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<article> <h2>Get Started</h2> <p>The following pre-built binaries are available for download:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://github.com/h3rald/hex/releases/download/v{{release}}/hex_v{{release}}_linux_x86_64.zip" target="_blank">hex v{{release}} for Linux</a> (x86_64)</a></li> <li><a href="https://github.com/h3rald/hex/releases/download/v{{release}}/hex_v{{release}}_macos_x86_64.zip" target="_blank">hex v{{release}} for MacOS</a> (x86_64)</li> <li><a href="https://github.com/h3rald/hex/releases/download/v{{release}}/hex_v{{release}}_macos_arm64.zip" target="_blank">hex v{{release}} for MacOS</a> (ARM64)</li> <li><a href="https://github.com/h3rald/hex/releases/download/v{{release}}/hex_v{{release}}_windows_x86_64.zip" target="_blank">hex v{{release}} for Windows</a> (x86_64)</li> <li><a href="https://github.com/h3rald/hex/releases/download/v{{release}}/hex_v{{release}}_ape.zip" target="_blank">hex v{{release}}</a> (<a href="https://justine.lol/ape.html" target="_blank">αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε</a>) </li> <li><a href="https://github.com/h3rald/hex/releases/download/v{{release}}/hex_v{{release}}_wasm.zip" target="_blank">hex v{{release}}</a> (<a href="https://webassembly.org" target="_blank">WebAssembly</a> — <em>very</em> experimental) </li> </ul> <blockquote> <div>A note on the WASM build</div> <p>The main purpose of the WASM build is to power the <a href="/play">playground</a>. If you try to run it with NodeJS, the REPL will also <em>somewhat</em> work, except that file support and executing processes doesn't seem to behave, at the moment, and neither does `printf` unless you add a new line so... use at your own risk, or please use one of the other builds.</p> </blockquote> <h3>Building from Source</h3> <p>Building from source is easy: just run <code>make</code> after <a href="https://github.com/h3rald/hex">cloning the repo</a> to build the hex executable for your platform.</p> <p>This assumes that you have a C compiler like GCC and the make command installed. On Windows, you may want to look into <a href="https://www.msys2.org" target="_blank">MSYS2</a>.</p> <p>You can also:</p> <ul> <li>Run <code>make test</code> to run the test suite.</li> <li>Run <code>make ape</code> to generate an αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε (requires <a href="https://github.com/jart/cosmopolitan" target="_blank">Cosmopolitan</a>). </li> <li>Run <code>make wasm</code> to generate a <code>hex.js</code> and a <code>hex.wasm</code> (WebAssembly) file (requires the <a href="https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk" target="_blank">Emscripten SDK</a>). </li> </ul> <h3>Command Line Options</h3> <p>Running <code>hex -h</code> will print the following list of all the available command line options for the hex executable:</p> <pre> _*_ _ / \hex\* *\_/_/_/ v{{release}} - (c) {{year}} Fabio Cevasco * USAGE hex [options] [file] ARGUMENTS file A .hex or .hbx file to interpret OPTIONS -b, --bytecode Generate a .hbx bytecode file. -d, --debug Enable debug mode. -h, --help Display this help message. -m, --manual Display the manual. -v, --version Display hex version. </pre> <p>If you do not specify any option or argument, a simple <abbr title="Read-Eval-Print-Loop">REPL</abbr> will be started.</p> <p>Alternatively, you can also pipe input from standard input: <p> <pre><code>echo "0x2 0x2 + puts" | hex</code></pre> <h3>Syntax Highlighting</h3> <p>If you use the Vim editor, you can use <a href="https://github.com/h3rald/hex/blob/master/hex.vim" target="_blank">hex.vim</a> to highlight hex files.</p> <p>If you use Visual Studio Code, you can use the <a href="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=h3rald.vscode-hex-lang">hex</a> extension to highlight hex files. </p> </article> |