all repos — min @ 7e67cd88c1be12ebcd1ee4bbed1d2ee68056559e

A small but practical concatenative programming language.

Removed lambdabind.
Sat, 03 Aug 2024 14:20:21 +0200




5 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)

jump to
M help.jsonhelp.json

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ "symbols": {

"!=": { "description": "Returns true if a1 is not equal to a2, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "!=", "signature": "a1 a2 ==> bool" },

@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ },

"%": { "description": "See interpolate", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "%" }, "&&": { "description": "See expect-all", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "&&" }, "||": { "description": "See expect-any", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "||" }, "'": {

@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ },

"*": { "description": "Multiplies num1 by num2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "*", "signature": "num1 num2 ==> num3" }, "+": { "description": "Sums num1 and num2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "+", "signature": "num1 num2 ==> num3" },

@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ },

"-inf": { "description": "Returns negative infinity.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "-inf", "signature": " ==> num" }, "/": { "description": "Divides num1 by num2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "/", "signature": "num1 num2 ==> num3" },

@@ -130,21 +130,21 @@ },

"<": { "description": "Returns true if a1 is smaller than a2, false otherwise. \n \n Note\n \n Only comparisons among two numbers or two strings are supported.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "<", "signature": "a1 a2 ==> bool" }, "<=": { "description": "Returns true if a1 is smaller than or equal to a2, false otherwise.\n \n Note\n \n Only comparisons among two numbers or two strings are supported.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "<=", "signature": "a1 a2 ==> bool" }, "=%": { "description": "See apply-interpolate", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "=%" }, "=-=": {

@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ },

"==": { "description": "Returns true if a1 is equal to a2, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "==", "signature": "a1 a2 ==> bool" },

@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ },

">": { "description": "Returns true if a1 is greater than a2, false otherwise. \n \n Note\n \n Only comparisons among two numbers or two strings are supported.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": ">", "signature": "a1 a2 ==> bool" },

@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ },

">=": { "description": "Returns true if a1 is greater than or equal to a2, false otherwise.\n \n Note\n \n Only comparisons among two numbers or two strings are supported.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": ">=", "signature": "a1 a2 ==> bool" },

@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ },

"and": { "description": "Returns true if bool1 is equal to bool2, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "and", "signature": "bool1 bool2 ==> bool3" },

@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ },

"apply-interpolate": { "description": "The same as pushing apply and then interpolate on the stack.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "apply-interpolate", "signature": "str quot ==> str" },

@@ -346,21 +346,21 @@ },

"avg": { "description": "Returns the average of the items of quot.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "avg", "signature": "quot ==> num" }, "base": { "description": "Sets the numeric base used to represent integers.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "base", "signature": "\"dec\"|\"hex\"|\"oct\"|\"bin\" ==> " }, "base?": { "description": "Returns the numeric base currently used to represent integers (default: [&quot;dec&quot;](class:kwd)).", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "base?", "signature": " ==> \"dec\"|\"hex\"|\"oct\"|\"bin\"" },

@@ -374,56 +374,56 @@ },

"bitand": { "description": "Computes the bitwise *and* of integer int1 and int2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "bitand", "signature": "int1 int2 ==> int3" }, "bitclear": { "description": "Sets the bytes specified via their position in int1 through quot to 0.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "bitclear", "signature": "int1 quot ==> int2" }, "bitflip": { "description": "Flips the bytes specified via their position in int1 through quot.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "bitflip", "signature": "int1 quot ==> int2" }, "bitnot": { "description": "Computes the bitwise *complement* of int1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "bitnot", "signature": "int1 ==> int2" }, "bitor": { "description": "Computes the bitwise *or* of integers int1 and int2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "bitor", "signature": "int1 int2 ==> int3" }, "bitparity": { "description": "Calculate the bit parity in int1. If the number of 1-bits is odd, the parity is 1, otherwise 0.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "bitparity", "signature": "int1 ==> int2" }, "bitset": { "description": "Sets the bytes specified via their position in int1 through quot to 0.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "bitset", "signature": "int1 quot ==> int2" }, "bitxor": { "description": "Computes the bitwise *xor* of integers int1 and int2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "bitxor", "signature": "int1 int2 ==> int3" },

