Moved seq docs.
Fri, 14 Apr 2017 13:59:35 +0200
3 files changed,
86 insertions(+),
89 deletions(-)
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ proc seq_module*(i: In)=
i.define() - .symbol("harvest") do (i: In): - discard - .symbol("concat") do (i: In): var q1, q2: MinValue i.reqTwoQuotations q1, q2
@@ -36,21 +36,6 @@ {#sig||#||quote-define#}
{#sig||=||quote-bind#} -{#op||all?||(2) (1)||B|| -Applies predicate {{1}} to each element of {{2}} and returns {{t}} if all elements of {{2}} satisfy predicate {{1}}. #} - -{#op||any?||(2) (1)||B|| -Applies predicate {{1}} to each element of {{2}} and returns {{t}} if at least one element of {{2}} satisfies predicate {{1}}. #} - -{#op||append||\* (1)||(\*)|| -Returns a new quotation containing the contents of {{1}} with {{any}} appended. #} - -{#op||apply||(1)||(\*)|| -Returns a new quotation {{q}} obtained by evaluating each element of {{1}} in a separate stack.#} - -{#op||at||(\*) I||\*|| -Returns the {{i}}^th element of {{q}}.#} - {#op||bind||\* §||{{null}}|| Binds the specified value (auto-quoted) to an existing symbol {{sl}}.#}@@ -76,12 +61,6 @@ > > ((< 3) ("Smaller than 3" put!))
> > ((true) ("Exactly 3" put!)) > > ) case #} -{#op||concat||(2) (1)||(\*)|| -Concatenates {{2}} with {{1}}. #} - -{#op||ddel||(D) §||(D')|| -Returns a copy of {{d}} without the element with key {{sl}}. #} - {#op||debug||{{null}}||{{null}}|| Toggles debug mode. #}@@ -94,43 +73,12 @@
{#op||delete||§||{{null}}|| Deletes the specified symbol {{sl}}.#} -{#op||dget||(D) §||\*|| -Returns the value of key {{sl}}. #} - -{#op||dhas?||(D) §||B|| -> Returns {{t}} if dictionary {{d}} contains the key {{sl}}. -> -> > %sidebar% -> > Example -> > -> > The following program returns {{t}}: -> > -> > ((a1 true) (a2 "aaa") (a3 false)) 'a2 dhas? - #} - -{#op||dset||(D) \* §||(D')|| -Sets the values of the {{sl}} of {{d}} to {{any}}, and return a modified copy of {{d}}. #} - {#op||eval||S||\*?|| Parses and interprets {{s}}. #} {#op||exit||{{null}}||{{null}}|| Exits the program or shell. #} -{#op||filter||(2) (1)||(\*)|| -> Returns a new quotation {{q}} containing all elements of {{2}} that satisfy predicate {{1}}. -> -> > %sidebar% -> > Example -> > -> > The following program returns [(2 6 8 12)](class:kwd): -> > -> > (1 37 34 2 6 8 12 21) -> > (dup 20 < swap even? and) filter #} - -{#op||first||(\*)||\*|| -Returns the first element of {{q}}. #} - {#op||foreach||(2) (1)||\*?|| Applies the quotation {{1}} to each element of {{2}}.#}@@ -155,12 +103,6 @@
{#op||import||§||{{null}}|| Imports the a previously-loaded module {{sl}}, defining all its symbols in the current scope. #} -{#op||in?||(\*) \*||B|| -Returns {{t}} if {{any}} is contained in {{q}}.#} - -{#op||keys||(D)||(S+)|| -Returns a quotation containing all the keys of dictionary {{d}}. #} - {#op||linrec||(4) (3) (2) (1)||\*?|| > Implements linear recursions as follows: >@@ -198,9 +140,6 @@ > > Note
> > > > The default logging level is _notice_.#} -{#op||map||(2) (1)||(\*)|| -Returns a new quotation {{q}} obtained by applying {{1}} to each element of {{2}}.#} - {#op||module||(\*) §||{{null}}|| Creates a new module {{sl}} based on quotation {{q}}. #}@@ -209,9 +148,6 @@ Returns a list of all sigils defined in module {{q}}.#}
{#op||module-symbols||(\*)||(S+)|| Returns a list of all symbols defined in module {{q}}.#} - -{#op||prepend||\* (\*)||(\*)|| -Returns a new quotation containing the contents of {{q}} with [\*](class:kwd) prepended. #} {#op||publish||§ (*)||{{null}}|| Publishes symbol {{sl}} to the scope of [(\*)](class:kwd).@@ -237,12 +173,6 @@
