5 168.5v892h197v-892q0 -127 -40.5 -235.5t-115.5 -187.5t-183.5 -124t-243.5 -45t-244 45t-184.5 124t-116 188t-40.5 235v892h197v-890q0 -92 26.5 -169t76 -132.5t122 -86.5t163.5 -31zM1097 1825l-301 -221 q-17 -12 -30.5 -16.5t-35.5 -4.5h-141l216 208q10 10 19 16.5t18 10.5t20.5 5.5t28.5 1.5h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" horiz-adv-x="1495" d="M749 158q91 0 162.5 30.5t121 86t76 132t26.5 168.5v892h197v-892q0 -127 -40.5 -235.5t-115.5 -187.5t-183.5 -124t-243.5 -45t-244 45t-184.5 124t-116 188t-40.5 235v892h197v-890q0 -92 26.5 -169t76 -132.5t122 -86.5t163.5 -31zM1081 1583h-138q-12 0 -26.5 3.5 t-23.5 9.5l-133 98q-8 4 -13 8q-8 -6 -12 -8l-133 -98q-9 -6 -23.5 -9.5t-26.5 -3.5h-138l243 215h180z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" horiz-adv-x="1495" d="M749 158q91 0 162.5 30.5t121 86t76 132t26.5 168.5v892h197v-892q0 -127 -40.5 -235.5t-115.5 -187.5t-183.5 -124t-243.5 -45t-244 45t-184.5 124t-116 188t-40.5 235v892h197v-890q0 -92 26.5 -169t76 -132.5t122 -86.5t163.5 -31zM643 1706q0 -23 -9.5 -42.5 t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-45 -9q-22 0 -41.5 9t-35 24.5t-24.5 35t-9 42.5q0 24 9 45t24.5 36t35.5 24.5t41 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9.5 -45zM1079 1706q0 -23 -9 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-43.5 -9q-24 0 -44 9t-35.5 24.5t-24 35t-8.5 42.5q0 24 8.5 45t24 36 t36 24.5t43.5 9.5t43.5 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" horiz-adv-x="1288" d="M743 584v-584h-197v584l-538 883h174q27 0 42.5 -13t26.5 -33l336 -570q20 -36 34 -67.5t25 -62.5q11 32 24.5 63.5t34.5 66.5l334 570q9 16 25 31t42 15h176zM995 1825l-301 -221q-17 -12 -30.5 -16.5t-35.5 -4.5h-141l216 208q10 10 19 16.5t18 10.5t20.5 5.5t28.5 1.5 h206z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="1251" d="M396 279v-279h-197v1467h197v-270h236q139 0 242 -32t170.5 -91.5t101 -143.5t33.5 -188q0 -102 -36 -187t-105 -146.5t-171.5 -95.5t-234.5 -34h-236zM396 436h236q85 0 150 22.5t109 63t66.5 97t22.5 123.5q0 140 -86.5 219t-261.5 79h-236v-604z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="1247" d="M689 1489q105 0 182.5 -31t128 -78.5t74.5 -103.5t24 -109q0 -61 -22 -105t-55 -78t-71.5 -59.5t-71 -50t-54.5 -50.5t-22 -59q0 -40 27 -66.5t68 -49.5t88.5 -47t88.5 -60t68 -88.5t27 -131.5q0 -80 -29 -142.5t-80 -106t-120.5 -66.5t-149.5 -23q-99 0 -180.5 35 t-142.5 91l42 69q8 13 20 20.5t29 7.5q18 0 38.5 -14.5t49 -32t67 -31.5t92.5 -14q45 0 81 13.5t61 37t38 56.5t13 71q0 57 -28.5 93t-71.5 62t-93 47.5t-93 51.5t-72 72.5t-29 109.5q0 54 23 94.5t57.5 73t74.5 60t74 58.5t57.5 67t23.5 85q0 33 -13 66.5t-41.5 60 t-74.5 43.5t-110 17q-70 0 -126.5 -21.5t-97 -64.5t-62.5 -107.5t-22 -150.5v-1010h-184v1016q0 106 35.5 193t101 149.5t157.5 96.5t205 34z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="1038" d="M911 0h-81q-27 0 -43 8t-21 35l-21 96q-41 -37 -79.5 -66t-81.5 -49t-92 -30t-108 -10q-60 0 -113 16.5t-92 50.5t-62 85.5t-23 122.5q0 61 34 118t109 101t197 72.5t298 32.5v81q0 121 -51.5 182.5t-153.5 61.5q-67 0 -112 -17t-78.5 -37.5t-57.5 -37.5t-48 -17 q-18 0 -32 9.5t-22 24.5l-33 58q86 83 185.5 124t220.5 41q87 0 154.5 -29t113.5 -80t69.5 -123.5t23.5 -159.5v-664zM438 112q48 0 88 9.5t75.5 27.5t67.5 43.5t63 58.5v216q-126 -4 -214 -20t-143.5 -41.5t-80.5 -60.5t-25 -78q0 -41 13.5 -70.5t36 -48.5t53 -27.5 t66.5 -8.5zM438 1484q34 0 50.5 -11t30.5 -34l152 -248h-104q-22 0 -35 6.5t-27 22.5l-240 264h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" horiz-adv-x="1038" d="M911 0h-81q-27 0 -43 8t-21 35l-21 96q-41 -37 -79.5 -66t-81.5 -49t-92 -30t-108 -10q-60 0 -113 16.5t-92 50.5t-62 85.5t-23 122.5q0 61 34 118t109 101t197 72.5t298 32.5v81q0 121 -51.5 182.5t-153.5 61.5q-67 0 -112 -17t-78.5 -37.5t-57.5 -37.5t-48 -17 q-18 0 -32 9.5t-22 24.5l-33 58q86 83 185.5 124t220.5 41q87 0 154.5 -29t113.5 -80t69.5 -123.5t23.5 -159.5v-664zM438 112q48 0 88 9.5t75.5 27.5t67.5 43.5t63 58.5v216q-126 -4 -214 -20t-143.5 -41.5t-80.5 -60.5t-25 -78q0 -41 13.5 -70.5t36 -48.5t53 -27.5 t66.5 -8.5zM837 1484l-238 -264q-14 -15 -28 -22t-36 -7h-108l151 248q14 24 31 34.5t50 10.5h178z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" horiz-adv-x="1038" d="M911 0h-81q-27 0 -43 8t-21 35l-21 96q-41 -37 -79.5 -66t-81.5 -49t-92 -30t-108 -10q-60 0 -113 16.5t-92 50.5t-62 85.5t-23 122.5q0 61 34 118t109 101t197 72.5t298 32.5v81q0 121 -51.5 182.5t-153.5 61.5q-67 0 -112 -17t-78.5 -37.5t-57.5 -37.5t-48 -17 q-18 0 -32 9.5t-22 24.5l-33 58q86 83 185.5 124t220.5 41q87 0 154.5 -29t113.5 -80t69.5 -123.5t23.5 -159.5v-664zM438 112q48 0 88 9.5t75.5 27.5t67.5 43.5t63 58.5v216q-126 -4 -214 -20t-143.5 -41.5t-80.5 -60.5t-25 -78q0 -41 13.5 -70.5t36 -48.5t53 -27.5 t66.5 -8.5zM853 1197h-122q-22 0 -41 14l-131 129l-18 18l-16 -18l-132 -129q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5h-126l228 270h170z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="1038" d="M911 0h-81q-27 0 -43 8t-21 35l-21 96q-41 -37 -79.5 -66t-81.5 -49t-92 -30t-108 -10q-60 0 -113 16.5t-92 50.5t-62 85.5t-23 122.5q0 61 34 118t109 101t197 72.5t298 32.5v81q0 121 -51.5 182.5t-153.5 61.5q-67 0 -112 -17t-78.5 -37.5t-57.5 -37.5t-48 -17 q-18 0 -32 9.5t-22 24.5l-33 58q86 83 185.5 124t220.5 41q87 0 154.5 -29t113.5 -80t69.5 -123.5t23.5 -159.5v-664zM438 112q48 0 88 9.5t75.5 27.5t67.5 43.5t63 58.5v216q-126 -4 -214 -20t-143.5 -41.5t-80.5 -60.5t-25 -78q0 -41 13.5 -70.5t36 -48.5t53 -27.5 t66.5 -8.5zM653 1357q37 0 57 21.5t21 66.5h110q0 -48 -12.5 -88.5t-36.5 -69.5t-57.5 -44.5t-74.5 -15.5q-36 0 -67 14.5t-58.5 32t-52.5 32.5t-48 15q-74 0 -76 -90h-114q0 49 13.5 89.5t38 69.5t58.5 45t74 16q36 0 67 -15t58.5 -32.5t51.5 -32t48 -14.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" horiz-adv-x="1038" d="M911 0h-81q-27 0 -43 8t-21 35l-21 96q-41 -37 -79.5 -66t-81.5 -49t-92 -30t-108 -10q-60 0 -113 16.5t-92 50.5t-62 85.5t-23 122.5q0 61 34 118t109 101t197 72.5t298 32.5v81q0 121 -51.5 182.5t-153.5 61.5q-67 0 -112 -17t-78.5 -37.5t-57.5 -37.5t-48 -17 q-18 0 -32 9.5t-22 24.5l-33 58q86 83 185.5 124t220.5 41q87 0 154.5 -29t113.5 -80t69.5 -123.5t23.5 -159.5v-664zM438 112q48 0 88 9.5t75.5 27.5t67.5 43.5t63 58.5v216q-126 -4 -214 -20t-143.5 -41.5t-80.5 -60.5t-25 -78q0 -41 13.5 -70.5t36 -48.5t53 -27.5 t66.5 -8.5zM471 1320q0 -24 -9.5 -44.5t-25.5 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-45 -9.5q-23 0 -43 9.5t-36 24.5t-25.5 35.5t-9.5 44.5t9.5 45t25.5 37t36 25.5t43 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t37 -25.5t25.5 -37t9.5 -45zM838 1320q0 -24 -9 -44.5t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9.5q-24 0 -45 9.5 t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 35.5t-9 44.5t9 45t24.5 37t36.5 25.5t45 9.5t44.5 -9.5t36.5 -25.5t25 -37t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" horiz-adv-x="1038" d="M911 0h-81q-27 0 -43 8t-21 35l-21 96q-41 -37 -79.5 -66t-81.5 -49t-92 -30t-108 -10q-60 0 -113 16.5t-92 50.5t-62 85.5t-23 122.5q0 61 34 118t109 101t197 72.5t298 32.5v81q0 121 -51.5 182.5t-153.5 61.5q-67 0 -112 -17t-78.5 -37.5t-57.5 -37.5t-48 -17 q-18 0 -32 9.5t-22 24.5l-33 58q86 83 185.5 124t220.5 41q87 0 154.5 -29t113.5 -80t69.5 -123.5t23.5 -159.5v-664zM438 112q48 0 88 9.5t75.5 27.5t67.5 43.5t63 58.5v216q-126 -4 -214 -20t-143.5 -41.5t-80.5 -60.5t-25 -78q0 -41 13.5 -70.5t36 -48.5t53 -27.5 t66.5 -8.5zM336 1347q0 43 16 77.5t44.5 60t65 39.5t77.5 14q42 0 79.5 -14t66 -39.5t45 -60t16.5 -77.5q0 -42 -16.5 -77t-45 -59.5t-66 -38.5t-79.5 -14q-41 0 -77.5 14t-65 38.5t-44.5 59.5t-16 77zM438 1347q0 -45 27.5 -74t75.5 -29q46 0 74.5 29t28.5 74 q0 46 -28.5 74.5t-74.5 28.5q-48 0 -75.5 -28.5t-27.5 -74.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" horiz-adv-x="1671" d="M1194 1054q84 0 156 -33t125 -95.5t83 -152t30 -204.5q0 -42 -8 -56.5t-34 -14.5h-642q4 -93 27.5 -162.5t63 -115.5t93.5 -68.5t120 -22.5q71 0 118 15t78.5 33.5t51 33t35.5 14.5q14 0 23.5 -4.5t15.5 -12.5l48 -63q-34 -41 -78.5 -71t-95 -49.5t-105 -29t-107.5 -9.5 q-120 0 -217.5 57.5t-154.5 176.5q-28 -63 -72.5 -108t-98.5 -74t-115 -41.5t-121 -12.5q-71 0 -129.5 17.5t-101 53.5t-65.5 90.5t-23 127.5q0 61 34 121t109 107t197 77t298 34v52q0 121 -51.5 185t-153.5 64q-67 0 -112 -17.5t-78.5 -39t-57.5 -39.5t-48 -18 q-18 0 -32 9.5t-22 24.5l-33 58q86 83 179 124t208 41q123 0 198 -52.5t109 -145.5q55 90 143.5 143t212.5 53zM732 498q-126 -5 -214 -23t-143.5 -47t-80.5 -65.5t-25 -79.5q0 -89 51.5 -130t134.5 -41q58 0 108.5 18t88 56t59 94.5t21.5 132.5v85zM1187 920 q-62 0 -111.5 -21t-85 -61t-56.5 -97.5t-28 -129.5h520q0 67 -15.5 124t-46.5 97.5t-75.5 64t-101.5 23.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" horiz-adv-x="956" d="M410 -253q6 0 14 -3.5t19.5 -8t27.5 -8t38 -3.5q43 0 65 16.5t22 43.5q0 19 -11.5 32.5t-32.5 22.5t-51.5 15.5t-69.5 11.5l38 124q-85 11 -157 51.5t-124.5 108t-82 160.5t-29.5 209t32 214t94 169.5t153 111.5t209 40q109 0 193 -35.5t148 -99.5l-48 -66 q-8 -11 -16 -17.5t-24 -6.5q-15 0 -33 13t-45.5 28.5t-67 28t-97.5 12.5q-76 0 -134 -27t-97.5 -78t-59.5 -124t-20 -163q0 -94 21.5 -167t60.5 -123t95 -76t125 -26q67 0 110 16t71.5 35.5t47 35t36.5 15.5q11 0 20 -4.5t15 -12.5l51 -67q-60 -74 -147 -111.5t-186 -45.5 l-18 -60q92 -20 133.5 -55.5t41.5 -90.5q0 -33 -16 -59t-45.5 -44.5t-70.5 -28t-90 -9.5q-42 0 -80 8.5t-69 22.5l17 57q7 18 24 18z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" horiz-adv-x="1073" d="M560 1054q93 0 172 -31.5t136.5 -90.5t89.5 -145.5t32 -196.5q0 -43 -9 -57.5t-35 -14.5h-690q2 -98 26.5 -171t67.5 -121.5t102.5 -72.5t133.5 -24q69 0 118.5 16t85 34.5t59.5 34t42 15.5q23 0 35 -17l51 -67q-34 -41 -81 -71t-101 -49.5t-111 -29t-114 -9.5 q-108 0 -198 36t-156 106.5t-103 174t-37 237.5q0 109 33 203t95.5 163t152.5 108.5t203 39.5zM564 920q-132 0 -207.5 -76.5t-94.5 -211.5h564q0 63 -17 116t-51 91.5t-83 59.5t-111 21zM462 1484q34 0 50.5 -11t30.5 -34l152 -248h-104q-22 0 -35 6.5t-27 22.5l-240 264 h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" horiz-adv-x="1073" d="M560 1054q93 0 172 -31.5t136.5 -90.5t89.5 -145.5t32 -196.5q0 -43 -9 -57.5t-35 -14.5h-690q2 -98 26.5 -171t67.5 -121.5t102.5 -72.5t133.5 -24q69 0 118.5 16t85 34.5t59.5 34t42 15.5q23 0 35 -17l51 -67q-34 -41 -81 -71t-101 -49.5t-111 -29t-114 -9.5 q-108 0 -198 36t-156 106.5t-103 174t-37 237.5q0 109 33 203t95.5 163t152.5 108.5t203 39.5zM564 920q-132 0 -207.5 -76.5t-94.5 -211.5h564q0 63 -17 116t-51 91.5t-83 59.5t-111 21zM861 1484l-238 -264q-14 -15 -28 -22t-36 -7h-108l151 248q14 24 31 34.5t50 10.5 h178z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea;" horiz-adv-x="1073" d="M560 1054q93 0 172 -31.5t136.5 -90.5t89.5 -145.5t32 -196.5q0 -43 -9 -57.5t-35 -14.5h-690q2 -98 26.5 -171t67.5 -121.5t102.5 -72.5t133.5 -24q69 0 118.5 16t85 34.5t59.5 34t42 15.5q23 0 35 -17l51 -67q-34 -41 -81 -71t-101 -49.5t-111 -29t-114 -9.5 q-108 0 -198 36t-156 106.5t-103 174t-37 237.5q0 109 33 203t95.5 163t152.5 108.5t203 39.5zM564 920q-132 0 -207.5 -76.5t-94.5 -211.5h564q0 63 -17 116t-51 91.5t-83 59.5t-111 21zM877 1197h-122q-22 0 -41 14l-131 129l-18 18l-16 -18l-132 -129q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5 t-23.5 -4.5h-126l228 270h170z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" horiz-adv-x="1073" d="M560 1054q93 0 172 -31.5t136.5 -90.5t89.5 -145.5t32 -196.5q0 -43 -9 -57.5t-35 -14.5h-690q2 -98 26.5 -171t67.5 -121.5t102.5 -72.5t133.5 -24q69 0 118.5 16t85 34.5t59.5 34t42 15.5q23 0 35 -17l51 -67q-34 -41 -81 -71t-101 -49.5t-111 -29t-114 -9.5 q-108 0 -198 36t-156 106.5t-103 174t-37 237.5q0 109 33 203t95.5 163t152.5 108.5t203 39.5zM564 920q-132 0 -207.5 -76.5t-94.5 -211.5h564q0 63 -17 116t-51 91.5t-83 59.5t-111 21zM495 1320q0 -24 -9.5 -44.5t-25.5 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-45 -9.5q-23 0 -43 9.5t-36 24.5 t-25.5 35.5t-9.5 44.5t9.5 45t25.5 37t36 25.5t43 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t37 -25.5t25.5 -37t9.5 -45zM862 1320q0 -24 -9 -44.5t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9.5q-24 0 -45 9.5t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 35.5t-9 44.5t9 45t24.5 37t36.5 25.5t45 9.5t44.5 -9.5t36.5 -25.5t25 -37t9 -45z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xec;" horiz-adv-x="524" d="M352 1037v-1037h-182v1037h182zM166 1484q34 0 50.5 -11t30.5 -34l152 -248h-104q-22 0 -35 6.5t-27 22.5l-240 264h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xed;" horiz-adv-x="524" d="M352 1037v-1037h-182v1037h182zM565 1484l-238 -264q-14 -15 -28 -22t-36 -7h-108l151 248q14 24 31 34.5t50 10.5h178z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="524" d="M352 1037v-1037h-182v1037h182zM580 1197h-122q-22 0 -41 14l-131 129l-18 18l-16 -18l-132 -129q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5h-126l228 270h170z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xef;" horiz-adv-x="524" d="M352 1037v-1037h-182v1037h182zM199 1320q0 -24 -9.5 -44.5t-25.5 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-45 -9.5q-23 0 -43 9.5t-36 24.5t-25.5 35.5t-9.5 44.5t9.5 45t25.5 37t36 25.5t43 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t37 -25.5t25.5 -37t9.5 -45zM566 1320q0 -24 -9 -44.5t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5 t-44 -9.5q-24 0 -45 9.5t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 35.5t-9 44.5t9 45t24.5 37t36.5 25.5t45 9.5t44.5 -9.5t36.5 -25.5t25 -37t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" horiz-adv-x="1132" d="M427 1091q-4 7 -6.5 13.5t-2.5 12.5q0 23 23 38l106 74q-46 20 -98 37.5t-110 31.5q-18 5 -31 19t-13 38q0 15 5 29l21 64q98 -16 190 -47t175 -80l171 125l36 -58q8 -13 8 -25q0 -22 -22 -38l-100 -69q61 -50 112 -113.5t87 -142.5t56 -174t20 -208q0 -146 -32 -262.5 t-95 -198.5t-156.5 -126t-216.5 -44q-100 0 -187 33.5t-151 96.5t-101 154t-37 206q0 96 31.5 181.5t91 150t144 102.5t191.5 38q102 0 192.5 -44t157.5 -133q-20 139 -80.5 236.5t-156.5 162.5l-188 -138zM558 128q73 0 132 27.5t100 83.5t65 140.5t27 198.5 q-16 44 -43 85.5t-65.5 73.5t-89 51t-114.5 19q-77 0 -134.5 -25.5t-96.5 -70t-59 -105.5t-20 -131q0 -83 23.5 -148t64.5 -109t95 -67t115 -23z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M150 0v1037h108q39 0 49 -38l15 -112q68 75 151 121t193 46q85 0 150 -28.5t108.5 -80t66 -124t22.5 -161.5v-660h-183v660q0 118 -53.5 183t-164.5 65q-81 0 -151 -39t-129 -105v-764h-182zM691 1357q37 0 57 21.5t21 66.5h110q0 -48 -12.5 -88.5t-36.5 -69.5 t-57.5 -44.5t-74.5 -15.5q-36 0 -67 14.5t-58.5 32t-52.5 32.5t-48 15q-74 0 -76 -90h-114q0 49 13.5 89.5t38 69.5t58.5 45t74 16q36 0 67 -15t58.5 -32.5t51.5 -32t48 -14.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf2;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M569 1054q114 0 205.5 -38t155.5 -107.5t98.5 -168.5t34.5 -221q0 -123 -34.5 -221t-98.5 -168t-155.5 -107t-205.5 -37t-205.5 37t-156 107t-99 168t-34.5 221q0 122 34.5 221t99 168.5t156 107.5t205.5 38zM569 128q154 0 229.5 103t75.5 287q0 185 -75.5 288.5 t-229.5 103.5q-78 0 -135 -26.5t-95.5 -76.5t-57.5 -123.5t-19 -165.5t19 -164.5t57.5 -122.5t95.5 -76.5t135 -26.5zM469 1484q34 0 50.5 -11t30.5 -34l152 -248h-104q-22 0 -35 6.5t-27 22.5l-240 264h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M569 1054q114 0 205.5 -38t155.5 -107.5t98.5 -168.5t34.5 -221q0 -123 -34.5 -221t-98.5 -168t-155.5 -107t-205.5 -37t-205.5 37t-156 107t-99 168t-34.5 221q0 122 34.5 221t99 168.5t156 107.5t205.5 38zM569 128q154 0 229.5 103t75.5 287q0 185 -75.5 288.5 t-229.5 103.5q-78 0 -135 -26.5t-95.5 -76.5t-57.5 -123.5t-19 -165.5t19 -164.5t57.5 -122.5t95.5 -76.5t135 -26.5zM868 1484l-238 -264q-14 -15 -28 -22t-36 -7h-108l151 248q14 24 31 34.5t50 10.5h178z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M569 1054q114 0 205.5 -38t155.5 -107.5t98.5 -168.5t34.5 -221q0 -123 -34.5 -221t-98.5 -168t-155.5 -107t-205.5 -37t-205.5 37t-156 107t-99 168t-34.5 221q0 122 34.5 221t99 168.5t156 107.5t205.5 38zM569 128q154 0 229.5 103t75.5 287q0 185 -75.5 288.5 t-229.5 103.5q-78 0 -135 -26.5t-95.5 -76.5t-57.5 -123.5t-19 -165.5t19 -164.5t57.5 -122.5t95.5 -76.5t135 -26.5zM884 1197h-122q-22 0 -41 14l-131 129l-18 18l-16 -18l-132 -129q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5h-126l228 270h170z" /> 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-164.5t57.5 -122.5t95.5 -76.5t135 -26.5zM502 1320q0 -24 -9.5 -44.5t-25.5 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-45 -9.5q-23 0 -43 9.5t-36 24.5t-25.5 35.5t-9.5 44.5t9.5 45t25.5 37t36 25.5t43 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5 t37 -25.5t25.5 -37t9.5 -45zM869 1320q0 -24 -9 -44.5t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9.5q-24 0 -45 9.5t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 35.5t-9 44.5t9 45t24.5 37t36.5 25.5t45 9.5t44.5 -9.5t36.5 -25.5t25 -37t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf7;" d="M102 757h981v-139h-981v139zM465 1051q0 27 9.5 50t26.5 40.5t40 28t51 10.5q27 0 50 -10.5t40 -28t27.5 -41t10.5 -49.5q0 -28 -10.5 -51t-27.5 -40.5t-40.5 -27t-49.5 -9.5q-28 0 -51 9.5t-40 27t-26.5 40.5t-9.5 51zM465 322q0 27 9.5 50t26.5 40.5t40 28t51 10.5 q27 0 50 -10.5t40 -28t27.5 -41t10.5 -49.5q0 -28 -10.5 -51t-27.5 -40.5t-40.5 -27t-49.5 -9.5q-28 0 -51 9.5t-40 27t-26.5 40.5t-9.5 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf8;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M934 905q62 -70 96 -167.5t34 -218.5q0 -123 -34.5 -221t-98.5 -168t-155.5 -107t-205.5 -37q-78 0 -145 17t-122 50l-56 -76q-23 -30 -53 -42.5t-60 -12.5h-68l148 201q-68 71 -103.5 170t-35.5 226q0 122 34.5 221t99 168.5t156.5 107.5t205 38q81 0 150.5 -19.5 t126.5 -55.5l69 93q20 28 37 39.5t49 11.5h93zM252 518q0 -164 60 -263l447 604q-75 57 -189 57q-78 0 -137 -27.5t-99.5 -78.5t-61 -125.5t-20.5 -166.5zM570 123q77 0 136 27t99.5 78.5t61 124.5t20.5 165q0 155 -53 253l-444 -599q71 -49 180 -49z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf9;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M307 1037v-661q0 -118 54.5 -182.5t163.5 -64.5q80 0 150.5 38t130.5 105v765h182v-1037h-108q-39 0 -50 38l-14 112q-68 -75 -151.5 -120.5t-192.5 -45.5q-85 0 -150 28t-109 79t-66 124t-22 161v661h182zM463 1484q34 0 50.5 -11t30.5 -34l152 -248h-104q-22 0 -35 6.5 t-27 22.5l-240 264h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfa;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M307 1037v-661q0 -118 54.5 -182.5t163.5 -64.5q80 0 150.5 38t130.5 105v765h182v-1037h-108q-39 0 -50 38l-14 112q-68 -75 -151.5 -120.5t-192.5 -45.5q-85 0 -150 28t-109 79t-66 124t-22 161v661h182zM862 1484l-238 -264q-14 -15 -28 -22t-36 -7h-108l151 248 q14 24 31 34.5t50 10.5h178z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfb;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M307 1037v-661q0 -118 54.5 -182.5t163.5 -64.5q80 0 150.5 38t130.5 105v765h182v-1037h-108q-39 0 -50 38l-14 112q-68 -75 -151.5 -120.5t-192.5 -45.5q-85 0 -150 28t-109 79t-66 124t-22 161v661h182zM878 1197h-122q-22 0 -41 14l-131 129l-18 18l-16 -18 l-132 -129q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5h-126l228 270h170z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfc;" horiz-adv-x="1138" d="M307 1037v-661q0 -118 54.5 -182.5t163.5 -64.5q80 0 150.5 38t130.5 105v765h182v-1037h-108q-39 0 -50 38l-14 112q-68 -75 -151.5 -120.5t-192.5 -45.5q-85 0 -150 28t-109 79t-66 124t-22 161v661h182zM496 1320q0 -24 -9.5 -44.5t-25.5 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-45 -9.5 q-23 0 -43 9.5t-36 24.5t-25.5 35.5t-9.5 44.5t9.5 45t25.5 37t36 25.5t43 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t37 -25.5t25.5 -37t9.5 -45zM863 1320q0 -24 -9 -44.5t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9.5q-24 0 -45 9.5t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 35.5t-9 44.5t9 45t24.5 37t36.5 25.5t45 9.5t44.5 -9.5 t36.5 -25.5t25 -37t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfd;" horiz-adv-x="1048" d="M454 -306q-9 -20 -23 -32.5t-43 -12.5h-135l189 411l-428 977h158q24 0 37 -11.5t19 -26.5l278 -653q9 -23 15.5 -45t12.5 -46q7 24 14 46.5t16 45.5l270 652q6 16 20.5 27t32.5 11h145zM844 1484l-238 -264q-14 -15 -28 -22t-36 -7h-108l151 248q14 24 31 34.5t50 10.5 h178z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfe;" horiz-adv-x="1130" d="M150 -351v1859h182v-621q65 76 148.5 121.5t191.5 45.5q89 0 161.5 -34t124 -101t79 -166t27.5 -228q0 -115 -31 -213.5t-88 -170.5t-140.5 -113.5t-188.5 -41.5q-97 0 -164.5 35t-119.5 100v-472h-182zM611 908q-89 0 -156 -41t-123 -115v-502q50 -68 110 -95.5 t133 -27.5q144 0 222.5 103.5t78.5 294.5q0 101 -18 174t-52 119.5t-83.5 68t-111.5 21.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xff;" horiz-adv-x="1048" d="M454 -306q-9 -20 -23 -32.5t-43 -12.5h-135l189 411l-428 977h158q24 0 37 -11.5t19 -26.5l278 -653q9 -23 15.5 -45t12.5 -46q7 24 14 46.5t16 45.5l270 652q6 16 20.5 27t32.5 11h145zM478 1320q0 -24 -9.5 -44.5t-25.5 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-45 -9.5q-23 0 -43 9.5 t-36 24.5t-25.5 35.5t-9.5 44.5t9.5 45t25.5 37t36 25.5t43 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t37 -25.5t25.5 -37t9.5 -45zM845 1320q0 -24 -9 -44.5t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9.5q-24 0 -45 9.5t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 35.5t-9 44.5t9 45t24.5 37t36.5 25.5t45 9.5t44.5 -9.5t36.5 -25.5 t25 -37t9 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x131;" horiz-adv-x="524" d="M352 1037v-1037h-182v1037h182z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x152;" horiz-adv-x="2244" d="M2137 1467v-161h-704v-488h570v-155h-570v-501h704v-162h-881v246q-86 -123 -216 -191.5t-295 -68.5q-145 0 -265 54.5t-206 153.5t-133 236.5t-47 302.5t47 303t133 237.5t206 155t265 55.5q165 0 295 -69t216 -193v245h881zM1233 733q0 135 -33 243t-93.5 184 t-147.5 116.5t-193 40.5t-193 -40.5t-148 -116.5t-94.5 -184t-33.5 -243t33.5 -243t94.5 -183.5t147.5 -115t193.5 -39.5q106 0 193 39.5t147.5 115t93.5 183.5t33 243z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x153;" horiz-adv-x="1775" d="M1298 1054q84 0 156.5 -33t125 -95.5t83 -152t30.5 -204.5q0 -42 -8.5 -56.5t-33.5 -14.5h-642q4 -93 27.5 -162.5t63 -115.5t93 -68.5t120.5 -22.5q62 0 107.5 16t78.5 34.5t56 34t41 15.5q22 0 34 -17l52 -67q-34 -41 -78 -71t-95 -49.5t-105 -29t-108 -9.5 q-122 0 -219.5 58.5t-153.5 180.5q-55 -115 -154 -177t-240 -62q-102 0 -186 37t-144 107t-92.5 168t-32.5 221q0 122 32.5 221t93.5 168.5t146.5 107.5t190.5 38q134 0 231 -62t152 -175q51 108 146.5 172.5t231.5 64.5zM547 128q142 0 211.5 103t69.5 287q0 92 -17 165.5 t-52 123.5t-88.5 76.5t-123.5 26.5q-73 0 -126 -26.5t-88.5 -76.5t-53 -123.5t-17.5 -165.5q0 -184 70.5 -287t214.5 -103zM1292 920q-62 0 -111 -21t-84.5 -61t-57 -97.5t-28.5 -129.5h520q0 67 -16 124t-46.5 97.5t-75.5 64t-101 23.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x178;" horiz-adv-x="1288" d="M743 584v-584h-197v584l-538 883h174q27 0 42.5 -13t26.5 -33l336 -570q20 -36 34 -67.5t25 -62.5q11 32 24.5 63.5t34.5 66.5l334 570q9 16 25 31t42 15h176zM541 1706q0 -23 -9.5 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-45 -9q-22 0 -41.5 9t-35 24.5t-24.5 35t-9 42.5q0 24 9 45 t24.5 36t35.5 24.5t41 9.5q24 0 45 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9.5 -45zM977 1706q0 -23 -9 -42.5t-24.5 -35t-36 -24.5t-43.5 -9q-24 0 -44 9t-35.5 24.5t-24 35t-8.5 42.5q0 24 8.5 45t24 36t36 24.5t43.5 9.5t43.5 -9.5t36 -24.5t24.5 -36t9 -45z" /> 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k="184" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="z" k="123" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="y" k="184" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="x" k="147" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="w" k="143" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="v" k="184" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="u" k="164" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="s" k="166" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="r" k="164" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="q" k="215" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="p" k="164" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="o" k="215" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="n" k="164" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="m" k="164" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="g" k="193" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="e" k="215" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="d" k="215" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="c" k="215" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="a" k="256" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="Q" k="100" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="O" k="100" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="J" k="205" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="G" k="100" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="C" k="100" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="A" k="135" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="&#x40;" k="100" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="&#x3b;" k="164" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="&#x3a;" k="164" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="&#x2f;" k="135" /> -<hkern u1="T" u2="&#x2e;" k="184" /> -<hkern 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k="-31" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xd8;" k="47" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xd6;" k="47" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xd5;" k="47" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xd4;" k="47" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xd3;" k="47" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xd2;" k="47" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xc7;" k="47" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xc6;" k="186" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xc5;" k="186" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xc4;" k="186" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xc3;" k="186" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xc2;" k="186" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xc1;" k="186" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xc0;" k="186" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xbb;" k="182" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xb7;" k="182" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xad;" k="182" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="&#xab;" k="182" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="q" k="94" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="o" k="94" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="e" k="94" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="d" k="94" /> -<hkern u1="&#x201c;" u2="c" 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-209.5t62 -140.5t91 -78.5t109 -24.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="1" d="M250 135h317l126 1029l19 79l-300 -234q-18 -14 -39 -15q-15 0 -27.5 7t-17.5 15l-45 77l481 377h143l-164 -1335h291l-16 -135h-784z" /> -<glyph unicode="2" d="M732 1482q85 0 157.5 -24t124.5 -70.5t81 -112.5t29 -150q0 -93 -29 -169.5t-79 -145.5t-117.5 -133.5t-142.5 -132.5l-442 -402q42 11 84 17.5t81 6.5h502q27 0 41 -14.5t14 -37.5q0 -10 -2 -27.5t-4 -32.5l-7 -54h-975l7 60q2 17 12.5 38.5t28.5 37.5l531 474 q75 67 133 127t98.5 118.5t61.5 120t21 132.5q0 55 -18 97t-49.5 70t-75 42t-95.5 14q-115 0 -195 -60t-118 -164q-11 -30 -29 -42t-44 -12q-5 0 -11 0.5t-12 1.5l-89 15q26 100 76.5 177t119 129t153 79t178.5 27z" /> -<glyph unicode="3" d="M755 1482q86 0 157 -23.5t121 -67t78 -105t28 -136.5q0 -81 -21.5 -143t-61 -108t-95.5 -76t-124 -49q125 -36 187.5 -115t62.5 -194q0 -111 -44 -199.5t-118.5 -151.5t-173.5 -96.5t-207 -33.5q-102 0 -179 23.5t-131.5 70.5t-88 118.5t-50.5 169.5l82 30q23 8 41 8 q19 0 33 -8t19 -24q16 -59 39 -104t56.5 -74.5t81 -44.5t113.5 -15q84 0 149.5 28.5t110 75t68 104.5t23.5 119q0 49 -15 90.5t-55 71.5t-107.5 47.5t-172.5 17.5l17 126q195 4 290 83.5t95 216.5q0 54 -17.5 95t-49.5 68.5t-75 40.5t-94 13q-117 0 -196.5 -60.5 t-118.5 -163.5q-11 -30 -29 -42t-43 -12q-5 0 -10.5 0.5t-11.5 1.5l-90 15q26 100 76.5 177t119.5 129t153 79t178 27z" /> -<glyph unicode="4" d="M931 526h222l-14 -100q-2 -15 -13 -26.5t-31 -11.5h-182l-47 -388h-159l48 388h-645q-20 0 -38 11.5t-20 28.5l-6 89l831 950h170zM848 1144q2 25 8 53t14 57l-629 -728h530z" /> -<glyph unicode="5" d="M1110 1390q-5 -37 -31 -61t-83 -24h-466l-117 -395q114 25 208 25q108 0 188 -29t133.5 -80.5t80.5 -121.5t27 -153q0 -129 -48 -234t-128.5 -178.5t-188.5 -114t-228 -40.5q-65 0 -122 12t-106 33t-89 48.5t-70 58.5l62 76q22 25 50 25q19 0 43.5 -16t58.5 -35t83 -35 t117 -16q85 0 156.5 29t122.5 80.5t79 123.5t28 160q0 58 -18 106t-55 82.5t-93.5 52.5t-133.5 18q-51 0 -110 -8.5t-128 -26.5l-106 31l202 684h692z" /> -<glyph unicode="6" d="M714 897q81 0 151 -25.5t121.5 -74.5t81.5 -120t30 -160q0 -114 -43 -211t-119 -168.5t-179 -112.5t-223 -41q-100 0 -179.5 30.5t-134.5 87t-84.5 135t-29.5 176.5q0 63 14.5 124t44 123t74 126t105.5 135l437 502q15 17 41.5 29.5t57.5 12.5h156l-504 -550 q-47 -52 -85 -97q56 37 123.5 58t143.5 21zM273 407q0 -60 18.5 -111t53.5 -88t86 -57.5t117 -20.5q81 0 149 27t117.5 75.5t77.5 114t28 142.5q0 62 -20 113t-56.5 86.5t-88.5 54.5t-115 19q-81 0 -148.5 -28.5t-115.5 -77.5t-75.5 -113t-27.5 -136z" /> -<glyph unicode="7" d="M1229 1467l-7 -69q-3 -26 -10 -49t-16 -37l-784 -1267q-11 -18 -31.5 -31.5t-43.5 -13.5h-146l772 1219q15 25 31 45.5t35 40.5h-771q-17 0 -28 11t-11 27v5l15 119h995z" /> -<glyph unicode="8" d="M530 -16q-101 0 -183.5 26t-141 74t-90 116t-31.5 151q0 165 88.5 268.5t248.5 145.5q-99 39 -149 113.5t-50 175.5q0 90 37 168t102 136t155 91t198 33q92 0 165.5 -27t125.5 -73.5t79.5 -109.5t27.5 -134q0 -134 -71 -231.5t-208 -143.5q119 -36 182 -115t63 -198 q0 -108 -41.5 -194t-114.5 -147t-173.5 -93t-218.5 -32zM547 124q80 0 144.5 23.5t110.5 65.5t70.5 101.5t24.5 130.5q0 66 -23 112t-62 75.5t-89.5 43t-105.5 13.5q-68 0 -130 -18.5t-110.5 -57.5t-78 -99.5t-29.5 -145.5q0 -54 18.5 -99t54.5 -77t87 -50t118 -18zM634 830 q83 0 141 27t94 69.5t52.5 94.5t16.5 104q0 46 -15 86t-44.5 70.5t-74.5 48t-106 17.5q-74 0 -130.5 -23.5t-95.5 -62t-59 -92t-20 -112.5q0 -44 13.5 -85t42.5 -72.5t74.5 -50.5t110.5 -19z" /> -<glyph unicode="9" d="M579 603q-77 0 -143.5 24.5t-116 71.5t-77.5 115.5t-28 154.5q0 108 42 201.5t115 162.5t172.5 109t214.5 40q96 0 172.5 -30.5t129.5 -84.5t81.5 -130t28.5 -166q0 -74 -15 -138t-45.5 -124t-73.5 -120.5t-98 -128.5l-423 -518q-15 -18 -39.5 -30t-55.5 -12h-162 l517 586q27 30 50.5 57.5t43.5 53.5q-62 -46 -136 -70t-154 -24zM1002 1072q0 59 -18.5 108t-53.5 83.5t-83.5 53.5t-108.5 19q-75 0 -137.5 -25.5t-109 -71t-72.5 -108.5t-26 -139q0 -120 68 -186.5t191 -66.5q81 0 145.5 27.5t110 73.5t70 106t24.5 126z" /> -<glyph unicode=":" horiz-adv-x="435" d="M46 113q0 27 10 50t27 40.5t40 28t51 10.5q27 0 50 -10.5t40.5 -28t27.5 -41t10 -49.5q0 -28 -10 -51t-27.5 -40.5t-40.5 -27t-50 -9.5q-28 0 -51 9.5t-40 27t-27 40.5t-10 51zM148 881q0 27 10 50t27.5 40.5t40.5 28t50 10.5t50 -10.5t40.5 -28t27.5 -41t10 -49.5 q0 -28 -10 -51t-27.5 -40.5t-40.5 -27t-50 -9.5q-28 0 -50.5 9.5t-40 27t-27.5 40.5t-10 51z" /> -<glyph unicode=";" horiz-adv-x="435" d="M47 126q0 48 33.5 82t88.5 34q31 0 54.5 -11.5t39.5 -31.5t24 -46t8 -57q0 -46 -13 -95.5t-38 -98t-61 -95t-82 -85.5l-31 30q-13 12 -14 29q0 12 16.5 31.5t38 46.5t41.5 62.5t27 78.5h-12q-53 0 -86.5 35.5t-33.5 90.5zM155 881q0 27 9.5 50t27 40.5t40.5 28t51 10.5 q27 0 49.5 -10.5t40 -28t28 -41t10.5 -49.5q0 -28 -10.5 -51t-28 -40.5t-40.5 -27t-49 -9.5q-28 0 -51 9.5t-40.5 27t-27 40.5t-9.5 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3c;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M172 727l842 411l-17 -130q-2 -17 -12 -30t-31 -24l-488 -233q-22 -11 -46 -19t-50 -14q25 -5 46.5 -13t41.5 -19l432 -232q15 -8 23 -20t8 -23q0 -1 -1.5 -14.5t-4.5 -33.5t-6 -44.5t-6 -48.5l-740 411z" /> -<glyph unicode="=" d="M161 587h878l-16 -134h-879zM204 928h876l-15 -134h-878z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x3e;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M970 651l-842 -410l16 130q2 17 12.5 30t30.5 23l489 233q22 11 45.5 19t50.5 14q-25 5 -47 13.5t-41 18.5l-432 232q-15 8 -23 20t-8 23q0 1 1.5 14.5t4 33.5t6 44.5t6.5 49.5l740 -412z" /> -<glyph unicode="?" horiz-adv-x="754" d="M135 1334q34 30 72.5 56.5t83 47t95 32.5t108.5 12q72 0 129.5 -21.5t98.5 -59.5t62.5 -89.5t21.5 -112.5q0 -86 -24 -146.5t-61 -105t-81.5 -76.5t-85 -62.5t-71.5 -63t-42 -76.5l-38 -158h-121l11 170q3 49 30 87t66 71t83.5 65t82 69t62.5 83.5t25 108.5 q0 80 -48.5 126t-131.5 46q-57 0 -99 -15t-72.5 -33.5t-50.5 -34t-33 -15.5q-25 0 -35 23zM187 113q0 27 10 50t27 40.5t40 28t50 10.5t50.5 -10.5t41 -28t27 -41t9.5 -49.5q0 -28 -9.5 -51t-27 -40.5t-41 -27t-50.5 -9.5q-28 0 -50.5 9.5t-39.5 27t-27 40.5t-10 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="@" horiz-adv-x="1532" d="M1051 190q-72 0 -114 38t-46 117q-65 -82 -133.5 -117t-142.5 -35q-49 0 -85 17.5t-60 48.5t-35.5 73t-11.5 91q0 61 16.5 125.5t48.5 124.5t78.5 113.5t107.5 93.5t135 63t160 23q65 0 111 -10.5t88 -30.5l-135 -369q-19 -53 -28 -92t-9 -68q0 -28 7.5 -45.5t20 -28.5 t29.5 -15t37 -4q52 0 101.5 36t88 101t62 155t23.5 198q0 119 -35 209t-97.5 150t-149 91t-189.5 31q-138 0 -262.5 -60t-218.5 -167.5t-149 -255t-55 -322.5q0 -144 41 -256t114 -187t174.5 -114t222.5 -39q144 0 253.5 32t187.5 81q11 7 19.5 9t16.5 2q15 0 24.5 -10 t13.5 -22l12 -52q-110 -74 -243.5 -116t-296.5 -42q-148 0 -271.5 49t-212 140.5t-137 222t-48.5 294.5q0 130 30.5 249t85.5 222t131.5 187.5t169 144.5t197 93t215.5 33q120 0 226 -40.5t185.5 -117.5t125.5 -187.5t46 -251.5q0 -130 -35.5 -240.5t-96 -190.5t-140 -126 t-168.5 -46zM666 310q28 0 58.5 10.5t60 36.5t58 70.5t53.5 113.5l110 303q-36 9 -78 9q-75 0 -141.5 -36.5t-116 -94.5t-79 -131.5t-29.5 -148.5q0 -58 26 -95t78 -37z" /> -<glyph unicode="A" horiz-adv-x="1266" d="M1208 0h-147q-26 0 -40 13t-20 33l-79 358h-598l-168 -358q-9 -18 -28 -32t-43 -14h-150l720 1467h194zM388 544h503l-135 607q-6 27 -13.5 60.5t-12.5 72.5q-14 -39 -29 -73t-28 -61z" /> -<glyph unicode="B" horiz-adv-x="1219" d="M99 0l182 1467h434q115 0 197 -23t135.5 -65.5t79 -103.5t25.5 -135q0 -66 -19 -125.5t-57 -109.5t-94.5 -89t-132.5 -62q132 -30 198.5 -104.5t66.5 -188.5q0 -101 -36.5 -186t-105 -146t-167 -95t-222.5 -34h-484zM374 671l-65 -519h289q81 0 142.5 21.5t102.5 61 t61.5 96t20.5 127.5q0 97 -65.5 155t-197.5 58h-288zM390 806h237q83 0 145 22t103 61.5t61.5 94.5t20.5 122q0 105 -63.5 158t-196.5 53h-243z" /> -<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="1263" d="M695 148q68 0 120 11.5t92 28t68.5 36.5t49.5 36t35 27.5t25 11.5q9 0 15.5 -3.5t10.5 -8.5l67 -83q-96 -104 -222 -162t-292 -58q-131 0 -235.5 47t-177 131.5t-111 201t-38.5 257.5q0 191 59.5 349.5t163.5 273t244.5 177.5t301.5 63q78 0 141.5 -13.5t116 -39 t95 -61.5t79.5 -80l-66 -80q-8 -10 -18.5 -16.5t-25.5 -6.5q-18 0 -38.5 20.5t-56 44.5t-91.5 44.5t-145 20.5q-119 0 -222 -47.5t-179 -136.5t-119.5 -214.5t-43.5 -282.5q0 -114 29.5 -204t82.5 -153t125.5 -97t159.5 -34z" /> -<glyph unicode="D" horiz-adv-x="1418" d="M1373 837q0 -187 -58 -341.5t-159.5 -264.5t-242.5 -170.5t-307 -60.5h-507l182 1467h505q135 0 244.5 -46t185 -129.5t116.5 -199.5t41 -255zM1177 833q0 111 -28.5 199.5t-81 150.5t-128.5 95.5t-171 33.5h-313l-144 -1157h314q123 0 224 46.5t174 134t113.5 213 t40.5 284.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="E" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M1096 1311h-642l-62 -495h520l-19 -150h-519l-63 -510h644l-19 -156h-837l182 1467h834z" /> -<glyph unicode="F" horiz-adv-x="1065" d="M1096 1311h-642l-65 -523h550l-21 -155h-547l-78 -633h-194l182 1467h834z" /> -<glyph unicode="G" horiz-adv-x="1381" d="M721 138q53 0 99 6t86.5 17t78 27t74.5 36l40 332h-204q-17 0 -27 9t-10 24v5q1 5 1.5 11t0.5 11l1 6l9 80h420l-68 -560q-55 -40 -114 -69.5t-124.5 -49.5t-138.5 -29.5t-157 -9.5q-133 0 -241 47.5t-185 133t-118.5 204t-41.5 260.5q0 189 59 346.5t163 270.5 t247 175.5t312 62.5q85 0 154.5 -14.5t126 -40t102 -60.5t83.5 -76l-62 -80q-10 -13 -21 -20t-25 -7q-17 0 -34 10q-23 13 -50 34t-65 40t-92.5 33t-131.5 14q-126 0 -231 -48t-180 -137.5t-117 -215t-42 -280.5q0 -116 30 -208t85.5 -156.5t133.5 -99t174 -34.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="H" horiz-adv-x="1425" d="M1201 0h-193l83 670h-716l-82 -670h-194l182 1467h192l-81 -658h716l81 658h192z" /> -<glyph unicode="I" horiz-adv-x="579" d="M325 0h-193l179 1467h193z" /> -<glyph unicode="J" horiz-adv-x="836" d="M673 486q-30 -244 -152.5 -373t-324.5 -129q-55 0 -103.5 7t-97.5 21l14 112q2 15 12 26.5t30 11.5q10 0 23.5 -2.5t30.5 -6t39 -6.5t51 -3q53 0 100 17.5t85 57.5t64 104.5t37 158.5l120 985h192z" /> -<glyph unicode="K" horiz-adv-x="1287" d="M408 821h67q36 0 59 10t45 33l507 557q24 27 46.5 36.5t53.5 9.5h163l-586 -634q-22 -24 -41 -40t-39 -25q25 -10 42.5 -28t35.5 -45l442 -695h-165q-18 0 -31 3t-21.5 8t-14.5 13t-13 17l-385 586q-16 25 -36 36t-64 11h-83l-83 -674h-190l179 1467h191z" /> -<glyph unicode="L" horiz-adv-x="969" d="M310 162h581l-20 -162h-772l182 1467h191z" /> -<glyph unicode="M" horiz-adv-x="1736" d="M840 512q6 -22 11.5 -41.5t10.5 -41.5q18 43 43 83l577 923q14 24 29 28t40 4h143l-181 -1467h-167l134 1084q2 20 6.5 44t9.5 50l-570 -920q-27 -44 -75 -44h-27q-47 0 -64 44l-353 922q-1 -25 -2.5 -48.5t-3.5 -44.5l-133 -1087h-169l182 1467h140q26 0 40.5 -4.5 t22.5 -27.5l356 -923v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="N" horiz-adv-x="1424" d="M379 1467q26 0 37.5 -6t23.5 -26l633 -1122q2 24 4 45t4 40l131 1069h169l-180 -1467h-96q-24 0 -39 7.5t-27 28.5l-631 1122q0 -5 -0.5 -14t-2 -19.5t-2.5 -21t-2 -18.5l-133 -1085h-169l182 1467h98v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="O" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1456 838q0 -125 -26.5 -237t-75 -206.5t-118 -170.5t-155 -129t-185 -81.5t-209.5 -28.5q-135 0 -243 48t-184.5 133.5t-117 203t-40.5 258.5q0 187 58.5 344t161.5 271t244 177.5t305 63.5q135 0 243.5 -49t184.5 -135t116.5 -204t40.5 -258zM1260 834q0 112 -29 202 t-81.5 153.5t-129 98.5t-171.5 35q-121 0 -222.5 -48.5t-174 -138.5t-113.5 -217.5t-41 -285.5q0 -112 28.5 -202t81.5 -153.5t128.5 -98t171.5 -34.5q123 0 224 48.5t174 138t113.5 217t40.5 285.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="P" horiz-adv-x="1155" d="M375 551l-68 -551h-190l179 1467h404q117 0 203 -27.5t142 -78.5t83.5 -123t27.5 -160q0 -116 -38 -212.5t-110 -166t-178 -109t-242 -39.5h-213zM469 1317l-76 -615h213q87 0 153.5 27t111.5 74.5t69 113.5t24 144q0 59 -17.5 106t-52.5 80.5t-88 51.5t-124 18h-213z " /> -<glyph unicode="Q" horiz-adv-x="1499" d="M1456 838q0 -124 -26 -234.5t-74 -205t-116.5 -170.5t-152.5 -130l296 -402h-154q-35 0 -62 9.5t-46 35.5l-201 279q-55 -17 -113 -26t-120 -9q-135 0 -243 48t-184.5 133.5t-117 203t-40.5 258.5q0 187 58.5 344t161.5 271t244 177.5t305 63.5q135 0 243.5 -49 t184.5 -135t116.5 -204t40.5 -258zM1260 834q0 112 -29 202t-81.5 153.5t-129 98.5t-171.5 35q-121 0 -222.5 -48.5t-174 -138.5t-113.5 -217.5t-41 -285.5q0 -112 28.5 -202t81.5 -153.5t128.5 -98t171.5 -34.5q123 0 224 48.5t174 138t113.5 217t40.5 285.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="R" horiz-adv-x="1216" d="M383 615l-76 -615h-190l179 1467h386q117 0 202.5 -24.5t141 -70t83 -110.5t27.5 -145q0 -89 -27 -166t-77 -137.5t-120.5 -103t-159.5 -63.5q33 -23 54 -61l316 -586h-170q-50 0 -71 41l-277 528q-13 26 -30.5 36t-55.5 10h-135zM470 1317l-70 -562h188q87 0 153.5 24.5 t112 69t68.5 105.5t23 133q0 112 -70 171t-210 59h-195z" /> -<glyph unicode="S" horiz-adv-x="1000" d="M948 1240q-11 -14 -21.5 -22t-24.5 -8q-17 0 -36.5 18t-50 39t-73.5 39t-107 18q-66 0 -117 -20.5t-86.5 -56t-54 -82.5t-18.5 -101q0 -53 25 -89.5t64.5 -62.5t91.5 -46t105 -41t105 -46.5t92 -63.5t64.5 -91.5t24.5 -128.5q0 -104 -36 -197t-103 -162.5t-162 -110.5 t-214 -41q-131 0 -234 51.5t-170 139.5l68 91q8 11 20.5 18.5t26.5 7.5q19 0 41.5 -23t57.5 -51.5t86.5 -51.5t127.5 -23q71 0 128 22.5t96 62.5t60.5 96t21.5 123q0 56 -24.5 94t-64.5 63.5t-90.5 44.5t-104 38.5t-104.5 44t-91 62t-64.5 93t-24.5 136.5q0 90 33 173 t94.5 146.5t149.5 101.5t198 38q113 0 203 -43t149 -118z" /> -<glyph unicode="T" horiz-adv-x="1113" d="M1205 1467l-20 -160h-433l-160 -1307h-191l160 1307h-435l19 160h1060z" /> -<glyph unicode="U" horiz-adv-x="1375" d="M645 151q82 0 151 31.5t121 87.5t85 133.5t45 169.5l109 894h192l-109 -894q-15 -126 -66 -234t-130.5 -187t-185.5 -124t-232 -45q-114 0 -202 36.5t-149 102.5t-92.5 157.5t-31.5 199.5q0 46 6 94l108 894h192l-110 -893q-2 -20 -3.5 -39.5t-1.5 -37.5q0 -77 20 -140.5 t58.5 -109.5t95 -71t130.5 -25z" /> -<glyph unicode="V" horiz-adv-x="1289" d="M127 1467h153q26 0 40 -13t19 -33l245 -1048q8 -33 15.5 -72.5t12.5 -82.5q14 43 30 82t33 73l501 1048q8 16 27 31t43 15h154l-730 -1467h-173z" /> -<glyph unicode="W" horiz-adv-x="1927" d="M132 1467h150q26 0 41 -12.5t18 -33.5l158 -1038q2 -14 3.5 -34.5t3.5 -40.5l2 -46q10 33 21 63.5t22 57.5l439 1038q8 17 26.5 31.5t43.5 14.5h44q26 0 41 -12.5t19 -33.5l184 -1038q5 -27 8 -56.5t5 -62.5q10 33 19 62.5t19 56.5l412 1038q7 17 27.5 31.5t44.5 14.5 h150l-601 -1467h-174l-198 1129q-3 16 -5.5 36t-4.5 40q-7 -20 -14 -39.5t-14 -36.5l-476 -1129h-172z" /> -<glyph unicode="X" horiz-adv-x="1220" d="M512 783l-345 684h173q22 0 31 -7t16 -21l262 -553q9 19 23 38l372 514q11 14 22 21.5t27 7.5h197l-513 -675l387 -792h-172q-20 0 -32 12t-18 25l-299 640q-8 -17 -18 -31l-442 -609q-27 -37 -63 -37h-192z" /> -<glyph unicode="Y" horiz-adv-x="1192" d="M702 587l-72 -587h-192l73 585l-387 882h170q26 0 39 -12.5t21 -32.5l244 -587q10 -30 17.5 -56.5t12.5 -53.5q12 27 27 53.5t32 56.5l390 587q11 16 28 30.5t42 14.5h159z" /> -<glyph unicode="Z" horiz-adv-x="1175" d="M1224 1467l-9 -61q-2 -14 -8 -26t-15 -24l-897 -1200h756l-21 -156h-1014l9 60q2 14 7.5 25.5t14.5 24.5l897 1201h-730l19 156h991z" /> -<glyph unicode="[" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M34 -294l228 1863h351l-8 -69q-2 -20 -17.5 -33.5t-36.5 -13.5h-155l-201 -1630h156q19 0 31 -11.5t12 -28.5q0 -1 -0.5 -7t-1.5 -15t-2.5 -18.5t-2.5 -18.5l-2 -18h-351z" /> -<glyph unicode="\" horiz-adv-x="710" d="M111 1486h74q33 0 55 -17.5t30 -47.5l370 -1514h-74q-29 0 -54.5 17.5t-33.5 49.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="]" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M214 1569h352l-229 -1863h-352l9 69q2 20 17 34t37 14h156l200 1630h-155q-20 0 -32 12t-12 29l6 49z" /> -<glyph unicode="^" d="M588 1467h117l367 -661h-133q-17 0 -29.5 10t-20.5 25l-201 360q-13 24 -23 46t-17 43q-14 -45 -38 -89l-197 -360q-8 -14 -20.5 -24.5t-33.5 -10.5h-139z" /> -<glyph unicode="_" horiz-adv-x="743" d="M660 -172l-15 -119h-742l14 119h743z" /> -<glyph unicode="`" horiz-adv-x="581" d="M246 1482q32 0 46 -10.5t24 -32.5l110 -248h-101q-20 0 -32.5 6t-24.5 22l-189 263h167z" /> -<glyph unicode="a" horiz-adv-x="1034" d="M836 0h-95q-36 0 -48.5 18.5t-12.5 44.5l18 210q-37 -66 -79 -119t-90 -90t-100 -57.5t-108 -20.5q-61 0 -111.5 24t-86 70.5t-55 114.5t-19.5 156q0 92 23 179.5t65.5 165.5t102 143t132.5 112.5t157 74t177 26.5q67 0 129.5 -11t123.5 -37zM389 137q50 0 98.5 31.5 t91.5 86.5t80 131.5t66 167.5l44 356q-23 5 -45 7t-43 2q-61 0 -118.5 -20t-108 -56t-91 -85.5t-70 -109t-46 -126.5t-16.5 -138q0 -247 158 -247z" /> -<glyph unicode="b" horiz-adv-x="1075" d="M81 0l182 1508h179l-90 -733q39 62 84 114t94.5 88t102.5 56t108 20q132 0 206 -96.5t74 -281.5q0 -84 -17.5 -168t-49.5 -160.5t-78 -142.5t-101.5 -114.5t-121 -76t-137.5 -27.5q-83 0 -150 34.5t-110 99.5l-13 -67q-8 -27 -21 -40t-44 -13h-97zM673 906 q-49 0 -99.5 -30.5t-97 -85t-87.5 -129t-71 -163.5l-32 -270q39 -55 93 -78t110 -23q53 0 100.5 22.5t86.5 61t69.5 90t51.5 110.5t32.5 122t11.5 124q0 122 -44 185.5t-124 63.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="c" horiz-adv-x="886" d="M839 186q-53 -58 -101 -97t-96 -62t-100 -32t-111 -9q-90 0 -159 30.5t-115.5 86.5t-71 134t-24.5 173q0 126 39.5 241.5t110.5 204.5t168 142.5t214 53.5q102 0 172 -36.5t122 -106.5l-58 -68q-6 -8 -15 -13.5t-20 -5.5q-14 0 -28 13t-36 29t-55.5 28.5t-85.5 12.5 q-71 0 -134 -38.5t-110 -105t-74 -157.5t-27 -195q0 -63 14 -115t43 -88.5t70.5 -56.5t96.5 -20q46 0 82 9.5t63.5 24t48.5 31.5t38 31.5t30.5 24t28.5 9.5q20 0 35 -17l45 -56v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="d" horiz-adv-x="1077" d="M774 0q-36 0 -48.5 18.5t-12.5 44.5l19 217q-39 -67 -85 -121.5t-96.5 -92.5t-105.5 -59t-111 -21q-133 0 -206.5 96.5t-73.5 281.5q0 84 17.5 167.5t50 160.5t78 143t101 114t121 76t137.5 28q76 0 139 -30t107 -85l71 570h179l-187 -1508h-94zM402 132q49 0 99 30.5 t96.5 84t87 128t70.5 162.5l33 274q-39 54 -93 76.5t-109 22.5q-81 0 -146 -48t-110.5 -124t-70.5 -170.5t-25 -185.5q0 -122 44 -186t124 -64z" /> -<glyph unicode="e" horiz-adv-x="944" d="M902 815q0 -68 -27.5 -124.5t-101.5 -102t-203 -79.5t-331 -54q-1 -11 -1 -22v-22q0 -137 59.5 -209.5t180.5 -72.5q49 0 87.5 10.5t69 25t53.5 32.5t42.5 33t35.5 25t33 10q18 0 34 -17l45 -57q-52 -54 -102 -92.5t-102 -64t-109 -37t-123 -11.5q-89 0 -159.5 29.5 t-119.5 84.5t-76 132.5t-27 174.5q0 80 17 159t49.5 150.5t79 133t106.5 106t132 70.5t155 26q79 0 136.5 -22.5t94 -57.5t54.5 -77t18 -80zM589 921q-65 0 -119 -27t-96 -73.5t-72 -109.5t-46 -136q158 19 253 44.5t146.5 54.5t67.5 63t16 71q0 18 -8 38t-26 36.5 t-46.5 27.5t-69.5 11z" /> -<glyph unicode="f" horiz-adv-x="619" d="M383 886l-103 -852l-48 -212q-17 -77 -94 -77h-71l138 1138l-103 13q-17 5 -27 14.5t-10 26.5l8 80h148l12 100q11 89 44.5 158.5t84.5 117t116 72t139 24.5q63 0 116 -21l-17 -94q-2 -14 -14 -17.5t-30 -3.5q-9 0 -20 0.5t-23 0.5q-44 0 -81.5 -13t-66 -41.5t-48 -74.5 t-27.5 -113l-13 -95h259l-17 -131h-252z" /> -<glyph unicode="g" horiz-adv-x="951" d="M836 750q-1 -51 -13 -92.5t-29.5 -76t-38 -65.5t-38 -61.5t-29 -63t-11.5 -69.5q0 -43 21 -78t46 -72t46 -80.5t21 -102.5q0 -73 -34 -138t-96.5 -115t-152 -79.5t-200.5 -29.5q-89 0 -162.5 18.5t-125 52.5t-80 81.5t-28.5 104.5q0 81 42 139.5t111 96.5t156.5 55.5 t178.5 17.5q37 0 73 -3.5t72 -8.5q-9 19 -14.5 40.5t-5.5 45.5q0 32 9.5 66t32.5 76q-39 -27 -87 -41.5t-110 -14.5q-59 0 -111 19.5t-90.5 57.5t-61.5 95t-23 132q0 74 27.5 145t79.5 127t129 90t177 34q113 0 196 -54h281l-8 -60q-2 -17 -11.5 -31.5t-29.5 -17.5l-129 -23 q9 -27 14.5 -55.5t5.5 -61.5zM440 468q55 0 97.5 24t71.5 63.5t44.5 88.5t15.5 99q0 90 -45.5 136.5t-125.5 46.5q-55 0 -97.5 -22.5t-71 -60.5t-43.5 -86t-15 -101q0 -92 44.5 -140t124.5 -48zM645 -26q0 27 -5 50t-13 44q-55 9 -104 13t-92 4q-84 0 -145.5 -15 t-101.5 -39.5t-59.5 -56.5t-19.5 -67q0 -74 62 -113t176 -39q68 0 123.5 18t95 47.5t61.5 69.5t22 84z" /> -<glyph unicode="h" horiz-adv-x="1085" d="M81 0l182 1508h182l-85 -700q81 121 180 183t202 62q118 0 181.5 -78t63.5 -226q0 -20 -1 -42.5t-4 -46.5l-78 -660h-182l78 660q2 20 3.5 39.5t1.5 36.5q0 84 -31.5 125t-98.5 41q-46 0 -95 -25t-95 -71t-86 -111t-69 -145l-67 -550h-182z" /> -<glyph unicode="i" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M401 1037l-125 -1037h-179l125 1037h179zM470 1363q0 -27 -10.5 -50t-28.5 -41t-40.5 -28t-47.5 -10q-24 0 -46.5 10t-39 28t-27 41t-10.5 50t10.5 50.5t27.5 41.5t40 28.5t46 10.5q25 0 47.5 -10t40.5 -28t28 -42t10 -51z" /> -<glyph unicode="j" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M400 1037l-137 -1114q-8 -62 -31 -116t-62 -94t-92.5 -63t-122.5 -23q-36 0 -61.5 5.5t-50.5 15.5l19 98q5 13 12 17t22 4q7 0 15.5 -0.5t19.5 -0.5q73 0 108.5 37t45.5 120l136 1114h179zM465 1363q0 -27 -11 -50t-28.5 -41t-41 -28t-46.5 -10q-25 0 -47 10t-38.5 28 t-27 41t-10.5 50t10.5 50.5t27.5 41.5t39 28.5t47 10.5t47.5 -10t40 -28t28 -42t10.5 -51z" /> -<glyph unicode="k" horiz-adv-x="982" d="M444 1508l-108 -887h32q20 0 33.5 5.5t29.5 22.5l343 351q16 16 31.5 26.5t40.5 10.5h161l-401 -406q-15 -16 -30 -30t-32 -24q16 -12 27.5 -29t22.5 -36l311 -512h-156q-23 0 -37 8t-25 28l-264 425q-13 20 -26 27.5t-42 7.5h-34l-61 -496h-180l185 1508h179z" /> -<glyph unicode="l" horiz-adv-x="486" d="M90 0l183 1508h180l-184 -1508h-179z" /> -<glyph unicode="m" horiz-adv-x="1604" d="M73 0l125 1038h91q61 0 61 -61l-14 -185q77 129 168 195t192 66q105 0 155.5 -72.5t50.5 -206.5q78 142 175 210.5t203 68.5q115 0 171.5 -75t56.5 -215q0 -24 -2 -49.5t-5 -53.5l-78 -660h-179l78 660q6 50 6 92q0 77 -25.5 113t-85.5 36q-44 0 -88.5 -22t-85.5 -64.5 t-76 -105.5t-63 -145l-66 -564h-181l79 660q3 28 5 52.5t2 46.5q0 73 -24 107.5t-84 34.5q-49 0 -94.5 -24.5t-86 -71t-75.5 -113.5t-64 -151l-64 -541h-178z" /> -<glyph unicode="n" horiz-adv-x="1077" d="M73 0l124 1038h91q61 0 61 -61l-15 -201q83 137 187 207t215 70q116 0 180 -78t64 -227q0 -20 -1 -42t-4 -46l-78 -660h-182l78 660q2 20 3.5 39.5t1.5 36.5q0 84 -31.5 124.5t-97.5 40.5q-49 0 -100 -26.5t-98 -75t-87.5 -118t-69.5 -154.5l-59 -527h-182z" /> -<glyph unicode="o" horiz-adv-x="1029" d="M459 128q75 0 136 41t104 109t67 157t24 187q0 143 -56.5 215.5t-163.5 72.5q-76 0 -136.5 -40.5t-103.5 -108.5t-66.5 -157t-23.5 -186q0 -143 55.5 -216.5t163.5 -73.5zM442 -14q-85 0 -155.5 29t-121.5 84.5t-80 135t-29 182.5q0 131 41 246.5t112.5 202.5t168 137.5 t209.5 50.5q85 0 155.5 -29.5t121.5 -84.5t80 -135.5t29 -181.5q0 -130 -41 -246t-112 -203t-168.5 -137.5t-209.5 -50.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="p" horiz-adv-x="1060" d="M29 -351l169 1389h91q61 0 61 -61l-17 -221q39 68 85 122.5t96.5 93.5t106 60t112.5 21q132 0 206 -96.5t74 -281.5q0 -84 -17.5 -168t-50 -160.5t-78 -142.5t-101 -114.5t-121 -76t-137.5 -27.5q-77 0 -140.5 30t-106.5 86l-55 -453h-177zM665 906q-49 0 -100 -30.5 t-98 -86t-87.5 -131t-70.5 -164.5l-33 -265q39 -56 94 -79t111 -23q53 0 100.5 22.5t86.5 61t69.5 90t51.5 110.5t32.5 122t11.5 124q0 122 -44 185.5t-124 63.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="q" horiz-adv-x="1034" d="M792 -351h-115q-33 0 -46.5 19t-13.5 44q0 3 1.5 11.5t2.5 17t2 15.5t1 10l60 482q-36 -60 -77 -108.5t-87 -82.5t-96 -52.5t-103 -18.5q-61 0 -111.5 24t-86 70.5t-55 114.5t-19.5 156q0 92 23 179.5t65.5 165.5t102 143t132.5 112.5t157 74t177 26.5q67 0 129.5 -11 t123.5 -37zM389 137q49 0 97 31t91 85t79.5 129.5t65.5 164.5l46 363q-22 5 -44 7t-43 2q-61 0 -118.5 -20t-108 -56t-91 -85.5t-70 -109t-46 -126.5t-16.5 -138q0 -247 158 -247z" /> -<glyph unicode="r" horiz-adv-x="718" d="M73 0l125 1038h91q29 0 45 -13t16 -41q0 -4 -0.5 -11.5t-1 -16t-1 -14.5t-0.5 -7l-14 -189q67 143 149 221.5t173 78.5q43 0 86 -19l-32 -175q-48 19 -94 19q-99 0 -177 -96.5t-130 -293.5l-57 -481h-178z" /> -<glyph unicode="s" horiz-adv-x="796" d="M740 871q-8 -12 -16 -17.5t-21 -5.5q-14 0 -31 11t-41 25t-58.5 26t-84.5 12q-46 0 -83.5 -13t-65.5 -35.5t-42.5 -52.5t-14.5 -64q0 -48 31.5 -77t79.5 -50t104 -40.5t104 -49t80 -75.5t32 -120q0 -72 -28.5 -137.5t-81 -115t-127 -79t-166.5 -29.5q-99 0 -175.5 35 t-124.5 91l45 69q8 13 19.5 20.5t28.5 7.5q16 0 33 -14.5t41.5 -32.5t61.5 -32t95 -14q50 0 90.5 15t68.5 41t43 60t15 73q0 52 -32 83t-80 51.5t-103 38.5t-103.5 46t-80 73t-31.5 120q0 66 26 126.5t75 107.5t119.5 75.5t158.5 28.5q93 0 164 -31.5t122 -84.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="t" horiz-adv-x="701" d="M163 196q0 6 0.5 15.5t2 28t4.5 48t9 78.5l65 519h-116q-13 0 -22 7.5t-9 23.5q0 3 1 12.5t2.5 21.5l3 24t2.5 23l160 22l77 320q4 15 15.5 25t27.5 10h96l-45 -357h273l-16 -132h-273l-63 -510q-5 -42 -7.5 -67.5t-4 -41t-2 -21.5t-0.5 -9q0 -52 24 -77.5t66 -25.5 q27 0 47.5 7.5t35 17t25 17t18.5 7.5t13 -4t10 -13l38 -87q-49 -44 -113.5 -69t-128.5 -25q-99 0 -156.5 54.5t-59.5 157.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="u" horiz-adv-x="1075" d="M362 1037l-77 -659q-2 -20 -3.5 -38.5t-1.5 -36.5q0 -84 31 -125t99 -41q47 0 96.5 25.5t96 73t86.5 114t70 148.5l64 539h182l-125 -1037h-90q-32 0 -49.5 14.5t-17.5 43.5q0 1 1 18.5t2.5 38t3 38t1.5 18.5l7 83q-83 -132 -185 -200t-211 -68q-116 0 -180 78.5 t-64 226.5q0 20 1 41.5t4 45.5l78 659h181z" /> -<glyph unicode="v" horiz-adv-x="974" d="M77 1037h147q20 0 32.5 -11t15.5 -27l155 -667q8 -38 11.5 -76t5.5 -75q11 37 23.5 74.5t31.5 76.5l321 667q8 16 22.5 27t31.5 11h143l-520 -1037h-153z" /> -<glyph unicode="w" horiz-adv-x="1453" d="M83 1037h136q20 0 33 -10t15 -28l95 -667q5 -36 6 -69.5t2 -65.5q12 33 25 66t27 69l284 672q6 15 19.5 25t31.5 10h76q20 0 31.5 -10t13.5 -25l115 -672q6 -36 10 -70t7 -67q10 33 19.5 67t24.5 70l262 667q6 16 20.5 27t32.5 11h131l-435 -1037h-138q-24 0 -30 35 l-126 703q-3 16 -5 33l-4 34q-5 -17 -10.5 -33.5t-12.5 -34.5l-300 -702q-14 -35 -41 -35h-133z" /> -<glyph unicode="x" horiz-adv-x="959" d="M369 558l-249 479h163q20 0 29 -5.5t16 -19.5l174 -357q5 11 10.5 21.5t13.5 21.5l235 311q11 14 20.5 21t22.5 7h165l-371 -480l276 -557h-162q-20 0 -31.5 11t-18.5 25l-196 415q-10 -23 -22 -39l-282 -377q-10 -14 -22.5 -24.5t-30.5 -10.5h-160z" /> -<glyph unicode="y" horiz-adv-x="974" d="M324 -309q-22 -42 -64 -42h-133l224 412l-268 976h150q22 0 32.5 -10.5t15.5 -27.5l166 -653q5 -22 8.5 -43t5.5 -43q9 22 17.5 44t20.5 43l327 654q8 16 23 26t31 10h144z" /> -<glyph unicode="z" horiz-adv-x="878" d="M868 959q-2 -19 -11 -37t-20 -32l-598 -748h512l-17 -142h-731l9 76q2 13 11 31t21 34l601 753h-504l18 143h719z" /> -<glyph unicode="{" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M162 464q0 53 -29 87t-83 34l13 106q76 0 113.5 61t37.5 188q0 23 -1.5 50t-3 55t-3 55t-1.5 50q0 99 23 177t68.5 131.5t113 82t155.5 28.5h50l-9 -79q-2 -20 -18 -28.5t-26 -8.5h-18q-40 0 -74 -15.5t-58 -50.5t-37.5 -92t-13.5 -140v-50.5t0.5 -62.5t0.5 -63v-50 q0 -79 -17 -132t-43.5 -86t-56.5 -50t-56 -24q54 -17 87 -64t33 -111q0 -61 -15 -119.5t-33 -117.5t-33.5 -119t-15.5 -124q0 -72 34.5 -115.5t96.5 -43.5h19q10 0 22 -8t12 -25q0 -3 -1 -10t-1.5 -15t-1.5 -14t-1 -7l-4 -38h-51q-71 0 -123 20.5t-86.5 57t-52 86.5 t-17.5 110q0 68 16.5 129t36 120t36 117t16.5 118z" /> -<glyph unicode="|" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M175 1570h141v-1921h-141v1921z" /> -<glyph unicode="}" horiz-adv-x="565" d="M437 812q0 -53 29 -87t83 -34l-13 -106q-76 0 -113.5 -61t-37.5 -188q0 -23 1.5 -50t3 -55t3 -55.5t1.5 -49.5q0 -99 -23 -177t-68.5 -132t-113 -82t-155.5 -28h-50l9 79q1 10 6 17t11.5 11.5t14 6.5t12.5 2h18q40 0 74 15.5t58 50.5t37.5 92t13.5 140v50t-0.5 63 t-0.5 62.5v50.5q0 78 17 131t43.5 86.5t56.5 50.5t56 24q-54 17 -87 64t-33 111q0 61 15.5 119.5t33 117.5t33 119t15.5 124q0 72 -34.5 115.5t-96.5 43.5h-19q-10 0 -22 7.5t-12 25.5q0 3 1 10t1.5 15t1.5 14t1 7l4 38h51q71 0 123 -20.5t86.5 -57t52 -86.5t17.5 -110 q0 -68 -16.5 -129t-36 -120t-36 -117t-16.5 -118z" /> -<glyph unicode="~" d="M717 628q67 0 104 43.5t38 114.5h148q0 -69 -19 -126t-54.5 -98t-87.5 -63.5t-118 -22.5q-53 0 -105.5 16.5t-101 36.5t-92.5 37t-81 17q-67 0 -104 -43t-38 -116h-148q0 69 19 126t54.5 98t87 64t118.5 23q53 0 105.5 -17t101 -36.5t92.5 -36.5t81 -17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa1;" horiz-adv-x="650" d="M152 -352l68 555q6 46 13 89.5t14.5 88t16.5 91.5t20 100h106q-2 -54 -4.5 -101t-5.5 -91t-6.5 -87.5t-9.5 -89.5l-68 -555h-144zM249 925q0 27 9.5 50t27 40.5t40.5 28t51 10.5q27 0 50 -10.5t40 -28t27.5 -41t10.5 -49.5q0 -28 -10.5 -51t-27.5 -40.5t-40.5 -27 t-49.5 -9.5q-28 0 -51 9.5t-40.5 27t-27 40.5t-9.5 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa2;" d="M515 -10q-84 9 -153 44t-118 92.5t-76 137t-27 177.5q0 129 39.5 239.5t113.5 191t181 128t242 50.5l35 185q4 19 19 34t36 15h65l-46 -240q84 -11 148 -43t113 -82l-53 -62q-8 -11 -16.5 -15.5t-23.5 -4.5q-12 0 -27.5 9t-37.5 21.5t-53 24.5t-74 19l-151 -789 q66 4 112.5 20t78.5 33.5t54 31t38 13.5q23 0 32 -15l40 -62q-34 -36 -76.5 -63.5t-92 -47t-103 -30.5t-108.5 -14l-34 -182q-4 -19 -19 -34t-36 -15h-66zM314 450q0 -135 59.5 -217.5t168.5 -104.5l149 786q-92 -6 -162 -40.5t-117.5 -95t-72.5 -144t-25 -184.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa3;" d="M911 677q-2 -17 -17.5 -32t-39.5 -15h-433l-32 -262q-9 -77 -36.5 -131.5t-77.5 -97.5q30 6 61 10t60 4h703l-9 -75q-2 -13 -9 -27t-18.5 -25.5t-26.5 -18.5t-32 -7h-989l15 115q36 10 65 26t51 40t36 58t20 82l37 309h-167l8 71q2 18 18 33t39 15h116l34 271 q12 96 53 180.5t107 147t156 98.5t202 36q86 0 149 -19.5t108 -53.5t74 -80.5t48 -100.5l-77 -45q-20 -10 -41 -11q-14 0 -26.5 5.5t-20.5 19.5q-17 28 -35 52.5t-44 43t-62.5 28.5t-90.5 10q-67 0 -121.5 -22t-96 -62.5t-67.5 -97.5t-34 -128l-33 -272h484l-8 -72v0z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa4;" d="M268 688q0 58 17 110t47 97l-157 157l93 92l155 -156q45 32 98 49.5t113 17.5q58 0 110.5 -17t96.5 -48l156 157l92 -93l-155 -156q32 -45 49 -97.5t17 -112.5q0 -58 -16.5 -110.5t-46.5 -96.5l156 -154l-94 -95l-155 156q-45 -32 -98.5 -48.5t-111.5 -16.5t-110 16.5 t-97 46.5l-157 -157l-92 94l156 155q-32 45 -49 98t-17 112zM403 688q0 -47 18 -88.5t50 -72.5t73.5 -49.5t89.5 -18.5t90.5 18.5t73.5 49.5t49.5 72.5t18.5 88.5q0 48 -18.5 90t-49.5 74t-73.5 50t-90.5 18t-89.5 -18t-73.5 -50t-50 -74t-18 -90z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa5;" d="M167 639h317l-317 826h147q25 0 39.5 -11.5t21.5 -32.5l216 -586q12 -34 17 -64t9 -58q9 29 21 59t33 63l359 586q11 17 28.5 30.5t42.5 13.5h148l-522 -826h317l-11 -101h-351l-13 -108h350l-12 -101h-351l-40 -329h-176l40 329h-351l13 101h351l13 108h-351z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa6;" horiz-adv-x="614" d="M175 1570h141v-813h-141v813zM175 463h141v-814h-141v814z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa7;" horiz-adv-x="949" d="M870 1297q-15 -23 -39 -22q-15 0 -32 11.5t-41 25.5t-57.5 26t-83.5 12q-48 0 -86 -14.5t-66 -38t-42.5 -55.5t-14.5 -66q0 -47 34.5 -80.5t87 -62t112.5 -57.5t112.5 -67t87.5 -89t35 -125q0 -93 -46 -166t-143 -115q38 -34 61 -77.5t23 -102.5q0 -76 -27.5 -141.5 t-80 -115t-127.5 -77.5t-171 -28q-99 0 -177.5 35t-128.5 90l50 68q9 13 20 19t30 6q18 0 35 -14.5t41.5 -31.5t62 -31.5t96.5 -14.5q51 0 91.5 15t69 41t43 61.5t14.5 77.5t-21 72.5t-54.5 55t-77 45t-89 42t-89 46t-77.5 57t-55 74.5t-21 99q0 91 49.5 163t155.5 111 q-38 35 -61.5 80t-23.5 109q0 67 26 127t75.5 106t121 73.5t160.5 27.5q93 0 164.5 -32t119.5 -87zM290 728q0 -48 29.5 -82t75.5 -62.5t102.5 -54t108.5 -56.5q59 30 85 74t26 98q0 50 -27.5 85t-71.5 63t-96.5 52.5t-102.5 53.5q-71 -36 -100 -77t-29 -94z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa8;" horiz-adv-x="581" d="M327 1342q0 -24 -9.5 -44t-26 -35.5t-37.5 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -44.5 9t-35.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9.5 43.5q0 24 9.5 45.5t24.5 37.5t35.5 25t44.5 9t44.5 -9t37 -25t26 -37.5t9.5 -45.5zM694 1342q0 -24 -9 -44t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -45 9t-36.5 24.5 t-24.5 36t-9 43.5q0 24 9 45.5t24.5 37.5t36.5 25t45 9t44.5 -9t36.5 -25t25 -37.5t9 -45.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xa9;" horiz-adv-x="1635" d="M1109 485q9 0 13.5 -3t10.5 -8l61 -65q-58 -68 -142.5 -105.5t-203.5 -37.5q-100 0 -182.5 35t-141.5 97.5t-91.5 148.5t-32.5 188q0 103 35 190t97.5 149t148 96t185.5 34q112 0 189.5 -34t135.5 -92l-47 -66q-5 -6 -13.5 -12.5t-19.5 -6.5q-14 0 -30 11.5t-41.5 25 t-65 25.5t-98.5 12q-73 0 -130.5 -23t-98.5 -66t-62.5 -104.5t-21.5 -138.5q0 -79 21.5 -141t60 -103.5t91 -64t116.5 -22.5q65 0 109 13t73 28t46 27.5t29 12.5zM95 733q0 103 26.5 199t76 179.5t117.5 151.5t151 117.5t178 76t199 26.5q103 0 199 -26.5t179 -76 t151.5 -117.5t117 -151.5t75 -179t26.5 -199.5q0 -102 -26.5 -198t-75 -179t-117 -151t-151.5 -117t-179 -75.5t-199 -26.5q-102 0 -198 26.5t-179 75.5t-151 117t-117.5 151t-76 178.5t-26.5 198.5zM199 733q0 -91 22.5 -175t64 -157t100 -132.5t130 -102t154.5 -65.5 t173 -23t173.5 23t155.5 65.5t131 102t101 132.5t65 157t23 175q0 137 -50.5 257.5t-138.5 210t-206.5 141.5t-253.5 52q-90 0 -173 -23.5t-154.5 -66t-130 -103t-100 -134t-64 -158.5t-22.5 -176z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaa;" horiz-adv-x="647" d="M549 860q-17 0 -27.5 4.5t-12.5 24.5l-5 50q-26 -22 -49.5 -38t-48 -27.5t-51 -17t-58.5 -5.5q-67 0 -109 35.5t-42 104.5q0 41 19 79.5t63 68.5t117 49.5t181 22.5l5 39q1 7 1 13.5v12.5q0 47 -20 74.5t-70 27.5q-35 0 -59.5 -9t-42.5 -20t-33.5 -20t-31.5 -9 q-14 0 -22 7t-12 18l-18 40q55 51 116.5 75t131.5 24q45 0 80 -16t59 -42.5t36 -63t12 -77.5q0 -8 -0.5 -17.5t-1.5 -17.5l-48 -390h-59zM347 942q47 0 83.5 19.5t73.5 55.5l13 111q-68 -2 -115 -11t-76 -24.5t-42 -37t-13 -47.5q0 -35 21.5 -50.5t54.5 -15.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xab;" horiz-adv-x="896" d="M136 530l3 23l285 397l53 -27q24 -12 24 -35q0 -20 -16 -40l-179 -269q-16 -26 -33 -37q10 -10 24 -37l114 -269q6 -14 6 -28q0 -33 -33 -48l-60 -28zM419 530l3 23l285 397l53 -27q24 -12 23 -35q0 -20 -15 -40l-179 -269q-16 -26 -33 -37q10 -10 24 -37l113 -269 q6 -14 6 -28q0 -33 -32 -48l-61 -28z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xac;" d="M184 754h880l-53 -428h-151l37 295h-728z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xad;" horiz-adv-x="656" d="M118 688h468l-20 -149h-467z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xae;" horiz-adv-x="1635" d="M96 733q0 103 27 199t76 179.5t117 151.5t151.5 117.5t178.5 76t199 26.5q103 0 198.5 -26.5t179 -76t151.5 -117.5t117 -151.5t75.5 -179t26.5 -199.5q0 -102 -26.5 -198t-75.5 -179t-117 -151t-151.5 -117t-179 -75.5t-198.5 -26.5t-198.5 26.5t-179 75.5t-151.5 117 t-117 151t-76 178.5t-27 198.5zM200 733q0 -91 22.5 -175t64.5 -157t100 -132.5t130 -102t155 -65.5t173 -23t173 23t155 65.5t131 102t101 132.5t65 157t23 175q0 137 -50.5 257.5t-138 210t-206 141.5t-253.5 52t-253 -52t-205 -141.5t-137 -210t-50 -257.5zM697 641v-362 h-159v913h295q176 0 261 -64t85 -189q0 -96 -55 -163.5t-163 -93.5q17 -10 29 -26t26 -35l232 -342h-151q-34 0 -50 25l-206 309q-9 14 -22 21t-40 7h-82zM697 758h118q57 0 96.5 10.5t63.5 31t35 50.5t11 69q0 38 -10 66.5t-32 47t-57.5 27.5t-88.5 9h-136v-311z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xaf;" horiz-adv-x="581" d="M129 1377h543l-15 -115h-542z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb0;" horiz-adv-x="791" d="M145 1155q0 69 26.5 129.5t71.5 105t105.5 70t129.5 25.5q71 0 132 -25.5t106 -70t70.5 -105t25.5 -129.5q0 -68 -25.5 -127.5t-70.5 -104t-106 -71t-132 -26.5q-70 0 -130 26.5t-105 71t-71.5 104t-26.5 127.5zM273 1154q0 -43 16 -80.5t43.5 -65t65 -43.5t80.5 -16 t80.5 16t65 43.5t43 65t15.5 80.5t-15.5 81t-43 66t-65 44t-80.5 16t-80.5 -16t-65 -44t-43.5 -66t-16 -81z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb1;" d="M753 1228l-48 -388h420l-16 -134h-421l-46 -379h-143l46 379h-416l15 134h417l48 388h144zM68 216h980l-17 -134h-979z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb2;" horiz-adv-x="679" d="M494 1675q98 0 153.5 -51t55.5 -136q0 -45 -14 -82t-38.5 -70t-57 -64t-67.5 -63l-203 -185q51 14 94 14h207q18 0 28 -9t10 -24q0 -11 -1.5 -26t-3.5 -28q-2 -15 -4 -29h-521l5 43q2 12 8.5 26.5t19.5 25.5l256 225q32 28 59.5 56.5t48 57.5t32 59t11.5 61 q0 46 -27.5 70.5t-70.5 24.5t-76 -22t-57 -73q-14 -31 -48 -31q-4 0 -8 0.5t-10 1.5l-68 12q30 109 106.5 162.5t180.5 53.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb3;" horiz-adv-x="679" d="M514 1675q47 0 85.5 -13t65.5 -36t41.5 -55t14.5 -69q0 -143 -142 -189q58 -17 86.5 -52.5t28.5 -92.5q0 -61 -24.5 -108.5t-64.5 -80t-91 -49.5t-104 -17q-57 0 -99 13t-70 38t-45.5 61.5t-26.5 84.5l59 25q15 6 29 6q29 0 37 -24q4 -14 11 -31t20.5 -31.5t35.5 -24 t56 -9.5q35 0 62 11t46 30t29 43.5t10 51.5q0 50 -35.5 75t-124.5 25l12 92q93 2 135.5 33t42.5 95q0 45 -27 68t-72 23q-51 0 -82.5 -23.5t-52.5 -67.5q-14 -32 -44 -32q-4 0 -8 0.5t-9 1.5l-66 12q14 53 41.5 94t64.5 68t81.5 40.5t93.5 13.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb4;" horiz-adv-x="581" d="M692 1482l-254 -263q-14 -15 -29 -21.5t-35 -6.5h-105l170 248q14 23 31.5 33t49.5 10h172z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb5;" horiz-adv-x="1050" d="M356 1035l-85 -695q-2 -11 -2 -21v-20q0 -84 44 -129.5t127 -45.5q72 0 139.5 38t130.5 105l95 768h175l-127 -1035h-105q-18 0 -30 9t-12 28v110q-72 -74 -141 -108t-151 -34q-67 0 -115 24t-79 68v-16q0 -37 -2.5 -74t-6.5 -69l-36 -290h-87q-33 0 -52 16.5t-19 45.5 v6.5t1 7.5l162 1311h176z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb6;" horiz-adv-x="1371" d="M1451 1467l-19 -156h-226l-185 -1517h-161l187 1517h-284l-186 -1517h-161l108 882q-95 0 -172 25.5t-130.5 71.5t-82.5 110.5t-29 143.5q0 92 36.5 172.5t103.5 140t161.5 93.5t210.5 34h829z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb7;" horiz-adv-x="560" d="M152 607q0 32 11.5 60.5t32.5 49t48.5 33t58.5 12.5q32 0 60 -12.5t48.5 -33t33 -49t12.5 -60.5q0 -31 -12.5 -58.5t-33 -48.5t-48.5 -32.5t-60 -11.5q-31 0 -58.5 11.5t-48.5 32.5t-32.5 48.5t-11.5 58.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb8;" horiz-adv-x="581" d="M71 -255q6 0 13 -4t17.5 -8.5t23.5 -9t34 -4.5q41 0 63 20.5t22 51.5q0 36 -36.5 51t-104.5 24l60 144h109l-32 -84q76 -17 110 -49.5t34 -79.5q0 -37 -17 -66t-47 -49t-71.5 -30.5t-90.5 -10.5q-39 0 -73 8.5t-61 23.5l23 55q9 17 24 17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xb9;" horiz-adv-x="679" d="M246 1017h150l56 446l10 45l-124 -94q-12 -9 -27 -9q-11 0 -18.5 4.5t-11.5 10.5l-33 56l251 193h106l-80 -652h124l-11 -95h-405z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xba;" horiz-adv-x="720" d="M481 1483q59 0 107 -19t81 -54.5t50.5 -85t17.5 -111.5q0 -84 -24.5 -151.5t-68 -115t-105 -73t-135.5 -25.5q-60 0 -108 19t-81.5 54t-51.5 85.5t-18 111.5q0 83 25 150.5t69.5 115.5t106 73.5t135.5 25.5zM418 953q92 0 137.5 70.5t45.5 189.5q0 77 -33 120.5t-98 43.5 q-51 0 -86.5 -19.5t-57.5 -53.5t-32 -82t-10 -106q0 -77 32.5 -120t101.5 -43z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbb;" horiz-adv-x="896" d="M485 553l-2 -23l-283 -398l-55 28q-24 11 -23 36q0 16 13 40l182 269q16 25 31 36q-13 12 -22 38l-115 269q-6 13 -6 26q0 33 34 49l60 27zM768 553l-2 -23l-284 -398l-54 28q-24 11 -24 36q0 16 14 40l182 269q16 25 31 36q-13 12 -23 38l-114 269q-6 13 -7 26 q0 33 34 49l61 27z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbc;" horiz-adv-x="1510" d="M1308 283h112l-8 -75q-2 -11 -9 -19t-21 -8h-87l-21 -181h-109l23 181h-315q-17 0 -26.5 8.5t-10.5 20.5l-5 63l412 472h122zM452 54q-22 -33 -46 -43.5t-54 -10.5h-71l946 1404q20 30 45 45.5t59 15.5h73zM213 815h151l55 447l10 45l-124 -95q-14 -9 -26 -9 q-11 0 -19 4.5t-12 11.5l-33 55l251 193h106l-79 -652h123l-11 -95h-404zM1231 526q2 19 6 42t10 47l-284 -332h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbd;" horiz-adv-x="1510" d="M413 54q-22 -33 -46 -43.5t-54 -10.5h-71l946 1404q20 30 45 45.5t59 15.5h73zM1195 754q98 0 154 -51.5t56 -136.5q0 -46 -16 -85t-42 -73t-60.5 -66t-71.5 -66l-191 -174q51 14 94 15h207q18 0 28 -9.5t10 -24.5v-5.5t-2 -20.5l-6 -57h-521l5 43q2 12 8 26.5t19 25.5 l256 226q32 28 59.5 56.5t48 57.5t32.5 58.5t12 60.5q0 46 -27.5 70.5t-70.5 24.5q-48 0 -79.5 -26.5t-54.5 -68.5q-9 -16 -20 -23t-29 -7q-4 0 -10.5 0.5t-30.5 4.5l-44 9q30 109 106.5 162.5t180.5 53.5zM218 815h151l55 447l10 45l-124 -95q-12 -9 -26 -9q-11 0 -19 4.5 t-12 11.5l-33 55l251 193h107l-80 -652h124l-12 -95h-404z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbe;" horiz-adv-x="1510" d="M1323 283h113l-9 -75q-2 -11 -9 -19t-20 -8h-87l-22 -181h-108l22 181h-314q-17 0 -27 8.5t-11 20.5l-4 63l411 472h122zM472 54q-22 -33 -46 -43.5t-53 -10.5h-72l946 1404q20 30 45.5 45.5t59.5 15.5h72zM496 1474q47 0 85.5 -13.5t65.5 -36.5t41 -55t14 -69 q0 -143 -142 -189q58 -17 87 -52.5t29 -91.5q0 -61 -24.5 -109t-64.5 -80.5t-91.5 -49t-104.5 -16.5q-57 0 -98.5 12.5t-69.5 37.5t-45.5 61.5t-26.5 84.5l59 25q15 6 29 6q29 0 36 -24q14 -45 41 -70.5t82 -25.5q35 0 62 11.5t46 30.5t29.5 43.5t10.5 50.5q0 50 -36 75.5 t-124 25.5l11 91q93 2 135.5 33t42.5 95q0 45 -27 68t-72 23q-51 0 -84 -24.5t-48 -62.5q-8 -20 -20.5 -27.5t-26.5 -7.5q-4 0 -9.5 0.5t-22.5 3.5l-50 9q14 53 41.5 94.5t64 68t81.5 40.5t94 14zM1246 526q2 19 6 42t11 47l-285 -332h237z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xbf;" horiz-adv-x="754" d="M644 -218q-34 -30 -73 -56.5t-83.5 -46.5t-94.5 -32.5t-107 -12.5q-70 0 -127 20t-98.5 57t-64 90t-22.5 119q0 83 24.5 142t61.5 101.5t81.5 73t84.5 58t70 55t39 64.5l37 158h120l-10 -172q-3 -46 -28 -79.5t-62 -63.5t-79.5 -58.5t-78 -63t-59.5 -78.5t-24 -104 q0 -42 13 -74.5t36 -54.5t53.5 -33t63.5 -11q56 0 99 15.5t73.5 33.5t50.5 33.5t32 15.5q23 0 34 -21zM343 925q0 27 9.5 50t26.5 40.5t40 28t51 10.5q27 0 50.5 -10.5t41 -28t27 -41t9.5 -49.5q0 -28 -9.5 -51t-27 -40.5t-41 -27t-50.5 -9.5q-28 0 -51 9.5t-40 27 t-26.5 40.5t-9.5 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc0;" horiz-adv-x="1266" d="M1208 0h-147q-26 0 -40 13t-20 33l-79 358h-598l-168 -358q-9 -18 -28 -32t-43 -14h-150l720 1467h194zM388 544h503l-135 607q-6 27 -13.5 60.5t-12.5 72.5q-14 -39 -29 -73t-28 -61zM629 1824q32 0 46 -7t30 -26l172 -208h-148q-20 0 -31.5 6.5t-26.5 19.5l-241 215 h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc1;" horiz-adv-x="1266" d="M1208 0h-147q-26 0 -40 13t-20 33l-79 358h-598l-168 -358q-9 -18 -28 -32t-43 -14h-150l720 1467h194zM388 544h503l-135 607q-6 27 -13.5 60.5t-12.5 72.5q-14 -39 -29 -73t-28 -61zM1152 1824l-295 -215q-17 -12 -30 -19t-34 -7h-148l223 208q10 9 19 16t18 10.5 t20.5 5t27.5 1.5h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc2;" horiz-adv-x="1266" d="M1208 0h-147q-26 0 -40 13t-20 33l-79 358h-598l-168 -358q-9 -18 -28 -32t-43 -14h-150l720 1467h194zM388 544h503l-135 607q-6 27 -13.5 60.5t-12.5 72.5q-14 -39 -29 -73t-28 -61zM1071 1583h-134q-11 0 -24 3t-21 10l-117 110l-145 -110q-9 -7 -23 -10t-26 -3h-134 l252 214h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc3;" horiz-adv-x="1266" d="M1208 0h-147q-26 0 -40 13t-20 33l-79 358h-598l-168 -358q-9 -18 -28 -32t-43 -14h-150l720 1467h194zM388 544h503l-135 607q-6 27 -13.5 60.5t-12.5 72.5q-14 -39 -29 -73t-28 -61zM895 1700q31 0 52 21.5t26 59.5h96q-5 -43 -20.5 -79.5t-39 -63.5t-55 -42t-69.5 -15 q-33 0 -61.5 14t-54.5 30t-49.5 30t-44.5 14q-31 0 -51 -23t-25 -61h-99q5 43 21 80t39.5 64t55 42t69.5 15q34 0 62.5 -13.5t54 -30t48.5 -29.5t45 -13z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc4;" horiz-adv-x="1266" d="M1208 0h-147q-26 0 -40 13t-20 33l-79 358h-598l-168 -358q-9 -18 -28 -32t-43 -14h-150l720 1467h194zM388 544h503l-135 607q-6 27 -13.5 60.5t-12.5 72.5q-14 -39 -29 -73t-28 -61zM687 1705q0 -20 -8.5 -38.5t-23 -32.5t-33.5 -21.5t-40 -7.5q-20 0 -38.5 7.5 t-32.5 21.5t-22.5 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t22.5 33.5t32 23t39 8q22 0 40.5 -8t33 -23t23 -33.5t8.5 -40.5zM1039 1705q0 -20 -8 -38.5t-22.5 -32.5t-33 -21.5t-39.5 -7.5q-22 0 -40 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-23 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t23 33.5t32.5 23t40 8t40 -8t32.5 -23 t22.5 -33.5t8 -40.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc5;" horiz-adv-x="1266" d="M1208 0h-147q-26 0 -40 13t-20 33l-79 358h-598l-168 -358q-9 -18 -28 -32t-43 -14h-150l720 1467h194zM388 544h503l-135 607q-6 27 -13.5 60.5t-12.5 72.5q-14 -39 -29 -73t-28 -61zM568 1699q0 40 15.5 73.5t42 57.5t61.5 37.5t74 13.5q40 0 75 -13.5t62 -37.5 t42.5 -57.5t15.5 -73.5q0 -39 -15.5 -72t-42.5 -56.5t-62 -36.5t-75 -13q-39 0 -74 13t-61.5 36.5t-42 56.5t-15.5 72zM659 1699q0 -44 28 -73.5t76 -29.5q46 0 74 29.5t28 73.5q0 46 -28 74.5t-74 28.5q-48 0 -76 -28.5t-28 -74.