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Added draft HastySite article
Fabio Cevasco
Fri, 01 Dec 2017 19:38:12 +0100




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## H3RALD Web Site was created in 2004 by Fabio Cevasco, a technical writer, programmer and IT enthusiast. It features over a hundred "articles":/articles/ covering a wide range of topics, from programming to writing, productivity and even traveling. was created in 2004 by Fabio Cevasco, a technical writer, programmer and IT enthusiast. It features over a hundred [articles](/articles/) covering a wide range of topics, from programming to writing, productivity and even traveling. Currently, this site is fully static (minus a few AJAX calls) and is powered by the [HastySite]( static site generator and [LiteStore]( (for the archive search functionality).
A contents/articles/

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+----- +title: "Building my own static site generator" +subtitle: "Why using your own product really matters" +draft: true +content-type: article +timestamp: 1508087990 +----- + +It has been *over TWO years* since my [last article](/introducing-litestore/) on this site. I have been pretty busy with work and all and well... same old, same old. + +It's not that I didn't have time to write articles, it's a mixture of different things: + +* I've been neglecting this site, in favor of other projects. +* this site was running an old version of the [nanoc]( static site generator. +* ...that in turn was running on an old version of Ruby. +* ...and I am not really using Ruby anymore nowadays. + +I've always been fascinated by the [IndieWeb]( as a bold response to being subjugated by the proprietary web of Facebook, Google, Twitter et al. I am not a social user and I've never been one: I just can't wrap my head around the concept of essentially giving *my own creations* (content, in this case) to a corporation and to the whole world for free, without proper credit. + +I've owned my own web site since 2004, and I am a proud believer of essentially all the [IndieWeb Principles](, simply because they make logical sense to me, and in particular the one concerning [selfdogfooding]( — a horrible term for a very noble cause. + +So I decided to ditch nanoc — although there's nothing inherently wrong with it, and it is also an open source project — and build my own tools to publish content on the web. + +<hr /> + +### Choosing a technology stack + +I started programming with Turbo Pascal, then C, C++, Java, then I learnt PHP, then moved on to Ruby in the golden years of Ruby on Rails, meanwhile got briefly acquainted with Lisp, Scheme, Haskell, a bunch of esoteric programming languages like Io (see [this article](/articles/10-programming-languages/) for more). + +More recently, I started using Javascript (the *new* Javascript reborn in the 2010s, and more specifically its [good parts]( both in the browser and on the server, even at work. + +I personally do believe that Javascript is a very powerful and expressive language, but it has its shortcomings -- both in terms of the language itself and its ecosystem. More specifically, I cannot believe we now consider *normal* juggling thousands of third-party NPM packages to build almost anything using today's Javascript. People are [getting more and more pissed off]( about this, and maybe someday the whole NPM ecosystem will implode in itself... But this is another story really. + +Let's just say that I immediately discarded Javascript for this endeavor, not because unsuitable for the task (there are dozens of pretty decent Javascript static site generators already), but because I wanted to build something simpler to manage, in terms of dependencies and well... number of files. + +That's why I chose [Nim]( I have been using Nim on-and-off in my pet projects for years now, and it is a very productive language. And above all, it produces small, fast-as-C, and self-contained executable files for many different platforms. + +### Functionality + +So what are the key features a static site generator must have? + +At the very least, the following: + +- Generate HTML files from a lightweight markup language. +- Provide a way to manage content templates (and partial templates) for things like headers, footers, and so on. +- Provide a way to store page metadata, and ideally to build custom logic based on it. +- Providing an efficient way to manage assets, i.e. typically just copy them to the output folder. +- Provide ways to customize paths and content/asset routing. + +This is the bare minimum. Then you could also want support for CSS preprocessors, themes, JavaScript minification, content reuse and more. + +#### Markdown Processing + +When it comes to picking a lightweight markup language, Markdown is a solid choice. It is readable and it comes in many flavors that provide just about anything you’d need to write an article. + +A while back I created [HastyScribe](, a fast Markdown processor based on Discount. It may not be the most standard flavor of Markdown, but it is probably one of the most feature-rich — besides standard Markdown features and what is already supported by Discount, HastyScribe also provides support for: + +- Content snippets +- Transclusion of other Markdown files +- Simple substitution macros +- Custom fields + +Those features essentially provide a very high degree of content reuse; not everyone needs them, but they are very useful for certain kinds of web sites and when authoring technical reference documentation. + +HastyScribe is also written in Nim, which makes it ideal for this project. + +### Mustache Template Engine + +Like with lightweight markup languages, there are tons of different template engines out there. Some can be used together with code, Other are logic-less... Mustache is one of the oldest logic-less template engine, often emulated and improved upon.