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@@ -7,16 +7,6 @@ was created in 2004 by Fabio Cevasco, a technical writer, programmer and IT enthusiast. It features over a hundred "articles":/archives/ covering a wide range of topics, from programming to writing, productivity and traveling.

As of version 8, is a completely static web site, except for a few AJAX calls. All the files are generated automatically thanks to the "nanoc": publishing system, an ingenious creation of "Denis Defreyne": Nanoc can be used to easily create static web sites using Ruby, as explained in "this article": - -h3. Licensing - -The "articles":/archives/ and all the content published on this web site is licensed under the _Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License_. For other uses, please "contact us":/contact/. - -<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" src="" /></a> - -The source code of this web site, such as its layout, SASS/CSS stylesheets, custom rake tasks and code is licensed under the terms of the <em><a href="">MIT License</a></em> and it is available on "GitHub": - - h3. Requirements The following ruby libraries (gems) are used to compile this web site:

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Additionally, the following gems were necessary to migrate from the previous version of this web site, powered by "Typo": * "MySQL": * "Sequel": - - -h3. Credits - -Special thanks to the following people, who made this web site possible: - -* "Denis Defreyne":, creator of the exceptional "nanoc": site publishing system. -* "David J. Perry":, who designed the "Cardo": font I used for the H3RALD logo. -* The creators of the "Ubuntu": font, used throughout the web site. -* "Mark Otto": and "fat-kun":, creators of the awesome "Bootstrap": framework. -* "Dave Gandy":, designer of the "FontAwesome": icon set.
M content/archives.erbcontent/archives.erb

@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ <div class="container article-aggregation">

<% c = 0 articles_by_month.each do |m| c = c+1 %> - <%= %{<div class="row">} if c%6 == 1 %> - <div class="col-md-2"><%= month_link_with_count(m[0], m[1].length) %></div> - <%= "</div>" if c%6 == 0 %> + <%= %{<div class="row">} if c%4 == 1 %> + <div class="col-md-3"><%= month_link_with_count(m[0], m[1].length) %></div> + <%= "</div>" if c%4 == 0 %> <% end %></div> </div>
A content/fonts/h3rald-svg.svg

