all repos — h3rald @ 59ba8fdd5f92d6a291511472e223317489581c20

The sources of

Minor updates
Fabio Cevasco
Sat, 15 Oct 2011 22:35:20 +0300




1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

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M README.textileREADME.textile

@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ * *"nanoc":*, to generate the entire web site

* *"extlib":*, in some custom Rake tasks * *"bb-ruby":*, for the BBCode filter * *"builder":*, to create RSS and ATOM feeds -* *"haml":*, for the SASS filter +* *"sass":*, for the SASS filter * *"coderay":*, for syntax highlighting * *"glyph":*, for the Glyph filter -Additionally, the following gems were necessary to migrate from the previous version of this web site, powered by "Typo": +Additionally, the following gems were necessary to migrate from the previous version of this web site, powered by the Typo blogging engine: * *"mysql":* * *"sequel":*

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ Special thanks to the following people, who made this web site possible:

* "Denis Defreyne":, for creating the wonderful "nanoc": site publishing system. * "David J.Perry":, who designed the "Cardo font": I used for the H3RALD logo and the navigation buttons. -* The creators of the free "Gentium": font, used throughout the web site. +* The creators of the free "Crimson Text": font, used throughout the web site.