all repos — h3rald @ 062a1eb1ce3cfe76d20d00fd9211cc5234f08323

The sources of

Glyph-related fixes; other minor bug fixes.
Sat, 12 May 2012 22:41:12 +0200




A .gitignore

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+output/* +.sass-cache/* +tmp/*
M content/articles/glyph-050-released.glyphcontent/articles/glyph-050-released.glyph

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Additionally, it also features enhanced content reuse through fragments and output-independent macros, and a few bugfixes.

----- $[document.intro] -§[ +section[ @title[Calibre Integration] txt[ =>[|Tammy Cravit] proposed (and more or less implemented) an interesting new feature: integrate =>[|Calibre] to generate ebooks in EPUB and MOBI format from Glyph's native standalone HTML output format.

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@

Although the support is still somewhat rough, you can, as a matter of fact, generate ebooks with Glyph, using Calibre. ] ] -§[ +section[ @title[Macro Composition] txt[ This release features an update at syntax-level: the possibility of "composing" macros, thereby eliminating nesting provided that containers take only one parameter and no attributes. What? This:

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@

Additionally, I used this features to create an @xml@ macro dispatcher that can be used to render raw XML tags, and an @s@ macro dispatcher that basically is able to call nearly all the instance methods of the Ruby String class. So you can write things like code[=s/sub[This feature makes my life easier\|/my/\|your]=] and similar. ] ] -§[ +section[ @title[Turing-Completeness] txt[ As of this version, Glyph can be considered _Turing-complete_, as it satisfies the following =>[|requirements for Turing-completeness]:

@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ ]

=] p[Handy enough.] ] -§[ +section[ @title[Embeddable fragments] txt[ Too lazy to create snippets? Feel the urge to re-use something you already wrote somewhere? Use a _fragment_ and embed it, as follows:
M content/articles/h3rald-81.glyphcontent/articles/h3rald-81.glyph

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ I made a point out of improving the old stylesheet to make the site easier to read and generally prettier. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but still, I think the new stylesheet brings some improvements, especially concerning text (the "Gentium": font is used throughout the site) and syntax highlighting.

Moreover, I worked on streamlining navigations across different sections of the site, in particular on article pages: -!=/img/pictures/h3rald_81_article.png! +!=\/$[site.root]/img/pictures/h3rald_81_article.png! ] ] section[
M content/articles/making-it-big-in-software.glyphcontent/articles/making-it-big-in-software.glyph

@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ :pdf: true

:title: "Book Review: Making it Big in Software" ----- $[document.intro] +&:[img-path|$[site.root]/img/pictures/books] txt[ -image[@class[right]/img/pictures/books/making-it-big.jpg] +image[@class[right]&[img-path]/making-it-big.jpg] The 17 exclusive interviews with software gurus, visionaries, minor and major deities of the IT world are definitely worth the 24.99$ this book costs _on their own_. This was one of the major selling points of the book itself (as the merry-looking pictures of Marissa Mayer, James Gosling, Steve Wozniak and John Schwarz on the cover suggest), but far from being the only one. The interviews are strategically placed throughout the book, as supporting material for the author's advice: if you don't believe him, you will believe those who _made it_. Anyhow, let's say something about the book itself, shall we? _Making it Big with Software_ is divided into three parts:
M content/articles/reflections-on-management.glyphcontent/articles/reflections-on-management.glyph

@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ You're on a project and it's headeing south. While everubody is trying their hardest, and you're doing your level best to help, you can feel it in your bones: the project is doomed to fail. What can you do? You have three choices.

# Keep plugging away and hope things will improve. # Look for another job. # Try to fix the problems. + ] That's right. Look for another job. That almost made me laugh, but it made me understand that in some extreme situation that may just be the best solution. ]
M layouts/page_meta.erblayouts/page_meta.erb

@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ -----

<% author = @item[:author] || "Fabio Cevasco" pdf = %{<a href="/articles/#{@item[:permalink]}.pdf"><img src="/images/icons/pdf.png" alt="PDF" /></a>} if @item[:pdf] - source_url = "{@item[:file].path}?iframe" + source_url = "{@item[:filename]}?iframe" # Not allowed anymore source = %{<a href="#{source_url}" class="fancybox"><img src="/images/icons/ruby.png" alt="SOURCE"/></a>} - tools = %{<span class="tools">#{source}#{pdf}</span>} + tools = %{<span class="tools">#{pdf}</span>} %><header> <hgroup> <h1><%= @item[:title] %></h1>
M lib/glyph_context.rblib/glyph_context.rb

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Glyph.debug_mode = true

Glyph.compile f.to_s begin f.unlink -\.glyph$/, '.html')).unlink +\.glyph$/, '.html')).unlink rescue end end