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M contents/articles/twenty-years.mdcontents/articles/

@@ -87,41 +87,33 @@ I was then approached by not one but two different publishers to write a book about it! Eventually, I [signed a book deal with Peachpit/New Riders/Pearson](/articles/40) for what would have become the first, official book about CakePHP. _Official_ because it was supposed to be co-authored with Larry E. Masters and Garret J. Woodworth, the creators of the framework, who were supposed to provide all the code snippets to go in the book.

The book is still _currently not available_ right now on [Amazon Italy](, [Amazon India](, and [Amazon Japan]( but no point in waiting because (after 18 years) it will never be released. It has a cover, an ISBN number and all... but it never happened. -To this day, people who happen to Google my name eventually end up on one of those pages and then ask me about that book that I never wrote. Why? Because well, the CakePHP Foundation never hold up their part of the deal and never provided the code examples for the book. To this day, I would really like to go back in time and slap my cocky 23-year-old self real hard and shout _WRITE THOSE F**KING CODE EXAMPLES AND GET THIS DONE, YOU IDIOT!_. +To this day, people who happen to Google my name eventually end up on one of those pages and then ask me about that book that I never wrote. Why? Because well, the CakePHP Foundation never hold up their part of the deal and never provided the code examples for the book. To this day, I would really like to go back in time and slap my cocky 23-year-old self real hard and shout _write those damn code examples yourself and get it done, you idiot!_ -Talk about regrets. Having your name associated with a failed book is probably the worst thing that can happen to a wannabe published author. What's worse, is that when the book was [canceled](/articles/42), a lot of drama followed (I wrote not [one](/articles/43), but [two](/articles/too-many-cooks-take-2) and even [three](/articles/too-many-cooks-take-3) posts about it)!). +Talk about regrets. Having your name associated with a failed book is probably the worst thing that can happen to a wannabe published author. What's worse, is that when the book was [canceled](/articles/42), a lot of drama followed (I wrote not [one](/articles/43), but [two](/articles/too-many-cooks-take-2) and then even [three](/articles/too-many-cooks-take-3) posts about it)!). -Rationalizing what went down nearly twenty years later, I just started my full time permanent job in the same company I am still working for now, and Larry and Garret... well, they had a framework to run and probably their own crap going on. No biggie. +If I try to rationalize what went down now, nearly twenty years later, I'd say that both parties had other crap going on: I had just started my first permanent job at an important company, and Larry and Garret just had a web framework to nurture, and one that was getting really popular really quickly. -CakePHP +One of the few good things that came out from that period was a [popular article](/articles/rails-inspired-php-frameworks) on my web site that got [featured on the Digg homepage](/articles/25). What is Digg, you ask? Well, let's see... Digg was something similar to Hacker News today, but probably worse. Ah, the fun times... -- /articles/rails-inspired-php-frameworks/ -- /articles/25 (digg effect) +Anyhow, that failed book really left a scar: I was truly pissed. So pissed that I decided it was time to move on and learn that cool programming language everyone was raving about... -Technology & random stuff +### Ruby -- -- /articles/ -- /articles/google-apps-for-your-domain -- /articles/tweaking-windows-explorer -- /articles/the-internet-philosopher +Now talk about a healthier ecosystem with less drama! Kidding... but yes, I did enjoy my time with the Ruby community. I also felt I was learning a *proper* programming language, not something that was frowned upon like PHP. + +With Ruby, I moved my very first steps in the world of open source software, by releasing a few (probably very mediocre) software projects into the wild. You can still find them in the [projects](/projects) sections, by the way: I am talking about RedBook, Rawline, and Concatenative. + +The Ruby ecosystem was full of living legends at the time. Names like the godlike DHH, creator of Rails, Zed Shaw the rockstar developer, Obie Fernandez, and of course _why the lucky stiff. Ruby made me discover the true joy of programming, of feeling like you are creating something useful that behaves exactly like you want it. + +I miss those days, I think younger generations are not as lucky. There's too much pressure today, kids want to learn programming just to land a cool and hopefully high-paid job... back then it was all about the fun of creating and learning new things... or maybe I was just younger. -Reviews +- /articles/hlrb-review +- /articles/the-rails-way-review +- /articles/the-rails3-way-review -- -- -- netvibes -- akelos framework -- /articles/38 akelos details -- -- /articles/textlinkads_sidebar_v01 -- -- -- Personal -- - /articles/20 (vittorio cevasco) - /articles/12 (job) - /articles/9 (riddle job)

@@ -130,13 +122,6 @@ - /articles/incomplete-guide-to-london

- /articles/11-07-2009 -Ruby - -- /articles/introducing-redbook -- /articles/10-reasons-to-learn-ruby -- /articles/hlrb-review -- /articles/the-rails-way-review -- /articles/the-rails3-way-review Recent articles