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3.2v9.6c0 0.666-0.14 1.559-0.64 2.56-0.5 0.999-1.534 1.279-3.2 1.28h-250.88c-2.333-0.001-3.2-1.174-3.2-3.84v-9.6c0-2.667 1.173-3.841 3.84-3.84 11.333-0.667 21.387-2.147 30.72-4.48 9.333-2.334 17.653-6.047 24.32-10.88 6.667-4.834 11.693-10.894 15.36-18.56 3.667-7.667 5.76-17.467 5.76-28.8v-533.12c0-16-2.82-29.067-8.32-38.4s-13.093-16.12-21.76-21.12c-8.667-5-17.66-8.74-28.16-10.24-10.5-1.5-21.027-1.92-31.36-1.92-1.667 0-2.7-0.28-3.2-1.28-0.5-1-1.28-1.893-1.28-2.56v-12.16c0-0.667 0.78-1.56 1.28-2.56s1.533-1.28 3.2-1.28h275.84c1.666 0 2.866 0.28 3.2 1.28 0.333 1 0 1.893 0 2.56v12.16c0 0.667 0.333 1.56 0 2.56-0.334 1-1.84 1.28-3.84 1.28-11.334 0-21.974 1.2-32.64 3.2-10.667 2-20.634 4.933-28.8 9.6-8.167 4.667-14.2 10.893-19.2 18.56-5 7.667-7.68 17.467-7.68 28.8v243.2c0 3.333 0.28 5.4 1.28 6.4s3.066 1.92 6.4 1.92h394.24c3.333 0 5.399-0.92 6.4-1.92 0.999-1 1.279-3.067 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0-21.601-4.2-41.361-12.8-60.16-8.6-18.801-19.68-36.521-33.28-53.12-13.6-16.601-29.28-32.361-46.080-47.36-16.8-15-33.52-29.28-49.92-42.88-1.6-1.6-4.080-4.24-7.68-7.040-3.6-2.8-7.28-5.32-10.88-8.32-3.6-3-6.36-5.72-8.96-8.32-2.6-2.6-3.84-4.8-3.84-6.4 0-3.2 1.040-6.4 3.84-9.6 2.8-3.2 5.92-5.12 8.32-5.12 1.2 0 1.76 0.72 2.56 1.92 4 5.2 9.44 10.080 16.64 14.080 7.2 4 15.24 7 23.040 9.6 7.8 2.6 15.2 4.56 22.4 5.76 7.2 1.2 13.12 1.92 17.92 1.92 17.6 0 35.080-3.64 52.48-10.24 17.4-6.6 32.92-16.52 46.72-30.72 13.8-14.2 25.32-33.080 33.92-55.68 8.6-22.6 12.8-49.68 12.8-81.28 0-26-4.36-52.16-12.16-79.36-7.8-27.2-18.72-52.28-33.92-74.88-15.2-22.6-34.12-41.76-56.32-56.96-22.2-15.2-47.76-23.36-76.16-24.96-16.4 0-31.68 2.68-46.080 7.68-14.4 5-27.72 10.72-40.32 17.92-12.6 7.2-24.84 15.28-35.84 23.68-11 8.4-20.88 15.84-30.080 23.040-9.2 7.2-17.36 13.76-24.96 18.56-7.6 4.8-14.24 7.040-19.84 7.040-12.8 0-24.36-2.96-34.56-8.96-10.2-6-15.36-16.56-15.36-31.36 4-14 10.2-25.84 19.2-35.84 9-10 20.24-18.6 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51.026-11.52 79.36-11.52 5.666 0 9.493 0.893 12.16 2.56 2.666 1.667 4.479 5.24 4.48 10.24-0.001 1.667-0.781 2.673-1.28 3.84-0.501 1.167-1.814 2.533-4.48 3.2-22.001 8.667-42.161 20.813-60.16 36.48-18.001 15.667-33.414 34.040-46.080 55.040l-151.040 247.040c17 7.666 32.22 16.573 46.72 26.24 14.499 9.666 27.259 20.613 37.76 33.28 10.499 12.666 18.959 27.353 24.96 43.52 5.999 16.166 8.959 34.373 8.96 55.040-0.001 28.999-5.807 55.973-16.64 80.64-10.834 24.666-25.327 46.306-44.16 64.64-18.834 18.333-41.227 32.519-66.56 43.52-25.334 10.999-51.974 17.839-80.64 19.84h-50.56zM3427.84 890.24c-22.5-0.001-43.387-0.614-62.72-1.28l-160-3.2h-11.52c-2-0.001-2.867-0.754-3.2-1.92-0.333-1.167-0.64-2.227-0.64-2.56v-14.080c0-0.334 0.307-0.754 0.64-1.92 0.333-1.167 1.2-1.921 3.2-1.92h32c7.333-0.001 15.347-1.201 23.68-3.2 8.333-2.001 16.207-5.101 23.040-9.6 6.833-4.501 