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc6;" horiz-adv-x="1745" d="M791 1467h976l-18 -156h-709v-496h525l-20 -150h-505v-509h568l-21 -156h-727v404h-517l-210 -358q-11 -18 -30.5 -32t-44.5 -14h-148zM425 544h435v767q-14 -37 -29.5 -70t-32.5 -62z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc7;" horiz-adv-x="1263" d="M519 -255q6 0 13.5 -4t17.5 -8.5t23.5 -9t33.5 -4.5q41 0 63 20.5t22 51.5q0 36 -36 51t-104 24l49 121q-117 11 -209.5 62t-157 134t-98.5 194.5t-34 243.5q0 191 59.5 349.5t163.5 273t244.5 177.5t301.5 63q78 0 141.5 -13.5t116 -39t95 -61.5t79.5 -80l-66 -80 q-8 -10 -18.5 -16.5t-25.5 -6.5q-18 0 -38.5 20.5t-56 44.5t-91.5 44.5t-145 20.5q-119 0 -222 -47.5t-179 -136.5t-119.5 -214.5t-43.5 -282.5q0 -114 29.5 -204t82.5 -153t125.5 -97t159.5 -34q68 0 120 11.5t92 28t68.5 36.5t49.5 36t35 27.5t25 11.5q9 0 15.5 -3.5 t10.5 -8.5l67 -83q-89 -96 -203.5 -153t-263.5 -65l-23 -60q76 -17 110.5 -49.5t34.5 -79.5q0 -37 -17 -66t-47.5 -49t-72 -30.5t-90.5 -10.5q-39 0 -72.5 8.5t-61.5 23.5l24 55q8 17 23 17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc8;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M1096 1311h-642l-62 -495h520l-19 -150h-519l-63 -510h644l-19 -156h-837l182 1467h834zM585 1824q32 0 46 -7t30 -26l172 -208h-148q-20 0 -31.5 6.5t-26.5 19.5l-241 215h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xc9;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M1096 1311h-642l-62 -495h520l-19 -150h-519l-63 -510h644l-19 -156h-837l182 1467h834zM1092 1824l-295 -215q-17 -12 -30 -19t-34 -7h-148l223 208q10 9 19 16t18 10.5t20.5 5t27.5 1.5h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xca;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M1096 1311h-642l-62 -495h520l-19 -150h-519l-63 -510h644l-19 -156h-837l182 1467h834zM1027 1583h-134q-11 0 -24 3t-21 10l-117 110l-145 -110q-9 -7 -23 -10t-26 -3h-134l252 214h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcb;" horiz-adv-x="1092" d="M1096 1311h-642l-62 -495h520l-19 -150h-519l-63 -510h644l-19 -156h-837l182 1467h834zM643 1705q0 -20 -8.5 -38.5t-23 -32.5t-33.5 -21.5t-40 -7.5q-20 0 -38.5 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-22.5 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t22.5 33.5t32 23t39 8q22 0 40.5 -8t33 -23t23 -33.5 t8.5 -40.5zM995 1705q0 -20 -8 -38.5t-22.5 -32.5t-33 -21.5t-39.5 -7.5q-22 0 -40 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-23 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t23 33.5t32.5 23t40 8t40 -8t32.5 -23t22.5 -33.5t8 -40.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcc;" horiz-adv-x="579" d="M325 0h-193l179 1467h193zM287 1824q32 0 46 -7t30 -26l172 -208h-148q-20 0 -31.5 6.5t-26.5 19.5l-241 215h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcd;" horiz-adv-x="579" d="M325 0h-193l179 1467h193zM794 1824l-295 -215q-17 -12 -30 -19t-34 -7h-148l223 208q10 9 19 16t18 10.5t20.5 5t27.5 1.5h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xce;" horiz-adv-x="579" d="M325 0h-193l179 1467h193zM729 1583h-134q-11 0 -24 3t-21 10l-117 110l-145 -110q-9 -7 -23 -10t-26 -3h-134l252 214h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xcf;" horiz-adv-x="579" d="M325 0h-193l179 1467h193zM345 1705q0 -20 -8.5 -38.5t-23 -32.5t-33.5 -21.5t-40 -7.5q-20 0 -38.5 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-22.5 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t22.5 33.5t32 23t39 8q22 0 40.5 -8t33 -23t23 -33.5t8.5 -40.5zM697 1705q0 -20 -8 -38.5t-22.5 -32.5t-33 -21.5 t-39.5 -7.5q-22 0 -40 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-23 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t23 33.5t32.5 23t40 8t40 -8t32.5 -23t22.5 -33.5t8 -40.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd0;" horiz-adv-x="1486" d="M85 796h183l82 671h506q135 0 243.5 -46t185 -129.5t117 -199.5t40.5 -255q0 -187 -57.5 -341.5t-160 -264.5t-242 -170.5t-305.5 -60.5h-506l83 683h-183zM1245 833q0 111 -28 199.5t-80.5 150.5t-128 95.5t-170.5 33.5h-315l-63 -516h356l-13 -113h-357l-64 -528h313 q123 0 224 46.5t173.5 134t112.5 213t40 284.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd1;" horiz-adv-x="1424" d="M379 1467q26 0 37.5 -6t23.5 -26l633 -1122q2 24 4 45t4 40l131 1069h169l-180 -1467h-96q-24 0 -39 7.5t-27 28.5l-631 1122q0 -5 -0.5 -14t-2 -19.5t-2.5 -21t-2 -18.5l-133 -1085h-169l182 1467h98v0zM972 1700q31 0 52 21.5t26 59.5h96q-5 -43 -20.5 -79.5t-39 -63.5 t-55 -42t-69.5 -15q-33 0 -61.5 14t-54.5 30t-49.5 30t-44.5 14q-31 0 -51 -23t-25 -61h-99q5 43 21 80t39.5 64t55 42t69.5 15q34 0 62.5 -13.5t54 -30t48.5 -29.5t45 -13z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd2;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1456 838q0 -125 -26.5 -237t-75 -206.5t-118 -170.5t-155 -129t-185 -81.5t-209.5 -28.5q-135 0 -243 48t-184.5 133.5t-117 203t-40.5 258.5q0 187 58.5 344t161.5 271t244 177.5t305 63.5q135 0 243.5 -49t184.5 -135t116.5 -204t40.5 -258zM1260 834q0 112 -29 202 t-81.5 153.5t-129 98.5t-171.5 35q-121 0 -222.5 -48.5t-174 -138.5t-113.5 -217.5t-41 -285.5q0 -112 28.5 -202t81.5 -153.5t128.5 -98t171.5 -34.5q123 0 224 48.5t174 138t113.5 217t40.5 285.5zM743 1824q32 0 46 -7t30 -26l172 -208h-148q-20 0 -31.5 6.5t-26.5 19.5 l-241 215h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd3;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1456 838q0 -125 -26.5 -237t-75 -206.5t-118 -170.5t-155 -129t-185 -81.5t-209.5 -28.5q-135 0 -243 48t-184.5 133.5t-117 203t-40.5 258.5q0 187 58.5 344t161.5 271t244 177.5t305 63.5q135 0 243.5 -49t184.5 -135t116.5 -204t40.5 -258zM1260 834q0 112 -29 202 t-81.5 153.5t-129 98.5t-171.5 35q-121 0 -222.5 -48.5t-174 -138.5t-113.5 -217.5t-41 -285.5q0 -112 28.5 -202t81.5 -153.5t128.5 -98t171.5 -34.5q123 0 224 48.5t174 138t113.5 217t40.5 285.5zM1250 1824l-295 -215q-17 -12 -30 -19t-34 -7h-148l223 208q10 9 19 16 t18 10.5t20.5 5t27.5 1.5h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd4;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1456 838q0 -125 -26.5 -237t-75 -206.5t-118 -170.5t-155 -129t-185 -81.5t-209.5 -28.5q-135 0 -243 48t-184.5 133.5t-117 203t-40.5 258.5q0 187 58.5 344t161.5 271t244 177.5t305 63.5q135 0 243.5 -49t184.5 -135t116.5 -204t40.5 -258zM1260 834q0 112 -29 202 t-81.5 153.5t-129 98.5t-171.5 35q-121 0 -222.5 -48.5t-174 -138.5t-113.5 -217.5t-41 -285.5q0 -112 28.5 -202t81.5 -153.5t128.5 -98t171.5 -34.5q123 0 224 48.5t174 138t113.5 217t40.5 285.5zM1185 1583h-134q-11 0 -24 3t-21 10l-117 110l-145 -110q-9 -7 -23 -10 t-26 -3h-134l252 214h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd5;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1456 838q0 -125 -26.5 -237t-75 -206.5t-118 -170.5t-155 -129t-185 -81.5t-209.5 -28.5q-135 0 -243 48t-184.5 133.5t-117 203t-40.5 258.5q0 187 58.5 344t161.5 271t244 177.5t305 63.5q135 0 243.5 -49t184.5 -135t116.5 -204t40.5 -258zM1260 834q0 112 -29 202 t-81.5 153.5t-129 98.5t-171.5 35q-121 0 -222.5 -48.5t-174 -138.5t-113.5 -217.5t-41 -285.5q0 -112 28.5 -202t81.5 -153.5t128.5 -98t171.5 -34.5q123 0 224 48.5t174 138t113.5 217t40.5 285.5zM1009 1700q31 0 52 21.5t26 59.5h96q-5 -43 -20.5 -79.5t-39 -63.5 t-55 -42t-69.5 -15q-33 0 -61.5 14t-54.5 30t-49.5 30t-44.5 14q-31 0 -51 -23t-25 -61h-99q5 43 21 80t39.5 64t55 42t69.5 15q34 0 62.5 -13.5t54 -30t48.5 -29.5t45 -13z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd6;" horiz-adv-x="1500" d="M1456 838q0 -125 -26.5 -237t-75 -206.5t-118 -170.5t-155 -129t-185 -81.5t-209.5 -28.5q-135 0 -243 48t-184.5 133.5t-117 203t-40.5 258.5q0 187 58.5 344t161.5 271t244 177.5t305 63.5q135 0 243.5 -49t184.5 -135t116.5 -204t40.5 -258zM1260 834q0 112 -29 202 t-81.5 153.5t-129 98.5t-171.5 35q-121 0 -222.5 -48.5t-174 -138.5t-113.5 -217.5t-41 -285.5q0 -112 28.5 -202t81.5 -153.5t128.5 -98t171.5 -34.5q123 0 224 48.5t174 138t113.5 217t40.5 285.5zM801 1705q0 -20 -8.5 -38.5t-23 -32.5t-33.5 -21.5t-40 -7.5 q-20 0 -38.5 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-22.5 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t22.5 33.5t32 23t39 8q22 0 40.5 -8t33 -23t23 -33.5t8.5 -40.5zM1153 1705q0 -20 -8 -38.5t-22.5 -32.5t-33 -21.5t-39.5 -7.5q-22 0 -40 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-23 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t23 33.5t32.5 23t40 8 t40 -8t32.5 -23t22.5 -33.5t8 -40.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd7;" d="M1107 1040l-397 -353l319 -363l-104 -96l-321 365l-411 -367l-82 96l410 365l-311 355l105 96l312 -357l397 355z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd8;" horiz-adv-x="1499" d="M1456 838q0 -125 -26.5 -237t-75 -206.5t-118 -170.5t-155 -129t-185 -81.5t-209.5 -28.5q-99 0 -183 25.5t-153 73.5l-111 -140q-25 -31 -56 -43.5t-59 -12.5h-76l216 272q-79 86 -121 205t-42 263q0 187 58.5 344t161.5 271t244 177.5t305 63.5q106 0 196 -30.5 t161 -85.5l91 115q11 14 20.5 24t19 15.5t21.5 8t28 2.5h98l-196 -246q71 -86 108.5 -200t37.5 -249zM298 633q0 -99 22 -180.5t64 -143.5l730 917q-51 47 -117.5 72t-147.5 25q-121 0 -222.5 -48.5t-174 -138.5t-113.5 -217.5t-41 -285.5zM1260 834q0 90 -18.5 165 t-53.5 136l-725 -911q49 -39 110 -59t135 -20q123 0 224 48.5t174 138t113.5 217t40.5 285.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xd9;" horiz-adv-x="1375" d="M645 151q82 0 151 31.5t121 87.5t85 133.5t45 169.5l109 894h192l-109 -894q-15 -126 -66 -234t-130.5 -187t-185.5 -124t-232 -45q-114 0 -202 36.5t-149 102.5t-92.5 157.5t-31.5 199.5q0 46 6 94l108 894h192l-110 -893q-2 -20 -3.5 -39.5t-1.5 -37.5q0 -77 20 -140.5 t58.5 -109.5t95 -71t130.5 -25zM685 1824q32 0 46 -7t30 -26l172 -208h-148q-20 0 -31.5 6.5t-26.5 19.5l-241 215h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xda;" horiz-adv-x="1375" d="M645 151q82 0 151 31.5t121 87.5t85 133.5t45 169.5l109 894h192l-109 -894q-15 -126 -66 -234t-130.5 -187t-185.5 -124t-232 -45q-114 0 -202 36.5t-149 102.5t-92.5 157.5t-31.5 199.5q0 46 6 94l108 894h192l-110 -893q-2 -20 -3.5 -39.5t-1.5 -37.5q0 -77 20 -140.5 t58.5 -109.5t95 -71t130.5 -25zM1192 1824l-295 -215q-17 -12 -30 -19t-34 -7h-148l223 208q10 9 19 16t18 10.5t20.5 5t27.5 1.5h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdb;" horiz-adv-x="1375" d="M645 151q82 0 151 31.5t121 87.5t85 133.5t45 169.5l109 894h192l-109 -894q-15 -126 -66 -234t-130.5 -187t-185.5 -124t-232 -45q-114 0 -202 36.5t-149 102.5t-92.5 157.5t-31.5 199.5q0 46 6 94l108 894h192l-110 -893q-2 -20 -3.5 -39.5t-1.5 -37.5q0 -77 20 -140.5 t58.5 -109.5t95 -71t130.5 -25zM1127 1583h-134q-11 0 -24 3t-21 10l-117 110l-145 -110q-9 -7 -23 -10t-26 -3h-134l252 214h173z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdc;" horiz-adv-x="1375" d="M645 151q82 0 151 31.5t121 87.5t85 133.5t45 169.5l109 894h192l-109 -894q-15 -126 -66 -234t-130.5 -187t-185.5 -124t-232 -45q-114 0 -202 36.5t-149 102.5t-92.5 157.5t-31.5 199.5q0 46 6 94l108 894h192l-110 -893q-2 -20 -3.5 -39.5t-1.5 -37.5q0 -77 20 -140.5 t58.5 -109.5t95 -71t130.5 -25zM743 1705q0 -20 -8.5 -38.5t-23 -32.5t-33.5 -21.5t-40 -7.5q-20 0 -38.5 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-22.5 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t22.5 33.5t32 23t39 8q22 0 40.5 -8t33 -23t23 -33.5t8.5 -40.5zM1095 1705q0 -20 -8 -38.5t-22.5 -32.5t-33 -21.5 t-39.5 -7.5q-22 0 -40 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-23 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t23 33.5t32.5 23t40 8t40 -8t32.5 -23t22.5 -33.5t8 -40.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdd;" horiz-adv-x="1192" d="M702 587l-72 -587h-192l73 585l-387 882h170q26 0 39 -12.5t21 -32.5l244 -587q10 -30 17.5 -56.5t12.5 -53.5q12 27 27 53.5t32 56.5l390 587q11 16 28 30.5t42 14.5h159zM1117 1823l-295 -215q-17 -12 -30 -19t-34 -7h-148l223 208q10 9 19 16t18 10.5t20.5 5t27.5 1.5 h199z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="1155" d="M515 1193h214q117 0 202.5 -27.5t141.5 -78.5t84 -122t28 -158q0 -116 -38 -212.5t-110.5 -167t-178 -109t-242.5 -38.5h-214l-33 -280h-191l179 1467h192zM497 1042l-76 -611h214q87 0 153.5 26.5t111.5 74.5t68.5 114t23.5 144q0 119 -69.5 185.5t-212.5 66.5h-213z " /> -<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="1123" d="M745 1488q91 0 156 -27.5t106.5 -70t60.5 -94.5t19 -100q0 -70 -24 -119t-59.5 -86t-77 -64.5t-77.5 -53.5t-60 -54.5t-24 -67.5q0 -36 22 -60t54.5 -45t71 -43t71.5 -53.5t55 -76.5t22 -112q0 -88 -32 -158t-85.5 -118.5t-125.5 -74.5t-152 -26q-91 0 -162 35t-121 91 l49 67q9 12 21 19.5t29 7.5t35 -15t41 -32.5t55.5 -32t81.5 -14.5q43 0 79.5 15.5t62.5 43.5t41 65t15 80q0 49 -23.5 81.5t-58.5 56t-76.5 44t-76 47t-58 63.5t-23.5 94q0 63 25 108.5t62.5 81t82.5 65t82.5 62.5t63 74t25.5 98q0 29 -11 59t-34 54.5t-60.5 40t-90.5 15.5 q-63 0 -119 -34.5t-99.5 -94t-73.5 -137.5t-40 -165l-110 -893l-48 -212q-17 -77 -94 -77h-71l139 1138l-113 14q-41 5 -41 39l8 79h167q24 94 72 179.5t115.5 151t151.5 104t179 38.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="1034" d="M836 0h-95q-36 0 -48.5 18.5t-12.5 44.5l18 210q-37 -66 -79 -119t-90 -90t-100 -57.5t-108 -20.5q-61 0 -111.5 24t-86 70.5t-55 114.5t-19.5 156q0 92 23 179.5t65.5 165.5t102 143t132.5 112.5t157 74t177 26.5q67 0 129.5 -11t123.5 -37zM389 137q50 0 98.5 31.5 t91.5 86.5t80 131.5t66 167.5l44 356q-23 5 -45 7t-43 2q-61 0 -118.5 -20t-108 -56t-91 -85.5t-70 -109t-46 -126.5t-16.5 -138q0 -247 158 -247zM616 1482q32 0 46 -10.5t24 -32.5l110 -248h-101q-20 0 -32.5 6t-24.5 22l-189 263h167z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe1;" horiz-adv-x="1034" d="M836 0h-95q-36 0 -48.5 18.5t-12.5 44.5l18 210q-37 -66 -79 -119t-90 -90t-100 -57.5t-108 -20.5q-61 0 -111.5 24t-86 70.5t-55 114.5t-19.5 156q0 92 23 179.5t65.5 165.5t102 143t132.5 112.5t157 74t177 26.5q67 0 129.5 -11t123.5 -37zM389 137q50 0 98.5 31.5 t91.5 86.5t80 131.5t66 167.5l44 356q-23 5 -45 7t-43 2q-61 0 -118.5 -20t-108 -56t-91 -85.5t-70 -109t-46 -126.5t-16.5 -138q0 -247 158 -247zM998 1482l-254 -263q-14 -15 -29 -21.5t-35 -6.5h-105l170 248q14 23 31.5 33t49.5 10h172z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe2;" horiz-adv-x="1034" d="M836 0h-95q-36 0 -48.5 18.5t-12.5 44.5l18 210q-37 -66 -79 -119t-90 -90t-100 -57.5t-108 -20.5q-61 0 -111.5 24t-86 70.5t-55 114.5t-19.5 156q0 92 23 179.5t65.5 165.5t102 143t132.5 112.5t157 74t177 26.5q67 0 129.5 -11t123.5 -37zM389 137q50 0 98.5 31.5 t91.5 86.5t80 131.5t66 167.5l44 356q-23 5 -45 7t-43 2q-61 0 -118.5 -20t-108 -56t-91 -85.5t-70 -109t-46 -126.5t-16.5 -138q0 -247 158 -247zM966 1197h-117q-11 0 -21.5 4t-15.5 10l-102 131l-7 7t-7 9q-5 -5 -9 -8.5t-8 -7.5l-136 -131q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5 h-122l245 268h164z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe3;" horiz-adv-x="1034" d="M836 0h-95q-36 0 -48.5 18.5t-12.5 44.5l18 210q-37 -66 -79 -119t-90 -90t-100 -57.5t-108 -20.5q-61 0 -111.5 24t-86 70.5t-55 114.5t-19.5 156q0 92 23 179.5t65.5 165.5t102 143t132.5 112.5t157 74t177 26.5q67 0 129.5 -11t123.5 -37zM389 137q50 0 98.5 31.5 t91.5 86.5t80 131.5t66 167.5l44 356q-23 5 -45 7t-43 2q-61 0 -118.5 -20t-108 -56t-91 -85.5t-70 -109t-46 -126.5t-16.5 -138q0 -247 158 -247zM797 1353q67 0 81 90h107q-6 -48 -23 -87.5t-42.5 -67.5t-59.5 -44t-71 -16q-33 0 -60.5 14.5t-50.5 32.5t-44 33t-42 15 q-33 0 -53.5 -23t-26.5 -68h-109q6 47 23.5 87t44 68.5t59.5 44.5t71 16q34 0 60.5 -15t49.5 -33t43.5 -32.5t42.5 -14.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe4;" horiz-adv-x="1034" d="M836 0h-95q-36 0 -48.5 18.5t-12.5 44.5l18 210q-37 -66 -79 -119t-90 -90t-100 -57.5t-108 -20.5q-61 0 -111.5 24t-86 70.5t-55 114.5t-19.5 156q0 92 23 179.5t65.5 165.5t102 143t132.5 112.5t157 74t177 26.5q67 0 129.5 -11t123.5 -37zM389 137q50 0 98.5 31.5 t91.5 86.5t80 131.5t66 167.5l44 356q-23 5 -45 7t-43 2q-61 0 -118.5 -20t-108 -56t-91 -85.5t-70 -109t-46 -126.5t-16.5 -138q0 -247 158 -247zM624 1342q0 -24 -9.5 -44t-26 -35.5t-37.5 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -44.5 9t-35.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9.5 43.5q0 24 9.5 45.5 t24.5 37.5t35.5 25t44.5 9t44.5 -9t37 -25t26 -37.5t9.5 -45.5zM991 1342q0 -24 -9 -44t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -45 9t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9 43.5q0 24 9 45.5t24.5 37.5t36.5 25t45 9t44.5 -9t36.5 -25t25 -37.5t9 -45.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe5;" horiz-adv-x="1034" d="M836 0h-95q-36 0 -48.5 18.5t-12.5 44.5l18 210q-37 -66 -79 -119t-90 -90t-100 -57.5t-108 -20.5q-61 0 -111.5 24t-86 70.5t-55 114.5t-19.5 156q0 92 23 179.5t65.5 165.5t102 143t132.5 112.5t157 74t177 26.5q67 0 129.5 -11t123.5 -37zM389 137q50 0 98.5 31.5 t91.5 86.5t80 131.5t66 167.5l44 356q-23 5 -45 7t-43 2q-61 0 -118.5 -20t-108 -56t-91 -85.5t-70 -109t-46 -126.5t-16.5 -138q0 -247 158 -247zM506 1347q0 43 16.5 77.5t45 60t65 39.5t77.5 14q42 0 79.5 -14t66 -39.5t45 -60t16.5 -77.5q0 -42 -16.5 -77t-45 -59.5 t-66 -38.5t-79.5 -14q-41 0 -77.5 14t-65 38.5t-45 59.5t-16.5 77zM609 1347q0 -45 27.5 -74t75.5 -29q46 0 74.5 29t28.5 74q0 46 -28.5 74.5t-74.5 28.5q-48 0 -75.5 -28.5t-27.5 -74.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe6;" horiz-adv-x="1480" d="M1144 1052q61 0 113.5 -19t90.5 -53t60 -79.5t22 -97.5q0 -58 -28.5 -113.5t-98.5 -99t-190 -72t-302 -31.5q-1 -10 -1 -20v-21q0 -159 62.5 -238t173.5 -79q50 0 88 10.5t68.5 25t53.5 32.5t42.5 33t35.5 25t32 10q20 0 35 -17l45 -57q-52 -53 -102 -92t-102 -64 t-109 -37t-122 -12q-108 0 -189.5 58t-121.5 175q-33 -63 -78 -107.5t-96.5 -73.5t-105.5 -41.5t-105 -12.5q-136 0 -209.5 60.5t-73.5 183.5q0 73 32.5 138.5t106.5 116.5t193.5 82.5t294.5 36.5q4 32 7 52.5t4 34t1.5 22.5t0.5 16q0 183 -158 183q-61 0 -104.5 -16.5 t-76 -37.5t-57 -38t-47.5 -17q-18 0 -30.5 9t-18.5 24l-23 56q89 83 179.5 124t197.5 41q111 0 173 -49.5t85 -136.5q61 86 149.5 134.5t202.5 48.5zM646 490q-123 -5 -208 -24t-137.5 -49.5t-75.5 -72t-23 -92.5q0 -74 40 -109t106 -35q53 0 101 18.5t86 56.5t65 95t36 133 zM1121 922q-61 0 -111.5 -23t-87.5 -66t-62.5 -103.5t-38.5 -134.5q133 7 219.5 25.5t137.5 44.5t71.5 59t20.5 70q0 58 -38.5 93t-110.5 35z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe7;" horiz-adv-x="886" d="M287 -255q6 0 13 -4t17.5 -8.5t23.5 -9t34 -4.5q41 0 63 20.5t22 51.5q0 36 -36.5 51t-104.5 24l52 124q-76 10 -134 44.5t-97 89t-59 127.5t-20 159q0 126 39.5 241.5t110.5 204.5t168 142.5t214 53.5q102 0 172 -36.5t122 -106.5l-58 -68q-6 -8 -15 -13.5t-20 -5.5 q-14 0 -28 13t-36 29t-55.5 28.5t-85.5 12.5q-71 0 -134 -38.5t-110 -105t-74 -157.5t-27 -195q0 -63 14 -115t43 -88.5t70.5 -56.5t96.5 -20q46 0 82 9.5t63.5 24t48.5 31.5t38 31.5t30.5 24t28.5 9.5q20 0 35 -17l45 -56q-48 -52 -91 -89t-86.5 -60t-88 -34.5t-94.5 -14.5 l-23 -62q76 -17 110 -49.5t34 -79.5q0 -37 -17 -66t-47 -49t-71.5 -30.5t-90.5 -10.5q-39 0 -73 8.5t-61 23.5l23 55q9 17 24 17z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe8;" horiz-adv-x="944" d="M902 815q0 -68 -27.5 -124.5t-101.5 -102t-203 -79.5t-331 -54q-1 -11 -1 -22v-22q0 -137 59.5 -209.5t180.5 -72.5q49 0 87.5 10.5t69 25t53.5 32.5t42.5 33t35.5 25t33 10q18 0 34 -17l45 -57q-52 -54 -102 -92.5t-102 -64t-109 -37t-123 -11.5q-89 0 -159.5 29.5 t-119.5 84.5t-76 132.5t-27 174.5q0 80 17 159t49.5 150.5t79 133t106.5 106t132 70.5t155 26q79 0 136.5 -22.5t94 -57.5t54.5 -77t18 -80zM589 921q-65 0 -119 -27t-96 -73.5t-72 -109.5t-46 -136q158 19 253 44.5t146.5 54.5t67.5 63t16 71q0 18 -8 38t-26 36.5 t-46.5 27.5t-69.5 11zM504 1482q32 0 46 -10.5t24 -32.5l110 -248h-101q-20 0 -32.5 6t-24.5 22l-189 263h167z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xe9;" horiz-adv-x="944" d="M902 815q0 -68 -27.5 -124.5t-101.5 -102t-203 -79.5t-331 -54q-1 -11 -1 -22v-22q0 -137 59.5 -209.5t180.5 -72.5q49 0 87.5 10.5t69 25t53.5 32.5t42.5 33t35.5 25t33 10q18 0 34 -17l45 -57q-52 -54 -102 -92.5t-102 -64t-109 -37t-123 -11.5q-89 0 -159.5 29.5 t-119.5 84.5t-76 132.5t-27 174.5q0 80 17 159t49.5 150.5t79 133t106.5 106t132 70.5t155 26q79 0 136.5 -22.5t94 -57.5t54.5 -77t18 -80zM589 921q-65 0 -119 -27t-96 -73.5t-72 -109.5t-46 -136q158 19 253 44.5t146.5 54.5t67.5 63t16 71q0 18 -8 38t-26 36.5 t-46.5 27.5t-69.5 11zM918 1482l-254 -263q-14 -15 -29 -21.5t-35 -6.5h-105l170 248q14 23 31.5 33t49.5 10h172z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xea;" horiz-adv-x="944" d="M902 815q0 -68 -27.5 -124.5t-101.5 -102t-203 -79.5t-331 -54q-1 -11 -1 -22v-22q0 -137 59.5 -209.5t180.5 -72.5q49 0 87.5 10.5t69 25t53.5 32.5t42.5 33t35.5 25t33 10q18 0 34 -17l45 -57q-52 -54 -102 -92.5t-102 -64t-109 -37t-123 -11.5q-89 0 -159.5 29.5 t-119.5 84.5t-76 132.5t-27 174.5q0 80 17 159t49.5 150.5t79 133t106.5 106t132 70.5t155 26q79 0 136.5 -22.5t94 -57.5t54.5 -77t18 -80zM589 921q-65 0 -119 -27t-96 -73.5t-72 -109.5t-46 -136q158 19 253 44.5t146.5 54.5t67.5 63t16 71q0 18 -8 38t-26 36.5 t-46.5 27.5t-69.5 11zM895 1197h-117q-11 0 -21.5 4t-15.5 10l-102 131l-7 7t-7 9q-5 -5 -9 -8.5t-8 -7.5l-136 -131q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5h-122l245 268h164z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xeb;" horiz-adv-x="944" d="M902 815q0 -68 -27.5 -124.5t-101.5 -102t-203 -79.5t-331 -54q-1 -11 -1 -22v-22q0 -137 59.5 -209.5t180.5 -72.5q49 0 87.5 10.5t69 25t53.5 32.5t42.5 33t35.5 25t33 10q18 0 34 -17l45 -57q-52 -54 -102 -92.5t-102 -64t-109 -37t-123 -11.5q-89 0 -159.5 29.5 t-119.5 84.5t-76 132.5t-27 174.5q0 80 17 159t49.5 150.5t79 133t106.5 106t132 70.5t155 26q79 0 136.5 -22.5t94 -57.5t54.5 -77t18 -80zM589 921q-65 0 -119 -27t-96 -73.5t-72 -109.5t-46 -136q158 19 253 44.5t146.5 54.5t67.5 63t16 71q0 18 -8 38t-26 36.5 t-46.5 27.5t-69.5 11zM553 1342q0 -24 -9.5 -44t-26 -35.5t-37.5 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -44.5 9t-35.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9.5 43.5q0 24 9.5 45.5t24.5 37.5t35.5 25t44.5 9t44.5 -9t37 -25t26 -37.5t9.5 -45.5zM920 1342q0 -24 -9 -44t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -45 9 t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9 43.5q0 24 9 45.5t24.5 37.5t36.5 25t45 9t44.5 -9t36.5 -25t25 -37.5t9 -45.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xec;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M401 1037l-125 -1037h-179l125 1037h179zM230 1482q32 0 46 -10.5t24 -32.5l110 -248h-101q-20 0 -32.5 6t-24.5 22l-189 263h167z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xed;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M401 1037l-125 -1037h-179l125 1037h179zM644 1482l-254 -263q-14 -15 -29 -21.5t-35 -6.5h-105l170 248q14 23 31.5 33t49.5 10h172z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M401 1037l-125 -1037h-179l125 1037h179zM621 1197h-117q-11 0 -21.5 4t-15.5 10l-102 131l-7 7t-7 9q-5 -5 -9 -8.5t-8 -7.5l-136 -131q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5h-122l245 268h164z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xef;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M401 1037l-125 -1037h-179l125 1037h179zM279 1342q0 -24 -9.5 -44t-26 -35.5t-37.5 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -44.5 9t-35.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9.5 43.5q0 24 9.5 45.5t24.5 37.5t35.5 25t44.5 9t44.5 -9t37 -25t26 -37.5t9.5 -45.5zM646 1342q0 -24 -9 -44t-25 -35.5 t-37 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -45 9t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9 43.5q0 24 9 45.5t24.5 37.5t36.5 25t45 9t44.5 -9t36.5 -25t25 -37.5t9 -45.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf0;" horiz-adv-x="1044" d="M468 1091q-3 5 -4 9.5t-1 9.5q0 19 15 29l132 96q-42 25 -91 43.5t-105 36.5q-38 11 -38 42q0 13 8 33l26 56q90 -16 173.5 -49t154.5 -85l178 127l30 -59q6 -9 6 -21q0 -16 -19 -31l-116 -85q83 -86 131 -209.5t48 -292.5t-35.5 -307.5t-105.5 -238t-172 -154 t-236 -54.5q-84 0 -154.5 29t-122 84t-80.5 132t-29 175q0 111 35.5 209.5t99.5 172t153 117t197 43.5q99 0 179 -46.5t129 -140.5q-2 139 -41 240t-117 172l-194 -142zM468 124q67 0 123.5 26t101.5 81.5t77 142t48 207.5q-9 45 -28.5 86.5t-50 73.5t-74 51.5t-102.5 19.5 q-77 0 -137.5 -30.5t-102.5 -84.5t-64 -126t-22 -155q0 -69 17 -123t48.5 -91.5t74 -57.5t91.5 -20z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="1077" d="M73 0l124 1038h91q61 0 61 -61l-15 -201q83 137 187 207t215 70q116 0 180 -78t64 -227q0 -20 -1 -42t-4 -46l-78 -660h-182l78 660q2 20 3.5 39.5t1.5 36.5q0 84 -31.5 124.5t-97.5 40.5q-49 0 -100 -26.5t-98 -75t-87.5 -118t-69.5 -154.5l-59 -527h-182zM763 1355 q67 0 81 90h107q-6 -48 -23 -87.5t-42.5 -67.5t-59.5 -44t-71 -16q-33 0 -60.5 14.5t-50.5 32.5t-44 33t-42 15q-33 0 -53.5 -23t-26.5 -68h-109q6 47 23.5 87t44 68.5t59.5 44.5t71 16q34 0 60.5 -15t49.5 -33t43.5 -32.5t42.5 -14.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf2;" horiz-adv-x="1029" d="M459 128q75 0 136 41t104 109t67 157t24 187q0 143 -56.5 215.5t-163.5 72.5q-76 0 -136.5 -40.5t-103.5 -108.5t-66.5 -157t-23.5 -186q0 -143 55.5 -216.5t163.5 -73.5zM442 -14q-85 0 -155.5 29t-121.5 84.5t-80 135t-29 182.5q0 131 41 246.5t112.5 202.5t168 137.5 t209.5 50.5q85 0 155.5 -29.5t121.5 -84.5t80 -135.5t29 -181.5q0 -130 -41 -246t-112 -203t-168.5 -137.5t-209.5 -50.5zM497 1484q32 0 46 -10.5t24 -32.5l110 -248h-101q-20 0 -32.5 6t-24.5 22l-189 263h167z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf3;" horiz-adv-x="1029" d="M459 128q75 0 136 41t104 109t67 157t24 187q0 143 -56.5 215.5t-163.5 72.5q-76 0 -136.5 -40.5t-103.5 -108.5t-66.5 -157t-23.5 -186q0 -143 55.5 -216.5t163.5 -73.5zM442 -14q-85 0 -155.5 29t-121.5 84.5t-80 135t-29 182.5q0 131 41 246.5t112.5 202.5t168 137.5 t209.5 50.5q85 0 155.5 -29.5t121.5 -84.5t80 -135.5t29 -181.5q0 -130 -41 -246t-112 -203t-168.5 -137.5t-209.5 -50.5zM910 1484l-254 -263q-14 -15 -29 -21.5t-35 -6.5h-105l170 248q14 23 31.5 33t49.5 10h172z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf4;" horiz-adv-x="1029" d="M459 128q75 0 136 41t104 109t67 157t24 187q0 143 -56.5 215.5t-163.5 72.5q-76 0 -136.5 -40.5t-103.5 -108.5t-66.5 -157t-23.5 -186q0 -143 55.5 -216.5t163.5 -73.5zM442 -14q-85 0 -155.5 29t-121.5 84.5t-80 135t-29 182.5q0 131 41 246.5t112.5 202.5t168 137.5 t209.5 50.5q85 0 155.5 -29.5t121.5 -84.5t80 -135.5t29 -181.5q0 -130 -41 -246t-112 -203t-168.5 -137.5t-209.5 -50.5zM887 1199h-117q-11 0 -21.5 4t-15.5 10l-102 131l-7 7t-7 9q-5 -5 -9 -8.5t-8 -7.5l-136 -131q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5h-122l245 268h164z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf5;" horiz-adv-x="1029" d="M459 128q75 0 136 41t104 109t67 157t24 187q0 143 -56.5 215.5t-163.5 72.5q-76 0 -136.5 -40.5t-103.5 -108.5t-66.5 -157t-23.5 -186q0 -143 55.5 -216.5t163.5 -73.5zM442 -14q-85 0 -155.5 29t-121.5 84.5t-80 135t-29 182.5q0 131 41 246.5t112.5 202.5t168 137.5 t209.5 50.5q85 0 155.5 -29.5t121.5 -84.5t80 -135.5t29 -181.5q0 -130 -41 -246t-112 -203t-168.5 -137.5t-209.5 -50.5zM718 1355q67 0 81 90h107q-6 -48 -23 -87.5t-42.5 -67.5t-59.5 -44t-71 -16q-33 0 -60.5 14.5t-50.5 32.5t-44 33t-42 15q-33 0 -53.5 -23t-26.5 -68 h-109q6 47 23.5 87t44 68.5t59.5 44.5t71 16q34 0 60.5 -15t49.5 -33t43.5 -32.5t42.5 -14.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf6;" horiz-adv-x="1029" d="M459 128q75 0 136 41t104 109t67 157t24 187q0 143 -56.5 215.5t-163.5 72.5q-76 0 -136.5 -40.5t-103.5 -108.5t-66.5 -157t-23.5 -186q0 -143 55.5 -216.5t163.5 -73.5zM442 -14q-85 0 -155.5 29t-121.5 84.5t-80 135t-29 182.5q0 131 41 246.5t112.5 202.5t168 137.5 t209.5 50.5q85 0 155.5 -29.5t121.5 -84.5t80 -135.5t29 -181.5q0 -130 -41 -246t-112 -203t-168.5 -137.5t-209.5 -50.5zM545 1344q0 -24 -9.5 -44t-26 -35.5t-37.5 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -44.5 9t-35.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9.5 43.5q0 24 9.5 45.5t24.5 37.5t35.5 25t44.5 9 t44.5 -9t37 -25t26 -37.5t9.5 -45.5zM912 1344q0 -24 -9 -44t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -45 9t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9 43.5q0 24 9 45.5t24.5 37.5t36.5 25t45 9t44.5 -9t36.5 -25t25 -37.5t9 -45.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf7;" d="M134 754h981l-16 -133h-981zM535 1036q0 29 11 54.5t30.5 45t45 31t54.5 11.5q25 0 44.5 -9.5t34.5 -25t23 -36t8 -43.5q0 -30 -11.5 -55t-31 -43.5t-45 -29t-53.5 -10.5q-50 0 -80 31.5t-30 78.5zM444 307q0 29 11.5 54.5t31 45t45 31t54.5 11.5q25 0 44.5 -9.5 t34.5 -25t23 -36t8 -43.5q0 -30 -11.5 -55t-31 -43.5t-45 -29t-53.5 -10.5q-49 0 -80 31.5t-31 78.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf8;" horiz-adv-x="1029" d="M442 -14q-127 0 -219 62l-37 -50q-23 -31 -52.5 -43.5t-58.5 -12.5h-69l135 185q-41 54 -63 127t-22 163q0 131 41 246.5t112.5 202.5t168 137.5t209.5 50.5q128 0 221 -66l35 47q19 29 35.5 40t49.5 11h92l-131 -177q40 -54 62 -125.5t22 -160.5q0 -130 -41 -246 t-112 -203t-168.5 -137.5t-209.5 -50.5zM228 418q0 -91 27 -159l453 617q-57 46 -138 46q-76 0 -138 -39t-107.5 -107t-71 -160.5t-25.5 -197.5zM459 117q75 0 137.5 39.5t108.5 107.5t71 160t25 198q0 45 -7 83t-19 71l-452 -614q56 -45 136 -45z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xf9;" horiz-adv-x="1075" d="M362 1037l-77 -659q-2 -20 -3.5 -38.5t-1.5 -36.5q0 -84 31 -125t99 -41q47 0 96.5 25.5t96 73t86.5 114t70 148.5l64 539h182l-125 -1037h-90q-32 0 -49.5 14.5t-17.5 43.5q0 1 1 18.5t2.5 38t3 38t1.5 18.5l7 83q-83 -132 -185 -200t-211 -68q-116 0 -180 78.5 t-64 226.5q0 20 1 41.5t4 45.5l78 659h181zM504 1484q32 0 46 -10.5t24 -32.5l110 -248h-101q-20 0 -32.5 6t-24.5 22l-189 263h167z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfa;" horiz-adv-x="1075" d="M362 1037l-77 -659q-2 -20 -3.5 -38.5t-1.5 -36.5q0 -84 31 -125t99 -41q47 0 96.5 25.5t96 73t86.5 114t70 148.5l64 539h182l-125 -1037h-90q-32 0 -49.5 14.5t-17.5 43.5q0 1 1 18.5t2.5 38t3 38t1.5 18.5l7 83q-83 -132 -185 -200t-211 -68q-116 0 -180 78.5 t-64 226.5q0 20 1 41.5t4 45.5l78 659h181zM918 1484l-254 -263q-14 -15 -29 -21.5t-35 -6.5h-105l170 248q14 23 31.5 33t49.5 10h172z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfb;" horiz-adv-x="1075" d="M362 1037l-77 -659q-2 -20 -3.5 -38.5t-1.5 -36.5q0 -84 31 -125t99 -41q47 0 96.5 25.5t96 73t86.5 114t70 148.5l64 539h182l-125 -1037h-90q-32 0 -49.5 14.5t-17.5 43.5q0 1 1 18.5t2.5 38t3 38t1.5 18.5l7 83q-83 -132 -185 -200t-211 -68q-116 0 -180 78.5 t-64 226.5q0 20 1 41.5t4 45.5l78 659h181zM895 1199h-117q-11 0 -21.5 4t-15.5 10l-102 131l-7 7t-7 9q-5 -5 -9 -8.5t-8 -7.5l-136 -131q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5h-122l245 268h164z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfc;" horiz-adv-x="1075" d="M362 1037l-77 -659q-2 -20 -3.5 -38.5t-1.5 -36.5q0 -84 31 -125t99 -41q47 0 96.5 25.5t96 73t86.5 114t70 148.5l64 539h182l-125 -1037h-90q-32 0 -49.5 14.5t-17.5 43.5q0 1 1 18.5t2.5 38t3 38t1.5 18.5l7 83q-83 -132 -185 -200t-211 -68q-116 0 -180 78.5 t-64 226.5q0 20 1 41.5t4 45.5l78 659h181zM553 1344q0 -24 -9.5 -44t-26 -35.5t-37.5 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -44.5 9t-35.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9.5 43.5q0 24 9.5 45.5t24.5 37.5t35.5 25t44.5 9t44.5 -9t37 -25t26 -37.5t9.5 -45.5zM920 1344q0 -24 -9 -44t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5 t-44 -9q-24 0 -45 9t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9 43.5q0 24 9 45.5t24.5 37.5t36.5 25t45 9t44.5 -9t36.5 -25t25 -37.5t9 -45.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfd;" horiz-adv-x="974" d="M324 -309q-22 -42 -64 -42h-133l224 412l-268 976h150q22 0 32.5 -10.5t15.5 -27.5l166 -653q5 -22 8.5 -43t5.5 -43q9 22 17.5 44t20.5 43l327 654q8 16 23 26t31 10h144zM883 1484l-254 -263q-14 -15 -29 -21.5t-35 -6.5h-105l170 248q14 23 31.5 33t49.5 10h172z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xfe;" horiz-adv-x="1070" d="M38 -351l226 1859h180l-91 -733q39 62 84 114t94.5 88t102.5 56t108 20q132 0 206 -96.5t74 -281.5q0 -84 -17.5 -168t-49.5 -160.5t-78 -142.5t-101.5 -114.5t-121 -76t-137.5 -27.5q-77 0 -140 30t-107 85l-47 -387q-3 -27 -23 -46t-50 -19h-112zM674 906 q-49 0 -99.5 -30.5t-97.5 -85t-87.5 -129t-70.5 -163.5l-33 -271q39 -55 93.5 -77.5t110.5 -22.5q53 0 100.5 22.5t86.5 61t69.5 90t51.5 110.5t32.5 122t11.5 124q0 122 -44 185.5t-124 63.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#xff;" horiz-adv-x="974" d="M324 -309q-22 -42 -64 -42h-133l224 412l-268 976h150q22 0 32.5 -10.5t15.5 -27.5l166 -653q5 -22 8.5 -43t5.5 -43q9 22 17.5 44t20.5 43l327 654q8 16 23 26t31 10h144zM518 1344q0 -24 -9.5 -44t-26 -35.5t-37.5 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -44.5 9t-35.5 24.5t-24.5 36 t-9.5 43.5q0 24 9.5 45.5t24.5 37.5t35.5 25t44.5 9t44.5 -9t37 -25t26 -37.5t9.5 -45.5zM885 1344q0 -24 -9 -44t-25 -35.5t-37 -24.5t-44 -9q-24 0 -45 9t-36.5 24.5t-24.5 36t-9 43.5q0 24 9 45.5t24.5 37.5t36.5 25t45 9t44.5 -9t36.5 -25t25 -37.5t9 -45.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x131;" horiz-adv-x="498" d="M401 1037l-125 -1037h-179l125 1037h179z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x152;" horiz-adv-x="2059" d="M2082 1467l-19 -156h-641l-60 -496h515l-17 -150h-517l-62 -509h640l-19 -156h-811l28 231q-92 -117 -218.5 -181t-279.5 -64q-120 0 -216.5 47t-163.5 130.5t-103 199.5t-36 254q0 189 53.5 348t147.5 274.5t222.5 180t278.5 64.5q77 0 143 -19.5t120.5 -56t97 -88 t73.5 -116.5l33 263h811zM1164 844q0 109 -24 198.5t-70 152.5t-112.5 98t-151.5 35q-112 0 -205 -50.5t-160.5 -143.5t-105 -223t-37.5 -288q0 -110 24.5 -198.5t71 -152t113.5 -98t152 -34.5q112 0 204.5 50.5t160 142.5t104 221.5t36.5 289.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x153;" horiz-adv-x="1581" d="M1257 1052q67 0 120.5 -17.5t91 -50t57.5 -77.5t20 -99q0 -42 -11.5 -81t-40.5 -73t-76 -64.5t-118.5 -55t-169 -44t-226.5 -32.5v-12q0 -159 62 -238t174 -79q49 0 87.5 10.5t68.5 25t53 32.5t42.5 33t35.5 25t32 10q19 0 35 -17l45 -57q-51 -53 -100.5 -92t-102 -64 t-110 -37t-122.5 -12q-108 0 -189 59t-121 177q-71 -113 -176.5 -174.5t-237.5 -61.5q-83 0 -145.5 30t-104 82t-62.5 119.5t-21 140.5q0 168 43.5 297.5t118 218t172 133.5t207.5 45t183 -52t109 -145q65 92 159.5 144.5t217.5 52.5zM423 124q83 0 147 40t107.5 111.5 t65.5 169t22 212.5q0 118 -47.5 187t-147.5 69q-80 0 -143 -38.5t-108.5 -110t-69.5 -171.5t-24 -224q0 -48 10.5 -92.5t34 -78t61.5 -54t92 -20.5zM1229 923q-60 0 -112.5 -23.5t-93.5 -69.5t-69.5 -111t-41.5 -148q148 18 242 44.5t147.5 56t73 63t19.5 67.5q0 25 -10 46 t-30 38t-51 27t-74 10z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x178;" horiz-adv-x="1192" d="M702 587l-72 -587h-192l73 585l-387 882h170q26 0 39 -12.5t21 -32.5l244 -587q10 -30 17.5 -56.5t12.5 -53.5q12 27 27 53.5t32 56.5l390 587q11 16 28 30.5t42 14.5h159zM668 1704q0 -20 -8.5 -38.5t-23 -32.5t-33.5 -21.5t-40 -7.5q-20 0 -38.5 7.5t-32.5 21.5 t-22.5 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t22.5 33.5t32 23t39 8q22 0 40.5 -8t33 -23t23 -33.5t8.5 -40.5zM1020 1704q0 -20 -8 -38.5t-22.5 -32.5t-33 -21.5t-39.5 -7.5q-22 0 -40 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-23 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t23 33.5t32.5 23t40 8t40 -8t32.5 -23t22.5 -33.5 t8 -40.5z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2c6;" horiz-adv-x="581" d="M669 1197h-117q-11 0 -21.5 4t-15.5 10l-102 131l-7 7t-7 9q-5 -5 -9 -8.5t-8 -7.5l-136 -131q-6 -5 -17.5 -9.5t-23.5 -4.5h-122l245 268h164z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2da;" horiz-adv-x="581" d="M189 1347q0 43 16.5 77.5t45 60t65 39.5t77.5 14q42 0 79.5 -14t66 -39.5t45 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14q0 25 31 38z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x201e;" horiz-adv-x="692" d="M196 242q17 -38 24.5 -76t7.5 -76q0 -102 -54 -197.5t-150 -173.5l-50 32q-11 9 -11 23q0 8 4.5 15t16.5 20q16 19 33 43.5t30 53t22 61.5t9 69q0 27 -5 54.5t-19 55.5q-3 7 -3 15q0 25 31 38zM486 242q17 -38 25 -76t8 -76q0 -102 -54 -197.5t-151 -173.5l-49 32 q-11 9 -11 23q0 8 4.5 15t15.5 20q16 19 33.5 43.5t30.5 53t22 61.5t9 69q0 27 -5.5 54.5t-18.5 55.5q-3 7 -3 15q0 25 31 38z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2022;" d="M237 609q0 79 29.5 148.5t81 121.5t120.5 82t146 30q79 0 149 -30t121.5 -82t81.5 -121.5t30 -148.5t-30 -148t-81.5 -120t-121.5 -81.5t-149 -30.5q-78 0 -146.5 30.5t-120 81.5t-81 120t-29.5 148z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2026;" horiz-adv-x="1488" d="M46 113q0 27 10 50t27 40.5t40 28t51 10.5q27 0 50 -10.5t40.5 -28t27.5 -41t10 -49.5q0 -28 -10 -51t-27.5 -40.5t-40.5 -27t-50 -9.5q-28 0 -51 9.5t-40 27t-27 40.5t-10 51zM572 113q0 27 10 50t27.5 40.5t40.5 28t50 10.5t50 -10.5t40.5 -28t27.5 -41t10 -49.5 q0 -28 -10 -51t-27.5 -40.5t-40.5 -27t-50 -9.5q-28 0 -50.5 9.5t-40 27t-27.5 40.5t-10 51zM1100 113q0 27 9.5 50t26.5 40.5t40.5 28t50.5 10.5t50 -10.5t40.5 -28t28 -41t10.5 -49.5q0 -28 -10.5 -51t-28 -40.5t-41 -27t-49.5 -9.5q-27 0 -50.5 9.5t-40.5 27t-26.5 40.5 t-9.5 51z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x202f;" horiz-adv-x="376" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2039;" horiz-adv-x="612" d="M136 530l3 23l285 397l53 -27q24 -12 24 -35q0 -20 -16 -40l-179 -269q-16 -26 -33 -37q10 -10 24 -37l114 -269q6 -14 6 -28q0 -33 -33 -48l-60 -28z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x203a;" horiz-adv-x="612" d="M485 553l-2 -23l-283 -398l-55 28q-24 11 -23 36q0 16 13 40l182 269q16 25 31 36q-13 12 -22 38l-115 269q-6 13 -6 26q0 33 34 49l60 27z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x205f;" horiz-adv-x="470" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x20ac;" d="M86 919h144q34 130 95 234t143.5 177t183.5 112t215 39q136 0 227.5 -51t151.5 -140l-68 -67q-12 -12 -19.5 -16.5t-21.5 -4.5q-11 0 -21.5 9.5t-24.5 23t-33.5 30t-47 30.5t-65.5 23t-90 9q-79 0 -148.5 -26.5t-126.5 -79t-100 -128.5t-69 -174h573l-6 -57 q-3 -17 -18 -31t-40 -14h-531q-6 -36 -9.5 -72.5t-5.5 -75.5h485l-7 -56q-2 -17 -18 -31.5t-39 -14.5h-422q7 -209 92.5 -319t233.5 -110q84 0 141 23t94.5 51t61 51t41.5 23q8 0 14 -2t12 -11l66 -69q-85 -103 -198.5 -161t-258.5 -58q-116 0 -204.5 42t-149 118t-92 183.5 t-35.5 238.5h-148l12 102h139q3 76 15 148h-135z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x2122;" horiz-adv-x="1358" d="M985 1130q8 -28 12 -51q6 13 13 25.5t15 25.5l194 315q9 14 17.5 17t25.5 3h104l-73 -604h-109l47 379l16 73l-211 -345q-16 -28 -46 -28h-17q-29 0 -39 28l-128 346v-74l-47 -379h-108l73 604h105q16 0 25 -3t14 -17zM637 1465l-13 -103h-168l-62 -501h-123l61 501h-168 l14 103h459z" /> -<glyph unicode="&#x25fc;" horiz-adv-x="1038" d="M0 1039h1039v-1039h-1039v1039z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="581" d="M286 1824q32 0 46 -7t30 -26l172 -208h-148q-20 0 -31.5 6.5t-26.5 19.5l-241 215h199z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="581" d="M344 1705q0 -20 -8.5 -38.5t-23 -32.5t-33.5 -21.5t-40 -7.5q-20 0 -38.5 7.5t-32.5 21.5t-22.5 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t22.5 33.5t32 23t39 8q22 0 40.5 -8t33 -23t23 -33.5t8.5 -40.5zM696 1705q0 -20 -8 -38.5t-22.5 -32.5t-33 -21.5t-39.5 -7.5q-22 0 -40 7.5 t-32.5 21.5t-23 32t-8.5 39q0 22 8.5 40.5t23 33.5t32.5 23t40 8t40 -8t32.5 -23t22.5 -33.5t8 -40.5z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="581" d="M793 1824l-295 -215q-17 -12 -30 -19t-34 -7h-148l223 208q10 9 19 16t18 10.5t20.5 5t27.5 1.5h199z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="581" d="M728 1583h-134q-11 0 -24 3t-21 10l-117 110l-145 -110q-9 -7 -23 -10t-26 -3h-134l252 214h173z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="581" d="M224 1699q0 40 15.5 73.5t42 57.5t61.5 37.5t74 13.5q40 0 75 -13.5t62 -37.5t42.5 -57.5t15.5 -73.5q0 -39 -15.5 -72t-42.5 -56.5t-62 -36.5t-75 -13q-39 0 -74 13t-61.5 36.5t-42 56.5t-15.5 72zM315 1699q0 -44 28 -73.5t76 -29.5q46 0 74 29.5t28 73.5 q0 46 -28 74.5t-74 28.5q-48 0 -76 -28.5t-28 -74.5z" /> -<glyph horiz-adv-x="581" d="M552 1700q31 0 52 21.5t26 59.5h96q-5 -43 -20.5 -79.5t-39 -63.5t-55 -42t-69.5 -15q-33 0 -61.5 14t-54.5 30t-49.5 30t-44.5 14q-31 0 -51 -23t-25 -61h-99q5 43 21 80t39.5 64t55 42t69.5 15q34 0 62.5 -13.5t54 -30t48.5 -29.5t45 -13z" /> 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KAAAgP,SAAA1K,OAAA,GAQAmB,EAAAxE,UAAAiO,MAAA,SAAA7O,GACAL,KAAAgP,SAAA3O,KACAL,KAAAgP,SAAA3O,GAAA,OAYAoF,EAAAxE,UAAAgD,QAAA,SAAAE,GACAhD,EAAA8C,QAAAjE,KAAAgP,SAAA,SAAAG,GACA,OAAAA,GACAhL,EAAAgL,MAKAtP,EAAAD,QAAA6F,GnB+tCM,SAAS5F,EAAQD,EAASM,GoBlxChC,YAUA,SAAAkP,GAAAtJ,GACAA,EAAAoF,aACApF,EAAAoF,YAAAmE,mBAVA,GAAAlO,GAAAjB,EAAA,GACAoP,EAAApP,EAAA,IACA0B,EAAA1B,EAAA,IACAmB,EAAAnB,EAAA,EAiBAL,GAAAD,QAAA,SAAAkG,GACAsJ,EAAAtJ,GAGAA,EAAAkB,QAAAlB,EAAAkB,YAGAlB,EAAAgB,KAAAwI,EACAxJ,EAAAgB,KACAhB,EAAAkB,QACAlB,EAAA2B,kBAIA3B,EAAAkB,QAAA7F,EAAAM,MACAqE,EAAAkB,QAAAqB,WACAvC,EAAAkB,QAAAlB,EAAAE,YACAF,EAAAkB,aAGA7F,EAAA8C,SACA,qDACA,SAAA+B,SACAF,GAAAkB,QAAAhB,IAIA,IAAAmB,GAAArB,EAAAqB,SAAA9F,EAAA8F,OAEA,OAAAA,GAAArB,GAAAc,KAAA,SAAAlB,GAUA,MATA0J,GAAAtJ,GAGAJ,EAAAoB,KAAAwI,EACA5J,EAAAoB,KACApB,EAAAsB,QACAlB,EAAA8B,mBAGAlC,GACG,SAAA6J,GAcH,MAbA3N,GAAA2N,KACAH,EAAAtJ,GAGAyJ,KAAA7J,WACA6J,EAAA7J,SAAAoB,KAAAwI,EACAC,EAAA7J,SAAAoB,KACAyI,EAAA7J,SAAAsB,QACAlB,EAAA8B,qBAKA7F,QAAAiH,OAAAuG,OpB2xCM,SAAS1P,EAAQD,EAASM,GqBv2ChC,YAEA,IAAAiB,GAAAjB,EAAA,EAUAL,GAAAD,QAAA,SAAAkH,EAAAE,EAAAwI,GAMA,MAJArO,GAAA8C,QAAAuL,EAAA,SAAArL,GACA2C,EAAA3C,EAAA2C,EAAAE,KAGAF,IrB+2CM,SAASjH,EAAQD,GsBj4CvB,YAEAC,GAAAD,QAAA,SAAAqH,GACA,SAAAA,MAAAwI,ctBy4CM,SAAS5P,EAAQD,GuB54CvB,YAQAC,GAAAD,QAAA,SAAAmG,GAIA,sCAAAqH,KAAArH,KvBo5CM,SAASlG,EAAQD,GwBh6CvB,YASAC,GAAAD,QAAA,SAAAsG,EAAAwJ,GACA,MAAAA,GACAxJ,EAAAvC,QAAA,eAAA+L,EAAA/L,QAAA,WACAuC,IxBw6CM,SAASrG,EAAQD,GyBp7CvB,YAQA,SAAA8B,GAAA6J,GACAvL,KAAAuL,UAGA7J,EAAAT,UAAAmB,SAAA,WACA,gBAAApC,KAAAuL,QAAA,KAAAvL,KAAAuL,QAAA,KAGA7J,EAAAT,UAAAwO,YAAA,EAEA5P,EAAAD,QAAA8B,GzB27CM,SAAS7B,EAAQD,EAASM,G0B78ChC,YAUA,SAAAyB,GAAAgO,GACA,qBAAAA,GACA,SAAAC,WAAA,+BAGA,IAAAC,EACA7P,MAAAqG,QAAA,GAAAtE,SAAA,SAAAuE,GACAuJ,EAAAvJ,GAGA,IAAAwJ,GAAA9P,IACA2P,GAAA,SAAApE,GACAuE,EAAAP,SAKAO,EAAAP,OAAA,GAAA7N,GAAA6J,GACAsE,EAAAC,EAAAP,WA1BA,GAAA7N,GAAAxB,EAAA,GAiCAyB,GAAAV,UAAAoO,iBAAA,WACA,GAAArP,KAAAuP,OACA,KAAAvP,MAAAuP,QAQA5N,EAAAoO,OAAA,WACA,GAAA5E,GACA2E,EAAA,GAAAnO,GAAA,SAAAlB,GACA0K,EAAA1K,GAEA,QACAqP,QACA3E,WAIAtL,EAAAD,QAAA+B,G1Bo9CM,SAAS9B,EAAQD,G2B5gDvB,YAsBAC,GAAAD,QAAA,SAAAoQ,GACA,gBAAAC,GACA,MAAAD,GAAA9K,MAAA,KAAA+K","file":"axios.min.js","sourcesContent":["(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {\n\tif(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')\n\t\tmodule.exports = factory();\n\telse if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)\n\t\tdefine([], factory);\n\telse if(typeof exports === 'object')\n\t\texports[\"axios\"] = factory();\n\telse\n\t\troot[\"axios\"] = factory();\n})(this, function() {\nreturn \n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// webpack/universalModuleDefinition","(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {\n\tif(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')\n\t\tmodule.exports = factory();\n\telse if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)\n\t\tdefine([], factory);\n\telse if(typeof exports === 'object')\n\t\texports[\"axios\"] = factory();\n\telse\n\t\troot[\"axios\"] = factory();\n})(this, function() {\nreturn /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap\n/******/ \t// The module cache\n/******/ \tvar installedModules = {};\n/******/\n/******/ \t// The require function\n/******/ \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n/******/\n/******/ \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n/******/ \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId])\n/******/ \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n/******/\n/******/ \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n/******/ \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n/******/ \t\t\texports: {},\n/******/ \t\t\tid: moduleId,\n/******/ \t\t\tloaded: false\n/******/ \t\t};\n/******/\n/******/ \t\t// Execute the module function\n/******/ \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n/******/\n/******/ \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n/******/ \t\tmodule.loaded = true;\n/******/\n/******/ \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n/******/ \t\treturn module.exports;\n/******/ \t}\n/******/\n/******/\n/******/ \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n/******/\n/******/ \t// expose the module cache\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n/******/\n/******/ \t// __webpack_public_path__\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n/******/\n/******/ \t// Load entry module and return exports\n/******/ \treturn __webpack_require__(0);\n/******/ })\n/************************************************************************/\n/******/ ([\n/* 0 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\tmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(1);\n\n/***/ },\n/* 1 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\tvar bind = __webpack_require__(3);\n\tvar Axios = __webpack_require__(5);\n\tvar defaults = __webpack_require__(6);\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Create an instance of Axios\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} defaultConfig The default config for the instance\n\t * @return {Axios} A new instance of Axios\n\t */\n\tfunction createInstance(defaultConfig) {\n\t var context = new Axios(defaultConfig);\n\t var instance = bind(Axios.prototype.request, context);\n\t\n\t // Copy axios.prototype to instance\n\t utils.extend(instance, Axios.prototype, context);\n\t\n\t // Copy context to instance\n\t utils.extend(instance, context);\n\t\n\t return instance;\n\t}\n\t\n\t// Create the default instance to be exported\n\tvar axios = createInstance(defaults);\n\t\n\t// Expose Axios class to allow class inheritance\n\taxios.Axios = Axios;\n\t\n\t// Factory for creating new instances\n\taxios.create = function create(instanceConfig) {\n\t return createInstance(utils.merge(defaults, instanceConfig));\n\t};\n\t\n\t// Expose Cancel & CancelToken\n\taxios.Cancel = __webpack_require__(23);\n\taxios.CancelToken = __webpack_require__(24);\n\taxios.isCancel = __webpack_require__(20);\n\t\n\t// Expose all/spread\n\taxios.all = function all(promises) {\n\t return Promise.all(promises);\n\t};\n\taxios.spread = __webpack_require__(25);\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = axios;\n\t\n\t// Allow use of default import syntax in TypeScript\n\tmodule.exports.default = axios;\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 2 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar bind = __webpack_require__(3);\n\tvar isBuffer = __webpack_require__(4);\n\t\n\t/*global toString:true*/\n\t\n\t// utils is a library of generic helper functions non-specific to axios\n\t\n\tvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is an Array\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Array, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isArray(val) {\n\t return === '[object Array]';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is an ArrayBuffer\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isArrayBuffer(val) {\n\t return === '[object ArrayBuffer]';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a FormData\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is an FormData, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isFormData(val) {\n\t return (typeof FormData !== 'undefined') && (val instanceof FormData);\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a view on an ArrayBuffer\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is a view on an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isArrayBufferView(val) {\n\t var result;\n\t if ((typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') && (ArrayBuffer.isView)) {\n\t result = ArrayBuffer.isView(val);\n\t } else {\n\t result = (val) && (val.buffer) && (val.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer);\n\t }\n\t return result;\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a String\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is a String, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isString(val) {\n\t return typeof val === 'string';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a Number\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Number, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isNumber(val) {\n\t return typeof val === 'number';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is undefined\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if the value is undefined, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isUndefined(val) {\n\t return typeof val === 'undefined';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is an Object\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Object, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isObject(val) {\n\t return val !== null && typeof val === 'object';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a Date\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Date, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isDate(val) {\n\t return === '[object Date]';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a File\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is a File, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isFile(val) {\n\t return === '[object File]';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a Blob\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Blob, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isBlob(val) {\n\t return === '[object Blob]';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a Function\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Function, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isFunction(val) {\n\t return === '[object Function]';\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a Stream\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Stream, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isStream(val) {\n\t return isObject(val) && isFunction(val.pipe);\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if a value is a URLSearchParams object\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} val The value to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if value is a URLSearchParams object, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tfunction isURLSearchParams(val) {\n\t return typeof URLSearchParams !== 'undefined' && val instanceof URLSearchParams;\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Trim excess whitespace off the beginning and end of a string\n\t *\n\t * @param {String} str The String to trim\n\t * @returns {String} The String freed of excess whitespace\n\t */\n\tfunction trim(str) {\n\t return str.replace(/^\\s*/, '').replace(/\\s*$/, '');\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determine if we're running in a standard browser environment\n\t *\n\t * This allows axios to run in a web worker, and react-native.\n\t * Both environments support XMLHttpRequest, but not fully standard globals.\n\t *\n\t * web workers:\n\t * typeof window -> undefined\n\t * typeof document -> undefined\n\t *\n\t * react-native:\n\t * navigator.product -> 'ReactNative'\n\t */\n\tfunction isStandardBrowserEnv() {\n\t if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') {\n\t return false;\n\t }\n\t return (\n\t typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n\t typeof document !== 'undefined'\n\t );\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Iterate over an Array or an Object invoking a function for each item.\n\t *\n\t * If `obj` is an Array callback will be called passing\n\t * the value, index, and complete array for each item.\n\t *\n\t * If 'obj' is an Object callback will be called passing\n\t * the value, key, and complete object for each property.\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object|Array} obj The object to iterate\n\t * @param {Function} fn The callback to invoke for each item\n\t */\n\tfunction forEach(obj, fn) {\n\t // Don't bother if no value provided\n\t if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') {\n\t return;\n\t }\n\t\n\t // Force an array if not already something iterable\n\t if (typeof obj !== 'object' && !isArray(obj)) {\n\t /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n\t obj = [obj];\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (isArray(obj)) {\n\t // Iterate over array values\n\t for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {\n\t, obj[i], i, obj);\n\t }\n\t } else {\n\t // Iterate over object keys\n\t for (var key in obj) {\n\t if (, key)) {\n\t, obj[key], key, obj);\n\t }\n\t }\n\t }\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Accepts varargs expecting each argument to be an object, then\n\t * immutably merges the properties of each object and returns result.\n\t *\n\t * When multiple objects contain the same key the later object in\n\t * the arguments list will take precedence.\n\t *\n\t * Example:\n\t *\n\t * ```js\n\t * var result = merge({foo: 123}, {foo: 456});\n\t * console.log(; // outputs 456\n\t * ```\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} obj1 Object to merge\n\t * @returns {Object} Result of all merge properties\n\t */\n\tfunction merge(/* obj1, obj2, obj3, ... */) {\n\t var result = {};\n\t function assignValue(val, key) {\n\t if (typeof result[key] === 'object' && typeof val === 'object') {\n\t result[key] = merge(result[key], val);\n\t } else {\n\t result[key] = val;\n\t }\n\t }\n\t\n\t for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {\n\t forEach(arguments[i], assignValue);\n\t }\n\t return result;\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Extends object a by mutably adding to it the properties of object b.\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} a The object to be extended\n\t * @param {Object} b The object to copy properties from\n\t * @param {Object} thisArg The object to bind function to\n\t * @return {Object} The resulting value of object a\n\t */\n\tfunction extend(a, b, thisArg) {\n\t forEach(b, function assignValue(val, key) {\n\t if (thisArg && typeof val === 'function') {\n\t a[key] = bind(val, thisArg);\n\t } else {\n\t a[key] = val;\n\t }\n\t });\n\t return a;\n\t}\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = {\n\t isArray: isArray,\n\t isArrayBuffer: isArrayBuffer,\n\t isBuffer: isBuffer,\n\t isFormData: isFormData,\n\t isArrayBufferView: isArrayBufferView,\n\t isString: isString,\n\t isNumber: isNumber,\n\t isObject: isObject,\n\t isUndefined: isUndefined,\n\t isDate: isDate,\n\t isFile: isFile,\n\t isBlob: isBlob,\n\t isFunction: isFunction,\n\t isStream: isStream,\n\t isURLSearchParams: isURLSearchParams,\n\t isStandardBrowserEnv: isStandardBrowserEnv,\n\t forEach: forEach,\n\t merge: merge,\n\t extend: extend,\n\t trim: trim\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 3 */\n/***/ function(module, exports) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = function bind(fn, thisArg) {\n\t return function wrap() {\n\t var args = new Array(arguments.length);\n\t for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\n\t args[i] = arguments[i];\n\t }\n\t return fn.apply(thisArg, args);\n\t };\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 4 */\n/***/ function(module, exports) {\n\n\t/*!\n\t * Determine if an object is a Buffer\n\t *\n\t * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <> <>\n\t * @license MIT\n\t */\n\t\n\t// The _isBuffer check is for Safari 5-7 support, because it's missing\n\t// Object.prototype.constructor. Remove this eventually\n\tmodule.exports = function (obj) {\n\t return obj != null && (isBuffer(obj) || isSlowBuffer(obj) || !!obj._isBuffer)\n\t}\n\t\n\tfunction isBuffer (obj) {\n\t return !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj)\n\t}\n\t\n\t// For Node v0.10 support. Remove this eventually.\n\tfunction isSlowBuffer (obj) {\n\t return typeof obj.readFloatLE === 'function' && typeof obj.slice === 'function' && isBuffer(obj.slice(0, 0))\n\t}\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 5 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar defaults = __webpack_require__(6);\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\tvar InterceptorManager = __webpack_require__(17);\n\tvar dispatchRequest = __webpack_require__(18);\n\tvar isAbsoluteURL = __webpack_require__(21);\n\tvar combineURLs = __webpack_require__(22);\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Create a new instance of Axios\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} instanceConfig The default config for the instance\n\t */\n\tfunction Axios(instanceConfig) {\n\t this.defaults = instanceConfig;\n\t this.interceptors = {\n\t request: new InterceptorManager(),\n\t response: new InterceptorManager()\n\t };\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Dispatch a request\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object} config The config specific for this request (merged with this.defaults)\n\t */\n\tAxios.prototype.request = function request(config) {\n\t /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n\t // Allow for axios('example/url'[, config]) a la fetch API\n\t if (typeof config === 'string') {\n\t config = utils.merge({\n\t url: arguments[0]\n\t }, arguments[1]);\n\t }\n\t\n\t config = utils.merge(defaults, this.defaults, { method: 'get' }, config);\n\t config.method = config.method.toLowerCase();\n\t\n\t // Support baseURL config\n\t if (config.baseURL && !isAbsoluteURL(config.url)) {\n\t config.url = combineURLs(config.baseURL, config.url);\n\t }\n\t\n\t // Hook up interceptors middleware\n\t var chain = [dispatchRequest, undefined];\n\t var promise = Promise.resolve(config);\n\t\n\t this.interceptors.request.forEach(function unshiftRequestInterceptors(interceptor) {\n\t chain.unshift(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n\t });\n\t\n\t this.interceptors.response.forEach(function pushResponseInterceptors(interceptor) {\n\t chain.push(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n\t });\n\t\n\t while (chain.length) {\n\t promise = promise.then(chain.shift(), chain.shift());\n\t }\n\t\n\t return promise;\n\t};\n\t\n\t// Provide aliases for supported request methods\n\tutils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head', 'options'], function forEachMethodNoData(method) {\n\t /*eslint func-names:0*/\n\t Axios.prototype[method] = function(url, config) {\n\t return this.request(utils.merge(config || {}, {\n\t method: method,\n\t url: url\n\t }));\n\t };\n\t});\n\t\n\tutils.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function forEachMethodWithData(method) {\n\t /*eslint func-names:0*/\n\t Axios.prototype[method] = function(url, data, config) {\n\t return this.request(utils.merge(config || {}, {\n\t method: method,\n\t url: url,\n\t data: data\n\t }));\n\t };\n\t});\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = Axios;\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 6 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\tvar normalizeHeaderName = __webpack_require__(7);\n\t\n\tvar DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = {\n\t 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\n\t};\n\t\n\tfunction setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, value) {\n\t if (!utils.isUndefined(headers) && utils.isUndefined(headers['Content-Type'])) {\n\t headers['Content-Type'] = value;\n\t }\n\t}\n\t\n\tfunction getDefaultAdapter() {\n\t var adapter;\n\t if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {\n\t // For browsers use XHR adapter\n\t adapter = __webpack_require__(8);\n\t } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {\n\t // For node use HTTP adapter\n\t adapter = __webpack_require__(8);\n\t }\n\t return adapter;\n\t}\n\t\n\tvar defaults = {\n\t adapter: getDefaultAdapter(),\n\t\n\t transformRequest: [function transformRequest(data, headers) {\n\t normalizeHeaderName(headers, 'Content-Type');\n\t if (utils.isFormData(data) ||\n\t utils.isArrayBuffer(data) ||\n\t utils.isBuffer(data) ||\n\t utils.isStream(data) ||\n\t utils.isFile(data) ||\n\t utils.isBlob(data)\n\t ) {\n\t return data;\n\t }\n\t if (utils.isArrayBufferView(data)) {\n\t return data.buffer;\n\t }\n\t if (utils.isURLSearchParams(data)) {\n\t setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8');\n\t return data.toString();\n\t }\n\t if (utils.isObject(data)) {\n\t setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/json;charset=utf-8');\n\t return JSON.stringify(data);\n\t }\n\t return data;\n\t }],\n\t\n\t transformResponse: [function transformResponse(data) {\n\t /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n\t if (typeof data === 'string') {\n\t try {\n\t data = JSON.parse(data);\n\t } catch (e) { /* Ignore */ }\n\t }\n\t return data;\n\t }],\n\t\n\t timeout: 0,\n\t\n\t xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',\n\t xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',\n\t\n\t maxContentLength: -1,\n\t\n\t validateStatus: function validateStatus(status) {\n\t return status >= 200 && status < 300;\n\t }\n\t};\n\t\n\tdefaults.headers = {\n\t common: {\n\t 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*'\n\t }\n\t};\n\t\n\tutils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head'], function forEachMethodNoData(method) {\n\t defaults.headers[method] = {};\n\t});\n\t\n\tutils.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function forEachMethodWithData(method) {\n\t defaults.headers[method] = utils.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);\n\t});\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = defaults;\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 7 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = function normalizeHeaderName(headers, normalizedName) {\n\t utils.forEach(headers, function processHeader(value, name) {\n\t if (name !== normalizedName && name.toUpperCase() === normalizedName.toUpperCase()) {\n\t headers[normalizedName] = value;\n\t delete headers[name];\n\t }\n\t });\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 8 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\tvar settle = __webpack_require__(9);\n\tvar buildURL = __webpack_require__(12);\n\tvar parseHeaders = __webpack_require__(13);\n\tvar isURLSameOrigin = __webpack_require__(14);\n\tvar createError = __webpack_require__(10);\n\tvar btoa = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.btoa && window.btoa.bind(window)) || __webpack_require__(15);\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = function xhrAdapter(config) {\n\t return new Promise(function dispatchXhrRequest(resolve, reject) {\n\t var requestData =;\n\t var requestHeaders = config.headers;\n\t\n\t if (utils.isFormData(requestData)) {\n\t delete requestHeaders['Content-Type']; // Let the browser set it\n\t }\n\t\n\t var request = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\t var loadEvent = 'onreadystatechange';\n\t var xDomain = false;\n\t\n\t // For IE 8/9 CORS support\n\t // Only supports POST and GET calls and doesn't returns the response headers.\n\t // DON'T do this for testing b/c XMLHttpRequest is mocked, not XDomainRequest.\n\t if ((\"production\") !== 'test' &&\n\t typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n\t window.XDomainRequest && !('withCredentials' in request) &&\n\t !isURLSameOrigin(config.url)) {\n\t request = new window.XDomainRequest();\n\t loadEvent = 'onload';\n\t xDomain = true;\n\t request.onprogress = function handleProgress() {};\n\t request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {};\n\t }\n\t\n\t // HTTP basic authentication\n\t if (config.auth) {\n\t var username = config.auth.username || '';\n\t var password = config.auth.password || '';\n\t requestHeaders.Authorization = 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ':' + password);\n\t }\n\t\n\t, buildURL(config.url, config.params, config.paramsSerializer), true);\n\t\n\t // Set the request timeout in MS\n\t request.timeout = config.timeout;\n\t\n\t // Listen for ready state\n\t request[loadEvent] = function handleLoad() {\n\t if (!request || (request.readyState !== 4 && !xDomain)) {\n\t return;\n\t }\n\t\n\t // The request errored out and we didn't get a response, this will be\n\t // handled by onerror instead\n\t // With one exception: request that using file: protocol, most browsers\n\t // will return status as 0 even though it's a successful request\n\t if (request.status === 0 && !(request.responseURL && request.responseURL.indexOf('file:') === 0)) {\n\t return;\n\t }\n\t\n\t // Prepare the response\n\t var responseHeaders = 'getAllResponseHeaders' in request ? parseHeaders(request.getAllResponseHeaders()) : null;\n\t var responseData = !config.responseType || config.responseType === 'text' ? request.responseText : request.response;\n\t var response = {\n\t data: responseData,\n\t // IE sends 1223 instead of 204 (\n\t status: request.status === 1223 ? 204 : request.status,\n\t statusText: request.status === 1223 ? 'No Content' : request.statusText,\n\t headers: responseHeaders,\n\t config: config,\n\t request: request\n\t };\n\t\n\t settle(resolve, reject, response);\n\t\n\t // Clean up request\n\t request = null;\n\t };\n\t\n\t // Handle low level network errors\n\t request.onerror = function handleError() {\n\t // Real errors are hidden from us by the browser\n\t // onerror should only fire if it's a network error\n\t reject(createError('Network Error', config, null, request));\n\t\n\t // Clean up request\n\t request = null;\n\t };\n\t\n\t // Handle timeout\n\t request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {\n\t reject(createError('timeout of ' + config.timeout + 'ms exceeded', config, 'ECONNABORTED',\n\t request));\n\t\n\t // Clean up request\n\t request = null;\n\t };\n\t\n\t // Add xsrf header\n\t // This is only done if running in a standard browser environment.\n\t // Specifically not if we're in a web worker, or react-native.\n\t if (utils.isStandardBrowserEnv()) {\n\t var cookies = __webpack_require__(16);\n\t\n\t // Add xsrf header\n\t var xsrfValue = (config.withCredentials || isURLSameOrigin(config.url)) && config.xsrfCookieName ?\n\t :\n\t undefined;\n\t\n\t if (xsrfValue) {\n\t requestHeaders[config.xsrfHeaderName] = xsrfValue;\n\t }\n\t }\n\t\n\t // Add headers to the request\n\t if ('setRequestHeader' in request) {\n\t utils.forEach(requestHeaders, function setRequestHeader(val, key) {\n\t if (typeof requestData === 'undefined' && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') {\n\t // Remove Content-Type if data is undefined\n\t delete requestHeaders[key];\n\t } else {\n\t // Otherwise add header to the request\n\t request.setRequestHeader(key, val);\n\t }\n\t });\n\t }\n\t\n\t // Add withCredentials to request if needed\n\t if (config.withCredentials) {\n\t request.withCredentials = true;\n\t }\n\t\n\t // Add responseType to request if needed\n\t if (config.responseType) {\n\t try {\n\t request.responseType = config.responseType;\n\t } catch (e) {\n\t // Expected DOMException thrown by browsers not compatible XMLHttpRequest Level 2.\n\t // But, this can be suppressed for 'json' type as it can be parsed by default 'transformResponse' function.\n\t if (config.responseType !== 'json') {\n\t throw e;\n\t }\n\t }\n\t }\n\t\n\t // Handle progress if needed\n\t if (typeof config.onDownloadProgress === 'function') {\n\t request.addEventListener('progress', config.onDownloadProgress);\n\t }\n\t\n\t // Not all browsers support upload events\n\t if (typeof config.onUploadProgress === 'function' && request.upload) {\n\t request.upload.addEventListener('progress', config.onUploadProgress);\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (config.cancelToken) {\n\t // Handle cancellation\n\t config.cancelToken.promise.then(function onCanceled(cancel) {\n\t if (!request) {\n\t return;\n\t }\n\t\n\t request.abort();\n\t reject(cancel);\n\t // Clean up request\n\t request = null;\n\t });\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (requestData === undefined) {\n\t requestData = null;\n\t }\n\t\n\t // Send the request\n\t request.send(requestData);\n\t });\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 9 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar createError = __webpack_require__(10);\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Resolve or reject a Promise based on response status.\n\t *\n\t * @param {Function} resolve A function that resolves the promise.\n\t * @param {Function} reject A function that rejects the promise.\n\t * @param {object} response The response.\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function settle(resolve, reject, response) {\n\t var validateStatus = response.config.validateStatus;\n\t // Note: status is not exposed by XDomainRequest\n\t if (!response.status || !validateStatus || validateStatus(response.status)) {\n\t resolve(response);\n\t } else {\n\t reject(createError(\n\t 'Request failed with status code ' + response.status,\n\t response.config,\n\t null,\n\t response.request,\n\t response\n\t ));\n\t }\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 10 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar enhanceError = __webpack_require__(11);\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Create an Error with the specified message, config, error code, request and response.\n\t *\n\t * @param {string} message The error message.\n\t * @param {Object} config The config.\n\t * @param {string} [code] The error code (for example, 'ECONNABORTED').\n\t * @param {Object} [request] The request.\n\t * @param {Object} [response] The response.\n\t * @returns {Error} The created error.\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function createError(message, config, code, request, response) {\n\t var error = new Error(message);\n\t return enhanceError(error, config, code, request, response);\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 11 */\n/***/ function(module, exports) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Update an Error with the specified config, error code, and response.\n\t *\n\t * @param {Error} error The error to update.\n\t * @param {Object} config The config.\n\t * @param {string} [code] The error code (for example, 'ECONNABORTED').\n\t * @param {Object} [request] The request.\n\t * @param {Object} [response] The response.\n\t * @returns {Error} The error.\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function enhanceError(error, config, code, request, response) {\n\t error.config = config;\n\t if (code) {\n\t error.code = code;\n\t }\n\t error.request = request;\n\t error.response = response;\n\t return error;\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 12 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\t\n\tfunction encode(val) {\n\t return encodeURIComponent(val).\n\t replace(/%40/gi, '@').\n\t replace(/%3A/gi, ':').\n\t replace(/%24/g, '$').\n\t replace(/%2C/gi, ',').\n\t replace(/%20/g, '+').\n\t replace(/%5B/gi, '[').