{#op||remove-symbol||§||{{null}}|| Removes the symbol {{sl}} from the [.min\_symbols](class:file) file. #} -{#op||rest||(\*)||(\*)|| -Returns a new quotation containing all elements of the input quotation except for the first. #} - -{#op||reverse||(1)||(\*)|| -Returns a new quotation {{q}} containing all elements of {{1}} in reverse order. #} - {#op||save-symbol||§||{{null}}|| Saves the contents of symbol {{sl}} to the [.min\_symbols](class:file) file. #}@@ -251,19 +181,6 @@ Seals symbol {{sl}}, so that it cannot be re-assigned. #}
{#op||sigils||{{null}}||(S+)|| Returns a list of all sigils defined in the [ROOT](class:kwd) scope.#} - -{#op||size||(\*)||I|| -Returns the length of {{q}}.#} - -{#op||sort||(2) (1)||(\*)|| -> Sorts all elements of {{2}} according to predicate {{1}}. -> -> > %sidebar% -> > Example -> > -> > The following programs returns [(1 3 5 7 9 13 16)](class:kwd): -> > -> > (1 9 5 13 16 3 7) '> sort #} {#op||source||§||(\*)|| Display the source code of symbol {{sl}} (if it has been implemented a {{M}} quotation). #}@@ -308,9 +225,6 @@ Pushes the contents of quotation {{q}} on the stack. #}
{#op||unseal||§||{{null}}|| Unseals symbol {{sl}}, so that it can be re-assigned. #} - -{#op||values||(D)||(\*+)|| -Returns a quotation containing all the values of dictionary {{d}}. #} {#op||version||{{null}}||S|| Returns the current min version number. #}
@@ -1,2 +1,88 @@
{@ || 0 @} +{#op||all?||(2) (1)||B|| +Applies predicate {{1}} to each element of {{2}} and returns {{t}} if all elements of {{2}} satisfy predicate {{1}}. #} + +{#op||any?||(2) (1)||B|| +Applies predicate {{1}} to each element of {{2}} and returns {{t}} if at least one element of {{2}} satisfies predicate {{1}}. #} + +{#op||append||\* (1)||(\*)|| +Returns a new quotation containing the contents of {{1}} with {{any}} appended. #} + +{#op||apply||(1)||(\*)|| +Returns a new quotation {{q}} obtained by evaluating each element of {{1}} in a separate stack.#} + +{#op||at||(\*) I||\*|| +Returns the {{i}}^th element of {{q}}.#} + +{#op||concat||(2) (1)||(\*)|| +Concatenates {{2}} with {{1}}. #} + +{#op||ddel||(D) §||(D')|| +Returns a copy of {{d}} without the element with key {{sl}}. #} + +{#op||filter||(2) (1)||(\*)|| +> Returns a new quotation {{q}} containing all elements of {{2}} that satisfy predicate {{1}}. +> +> > %sidebar% +> > Example +> > +> > The following program returns [(2 6 8 12)](class:kwd): +> > +> > (1 37 34 2 6 8 12 21) +> > (dup 20 < swap even? and) filter #} + +{#op||dget||(D) §||\*|| +Returns the value of key {{sl}}. #} + +{#op||dhas?||(D) §||B|| +> Returns {{t}} if dictionary {{d}} contains the key {{sl}}. +> +> > %sidebar% +> > Example +> > +> > The following program returns {{t}}: +> > +> > ((a1 true) (a2 "aaa") (a3 false)) 'a2 dhas? + #} + +{#op||dset||(D) \* §||(D')|| +Sets the values of the {{sl}} of {{d}} to {{any}}, and return a modified copy of {{d}}. #} + +{#op||first||(\*)||\*|| +Returns the first element of {{q}}. #} + +{#op||in?||(\*) \*||B|| +Returns {{t}} if {{any}} is contained in {{q}}.#} + +{#op||keys||(D)||(S+)|| +Returns a quotation containing all the keys of dictionary {{d}}. #} + +{#op||map||(2) (1)||(\*)|| +Returns a new quotation {{q}} obtained by applying {{1}} to each element of {{2}}.#} + +{#op||prepend||\* (\*)||(\*)|| +Returns a new quotation containing the contents of {{q}} with [\*](class:kwd) prepended. #} + +{#op||rest||(\*)||(\*)|| +Returns a new quotation containing all elements of the input quotation except for the first. #} + +{#op||reverse||(1)||(\*)|| +Returns a new quotation {{q}} containing all elements of {{1}} in reverse order. #} + +{#op||size||(\*)||I|| +Returns the length of {{q}}.#} + +{#op||sort||(2) (1)||(\*)|| +> Sorts all elements of {{2}} according to predicate {{1}}. +> +> > %sidebar% +> > Example +> > +> > The following programs returns [(1 3 5 7 9 13 16)](class:kwd): +> > +> > (1 9 5 13 16 3 7) '> sort #} + +{#op||values||(D)||(\*+)|| +Returns a quotation containing all the values of dictionary {{d}}. #} +