Added unit tests for HTTP API.
Sun, 28 Jan 2018 16:13:37 +0100
10 files changed,
581 insertions(+),
0 deletions(-)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ *.log.txt
nimcache *.db *.db-journal +http_api litestore*.zip litestore nakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+import unittest, json, httpclient, strutils, os + +suite "LiteStore HTTP API": + + var contents = newSeq[JsonNode](0) + for i in 1..8: + contents.add parseFile("data/$1.json" % i.intToStr) + + const srv = "http://localhost:9500/" + let cli = newHttpClient() + cli.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "Content-Type": "application/json" }) + + proc jget(url: string): Response = + return cli.request(srv & url, HttpGet) + + proc jhead(url: string): Response = + return cli.request(srv & url, HttpHead) + + proc jpost(url: string, body: JsonNode): Response {.discardable.} = + return cli.request(srv & url, HttpPost, $body) + + proc jput(url: string, body: JsonNode): Response {.discardable.} = + return cli.request(srv & url, HttpPut, $body) + + proc jpatch(url: string, body: JsonNode): Response = + return cli.request(srv & url, HttpPatch, $body) + + proc jdelete(url: string): Response {.discardable.} = + return cli.request(srv & url, HttpDelete) + + proc info(prop: string): JsonNode = + return jget("info").body.parseJson[prop] + + test "GET info": + check(info("datastore_version") == %1) + + test "POST/GET/DELETE document": + var rpost = jpost("docs", contents[0]) + var id = rpost.body.parseJson["id"].getStr + check(rpost.body.parseJson["data"]["_id"] == %"5a6c566020d0d4ba242d6501") + var rget = jget("docs/$1" % id) + check(rget.body.parseJson["_id"] == %"5a6c566020d0d4ba242d6501") + var rdel = jdelete("docs/$1" % id) + check(rdel.status == "204 No Content") + check(info("total_documents") == %0) + rpost = jpost("docs/f1/f2/", contents[0]) + id = rpost.body.parseJson["id"].getStr + check(id.startsWith("f1/f2/")) + check(rpost.body.parseJson["data"]["_id"] == %"5a6c566020d0d4ba242d6501") + rget = jget("docs/$1" % id) + check(rget.body.parseJson["_id"] == %"5a6c566020d0d4ba242d6501") + rdel = jdelete("docs/$1" % id) + check(rdel.status == "204 No Content") + check(info("total_documents") == %0) + + test "PUT/PATCH/GET/DELETE document": + var rput = jput("docs/1", contents[0]) + var id = rput.body.parseJson["id"].getStr + check(id == "1") + var rget = jget("docs/1") + check(rget.body.parseJson["_id"] == %"5a6c566020d0d4ba242d6501") + rget = jget("docs?tags=t1") + check(rget.status == "404 Not Found") + var ops = """ + [ + {"op": "add", "path": "/tags/3", "value": "t1"}, + {"op": "add", "path": "/tags/4", "value": "t2"}, + {"op": "add", "path": "/tags/5", "value": "t3"} + ] + """ + var rpatch = jpatch("docs/1", ops.parseJson) + check(rpatch.status == "200 OK") + rget = jget("docs/?tags=t1") + check(rget.body.parseJson["total"] == %1) + rput = jput("docs/2", contents[1]) + ops = """ + [ + {"op": "add", "path": "/tags/3", "value": "t1"}, + {"op": "add", "path": "/tags/4", "value": "t3"} + ] + """ + rpatch = jpatch("docs/2", ops.parseJson) + check(rpatch.status == "200 OK") + rput = jput("docs/test/3", contents[2]) + rget = jget("docs/test/3") + check(rget.body.parseJson["_id"] == %"5a6c5660d613e4c504bbf860") + ops = """ + [ + {"op": "add", "path": "/tags/3", "value": "t2"}, + {"op": "add", "path": "/tags/4", "value": "t3"} + ] + """ + rpatch = jpatch("docs/test/3", ops.parseJson) + check(rpatch.status == "200 OK") + ops = """ + [ + {"op": "replace", "path": "/tags/3", "value": "t4"}, + {"op": "remove", "path": "/tags/4"} + ] + """ + rpatch = jpatch("docs/1", ops.parseJson) + check(rpatch.status == "200 OK") + rget = jget("docs/?tags=t2,t3") + check(rget.body.parseJson["total"] == %1) + jdelete("docs/1") + jdelete("docs/2") + jdelete("docs/test/3") + check(info("total_documents") == %0) + + test "HEAD/GET documents": + var ids = newSeq[string](0) + var rpost: Response; + for c in contents: + rpost = jpost("docs/test/", c) + ids.add(rpost.body.parseJson["id"].getStr) + var rhead = jhead("docs/invalid/") + check(rhead.status == "404 Not Found") + rhead = jhead("docs/test/") + check(rhead.status == "200 OK") + var rget = jget("docs/?search=Lorem&contents=false") + check(rget.body.parseJson["total"] == %5) + for i in ids: + jdelete("docs/$1" % i) + check(info("total_documents") == %0)