1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 |
# Syntax Reference ## Document Headers {{hs}} supports [Pandoc][pandoc]-style Document Headers, as implemented by the [Discount][discount] library. Basically, you can specify the title of the document, author and date as the first three lines of the document, prepending each with a [%](class:kwd), like this ~~~ % HastyScribe User Guide % Fabio Cevasco % - ~~~ > %warning% > Important > > * The order of the document headers is significant. > * If you want to use the current date, enter [% -](class:kwd) in the third line. ## Snippets If you want to reuse a few words or even entire blocks of texts, you can use {{hs}}'s snippets. A snippet definition is constituted by an identifier, followed by an arrow (->), followed by some text -- all wrapped in double curly brackets. The following definition creates a snippet called [test](class:kwd) which is transformed into the text "This is a test snippet.". <code>\{\{test -> This is a test snippet.\}\}</code> Once a snippet is defined _anywhere_ in the document, you can use its identifier wrapped in double curly brackets (<code>\{\{test}\}\}</code> in the previous example) anywhere in the document to reuse the specified text. > %note% > Remarks > > * It doesn't matter where a snippet is defined. Snippets can be used anywhere in the document, before or after their definition. > * When a document is compiled, both snippets _and snippets definitions_ are evaluated their body text. ## Fields Besides user-defined snippets, {{hs}} also support fields, which can be used to insert current time and date information in a variety of formats: > %responsive% > Source | Output > --------------------------------------------|---------------------- > <code>\{\{$timestamp\}\}</code> | {{$timestamp}} > <code>\{\{$date\}\}</code> | {{$date}} > <code>\{\{$full-date\}\}</code> | {{$full-date}} > <code>\{\{$long-date\}\}</code> | {{$long-date}} > <code>\{\{$medium-date\}\}</code> | {{$medium-date}} > <code>\{\{$short-date\}\}</code> | {{$short-date}} > <code>\{\{$short-time\}\}</code> | {{$short-time}} > <code>\{\{$short-time-24\}\}</code> | {{$short-time-24}} > <code>\{\{$time\}\}</code> | {{$time}} > <code>\{\{$time-24\}\}</code> | {{$time-24}} > <code>\{\{$day\}\}</code> | {{$day}} > <code>\{\{$short-day\}\}</code> | {{$short-day}} > <code>\{\{$month\}\}</code> | {{$month}} > <code>\{\{$short-month\}\}</code> | {{$short-month}} > <code>\{\{$year\}\}</code> | {{$year}} > <code>\{\{$short-year\}\}</code> | {{$short-year}} > <code>\{\{$weekday\}\}</code> | {{$weekday}} > <code>\{\{$weekday-abbr\}\}</code> | {{$weekday-abbr}} > <code>\{\{$month-name\}\}</code> | {{$month-name}} > <code>\{\{$month-name-abbr\}\}</code> | {{$month-name-abbr}} > <code>\{\{$timezone-offset\}\}</code> | {{$timezone-offset}} Additionally, you can define your own custom fields via command-line parameters, using the [--field/](class:arg) dynamic parameter, like this: > %terminal% > hastyscribe --field/product:HastyScribe --field/version:1.2.0 In this case it will be possible to access the [product](class:kwd) and [product](class:kwd) fields within [](class:file) using <code>\{\{$product\}\}</code> and <code>\{\{$version\}\}</code>. ## Macros If snippets are not enough, and you want to reuse chunks of _similar_ content, you can define substitution macros using the following syntax: <code>\{#greet -> Hello, $1! Are you $2?#\}</code> This defines a macro called [greet](class:kwd) that takes two parameters which will be substituted instead of [$1](class:kwd) and [$2](class:kwd). To use the macro, use the following syntax: <code>\{#greet||Fabio||ready#\}</code> > %note% > Note > > * Like snippets, macros can be multiline. > * Spaces and newline character are preseved ad the start and end of parameters. > * You can use snippets and fields within macros (but you cannot nest macros inside other macros). {@ || 2 @} {@ || 2 @} |