Added license; fixes.
Wed, 30 Aug 2023 21:45:00 +0200
5 files changed,
40 insertions(+),
31 deletions(-)
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+The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Fabio Cevasco + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE.
@@ -155,51 +155,51 @@ </thead>
<tbody> <tr> <td><code>{{$timestamp}}</code> </td> -<td> 1693308646</td> +<td> 1693396493</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$date}}</code> </td> -<td> 2023-08-29</td> +<td> 2023-08-30</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$full-date}}</code> </td> -<td> Tuesday, August 29, 2023</td> +<td> Wednesday, August 30, 2023</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$long-date}}</code> </td> -<td> August 29, 2023</td> +<td> August 30, 2023</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$medium-date}}</code> </td> -<td> Aug 29, 2023</td> +<td> Aug 30, 2023</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$short-date}}</code> </td> -<td> 8/29/23</td> +<td> 8/30/23</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$short-time}}</code> </td> -<td> 13:30 PM</td> +<td> 13:54 PM</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$short-time-24}}</code> </td> -<td> 13:30</td> +<td> 13:54</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$time}}</code> </td> -<td> 13:30:46 PM</td> +<td> 13:54:53 PM</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$time-24}}</code> </td> -<td> 13:30:46</td> +<td> 13:54:53</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$day}}</code> </td> -<td> 29</td> +<td> 30</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$short-day}}</code> </td> -<td> 29</td> +<td> 30</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$month}}</code> </td>@@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ <td> 23</td>
</tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$weekday}}</code> </td> -<td> Tuesday</td> +<td> Wednesday</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$weekday-abbr}}</code> </td> -<td> 29</td> +<td> 30</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>{{$month-name}}</code> </td>@@ -409,12 +409,12 @@ <h4>Badges<a href="#document-top" title="Go to top"></a></h4>
<p>Badges are shorthands for <a href="#Icons">Icons</a> formatted with different colors. To add a <em>badge</em> to some inline text, use the corresponding class among those listed in the following table. For example, the following code:</p> -<pre><code>[Genoa, Italy](class:geo) +<pre><code>[Genoa, Italy](class:badge-geo) </code></pre> <p>produces the following result:</p> -<p><span class="geo">Genoa, Italy</span></p> +<p><span class="badge-geo">Genoa, Italy</span></p> <p>HastyScribe currently supports the following badges:</p>@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
<div class="terminal-su"><p>shutdown -h now</p></div> </div> <div id="footer"> - <p><span class="copy"></span> Fabio Cevasco – August 29, 2023</p> + <p><span class="copy"></span> Fabio Cevasco – August 30, 2023</p> <p><span>Powered by</span> <a href=""><span class="hastyscribe"></span></a></p> </div> </div>