\n\t replace(/%5D/gi, ']');\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Build a URL by appending params to the end\n\t *\n\t * @param {string} url The base of the url (e.g.,\n\t * @param {object} [params] The params to be appended\n\t * @returns {string} The formatted url\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function buildURL(url, params, paramsSerializer) {\n\t /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n\t if (!params) {\n\t return url;\n\t }\n\t\n\t var serializedParams;\n\t if (paramsSerializer) {\n\t serializedParams = paramsSerializer(params);\n\t } else if (utils.isURLSearchParams(params)) {\n\t serializedParams = params.toString();\n\t } else {\n\t var parts = [];\n\t\n\t utils.forEach(params, function serialize(val, key) {\n\t if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') {\n\t return;\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (utils.isArray(val)) {\n\t key = key + '[]';\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (!utils.isArray(val)) {\n\t val = [val];\n\t }\n\t\n\t utils.forEach(val, function parseValue(v) {\n\t if (utils.isDate(v)) {\n\t v = v.toISOString();\n\t } else if (utils.isObject(v)) {\n\t v = JSON.stringify(v);\n\t }\n\t parts.push(encode(key) + '=' + encode(v));\n\t });\n\t });\n\t\n\t serializedParams = parts.join('&');\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (serializedParams) {\n\t url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + serializedParams;\n\t }\n\t\n\t return url;\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 13 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Parse headers into an object\n\t *\n\t * ```\n\t * Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:58:49 GMT\n\t * Content-Type: application/json\n\t * Connection: keep-alive\n\t * Transfer-Encoding: chunked\n\t * ```\n\t *\n\t * @param {String} headers Headers needing to be parsed\n\t * @returns {Object} Headers parsed into an object\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function parseHeaders(headers) {\n\t var parsed = {};\n\t var key;\n\t var val;\n\t var i;\n\t\n\t if (!headers) { return parsed; }\n\t\n\t utils.forEach(headers.split('\\n'), function parser(line) {\n\t i = line.indexOf(':');\n\t key = utils.trim(line.substr(0, i)).toLowerCase();\n\t val = utils.trim(line.substr(i + 1));\n\t\n\t if (key) {\n\t parsed[key] = parsed[key] ? parsed[key] + ', ' + val : val;\n\t }\n\t });\n\t\n\t return parsed;\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 14 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = (\n\t utils.isStandardBrowserEnv() ?\n\t\n\t // Standard browser envs have full support of the APIs needed to test\n\t // whether the request URL is of the same origin as current location.\n\t (function standardBrowserEnv() {\n\t var msie = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n\t var urlParsingNode = document.createElement('a');\n\t var originURL;\n\t\n\t /**\n\t * Parse a URL to discover it's components\n\t *\n\t * @param {String} url The URL to be parsed\n\t * @returns {Object}\n\t */\n\t function resolveURL(url) {\n\t var href = url;\n\t\n\t if (msie) {\n\t // IE needs attribute set twice to normalize properties\n\t urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n\t href = urlParsingNode.href;\n\t }\n\t\n\t urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n\t\n\t // urlParsingNode provides the UrlUtils interface -\n\t return {\n\t href: urlParsingNode.href,\n\t protocol: urlParsingNode.protocol ? urlParsingNode.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '',\n\t host:,\n\t search: ?^\\?/, '') : '',\n\t hash: urlParsingNode.hash ? urlParsingNode.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '',\n\t hostname: urlParsingNode.hostname,\n\t port: urlParsingNode.port,\n\t pathname: (urlParsingNode.pathname.charAt(0) === '/') ?\n\t urlParsingNode.pathname :\n\t '/' + urlParsingNode.pathname\n\t };\n\t }\n\t\n\t originURL = resolveURL(window.location.href);\n\t\n\t /**\n\t * Determine if a URL shares the same origin as the current location\n\t *\n\t * @param {String} requestURL The URL to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if URL shares the same origin, otherwise false\n\t */\n\t return function isURLSameOrigin(requestURL) {\n\t var parsed = (utils.isString(requestURL)) ? resolveURL(requestURL) : requestURL;\n\t return (parsed.protocol === originURL.protocol &&\n\t ===;\n\t };\n\t })() :\n\t\n\t // Non standard browser envs (web workers, react-native) lack needed support.\n\t (function nonStandardBrowserEnv() {\n\t return function isURLSameOrigin() {\n\t return true;\n\t };\n\t })()\n\t);\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 15 */\n/***/ function(module, exports) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\t// btoa polyfill for IE<10 courtesy\n\t\n\tvar chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';\n\t\n\tfunction E() {\n\t this.message = 'String contains an invalid character';\n\t}\n\tE.prototype = new Error;\n\tE.prototype.code = 5;\n\ = 'InvalidCharacterError';\n\t\n\tfunction btoa(input) {\n\t var str = String(input);\n\t var output = '';\n\t for (\n\t // initialize result and counter\n\t var block, charCode, idx = 0, map = chars;\n\t // if the next str index does not exist:\n\t // change the mapping table to \"=\"\n\t // check if d has no fractional digits\n\t str.charAt(idx | 0) || (map = '=', idx % 1);\n\t // \"8 - idx % 1 * 8\" generates the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8\n\t output += map.charAt(63 & block >> 8 - idx % 1 * 8)\n\t ) {\n\t charCode = str.charCodeAt(idx += 3 / 4);\n\t if (charCode > 0xFF) {\n\t throw new E();\n\t }\n\t block = block << 8 | charCode;\n\t }\n\t return output;\n\t}\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = btoa;\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 16 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = (\n\t utils.isStandardBrowserEnv() ?\n\t\n\t // Standard browser envs support document.cookie\n\t (function standardBrowserEnv() {\n\t return {\n\t write: function write(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {\n\t var cookie = [];\n\t cookie.push(name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value));\n\t\n\t if (utils.isNumber(expires)) {\n\t cookie.push('expires=' + new Date(expires).toGMTString());\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (utils.isString(path)) {\n\t cookie.push('path=' + path);\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (utils.isString(domain)) {\n\t cookie.push('domain=' + domain);\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (secure === true) {\n\t cookie.push('secure');\n\t }\n\t\n\t document.cookie = cookie.join('; ');\n\t },\n\t\n\t read: function read(name) {\n\t var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^|;\\\\s*)(' + name + ')=([^;]*)'));\n\t return (match ? decodeURIComponent(match[3]) : null);\n\t },\n\t\n\t remove: function remove(name) {\n\t this.write(name, '', - 86400000);\n\t }\n\t };\n\t })() :\n\t\n\t // Non standard browser env (web workers, react-native) lack needed support.\n\t (function nonStandardBrowserEnv() {\n\t return {\n\t write: function write() {},\n\t read: function read() { return null; },\n\t remove: function remove() {}\n\t };\n\t })()\n\t);\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 17 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\t\n\tfunction InterceptorManager() {\n\t this.handlers = [];\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Add a new interceptor to the stack\n\t *\n\t * @param {Function} fulfilled The function to handle `then` for a `Promise`\n\t * @param {Function} rejected The function to handle `reject` for a `Promise`\n\t *\n\t * @return {Number} An ID used to remove interceptor later\n\t */\n\tInterceptorManager.prototype.use = function use(fulfilled, rejected) {\n\t this.handlers.push({\n\t fulfilled: fulfilled,\n\t rejected: rejected\n\t });\n\t return this.handlers.length - 1;\n\t};\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Remove an interceptor from the stack\n\t *\n\t * @param {Number} id The ID that was returned by `use`\n\t */\n\tInterceptorManager.prototype.eject = function eject(id) {\n\t if (this.handlers[id]) {\n\t this.handlers[id] = null;\n\t }\n\t};\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Iterate over all the registered interceptors\n\t *\n\t * This method is particularly useful for skipping over any\n\t * interceptors that may have become `null` calling `eject`.\n\t *\n\t * @param {Function} fn The function to call for each interceptor\n\t */\n\tInterceptorManager.prototype.forEach = function forEach(fn) {\n\t utils.forEach(this.handlers, function forEachHandler(h) {\n\t if (h !== null) {\n\t fn(h);\n\t }\n\t });\n\t};\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = InterceptorManager;\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 18 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\tvar transformData = __webpack_require__(19);\n\tvar isCancel = __webpack_require__(20);\n\tvar defaults = __webpack_require__(6);\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Throws a `Cancel` if cancellation has been requested.\n\t */\n\tfunction throwIfCancellationRequested(config) {\n\t if (config.cancelToken) {\n\t config.cancelToken.throwIfRequested();\n\t }\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Dispatch a request to the server using the configured adapter.\n\t *\n\t * @param {object} config The config that is to be used for the request\n\t * @returns {Promise} The Promise to be fulfilled\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function dispatchRequest(config) {\n\t throwIfCancellationRequested(config);\n\t\n\t // Ensure headers exist\n\t config.headers = config.headers || {};\n\t\n\t // Transform request data\n\t = transformData(\n\t,\n\t config.headers,\n\t config.transformRequest\n\t );\n\t\n\t // Flatten headers\n\t config.headers = utils.merge(\n\t config.headers.common || {},\n\t config.headers[config.method] || {},\n\t config.headers || {}\n\t );\n\t\n\t utils.forEach(\n\t ['delete', 'get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'common'],\n\t function cleanHeaderConfig(method) {\n\t delete config.headers[method];\n\t }\n\t );\n\t\n\t var adapter = config.adapter || defaults.adapter;\n\t\n\t return adapter(config).then(function onAdapterResolution(response) {\n\t throwIfCancellationRequested(config);\n\t\n\t // Transform response data\n\t = transformData(\n\t,\n\t response.headers,\n\t config.transformResponse\n\t );\n\t\n\t return response;\n\t }, function onAdapterRejection(reason) {\n\t if (!isCancel(reason)) {\n\t throwIfCancellationRequested(config);\n\t\n\t // Transform response data\n\t if (reason && reason.response) {\n\t = transformData(\n\t,\n\t reason.response.headers,\n\t config.transformResponse\n\t );\n\t }\n\t }\n\t\n\t return Promise.reject(reason);\n\t });\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 19 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar utils = __webpack_require__(2);\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Transform the data for a request or a response\n\t *\n\t * @param {Object|String} data The data to be transformed\n\t * @param {Array} headers The headers for the request or response\n\t * @param {Array|Function} fns A single function or Array of functions\n\t * @returns {*} The resulting transformed data\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function transformData(data, headers, fns) {\n\t /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n\t utils.forEach(fns, function transform(fn) {\n\t data = fn(data, headers);\n\t });\n\t\n\t return data;\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 20 */\n/***/ function(module, exports) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = function isCancel(value) {\n\t return !!(value && value.__CANCEL__);\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 21 */\n/***/ function(module, exports) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Determines whether the specified URL is absolute\n\t *\n\t * @param {string} url The URL to test\n\t * @returns {boolean} True if the specified URL is absolute, otherwise false\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function isAbsoluteURL(url) {\n\t // A URL is considered absolute if it begins with \"<scheme>://\" or \"//\" (protocol-relative URL).\n\t // RFC 3986 defines scheme name as a sequence of characters beginning with a letter and followed\n\t // by any combination of letters, digits, plus, period, or hyphen.\n\t return /^([a-z][a-z\\d\\+\\-\\.]*:)?\\/\\//i.test(url);\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 22 */\n/***/ function(module, exports) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new URL by combining the specified URLs\n\t *\n\t * @param {string} baseURL The base URL\n\t * @param {string} relativeURL The relative URL\n\t * @returns {string} The combined URL\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function combineURLs(baseURL, relativeURL) {\n\t return relativeURL\n\t ? baseURL.replace(/\\/+$/, '') + '/' + relativeURL.replace(/^\\/+/, '')\n\t : baseURL;\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 23 */\n/***/ function(module, exports) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * A `Cancel` is an object that is thrown when an operation is canceled.\n\t *\n\t * @class\n\t * @param {string=} message The message.\n\t */\n\tfunction Cancel(message) {\n\t this.message = message;\n\t}\n\t\n\tCancel.prototype.toString = function toString() {\n\t return 'Cancel' + (this.message ? ': ' + this.message : '');\n\t};\n\t\n\tCancel.prototype.__CANCEL__ = true;\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = Cancel;\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 24 */\n/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\tvar Cancel = __webpack_require__(23);\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * A `CancelToken` is an object that can be used to request cancellation of an operation.\n\t *\n\t * @class\n\t * @param {Function} executor The executor function.\n\t */\n\tfunction CancelToken(executor) {\n\t if (typeof executor !== 'function') {\n\t throw new TypeError('executor must be a function.');\n\t }\n\t\n\t var resolvePromise;\n\t this.promise = new Promise(function promiseExecutor(resolve) {\n\t resolvePromise = resolve;\n\t });\n\t\n\t var token = this;\n\t executor(function cancel(message) {\n\t if (token.reason) {\n\t // Cancellation has already been requested\n\t return;\n\t }\n\t\n\t token.reason = new Cancel(message);\n\t resolvePromise(token.reason);\n\t });\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Throws a `Cancel` if cancellation has been requested.\n\t */\n\tCancelToken.prototype.throwIfRequested = function throwIfRequested() {\n\t if (this.reason) {\n\t throw this.reason;\n\t }\n\t};\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Returns an object that contains a new `CancelToken` and a function that, when called,\n\t * cancels the `CancelToken`.\n\t */\n\tCancelToken.source = function source() {\n\t var cancel;\n\t var token = new CancelToken(function executor(c) {\n\t cancel = c;\n\t });\n\t return {\n\t token: token,\n\t cancel: cancel\n\t };\n\t};\n\t\n\tmodule.exports = CancelToken;\n\n\n/***/ },\n/* 25 */\n/***/ function(module, exports) {\n\n\t'use strict';\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Syntactic sugar for invoking a function and expanding an array for arguments.\n\t *\n\t * Common use case would be to use `Function.prototype.apply`.\n\t *\n\t * ```js\n\t * function f(x, y, z) {}\n\t * var args = [1, 2, 3];\n\t * f.apply(null, args);\n\t * ```\n\t *\n\t * With `spread` this example can be re-written.\n\t *\n\t * ```js\n\t * spread(function(x, y, z) {})([1, 2, 3]);\n\t * ```\n\t *\n\t * @param {Function} callback\n\t * @returns {Function}\n\t */\n\tmodule.exports = function spread(callback) {\n\t return function wrap(arr) {\n\t return callback.apply(null, arr);\n\t };\n\t};\n\n\n/***/ }\n/******/ ])\n});\n;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// axios.min.js"," \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId])\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\texports: {},\n \t\t\tid: moduleId,\n \t\t\tloaded: false\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.loaded = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(0);\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// webpack/bootstrap f984b11ce1b235ad2090","module.exports = require('./lib/axios');\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./index.js\n// module id = 0\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./utils');\nvar bind = require('./helpers/bind');\nvar Axios = require('./core/Axios');\nvar defaults = require('./defaults');\n\n/**\n * Create an instance of Axios\n *\n * @param {Object} defaultConfig The default config for the instance\n * @return {Axios} A new instance of Axios\n */\nfunction createInstance(defaultConfig) {\n var context = new Axios(defaultConfig);\n var instance = bind(Axios.prototype.request, context);\n\n // Copy axios.prototype to instance\n utils.extend(instance, Axios.prototype, context);\n\n // Copy context to instance\n utils.extend(instance, context);\n\n return instance;\n}\n\n// Create the default instance to be exported\nvar axios = createInstance(defaults);\n\n// Expose Axios class to allow class inheritance\naxios.Axios = Axios;\n\n// Factory for creating new instances\naxios.create = function create(instanceConfig) {\n return createInstance(utils.merge(defaults, instanceConfig));\n};\n\n// Expose Cancel & CancelToken\naxios.Cancel = require('./cancel/Cancel');\naxios.CancelToken = require('./cancel/CancelToken');\naxios.isCancel = require('./cancel/isCancel');\n\n// Expose all/spread\naxios.all = function all(promises) {\n return Promise.all(promises);\n};\naxios.spread = require('./helpers/spread');\n\nmodule.exports = axios;\n\n// Allow use of default import syntax in TypeScript\nmodule.exports.default = axios;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/axios.js\n// module id = 1\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar bind = require('./helpers/bind');\nvar isBuffer = require('is-buffer');\n\n/*global toString:true*/\n\n// utils is a library of generic helper functions non-specific to axios\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Array\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Array, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArray(val) {\n return === '[object Array]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArrayBuffer(val) {\n return === '[object ArrayBuffer]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a FormData\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an FormData, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFormData(val) {\n return (typeof FormData !== 'undefined') && (val instanceof FormData);\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a view on an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a view on an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArrayBufferView(val) {\n var result;\n if ((typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') && (ArrayBuffer.isView)) {\n result = ArrayBuffer.isView(val);\n } else {\n result = (val) && (val.buffer) && (val.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a String\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a String, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isString(val) {\n return typeof val === 'string';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Number\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Number, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isNumber(val) {\n return typeof val === 'number';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is undefined\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if the value is undefined, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isUndefined(val) {\n return typeof val === 'undefined';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Object, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isObject(val) {\n return val !== null && typeof val === 'object';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Date\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Date, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isDate(val) {\n return === '[object Date]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a File\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a File, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFile(val) {\n return === '[object File]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Blob\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Blob, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isBlob(val) {\n return === '[object Blob]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Function\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Function, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFunction(val) {\n return === '[object Function]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Stream\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Stream, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isStream(val) {\n return isObject(val) && isFunction(val.pipe);\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a URLSearchParams object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a URLSearchParams object, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isURLSearchParams(val) {\n return typeof URLSearchParams !== 'undefined' && val instanceof URLSearchParams;\n}\n\n/**\n * Trim excess whitespace off the beginning and end of a string\n *\n * @param {String} str The String to trim\n * @returns {String} The String freed of excess whitespace\n */\nfunction trim(str) {\n return str.replace(/^\\s*/, '').replace(/\\s*$/, '');\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if we're running in a standard browser environment\n *\n * This allows axios to run in a web worker, and react-native.\n * Both environments support XMLHttpRequest, but not fully standard globals.\n *\n * web workers:\n * typeof window -> undefined\n * typeof document -> undefined\n *\n * react-native:\n * navigator.product -> 'ReactNative'\n */\nfunction isStandardBrowserEnv() {\n if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') {\n return false;\n }\n return (\n typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof document !== 'undefined'\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Iterate over an Array or an Object invoking a function for each item.\n *\n * If `obj` is an Array callback will be called passing\n * the value, index, and complete array for each item.\n *\n * If 'obj' is an Object callback will be called passing\n * the value, key, and complete object for each property.\n *\n * @param {Object|Array} obj The object to iterate\n * @param {Function} fn The callback to invoke for each item\n */\nfunction forEach(obj, fn) {\n // Don't bother if no value provided\n if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n\n // Force an array if not already something iterable\n if (typeof obj !== 'object' && !isArray(obj)) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n obj = [obj];\n }\n\n if (isArray(obj)) {\n // Iterate over array values\n for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {\n, obj[i], i, obj);\n }\n } else {\n // Iterate over object keys\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (, key)) {\n, obj[key], key, obj);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Accepts varargs expecting each argument to be an object, then\n * immutably merges the properties of each object and returns result.\n *\n * When multiple objects contain the same key the later object in\n * the arguments list will take precedence.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```js\n * var result = merge({foo: 123}, {foo: 456});\n * console.log(; // outputs 456\n * ```\n *\n * @param {Object} obj1 Object to merge\n * @returns {Object} Result of all merge properties\n */\nfunction merge(/* obj1, obj2, obj3, ... */) {\n var result = {};\n function assignValue(val, key) {\n if (typeof result[key] === 'object' && typeof val === 'object') {\n result[key] = merge(result[key], val);\n } else {\n result[key] = val;\n }\n }\n\n for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {\n forEach(arguments[i], assignValue);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Extends object a by mutably adding to it the properties of object b.\n *\n * @param {Object} a The object to be extended\n * @param {Object} b The object to copy properties from\n * @param {Object} thisArg The object to bind function to\n * @return {Object} The resulting value of object a\n */\nfunction extend(a, b, thisArg) {\n forEach(b, function assignValue(val, key) {\n if (thisArg && typeof val === 'function') {\n a[key] = bind(val, thisArg);\n } else {\n a[key] = val;\n }\n });\n return a;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n isArray: isArray,\n isArrayBuffer: isArrayBuffer,\n isBuffer: isBuffer,\n isFormData: isFormData,\n isArrayBufferView: isArrayBufferView,\n isString: isString,\n isNumber: isNumber,\n isObject: isObject,\n isUndefined: isUndefined,\n isDate: isDate,\n isFile: isFile,\n isBlob: isBlob,\n isFunction: isFunction,\n isStream: isStream,\n isURLSearchParams: isURLSearchParams,\n isStandardBrowserEnv: isStandardBrowserEnv,\n forEach: forEach,\n merge: merge,\n extend: extend,\n trim: trim\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/utils.js\n// module id = 2\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = function bind(fn, thisArg) {\n return function wrap() {\n var args = new Array(arguments.length);\n for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\n args[i] = arguments[i];\n }\n return fn.apply(thisArg, args);\n };\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/bind.js\n// module id = 3\n// module chunks = 0","/*!\n * Determine if an object is a Buffer\n *\n * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <> <>\n * @license MIT\n */\n\n// The _isBuffer check is for Safari 5-7 support, because it's missing\n// Object.prototype.constructor. Remove this eventually\nmodule.exports = function (obj) {\n return obj != null && (isBuffer(obj) || isSlowBuffer(obj) || !!obj._isBuffer)\n}\n\nfunction isBuffer (obj) {\n return !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj)\n}\n\n// For Node v0.10 support. Remove this eventually.\nfunction isSlowBuffer (obj) {\n return typeof obj.readFloatLE === 'function' && typeof obj.slice === 'function' && isBuffer(obj.slice(0, 0))\n}\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./~/is-buffer/index.js\n// module id = 4\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar defaults = require('./../defaults');\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\nvar InterceptorManager = require('./InterceptorManager');\nvar dispatchRequest = require('./dispatchRequest');\nvar isAbsoluteURL = require('./../helpers/isAbsoluteURL');\nvar combineURLs = require('./../helpers/combineURLs');\n\n/**\n * Create a new instance of Axios\n *\n * @param {Object} instanceConfig The default config for the instance\n */\nfunction Axios(instanceConfig) {\n this.defaults = instanceConfig;\n this.interceptors = {\n request: new InterceptorManager(),\n response: new InterceptorManager()\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Dispatch a request\n *\n * @param {Object} config The config specific for this request (merged with this.defaults)\n */\nAxios.prototype.request = function request(config) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n // Allow for axios('example/url'[, config]) a la fetch API\n if (typeof config === 'string') {\n config = utils.merge({\n url: arguments[0]\n }, arguments[1]);\n }\n\n config = utils.merge(defaults, this.defaults, { method: 'get' }, config);\n config.method = config.method.toLowerCase();\n\n // Support baseURL config\n if (config.baseURL && !isAbsoluteURL(config.url)) {\n config.url = combineURLs(config.baseURL, config.url);\n }\n\n // Hook up interceptors middleware\n var chain = [dispatchRequest, undefined];\n var promise = Promise.resolve(config);\n\n this.interceptors.request.forEach(function unshiftRequestInterceptors(interceptor) {\n chain.unshift(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n });\n\n this.interceptors.response.forEach(function pushResponseInterceptors(interceptor) {\n chain.push(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n });\n\n while (chain.length) {\n promise = promise.then(chain.shift(), chain.shift());\n }\n\n return promise;\n};\n\n// Provide aliases for supported request methods\nutils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head', 'options'], function forEachMethodNoData(method) {\n /*eslint func-names:0*/\n Axios.prototype[method] = function(url, config) {\n return this.request(utils.merge(config || {}, {\n method: method,\n url: url\n }));\n };\n});\n\nutils.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function forEachMethodWithData(method) {\n /*eslint func-names:0*/\n Axios.prototype[method] = function(url, data, config) {\n return this.request(utils.merge(config || {}, {\n method: method,\n url: url,\n data: data\n }));\n };\n});\n\nmodule.exports = Axios;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/core/Axios.js\n// module id = 5\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./utils');\nvar normalizeHeaderName = require('./helpers/normalizeHeaderName');\n\nvar DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = {\n 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\n};\n\nfunction setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, value) {\n if (!utils.isUndefined(headers) && utils.isUndefined(headers['Content-Type'])) {\n headers['Content-Type'] = value;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getDefaultAdapter() {\n var adapter;\n if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {\n // For browsers use XHR adapter\n adapter = require('./adapters/xhr');\n } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {\n // For node use HTTP adapter\n adapter = require('./adapters/http');\n }\n return adapter;\n}\n\nvar defaults = {\n adapter: getDefaultAdapter(),\n\n transformRequest: [function transformRequest(data, headers) {\n normalizeHeaderName(headers, 'Content-Type');\n if (utils.isFormData(data) ||\n utils.isArrayBuffer(data) ||\n utils.isBuffer(data) ||\n utils.isStream(data) ||\n utils.isFile(data) ||\n utils.isBlob(data)\n ) {\n return data;\n }\n if (utils.isArrayBufferView(data)) {\n return data.buffer;\n }\n if (utils.isURLSearchParams(data)) {\n setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8');\n return data.toString();\n }\n if (utils.isObject(data)) {\n setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/json;charset=utf-8');\n return JSON.stringify(data);\n }\n return data;\n }],\n\n transformResponse: [function transformResponse(data) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n try {\n data = JSON.parse(data);\n } catch (e) { /* Ignore */ }\n }\n return data;\n }],\n\n timeout: 0,\n\n xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',\n xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',\n\n maxContentLength: -1,\n\n validateStatus: function validateStatus(status) {\n return status >= 200 && status < 300;\n }\n};\n\ndefaults.headers = {\n common: {\n 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*'\n }\n};\n\nutils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head'], function forEachMethodNoData(method) {\n defaults.headers[method] = {};\n});\n\nutils.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function forEachMethodWithData(method) {\n defaults.headers[method] = utils.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);\n});\n\nmodule.exports = defaults;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/defaults.js\n// module id = 6\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('../utils');\n\nmodule.exports = function normalizeHeaderName(headers, normalizedName) {\n utils.forEach(headers, function processHeader(value, name) {\n if (name !== normalizedName && name.toUpperCase() === normalizedName.toUpperCase()) {\n headers[normalizedName] = value;\n delete headers[name];\n }\n });\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/normalizeHeaderName.js\n// module id = 7\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\nvar settle = require('./../core/settle');\nvar buildURL = require('./../helpers/buildURL');\nvar parseHeaders = require('./../helpers/parseHeaders');\nvar isURLSameOrigin = require('./../helpers/isURLSameOrigin');\nvar createError = require('../core/createError');\nvar btoa = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.btoa && window.btoa.bind(window)) || require('./../helpers/btoa');\n\nmodule.exports = function xhrAdapter(config) {\n return new Promise(function dispatchXhrRequest(resolve, reject) {\n var requestData =;\n var requestHeaders = config.headers;\n\n if (utils.isFormData(requestData)) {\n delete requestHeaders['Content-Type']; // Let the browser set it\n }\n\n var request = new XMLHttpRequest();\n var loadEvent = 'onreadystatechange';\n var xDomain = false;\n\n // For IE 8/9 CORS support\n // Only supports POST and GET calls and doesn't returns the response headers.\n // DON'T do this for testing b/c XMLHttpRequest is mocked, not XDomainRequest.\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' &&\n typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n window.XDomainRequest && !('withCredentials' in request) &&\n !isURLSameOrigin(config.url)) {\n request = new window.XDomainRequest();\n loadEvent = 'onload';\n xDomain = true;\n request.onprogress = function handleProgress() {};\n request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {};\n }\n\n // HTTP basic authentication\n if (config.auth) {\n var username = config.auth.username || '';\n var password = config.auth.password || '';\n requestHeaders.Authorization = 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ':' + password);\n }\n\n, buildURL(config.url, config.params, config.paramsSerializer), true);\n\n // Set the request timeout in MS\n request.timeout = config.timeout;\n\n // Listen for ready state\n request[loadEvent] = function handleLoad() {\n if (!request || (request.readyState !== 4 && !xDomain)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // The request errored out and we didn't get a response, this will be\n // handled by onerror instead\n // With one exception: request that using file: protocol, most browsers\n // will return status as 0 even though it's a successful request\n if (request.status === 0 && !(request.responseURL && request.responseURL.indexOf('file:') === 0)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Prepare the response\n var responseHeaders = 'getAllResponseHeaders' in request ? parseHeaders(request.getAllResponseHeaders()) : null;\n var responseData = !config.responseType || config.responseType === 'text' ? request.responseText : request.response;\n var response = {\n data: responseData,\n // IE sends 1223 instead of 204 (\n status: request.status === 1223 ? 204 : request.status,\n statusText: request.status === 1223 ? 'No Content' : request.statusText,\n headers: responseHeaders,\n config: config,\n request: request\n };\n\n settle(resolve, reject, response);\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Handle low level network errors\n request.onerror = function handleError() {\n // Real errors are hidden from us by the browser\n // onerror should only fire if it's a network error\n reject(createError('Network Error', config, null, request));\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Handle timeout\n request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {\n reject(createError('timeout of ' + config.timeout + 'ms exceeded', config, 'ECONNABORTED',\n request));\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Add xsrf header\n // This is only done if running in a standard browser environment.\n // Specifically not if we're in a web worker, or react-native.\n if (utils.isStandardBrowserEnv()) {\n var cookies = require('./../helpers/cookies');\n\n // Add xsrf header\n var xsrfValue = (config.withCredentials || isURLSameOrigin(config.url)) && config.xsrfCookieName ?\n :\n undefined;\n\n if (xsrfValue) {\n requestHeaders[config.xsrfHeaderName] = xsrfValue;\n }\n }\n\n // Add headers to the request\n if ('setRequestHeader' in request) {\n utils.forEach(requestHeaders, function setRequestHeader(val, key) {\n if (typeof requestData === 'undefined' && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') {\n // Remove Content-Type if data is undefined\n delete requestHeaders[key];\n } else {\n // Otherwise add header to the request\n request.setRequestHeader(key, val);\n }\n });\n }\n\n // Add withCredentials to request if needed\n if (config.withCredentials) {\n request.withCredentials = true;\n }\n\n // Add responseType to request if needed\n if (config.responseType) {\n try {\n request.responseType = config.responseType;\n } catch (e) {\n // Expected DOMException thrown by browsers not compatible XMLHttpRequest Level 2.\n // But, this can be suppressed for 'json' type as it can be parsed by default 'transformResponse' function.\n if (config.responseType !== 'json') {\n throw e;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Handle progress if needed\n if (typeof config.onDownloadProgress === 'function') {\n request.addEventListener('progress', config.onDownloadProgress);\n }\n\n // Not all browsers support upload events\n if (typeof config.onUploadProgress === 'function' && request.upload) {\n request.upload.addEventListener('progress', config.onUploadProgress);\n }\n\n if (config.cancelToken) {\n // Handle cancellation\n config.cancelToken.promise.then(function onCanceled(cancel) {\n if (!request) {\n return;\n }\n\n request.abort();\n reject(cancel);\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n });\n }\n\n if (requestData === undefined) {\n requestData = null;\n }\n\n // Send the request\n request.send(requestData);\n });\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/adapters/xhr.js\n// module id = 8\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar createError = require('./createError');\n\n/**\n * Resolve or reject a Promise based on response status.\n *\n * @param {Function} resolve A function that resolves the promise.\n * @param {Function} reject A function that rejects the promise.\n * @param {object} response The response.\n */\nmodule.exports = function settle(resolve, reject, response) {\n var validateStatus = response.config.validateStatus;\n // Note: status is not exposed by XDomainRequest\n if (!response.status || !validateStatus || validateStatus(response.status)) {\n resolve(response);\n } else {\n reject(createError(\n 'Request failed with status code ' + response.status,\n response.config,\n null,\n response.request,\n response\n ));\n }\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/core/settle.js\n// module id = 9\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar enhanceError = require('./enhanceError');\n\n/**\n * Create an Error with the specified message, config, error code, request and response.\n *\n * @param {string} message The error message.\n * @param {Object} config The config.\n * @param {string} [code] The error code (for example, 'ECONNABORTED').\n * @param {Object} [request] The request.\n * @param {Object} [response] The response.\n * @returns {Error} The created error.\n */\nmodule.exports = function createError(message, config, code, request, response) {\n var error = new Error(message);\n return enhanceError(error, config, code, request, response);\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/core/createError.js\n// module id = 10\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Update an Error with the specified config, error code, and response.\n *\n * @param {Error} error The error to update.\n * @param {Object} config The config.\n * @param {string} [code] The error code (for example, 'ECONNABORTED').\n * @param {Object} [request] The request.\n * @param {Object} [response] The response.\n * @returns {Error} The error.\n */\nmodule.exports = function enhanceError(error, config, code, request, response) {\n error.config = config;\n if (code) {\n error.code = code;\n }\n error.request = request;\n error.response = response;\n return error;\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/core/enhanceError.js\n// module id = 11\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nfunction encode(val) {\n return encodeURIComponent(val).\n replace(/%40/gi, '@').\n replace(/%3A/gi, ':').\n replace(/%24/g, '$').\n replace(/%2C/gi, ',').\n replace(/%20/g, '+').\n replace(/%5B/gi, '[').\n replace(/%5D/gi, ']');\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a URL by appending params to the end\n *\n * @param {string} url The base of the url (e.g.,\n * @param {object} [params] The params to be appended\n * @returns {string} The formatted url\n */\nmodule.exports = function buildURL(url, params, paramsSerializer) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n if (!params) {\n return url;\n }\n\n var serializedParams;\n if (paramsSerializer) {\n serializedParams = paramsSerializer(params);\n } else if (utils.isURLSearchParams(params)) {\n serializedParams = params.toString();\n } else {\n var parts = [];\n\n utils.forEach(params, function serialize(val, key) {\n if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (utils.isArray(val)) {\n key = key + '[]';\n }\n\n if (!utils.isArray(val)) {\n val = [val];\n }\n\n utils.forEach(val, function parseValue(v) {\n if (utils.isDate(v)) {\n v = v.toISOString();\n } else if (utils.isObject(v)) {\n v = JSON.stringify(v);\n }\n parts.push(encode(key) + '=' + encode(v));\n });\n });\n\n serializedParams = parts.join('&');\n }\n\n if (serializedParams) {\n url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + serializedParams;\n }\n\n return url;\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/buildURL.js\n// module id = 12\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\n/**\n * Parse headers into an object\n *\n * ```\n * Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:58:49 GMT\n * Content-Type: application/json\n * Connection: keep-alive\n * Transfer-Encoding: chunked\n * ```\n *\n * @param {String} headers Headers needing to be parsed\n * @returns {Object} Headers parsed into an object\n */\nmodule.exports = function parseHeaders(headers) {\n var parsed = {};\n var key;\n var val;\n var i;\n\n if (!headers) { return parsed; }\n\n utils.forEach(headers.split('\\n'), function parser(line) {\n i = line.indexOf(':');\n key = utils.trim(line.substr(0, i)).toLowerCase();\n val = utils.trim(line.substr(i + 1));\n\n if (key) {\n parsed[key] = parsed[key] ? parsed[key] + ', ' + val : val;\n }\n });\n\n return parsed;\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/parseHeaders.js\n// module id = 13\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nmodule.exports = (\n utils.isStandardBrowserEnv() ?\n\n // Standard browser envs have full support of the APIs needed to test\n // whether the request URL is of the same origin as current location.\n (function standardBrowserEnv() {\n var msie = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n var urlParsingNode = document.createElement('a');\n var originURL;\n\n /**\n * Parse a URL to discover it's components\n *\n * @param {String} url The URL to be parsed\n * @returns {Object}\n */\n function resolveURL(url) {\n var href = url;\n\n if (msie) {\n // IE needs attribute set twice to normalize properties\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n href = urlParsingNode.href;\n }\n\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n\n // urlParsingNode provides the UrlUtils interface -\n return {\n href: urlParsingNode.href,\n protocol: urlParsingNode.protocol ? urlParsingNode.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '',\n host:,\n search: ?^\\?/, '') : '',\n hash: urlParsingNode.hash ? urlParsingNode.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '',\n hostname: urlParsingNode.hostname,\n port: urlParsingNode.port,\n pathname: (urlParsingNode.pathname.charAt(0) === '/') ?\n urlParsingNode.pathname :\n '/' + urlParsingNode.pathname\n };\n }\n\n originURL = resolveURL(window.location.href);\n\n /**\n * Determine if a URL shares the same origin as the current location\n *\n * @param {String} requestURL The URL to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if URL shares the same origin, otherwise false\n */\n return function isURLSameOrigin(requestURL) {\n var parsed = (utils.isString(requestURL)) ? resolveURL(requestURL) : requestURL;\n return (parsed.protocol === originURL.protocol &&\n ===;\n };\n })() :\n\n // Non standard browser envs (web workers, react-native) lack needed support.\n (function nonStandardBrowserEnv() {\n return function isURLSameOrigin() {\n return true;\n };\n })()\n);\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/isURLSameOrigin.js\n// module id = 14\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\n// btoa polyfill for IE<10 courtesy\n\nvar chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';\n\nfunction E() {\n this.message = 'String contains an invalid character';\n}\nE.prototype = new Error;\nE.prototype.code = 5;\ = 'InvalidCharacterError';\n\nfunction btoa(input) {\n var str = String(input);\n var output = '';\n for (\n // initialize result and counter\n var block, charCode, idx = 0, map = chars;\n // if the next str index does not exist:\n // change the mapping table to \"=\"\n // check if d has no fractional digits\n str.charAt(idx | 0) || (map = '=', idx % 1);\n // \"8 - idx % 1 * 8\" generates the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8\n output += map.charAt(63 & block >> 8 - idx % 1 * 8)\n ) {\n charCode = str.charCodeAt(idx += 3 / 4);\n if (charCode > 0xFF) {\n throw new E();\n }\n block = block << 8 | charCode;\n }\n return output;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = btoa;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/btoa.js\n// module id = 15\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nmodule.exports = (\n utils.isStandardBrowserEnv() ?\n\n // Standard browser envs support document.cookie\n (function standardBrowserEnv() {\n return {\n write: function write(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {\n var cookie = [];\n cookie.push(name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value));\n\n if (utils.isNumber(expires)) {\n cookie.push('expires=' + new Date(expires).toGMTString());\n }\n\n if (utils.isString(path)) {\n cookie.push('path=' + path);\n }\n\n if (utils.isString(domain)) {\n cookie.push('domain=' + domain);\n }\n\n if (secure === true) {\n cookie.push('secure');\n }\n\n document.cookie = cookie.join('; ');\n },\n\n read: function read(name) {\n var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^|;\\\\s*)(' + name + ')=([^;]*)'));\n return (match ? decodeURIComponent(match[3]) : null);\n },\n\n remove: function remove(name) {\n this.write(name, '', - 86400000);\n }\n };\n })() :\n\n // Non standard browser env (web workers, react-native) lack needed support.\n (function nonStandardBrowserEnv() {\n return {\n write: function write() {},\n read: function read() { return null; },\n remove: function remove() {}\n };\n })()\n);\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/cookies.js\n// module id = 16\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nfunction InterceptorManager() {\n this.handlers = [];\n}\n\n/**\n * Add a new interceptor to the stack\n *\n * @param {Function} fulfilled The function to handle `then` for a `Promise`\n * @param {Function} rejected The function to handle `reject` for a `Promise`\n *\n * @return {Number} An ID used to remove interceptor later\n */\nInterceptorManager.prototype.use = function use(fulfilled, rejected) {\n this.handlers.push({\n fulfilled: fulfilled,\n rejected: rejected\n });\n return this.handlers.length - 1;\n};\n\n/**\n * Remove an interceptor from the stack\n *\n * @param {Number} id The ID that was returned by `use`\n */\nInterceptorManager.prototype.eject = function eject(id) {\n if (this.handlers[id]) {\n this.handlers[id] = null;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Iterate over all the registered interceptors\n *\n * This method is particularly useful for skipping over any\n * interceptors that may have become `null` calling `eject`.\n *\n * @param {Function} fn The function to call for each interceptor\n */\nInterceptorManager.prototype.forEach = function forEach(fn) {\n utils.forEach(this.handlers, function forEachHandler(h) {\n if (h !== null) {\n fn(h);\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = InterceptorManager;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/core/InterceptorManager.js\n// module id = 17\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\nvar transformData = require('./transformData');\nvar isCancel = require('../cancel/isCancel');\nvar defaults = require('../defaults');\n\n/**\n * Throws a `Cancel` if cancellation has been requested.\n */\nfunction throwIfCancellationRequested(config) {\n if (config.cancelToken) {\n config.cancelToken.throwIfRequested();\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Dispatch a request to the server using the configured adapter.\n *\n * @param {object} config The config that is to be used for the request\n * @returns {Promise} The Promise to be fulfilled\n */\nmodule.exports = function dispatchRequest(config) {\n throwIfCancellationRequested(config);\n\n // Ensure headers exist\n config.headers = config.headers || {};\n\n // Transform request data\n = transformData(\n,\n config.headers,\n config.transformRequest\n );\n\n // Flatten headers\n config.headers = utils.merge(\n config.headers.common || {},\n config.headers[config.method] || {},\n config.headers || {}\n );\n\n utils.forEach(\n ['delete', 'get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'common'],\n function cleanHeaderConfig(method) {\n delete config.headers[method];\n }\n );\n\n var adapter = config.adapter || defaults.adapter;\n\n return adapter(config).then(function onAdapterResolution(response) {\n throwIfCancellationRequested(config);\n\n // Transform response data\n = transformData(\n,\n response.headers,\n config.transformResponse\n );\n\n return response;\n }, function onAdapterRejection(reason) {\n if (!isCancel(reason)) {\n throwIfCancellationRequested(config);\n\n // Transform response data\n if (reason && reason.response) {\n = transformData(\n,\n reason.response.headers,\n config.transformResponse\n );\n }\n }\n\n return Promise.reject(reason);\n });\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/core/dispatchRequest.js\n// module id = 18\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\n/**\n * Transform the data for a request or a response\n *\n * @param {Object|String} data The data to be transformed\n * @param {Array} headers The headers for the request or response\n * @param {Array|Function} fns A single function or Array of functions\n * @returns {*} The resulting transformed data\n */\nmodule.exports = function transformData(data, headers, fns) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n utils.forEach(fns, function transform(fn) {\n data = fn(data, headers);\n });\n\n return data;\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/core/transformData.js\n// module id = 19\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = function isCancel(value) {\n return !!(value && value.__CANCEL__);\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/cancel/isCancel.js\n// module id = 20\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Determines whether the specified URL is absolute\n *\n * @param {string} url The URL to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if the specified URL is absolute, otherwise false\n */\nmodule.exports = function isAbsoluteURL(url) {\n // A URL is considered absolute if it begins with \"<scheme>://\" or \"//\" (protocol-relative URL).\n // RFC 3986 defines scheme name as a sequence of characters beginning with a letter and followed\n // by any combination of letters, digits, plus, period, or hyphen.\n return /^([a-z][a-z\\d\\+\\-\\.]*:)?\\/\\//i.test(url);\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/isAbsoluteURL.js\n// module id = 21\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Creates a new URL by combining the specified URLs\n *\n * @param {string} baseURL The base URL\n * @param {string} relativeURL The relative URL\n * @returns {string} The combined URL\n */\nmodule.exports = function combineURLs(baseURL, relativeURL) {\n return relativeURL\n ? baseURL.replace(/\\/+$/, '') + '/' + relativeURL.replace(/^\\/+/, '')\n : baseURL;\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/combineURLs.js\n// module id = 22\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * A `Cancel` is an object that is thrown when an operation is canceled.\n *\n * @class\n * @param {string=} message The message.\n */\nfunction Cancel(message) {\n this.message = message;\n}\n\nCancel.prototype.toString = function toString() {\n return 'Cancel' + (this.message ? ': ' + this.message : '');\n};\n\nCancel.prototype.__CANCEL__ = true;\n\nmodule.exports = Cancel;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/cancel/Cancel.js\n// module id = 23\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar Cancel = require('./Cancel');\n\n/**\n * A `CancelToken` is an object that can be used to request cancellation of an operation.\n *\n * @class\n * @param {Function} executor The executor function.\n */\nfunction CancelToken(executor) {\n if (typeof executor !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('executor must be a function.');\n }\n\n var resolvePromise;\n this.promise = new Promise(function promiseExecutor(resolve) {\n resolvePromise = resolve;\n });\n\n var token = this;\n executor(function cancel(message) {\n if (token.reason) {\n // Cancellation has already been requested\n return;\n }\n\n token.reason = new Cancel(message);\n resolvePromise(token.reason);\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Throws a `Cancel` if cancellation has been requested.\n */\nCancelToken.prototype.throwIfRequested = function throwIfRequested() {\n if (this.reason) {\n throw this.reason;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns an object that contains a new `CancelToken` and a function that, when called,\n * cancels the `CancelToken`.\n */\nCancelToken.source = function source() {\n var cancel;\n var token = new CancelToken(function executor(c) {\n cancel = c;\n });\n return {\n token: token,\n cancel: cancel\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CancelToken;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/cancel/CancelToken.js\n// module id = 24\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Syntactic sugar for invoking a function and expanding an array for arguments.\n *\n * Common use case would be to use `Function.prototype.apply`.\n *\n * ```js\n * function f(x, y, z) {}\n * var args = [1, 2, 3];\n * f.apply(null, args);\n * ```\n *\n * With `spread` this example can be re-written.\n *\n * ```js\n * spread(function(x, y, z) {})([1, 2, 3]);\n * ```\n *\n * @param {Function} callback\n * @returns {Function}\n */\nmodule.exports = function spread(callback) {\n return function wrap(arr) {\n return callback.apply(null, arr);\n };\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./lib/helpers/spread.js\n// module id = 25\n// module chunks = 0"],"sourceRoot":""}
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@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@

-/** - * @version: 1.0 Alpha-1 - * @author: Coolite Inc. - * @date: 2008-05-13 - * @copyright: Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Coolite Inc. ( All rights reserved. - * @license: Licensed under The MIT License. See license.txt and - * @website: - */ -Date.CultureInfo={name:"en-US",englishName:"English (United States)",nativeName:"English (United States)",dayNames:["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],abbreviatedDayNames:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],shortestDayNames:["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"],firstLetterDayNames:["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"],monthNames:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],abbreviatedMonthNames:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],amDesignator:"AM",pmDesignator:"PM",firstDayOfWeek:0,twoDigitYearMax:2029,dateElementOrder:"mdy",formatPatterns:{shortDate:"M/d/yyyy",longDate:"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy",shortTime:"h:mm tt",longTime:"h:mm:ss tt",fullDateTime:"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt",sortableDateTime:"yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss",universalSortableDateTime:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ",rfc1123:"ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT",monthDay:"MMMM dd",yearMonth:"MMMM, yyyy"},regexPatterns:{jan:/^jan(uary)?/i,feb:/^feb(ruary)?/i,mar:/^mar(ch)?/i,apr:/^apr(il)?/i,may:/^may/i,jun:/^jun(e)?/i,jul:/^jul(y)?/i,aug:/^aug(ust)?/i,sep:/^sep(t(ember)?)?/i,oct:/^oct(ober)?/i,nov:/^nov(ember)?/i,dec:/^dec(ember)?/i,sun:/^su(n(day)?)?/i,mon:/^mo(n(day)?)?/i,tue:/^tu(e(s(day)?)?)?/i,wed:/^we(d(nesday)?)?/i,thu:/^th(u(r(s(day)?)?)?)?/i,fri:/^fr(i(day)?)?/i,sat:/^sa(t(urday)?)?/i,future:/^next/i,past:/^last|past|prev(ious)?/i,add:/^(\+|aft(er)?|from|hence)/i,subtract:/^(\-|bef(ore)?|ago)/i,yesterday:/^yes(terday)?/i,today:/^t(od(ay)?)?/i,tomorrow:/^tom(orrow)?/i,now:/^n(ow)?/i,millisecond:/^ms|milli(second)?s?/i,second:/^sec(ond)?s?/i,minute:/^mn|min(ute)?s?/i,hour:/^h(our)?s?/i,week:/^w(eek)?s?/i,month:/^m(onth)?s?/i,day:/^d(ay)?s?/i,year:/^y(ear)?s?/i,shortMeridian:/^(a|p)/i,longMeridian:/^(a\.?m?\.?|p\.?m?\.?)/i,timezone:/^((e(s|d)t|c(s|d)t|m(s|d)t|p(s|d)t)|((gmt)?\s*(\+|\-)\s*\d\d\d\d?)|gmt|utc)/i,ordinalSuffix:/^\s*(st|nd|rd|th)/i,timeContext:/^\s*(\:|a(?!u|p)|p)/i},timezones:[{name:"UTC",offset:"-000"},{name:"GMT",offset:"-000"},{name:"EST",offset:"-0500"},{name:"EDT",offset:"-0400"},{name:"CST",offset:"-0600"},{name:"CDT",offset:"-0500"},{name:"MST",offset:"-0700"},{name:"MDT",offset:"-0600"},{name:"PST",offset:"-0800"},{name:"PDT",offset:"-0700"}]}; -(function(){var $D=Date,$P=$D.prototype,$C=$D.CultureInfo,p=function(s,l){if(!l){l=2;} -return("000"+s).slice(l*-1);};$P.clearTime=function(){this.setHours(0);this.setMinutes(0);this.setSeconds(0);this.setMilliseconds(0);return this;};$P.setTimeToNow=function(){var n=new Date();this.setHours(n.getHours());this.setMinutes(n.getMinutes());this.setSeconds(n.getSeconds());this.setMilliseconds(n.getMilliseconds());return this;};${return new Date().clearTime();};$,date2){if(isNaN(date1)||isNaN(date2)){throw new Error(date1+" - "+date2);}else if(date1 instanceof Date&&date2 instanceof Date){return(date1<date2)?-1:(date1>date2)?1:0;}else{throw new TypeError(date1+" - "+date2);}};$D.equals=function(date1,date2){return(date1.compareTo(date2)===0);};$D.getDayNumberFromName=function(name){var n=$C.dayNames,m=$C.abbreviatedDayNames,o=$C.shortestDayNames,s=name.toLowerCase();for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++){if(n[i].toLowerCase()==s||m[i].toLowerCase()==s||o[i].toLowerCase()==s){return i;}} -return-1;};$D.getMonthNumberFromName=function(name){var n=$C.monthNames,m=$C.abbreviatedMonthNames,s=name.toLowerCase();for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++){if(n[i].toLowerCase()==s||m[i].toLowerCase()==s){return i;}} -return-1;};$D.isLeapYear=function(year){return((year%4===0&&year%100!==0)||year%400===0);};$D.getDaysInMonth=function(year,month){return[31,($D.isLeapYear(year)?29:28),31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31][month];};$D.getTimezoneAbbreviation=function(offset){var z=$C.timezones,p;for(var i=0;i<z.length;i++){if(z[i].offset===offset){return z[i].name;}} -return null;};$D.getTimezoneOffset=function(name){var z=$C.timezones,p;for(var i=0;i<z.length;i++){if(z[i].name===name.toUpperCase()){return z[i].offset;}} -return null;};$P.clone=function(){return new Date(this.getTime());};$P.compareTo=function(date){return,date);};$P.equals=function(date){return Date.equals(this,date||new Date());};$P.between=function(start,end){return this.getTime()>=start.getTime()&&this.getTime()<=end.getTime();};$P.isAfter=function(date){return this.compareTo(date||new Date())===1;};$P.isBefore=function(date){return(this.compareTo(date||new Date())===-1);};$P.isToday=function(){return this.isSameDay(new Date());};$P.isSameDay=function(date){return this.clone().clearTime().equals(date.clone().clearTime());};$P.addMilliseconds=function(value){this.setMilliseconds(this.getMilliseconds()+value);return this;};$P.addSeconds=function(value){return this.addMilliseconds(value*1000);};$P.addMinutes=function(value){return this.addMilliseconds(value*60000);};$P.addHours=function(value){return this.addMilliseconds(value*3600000);};$P.addDays=function(value){this.setDate(this.getDate()+value);return this;};$P.addWeeks=function(value){return this.addDays(value*7);};$P.addMonths=function(value){var n=this.getDate();this.setDate(1);this.setMonth(this.getMonth()+value);this.setDate(Math.min(n,$D.getDaysInMonth(this.getFullYear(),this.getMonth())));return this;};$P.addYears=function(value){return this.addMonths(value*12);};$P.add=function(config){if(typeof config=="number"){this._orient=config;return this;} -var x=config;if(x.milliseconds){this.addMilliseconds(x.milliseconds);} -if(x.seconds){this.addSeconds(x.seconds);} -if(x.minutes){this.addMinutes(x.minutes);} -if(x.hours){this.addHours(x.hours);} -if(x.weeks){this.addWeeks(x.weeks);} -if(x.months){this.addMonths(x.months);} -if(x.years){this.addYears(x.years);} -if(x.days){this.addDays(x.days);} -return this;};var $y,$m,$d;$P.getWeek=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,n,s,w;$y=(!$y)?this.getFullYear():$y;$m=(!$m)?this.getMonth()+1:$m;$d=(!$d)?this.getDate():$d;if($m<=2){a=$y-1;b=(a/4|0)-(a/100|0)+(a/400|0);c=((a-1)/4|0)-((a-1)/100|0)+((a-1)/400|0);s=b-c;e=0;f=$d-1+(31*($m-1));}else{a=$y;b=(a/4|0)-(a/100|0)+(a/400|0);c=((a-1)/4|0)-((a-1)/100|0)+((a-1)/400|0);s=b-c;e=s+1;f=$d+((153*($m-3)+2)/5)+58+s;} -g=(a+b)%7;d=(f+g-e)%7;n=(f+3-d)|0;if(n<0){w=53-((g-s)/5|0);}else if(n>364+s){w=1;}else{w=(n/7|0)+1;} -$y=$m=$d=null;return w;};$P.getISOWeek=function(){$y=this.getUTCFullYear();$m=this.getUTCMonth()+1;$d=this.getUTCDate();return p(this.getWeek());};$P.setWeek=function(n){return this.moveToDayOfWeek(1).addWeeks(n-this.getWeek());};$D._validate=function(n,min,max,name){if(typeof n=="undefined"){return false;}else if(typeof n!="number"){throw new TypeError(n+" is not a Number.");}else if(n<min||n>max){throw new RangeError(n+" is not a valid value for "+name+".");} -return true;};$D.validateMillisecond=function(value){return $D._validate(value,0,999,"millisecond");};$D.validateSecond=function(value){return $D._validate(value,0,59,"second");};$D.validateMinute=function(value){return $D._validate(value,0,59,"minute");};$D.validateHour=function(value){return $D._validate(value,0,23,"hour");};$D.validateDay=function(value,year,month){return $D._validate(value,1,$D.getDaysInMonth(year,month),"day");};$D.validateMonth=function(value){return $D._validate(value,0,11,"month");};$D.validateYear=function(value){return $D._validate(value,0,9999,"year");};$P.set=function(config){if($D.validateMillisecond(config.millisecond)){this.addMilliseconds(config.millisecond-this.getMilliseconds());} -if($D.validateSecond(config.second)){this.addSeconds(config.second-this.getSeconds());} -if($D.validateMinute(config.minute)){this.addMinutes(config.minute-this.getMinutes());} -if($D.validateHour(config.hour)){this.addHours(config.hour-this.getHours());} -if($D.validateMonth(config.month)){this.addMonths(config.month-this.getMonth());} -if($D.validateYear(config.year)){this.addYears(config.year-this.getFullYear());} -if($D.validateDay(,this.getFullYear(),this.getMonth())){this.addDays(;} -if(config.timezone){this.setTimezone(config.timezone);} -if(config.timezoneOffset){this.setTimezoneOffset(config.timezoneOffset);} -if(config.week&&$D._validate(config.week,0,53,"week")){this.setWeek(config.week);} -return this;};$P.moveToFirstDayOfMonth=function(){return this.set({day:1});};$P.moveToLastDayOfMonth=function(){return this.set({day:$D.getDaysInMonth(this.getFullYear(),this.getMonth())});};$P.moveToNthOccurrence=function(dayOfWeek,occurrence){var shift=0;if(occurrence>0){shift=occurrence-1;} -else if(occurrence===-1){this.moveToLastDayOfMonth();if(this.getDay()!==dayOfWeek){this.moveToDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek,-1);} -return this;} -return this.moveToFirstDayOfMonth().addDays(-1).moveToDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek,+1).addWeeks(shift);};$P.moveToDayOfWeek=function(dayOfWeek,orient){var diff=(dayOfWeek-this.getDay()+7*(orient||+1))%7;return this.addDays((diff===0)?diff+=7*(orient||+1):diff);};$P.moveToMonth=function(month,orient){var diff=(month-this.getMonth()+12*(orient||+1))%12;return this.addMonths((diff===0)?diff+=12*(orient||+1):diff);};$P.getOrdinalNumber=function(){return Math.ceil((this.clone().clearTime()-new Date(this.getFullYear(),0,1))/86400000)+1;};$P.getTimezone=function(){return $D.getTimezoneAbbreviation(this.getUTCOffset());};$P.setTimezoneOffset=function(offset){var here=this.getTimezoneOffset(),there=Number(offset)*-6/10;return this.addMinutes(there-here);};$P.setTimezone=function(offset){return this.setTimezoneOffset($D.getTimezoneOffset(offset));};$P.hasDaylightSavingTime=function(){return({month:0,day:1}).getTimezoneOffset()!{month:6,day:1}).getTimezoneOffset());};$P.isDaylightSavingTime=function(){return(this.hasDaylightSavingTime()&&new Date().getTimezoneOffset(){month:6,day:1}).getTimezoneOffset());};$P.getUTCOffset=function(){var n=this.getTimezoneOffset()*-10/6,r;if(n<0){r=(n-10000).toString();return r.charAt(0)+r.substr(2);}else{r=(n+10000).toString();return"+"+r.substr(1);}};$P.getElapsed=function(date){return(date||new Date())-this;};if(!$P.toISOString){$P.toISOString=function(){function f(n){return n<10?'0'+n:n;} -return'"'+this.getUTCFullYear()+'-'+ -f(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-'+ -f(this.getUTCDate())+'T'+ -f(this.getUTCHours())+':'+ -f(this.getUTCMinutes())+':'+ -f(this.getUTCSeconds())+'Z"';};} -$P._toString=$P.toString;$P.toString=function(format){var x=this;if(format&&format.length==1){var c=$C.formatPatterns;x.t=x.toString;switch(format){case"d":return x.t(c.shortDate);case"D":return x.t(c.longDate);case"F":return x.t(c.fullDateTime);case"m":return x.t(c.monthDay);case"r":return x.t(c.rfc1123);case"s":return x.t(c.sortableDateTime);case"t":return x.t(c.shortTime);case"T":return x.t(c.longTime);case"u":return x.t(c.universalSortableDateTime);case"y":return x.t(c.yearMonth);}} -var ord=function(n){switch(n*1){case 1:case 21:case 31:return"st";case 2:case 22:return"nd";case 3:case 23:return"rd";default:return"th";}};return format?format.replace(/(\\)?(dd?d?d?|MM?M?M?|yy?y?y?|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|tt?|S)/g,function(m){if(m.charAt(0)==="\\"){return m.replace("\\","");} -x.h=x.getHours;switch(m){case"hh":return p(x.h()<13?(x.h()===0?12:x.h()):(x.h()-12));case"h":return x.h()<13?(x.h()===0?12:x.h()):(x.h()-12);case"HH":return p(x.h());case"H":return x.h();case"mm":return p(x.getMinutes());case"m":return x.getMinutes();case"ss":return p(x.getSeconds());case"s":return x.getSeconds();case"yyyy":return p(x.getFullYear(),4);case"yy":return p(x.getFullYear());case"dddd":return $C.dayNames[x.getDay()];case"ddd":return $C.abbreviatedDayNames[x.getDay()];case"dd":return p(x.getDate());case"d":return x.getDate();case"MMMM":return $C.monthNames[x.getMonth()];case"MMM":return $C.abbreviatedMonthNames[x.getMonth()];case"MM":return p((x.getMonth()+1));case"M":return x.getMonth()+1;case"t":return x.h()<12?$C.amDesignator.substring(0,1):$C.pmDesignator.substring(0,1);case"tt":return x.h()<12?$C.amDesignator:$C.pmDesignator;case"S":return ord(x.getDate());default:return m;}}):this._toString();};}()); -(function(){var $D=Date,$P=$D.prototype,$C=$D.CultureInfo,$N=Number.prototype;$P._orient=+1;$P._nth=null;$P._is=false;$P._same=false;$P._isSecond=false;$N._dateElement="day";${this._orient=+1;return this;};${return $;};$P.last=$P.prev=$P.previous=function(){this._orient=-1;return this;};$D.last=$D.prev=$D.previous=function(){return $;};${this._is=true;return this;};$P.same=function(){this._same=true;this._isSecond=false;return this;};${return this.same().day();};$P.weekday=function(){if(this._is){this._is=false;return(!!;} -return false;};${return(typeof time==="string")?$D.parse(this.toString("d")+" "+time):this.set(time);};$N.fromNow=$N.after=function(date){var c={};c[this._dateElement]=this;return((!date)?new Date():date.clone()).add(c);};$N.ago=$N.before=function(date){var c={};c[this._dateElement]=this*-1;return((!date)?new Date():date.clone()).add(c);};var dx=("sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday").split(/\s/),mx=("january february march april may june july august september october november december").split(/\s/),px=("Millisecond Second Minute Hour Day Week Month Year").split(/\s/),pxf=("Milliseconds Seconds Minutes Hours Date Week Month FullYear").split(/\s/),nth=("final first second third fourth fifth").split(/\s/),de;$P.toObject=function(){var o={};for(var i=0;i<px.length;i++){o[px[i].toLowerCase()]=this["get"+pxf[i]]();} -return o;};$D.fromObject=function(config){config.week=null;return;};var df=function(n){return function(){if(this._is){this._is=false;return this.getDay()==n;} -if(this._nth!