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Fixed CSS (form elements, etc.).
Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:43:25 +0200




3 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 368 deletions(-)

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M resources/css/code.cssresources/css/code.css

@@ -1,60 +1,69 @@

-.highlight {overflow: auto;} +.highlight +{ + font-family: "Consolas", Monospace; + background: #F3E6D3; + border: 3px double #A4282D; + padding: 5px; + overflow: auto; +} + + .highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } -.highlight .c { color: #228B22 } /* Comment */ +.highlight .c { color: #999988; font-style: italic } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */ -.highlight .k { color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ -.highlight .cm { color: #228B22 } /* Comment.Multiline */ -.highlight .cp { color: #1e889b } /* Comment.Preproc */ -.highlight .c1 { color: #228B22 } /* Comment.Single */ -.highlight .cs { color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Special */ -.highlight .gd { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Deleted */ +.highlight .k { font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ +.highlight .o { font-weight: bold } /* Operator */ +.highlight .cm { color: #999988; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Multiline */ +.highlight .cp { color: #999999; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */ +.highlight .c1 { color: #999988; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Single */ +.highlight .cs { color: #999999; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Special */ +.highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */ -.highlight .gh { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Heading */ -.highlight .gi { color: #00aa00 } /* Generic.Inserted */ +.highlight .gh { color: #999999 } /* Generic.Heading */ +.highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */ .highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ -.highlight .gu { color: #800080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Subheading */ +.highlight .gu { color: #aaaaaa } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */ -.highlight .kc { color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ -.highlight .kd { color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ -.highlight .kn { color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ -.highlight .kp { color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ -.highlight .kr { color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ -.highlight .kt { color: #a7a7a7; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ -.highlight .m { color: #B452CD } /* Literal.Number */ -.highlight .s { color: #CD5555 } /* Literal.String */ -.highlight .na { color: #658b00 } /* Name.Attribute */ -.highlight .nb { color: #658b00 } /* Name.Builtin */ -.highlight .nc { color: #008b45; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ -.highlight .no { color: #00688B } /* Name.Constant */ -.highlight .nd { color: #707a7c } /* Name.Decorator */ -.highlight .ne { color: #008b45; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ -.highlight .nf { color: #008b45 } /* Name.Function */ -.highlight .nn { color: #008b45; text-decoration: underline } /* Name.Namespace */ -.highlight .nt { color: #8B008B; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ -.highlight .nv { color: #00688B } /* Name.Variable */ -.highlight .ow { color: #8B008B } /* Operator.Word */ +.highlight .kc { font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ +.highlight .kd { font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ +.highlight .kn { font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ +.highlight .kp { font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ +.highlight .kr { font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ +.highlight .kt { color: #445588; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ +.highlight .m { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number */ +.highlight .s { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String */ +.highlight .na { color: #008080 } /* Name.Attribute */ +.highlight .nb { color: #999999 } /* Name.Builtin */ +.highlight .nc { color: #445588; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ +.highlight .no { color: #008080 } /* Name.Constant */ +.highlight .ni { color: #800080 } /* Name.Entity */ +.highlight .ne { color: #990000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ +.highlight .nf { color: #990000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */ +.highlight .nn { color: #555555 } /* Name.Namespace */ +.highlight .nt { color: #000080 } /* Name.Tag */ +.highlight .nv { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable */ +.highlight .ow { font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ -.highlight .mf { color: #B452CD } /* Literal.Number.Float */ -.highlight .mh { color: #B452CD } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ -.highlight .mi { color: #B452CD } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ -.highlight .mo { color: #B452CD } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ -.highlight .sb { color: #CD5555 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ -.highlight .sc { color: #CD5555 } /* Literal.String.Char */ -.highlight .sd { color: #CD5555 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ -.highlight .s2 { color: #CD5555 } /* Literal.String.Double */ -.highlight .se { color: #CD5555 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ -.highlight .sh { color: #1c7e71; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ -.highlight .si { color: #CD5555 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ -.highlight .sx { color: #cb6c20 } /* Literal.String.Other */ -.highlight .sr { color: #1c7e71 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ -.highlight .s1 { color: #CD5555 } /* Literal.String.Single */ -.highlight .ss { color: #CD5555 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ -.highlight .bp { color: #658b00 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ -.highlight .vc { color: #00688B } /* Name.Variable.Class */ -.highlight .vg { color: #00688B } /* Name.Variable.Global */ -.highlight .vi { color: #00688B } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ -.highlight .il { color: #B452CD } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ - +.highlight .mf { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Float */ +.highlight .mh { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ +.highlight .mi { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ +.highlight .mo { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ +.highlight .sb { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ +.highlight .sc { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Char */ +.highlight .sd { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ +.highlight .s2 { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Double */ +.highlight .se { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ +.highlight .sh { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ +.highlight .si { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ +.highlight .sx { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Other */ +.highlight .sr { color: #808000 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ +.highlight .s1 { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Single */ +.highlight .ss { color: #bb8844 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ +.highlight .bp { color: #999999 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ +.highlight .vc { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ +.highlight .vg { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ +.highlight .vi { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ +.highlight .il { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
M resources/css/elements.cssresources/css/elements.css

