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import h3, { mount } from "./h3.js"; import AddTodoForm from "./components/addTodoForm.js"; import EmptyTodoError from "./components/emptyTodoError.js"; import NavigationBar from "./components/navigationBar.js"; import TodoList from "./components/todoList.js"; let todos = []; let filteredTodos = []; let app; let displayEmptyTodoError = false; let filter = ""; let pagesize = 10; let page = 1; // State management via localStorage const save = () => { localStorage.setItem("h3_todo_list", JSON.stringify(todos)); }; const load = () => { const lsTodos = localStorage.getItem("h3_todo_list"); if (lsTodos) { todos = JSON.parse(lsTodos); } }; // Actual DOM creation/updateing const update = () => { save(); app.update({ vnode: build() }); }; // UI Methods // Add a todo item const addTodo = () => { const newTodo = document.getElementById("new-todo"); if (!newTodo.value) { displayEmptyTodoError = true; update(); document.getElementById("new-todo").focus(); return; } displayEmptyTodoError = false; todos.unshift({ key: `todo_${Date.now()}__${newTodo.value}`, // Make todos "unique-enough" to ensure they are processed correctly text: newTodo.value, }); newTodo.value = ""; update(); document.getElementById("new-todo").focus(); }; // Add a todo item when pressing enter in the input field. const addTodoOnEnter = (event) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { addTodo(); event.preventDefault(); } }; const toggleTodo = (todo) => { todo.done = !todo.done; update(); }; const removeTodo = (todo) => { todos = todos.filter(({ key }) => key !== todo.key); update(); }; // Set the todo filter. const setFilter = (event) => { let f = document.getElementById("filter-text"); filter = f.value; update(); f = document.getElementById("filter-text"); f.focus(); }; // Clear error message const clearError = () => { displayEmptyTodoError = false; update(); document.getElementById("new-todo").focus(); }; // Filtering function for todo items const filterTodos = ({ text }) => text.match(filter); // Main rendering function (creates virtual dom) const build = () => { const hash = window.location.hash; filteredTodos = todos.filter(filterTodos); if (hash.match(/page=(\d+)/)) { page = parseInt(hash.match(/page=(\d+)/)[1]); } // Recalculate page in case data is filtered. page = Math.min(Math.ceil(filteredTodos.length / pagesize), page) || 1; const paginatorData = { size: pagesize, page: page, total: filteredTodos.length, }; const start = (page - 1) * pagesize; const end = Math.min(start + pagesize, filteredTodos.length); return h3("div#todolist.todo-list-container", [ h3("h1", "To Do List"), AddTodoForm({ addTodo, addTodoOnEnter }), EmptyTodoError({ displayEmptyTodoError }, { clearError }), NavigationBar({ filter, paginatorData }, { update, setFilter }), TodoList({ filteredTodos, start, end }, { toggleTodo, removeTodo }), ]); }; load(); app = build(); mount("app", app); |