12.14-10.114 16.64-17.28 4.5-7.167 7.040-15.907 7.040-26.24v-547.84c0-13.667-3.407-24.807-10.24-32.64-6.833-7.833-15.293-13.447-24.96-17.28-9.667-3.833-19.747-6.207-30.080-7.040-10.333-0.833-18.6-1.28-25.6-1.28h-11.52c-2 0-2.867-0.753-3.2-1.92-0.333-1.167-0.64-1.587-0.64-1.92v-14.080c0-0.333 0.307-1.393 0.64-2.56 0.333-1.167 1.2-1.28 3.2-1.28h364.8c34.666 0 68.12 3.993 101.12 12.16 32.999 8.167 64.746 19.393 94.080 34.56 29.333 15.167 56.14 33.847 80.64 55.68 24.499 21.833 45.526 46.433 63.36 73.6 17.833 27.166 31.599 56.793 41.6 88.96 9.999 32.166 15.359 66.4 15.36 102.4-0.001 37.333-6.674 73.773-19.84 109.44-13.167 35.666-31.234 67.946-54.4 97.28-23.167 29.333-50.727 54.213-82.56 74.88-31.834 20.666-66.68 35.213-103.68 42.88-19.334 3.999-36.814 7.266-52.48 9.6-15.667 2.333-30.747 4.259-46.080 5.76-15.334 1.499-31.334 2.059-48 2.56-16.667 0.499-35.96 1.279-56.96 1.28-19.334-0.001-40.22-0.001-62.72 0zM2121.6 883.84c-1.334-0.001-1.92-0.894-1.92-2.56 0-1.667 1.366-4.181 3.2-7.68 1.833-3.501 2.56-6.627 2.56-8.96 0-0.667-0.474-1.254-0.64-1.92l-204.16-590.72c-5.667-16.667-12.787-29.54-21.12-39.040-8.333-9.5-16.767-16.927-25.6-21.76-8.833-4.833-17.1-8.1-25.6-9.6-8.5-1.5-16.067-2.227-22.4-2.56-2.667 0-3.84-1.173-3.84-3.84v-12.16c0-2.667 1.173-3.84 3.84-3.84h255.36c1.666 0 2.7 0.28 3.2 1.28s0.64 1.893 0.64 2.56v12.16c0 0.667-0.14 1.56-0.64 2.56s-1.534 1.28-3.2 1.28h-12.8c-7.667 0-16.407 0.587-26.24 1.92-9.834 1.333-19.467 3.873-28.8 7.040-9.334 3.167-17.794 7.3-24.96 12.8-7.167 5.5-12.054 12.147-14.72 20.48-0.667 1.667-0.64 3.147-0.64 4.48 0 1.333 0 2.813 0 4.48l74.88 219.52c0 0.333 0.113 2.146 1.28 4.48 1.166 2.333 3.12 4.066 5.12 6.4 2 2.333 4.68 5.040 7.68 7.040 3 2 6.546 2.56 10.88 2.56h177.28c4 0 7.406-0.56 10.24-2.56 2.833-2 5.206-4.54 7.040-7.040 1.833-2.5 3.006-4.707 3.84-7.040 0.833-2.334 1.586-3.814 1.92-4.48l75.52-213.12c0.666-2.667 1.279-5.040 1.28-7.040-0.001-8.333-2.707-15.453-7.040-21.12-4.334-5.667-9.334-9.94-16-13.44-6.667-3.5-14.234-6.487-22.4-8.32-8.167-1.833-16.321-3.007-24.32-3.84-8.001-0.833-15.567-1.587-22.4-1.92-6.834-0.333-11.694-0.307-15.36-0.64-0.667 0-1.867-0.473-3.2-0.64-1.334-0.167-2.507 0-3.84 0-1.667 0-2.7-0.28-3.2-1.28-0.5-1-1.28-1.893-1.28-2.56v-12.16c0-0.667 0.78-1.56 1.28-2.56s1.533-1.28 3.2-1.28h305.92c1.666 0 2.699 0.28 3.2 1.28 0.499 1 0.639 1.893 0.64 2.56v11.52c-0.001 1-0.141 2.2-0.64 3.2-0.501 1-1.534 1.28-3.2 1.28-7.334 0-15.041 1.173-23.040 3.84-8.001 2.667-14.534 5.347-19.2 7.68-10.667 4.333-18.961 8.913-24.96 14.080-6.001 5.167-11.054 11.113-14.72 17.28-3.667 6.167-6.767 12.507-9.6 19.84-2.834 7.333-6.214 15.96-10.88 24.96l-211.84 593.28c-0.667 1.666-1.394 2.866-2.56 3.2-1.167 0.333-1.894 0.306-2.56 0.64h-100.48zM2576 883.84c-0.542-0.25-1.030-0.78-1.28-1.28-0.5-1.001-0.64-1.894-0.64-2.56v-12.16c0-0.334 0.14-0.754 0.64-1.92 0.5-1.167 1.533-1.921 3.2-1.92h10.88c6.667-0.001 15.713-0.894 26.88-2.56 11.167-1.667 