@@ -217,26 +217,45 @@ }

/**** FORMS ****/ -input[type="submit"], input[type="button"] +input[type=submit] +{ + color: #ccc; + border: 1px solid #A4282D; + background: #333; + outline:none; +} + +input[type=submit]:hover +{ + border: 1px solid #CF282D; + background: #ccc; + color: #333; +} + +input[type=submit]:active +{ + background: #aaa; +} + +input[type=text] { - border: 1px solid #313634; - background-color: #C0C0C0; - font-family: Georgia, Serif; - font-style: italic; - font-size: 110%; + color: #ccc; + border: 1px solid #A4282D; + background: #333; + outline:none; + height: 18px; } -input:hover, input:active +input[type=text]:hover { - border-color: #C0C0C0; - background-color: #fff; - color: #000; + border: 1px solid #CF282D; + background: #ccc; + color: #333; } -input[type="text"], textarea +input[type=text]:focus { - border: 1px solid #C0C0C0; - background-color: #E2E9EB; + background: #aaa; } /* Google Search */
D resources/js/jquery.dropshadow.js

@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@

-/* - VERSION: Drop Shadow jQuery Plugin 1.6 12-13-2007 - - REQUIRES: jquery.js (1.2.6 or later) - - SYNTAX: $(selector).dropShadow(options); // Creates new drop shadows - $(selector).redrawShadow(); // Redraws shadows on elements - $(selector).removeShadow(); // Removes shadows from elements - $(selector).shadowId(); // Returns an existing shadow's ID - - OPTIONS: - - left : integer (default = 4) - top : integer (default = 4) - blur : integer (default = 2) - opacity : decimal (default = 0.5) - color : string (default = "black") - swap : boolean (default = false) - - The left and top parameters specify the distance and direction, in pixels, to - offset the shadow. Zero values position the shadow directly behind the element. - Positive values shift the shadow to the right and down, while negative values - shift the shadow to the left and up. - - The blur parameter specifies the spread, or dispersion, of the shadow. Zero - produces a sharp shadow, one or two produces a normal shadow, and three or four - produces a softer shadow. Higher values increase the processing load. - - The opacity parameter should be a decimal value, usually less than one. You can - use a value higher than one in special situations, e.g. with extreme blurring. - - Color is specified in the usual manner, with a color name or hex value. The - color parameter does not apply with transparent images. - - The swap parameter reverses the stacking order of the original and the shadow. - This can be used for special effects, like an embossed or engraved look. - - EXPLANATION: - - This jQuery plug-in adds soft drop shadows behind page elements. It is only - intended for adding a few drop shadows to mostly stationary objects, like a - page heading, a photo, or content containers. - - The shadows it creates are not bound to the original elements, so they won't - move or change size automatically if the original elements change. A window - resize event listener is assigned, which should re-align the shadows in many - cases, but if the elements otherwise move or resize you will have to handle - those events manually. Shadows can be redrawn with the redrawShadow() method - or removed with the removeShadow() method. The redrawShadow() method uses the - same options used to create the original shadow. If you want to change the - options, you should remove the shadow first and then create a new shadow. - - The dropShadow method returns a jQuery collection of the new shadow(s). If - further manipulation is required, you can store it in a variable like this: - - var myShadow = $("#myElement").dropShadow(); - - You can also read the ID of the shadow