@@ -437,14 +437,14 @@ },

"boolean?": { "description": "Returns true if a is a boolean, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "boolean?", "signature": "a ==> bool" }, "capitalize": { "description": "Returns a copy of 'sym with the first character capitalized.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "capitalize", "signature": "'sym ==> str" },

@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ "name": "ceil",

"signature": "num ==> int" }, "chmod": { - "description": "Sets the permissions of file or directory 'sym to int. int is a three-digit representation of user, group and other permissions. See the [Unix Permissions Calculator]( for examples and conversions.\n \n \n Example\n \n The following program makes the file **/tmp/test.txt** readable, writable and executable by its owner, and readable and executable by users of the same group and all other users:\n \n /tmp/test.txt 755 chmod", + "description": "Sets the permissions of file or directory 'sym to int. int is a three-digit representation of user, group and other permissions. See the [Unix Permissions Calculator]( for examples and conversions.\n \n \n Example\n \n The following program makes the file **/tmp/test.txt** readable, writable and executable by its owner, and readable and executable by users of the same group and all other users:\n \n \"/tmp/test.txt 755 chmod\"", "kind": "symbol", "module": "sys", "name": "chmod",

@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ },

"chr": { "description": "Returns the single character str obtained by interpreting int as an ASCII code.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "chr", "signature": "int ==> str" },

@@ -677,6 +677,13 @@ "description": "Deletes the specified user-defined sigil 'sym.",

"kind": "symbol", "module": "global", "name": "delete-sigil", + "signature": "'sym ==> " + }, + "delete-symbol": { + "description": "Deletes the specified symbol 'sym.", + "kind": "symbol", + "module": "global", + "name": "delete-symbol", "signature": "'sym ==> " }, "dequote": {

@@ -724,7 +731,7 @@ },

"dictionary?": { "description": "Returns true if a is a dictionary, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "dictionary?", "signature": "a ==> bool" },

@@ -759,7 +766,7 @@ },

"div": { "description": "Divides int1 by int2 (integer division).", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "div", "signature": "int1 int2 ==> int3" },

@@ -848,7 +855,7 @@ "name": "dsput",

"signature": "dict:datastore 'sym dict ==> dict:datastore" }, "dsquery": { - "description": "Retrieves a quotation of dictionaries from the collection 'sym of datastore dict:datastore obtained by applying quot as a filter to each item of the collection, picking only the elements that match the filter.\n\n \n Example\n\n Assuming that **ds** is a datastore, the following program retrieves all elements of teh collection **posts** whose author field is set to \"h3rald\":\n\n ds \"posts\" (/author \"h3rald\" ==) dsquery", + "description": "Retrieves a quotation of dictionaries from the collection 'sym of datastore dict:datastore obtained by applying quot as a filter to each item of the collection, picking only the elements that match the filter.\n\n \n Example\n\n Assuming that **ds** is a datastore, the following program retrieves all elements of teh collection **posts** whose author field is set to \"h3rald\":\n\n ds \"posts\" ('author dget \"h3rald\" ==) dsquery", "kind": "symbol", "module": "dstore", "name": "dsquery",

@@ -920,7 +927,7 @@ },

"escape": { "description": "Returns a copy of 'sym with quotes and backslashes escaped with a backslash.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "escape", "signature": "'sym ==> str" },

@@ -934,7 +941,7 @@ },

"even?": { "description": "Returns true if int is even, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "even?", "signature": "int ==> bool" },

@@ -976,14 +983,14 @@ },

"expect-all": { "description": "Assuming that quot is a quotation of quotations each evaluating to a boolean value, it pushes true on the stack if they all evaluate to true, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "expect-all", "signature": "quot ==> bool" }, "expect-any": { "description": "Assuming that quot is a quotation of quotations each evaluating to a boolean value, it pushes true on the stack if any evaluates to true, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "expect-any", "signature": "quot ==> bool" },

@@ -1060,7 +1067,7 @@ },

"float?": { "description": "Returns true if a is a float, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "float?", "signature": "a ==> bool" },