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-.hastyscribe:before { - display: inline-block; - content: ' '; - width: 350px; - height: 102px; - background-repeat: no-repeat; - box-sizing: border-box; - vertical-align: text-top; - background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='350.755' xmlns='' height='102.312'%3E %3Cg word-spacing='0' style='line-height:125%25;-inkscape-font-specification:Mr Bedfort' font-size='72' font-weight='400' letter-spacing='0' font-family='Mr Bedfort'%3E %3Cpath d='m17.352 44.784-1.296-5.616c-3.552-1.2-7.2-2.52-10.944-3.96-.048 0-.072.024-.072.072.048 1.008 4.152 4.176 12.312 9.504m6.12-3.24c.96 4.224 1.56 6.96 1.8 8.208 11.424 6.96 18.744 10.464 21.96 10.512l-3.888-13.896c-6.432-1.248-13.056-2.856-19.872-4.824M18 4.752l-.288 4.608c0 4.464 1.512 13.32 4.536 26.568 6.24 1.92 12.792 3.576 19.656 4.968-1.968-7.44-3.408-13.848-4.32-19.224-.912-5.424-1.368-11.208-1.368-17.352.096-.528 1.032-1.368 2.808-2.52C40.848.6 42.144 0 42.912 0c.384 0 .576.264.576.792l-.36 5.04c0 7.776 2.016 19.872 6.048 36.288 5.664.864 10.944 1.368 15.84 1.512.336 0 .504.168.504.504 0 .288-1.056 1.008-3.168 2.16-2.112 1.152-3.36 1.728-3.744 1.728-2.256 0-4.944-.192-8.064-.576l2.808 10.08c0 .816-1.704 2.208-5.112 4.176-3.84 0-11.376-3.336-22.608-10.008.48 2.688.768 5.04.864 7.056-.096.096-1.056.576-2.88 1.44-1.824.864-2.856 1.296-3.096 1.296-.624 0-.936-.456-.936-1.368-.432-4.56-1.056-9-1.872-13.32-4.896-3.168-9.072-6.048-12.528-8.64C1.728 35.52 0 33.912 0 33.336c0-.768 1.584-2.088 4.752-3.96l.216-.144c3.264 1.536 6.48 2.88 9.648 4.032-2.736-10.416-4.104-17.496-4.104-21.24 0-1.68.192-3 .576-3.96.096-.144 1.152-.816 3.168-2.016 2.016-1.2 3.168-1.8 3.456-1.8.192 0 . 40.104c.144-.288 1.44-.432 3.888-.432 2.496 0 3.744.36 3.744 1.08 0 .144-.144.432-.432.864-1.68 2.304-2.52 4.704-2.52 7.2 0 2.496.576 4.56 1.728 6.192 1.2 1.584 2.712 2.376 4.536 2.376 2.976 0 6-2.112 9.072-6.336l.504.864c-3.744 5.952-7.872 8.928-12.384 8.928-3.408 0-6.024-1.752-7.848-5.256-.768 1.152-2.016 2.232-3.744 3.24-1.728 1.008-3.36 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1.68-.84 3.192-2.52 4.536 3.936-.096 7.584-2.64 10.944-7.632' /%3E %3Cpath d='M122.633 24.264c.768 22.56 4.248 33.84 10.44 33.84 2.64 0 5.808-2.352 9.504-7.056l.504.864c-4.512 6.72-8.832 10.08-12.96 10.08-4.08 0-7.392-3.12-9.936-9.36-2.544-6.288-3.888-14.64-4.032-25.056 0 0-.347-5.071 0-4.827.096-3.648.264-5.229.504-8.493 0-.432.216-.72.648-.864 2.88-1.152 4.488-1.728 4.824-1.728.384 0 .576.216.576.648a165.13 165.13 0 0 0-.144 6.552' /%3E %3Cpath d='M157.87 82.728c0 3.984 1.176 7.728 3.528 11.232 2.352 3.504 4.536 5.256 6.552 5.256 1.728 0 2.592-1.536 2.592-4.608 0-2.256-.84-5.712-2.52-10.368a1998.05 1998.05 0 0 0-2.808-7.704 452.798 452.798 0 0 1-2.952-8.136c-2.928 4.464-4.392 9.24-4.392 14.328m15.84 5.544c0 4.704-.792 8.208-2.376 10.512-1.584 2.352-3.6 3.528-6.048 3.528-3.12 0-6-1.68-8.64-5.04-2.592-3.312-3.888-7.44-3.888-12.384.336-3.408 1.248-6.552 2.736-9.432 1.536-2.88 3.576-5.856 6.12-8.928-1.632-4.464-2.76-7.992-3.384-10.584-2.064 2.64-4.44 3.96-7.128 3.96-2.688 0-5.04-1.368-7.056-4.104-2.016-2.736-3.024-6.672-3.024-11.808 0-.528.384-.888 1.152-1.08 2.304-.48 3.624-.72 