21.807-4.461 32.64-8.96 10.833-4.501 20.327-10.894 28.16-18.56 7.833-7.667 11.52-17.441 11.52-29.44v-529.28c0-13-2.653-24.7-8.32-35.2-5.667-10.5-13.933-18.933-25.6-25.6-5.333-3-12.173-5.68-19.84-7.68-7.667-2-15.233-3.313-22.4-4.48-7.167-1.167-13.060-2.060-18.56-2.56-5.5-0.5-9.24-0.64-10.24-0.64h-11.52c-2 0-3.507-0.28-3.84-1.28s-0.64-1.893-0.64-2.56v-12.16c0-0.667 0.78-1.56 1.28-2.56s1.533-1.28 3.2-1.28h504.32c2.333 0 4.093 0.893 5.76 2.56 1.666 1.667 3.146 3.733 4.48 6.4l75.52 147.84c0.999 2 1.92 3.76 1.92 5.76-0.001 4.333-1.787 6.4-5.12 6.4-1.667 0-3.62-0.28-5.12-1.28-1.501-1-2.814-2.2-4.48-3.2-3.667-3-7.8-7.887-12.8-14.72-5.001-6.833-10.947-14.373-17.28-23.040-6.334-8.667-13.454-17.547-21.12-26.88-7.667-9.333-15.96-17.767-24.96-25.6-9.001-7.833-18.3-14.2-28.8-19.2-10.501-5-21.614-7.68-33.28-7.68h-197.76c-6.667 0-12.587 2.68-17.92 7.68-5.334 5-8.293 10.333-8.96 16v554.24c0 14.999 1.033 25.833 3.2 32 2.166 6.166 7.053 10.133 14.72 12.8 10 3.666 23.040 7.239 39.040 10.24 16 2.999 33.173 4.479 51.84 4.48h21.76c1.666-0.001 2.7 0.279 3.2 1.28 0.5 0.999 0.64 1.893 0.64 2.56v12.16c0 0.666-0.14 1.559-0.64 2.56-0.5 0.999-1.534 1.279-3.2 1.28h-338.56c-0.833 0-1.378 0.25-1.92 0zM3406.080 866.56h135.68c47-0.001 89.693-8.601 127.36-25.6 37.666-17.001 69.499-40.261 96-69.76 26.499-29.501 47.106-64.487 61.44-104.32 14.333-39.834 21.119-82.64 21.12-128.64-0.001-52.334-8.014-99.3-23.68-140.8-15.667-41.5-37.7-76.6-67.2-105.6-29.501-29-65.354-51.227-107.52-66.56-42.167-15.333-90.027-23.040-143.36-23.040-15 0-29.213 0.307-42.88 0.64-13.667 0.333-25.674 1.98-35.84 4.48-10.167 2.5-18.153 6.187-24.32 11.52-6.167 5.333-9.6 12.733-9.6 22.4v611.84c0 4.666 0.893 8.073 2.56 10.24 1.666 2.166 5.24 3.199 10.24 3.2zM1381.12 865.92c4 0.166 8.133-0.001 12.8 0 24.666-0.001 47.786-4.021 69.12-11.52 21.333-7.501 39.373-18.141 55.040-32.64 15.666-14.501 28.12-32.427 37.12-53.76 9-21.334 13.44-45.627 13.44-72.96 0-26.334-2.794-49.874-8.96-71.040-6.167-21.167-16.554-39.094-30.72-53.76-14.167-14.667-32.847-26.56-55.68-34.56-22.834-8-50.2-11.52-83.2-11.52-5.334 0-11.14-0.334-16.64 0-5.5 0.333-10.694 0.946-15.36 1.28-4.667 0.333-8.66 0.946-12.16 1.28-3.5 0.333-5.707 0-7.040 0-3.667 0.333-5.874 1.673-7.040 3.84-1.167 2.166-2.227 5.013-2.56 7.68l-1.28 14.72v302.72c0 3.666 1.953 6.206 5.12 7.040 3.166 0.833 5.68 1.279 7.68 1.28 5.666 0.333 10.86 0.473 15.36 0.64 4.5 0.166 8.8 0.473 12.8 0.64 4 0.166 8.16 0.473 12.16 0.64zM2158.080 780.8c1.666-0.001 4.346-4.441 7.68-13.44l74.24-204.8c0.666-1.667 1.586-3.147 1.92-4.48 0.333-1.334 0.64-2.814 0.64-4.48 0-2-0.754-3.62-1.92-5.12-1.167-1.5-3.374-2.56-7.040-2.56h-147.84c-3 0-4.76 0.753-5.76 1.92-1 1.166-1.92 2.48-1.92 4.48 0 1.666 0.306 3.453 0.64 5.12 0.333 1.666 0.613 3.453 1.28 5.12l70.4 204.16c1.666 4.333 2.84 7.739 3.84 10.24 1 2.499 2.173 3.839 3.84 3.84z" horiz-adv-x="3947" /> +</font></defs></svg>
A content/styles/_h3rald.scss