==null){if(this._isSecond){this.addSeconds(this._orient*-1);} -this._isSecond=false;var ntemp=this._nth;this._nth=null;var temp=this.clone().moveToLastDayOfMonth();this.moveToNthOccurrence(n,ntemp);if(this>temp){throw new RangeError($D.getDayName(n)+" does not occur "+ntemp+" times in the month of "+$D.getMonthName(temp.getMonth())+" "+temp.getFullYear()+".");} -return this;} -return this.moveToDayOfWeek(n,this._orient);};};var sdf=function(n){return function(){var t=$,shift=n-t.getDay();if(n===0&&$C.firstDayOfWeek===1&&t.getDay()!==0){shift=shift+7;} -return t.addDays(shift);};};for(var i=0;i<dx.length;i++){$D[dx[i].toUpperCase()]=$D[dx[i].toUpperCase().substring(0,3)]=i;$D[dx[i]]=$D[dx[i].substring(0,3)]=sdf(i);$P[dx[i]]=$P[dx[i].substring(0,3)]=df(i);} -var mf=function(n){return function(){if(this._is){this._is=false;return this.getMonth()===n;} -return this.moveToMonth(n,this._orient);};};var smf=function(n){return function(){return ${month:n,day:1});};};for(var j=0;j<mx.length;j++){$D[mx[j].toUpperCase()]=$D[mx[j].toUpperCase().substring(0,3)]=j;$D[mx[j]]=$D[mx[j].substring(0,3)]=smf(j);$P[mx[j]]=$P[mx[j].substring(0,3)]=mf(j);} -var ef=function(j){return function(){if(this._isSecond){this._isSecond=false;return this;} -if(this._same){this._same=this._is=false;var o1=this.toObject(),o2=(arguments[0]||new Date()).toObject(),v="",k=j.toLowerCase();for(var m=(px.length-1);m>-1;m--){v=px[m].toLowerCase();if(o1[v]!=o2[v]){return false;} -if(k==v){break;}} -return true;} -if(j.substring(j.length-1)!="s"){j+="s";} -return this["add"+j](this._orient);};};var nf=function(n){return function(){this._dateElement=n;return this;};};for(var k=0;k<px.length;k++){de=px[k].toLowerCase();$P[de]=$P[de+"s"]=ef(px[k]);$N[de]=$N[de+"s"]=nf(de);} -$P._ss=ef("Second");var nthfn=function(n){return function(dayOfWeek){if(this._same){return this._ss(arguments[0]);} -if(dayOfWeek||dayOfWeek===0){return this.moveToNthOccurrence(dayOfWeek,n);} -this._nth=n;if(n===2&&(dayOfWeek===undefined||dayOfWeek===null)){this._isSecond=true;return this.addSeconds(this._orient);} -return this;};};for(var l=0;l<nth.length;l++){$P[nth[l]]=(l===0)?nthfn(-1):nthfn(l);}}()); -(function(){Date.Parsing={Exception:function(s){this.message="Parse error at '"+s.substring(0,10)+" ...'";}};var $P=Date.Parsing;var _=$P.Operators={rtoken:function(r){return function(s){var mx=s.match(r);if(mx){return([mx[0],s.substring(mx[0].length)]);}else{throw new $P.Exception(s);}};},token:function(s){return function(s){return _.rtoken(new RegExp("^\s*"+s+"\s*"))(s);};},stoken:function(s){return _.rtoken(new RegExp("^"+s));},until:function(p){return function(s){var qx=[],rx=null;while(s.length){try{,s);}catch(e){qx.push(rx[0]);s=rx[1];continue;} -break;} -return[qx,s];};},many:function(p){return function(s){var rx=[],r=null;while(s.length){try{,s);}catch(e){return[rx,s];} -rx.push(r[0]);s=r[1];} -return[rx,s];};},optional:function(p){return function(s){var r=null;try{,s);}catch(e){return[null,s];} -return[r[0],r[1]];};},not:function(p){return function(s){try{,s);}catch(e){return[null,s];} -throw new $P.Exception(s);};},ignore:function(p){return p?function(s){var r=null;,s);return[null,r[1]];}:null;},product:function(){var px=arguments[0],,1),rx=[];for(var i=0;i<px.length;i++){rx.push(_.each(px[i],qx));} -return rx;},cache:function(rule){var cache={},r=null;return function(s){try{r=cache[s]=(cache[s]||,s));}catch(e){r=cache[s]=e;} -if(r instanceof $P.Exception){throw r;}else{return r;}};},any:function(){var px=arguments;return function(s){var r=null;for(var i=0;i<px.length;i++){if(px[i]==null){continue;} -try{r=(px[i].call(this,s));}catch(e){r=null;} -if(r){return r;}} -throw new $P.Exception(s);};},each:function(){var px=arguments;return function(s){var rx=[],r=null;for(var i=0;i<px.length;i++){if(px[i]==null){continue;} -try{r=(px[i].call(this,s));}catch(e){throw new $P.Exception(s);} -rx.push(r[0]);s=r[1];} -return[rx,s];};},all:function(){var px=arguments,_=_;return _.each(_.optional(px));},sequence:function(px,d,c){d=d||_.rtoken(/^\s*/);c=c||null;if(px.length==1){return px[0];} -return function(s){var r=null,q=null;var rx=[];for(var i=0;i<px.length;i++){try{r=px[i].call(this,s);}catch(e){break;} -rx.push(r[0]);try{,r[1]);}catch(ex){q=null;break;} -s=q[1];} -if(!r){throw new $P.Exception(s);} -if(q){throw new $P.Exception(q[1]);} -if(c){try{,r[1]);}catch(ey){throw new $P.Exception(r[1]);}} -return[rx,(r?r[1]:s)];};},between:function(d1,p,d2){d2=d2||d1;var _fn=_.each(_.ignore(d1),p,_.ignore(d2));return function(s){var,s);return[[rx[0][0],r[0][2]],rx[1]];};},list:function(p,d,c){d=d||_.rtoken(/^\s*/);c=c||null;return(p instanceof Array?_.each(_.product(p.slice(0,-1),_.ignore(d)),p.slice(-1),_.ignore(c)):_.each(_.many(_.each(p,_.ignore(d))),px,_.ignore(c)));},set:function(px,d,c){d=d||_.rtoken(/^\s*/);c=c||null;return function(s){var r=null,p=null,q=null,rx=null,best=[[],s],last=false;for(var i=0;i<px.length;i++){q=null;p=null;r=null;last=(px.length==1);try{r=px[i].call(this,s);}catch(e){continue;} -rx=[[r[0]],r[1]];if(r[1].length>0&&!last){try{,r[1]);}catch(ex){last=true;}}else{last=true;} -if(!last&&q[1].length===0){last=true;} -if(!last){var qx=[];for(var j=0;j<px.length;j++){if(i!=j){qx.push(px[j]);}} -p=_.set(qx,d).call(this,q[1]);if(p[0].length>0){rx[0]=rx[0].concat(p[0]);rx[1]=p[1];}} -if(rx[1].length<best[1].length){best=rx;} -if(best[1].length===0){break;}} -if(best[0].length===0){return best;} -if(c){try{,best[1]);}catch(ey){throw new $P.Exception(best[1]);} -best[1]=q[1];} -return best;};},forward:function(gr,fname){return function(s){return gr[fname].call(this,s);};},replace:function(rule,repl){return function(s){var,s);return[repl,r[1]];};},process:function(rule,fn){return function(s){var,s);return[,r[0]),r[1]];};},min:function(min,rule){return function(s){var,s);if(rx[0].length<min){throw new $P.Exception(s);} -return rx;};}};var _generator=function(op){return function(){var args=null,rx=[];if(arguments.length>1){;}else if(arguments[0]instanceof Array){args=arguments[0];} -if(args){for(var i=0,px=args.shift();i<px.length;i++){args.unshift(px[i]);rx.push(op.apply(null,args));args.shift();return rx;}}else{return op.apply(null,arguments);}};};var gx="optional not ignore cache".split(/\s/);for(var i=0;i<gx.length;i++){_[gx[i]]=_generator(_[gx[i]]);} -var _vector=function(op){return function(){if(arguments[0]instanceof Array){return op.apply(null,arguments[0]);}else{return op.apply(null,arguments);}};};var vx="each any all".split(/\s/);for(var j=0;j<vx.length;j++){_[vx[j]]=_vector(_[vx[j]]);}}());(function(){var $D=Date,$P=$D.prototype,$C=$D.CultureInfo;var flattenAndCompact=function(ax){var rx=[];for(var i=0;i<ax.length;i++){if(ax[i]instanceof Array){rx=rx.concat(flattenAndCompact(ax[i]));}else{if(ax[i]){rx.push(ax[i]);}}} -return rx;};$D.Grammar={};$D.Translator={hour:function(s){return function(){this.hour=Number(s);};},minute:function(s){return function(){this.minute=Number(s);};},second:function(s){return function(){this.second=Number(s);};},meridian:function(s){return function(){this.meridian=s.slice(0,1).toLowerCase();};},timezone:function(s){return function(){var n=s.replace(/[^\d\+\-]/g,"");if(n.length){this.timezoneOffset=Number(n);}else{this.timezone=s.toLowerCase();}};},day:function(x){var s=x[0];return function(){\d+/)[0]);};},month:function(s){return function(){this.month=(s.length==3)?"jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec".indexOf(s)/4:Number(s)-1;};},year:function(s){return function(){var n=Number(s);this.year=((s.length>2)?n:(n+(((n+2000)<$C.twoDigitYearMax)?2000:1900)));};},rday:function(s){return function(){switch(s){case"yesterday":this.days=-1;break;case"tomorrow":this.days=1;break;case"today":this.days=0;break;case"now":this.days=0;;break;}};},finishExact:function(x){x=(x instanceof Array)?x:[x];for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++){if(x[i]){x[i].call(this);}} -var now=new Date();if((this.hour||this.minute)&&(!this.month&&!this.year&&!{;} -if(!this.year){this.year=now.getFullYear();} -if(!this.month&&this.month!==0){this.month=now.getMonth();} -if(!{;} -if(!this.hour){this.hour=0;} -if(!this.minute){this.minute=0;} -if(!this.second){this.second=0;} -if(this.meridian&&this.hour){if(this.meridian=="p"&&this.hour<12){this.hour=this.hour+12;}else if(this.meridian=="a"&&this.hour==12){this.hour=0;}} -if(>$D.getDaysInMonth(this.year,this.month)){throw new RangeError(" is not a valid value for days.");} -var r=new Date(this.year,this.month,,this.hour,this.minute,this.second);if(this.timezone){r.set({timezone:this.timezone});}else if(this.timezoneOffset){r.set({timezoneOffset:this.timezoneOffset});} -return r;},finish:function(x){x=(x instanceof Array)?flattenAndCompact(x):[x];if(x.length===0){return null;} -for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++){if(typeof x[i]=="function"){x[i].call(this);}} -var today=$;if(!this.unit&&!this.operator){return new Date();}else if({today=new Date();} -var expression=!!(this.days&&this.days!==null||this.orient||this.operator);var gap,mod,orient;orient=((this.orient=="past"||this.operator=="subtract")?-1:1);if(!"hour minute second".indexOf(this.unit)!=-1){today.setTimeToNow();} -if(this.month||this.month===0){if("year day hour minute second".indexOf(this.unit)!=-1){this.value=this.month+1;this.month=null;expression=true;}} -if(!expression&&this.weekday&&!!this.days){var temp=Date[this.weekday]();;if(!this.month){this.month=temp.getMonth();} -this.year=temp.getFullYear();} -if(expression&&this.weekday&&this.unit!="month"){this.unit="day";gap=($D.getDayNumberFromName(this.weekday)-today.getDay());mod=7;this.days=gap?((gap+(orient*mod))%mod):(orient*mod);} -if(this.month&&this.unit=="day"&&this.operator){this.value=(this.month+1);this.month=null;} -if(this.value!=null&&this.month!=null&&this.year!=null){*1;} -if(this.month&&!{today.set({day:this.value*1});if(!expression){*1;}} -if(!this.month&&this.value&&this.unit=="month"&&!{this.month=this.value;expression=true;} -if(expression&&(this.month||this.month===0)&&this.unit!="year"){this.unit="month";gap=(this.month-today.getMonth());mod=12;this.months=gap?((gap+(orient*mod))%mod):(orient*mod);this.month=null;} -if(!this.unit){this.unit="day";} -if(!this.value&&this.operator&&this.operator!==null&&this[this.unit+"s"]&&this[this.unit+"s"]!==null){this[this.unit+"s"]=this[this.unit+"s"]+((this.operator=="add")?1:-1)+(this.value||0)*orient;}else if(this[this.unit+"s"]==null||this.operator!=null){if(!this.value){this.value=1;} -this[this.unit+"s"]=this.value*orient;} -if(this.meridian&&this.hour){if(this.meridian=="p"&&this.hour<12){this.hour=this.hour+12;}else if(this.meridian=="a"&&this.hour==12){this.hour=0;}} -if(this.weekday&&!!this.days){var temp=Date[this.weekday]();;if(temp.getMonth()!==today.getMonth()){this.month=temp.getMonth();}} -if((this.month||this.month===0)&&!{;} -if(!this.orient&&!this.operator&&this.unit=="week"&&this.value&&!!this.month){return;} -if(expression&&this.timezone&&{;} -return(expression)?today.add(this):today.set(this);}};var _=$D.Parsing.Operators,g=$D.Grammar,t=$D.Translator,_fn;g.datePartDelimiter=_.rtoken(/^([\s\-\.\,\/\x27]+)/);g.timePartDelimiter=_.stoken(":");g.whiteSpace=_.rtoken(/^\s*/);g.generalDelimiter=_.rtoken(/^(([\s\,]|at|@|on)+)/);var _C={};g.ctoken=function(keys){var fn=_C[keys];if(!fn){var c=$C.regexPatterns;var kx=keys.split(/\s+/),px=[];for(var i=0;i<kx.length;i++){px.push(_.replace(_.rtoken(c[kx[i]]),kx[i]));} -fn=_C[keys]=_.any.apply(null,px);} -return fn;};g.ctoken2=function(key){return _.rtoken($C.regexPatterns[key]);};g.h=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^(0[0-9]|1[0-2]|[1-9])/),t.hour));g.hh=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^(0[0-9]|1[0-2])/),t.hour));g.H=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]|[0-9])/),t.hour));g.HH=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3])/),t.hour));g.m=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^([0-5][0-9]|[0-9])/),t.minute));^[0-5][0-9]/),t.minute));g.s=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^([0-5][0-9]|[0-9])/),t.second));^[0-5][0-9]/),t.second));g.hms=_.cache(_.sequence([g.H,g.m,g.s],g.timePartDelimiter));g.t=_.cache(_.process(g.ctoken2("shortMeridian"),t.meridian));"longMeridian"),t.meridian));g.z=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^((\+|\-)\s*\d\d\d\d)|((\+|\-)\d\d\:?\d\d)/),t.timezone));g.zz=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^((\+|\-)\s*\d\d\d\d)|((\+|\-)\d\d\:?\d\d)/),t.timezone));g.zzz=_.cache(_.process(g.ctoken2("timezone"),t.timezone));g.timeSuffix=_.each(_.ignore(g.whiteSpace),_.set([,g.zzz]));g.time=_.each(_.optional(_.ignore(_.stoken("T"))),g.hms,g.timeSuffix);g.d=_.cache(_.process(_.each(_.rtoken(/^([0-2]\d|3[0-1]|\d)/),_.optional(g.ctoken2("ordinalSuffix"))),;g.dd=_.cache(_.process(_.each(_.rtoken(/^([0-2]\d|3[0-1])/),_.optional(g.ctoken2("ordinalSuffix"))),;g.ddd=g.dddd=_.cache(_.process(g.ctoken("sun mon tue wed thu fri sat"),function(s){return function(){this.weekday=s;};}));g.M=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^(1[0-2]|0\d|\d)/),t.month));g.MM=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^(1[0-2]|0\d)/),t.month));g.MMM=g.MMMM=_.cache(_.process(g.ctoken("jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec"),t.month));g.y=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^(\d\d?)/),t.year));g.yy=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^(\d\d)/),t.year));g.yyy=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^(\d\d?\d?\d?)/),t.year));g.yyyy=_.cache(_.process(_.rtoken(/^(\d\d\d\d)/),t.year));_fn=function(){return _.each(_.any.apply(null,arguments),_.not(g.ctoken2("timeContext")));};,g.dd);g.month=_fn(g.M,g.MMM);g.year=_fn(g.yyyy,g.yy);g.orientation=_.process(g.ctoken("past future"),function(s){return function(){this.orient=s;};});g.operator=_.process(g.ctoken("add subtract"),function(s){return function(){this.operator=s;};});g.rday=_.process(g.ctoken("yesterday tomorrow today now"),t.rday);g.unit=_.process(g.ctoken("second minute hour day week month year"),function(s){return function(){this.unit=s;};});g.value=_.process(_.rtoken(/^\d\d?(st|nd|rd|th)?/),function(s){return function(){this.value=s.replace(/\D/g,"");};});g.expression=_.set([g.rday,g.operator,g.value,g.unit,g.orientation,g.ddd,g.MMM]);_fn=function(){return _.set(arguments,g.datePartDelimiter);};g.mdy=_fn(g.ddd,g.month,,g.year);g.ymd=_fn(g.ddd,g.year,g.month,;g.dmy=_fn(g.ddd,,g.month,g.year);{return((g[$C.dateElementOrder]||g.mdy).call(this,s));};g.format=_.process(_.many(_.any(_.process(_.rtoken(/^(dd?d?d?|MM?M?M?|yy?y?y?|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|tt?|zz?z?)/),function(fmt){if(g[fmt]){return g[fmt];}else{throw $D.Parsing.Exception(fmt);}}),_.process(_.rtoken(/^[^dMyhHmstz]+/),function(s){return _.ignore(_.stoken(s));}))),function(rules){return _.process(_.each.apply(null,rules),t.finishExact);});var _F={};var _get=function(f){return _F[f]=(_F[f]||g.format(f)[0]);};g.formats=function(fx){if(fx instanceof Array){var rx=[];for(var i=0;i<fx.length;i++){rx.push(_get(fx[i]));} -return _.any.apply(null,rx);}else{return _get(fx);}};g._formats=g.formats(["\"yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ\"","yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ","yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssz","yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss","yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ","yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmz","yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm","ddd, MMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss tt","ddd MMM d yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz","MMddyyyy","ddMMyyyy","Mddyyyy","ddMyyyy","Mdyyyy","dMyyyy","yyyy","Mdyy","dMyy","d"]);g._start=_.process(_.set([,g.time,g.expression],g.generalDelimiter,g.whiteSpace),t.finish);g.start=function(s){try{var{},s);if(r[1].length===0){return r;}}catch(e){} -return{},s);};$D._parse=$D.parse;$D.parse=function(s){var r=null;if(!s){return null;} -if(s instanceof Date){return s;} -try{r=${},s.replace(/^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/,"$1"));}catch(e){return null;} -return((r[1].length===0)?r[0]:null);};$D.getParseFunction=function(fx){var fn=$D.Grammar.formats(fx);return function(s){var r=null;try{{},s);}catch(e){return null;} -return((r[1].length===0)?r[0]:null);};};$D.parseExact=function(s,fx){return $D.getParseFunction(fx)(s);};}());
A assets/js/

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A assets/js/es6-shim.min.js

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+/*! + * + * @license es6-shim Copyright 2013-2016 by Paul Miller ( + * and contributors, MIT License + * es6-shim: v0.35.1 + * see + * Details and documentation: + * + */ +(function(e,t){if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define(t)}else if(typeof exports==="object"){module.exports=t()}else{e.returnExports=t()}})(this,function(){"use strict";var;var;var r=Array.isArray;var n=Object.keys;var o=function notThunker(t){return function notThunk(){return!e(t,this,arguments)}};var i=function(e){try{e();return false}catch(e){return true}};var a=function valueOrFalseIfThrows(e){try{return e()}catch(e){return false}};var u=o(i);var f=function(){return!i(function(){Object.defineProperty({},"x",{get:function(){}})})};var s=!!Object.defineProperty&&f();var c=function foo(){}.name==="foo";var;var;var;var;var h=function(e,t,r,n){if(!n&&t in e){return}if(s){Object.defineProperty(e,t,{configurable:true,enumerable:false,writable:true,value:r})}else{e[t]=r}};var 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r){e[t]=r.value}},preserveToString:function(e,t){if(t&&d(t.toString)){h(e,"toString",t.toString.bind(t),true)}}};var O=Object.create||function(e,t){var r=function Prototype(){};r.prototype=e;var o=new r;if(typeof t!=="undefined"){n(t).forEach(function(e){m.defineByDescriptor(o,e,t[e])})}return o};var w=function(e,t){if(!Object.setPrototypeOf){return false}return a(function(){var r=function Subclass(t){var r=new e(t);Object.setPrototypeOf(r,Subclass.prototype);return r};Object.setPrototypeOf(r,e);r.prototype=O(e.prototype,{constructor:{value:r}});return t(r)})};var j=function(){if(typeof self!=="undefined"){return self}if(typeof window!=="undefined"){return window}if(typeof global!=="undefined"){return global}throw new Error("unable to locate global object")};var S=j();var T=S.isFinite;var;var E=Function.apply.bind(Array.prototype.indexOf);var;var;var;var x=Function.apply.bind(Array.prototype.push);var;var A=Math.max;var R=Math.min;var _=Math.floor;var k=Math.abs;var F=Math.exp;var L=Math.log;var D=Math.sqrt;var;var q;var W=function(){};var G=S.Map;var H=G&&G.prototype["delete"];var V=G&&G.prototype.get;var B=G&&G.prototype.has;var U=G&&G.prototype.set;var $=S.Symbol||{};var J=$.species||"@@species";var X=Number.isNaN||function isNaN(e){return e!==e};var K=Number.isFinite||function isFinite(e){return typeof e==="number"&&T(e)};var Z=d(Math.sign)?Math.sign:function sign(e){var t=Number(e);if(t===0){return t}if(X(t)){return t}return t<0?-1:1};var Y=function isArguments(e){return g(e)==="[object Arguments]"};var Q=function isArguments(e){return e!==null&&typeof e==="object"&&typeof e.length==="number"&&e.length>=0&&g(e)!=="[object Array]"&&g(e.callee)==="[object Function]"};var ee=Y(arguments)?Y:Q;var te={primitive:function(e){return e===null||typeof e!=="function"&&typeof e!=="object"},string:function(e){return g(e)==="[object String]"},regex:function(e){return g(e)==="[object RegExp]"},symbol:function(e){return typeof S.Symbol==="function"&&typeof 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iterable")}var r=se.Call(t,e);if(!se.TypeIsObject(r)){throw new TypeError("bad iterator")}return r},GetMethod:function(e,t){var r=se.ToObject(e)[t];if(fe(r)){return void 0}if(!se.IsCallable(r)){throw new TypeError("Method not callable: "+t)}return r},IteratorComplete:function(e){return!!e.done},IteratorClose:function(e,t){var r=se.GetMethod(e,"return");if(r===void 0){return}var n,o;try{n=se.Call(r,e)}catch(e){o=e}if(t){return}if(o){throw o}if(!se.TypeIsObject(n)){throw new TypeError("Iterator's return method returned a non-object.")}},IteratorNext:function(e){var t=arguments.length>1?[1]);if(!se.TypeIsObject(t)){throw new TypeError("bad iterator")}return t},IteratorStep:function(e){var t=se.IteratorNext(e);var r=se.IteratorComplete(t);return r?false:t},Construct:function(e,t,r,n){var o=typeof r==="undefined"?e:r;if(!n&&ie.construct){return ie.construct(e,t,o)}var i=o.prototype;if(!se.TypeIsObject(i)){i=Object.prototype}var a=O(i);var u=se.Call(e,a,t);return se.TypeIsObject(u)?u:a},SpeciesConstructor:function(e,t){var r=e.constructor;if(r===void 0){return t}if(!se.TypeIsObject(r)){throw new TypeError("Bad constructor")}var n=r[J];if(fe(n)){return t}if(!se.IsConstructor(n)){throw new TypeError("Bad @@species")}return n},CreateHTML:function(e,t,r,n){var o=se.ToString(e);var i="<"+t;if(r!==""){var a=se.ToString(n);var u=a.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");i+=" "+r+'="'+u+'"'}var f=i+">";var s=f+o;return s+"</"+t+">"},IsRegExp:function IsRegExp(e){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){return false}var t=e[$.match];if(typeof t!=="undefined"){return!!t}return te.regex(e)},ToString:function ToString(e){return ae(e)}};if(s&&ne){var ce=function defineWellKnownSymbol(e){if(te.symbol($[e])){return $[e]}var t=$["for"]("Symbol."+e);Object.defineProperty($,e,{configurable:false,enumerable:false,writable:false,value:t});return t};if(!te.symbol($.search)){var le=ce("search");var;h(RegExp.prototype,le,function search(e){return se.Call(pe,e,[this])});var ve=function search(e){var t=se.RequireObjectCoercible(this);if(!fe(e)){var r=se.GetMethod(e,le);if(typeof r!=="undefined"){return se.Call(r,e,[t])}}return se.Call(pe,t,[se.ToString(e)])};re(String.prototype,"search",ve)}if(!te.symbol($.replace)){var ye=ce("replace");var he=String.prototype.replace;h(RegExp.prototype,ye,function replace(e,t){return se.Call(he,e,[this,t])});var be=function replace(e,t){var r=se.RequireObjectCoercible(this);if(!fe(e)){var n=se.GetMethod(e,ye);if(typeof n!=="undefined"){return se.Call(n,e,[r,t])}}return se.Call(he,r,[se.ToString(e),t])};re(String.prototype,"replace",be)}if(!te.symbol($.split)){var ge=ce("split");var de=String.prototype.split;h(RegExp.prototype,ge,function split(e,t){return se.Call(de,e,[this,t])});var me=function split(e,t){var r=se.RequireObjectCoercible(this);if(!fe(e)){var n=se.GetMethod(e,ge);if(typeof n!=="undefined"){return se.Call(n,e,[r,t])}}return se.Call(de,r,[se.ToString(e),t])};re(String.prototype,"split",me)}var Oe=te.symbol($.match);var we=Oe&&function(){var e={};e[$.match]=function(){return 42};return"a".match(e)!==42}();if(!Oe||we){var je=ce("match");var Se=String.prototype.match;h(RegExp.prototype,je,function match(e){return se.Call(Se,e,[this])});var Te=function match(e){var t=se.RequireObjectCoercible(this);if(!fe(e)){var r=se.GetMethod(e,je);if(typeof r!=="undefined"){return se.Call(r,e,[t])}}return se.Call(Se,t,[se.ToString(e)])};re(String.prototype,"match",Te)}}var Ie=function wrapConstructor(e,t,r){m.preserveToString(t,e);if(Object.setPrototypeOf){Object.setPrototypeOf(e,t)}if(s){l(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e),function(n){if(n in W||r[n]){return}m.proxy(e,n,t)})}else{l(Object.keys(e),function(n){if(n in W||r[n]){return}t[n]=e[n]})}t.prototype=e.prototype;m.redefine(e.prototype,"constructor",t)};var Ee=function(){return this};var Pe=function(e){if(s&&!z(e,J)){m.getter(e,J,Ee)}};var Ce=function(e,t){var r=t||function iterator(){return this};h(e,oe,r);if(!e[oe]&&te.symbol(oe)){e[oe]=r}};var Me=function createDataProperty(e,t,r){if(s){Object.defineProperty(e,t,{configurable:true,enumerable:true,writable:true,value:r})}else{e[t]=r}};var xe=function createDataPropertyOrThrow(e,t,r){Me(e,t,r);if(!se.SameValue(e[t],r)){throw new TypeError("property is nonconfigurable")}};var Ne=function(e,t,r,n){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){throw new TypeError("Constructor requires `new`: "}var o=t.prototype;if(!se.TypeIsObject(o)){o=r}var i=O(o);for(var a in n){if(z(n,a)){var u=n[a];h(i,a,u,true)}}return i};if(String.fromCodePoint&&String.fromCodePoint.length!==1){var Ae=String.fromCodePoint;re(String,"fromCodePoint",function fromCodePoint(e){return se.Call(Ae,this,arguments)})}var Re={fromCodePoint:function fromCodePoint(e){var t=[];var r;for(var n=0,o=arguments.length;n<o;n++){r=Number(arguments[n]);if(!se.SameValue(r,se.ToInteger(r))||r<0||r>1114111){throw new RangeError("Invalid code point 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startsWith(e){var t=se.ToString(se.RequireObjectCoercible(this));if(se.IsRegExp(e)){throw new TypeError('Cannot call method "startsWith" with a regex')}var r=se.ToString(e);var n;if(arguments.length>1){n=arguments[1]}var o=A(se.ToInteger(n),0);return C(t,o,o+r.length)===r},endsWith:function endsWith(e){var t=se.ToString(se.RequireObjectCoercible(this));if(se.IsRegExp(e)){throw new TypeError('Cannot call method "endsWith" with a regex')}var r=se.ToString(e);var n=t.length;var o;if(arguments.length>1){o=arguments[1]}var i=typeof o==="undefined"?n:se.ToInteger(o);var a=R(A(i,0),n);return C(t,a-r.length,a)===r},includes:function includes(e){if(se.IsRegExp(e)){throw new TypeError('"includes" does not accept a RegExp')}var t=se.ToString(e);var r;if(arguments.length>1){r=arguments[1]}return I(this,t,r)!==-1},codePointAt:function codePointAt(e){var t=se.ToString(se.RequireObjectCoercible(this));var r=se.ToInteger(e);var n=t.length;if(r>=0&&r<n){var o=t.charCodeAt(r);var i=r+1===n;if(o<55296||o>56319||i){return o}var a=t.charCodeAt(r+1);if(a<56320||a>57343){return o}return(o-55296)*1024+(a-56320)+65536}}};if(String.prototype.includes&&"a".includes("a",Infinity)!==false){re(String.prototype,"includes",Fe.includes)}if(String.prototype.startsWith&&String.prototype.endsWith){var Le=i(function(){"/a/".startsWith(/a/)});var De=a(function(){return"abc".startsWith("a",Infinity)===false});if(!Le||!De){re(String.prototype,"startsWith",Fe.startsWith);re(String.prototype,"endsWith",Fe.endsWith)}}if(ne){var ze=a(function(){var e=/a/;e[$.match]=false;return"/a/".startsWith(e)});if(!ze){re(String.prototype,"startsWith",Fe.startsWith)}var qe=a(function(){var e=/a/;e[$.match]=false;return"/a/".endsWith(e)});if(!qe){re(String.prototype,"endsWith",Fe.endsWith)}var We=a(function(){var e=/a/;e[$.match]=false;return"/a/".includes(e)});if(!We){re(String.prototype,"includes",Fe.includes)}}b(String.prototype,Fe);var Ge=["\t\n\v\f\r 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n;if(arguments.length>1){n=arguments[1]}var o,i;if(typeof n==="undefined"){o=false}else{if(!se.IsCallable(n)){throw new TypeError("Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function")}if(arguments.length>2){i=arguments[2]}o=true}var a=typeof(ee(e)||se.GetMethod(e,oe))!=="undefined";var u,f,s;if(a){f=se.IsConstructor(r)?Object(new r):[];var c=se.GetIterator(e);var l,p;s=0;while(true){l=se.IteratorStep(c);if(l===false){break}p=l.value;try{if(o){p=typeof i==="undefined"?n(p,s):t(n,i,p,s)}f[s]=p}catch(e){se.IteratorClose(c,true);throw e}s+=1}u=s}else{var v=se.ToObject(e);u=se.ToLength(v.length);f=se.IsConstructor(r)?Object(new r(u)):new Array(u);var y;for(s=0;s<u;++s){y=v[s];if(o){y=typeof i==="undefined"?n(y,s):t(n,i,y,s)}xe(f,s,y)}}f.length=u;return f},of:function of(){var e=arguments.length;var t=this;var n=r(t)||!se.IsCallable(t)?new Array(e):se.Construct(t,[e]);for(var o=0;o<e;++o){xe(n,o,arguments[o])}n.length=e;return n}};b(Array,Ze);Pe(Array);q=function(e,t){this.i=0;this.array=e;this.kind=t};b(q.prototype,{next:function(){var e=this.i;var t=this.array;if(!(this instanceof q)){throw new TypeError("Not an ArrayIterator")}if(typeof t!=="undefined"){var r=se.ToLength(t.length);for(;e<r;e++){var n=this.kind;var o;if(n==="key"){o=e}else if(n==="value"){o=t[e]}else if(n==="entry"){o=[e,t[e]]}this.i=e+1;return Xe(o)}}this.array=void 0;return Xe()}});Ce(q.prototype);var Ye=Array.of===Ze.of||function(){var e=function Foo(e){this.length=e};e.prototype=[];var t=Array.of.apply(e,[1,2]);return t instanceof e&&t.length===2}();if(!Ye){re(Array,"of",Ze.of)}var Qe={copyWithin:function copyWithin(e,t){var r=se.ToObject(this);var n=se.ToLength(r.length);var o=se.ToInteger(e);var i=se.ToInteger(t);var a=o<0?A(n+o,0):R(o,n);var u=i<0?A(n+i,0):R(i,n);var f;if(arguments.length>2){f=arguments[2]}var s=typeof f==="undefined"?n:se.ToInteger(f);var c=s<0?A(n+s,0):R(s,n);var l=R(c-u,n-a);var p=1;if(u<a&&a<u+l){p=-1;u+=l-1;a+=l-1}while(l>0){if(u in r){r[a]=r[u]}else{delete r[a]}u+=p;a+=p;l-=1}return r},fill:function fill(e){var t;if(arguments.length>1){t=arguments[1]}var r;if(arguments.length>2){r=arguments[2]}var n=se.ToObject(this);var o=se.ToLength(n.length);t=se.ToInteger(typeof t==="undefined"?0:t);r=se.ToInteger(typeof r==="undefined"?o:r);var i=t<0?A(o+t,0):R(t,o);var a=r<0?o+r:r;for(var u=i;u<o&&u<a;++u){n[u]=e}return n},find:function find(e){var r=se.ToObject(this);var n=se.ToLength(r.length);if(!se.IsCallable(e)){throw new TypeError("Array#find: predicate must be a function")}var o=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:null;for(var i=0,a;i<n;i++){a=r[i];if(o){if(t(e,o,a,i,r)){return a}}else if(e(a,i,r)){return a}}},findIndex:function findIndex(e){var r=se.ToObject(this);var n=se.ToLength(r.length);if(!se.IsCallable(e)){throw new TypeError("Array#findIndex: predicate must be a function")}var o=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:null;for(var i=0;i<n;i++){if(o){if(t(e,o,r[i],i,r)){return i}}else if(e(r[i],i,r)){return i}}return-1},keys:function keys(){return new q(this,"key")},values:function values(){return new q(this,"value")},entries:function entries(){return new q(this,"entry")}};if(Array.prototype.keys&&!se.IsCallable([1].keys().next)){delete Array.prototype.keys}if(Array.prototype.entries&&!se.IsCallable([1].entries().next)){delete Array.prototype.entries}if(Array.prototype.keys&&Array.prototype.entries&&!Array.prototype.values&&Array.prototype[oe]){b(Array.prototype,{values:Array.prototype[oe]});if(te.symbol($.unscopables)){Array.prototype[$.unscopables].values=true}}if(c&&Array.prototype.values&&!=="values"){var et=Array.prototype.values;re(Array.prototype,"values",function values(){return se.Call(et,this,arguments)});h(Array.prototype,oe,Array.prototype.values,true)}b(Array.prototype,Qe);if(1/[true].indexOf(true,-0)<0){h(Array.prototype,"indexOf",function indexOf(e){var t=E(this,arguments);if(t===0&&1/t<0){return 0}return t},true)}Ce(Array.prototype,function(){return this.values()});if(Object.getPrototypeOf){Ce(Object.getPrototypeOf([].values()))}var tt=function(){return a(function(){return Array.from({length:-1}).length===0})}();var rt=function(){var e=Array.from([0].entries());return e.length===1&&r(e[0])&&e[0][0]===0&&e[0][1]===0}();if(!tt||!rt){re(Array,"from",Ze.from)}var nt=function(){return a(function(){return Array.from([0],void 0)})}();if(!nt){var ot=Array.from;re(Array,"from",function from(e){if(arguments.length>1&&typeof arguments[1]!=="undefined"){return se.Call(ot,this,arguments)}else{return t(ot,this,e)}})}var it=-(Math.pow(2,32)-1);var at=function(e,r){var n={length:it};n[r?(n.length>>>0)-1:0]=true;return a(function(){t(e,n,function(){throw new RangeError("should not reach here")},[]);return true})};if(!at(Array.prototype.forEach)){var ut=Array.prototype.forEach;re(Array.prototype,"forEach",function forEach(e){return se.Call(ut,this.length>=0?this:[],arguments)},true)}if(!at({var;re(Array.prototype,"map",function map(e){return se.Call(ft,this.length>=0?this:[],arguments)},true)}if(!at(Array.prototype.filter)){var st=Array.prototype.filter;re(Array.prototype,"filter",function filter(e){return se.Call(st,this.length>=0?this:[],arguments)},true)}if(!at(Array.prototype.some)){var ct=Array.prototype.some;re(Array.prototype,"some",function some(e){return se.Call(ct,this.length>=0?this:[],arguments)},true)}if(!at(Array.prototype.every)){var lt=Array.prototype.every;re(Array.prototype,"every",function every(e){return se.Call(lt,this.length>=0?this:[],arguments)},true)}if(!at(Array.prototype.reduce)){var pt=Array.prototype.reduce;re(Array.prototype,"reduce",function reduce(e){return se.Call(pt,this.length>=0?this:[],arguments)},true)}if(!at(Array.prototype.reduceRight,true)){var vt=Array.prototype.reduceRight;re(Array.prototype,"reduceRight",function reduceRight(e){return se.Call(vt,this.length>=0?this:[],arguments)},true)}var yt=Number("0o10")!==8;var ht=Number("0b10")!==2;var bt=y(Be,function(e){return Number(e+0+e)===0});if(yt||ht||bt){var gt=Number;var dt=/^0b[01]+$/i;var mt=/^0o[0-7]+$/i;var Ot=dt.test.bind(dt);var wt=mt.test.bind(mt);var jt=function(e){var t;if(typeof e.valueOf==="function"){t=e.valueOf();if(te.primitive(t)){return t}}if(typeof e.toString==="function"){t=e.toString();if(te.primitive(t)){return t}}throw new TypeError("No default value")};var St=Ue.test.bind(Ue);var Tt=$e.test.bind($e);var It=function(){var e=function Number(t){var r;if(arguments.length>0){r=te.primitive(t)?t:jt(t,"number")}else{r=0}if(typeof r==="string"){r=se.Call(Ve,r);if(Ot(r)){r=parseInt(C(r,2),2)}else if(wt(r)){r=parseInt(C(r,2),8)}else if(St(r)||Tt(r)){r=NaN}}var n=this;var o=a(function(){;return true});if(n instanceof e&&!o){return new gt(r)}return gt(r)};return e}();Ie(gt,It,{});b(It,{NaN:gt.NaN,MAX_VALUE:gt.MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE:gt.MIN_VALUE,NEGATIVE_INFINITY:gt.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY:gt.POSITIVE_INFINITY});Number=It;m.redefine(S,"Number",It)}var Et=Math.pow(2,53)-1;b(Number,{MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:Et,MIN_SAFE_INTEGER:-Et,EPSILON:2.220446049250313e-16,parseInt:S.parseInt,parseFloat:S.parseFloat,isFinite:K,isInteger:function isInteger(e){return K(e)&&se.ToInteger(e)===e},isSafeInteger:function isSafeInteger(e){return Number.isInteger(e)&&k(e)<=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER},isNaN:X});h(Number,"parseInt",S.parseInt,Number.parseInt!==S.parseInt);if([,1].find(function(){return true})===1){re(Array.prototype,"find",Qe.find)}if([,1].findIndex(function(){return true})!==0){re(Array.prototype,"findIndex",Qe.findIndex)}var,Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable);var Ct=function ensureEnumerable(e,t){if(s&&Pt(e,t)){Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:false})}};var Mt=function sliceArgs(){var e=Number(this);var t=arguments.length;var r=t-e;var n=new Array(r<0?0:r);for(var o=e;o<t;++o){n[o-e]=arguments[o]}return n};var xt=function assignTo(e){return function assignToSource(t,r){t[r]=e[r];return t}};var Nt=function(e,t){var r=n(Object(t));var o;if(se.IsCallable(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols)){o=v(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(Object(t)),Pt(t))}return p(P(r,o||[]),xt(t),e)};var At={assign:function(e,t){var r=se.ToObject(e,"Cannot convert undefined or null to object");return p(se.Call(Mt,1,arguments),Nt,r)},is:function is(e,t){return se.SameValue(e,t)}};var Rt=Object.assign&&Object.preventExtensions&&function(){var e=Object.preventExtensions({1:2});try{Object.assign(e,"xy")}catch(t){return e[1]==="y"}}();if(Rt){re(Object,"assign",At.assign)}b(Object,At);if(s){var _t={setPrototypeOf:function(e,r){var n;var o=function(e,t){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){throw new TypeError("cannot set prototype on a non-object")}if(!(t===null||se.TypeIsObject(t))){throw new TypeError("can only set prototype to an object or null"+t)}};var i=function(e,r){o(e,r);t(n,e,r);return e};try{n=e.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.prototype,r).set;t(n,{},null)}catch(t){if(e.prototype!=={}[r]){return}n=function(e){this[r]=e};i.polyfill=i(i({},null),e.prototype)instanceof e}return i}(Object,"__proto__")};b(Object,_t)}if(Object.setPrototypeOf&&Object.getPrototypeOf&&Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.setPrototypeOf({},null))!==null&&Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.create(null))===null){(function(){var e=Object.create(null);var t=Object.getPrototypeOf;var r=Object.setPrototypeOf;Object.getPrototypeOf=function(r){var n=t(r);return n===e?null:n};Object.setPrototypeOf=function(t,n){var o=n===null?e:n;return r(t,o)};Object.setPrototypeOf.polyfill=false})()}var kt=!i(function(){Object.keys("foo")});if(!kt){var Ft=Object.keys;re(Object,"keys",function keys(e){return Ft(se.ToObject(e))});n=Object.keys}var Lt=i(function(){Object.keys(/a/g)});if(Lt){var Dt=Object.keys;re(Object,"keys",function keys(e){if(te.regex(e)){var t=[];for(var r in e){if(z(e,r)){M(t,r)}}return t}return Dt(e)});n=Object.keys}if(Object.getOwnPropertyNames){var zt=!i(function(){Object.getOwnPropertyNames("foo")});if(!zt){var qt=typeof window==="object"?Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window):[];var Wt=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;re(Object,"getOwnPropertyNames",function getOwnPropertyNames(e){var t=se.ToObject(e);if(g(t)==="[object Window]"){try{return Wt(t)}catch(e){return P([],qt)}}return Wt(t)})}}if(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor){var Gt=!i(function(){Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor("foo","bar")});if(!Gt){var Ht=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;re(Object,"getOwnPropertyDescriptor",function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t){return Ht(se.ToObject(e),t)})}}if(Object.seal){var Vt=!i(function(){Object.seal("foo")});if(!Vt){var Bt=Object.seal;re(Object,"seal",function seal(e){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){return e}return Bt(e)})}}if(Object.isSealed){var Ut=!i(function(){Object.isSealed("foo")});if(!Ut){var $t=Object.isSealed;re(Object,"isSealed",function isSealed(e){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){return true}return $t(e)})}}if(Object.freeze){var Jt=!i(function(){Object.freeze("foo")});if(!Jt){var Xt=Object.freeze;re(Object,"freeze",function freeze(e){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){return e}return Xt(e)})}}if(Object.isFrozen){var Kt=!i(function(){Object.isFrozen("foo")});if(!Kt){var Zt=Object.isFrozen;re(Object,"isFrozen",function isFrozen(e){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){return true}return Zt(e)})}}if(Object.preventExtensions){var Yt=!i(function(){Object.preventExtensions("foo")});if(!Yt){var Qt=Object.preventExtensions;re(Object,"preventExtensions",function preventExtensions(e){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){return e}return Qt(e)})}}if(Object.isExtensible){var er=!i(function(){Object.isExtensible("foo")});if(!er){var tr=Object.isExtensible;re(Object,"isExtensible",function isExtensible(e){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){return false}return tr(e)})}}if(Object.getPrototypeOf){var rr=!i(function(){Object.getPrototypeOf("foo")});if(!rr){var nr=Object.getPrototypeOf;re(Object,"getPrototypeOf",function getPrototypeOf(e){return nr(se.ToObject(e))})}}var or=s&&function(){var e=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExp.prototype,"flags");return e&&se.IsCallable(e.get)}();if(s&&!or){var ir=function flags(){if(!se.TypeIsObject(this)){throw new TypeError("Method called on incompatible type: must be an object.")}var e="";if({e+="g"}if(this.ignoreCase){e+="i"}if(this.multiline){e+="m"}if(this.unicode){e+="u"}if(this.sticky){e+="y"}return e};m.getter(RegExp.prototype,"flags",ir)}var ar=s&&a(function(){return String(new RegExp(/a/g,"i"))==="/a/i"});var ur=ne&&s&&function(){var e=/./;e[$.match]=false;return RegExp(e)===e}();var fr=a(function(){return{source:"abc"})==="/abc/"});var sr=fr&&a(function(){return{source:"a",flags:"b"})==="/a/b"});if(!fr||!sr){var cr=RegExp.prototype.toString;h(RegExp.prototype,"toString",function toString(){var e=se.RequireObjectCoercible(this);if(te.regex(e)){return t(cr,e)}var r=ae(e.source);var n=ae(e.flags);return"/"+r+"/"+n},true);m.preserveToString(RegExp.prototype.toString,cr)}if(s&&(!ar||ur)){var lr=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExp.prototype,"flags").get;var pr=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExp.prototype,"source")||{};var vr=function(){return this.source};var yr=se.IsCallable(pr.get)?pr.get:vr;var hr=RegExp;var br=function(){return function RegExp(e,t){var r=se.IsRegExp(e);var n=this instanceof RegExp;if(!n&&r&&typeof t==="undefined"&&e.constructor===RegExp){return e}var o=e;var i=t;if(te.regex(e)){o=se.Call(yr,e);i=typeof t==="undefined"?se.Call(lr,e):t;return new RegExp(o,i)}else if(r){o=e.source;i=typeof t==="undefined"?e.flags:t}return new hr(e,t)}}();Ie(hr,br,{$input:true});RegExp=br;m.redefine(S,"RegExp",br)}if(s){var gr={input:"$_",lastMatch:"$&",lastParen:"$+",leftContext:"$`",rightContext:"$'"};l(n(gr),function(e){if(e in RegExp&&!(gr[e]in RegExp)){m.getter(RegExp,gr[e],function get(){return RegExp[e]})}})}Pe(RegExp);var dr=1/Number.EPSILON;var mr=function roundTiesToEven(e){return e+dr-dr};var Or=Math.pow(2,-23);var wr=Math.pow(2,127)*(2-Or);var jr=Math.pow(2,-126);var Sr=Math.E;var Tr=Math.LOG2E;var Ir=Math.LOG10E;var Er=Number.prototype.clz;delete Number.prototype.clz;var Pr={acosh:function acosh(e){var t=Number(e);if(X(t)||e<1){return NaN}if(t===1){return 0}if(t===Infinity){return t}return L(t/Sr+D(t+1)*D(t-1)/Sr)+1},asinh:function asinh(e){var t=Number(e);if(t===0||!T(t)){return t}return t<0?-asinh(-t):L(t+D(t*t+1))},atanh:function atanh(e){var t=Number(e);if(X(t)||t<-1||t>1){return NaN}if(t===-1){return-Infinity}if(t===1){return Infinity}if(t===0){return t}return.5*L((1+t)/(1-t))},cbrt:function cbrt(e){var t=Number(e);if(t===0){return t}var r=t<0;var n;if(r){t=-t}if(t===Infinity){n=Infinity}else{n=F(L(t)/3);n=(t/(n*n)+2*n)/3}return r?-n:n},clz32:function clz32(e){var t=Number(e);var r=se.ToUint32(t);if(r===0){return 32}return Er?se.Call(Er,r):31-_(L(r+.5)*Tr)},cosh:function cosh(e){var t=Number(e);if(t===0){return 1}if(X(t)){return NaN}if(!T(t)){return Infinity}if(t<0){t=-t}if(t>21){return F(t)/2}return(F(t)+F(-t))/2},expm1:function expm1(e){var t=Number(e);if(t===-Infinity){return-1}if(!T(t)||t===0){return t}if(k(t)>.5){return F(t)-1}var r=t;var n=0;var o=1;while(n+r!==n){n+=r;o+=1;r*=t/o}return n},hypot:function hypot(e,t){var r=0;var n=0;for(var o=0;o<arguments.length;++o){var i=k(Number(arguments[o]));if(n<i){r*=n/i*(n/i);r+=1;n=i}else{r+=i>0?i/n*(i/n):i}}return n===Infinity?Infinity:n*D(r)},log2:function log2(e){return L(e)*Tr},log10:function log10(e){return L(e)*Ir},log1p:function log1p(e){var t=Number(e);if(t<-1||X(t)){return NaN}if(t===0||t===Infinity){return t}if(t===-1){return-Infinity}return 1+t-1===0?t:t*(L(1+t)/(1+t-1))},sign:Z,sinh:function sinh(e){var t=Number(e);if(!T(t)||t===0){return t}if(k(t)<1){return(Math.expm1(t)-Math.expm1(-t))/2}return(F(t-1)-F(-t-1))*Sr/2},tanh:function tanh(e){var t=Number(e);if(X(t)||t===0){return t}if(t>=20){return 1}if(t<=-20){return-1}return(Math.expm1(t)-Math.expm1(-t))/(F(t)+F(-t))},trunc:function trunc(e){var t=Number(e);return t<0?-_(-t):_(t)},imul:function imul(e,t){var r=se.ToUint32(e);var n=se.ToUint32(t);var o=r>>>16&65535;var i=r&65535;var a=n>>>16&65535;var u=n&65535;return i*u+(o*u+i*a<<16>>>0)|0},fround:function fround(e){var t=Number(e);if(t===0||t===Infinity||t===-Infinity||X(t)){return t}var r=Z(t);var n=k(t);if(n<jr){return r*mr(n/jr/Or)*jr*Or}var o=(1+Or/Number.EPSILON)*n;var i=o-(o-n);if(i>wr||X(i)){return r*Infinity}return r*i}};b(Math,Pr);h(Math,"log1p",Pr.log1p,Math.log1p(-1e-17)!==-1e-17);h(Math,"asinh",Pr.asinh,Math.asinh(-1e7)!==-Math.asinh(1e7));h(Math,"tanh",Pr.tanh,Math.tanh(-2e-17)!==-2e-17);h(Math,"acosh",Pr.acosh,Math.acosh(Number.MAX_VALUE)===Infinity);h(Math,"cbrt",Pr.cbrt,Math.abs(1-Math.cbrt(1e-300)/1e-100)/Number.EPSILON>8);h(Math,"sinh",Pr.sinh,Math.sinh(-2e-17)!==-2e-17);var Cr=Math.expm1(10);h(Math,"expm1",Pr.expm1,Cr>22025.465794806718||Cr<22025.465794806718);var Mr=Math.round;var xr=Math.round(.5-Number.EPSILON/4)===0&&Math.round(-.5+Number.EPSILON/3.99)===1;var Nr=dr+1;var Ar=2*dr-1;var Rr=[Nr,Ar].every(function(e){return Math.round(e)===e});h(Math,"round",function round(e){var t=_(e);var r=t===-1?-0:t+1; +return e-t<.5?t:r},!xr||!Rr);m.preserveToString(Math.round,Mr);var _r=Math.imul;if(Math.imul(4294967295,5)!==-5){Math.imul=Pr.imul;m.preserveToString(Math.imul,_r)}if(Math.imul.length!==2){re(Math,"imul",function imul(e,t){return se.Call(_r,Math,arguments)})}var kr=function(){var e=S.setTimeout;if(typeof e!=="function"&&typeof e!=="object"){return}se.IsPromise=function(e){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){return false}if(typeof e._promise==="undefined"){return false}return true};var r=function(e){if(!se.IsConstructor(e)){throw new TypeError("Bad promise constructor")}var t=this;var r=function(e,r){if(t.resolve!==void 0||t.reject!==void 0){throw new TypeError("Bad Promise implementation!")}t.resolve=e;t.reject=r};t.resolve=void 0;t.reject=void 0;t.promise=new e(r);if(!(se.IsCallable(t.resolve)&&se.IsCallable(t.reject))){throw new TypeError("Bad promise constructor")}};var n;if(typeof window!=="undefined"&&se.IsCallable(window.postMessage)){n=function(){var e=[];var t="zero-timeout-message";var r=function(r){M(e,r);window.postMessage(t,"*")};var n=function(r){if(r.source===window&&{r.stopPropagation();if(e.length===0){return}var n=N(e);n()}};window.addEventListener("message",n,true);return r}}var o=function(){var e=S.Promise;var t=e&&e.resolve&&e.resolve();return t&&function(e){return t.then(e)}};var i=se.IsCallable(S.setImmediate)?S.setImmediate:typeof process==="object"&&process.nextTick?process.nextTick:o()||(se.IsCallable(n)?n():function(t){e(t,0)});var a=function(e){return e};var u=function(e){throw e};var f=0;var s=1;var c=2;var l=0;var p=1;var v=2;var y={};var h=function(e,t,r){i(function(){g(e,t,r)})};var g=function(e,t,r){var n,o;if(t===y){return e(r)}try{n=e(r);o=t.resolve}catch(e){n=e;o=t.reject}o(n)};var d=function(e,t){var r=e._promise;var n=r.reactionLength;if(n>0){h(r.fulfillReactionHandler0,r.reactionCapability0,t);r.fulfillReactionHandler0=void 0;r.rejectReactions0=void 0;r.reactionCapability0=void 0;if(n>1){for(var o=1,i=0;o<n;o++,i+=3){h(r[i+l],r[i+v],t);e[i+l]=void 0;e[i+p]=void 0;e[i+v]=void 0}}}r.result=t;r.state=s;r.reactionLength=0};var m=function(e,t){var r=e._promise;var n=r.reactionLength;if(n>0){h(r.rejectReactionHandler0,r.reactionCapability0,t);r.fulfillReactionHandler0=void 0;r.rejectReactions0=void 0;r.reactionCapability0=void 0;if(n>1){for(var o=1,i=0;o<n;o++,i+=3){h(r[i+p],r[i+v],t);e[i+l]=void 0;e[i+p]=void 0;e[i+v]=void 0}}}r.result=t;r.state=c;r.reactionLength=0};var O=function(e){var t=false;var r=function(r){var n;if(t){return}t=true;if(r===e){return m(e,new TypeError("Self resolution"))}if(!se.TypeIsObject(r)){return d(e,r)}try{n=r.then}catch(t){return m(e,t)}if(!se.IsCallable(n)){return d(e,r)}i(function(){j(e,r,n)})};var n=function(r){if(t){return}t=true;return m(e,r)};return{resolve:r,reject:n}};var w=function(e,r,n,o){if(e===I){t(e,r,n,o,y)}else{t(e,r,n,o)}};var j=function(e,t,r){var n=O(e);var o=n.resolve;var i=n.reject;try{w(r,t,o,i)}catch(e){i(e)}};var T,I;var E=function(){var e=function Promise(t){if(!(this instanceof e)){throw new TypeError('Constructor Promise requires "new"')}if(this&&this._promise){throw new TypeError("Bad construction")}if(!se.IsCallable(t)){throw new TypeError("not a valid resolver")}var r=Ne(this,e,T,{_promise:{result:void 0,state:f,reactionLength:0,fulfillReactionHandler0:void 0,rejectReactionHandler0:void 0,reactionCapability0:void 0}});var n=O(r);var o=n.reject;try{t(n.resolve,o)}catch(e){o(e)}return r};return e}();T=E.prototype;var P=function(e,t,r,n){var o=false;return function(i){if(o){return}o=true;t[e]=i;if(--n.count===0){var a=r.resolve;a(t)}}};var C=function(e,t,r){var n=e.iterator;var o=[];var i={count:1};var a,u;var f=0;while(true){try{a=se.IteratorStep(n);if(a===false){e.done=true;break}u=a.value}catch(t){e.done=true;throw t}o[f]=void 0;var s=t.resolve(u);var c=P(f,o,r,i);i.count+=1;w(s.then,s,c,r.reject);f+=1}if(--i.count===0){var l=r.resolve;l(o)}return r.promise};var x=function(e,t,r){var n=e.iterator;var o,i,a;while(true){try{o=se.IteratorStep(n);if(o===false){e.done=true;break}i=o.value}catch(t){e.done=true;throw t}a=t.resolve(i);w(a.then,a,r.resolve,r.reject)}return r.promise};b(E,{all:function all(e){var t=this;if(!se.TypeIsObject(t)){throw new TypeError("Promise is not object")}var n=new r(t);var o,i;try{o=se.GetIterator(e);i={iterator:o,done:false};return C(i,t,n)}catch(e){var a=e;if(i&&!i.done){try{se.IteratorClose(o,true)}catch(e){a=e}}var u=n.reject;u(a);return n.promise}},race:function race(e){var t=this;if(!se.TypeIsObject(t)){throw new TypeError("Promise is not object")}var n=new r(t);var o,i;try{o=se.GetIterator(e);i={iterator:o,done:false};return x(i,t,n)}catch(e){var a=e;if(i&&!i.done){try{se.IteratorClose(o,true)}catch(e){a=e}}var u=n.reject;u(a);return n.promise}},reject:function reject(e){var t=this;if(!se.TypeIsObject(t)){throw new TypeError("Bad promise constructor")}var n=new r(t);var o=n.reject;o(e);return n.promise},resolve:function resolve(e){var t=this;if(!se.TypeIsObject(t)){throw new TypeError("Bad promise constructor")}if(se.IsPromise(e)){var n=e.constructor;if(n===t){return e}}var o=new r(t);var i=o.resolve;i(e);return o.promise}});b(T,{catch:function(e){return this.then(null,e)},then:function then(e,t){var n=this;if(!se.IsPromise(n)){throw new TypeError("not a promise")}var o=se.SpeciesConstructor(n,E);var i;var b=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]===y;if(b&&o===E){i=y}else{i=new r(o)}var g=se.IsCallable(e)?e:a;var d=se.IsCallable(t)?t:u;var m=n._promise;var O;if(m.state===f){if(m.reactionLength===0){m.fulfillReactionHandler0=g;m.rejectReactionHandler0=d;m.reactionCapability0=i}else{var w=3*(m.reactionLength-1);m[w+l]=g;m[w+p]=d;m[w+v]=i}m.reactionLength+=1}else if(m.state===s){O=m.result;h(g,i,O)}else if(m.state===c){O=m.result;h(d,i,O)}else{throw new TypeError("unexpected Promise state")}return i.promise}});y=new r(E);I=T.then;return E}();if(S.Promise){delete S.Promise.accept;delete S.Promise.defer;delete S.Promise.prototype.chain}if(typeof kr==="function"){b(S,{Promise:kr});var Fr=w(S.Promise,function(e){return e.resolve(42).then(function(){})instanceof e});var Lr=!i(function(){S.Promise.reject(42).then(null,5).then(null,W)});var Dr=i(function(){,W)});var zr=function(e){var t=e.resolve(5);t.constructor={};var r=e.resolve(t);try{r.then(null,W).then(null,W)}catch(e){return true}return t===r}(S.Promise);var qr=s&&function(){var e=0;var t=Object.defineProperty({},"then",{get:function(){e+=1}});Promise.resolve(t);return e===1}();var Wr=function BadResolverPromise(e){var t=new Promise(e);e(3,function(){});this.then=t.then;this.constructor=BadResolverPromise};Wr.prototype=Promise.prototype;Wr.all=Promise.all;var Gr=a(function(){return!!Wr.all([1,2])});if(!Fr||!Lr||!Dr||zr||!qr||Gr){Promise=kr;re(S,"Promise",kr)}if(Promise.all.length!==1){var Hr=Promise.all;re(Promise,"all",function all(e){return se.Call(Hr,this,arguments)})}if(Promise.race.length!==1){var Vr=Promise.race;re(Promise,"race",function race(e){return se.Call(Vr,this,arguments)})}if(Promise.resolve.length!==1){var Br=Promise.resolve;re(Promise,"resolve",function resolve(e){return se.Call(Br,this,arguments)})}if(Promise.reject.length!==1){var Ur=Promise.reject;re(Promise,"reject",function reject(e){return se.Call(Ur,this,arguments)})}Ct(Promise,"all");Ct(Promise,"race");Ct(Promise,"resolve");Ct(Promise,"reject");Pe(Promise)}var $r=function(e){var t=n(p(e,function(e,t){e[t]=true;return e},{}));return e.join(":")===t.join(":")};var Jr=$r(["z","a","bb"]);var Xr=$r(["z",1,"a","3",2]);if(s){var Kr=function fastkey(e,t){if(!t&&!Jr){return null}if(fe(e)){return"^"+se.ToString(e)}else if(typeof e==="string"){return"$"+e}else if(typeof e==="number"){if(!Xr){return"n"+e}return e}else if(typeof e==="boolean"){return"b"+e}return null};var Zr=function emptyObject(){return Object.create?Object.create(null):{}};var Yr=function addIterableToMap(e,n,o){if(r(o)||te.string(o)){l(o,function(e){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)){throw new TypeError("Iterator value "+e+" is not an entry object")}n.set(e[0],e[1])})}else if(o instanceof e){t(e.prototype.forEach,o,function(e,t){n.set(t,e)})}else{var i,a;if(!fe(o)){a=n.set;if(!se.IsCallable(a)){throw new TypeError("bad map")}i=se.GetIterator(o)}if(typeof i!=="undefined"){while(true){var u=se.IteratorStep(i);if(u===false){break}var f=u.value;try{if(!se.TypeIsObject(f)){throw new TypeError("Iterator value "+f+" is not an entry object")}t(a,n,f[0],f[1])}catch(e){se.IteratorClose(i,true);throw e}}}}};var Qr=function addIterableToSet(e,n,o){if(r(o)||te.string(o)){l(o,function(e){n.add(e)})}else if(o instanceof e){t(e.prototype.forEach,o,function(e){n.add(e)})}else{var i,a;if(!fe(o)){a=n.add;if(!se.IsCallable(a)){throw new TypeError("bad set")}i=se.GetIterator(o)}if(typeof i!=="undefined"){while(true){var u=se.IteratorStep(i);if(u===false){break}var f=u.value;try{t(a,n,f)}catch(e){se.IteratorClose(i,true);throw e}}}}};var en={Map:function(){var e={};var r=function MapEntry(e,t){this.key=e;this.value=t;;this.prev=null};r.prototype.isRemoved=function isRemoved(){return this.key===e};var n=function isMap(e){return!!e._es6map};var o=function requireMapSlot(e,t){if(!se.TypeIsObject(e)||!n(e)){throw new TypeError("Method Map.prototype."+t+" called on incompatible receiver "+se.ToString(e))}};var i=function MapIterator(e,t){o(e,"[[MapIterator]]");this.head=e._head;this.i=this.head;this.kind=t};i.prototype={next:function next(){var e=this.i;var t=this.kind;var r=this.head;if(typeof this.i==="undefined"){return Xe()}while(e.isRemoved()&&e!==r){e=e.prev}var n;while(!==r){;if(!e.isRemoved()){if(t==="key"){n=e.key}else if(t==="value"){n=e.value}else{n=[e.key,e.value]}this.i=e;return Xe(n)}}this.i=void 0;return Xe()}};Ce(i.prototype);var a;var u=function Map(){if(!(this instanceof Map)){throw new TypeError('Constructor Map requires "new"')}if(this&&this._es6map){throw new TypeError("Bad construction")}var e=Ne(this,Map,a,{_es6map:true,_head:null,_map:G?new G:null,_size:0,_storage:Zr()});var t=new r(null,null);;e._head=t;if(arguments.length>0){Yr(Map,e,arguments[0])}return e};a=u.prototype;m.getter(a,"size",function(){if(typeof this._size==="undefined"){throw new TypeError("size method called on incompatible Map")}return this._size});b(a,{get:function get(e){o(this,"get");var t;var r=Kr(e,true);if(r!==null){t=this._storage[r];if(t){return t.value}else{return}}if(this._map){,e);if(t){return t.value}else{return}}var n=this._head;var i=n;while((!==n){if(se.SameValueZero(i.key,e)){return i.value}}},has:function has(e){o(this,"has");var t=Kr(e,true);if(t!==null){return typeof this._storage[t]!=="undefined"}if(this._map){return,e)}var r=this._head;var n=r;while((!==r){if(se.SameValueZero(n.key,e)){return true}}return false},set:function set(e,t){o(this,"set");var n=this._head;var i=n;var a;var u=Kr(e,true);if(u!==null){if(typeof this._storage[u]!=="undefined"){this._storage[u].value=t;return this}else{a=this._storage[u]=new r(e,t);i=n.prev}}else if(this._map){if(,e)){,e).value=t}else{a=new r(e,t);,e,a);i=n.prev}}while((!==n){if(se.SameValueZero(i.key,e)){i.value=t;return this}}a=a||new r(e,t);if(se.SameValue(-0,e)){a.key=+0};a.prev=this._head.prev;;;this._size+=1;return this},delete:function(t){o(this,"delete");var r=this._head;var n=r;var i=Kr(t,true);if(i!==null){if(typeof this._storage[i]==="undefined"){return false}n=this._storage[i].prev;delete this._storage[i]}else if(this._map){if(!,t)){return false},t).prev;,t)}while((!==r){if(se.SameValueZero(n.key,t)){n.key=e;n.value=e;;;this._size-=1;return true}}return false},clear:function clear(){o(this,"clear");this._map=G?new G:null;this._size=0;this._storage=Zr();var t=this._head;var r=t;var;while((r=n)!==t){r.key=e;r.value=e;;}},keys:function keys(){o(this,"keys");return new i(this,"key")},values:function values(){o(this,"values");return new i(this,"value")},entries:function entries(){o(this,"entries");return new i(this,"key+value")},forEach:function forEach(e){o(this,"forEach");var r=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:null;var n=this.entries();for(var;!i.done;{if(r){t(e,r,i.value[1],i.value[0],this)}else{e(i.value[1],i.value[0],this)}}}});Ce(a,a.entries);return u}(),Set:function(){var e=function isSet(e){return e._es6set&&typeof e._storage!=="undefined"};var r=function requireSetSlot(t,r){if(!se.TypeIsObject(t)||!e(t)){throw new TypeError("Set.prototype."+r+" called on incompatible receiver "+se.ToString(t))}};var o;var i=function 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i.eE&&(k+=n(t)),y="",a.starts&&v(a.starts,""),i.rE?0:t.length}if(f(t,L))throw new Error('Illegal lexeme "'+t+'" for mode "'+(L.cN||"<unnamed>")+'"');return y+=t,t.length||1}var E=N(e);if(!E)throw new Error('Unknown language: "'+e+'"');c(E);var R,L=i||E,M={},k="";for(R=L;R!=E;R=R.parent)R.cN&&(k=p(R.cN,"",!0)+k);var y="",B=0;try{for(var C,j,I=0;;){if(L.t.lastIndex=I,C=L.t.exec(t),!C)break;j=m(t.substr(I,C.index-I),C[0]),I=C.index+j}for(m(t.substr(I)),R=L;R.parent;R=R.parent)R.cN&&(k+="</span>");return{r:B,value:k,language:e,top:L}}catch(S){if(-1!=S.message.indexOf("Illegal"))return{r:0,value:n(t)};throw S}}function l(e,t){t=t||x.languages||Object.keys(w);var r={r:0,value:n(e)},a=r;return t.forEach(function(n){if(N(n)){var t=s(n,e,!1);t.language=n,t.r>a.r&&(a=t),t.r>r.r&&(a=r,r=t)}}),a.language&&(r.second_best=a),r}function f(e){return x.tabReplace&&(e=e.replace(/^((<[^>]+>|\t)+)/gm,function(e,n){return n.replace(/\t/g,x.tabReplace)})),x.useBR&&(e=e.replace(/\n/g,"<br>")),e}function 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call-with-values car cdddar cddddr cdr ceiling char->integer char-alphabetic? char-ci<=? char-ci<? char-ci=? char-ci>=? char-ci>? char-downcase char-lower-case? char-numeric? char-ready? char-upcase char-upper-case? char-whitespace? char<=? char<? char=? char>=? char>? char? close-input-port close-output-port complex? cons cos current-input-port current-output-port denominator display eof-object? eq? equal? eqv? eval even? exact->inexact exact? exp expt floor force gcd imag-part inexact->exact inexact? input-port? integer->char integer? interaction-environment lcm length list list->string list->vector list-ref list-tail list? load log magnitude make-polar make-rectangular make-string make-vector max member memq memv min modulo negative? newline not null-environment null? number->string number? numerator odd? open-input-file open-output-file output-port? pair? peek-char port? positive? procedure? quasiquote quote quotient rational? rationalize read read-char real-part real? remainder 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|$|;",r:0,c:[e.inherit(e.TM,{b:c}),i].concat(n)},{cN:"constant",b:"(::)?(\\b[A-Z]\\w*(::)?)+",r:0},{cN:"symbol",b:e.UIR+"(\\!|\\?)?:",r:0},{cN:"symbol",b:":",c:[t,{b:c}],r:0},{cN:"number",b:"(\\b0[0-7_]+)|(\\b0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+)|(\\b[1-9][0-9_]*(\\.[0-9_]+)?)|[0_]\\b",r:0},{cN:"variable",b:"(\\$\\W)|((\\$|\\@\\@?)(\\w+))"},{b:"("+e.RSR+")\\s*",c:[a,{cN:"regexp",c:[e.BE,s],i:/\n/,v:[{b:"/",e:"/[a-z]*"},{b:"%r{",e:"}[a-z]*"},{b:"%r\\(",e:"\\)[a-z]*"},{b:"%r!",e:"![a-z]*"},{b:"%r\\[",e:"\\][a-z]*"}]}].concat(n),r:0}].concat(n);s.c=d,i.c=d;var o="[>?]>",l="[\\w#]+\\(\\w+\\):\\d+:\\d+>",u="(\\w+-)?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d(p\\d+)?[^>]+>",N=[{b:/^\s*=>/,cN:"status",starts:{e:"$",c:d}},{cN:"prompt",b:"^("+o+"|"+l+"|"+u+")",starts:{e:"$",c:d}}];return{aliases:["rb","gemspec","podspec","thor","irb"],k:r,c:n.concat(N).concat(d)}});hljs.registerLanguage("objectivec",function(e){var t={cN:"built_in",b:"(AV|CA|CF|CG|CI|MK|MP|NS|UI)\\w+"},i={keyword:"int float while char export sizeof typedef const struct for union unsigned long volatile static bool mutable if do return goto void enum else break extern asm case short default double register explicit signed typename this switch continue wchar_t inline readonly assign readwrite self @synchronized id typeof nonatomic super unichar IBOutlet IBAction strong weak copy in out inout bycopy byref oneway __strong __weak __block __autoreleasing @private @protected @public @try @property @end @throw @catch @finally @autoreleasepool @synthesize @dynamic @selector @optional @required",literal:"false true FALSE TRUE nil YES NO NULL",built_in:"BOOL dispatch_once_t dispatch_queue_t dispatch_sync dispatch_async dispatch_once"},o=/[a-zA-Z@][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/,n="@interface @class @protocol @implementation";return{aliases:["m","mm","objc","obj-c"],k:i,l:o,i:"</",c:[t,e.CLCM,e.CBCM,e.CNM,e.QSM,{cN:"string",v:[{b:'@"',e:'"',i:"\\n",c:[e.BE]},{b:"'",e:"[^\\\\]'",i:"[^\\\\][^']"}]},{cN:"preprocessor",b:"#",e:"$",c:[{cN:"title",v:[{b:'"',e:'"'},{b:"<",e:">"}]}]},{cN:"class",b:"("+n.split(" ").join("|")+")\\b",e:"({|$)",eE:!0,k:n,l:o,c:[e.UTM]},{cN:"variable",b:"\\."+e.UIR,r:0}]}});
A assets/js/highlight.pack.js

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\\t\\n\\r]+(::)?[a-zA-Z_]((::)?[a-zA-Z0-9_])*",e:"[ \\t\\n\\r]",eW:!0,eE:!0}]},{eE:!0,v:[{b:"\\$(\\{)?(::)?[a-zA-Z_]((::)?[a-zA-Z0-9_])*\\(([a-zA-Z0-9_])*\\)",e:"[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\}\\$]"},{b:"\\$(\\{)?(::)?[a-zA-Z_]((::)?[a-zA-Z0-9_])*",e:"(\\))?[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\}\\$]"}]},{cN:"string",c:[e.BE],v:[e.inherit(e.ASM,{i:null}),e.inherit(e.QSM,{i:null})]},{cN:"number",v:[e.BNM,e.CNM]}]}});hljs.registerLanguage("objectivec",function(e){var t={cN:"built_in",b:"\\b(AV|CA|CF|CG|CI|CL|CM|CN|CT|MK|MP|MTK|MTL|NS|SCN|SK|UI|WK|XC)\\w+"},_={keyword:"int float while char export sizeof typedef const struct for union unsigned long volatile static bool mutable if do return goto void enum else break extern asm case short default double register explicit signed typename this switch continue wchar_t inline readonly assign readwrite self @synchronized id typeof nonatomic super unichar IBOutlet IBAction strong weak copy in out inout bycopy byref oneway __strong __weak __block __autoreleasing @private @protected @public @try @property @end @throw @catch @finally @autoreleasepool @synthesize @dynamic @selector @optional @required @encode @package @import @defs @compatibility_alias __bridge __bridge_transfer __bridge_retained __bridge_retain __covariant __contravariant __kindof _Nonnull _Nullable _Null_unspecified __FUNCTION__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __attribute__ getter setter retain unsafe_unretained nonnull nullable null_unspecified null_resettable class instancetype NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER NS_UNAVAILABLE NS_REQUIRES_SUPER NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER NS_INLINE NS_AVAILABLE NS_DEPRECATED NS_ENUM NS_OPTIONS NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT NS_SWIFT_NAME NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW NS_DURING NS_HANDLER NS_ENDHANDLER NS_VALUERETURN NS_VOIDRETURN",literal:"false true FALSE TRUE nil YES NO NULL",built_in:"BOOL dispatch_once_t dispatch_queue_t dispatch_sync dispatch_async dispatch_once"},i=/[a-zA-Z@][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/,n="@interface @class @protocol @implementation";return{aliases:["mm","objc","obj-c"],k:_,l:i,i:"</",c:[t,e.CLCM,e.CBCM,e.CNM,e.QSM,{cN:"string",v:[{b:'@"',e:'"',i:"\\n",c:[e.BE]},{b:"'",e:"[^\\\\]'",i:"[^\\\\][^']"}]},{cN:"meta",b:"#",e:"$",c:[{cN:"meta-string",v:[{b:'"',e:'"'},{b:"<",e:">"}]}]},{cN:"class",b:"("+n.split(" ").join("|")+")\\b",e:"({|$)",eE:!0,k:n,l:i,c:[e.UTM]},{b:"\\."+e.UIR,r:0}]}});hljs.registerLanguage("nginx",function(e){var r={cN:"variable",v:[{b:/\$\d+/},{b:/\$\{/,e:/}/},{b:"[\\$\\@]"+e.UIR}]},b={eW:!0,l:"[a-z/_]+",k:{literal:"on off yes no true false none blocked debug info notice warn error crit select break last permanent redirect kqueue rtsig epoll poll /dev/poll"},r:0,i:"=>",c:[e.HCM,{cN:"string",c:[e.BE,r],v:[{b:/"/,e:/"/},{b:/'/,e:/'/}]},{b:"([a-z]+):/",e:"\\s",eW:!0,eE:!0,c:[r]},{cN:"regexp",c:[e.BE,r],v:[{b:"\\s\\^",e:"\\s|{|;",rE:!0},{b:"~\\*?\\s+",e:"\\s|{|;",rE:!0},{b:"\\*(\\.[a-z\\-]+)+"},{b:"([a-z\\-]+\\.)+\\*"}]},{cN:"number",b:"\\b\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}(:\\d{1,5})?\\b"},{cN:"number",b:"\\b\\d+[kKmMgGdshdwy]*\\b",r:0},r]};return{aliases:["nginxconf"],c:[e.HCM,{b:e.UIR+"\\s+{",rB:!0,e:"{",c:[{cN:"section",b:e.UIR}],r:0},{b:e.UIR+"\\s",e:";|{",rB:!0,c:[{cN:"attribute",b:e.UIR,starts:b}],r:0}],i:"[^\\s\\}]"}});
D assets/js/hyphenator.js

@@ -1,3002 +0,0 @@

