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" Vim syntax file " Language: MiNiM " Maintainer: Fabio Cevasco " Last Change: 15 September 2016 " Version: 1.0.0 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif setl iskeyword+=?,$,+,*,/,%,=,>,<,&,-,',.,:,@,~,^,! syntax keyword minimDefaultSymbol ! != $ & ' * + - % ^ -> . .. / : < <= == => =~ > >= @ ROOT aes and append apply ask at atime b bind bool bool? bury1 bury2 bury3 c call call! capitalize case cd chmod choose clear-stack column-print concat confirm cons cp cpu crypto ctime datetime ddel debug debug? decode decrypt define delete dget dictionary? dig1 dig2 dig3 dip dir? dirname div dprint dprint! dset dump-stack dup dupd echo encode encrypt env? eq eval even? exit fappend file? filename filter first float float? foreach fperms fread from-json fs fsize fstats ftype fwrite gets get-stack getenv gt gte hardlink hidden? i id ifte import include indent inspect int int? interpolate interval io join k keys length linrec load load-symbol logic lowercase ls ls-r lt lte map match md5 mkdir mod module mtime mv newline not noteq now num number? odd? or os password pop popd pred prepend print print! prompt puts puts! putenv q quit quotation? quote raise regex remove-symbol repeat replace rest rm rmdir run save-symbol scope scope? seal search select set-stack sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 sigil sigils sip size sleep sort source split stored-symbols str string string? strip succ swap swapd swons symbols symlink symlink? sys system take tformat time timeinfo times timestamp titleize to-json try unit unquote uppercase values version which while with xor zap contains syntax match minimDefaultSigil ;\<[:@'~!$%&$=<>^*]; contained syntax match minimQuote ;\<[']; syntax match minimBinding ;@; syntax keyword minimCommentTodo TODO FIXME XXX TBD contained syntax match minimComment /;.*$/ contains=minimCommentTodo syntax match minimNumber ;[-+]\=\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=; syntax keyword minimBoolean true false syntax region minimString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\$"+ end=+"+ syntax region minimSigilSymbol start=;\<[:@'~!$%&$=<>^*]; end=;\>; contains=minimDefaultSigil syntax region minimQuotedSymbol start=;\<[']; end=;\>; contains=minimQuote syntax region minimBoundSymbol start=;@; end=;\>; contains=minimBinding syntax match minimSymbol ;[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9/!?_-]*; syntax match minimParen ;(\|); " Highlighting hi default link minimComment Comment hi default link minimCommentTodo Todo hi default link minimString String hi default link minimSigilSymbol String hi default link minimNumber Number hi default link minimBoolean Boolean hi default link minimDefaultSymbol Statement hi default link minimQuote Delimiter hi default link minimBinding Delimiter hi default link minimDefaultSigil Delimiter hi default link minimSymbol Identifier hi default link minimQuotedSymbol Special hi default link minimBoundSymbol Special hi default link minimParen Special let b:current_syntax = "minim" |