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Released Glyph 0.5.0.
Sun, 28 Aug 2011 21:17:55 +0200




A content/articles/glyph-050-released.glyph

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+----- +:type: article +:tags: +- glyph +- ruby +- opensource +:permalink: glyph-050-released +:title: "Glyph 0.5.0 Released" +:subtitle: Featuring Calibre integration, macro composition, Turing-completeness, and more +:pdf: false +:date: 2011-08-28 21:18:00.000000 +02:00 +:intro: | + Too much time passed since the last Glyph release. Way too much. Finally I found the time and will to tidy up the last few remaining bugs, update the docs, and release it! +:extended_intro: | + This new release was mainly focused on extending the features of Glyph as a _language_. Besides a few improvements that make writing Glyph code easier and more readable (e.g. macro composition), Glyph is now Turing-complete. It supports iterations, recursion, variable assignments, basic arithmetics... you can even write a program to compute the factorial of an integer, if you wanted to. + + Additionally, it also features enhanced content reuse through fragments and output-independent macros, and a few bugfixes. +----- +$[document.intro] + +§[ + @title[Calibre Integration] + txt[ +=>[|Tammy Cravit] proposed (and more or less implemented) an interesting new feature: integrate =>[|Calibre] to generate ebooks in EPUB and MOBI format from Glyph's native standalone HTML output format. + +Although the support is still somewhat rough, you can, as a matter of fact, generate ebooks with Glyph, using Calibre. + ] +] +§[ + @title[Macro Composition] + txt[ +This release features an update at syntax-level: the possibility of "composing" macros, thereby eliminating nesting provided that containers take only one parameter and no attributes. What? This: + ] + highlight[=html| +?[ + not[output?[pdf]]\| + ... +] + =] + +p[Can be written like this:] + + highlight[=html| +?[ + not/output?[pdf]\| + ... +] + =] + +txt[ +In this case, the @not@ macro was composed with the @output?@ macro, thus removing one level of nesting. + +Additionally, I used this features to create an @xml@ macro dispatcher that can be used to render raw XML tags, and an @s@ macro dispatcher that basically is able to call nearly all the instance methods of the Ruby String class. So you can write things like code[=s/sub[This feature makes my life easier\|/my/\|your]=] and similar. + ] +] +§[ + @title[Turing-Completeness] + txt[ +As of this version, Glyph can be considered _Turing-complete_, as it satisfies the following =>[|requirements for Turing-completeness]: +* A conditional construct, implemented via the @condition@ macro. +* Variable assignment, by setting the value of snippets using the @snippet:@ macro and of attributes using the @attribute:@ macro. +* (infinite) iteration implemented through the new @while@ macro or recursion, which is possible thanks to the new @define:@ macro. +* A memory model which emulates an infinite store: there are no enforced limits on attribute/snippets allocations and number of algorithms or parameters. + +Plus, Glyph now understand basic integer arithmetic: + ] + highlight[=html| +def:[factorial\| + ?[ + eq[{{0}}\|0]\|1\| + multiply[ + {{0}} \| factorial[subtract[{{0}}\|1]] + ] + ] +] + =] + txt[ +Not that you _need_ to be able to calculate factorials in your documents, but know that now you _can_. An you can also define lexically scoped variables, err... _attributes_, like this: + ] + highlight[=html| +let[ + @:[a\|bits] + @:[b\|bobs] + section[ + @title[Something more about attributes] +Attributes are like lexically scoped variables. You can use them to store @[a] and @[b]. + ] +] + =] + p[Handy enough.] +] +§[ + @title[Embeddable fragments] + txt[ +Too lazy to create snippets? Feel the urge to re-use something you already wrote somewhere? Use a _fragment_ and embed it, as follows: + ] + highlight[=html| +Snippets and fragments ##[good_way\|are a good way to reuse] small chunks of content, +while the include and load macros <=[good_way] entire files. + =] + txt[...And you can also use a new @load@ macro, to embed entire files without performing any evaluation (like @include@ does).] +] +§txt[ + @title[Incompatibilities with previous versions] +To sum up: +* @snippets.yml@ is no more, define all your snippets inside your document instead. +* New "invisible space separator": @\\/@ instead of @\\.@. Because it's slightly prettier, nothing else. +* The @rewrite:@ macro has been replaced by the @define:@ macro, which also allows recursion, so be careful! +* If you want to render raw XML tags, use @xml/tag_name@ instead of @=tag_name@. +* No more @match@ macro, use @s/match@ instead. + +For the full list of the issues fixed in this release, see the =>[http://localhost:8080/glyph/book/changelog.html|Changelog]. + +Hope you'll enjoy this new release of Glyph. If you want to contribute, go ahead and =>[|fork the repo]! +] +
A content/glyph/book/styles/default.css

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A content/glyph/book/text_editing/macro_composition.html