-/** @license Hyphenator 4.3.0 - client side hyphenation for webbrowsers - * Copyright (C) 2014 Mathias Nater, Zürich (mathiasnater at gmail dot com) - * Project and Source hosted on - * - * This JavaScript code is free software: you can redistribute - * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser - * General Public License (GNU LGPL) as published by the Free Software - * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) - * any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; - * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS - * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details. - * - * As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you - * may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of - * that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by - * section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL - * through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source. - * - * - * Hyphenator.js contains code from Bram Steins hypher.js-Project: - * - * - * Code from this project is marked in the source and belongs - * to the following license: - * - * Copyright (c) 2011, Bram Stein - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products - * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED - * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF - * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO - * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, - * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, - * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY - * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING - * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, - * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - */ - -/* - * Comments are jsdoc3 formatted. See - * Use mergeAndPack.html to get rid of the comments and to reduce the file size of this script! - */ - -/* The following comment is for JSLint: */ -/*jslint browser: true */ - -/** - * @desc Provides all functionality to do hyphenation, except the patterns that are loaded externally - * @global - * @namespace Hyphenator - * @author Mathias Nater, <> - * @version X.Y.Z - * @example - * &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; - * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt; - *; - * &lt;/script&gt; - */ -var Hyphenator = (function (window) { - 'use strict'; - - /** - * @member Hyphenator~contextWindow - * @access private - * @desc - * contextWindow stores the window for the actual document to be hyphenated. - * If there are frames this will change. - * So use contextWindow instead of window! - */ - var contextWindow = window, - - - /** - * @member {Object.<string, Hyphenator~supportedLangs~supportedLanguage>} Hyphenator~supportedLangs - * @desc - * A generated key-value object that stores supported languages and meta data. - * The key is the {@link bcp47} code of the language and the value - * is an object of type {@link Hyphenator~supportedLangs~supportedLanguage} - * @namespace Hyphenator~supportedLangs - * @access private - * //Check if language lang is supported: - * if (supportedLangs.hasOwnProperty(lang)) - */ - supportedLangs = (function () { - /** - * @typedef {Object} Hyphenator~supportedLangs~supportedLanguage - * @property {string} file - The name of the pattern file - * @property {number} script - The script type of the language (e.g. 'latin' for english), this type is abbreviated by an id - * @property {string} prompt - The sentence prompted to the user, if Hyphenator.js doesn't find a language hint - */ - - /** - * @lends Hyphenator~supportedLangs - */ - var r = {}, - /** - * @method Hyphenator~supportedLangs~o - * @desc - * Sets a value of Hyphenator~supportedLangs - * @access protected - * @param {string} code The {@link bcp47} code of the language - * @param {string} file The name of the pattern file - * @param {Number} script A shortcut for a specific script: latin:0, cyrillic: 1, arabic: 2, armenian:3, bengali: 4, devangari: 5, greek: 6 - * gujarati: 7, kannada: 8, lao: 9, malayalam: 10, oriya: 11, persian: 12, punjabi: 13, tamil: 14, telugu: 15 - * @param {string} prompt The sentence prompted to the user, if Hyphenator.js doesn't find a language hint - */ - o = function (code, file, script, prompt) { - r[code] = {'file': file, 'script': script, 'prompt': prompt}; - }; - - o('be', 'be.js', 1, 'Мова гэтага сайта не можа быць вызначаны аўтаматычна. Калі ласка пакажыце мову:'); - o('ca', 'ca.js', 0, ''); - o('cs', 'cs.js', 0, 'Jazyk této internetové stránky nebyl automaticky rozpoznán. Určete prosím její jazyk:'); - o('da', 'da.js', 0, 'Denne websides sprog kunne ikke bestemmes. Angiv venligst sprog:'); - o('bn', 'bn.js', 4, ''); - o('de', 'de.js', 0, 'Die Sprache dieser Webseite konnte nicht automatisch bestimmt werden. Bitte Sprache angeben:'); - o('el', 'el-monoton.js', 6, ''); - o('el-monoton', 'el-monoton.js', 6, ''); - o('el-polyton', 'el-polyton.js', 6, ''); - o('en', 'en-us.js', 0, 'The language of this website could not be determined automatically. Please indicate the main language:'); - o('en-gb', 'en-gb.js', 0, 'The language of this website could not be determined automatically. Please indicate the main language:'); - o('en-us', 'en-us.js', 0, 'The language of this website could not be determined automatically. Please indicate the main language:'); - o('eo', 'eo.js', 0, 'La lingvo de ĉi tiu retpaĝo ne rekoneblas aŭtomate. Bonvolu indiki ĝian ĉeflingvon:'); - o('es', 'es.js', 0, 'El idioma del sitio no pudo determinarse autom%E1ticamente. Por favor, indique el idioma principal:'); - o('et', 'et.js', 0, 'Veebilehe keele tuvastamine ebaõnnestus, palun valige kasutatud keel:'); - o('fi', 'fi.js', 0, 'Sivun kielt%E4 ei tunnistettu automaattisesti. M%E4%E4rit%E4 sivun p%E4%E4kieli:'); - o('fr', 'fr.js', 0, 'La langue de ce site n%u2019a pas pu %EAtre d%E9termin%E9e automatiquement. Veuillez indiquer une langue, s.v.p.%A0:'); - o('grc', 'grc.js', 6, ''); - o('gu', 'gu.js', 7, ''); - o('hi', 'hi.js', 5, ''); - o('hu', 'hu.js', 0, 'A weboldal nyelvét nem sikerült automatikusan megállapítani. Kérem adja meg a nyelvet:'); - o('hy', 'hy.js', 3, 'Չհաջողվեց հայտնաբերել այս կայքի լեզուն։ Խնդրում ենք նշեք հիմնական լեզուն՝'); - o('it', 'it.js', 0, 'Lingua del sito sconosciuta. Indicare una lingua, per favore:'); - o('kn', 'kn.js', 8, 'ಜಾಲ ತಾಣದ ಭಾಷೆಯನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಮುಖ್ಯ ಭಾಷೆಯನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಿ:'); - o('la', 'la.js', 0, ''); - o('lt', 'lt.js', 0, 'Nepavyko automatiškai nustatyti šios svetainės kalbos. Prašome įvesti kalbą:'); - o('lv', 'lv.js', 0, 'Šīs lapas valodu nevarēja noteikt automātiski. Lūdzu norādiet pamata valodu:'); - o('ml', 'ml.js', 10, 'ഈ വെ%u0D2C%u0D4D%u200Cസൈറ്റിന്റെ ഭാഷ കണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കാ%u0D28%u0D4D%u200D കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. ഭാഷ ഏതാണെന്നു തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:'); - o('nb', 'nb-no.js', 0, 'Nettstedets språk kunne ikke finnes automatisk. Vennligst oppgi språk:'); - o('no', 'nb-no.js', 0, 'Nettstedets språk kunne ikke finnes automatisk. Vennligst oppgi språk:'); - o('nb-no', 'nb-no.js', 0, 'Nettstedets språk kunne ikke finnes automatisk. Vennligst oppgi språk:'); - o('nl', 'nl.js', 0, 'De taal van deze website kan niet automatisch worden bepaald. Geef de hoofdtaal op:'); - o('or', 'or.js', 11, ''); - o('pa', 'pa.js', 13, ''); - o('pl', 'pl.js', 0, 'Języka tej strony nie można ustalić automatycznie. Proszę wskazać język:'); - o('pt', 'pt.js', 0, 'A língua deste site não pôde ser determinada automaticamente. Por favor indique a língua principal:'); - o('ru', 'ru.js', 1, 'Язык этого сайта не может быть определен автоматически. Пожалуйста укажите язык:'); - o('sk', 'sk.js', 0, ''); - o('sl', 'sl.js', 0, 'Jezika te spletne strani ni bilo mogoče samodejno določiti. Prosim navedite jezik:'); - o('sr-cyrl', 'sr-cyrl.js', 1, 'Језик овог сајта није детектован аутоматски. Молим вас наведите језик:'); - o('sr-latn', 'sr-latn.js', 0, 'Jezika te spletne strani ni bilo mogoče samodejno določiti. Prosim navedite jezik:'); - o('sv', 'sv.js', 0, 'Spr%E5ket p%E5 den h%E4r webbplatsen kunde inte avg%F6ras automatiskt. V%E4nligen ange:'); - o('ta', 'ta.js', 14, ''); - o('te', 'te.js', 15, ''); - o('tr', 'tr.js', 0, 'Bu web sitesinin dili otomatik olarak tespit edilememiştir. Lütfen dökümanın dilini seçiniz%A0:'); - o('uk', 'uk.js', 1, 'Мова цього веб-сайту не може бути визначена автоматично. Будь ласка, вкажіть головну мову:'); - o('ro', 'ro.js', 0, 'Limba acestui sit nu a putut fi determinată automat. Alege limba principală:'); - - return r; - }()), - - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~basePath - * @desc - * A string storing the basepath from where Hyphenator.js was loaded. - * This is used to load the pattern files. - * The basepath is determined dynamically by searching all script-tags for Hyphenator.js - * If the path cannot be determined {@link} is used as fallback. - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator~loadPatterns} - */ - basePath = (function () { - var s = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i = 0, p, src, t = s[i], r = ''; - while (!!t) { - if (!!t.src) { - src = t.src; - p = src.indexOf('Hyphenator.js'); - if (p !== -1) { - r = src.substring(0, p); - } - } - i += 1; - t = s[i]; - } - return !!r ? r : '//'; - }()), - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~isLocal - * @access private - * @desc - * isLocal is true, if Hyphenator is loaded from the same domain, as the webpage, but false, if - * it's loaded from an external source (i.e. directly from google.code) - */ - isLocal = (function () { - var re = false; - if (window.location.href.indexOf(basePath) !== -1) { - re = true; - } - return re; - }()), - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~documentLoaded - * @access private - * @desc - * documentLoaded is true, when the DOM has been loaded. This is set by {@link Hyphenator~runWhenLoaded} - */ - documentLoaded = false, - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~persistentConfig - * @access private - * @desc - * if persistentConfig is set to true (defaults to false), config options and the state of the - * toggleBox are stored in DOM-storage (according to the storage-setting). So they haven't to be - * set for each page. - * @default false - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - persistentConfig = false, - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~doFrames - * @access private - * @desc - * switch to control if frames/iframes should be hyphenated, too. - * defaults to false (frames are a bag of hurt!) - * @default false - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - doFrames = false, - - /** - * @member {Object.<string,boolean>} Hyphenator~dontHyphenate - * @desc - * A key-value object containing all html-tags whose content should not be hyphenated - * @access private - */ - dontHyphenate = {'video': true, 'audio': true, 'script': true, 'code': true, 'pre': true, 'img': true, 'br': true, 'samp': true, 'kbd': true, 'var': true, 'abbr': true, 'acronym': true, 'sub': true, 'sup': true, 'button': true, 'option': true, 'label': true, 'textarea': true, 'input': true, 'math': true, 'svg': true, 'style': true}, - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~enableCache - * @desc - * A variable to set if caching is enabled or not - * @default true - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - enableCache = true, - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~storageType - * @desc - * A variable to define what html5-DOM-Storage-Method is used ('none', 'local' or 'session') - * @default 'local' - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - storageType = 'local', - - /** - * @member {Object|undefined} Hyphenator~storage - * @desc - * An alias to the storage defined in storageType. This is set by {@link Hyphenator~createStorage}. - * Set by {@link} - * @default null - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator~createStorage} - */ - storage, - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~enableReducedPatternSet - * @desc - * A variable to set if storing the used patterns is set - * @default false - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @see {@link Hyphenator.getRedPatternSet} - */ - enableReducedPatternSet = false, - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~enableRemoteLoading - * @desc - * A variable to set if pattern files should be loaded remotely or not - * @default true - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - enableRemoteLoading = true, - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~displayToggleBox - * @desc - * A variable to set if the togglebox should be displayed or not - * @default false - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - displayToggleBox = false, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~onError - * @desc - * A function that can be called upon an error. - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @access private - */ - onError = function (e) { - window.alert("Hyphenator.js says:\n\nAn Error occurred:\n" + e.message); - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~onWarning - * @desc - * A function that can be called upon a warning. - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @access private - */ - onWarning = function (e) { - window.console.log(e.message); - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~createElem - * @desc - * A function alias to document.createElementNS or document.createElement - * @access private - */ - createElem = function (tagname, context) { - context = context || contextWindow; - var el; - if (window.document.createElementNS) { - el = context.document.createElementNS('', tagname); - } else if (window.document.createElement) { - el = context.document.createElement(tagname); - } - return el; - }, - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~css3 - * @desc - * A variable to set if css3 hyphenation should be used - * @default false - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - css3 = false, - - /** - * @typedef {Object} Hyphenator~css3_hsupport - * @property {boolean} support - if css3-hyphenation is supported - * @property {string} property - the css property name to access hyphen-settings (e.g. -webkit-hyphens) - * @property {Object.<string, boolean>} supportedBrowserLangs - an object caching tested languages - * @property {function} checkLangSupport - a method that checks if the browser supports a requested language - */ - - /** - * @member {Hyphenator~css3_h9n} Hyphenator~css3_h9n - * @desc - * A generated object containing information for CSS3-hyphenation support - * This is set by {@link Hyphenator~css3_gethsupport} - * @default undefined - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator~css3_gethsupport} - * @example - * //Check if browser supports a language - * css3_h9n.checkLangSupport(&lt;lang&gt;) - */ - css3_h9n, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~css3_gethsupport - * @desc - * This function sets {@link Hyphenator~css3_h9n} for the current UA - * @type function - * @access private - * @see Hyphenator~css3_h9n - */ - css3_gethsupport = function () { - var s, - createLangSupportChecker = function (prefix) { - var testStrings = [ - //latin: 0 - 'aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz', - //cyrillic: 1 - 'абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя', - //arabic: 2 - 'أبتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظعغفقكلمنهوي', - //armenian: 3 - 'աբգդեզէըթժիլխծկհձղճմյնշոչպջռսվտրցւփքօֆ', - //bengali: 4 - 'ঁংঃঅআইঈউঊঋঌএঐওঔকখগঘঙচছজঝঞটঠডঢণতথদধনপফবভমযরলশষসহ়ঽািীুূৃৄেৈোৌ্ৎৗড়ঢ়য়ৠৡৢৣ', - //devangari: 5 - 'ँंःअआइईउऊऋऌएऐओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलळवशषसहऽािीुूृॄेैोौ्॒॑ॠॡॢॣ', - //greek: 6 - 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρσςτυφχψω', - //gujarati: 7 - 'બહઅઆઇઈઉઊઋૠએઐઓઔાિીુૂૃૄૢૣેૈોૌકખગઘઙચછજઝઞટઠડઢણતથદધનપફસભમયરલળવશષ', - //kannada: 8 - 'ಂಃಅಆಇಈಉಊಋಌಎಏಐಒಓಔಕಖಗಘಙಚಛಜಝಞಟಠಡಢಣತಥದಧನಪಫಬಭಮಯರಱಲಳವಶಷಸಹಽಾಿೀುೂೃೄೆೇೈೊೋೌ್ೕೖೞೠೡ', - //lao: 9 - 'ກຂຄງຈຊຍດຕຖທນບປຜຝພຟມຢຣລວສຫອຮະັາິີຶືຸູົຼເແໂໃໄ່້໊໋ໜໝ', - //malayalam: 10 - 'ംഃഅആഇഈഉഊഋഌഎഏഐഒഓഔകഖഗഘങചഛജഝഞടഠഡഢണതഥദധനപഫബഭമയരറലളഴവശഷസഹാിീുൂൃെേൈൊോൌ്ൗൠൡൺൻർൽൾൿ', - //oriya: 11 - 'ଁଂଃଅଆଇଈଉଊଋଌଏଐଓଔକଖଗଘଙଚଛଜଝଞଟଠଡଢଣତଥଦଧନପଫବଭମଯରଲଳଵଶଷସହାିୀୁୂୃେୈୋୌ୍ୗୠୡ', - //persian: 12 - 'أبتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظعغفقكلمنهوي', - //punjabi: 13 - 'ਁਂਃਅਆਇਈਉਊਏਐਓਔਕਖਗਘਙਚਛਜਝਞਟਠਡਢਣਤਥਦਧਨਪਫਬਭਮਯਰਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹਾਿੀੁੂੇੈੋੌ੍ੰੱ', - //tamil: 14 - 'ஃஅஆஇஈஉஊஎஏஐஒஓஔகஙசஜஞடணதநனபமயரறலளழவஷஸஹாிீுூெேைொோௌ்ௗ', - //telugu: 15 - 'ఁంఃఅఆఇఈఉఊఋఌఎఏఐఒఓఔకఖగఘఙచఛజఝఞటఠడఢణతథదధనపఫబభమయరఱలళవశషసహాిీుూృౄెేైొోౌ్ౕౖౠౡ' - ], - f = function (lang) { - var shadow, - computedHeight, - bdy, - r = false; - - //check if lang has already been tested - if (this.supportedBrowserLangs.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - r = this.supportedBrowserLangs[lang]; - } else if (supportedLangs.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - //create and append shadow-test-element - bdy = window.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; - shadow = createElem('div', window); - = 'Hyphenator_LanguageChecker'; - = '5em'; -[prefix] = 'auto'; - = 'auto'; - = '12px'; - = '12px'; - = 'hidden'; - shadow.lang = lang; -['-webkit-locale'] = "'" + lang + "'"; - shadow.innerHTML = testStrings[supportedLangs[lang].script]; - bdy.appendChild(shadow); - //measure its height - computedHeight = shadow.offsetHeight; - //remove shadow element - bdy.removeChild(shadow); - r = (computedHeight > 12) ? true : false; - this.supportedBrowserLangs[lang] = r; - } else { - r = false; - } - return r; - }; - return f; - }, - r = { - support: false, - supportedBrowserLangs: {}, - property: '', - checkLangSupport: {} - }; - - if (window.getComputedStyle) { - s = window.getComputedStyle(window.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], null); - } else { - //ancient Browsers don't support CSS3 anyway - css3_h9n = r; - return; - } - - if (s.hyphens !== undefined) { - = true; - = 'hyphens'; - r.checkLangSupport = createLangSupportChecker('hyphens'); - } else if (s['-webkit-hyphens'] !== undefined) { - = true; - = '-webkit-hyphens'; - r.checkLangSupport = createLangSupportChecker('-webkit-hyphens'); - } else if (s.MozHyphens !== undefined) { - = true; - = '-moz-hyphens'; - r.checkLangSupport = createLangSupportChecker('MozHyphens'); - } else if (s['-ms-hyphens'] !== undefined) { - = true; - = '-ms-hyphens'; - r.checkLangSupport = createLangSupportChecker('-ms-hyphens'); - } - css3_h9n = r; - }, - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~hyphenateClass - * @desc - * A string containing the css-class-name for the hyphenate class - * @default 'hyphenate' - * @access private - * @example - * &lt;p class = "hyphenate"&gt;Text&lt;/p&gt; - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - hyphenateClass = 'hyphenate', - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~urlHyphenateClass - * @desc - * A string containing the css-class-name for the urlhyphenate class - * @default 'urlhyphenate' - * @access private - * @example - * &lt;p class = "urlhyphenate"&gt;Text&lt;/p&gt; - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - urlHyphenateClass = 'urlhyphenate', - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~classPrefix - * @desc - * A string containing a unique className prefix to be used - * whenever Hyphenator sets a CSS-class - * @access private - */ - classPrefix = 'Hyphenator' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000), - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~hideClass - * @desc - * The name of the class that hides elements - * @access private - */ - hideClass = classPrefix + 'hide', - - /** - * @member {RegExp} Hyphenator~hideClassRegExp - * @desc - * RegExp to remove hideClass from a list of classes - * @access private - */ - hideClassRegExp = new RegExp("\\s?\\b" + hideClass + "\\b", "g"), - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~hideClass - * @desc - * The name of the class that unhides elements - * @access private - */ - unhideClass = classPrefix + 'unhide', - - /** - * @member {RegExp} Hyphenator~hideClassRegExp - * @desc - * RegExp to remove unhideClass from a list of classes - * @access private - */ - unhideClassRegExp = new RegExp("\\s?\\b" + unhideClass + "\\b", "g"), - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~css3hyphenateClass - * @desc - * The name of the class that hyphenates elements with css3 - * @access private - */ - css3hyphenateClass = classPrefix + 'css3hyphenate', - - /** - * @member {CSSEdit} Hyphenator~css3hyphenateClass - * @desc - * The var where CSSEdit class is stored - * @access private - */ - css3hyphenateClassHandle, - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~dontHyphenateClass - * @desc - * A string containing the css-class-name for elements that should not be hyphenated - * @default 'donthyphenate' - * @access private - * @example - * &lt;p class = "donthyphenate"&gt;Text&lt;/p&gt; - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - dontHyphenateClass = 'donthyphenate', - - /** - * @member {number} Hyphenator~min - * @desc - * A number wich indicates the minimal length of words to hyphenate. - * @default 6 - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - min = 6, - - /** - * @member {number} Hyphenator~orphanControl - * @desc - * Control how the last words of a line are handled: - * level 1 (default): last word is hyphenated - * level 2: last word is not hyphenated - * level 3: last word is not hyphenated and last space is non breaking - * @default 1 - * @access private - */ - orphanControl = 1, - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~isBookmarklet - * @desc - * True if Hyphanetor runs as bookmarklet. - * @access private - */ - isBookmarklet = (function () { - var loc = null, - re = false, - scripts = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('script'), - i = 0, - l = scripts.length; - while (!re && i < l) { - loc = scripts[i].getAttribute('src'); - if (!!loc && loc.indexOf('Hyphenator.js?bm=true') !== -1) { - re = true; - } - i += 1; - } - return re; - }()), - - /** - * @member {string|null} Hyphenator~mainLanguage - * @desc - * The general language of the document. In contrast to {@link Hyphenator~defaultLanguage}, - * mainLanguage is defined by the client (i.e. by the html or by a prompt). - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator~autoSetMainLanguage} - */ - mainLanguage = null, - - /** - * @member {string|null} Hyphenator~defaultLanguage - * @desc - * The language defined by the developper. This language setting is defined by a config option. - * It is overwritten by any html-lang-attribute and only taken in count, when no such attribute can - * be found (i.e. just before the prompt). - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @see {@link Hyphenator~autoSetMainLanguage} - */ - defaultLanguage = '', - - /** - * @member {ElementCollection} Hyphenator~elements - * @desc - * A class representing all elements (of type Element) that have to be hyphenated. This var is filled by - * {@link Hyphenator~gatherDocumentInfos} - * @access private - */ - elements = (function () { - /** - * @constructor Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection~Element - * @desc represents a DOM Element with additional information - * @access private - */ - var Element = function (element) { - /** - * @member {Object} Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection~Element~element - * @desc A DOM Element - * @access protected - */ - this.element = element; - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection~Element~hyphenated - * @desc Marks if the element has been hyphenated - * @access protected - */ - this.hyphenated = false; - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection~Element~treated - * @desc Marks if information of the element has been collected but not hyphenated (e.g. dohyphenation is off) - * @access protected - */ - this.treated = false; - }, - /** - * @constructor Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection - * @desc A collection of Elements to be hyphenated - * @access protected - */ - ElementCollection = function () { - /** - * @member {number} Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection~count - * @desc The Number of collected Elements - * @access protected - */ - this.count = 0; - /** - * @member {number} Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection~hyCount - * @desc The Number of hyphenated Elements - * @access protected - */ - this.hyCount = 0; - /** - * @member {Object.<string, Array.<Element>>} Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection~list - * @desc The collection of elements, where the key is a language code and the value is an array of elements - * @access protected - */ - this.list = {}; - }; - /** - * @member {Object} Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection.prototype - * @augments Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection - * @access protected - */ - ElementCollection.prototype = { - /** - * @method Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection.prototype~add - * @augments Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection - * @access protected - * @desc adds a DOM element to the collection - * @param {Object} el - The DOM element - * @param {string} lang - The language of the element - */ - add: function (el, lang) { - var elo = new Element(el); - if (!this.list.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - this.list[lang] = []; - } - this.list[lang].push(elo); - this.count += 1; - return elo; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection.prototype~remove - * @augments Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection - * @access protected - * @desc removes a DOM element from the collection - * @param {Object} el - The DOM element - */ - remove: function (el) { - var lang, i, e, l; - for (lang in this.list) { - if (this.list.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - for (i = 0; i < this.list[lang].length; i += 1) { - if (this.list[lang][i].element === el) { - e = i; - l = lang; - break; - } - } - } - } - this.list[l].splice(e, 1); - this.count -= 1; - this.hyCount -= 1; - }, - /** - * @callback Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection.prototype~each~callback fn - The callback that is executed for each element - * @param {string} [k] The key (i.e. language) of the collection - * @param {Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection~Element} element - */ - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection.prototype~each - * @augments Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection - * @access protected - * @desc takes each element of the collection as an argument of fn - * @param {Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection.prototype~each~callback} fn - A function that takes an element as an argument - */ - each: function (fn) { - var k; - for (k in this.list) { - if (this.list.hasOwnProperty(k)) { - if (fn.length === 2) { - fn(k, this.list[k]); - } else { - fn(this.list[k]); - } - } - } - } - }; - return new ElementCollection(); - }()), - - - /** - * @member {Object.<sting, string>} Hyphenator~exceptions - * @desc - * An object containing exceptions as comma separated strings for each language. - * When the language-objects are loaded, their exceptions are processed, copied here and then deleted. - * Exceptions can also be set by the user. - * @see {@link Hyphenator~prepareLanguagesObj} - * @access private - */ - exceptions = {}, - - /** - * @member {Object.<string, boolean>} Hyphenator~docLanguages - * @desc - * An object holding all languages used in the document. This is filled by - * {@link Hyphenator~gatherDocumentInfos} - * @access private - */ - docLanguages = {}, - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~url - * @desc - * A string containing a insane RegularExpression to match URL's - * @access private - */ - url = '(\\w*:\/\/)?((\\w*:)?(\\w*)@)?((([\\d]{1,3}\\.){3}([\\d]{1,3}))|((www\\.|[a-zA-Z]\\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.([a-z]{2,4})))(:\\d*)?(\/[\\w#!:\\.?\\+=&%@!\\-]*)*', - // protocoll usr pwd ip or host tld port path - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~mail - * @desc - * A string containing a RegularExpression to match mail-adresses - * @access private - */ - mail = '[\\w-\\.]+@[\\w\\.]+', - - /** - * @member {RegExp} Hyphenator~urlRE - * @desc - * A RegularExpressions-Object for url- and mail adress matching - * @access private - */ - urlOrMailRE = new RegExp('(' + url + ')|(' + mail + ')', 'i'), - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~zeroWidthSpace - * @desc - * A string that holds a char. - * Depending on the browser, this is the zero with space or an empty string. - * zeroWidthSpace is used to break URLs - * @access private - */ - zeroWidthSpace = (function () { - var zws, ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); - zws = String.fromCharCode(8203); //Unicode zero width space - if (ua.indexOf('msie 6') !== -1) { - zws = ''; //IE6 doesn't support zws - } - if (ua.indexOf('opera') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('version/10.00') !== -1) { - zws = ''; //opera 10 on XP doesn't support zws - } - return zws; - }()), - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~onBeforeWordHyphenation - * @desc - * This method is called just before a word is hyphenated. - * It is called with two parameters: the word and its language. - * The method must return a string (aka the word). - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @access private - * @param {string} word - * @param {string} lang - * @return {string} The word that goes into hyphenation - */ - onBeforeWordHyphenation = function (word) { - return word; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~onAfterWordHyphenation - * @desc - * This method is called for each word after it is hyphenated. - * Takes the word as a first parameter and its language as a second parameter. - * Returns a string that will replace the word that has been hyphenated. - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @access private - * @param {string} word - * @param {string} lang - * @return {string} The word that goes into hyphenation - */ - onAfterWordHyphenation = function (word) { - return word; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~onHyphenationDone - * @desc - * A method to be called, when the last element has been hyphenated. - * If there are frames the method is called for each frame. - * Therefore the location.href of the contextWindow calling this method is given as a parameter - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @param {string} context - * @access private - */ - onHyphenationDone = function (context) { - return context; - }, - - /** - * @name Hyphenator~selectorFunction - * @desc - * A function set by the user that has to return a HTMLNodeList or array of Elements to be hyphenated. - * By default this is set to false so we can check if a selectorFunction is set… - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @see {@link Hyphenator~mySelectorFunction} - * @default false - * @type {function|boolean} - * @access private - */ - selectorFunction = false, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~mySelectorFunction - * @desc - * A function that returns a HTMLNodeList or array of Elements to be hyphenated. - * By default it uses the classname ('hyphenate') to select the elements. - * @access private - */ - mySelectorFunction = function (hyphenateClass) { - var tmp, el = [], i, l; - if (window.document.getElementsByClassName) { - el = contextWindow.document.getElementsByClassName(hyphenateClass); - } else if (window.document.querySelectorAll) { - el = contextWindow.document.querySelectorAll('.' + hyphenateClass); - } else { - tmp = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('*'); - l = tmp.length; - for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { - if (tmp[i].className.indexOf(hyphenateClass) !== -1 && tmp[i].className.indexOf(dontHyphenateClass) === -1) { - el.push(tmp[i]); - } - } - } - return el; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~selectElements - * @desc - * A function that uses either selectorFunction set by the user - * or the default mySelectorFunction. - * @access private - */ - selectElements = function () { - var elems; - if (selectorFunction) { - elems = selectorFunction(); - } else { - elems = mySelectorFunction(hyphenateClass); - } - return elems; - }, - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~intermediateState - * @desc - * The visibility of elements while they are hyphenated: - * 'visible': unhyphenated text is visible and then redrawn when hyphenated. - * 'hidden': unhyphenated text is made invisible as soon as possible and made visible after hyphenation. - * @default 'hidden' - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @access private - */ - intermediateState = 'hidden', - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~unhide - * @desc - * How hidden elements unhide: either simultaneous (default: 'wait') or progressively. - * 'wait' makes Hyphenator.js to wait until all elements are hyphenated (one redraw) - * With 'progressive' Hyphenator.js unhides elements as soon as they are hyphenated. - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @access private - */ - unhide = 'wait', - - /** - * @member {Array.<Hyphenator~CSSEdit>} Hyphenator~CSSEditors - * @desc A container array that holds CSSEdit classes - * For each window object one CSSEdit class is inserted - * @access private - */ - CSSEditors = [], - - /** - * @constructor Hyphenator~CSSEdit - * @desc - * This class handles access and editing of StyleSheets. - * Thanks to this styles (e.g. hiding and unhiding elements upon hyphenation) - * can be changed in one place instead for each element. - * @access private - */ - CSSEdit = function (w) { - w = w || window; - var doc = w.document, - /** - * @member {Object} Hyphenator~CSSEdit~sheet - * @desc - * A StyleSheet, where Hyphenator can write to. - * If no StyleSheet can be found, lets create one. - * @access private - */ - sheet = (function () { - var i, - l = doc.styleSheets.length, - s, - element, - r = false; - for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { - s = doc.styleSheets[i]; - try { - if (!!s.cssRules) { - r = s; - break; - } - } catch (ignore) {} - } - r = false; - if (r === false) { - element = doc.createElement('style'); - element.type = 'text/css'; - doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(element); - r = doc.styleSheets[doc.styleSheets.length - 1]; - } - return r; - }()), - - /** - * @typedef {Object} Hyphenator~CSSEdit~changes - * @property {Object} sheet - The StyleSheet where the change was made - * @property {number} index - The index of the changed rule - */ - - /** - * @member {Array.<changes>} Hyphenator~CSSEdit~changes - * @desc - * Sets a CSS rule for a specified selector - * @access private - */ - changes = [], - - /** - * @typedef Hyphenator~CSSEdit~rule - * @property {number} index - The index of the rule - * @property {Object} rule - The style rule - */ - /** - * @method Hyphenator~CSSEdit~findRule - * @desc - * Searches the StyleSheets for a given selector and returns an object containing the rule. - * If nothing can be found, false is returned. - * @param {string} sel - * @return {Hyphenator~CSSEdit~rule|false} - * @access private - */ - findRule = function (sel) { - var s, rule, sheets = w.document.styleSheets, rules, i, j, r = false; - for (i = 0; i < sheets.length; i += 1) { - s = sheets[i]; - try { //FF has issues here with external CSS (s.o.p) - if (!!s.cssRules) { - rules = s.cssRules; - } else if (!!s.rules) { - // IE < 9 - rules = s.rules; - } - } catch (ignore) {} - if (!!rules && !!rules.length) { - for (j = 0; j < rules.length; j += 1) { - rule = rules[j]; - if (rule.selectorText === sel) { - r = { - index: j, - rule: rule - }; - } - } - } - } - return r; - }, - /** - * @method Hyphenator~CSSEdit~addRule - * @desc - * Adds a rule to the {@link Hyphenator~CSSEdit~sheet} - * @param {string} sel - The selector to be added - * @param {string} rulesStr - The rules for the specified selector - * @return {number} index of the new rule - * @access private - */ - addRule = function (sel, rulesStr) { - var i, r; - if (!!sheet.insertRule) { - if (!!sheet.cssRules) { - i = sheet.cssRules.length; - } else { - i = 0; - } - r = sheet.insertRule(sel + '{' + rulesStr + '}', i); - } else if (!!sheet.addRule) { - // IE < 9 - if (!!sheet.rules) { - i = sheet.rules.length; - } else { - i = 0; - } - sheet.addRule(sel, rulesStr, i); - r = i; - } - return r; - }, - /** - * @method Hyphenator~CSSEdit~removeRule - * @desc - * Removes a rule with the specified index from the specified sheet - * @param {Object} sheet - The style sheet - * @param {number} index - the index of the rule - * @access private - */ - removeRule = function (sheet, index) { - if (sheet.deleteRule) { - sheet.deleteRule(index); - } else { - // IE < 9 - sheet.removeRule(index); - } - }; - - return { - /** - * @method Hyphenator~CSSEdit.setRule - * @desc - * Sets a CSS rule for a specified selector - * @access public - * @param {string} sel - Selector - * @param {string} rulesString - CSS-Rules - */ - setRule: function (sel, rulesString) { - var i, existingRule, cssText; - existingRule = findRule(sel); - if (!!existingRule) { - if (!!existingRule.rule.cssText) { - cssText = existingRule.rule.cssText; - } else { - // IE < 9 - cssText =; - } - if (cssText === '.' + hyphenateClass + ' { visibility: hidden; }') { - //browsers w/o IE < 9 and no additional style defs: - //add to [changes] for later removal - changes.push({sheet: existingRule.rule.parentStyleSheet, index: existingRule.index}); - } else if (cssText.indexOf('visibility: hidden') !== -1) { - // IE < 9 or additional style defs: - // add new rule - i = addRule(sel, rulesString); - //add to [changes] for later removal - changes.push({sheet: sheet, index: i}); - // clear existing def - = ''; - } else { - i = addRule(sel, rulesString); - changes.push({sheet: sheet, index: i}); - } - } else { - i = addRule(sel, rulesString); - changes.push({sheet: sheet, index: i}); - } - }, - /** - * @method Hyphenator~CSSEdit.clearChanges - * @desc - * Removes all changes Hyphenator has made from the StyleSheets - * @access public - */ - clearChanges: function () { - var change = changes.pop(); - while (!!change) { - removeRule(change.sheet, change.index); - change = changes.pop(); - } - } - }; - }, - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~hyphen - * @desc - * A string containing the character for in-word-hyphenation - * @default the soft hyphen - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - */ - hyphen = String.fromCharCode(173), - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator~urlhyphen - * @desc - * A string containing the character for url/mail-hyphenation - * @default the zero width space - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @see {@link Hyphenator~zeroWidthSpace} - */ - urlhyphen = zeroWidthSpace, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~hyphenateURL - * @desc - * Puts {@link Hyphenator~urlhyphen} (default: zero width space) after each no-alphanumeric char that my be in a URL. - * @param {string} url to hyphenate - * @returns string the hyphenated URL - * @access public - */ - hyphenateURL = function (url) { - var tmp = url.replace(/([:\/\.\?#&\-_,;!@]+)/gi, '$&' + urlhyphen), - parts = tmp.split(urlhyphen), - i; - for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) { - if (parts[i].length > (2 * min)) { - parts[i] = parts[i].replace(/(\w{3})(\w)/gi, "$1" + urlhyphen + "$2"); - } - } - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - parts.pop(); - } - return parts.join(urlhyphen); - }, - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator~safeCopy - * @desc - * Defines wether work-around for copy issues is active or not - * @default true - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @see {@link Hyphenator~registerOnCopy} - */ - safeCopy = true, - - /** - * @member {Object} Hyphenator~hyphRunFor - * @desc - * stores location.href for documents where run() has been executed - * to warn when executed multiple times - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator~runWhenLoaded} - */ - hyphRunFor = {}, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~runWhenLoaded - * @desc - * A crossbrowser solution for the DOMContentLoaded-Event based on - * <a href = "">jQuery</a> - * I added some functionality: e.g. support for frames and iframes… - * @param {Object} w the window-object - * @param {function()} f the function to call when the document is ready - * @access private - */ - runWhenLoaded = function (w, f) { - var toplevel, - add = window.document.addEventListener ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent', - rem = window.document.addEventListener ? 'removeEventListener' : 'detachEvent', - pre = window.document.addEventListener ? '' : 'on', - - init = function (context) { - if (hyphRunFor[context.location.href]) { - onWarning(new Error("Warning: multiple execution of – This may slow down the script!")); - } - contextWindow = context || window; - f(); - hyphRunFor[contextWindow.location.href] = true; - }, - - doScrollCheck = function () { - try { - // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini - // - w.document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); - } catch (error) { - window.setTimeout(doScrollCheck, 1); - return; - } - //maybe modern IE fired DOMContentLoaded - if (!hyphRunFor[w.location.href]) { - documentLoaded = true; - init(w); - } - }, - - doOnEvent = function (e) { - var i, fl, haveAccess; - if (!!e && e.type === 'readystatechange' && w.document.readyState !== 'interactive' && w.document.readyState !== 'complete') { - return; - } - - //DOM is ready/interactive, but frames may not be loaded yet! - //cleanup events - w.document[rem](pre + 'DOMContentLoaded', doOnEvent, false); - w.document[rem](pre + 'readystatechange', doOnEvent, false); - - //check frames - fl = w.frames.length; - if (fl === 0 || !doFrames) { - //there are no frames! - //cleanup events - w[rem](pre + 'load', doOnEvent, false); - documentLoaded = true; - init(w); - } else if (doFrames && fl > 0) { - //we have frames, so wait for onload and then initiate runWhenLoaded recursevly for each frame: - if (!!e && e.type === 'load') { - //cleanup events - w[rem](pre + 'load', doOnEvent, false); - for (i = 0; i < fl; i += 1) { - haveAccess = undefined; - //try catch isn't enough for webkit - try { - //opera throws only on document.toString-access - haveAccess = window.frames[i].document.toString(); - } catch (err) { - haveAccess = undefined; - } - if (!!haveAccess) { - runWhenLoaded(w.frames[i], f); - } - } - init(w); - } - } - }; - if (documentLoaded || w.document.readyState === 'complete') { - //Hyphenator has run already (documentLoaded is true) or - //it has been loaded after onLoad - documentLoaded = true; - doOnEvent({type: 'load'}); - } else { - //register events - w.document[add](pre + 'DOMContentLoaded', doOnEvent, false); - w.document[add](pre + 'readystatechange', doOnEvent, false); - w[add](pre + 'load', doOnEvent, false); - toplevel = false; - try { - toplevel = !window.frameElement; - } catch (ignore) {} - if (toplevel && w.document.documentElement.doScroll) { - doScrollCheck(); //calls init() - } - } - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~getLang - * @desc - * Gets the language of an element. If no language is set, it may use the {@link Hyphenator~mainLanguage}. - * @param {Object} el The first parameter is an DOM-Element-Object - * @param {boolean} fallback The second parameter is a boolean to tell if the function should return the {@link Hyphenator~mainLanguage} - * if there's no language found for the element. - * @return {string} The language of the element - * @access private - */ - getLang = function (el, fallback) { - try { - return !!el.getAttribute('lang') ? el.getAttribute('lang').toLowerCase() : - !!el.getAttribute('xml:lang') ? el.getAttribute('xml:lang').toLowerCase() : - el.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'html' ? getLang(el.parentNode, fallback) : - fallback ? mainLanguage : - null; - } catch (ignore) {} - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~autoSetMainLanguage - * @desc - * Retrieves the language of the document from the DOM and sets the lang attribute of the html-tag. - * The function looks in the following places: - * <ul> - * <li>lang-attribute in the html-tag</li> - * <li>&lt;meta http-equiv = "content-language" content = "xy" /&gt;</li> - * <li>&lt;meta name = "DC.Language" content = "xy" /&gt;</li> - * <li>&lt;meta name = "language" content = "xy" /&gt;</li> - * </li> - * If nothing can be found a prompt using {@link Hyphenator~languageHint} and a prompt-string is displayed. - * If the retrieved language is in the object {@link Hyphenator~supportedLangs} it is copied to {@link Hyphenator~mainLanguage} - * @access private - */ - autoSetMainLanguage = function (w) { - w = w || contextWindow; - var el = w.document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0], - m = w.document.getElementsByTagName('meta'), - i, - getLangFromUser = function () { - var ml, - text = '', - dH = 300, - dW = 450, - dX = Math.floor((w.outerWidth - dW) / 2) + window.screenX, - dY = Math.floor((w.outerHeight - dH) / 2) + window.screenY, - ul = '', - languageHint; - if (!!window.showModalDialog && (w.location.href.indexOf(basePath) !== -1)) { - ml = window.showModalDialog(basePath + 'modalLangDialog.html', supportedLangs, "dialogWidth: " + dW + "px; dialogHeight: " + dH + "px; dialogtop: " + dY + "; dialogleft: " + dX + "; center: on; resizable: off; scroll: off;"); - } else { - languageHint = (function () { - var k, r = ''; - for (k in supportedLangs) { - if (supportedLangs.hasOwnProperty(k)) { - r += k + ', '; - } - } - r = r.substring(0, r.length - 2); - return r; - }()); - ul = window.navigator.language || window.navigator.userLanguage; - ul = ul.substring(0, 2); - if (!!supportedLangs[ul] && supportedLangs[ul].prompt !== '') { - text = supportedLangs[ul].prompt; - } else { - text = supportedLangs.en.prompt; - } - text += ' (ISO 639-1)\n\n' + languageHint; - ml = window.prompt(window.unescape(text), ul).toLowerCase(); - } - return ml; - }; - mainLanguage = getLang(el, false); - if (!mainLanguage) { - for (i = 0; i < m.length; i += 1) { - //<meta http-equiv = "content-language" content="xy"> - if (!!m[i].getAttribute('http-equiv') && (m[i].getAttribute('http-equiv').toLowerCase() === 'content-language')) { - mainLanguage = m[i].getAttribute('content').toLowerCase(); - } - //<meta name = "DC.Language" content="xy"> - if (!!m[i].getAttribute('name') && (m[i].getAttribute('name').toLowerCase() === 'dc.language')) { - mainLanguage = m[i].getAttribute('content').toLowerCase(); - } - //<meta name = "language" content = "xy"> - if (!!m[i].getAttribute('name') && (m[i].getAttribute('name').toLowerCase() === 'language')) { - mainLanguage = m[i].getAttribute('content').toLowerCase(); - } - } - } - //get lang for frame from enclosing document - if (!mainLanguage && doFrames && (!!contextWindow.frameElement)) { - autoSetMainLanguage(window.parent); - } - //fallback to defaultLang if set - if (!mainLanguage && defaultLanguage !== '') { - mainLanguage = defaultLanguage; - } - //ask user for lang - if (!mainLanguage) { - mainLanguage = getLangFromUser(); - } - el.lang = mainLanguage; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~gatherDocumentInfos - * @desc - * This method runs through the DOM and executes the process()-function on: - * - every node returned by the {@link Hyphenator~selectorFunction}. - * @access private - */ - gatherDocumentInfos = function () { - var elToProcess, urlhyphenEls, tmp, i = 0, - /** - * @method Hyphenator~gatherDocumentInfos - * @desc - * This method copies the element to the elements-variable, sets its visibility - * to intermediateState, retrieves its language and recursivly descends the DOM-tree until - * the child-Nodes aren't of type 1 - * @param {Object} el a DOM element - * @param {string} plang the language of the parent element - * @param {boolean} isChild true, if the parent of el has been processed - */ - process = function (el, pLang, isChild) { - isChild = isChild || false; - var n, j = 0, hyphenate = true, eLang, - useCSS3 = function () { - css3hyphenateClassHandle = new CSSEdit(contextWindow); - css3hyphenateClassHandle.setRule('.' + css3hyphenateClass, + ': auto;'); - css3hyphenateClassHandle.setRule('.' + dontHyphenateClass, + ': manual;'); - if ((eLang !== pLang) &&'webkit') !== -1) { - css3hyphenateClassHandle.setRule('.' + css3hyphenateClass, '-webkit-locale : ' + eLang + ';'); - } - el.className = el.className + ' ' + css3hyphenateClass; - }, - useHyphenator = function () { - //quick fix for test111.html - //better: weight elements - if (isBookmarklet && eLang !== mainLanguage) { - return; - } - if (supportedLangs.hasOwnProperty(eLang)) { - docLanguages[eLang] = true; - } else { - if (supportedLangs.hasOwnProperty(eLang.split('-')[0])) { //try subtag - eLang = eLang.split('-')[0]; - docLanguages[eLang] = true; - } else if (!isBookmarklet) { - hyphenate = false; - onError(new Error('Language "' + eLang + '" is not yet supported.')); - } - } - if (hyphenate) { - if (intermediateState === 'hidden') { - el.className = el.className + ' ' + hideClass; - } - elements.add(el, eLang); - } - }; - - if (el.lang && typeof (el.lang) === 'string') { - eLang = el.lang.toLowerCase(); //copy attribute-lang to internal eLang - } else if (!!pLang && pLang !== '') { - eLang = pLang.toLowerCase(); - } else { - eLang = getLang(el, true); - } - - if (!isChild) { - if (css3 && && !!css3_h9n.checkLangSupport(eLang)) { - useCSS3(); - } else { - useHyphenator(); - } - } else { - if (eLang !== pLang) { - if (css3 && && !!css3_h9n.checkLangSupport(eLang)) { - useCSS3(); - } else { - useHyphenator(); - } - } else { - if (!css3 || ! || !css3_h9n.checkLangSupport(eLang)) { - useHyphenator(); - } // else do nothing - } - } - n = el.childNodes[j]; - while (!!n) { - if (n.nodeType === 1 && !dontHyphenate[n.nodeName.toLowerCase()] && - n.className.indexOf(dontHyphenateClass) === -1 && - n.className.indexOf(urlHyphenateClass) === -1 && !elToProcess[n]) { - process(n, eLang, true); - } - j += 1; - n = el.childNodes[j]; - } - }, - processUrlStyled = function (el) { - var n, j = 0; - - n = el.childNodes[j]; - while (!!n) { - if (n.nodeType === 1 && !dontHyphenate[n.nodeName.toLowerCase()] && - n.className.indexOf(dontHyphenateClass) === -1 && - n.className.indexOf(hyphenateClass) === -1 && !urlhyphenEls[n]) { - processUrlStyled(n); - } else if (n.nodeType === 3) { - = hyphenateURL(; - } - j += 1; - n = el.childNodes[j]; - } - }; - - if (css3) { - css3_gethsupport(); - } - if (isBookmarklet) { - elToProcess = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; - process(elToProcess, mainLanguage, false); - } else { - if (!css3 && intermediateState === 'hidden') { - CSSEditors.push(new CSSEdit(contextWindow)); - CSSEditors[CSSEditors.length - 1].setRule('.' + hyphenateClass, 'visibility: hidden;'); - CSSEditors[CSSEditors.length - 1].setRule('.' + hideClass, 'visibility: hidden;'); - CSSEditors[CSSEditors.length - 1].setRule('.' + unhideClass, 'visibility: visible;'); - } - elToProcess = selectElements(); - tmp = elToProcess[i]; - while (!!tmp) { - process(tmp, '', false); - i += 1; - tmp = elToProcess[i]; - } - - urlhyphenEls = mySelectorFunction(urlHyphenateClass); - i = 0; - tmp = urlhyphenEls[i]; - while (!!tmp) { - processUrlStyled(tmp); - i += 1; - tmp = urlhyphenEls[i]; - } - } - if (elements.count === 0) { - //nothing to hyphenate or all hyphenated by css3 - for (i = 0; i < CSSEditors.length; i += 1) { - CSSEditors[i].clearChanges(); - } - onHyphenationDone(contextWindow.location.href); - } - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~convertPatterns - * @desc - * converts patterns of the given language to a trie - * @access private - * @param {Object} language object whose patterns shall be converted - */ - convertPatterns = function (lo) { - var size, - tree = {}, - convert = function (psize, patterns) { - var i = 0, - t = tree, - cc = 0, - points = [], - ppos = 0, - lastwasp = false, - len = 0; - while (i < patterns.length) { - if (len < psize) { - cc = patterns.charCodeAt(i); - if (cc >= 49 && cc <= 57) { - //this is a hpoint (1-9) - points[ppos] = cc - 48; - ppos += 1; - lastwasp = true; - } else { - //this is a alphabetic char --> extend the tree? - if (!t[cc]) { - t[cc] = {}; - } - t = t[cc]; //go to subtree - if (!lastwasp) { - points[ppos] = 0; - ppos += 1; - } - lastwasp = false; - } - len += 1; - i += 1; - } - - if (len === psize) { - //add last point (0) - if (!lastwasp) { - points[ppos] = 0; - } - //write points - t.tpoints = points; - //reset - t = tree; - points = []; - ppos = 0; - lastwasp = false; - len = 0; - } - } - }; - for (size in lo.patterns) { - if (lo.patterns.hasOwnProperty(size)) { - convert(parseInt(size, 10), lo.patterns[size]); - } - } - lo.patterns = tree; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~recreatePattern - * @desc - * Recreates the pattern for the reducedPatternSet - * @param {string} pattern The pattern (chars) - * @param {string} nodePoints The nodePoints (integers) - * @access private - * @return {string} The pattern (chars and numbers) - */ - recreatePattern = function (pattern, nodePoints) { - var r = [], c = pattern.split(''), i; - for (i = 0; i < nodePoints.length; i += 1) { - if (nodePoints[i] !== 0) { - r.push(nodePoints[i]); - } - if (c[i]) { - r.push(c[i]); - } - } - return r.join(''); - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~convertExceptionsToObject - * @desc - * Converts a list of comma seprated exceptions to an object: - * 'Fortran,Hy-phen-a-tion' -> {'Fortran':'Fortran','Hyphenation':'Hy-phen-a-tion'} - * @access private - * @param {string} exc a comma separated string of exceptions (without spaces) - * @return {Object.<string, string>} - */ - convertExceptionsToObject = function (exc) { - var w = exc.split(', '), - r = {}, - i, - l, - key; - for (i = 0, l = w.length; i < l; i += 1) { - key = w[i].replace(/-/g, ''); - if (!r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - r[key] = w[i]; - } - } - return r; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~loadPatterns - * @desc - * Checks if the requested file is available in the network. - * Adds a &lt;script&gt;-Tag to the DOM to load an externeal .js-file containing patterns and settings for the given language. - * If the given language is not in the {@link Hyphenator~supportedLangs}-Object it returns. - * One may ask why we are not using AJAX to load the patterns. The XMLHttpRequest-Object - * has a same-origin-policy. This makes the Bookmarklet impossible. - * @param {string} lang The language to load the patterns for - * @access private - * @see {@link Hyphenator~basePath} - */ - loadPatterns = function (lang) { - var location, xhr, head, script; - if (supportedLangs.hasOwnProperty(lang) && !Hyphenator.languages[lang]) { - location = basePath + 'patterns/' + supportedLangs[lang].file; - } else { - return; - } - if (isLocal && !isBookmarklet) { - //check if 'location' is available: - xhr = null; - try { - // Mozilla, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer (ab v7) - xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); - } catch (e) { - try { - //IE>=6 - xhr = new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); - } catch (e2) { - try { - //IE>=5 - xhr = new window.ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); - } catch (e3) { - xhr = null; - } - } - } - - if (xhr) { -'HEAD', location, true); - xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); - xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { - if (xhr.readyState === 4) { - if (xhr.status === 404) { - onError(new Error('Could not load\n' + location)); - delete docLanguages[lang]; - return; - } - } - }; - xhr.send(null); - } - } - if (createElem) { - head = window.document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); - script = createElem('script', window); - script.src = location; - script.type = 'text/javascript'; - script.charset = 'utf8'; - head.appendChild(script); - } - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~prepareLanguagesObj - * @desc - * Adds some feature to the language object: - * - cache - * - exceptions - * Converts the patterns to a trie using {@link Hyphenator~convertPatterns} - * If storage is active the object is stored there. - * @access private - * @param {string} lang The language of the language object - */ - prepareLanguagesObj = function (lang) { - var lo = Hyphenator.languages[lang], wrd; - - if (!lo.prepared) { - if (enableCache) { - lo.cache = {}; - //Export - //lo['cache'] = lo.cache; - } - if (enableReducedPatternSet) { - lo.redPatSet = {}; - } - //add exceptions from the pattern file to the local 'exceptions'-obj - if (lo.hasOwnProperty('exceptions')) { - Hyphenator.addExceptions(lang, lo.exceptions); - delete lo.exceptions; - } - //copy global exceptions to the language specific exceptions - if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty('global')) { - if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - exceptions[lang] += ', ' +; - } else { - exceptions[lang] =; - } - } - //move exceptions from the the local 'exceptions'-obj to the 'language'-object - if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - lo.exceptions = convertExceptionsToObject(exceptions[lang]); - delete exceptions[lang]; - } else { - lo.exceptions = {}; - } - convertPatterns(lo); - wrd = '[\\w' + lo.specialChars + '@' + String.fromCharCode(173) + String.fromCharCode(8204) + '-]{' + min + ',}'; - lo.genRegExp = new RegExp('(' + url + ')|(' + mail + ')|(' + wrd + ')', 'gi'); - lo.prepared = true; - } - if (!!storage) { - storage.setItem(lang, window.JSON.stringify(lo)); - } - - }, - - /**** - * @method Hyphenator~prepare - * @desc - * This funtion prepares the Hyphenator~Object: If RemoteLoading is turned off, it assumes - * that the patternfiles are loaded, all conversions are made and the callback is called. - * If storage is active the object is retrieved there. - * If RemoteLoading is on (default), it loads the pattern files and waits until they are loaded, - * by repeatedly checking Hyphenator.languages. If a patternfile is loaded the patterns are - * converted to their object style and the lang-object extended. - * Finally the callback is called. - * @access private - */ - prepare = function (callback) { - var lang, interval, tmp1, tmp2, - languagesLoaded = function () { - var finishedLoading = true, l; - for (l in docLanguages) { - if (docLanguages.hasOwnProperty(l)) { - finishedLoading = false; - if (!!Hyphenator.languages[l]) { - delete docLanguages[l]; - //do conversion while other patterns are loading: - prepareLanguagesObj(l); - callback(l); - } - } - } - return finishedLoading; - }; - - if (!enableRemoteLoading) { - for (lang in Hyphenator.languages) { - if (Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - prepareLanguagesObj(lang); - } - } - callback('*'); - return; - } - // get all languages that are used and preload the patterns - for (lang in docLanguages) { - if (docLanguages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - if (!!storage && storage.test(lang)) { - Hyphenator.languages[lang] = window.JSON.parse(storage.getItem(lang)); - if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty('global')) { - tmp1 = convertExceptionsToObject(; - for (tmp2 in tmp1) { - if (tmp1.hasOwnProperty(tmp2)) { - Hyphenator.languages[lang].exceptions[tmp2] = tmp1[tmp2]; - } - } - } - //Replace exceptions since they may have been changed: - if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - tmp1 = convertExceptionsToObject(exceptions[lang]); - for (tmp2 in tmp1) { - if (tmp1.hasOwnProperty(tmp2)) { - Hyphenator.languages[lang].exceptions[tmp2] = tmp1[tmp2]; - } - } - delete exceptions[lang]; - } - //Replace genRegExp since it may have been changed: - tmp1 = '[\\w' + Hyphenator.languages[lang].specialChars + '@' + String.fromCharCode(173) + String.fromCharCode(8204) + '-]{' + min + ',}'; - Hyphenator.languages[lang].genRegExp = new RegExp('(' + url + ')|(' + mail + ')|(' + tmp1 + ')', 'gi'); - - delete docLanguages[lang]; - callback(lang); - } else { - loadPatterns(lang); - } - } - } - // else async wait until patterns are loaded, then hyphenate - if (!languagesLoaded()) { - interval = window.setInterval(function () { - var loadingDone = languagesLoaded(); - if (loadingDone) { - window.clearInterval(interval); - } - }, 100); - } - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~toggleBox - * @desc - * Creates the toggleBox: a small button to turn off/on hyphenation on a page. - * @see {@link Hyphenator.config} - * @access private - */ - toggleBox = function () { - var bdy, myTextNode, - text = (Hyphenator.doHyphenation ? 'Hy-phen-a-tion' : 'Hyphenation'), - myBox = contextWindow.document.getElementById('HyphenatorToggleBox'); - if (!!myBox) { - = text; - } else { - bdy = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; - myBox = createElem('div', contextWindow); - myBox.setAttribute('id', 'HyphenatorToggleBox'); - myBox.setAttribute('class', dontHyphenateClass); - myTextNode = contextWindow.document.createTextNode(text); - myBox.appendChild(myTextNode); - myBox.onclick = Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation; - = 'absolute'; - = '0px'; - = '0px'; - = '0'; - = '#AAAAAA'; - = '#FFFFFF'; - = '6pt Arial'; - = '0.2em'; - = '3px'; - = 'pointer'; - = '4px'; - = '4px'; - = '4px'; - bdy.appendChild(myBox); - } - }, - - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~hyphenateWord - * @desc - * This function is the heart of Hyphenator.js. It returns a hyphenated word. - * - * If there's already a {@link Hyphenator~hypen} in the word, the word is returned as it is. - * If the word is in the exceptions list or in the cache, it is retrieved from it. - * If there's a '-' hyphenate the parts. - * The hyphenated word is returned and (if acivated) cached. - * Both special Events onBeforeWordHyphenation and onAfterWordHyphenation are called for the word. - * @param {Object} lo A language object (containing the patterns) - * @param {string} lang The language of the word - * @param {string} word The word - * @returns string The hyphenated word - * @access public - */ - hyphenateWord = function (lo, lang, word) { - var parts, - i, - pattern, - ww, - wwlen, - wwhp = [], - pstart, - plen, - trie = lo.patterns, - node, - nodePoints, - hp, - wordLength = word.length, - hw = '', - doCharSubst = function (w) { - var subst, r; - for (subst in lo.charSubstitution) { - if (lo.charSubstitution.hasOwnProperty(subst)) { - r = w.replace(new RegExp(subst, 'g'), lo.charSubstitution[subst]); - } - } - return r; - }; - word = onBeforeWordHyphenation(word, lang); - if (word === '') { - hw = ''; - } else if (enableCache && lo.cache.hasOwnProperty(word)) { //the word is in the cache - hw = lo.cache[word]; - } else if (word.indexOf(hyphen) !== -1) { - //word already contains shy; -> leave at it is! - hw = word; - } else if (lo.exceptions.hasOwnProperty(word)) { //the word is in the exceptions list - hw = lo.exceptions[word].replace(/-/g, hyphen); - } else if (word.indexOf('-') !== -1) { - //word contains '-' -> hyphenate the parts separated with '-' - parts = word.split('-'); - for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) { - parts[i] = hyphenateWord(lo, lang, parts[i]); - } - hw = parts.join('-'); - } else { - ww = word.toLowerCase(); - - if (!!lo.charSubstitution) { - ww = doCharSubst(ww); - } - if (word.indexOf("'") !== -1) { - ww = ww.replace("'", "’"); //replace APOSTROPHE with RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (since the latter is used in the patterns) - } - ww = '_' + ww + '_'; - wwlen = ww.length; - for (hp = 0; hp < wwlen + 1; hp += 1) { - wwhp[hp] = 0; - } - for (pstart = 0; pstart < wwlen; pstart += 1) { - node = trie; - pattern = ''; - for (plen = pstart; plen < wwlen; plen += 1) { - node = node[ww.charCodeAt(plen)]; //go sub trie - if (node) { - if (enableReducedPatternSet) { - pattern += ww.charAt(plen); - } - nodePoints = node.tpoints; - if (nodePoints) { - if (enableReducedPatternSet) { - if (!lo.redPatSet) { - lo.redPatSet = {}; - } - lo.redPatSet[pattern] = recreatePattern(pattern, nodePoints); - } - for (hp = 0; hp < nodePoints.length; hp += 1) { - wwhp[pstart + hp] = Math.max(wwhp[pstart + hp], nodePoints[hp]); - } - } - } else { - break; - } - } - } - //return wwhp - for (hp = 0; hp < wordLength; hp += 1) { - if (hp >= lo.leftmin && hp <= (wordLength - lo.rightmin) && (wwhp[hp + 1] % 2) !== 0) { - hw += hyphen + word.charAt(hp); - } else { - hw += word.charAt(hp); - } - } - } - hw = onAfterWordHyphenation(hw, lang); - if (enableCache) { //put the word in the cache - lo.cache[word] = hw; - } - return hw; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~removeHyphenationFromElement - * @desc - * Removes all hyphens from the element. If there are other elements, the function is - * called recursively. - * Removing hyphens is usefull if you like to copy text. Some browsers are buggy when the copy hyphenated texts. - * @param {Object} el The element where to remove hyphenation. - * @access public - */ - removeHyphenationFromElement = function (el) { - var h, u, i = 0, n; - switch (hyphen) { - case '|': - h = '\\|'; - break; - case '+': - h = '\\+'; - break; - case '*': - h = '\\*'; - break; - default: - h = hyphen; - } - switch (urlhyphen) { - case '|': - u = '\\|'; - break; - case '+': - u = '\\+'; - break; - case '*': - u = '\\*'; - break; - default: - u = urlhyphen; - } - n = el.childNodes[i]; - while (!!n) { - if (n.nodeType === 3) { - = RegExp(h, 'g'), ''); - = RegExp(u, 'g'), ''); - } else if (n.nodeType === 1) { - removeHyphenationFromElement(n); - } - i += 1; - n = el.childNodes[i]; - } - }, - - copy = (function () { - var Copy = function () { - - this.oncopyHandler = function (e) { - e = e || window.event; - var shadow, selection, range, rangeShadow, restore, - target = || e.srcElement, - currDoc = target.ownerDocument, - bdy = currDoc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], - targetWindow = currDoc.defaultView || currDoc.parentWindow; - if (target.tagName && dontHyphenate[target.tagName.toLowerCase()]) { - //Safari needs this - return; - } - //create a hidden shadow element - shadow = currDoc.createElement('div'); - //Moving the element out of the screen doesn't work for IE9 ( - // = 'hidden'; - // = 'absolute'; - // = '-5000px'; - // = '1px'; - //doing this instead: - = window.getComputedStyle ? targetWindow.getComputedStyle(bdy, null).backgroundColor : '#FFFFFF'; - = '0px'; - bdy.appendChild(shadow); - if (!!window.getSelection) { - //FF3, Webkit, IE9 - e.stopPropagation(); - selection = targetWindow.getSelection(); - range = selection.getRangeAt(0); - shadow.appendChild(range.cloneContents()); - removeHyphenationFromElement(shadow); - selection.selectAllChildren(shadow); - restore = function () { - shadow.parentNode.removeChild(shadow); - selection.removeAllRanges(); //IE9 needs that - selection.addRange(range); - }; - } else { - // IE<9 - e.cancelBubble = true; - selection = targetWindow.document.selection; - range = selection.createRange(); - shadow.innerHTML = range.htmlText; - removeHyphenationFromElement(shadow); - rangeShadow = bdy.createTextRange(); - rangeShadow.moveToElementText(shadow); -; - restore = function () { - shadow.parentNode.removeChild(shadow); - if (range.text !== "") { -; - } - }; - } - window.setTimeout(restore, 0); - }; - - this.removeOnCopy = function (el) { - var body = el.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; - if (!body) { - return; - } - el = el || body; - if (window.removeEventListener) { - el.removeEventListener("copy", this.oncopyHandler, true); - } else { - el.detachEvent("oncopy", this.oncopyHandler); - } - }; - - this.registerOnCopy = function (el) { - var body = el.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; - if (!body) { - return; - } - el = el || body; - if (window.addEventListener) { - el.addEventListener("copy", this.oncopyHandler, true); - } else { - el.attachEvent("oncopy", this.oncopyHandler); - } - }; - }; - - return (safeCopy ? new Copy() : false); - }()), - - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~checkIfAllDone - * @desc - * Checks if all elements in {@link Hyphenator~elements} are hyphenated, unhides them and fires onHyphenationDone() - * @access private - */ - checkIfAllDone = function () { - var allDone = true, i, doclist = {}, doc; - elements.each(function (ellist) { - var j, l = ellist.length; - for (j = 0; j < l; j += 1) { - allDone = allDone && ellist[j].hyphenated; - if (!doclist.hasOwnProperty(ellist[j].element.baseURI)) { - doclist[ellist[j].element.ownerDocument.location.href] = true; - } - doclist[ellist[j].element.ownerDocument.location.href] = doclist[ellist[j].element.ownerDocument.location.href] && ellist[j].hyphenated; - } - }); - if (allDone) { - if (intermediateState === 'hidden' && unhide === 'progressive') { - elements.each(function (ellist) { - var j, l = ellist.length, el; - for (j = 0; j < l; j += 1) { - el = ellist[j].element; - el.className = el.className.replace(unhideClassRegExp, ''); - if (el.className === '') { - el.removeAttribute('class'); - } - } - }); - } - for (i = 0; i < CSSEditors.length; i += 1) { - CSSEditors[i].clearChanges(); - } - for (doc in doclist) { - if (doclist.hasOwnProperty(doc)) { - onHyphenationDone(doc); - } - } - } - }, - - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~hyphenateElement - * @desc - * Takes the content of the given element and - if there's text - replaces the words - * by hyphenated words. If there's another element, the function is called recursively. - * When all words are hyphenated, the visibility of the element is set to 'visible'. - * @param {string} lang - The language-code of the element - * @param {Element} elo - The element to hyphenate {@link Hyphenator~elements~ElementCollection~Element} - * @access private - */ - hyphenateElement = function (lang, elo) { - var el = elo.element, - hyphenate, - n, - i, - lo, - controlOrphans = function (part) { - var h, r; - switch (hyphen) { - case '|': - h = '\\|'; - break; - case '+': - h = '\\+'; - break; - case '*': - h = '\\*'; - break; - default: - h = hyphen; - } - //strip off blank space at the end (omitted closing tags) - part = part.replace(/[\s]*$/, ''); - if (orphanControl >= 2) { - //remove hyphen points from last word - r = part.split(' '); - r[1] = r[1].replace(new RegExp(h, 'g'), ''); - r[1] = r[1].replace(new RegExp(zeroWidthSpace, 'g'), ''); - r = r.join(' '); - } - if (orphanControl === 3) { - //replace spaces by non breaking spaces - r = r.replace(/[ ]+/g, String.fromCharCode(160)); - } - return r; - }; - if (Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - lo = Hyphenator.languages[lang]; - hyphenate = function (word) { - var r; - if (!Hyphenator.doHyphenation) { - r = word; - } else if (urlOrMailRE.test(word)) { - r = hyphenateURL(word); - } else { - r = hyphenateWord(lo, lang, word); - } - return r; - }; - if (safeCopy && (el.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'body')) { - copy.registerOnCopy(el); - } - i = 0; - n = el.childNodes[i]; - while (!!n) { - if (n.nodeType === 3 && >= min) { //type 3 = #text -> hyphenate! - =, hyphenate); - if (orphanControl !== 1) { - =[\S]+ [\S]+[\s]*$/, controlOrphans); - } - } - i += 1; - n = el.childNodes[i]; - } - } - if (intermediateState === 'hidden' && unhide === 'wait') { - el.className = el.className.replace(hideClassRegExp, ''); - if (el.className === '') { - el.removeAttribute('class'); - } - } - if (intermediateState === 'hidden' && unhide === 'progressive') { - el.className = el.className.replace(hideClassRegExp, ' ' + unhideClass); - } - elo.hyphenated = true; - elements.hyCount += 1; - if (elements.count <= elements.hyCount) { - checkIfAllDone(); - } - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~hyphenateLanguageElements - * @desc - * Calls hyphenateElement() for all elements of the specified language. - * If the language is '*' then all elements are hyphenated. - * This is done with a setTimout - * to prevent a "long running Script"-alert when hyphenating large pages. - * Therefore a tricky bind()-function was necessary. - * @param {string} lang The language of the elements to hyphenate - * @access private - */ - hyphenateLanguageElements = function (lang) { - function bind(fun, arg1, arg2) { - return function () { - return fun(arg1, arg2); - }; - } - var i, l; - if (lang === '*') { - elements.each(function (lang, ellist) { - var j, le = ellist.length; - for (j = 0; j < le; j += 1) { - window.setTimeout(bind(hyphenateElement, lang, ellist[j]), 0); - } - }); - } else { - if (elements.list.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - l = elements.list[lang].length; - for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { - window.setTimeout(bind(hyphenateElement, lang, elements.list[lang][i]), 0); - } - } - } - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~removeHyphenationFromDocument - * @desc - * Does what it says and unregisters the onCopyEvent from the elements - * @access private - */ - removeHyphenationFromDocument = function () { - elements.each(function (ellist) { - var i, l = ellist.length; - for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { - removeHyphenationFromElement(ellist[i].element); - if (safeCopy) { - copy.removeOnCopy(ellist[i].element); - } - ellist[i].hyphenated = false; - } - }); - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~createStorage - * @desc - * inits the private var {@link Hyphenator~storage) depending of the setting in {@link Hyphenator~storageType} - * and the supported features of the system. - * @access private - */ - createStorage = function () { - var s; - try { - if (storageType !== 'none' && - window.localStorage !== undefined && - window.sessionStorage !== undefined && - window.JSON.stringify !== undefined && - window.JSON.parse !