@@ -1102,21 +1109,21 @@ },

"from-bin": { "description": "Parses 'sym as a binary number.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "from-bin", "signature": "'sym ==> int" }, "from-dec": { "description": "Parses 'sym as a decimal number.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "from-dec", "signature": "'sym ==> int" }, "from-hex": { "description": "Parses 'sym as a hexadecimal number.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "from-hex", "signature": "'sym ==> int" },

@@ -1137,14 +1144,14 @@ },

"from-oct": { "description": "Parses 'sym as a octal number.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "from-oct", "signature": "'sym ==> int" }, "from-semver": { "description": "Given a basic [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) str, \nit pushes a dictionary dict on the stack containing a **major**, **minor**, and **patch** key/value pairs.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "from-semver", "signature": "str ==> dict" },

@@ -1297,21 +1304,21 @@ },

"indent": { "description": "Returns str containing 'sym indented with int spaces.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "indent", "signature": "'sym int ==> str" }, "indexof": { "description": "If str2 is contained in str1, returns the index of the first match or -1 if no match is found.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "indexof", "signature": "str1 str2 ==> int" }, "inf": { "description": "Returns infinity.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "inf", "signature": " ==> num" },

@@ -1346,14 +1353,14 @@ },

"integer?": { "description": "Returns true if a is an integer, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "integer?", "signature": "a ==> bool" }, "interpolate": { "description": "Substitutes the placeholders included in str with the values in quot.\n \n Notes\n \n * If quot contains symbols or quotations, they are not interpreted. To do so, call apply before interpolating or use apply-interpolate instead.\n * You can use the $# placeholder to indicate the next placeholder that has not been already referenced in the string.\n * You can use named placeholders like $pwd, but in this case quot must contain a quotation containing both the placeholder names (odd items) and the values (even items).\n \n \n Example\n \n The following code (executed in a directory called '/Users/h3rald/Development/min' containing 19 files):\n \n \"Directory '$1' includes $2 files.\" (. (. ls 'file? filter size)) apply interpolate\n \n produces:\n \n \"Directory '/Users/h3rald/Development/min' includes 19 files.\"", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "interpolate", "signature": "str quot ==> str" },

@@ -1367,7 +1374,7 @@ },

"join": { "description": "Joins the elements of quot using separator 'sym, producing str.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "join", "signature": "quot 'sym ==> str" },

@@ -1399,12 +1406,6 @@ "module": "global",

"name": "lambda-bind", "signature": "quot 'sym ==> " }, - "lambdabind": { - "description": "See lambda-bind", - "kind": "symbol", - "module": "global", - "name": "lambdabind" - }, "last": { "description": "Returns the last element of quot.", "kind": "symbol",

@@ -1415,7 +1416,7 @@ },

"length": { "description": "Returns the length of 'sym.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "length", "signature": "'sym ==> int" },

@@ -1492,7 +1493,7 @@ },

"lowercase": { "description": "Returns a copy of 'sym converted to lowercase.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "lowercase", "signature": "'sym ==> str" },

@@ -1534,7 +1535,7 @@ },

"match?": { "description": "Returns true if str2 matches str1, false otherwise.\n \n Tip\n \n str2 is a Perl-compatible regular expression", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "match?", "signature": "str1 str2 ==> bool" },

@@ -1555,7 +1556,7 @@ },

"med": { "description": "Returns the median of the items of quot.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "med", "signature": "quot ==> num" },

@@ -1569,7 +1570,7 @@ },

"mod": { "description": "Returns the integer module of int1 divided by int2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "mod", "signature": "int1 int2 ==> int3" },

@@ -1590,7 +1591,7 @@ },

"nan": { "description": "Returns **NaN** (not a number).", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "nan", "signature": " ==> nan" },

@@ -1618,7 +1619,7 @@ },

"not": { "description": "Negates bool1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "not", "signature": "bool1 ==> bool2" },