from the original element at a later - time. To get a shadow's ID, either read the shadowId attribute of the - original element or call the shadowId() method. For example: - - var myShadowId = $("#myElement").attr("shadowId"); or - var myShadowId = $("#myElement").shadowId(); - - If the original element does not already have an ID assigned, a random ID will - be generated for the shadow. However, if the original does have an ID, the - shadow's ID will be the original ID and "_dropShadow". For example, if the - element's ID is "myElement", the shadow's ID would be "myElement_dropShadow". - - If you have a long piece of text and the user resizes the window so that the - text wraps or unwraps, the shape of the text changes and the words are no - longer in the same positions. In that case, you can either preset the height - and width, so that it becomes a fixed box, or you can shadow each word - separately, like this: - - <h1><span>Your</span> <span>Page</span> <span>Title</span></h1> - - $("h1 span").dropShadow(); - - The dropShadow method attempts to determine whether the selected elements have - transparent backgrounds. If you want to shadow the content inside an element, - like text or a transparent image, it must not have a background-color or - background-image style. If the element has a solid background it will create a - rectangular shadow around the outside box. - - The shadow elements are positioned absolutely one layer below the original - element, which is positioned relatively (unless it's already absolute). - - *** All shadows have the "dropShadow" class, for selecting with CSS or jQuery. - - ISSUES: - - 1) Limited styling of shadowed elements by ID. Because IDs must be unique, - and the shadows have their own ID, styles applied by ID won't transfer - to the shadows. Instead, style elements by class or use inline styles. - 2) Sometimes shadows don't align properly. Elements may need to be wrapped - in container elements, margins or floats changed, etc. or you may just - have to tweak the left and top offsets to get them to align. For example, - with draggable objects, you have to wrap them inside two divs. Make the - outer div draggable and set the inner div's position to relative. Then - you can create a shadow on the element inside the inner div. - 3) If the user changes font sizes it will throw the shadows off. Browsers - do not expose an event for font size changes. The only known way to - detect a user font size change is to embed an invisible text element and - then continuously poll for changes in size. - 4) Safari support is shaky, and may require even more tweaks/wrappers, etc. - - The bottom line is that this is a gimick effect, not PFM, and if you push it - too hard or expect it to work in every possible situation on every browser, - you will be disappointed. Use it sparingly, and don't use it for anything - critical. Otherwise, have fun with it! - - AUTHOR: Larry Stevens ( This work is in the public domain, - and it is not supported in any way. Use it at your own risk. -*/ - - -(function($){ - - var dropShadowZindex = 1; //z-index counter - - $.fn.dropShadow = function(options) - { - // Default options - var opt = $.extend({ - left: 4, - top: 4, - blur: 2, - opacity: .5, - color: "black", - swap: false - }, options); - var jShadows = $([]); //empty jQuery collection - - // Loop through original elements - this.not(".dropShadow").each(function() - { - var jthis = $(this); - var shadows = []; - var blur = (opt.blur <= 0) ? 