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{.pragma: rtl, exportc, dynlib, cdecl.} import lexbase, streams, critbits type MinTokenKind* = enum tkError, tkEof, tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkBracketLe, tkBracketRi, tkSymbol, tkTrue, tkFalse MinKind* = enum minInt, minFloat, minQuotation, minString, minSymbol, minBool MinEventKind* = enum ## enumeration of all events that may occur when parsing eMinError, ## an error ocurred during parsing eMinEof, ## end of file reached eMinString, ## a string literal eMinInt, ## an integer literal eMinFloat, ## a float literal eMinQuotationStart, ## start of an array: the ``(`` token eMinQuotationEnd ## start of an array: the ``)`` token MinParserError* = enum ## enumeration that lists all errors that can occur errNone, ## no error errInvalidToken, ## invalid token errStringExpected, ## string expected errBracketRiExpected, ## ``)`` expected errQuoteExpected, ## ``"`` or ``'`` expected errEOC_Expected, ## ``*/`` expected errEofExpected, ## EOF expected errExprExpected MinParserState* = enum stateEof, stateStart, stateQuotation, stateExpectValue MinParser* = object of BaseLexer a*: string token*: MinTokenKind state*: seq[MinParserState] kind*: MinEventKind err*: MinParserError filename*: string MinValue* = ref MinValueObject MinValueObject* = object line*: int column*: int filename*: string case kind*: MinKind of minInt: intVal*: BiggestInt of minFloat: floatVal*: BiggestFloat of minQuotation: qVal*: seq[MinValue] scope*: ref MinScope of minString: strVal*: string of minSymbol: symVal*: string of minBool: boolVal*: bool MinScope* = object symbols*: CritBitTree[MinOperator] sigils*: CritBitTree[MinOperator] parent*: ref MinScope name*: string stack*: MinStack MinOperatorProc* = proc (i: In) {.closure.} MinOperatorKind* = enum minProcOp minValOp MinOperator* = object sealed*: bool case kind*: MinOperatorKind of minProcOp: prc*: MinOperatorProc of minValOp: val*: MinValue MinStack* = seq[MinValue] In* = var MinInterpreter MinInterpreter* = object stack*: MinStack trace*: MinStack stackcopy*: MinStack pwd*: string scope*: ref MinScope parser*: MinParser currSym*: MinValue filename*: string evaluating*: bool MinParsingError* = ref object of ValueError MinUndefinedError* = ref object of ValueError MinEmptyStackError* = ref object of ValueError MinInvalidError* = ref object of ValueError MinOutOfBoundsError* = ref object of ValueError proc isSymbol*(s: MinValue): bool = return s.kind == minSymbol proc isQuotation*(s: MinValue): bool = return s.kind == minQuotation proc isString*(s: MinValue): bool = return s.kind == minString proc isFloat*(s: MinValue): bool = return s.kind == minFloat proc isInt*(s: MinValue): bool = return s.kind == minInt proc isNumber*(s: MinValue): bool = return s.kind == minInt or s.kind == minFloat proc isBool*(s: MinValue): bool = return s.kind == minBool proc isStringLike*(s: MinValue): bool = return s.isSymbol or s.isString or (s.isQuotation and s.qVal.len == 1 and s.qVal[0].isSymbol) proc isDictionary*(q: MinValue): bool = if not q.isQuotation: return false if q.qVal.len == 0: return true for val in q.qVal: if not val.isQuotation or val.qVal.len != 2 or not val.qVal[0].isString: return false return true proc newVal*(s: string): MinValue = return MinValue(kind: minString, strVal: s) proc newVal*(s: cstring): MinValue = return MinValue(kind: minString, strVal: $s) #proc newVal*(q: seq[MinValue], parentScope: ref MinScope): MinValue = # return MinValue(kind: minQuotation, qVal: q, scope: newScopeRef(parentScope)) proc newVal*(s: BiggestInt): MinValue = return MinValue(kind: minInt, intVal: s) proc newVal*(s: BiggestFloat): MinValue = return MinValue(kind: minFloat, floatVal: s) proc newVal*(s: bool): MinValue = return MinValue(kind: minBool, boolVal: s) proc newSym*(s: string): MinValue = return MinValue(kind: minSymbol, symVal: s) var define: proc(i: In): ref MinScope finalize: proc(scope: ref MinScope, name: string) symbol: proc(scope: ref MinScope, sym: string, p: MinOperatorProc) expect: proc(i: var MinInterpreter, elements: varargs[string]): seq[MinValue] push: proc(i: In, val: MinValue) proc setup*( defineProc: proc(i: In): ref MinScope, finalizeProc: proc(scope: ref MinScope, name: string), symbolProc: proc(scope: ref MinScope, sym: string, p: MinOperatorProc), expectProc: proc(i: var MinInterpreter, elements: varargs[string]): seq[MinValue], pushProc: proc(i: In, val: MinValue) ): string {.rtl.} = echo "Hello from lib" define = defineProc finalize = finalizeProc symbol = symbolProc expect = expectProc push = pushProc result = "the_lib" proc the_lib*(i: In) {.rtl.} = let def = i.define() def.symbol("myplus") do (i: In): let vals = i.expect("num", "num") let a = vals[0] let b = vals[1] if a.isInt: if b.isInt: i.push newVal(a.intVal + b.intVal) else: i.push newVal(a.intVal.float + b.floatVal) else: if b.isFloat: i.push newVal(a.floatVal + b.floatVal) else: i.push newVal(a.floatVal + b.intVal.float) def.finalize("dyn") |