@@ -1639,21 +1640,21 @@ },

"null?": { "description": "Returns true if a is null, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "null?", "signature": "a ==> bool" }, "number?": { "description": "Returns true if a is a number, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "number?", "signature": "a ==> bool" }, "odd?": { "description": "Returns true if int is odd, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "odd?", "signature": "int ==> bool" },

@@ -1681,14 +1682,14 @@ },

"or": { "description": "Returns true if bool1 or bool2 is true, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "or", "signature": "bool1 bool2 ==> bool3" }, "ord": { "description": "Returns the ASCII code int corresponding to the single character str.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "ord", "signature": "str ==> int" },

@@ -1730,7 +1731,7 @@ },

"parse-url": { "description": "Parses the url str into its components and stores them into dict:url.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "parse-url", "signature": "str ==> dict:url" },

@@ -1779,14 +1780,14 @@ },

"pred": { "description": "Returns the predecessor of int1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "pred", "signature": "int1 ==> int2" }, "prefix": { "description": "Prepends 'sym2 to 'sym1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "prefix", "signature": "'sym1 'sym2 ==> str" },

@@ -1814,7 +1815,7 @@ },

"product": { "description": "Returns the product of all items of quot. quot is a quotation of integers.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "product", "signature": "quot ==> int" },

@@ -1870,7 +1871,7 @@ },

"quotation?": { "description": "Returns true if a is a quotation, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "quotation?", "signature": "a ==> bool" },

@@ -1898,7 +1899,7 @@ },

"quoted-symbol?": { "description": "Returns true if a is a quoted symbol, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "quoted-symbol?", "signature": "a ==> bool" },

@@ -1926,21 +1927,21 @@ },

"random": { "description": "Returns a random number int2 between 0 and int1-1. \n \n \n Note\n \n You must call randomize to initialize the random number generator, otherwise the same sequence of numbers will be returned.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "random", "signature": "int1 ==> int2" }, "randomize": { "description": "Initializes the random number generator using a seed based on the current timestamp.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "randomize", "signature": " ==> {{null}" }, "range": { "description": "Takes a quotation quot1 of two or three integers in the form of *start*, *end* and an optional *step* (1 if not specified) and generates the sequence and returns the resulting quotation of integers quot2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "range", "signature": "quot2 ==> quot2" },

@@ -2016,26 +2017,26 @@ },

"repeat": { "description": "Returns str containing 'sym repeated int times.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "repeat", "signature": "'sym int ==> str" }, "replace": { "description": "Returns a copy of str1 containing all occurrences of str2 replaced by str3\n \n Tip\n \n str2 is a Perl-compatible regular expression.\n \n \n Example\n \n The following:\n \n \"This is a stupid test. Is it really a stupid test?\" \" s[a-z]+\" \" simple\" replace\n \n produces:\n \n \"This is a simple test. Is it really a simple test?\"", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "replace", "signature": "str1 str2 str3 ==> str4" }, "replace-apply": { "description": "Returns a copy of str1 containing all occurrences of str2 replaced by applying quot to each quotation corresponding to each match.\n \n Tip\n \n str2 is a Perl-compatible regular expression.\n \n \n Example\n \n The following:\n \n \":1::2::3::4:\" \":(\\d):\" (1 get :d \"-$#-\" (d) =%) replace-apply\n \n produces:\n \n \"-1--2--3--4-\"\n \n Note that for each match the following quotations (each containing the full match and the captured matches) are produced as input for the replace quotation: (\"-1-\" \"1\") (\"-2-\" \"2\") (\"-3-\" \"3\") (\"-4-\" \"4\")", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "replace-apply", "signature": "str1 str2 quot ==> str3" }, "request": { - "description": "Performs an HTTP request. Note that dict is can be a standard (untyped) dictionary but its fields will be validated like if it was a dict:http-request.\n\n \n Example\n \n The following code constructs dict and passes it to the **request** operator to perform an HTTP GET request to <\n \n {}\n \"GET\" url\n request", + "description": "Performs an HTTP request. Note that dict is can be a standard (untyped) dictionary but its fields will be validated like if it was a dict:http-request.\n\n \n Example\n \n The following code constructs dict and passes it to the **request** operator to perform an HTTP GET request to <\n \n {}\n \"GET\" 'method dget\n \"\" 'url dset\n request", "kind": "symbol", "module": "http", "name": "request",