== undefined) { - switch (storageType) { - case 'session': - s = window.sessionStorage; - break; - case 'local': - s = window.localStorage; - break; - default: - s = undefined; - break; - } - //check for private mode - s.setItem('storageTest', '1'); - s.removeItem('storageTest'); - } - } catch (e) { - //FF throws an error if is set to false - s = undefined; - } - if (s) { - storage = { - prefix: 'Hyphenator_' + Hyphenator.version + '_', - store: s, - test: function (name) { - var val = + name); - return (!!val) ? true : false; - }, - getItem: function (name) { - return + name); - }, - setItem: function (name, value) { - try { - + name, value); - } catch (e) { - onError(e); - } - } - }; - } else { - storage = undefined; - } - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~storeConfiguration - * @desc - * Stores the current config-options in DOM-Storage - * @access private - */ - storeConfiguration = function () { - if (!storage) { - return; - } - var settings = { - 'STORED': true, - 'classname': hyphenateClass, - 'urlclassname': urlHyphenateClass, - 'donthyphenateclassname': dontHyphenateClass, - 'minwordlength': min, - 'hyphenchar': hyphen, - 'urlhyphenchar': urlhyphen, - 'togglebox': toggleBox, - 'displaytogglebox': displayToggleBox, - 'remoteloading': enableRemoteLoading, - 'enablecache': enableCache, - 'enablereducedpatternset': enableReducedPatternSet, - 'onhyphenationdonecallback': onHyphenationDone, - 'onerrorhandler': onError, - 'onwarninghandler': onWarning, - 'intermediatestate': intermediateState, - 'selectorfunction': selectorFunction || mySelectorFunction, - 'safecopy': safeCopy, - 'doframes': doFrames, - 'storagetype': storageType, - 'orphancontrol': orphanControl, - 'dohyphenation': Hyphenator.doHyphenation, - 'persistentconfig': persistentConfig, - 'defaultlanguage': defaultLanguage, - 'useCSS3hyphenation': css3, - 'unhide': unhide, - 'onbeforewordhyphenation': onBeforeWordHyphenation, - 'onafterwordhyphenation': onAfterWordHyphenation - }; - storage.setItem('config', window.JSON.stringify(settings)); - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator~restoreConfiguration - * @desc - * Retrieves config-options from DOM-Storage and does configuration accordingly - * @access private - */ - restoreConfiguration = function () { - var settings; - if (storage.test('config')) { - settings = window.JSON.parse(storage.getItem('config')); - Hyphenator.config(settings); - } - }; - - return { - - /** - * @member {string} Hyphenator.version - * @desc - * String containing the actual version of Hyphenator.js - * [major release].[minor releas].[bugfix release] - * major release: new API, new Features, big changes - * minor release: new languages, improvements - * @access public - */ - version: '4.3.0', - - /** - * @member {boolean} Hyphenator.doHyphenation - * @desc - * If doHyphenation is set to false, hyphenateDocument() isn't called. - * All other actions are performed. - * @default true - */ - doHyphenation: true, - - /** - * @typedef {Object} Hyphenator.languages.language - * @property {Number} leftmin - The minimum of chars to remain on the old line - * @property {Number} rightmin - The minimum of chars to go on the new line - * @property {string} specialChars - Non-ASCII chars in the alphabet. - * @property {Object.<number, string>} patterns - the patterns in a compressed format. The key is the length of the patterns in the value string. - * @property {Object.<string, string>} charSubstitution - optional: a hash table with chars that are replaced during hyphenation - * @property {string | Object.<string, string>} exceptions - optional: a csv string containing exceptions - */ - - /** - * @member {Object.<string, Hyphenator.languages.language>} Hyphenator.languages - * @desc - * Objects that holds key-value pairs, where key is the language and the value is the - * language-object loaded from (and set by) the pattern file. - * @namespace Hyphenator.languages - * @access public - */ - languages: {}, - - - /** - * @method Hyphenator.config - * @desc - * The Hyphenator.config() function that takes an object as an argument. The object contains key-value-pairs - * containig Hyphenator-settings. - * @param {Hyphenator.config} obj - * @access public - * @example - * &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; -  * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt; -  * Hyphenator.config({'minwordlength':4,'hyphenchar':'|'}); - *; -  * &lt;/script&gt; - */ - config: function (obj) { - var assert = function (name, type) { - var r, t; - t = typeof obj[name]; - if (t === type) { - r = true; - } else { - onError(new Error('Config onError: ' + name + ' must be of type ' + type)); - r = false; - } - return r; - }, - key; - - if (obj.hasOwnProperty('storagetype')) { - if (assert('storagetype', 'string')) { - storageType = obj.storagetype; - } - if (!storage) { - createStorage(); - } - } - if (!obj.hasOwnProperty('STORED') && storage && obj.hasOwnProperty('persistentconfig') && obj.persistentconfig === true) { - restoreConfiguration(); - } - - for (key in obj) { - if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - switch (key) { - case 'STORED': - break; - case 'classname': - if (assert('classname', 'string')) { - hyphenateClass = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'urlclassname': - if (assert('urlclassname', 'string')) { - urlHyphenateClass = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'donthyphenateclassname': - if (assert('donthyphenateclassname', 'string')) { - dontHyphenateClass = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'minwordlength': - if (assert('minwordlength', 'number')) { - min = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'hyphenchar': - if (assert('hyphenchar', 'string')) { - if (obj.hyphenchar === '&shy;') { - obj.hyphenchar = String.fromCharCode(173); - } - hyphen = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'urlhyphenchar': - if (obj.hasOwnProperty('urlhyphenchar')) { - if (assert('urlhyphenchar', 'string')) { - urlhyphen = obj[key]; - } - } - break; - case 'togglebox': - if (assert('togglebox', 'function')) { - toggleBox = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'displaytogglebox': - if (assert('displaytogglebox', 'boolean')) { - displayToggleBox = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'remoteloading': - if (assert('remoteloading', 'boolean')) { - enableRemoteLoading = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'enablecache': - if (assert('enablecache', 'boolean')) { - enableCache = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'enablereducedpatternset': - if (assert('enablereducedpatternset', 'boolean')) { - enableReducedPatternSet = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'onhyphenationdonecallback': - if (assert('onhyphenationdonecallback', 'function')) { - onHyphenationDone = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'onerrorhandler': - if (assert('onerrorhandler', 'function')) { - onError = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'onwarninghandler': - if (assert('onwarninghandler', 'function')) { - onWarning = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'intermediatestate': - if (assert('intermediatestate', 'string')) { - intermediateState = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'selectorfunction': - if (assert('selectorfunction', 'function')) { - selectorFunction = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'safecopy': - if (assert('safecopy', 'boolean')) { - safeCopy = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'doframes': - if (assert('doframes', 'boolean')) { - doFrames = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'storagetype': - if (assert('storagetype', 'string')) { - storageType = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'orphancontrol': - if (assert('orphancontrol', 'number')) { - orphanControl = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'dohyphenation': - if (assert('dohyphenation', 'boolean')) { - Hyphenator.doHyphenation = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'persistentconfig': - if (assert('persistentconfig', 'boolean')) { - persistentConfig = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'defaultlanguage': - if (assert('defaultlanguage', 'string')) { - defaultLanguage = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'useCSS3hyphenation': - if (assert('useCSS3hyphenation', 'boolean')) { - css3 = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'unhide': - if (assert('unhide', 'string')) { - unhide = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'onbeforewordhyphenation': - if (assert('onbeforewordhyphenation', 'function')) { - onBeforeWordHyphenation = obj[key]; - } - break; - case 'onafterwordhyphenation': - if (assert('onafterwordhyphenation', 'function')) { - onAfterWordHyphenation = obj[key]; - } - break; - default: - onError(new Error('Hyphenator.config: property ' + key + ' not known.')); - } - } - } - if (storage && persistentConfig) { - storeConfiguration(); - } - }, - - /** - * @method - * @desc - * Bootstrap function that starts all hyphenation processes when called: - * Tries to create storage if required and calls {@link Hyphenator~runWhenLoaded} on 'window' handing over the callback 'process' - * @access public - * @example - * &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; -  * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt; -  *; -  * &lt;/script&gt; - */ - run: function () { - /** - *@callback process - The function is called when the DOM has loaded (or called for each frame) - */ - var process = function () { - try { - if (contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('frameset').length > 0) { - return; //we are in a frameset - } - autoSetMainLanguage(undefined); - gatherDocumentInfos(); - prepare(hyphenateLanguageElements); - if (displayToggleBox) { - toggleBox(); - } - } catch (e) { - onError(e); - } - }; - - if (!storage) { - createStorage(); - } - runWhenLoaded(window, process); - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator.addExceptions - * @desc - * Adds the exceptions from the string to the appropriate language in the - * {@link Hyphenator~languages}-object - * @param {string} lang The language - * @param {string} words A comma separated string of hyphenated words WITH spaces. - * @access public - * @example &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; -  * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt; -  *   Hyphenator.addExceptions('de','ziem-lich, Wach-stube'); - *; -  * &lt;/script&gt; - */ - addExceptions: function (lang, words) { - if (lang === '') { - lang = 'global'; - } - if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - exceptions[lang] += ", " + words; - } else { - exceptions[lang] = words; - } - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator.hyphenate - * @access public - * @desc - * Hyphenates the target. The language patterns must be loaded. - * If the target is a string, the hyphenated string is returned, - * if it's an object, the values are hyphenated directly and undefined (aka nothing) is returned - * @param {string|Object} target the target to be hyphenated - * @param {string} lang the language of the target - * @returns {string|undefined} - * @example &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; - * &lt;script src = "patterns/en.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; -  * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt; - * var t = Hyphenator.hyphenate('Hyphenation', 'en'); //Hy|phen|ation - * &lt;/script&gt; - */ - hyphenate: function (target, lang) { - var hyphenate, n, i, lo; - lo = Hyphenator.languages[lang]; - if (Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { - if (!lo.prepared) { - prepareLanguagesObj(lang); - } - hyphenate = function (word) { - var r; - if (urlOrMailRE.test(word)) { - r = hyphenateURL(word); - } else { - r = hyphenateWord(lo, lang, word); - } - return r; - }; - if (typeof target === 'object' && !(typeof target === 'string' || target.constructor === String)) { - i = 0; - n = target.childNodes[i]; - while (!!n) { - if (n.nodeType === 3 && >= min) { //type 3 = #text -> hyphenate! - =, hyphenate); - } else if (n.nodeType === 1) { - if (n.lang !== '') { - Hyphenator.hyphenate(n, n.lang); - } else { - Hyphenator.hyphenate(n, lang); - } - } - i += 1; - n = target.childNodes[i]; - } - } else if (typeof target === 'string' || target.constructor === String) { - return target.replace(lo.genRegExp, hyphenate); - } - } else { - onError(new Error('Language "' + lang + '" is not loaded.')); - } - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator.getRedPatternSet - * @desc - * Returns the reduced pattern set: an object looking like: {'patk': pat} - * @param {string} lang the language patterns are stored for - * @returns {Object.<string, string>} - * @access public - */ - getRedPatternSet: function (lang) { - return Hyphenator.languages[lang].redPatSet; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator.isBookmarklet - * @desc - * Returns {@link Hyphenator~isBookmarklet}. - * @returns {boolean} - * @access public - */ - isBookmarklet: function () { - return isBookmarklet; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator.getConfigFromURI - * @desc - * reads and sets configurations from GET parameters in the URI - * @access public - */ - getConfigFromURI: function () { - /*jslint evil: true*/ - var loc = null, re = {}, jsArray = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i, j, l, s, gp, option; - for (i = 0, l = jsArray.length; i < l; i += 1) { - if (!!jsArray[i].getAttribute('src')) { - loc = jsArray[i].getAttribute('src'); - } - if (loc && (loc.indexOf('Hyphenator.js?') !== -1)) { - s = loc.indexOf('Hyphenator.js?'); - gp = loc.substring(s + 14).split('&'); - for (j = 0; j < gp.length; j += 1) { - option = gp[j].split('='); - if (option[0] !== 'bm') { - if (option[1] === 'true') { - option[1] = true; - } else if (option[1] === 'false') { - option[1] = false; - } else if (isFinite(option[1])) { - option[1] = parseInt(option[1], 10); - } - if (option[0] === 'togglebox' || - option[0] === 'onhyphenationdonecallback' || - option[0] === 'onerrorhandler' || - option[0] === 'selectorfunction' || - option[0] === 'onbeforewordhyphenation' || - option[0] === 'onafterwordhyphenation') { - option[1] = new Function('', option[1]); - } - re[option[0]] = option[1]; - } - } - break; - } - } - return re; - }, - - /** - * @method Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation - * @desc - * Checks the current state of the ToggleBox and removes or does hyphenation. - * @access public - */ - toggleHyphenation: function () { - if (Hyphenator.doHyphenation) { - if (!!css3hyphenateClassHandle) { - css3hyphenateClassHandle.setRule('.' + css3hyphenateClass, + ': none;'); - } - removeHyphenationFromDocument(); - Hyphenator.doHyphenation = false; - storeConfiguration(); - toggleBox(); - } else { - if (!!css3hyphenateClassHandle) { - css3hyphenateClassHandle.setRule('.' + css3hyphenateClass, + ': auto;'); - } - hyphenateLanguageElements('*'); - Hyphenator.doHyphenation = true; - storeConfiguration(); - toggleBox(); - } - } - }; -}(window)); - -//Export properties/methods (for google closure compiler) -/**** to be moved to external file -Hyphenator['languages'] = Hyphenator.languages; -Hyphenator['config'] = Hyphenator.config; -Hyphenator['run'] =; -Hyphenator['addExceptions'] = Hyphenator.addExceptions; -Hyphenator['hyphenate'] = Hyphenator.hyphenate; -Hyphenator['getRedPatternSet'] = Hyphenator.getRedPatternSet; -Hyphenator['isBookmarklet'] = Hyphenator.isBookmarklet; -Hyphenator['getConfigFromURI'] = Hyphenator.getConfigFromURI; -Hyphenator['toggleHyphenation'] = Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation; -window['Hyphenator'] = Hyphenator; -*/ - -/* - * call Hyphenator if it is a Bookmarklet - */ -if (Hyphenator.isBookmarklet()) { - Hyphenator.config({displaytogglebox: true, intermediatestate: 'visible', storagetype: 'local', doframes: true, useCSS3hyphenation: true}); - Hyphenator.config(Hyphenator.getConfigFromURI()); -; -}
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-$(document).ready(function() { - // Manage dates - $('.timeago').timeago(); - // Search - $("#h3rald-search-btn").click(function(){ - h3rald_search(); - }) - $("#h3rald-search-box").keydown(function(e){ - q = $("#h3rald-search-box").val(); - if (q.length == 1){ - $("#h3rald-search-results").addClass("hidden"); - $("#main").show(); - } - if (e.which == 13) { - e.preventDefault(); - h3rald_search(); - } - }) - var navHeight = $('.navbar-collapse').height(); - - $('.navbar-collapse').on('', function(){ - if($(this).height() != 0){ - navHeight = $(this).height(); - } - $('body').animate({ - 'padding-top': parseInt($("body").css("padding-top")) + navHeight - }, 300); - }); - - $('.navbar-collapse').on('', function(){ - navHeight = $(this).height(); - $('body').animate({ - 'padding-top': parseInt($("body").css("padding-top")) - navHeight - }, 300); - }); -}); -
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-/* - * jQuery Easing v1.3 - - * - * Uses the built in easing capabilities added In jQuery 1.1 - * to offer multiple easing options - * - * TERMS OF USE - jQuery Easing - * - * Open source under the BSD License. - * - * Copyright © 2008 George McGinley Smith - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, - * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - * - * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of - * conditions and the following disclaimer. - * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list - * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials - * provided with the distribution. - * - * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse - * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY - * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF - * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE - * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, - * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE - * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED - * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING - * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED - * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - * -*/ - -// t: current time, b: begInnIng value, c: change In value, d: duration -jQuery.easing['jswing'] = jQuery.easing['swing']; - -jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing, -{ - def: 'easeOutQuad', - swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - //alert(jQuery.easing.default); - return jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def](x, t, b, c, d); - }, - easeInQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return c*(t/=d)*t + b; - }, - easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b; - }, - easeInOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t + b; - return -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b; - }, - easeInCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return c*(t/=d)*t*t + b; - }, - easeOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b; - }, - easeInOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t + b; - return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t + 2) + b; - }, - easeInQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t + b; - }, - easeOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b; - }, - easeInOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t + b; - return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b; - }, - easeInQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t*t + b; - }, - easeOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t*t + 1) + b; - }, - easeInOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t*t + b; - return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t*t*t + 2) + b; - }, - easeInSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return -c * Math.cos(t/d * (Math.PI/2)) + c + b; - }, - easeOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return c * Math.sin(t/d * (Math.PI/2)) + b; - }, - easeInOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return -c/2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI*t/d) - 1) + b; - }, - easeInExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return (t==0) ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t/d - 1)) + b; - }, - easeOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return (t==d) ? b+c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t/d) + 1) + b; - }, - easeInOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - if (t==0) return b; - if (t==d) return b+c; - if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b; - return c/2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b; - }, - easeInCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t/=d)*t) - 1) + b; - }, - easeOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t=t/d-1)*t) + b; - }, - easeInOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return -c/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t*t) - 1) + b; - return c/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t-=2)*t) + 1) + b; - }, - easeInElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=c; - if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d)==1) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*.3; - if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; var s=p/4; } - else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a); - return -(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b; - }, - easeOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=c; - if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d)==1) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*.3; - if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; var s=p/4; } - else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a); - return a*Math.pow(2,-10*t) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p ) + c + b; - }, - easeInOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=c; - if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d/2)==2) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*(.3*1.5); - if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; var s=p/4; } - else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a); - if (t < 1) return -.5*(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b; - return a*Math.pow(2,-10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )*.5 + c + b; - }, - easeInBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) { - if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; - return c*(t/=d)*t*((s+1)*t - s) + b; - }, - easeOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) { - if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; - return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1) + b; - }, - easeInOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) { - if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; - if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*(t*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t - s)) + b; - return c/2*((t-=2)*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t + s) + 2) + b; - }, - easeInBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - return c - jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce (x, d-t, 0, c, d) + b; - }, - easeOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - if ((t/=d) < (1/2.75)) { - return c*(7.5625*t*t) + b; - } else if (t < (2/2.75)) { - return c*(7.5625*(t-=(1.5/2.75))*t + .75) + b; - } else if (t < (2.5/2.75)) { - return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.25/2.75))*t + .9375) + b; - } else { - return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.625/2.75))*t + .984375) + b; - } - }, - easeInOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) { - if (t < d/2) return jQuery.easing.easeInBounce (x, t*2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b; - return jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce (x, t*2-d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c*.5 + b; - } -}); - -/* - * - * TERMS OF USE - EASING EQUATIONS - * - * Open source under the BSD License. - * - * Copyright © 2001 Robert Penner - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, - * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - * - * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of - * conditions and the following disclaimer. - * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list - * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials - * provided with the distribution. - * - * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse - * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY - * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF - * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE - * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, - * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE - * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED - * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING - * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED - * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - * - */
D assets/js/jquery-timeago.js

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-/* - * timeago: a jQuery plugin, version: 0.7.2 (2009-07-30) - * @requires jQuery v1.2 or later - * - * Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically - * updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago"). - * - * For usage and examples, visit: - * - * - * Licensed under the MIT: - * - * - * Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Ryan McGeary (ryanonjavascript -[at]- mcgeary [*dot*] org) - */ -(function($) { - $.timeago = function(timestamp) { - if (timestamp instanceof Date) return inWords(timestamp); - else if (typeof timestamp == "string") return inWords($.timeago.parse(timestamp)); - else return inWords($.timeago.parse($(timestamp).attr("title"))); - }; - var $t = $.timeago; - - $.extend($.timeago, { - settings: { - refreshMillis: 60000, - allowFuture: false, - strings: { - prefixAgo: null, - prefixFromNow: null, - suffixAgo: "ago", - suffixFromNow: "from now", - ago: null, // DEPRECATED, use suffixAgo - fromNow: null, // DEPRECATED, use suffixFromNow - seconds: "less than a minute", - minute: "about a minute", - minutes: "%d minutes", - hour: "about an hour", - hours: "about %d hours", - day: "a day", - days: "%d days", - month: "about a month", - months: "%d months", - year: "about a year", - years: "%d years" - } - }, - inWords: function(distanceMillis) { - var $l = this.settings.strings; - var prefix = $l.prefixAgo; - var suffix = $l.suffixAgo || $l.ago; - if (this.settings.allowFuture) { - if (distanceMillis < 0) { - prefix = $l.prefixFromNow; - suffix = $l.suffixFromNow || $l.fromNow; - } - distanceMillis = Math.abs(distanceMillis); - } - - var seconds = distanceMillis / 1000; - var minutes = seconds / 60; - var hours = minutes / 60; - var days = hours / 24; - var years = days / 365; - - var words = seconds < 45 && substitute($l.seconds, Math.round(seconds)) || - seconds < 90 && substitute($l.minute, 1) || - minutes < 45 && substitute($l.minutes, Math.round(minutes)) || - minutes < 90 && substitute($l.hour, 1) || - hours < 24 && substitute($l.hours, Math.round(hours)) || - hours < 48 && substitute($, 1) || - days < 30 && substitute($l.days, Math.floor(days)) || - days < 60 && substitute($l.month, 1) || - days < 365 && substitute($l.months, Math.floor(days / 30)) || - years < 2 && substitute($l.year, 1) || - substitute($l.years, Math.floor(years)); - - return $.trim([prefix, words, suffix].join(" ")); - }, - parse: function(iso8601) { - var s = $.trim(iso8601); - s = s.replace(/-/,"/").replace(/-/,"/"); - s = s.replace(/T/," ").replace(/Z/," UTC"); - s = s.replace(/([\+-]\d\d)\:?(\d\d)/," $1$2"); // -04:00 -> -0400 - return new Date(s); - } - }); - - $.fn.timeago = function() { - var self = this; - self.each(refresh); - - var $s = $t.settings; - if ($s.refreshMillis > 0) { - setInterval(function() { self.each(refresh); }, $s.refreshMillis); - } - return self; - }; - - function refresh() { - var date = $t.parse(this.title); - if (!isNaN(date)) { - $(this).text(inWords(date)); - } - return this; - } - - function inWords(date) { - return $t.inWords(distance(date)); - } - - function distance(date) { - return (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()); - } - - function substitute(stringOrFunction, value) { - var string = $.isFunction(stringOrFunction) ? stringOrFunction(value) : stringOrFunction; - return string.replace(/%d/i, value); - } - - // fix for IE6 suckage - document.createElement('abbr'); -})(jQuery);
D assets/js/jquery.js

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d?lb(h[d],i[d]):h[d]===v?-1:i[d]===v?1:0},g):n},gb.matches=function(a,b){return gb(a,null,null,b)},gb.matchesSelector=function(a,b){if((a.ownerDocument||a)!==n&&m(a),b=b.replace(U,"='$1']"),!(!c.matchesSelector||!p||r&&r.test(b)||q&&q.test(b)))try{var,b);if(d||c.disconnectedMatch||a.document&&11!==a.document.nodeType)return d}catch(e){}return gb(b,n,null,[a]).length>0},gb.contains=function(a,b){return(a.ownerDocument||a)!==n&&m(a),t(a,b)},gb.attr=function(a,b){(a.ownerDocument||a)!==n&&m(a);var e=d.attrHandle[b.toLowerCase()],f=e&&,b.toLowerCase())?e(a,b,!p):void 0;return void 0!==f?f:c.attributes||!p?a.getAttribute(b):(f=a.getAttributeNode(b))&&f.specified?f.value:null},gb.error=function(a){throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: "+a)},gb.uniqueSort=function(a){var b,d=[],e=0,f=0;if(l=!c.detectDuplicates,k=!c.sortStable&&a.slice(0),a.sort(B),l){while(b=a[f++])b===a[f]&&(e=d.push(f));while(e--)a.splice(d[e],1)}return k=null,a},e=gb.getText=function(a){var 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D assets/js/search.js

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D assets/js/sevenup.js

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D assets/js/sevenup_black.js

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- background-color: transparent; - } - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus { - color: #ffffff; - background-color: #080808; - } - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus { - color: #444444; - background-color: transparent; - } -} - -.navbar-inverse .navbar-link { - color: #999999; -} - -.navbar-inverse .navbar-link:hover { - color: #ffffff; -} - -.breadcrumb { - padding: 8px 15px; - margin-bottom: 20px; - list-style: none; - background-color: #f5f5f5; - border-radius: 4px; -} - -.breadcrumb > li { - display: inline-block; -} - -.breadcrumb > li + li:before { - padding: 0 5px; - color: #cccccc; - content: "/\00a0"; -} - -.breadcrumb > .active { - color: #999999; 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-} - -.alert-warning hr { - border-top-color: #f7e1b5; -} - -.alert-warning .alert-link { - color: #66512c; -} - -.alert-danger { - color: #a94442; - background-color: #f2dede; - border-color: #ebccd1; -} - -.alert-danger hr { - border-top-color: #e4b9c0; -} - -.alert-danger .alert-link { - color: #843534; -} - -@-webkit-keyframes progress-bar-stripes { - from { - background-position: 40px 0; - } - to { - background-position: 0 0; - } -} - -@keyframes progress-bar-stripes { - from { - background-position: 40px 0; - } - to { - background-position: 0 0; - } -} - -.progress { - height: 20px; - margin-bottom: 20px; - overflow: hidden; - background-color: #f5f5f5; - border-radius: 4px; - -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); - box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); -} - -.progress-bar { - float: left; - width: 0; - height: 100%; - font-size: 12px; - line-height: 20px; - color: #ffffff; - text-align: center; - background-color: #428bca; - -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); - box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); - -webkit-transition: width 0.6s ease; - transition: width 0.6s ease; -} - -.progress-striped .progress-bar { - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-size: 40px 40px; -} - .progress-bar { - -webkit-animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite; - animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite; -} - -.progress-bar-success { - background-color: #5cb85c; -} - -.progress-striped .progress-bar-success { - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); -} - -.progress-bar-info { - background-color: #5bc0de; -} - -.progress-striped .progress-bar-info { - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); -} - -.progress-bar-warning { - background-color: #f0ad4e; -} - -.progress-striped .progress-bar-warning { - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); -} - -.progress-bar-danger { - background-color: #d9534f; -} - -.progress-striped .progress-bar-danger { - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); -} -, { - overflow: hidden; - zoom: 1; -} -, .media { - margin-top: 15px; -} - { - margin-top: 0; -} - { - display: block; -} - { - margin: 0 0 5px; -} - > .pull-left { - margin-right: 10px; -} - > .pull-right { - margin-left: 10px; -} - { - padding-left: 0; - list-style: none; -} - -.list-group { - padding-left: 0; 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-} - -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child { - border-right: 0; -} - -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr:last-child > th, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr:last-child > th, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > th, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > th, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > th, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > th, -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr:last-child > td, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr:last-child > td, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > td, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > td, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > td, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > td { - border-bottom: 0; -} - -.panel > .table-responsive { - margin-bottom: 0; - border: 0; -} - -.panel-heading { - padding: 10px 15px; - border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; - border-top-right-radius: 3px; - border-top-left-radius: 3px; -} - -.panel-heading > .dropdown .dropdown-toggle { - color: inherit; -} - -.panel-title { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; - font-size: 16px; - color: inherit; -} - -.panel-title > a { - color: inherit; -} - -.panel-footer { - padding: 10px 15px; - background-color: #f5f5f5; - border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; - border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; - border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; -} - -.panel-group .panel { - margin-bottom: 0; - overflow: hidden; - border-radius: 4px; -} - -.panel-group .panel + .panel { - margin-top: 5px; -} - -.panel-group .panel-heading { - border-bottom: 0; -} - -.panel-group .panel-heading + .panel-collapse .panel-body { - border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; -} - -.panel-group .panel-footer { - border-top: 0; -} - -.panel-group .panel-footer + .panel-collapse .panel-body { - border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; 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2.154 5.132 2.47 10.28 4.85 15.486 7.21 1.232 0.534 2.428 1.090 3.668 1.622 6.064 2.654 12.192 5.2 18.372 7.634 1.588 0.632 3.178 1.24 4.774 1.874 5.622 2.178 11.286 4.292 17.016 6.312 0.89 0.316 1.78 0.64 2.644 0.956 6.388 2.198 12.816 4.292 19.296 6.272 1.654 0.516 3.31 1.016 5.006 1.514 6.636 1.962 13.232 4.084 20.036 5.624 179.546 40.862 369.034 4.166 475.79-134.92zM364.88 509.516c9.814 14.048 20.676 30.772 33.692 42.062 4.708 5.196 9.648 10.26 14.68 15.242 1.264 1.296 2.57 2.544 3.876 3.816 4.874 4.742 9.864 9.408 14.988 13.94 0.216 0.158 0.408 0.376 0.616 0.526 0.058 0.066 0.108 0.082 0.15 0.148 5.69 4.974 11.562 9.774 17.516 14.488 1.324 1.016 2.636 2.072 3.976 3.104 5.98 4.582 12.078 9.090 18.332 13.38 0.192 0.132 0.34 0.268 0.532 0.4 2.752 1.912 5.564 3.692 8.35 5.522 1.348 0.866 2.62 1.796 3.966 2.612 4.474 2.87 8.992 5.656 13.59 8.334 0.65 0.4 1.282 0.732 1.922 1.106 3.95 2.28 7.984 4.534 12.010 6.712 1.396 0.782 2.828 1.48 4.258 2.228 2.778 1.448 5.572 2.936 8.4 4.342 0.424 0.2 0.866 0.398 1.274 0.574 5.764 2.836 11.576 5.58 17.524 8.158 1.264 0.566 2.578 1.064 3.868 1.598 4.75 2.012 9.54 3.984 14.356 5.83 2.044 0.774 4.118 1.514 6.146 2.254 4.382 1.63 8.766 3.112 13.19 4.592 2.006 0.638 3.968 1.296 5.972 1.912 6.288 1.946 12.508 4.424 19.070 5.506 337.868 55.982 415.866-204.156 415.866-204.156-70.32 101.266-206.486 149.582-351.794 111.872-6.446-1.698-12.806-3.552-19.12-5.54-1.948-0.584-3.844-1.214-5.766-1.856-4.49-1.456-8.958-3.002-13.388-4.616-2.022-0.74-4.050-1.48-6.040-2.246-4.85-1.864-9.648-3.792-14.396-5.804-1.306-0.566-2.612-1.066-3.884-1.648-5.962-2.598-11.834-5.326-17.624-8.188-2.986-1.458-5.906-2.998-8.85-4.508-1.698-0.874-3.402-1.75-5.098-2.624-3.76-2.042-7.502-4.16-11.188-6.308-0.874-0.504-1.788-0.982-2.678-1.51-4.566-2.678-9.074-5.436-13.54-8.268-1.374-0.876-2.704-1.83-4.076-2.732-2.954-1.908-5.888-3.842-8.784-5.804-6.22-4.292-12.276-8.798-18.256-13.356-1.38-1.086-2.752-2.146-4.118-3.232-63.592-50.222-114-118.846-137.988-196.66-25.11-80.704-19.694-171.294 23.828-244.812l-53.47 75.476c-65.43 94.17-61.878 220.226-10.838 319.82 8.572 16.698 18.194 32.89 28.948 48.314zM721 393.012c2.786 1.040 5.564 1.962 8.382 2.916 1.232 0.378 2.462 0.802 3.702 1.168 3.976 1.252 7.926 2.704 12.036 3.476 186.568 36.046 237.16-95.738 250.634-115.132-44.33 63.82-118.81 79.14-210.222 56.962-7.21-1.762-15.144-4.37-22.116-6.832-8.924-3.182-17.698-6.808-26.248-10.912-16.242-7.798-31.696-17.258-46.050-28.090-81.782-62.058-132.582-180.442-79.22-276.85l-28.878 39.802c-38.574 56.772-42.358 127.276-15.602 189.982 28.228 66.548 86.072 118.762 153.582 143.51z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "grid": 0, - "tags": [ - "prog-jquery" - ] - }, - { - "id": 63, - "paths": [ - "M791.446 151.91c0-62.478 50.566-113.058 112.954-113.058 62.46 0 113.030 50.58 113.030 113.058 0 62.394-50.568 112.978-113.030 112.978-62.388 0-112.954-50.584-112.954-112.978zM726.912 645.344l-31.92 4.832c-24.328 3.454-35.456 12.9-35.456 29.55 0 19.794 11.51 30.542 32.004 30.542 22.864 0 44.802-11.122 53.478-27.396 2.378-4.534 2.378-5.606 2.378-14.654v-8.676l0.38-20.808v-0.376c-0.38 0-1.762 1.082-2.76 1.764-2.068 2.070-8.364 3.84-18.104 5.222zM518.578 151.91c213.084 0 385.82 172.766 385.82 385.906 0 213.128-172.736 385.9-385.82 385.9-213.1 0-385.828-172.772-385.828-385.9 0-213.14 172.728-385.906 385.828-385.906zM415.822 700.52h-126.454v-219.118h-34.382v249.358h160.836v-30.24zM799.196 708.206c-4.906 0.998-7.292 1.38-10.128 1.38-6.904 0-10.054-3.162-10.054-10.746v-103.848c0-32.004-25.702-51.122-68.758-51.122-47.192 0-71.892 20.192-73.59 60.486h28.478c3.452-24.718 15.952-35.082 41.66-35.082 28.086 0 42.050 10.364 42.050 30.558 0 18.72-2.454 20.094-52.49 25.316-17.034 1.388-22.554 2.46-31.22 5.222-23.638 7.668-37.528 27.098-37.528 52.116 0 33.3 22.948 53.496 60.774 53.496 23.254 0 39.206-7.678 61.846-29.178 0.998 18.432 10.744 27.406 29.168 27.406 6.894 0 10.43-0.692 19.792-3.454v-22.55zM565.386 377.942c0 62.398 50.642 113.054 113.030 113.054s113.030-50.656 113.030-113.054-50.642-113.052-113.030-113.052-113.030 50.652-113.030 113.052zM512.666 709.586c-24.328 0-36.446-12.808-36.446-38.908v-121.578h-30.932v135.152c0 30.54 24.708 51.732 59.784 51.732 26.698 0 44.728-10.048 57.628-31.624v26.398h29.534v-181.66h-30.914v106.674c0 9.674-5.222 25.334-11.818 35.082-7.678 11.736-21.566 18.732-36.836 18.732zM66.688 410.096l34.45 11.21-3.842 11.74-96.296-31.314 3.684-11.208 9.664 3.148c-0.382-0.77-0.84-1.148-0.99-1.54-5.988-9.362-6.762-14.194-3.85-23.176 5.614-17.27 23.178-24.252 44.206-17.424 23.022 7.448 34.298 24.41 28.31 42.828-2.678 8.292-7.060 12.746-15.336 15.736zM71.82 391.45c3.852-11.59-4.066-21.954-21.016-27.4-17.118-5.602-27.546-1.996-31.772 10.978-3.684 11.506 4.45 21.408 22.256 27.242 15.344 4.99 26.706 0.924 30.532-10.82zM40.29 295.050c9.208-18.038 29.308-23.26 49.486-12.97 20.418 10.36 28.086 29.626 18.804 47.888-8.9 17.42-29.318 22.644-49.336 12.434-20.186-10.204-27.928-29.624-18.954-47.352zM64.766 330.892c15.344 7.826 28.768 5.448 34.608-6.142 5.748-11.358-0.158-23.562-15.196-31.16-15.354-7.826-28.394-5.448-34.224 6.064-5.83 11.436 0 23.716 14.812 31.238zM142.032 270.336l-36.446-45.516 53.944 22.49 7.676-10.206-45.042-60.868-7.518 9.98 36.678 46.356-54.168-23.334-8.292 10.978 37.052 45.898-54.010-23.566-8.134 10.75 70.596 27.168 7.664-10.13zM157.842 194.198c-16.342-17.806-16.65-38.066-0.764-52.65 14.804-13.662 33.152-10.13 51.64 10.054l-38.982 35.842c11.51 11.284 21.566 12.588 31.23 3.764 7.376-6.758 9.132-16.504 4.458-23.486l9.132-8.522c2.604 3.838 4.134 9.056 4.6 15.044 0.616 9.288-2.76 17.118-10.896 24.56-5.372 4.986-10.896 8.134-16.11 9.132-11.742 2.38-23.868-2.378-34.308-13.738zM163.066 180.154l29.534-27.172c-9.896-9.594-20.252-10.592-28.776-2.766-8.584 7.91-8.742 20.418-0.758 29.938zM250.77 161.736l-25.25-35.54c-5.98-8.368-3.592-19.648 5.374-26.020 0.542-0.382 1.772-1.302 2.994-1.992l-7.36-10.364c-1.688 0.766-2.918 1.458-3.768 2.15-5.906 4.14-8.442 12.276-7.584 22.948l-7.070-9.976-9.506 6.752 42.118 59.176 10.052-7.134zM253.532 115.914c-11.428-21.264-6.754-40.988 12.208-51.198 17.714-9.594 34.6-1.606 47.564 22.49l-46.576 25.096c8.368 13.814 17.808 17.504 29.31 11.362 8.824-4.756 12.974-13.814 10.13-21.718l10.97-5.914c1.538 4.378 1.772 9.752 0.782 15.66-1.772 9.132-6.92 15.886-16.576 21.11-6.538 3.528-12.668 5.214-17.89 4.912-12.042-0.618-22.554-8.214-29.922-21.8zM262.048 103.632l35.38-19.034c-7.292-11.744-17.116-15.276-27.246-9.826-10.28 5.53-13.508 17.654-8.134 28.86zM320.674 77.54c-7.37-20.88-0.84-38.456 16.194-44.44 8.9-3.142 16.726-1.768 24.56 4.146l0.224-0.232-12.276-34.85 11.66-4.14 33.152 94.1-11.044 3.908-3.31-9.436c-1.838 9.436-6.828 15.2-15.652 18.264-18.49 6.524-35.3-4.148-43.508-27.32zM333.026 74.082c5.988 17.042 16.352 24.714 27.788 20.648 6.364-2.226 11.196-7.752 12.426-14.356 0.766-4.832 0.308-9.132-2.070-15.964-6.754-19.106-16.12-25.938-28.928-21.488-11.662 4.146-14.888 15.046-9.216 31.16zM439.542 81.912l-10.52-99.238 12.35-1.306 3.768 36.076 1.148-1.384c5.68-8.134 10.438-11.128 19.114-12.050 17.648-1.914 31.53 11.286 33.684 32.314 2.686 25.172-7.826 42.214-27.164 44.206-9.664 1.078-14.738-1.072-21.566-8.898l0.924 8.978-11.738 1.302zM447.826 46.604c1.688 16.046 10.046 24.792 22.33 23.49 12.278-1.304 18.49-12.666 16.568-30.394-1.838-17.498-9.506-25.946-22.406-24.56l-0.534 0.080c-12.658 1.836-17.954 12.502-15.958 31.384zM528.934 84.294l-1.688 3.606c-2.688 5.524-4.452 6.75-9.442 6.522-2.76-0.154-4.14-0.46-6.976-1.688l-0.542 11.208c3.3 1.15 4.534 1.458 7.37 1.614 3.3 0.148 7.21-0.386 9.356-1.156 5.222-1.838 9.058-7.672 15.662-22.948 1.762-3.992 3.292-7.37 4.524-10.284 2.146-4.762 3.528-7.902 4.142-9.366l23.246-56.486-13.732-0.54-21.948 58.41-16.952-60.1-13.964-0.616 23.706 75.606c-1.234 3.146-1.838 4.374-2.762 6.218zM1010.858 508.378l11.552-0.674c-0.916-15.562-2.57-31.23-4.924-46.572l-11.446 1.756c2.306 14.99 3.918 30.296 4.818 45.49zM686.11 61.262c-14.638-5.126-29.334-9.46-44.938-13.24l-2.736 11.248c15.236 3.694 29.576 7.918 43.848 12.916l3.826-10.924zM770.936 100.69c-14.182-8.194-27.738-15.292-41.446-21.7l-4.914 10.482c13.406 6.272 26.68 13.22 40.578 21.242l5.782-10.024zM102.992 824.17c8.84 12.85 18.348 25.408 28.27 37.318l8.9-7.402c-9.706-11.644-18.996-23.92-27.622-36.478l-9.548 6.562zM837.33 914.202l7.468 8.85c11.87-10.032 23.412-20.752 34.316-31.864l-8.268-8.11c-10.644 10.864-21.922 21.334-33.516 31.124zM901.296 848.986l8.982 7.294c9.804-12.068 19.154-24.734 27.78-37.65l-9.624-6.438c-8.432 12.626-17.564 25.002-27.138 36.794zM977.13 326.988c-6.478-14.072-13.73-28.066-21.534-41.586l-10.022 5.79c7.626 13.21 14.706 26.888 21.034 40.636l10.522-4.84zM765.154 964.902l-2.802 1.606 5.748 10.054 2.836-1.63c12.548-7.252 24.908-15.104 36.744-23.354l-6.622-9.498c-11.568 8.068-23.644 15.736-35.904 22.822zM987.91 688.974l11.030 3.542c4.748-14.788 8.874-29.982 12.25-45.186l-11.294-2.504c-3.31 14.848-7.338 29.712-11.986 44.148zM679.082 1004.224l3.776 10.93c14.672-5.056 29.308-10.896 43.506-17.324l-4.774-10.546c-13.882 6.286-28.178 11.984-42.508 16.94zM1011.432 554.142c-0.526 15.184-1.764 30.53-3.678 45.608l11.486 1.462c1.962-15.428 3.226-31.138 3.76-46.674l-11.568-0.396zM25.102 561.224l-11.568 0.426c0.574 15.626 1.946 31.338 4.050 46.674l11.46-1.57c-2.052-14.97-3.376-30.284-3.942-45.53zM952.040 773.028l10.18 5.506c7.376-13.64 14.222-27.82 20.344-42.15l-10.646-4.542c-5.98 13.998-12.668 27.862-19.878 41.186zM1008.228 415.226c-3.784-15.082-8.316-30.17-13.498-44.846l-10.912 3.852c5.048 14.334 9.49 29.076 13.182 43.806l11.228-2.812zM162.882 896.020c11.020 10.956 22.68 21.526 34.682 31.406l7.36-8.934c-11.718-9.646-23.122-19.976-33.876-30.682l-8.166 8.21zM590.272 1025.866l1.68 11.46c15.396-2.27 30.866-5.282 45.968-8.964l-2.744-11.244c-14.754 3.59-29.868 6.536-44.904 8.748zM26.3 654.376c3.634 15.004 8.092 30.116 13.266 44.928l10.928-3.808c-5.048-14.462-9.398-29.208-12.942-43.848l-11.252 2.728zM30.176 469.92l-11.46-1.646c-2.254 15.624-3.826 31.29-4.698 46.554l11.552 0.652c0.854-14.932 2.394-30.262 4.606-45.56zM57.048 742.754c6.354 13.888 13.49 27.912 21.234 41.668l10.088-5.672c-7.586-13.482-14.572-27.212-20.786-40.812l-10.536 4.816zM498.992 1030.648l-0.474 11.568c6.754 0.276 13.656 0.416 20.528 0.416 8.724 0 17.582-0.232 26.306-0.69l-0.6-11.57c-15.228 0.818-30.582 0.892-45.76 0.276zM405.808 1029.792c15.128 3.476 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0.816-1.432 0.814-1.222 0.814-1.032 0.714-0.708 0.824-0.306 0.308-0.2 0.406-0.208 0.308-0.108 0.406v0.606l0.108 0.308 0.208 0.306 0.2 0.202 0.306 0.314 0.308 0.206 0.398 0.2 1.032 0.316 1.222 0.298 1.432 0.208 3.466 0.102 4.084-0.102 4.6-0.506 5.108-0.716 5.306-1.13 5.314-1.322 4.798-1.43 4.39-1.532 3.776-1.638 2.96-1.628 1.232-0.714 1.014-0.816 0.814-0.714 0.208-0.416 0.306-0.298 0.102-0.416 0.1-0.298v-0.616l-0.1-0.298-0.202-0.316-0.208-0.2-0.308-0.306-0.298-0.208-0.416-0.2-1.014-0.308-1.232-0.306-1.43-0.2-3.468-0.102-4.084 0.102-4.59 0.406-5.004 0.808zM374.344 660.154l10.418 12.866 10.316 11.446 10.006 9.796 9.394 8.168 4.39 3.268 4.084 2.754 3.88 2.254 3.47 1.628 3.27 1.024 1.43 0.308 1.328 0.1 1.226-0.1 1.124-0.208 1.018-0.298 0.924-0.616 0.814-0.714 0.612-0.916 0.512-1.032 0.308-1.114 0.204-1.332 0.1-1.53-0.204-3.27-0.612-3.882-1.226-4.292-1.634-4.69-2.042-5.008-5.41-11.228-7.048-12.158-8.474-12.86-9.702-13.38-10.418-12.868-10.312-11.436-10.006-9.906-9.398-8.068-4.386-3.376-4.088-2.754-3.876-2.246-3.476-1.638-3.266-1.014-1.43-0.308-1.326-0.108-1.226 0.108-1.124 0.208-1.024 0.298-0.92 0.616-0.814 0.716-0.612 0.914-0.512 1.024-0.306 1.222-0.206 1.33-0.104 1.43 0.104 3.37 0.716 3.786 1.226 4.284 1.628 4.798 2.046 5.006 5.41 11.228 7.044 12.16 8.376 12.866 9.804 13.374zM431.328 834.878l0.408 1.43 1.326 3.070 1.838 3.36 2.552 3.676 3.066 3.884 3.676 4.184 8.784 8.682 10.72 9.192 12.254 9.398 13.582 9.29 14.094 8.684 13.478 7.352 12.766 6.022 11.538 4.592 5.214 1.638 4.79 1.222 4.392 0.822 3.892 0.408 3.26-0.1 1.53-0.208 1.232-0.308 1.222-0.408 0.914-0.608 0.924-0.714 0.616-0.822 0.498-0.924 0.316-1.016 0.1-1.23v-1.222l-0.306-1.322-0.408-1.43-1.23-3.070-1.938-3.368-2.554-3.676-3.060-3.876-3.576-4.192-8.882-8.684-10.612-9.182-12.26-9.398-13.582-9.398-14.094-8.674-13.478-7.362-12.766-6.022-11.542-4.49-5.206-1.63-4.798-1.23-4.396-0.816-3.876-0.406-3.374 0.108-1.426 0.2-1.332 0.3-1.122 0.416-1.024 0.616-0.816 0.714-0.714 0.814-0.512 0.916-0.302 1.014-0.104 1.23 0.104 1.232 0.204 1.32zM566.734 754.004l2.046 2.652 1.014 1.024 0.924 0.814 0.814 0.608 0.408 0.208 0.308 0.208 0.406 0.1h0.614l0.308-0.1 0.306-0.208 0.202-0.208 0.208-0.2 0.2-0.408 0.208-0.306 0.1-0.508 0.208-1.024v-2.552l-0.208-1.638-0.2-1.73-0.816-3.776-1.23-4.392-1.53-4.598-1.948-4.898-2.136-4.8-2.146-4.398-2.246-3.876-2.144-3.26-1.124-1.43-1.024-1.232-0.914-1.022-0.924-0.816-0.814-0.606-0.416-0.216-0.4-0.2-0.416-0.1h-0.604l-0.308 0.1-0.308 0.2-0.208 0.216-0.2 0.2-0.2 0.406-0.102 0.308-0.108 0.508-0.208 1.022-0.1 1.232 0.1 1.322 0.416 3.368 0.814 3.778 1.124 4.39 1.53 4.592 1.938 4.906 2.146 4.806 2.246 4.392 2.246 3.876 2.148 3.266zM835.408 899.52l-0.714-0.816-0.914-0.714-1.13-0.608-1.322-0.616-1.432-0.416-3.576-0.616-4.284-0.2-4.906 0.1-11.538 1.33-13.582 2.662-15.218 3.876-16.542 5.208-17.358 6.33-17.050 7.152-15.626 7.352-13.88 7.454-11.744 7.252-9.298 6.946-3.676 3.16-2.96 3.068-2.246 2.854-0.814 1.33-0.616 1.33-0.308 1.222-0.208 1.124v1.124l0.306 1.024 0.508 0.914 0.714 0.824 0.924 0.708 1.124 0.616 1.33 0.616 1.43 0.408 3.578 0.616 4.284 0.208 4.898-0.108 11.542-1.322 13.582-2.662 15.212-3.876 16.442-5.208 17.36-6.338 17.056-7.144 15.728-7.352 13.79-7.46 11.844-7.244 9.292-6.946 3.676-3.16 2.96-3.068 2.254-2.862 0.814-1.322 0.608-1.33 0.308-1.222 0.2-1.124v-1.13l-0.3-1.016-0.522-0.928zM365.154 1013.688l-1.222-3.060-1.944-3.37-2.552-3.676-3.064-3.884-3.572-4.184-8.882-8.682-10.622-9.192-12.254-9.398-13.582-9.39-14.094-8.682-13.478-7.354-12.766-6.022-11.542-4.498-5.206-1.63-4.798-1.222-4.392-0.824-3.878-0.398-3.374 0.1-1.426 0.2-1.332 0.308-1.124 0.408-1.018 0.616-0.82 0.714-0.714 0.814-0.512 0.916-0.302 1.032-0.104 1.222 0.104 1.222 0.204 1.33 0.408 1.43 1.326 3.060 1.838 3.37 2.552 3.676 3.066 3.884 3.676 4.184 8.784 8.684 10.72 9.19 12.254 9.398 13.582 9.282 14.094 8.684 13.476 7.352 12.768 6.032 11.54 4.598 5.208 1.63 4.798 1.222 4.392 0.814 3.878 0.408 3.27-0.1 1.53-0.2 1.226-0.308 1.226-0.408 0.92-0.616 0.918-0.714 0.612-0.814 0.512-0.916 0.308-1.032 0.1-1.222v-1.222l-0.302-1.33-0.414-1.432zM226.172 939.35l-0.204-0.308-0.308-0.408-0.714-0.714-1.020-0.814-1.226-0.814-3.064-1.54-3.676-1.63-4.392-1.638-4.798-1.43-5.31-1.322-5.306-1.124-5.106-0.814-4.596-0.416-4.088-0.202-3.472 0.202-1.426 0.108-1.226 0.308-1.024 0.298-0.408 0.208-0.306 0.308-0.304 0.2-0.204 0.208-0.204 0.306-0.104 0.298v0.616l0.104 0.414 0.204 0.3 0.204 0.406 0.304 0.308 0.714 0.814 1.024 0.714 1.226 0.816 3.060 1.638 3.676 1.638 4.392 1.53 4.798 1.532 5.314 1.33 5.306 1.116 5.106 0.714 4.596 0.516 4.088 0.1 3.468-0.1 1.43-0.208 1.226-0.306 1.020-0.298 0.412-0.208 0.302-0.208 0.308-0.3 0.204-0.208 0.204-0.308 0.104-0.298v-0.614l-0.104-0.416-0.204-0.3zM393.034 933.428l-0.206-3.576-0.204-3.476-0.306-3.468-0.408-3.468-0.308-3.376-0.506-3.26-0.412-3.178-0.512-3.16-1.224-5.92-0.612-2.76-0.714-2.754-0.82-2.552-0.714-2.346-0.814-2.346-0.816-2.154-0.918-1.938-0.82-1.838-0.918-1.738-1.020-1.432-0.922-1.322-1.020-1.222-1.024-1.022-1.020-0.824-1.022-0.608-1.024-0.408-1.020-0.314-1.018-0.1-1.024 0.1-1.024 0.314-1.020 0.408-1.022 0.608-1.020 0.824-1.024 1.022-1.018 1.222-0.92 1.322-1.024 1.432-0.918 1.738-0.816 1.838-0.922 1.938-0.816 2.154-0.818 2.346-0.71 2.346-0.82 2.552-0.714 2.754-0.612 2.76-0.612 2.96-0.616 2.96-0.508 3.16-0.406 3.178-0.512 3.26-0.308 3.376-0.406 3.468-0.308 3.468-0.204 3.476-0.206 3.576-0.104 3.568-0.1 3.684v7.144l0.1 3.676 0.104 3.568 0.206 3.576 0.204 3.476 0.308 3.468 0.406 3.466 0.308 3.376 0.512 3.262 0.406 3.176 0.508 3.16 0.616 2.96 0.612 2.96 0.612 2.762 0.714 2.754 0.82 2.552 0.71 2.346 0.818 2.346 0.816 2.154 0.922 1.938 0.816 1.838 0.918 1.738 1.024 1.43 0.92 1.322 1.018 1.222 1.024 1.032 1.020 0.816 1.022 0.616 1.020 0.398 1.024 0.308 1.024 0.108 1.018-0.108 1.020-0.308 1.024-0.398 1.022-0.616 1.020-0.816 1.024-1.032 1.020-1.222 0.922-1.322 1.020-1.43 0.918-1.738 0.82-1.838 0.918-1.938 0.816-2.154 0.814-2.346 0.714-2.346 0.82-2.552 0.714-2.754 0.612-2.762 1.224-5.92 0.512-3.16 0.412-3.176 0.506-3.262 0.308-3.376 0.408-3.466 0.306-3.468 0.204-3.476 0.206-3.576 0.104-3.568 0.1-3.676v-7.144l-0.1-3.684-0.104-3.568zM911.494 808.024l-0.208-0.516-0.208-0.202-0.2-0.2-0.202-0.216-0.314-0.1-0.508-0.2-0.714-0.1-0.708 0.1-0.824 0.1-0.924 0.308-2.038 0.822-2.354 1.222-2.652 1.63-5.922 4.284-6.746 5.722-7.452 6.844-7.752 7.96-7.976 8.792-7.66 9.090-6.836 8.784-5.822 8.166-4.692 7.454-3.576 6.538-1.23 2.862-0.914 2.446-0.618 2.144-0.1 1.024v1.532l0.202 0.714 0.208 0.508 0.208 0.2 0.2 0.216 0.2 0.2 0.316 0.1 0.506 0.208 0.716 0.102 0.708-0.102 0.822-0.108 0.924-0.298 2.136-0.816 2.354-1.23 2.654-1.628 5.922-4.292 6.736-5.72 7.46-6.838 7.76-7.966 7.958-8.784 7.668-9.082 6.838-8.784 5.82-8.168 4.692-7.458 3.576-6.538 1.23-2.854 0.916-2.46 0.516-2.138 0.1-1.024 0.1-0.814-0.1-0.714-0.196-0.722zM175.212 666.084l0.82-3.786 0.612-4.39 0.306-4.898v-5.524l-0.714-12.35-1.738-13.89-2.858-15.21-3.778-16.036-4.596-15.936-5.108-14.598-5.304-12.964-5.416-11.128-2.756-4.708-2.654-4.184-2.656-3.576-2.552-2.96-2.554-2.142-1.124-0.818-1.222-0.612-1.126-0.512-1.124-0.204-1.018-0.106-1.024 0.206-1.020 0.41-0.818 0.512-0.92 0.816-0.714 0.918-0.714 1.124-0.612 1.33-1.124 3.162-0.814 3.776-0.512 4.39-0.308 4.908v5.514l0.716 12.352 1.732 13.888 2.862 15.22 3.778 16.036 4.594 15.926 5.112 14.498 5.306 13.074 5.414 11.126 2.758 4.7 2.652 4.184 2.658 3.578 2.552 2.86 2.552 2.246 1.124 0.814 1.222 0.618 1.124 0.516 1.124 0.2 1.024 0.1 1.022-0.2 0.92-0.416 0.918-0.5 0.816-0.822 0.818-0.924 0.71-1.116 0.616-1.33 1.016-3.162zM456.754 936.388l1.33-0.616 1.222-0.716 1.124-0.914 0.92-1.13 0.818-1.322 0.612-1.54 0.512-1.63 0.302-1.728 0.308-4.092-0.308-4.592-0.814-5.008-1.43-5.614-1.838-5.93-5.306-13.066-7.048-14.098-8.886-14.904-10.518-15.21-11.436-14.614-11.542-12.958-11.336-11.028-10.824-8.982-5.102-3.576-4.904-2.97-4.594-2.344-4.188-1.638-3.984-1.016-1.834-0.208h-1.638l-1.63 0.208-1.43 0.298-1.432 0.618-1.22 0.714-1.126 0.914-0.92 1.13-0.814 1.322-0.616 1.54-0.508 1.63-0.308 1.73-0.306 3.992 0.306 4.59 0.92 5.108 1.326 5.514 1.942 6.030 5.208 12.958 7.148 14.206 8.882 14.804 10.522 15.312 11.436 14.612 11.436 12.958 11.336 11.028 10.824 8.892 5.108 3.566 4.902 3.070 4.592 2.346 4.292 1.636 3.88 0.916 1.838 0.306h1.738l1.53-0.208 1.526-0.296zM255.48 215.94l-1.124-8.782 0.1-8.272 0.512-3.88 0.716-3.78 1.122-3.572 1.432-3.472 1.838-3.268 2.042-3.064 1.19-1.448 0.446-1.92 0.92-2.858 2.96-6.23 4.288-6.742 5.514-7.352 6.846-7.76 7.86-8.272 18.996-17.362 22.772-18.28 26.14-18.688 28.902-18.584 29.816-17.154 28.594-14.606 26.756-11.842 24.1-8.886 10.928-3.27 10.11-2.344 8.992-1.536 8.062-0.716 6.838 0.208 2.96 0.506 2.652 0.716 2.354 0.918 1.938 1.124 1.638 1.534 1.322 1.634 0.924 1.938 0.258 1.036 0.756 0.908 1.638 2.35 1.532 2.756 2.552 6.534 2.246 8.068 1.63 9.498 1.23 10.724 0.814 11.844 0.1 26.96-1.838 30.636-3.776 33.392-5.722 35.638-7.344 35.332-8.484 32.578-9.29 29.206-9.806 25.222-4.898 10.824-5.002 9.498-5.008 8.272-4.898 6.742-4.798 5.206-2.35 2.042-2.35 1.634-2.246 1.122-2.25 0.82-0.382 0.038-2.27 1.8-3.164 2.042-3.374 1.838-3.676 1.532-7.862 2.348-8.782 1.328-9.394 0.308-10.010-0.612-10.622-1.534-11.128-2.554-11.44-3.472-11.744-4.288-12.046-5.31-12.154-6.126-12.256-6.946-12.15-7.864-12.152-8.678-11.638-9.294-10.93-9.598-10.11-9.802-9.19-10.010-8.376-10.11-7.354-10.11-6.534-10.11-5.414-9.906-4.39-9.806-3.37-9.494-2.24-9.090zM440.14 223.046l4.462 3.92 10.11 9.802 9.19 10.010 3.734 4.508 0.35-6.142 3.78-33.492 5.718-35.638 0.306-1.46-10.010 14.426-15.112 19.508-12.528 14.558zM356.566 171.394l4.708 1.758 12.052 5.208 12.15 6.23 8.614 4.882 10.176-16.422 14.092-20.318 15.114-19.608 3.97-4.62-5.908 3.8-29.822 17.158-28.59 14.604-16.556 7.328zM656.194 971.104l-0.714-1.33-1.024-1.322-1.124-1.432-3.060-2.752-3.984-2.762-4.798-2.762-5.514-2.644-6.33-2.762-14.504-5.208-16.852-4.698-18.788-4.184-20.318-3.476-20.428-2.446-19.196-1.332-17.466-0.208-15.42 0.822-6.84 0.816-6.026 1.014-5.41 1.332-4.596 1.53-3.676 1.738-1.532 0.924-1.33 1.014-1.024 1.124-0.814 1.124-0.612 1.23-0.308 1.222v1.222l0.206 1.332 0.406 1.33 0.714 1.322 1.024 1.33 1.124 1.422 3.064 2.762 3.98 2.762 4.802 2.754 5.51 2.652 6.334 2.762 14.5 5.206 16.852 4.7 18.688 4.184 20.32 3.476 20.426 2.446 19.196 1.332 17.566 0.2 15.42-0.816 6.736-0.814 6.128-1.014 5.416-1.332 4.59-1.53 3.676-1.738 1.532-0.924 1.33-1.014 1.024-1.132 0.814-1.114 0.616-1.23 0.308-1.222v-1.222l-0.2-1.332-0.414-1.332zM228.522 915.146l2.14 3.268 1.126 1.324 1.020 1.23 0.92 1.014 0.918 0.816 0.82 0.616 0.406 0.208 0.408 0.208 0.408 0.1h0.614l0.302-0.1 0.308-0.208 0.204-0.208 0.204-0.2 0.206-0.416 0.208-0.3 0.1-0.516 0.206-1.014 0.104-1.23-0.104-1.432-0.102-1.53-0.306-1.738-0.714-3.876-1.226-4.284-1.532-4.708-1.942-4.898-2.142-4.798-2.144-4.392-2.246-3.876-2.246-3.278-1.024-1.322-1.024-1.222-0.914-1.024-0.918-0.814-0.924-0.616-0.408-0.208-0.406-0.2-0.308-0.1h-0.714l-0.308 0.1-0.306 0.2-0.206 0.208-0.204 0.208-0.204 0.408-0.206 0.308-0.104 0.506-0.204 1.024v2.644l0.204 1.54 0.206 1.738 0.818 3.876 1.124 4.292 1.53 4.69 1.944 4.908 2.144 4.806 2.246 4.382 2.248 3.886zM225.56 926.376l-0.512-1.322-0.714-1.332-0.92-1.43-2.144-3.060-2.654-3.37-3.168-3.376-3.676-3.466-3.778-3.17-3.78-2.862-3.572-2.346-3.37-1.728-1.534-0.716-1.428-0.516-1.226-0.406-1.226-0.308h-1.53l-0.408 0.11-0.412 0.090-0.302 0.11-0.308 0.306-0.306 0.202-0.206 0.306-0.204 0.308-0.1 0.416-0.104 0.398v0.814l0.204 1.13 0.408 1.116 0.512 1.23 0.714 1.432 0.818 1.43 2.142 3.060 2.756 3.27 3.17 3.368 3.676 3.476 3.776 3.262 3.782 2.76 3.572 2.346 3.268 1.848 1.532 0.714 1.43 0.508 1.326 0.406 1.226 0.2 1.020 0.11h0.512l0.412-0.11 0.406-0.1 0.304-0.2 0.306-0.2 0.308-0.216 0.204-0.298 0.206-0.308 0.1-0.406v-0.408l0.104-0.408-0.104-0.516-0.1-1.014-0.408-1.134zM183.692 672.92l0.508 1.532 0.512 1.33 0.714 1.222 0.816 1.124 1.022 1.024 1.124 0.922 1.226 0.716 1.228 0.506 1.426 0.508 1.534 0.308 1.634 0.1 3.468-0.1 3.78-0.616 4.084-1.124 4.292-1.63 4.49-2.146 4.802-2.552 4.798-2.96 10.006-7.352 10.212-8.784 10.11-10.312 9.192-11.030 7.864-11.038 6.224-10.71 2.558-5.108 2.14-4.906 1.634-4.8 1.124-4.39 0.818-4.184 0.206-3.876-0.206-3.376-0.306-1.63-0.512-1.43-0.512-1.432-0.71-1.23-0.818-1.116-1.020-1.032-1.126-0.814-1.222-0.714-1.226-0.608-1.432-0.408-1.53-0.306-1.634-0.208-3.472 0.1-3.78 0.716-4.084 1.13-4.288 1.628-4.492 2.146-4.7 2.552-4.902 2.96-10.006 7.354-10.11 8.784-10.114 10.312-9.29 11.028-7.76 11.030-6.334 10.622-2.45 5.208-2.146 4.906-1.634 4.692-1.226 4.498-0.71 4.184-0.306 3.778 0.204 3.476 0.308 1.526zM78.714 485.736l0.512 1.228 0.71 1.426 0.818 1.43 2.146 3.064 2.752 3.27 3.17 3.368 3.676 3.472 3.776 3.27 3.782 2.756 3.572 2.35 3.268 1.838 1.536 0.714 1.43 0.506 1.322 0.408 1.226 0.208 1.024 0.1h0.512l0.408-0.1 0.406-0.106 0.308-0.204 0.302-0.204 0.308-0.204 0.204-0.308 0.206-0.308 0.104-0.408v-0.408l0.104-0.408-0.104-0.51-0.104-1.024-0.408-1.124-0.512-1.326-0.714-1.326-0.916-1.43-2.144-3.066-2.658-3.368-3.164-3.368-3.676-3.472-3.778-3.168-3.78-2.856-3.572-2.35-3.374-1.734-1.53-0.714-1.432-0.512-1.226-0.408-1.226-0.308h-1.53l-0.408 0.104-0.408 0.1-0.306 0.104-0.308 0.302-0.302 0.208-0.206 0.304-0.208 0.308-0.1 0.408-0.104 0.408v0.82l0.204 1.124 0.412 1.124zM116.192 522.806l-0.204-0.408-0.308-0.308-0.714-0.814-1.020-0.714-1.226-0.82-3.064-1.632-3.676-1.63-4.392-1.536-4.798-1.53-5.31-1.328-5.31-1.022-5.106-0.816-4.592-0.412-4.088-0.204-3.472 0.204-1.43 0.104-1.222 0.308-1.024 0.304-0.408 0.204-0.306 0.308-0.304 0.204-0.204 0.204-0.208 0.308-0.102 0.308v0.612l0.102 0.408 0.412 0.61 0.304 0.412 0.714 0.71 1.024 0.82 1.222 0.818 3.064 1.63 3.676 1.534 4.392 1.634 4.798 1.422 5.31 1.332 5.31 1.13 5.106 0.814 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5.606 4.846 1.942 3.286 2.008 7.646-1.28 9.024-20.618 7.862-43.3 11.584-67.476 10.982-25.052-0.62-51.242-5.838-77.856-15.516h-0.016c-26.612-9.692-52.812-23.548-77.864-41.168zM171.628 457.448c-13.072-23.532-20.312-44.084-22.128-63.076-0.182-1.882 0.602-3.476 2.13-4.080 0.974-0.396 2.13-0.346 3.328 0.084 0.668 0.24 1.33 0.61 1.974 1.082 11.89 8.884 24.020 16.87 35.076 23.458 2.246 1.354 4.062 3.682 4.822 5.962 8.042 24.968 28.586 53.358 50.136 83.182 0.876 1.172 2.082 2.658 4.046 3.37 1.974 0.726 3.188 0.082 4.046-0.43 21.55-14.136 42.096-27.636 50.146-46.742 0.75-1.734 2.566-2.742 4.83-2.454 11.032 1.446 23.134 2.394 35.042 2.172 0.634-0.008 1.304 0.108 1.964 0.346 1.198 0.438 2.376 1.256 3.352 2.354 1.486 1.676 2.328 3.932 2.13 5.708-1.816 17.66-9.050 32.828-22.122 46.858-12.294 13.17-28.304 23.682-43.794 33.838-1.13 0.742-2.254 1.468-3.362 2.212-1.13 0.734-1.742 2.792-0.272 5.168 3.626 5.83 7.092 11.694 10.33 17.614 15.448 28.214 23.474 52.482 24.524 74.182 0.082 1.536-0.47 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18.83 15.302 0-0.2 0-0.398 0-0.598-0.2 0-0.4 0-0.59 0-1.54-2.378-3.936-3.376-5.88-5.29-4.608-4.518-9.73-10.13-13.542-15.304-10.728-14.558-20.202-30.494-28.834-47.078-4.126-7.922-7.71-16.66-11.188-24.718-1.338-3.11-1.322-7.808-4.118-9.418-3.808 5.904-9.414 10.684-12.36 17.656-4.708 11.148-5.314 24.742-7.060 38.84-1.032 0.372-0.574 0.118-1.182 0.586-8.2-1.972-11.078-10.412-14.122-17.652-7.702-18.304-9.132-47.782-2.354-68.856 1.754-5.45 9.69-22.624 6.47-27.66-1.532-5.028-6.58-7.93-9.406-11.772-3.512-4.748-7.004-10.994-9.432-16.48-6.296-14.272-9.24-30.294-15.878-44.724-3.176-6.894-8.542-13.878-12.95-20.012-4.88-6.792-10.346-11.792-14.124-20.012-1.346-2.918-3.176-7.588-1.18-10.59 0.63-2.026 1.53-2.87 3.536-3.532 3.418-2.632 12.916 0.876 16.474 2.354 9.432 3.918 17.316 7.652 25.31 12.946 3.834 2.544 7.716 7.468 12.35 8.83 1.772 0 3.536 0 5.298 0 8.292 1.902 17.574 0.594 25.308 2.944 13.682 4.158 25.942 10.626 37.076 17.658 33.918 21.414 61.654 51.906 80.626 88.276 3.052 5.856 4.376 11.444 7.060 17.658 5.422 12.526 12.26 25.412 17.656 37.664 5.382 12.216 10.63 24.55 18.24 34.722 4 5.344 19.46 8.212 26.49 11.184 4.924 2.078 12.99 4.25 17.648 7.054 8.916 5.378 17.542 11.774 25.898 17.662 4.176 2.946 17.018 9.398 17.65 14.706-20.694-0.548-36.504 1.374-50.020 7.070-3.842 1.614-9.964 1.662-10.596 6.468 2.112 2.212 2.446 5.524 4.126 8.242 3.218 5.224 8.666 12.218 13.532 15.894 5.314 4.010 10.788 8.3 16.476 11.77 10.13 6.18 21.442 9.706 31.19 15.892 5.768 3.652 11.474 8.242 17.078 12.36zM841.988 689.552v-116.124h-33.668v116.338c0 23.088 17.158 36.040 51.798 38.632 3.234 0.208 6.47 0.424 9.714 0.424h87.736v-22.44h-88.386c-19.742 0.002-27.194-4.97-27.194-16.83z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "grid": 0, - "tags": [ - "dbs-mysql" - ] - }, - { - "id": 40, - "paths": [ - "M497.278 246.96c-10.894-59.424 17.202-120.572 51.036-161.788 37.292-45.464 101.284-80.342 155.968-84.172 9.248 62.298-16.176 122.998-49.644 165.93-35.898 46.122-97.626 81.894-157.36 80.030zM818.058 462.256c16.926-47.208 50.444-89.682 102.452-118.344-52.564-65.588-126.338-103.656-195.984-103.656-92.128 0-131.068 43.888-195.060 43.888-65.92 0-115.94-43.888-195.732-43.888-78.248 0-161.552 47.69-214.374 129.156-19.428 30.092-32.594 67.502-39.764 109.17-19.902 116.888 9.832 269.116 98.558 404.286 43.14 65.604 100.636 139.476 175.756 140.126 66.92 0.648 85.916-42.784 176.488-43.248 90.722-0.5 107.914 43.698 174.75 43.048 75.144-0.632 135.8-82.388 178.95-147.976 30.708-47.058 42.334-70.828 66.22-124.042-121.462-45.812-171.408-179.634-132.26-288.52z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "grid": 0, - "tags": [ - "os-apple" - ] - }, - { - "id": 39, - "paths": [ - "M485.86 272.91c4.582 0 8.908 1.206 12.816 3.452 3.91 2.196 7.42 5.464 10.38 9.472 2.91 4.026 5.306 8.85 6.944 14.274 1.646 5.406 2.544 11.394 2.544 17.766 0 6.346-0.906 12.342-2.57 17.782-1.662 5.488-4.068 10.378-7.036 14.462-2.978 4.092-6.554 7.394-10.514 9.682s-8.332 3.536-12.974 3.536c-4.656 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3.976-0.232 7.936-0.374 11.876-0.374 34.832 0 64.792 3.518 90.126 9.646 25.39 6.124 46.192 14.904 62.668 25.452 16.51 10.58 28.67 22.93 36.704 36.212 8.068 13.314 11.96 27.562 11.928 41.808-0.018 2.462-0.118 4.792-0.3 7.020-0.2 2.212-0.482 4.36-0.866 6.388-0.38 1.996-0.856 3.926-1.412 5.756-0.566 1.828-1.232 3.55-1.98 5.19 2.046 0.132 4.11 0.232 6.172 0.332 2.044 0.084 4.108 0.166 6.17 0.2 2.046 0.066 4.126 0.1 6.164 0.118 2.070 0.034 4.118 0.034 6.18 0.034 0.516 0 0.932 0 1.33 0 0.382 0 0.732 0 1.082 0 0.332 0 0.682 0 1.032 0 0.366 0 0.764 0 1.23 0 1.872 0 3.742 0 5.614-0.034 1.856 0 3.734-0.050 5.598-0.084 1.848-0.048 3.694-0.1 5.54-0.166 1.864-0.066 3.708-0.14 5.524-0.232-0.766-1.63-1.432-3.344-2.014-5.19-0.582-1.83-1.080-3.744-1.496-5.79-0.4-2.030-0.7-4.176-0.924-6.438-0.208-2.246-0.324-4.608-0.324-7.104-0.034-14.246 3.868-28.494 11.926-41.808 8.036-13.284 20.21-25.632 36.746-36.212 16.466-10.546 37.278-19.328 62.686-25.452 25.376-6.128 55.35-9.646 90.222-9.646 4.184 0 8.36 0.14 12.534 0.406 4.176 0.234 8.334 0.592 12.476 1.064 4.158 0.5 8.284 1.066 12.376 1.774 4.11 0.722 8.176 1.522 12.21 2.436 3.742-7.884 7.002-16.118 9.78-24.702 2.78-8.584 5.042-17.49 6.788-26.774 1.746-9.282 2.978-18.886 3.642-28.834 0.682-9.948 0.806-20.228 0.368-30.848-0.95-23.13-4.792-48.332-11.762-73.88-6.92-25.392-16.916-51.118-30.222-75.602-13.224-24.32-29.726-47.458-49.744-67.834-19.912-20.244-43.324-37.842-70.57-51.284 10.544-2.362 20.392-6.080 29.176-10.912 8.766-4.824 16.5-10.696 22.878-17.424 6.348-6.688 11.354-14.23 14.698-22.314 3.326-8.084 5.016-16.734 4.758-25.684-0.334-10.828-3.46-21.092-8.824-30.424-5.35-9.282-12.934-17.648-22.166-24.652-9.232-6.986-20.126-12.64-32.154-16.534-12.010-3.892-25.15-6.046-38.874-6.046-11.958 0-23.42 1.638-34.018 4.65-10.62 2.976-20.4 7.352-28.984 12.806-8.608 5.506-16.010 12.076-21.866 19.512-5.872 7.436-10.198 15.72-12.592 24.586-1.198-13.24-4.708-25.716-10.066-36.978-5.34-11.226-12.516-21.224-21.126-29.608-8.566-8.342-18.562-15.022-29.558-19.662-10.978-4.59-22.962-7.136-35.564-7.136 0 0-0.034 0-0.048 0-0.034 0-0.050 0-0.066 0-0.018 0-0.034 0-0.066 0-0.018 0-0.050 0-0.066 0-13.376 0-26.184 2.846-37.86 8.036-11.718 5.182-22.348 12.716-31.374 22.008-9.032 9.33-16.466 20.51-21.74 32.918-5.306 12.476-8.434 26.248-8.85 40.704v0.166c-0.284 9.682 0.692 19.13 2.762 28.114 2.062 9.016 5.24 17.582 9.348 25.49 4.142 7.936 9.2 15.228 15.080 21.716 5.878 6.486 12.55 12.16 19.852 16.816-23.986 14.44-44.644 32.272-62.244 52.182-17.7 20.094-32.312 42.35-44.040 65.488-11.802 23.32-20.702 47.556-26.872 71.41-6.222 24.002-9.664 47.598-10.562 69.374-0.432 10.586-0.3 20.8 0.382 30.682 0.698 9.914 1.912 19.46 3.642 28.676 1.762 9.208 4.008 18.064 6.762 26.582 2.748 8.532 5.99 16.716 9.684 24.526zM515.328 86.268c17.65 0.236 35.098 1.764 52.166 4.516 17.066 2.748 33.766 6.728 49.91 11.898 16.16 5.172 31.794 11.528 46.7 18.974 14.93 7.484 29.144 16.098 42.452 25.792 12.276 8.92 23.57 18.614 33.758 28.922 10.222 10.31 19.356 21.256 27.206 32.6 7.884 11.376 14.514 23.172 19.746 35.182 5.238 12.042 9.064 24.336 11.344 36.626 1.43 7.652 2.71 14.79 3.842 21.526 1.148 6.744 2.164 13.058 3.078 19.080s1.746 11.694 2.512 17.148c0.766 5.44 1.48 10.628 2.18 15.67 0.756 5.34 1.456 10.396 2.162 15.278 0.714 4.89 1.43 9.608 2.162 14.23 0.748 4.632 1.532 9.184 2.412 13.74 0.88 4.592 1.846 9.132 2.91 13.806 7.128 12.666 14.456 22.856 21.776 31.272 7.318 8.4 14.654 15.004 21.756 20.576 7.088 5.556 13.99 10.064 20.428 14.274 6.47 4.208 12.492 8.118 17.898 12.474 8.284 6.678 17.564 13.542 27.22 20.494 9.656 6.968 19.704 14.072 29.444 21.324 9.782 7.27 19.262 14.654 27.82 22.156 8.566 7.536 16.194 15.212 22.222 23.006 3.542 4.582 6.67 9.33 9.082 13.888 2.43 4.542 4.194 8.95 4.99 12.842 0.806 3.908 0.666 7.318-0.648 9.914-1.314 2.56-3.826 4.358-7.776 4.99-0.508 0.1-1.024 0.132-1.556 0.232-0.532 0.050-1.046 0.1-1.58 0.132-0.532 0.050-1.080 0.066-1.628 0.084-0.534 0.016-1.074 0.048-1.63 0.048-8.25 0-17.5-2.244-27.212-5.754-9.732-3.476-19.946-8.218-30.192-13.242-10.246-5.006-20.494-10.272-30.324-14.82-9.814-4.592-19.228-8.466-27.762-10.646-1.174-0.332-2.372-0.624-3.576-0.874-1.232-0.25-2.446-0.474-3.694-0.656-1.23-0.2-2.486-0.382-3.726-0.5-1.264-0.182-2.512-0.248-3.776-0.34 1.13 5.646 1.93 11.318 2.32 17.258 0.39 5.97 0.398 12.192 0 18.93-0.39 6.752-1.206 14.006-2.438 22.006-1.246 8.036-2.91 16.8-5.040 26.556-0.898 4.292-2.478 10.828-5.024 19.088-2.53 8.268-6.022 18.264-10.762 29.442-4.776 11.236-10.78 23.638-18.332 36.746-7.584 13.14-16.702 26.948-27.696 40.854 13.556 4.548 26.48 10.138 38.342 16.576 11.876 6.454 22.672 13.748 31.97 21.63 9.332 7.918 17.132 16.436 23.004 25.318 5.888 8.858 9.806 18.098 11.354 27.47 0.848 5.19 1.256 10.122 1.256 14.796-0.016 4.69-0.464 9.064-1.33 13.174-0.866 4.092-2.146 7.852-3.844 11.278-1.696 3.452-3.816 6.512-6.354 9.24-2.294 2.496-4.924 4.692-7.852 6.562-2.96 1.888-6.206 3.444-9.764 4.714-3.56 1.266-7.436 2.188-11.594 2.838-4.158 0.624-8.618 0.922-13.366 0.922-13.284 0-26.556 0-39.714 0.026-13.14 0-26.2 0-39.032 0-12.834 0-25.492 0.034-37.834 0.048-12.344 0.036-24.42 0.058-36.114 0.126-9.24 0-18.248 0-26.956 0s-17.142 0-25.226 0-15.844 0-23.22 0c-7.37 0-14.374 0-20.944 0-6.902 0-13.888-0.14-20.708-0.664-6.82-0.534-13.472-1.432-19.696-2.928-6.236-1.522-12.042-3.66-17.2-6.654-5.124-2.954-9.58-6.81-13.108-11.702-2.062 0.066-4.126 0.166-6.188 0.24-2.070 0.1-4.126 0.184-6.22 0.242-2.080 0.042-4.184 0.116-6.29 0.148-2.096 0.034-4.24 0.066-6.386 0.066h-9c-2.244 0-4.464-0.034-6.67-0.066-2.21-0.034-4.408-0.108-6.57-0.166-2.18-0.082-4.35-0.166-6.504-0.266-2.162-0.132-4.324-0.232-6.47-0.376-3.526 4.964-7.984 8.824-13.124 11.818-5.14 3.020-10.938 5.148-17.176 6.688-6.228 1.522-12.882 2.42-19.704 2.954-6.82 0.524-13.79 0.664-20.708 0.664-6.57 0-13.556 0-20.944 0-7.37 0-15.136 0-23.204 0-8.11 0-16.518 0-25.226 0s-17.714 0-26.956 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0.6-4.108 0.972-8.55 2.18-17.948 6.054-27.762 10.646-9.83 4.548-20.084 9.814-30.306 14.82-10.238 5.024-20.444 9.766-30.158 13.242-9.714 3.51-18.914 5.754-27.13 5.754-0.548 0-1.082-0.034-1.63-0.048-0.548-0.018-1.074-0.034-1.598-0.084-0.532-0.034-1.064-0.082-1.596-0.132-0.516-0.1-1.022-0.132-1.53-0.232-3.958-0.632-6.47-2.43-7.792-4.99-1.322-2.596-1.438-6.006-0.64-9.914 0.816-3.892 2.554-8.3 4.99-12.842 2.428-4.558 5.54-9.306 9.084-13.888 6.038-7.792 13.672-15.47 22.24-23.006 8.534-7.502 18.032-14.886 27.78-22.156 9.748-7.252 19.744-14.356 29.392-21.324 9.63-6.954 18.878-13.816 27.13-20.494 5.588-4.558 11.876-8.618 18.614-12.99 6.72-4.376 13.922-9.132 21.342-15.088 7.41-5.914 15.046-13.026 22.656-22.174 7.586-9.13 15.154-20.226 