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@

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M content/styles/style.scsscontent/styles/style.scss

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ @import "_vendor.scss";

@import "_coderay.scss"; @import "_github.scss"; @import "_font-awesome.scss"; +@import "_h3rald.scss"; /* Bootstrap Overrides */

@@ -12,6 +13,16 @@ @media (min-width: 768px) {

body { padding-top: 60px; } + .navbar-form .input-group { + float: right; + width: 350px; + } +} +@media (max-width: 991px) { + .navbar-form .input-group { + float: right; + width: 180px; + } } @media ( max-width : 767px) {

@@ -23,12 +34,63 @@ position: relative;

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@@ -90,17 +152,48 @@ @extend .table-striped;

@extend .table-bordered; } -/* Other Elements */ +html, body { + height: 100%; +} ul{ - list-style-type: none; - margin: 20px 0; -} ul li { - margin: 10px 0; +footer { + .container { + -webkit-opacity: 0.6; + opacity: 0.4; + } + font-size: 12px; + + .copyright { + text-align: center; + margin: auto; + } + + h1 { + color: #fff; + } + + .contact-list ul { + list-style-type: none; + } + .license-logo { + text-align: center; + margin: 15px auto; + } +} + +footer .container:hover { + -webkit-opacity: 0.8; + opacity: 0.8; } +footer .container { + -webkit-transition: -webkit-opacity 0.3s ease-out; + -moz-transition: opacity 0.3s ease-out; + -o-transition: opacity 0.3s ease-out; + transition: opacity 0.3s ease-out; +} + .article-aggregation { margin: 20px 0; }

@@ -119,11 +212,6 @@ font-style: italic;

text-align: right; font-size: 130%; color: #555; -} - -footer { - margin: auto; - text-align: center; } #header-row {

@@ -160,7 +248,7 @@

#main-content > article h1 { line-height: 1em; font-size: 1.6em; - font-weight: 400; + font-weight: 300; } #main-content > article h2 { margin-top: 0;

@@ -174,13 +262,13 @@ > header h1 {

font-size: 2em; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; - font-weight: 400; + font-weight: 300; } #secondary-content > article h1{ line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 1.3em; - font-weight: 400; + font-weight: 300; } #secondary-content > article h2{

@@ -192,6 +280,7 @@ font-weight: 300;

} #body-text section header h1, +footer h1, #body-text h2 { font-size: 1.8em; }
M content/tags.erbcontent/tags.erb

@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ <div class="container article-aggregation">

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M layouts/default.erblayouts/default.erb

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A layouts/footer.erb

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@

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M layouts/header.erblayouts/header.erb

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ else

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