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----- content-type: "page" title: "str Module" ----- {@ || 0 @} {#alias||%||interpolate#} {#alias||=%||apply-interpolate#} {#alias||=~||regex#} {#op||apply-interpolate||{{s}} {{q}}||{{s}}|| The same as pushing `apply` and then `interpolate` on the stack.#} {#op||capitalize||{{sl}}||{{s}}|| Returns a copy of {{sl}} with the first character capitalized.#} {#op||chr||{{i}}||{{s}}|| Returns the single character {{s}} obtained by interpreting {{i}} as an ASCII code.#} {#op||from-semver||{{s}}||{{d}}|| Given a basic [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) {{s}}, it pushes a dictionary {{d}} on the stack containing a **major**, **minor**, and **patch** key/value pairs.#} {#op||indent||{{sl}} {{i}}||{{s}}|| Returns {{s}} containing {{sl}} indented with {{i}} spaces.#} {#op||indexof||{{s1}} {{s2}}||{{i}}|| If {{s2}} is contained in {{s1}}, returns the index of the first match or -1 if no match is found. #} {#op||interpolate||{{s}} {{q}}||{{s}}|| > Substitutes the placeholders included in {{s}} with the values in {{q}}. > > %note% > > Notes > > > > * If {{q}} contains symbols or quotations, they are not interpreted. To do so, call `apply` before interpolating or use `apply-interpolate` instead. > > * You can use the `$#` placeholder to indicate the next placeholder that has not been already referenced in the string. > > * You can use named placeholders like `$pwd`, but in this case {{q}} must contain a quotation containing both the placeholder names (odd items) and the values (even items). > > > %sidebar% > > Example > > > > The following code (executed in a directory called '/Users/h3rald/Development/min' containing 19 files): > > > > `"Directory '$1' includes $2 files." (. (. ls 'file? filter size)) apply interpolate` > > > > produces: > > > > `"Directory '/Users/h3rald/Development/min' includes 19 files."`#} {#op||join||{{q}} {{sl}}||{{s}}|| Joins the elements of {{q}} using separator {{sl}}, producing {{s}}.#} {#op||length||{{sl}}||{{i}}|| Returns the length of {{sl}}.#} {#op||lowercase||{{sl}}||{{s}}|| Returns a copy of {{sl}} converted to lowercase.#} {#op||match||{{s1}} {{s2}}||{{b}}|| > Returns {{t}} if {{s2}} matches {{s1}}, {{f}} otherwise. > > %tip% > > Tip > > > > {{s2}} can be a {{sgregex}}-compatible regular expression.#} {#op||ord||{{s}}||{{i}}|| Returns the ASCII code {{i}} corresponding to the single character {{s}}.#} {#op||repeat||{{sl}} {{i}}||{{s}}|| Returns {{s}} containing {{sl}} repeated {{i}} times.#} {#op||replace||{{s1}} {{s2}} {{s3}}||{{s4}}|| > Returns a copy of {{s1}} containing all occurrences of {{s2}} replaced by {{s3}} > > %tip% > > Tip > > > > {{s2}} can be a {{sgregex}}-compatible regular expression. > > > %sidebar% > > Example > > > > The following: > > > > `"This is a stupid test. Is it really a stupid test?" " s[a-z]+" " simple" replace` > > > > produces: > > > > `"This is a simple test. Is it really a simple test?"`#} {#op||regex||{{s1}} {{s2}}||{{q}}|| > Performs a search and/or a search-and-replace operation using pattern {{s2}}. > > {{s2}} can be one of the following patterns: > > * **/**_search-regex_**/**_modifiers_ > * **s/**_search-regex_**/**_replacemenet_**/**_modifiers_ > > {{q}} is always a quotation containing: > > * One or more strings containing the first match and captures (if any), like for the `search` operator. > * A string containing the resuling string after the search-and-replace operation. > > > %tip% > > Tip > > > > * _search-regex_ can be a {{sgregex}}-compatible regular expression. > > * _modifiers_ are optionals can contain one or more of the following characters, in any order: > > * **i**: case-insensitive match. > > * **m**: multi-line match. > > * **s**: dot character includes newlines. > > > %sidebar% > > Example: Search > > > > The following: > > > > `"This is a GOOD idea." "/(good) idea/i" regex` > > > > produces: `("GOOD idea", "GOOD")` > > > %sidebar% > > Example: Search and Replace > > > > The following: > > > > `"This is a GOOD idea." "s/good/bad/i" regex` > > > > produces: `("This is a bad idea")`#} {#op||search||{{s1}} {{s2}}||{{q}}|| > Returns a quotation containing the first occurrence of {{s2}} within {{s2}}. Note that: > > * The first element of {{q}} is the matching substring. > * Other elements (if any) contain captured substrings. > > > %tip% > > Tip > > > > {{s2}} can be a {{sgregex}}-compatible regular expression. > > > %sidebar% > > Example > > > > The following: > > > > `"," "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)" search` > > > > produces: `("", "1", "1")`#} {#op||semver-inc-major||{{s1}}||{{s2}}|| Increments the major digit of the [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) {{s1}}. #} {#op||semver-inc-minor||{{s1}}||{{s2}}|| Increments the minor digit of the [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) {{s1}}. #} {#op||semver-inc-patch||{{s1}}||{{s2}}|| Increments the patch digit of the [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) {{s1}}. #} {#op||semver?||{{s}}||{{b}}|| Checks whether {{s}} is a [SemVer]( version or not. #} {#op||split||{{sl1}} {{sl2}}||{{q}}|| Splits {{sl1}} using separator {{sl2}} and returns the resulting strings within the quotation {{q}}. #} {#op||strip||{{sl}}||{{s}}|| Returns {{s}}, which is set to {{sl}} with leading and trailing spaces removed.#} {#op||substr||{{s1}} {{i1}} {{i2}}||{{s2}}|| Returns a substring {{s2}} obtained by retriving {{i2}} characters starting from index {{i1}} within {{s1}}.#} {#op||titleize||{{sl}}||{{s}}|| Returns a copy of {{sl}} in which the first character of each word is capitalized.#} {#op||to-semver||{{d}}||{{s}}|| Given a a dictionary {{d}} containing a **major**, **minor**, and **patch** key/value pairs , it pushes a basic [SemVer]( string (with no additional labels) {{s}} on the stack.#} {#op||uppercase||{{sl1}}||{{sl2}}|| Returns a copy of {{sl}} converted to uppercase.#} |