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Tue, 15 Sep 2009 16:04:21 +0200




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+----- +:type: article +:tags: +- website +- ruby +- programming +- vim +- writing +- opensource +:date: 2009-09-15 13:32:51.049000 +02:00 +:permalink: creating-smart-static-sites-with-nanoc +:title: "Creating Smart Static Sites with Nanoc" +:toc: true +----- + +Back in 2004, when I bought the domain, this site was static. At the time I hardly knew HTML and CSS, nevermind server-side languages, so I remember creating a _pseudo-template_ for the web site layout and using it whenever I wanted to create a new page, to preserve the overall look-and-feel. This was a crude and inefficient strategy, of course: whenever I changed the layout I had to replicate the change in all the pages of the site – the whole eight of them. + +Five years later, after rebuilding this web site "seven times":/h3rald/ using different backends (PHP + CakePHP, Ruby + Rails +Typo, etc.), I decided to make it static again, this time with a twist. It all started when I read a "post": by Tom Preston-Warned that I finally decided to give it a try, and today, the 8th release of this web site is 100% static: if you load any page, there's no server-side interpretation going on, you're just browsing a plain HTML page, at most with a few AJAX calls. But let's start from the beginning. + +h3. How your blog works + +If you're using WordPress, MovableType, Typo, Mephisto, or whatever blogging platform you want, your site is _dynamic_. Somewhere there's always some server-side code which is interpreted when the page is loaded and produces HTML code dyamically: a list of your latest blog posts, their tags, the content of the posts itself. + +Actually this is not exactly how it works: there's always some _caching_ behind the scenes: once your server-side code produces a list of blog post, this list isn't going to change until you write a new post, so it wouldn't make much sense to create the _same_ list _every_ the page is loaded by _anyone_ visiting the site, right? If you write a popular article and get slashdotted/dugg/reddited your web server would probably die altogether. + +Caching can be client-side or server-side. Client-side caching is managed internally by any (modern) web browser: when you load a page, browser can keep a copy of that page to avoid re-requesting it from the server a second time. + +A more radical approach involves server-side caching, which is almost ubiquitous to all Rails-powered blogging engines, including "Typo": The first time _someone_ request page A, a _permanent_ static copy of the page is made, so every time someone else requests the same page the copy will be fetched instead, thus avoiding the web server to re-interpret it. Of course this means that your application must be able to figure out and how long to keep cached copies on the server which parts of a page to cache, but Rails can (almost) do this for you. + +If you allow me to simplify this process in one sentence, if you're using a blogging platform it all ultimately leads to producing static web pages, with some dynamic/interactive bits. Objectively, the only thing which can't be cached or automated in some way is **comments**. + +h3. Introducing Site _Compilers_ + +The first _site compiler_ I discovered was "Webby": + +bq. [...] Webby works by combining the contents of a page with a layout to produce HTML. The layout contains everything common to all the pages — HTML headers, navigation menu, footer, etc. — and the page contains just the information for that page. You can use your favorite markup language to write your pages; Webby supports quite a few. + +There are quite a few applications like Webby, such as: +* "nanoc": +* "rassmalog": +* "Jeckyll": +* "WebGen": +* "rog": +* "Rote": +* "hobix": +* "RakeWeb": +* "RubyFrontier": +* "StaticMatic": +* "StaticWeb": +* "ZenWeb": +* "YurtCMS": +* "NanoBlogger": + +There are probably even more, with different features, but they all try to solve the same problem: provide a way to generate static web sites in an automated way. + +h3. Choosing the right tool for your needs + + + +h3. Migrating from your blogging platform + + +h3. Using metadata + + +h3. Integrating 3rd-party services + + +h3. Conclusion + + +h4. Advantages + + +h4. Disadvantages