@@ -2177,42 +2178,42 @@ },

"search": { "description": "Returns a quotation containing the first occurrence of str2 within str1. Note that:\n \n * The first element of quot is the matching substring.\n * Other elements (if any) contain captured substrings.\n * If no matches are found, the quotation contains empty strings.\n \n \n Tip\n \n str2 is a Perl-compatible regular expression.\n \n \n Example\n \n The following:\n \n \",\" \"[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\" search\n \n produces: (\"\", \"1\", \"1\")", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "search", "signature": "str1 str2 ==> quot" }, "search-all": { "description": "Returns a quotation of quotations (like the one returned by the search operator) containing all occurrences of str2 within str1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "search-all", "signature": "str1 str2 ==> quot" }, "semver-inc-major": { "description": "Increments the major digit of the [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) str1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "semver-inc-major", "signature": "str1 ==> str2" }, "semver-inc-minor": { "description": "Increments the minor digit of the [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) str1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "semver-inc-minor", "signature": "str1 ==> str2" }, "semver-inc-patch": { "description": "Increments the patch digit of the [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) str1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "semver-inc-patch", "signature": "str1 ==> str2" }, "semver?": { "description": "Checks whether str is a [SemVer]( version or not.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "semver?", "signature": "str ==> bool" },

@@ -2288,7 +2289,7 @@ },

"shl": { "description": "Computes the *shift left* operation of int1 and int2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "shl", "signature": "int1 int2 ==> int3" },

@@ -2302,7 +2303,7 @@ },

"shr": { "description": "Computes the *shift right* operation of int1 and int2.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "shr", "signature": "int1 int2 ==> int3" },

@@ -2379,7 +2380,7 @@ },

"split": { "description": "Splits 'sym1 using separator 'sym2 (a Perl-compatible regular expression) and returns the resulting strings within the quotation quot.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "split", "signature": "'sym1 'sym2 ==> quot" },

@@ -2398,7 +2399,7 @@ "name": "sqrt",

"signature": "num1 ==> num2" }, "start-server": { - "description": "Starts an HTTP server based on the configuration provided in dict.\n \n dict is a dictionary containing the following keys:\n \n address\n : The address to bind the server to (default: ****).\n port\n : The port to bind the server to.\n handler\n : A quotation with the following signature, used to handle all incoming requests: [dict:http-request &rArr; dict:http-response](class:kwd)\n \n \n Example\n \n The following program starts a very simple HTTP server that can display the current timestamp or date and time in ISO 8601 format:\n \n ; Define the request handler\n (\n ; Assume there is a request on the stack, take it off and give it the name req\n :req\n ; Let's see what we got (print req to standard out)\n \"THE REQUEST:\" puts! req puts!\n ; The request is a dictionary, we retrieve the value for the key url, and give it the name url\n req /url :url\n \"THE URL is '$1'.\" url quote ))\n ) case\n :body\n ; Prepare the response\n {} body handler\n 5555 %port\n \n ; Start server\n \"Server started on port 5555.\" puts!\n \"Press Ctrl+C to stop.\" puts!\n start-server", + "description": "Starts an HTTP server based on the configuration provided in dict.\n \n dict is a dictionary containing the following keys:\n \n address\n : The address to bind the server to (default: ****).\n port\n : The port to bind the server to.\n handler\n : A quotation with the following signature, used to handle all incoming requests: [dict:http-request &rArr; dict:http-response](class:kwd)\n \n \n Example\n \n The following program starts a very simple HTTP server that can display the current timestamp or date and time in ISO 8601 format:\n \n ; Define the request handler\n (\n ; Assume there is a request on the stack, take it off and give it the name req\n :req\n ; Let's see what we got (print req to standard out)\n \"THE REQUEST:\" puts! req puts!\n ; The request is a dictionary, we retrieve the value for the key url, and give it the name url\n req /url :url\n \"THE URL is '$1'.\" url quote ))\n ) case\n :body\n ; Prepare the response\n {} body 'body dset\n dup puts!\n )\n ; The request handler is ready, give it the name handler\n :handler\n \n ; Create the parameter dictionary for the server\n {}\n handler 'handler dset\n 5555 'port dset\n \n ; Start server\n \"Server started on port 5555.\" puts!\n \"Press Ctrl+C to stop.\" puts!\n start-server", "kind": "symbol", "module": "http", "name": "start-server",