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+<!DOCTYPE html> +<html lang="en"> + <head> + <title>Macro Composition - Glyph</title> + <link href=',400italic,600,600italic,700,700italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> + + + + <meta charset="utf-8" /> + <meta name="author" content="Fabio Cevasco" /> + <meta name="copyright" content="Fabio Cevasco" /> + <meta name="robots" content="all, follow" /> + <meta name="Revisit-After" content="2 Days" /> + <meta name="language" content="en" /> + <meta name="target_country" content="en-us" /> + <meta name="country" content="United States" /> + <meta name="readability-verification" content="XmaVzRjmcFL5Bb2Fu9TZVdDKzhA3apQdxexTB2rK"/> + <meta name="description" content="H3RALD - Fabio Cevasco's Web Site" /> + + <meta name="keywords" content="h3rald, fabio cevasco, glyph" /> + <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.png" type="image/png" /> + <meta content="44.388041;9.073248" name="ICBM" /> + + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/html5reset.css" /> + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/style.css" /> + + <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/sevenup.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/sevenup_black.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/jquery-timeago.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/jquery-easing.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/jquery-fancybox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/date.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/feeds.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/hyphenator.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/init.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + <script src="/js/search.js" type="text/javascript"></script> + </head> + <body> + <section id="container"> + + <header class="page"> + <nav class="home-link"> + <a href="/"> + <img src="/images/h3rald_small.png" alt="H3RALD" class="default"/> + <![if !IE]> + <img src="/images/h3rald_hover_small.png" alt="H3RALD" class="hover"/> + <![endif]> + </a> + </nav> + + <nav class="section"> + /<a href="/glyph/" rel="glyph">GLYPH</a> + </nav> + +</header> + <article class="page glyph-book"> + <header> + <hgroup> + <h1>Macro Composition</h1> + <h2>Glyph</h2> + </hgroup> + </header> + <section id="body-text" class="hyphenate glyph-book"> + + <nav class="navigation"><a href="/glyph/book/text_editing/attribute_intro.html">Macro attributes</a> | <a href="/glyph/book/index.html">Contents</a> | <a href="/glyph/book/text_editing/esc_quot.html">Escaping and Quoting</a></nav> + <p>Glyph macros can be <em>composed</em> with other using the <code>/</code> character. Macro composition can be used instead of nesting, provided that macro containers (also called <em>dispatchers</em> in certain situations) take only one parameter and no attributes.</p> +<p>For example, the following code:</p> +<div class="CodeRay"> + <div class="code"><pre><span class="no">1</span> ?[ +<span class="no">2</span> not[output?[pdf]]| +<span class="no">3</span> ... +<span class="no">4</span> ]</pre></div> +</div> + + +<p>Can be written like this:</p> + +<div class="CodeRay"> + <div class="code"><pre><span class="no">1</span> ?[ +<span class="no">2</span> not/output?[pdf]| +<span class="no">3</span> ... +<span class="no">4</span> ]</pre></div> +</div> + + +<p>In this case, the <a href="/glyph/book/macros/macros_core.html#m_not"><code>not</code></a> macro was composed with the <a href="/glyph/book/macros/macros_core.html#m_output_"><code>output?</code></a> macro, thus removing one level of nesting.</p> +<p>Composition can be useful to simplify complex Glyph macro constructs, but also for <em>macro dispatching</em>. Currently, Glyph supports two <em>dispatchers</em>:</p> +<ul> + <li>The <a href="/glyph/book/macros/macros_core.html#m_s"><code>s</code></a> macro, used to call almost any method of the Ruby String class.</li> + <li>The <a href="/glyph/book/macros/macros_core.html#m_xml"><code>xml</code></a> macro, used to render raw <span class="caps">XML</span> tags.</li> +</ul> + <nav class="navigation"><a href="/glyph/book/text_editing/attribute_intro.html">Macro attributes</a> | <a href="/glyph/book/index.html">Contents</a> | <a href="/glyph/book/text_editing/esc_quot.html">Escaping and Quoting</a></nav> + <nav id="sharing-buttons"> +<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="horizontal" data-via="h3rald">Tweet</a> +<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> +<g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone> +<script type="text/javascript"> + (function() { + var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; + po.src = ''; + var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); + })(); +</script> +</nav> + </section> + </article> + + + <footer> + <section class="ads"> + <script type="text/javascript"><!-- + google_ad_client = "pub-2871497824158668"; + /* 728x90, created 9/10/10 */ + google_ad_slot = "3963343166"; + google_ad_width = 728; + google_ad_height = 90; + //--> + </script> + <script type="text/javascript" src=""> + </script> + </section> + <section> + <nav> + <a href="/about/">ABOUT</a>|<a href="/contact/">CONTACT</a> + </nav> + <p>H3RALD Web Site v8.1.2 &copy; 2004 &mdash; 2011 <em>Fabio Cevasco</em></p> + </section> + </footer> + </section><!-- #container end --> + + + <!-- Start Google Analytics --> + <script type="text/javascript"> + var _gaq = _gaq || []; + _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-18587377-1']); + _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); + + (function() { + var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; + ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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