3.96-.72.576 0 .864.288.864.864 0 4.368.984 7.8 2.952 10.296 1.248 1.536 2.808 2.304 4.68 2.304 1.008 0 2.064-.456 3.168-1.368-.72-3.216-1.08-5.904-1.08-8.064 0-2.208.504-3.816 1.512-4.824 2.064-1.2 3.216-1.8 3.456-1.8.48 0 .72.36.72 1.08 0 5.232.96 10.752 2.88 16.56l1.224 3.816c3.6-3.888 6.336-7.224 8.208-10.008l.504.864c-1.152 1.824-2.208 3.312-3.168 4.464a161.359 161.359 0 0 1-3.096 3.6 676.433 676.433 0 0 1-2.016 2.376c3.504 10.032 5.424 15.912 5.76 17.64.672 3.408 1.008 6.168 1.008 8.28' /%3E %3Cpath d='M178.334 12.888c0 4.608 2.736 8.904 8.208 12.888 2.544-6.528 3.816-11.712 3.816-15.552 0-1.68-.552-3.24-1.656-4.68-1.104-1.44-2.352-2.16-3.744-2.16-1.344 0-2.568.72-3.672 2.16-1.056 1.44-1.824 2.88-2.304 4.32-.432 1.392-.648 2.4-.648 3.024m-9.36 46.944c-.336.336-.624.504-.864.504-.384 0-.576-.192-.576-.576 0-.384.096-.696.288-.936 2.16-2.4 4.704-6.024 7.632-10.872a162.099 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2.16.624 3.864 1.872 5.112 1.296 1.2 2.88 1.8 4.752 1.8 1.92 0 3.816-.552 5.688-1.656 1.872-1.104 3.504-2.688 4.896-4.752l.504.864c-1.68 2.928-4.008 5.28-6.984 7.056-2.976 1.776-5.64 2.664-7.992 2.664-4.8 0-7.2-2.184-7.2-6.552 0-.816.288-1.92.864-3.312.576-1.392 1.152-2.568 1.728-3.528l.864-1.44c0-.192-.072-.288-.216-.288-1.536.384-2.712.576-3.528.576' /%3E %3Cpath d='M273.24 42.84c-.24 2.016-.36 3.672-.36 4.968 0 4.56.864 8.112 2.592 10.656 1.776 2.496 3.912 3.744 6.408 3.744 2.544 0 5.064-.888 7.56-2.664 2.496-1.728 4.824-4.272 6.984-7.632l-.504-.864c-3.744 5.136-7.2 7.704-10.368 7.704-2.016 0-3.648-1.08-4.896-3.24-1.248-2.16-1.872-5.088-1.872-8.784 0-1.92.168-3.864.504-5.832 0-.432-.192-.648-.576-.648-.336 0-1.944.576-4.824 1.728-.432.144-.648.432-.648.864m5.976-15.48c.768.816 1.152 1.8 1.152 2.952s-.384 2.136-1.152 2.952c-.72.816-1.608 1.224-2.664 1.224-1.008 0-1.872-.408-2.592-1.224-.72-.816-1.08-1.8-1.08-2.952s.36-2.136 1.08-2.952c.72-.816 1.584-1.224 2.592-1.224 1.056 0 1.944.408 2.664 1.224' /%3E %3Cpath d='M310.14 45.36c-.576 0-.864.576-.864 1.728 0 1.152.456 2.52 1.368 4.104.96 1.536 2.16 2.76 3.6 3.672.048-.24.072-.6.072-1.08 0-2.112-.408-4.032-1.224-5.76-.816-1.776-1.8-2.664-2.952-2.664m-13.464-24.912c0 9.6 1.104 17.76 3.312 24.48 2.16-5.904 3.24-13.8 3.24-23.688 0-4.272-.264-7.8-.792-10.584s-1.248-4.176-2.16-4.176c-1.2 0-2.112 1.296-2.736 3.888-.576 2.544-.864 5.904-.864 10.08m11.448-6.84c0 4.704-.816 10.32-2.448 16.848-1.584 6.528-3.312 11.832-5.184 15.912 1.488 4.224 3.192 7.488 5.112 9.792 1.92 2.256 3.672 3.384 5.256 3.384s2.64-.984 3.168-2.952c-2.16-.96-4.008-2.496-5.544-4.608-1.488-2.112-2.232-4.224-2.232-6.336 0-1.104.264-1.992.792-2.664.528-.672 1.296-1.008 2.304-1.008 2.496 0 4.416.96 5.76 2.88 1.392 1.872 2.088 4.128 2.088 6.768 0 1.488-.24 2.904-.72 1.032.216 1.656.216 2.64 0 4.992-1.68 7.056-5.04l.576.72c-2.16 3.696-4.872 5.544-8.136 5.544-.384 0-.96-.048-1.728-.144-1.68 3.12-4.224 4.68-7.632 4.68-3.936 0-7.536-2.352-10.8-7.056-1.584-2.352-2.856-5.568-3.816-9.648-1.008-4.128-1.512-8.712-1.512-13.752 0-5.04.432-9.6 1.296-13.68.816-4.08 2.064-7.44 3.744-10.08 1.68-2.64 3.6-3.96 5.76-3.96 3.456 0 5.184 3.312 5.184 9.936' /%3E %3Cpath d='m332.694 