0 : opt.blur; - var opacity = (blur == 0) ? opt.opacity : opt.opacity / (blur * 8); - var zOriginal = (opt.swap) ? dropShadowZindex : dropShadowZindex + 1; - var zShadow = (opt.swap) ? dropShadowZindex + 1 : dropShadowZindex; - - // Create ID for shadow - var shadowId; - if ( { - shadowId = + "_dropShadow"; - } - else { - shadowId = "ds" + (1 + Math.floor(9999 * Math.random())); - } - - // Modify original element - $.data(this, "shadowId", shadowId); //store id in expando - $.data(this, "shadowOptions", options); //store options in expando - jthis - .attr("shadowId", shadowId) - .css("zIndex", zOriginal); - if (jthis.css("position") != "absolute") { - jthis.css({ - position: "relative", - zoom: 1 //for IE layout - }); - } - - // Create first shadow layer - bgColor = jthis.css("backgroundColor"); - if (bgColor == "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)") bgColor = "transparent"; //Safari - if (bgColor != "transparent" || jthis.css("backgroundImage") != "none" - || this.nodeName == "SELECT" - || this.nodeName == "INPUT" - || this.nodeName == "TEXTAREA") { - shadows[0] = $("<div></div>") - .css("background", opt.color); - } - else { - shadows[0] = jthis - .clone() - .removeAttr("id") - .removeAttr("name") - .removeAttr("shadowId") - .css("color", opt.color); - } - shadows[0] - .addClass("dropShadow") - .css({ - height: jthis.outerHeight(), - left: blur, - opacity: opacity, - position: "absolute", - top: blur, - width: jthis.outerWidth(), - zIndex: zShadow - }); - - // Create other shadow layers - var layers = (8 * blur) + 1; - for (i = 1; i < layers; i++) { - shadows[i] = shadows[0].clone(); - } - - // Position layers - var i = 1; - var j = blur; - while (j > 0) { - shadows[i].css({left: j * 2, top: 0}); //top - shadows[i + 1].css({left: j * 4, top: j * 2}); //right - shadows[i + 2].css({left: j * 2, top: j * 4}); //bottom - shadows[i + 3].css({left: 0, top: j * 2}); //left - shadows[i + 4].css({left: j * 3, top: j}); //top-right - shadows[i + 5].css({left: j * 3, top: j * 3}); //bottom-right - shadows[i + 6].css({left: j, top: j * 3}); //bottom-left - shadows[i + 7].css({left: j, top: j}); //top-left - i += 8; - j--; - } - - // Create container - var divShadow = $("<div></div>") - .attr("id", shadowId) - .addClass("dropShadow") - .css({ - left: jthis.position().left + opt.left - blur, - marginTop: jthis.css("marginTop"), - marginRight: jthis.css("marginRight"), - marginBottom: jthis.css("marginBottom"), - marginLeft: jthis.css("marginLeft"), - position: "absolute", - top: jthis.position().top + - blur, - zIndex: zShadow - }); - - // Add layers to container - for (i = 0; i < layers; i++) { - divShadow.append(shadows[i]); - } - - // Add container to DOM - jthis.after(divShadow); - - // Add shadow to return set - jShadows = jShadows.add(divShadow); - - // Re-align shadow on window resize - $(window).resize(function() - { - try { - divShadow.css({ - left: jthis.position().left + opt.left - blur, - top: jthis.position().top + - blur - }); - } - catch(e){} - }); - - // Increment z-index counter - dropShadowZindex += 2; - - }); //end each - - return this.pushStack(jShadows); - }; - - - $.fn.redrawShadow = function() - { - // Remove existing shadows - this.removeShadow(); - - // Draw new shadows - return this.each(function() - { - var shadowOptions = $.data(this, "shadowOptions"); - $(this).dropShadow(shadowOptions); - }); - }; - - - $.fn.removeShadow = function() - { - return this.each(function() - { - var shadowId = $(this).shadowId(); - $("div#" + shadowId).remove(); - }); - }; - - - $.fn.shadowId = function() - { - return $.data(this[0], "shadowId"); - }; - - - $(function() - { - // Suppress printing of shadows - var noPrint = "<style type='text/css' media='print'>"; - noPrint += ".dropShadow{visibility:hidden;}</style>"; - $("head").append(noPrint); - }); - -})(jQuery);