22.456-34.182 0.882-4.11 1.672-8.15 2.412-12.226 0.716-4.092 1.398-8.184 2.054-12.376 0.64-4.15 1.272-8.444 1.904-12.834 0.648-4.45 1.282-9.008 1.962-13.782 0.698-5.042 1.414-10.23 2.178-15.67 0.766-5.456 1.598-11.126 2.496-17.148 0.932-6.022 1.93-12.336 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4.068-21.794 10.784-40.464 20.356-56.514 0 0 30.166-34.712 57.24-52.914-50.296 6.228-95.79 28.738-136.254 67.534-33.522-12.228-73.268-9.582-119.010 7.888l0.236-0.23c-3.44-1.578-6.74-3.516-9.908-5.792 6.284-7.114 12.784-14.072 19.542-20.83 41.748-41.758 90.362-74.534 144.48-97.424z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "grid": 0, - "tags": [ - "brw-firefox" - ] - }, - { - "id": 32, - "paths": [ - "M954.094 391.494c-69.538-191.048-249.958-309.684-442.128-309.684-41.934 0-84.42 5.676-126.438 17.45 21.398-12.682 31.54-39.334 22.74-63.514-9.934-27.302-40.402-41.51-67.704-31.576l-49.638 18.066c-27.3 9.94-41.51 40.408-31.574 67.708 8.786 24.146 33.64 38.038 58.156 34.050-221.924 100.466-332.296 356.614-247.604 589.32 69.548 191.062 249.94 309.686 442.138 309.686 53.412 0 107.77-9.174 160.868-28.5 244.156-88.872 370.054-358.842 281.184-603.006zM866.574 717.746c-44.168 94.71-122.57 166.556-220.768 202.296-43.244 15.74-88.256 23.72-133.766 23.72-39.534 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81.65c-4.816-6.882-8.846-14.404-11.802-22.534-8.958-24.612-7.794-51.236 3.276-74.976 11.068-23.74 30.72-41.746 55.328-50.706 10.842-3.942 22.12-5.942 33.534-5.942 7.928 0.002 15.706 0.99 23.194 2.832zM511.994 195.84c-196.924 0-356.556 159.638-356.556 356.566 0 196.92 159.632 356.562 356.556 356.562s356.566-159.642 356.566-356.562c0-196.928-159.642-356.566-356.566-356.566zM379.562 247.83l52.756 31.756-9.158-25.168c-1.458-4-2.804-6.876-4.046-8.638-1.244-1.76-2.614-2.904-4.112-3.42-1.17-0.382-2.734-0.508-4.704-0.382-1.968 0.136-3.54 0.308-4.702 0.518l-1.328-3.656 28.552-10.398 1.328 3.658c-0.838 0.416-2.022 1.042-3.56 1.886-1.534 0.844-2.782 1.988-3.742 3.43-0.848 1.26-1.138 3.012-0.884 5.236 0.264 2.222 1.116 5.316 2.558 9.292l17.312 47.552-8.348 3.040-60.184-36.356 11.37 31.23c1.412 3.874 2.744 6.732 3.992 8.556 1.252 1.834 2.624 3.002 4.12 3.52 1.098 0.38 2.668 0.5 4.702 0.362 2.042-0.136 3.642-0.318 4.798-0.526l1.334 3.658-28.6 10.406-1.332-3.656c1.188-0.536 2.498-1.27 3.946-2.204 1.448-0.936 2.568-1.97 3.358-3.104 0.888-1.352 1.23-3.030 1.016-5.018-0.216-1.996-1.106-5.144-2.676-9.462l-11.468-31.512c-0.572-1.56-1.348-2.958-2.34-4.174-0.99-1.206-2.188-2.124-3.584-2.758-1.474-0.662-3.042-1.042-4.682-1.134-1.646-0.090-3.44 0.028-5.374 0.334l-1.37-3.756 25.052-9.112zM255.17 622.788c0.39 5.244 1.088 13.61 2.114 25.096 1.018 11.486 2.064 23.428 3.148 35.822l-7.39 2.686-31.668-44.458 5.642 53.932-7.38 2.686c-9.604-13.71-16.99-24.272-22.142-31.694-5.158-7.412-9.496-13.628-13.012-18.654-1.074-1.526-2.044-2.558-2.908-3.112-0.866-0.544-1.9-1.052-3.118-1.498-0.862-0.318-1.714-0.472-2.552-0.472-0.84 0.010-1.774 0.11-2.808 0.3l-1.334-3.656 27.702-10.080 1.296 3.564c-1.542 0.844-2.668 1.534-3.388 2.060-0.716 0.526-1.266 0.998-1.632 1.414-0.35 0.408-0.522 0.772-0.514 1.090 0 0.316 0.046 0.59 0.126 0.798 0.16 0.444 0.356 0.852 0.59 1.224 0.232 0.372 0.496 0.806 0.786 1.306 1.474 2.222 4.338 6.414 8.598 12.574 4.254 6.162 9.528 13.8 15.804 22.938l-5.792-52.752 7.758-2.82 31.87 45.012c-0.902-8.774-1.678-15.924-2.322-21.458s-1.216-10.27-1.708-14.19c-0.32-2.404-0.608-4.41-0.862-6.016s-0.58-2.95-0.98-4.046c-0.234-0.654-0.676-1.134-1.324-1.424-0.644-0.3-1.434-0.472-2.36-0.528-0.78-0.028-1.75 0.064-2.892 0.282-1.152 0.226-2.136 0.436-2.972 0.626l-1.366-3.748 20.886-7.604 1.37 3.748c-0.724 0.372-1.402 0.862-2.042 1.46-0.634 0.608-1.224 1.296-1.78 2.058-0.82 1.224-1.296 2.404-1.424 3.548-0.12 1.146-0.13 2.47-0.020 3.986zM649.244 850.64c-0.368 3.186-1.366 6.080-2.994 8.694-1.788 2.884-4.128 5.454-7.022 7.71-2.894 2.26-6.534 4.184-10.906 5.782-4.066 1.478-8.040 2.35-11.928 2.612-3.886 0.264-7.298 0.154-10.238-0.334l-2.042 4.454-3.984 1.454-9.372-23.826 4.038-1.47c1.736 1.952 3.774 3.948 6.106 5.97s4.782 3.71 7.36 5.036c2.666 1.416 5.426 2.35 8.266 2.804s5.834 0.108 8.99-1.044c4.256-1.542 7.132-3.774 8.642-6.678 1.51-2.902 1.692-5.942 0.542-9.1-0.946-2.596-2.706-4.428-5.274-5.498-2.562-1.070-6.096-1.516-10.598-1.334-2.93 0.118-5.632 0.208-8.102 0.292-2.466 0.072-4.808 0.090-7.024 0.044-5.118-0.154-9.364-1.498-12.746-4.030-3.38-2.522-5.816-5.842-7.304-9.944-0.944-2.596-1.292-5.298-1.042-8.104 0.254-2.802 1.116-5.552 2.576-8.246 1.416-2.532 3.526-4.946 6.334-7.25 2.812-2.294 6.106-4.136 9.888-5.518 3.694-1.342 7.332-2.076 10.93-2.222 3.598-0.134 6.5-0.028 8.722 0.336l1.834-3.856 4.082-1.488 8.638 22.556-4.040 1.468c-1.822-2.106-3.838-4.202-6.034-6.288-2.196-2.096-4.3-3.738-6.324-4.908-2.196-1.262-4.49-2.068-6.886-2.424-2.394-0.354-4.936-0.044-7.622 0.936-3.378 1.234-5.79 3.194-7.234 5.878-1.444 2.696-1.656 5.444-0.63 8.266 0.97 2.658 2.694 4.5 5.166 5.508 2.472 1.016 5.912 1.452 10.32 1.296 2.6-0.062 5.246-0.134 7.94-0.226 2.69-0.090 5.104-0.118 7.24-0.090 5.172 0.108 9.5 1.27 12.984 3.492 3.484 2.232 6.050 5.626 7.716 10.2 1.050 2.876 1.396 5.908 1.032 9.090zM630.816 587.156l59.928 48.596-75.75-14.666c-8.422 12.652-19.208 23.816-32.016 32.768l13.714 131.23-73.852-109.332c-3.622 0.322-7.236 0.49-10.828 0.49-15.454 0-30.596-2.946-44.722-8.42l-140.95 157.22 92.792-190.808c-3.026-3.43-5.862-7.058-8.52-10.856l-131.29 13.714 109.336-73.848c-1.378-15.564 0.24-31.008 4.524-45.592l-59.928-48.6 75.752 14.672c8.42-12.654 19.208-23.822 32.014-32.768l-13.712-131.23 73.85 109.332c3.622-0.322 7.232-0.49 10.83-0.49 14.618-0.004 28.948 2.68 42.416 7.604l143.256-156.404-1.616 3.244-92.76 185.718c3.634 3.96 6.974 8.234 10.104 12.704l131.29-13.718-109.34 73.854c1.376 15.558-0.248 31.002-4.522 45.586zM812.19 420.82l-3.566 1.296c-1.824-2.196-4.314-4.174-7.476-5.96-3.156-1.77-5.924-2.496-8.274-2.168-1.016 0.126-2.376 0.472-4.060 1.034-1.694 0.552-3.084 1.034-4.178 1.434l-9.654 3.52 9.332 25.65 6.846-2.496c1.714-0.626 3.21-1.398 4.468-2.314 1.256-0.916 2.254-2.168 2.988-3.748 0.456-0.98 0.722-2.504 0.798-4.592 0.072-2.078-0.028-3.828-0.294-5.252l3.562-1.298 10.106 27.764-3.564 1.296c-0.662-1.252-1.742-2.722-3.23-4.436-1.488-1.696-2.712-2.804-3.67-3.302-1.438-0.752-2.946-1.088-4.504-0.99-1.562 0.082-3.268 0.472-5.11 1.144l-6.84 2.486 6.976 19.18c0.73 2.004 1.452 3.538 2.178 4.6 0.724 1.062 1.606 1.76 2.638 2.086 1.004 0.308 2.214 0.308 3.648 0.008 1.424-0.308 3.312-0.888 5.662-1.742 1.088-0.4 2.394-0.898 3.92-1.488 1.514-0.582 2.826-1.17 3.928-1.742 1.256-0.634 2.396-1.316 3.42-2.050 1.026-0.716 1.714-1.488 2.060-2.286 0.944-2.078 1.784-5.026 2.514-8.856 0.734-3.82 1.116-6.624 1.142-8.402l3.42-1.244 6.28 21.186-62.418 22.718-1.33-3.666c0.854-0.38 1.996-0.934 3.426-1.67 1.434-0.734 2.418-1.342 2.954-1.814 1.008-0.934 1.57-1.85 1.702-2.766 0.124-0.916-0.028-1.97-0.458-3.158l-17.084-46.936c-0.412-1.126-0.922-1.996-1.534-2.612-0.618-0.6-1.684-0.972-3.212-1.080-0.944-0.082-2.212-0.008-3.792 0.208-1.59 0.226-2.774 0.426-3.558 0.608l-1.332-3.656 58.992-21.476 6.178 16.982z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "grid": 0, - "tags": [ - "brw-safari-01" - ] - }, - { - "id": 31, - "paths": [ - "M954.094 391.494c-69.538-191.048-249.958-309.684-442.128-309.684-42.052 0-84.66 5.778-126.796 17.622 21.63-12.6 31.948-39.38 23.1-63.686-9.934-27.302-40.402-41.51-67.704-31.576l-49.638 18.066c-27.302 9.94-41.512 40.408-31.576 67.708 8.796 24.172 33.7 38.044 58.242 34.016-221.984 100.438-332.392 356.62-247.69 589.354 69.546 191.062 249.94 309.686 442.136 309.686 53.414 0 107.772-9.172 160.868-28.498 244.158-88.874 370.056-358.844 281.186-603.008zM866.574 717.748c-44.168 94.708-122.57 166.554-220.77 202.294-43.242 15.742-88.254 23.72-133.766 23.72-39.532 0-78.792-6.020-116.698-17.896-37.564-11.768-73.040-29.040-105.45-51.34-67.196-46.228-117.516-111.346-145.534-188.314-35.74-98.2-31.104-204.436 13.064-299.146 44.168-94.714 122.57-166.556 220.77-202.3 43.242-15.738 88.254-23.722 133.774-23.722 39.514 0 78.774 6.024 116.682 17.902 37.562 11.768 73.040 29.044 105.458 51.346 67.196 46.232 117.526 111.346 145.534 188.304 35.74 98.198 31.104 204.442-13.064 299.152zM618.826 483.264c-3.126-4.468-6.464-8.742-10.104-12.702l94.382-188.962-143.258 156.404c-13.472-4.922-27.798-7.608-42.42-7.604-3.598 0-7.208 0.168-10.83 0.49l-73.846-109.332 13.708 131.23c-12.802 8.946-23.59 20.116-32.014 32.768l-75.752-14.67 59.932 48.6c-4.282 14.586-5.906 30.030-4.528 45.594l-109.336 73.846 131.292-13.712c2.654 3.796 5.49 7.426 8.52 10.856l-92.794 190.808 7.302-8.104 133.652-149.118c14.126 5.472 29.272 8.42 44.716 8.42 3.598 0 7.208-0.172 10.83-0.49l73.852 109.332-13.714-131.234c12.81-8.946 23.594-20.116 32.020-32.762l75.752 14.662-59.934-48.592c4.278-14.586 5.902-30.028 4.524-45.588l109.34-73.856-131.292 13.716zM437.106 610.306c-4.822-6.88-8.852-14.402-11.808-22.534-8.958-24.61-7.794-51.236 3.276-74.974 11.072-23.74 30.72-41.746 55.332-50.706 10.838-3.942 22.116-5.944 33.53-5.944h0.006c7.93 0 15.7 0.99 23.19 2.832l-63.82 69.678-39.706 81.648zM491.906 536.886c4.914-5.724 11.854-9.74 19.948-10.752 7.83-0.97 15.32 1.052 21.38 5.126 7.288 4.89 12.512 12.78 13.678 22.18 0.75 6.026-0.35 11.818-2.716 16.966-4.65 8.692-14.042 16.794-24.58 18.106-8.016 0.998-15.668-1.148-21.806-5.412-7.072-4.928-12.118-12.684-13.266-21.898-1.076-8.65 2.364-17.946 7.362-24.316zM606.304 595.678c-11.068 23.738-30.716 41.74-55.328 50.696-10.842 3.948-22.12 5.954-33.526 5.954-8.914 0-17.616-1.29-25.96-3.604l63.814-71.198 40.802-81.694c5.576 7.488 10.176 15.814 13.472 24.87 8.96 24.61 7.798 51.236-3.274 74.976zM365.172 258.374l-1.366-3.756 25.046-9.11 52.756 31.756-9.158-25.168c-1.458-4.002-2.804-6.878-4.042-8.638-1.242-1.76-2.618-2.904-4.11-3.42-1.172-0.38-2.74-0.508-4.708-0.38-1.97 0.136-3.54 0.308-4.702 0.516l-1.328-3.656 28.552-10.398 1.328 3.656c-0.838 0.416-2.022 1.042-3.56 1.888-1.534 0.844-2.782 1.986-3.742 3.43-0.848 1.26-1.138 3.012-0.88 5.234 0.26 2.224 1.112 5.318 2.558 9.292l17.306 47.552-8.346 3.040-60.176-36.358 11.364 31.23c1.41 3.874 2.744 6.732 3.996 8.556 1.248 1.834 2.624 3.004 4.12 3.52 1.094 0.382 2.664 0.5 4.698 0.364 2.042-0.136 3.642-0.318 4.802-0.526l1.33 3.656-28.6 10.408-1.334-3.656c1.19-0.536 2.5-1.27 3.948-2.206s2.568-1.968 3.358-3.102c0.888-1.352 1.23-3.032 1.016-5.018-0.212-1.996-1.106-5.144-2.676-9.464l-11.468-31.51c-0.566-1.56-1.348-2.958-2.336-4.174-0.994-1.208-2.188-2.124-3.584-2.758-1.478-0.664-3.040-1.044-4.686-1.134-1.652-0.094-3.442 0.024-5.376 0.334zM657.506 839.228c1.046 2.876 1.392 5.906 1.030 9.090-0.368 3.186-1.366 6.080-2.994 8.694-1.788 2.884-4.128 5.454-7.024 7.71-2.892 2.26-6.532 4.184-10.904 5.782-4.066 1.478-8.040 2.35-11.928 2.612-3.886 0.264-7.298 0.154-10.238-0.334l-2.042 4.454-3.984 1.454-9.368-23.826 4.034-1.47c1.736 1.952 3.774 3.948 6.106 5.97s4.782 3.71 7.36 5.036c2.666 1.416 5.426 2.35 8.266 2.804s5.834 0.108 8.99-1.044c4.256-1.542 7.13-3.774 8.642-6.678 1.51-2.902 1.692-5.942 0.54-9.1-0.944-2.596-2.704-4.428-5.272-5.498-2.562-1.070-6.096-1.516-10.598-1.334-2.93 0.118-5.632 0.208-8.102 0.292-2.466 0.072-4.808 0.090-7.022 0.044-5.12-0.154-9.366-1.498-12.748-4.030-3.38-2.522-5.812-5.844-7.304-9.944-0.944-2.596-1.292-5.298-1.040-8.104 0.25-2.802 1.112-5.552 2.576-8.246 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2.060-0.716 0.526-1.262 0.998-1.634 1.414-0.348 0.408-0.516 0.772-0.512 1.090 0.004 0.316 0.050 0.59 0.126 0.798 0.158 0.444 0.354 0.852 0.59 1.224 0.23 0.372 0.494 0.806 0.786 1.306 1.474 2.222 4.336 6.414 8.596 12.574 4.26 6.162 9.532 13.8 15.81 22.938l-5.796-52.752 7.758-2.82 31.87 45.012c-0.902-8.774-1.674-15.924-2.324-21.458-0.642-5.534-1.214-10.27-1.706-14.19-0.322-2.404-0.608-4.41-0.858-6.016-0.258-1.606-0.584-2.95-0.98-4.046-0.24-0.654-0.68-1.134-1.328-1.424-0.644-0.3-1.434-0.472-2.36-0.528-0.78-0.028-1.746 0.064-2.894 0.282-1.146 0.226-2.136 0.436-2.97 0.626l-1.366-3.748 20.89-7.604 1.366 3.748c-0.72 0.372-1.402 0.862-2.038 1.46-0.634 0.608-1.228 1.296-1.778 2.058-0.826 1.224-1.302 2.404-1.43 3.548-0.12 1.142-0.126 2.466-0.014 3.982 0.384 5.248 1.086 13.614 2.108 25.1zM836.668 445.634l6.28 21.186-62.418 22.718-1.33-3.666c0.854-0.38 1.996-0.934 3.426-1.668 1.434-0.736 2.418-1.342 2.954-1.814 1.006-0.934 1.568-1.852 1.702-2.768 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0.199 0.383 0.398 0.571 0.598 0.516 0.551 1.024 1.109 1.523 1.674 0.215 0.244 0.428 0.493 0.641 0.74 1.535 1.779 2.988 3.628 4.362 5.543 0.261 0.364 0.523 0.725 0.778 1.094 0.356 0.515 0.703 1.036 1.047 1.56 0.281 0.428 0.556 0.859 0.829 1.293 0.314 0.499 0.63 1.001 0.932 1.507 0.336 0.563 0.66 1.136 0.982 1.707 0.384 0.68 0.757 1.366 1.121 2.058 0.331 0.63 0.66 1.26 0.974 1.899 0.222 0.453 0.434 0.914 0.65 1.371 0.277 0.595 0.55 1.193 0.812 1.796 0.195 0.448 0.389 0.895 0.576 1.348 0.297 0.718 0.58 1.442 0.855 2.17 0.129 0.339 0.266 0.673 0.389 1.014 0.378 1.039 0.73 2.088 1.064 3.147 0.117 0.368 0.222 0.742 0.332 1.113 0.227 0.758 0.446 1.52 0.65 2.289 0.109 0.409 0.215 0.82 0.317 1.233 0.2 0.805 0.386 1.617 0.561 2.432 0.074 0.339 0.152 0.677 0.221 1.017 0.229 1.139 0.436 2.287 0.615 3.445 0.038 0.244 0.065 0.491 0.1 0.737 0.137 0.939 0.257 1.883 0.361 2.833 0.042 0.388 0.079 0.777 0.114 1.166 0.080 0.857 0.145 1.717 0.197 2.583 0.022 0.369 0.048 0.735 0.065 1.106 0.055 1.211 0.092 2.426 0.092 3.65 0 1.051-0.038 2.093-0.079 3.134-0.025 0.566-0.048 1.133-0.084 1.697-2.501 41.005-36.535 73.497-78.173 73.497z" - ], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "batwings" - ], - "defaultCode": 59687, - "grid": 0, - "attrs": [] - }, - { - "id": 40, - "paths": [ - "M950.514 707.556c35.787-99.373 23.567-201.818-41.884-267.271-20.502-20.498-45.477-35.89-72.002-46.108 51.227 68.352 53.607 167.477 11.712 260.198 2.588-5.726 5.008-11.476 7.257-17.241l-90.257-66.963c31.48-83.557 21.955-170.32-33.141-225.415-16.975-16.969-37.652-29.718-59.613-38.169 40.542 54.085 44.134 131.451 14.084 205.216l-74.785-55.485c-0.003 0.007-0.005 0.013-0.008 0.020 28.913-71.665 21.753-146.972-25.612-194.333-14.221-14.221-31.54-24.898-49.937-31.983 37.96 50.654 37.247 125.671 1.721 193.599 2.82-5.394 5.422-10.831 7.803-16.297l-73.985-54.892c22.042-55.983 16.16-114.548-20.802-151.517-11.202-11.197-24.848-19.615-39.338-25.199 29.597 39.495 29.328 97.783 2.192 150.855 2.152-4.21 4.139-8.453 5.952-12.716l-75.15-55.755c21.514-46.873 18.181-97.414-13-128.586-8.904-8.887-19.722-15.592-31.238-20.016 23.138 30.87 23.305 76.209 2.748 117.822l-60.892-45.178c-0.007 0.012-0.013 0.023-0.018 0.033 20.772-38.648 19.591-82-6.458-108.053-6.968-6.947-15.449-12.189-24.446-15.666 19.459 25.969 18.158 65.015-1.731 99.46l-59.18-43.903c1.545-5.209 2.387-10.719 2.387-16.429 0-31.879-25.844-57.723-57.722-57.723s-57.722 25.849-57.722 57.723 25.844 57.717 57.722 57.717c5.451 0 10.716-0.772 15.716-2.183l42.694 57.912c-32.775 16.474-68.625 16.493-92.974-1.761l-0.003 0.008c3.466 9.006 8.695 17.488 15.657 24.447 24.626 24.628 64.684 27.008 101.648 9.659-0.117 0.055-0.232 0.117-0.349 0.172l45.996 62.392c-41.052 19.56-85.426 19.033-115.797-3.727l-0.007 0.007c4.437 11.506 11.12 22.343 20.009 31.24 30.693 30.695 80.134 34.375 126.378 13.965l57.040 77.371c2.578-1.164 5.147-2.399 7.704-3.687-52.802 26.627-110.604 26.704-149.85-2.708l-0.005 0.003c5.579 14.5 13.997 28.142 25.196 39.348 37.826 37.826 98.267 43.102 155.416 19.217l53.002 71.892c1.766-0.742 3.526-1.512 5.285-2.299-64.073 28.682-132.445 26.896-179.654-8.481 7.083 18.394 17.76 35.708 31.97 49.924 46.65 46.653 120.404 54.307 191.090 26.903l55.222 74.907c2.404-0.944 4.804-1.923 7.201-2.937-74.869 31.701-153.929 28.674-208.929-12.544 8.453 21.967 21.198 42.639 38.17 59.611 54.252 54.255 139.209 64.332 221.577 34.57l66.66 90.421c2.746-1.031 5.488-2.11 8.225-3.217-88.841 35.925-181.903 31.457-247.033-17.353v0.005c10.213 26.525 25.607 51.506 46.108 72.004 64.455 64.449 164.775 77.274 262.714 43.477-0.010 0.003-0.022 0.008-0.032 0.012l23.504 31.881h256.548v-255.382l-30.755-22.819zM946.966 716.979c-0.15 0.383-0.306 0.765-0.458 1.148 0.152-0.383 0.307-0.765 0.458-1.148zM943.154 726.318c-0.192 0.453-0.381 0.907-0.575 1.36 0.195-0.454 0.384-0.907 0.575-1.36zM934.217 745.875c-0.271 0.551-0.545 1.101-0.819 1.652 0.272-0.55 0.548-1.101 0.819-1.652zM929.303 755.533c-0.177 0.336-0.347 0.673-0.526 1.009 0.177-0.336 0.349-0.673 0.526-1.009zM923.848 765.551c-0.204 0.362-0.418 0.723-0.623 1.086 0.207-0.362 0.419-0.723 0.623-1.086zM918.742 774.326c-0.374 0.628-0.75 1.255-1.129 1.881 0.379-0.626 0.755-1.255 1.129-1.881zM906.594 793.428c-0.424 0.628-0.859 1.255-1.286 1.883 0.429-0.628 0.862-1.253 1.286-1.883zM900.505 802.185c-0.438 0.613-0.87 1.228-1.311 1.839 0.441-0.611 0.874-1.226 1.311-1.839zM893.035 812.348c-0.227 0.299-0.463 0.595-0.692 0.894 0.229-0.299 0.464-0.595 0.692-0.894zM886.664 820.5c-0.583 0.73-1.171 1.458-1.761 2.185 0.59-0.727 1.178-1.455 1.761-2.185zM879.357 829.39c-0.396 0.469-0.783 0.942-1.183 1.412 0.399-0.468 0.787-0.942 1.183-1.412zM774.568 762.857c-2.187 2.289-4.393 4.567-6.647 6.821-2.315 2.315-4.656 4.582-7.008 6.826 2.352-2.243 4.692-4.51 7.006-6.826 2.253-2.253 4.464-4.532 6.648-6.821zM848.126 654.851c-2.578 5.683-5.319 11.341-8.227 16.965 2.908-5.624 5.65-11.284 8.227-16.965zM839.703 672.188c-1.38 2.661-2.798 5.315-4.253 7.961 1.455-2.646 2.873-5.3 4.253-7.961zM835.116 680.763c-3.004 5.441-6.166 10.845-9.482 16.207 3.314-5.362 6.478-10.766 9.482-16.207zM824.898 698.156c-1.574 2.524-3.176 5.040-4.818 7.544 1.642-2.502 3.244-5.018 4.818-7.544zM819.883 706.005c-1.734 2.639-3.51 5.265-5.32 7.88 1.809-2.614 3.587-5.24 5.32-7.88zM813.774 715.009c-1.532 2.195-3.090 4.38-4.676 6.557 1.584-2.177 3.144-4.362 4.676-6.557zM807.998 723.074c-3.663 4.978-7.469 9.904-11.413 14.774 3.944-4.869 7.751-9.796 11.413-14.774zM795.132 739.629c-1.654 2.018-3.331 4.024-5.033 6.020 1.702-1.996 3.379-4.002 5.033-6.020zM789.016 746.927c-2.031 2.362-4.098 4.709-6.196 7.041 2.098-2.332 4.164-4.679 6.196-7.041zM781.486 755.43c-1.714 1.884-3.45 3.759-5.207 5.621 1.757-1.863 3.493-3.737 5.207-5.621zM755.326 593.731c0.027-0.055 0.052-0.109 0.077-0.164-0.025 0.053-0.050 0.109-0.077 0.164zM759.143 778.178c-2.046 1.929-4.104 3.834-6.177 5.71 2.073-1.876 4.131-3.78 6.177-5.71zM751.933 784.83c-2.389 2.147-4.794 4.251-7.216 6.328 2.422-2.076 4.829-4.183 7.216-6.328zM743.070 792.553c-2.016 1.711-4.044 3.396-6.082 5.058 2.038-1.66 4.066-3.348 6.082-5.058zM735.417 798.892c-2.464 1.988-4.941 3.942-7.434 5.858 2.492-1.916 4.97-3.87 7.434-5.858zM726.776 805.664c-2.155 1.644-4.32 3.257-6.496 4.848 2.177-1.59 4.342-3.204 6.496-4.848zM718.496 811.813c-2.559 1.849-5.128 3.672-7.714 5.446 2.586-1.774 5.155-3.598 7.714-5.446zM710.773 817.266c-2.563 1.759-5.14 3.468-7.726 5.153 2.586-1.686 5.163-3.396 7.726-5.153zM701.258 823.578c-2.407 1.55-4.823 3.075-7.248 4.564 2.426-1.488 4.841-3.014 7.248-4.564zM693.402 828.518c-2.654 1.62-5.322 3.197-7.997 4.742 2.676-1.545 5.342-3.12 7.997-4.742zM693.474 683.046c0.531-0.556 1.054-1.116 1.58-1.675-0.528 0.56-1.051 1.119-1.58 1.675zM699.521 676.54c0.498-0.548 0.999-1.094 1.492-1.645-0.493 0.551-0.994 1.098-1.492 1.645zM712.061 661.965c0.423-0.52 0.839-1.041 1.258-1.562-0.419 0.521-0.835 1.042-1.258 1.562zM717.555 655.033c0.359-0.466 0.723-0.929 1.081-1.397-0.357 0.468-0.72 0.93-1.081 1.397zM728.619 639.901c0.271-0.393 0.538-0.787 0.807-1.179-0.269 0.393-0.535 0.787-0.807 1.179zM733.563 632.528c0.19-0.292 0.384-0.583 0.573-0.875-0.189 0.292-0.383 0.583-0.573 0.875zM743.063 617.078c0.129-0.222 0.254-0.443 0.381-0.665-0.127 0.222-0.254 0.444-0.381 0.665zM747.415 609.308c0.045-0.084 0.092-0.169 0.139-0.252-0.047 0.084-0.094 0.169-0.139 0.252zM615.705 617.465c1.817-1.817 3.602-3.655 5.367-5.501-1.766 1.846-3.548 3.683-5.367 5.501-1.866 1.868-3.752 3.697-5.648 5.506 1.896-1.809 3.782-3.64 5.648-5.506zM686.665 511.818c-2.836 6.959-5.97 13.887-9.403 20.759 3.431-6.872 6.567-13.8 9.403-20.759zM677.178 532.746c-3.386 6.772-7.061 13.489-11.022 20.133 3.957-6.643 7.636-13.36 11.022-20.133zM665.809 553.458c-2.616 4.367-5.352 8.703-8.215 12.998 2.863-4.295 5.601-8.63 8.215-12.998zM657.223 567.009c-1.27 1.898-2.564 3.785-3.882 5.666 1.316-1.881 2.613-3.77 3.882-5.666zM652.627 573.692c-2.91 4.121-5.932 8.202-9.071 12.238 3.139-4.036 6.162-8.117 9.071-12.238zM642.696 587.024c-1.283 1.635-2.584 3.262-3.906 4.881 1.321-1.619 2.623-3.246 3.906-4.881zM637.688 593.257c-3.201 3.884-6.508 7.721-9.924 11.508 3.416-3.787 6.724-7.624 9.924-11.508zM626.493 606.158c-1.335 1.463-2.686 2.917-4.053 4.363 1.366-1.447 2.718-2.902 4.053-4.363zM681.13 695.381c-0.555 0.528-1.111 1.049-1.667 1.572 0.556-0.523 1.113-1.046 1.667-1.572zM674.296 701.719c-0.476 0.431-0.949 0.867-1.427 1.293 0.478-0.428 0.95-0.864 1.427-1.293zM666.308 708.747c-0.327 0.279-0.658 0.55-0.987 0.827 0.329-0.277 0.66-0.548 0.987-0.827zM659.598 714.309c-0.575 0.466-1.151 0.93-1.729 1.392 0.578-0.461 1.154-0.925 1.729-1.392zM651.875 720.395c-0.259 0.199-0.516 0.403-0.775 0.6 0.261-0.199 0.516-0.403 0.775-0.6zM644.193 726.108c-0.478 0.344-0.957 0.682-1.435 1.024 0.478-0.342 0.957-0.678 1.435-1.024zM637.042 731.129c-0.53 0.362-1.057 0.727-1.589 1.086 0.531-0.359 1.059-0.723 1.589-1.086zM621.259 741.306c-0.533 0.322-1.067 0.641-1.602 0.962 0.533-0.321 1.067-0.638 1.602-0.962zM606.499 468.73c-0.007 0.013-0.013 0.027-0.020 0.042 0.008-0.013 0.013-0.027 0.020-0.042zM603.672 474.613c-0.097 0.195-0.192 0.389-0.291 0.585 0.097-0.194 0.194-0.389 0.291-0.585zM600.403 481.011c-0.010 0.020-0.022 0.042-0.032 0.062 0.010-0.020 0.020-0.042 0.032-0.062zM593.711 492.942c-0.154 0.259-0.311 0.518-0.466 0.777 0.155-0.259 0.312-0.516 0.466-0.777zM590.23 498.645c-0.217 0.347-0.433 0.693-0.651 1.039 0.217-0.346 0.434-0.693 0.651-1.039zM586.202 504.899c-0.085 0.13-0.169 0.261-0.256 0.389 0.087-0.13 0.17-0.261 0.256-0.389zM582.040 511.008c-0.12 0.172-0.246 0.344-0.368 0.516 0.12-0.172 0.246-0.344 0.368-0.516zM578.182 516.368c-0.352 0.478-0.708 0.954-1.064 1.432 0.356-0.478 0.712-0.954 1.064-1.432zM574.065 521.822c-0.379 0.491-0.757 0.984-1.139 1.473 0.383-0.489 0.76-0.982 1.139-1.473zM569.194 527.966c-0.16 0.197-0.317 0.398-0.478 0.595 0.16-0.197 0.317-0.398 0.478-0.595zM548.807 550.526c-0.007 0.007-0.013 0.013-0.020 0.020-0.005 0.005-0.012 0.012-0.017 0.017 0.005-0.005 0.012-0.012 0.017-0.017 0.007-0.007 0.013-0.013 0.020-0.020zM564.354 533.751c-0.389 0.453-0.787 0.902-1.179 1.353 0.393-0.451 0.79-0.9 1.179-1.353zM559.852 538.863c-0.509 0.568-1.024 1.133-1.54 1.697 0.516-0.565 1.031-1.129 1.54-1.697zM555.043 544.083c-0.489 0.518-0.974 1.039-1.467 1.555 0.493-0.516 0.977-1.037 1.467-1.555zM608.625 624.326c-1.557 1.47-3.124 2.922-4.699 4.355 1.575-1.432 3.142-2.885 4.699-4.355zM602.768 629.737c-1.944 1.752-3.902 3.476-5.872 5.172 1.971-1.696 3.927-3.419 5.872-5.172zM596.052 635.625c-1.712 1.463-3.436 2.903-5.168 4.323 1.732-1.42 3.456-2.862 5.168-4.323zM589.498 641.079c-1.948 1.58-3.906 3.14-5.877 4.667 1.973-1.527 3.929-3.087 5.877-4.667zM583.513 645.833c-2.083 1.612-4.181 3.187-6.288 4.739 2.106-1.552 4.205-3.127 6.288-4.739zM576.139 651.363c-1.809 1.321-3.627 2.619-5.452 3.896 1.827-1.276 3.643-2.576 5.452-3.896zM569.7 655.95c-4.271 2.962-8.583 5.798-12.931 8.514 4.348-2.715 8.661-5.553 12.931-8.514zM555.768 665.087c-2.133 1.321-4.273 2.621-6.423 3.882 2.15-1.261 4.29-2.561 6.423-3.882zM549.313 668.989c-2.292 1.345-4.592 2.654-6.901 3.932 2.309-1.278 4.611-2.588 6.901-3.932zM493.028 485.989c-1.432 1.495-2.877 2.982-4.35 4.455-1.507 1.507-3.029 2.983-4.559 4.447 1.528-1.463 3.050-2.942 4.557-4.448 1.473-1.473 2.92-2.958 4.352-4.453zM537.942 423.827c-2.805 5.352-5.825 10.659-9.061 15.908 3.234-5.247 6.256-10.556 9.061-15.908zM528.663 440.088c-0.986 1.594-1.991 3.181-3.017 4.761 1.024-1.582 2.031-3.169 3.017-4.761zM525.292 445.397c-3.304 5.072-6.812 10.081-10.522 15.016 3.708-4.935 7.218-9.944 10.522-15.016zM514.096 461.301c-1.022 1.348-2.060 2.689-3.11 4.026 1.052-1.336 2.090-2.678 3.11-4.026zM510.288 466.214c-2.541 3.201-5.167 6.368-7.881 9.493 2.715-3.125 5.341-6.293 7.881-9.493zM501.73 476.479c-1.109 1.268-2.232 2.531-3.369 3.785 1.136-1.256 2.26-2.517 3.369-3.785zM497.285 481.44c-1.084 1.183-2.183 2.36-3.293 3.53 1.109-1.169 2.208-2.347 3.293-3.53zM543.754 555.452c-0.513 0.489-1.029 0.971-1.544 1.455 0.515-0.484 1.031-0.966 1.544-1.455zM538.509 560.335c-0.545 0.496-1.089 0.992-1.635 1.483 0.546-0.489 1.091-0.987 1.635-1.483zM532.468 565.694c-0.271 0.234-0.538 0.474-0.81 0.707 0.272-0.234 0.54-0.473 0.81-0.707zM526.398 570.796c-0.486 0.398-0.976 0.785-1.463 1.179 0.486-0.394 0.977-0.782 1.463-1.179zM520.952 575.131c-0.563 0.439-1.128 0.875-1.692 1.31 0.565-0.433 1.129-0.87 1.692-1.31zM514.957 579.676c-0.386 0.284-0.768 0.576-1.154 0.859 0.386-0.282 0.768-0.573 1.154-0.859zM508.298 584.457c-0.388 0.271-0.78 0.531-1.169 0.798 0.389-0.267 0.78-0.53 1.169-0.798zM502.684 588.254c-0.548 0.362-1.098 0.722-1.649 1.079 0.551-0.357 1.101-0.717 1.649-1.079zM496.657 592.124c-0.436 0.272-0.869 0.55-1.305 0.819 0.436-0.269 0.87-0.546 1.305-0.819zM489.607 596.401c-0.185 0.109-0.371 0.212-0.556 0.319 0.184-0.109 0.371-0.212 0.556-0.319zM469.794 357.491c0.018-0.042 0.035-0.084 0.053-0.125-0.018 0.042-0.035 0.084-0.053 0.125zM483.042 495.912c-1.199 1.136-2.407 2.26-3.62 3.369 1.213-1.109 2.419-2.232 3.62-3.369zM478.248 500.353c-1.442 1.305-2.892 2.593-4.35 3.859 1.458-1.266 2.908-2.554 4.35-3.859zM473.601 504.473c-1.592 1.378-3.196 2.73-4.808 4.064 1.612-1.335 3.216-2.686 4.808-4.064zM467.791 509.354c-1.275 1.044-2.552 2.073-3.839 3.089 1.286-1.014 2.566-2.045 3.839-3.089zM462.681 513.443c-1.37 1.071-2.746 2.125-4.129 3.164 1.383-1.039 2.76-2.095 4.129-3.164zM457.832 517.152c-1.657 1.236-3.324 2.451-4.998 3.642 1.674-1.191 3.341-2.404 4.998-3.642zM452.109 521.303c-1.413 0.999-2.83 1.98-4.253 2.945 1.423-0.966 2.841-1.948 4.253-2.945zM446.609 525.086c-1.376 0.924-2.76 1.833-4.146 2.725 1.388-0.892 2.77-1.801 4.146-2.725zM441.561 528.397c-1.729 1.104-3.465 2.188-5.207 3.246 1.742-1.057 3.476-2.142 5.207-3.246zM436.256 531.702c-1.657 1.006-3.323 1.983-4.991 2.945 1.669-0.962 3.334-1.941 4.991-2.945zM430.147 535.285c-1.427 0.814-2.855 1.61-4.288 2.392 1.433-0.782 2.863-1.58 4.288-2.392zM424.892 538.205c-3.508 1.894-7.036 3.695-10.581 5.402 3.545-1.707 7.073-3.508 10.581-5.402zM425.414 424.25c0.336-0.352 0.667-0.707 1.001-1.061-0.332 0.352-0.663 0.708-1.001 1.061zM429.241 420.141c0.352-0.388 0.705-0.773 1.054-1.163-0.349 0.389-0.702 0.775-1.054 1.163zM433.367 415.492c0.174-0.202 0.352-0.403 0.526-0.605-0.172 0.202-0.352 0.403-0.526 0.605zM437.442 410.651c0.194-0.237 0.383-0.476 0.575-0.715-0.192 0.239-0.381 0.478-0.575 0.715zM440.845 406.381c0.277-0.356 0.553-0.713 0.827-1.069-0.274 0.356-0.55 0.713-0.827 1.069zM444.354 401.757c0.189-0.254 0.379-0.508 0.566-0.763-0.185 0.254-0.378 0.508-0.566 0.763zM451.165 392.033c0.157-0.239 0.312-0.478 0.469-0.717-0.157 0.239-0.312 0.478-0.469 0.717zM454.175 387.353c0.135-0.215 0.271-0.429 0.404-0.645-0.132 0.215-0.269 0.429-0.404 0.645zM460.135 377.26c0.010-0.018 0.020-0.038 0.032-0.057-0.010 0.018-0.022 0.037-0.032 0.057zM462.673 372.539c0.070-0.135 0.14-0.271 0.212-0.406-0.072 0.135-0.142 0.271-0.212 0.406zM374.325 380.743c-0.045 0.045-0.087 0.092-0.132 0.137-0.042 0.042-0.085 0.080-0.127 0.122 0.042-0.042 0.085-0.082 0.127-0.124 0.045-0.045 0.087-0.090 0.132-0.135zM413.496 327.398c-2.023 3.912-4.193 7.794-6.508 11.638 2.314-3.845 4.489-7.726 6.508-11.638zM405.755 341.062c-0.667 1.079-1.333 2.158-2.023 3.231 0.69-1.072 1.358-2.152 2.023-3.231zM400.755 348.801c-0.59 0.869-1.198 1.731-1.802 2.594 0.605-0.864 1.213-1.726 1.802-2.594zM396.624 354.655c-0.526 0.723-1.046 1.448-1.584 2.168 0.538-0.72 1.057-1.445 1.584-2.168zM391.211 361.783c-0.491 0.618-0.991 1.233-1.49 1.848 0.499-0.615 1.001-1.229 1.49-1.848zM386.113 367.968c-0.307 0.359-0.603 0.722-0.914 1.079 0.311-0.357 0.608-0.722 0.914-1.079zM380.557 374.231c-0.436 0.473-0.875 0.944-1.316 1.413 0.441-0.471 0.88-0.94 1.316-1.413zM417.697 431.976c-0.342 0.327-0.687 0.646-1.031 0.972 0.342-0.326 0.688-0.645 1.031-0.972zM413.793 435.621c-0.408 0.373-0.817 0.743-1.226 1.113 0.409-0.369 0.819-0.74 1.226-1.113zM409.694 439.279c-0.368 0.321-0.733 0.643-1.101 0.961 0.369-0.317 0.735-0.64 1.101-0.961zM404.919 443.342c-0.1 0.082-0.197 0.167-0.297 0.249 0.099-0.080 0.197-0.165 0.297-0.249zM400.422 446.968c-0.177 0.139-0.356 0.274-0.533 0.413 0.177-0.139 0.356-0.272 0.533-0.413zM396.27 450.151c-0.312 0.234-0.626 0.466-0.94 0.698 0.314-0.232 0.628-0.464 0.94-0.698zM391.93 453.323c-0.282 0.2-0.563 0.403-0.845 0.603 0.282-0.199 0.563-0.401 0.845-0.603zM387.020 456.736c-0.042 0.028-0.084 0.058-0.125 0.087 0.042-0.028 0.084-0.058 0.125-0.087zM377.889 462.579c-0.102 0.062-0.202 0.122-0.304 0.182 0.1-0.062 0.202-0.12 0.304-0.182zM341.55 264.61c-0.334 0.651-0.695 1.295-1.039 1.944 0.344-0.65 0.707-1.295 1.039-1.944zM338.064 271.053c-0.444 0.783-0.914 1.56-1.373 2.34 0.459-0.78 0.929-1.557 1.373-2.34zM334.252 277.434c-0.515 0.824-1.046 1.64-1.577 2.459 0.531-0.819 1.062-1.635 1.577-2.459zM330.111 283.743c-0.566 0.825-1.141 1.649-1.724 2.469 0.583-0.82 1.158-1.642 1.724-2.469zM325.622 289.991c-0.6 0.798-1.198 1.597-1.812 2.39 0.616-0.793 1.214-1.592 1.812-2.39zM320.746 296.203c-0.603 0.735-1.194 1.475-1.811 2.203 0.616-0.73 1.209-1.468 1.811-2.203zM315.329 302.521c-0.526 0.586-1.034 1.183-1.57 1.766 0.536-0.583 1.044-1.179 1.57-1.766zM308.157 310.132c-1.532 1.528-3.085 3.014-4.652 4.474 1.567-1.462 3.12-2.945 4.652-4.474zM300.274 233.006c1.007-1.851 1.976-3.708 2.9-5.576-0.924 1.868-1.893 3.725-2.9 5.576zM302.538 315.509c-1.5 1.38-3.017 2.726-4.545 4.043 1.528-1.318 3.045-2.663 4.545-4.043zM296.711 320.641c-1.495 1.263-2.998 2.507-4.519 3.712 1.52-1.206 3.024-2.447 4.519-3.712zM290.819 325.417c-1.161 0.902-2.329 1.787-3.503 2.656 1.173-0.869 2.342-1.752 3.503-2.656zM285.357 329.513c-1.265 0.909-2.537 1.794-3.815 2.664 1.278-0.872 2.552-1.754 3.815-2.664zM279.111 333.806c-0.945 0.62-1.894 1.224-2.845 1.824 0.949-0.6 1.899-1.204 2.845-1.824zM272.456 337.963c-0.506 0.301-1.014 0.598-1.523 0.894 0.509-0.296 1.017-0.591 1.523-0.894zM271.061 272.022c1.51-1.518 2.987-3.055 4.425-4.611-1.438 1.557-2.915 3.092-4.425 4.611zM276.984 265.741c1.049-1.163 2.095-2.327 3.104-3.508-1.011 1.181-2.055 2.345-3.104 3.508zM281.628 260.38c0.957-1.153 1.909-2.307 2.831-3.475-0.922 1.169-1.873 2.324-2.831 3.475zM285.893 255.051c0.92-1.199 1.831-2.404 2.713-3.618-0.884 1.213-1.792 2.417-2.713 3.618zM289.871 249.661c0.905-1.28 1.792-2.566 2.656-3.86-0.864 1.295-1.749 2.581-2.656 3.86zM293.589 244.191c0.907-1.393 1.787-2.795 2.644-4.201-0.857 1.407-1.737 2.808-2.644 4.201zM297.057 238.637c0.93-1.56 1.827-3.127 2.698-4.702-0.872 1.575-1.767 3.144-2.698 4.702zM270.388 272.698c-1.594 1.587-3.209 3.132-4.841 4.641 1.634-1.507 3.249-3.054 4.841-4.641zM263.833 278.877c-1.198 1.077-2.399 2.147-3.617 3.184 1.216-1.037 2.419-2.106 3.617-3.184zM258.322 283.636c-1.203 0.997-2.412 1.978-3.633 2.935 1.221-0.957 2.431-1.939 3.633-2.935zM252.858 287.985c-1.31 0.999-2.628 1.973-3.954 2.927 1.326-0.952 2.644-1.928 3.954-2.927zM247.34 292.029c-1.55 1.087-3.112 2.142-4.682 3.167 1.57-1.024 3.13-2.080 4.682-3.167zM239.955 186.391c-0.050 0.087-0.102 0.174-0.154 0.261 0.052-0.087 0.102-0.174 0.154-0.261zM237.376 190.628c-0.114 0.179-0.229 0.357-0.344 0.536 0.114-0.179 0.231-0.357 0.344-0.536zM234.605 194.832c-0.2 0.292-0.406 0.581-0.61 0.872 0.202-0.289 0.409-0.58 0.61-0.872zM231.629 199.010c-0.316 0.428-0.646 0.85-0.969 1.276 0.324-0.426 0.653-0.849 0.969-1.276zM228.447 203.153c-0.481 0.605-0.986 1.199-1.478 1.797 0.494-0.598 0.996-1.193 1.478-1.797zM208.081 160.596c0.54-0.884 1.079-1.767 1.594-2.658-0.515 0.89-1.056 1.774-1.594 2.658zM208.55 223.613c-0.605 0.511-1.218 1.001-1.826 1.5 0.608-0.499 1.223-0.989 1.826-1.5zM203.85 227.422c-0.605 0.469-1.216 0.924-1.824 1.381 0.608-0.458 1.219-0.91 1.824-1.381zM199.015 231.013c-0.583 0.414-1.168 0.82-1.754 1.223 0.586-0.403 1.173-0.809 1.754-1.223zM194.044 234.391c-0.538 0.349-1.077 0.697-1.619 1.036 0.541-0.341 1.081-0.687 1.619-1.036zM188.917 237.561c-0.468 0.274-0.932 0.553-1.402 0.822 0.468-0.269 0.934-0.548 1.402-0.822zM191.503 182.416c0.336-0.361 0.658-0.728 0.989-1.091-0.331 0.364-0.651 0.732-0.989 1.091zM194.714 178.846c0.434-0.499 0.855-1.004 1.28-1.508-0.426 0.504-0.845 1.009-1.28 1.508zM197.751 175.226c0.471-0.581 0.932-1.168 1.392-1.752-0.459 0.585-0.919 1.171-1.392 1.752zM200.617 171.563c0.488-0.646 0.969-1.295 1.443-1.944-0.474 0.65-0.956 1.298-1.443 1.944zM203.303 167.878c0.499-0.71 0.996-1.42 1.478-2.135-0.483 0.715-0.979 1.427-1.478 2.135zM205.804 164.196c0.511-0.78 1.021-1.559 1.512-2.345-0.491 0.787-1.001 1.565-1.512 2.345zM157.975 208.711c-1.425 0.788-2.857 1.545-4.296 2.27 1.438-0.725 2.87-1.483 4.296-2.27zM187.542 186.485c-1.096 1.084-2.2 2.152-3.319 3.189 1.119-1.036 2.223-2.105 3.319-3.189zM182.975 190.791c-0.919 0.832-1.841 1.66-2.775 2.461 0.935-0.8 1.856-1.629 2.775-2.461zM178.941 194.301c-0.957 0.8-1.916 1.594-2.887 2.362 0.972-0.768 1.931-1.564 2.887-2.362zM174.904 197.55c-1.032 0.798-2.068 1.584-3.114 2.347 1.046-0.76 2.081-1.549 3.114-2.347zM170.794 200.609c-1.123 0.803-2.25 1.587-3.388 2.349 1.138-0.76 2.265-1.547 3.388-2.349zM166.608 203.485c-1.223 0.807-2.454 1.589-3.692 2.347 1.238-0.758 2.469-1.542 3.692-2.347zM162.335 206.186c-1.326 0.803-2.661 1.577-4.002 2.324 1.341-0.747 2.674-1.522 4.002-2.324zM183.593 240.536c-0.356 0.187-0.708 0.384-1.064 0.568 0.356-0.184 0.71-0.379 1.064-0.568zM216.741 216.124c0.256-0.251 0.518-0.488 0.772-0.742 1.335-1.333 2.634-2.686 3.904-4.054-1.268 1.368-2.566 2.721-3.902 4.056-0.254 0.254-0.518 0.488-0.773 0.74zM211.422 221.095c0.565-0.504 1.138-0.992 1.697-1.508-0.56 0.516-1.131 1.004-1.697 1.508zM225.044 207.262c-0.753 0.877-1.537 1.739-2.317 2.604 0.78-0.865 1.564-1.729 2.317-2.604zM241.744 295.799c-5.935 3.824-12.002 7.2-18.145 10.13 6.142-2.93 12.209-6.311 18.145-10.13zM265.37 341.959c-0.269 0.144-0.536 0.289-0.805 0.429 0.269-0.14 0.536-0.286 0.805-0.429zM326.315 417.171c-1.985 1.106-3.976 2.173-5.977 3.204 2.001-1.031 3.992-2.1 5.977-3.204zM368.939 385.946c-0.414 0.389-0.829 0.78-1.246 1.164 0.418-0.386 0.83-0.777 1.246-1.164zM362.61 391.664c-0.464 0.404-0.934 0.797-1.4 1.196 0.466-0.399 0.935-0.792 1.4-1.196zM356.826 396.507c-0.431 0.349-0.859 0.708-1.291 1.052 0.433-0.346 0.86-0.703 1.291-1.052zM350.627 401.348c-0.705 0.531-1.412 1.057-2.12 1.577 0.708-0.52 1.415-1.047 2.12-1.577zM343.805 406.286c-0.819 0.568-1.644 1.116-2.467 1.669 0.824-0.553 1.649-1.103 2.467-1.669zM338.413 409.887c-1.385 0.9-2.776 1.777-4.173 2.638 1.397-0.86 2.788-1.741 4.173-2.638zM331.425 414.239c-1.098 0.653-2.197 1.291-3.299 1.919 1.103-0.628 2.202-1.268 3.299-1.919zM354.391 474.921c-0.003 0.002-0.007 0.003-0.008 0.003 0.003-0.002 0.005-0.003 0.008-0.003zM373.371 465.242c-0.132 0.075-0.264 0.152-0.394 0.226 0.13-0.074 0.262-0.15 0.394-0.226zM413.405 544.038c-1.498 0.715-2.998 1.412-4.504 2.093 1.505-0.682 3.005-1.38 4.504-2.093zM458.578 611.973c-0.453 0.192-0.905 0.386-1.36 0.575 0.454-0.19 0.907-0.384 1.36-0.575zM483.864 599.658c-0.504 0.279-1.009 0.553-1.513 0.829 0.504-0.276 1.011-0.55 1.513-0.829zM477.794 602.914c-0.448 0.234-0.895 0.469-1.343 0.7 0.449-0.229 0.895-0.466 1.343-0.7zM464.645 609.318c-0.431 0.195-0.864 0.386-1.295 0.578 0.431-0.192 0.864-0.383 1.295-0.578zM520.623 683.875c-2.274 1.031-4.552 2.035-6.834 3 2.282-0.966 4.56-1.969 6.834-3zM542.033 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0.733 14.77 1.428 22.167 2.103l6.171-52.206c4.617 1.901 9.699 2.868 15.018 2.584 19.132-1.019 33.814-17.358 32.795-36.49s-17.353-33.809-36.486-32.79-33.814 17.358-32.795 36.481c0.399 7.489 3.167 14.274 7.509 19.725-11.753 26.98-20.724 56.388-26.422 86.317-44.717-38.999-99.295-47.842-160.17-37.425 0.003 0 0.005-0.002 0.008-0.002-4.736-13.521-17.575-23.231-32.713-23.231-19.159 0-34.689 15.534-34.689 34.684 0 19.159 15.53 34.692 34.689 34.692 9.079 0 17.316-3.516 23.499-9.224-0.008-0.005-0.017-0.012-0.025-0.017 51.195 35.621 106.25 45.313 164.346 34.611-4.098 38.979-2.377 77.563 6.151 111.566-6.672 6.712-10.616 16.085-10.075 26.275 1.019 19.132 17.355 33.817 36.486 32.798 19.132-1.021 33.814-17.36 32.795-36.491s-17.353-33.809-36.486-32.788c-2.993 0.16-5.862 0.733-8.595 1.595l8.207-69.43c207.94 31.081 560.384 58.047 705.422-93.339l-157.497-14.384zM95.763 633.233c-0.13 0.027-0.261 0.053-0.389 0.080 0.129-0.027 0.259-0.053 0.389-0.080zM85.119 635.563c-0.007 0.002-0.012 0.003-0.018 0.005 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0.713 0.042 1.071 0.065 0.663 0.043 1.33 0.092 1.996 0.15 0.351 0.030 0.702 0.062 1.052 0.095 0.677 0.065 1.353 0.135 2.033 0.214 0.346 0.040 0.69 0.082 1.036 0.125 0.687 0.085 1.376 0.177 2.065 0.277 0.337 0.048 0.677 0.1 1.016 0.152 0.7 0.107 1.402 0.222 2.105 0.344 0.331 0.057 0.662 0.115 0.992 0.175 0.715 0.13 1.43 0.267 2.147 0.411 0.321 0.065 0.641 0.13 0.962 0.197 0.728 0.152 1.457 0.312 2.187 0.479 0.314 0.072 0.628 0.145 0.942 0.219 0.742 0.175 1.483 0.359 2.225 0.55 0.302 0.077 0.605 0.155 0.907 0.236 0.757 0.2 1.513 0.408 2.272 0.623 0.292 0.084 0.586 0.167 0.879 0.252 0.77 0.224 1.542 0.456 2.315 0.697 0.281 0.087 0.561 0.174 0.842 0.264 0.783 0.249 1.57 0.506 2.355 0.772 0.272 0.092 0.546 0.184 0.819 0.277 0.798 0.274 1.599 0.558 2.399 0.849 0.259 0.094 0.516 0.187 0.775 0.282 0.815 0.301 1.632 0.611 2.449 0.929 0.247 0.095 0.493 0.19 0.74 0.289 0.829 0.327 1.659 0.663 2.489 1.007 0.236 0.099 0.473 0.195 0.708 0.294 0.842 0.354 1.684 0.717 2.527 1.087 0.226 0.099 0.449 0.197 0.675 0.297 0.857 0.381 1.716 0.773 2.573 1.173 0.21 0.099 0.423 0.195 0.633 0.294 0.87 0.409 1.741 0.829 2.611 1.255 0.202 0.099 0.404 0.197 0.605 0.296 0.885 0.438 1.769 0.887 2.654 1.343 0.185 0.095 0.371 0.19 0.556 0.286 0.9 0.468 1.802 0.947 2.703 1.433 0.172 0.094 0.344 0.184 0.516 0.277 0.917 0.499 1.836 1.009 2.753 1.528 0.154 0.087 0.309 0.174 0.463 0.261 0.932 0.53 1.866 1.072 2.798 1.622 0.142 0.084 0.284 0.165 0.426 0.251 0.947 0.561 1.894 1.134 2.84 1.716 0.127 0.079 0.254 0.154 0.379 0.232 0.962 0.593 1.923 1.199 2.883 1.812 0.112 0.072 0.226 0.142 0.337 0.214 0.979 0.628 1.958 1.268 2.937 1.918 0.092 0.062 0.185 0.122 0.277 0.184 0.992 0.662 1.985 1.335 2.977 2.016 0.080 0.055 0.162 0.11 0.242 0.165 1.014 0.7 2.026 1.412 3.039 2.133 0.055 0.038 0.11 0.079 0.165 0.117 1.034 0.74 2.068 1.49 3.102 2.253 0.035 0.025 0.068 0.050 0.104 0.075 1.047 0.775 2.095 1.56 3.139 2.359 0.022 0.017 0.043 0.033 0.065 0.050 1.066 0.814 2.13 1.639 3.192 2.477v0c0 0 0 0 0 0-42.986 6.657-90.135 40.644-129.295 108.938 110.181-66.107 189.283-27.205 251.289 69.543 0 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.003 0-0.002-0.002-0.002-0.002-0.003 2.532 7.028 4.91 14.164 7.123 21.4 0.045 0.149 0.089 0.297 0.135 0.446 0.317 1.041 0.606 2.098 0.917 3.142 1.888 12.739 4.335 25.846 7.462 39.363 0.409 0.443 0.805 0.9 1.209 1.35-53.171-58.846-149.36-75.15-219.924-10.205 73.609-4.275 133.12 20.771 182.695 66.476-34.505 7.228-67.191 18.8-95.511 34.139 44.929 68.675 79.588 160.708 79.588 265.65-100.489 21.081-156.171 112.582-168.663 225.806h409.212c-3.303-68.763-27.232-121.032-89.202-162.98 87.57 5.934 138.068 99.244 146.397 162.983h55.841c-12.438-112.742-70.646-204.224-170.808-225.806 0-111.434 36.799-196.962 81.735-265.65-19.398-12.211-40.845-21.644-63.516-28.52-34.651 76.429-64.388 171.217-70.791 293.983-6.274-121.415 1.831-225.268 17.386-302.254 42.926-44.526 103.661-75.338 179-92.429zM462.527 420.269c0.055 0.284 0.102 0.571 0.157 0.855-0.623-3.201-1.291-6.381-1.98-9.552 0.561 2.588 1.123 5.175 1.64 7.783 0.060 0.306 0.124 0.61 0.182 0.914zM500.13 528.74c0.055-1.303 0.085-2.598 0.109-3.889 0.002-0.075 0.005-0.152 0.007-0.227-0.002 0.074-0.005 0.147-0.007 0.221 0.008-0.466 0.035-0.939 0.038-1.405-0.017 1.757-0.072 3.526-0.147 5.3zM500.066 530.113c-0.080 1.672-0.187 3.353-0.322 5.041-0.007 0.089-0.012 0.177-0.018 0.266v0c0.149-1.801 0.256-3.59 0.344-5.374-0.002 0.022-0.002 0.045-0.003 0.067zM500.064 530.145c-0.084 1.66-0.185 3.328-0.321 5.005 0.135-1.675 0.242-3.344 0.321-5.005zM499.745 535.463c1.031 2.329 2.093 4.674 3.156 7.018-1.069-2.347-2.125-4.689-3.156-7.018zM499.543 506.638c0.159 1.639 0.299 3.284 0.406 4.941-0.107-1.657-0.247-3.303-0.406-4.941zM499.963 511.753c0.109 1.709 0.18 3.431 0.234 5.16-0.052-1.729-0.125-3.451-0.234-5.16zM500.232 518.189c0.040 1.716 0.060 3.438 0.045 5.173 0.015-1.736-0.005-3.458-0.045-5.173zM498.822 500.387c0.227 1.65 0.421 3.316 0.595 4.988-0.174-1.672-0.368-3.338-0.595-4.988zM497.535 492.668c-0.205-1.103-0.409-2.205-0.641-3.294 0.336 1.574 0.638 3.162 0.925 4.758-0.089-0.491-0.192-0.974-0.284-1.463zM498.047 495.432c0.262 1.533 0.508 3.072 0.725 4.624-0.215-1.55-0.463-3.090-0.725-4.624zM496.854 489.303c-0.548 1.467-1.066 2.95-1.569 4.442 0.503-1.493 1.019-2.977 1.569-4.442-1.156-5.414-2.584-10.701-4.283-15.846 1.697 5.133 3.14 10.402 4.296 15.804-0.003 0.013-0.008 0.027-0.013 0.042 0-0.002 0 0 0 0zM486.976 459.051c0.628 1.397 1.231 2.808 1.817 4.23-0.585-1.422-1.189-2.831-1.817-4.23zM489.039 463.877c1.248 3.060 2.4 6.174 3.453 9.343-1.051-3.169-2.205-6.283-3.453-9.343zM494.841 495.105c-0.362 1.118-0.712 2.243-1.047 3.376 0.336-1.133 0.683-2.258 1.047-3.376zM493.373 499.892c-0.414 1.448-0.805 2.908-1.174 4.38 0.369-1.472 0.762-2.932 1.174-4.38zM491.774 506.068c-0.221 0.927-0.433 1.859-0.635 2.798 0.202-0.937 0.416-1.869 0.635-2.798zM490.66 511.185c-0.152 0.767-0.291 1.542-0.431 2.317 0.139-0.775 0.279-1.549 0.431-2.317zM489.402 518.608c-0.065 0.453-0.137 0.904-0.199 1.358 0.062-0.456 0.135-0.905 0.199-1.358zM488.809 523.252c-0.048 0.431-0.094 0.862-0.139 1.295 0.045-0.433 0.092-0.864 0.139-1.295zM487.918 536.486c0 0.023-0.002 0.045-0.002 0.068 0-0.023 0.002-0.047 0.002-0.068zM488.433 554.223c0.020 0.257 0.038 0.511 0.060 0.768-0.020-0.241-0.053-0.489-0.072-0.73 0.005 0.008 0.010 0.017 0.017 0.025-0.002-0.022-0.003-0.042-0.005-0.063zM491.52 576.564c-0.115-0.593-0.21-1.174-0.319-1.766 0.11 0.591 0.204 1.173 0.319 1.766zM490.232 569.265c-0.099-0.62-0.18-1.229-0.272-1.846 0.092 0.616 0.174 1.226 0.272 1.846zM489.221 562.061c-0.068-0.566-0.129-1.128-0.192-1.692 0.063 0.563 0.124 1.124 0.192 1.692zM505.452 548.047c0.952 2.061 1.901 4.121 2.883 6.196-0.977-2.068-1.936-4.128-2.888-6.184 0.002-0.003 0.003-0.007 0.005-0.012zM539.316 491.084c-0.723 0.914-1.437 1.834-2.148 2.758 0.712-0.922 1.425-1.844 2.148-2.758zM533.663 498.476c-0.693 0.945-1.36 1.909-2.040 2.863 0.68-0.954 1.346-1.919 2.040-2.863zM525.99 509.61c-0.778 1.194-1.57 2.379-2.33 3.588 0.76-1.209 1.552-2.394 2.33-3.588zM521.059 517.486c-0.797 1.33-1.59 2.661-2.362 4.006 0.773-1.345 1.565-2.676 2.362-4.006zM516.313 525.746c-0.795 1.45-1.57 2.913-2.337 4.383 0.767-1.47 1.542-2.933 2.337-4.383zM511.843 534.257c-0.904 1.811-1.769 3.648-2.633 5.488 0.864-1.839 1.729-3.677 2.633-5.488zM507.814 542.652c-0.070-1.255-0.13-2.494-0.195-3.742 0.065 1.248 0.125 2.487 0.195 3.742zM507.241 531.436c-0.074-1.567-0.142-3.125-0.209-4.684 0.067 1.559 0.134 3.119 0.209 4.684zM506.76 520.008c-0.055-1.458-0.112-2.92-0.162-4.372 0.048 1.452 0.107 2.913 0.162 4.372zM506.29 505.326c-0.023-0.956-0.038-1.899-0.060-2.853 0.022 0.954 0.035 1.898 0.060 2.853zM506.077 494.483c-0.020-1.343-0.037-2.678-0.052-4.014 0.015 1.336 0.030 2.671 0.052 4.014zM505.965 483.395c-0.007-1.229-0.015-2.461-0.017-3.683 0.002 1.223 0.010 2.454 0.017 3.683zM467.39 426.876c-0.326-0.411-0.65-0.822-0.979-1.229 0-0.003 0-0.007 0-0.008s0 0 0 0c0.331 0.408 0.653 0.825 0.979 1.238zM486.879 458.829c-0.645-1.43-1.315-2.846-2.001-4.25 0.687 1.405 1.356 2.82 2.001 4.25zM484.429 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117.29-357.045 152.998-4.302 10.038 7.118 31.766 26.554 57.476l-147.474 147.473-147.473-147.473c19.436-25.712 30.856-47.439 26.554-57.476-15.303-35.708-336.638-173.421-357.043-152.998-20.405 20.406 117.29 341.742 152.998 357.046 10.039 4.297 31.771-7.128 57.486-26.567l147.474 147.474-147.463 147.463c-25.72-19.444-47.457-30.872-57.498-26.575-35.709 15.303-173.402 336.64-152.998 357.045 20.405 20.425 341.742-117.288 357.045-152.998 4.302-10.036-7.114-31.759-26.545-57.464l147.463-147.464 147.464 147.464c-19.429 25.705-30.845 47.429-26.545 57.464 15.303 35.709 336.64 173.422 357.045 152.998 20.406-20.405-117.288-341.742-152.996-357.045z" - ], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "x-mark" - ], - "defaultCode": 60140, - "grid": 0, - "attrs": [] - }, - { - "id": 493, - "paths": [ - "M220.74 841.070l155.752 88.959c83.647-41.459 162.769-100.486 234.591-169.784-39.341-104.727-134.089-208.41-260.995-316.261 129.782 47.862 267.573 144.566 340.284 232.371 18.734-21.668 36.792-43.942 54.105-66.654-16.526-63.603-140.644-185.21-254.294-252.203 133.524 25.298 267.429 94.559 315.639 165.265 25.6-39.251 48.916-79.132 69.645-118.866-62.999-100.030-156.652-186.455-323.863-264.957 158.638 30.593 284.709 93.76 369.004 169.064 9.107-21.725 17.345-43.207 24.646-64.312l0.017-0.008c-213.172-138.432-446.832-208.173-725.632-201.193-23.786 54.092-44.709 113.091-61.609 174.757 121.343-4.195 250.905 11.054 370.895 48.003-68.129-57.812-170.904-102.271-294.64-137.127-0.149 0.007-0.297 0.008-0.446 0.015l0.023-0.137c0.142 0.040 0.282 0.080 0.424 0.12 212.766-9.555 423.136 127.44 506.249 241.031-110.402-37.696-344.208-82.212-525-85.754 129.141 37.425 268.377 121.726 337.223 194.196-121.027-62.578-294.678-128.618-420.36-147.859-5.205 28.548-9.482 57.357-12.699 86.245 196.57 33.782 335.282 178.455 417.328 320.139-164.231-160.091-299.497-217.404-423.263-244.793-1.119 24.436-1.428 48.796-0.854 72.968 150.764 27.496 310.439 126.672 391.221 231.234-75.263-6.969-114.875-7.671-167.463 0 29.706 30.683 43.658 61.368 53.976 93.381-55.022-46.025-146.514-89.893-207.202-116.678 45.96-25.099 117.7-20.918 167.351-25.099-55.466-53.37-151.179-93.181-232.283-100.16 14.281 125.384 55.45 241.464 133.137 330.224 14.899-3.864 29.704-8.341 44.405-13.396l-75.315-122.733z" - ], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "zebra-shield" - ], - "defaultCode": 60141, - "grid": 0, - "attrs": [] - }, - { - "id": 494, - "paths": [ - "M922.766 43.193c-181.303 124.721-570.632-7.17-724.738 119.329-150.47 123.523-157.467 410.245 29.439 480.497l3.468-3.792c73.962-54.185 175.061-67.962 265.403-42.878 20.066-106.123-50.508-232.792-213.107-241.631 82.244-25.318 155.914-12.233 213.886 22.956 56.24-36.939 130.928-44.47 196.628-23.651 27.229-49.294 10.968-123.842-69.632-149.873 23.059-0.935 43.499 3.1 61.148 10.753 48.405-45.991 145.938-41.165 173.94 40.726-41.61-50.376-100.947-41.62-130.088-8.747 32.857 37.293 42.975 92.269 26.25 137.35 48.419 33.814 83.592 88.024 88.333 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- "name": "stats-bars2", - "id": 158 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "trophy, cup", - "name": "trophy", - "id": 159 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "gift, present", - "name": "gift", - "id": 160 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "glass, drink", - "name": "glass", - "id": 161 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "glass2, drink2", - "name": "glass2", - "id": 162 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "mug, drink3", - "name": "mug", - "id": 163 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "spoon-knife, food", - "name": "spoon-knife", - "id": 164 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "leaf, nature", - "name": "leaf", - "id": 165 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "rocket, jet", - "name": "rocket", - "id": 166 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "meter, gauge", - "name": "meter", - "id": 167 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "meter2, gauge2", - "name": "meter2", - "id": 168 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "hammer2, gavel", - "name": "hammer2", - "id": 169 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "fire, flame", - "name": "fire", - "id": 170 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "lab, beta", - "name": "lab", - "id": 171 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "magnet, attract", - "name": "magnet", - "id": 172 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "bin, trashcan", - "name": "bin", - "id": 173 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "bin2, trashcan2", - "name": "bin2", - "id": 174 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "briefcase, portfolio", - "name": "briefcase", - "id": 175 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "airplane, travel", - "name": "airplane", - "id": 176 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "truck, transit", - "name": "truck", - "id": 177 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "road, asphalt", - "name": "road", - "id": 178 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "accessibility", - "name": "accessibility", - "id": 179 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "target, goal", - "name": "target", - "id": 180 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "shield, security", - "name": "shield", - "id": 181 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "power, lightning", - "name": "power", - "id": 182 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "switch", - "name": "switch", - "id": 183 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "power-cord, plugin", - "name": "power-cord", - "id": 184 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "clipboard, board", - "name": "clipboard", - "id": 185 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "list-numbered, options", - "name": "list-numbered", - "id": 186 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "list, todo", - "name": "list", - "id": 187 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "list2, todo2", - "name": "list2", - "id": 188 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "tree, branches", - "name": "tree", - "id": 189 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "menu, list3", - "name": "menu", - "id": 190 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "menu2, options2", - "name": "menu2", - "id": 191 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "menu3, options3", - "name": "menu3", - "id": 192 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "menu4, options4", - "name": "menu4", - "id": 193 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "cloud, weather", - "name": "cloud", - "id": 194 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "cloud-download, cloud2", - "name": "cloud-download", - "id": 195 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "cloud-upload, cloud3", - "name": "cloud-upload", - "id": 196 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "cloud-check, cloud4", - "name": "cloud-check", - "id": 197 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "download2, save4", - "name": "download2", - "id": 198 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "upload2, load2", - "name": "upload2", - "id": 199 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "download3, save5", - "name": "download3", - "id": 200 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "upload3, load3", - "name": "upload3", - "id": 201 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "sphere, globe", - "name": "sphere", - "id": 202 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "earth, globe2", - "name": "earth", - "id": 203 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "link, chain", - "name": "link", - "id": 204 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "flag, report", - "name": "flag", - "id": 205 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "attachment, paperclip", - "name": "attachment", - "id": 206 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "eye, views", - "name": "eye", - "id": 207 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "eye-plus, views2", - "name": "eye-plus", - "id": 208 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "eye-minus, views3", - "name": "eye-minus", - "id": 209 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "eye-blocked, views4", - "name": "eye-blocked", - "id": 210 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "bookmark, ribbon", - "name": "bookmark", - "id": 211 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "bookmarks, ribbons", - "name": "bookmarks", - "id": 212 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "sun, weather2", - "name": "sun", - "id": 213 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "contrast", - "name": "contrast", - "id": 214 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "brightness-contrast", - "name": "brightness-contrast", - "id": 215 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "star-empty, rate", - "name": "star-empty", - "id": 216 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "star-half, rate2", - "name": "star-half", - "id": 217 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "star-full, rate3", - "name": "star-full", - "id": 218 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "heart, like", - "name": "heart", - "id": 219 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "heart-broken, heart2", - "name": "heart-broken", - "id": 220 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "man, male", - "name": "man", - "id": 221 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "woman, female", - "name": "woman", - "id": 222 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "man-woman, toilet", - "name": "man-woman", - "id": 223 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "happy, emoticon", - "name": "happy", - "id": 224 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "happy2, emoticon2", - "name": "happy2", - "id": 225 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "smile, emoticon3", - "name": "smile", - "id": 226 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "smile2, emoticon4", - "name": "smile2", - "id": 227 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "tongue, emoticon5", - "name": "tongue", - "id": 228 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "tongue2, emoticon6", - "name": "tongue2", - "id": 229 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "sad, emoticon7", - "name": "sad", - "id": 230 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "sad2, emoticon8", - "name": "sad2", - "id": 231 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "wink, emoticon9", - "name": "wink", - "id": 232 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "wink2, emoticon10", - "name": "wink2", - "id": 233 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "grin, emoticon11", - "name": "grin", - "id": 234 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "grin2, emoticon12", - "name": "grin2", - "id": 235 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "cool, emoticon13", - "name": "cool", - "id": 236 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "cool2, emoticon14", - "name": "cool2", - "id": 237 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "angry, emoticon15", - "name": "angry", - "id": 238 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "angry2, emoticon16", - "name": "angry2", - "id": 239 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "evil, emoticon17", - "name": "evil", - "id": 240 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "evil2, emoticon18", - "name": "evil2", - "id": 241 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "shocked, emoticon19", - "name": "shocked", - "id": 242 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "shocked2, emoticon20", - "name": "shocked2", - "id": 243 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "baffled, emoticon21", - "name": "baffled", - "id": 244 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "baffled2, emoticon22", - "name": "baffled2", - "id": 245 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "confused, emoticon23", - "name": "confused", - "id": 246 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "confused2, emoticon24", - "name": "confused2", - "id": 247 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "neutral, emoticon25", - "name": "neutral", - "id": 248 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "neutral2, emoticon26", - "name": "neutral2", - "id": 249 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "hipster, emoticon27", - "name": "hipster", - "id": 250 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "hipster2, emoticon28", - "name": "hipster2", - "id": 251 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "wondering, emoticon29", - "name": "wondering", - "id": 252 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "wondering2, emoticon30", - "name": "wondering2", - "id": 253 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "sleepy, emoticon31", - "name": "sleepy", - "id": 254 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "sleepy2, emoticon32", - "name": "sleepy2", - "id": 255 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "frustrated, emoticon33", - "name": "frustrated", - "id": 256 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "frustrated2, emoticon34", - "name": "frustrated2", - "id": 257 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "crying, emoticon35", - "name": "crying", - "id": 258 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "crying2, emoticon36", - "name": "crying2", - "id": 259 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "point-up, finger", - "name": "point-up", - "id": 260 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "point-right, finger2", - "name": "point-right", - "id": 261 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "point-down, finger3", - "name": "point-down", - "id": 262 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "point-left, finger4", - "name": "point-left", - "id": 263 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "warning, sign", - "name": "warning", - "id": 264 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "notification, warning2", - "name": "notification", - "id": 265 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "question, help", - "name": "question", - "id": 266 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "plus, add", - "name": "plus", - "id": 267 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "minus, subtract", - "name": "minus", - "id": 268 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "info, information", - "name": "info", - "id": 269 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "cancel-circle, close", - "name": "cancel-circle", - "id": 270 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "blocked, forbidden", - "name": "blocked", - "id": 271 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "cross, cancel", - "name": "cross", - "id": 272 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "checkmark, tick", - "name": "checkmark", - "id": 273 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "checkmark2, tick2", - "name": "checkmark2", - "id": 274 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "spell-check, spelling", - "name": "spell-check", - "id": 275 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "enter, signin", - "name": "enter", - "id": 276 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "exit, signout", - "name": "exit", - "id": 277 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "play2, player", - "name": "play2", - "id": 278 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "pause, player2", - "name": "pause", - "id": 279 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "stop, player3", - "name": "stop", - "id": 280 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "previous, player4", - "name": "previous", - "id": 281 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "next, player5", - "name": "next", - "id": 282 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "backward, player6", - "name": "backward", - "id": 283 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "forward2, player7", - "name": "forward2", - "id": 284 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "play3, player8", - "name": "play3", - "id": 285 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "pause2, player9", - "name": "pause2", - "id": 286 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "stop2, player10", - "name": "stop2", - "id": 287 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "backward2, player11", - "name": "backward2", - "id": 288 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "forward3, player12", - "name": "forward3", - "id": 289 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "first, player13", - "name": "first", - "id": 290 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "last, player14", - "name": "last", - "id": 291 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "previous2, player15", - "name": "previous2", - "id": 292 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "next2, player16", - "name": "next2", - "id": 293 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "eject, player17", - "name": "eject", - "id": 294 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "volume-high, volume", - "name": "volume-high", - "id": 295 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "volume-medium, volume2", - "name": "volume-medium", - "id": 296 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "volume-low, volume3", - "name": "volume-low", - "id": 297 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "volume-mute, volume4", - "name": "volume-mute", - "id": 298 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "volume-mute2, volume5", - "name": "volume-mute2", - "id": 299 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "volume-increase, volume6", - "name": "volume-increase", - "id": 300 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "volume-decrease, volume7", - "name": "volume-decrease", - "id": 301 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "loop, repeat", - "name": "loop", - "id": 302 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "loop2, repeat2", - "name": "loop2", - "id": 303 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "infinite", - "name": "infinite", - "id": 304 - }, - { - "order": 0, - 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"name": "arrow-left", - "id": 313 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "arrow-up-left2, up-left2", - "name": "arrow-up-left2", - "id": 314 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "arrow-up2, up2", - "name": "arrow-up2", - "id": 315 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "arrow-up-right2, up-right2", - "name": "arrow-up-right2", - "id": 316 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "arrow-right2, right4", - "name": "arrow-right2", - "id": 317 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "arrow-down-right2, down-right2", - "name": "arrow-down-right2", - "id": 318 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "arrow-down2, down2", - "name": "arrow-down2", - "id": 319 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "arrow-down-left2, down-left2", - "name": "arrow-down-left2", - "id": 320 - }, - { - "order": 0, - "prevSize": 16, - "ligatures": "arrow-left2, left4", - "name": "arrow-left2", - "id": 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3.478-64 0.002-192.792-93.252-360.666-231.006-448zM160 960c0-186.912 80.162-345.414 224-397.708v-100.586c-143.838-52.29-224-210.792-224-397.706v0h704c0 186.914-80.162 345.416-224 397.706v100.586c143.838 52.294 224 210.796 224 397.708h-704zM619.626 669.594c-71.654-40.644-75.608-93.368-75.626-125.366v-64.228c0-31.994 3.804-84.914 75.744-125.664 38.504-22.364 71.808-56.348 97.048-98.336h-409.582c25.266 42.032 58.612 76.042 97.166 98.406 71.654 40.644 75.606 93.366 75.626 125.366v64.228c0 31.992-3.804 84.914-75.744 125.664-72.622 42.18-126.738 125.684-143.090 226.336h501.67c-16.364-100.708-70.53-184.248-143.212-226.406z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "hour-glass", - "loading", - "busy", - "wait" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 122, - "paths": [ - "M384 128c0-70.692 57.308-128 128-128s128 57.308 128 128c0 70.692-57.308 128-128 128s-128-57.308-128-128zM655.53 240.47c0-70.692 57.308-128 128-128s128 57.308 128 128c0 70.692-57.308 128-128 128s-128-57.308-128-128zM832 512c0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64zM719.53 783.53c0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64zM448.002 896c0 0 0 0 0 0 0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64zM176.472 783.53c0 0 0 0 0 0 0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64zM144.472 240.47c0 0 0 0 0 0 0-53.019 42.981-96 96-96s96 42.981 96 96c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53.019-42.981 96-96 96s-96-42.981-96-96zM56 512c0-39.765 32.235-72 72-72s72 32.235 72 72c0 39.765-32.235 72-72 72s-72-32.235-72-72z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "spinner", - "loading", - "loading-wheel", - "busy", - "wait" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 123, - "paths": [ - "M1024 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29.082-56.604-1.298-112.596-13.736-163.82-36.474-51.25-22.666-97.684-55.49-135.994-95.712-38.338-40.198-68.528-87.764-88.322-139.058-19.87-51.284-29.228-106.214-27.864-160.756 1.302-54.552 13.328-108.412 35.254-157.69 21.858-49.3 53.498-93.97 92.246-130.81 38.73-36.868 84.53-65.87 133.874-84.856 49.338-19.060 102.136-28.006 154.626-26.644 52.5 1.306 104.228 12.918 151.562 34.034 47.352 21.050 90.256 51.502 125.624 88.782 35.396 37.258 63.21 81.294 81.39 128.688 18.248 47.392 26.782 98.058 25.424 148.496h0.238c-0.144 1.76-0.238 3.536-0.238 5.332 0 33.012 24.992 60.174 57.086 63.624-6.224 34.822-16.53 68.818-30.78 100.992z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "spinner", - "loading", - "loading-wheel", - "busy", - "wait" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 124, - "paths": [ - "M512 303.096c-32.964 0-59.686-26.724-59.686-59.686v-179.060c0-32.964 26.722-59.686 59.686-59.686 32.962 0 59.688 26.722 59.688 59.686v179.060c0 32.964-26.726 59.686-59.688 59.686z", - "M512 996.956c-20.602 0-37.304-16.702-37.304-37.304v-179.060c0-20.602 16.702-37.304 37.304-37.304 20.604 0 37.304 16.704 37.304 37.304v179.060c0 20.602-16.7 37.304-37.304 37.304z", - "M377.756 335.36c-19.34 0-38.146-10.034-48.512-27.988l-89.53-155.070c-15.452-26.764-6.282-60.986 20.482-76.438 26.762-15.45 60.986-6.284 76.438 20.482l89.53 155.072c15.452 26.764 6.282 60.986-20.482 76.438-8.81 5.084-18.432 7.504-27.926 7.504z", - "M735.856 933.256c-11.602 0-22.886-6.022-29.108-16.792l-89.53-155.070c-9.27-16.056-3.77-36.592 12.29-45.864 16.056-9.264 36.59-3.77 45.864 12.292l89.532 155.068c9.27 16.058 3.768 36.592-12.292 45.864-5.286 3.048-11.060 4.502-16.756 4.502z", - "M279.344 429.94c-8.86 0-17.838-2.256-26.064-7.006l-155.072-89.53c-24.978-14.422-33.538-46.362-19.116-71.342 14.42-24.978 46.364-33.538 71.342-19.116l155.070 89.53c24.98 14.422 33.538 46.362 19.116 71.34-9.668 16.756-27.226 26.124-45.276 26.124z", - "M899.648 765.674c-5.064 0-10.196-1.29-14.894-4.004l-155.068-89.53c-14.274-8.24-19.164-26.494-10.924-40.768 8.242-14.276 26.496-19.166 40.766-10.924l155.070 89.532c14.274 8.24 19.164 26.492 10.924 40.766-5.53 9.574-15.562 14.928-25.874 14.928z", - "M243.41 560.496h-179.060c-26.784 0-48.496-21.712-48.496-48.496s21.712-48.496 48.496-48.496h179.060c26.784 0 48.496 21.712 48.496 48.496s-21.712 48.496-48.496 48.496z", - "M959.65 541.844c-0.002 0 0 0 0 0h-179.060c-16.482-0.002-29.844-13.364-29.844-29.844s13.364-29.844 29.844-29.844c0.002 0 0 0 0 0h179.060c16.482 0 29.844 13.362 29.844 29.844 0 16.48-13.364 29.844-29.844 29.844z", - "M124.366 780.598c-15.472 0-30.518-8.028-38.81-22.39-12.362-21.41-5.026-48.79 16.384-61.148l155.072-89.532c21.41-12.368 48.79-5.028 61.15 16.384 12.362 21.412 5.026 48.79-16.384 61.15l-155.072 89.53c-7.050 4.070-14.748 6.006-22.34 6.006z", - "M744.632 407.552c-10.314 0-20.346-5.352-25.874-14.926-8.24-14.274-3.35-32.526 10.924-40.768l155.070-89.528c14.272-8.236 32.526-3.352 40.768 10.922 8.24 14.274 3.35 32.526-10.924 40.768l-155.070 89.528c-4.7 2.714-9.83 4.004-14.894 4.004z", - "M288.136 940.716c-6.962 0-14.016-1.774-20.48-5.504-19.626-11.332-26.35-36.428-15.020-56.054l89.53-155.070c11.33-19.628 36.426-26.352 56.054-15.022 19.626 11.332 26.35 36.43 15.020 56.054l-89.53 155.072c-7.598 13.166-21.392 20.524-35.574 20.524z", - "M646.266 309.242c-5.062 0-10.196-1.29-14.894-4.002-14.274-8.242-19.164-26.494-10.924-40.766l89.534-155.070c8.24-14.274 26.492-19.166 40.766-10.922 14.274 8.242 19.164 26.494 10.924 40.766l-89.532 155.070c-5.53 9.57-15.56 14.924-25.874 14.924z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "spinner", - "loading", - "loading-wheel", - "busy", - "wait" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 125, - "paths": [ - "M192 512c0-12.18 0.704-24.196 2.030-36.022l-184.98-60.104c-5.916 31.14-9.050 63.264-9.050 96.126 0 147.23 62.166 279.922 161.654 373.324l114.284-157.296c-52.124-56.926-83.938-132.758-83.938-216.028zM832 512c0 83.268-31.812 159.102-83.938 216.028l114.284 157.296c99.488-93.402 161.654-226.094 161.654-373.324 0-32.862-3.132-64.986-9.048-96.126l-184.98 60.104c1.324 11.828 2.028 23.842 2.028 36.022zM576 198.408c91.934 18.662 169.544 76.742 214.45 155.826l184.978-60.102c-73.196-155.42-222.24-268.060-399.428-290.156v194.432zM233.55 354.232c44.906-79.084 122.516-137.164 214.45-155.826v-194.43c-177.188 22.096-326.23 134.736-399.426 290.154l184.976 60.102zM644.556 803.328c-40.39 18.408-85.272 28.672-132.556 28.672s-92.166-10.264-132.554-28.67l-114.292 157.31c73.206 40.366 157.336 63.36 246.846 63.36s173.64-22.994 246.848-63.36l-114.292-157.312z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "spinner", - "loading", - "loading-wheel", - "busy", - "wait" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 126, - "paths": [ - "M512 0c-282.77 0-512 229.23-512 512s229.23 512 512 512 512-229.23 512-512-229.23-512-512-512zM512 256c141.384 0 256 114.616 256 256s-114.616 256-256 256-256-114.616-256-256 114.616-256 256-256zM817.47 