@@ -2421,49 +2422,49 @@ },

"string?": { "description": "Returns true if a is a string, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "string?", "signature": "a ==> bool" }, "stringlike?": { "description": "Returns true if a is a string or a quoted symbol, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "stringlike?", "signature": "a ==> bool" }, "strip": { "description": "Returns str, which is set to 'sym with leading and trailing spaces removed.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "strip", "signature": "'sym ==> str" }, "substr": { "description": "Returns a substring str2 obtained by retrieving int2 characters starting from index int1 within str1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "substr", "signature": "str1 int1 int2 ==> str2" }, "succ": { "description": "Returns the successor of int1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "succ", "signature": "int1 ==> int2" }, "suffix": { "description": "Appends 'sym2 to 'sym1.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "suffix", "signature": "'sym1 'sym2 ==> str" }, "sum": { "description": "Returns the sum of all items of quot. quot is a quotation of integers.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "num", + "module": "global", "name": "sum", "signature": "quot ==> int" },

@@ -2538,7 +2539,7 @@ "name": "tanh",

"signature": "num1 ==> num2" }, "tap": { - "description": "Performs the following operations:\n \n 1. Removes a from the stack.\n 2. For each quotation defined in quot (which is a quotation of quotations each requiring one argument and returning one argument):\n 1. Pushes a back to the stack.\n 2. Dequotes the quotation and saves the result as a.\n 3. Push the resulting a back on the stack.\n \n \n Example\n \n The following program:\n \n {1 :a 2 :b 3 :c} (\n (dup /a succ succ b)\n ) tap\n \n Returns {3 :a 3 :b 3 :c}.", + "description": "Performs the following operations:\n \n 1. Removes a from the stack.\n 2. For each quotation defined in quot (which is a quotation of quotations each requiring one argument and returning one argument):\n 1. Pushes a back to the stack.\n 2. Dequotes the quotation and saves the result as a.\n 3. Push the resulting a back on the stack.\n \n \n Example\n \n The following program:\n \n {1 :a 2 :b 3 :c} (\n (dup 'a dget succ succ 'a dset)\n (dup 'b dget succ 'b dset)\n ) tap\n \n Returns {3 :a 3 :b 3 :c}.", "kind": "symbol", "module": "global", "name": "tap",

@@ -2582,28 +2583,28 @@ },

"titleize": { "description": "Returns a copy of 'sym in which the first character of each word is capitalized.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "titleize", "signature": "'sym ==> str" }, "to-bin": { "description": "Converts int to its binary representation.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "to-bin", "signature": "int ==> str" }, "to-dec": { "description": "Converts int to its decimal representation.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "to-dec", "signature": "int ==> str" }, "to-hex": { "description": "Converts int to its hexadecimal representation.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "to-hex", "signature": "int ==> str" },

@@ -2617,14 +2618,14 @@ },

"to-oct": { "description": "Converts int to its octal representation.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "to-oct", "signature": "int ==> str" }, "to-semver": { "description": "Given a a dictionary dict containing a **major**, **minor**, and **patch** key/value pairs , it pushes a basic [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) str on the stack.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "to-semver", "signature": "dict ==> str" },

@@ -2680,7 +2681,7 @@ },

"type?": { "description": "Returns true if the data type of a satisfies the specified type expression 'sym, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "type?", "signature": "a 'sym ==> bool" },

@@ -2743,7 +2744,7 @@ },

"uppercase": { "description": "Returns a copy of 'sym converted to uppercase.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "str", + "module": "global", "name": "uppercase", "signature": "'sym1 ==> 'sym2" },