37.656.072-.936c0-.576-.648-.864-1.944-.864a5.858 5.858 0 0 0-3.528 1.152c-1.008.768-1.512 1.8-1.512 3.096 0 2.304 1.656 3.456 4.968 3.456.528 0 1.056-.072 1.584-.216a5.437 5.437 0 0 1 1.728-.288c.576 0 .864.192.864.576 0 .048-.192.168-.576.36-.384.144-.864.384-1.44.72-.528.336-1.08.768-1.656 1.296-1.344 1.248-2.016 2.952-2.016 5.112s.648 3.816 1.944 4.968c1.296 1.104 2.976 1.656 5.04 1.656s4.176-.6 6.336-1.8a14.695 14.695 0 0 0 5.256-4.896l.504.864c-1.824 3.168-4.368 5.664-7.632 7.488-3.216 1.872-6.168 2.808-8.856 2.808-2.64 0-4.68-.552-6.12-1.656-1.392-1.104-2.088-2.52-2.088-4.248 0-1.776.432-3.408 1.296-4.896.864-1.488 1.608-2.544 2.232-3.168.672-.672 1.152-1.128 1.44-1.368.336-.288.504-.48.504-.576 0-.144-.024-.216-.072-.216-1.536.576-3.024.864-4.464.864-2.544 0-3.816-1.032-3.816-3.096 0-2.784 1.584-5.184 4.752-7.2 3.168-2.016 5.928-3.024 8.28-3.024 2.4 0 3.6.576 3.6 1.728 0 .72-.384 1.488-1.152 2.304-.768.816-1.464 1.224-2.088 1.224-.96 0-1.44-.408-1.44-1.224' /%3E %3C/g%3E %3Ctext word-spacing='0' xml:space='preserve' transform='translate(-177.39 -82.362)' style='line-height:125%25;-inkscape-font-specification:Mr Bedfort' font-size='40' y='13.976' x='280.368' font-weight='400' letter-spacing='0' font-family='Mr Bedfort' /%3E %3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' d='M99.36 29.25c-.061-.106.474-.57 1.596-1.31 1.123-.74 2.835-1.75 5.15-2.876 2.313-1.127 5.233-2.365 8.729-3.583 3.496-1.218 7.573-2.41 12.103-3.567 5.291-1.357 11.259-2.645 17.812-3.778 6.554-1.133 13.693-2.108 21.297-2.923 13.686-1.47 28.926-2.381 45.127-2.565 7.483-.085 15.175-.02 23.015.229 7.834.248 15.51.67 22.968 1.25 14.92 1.156 28.998 2.957 41.703 5.435 6.104 1.186 11.931 2.505 17.35 4.046 5.42 1.541 10.433 3.303 14.965 5.263 4.145 1.79 7.906 3.808 11.06 6.11 1.442 1.044 2.772 2.171 3.92 3.37 1.146 1.199 2.11 2.469 2.864 3.785a13.434 13.434 0 0 1 1.512 3.986c.295 1.494.276 2.914.074 4.176a14.011 14.011 0 0 1-1.3 3.977 16.406 16.406 0 0 1-1.587 2.577c-.977 1.305-1.626 1.855-1.732 1.773-.106-.082.333-.802 1.064-2.196a22.47 22.47 0 0 0 1.191-2.616c.393-1.05.749-2.284.853-3.7a10.664 10.664 0 0 0-.315-3.59c-.293-1.107-.799-2.24-1.502-3.34-.713-1.123-1.625-2.201-2.717-3.229-1.092-1.027-2.363-2.005-3.75-2.943-3.044-2.044-6.684-3.82-10.755-5.44-4.459-1.771-9.383-3.354-14.721-4.736-5.338-1.383-11.09-2.564-17.15-3.648-12.586-2.244-26.524-3.873-41.336-4.949a561.489 561.489 0 0 0-22.791-1.181 602.786 602.786 0 0 0-22.847-.285c-16.088.1-31.21.836-44.806 2.057-7.56.68-14.646 1.492-21.154 2.44-6.509.95-12.44 2.035-17.714 3.176-4.53.984-8.59 1.971-12.085 2.975a106.17 106.17 0 0 0-8.788 2.925c-2.358.907-4.145 1.7-5.364 2.228-1.22.527-1.876.783-1.938.677z' /%3E %3C/svg%3E"); -}
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ ## Badges
Badges are shorthands for [Icons](#Icons) formatted with different colors. To add a _badge_ to some inline text, use the corresponding class among those listed in the following table. For example, the following code: - [Genoa, Italy](class:geo) + [Genoa, Italy](class:badge-geo) produces the following result: -[Genoa, Italy](class:geo) +[Genoa, Italy](class:badge-geo) {{hs}} currently supports the following badges: