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##ifndef _MKDIO_D ##define _MKDIO_D type MMIOT* = int mkd_flag_t* = uint32 # line builder for markdown() # {.push importc, cdecl.} proc mkd_in*(a2: TFile; a3: mkd_flag_t): ptr MMIOT # assemble input from a file proc mkd_string*(a2: cstring; a3: cint; a4: mkd_flag_t): ptr MMIOT # assemble input from a buffer # line builder for github flavoured markdown # proc gfm_in*(a2: TFile; a3: mkd_flag_t): ptr MMIOT # assemble input from a file proc gfm_string*(a2: cstring; a3: cint; a4: mkd_flag_t): ptr MMIOT # assemble input from a buffer proc mkd_basename*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: cstring) proc mkd_initialize*() proc mkd_with_html5_tags*() proc mkd_shlib_destructor*() # compilation, debugging, cleanup # proc mkd_compile*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: mkd_flag_t): cint proc mkd_cleanup*(a2: ptr MMIOT) # markup functions # proc mkd_dump*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: TFile; a4: cint; a5: cstring): cint proc markdown*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: TFile; a4: mkd_flag_t): cint proc mkd_line*(a2: cstring; a3: cint; a4: cstringArray; a5: mkd_flag_t): cint type mkd_sta_function_t* = proc (a2: cint; a3: pointer): cint proc mkd_string_to_anchor*(a2: cstring; a3: cint; a4: mkd_sta_function_t; a5: pointer; a6: cint) proc mkd_xhtmlpage*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: cint; a4: TFile): cint # header block access # proc mkd_doc_title*(a2: ptr MMIOT): cstring proc mkd_doc_author*(a2: ptr MMIOT): cstring proc mkd_doc_date*(a2: ptr MMIOT): cstring # compiled data access # proc mkd_document*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: cstringArray): cint proc mkd_toc*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: cstringArray): cint proc mkd_css*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: cstringArray): cint proc mkd_xml*(a2: cstring; a3: cint; a4: cstringArray): cint # write-to-file functions # proc mkd_generatehtml*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: TFile): cint proc mkd_generatetoc*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: TFile): cint proc mkd_generatexml*(a2: cstring; a3: cint; a4: TFile): cint proc mkd_generatecss*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: TFile): cint const mkd_style* = mkd_generatecss proc mkd_generateline*(a2: cstring; a3: cint; a4: TFile; a5: mkd_flag_t): cint const mkd_text* = mkd_generateline # url generator callbacks # type mkd_callback_t* = proc (a2: cstring; a3: cint; a4: pointer): cstring mkd_free_t* = proc (a2: cstring; a3: pointer) proc mkd_e_url*(a2: pointer; a3: mkd_callback_t) proc mkd_e_flags*(a2: pointer; a3: mkd_callback_t) proc mkd_e_free*(a2: pointer; a3: mkd_free_t) proc mkd_e_data*(a2: pointer; a3: pointer) # version#. # var markdown_version*: ptr char proc mkd_mmiot_flags*(a2: TFile; a3: ptr MMIOT; a4: cint) proc mkd_flags_are*(a2: TFile; a3: mkd_flag_t; a4: cint) proc mkd_ref_prefix*(a2: ptr MMIOT; a3: cstring) # special flags for markdown() and mkd_text() # {.pop.} const MKD_NOLINKS* = 0x00000001 # don't do link processing, block <a> tags MKD_NOIMAGE* = 0x00000002 # don't do image processing, block <img> MKD_NOPANTS* = 0x00000004 # don't run smartypants() MKD_NOHTML* = 0x00000008 # don't allow raw html through AT ALL MKD_STRICT* = 0x00000010 # disable SUPERSCRIPT, RELAXED_EMPHASIS MKD_TAGTEXT* = 0x00000020 # process text inside an html tag; no # <em>, no <bold>, no html or [] expansion MKD_NO_EXT* = 0x00000040 # don't allow pseudo-protocols #MKD_NOEXT* = MKD_NO_EXT # ^^^ (aliased for user convenience) MKD_CDATA* = 0x00000080 # generate code for xml ![CDATA[...]] MKD_NOSUPERSCRIPT* = 0x00000100 # no A^B MKD_NORELAXED* = 0x00000200 # emphasis happens /everywhere/ MKD_NOTABLES* = 0x00000400 # disallow tables MKD_NOSTRIKETHROUGH* = 0x00000800 # forbid ~~strikethrough~~ MKD_DOTOC* = 0x00001000 # do table-of-contents processing MKD_1_COMPAT* = 0x00002000 # compatibility with MarkdownTest_1.0 MKD_AUTOLINK* = 0x00004000 # make link even without <>s MKD_SAFELINK* = 0x00008000 # paranoid check for link protocol MKD_NOHEADER* = 0x00010000 # don't process header blocks MKD_TABSTOP* = 0x00020000 # expand tabs to 4 spaces MKD_NODIVQUOTE* = 0x00040000 # forbid >%class% blocks MKD_NOALPHALIST* = 0x00080000 # forbid alphabetic lists MKD_NODLIST* = 0x00100000 # forbid definition lists MKD_EXTRA_FOOTNOTE* = 0x00200000 # enable markdown extra-style footnotes MKD_NOSTYLE* = 0x00400000 # don't extract <style> blocks MKD_EMBED* = MKD_NOLINKS or MKD_NOIMAGE or MKD_TAGTEXT # special flags for mkd_in() and mkd_string() type TMDMetaData* = object of TObject title*: string author*: string date*: string toc*: string proc md*(s: string, f = 0): string = var flags = uint32(f) var str = cstring(s) var mmiot = mkd_string(str, cint(str.len-1), flags) discard mkd_compile(mmiot, flags) var res = allocCStringArray([""]) discard mkd_document(mmiot, res) result = cstringArrayToSeq(res)[0] mkd_cleanup(mmiot) return proc md*(s: string, f = 0, data: var TMDMetadata, callback: mkd_callback_t): string = var flags = uint32(f) var str = cstring(s) var mmiot = mkd_string(str, cint(str.len-1), flags) data.title = $mkd_doc_title(mmiot) = $mkd_doc_author(mmiot) = $mkd_doc_date(mmiot) mkd_e_url(mmiot, callback) discard mkd_compile(mmiot, flags) if (int(flags) and MKD_DOTOC) == MKD_DOTOC: var toc = allocCStringArray([""]) discard $mkd_toc(mmiot, toc) data.toc = cstringArrayToSeq(toc)[0] var res = allocCStringArray([""]) discard mkd_document(mmiot, res) result = cstringArrayToSeq(res)[0] mkd_cleanup(mmiot) return |