@@ -2847,7 +2848,7 @@ },

"xor": { "description": "Returns true if bool1 and bool2 are different, false otherwise.", "kind": "symbol", - "module": "logic", + "module": "global", "name": "xor", "signature": "bool1 bool2 ==> bool3" },
M min.vimmin.vim

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@

" Vim syntax file " Language: min " Maintainer: Fabio Cevasco -" Last Change: 29 Jan 2024 -" Version: 0.43.0 +" Last Change: 03 Aug 2024 +" Version: 0.45.0 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

setl iskeyword=@,36-39,+,-,*,.,/,:,~,!,48-57,60-65,94-95,192-255 setl iskeyword+=^ -syntax keyword minDefaultSymbol ! != $ % & && ' * + - -> -inf . .. / : :: < <= =% =-= == ==> => > >< >= >> ? @ ^ abs absolute-path absolute-path? accept acos admin? aes all? and any? append apply apply-interpolate args asin ask atan atime avg base base? bind bitand bitclear bitflip bitnot bitor bitparity bitset bitxor boolean boolean? capitalize case cd ceil chmod choose chr clear clear-stack cleave close column-print compiled? concat confirm connect cons cos cosh cp cpu crypto ctime d2r datetime ddel ddup debug decode decode-url define defined-sigil? defined-symbol? delete-sigil delete-symbol dequote dev dev? dget dget-raw dhas? dict dictionary? difference dip dir? dirname div dkeys download dpairs dpick drop dsdelete dset dset-sym dsget dshas? dsinit dspost dsput dsquery dsread dstore dswrite dtype dup dvalues e encode encode-url env? error escape eval even? exists? exit expand-filename expand-symlink expect expect-all expect-any expect-empty-stack fappend fatal file? filename filter find first flatten float float? floor foreach format-error fperms fread from-bin from-dec from-hex from-json from-oct from-semver from-xml from-yaml fs fsize fstats ftype fwrite get get-content get-env get-raw get-stack getchr gets getstack global hardlink harvest help hidden? http id if import in? indent indexof inf infix-dequote info insert integer integer? interpolate intersection invoke io join join-path keep lambda lambda-bind lambdabind last length line-info linrec listen ln load load-symbol log10 log2 logic loglevel loglevel? lowercase ls ls-r map map-reduce mapkey match? math md4 md5 med mkdir mod mtime mv nan net newline nip normalized-path not notice now null? num number? odd? one? operator opts or ord os over parent-scope parse parse-url partition password pi pick pop pow pred prefix prefix-dequote prepend print product prompt publish put-env putchr puts quit quotation? quote quote-map quotecmd quoted-symbol? quotesym r2g raise random randomize range raw-args read recv recv-line reduce reject relative-path remove remove-symbol repeat replace replace-apply request require rest return reverse rm rmdir rolldown rollup round run save-symbol saved-symbols scope scope-sigils scope-symbols seal-sigil seal-symbol sealed-sigil? sealed-symbol? search search-all semver-inc-major semver-inc-minor semver-inc-patch semver? send seq set set-stack set-sym setstack sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 shl shorten shr sigil-help sigils sin sinh sip size sleep slice socket sort source split spread sqrt stack start-server stop-server str string string? stringlike? strip substr succ suffix sum swap swons symbol-help symbols symlink symlink? symmetric-difference sys system take tan tanh tap tau tformat time timeinfo times timestamp titleize to-bin to-dec to-hex to-json to-oct to-semver to-timestamp to-xml to-yaml tokenize trunc try type type? typealias typealias:xml-node union unix-path unless unmapkey unseal-sigil unseal-symbol unzip uppercase version warn when which while windows-path with write xcdata xcomment xelement xentity xml xor xquery xqueryall xtext zip ~ +syntax keyword minDefaultSymbol != $ % && ' * + - -> -inf / : :: < <= =% =-= == ==> => > >< >= >> ? @ ^ abs absolute-path absolute-path? accept acos admin? aes all? and any? append apply apply-interpolate args asin ask atan atime avg base base? bind bitand bitclear bitflip bitnot bitor bitparity bitset bitxor boolean boolean? capitalize case cd ceil chmod choose chr clear clear-stack cleave close color column-print