817.47c-81.594 81.594-190.080 126.53-305.47 126.53-115.392 0-223.876-44.936-305.47-126.53s-126.53-190.078-126.53-305.47c0-115.39 44.936-223.876 126.53-305.47l67.882 67.882c0 0 0 0 0 0-131.006 131.006-131.006 344.17 0 475.176 63.462 63.462 147.838 98.412 237.588 98.412 89.748 0 174.124-34.95 237.588-98.412 131.006-131.006 131.006-344.168 0-475.176l67.882-67.882c81.594 81.594 126.53 190.080 126.53 305.47 0 115.392-44.936 223.876-126.53 305.47z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "spinner", - "loading", - "loading-wheel", - "busy", - "wait" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 127, - "paths": [ - "M384 128c0-70.692 57.308-128 128-128s128 57.308 128 128c0 70.692-57.308 128-128 128s-128-57.308-128-128zM790.994 512c0 0 0 0 0 0 0-57.993 47.013-105.006 105.006-105.006s105.006 47.013 105.006 105.006c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57.993-47.013 105.006-105.006 105.006s-105.006-47.013-105.006-105.006zM688.424 783.53c0-52.526 42.58-95.106 95.106-95.106s95.106 42.58 95.106 95.106c0 52.526-42.58 95.106-95.106 95.106s-95.106-42.58-95.106-95.106zM425.862 896c0-47.573 38.565-86.138 86.138-86.138s86.138 38.565 86.138 86.138c0 47.573-38.565 86.138-86.138 86.138s-86.138-38.565-86.138-86.138zM162.454 783.53c0-43.088 34.93-78.018 78.018-78.018s78.018 34.93 78.018 78.018c0 43.088-34.93 78.018-78.018 78.018s-78.018-34.93-78.018-78.018zM57.338 512c0-39.026 31.636-70.662 70.662-70.662s70.662 31.636 70.662 70.662c0 39.026-31.636 70.662-70.662 70.662s-70.662-31.636-70.662-70.662zM176.472 240.472c0 0 0 0 0 0 0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64zM899.464 240.472c0 64.024-51.906 115.934-115.936 115.934-64.024 0-115.936-51.91-115.936-115.934 0-64.032 51.912-115.934 115.936-115.934 64.030 0 115.936 51.902 115.936 115.934z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "spinner", - "loading", - "loading-wheel", - "busy", - "wait" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 128, - "paths": [ - "M416 928c0-53.019 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204.356-185.3l43 85.832c-68.038 34.084-125.492 86.186-166.15 150.67-41.746 66.208-63.812 142.798-63.812 221.49 0 229.382 186.618 416 416 416s416-186.618 416-416c0-78.692-22.066-155.282-63.81-221.49-40.66-64.484-98.114-116.584-166.15-150.67l43-85.832c83.692 41.928 154.358 106.004 204.356 185.3 51.422 81.558 78.604 175.854 78.604 272.692 0 136.76-53.258 265.334-149.96 362.040-96.706 96.702-225.28 149.96-362.040 149.96z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "spinner", - "loading", - "loading-wheel", - "busy", - "wait" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 130, - "paths": [ - "M512 0c-278.748 0-505.458 222.762-511.848 499.974 5.92-241.864 189.832-435.974 415.848-435.974 229.75 0 416 200.576 416 448 0 53.020 42.98 96 96 96s96-42.98 96-96c0-282.77-229.23-512-512-512zM512 1024c278.748 0 505.458-222.762 511.848-499.974-5.92 241.864-189.832 435.974-415.848 435.974-229.75 0-416-200.576-416-448 0-53.020-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96c0 282.77 229.23 512 512 512z" - ], - 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7.14 2.95 4.738 5.93 9.524 8.934 14.348 12.64 18.894 26.676 37.566 42.21 55.278 15.712 17.578 32.726 34.25 50.692 49.602 18.18 15.136 37.264 28.902 56.726 41.114 19.604 12.036 39.644 22.312 59.376 31.144 5.004 2.040 9.964 4.062 14.878 6.066 2.462 0.972 4.868 2.032 7.336 2.918 2.47 0.868 4.93 1.734 7.376 2.594 4.898 1.684 9.678 3.468 14.484 4.992 4.832 1.43 9.604 2.844 14.312 4.242 2.356 0.672 4.66 1.426 7.004 2.012 2.346 0.574 4.676 1.14 6.986 1.704 4.606 1.118 9.142 2.214 13.604 3.296 4.5 0.868 8.926 1.722 13.27 2.558 2.166 0.41 4.31 0.82 6.434 1.222 1.062 0.2 2.118 0.398 3.166 0.598 1.060 0.148 2.118 0.292 3.166 0.442 4.192 0.582 8.292 1.152 12.3 1.71 1.998 0.274 3.972 0.546 5.922 0.816 1.946 0.286 3.904 0.378 5.814 0.57 3.822 0.336 7.544 0.664 11.164 0.98 3.616 0.304 7.104 0.688 10.526 0.738 0.23 0.008 0.452 0.016 0.682 0.026 0.614 34.812 29.008 62.846 63.968 62.846 0.542 0 1.080-0.028 1.62-0.042v0.022c0 0 0.090-0.012 0.224-0.028 3.878-0.11 7.674-0.55 11.35-1.322 1.748-0.204 3.662-0.426 5.776-0.672 1.884-0.222 3.912-0.462 6.076-0.718 2.566-0.376 5.292-0.772 8.176-1.192 5.746-0.856 12.124-1.8 18.958-2.908 6.446-1.348 13.414-2.804 20.864-4.362 3.718-0.712 7.504-1.778 11.406-2.786 3.892-1.026 7.894-2.080 12.004-3.162 2.044-0.566 4.132-1.040 6.208-1.708 2.074-0.656 4.174-1.318 6.3-1.988 4.232-1.348 8.564-2.726 12.988-4.134 1.104-0.354 2.21-0.708 3.324-1.066 1.1-0.406 2.206-0.814 3.316-1.226 2.216-0.824 4.456-1.658 6.714-2.5 4.496-1.698 9.078-3.424 13.74-5.182 4.568-1.968 9.216-3.97 13.936-6.004 2.348-1.018 4.714-2.044 7.098-3.078 2.376-1.048 4.702-2.27 7.074-3.408 4.714-2.322 9.494-4.678 14.33-7.062 4.786-2.47 9.512-5.208 14.328-7.846 2.398-1.336 4.808-2.678 7.23-4.028 2.41-1.366 4.75-2.9 7.14-4.354 4.738-2.952 9.524-5.93 14.35-8.936 18.89-12.64 37.564-26.674 55.278-42.21 17.574-15.712 34.248-32.726 49.602-50.69 15.136-18.182 28.902-37.264 41.112-56.728 12.036-19.602 22.314-39.644 31.142-59.376 2.042-5.002 4.062-9.964 6.068-14.878 0.974-2.462 2.032-4.868 2.918-7.334 0.87-2.472 1.732-4.932 2.592-7.376 1.686-4.898 3.468-9.678 4.994-14.484 1.432-4.832 2.846-9.604 4.24-14.31 0.674-2.358 1.43-4.66 2.016-7.004 0.57-2.348 1.138-4.676 1.702-6.988 1.118-4.606 2.216-9.14 3.296-13.602 0.868-4.502 1.72-8.928 2.558-13.272 0.41-2.164 0.818-4.308 1.222-6.434 0.2-1.060 0.398-2.116 0.596-3.164 0.148-1.062 0.296-2.118 0.444-3.168 0.582-4.19 1.152-8.292 1.708-12.3 0.278-1.996 0.55-3.97 0.82-5.922 0.284-1.946 0.376-3.902 0.568-5.812 0.336-3.822 0.664-7.546 0.98-11.164 0.304-3.616 0.686-7.106 0.738-10.528 0.020-0.534 0.040-1.044 0.058-1.574 35.224-0.146 63.732-28.738 63.732-63.992 0-0.542-0.028-1.080-0.042-1.62h0.022c0 0-0.012-0.090-0.028-0.224-0.11-3.878-0.55-7.674-1.322-11.35-0.204-1.748-0.428-3.662-0.674-5.776-0.222-1.886-0.46-3.914-0.718-6.076-0.374-2.566-0.77-5.294-1.19-8.176-0.856-5.746-1.8-12.124-2.908-18.958-1.348-6.444-2.804-13.414-4.364-20.862-0.71-3.72-1.776-7.506-2.786-11.408-1.024-3.892-2.078-7.894-3.16-12.002-0.566-2.044-1.040-4.134-1.708-6.208-0.656-2.076-1.32-4.174-1.988-6.3-1.348-4.234-2.726-8.566-4.136-12.99-0.352-1.102-0.708-2.21-1.064-3.324-0.408-1.1-0.814-2.206-1.226-3.316-0.826-2.216-1.658-4.454-2.502-6.714-1.696-4.498-3.422-9.080-5.18-13.74-1.968-4.57-3.97-9.216-6.004-13.936-1.020-2.348-2.044-4.714-3.078-7.098-1.048-2.376-2.27-4.702-3.408-7.076-2.322-4.714-4.678-9.494-7.062-14.33-2.47-4.786-5.208-9.512-7.846-14.328-1.336-2.398-2.68-4.808-4.028-7.23-1.368-2.41-2.902-4.75-4.356-7.14-2.95-4.74-5.93-9.524-8.934-14.35-12.64-18.892-26.676-37.564-42.21-55.278-15.712-17.576-32.726-34.25-50.692-49.602-18.18-15.136-37.264-28.902-56.726-41.112-19.604-12.036-39.644-22.314-59.376-31.142-5.004-2.040-9.964-4.062-14.878-6.068-2.462-0.974-4.868-2.032-7.336-2.918-2.47-0.87-4.93-1.734-7.376-2.592-4.898-1.684-9.678-3.468-14.484-4.994-4.832-1.432-9.604-2.846-14.312-4.242-2.356-0.672-4.66-1.428-7.004-2.014-2.346-0.572-4.676-1.138-6.986-1.702-4.606-1.118-9.142-2.216-13.604-3.298-4.5-0.868-8.926-1.72-13.27-2.558-2.166-0.412-4.31-0.82-6.434-1.222-1.062-0.2-2.118-0.398-3.166-0.596-1.060-0.148-2.118-0.296-3.166-0.442-4.192-0.584-8.292-1.154-12.3-1.71-1.998-0.276-3.972-0.55-5.922-0.82-1.946-0.284-3.904-0.376-5.814-0.57-3.822-0.336-7.544-0.664-11.164-0.98-3.616-0.304-7.104-0.686-10.526-0.738-0.852-0.032-1.674-0.062-2.512-0.092-0.65-34.78-29.028-62.778-63.966-62.778-0.542 0-1.080 0.028-1.62 0.042l-0.002-0.022c0 0-0.090 0.012-0.222 0.028-3.878 0.11-7.676 0.55-11.352 1.322-1.748 0.204-3.662 0.426-5.776 0.672-1.884 0.222-3.912 0.462-6.076 0.718-2.566 0.376-5.292 0.772-8.176 1.192-5.746 0.856-12.124 1.8-18.958 2.908-6.446 1.348-13.414 2.804-20.864 4.362-3.718 0.712-7.504 1.778-11.406 2.786-3.892 1.026-7.894 2.080-12.004 3.162-2.044 0.566-4.132 1.040-6.208 1.708-2.074 0.656-4.174 1.318-6.3 1.988-4.232 1.348-8.564 2.726-12.988 4.134-1.104 0.354-2.21 0.708-3.324 1.066-1.1 0.406-2.206 0.814-3.316 1.226-2.216 0.824-4.456 1.658-6.714 2.5-4.496 1.698-9.078 3.424-13.74 5.182-4.568 1.968-9.216 3.97-13.936 6.004-2.348 1.018-4.714 2.044-7.098 3.078-2.376 1.048-4.702 2.27-7.074 3.408-4.714 2.322-9.494 4.678-14.33 7.062-4.786 2.47-9.512 5.208-14.328 7.846-2.398 1.336-4.808 2.678-7.23 4.028-2.41 1.366-4.75 2.9-7.14 4.354-4.738 2.952-9.524 5.93-14.35 8.936-18.89 12.64-37.564 26.674-55.278 42.21-17.574 15.712-34.248 32.726-49.602 50.69-15.136 18.182-28.902 37.264-41.112 56.728-12.036 19.602-22.314 39.644-31.142 59.376-2.042 5.002-4.062 9.964-6.068 14.878-0.974 2.462-2.032 4.868-2.918 7.334-0.87 2.472-1.732 4.932-2.592 7.376-1.686 4.898-3.468 9.678-4.994 14.484-1.432 4.832-2.846 9.604-4.24 14.31-0.674 2.358-1.43 4.66-2.016 7.004-0.57 2.348-1.138 4.676-1.702 6.988-1.118 4.606-2.216 9.14-3.296 13.602-0.868 4.502-1.72 8.928-2.558 13.272-0.41 2.164-0.818 4.308-1.222 6.434-0.2 1.060-0.398 2.116-0.596 3.164-0.148 1.062-0.296 2.118-0.444 3.168-0.582 4.19-1.152 8.292-1.708 12.3-0.278 1.996-0.55 3.97-0.82 5.922-0.284 1.946-0.376 3.902-0.568 5.812-0.336 3.822-0.664 7.546-0.98 11.164-0.304 3.616-0.686 7.106-0.738 10.528-0.020 0.548-0.040 1.076-0.058 1.62-34.376 1.112-61.902 29.304-61.902 63.946 0 0.542 0.028 1.078 0.042 1.618zM73.518 448.706c0.042-0.196 0.086-0.384 0.128-0.58 0.644-3.248 1.632-6.542 2.556-9.942 0.934-3.388 1.894-6.876 2.88-10.454 0.516-1.78 0.934-3.602 1.546-5.406 0.596-1.802 1.202-3.628 1.81-5.476 1.218-3.682 2.464-7.45 3.736-11.294 0.316-0.958 0.634-1.924 0.956-2.892 0.37-0.954 0.74-1.914 1.114-2.876 0.746-1.924 1.5-3.868 2.26-5.83 1.52-3.904 3.070-7.882 4.646-11.93 1.768-3.96 3.566-7.99 5.392-12.080 0.908-2.038 1.824-4.090 2.746-6.156 0.932-2.060 2.036-4.072 3.052-6.126 2.070-4.084 4.17-8.222 6.294-12.412 2.202-4.142 4.654-8.224 6.998-12.392 1.184-2.074 2.374-4.16 3.57-6.256 1.21-2.086 2.586-4.102 3.876-6.166 2.616-4.098 5.256-8.232 7.918-12.402 11.234-16.298 23.632-32.398 37.33-47.638 13.874-15.104 28.842-29.404 44.598-42.548 15.974-12.928 32.686-24.65 49.676-35.022 17.13-10.194 34.6-18.838 51.734-26.258 4.35-1.7 8.662-3.382 12.934-5.050 2.136-0.812 4.216-1.71 6.36-2.444 2.146-0.714 4.28-1.428 6.404-2.136 4.25-1.386 8.382-2.888 12.548-4.142 4.184-1.174 8.314-2.332 12.392-3.474 2.038-0.55 4.026-1.19 6.054-1.662 2.030-0.458 4.044-0.914 6.044-1.368 3.978-0.91 7.896-1.806 11.748-2.688 3.888-0.686 7.71-1.36 11.462-2.022 1.868-0.33 3.716-0.658 5.546-0.98 0.914-0.162 1.824-0.324 2.728-0.484 0.916-0.112 1.828-0.222 2.734-0.332 3.612-0.448 7.148-0.882 10.604-1.31 1.72-0.216 3.422-0.432 5.102-0.644 1.674-0.226 3.364-0.266 5.010-0.408 3.292-0.238 6.498-0.472 9.616-0.7 3.11-0.218 6.11-0.524 9.058-0.508 5.848-0.132 11.32-0.256 16.38-0.372 4.664 0.168 8.948 0.324 12.818 0.462 1.914 0.054 3.726 0.108 5.432 0.156 2.122 0.134 4.108 0.26 5.958 0.378 2.13 0.138 4.060 0.266 5.82 0.38 3.256 0.51 6.592 0.782 9.99 0.782 0.466 0 0.93-0.026 1.396-0.036 0.132 0.008 0.224 0.014 0.224 0.014v-0.020c31.14-0.778 56.75-23.784 61.556-53.754 0.542 0.12 1.064 0.236 1.612 0.356 3.246 0.644 6.542 1.632 9.942 2.556 3.386 0.934 6.876 1.894 10.454 2.88 1.778 0.516 3.602 0.934 5.404 1.546 1.802 0.596 3.63 1.202 5.478 1.812 3.68 1.218 7.448 2.464 11.292 3.736 0.96 0.316 1.924 0.634 2.892 0.956 0.956 0.37 1.914 0.74 2.876 1.112 1.926 0.746 3.868 1.5 5.83 2.26 3.904 1.52 7.884 3.070 11.932 4.646 3.96 1.768 7.988 3.566 12.080 5.392 2.038 0.908 4.088 1.824 6.156 2.746 2.060 0.932 4.072 2.036 6.126 3.054 4.082 2.070 8.222 4.17 12.41 6.294 4.144 2.202 8.226 4.654 12.394 6.998 2.074 1.184 4.16 2.374 6.256 3.572 2.086 1.21 4.102 2.586 6.166 3.876 4.098 2.616 8.23 5.256 12.402 7.918 16.296 11.234 32.398 23.632 47.636 37.33 15.104 13.874 29.406 28.842 42.55 44.598 12.928 15.974 24.648 32.686 35.020 49.676 10.196 17.13 18.84 34.6 26.26 51.736 1.698 4.348 3.382 8.662 5.050 12.932 0.812 2.136 1.71 4.216 2.444 6.36 0.714 2.146 1.428 4.28 2.136 6.404 1.386 4.25 2.888 8.384 4.142 12.548 1.174 4.184 2.33 8.316 3.474 12.392 0.55 2.038 1.19 4.026 1.66 6.054 0.46 2.030 0.916 4.046 1.368 6.046 0.91 3.978 1.808 7.896 2.688 11.748 0.688 3.888 1.362 7.71 2.024 11.462 0.33 1.868 0.656 3.716 0.98 5.548 0.162 0.914 0.324 1.824 0.484 2.728 0.11 0.916 0.222 1.828 0.332 2.734 0.446 3.612 0.882 7.148 1.31 10.604 0.216 1.72 0.432 3.42 0.642 5.1 0.226 1.674 0.268 3.364 0.41 5.010 0.238 3.292 0.472 6.498 0.7 9.616 0.218 3.11 0.524 6.11 0.508 9.058 0.132 5.848 0.256 11.32 0.372 16.38-0.168 4.664-0.324 8.948-0.462 12.818-0.054 1.914-0.108 3.726-0.156 5.432-0.134 2.122-0.26 4.108-0.378 5.958-0.138 2.13-0.266 4.060-0.38 5.82-0.498 3.256-0.768 6.592-0.768 9.99 0 0.468 0.026 0.93 0.036 1.396-0.008 0.132-0.016 0.224-0.016 0.224h0.022c0.768 30.766 23.236 56.128 52.682 61.37-0.066 0.296-0.13 0.584-0.198 0.884-0.644 3.248-1.632 6.542-2.556 9.942-0.934 3.388-1.894 6.876-2.88 10.454-0.516 1.78-0.934 3.602-1.546 5.406-0.596 1.802-1.202 3.628-1.81 5.476-1.218 3.682-2.464 7.45-3.736 11.294-0.316 0.958-0.634 1.924-0.956 2.892-0.37 0.954-0.74 1.914-1.114 2.876-0.746 1.924-1.5 3.868-2.26 5.83-1.52 3.904-3.070 7.882-4.646 11.93-1.768 3.96-3.566 7.99-5.392 12.080-0.908 2.038-1.824 4.090-2.746 6.156-0.932 2.060-2.036 4.072-3.052 6.126-2.070 4.084-4.17 8.222-6.294 12.412-2.202 4.142-4.654 8.224-6.998 12.392-1.184 2.074-2.374 4.16-3.57 6.256-1.21 2.086-2.586 4.102-3.876 6.166-2.616 4.098-5.256 8.232-7.918 12.402-11.234 16.298-23.632 32.398-37.33 47.638-13.874 15.104-28.842 29.404-44.598 42.548-15.974 12.928-32.686 24.65-49.676 35.022-17.13 10.194-34.6 18.838-51.734 26.258-4.35 1.7-8.662 3.382-12.934 5.050-2.136 0.812-4.216 1.71-6.36 2.444-2.146 0.714-4.28 1.428-6.404 2.136-4.25 1.386-8.382 2.888-12.548 4.142-4.184 1.174-8.314 2.332-12.392 3.474-2.038 0.55-4.026 1.19-6.054 1.662-2.030 0.458-4.044 0.914-6.044 1.368-3.978 0.91-7.896 1.806-11.748 2.688-3.888 0.686-7.71 1.36-11.462 2.022-1.868 0.33-3.716 0.658-5.546 0.98-0.914 0.162-1.824 0.324-2.728 0.484-0.916 0.112-1.828 0.222-2.734 0.332-3.612 0.448-7.148 0.882-10.604 1.31-1.72 0.216-3.422 0.432-5.102 0.644-1.674 0.226-3.364 0.266-5.010 0.408-3.292 0.238-6.498 0.472-9.616 0.7-3.11 0.218-6.11 0.524-9.058 0.508-5.848 0.132-11.32 0.256-16.38 0.372-4.664-0.168-8.948-0.324-12.818-0.462-1.914-0.054-3.726-0.108-5.432-0.156-2.122-0.134-4.108-0.26-5.958-0.378-2.13-0.138-4.060-0.266-5.82-0.38-3.256-0.51-6.592-0.782-9.99-0.782-0.466 0-0.93 0.026-1.396 0.036-0.132-0.008-0.224-0.014-0.224-0.014v0.020c-31.004 0.774-56.524 23.586-61.488 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416-416zM384 704c0-70.692 57.308-128 128-128s128 57.308 128 128c0 70.692-57.308 128-128 128s-128-57.308-128-128zM640 352c0-53.019 28.654-96 64-96s64 42.981 64 96c0 53.019-28.654 96-64 96s-64-42.981-64-96zM256 352c0-53.019 28.654-96 64-96s64 42.981 64 96c0 53.019-28.654 96-64 96s-64-42.981-64-96z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "shocked", - "emoticon", - "smiley", - "face" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 242, - "paths": [ - "M512 0c-282.77 0-512 229.23-512 512s229.23 512 512 512 512-229.23 512-512-229.23-512-512-512zM320 448c-35.346 0-64-42.98-64-96s28.654-96 64-96 64 42.98 64 96-28.654 96-64 96zM512 832c-70.692 0-128-57.308-128-128s57.308-128 128-128c70.692 0 128 57.308 128 128s-57.308 128-128 128zM704 448c-35.346 0-64-42.98-64-96s28.654-96 64-96 64 42.98 64 96-28.654 96-64 96z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "shocked", - "emoticon", - "smiley", - "face" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 243, - "paths": [ - "M512 1024c282.77 0 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64-64zM256 320c0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64-28.654 64-64 64-64-28.654-64-64zM331.244 806.386l-22.488-76.774 437-128 22.488 76.774-437 128z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "wondering", - "emoticon", - "smiley", - "face", - "question" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 253, - "paths": [ - "M512 1024c282.77 0 512-229.23 512-512s-229.23-512-512-512-512 229.23-512 512 229.23 512 512 512zM512 96c229.75 0 416 186.25 416 416s-186.25 416-416 416-416-186.25-416-416 186.25-416 416-416z", - "M640 672c0 88.366-57.308 160-128.002 160s-128.002-71.634-128.002-160c0-88.366 57.308-160 128.002-160s128.002 71.634 128.002 160z", - "M416 340c-8.19 0-16.378-3.124-22.626-9.374-19.334-19.332-63.412-19.332-82.746 0-12.496 12.498-32.758 12.498-45.254 0-12.498-12.496-12.498-32.758 0-45.254 44.528-44.53 128.726-44.53 173.254 0 12.498 12.496 12.498 32.758 0 45.254-6.248 6.25-14.438 9.374-22.628 9.374z", - "M736 340c-8.19 0-16.378-3.124-22.626-9.374-19.332-19.332-63.414-19.332-82.746 0-12.496 12.498-32.758 12.498-45.254 0-12.498-12.496-12.498-32.758 0-45.254 44.528-44.53 128.726-44.53 173.254 0 12.498 12.496 12.498 32.758 0 45.254-6.248 6.25-14.438 9.374-22.628 9.374z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "sleepy", - "emoticon", - "smiley", - "face" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 254, - "paths": [ - "M512 0c-282.77 0-512 229.23-512 512s229.23 512 512 512 512-229.23 512-512-229.23-512-512-512zM310.628 330.626c-12.496 12.498-32.758 12.498-45.254 0-12.498-12.496-12.498-32.758 0-45.254 44.528-44.53 128.726-44.53 173.254 0 12.498 12.496 12.498 32.758 0 45.254-6.248 6.25-14.438 9.374-22.628 9.374s-16.378-3.124-22.626-9.374c-19.334-19.332-63.412-19.332-82.746 0zM511.998 832c-70.694 0-128.002-71.634-128.002-160s57.308-160 128.002-160 128.002 71.634 128.002 160-57.308 160-128.002 160zM758.628 330.626c-6.248 6.25-14.438 9.374-22.628 9.374s-16.378-3.124-22.626-9.374c-19.332-19.332-63.414-19.332-82.746 0-12.496 12.498-32.758 12.498-45.254 0-12.498-12.496-12.498-32.758 0-45.254 44.528-44.53 128.726-44.53 173.254 0 12.498 12.498 12.498 32.758 0 45.254z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "sleepy", - "emoticon", - "smiley", - "face" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 255, - "paths": [ - "M366.312 283.378c-34.742-17.37-69.102-26.060-70.548-26.422-17.146-4.288-34.518 6.138-38.806 23.284-4.284 17.144 6.14 34.518 23.282 38.804 17.626 4.45 38.522 12.12 56.936 21.35-10.648 11.43-17.174 26.752-17.174 43.606 0 35.346 28.654 64 64 64s64-28.654 64-64c0-1.17-0.036-2.33-0.098-3.484-2.032-47.454-45.212-78.946-81.592-97.138z", - "M512 0c-282.77 0-512 229.23-512 512s229.23 512 512 512 512-229.23 512-512-229.23-512-512-512zM236.498 823.664c10.706 5.324 22.756 8.336 35.502 8.336h480c12.746 0 24.796-3.012 35.502-8.338-73.378 64.914-169.828 104.338-275.502 104.338-105.672 0-202.124-39.424-275.502-104.336zM256 752v-96c0-8.674 7.328-16 16-16h112v128h-112c-8.672 0-16-7.326-16-16zM448 768v-128h128v128h-128zM640 768v-128h112c8.674 0 16 7.326 16 16v96c0 8.674-7.326 16-16 16h-112zM823.662 787.502c5.326-10.706 8.338-22.756 8.338-35.502v-96c0-44.112-35.888-80-80-80h-480c-44.112 0-80 35.888-80 80v96c0 12.746 3.012 24.796 8.336 35.502-64.912-73.378-104.336-169.828-104.336-275.502 0-229.75 186.25-416 416-416s416 186.25 416 416c0 105.674-39.424 202.124-104.338 275.502z", - "M728.236 256.956c-1.448 0.362-35.806 9.052-70.548 26.422-36.378 18.192-79.558 49.684-81.592 97.138-0.060 1.154-0.098 2.314-0.098 3.484 0 35.346 28.654 64 64 64s64-28.654 64-64c0-16.854-6.526-32.176-17.174-43.606 18.414-9.23 39.31-16.9 56.936-21.35 17.142-4.286 27.566-21.66 23.284-38.804-4.29-17.146-21.662-27.572-38.808-23.284z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "frustrated", - "emoticon", - "smiley", - "face", - "angry" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 256, - "paths": [ - "M256 656v96c0 8.674 7.328 16 16 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0-32-14.326-32-32v-64c0-17.672 14.326-32 32-32s32 14.328 32 32v64c0 17.674-14.326 32-32 32z", - "M736 768c-17.674 0-32-14.326-32-32v-64c0-17.674 14.326-32 32-32s32 14.326 32 32v64c0 17.674-14.326 32-32 32z", - "M288 576c-17.672 0-32-14.326-32-32v-64c0-17.672 14.328-32 32-32s32 14.328 32 32v64c0 17.674-14.328 32-32 32z", - "M288 768c-17.672 0-32-14.326-32-32v-64c0-17.674 14.328-32 32-32s32 14.326 32 32v64c0 17.674-14.328 32-32 32z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "crying", - "emoticon", - "smiley", - "face" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 258, - "paths": [ - "M512 0c-282.77 0-512 229.23-512 512s229.23 512 512 512 512-229.23 512-512-229.23-512-512-512zM320 736c0 17.674-14.328 32-32 32s-32-14.326-32-32v-64c0-17.674 14.328-32 32-32s32 14.326 32 32v64zM320 544c0 17.674-14.328 32-32 32s-32-14.326-32-32v-64c0-17.672 14.328-32 32-32s32 14.328 32 32v64zM352 384h-128c-17.672 0-32-14.328-32-32s14.328-32 32-32h128c17.672 0 32 14.328 32 32s-14.328 32-32 32zM630.626 846.626c-6.248 6.25-14.436 9.374-22.626 9.374s-16.378-3.124-22.626-9.374c-4.582-4.582-29.42-14.626-73.374-14.626s-68.79 10.044-73.374 14.626c-12.496 12.496-32.758 12.496-45.254 0-12.498-12.496-12.498-32.758 0-45.254 30.122-30.12 92.994-33.372 118.628-33.372 25.632 0 88.506 3.252 118.626 33.374 12.498 12.496 12.498 32.756 0 45.252zM768 736c0 17.674-14.326 32-32 32s-32-14.326-32-32v-64c0-17.674 14.326-32 32-32s32 14.326 32 32v64zM768 544c0 17.674-14.326 32-32 32s-32-14.326-32-32v-64c0-17.672 14.326-32 32-32s32 14.328 32 32v64zM800 384h-128c-17.674 0-32-14.328-32-32s14.326-32 32-32h128c17.674 0 32 14.328 32 32s-14.326 32-32 32z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "crying", - "emoticon", - "smiley", - "face" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 259, - "paths": [ - "M960 608v-160c0-52.934-43.066-96-96-96-17.104 0-33.176 4.494-47.098 12.368-17.076-26.664-46.958-44.368-80.902-44.368-24.564 0-47.004 9.274-64 24.504-16.996-15.23-39.436-24.504-64-24.504-11.214 0-21.986 1.934-32 5.484v-229.484c0-52.934-43.066-96-96-96s-96 43.066-96 96v394.676l-176.018-93.836c-14.536-8.4-31.126-12.84-47.982-12.84-52.934 0-96 43.066-96 96 0 26.368 10.472 50.954 29.49 69.226 0.248 0.238 0.496 0.47 0.75 0.7l239.17 218.074h-45.41c-17.672 0-32 14.326-32 32v192c0 17.674 14.328 32 32 32h640c17.674 0 32-14.326 32-32v-192c0-17.674-14.326-32-32-32h-44.222l72.844-145.69c2.222-4.442 3.378-9.342 3.378-14.31zM896 864c0 17.674-14.326 32-32 32s-32-14.326-32-32 14.326-32 32-32 32 14.326 32 32zM896 600.446l-83.776 167.554h-383.826l-290.818-265.166c-6.18-6.070-9.58-14.164-9.58-22.834 0-17.644 14.356-32 32-32 5.46 0 10.612 1.31 15.324 3.894 0.53 0.324 1.070 0.632 1.622 0.926l224 119.416c9.92 5.288 21.884 4.986 31.52-0.8 9.638-5.782 15.534-16.196 15.534-27.436v-448c0-17.644 14.356-32 32-32s32 14.356 32 32v320c0 17.672 14.326 32 32 32s32-14.328 32-32c0-17.644 14.356-32 32-32s32 14.356 32 32c0 17.672 14.326 32 32 32s32-14.328 32-32c0-17.644 14.356-32 32-32s32 14.356 32 32v32c0 17.672 14.326 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896l-167.556-83.778v-383.824l265.168-290.818c6.066-6.18 14.162-9.58 22.832-9.58 17.644 0 32 14.356 32 32 0 5.46-1.308 10.612-3.894 15.324-0.324 0.53-0.632 1.070-0.926 1.622l-119.418 224c-5.288 9.92-4.986 21.884 0.8 31.52 5.784 9.638 16.198 15.534 27.438 15.534h448c17.644 0 32 14.356 32 32s-14.356 32-32 32h-320c-17.672 0-32 14.326-32 32s14.328 32 32 32c17.644 0 32 14.356 32 32s-14.356 32-32 32c-17.674 0-32 14.326-32 32s14.326 32 32 32c17.644 0 32 14.356 32 32s-14.356 32-32 32h-32c-17.674 0-32 14.326-32 32s14.326 32 32 32c17.644 0 32 14.356 32 32s-14.356 32-32 32h-152.444z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "tags": [ - "point-right", - "finger", - "direction", - "hand" - ], - "grid": 16 - }, - { - "id": 261, - "paths": [ - "M960 416v160c0 52.934-43.066 96-96 96-17.104 0-33.176-4.494-47.098-12.368-17.076 26.662-46.96 44.368-80.902 44.368-24.564 0-47.004-9.276-64-24.504-16.996 15.228-39.436 24.504-64 24.504-11.214 0-21.986-1.934-32-5.484v229.484c0 52.934-43.066 96-96 96-52.936 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-} -.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.success:hover, -.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.success:hover, -.table-hover > tbody > tr.success:hover > td, -.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .success, -.table-hover > tbody > tr.success:hover > th { - background-color: #d0e9c6; -} -.table > thead > tr >, -.table > tbody > tr >, -.table > tfoot > tr >, -.table > thead > tr >, -.table > tbody > tr >, -.table > tfoot > tr >, -.table > thead > > td, -.table > tbody > > td, -.table > tfoot > > td, -.table > thead > > th, -.table > tbody > > th, -.table > tfoot > > th { - background-color: #d9edf7; -} -.table-hover > tbody > tr >, -.table-hover > tbody > tr >, -.table-hover > tbody > > td, -.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .info, -.table-hover > tbody > > th { - background-color: #c4e3f3; -} -.table > thead > tr > td.warning, -.table > tbody > tr > td.warning, -.table > tfoot > tr > td.warning, -.table > thead > tr > th.warning, -.table > tbody > tr > th.warning, -.table > tfoot > tr > th.warning, -.table > thead > tr.warning > td, -.table > tbody > tr.warning > td, -.table > tfoot > tr.warning > td, -.table > thead > tr.warning > th, -.table > tbody > tr.warning > th, -.table > tfoot > tr.warning > th { - background-color: #fcf8e3; -} -.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.warning:hover, -.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.warning:hover, -.table-hover > tbody > tr.warning:hover > td, -.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .warning, -.table-hover > tbody > tr.warning:hover > th { - background-color: #faf2cc; -} -.table > thead > tr > td.danger, -.table > tbody > tr > td.danger, -.table > tfoot > tr > td.danger, -.table > thead > tr > th.danger, -.table > tbody > tr > th.danger, -.table > tfoot > tr > th.danger, -.table > thead > tr.danger > td, -.table > tbody > tr.danger > td, -.table > tfoot > tr.danger > td, -.table > thead > tr.danger > th, -.table > tbody > tr.danger > th, -.table > tfoot > tr.danger > th { - background-color: #f2dede; -} -.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.danger:hover, -.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.danger:hover, -.table-hover > tbody > tr.danger:hover > td, -.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .danger, -.table-hover > tbody > tr.danger:hover > th { - background-color: #ebcccc; -} -.table-responsive { - overflow-x: auto; - min-height: 0.01%; -} -@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { - .table-responsive { - width: 100%; - margin-bottom: 15px; - overflow-y: hidden; - -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar; - border: 1px solid #dddddd; - } - .table-responsive > .table { - margin-bottom: 0; - } - .table-responsive > .table > thead > tr > th, - .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > th, - .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > th, - .table-responsive > .table > thead > tr > td, - .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > td, - .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > td { - white-space: nowrap; - } - .table-responsive > .table-bordered { - border: 0; - } - .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:first-child, - .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:first-child, - .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:first-child, - .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:first-child, - .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:first-child, - .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child { - border-left: 0; 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- text-align: center; - pointer-events: none; -} -.input-lg + .form-control-feedback { - width: 46px; - height: 46px; - line-height: 46px; -} -.input-sm + .form-control-feedback { - width: 30px; - height: 30px; - line-height: 30px; -} -.has-success .help-block, -.has-success .control-label, -.has-success .radio, -.has-success .checkbox, -.has-success .radio-inline, -.has-success .checkbox-inline, label, -.has-success.checkbox label, label, -.has-success.checkbox-inline label { - color: #3c763d; -} -.has-success .form-control { - border-color: #3c763d; - -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); - box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); -} -.has-success .form-control:focus { - border-color: #2b542c; - -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168; - box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168; -} -.has-success .input-group-addon { - color: #3c763d; - border-color: #3c763d; - background-color: #dff0d8; -} -.has-success .form-control-feedback { - color: #3c763d; 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- } -} > .tab-pane { - display: none; -} > .active { - display: block; -} -.nav-tabs .dropdown-menu { - margin-top: -1px; - border-top-right-radius: 0; - border-top-left-radius: 0; -} -.navbar { - position: relative; - min-height: 50px; - margin-bottom: 20px; - border: 1px solid transparent; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .navbar { - border-radius: 4px; - } -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .navbar-header { - float: left; - } -} -.navbar-collapse { - overflow-x: visible; - padding-right: 15px; - padding-left: 15px; - border-top: 1px solid transparent; - -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); - box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -} { - overflow-y: auto; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .navbar-collapse { - width: auto; - border-top: 0; - -webkit-box-shadow: none; - box-shadow: none; - } - .navbar-collapse.collapse { - display: block !important; - height: auto !important; - padding-bottom: 0; - overflow: visible !important; 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- } -} -.navbar-fixed-top, -.navbar-fixed-bottom { - position: fixed; - right: 0; - left: 0; - z-index: 1030; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .navbar-fixed-top, - .navbar-fixed-bottom { - border-radius: 0; - } -} -.navbar-fixed-top { - top: 0; - border-width: 0 0 1px; -} -.navbar-fixed-bottom { - bottom: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; - border-width: 1px 0 0; -} -.navbar-brand { - float: left; - padding: 15px 15px; - font-size: 18px; - line-height: 20px; - height: 50px; -} -.navbar-brand:hover, -.navbar-brand:focus { - text-decoration: none; -} -.navbar-brand > img { - display: block; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .navbar > .container .navbar-brand, - .navbar > .container-fluid .navbar-brand { - margin-left: -15px; - } -} -.navbar-toggle { - position: relative; - float: right; - margin-right: 15px; - padding: 9px 10px; - margin-top: 8px; - margin-bottom: 8px; - background-color: transparent; - background-image: none; - border: 1px solid transparent; - border-radius: 4px; -} -.navbar-toggle:focus { - outline: 0; -} -.navbar-toggle .icon-bar { - display: block; - width: 22px; - height: 2px; - border-radius: 1px; -} -.navbar-toggle .icon-bar + .icon-bar { - margin-top: 4px; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .navbar-toggle { - display: none; - } -} -.navbar-nav { - margin: 7.5px -15px; -} -.navbar-nav > li > a { - padding-top: 10px; - padding-bottom: 10px; - line-height: 20px; -} -@media (max-width: 767px) { - .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu { - position: static; - float: none; - width: auto; - margin-top: 0; - background-color: transparent; - border: 0; - -webkit-box-shadow: none; - box-shadow: none; - } - .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a, - .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu .dropdown-header { - padding: 5px 15px 5px 25px; - } - .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a { - line-height: 20px; - } - .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, - .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus { - background-image: none; - } -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .navbar-nav { - float: left; - margin: 0; - } - .navbar-nav > li { - float: left; - } - .navbar-nav > li > a { - padding-top: 15px; - padding-bottom: 15px; - } -} -.navbar-form { - margin-left: -15px; - margin-right: -15px; - padding: 10px 15px; - border-top: 1px solid transparent; - border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; - -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); - box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); - margin-top: 8px; - margin-bottom: 8px; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .navbar-form .form-group { - display: inline-block; - margin-bottom: 0; - vertical-align: middle; - } - .navbar-form .form-control { - display: inline-block; - width: auto; - vertical-align: middle; - } - .navbar-form .form-control-static { - display: inline-block; - } - .navbar-form .input-group { - display: inline-table; - vertical-align: middle; - } - .navbar-form .input-group .input-group-addon, - .navbar-form .input-group .input-group-btn, - .navbar-form .input-group .form-control { - width: auto; - } - .navbar-form .input-group > .form-control { - width: 100%; - } - .navbar-form .control-label { - margin-bottom: 0; - vertical-align: middle; - } - .navbar-form .radio, - .navbar-form .checkbox { - display: inline-block; - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; - vertical-align: middle; - } - .navbar-form .radio label, - .navbar-form .checkbox label { - padding-left: 0; - } - .navbar-form .radio input[type="radio"], - .navbar-form .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] { - position: relative; - margin-left: 0; - } - .navbar-form .has-feedback .form-control-feedback { - top: 0; - } -} -@media (max-width: 767px) { - .navbar-form .form-group { - margin-bottom: 5px; - } - .navbar-form .form-group:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; - } -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .navbar-form { - width: auto; - border: 0; - margin-left: 0; - margin-right: 0; - padding-top: 0; - padding-bottom: 0; - -webkit-box-shadow: none; - box-shadow: none; - } -} -.navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu { - margin-top: 0; - border-top-right-radius: 0; 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- background-color: transparent; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-text { - color: #777777; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a { - color: #777777; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:hover, -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:focus { - color: #333333; - background-color: transparent; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a, -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:hover, -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus { - color: #555555; - background-color: #e7e7e7; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .disabled > a, -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:hover, -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:focus { - color: #cccccc; - background-color: transparent; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-toggle { - border-color: #dddddd; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover, -.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus { - background-color: #dddddd; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar { - background-color: #888888; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-collapse, -.navbar-default .navbar-form { - border-color: #e7e7e7; -} -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a, -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, -.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus { - background-color: #e7e7e7; - color: #555555; -} -@media (max-width: 767px) { - .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a { - color: #777777; - } - .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, - .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus { - color: #333333; - background-color: transparent; - } - .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, - .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, - .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus { - color: #555555; - background-color: #e7e7e7; - } - .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, - .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, - .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus { - color: #cccccc; - background-color: transparent; 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- background-color: #080808; -} -.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .disabled > a, -.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:hover, -.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:focus { - color: #444444; - background-color: transparent; -} -.navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle { - border-color: #333333; -} -.navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:hover, -.navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:focus { - background-color: #333333; -} -.navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle .icon-bar { - background-color: #ffffff; -} -.navbar-inverse .navbar-collapse, -.navbar-inverse .navbar-form { - border-color: #101010; -} -.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a, -.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, -.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus { - background-color: #080808; - color: #ffffff; -} -@media (max-width: 767px) { - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-header { - border-color: #080808; - } - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu .divider { - background-color: #080808; - } - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a { - color: #9d9d9d; - } - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus { - color: #ffffff; - background-color: transparent; - } - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus { - color: #ffffff; - background-color: #080808; - } - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, - .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus { - color: #444444; - background-color: transparent; - } -} -.navbar-inverse .navbar-link { - color: #9d9d9d; -} -.navbar-inverse .navbar-link:hover { - color: #ffffff; -} -.navbar-inverse .btn-link { - color: #9d9d9d; -} -.navbar-inverse .btn-link:hover, -.navbar-inverse .btn-link:focus { - color: #ffffff; -} -.navbar-inverse .btn-link[disabled]:hover, -fieldset[disabled] .navbar-inverse .btn-link:hover, -.navbar-inverse .btn-link[disabled]:focus, -fieldset[disabled] .navbar-inverse .btn-link:focus { - color: #444444; -} -.breadcrumb { - padding: 8px 15px; - margin-bottom: 20px; - list-style: none; - background-color: #f5f5f5; - border-radius: 4px; -} -.breadcrumb > li { - display: inline-block; -} -.breadcrumb > li + li:before { - content: "/\00a0"; - padding: 0 5px; - color: #cccccc; -} -.breadcrumb > .active { - color: #777777; -} -.pagination { - display: inline-block; - padding-left: 0; - margin: 20px 0; - border-radius: 4px; -} -.pagination > li { - display: inline; -} -.pagination > li > a, -.pagination > li > span { - position: relative; - float: left; - padding: 6px 12px; - line-height: 1.42857143; - text-decoration: none; - color: #337ab7; - background-color: #ffffff; - border: 1px solid #dddddd; - margin-left: -1px; -} -.pagination > li:first-child > a, -.pagination > li:first-child > span { - margin-left: 0; - border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; - border-top-left-radius: 4px; -} -.pagination > li:last-child > a, -.pagination > li:last-child > span { - border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; - border-top-right-radius: 4px; -} -.pagination > li > a:hover, -.pagination > li > span:hover, -.pagination > li > a:focus, -.pagination > li > span:focus { - color: #23527c; - background-color: #eeeeee; - border-color: #dddddd; -} -.pagination > .active > a, -.pagination > .active > span, -.pagination > .active > a:hover, -.pagination > .active > span:hover, -.pagination > .active > a:focus, -.pagination > .active > span:focus { - z-index: 2; - color: #ffffff; - background-color: #337ab7; - border-color: #337ab7; - cursor: default; -} -.pagination > .disabled > span, -.pagination > .disabled > span:hover, -.pagination > .disabled > span:focus, -.pagination > .disabled > a, -.pagination > .disabled > a:hover, -.pagination > .disabled > a:focus { - color: #777777; - background-color: #ffffff; - border-color: #dddddd; - cursor: not-allowed; -} -.pagination-lg > li > a, -.pagination-lg > li > span { - padding: 10px 16px; - font-size: 18px; -} -.pagination-lg > li:first-child > a, -.pagination-lg > li:first-child > span { - border-bottom-left-radius: 6px; - border-top-left-radius: 6px; -} -.pagination-lg > li:last-child > a, -.pagination-lg > li:last-child > span { - border-bottom-right-radius: 6px; - border-top-right-radius: 6px; -} -.pagination-sm > li > a, -.pagination-sm > li > span { - padding: 5px 10px; - font-size: 12px; -} -.pagination-sm > li:first-child > a, -.pagination-sm > li:first-child > span { - border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; - border-top-left-radius: 3px; -} -.pagination-sm > li:last-child > a, -.pagination-sm > li:last-child > span { - border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; - border-top-right-radius: 3px; -} -.pager { - padding-left: 0; - margin: 20px 0; - list-style: none; - text-align: center; -} -.pager li { - display: inline; -} -.pager li > a, -.pager li > span { - display: inline-block; - padding: 5px 14px; - background-color: #ffffff; - border: 1px solid #dddddd; - border-radius: 15px; -} -.pager li > a:hover, -.pager li > a:focus { - text-decoration: none; - background-color: #eeeeee; -} -.pager .next > a, -.pager .next > span { - float: right; -} -.pager .previous > a, -.pager .previous > span { - float: left; -} -.pager .disabled > a, -.pager .disabled > a:hover, -.pager .disabled > a:focus, -.pager .disabled > span { - color: #777777; - background-color: #ffffff; - cursor: not-allowed; -} -.label { - display: inline; - padding: .2em .6em .3em; - font-size: 75%; - font-weight: bold; - line-height: 1; - color: #ffffff; - text-align: center; - white-space: nowrap; - vertical-align: baseline; - border-radius: .25em; -} -a.label:hover, -a.label:focus { - color: #ffffff; - text-decoration: none; - cursor: pointer; -} -.label:empty { - display: none; -} -.btn .label { - position: relative; - top: -1px; -} -.label-default { - background-color: #777777; -} -.label-default[href]:hover, -.label-default[href]:focus { - background-color: #5e5e5e; -} -.label-primary { - background-color: #337ab7; -} -.label-primary[href]:hover, -.label-primary[href]:focus { - background-color: #286090; -} -.label-success { - background-color: #5cb85c; -} -.label-success[href]:hover, -.label-success[href]:focus { - background-color: #449d44; -} -.label-info { - background-color: #5bc0de; -} -.label-info[href]:hover, -.label-info[href]:focus { - background-color: #31b0d5; -} -.label-warning { - background-color: #f0ad4e; -} -.label-warning[href]:hover, -.label-warning[href]:focus { - background-color: #ec971f; -} -.label-danger { - background-color: #d9534f; -} -.label-danger[href]:hover, -.label-danger[href]:focus { - background-color: #c9302c; -} -.badge { - display: inline-block; - min-width: 10px; - padding: 3px 7px; - font-size: 12px; - font-weight: bold; - color: #ffffff; - line-height: 1; - vertical-align: baseline; - white-space: nowrap; - text-align: center; - background-color: #777777; - border-radius: 10px; -} -.badge:empty { - display: none; -} -.btn .badge { - position: relative; - top: -1px; -} -.btn-xs .badge, -.btn-group-xs > .btn .badge { - top: 0; - padding: 1px 5px; -} -a.badge:hover, -a.badge:focus { - color: #ffffff; - text-decoration: none; - cursor: pointer; -} > .badge, -.nav-pills > .active > a > .badge { - color: #337ab7; - background-color: #ffffff; -} -.list-group-item > .badge { - float: right; -} -.list-group-item > .badge + .badge { - margin-right: 5px; -} -.nav-pills > li > a > .badge { - margin-left: 3px; -} -.jumbotron { - padding: 30px 15px; - margin-bottom: 30px; - color: inherit; - background-color: #eeeeee; -} -.jumbotron h1, -.jumbotron .h1 { - color: inherit; -} -.jumbotron p { - margin-bottom: 15px; - font-size: 21px; - font-weight: 200; -} -.jumbotron > hr { - border-top-color: #d5d5d5; -} -.container .jumbotron, -.container-fluid .jumbotron { - border-radius: 6px; -} -.jumbotron .container { - max-width: 100%; -} -@media screen and (min-width: 768px) { - .jumbotron { - padding: 48px 0; - } - .container .jumbotron, - .container-fluid .jumbotron { - padding-left: 60px; - padding-right: 60px; - } - .jumbotron h1, - .jumbotron .h1 { - font-size: 63px; - } -} -.thumbnail { - display: block; - padding: 4px; - margin-bottom: 20px; - line-height: 1.42857143; - background-color: #ffffff; - border: 1px solid #dddddd; - border-radius: 4px; - -webkit-transition: border 0.2s ease-in-out; - -o-transition: border 0.2s ease-in-out; - transition: border 0.2s ease-in-out; -} -.thumbnail > img, -.thumbnail a > img { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: auto; -} -a.thumbnail:hover, -a.thumbnail:focus, { - border-color: #337ab7; -} -.thumbnail .caption { - padding: 9px; - color: #333333; -} -.alert { - padding: 15px; - margin-bottom: 20px; - border: 1px solid transparent; - border-radius: 4px; -} -.alert h4 { - margin-top: 0; - color: inherit; -} -.alert .alert-link { - font-weight: bold; -} -.alert > p, -.alert > ul { - margin-bottom: 0; -} -.alert > p + p { - margin-top: 5px; -} -.alert-dismissable, -.alert-dismissible { - padding-right: 35px; -} -.alert-dismissable .close, -.alert-dismissible .close { - position: relative; - top: -2px; - right: -21px; - color: inherit; -} -.alert-success { - background-color: #dff0d8; - border-color: #d6e9c6; - color: #3c763d; -} -.alert-success hr { - border-top-color: #c9e2b3; 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-} -.progress-bar-info { - background-color: #5bc0de; -} -.progress-striped .progress-bar-info { - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-image: -o-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); -} -.progress-bar-warning { - background-color: #f0ad4e; -} -.progress-striped .progress-bar-warning { - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); 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-} { - margin-top: 15px; -} { - margin-top: 0; -}, { - zoom: 1; - overflow: hidden; -} { - width: 10000px; -} { - display: block; -}, > .pull-right { - padding-left: 10px; -}, > .pull-left { - padding-right: 10px; -},, { - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: top; -} { - vertical-align: middle; -} { - vertical-align: bottom; -} { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 5px; -} { - padding-left: 0; - list-style: none; -} -.list-group { - margin-bottom: 20px; - padding-left: 0; -} -.list-group-item { - position: relative; - display: block; - padding: 10px 15px; - margin-bottom: -1px; - background-color: #ffffff; - border: 1px solid #dddddd; -} -.list-group-item:first-child { - border-top-right-radius: 4px; - border-top-left-radius: 4px; -} -.list-group-item:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; - border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; - border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; -} -a.list-group-item { - color: #555555; -} -a.list-group-item .list-group-item-heading { - color: #333333; -} -a.list-group-item:hover, -a.list-group-item:focus { - text-decoration: none; - color: #555555; - background-color: #f5f5f5; -} -.list-group-item.disabled, -.list-group-item.disabled:hover, -.list-group-item.disabled:focus { - background-color: #eeeeee; - color: #777777; - cursor: not-allowed; -} -.list-group-item.disabled .list-group-item-heading, -.list-group-item.disabled:hover .list-group-item-heading, -.list-group-item.disabled:focus .list-group-item-heading { - color: inherit; -} -.list-group-item.disabled .list-group-item-text, -.list-group-item.disabled:hover .list-group-item-text, -.list-group-item.disabled:focus .list-group-item-text { - color: #777777; -},, { - z-index: 2; - color: #ffffff; - background-color: #337ab7; - border-color: #337ab7; -} .list-group-item-heading, .list-group-item-heading, .list-group-item-heading, .list-group-item-heading > small, .list-group-item-heading > small, .list-group-item-heading > small, .list-group-item-heading > .small, .list-group-item-heading > .small, .list-group-item-heading > .small { - color: inherit; -} .list-group-item-text, .list-group-item-text, .list-group-item-text { - color: #c7ddef; -} -.list-group-item-success { - color: #3c763d; - background-color: #dff0d8; -} -a.list-group-item-success { - color: #3c763d; -} -a.list-group-item-success .list-group-item-heading { - color: inherit; -} -a.list-group-item-success:hover, -a.list-group-item-success:focus { - color: #3c763d; - background-color: #d0e9c6; -},, { - color: #fff; - background-color: #3c763d; - border-color: #3c763d; -} -.list-group-item-info { - color: #31708f; - background-color: #d9edf7; -} -a.list-group-item-info { - color: #31708f; -} -a.list-group-item-info .list-group-item-heading { - color: inherit; -} -a.list-group-item-info:hover, -a.list-group-item-info:focus { - color: #31708f; - background-color: #c4e3f3; -},, { - color: #fff; - background-color: #31708f; - border-color: #31708f; -} -.list-group-item-warning { - color: #8a6d3b; - background-color: #fcf8e3; -} -a.list-group-item-warning { - color: #8a6d3b; -} -a.list-group-item-warning .list-group-item-heading { - color: inherit; -} -a.list-group-item-warning:hover, -a.list-group-item-warning:focus { - color: #8a6d3b; - background-color: #faf2cc; -},, { - color: #fff; - background-color: #8a6d3b; - border-color: #8a6d3b; -} -.list-group-item-danger { - color: #a94442; - background-color: #f2dede; -} -a.list-group-item-danger { - color: #a94442; -} -a.list-group-item-danger .list-group-item-heading { - color: inherit; -} -a.list-group-item-danger:hover, -a.list-group-item-danger:focus { - color: #a94442; - background-color: #ebcccc; -},, { - color: #fff; - background-color: #a94442; - border-color: #a94442; -} -.list-group-item-heading { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 5px; -} -.list-group-item-text { - margin-bottom: 0; - line-height: 1.3; -} -.panel { - margin-bottom: 20px; - background-color: #ffffff; - border: 1px solid transparent; - border-radius: 4px; - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); - box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); -} -.panel-body { - padding: 15px; -} -.panel-heading { - padding: 10px 15px; - border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; - border-top-right-radius: 3px; 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- border-top-right-radius: 3px; -} -.panel > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child td:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child td:first-child, -.panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td:first-child, -.panel > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:first-child, -.panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th:first-child { - border-top-left-radius: 3px; -} -.panel > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child td:last-child, -.panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td:last-child, -.panel > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child, -.panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child { - border-top-right-radius: 3px; -} -.panel > .table:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child { - border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; - border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; -} -.panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child, -.panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child { - border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; - border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; -} -.panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child, -.panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child, -.panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child, -.panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child { - border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; -} -.panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child, -.panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child, -.panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child, -.panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child { - border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; -} -.panel > .panel-body + .table, -.panel > .panel-body + .table-responsive, -.panel > .table + .panel-body, -.panel > .table-responsive + .panel-body { - border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; -} -.panel > .table > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th, -.panel > .table > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td { - border-top: 0; -} -.panel > .table-bordered, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered { - border: 0; -} -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:first-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:first-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:first-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:first-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:first-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child { - border-left: 0; -} -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child { - border-right: 0; -} -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr:first-child > td, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr:first-child > td, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:first-child > td, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:first-child > td, -.panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr:first-child > th, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr:first-child > th, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:first-child > th, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:first-child > th { - border-bottom: 0; -} -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > td, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > td, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > td, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > td, -.panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > th, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > th, -.panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > th, -.panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > th { - border-bottom: 0; -} -.panel > .table-responsive { - border: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; -} -.panel-group { - margin-bottom: 20px; -} -.panel-group .panel { - margin-bottom: 0; - border-radius: 4px; -} -.panel-group .panel + .panel { - margin-top: 5px; -} -.panel-group .panel-heading { - border-bottom: 0; -} -.panel-group .panel-heading + .panel-collapse > .panel-body, -.panel-group .panel-heading + .panel-collapse > .list-group { - border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; -} -.panel-group .panel-footer { - border-top: 0; -} -.panel-group .panel-footer + .panel-collapse .panel-body { - border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; -} -.panel-default { - border-color: #dddddd; -} -.panel-default > .panel-heading { - color: #333333; - background-color: #f5f5f5; - border-color: #dddddd; -} -.panel-default > .panel-heading + .panel-collapse > .panel-body { - border-top-color: #dddddd; -} -.panel-default > .panel-heading .badge { - color: #f5f5f5; - background-color: #333333; -} -.panel-default > .panel-footer + .panel-collapse > .panel-body { - border-bottom-color: #dddddd; 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-pre.lazy .OcamlInfixFPOperator { - text-decoration: underline; -} -pre.lazy .OcamlInfixOperator { - color: #3B5BB5; -} -pre.lazy .MetaFunctionCallPy { - color: #3E4558; -} -pre.lazy .Superclass { - color: #3B5BB5; - font-style: italic; -} -pre.lazy .LatexEntity { - color: #D62A28; -} -pre.lazy .Constant { - color: #3B5BB5; -} -pre.lazy .OcamlFPConstant { - text-decoration: underline; -} -pre.lazy .Support { - color: #3B5BB5; -} -pre.lazy .OcamlOperator { - color: #000000; -} -pre.lazy .line-numbers { - background-color: #E3FC8D; - color: #000000; -} -pre.lazy .StringInterpolation { - color: #671EBB; -} -pre.lazy .InvalidIllegal { - background-color: #9D1E15; - color: #F8F8F8; -} -pre.lazy .OcamlVariant { - color: #7F90AA; -} -pre.lazy .MetaTag { - color: #3A4A64; -} -pre.lazy .OcamlPrefixFPOperator { - text-decoration: underline; -} -pre.lazy .OcamlPrefixOperator { - color: #3B5BB5; -} -pre.lazy .String { - color: #409B1C; -} -pre.lazy .Keyword { - color: #FF7800; -} -pre.lazy { - background-color: #FFFFFF; - color: #000000; -} -pre.lazy .InvalidDeprecated { - color: #990000; - font-style: italic; -} -pre.lazy .Variable { -} -pre.lazy .Entity { - color: #3B5BB5; -} -pre.lazy .Comment { - color: #8C868F; -}
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M contents/index.htmlcontents/index.html

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title: "Home" content-type: page ----- - -<div class="row"> - <div class="col-md-8" id="main-content"> - <article id="a_h3rald-83"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/h3rald-83/"> v8.3 Released</a></h2> - - <h3>A new minimalist design, powered by Twitter Bootstrap</h3> - - <p class="pubdate pull-right"><i class="h3-quill-ink"></i> <time datetime="2012-12-27T22:41:34Z">Thursday, December 27 2012</time></p> - <div class="clearfix"></div> - </header> - <div class="hyphenate"> - - <p>One of the many things that really bothered me about my web site was the fact that it didn&#8217;t look good on my iPhone, or any small screen for that matter.</p> -<p>Years ago I <a href="">read about</a> responsive web design, media queries, etc., but I never had the will or the time to dive into the subject. Then <a href="">Twitter Bootstrap</a> came out, and it changed <em>everything</em>.</p> -<p>Not only Bootstrap provides a very solid <span class="caps">HTML</span> boilerplate and grid system, it also comes with some very nice and complete styles for every <span class="caps">HTML</span> element, a few Javascript-enhanced UI components, and best of all it is fully responsive.</p> - <p><a href="/articles/h3rald-83/">Continue reading &rarr;</a></p> - </div> - <hr /> -</article> - - - <article id="a_glyph-050-released"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/glyph-050-released/">Glyph 0.5.0 Released</a></h2> - - <h3>Featuring Calibre integration, macro composition, Turing-completeness, and more</h3> - - <p class="pubdate pull-right"><i class="h3-quill-ink"></i> <time datetime="2011-08-28T19:18:00Z">Sunday, August 28 2011</time></p> - <div class="clearfix"></div> - </header> - <div class="hyphenate"> - - <p>Too much time passed since the last Glyph release. Way too much. Finally I found the time and will to tidy up the last few remaining bugs, update the docs, and release it!</p> - <p><a href="/articles/glyph-050-released/">Continue reading &rarr;</a></p> - </div> - <hr /> -</article> - - - <article id="a_ruby-compendium-020"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/ruby-compendium-020/">Ruby Compendium v0.2.0 released</a></h2> - - <h3>With up-to-date Ruby implementations, more resources, and online version</h3> - - <p class="pubdate pull-right"><i class="h3-quill-ink"></i> <time datetime="2011-08-07T16:01:52Z">Sunday, August 07 2011</time></p> - <div class="clearfix"></div> - </header> - <div class="hyphenate"> - - <p>The Ruby Compendium has been updated, and it now lists the most up-to-date versions of various Ruby implementatios, even more web sites, books, podcasts, and Rubyists. In addition to the <span class="caps">PDF</span> version, the book can now be read online <a href="/ruby-compendium/book/">here on</a>.</p> - <p><a href="/articles/ruby-compendium-020/">Continue reading &rarr;</a></p> - </div> - <hr /> -</article> - - - <article id="a_wunderlist"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/wunderlist/">Getting things done... in Wonderland!</a></h2> - - <h3>Why Wunderlist is the only Todo List I'll ever need</h3> - - <p class="pubdate pull-right"><i class="h3-quill-ink"></i> <time datetime="2011-07-30T22:07:53Z">Sunday, July 31 2011</time></p> - <div class="clearfix"></div> - </header> - <div class="hyphenate"> - - <p>I don&#8217;t remember the exact day when I started using a todo list in a serious way. It definitely happened at work, but I can&#8217;t remember when exactly. The point is that, once I started working (and getting paid for what I love doing &ndash; writing), I slowly turned into a real <em>productivity freak</em>.</p> -<p>I write <em>everything</em> down. My colleagues know that if I say that I&#8217;ll do something <em>right now</em> but I don&#8217;t do it within five minutes, they have to assume that I forgot about it altogether and they&#8217;d better send me an email.</p> -<p>I am not a paper person. Never been one. When I got a job which consisted in working on the computer for eight hours a day, I started looking for todo list programs. That turned into an endless quest: I tried X for a few weeks, then I discovered that Y was better, used it for months, then moved onto Z, and so on.</p> - <p><a href="/articles/wunderlist/">Continue reading &rarr;</a></p> - </div> - <hr /> -</article> - - - <article id="a_the-rails3-way-review"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/the-rails3-way-review/">Book Review: The Rails 3 Way</a></h2> - - <h3>aka The (Rails) Bible, 2nd Edition</h3> - - <p class="pubdate pull-right"><i class="h3-quill-ink"></i> <time datetime="2011-03-26T12:16:46Z">Saturday, March 26 2011</time></p> - <div class="clearfix"></div> - </header> - <div class="hyphenate"> - - <p>Obie did it, again. With the second edition of his former masterpiece, <em>The Rails Way</em>, he managed to outdo himself delivering a new, even more useful, Rails Bible. Wether you&#8217;re a Ruby on Rails professional like him or just an enthusiast, this book is pretty much everything you need to learn how to master the third release of DHH&#8217;s Ruby web framework.</p> -<p><a href="">The Rails 3 Way</a> is no ordinary second edition. If you already own <em>The Rails Way</em>, you&#8217;ll be pleasantly surprised that this is a different, more polished book. While something had to remain the same, there&#8217;s a lot of new content in its 708 pages, and even the old content has been rewritten or at least revised.</p> -<p>It doesn&#8217;t matter whether you already know Rails 2.x or you&#8217;re jumping straight into the Rails 3 world, if you use Rails, you can&#8217;t miss this book.</p> - <p><a href="/articles/the-rails3-way-review/">Continue reading &rarr;</a></p> - </div> - <hr /> -</article> - - - <article id="a_reflections-on-management"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/reflections-on-management/">Book Review: Reflections on Management</a></h2> - - <h3>The key to becoming a true leader</h3> - - <p class="pubdate pull-right"><i class="h3-quill-ink"></i> <time datetime="2011-02-05T21:51:25Z">Saturday, February 05 2011</time></p> - <div class="clearfix"></div> - </header> - <div class="hyphenate"> - - <p>When I was offered to review this book, I was a bit skeptical: a book on <em>management</em>? I normally read and review books on programming and software development methodologies. However, I work as a Documentation Technical Leader, and while I don&#8217;t technically <em>manage</em> a whole team yet (damn economic crisis!), someday I may end up doing just that, so I gave <a href="">Reflections on Management</a> a try.</p> -<p><em>It&#8217;s short, after all, I&#8217;ll probably read it in a couple of weeks and move on</em> &mdash; I thought. Well, beware of short books: I thought exactly the same thing when I picked up <a href="">The Elements of Style</a>, and it still follows me around everywhere, so that I can re-read bits of it whenever I need to.</p> - <p><a href="/articles/reflections-on-management/">Continue reading &rarr;</a></p> - </div> - <hr /> -</article> - - - <p><a href="/archives/">&larr; Older Articles</a></p> - </div><!-- #main-content end --> - <div class="col-md-4" id="secondary-content"> - <span class="featured"><i class="h3-fire"></i> popular</span> - <article id="a_randal-schwartz"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/randal-schwartz/">A pizza with Randal Schwartz</a></h2> - - <h3>Talking about open source, programming, emacs and technical writing</h3> - - </header> -</article> -<hr /> - - - <article id="a_take-back-your-site-with-nanoc"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/take-back-your-site-with-nanoc/">Take back your site, with nanoc!</a></h2> - - <h3>How I turned into a 100% static, hassle-free web site</h3> - - </header> -</article> -<hr /> - - - <article id="a_herald-vim-color-scheme"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/herald-vim-color-scheme/">Herald (Vim Color Scheme)</a></h2> - - <h3>My very own VIM color scheme. Featuring 256, 16 and 8 color support, high readability and... pretty colors!</h3> - - </header> -</article> -<hr /> - - - <article id="a_10-programming-languages"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/10-programming-languages/">10 programming languages worth checking out</a></h2> - - <h3>A quick comparison of 10 non-mainstream programming languages</h3> - - </header> -</article> -<hr /> - - - <article id="a_firefox-lovers-guide-to-opera"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/firefox-lovers-guide-to-opera/">A Firefox Lover's Guide to Opera</a></h2> - - <h3>An in-depth review of the Opera browser, with the eyes of a Firefox enthusiast</h3> - - </header> -</article> -<hr /> - - - <article id="a_10-reasons-to-learn-ruby"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/10-reasons-to-learn-ruby/">10 Reasons to Learn Ruby</a></h2> - - <h3>Ten possible reasons to learn the Ruby Programming Language</h3> - - </header> -</article> -<hr /> - - - <article id="a_tweaking-windows-explorer"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/tweaking-windows-explorer/">Tweaking Windows Explorer</a></h2> - - <h3>How to make the default Windows file manager suck less</h3> - - </header> -</article> -<hr /> - - - <article id="a_incomplete-guide-to-london"> - <header> - <h2><a href="/articles/incomplete-guide-to-london/">Fabio's (In)complete Guide to London</a></h2> - - <h3>Some (non-)essential tips on getting around, eating, and enjouing yourself</h3> - - </header> -</article> -<hr /> - - - </div><!-- #secondary-content-end --> +<div class="columns"> + <article class="column col-xs-12 col-md-6 latest-article"> + <h2><a href="/articles/litestore/">Introducing LiteStore</a></h2> + <p class="subtitle"> + A tiny, lightweight, self-contained, RESTful document store + </p> + <section> + <p>Lately I have become more and more interested in client-side single-page applications. Nowadays you can write your web apps in Javascript using your favorite framework, without any server-side logic, but you obviously still need:</p> + <ul> + <li>some web service to retrieve and persist your application data.</li> + <li>a web server to serve the source code and the static assets of your web application.</li> + </ul> + <p>NodeJS is probably one of the easiest backend to setup for prototyping SPAs. It is very easy to create a simple web server in Node and to implement a simple <span class="caps">REST</span> <span class="caps">API</span> using Express or a similar framework, but you still need to install node and write some code to wire up your backend.</p> + <p>I wanted something even more lazy then that. I wanted a fully <em>self-contained</em> program able to:</p> + <ul> + <li>Serve static files</li> + <li>Act as a simple <span class="caps">JSON</span> document store</li> + <li>Provide a simple <span class="caps">REST</span> <span class="caps">API</span> to work with</li> + <li>(bonus!) provide a way to pack web apps for easy distribution</li> + </ul> + <p>…and that’s how I ended up developing <em>LiteStore</em>.</p> + <p><a href="/articles/litestore/">Continue reading →</a></p> + </section> + </article> + <div class="column col-xs-12 col-md-6"> + <div class="panel featured"> + <div class="panel-header"> + featured articles + </div> + <div class="panel-body"> + <article id="a_randal-schwartz"> + <header> + <h3><a href="/articles/randal-schwartz/">A pizza with Randal Schwartz</a></h3> + <p class="subtitle">Talking about open source, programming, emacs and technical writing</p> + </header> + </article> + <article id="a_herald-vim-color-scheme"> + <header> + <h3><a href="/articles/herald-vim-color-scheme/">Herald (Vim Color Scheme)</a></h3> + <p class="subtitle">My very own VIM color scheme. 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Perry</a>, who designed the <a href="">Cardo</a> font used for the H3RALD logo. + </li> + <li> + <a href="">atipo</a>, who designed the <a href="">Calendas Plus</a> font, used throughout this web site. + </li> + <li> + <a href="">Mark Otto</a> and <a href="">fat-kun</a>, creators of the awesome <a href="">Bootstrap</a> framework. + </li> + <li> + <a href="">Dave Gandy</a>, designer of the <a href="">FontAwesome</a> font, used for some of the icons on this web site. + </li> + <li> + <a href="">Daniela Howe</a> and <a href="">Ivan Montiel</a>, designers of the <a href="">RPG Awesome</a> font, used for some of the icons on this web site. + </li> + </ul> + </div> + </div> + </div> </div> -
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