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Started writing 10 more prog langs article.
Sun, 09 Dec 2018 20:20:33 +0100




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--primary-background: #fefefe; --secondary-background: #f5f5f5; - --success-color: #005E23; - --warning-color: #C97D05; - --error-color: #da3c3c; + --success-color: #00B918; + --warning-color: #FFAF00; + --error-color: #DB141A; }
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+----- +id: 10-more-programming-languages +title: "10 more programming languages worth checking out" +subtitle: "Another look at 10 non-mainstream programming languages, 10 years later" +content-type: article +timestamp: 1544374221 +----- + +It has been exactly 10 years today since I published my [10 programming languages worth checking out](/articles/10-programming-languages) article on this web site. + +I thought about writing another similar article for a long time, but at first I couldn't think of additional non-mainstream languages worth checking out and then well, I simply forgot until I checked the date on the original article a few months ago, and that's when I decided that, after exactly 10 years, it was time. + +The following 10 sections are devoted to 10 different programming languages. They are not numbered and they are presented in alphabetical order, because there's no winner in this list. Also, the number of people actively using these languages varies quite a lot, but none of these can be considered, at the time of writing, a _mainstream_ programming language like JavaScript, C, C++, Python or Ruby. + +<hr /> + + +### Elixir + +#### To get you started... + +* [Official Web Site]( + +### Go + +#### To get you started... + +### Julia + +#### To get you started... + +### Kotlin + +#### To get you started... + +### Luna + +I rediscovered a bookmark to the web site of the Luna programming language in my [-proglangs]( Pinboard tag recently, and after reading more about it I decided to include it in this list because, unlike any other languages listed here, it provides _both_ a textual and a visual representation, and each can be used interchangeably to create Luna programs. + +Having multiple representations for the _model_ of a programming language is a very powerful concept, but it is not applied very often (and to such an extent) in mainstream programming languages. It is quite a cool concept nonetheless. + +I highly recommend giving Luna a try but downloading an installer for your operating system from Luna's home page. It will install Luna Studio, an [Atom]( editor that can be used to create and run Luna programs. + +#### To get you started... + +* [Official Web Site]( +* [Reference Documentation]( +* [Official Blog]( + +### Nim + +Nim is the only language in this list that is also present in the [original article](/articles/10-programming-languages), but under the name _Nimrod_. The language indeed changed name over the years to _Nim_ because apparently _Nimrod_ in the US means _idiot_ or something... Anyhow, after 10 years, the Nim programming language hasn't reached version 1.0 yet, but according to the core team we are apparently _very close_. + +Although currently at version 0.19.0, Nim is quite stable and can be used in production as quite an efficient system programming language that compiles to C. You may want to watch out for deprecations between one release and the other, but I've been using it for the last... _10 years_ and it has been a remarkable experience. I use Nim in my spare time in quite a few pet projects, such as: + +* [LiteStore](/litestore/) &mdash; A lightweight, self-contained, searchable document store. +* [min](/min/) &mdash; A small concatenative programming language that sneakily found its way into this article after all... +* [HastyScribe](/hastyscribe/) &mdash; An advanced markdown compiler able to generate self-contained HTML files. +* [HastySite](/hastysite/) &mdash; The static site generator powered by HastyScribe and min that currently powers this web site. +* [Nifty](/nifty/) &mdash; A pseudo-package manager and script runner used to build nearly all the other projects. +* [NimHTTPD](/nimhttpd/) &mdash; A simple web server for serving static files. + +#### To get you started... + +* [Official Web Site]( + +### Rust + +#### To get you started... + +### Swift + +#### To get you started... + +### Wren + +#### To get you started... + +### Zig + +#### To get you started... +
M contents/h3rald.htmlcontents/h3rald.html

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active: true home: /h3rald/ summary: "This very web site, in its 9th incarnation. has been operative since 2004 and through the years its backend changed from being pure vanilla HTML, to server-side PHP (Prado and CakePHP) to Ruby (Rails, Nanoc), and finally Nim (HastySite)." -version: 9.1.0 +version: 9.2.0 ----- <p>The domain was bought in March 2004 and since than has always been my home on the Internet. Through the years, a total of 9 major versions of this web site has been released, each featuring some change in the backend.</p> <p>Currently, this site is fully static (minus a few AJAX calls) and is powered by my very own static site generator, HastySite (soon to be released) and by <a href="/litestore/">LiteStore</a> (for the archive search functionality).</p>
M contents/min.mdcontents/

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ summary: "A functional, concatenative programming language with a minimalist syntax, a small but practical standard library, and an advanced REPL. All packed in about 1MB."

content-type: project active: true download: "" -version: 0.19.2 +version: 0.19.3 docs: /min/Min_DeveloperGuide.htm -----