compiled? concat confirm connect cons cos cosh cp cpu crypto ctime d2r datetime ddel ddup debug decode decode-url define defined-sigil? defined-symbol? delete-sigil delete-symbol dequote dev dev? dget dget-raw dhas? dict dictionary? difference dip dir? dirname div dkeys download dpairs dpick drop dsdelete dset dset-sym dsget dshas? dsinit dspost dsput dsquery dsread dstore dswrite dtype dup dvalues e encode encode-url env? error escape eval even? exists? exit expand-filename expand-symlink expect expect-all expect-any expect-empty-stack fappend fatal file? filename filter find first flatten float float? floor foreach format-error fperms fread from-bin from-dec from-hex from-html from-json from-oct from-semver from-xml from-yaml fs fsize fstats ftype fwrite get get-content get-env get-raw get-stack getchr gets getstack global hardlink harvest help hidden? http id if import in? indent indexof inf infix-dequote info insert integer integer? interpolate intersection invoke io join join-path keep lambda lambda-bind lambdabind last length line-info linrec listen ln load load-symbol log10 log2 logic loglevel loglevel? lowercase ls ls-r map map-reduce mapkey match? math md4 md5 med mkdir mod mtime mv nan net newline nip normalized-path not notice now null? num number? odd? one? operator opts or ord os over parent-dir parent-scope parse parse-url partition password pi pick pop pow pred prefix prefix-dequote prepend print product prompt publish put-env putchr puts pwd quit quotation? quote quote-map quotecmd quoted-symbol? quotesym r2g raise random randomize range raw-args read recv recv-line reduce reject relative-path remove remove-symbol repeat replace replace-apply request require rest return reverse rm rmdir rolldown rollup round run save-symbol saved-symbols scope scope-sigils scope-symbols seal-sigil seal-symbol sealed-sigil? sealed-symbol? search search-all semver-inc-major semver-inc-minor semver-inc-patch semver? send seq set set-stack set-sym setstack sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 shl shorten shr sigil-help sigils sin sinh sip size sleep slice socket sort source split spread sqrt stack start-server stop-server str string string? stringlike? strip substr succ suffix sum swap swons symbol-help symbols symlink symlink? symmetric-difference sys system take tan tanh tap tau tformat time timeinfo times timestamp titleize to-bin to-dec to-hex to-json to-oct to-semver to-timestamp to-xml to-yaml tokenize trunc try type type? typealias typealias:xml-node union unix-path unless unmapkey unseal-sigil unseal-symbol unzip uppercase version warn when which while windows-path with write xcdata xcomment xelement xentity xentity2utf8 xescape xml xor xquery xqueryall xtext zip ~ syntax match minDefaultSymbol ;||; syntax keyword minCommentTodo TODO FIXME XXX TBD contained
M minpkg/lib/min_global.nimminpkg/lib/min_global.nim

@@ -2509,7 +2509,4 @@

def.symbol("><") do (i: In): i.pushSym("infix-dequote") - def.symbol("lambdabind") do (i: In): - i.pushSym("lambda-bind") - def.finalize("global")

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ - All symbols defined in the **num** module have been moved to the **global** module.

- All symbols defined in the **logic** module have been moved to the **global** module. - All symbols defined in the **str** module have been moved to the **global** module. - All symbols defined in the **seq** module have been moved to the **global** module. +- Removed **lambdabind** (use **lambda-bind** instead). + ### New Features
M site/contents/reference-global.mdsite/contents/

@@ -410,8 +410,6 @@ > Defines a new symbol {{sl}}, containing the specified quotation {{q}}. Unlike with `define`, in this case {{q}} will not be quoted, so its values will be pushed on the stack when the symbol {{sl}} is pushed on the stack.

> > Essentially, this symbol allows you to define an operator without any validation of constraints and bind it to a symbol.#} -{#alias||lambdabind||lambda-bind#} - {#op||lambda-bind||{{q}} {{sl}}||{{none}}|| Binds the specified quotation to an existing symbol {{sl}} which was previously-set via `lambda`. #}