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import packages/nim-sgregex/sgregex, std/exitprocs, parseopt, os, terminal, strutils, times type StringBounds = array[0..1, int] StringMatches = object start: int finish: int captures: seq[string] FaeOptions = object regex: string insensitive: bool recursive: bool filter: string substitute: string directory: string apply: bool test: bool silent: bool addExitProc(resetAttributes) const version = "1.1.0" const usage = """FAE v""" & version & """ - Find & Edit Utility (c) 2015-2020 Fabio Cevasco Usage: fae <pattern> <replacement> [option1 option2 ...] Where: <pattern> A regular expression to search for <replacoement> An optional replacement string <flags> i: case-insensitive match m: multiline match s: treat newlines as spaces Options: -a, --apply Substitute all occurrences of <pattern> with <replacement> in all files without asking for confirmation. -d, --directory Search in the specified directory (default: .) -f, --filter Specify a regular expression to filter file paths. -h, --help Display this message. -i, --insensitive Case-insensitive matching. -r, --recursive Search directories recursively. -s, --silent Do not display matches. -t, --test Do not perform substitutions, just print results. -v, --version Display the program version. """ proc flags(opt: FaeOptions): string = if options.insensitive: "i" else: "" proc matchBounds(str, expr: string, start = 0, options: FaeOptions): StringBounds = let s = str.substr(start) let c = s.search(expr, options.flags) let match = c.len result = [match-c[0].len+start, match-1+start] #proc old_matchBounds(str, regex: string, start = 0, flags = 0): StringBounds = # var c = cast[ptr array[0..9,Capture]](alloc0(sizeof(array[0..9, Capture]))) # var s = str.substr(start).cstring # let match = slre_match(("(" & regex & ")").cstring, s, s.len.cint, c, 10, flags.cint) # if match >= 0: # result = [match-c[0].len+start, match-1+start] # else: # result = match.handleRegexErrors() proc matchCaptures(str, expr: string, start = 0, options: FaeOptions): StringMatches = let s = str.substr(start) let c = s.search(expr, options.flags) let match = c.len result = StringMatches(start: match-c[0].len+start, finish: match-1+start, captures: c) #proc old_matchCaptures(str, regex: string, start = 0, flags = 0): StringMatches = # var c = cast[ptr array[0..9,Capture]](alloc0(sizeof(array[0..9, Capture]))) # var s = str.substr(start).cstring # let match = slre_match(("(" & regex & ")").cstring, s, s.len.cint, c, 10, flags.cint) # if match >= 0: # result = StringMatches(start: match-c[0].len+start, finish: match-1+start, captures: c) # else: # result = StringMatches(start: match, finish: match, captures: c) proc matchBoundsRec(str, regex: string, start = 0, matches: var seq[StringBounds], options: FaeOptions) = let match = str.matchBounds(regex, start, options) if match[0] >= 0: matches.add(match) matchBoundsRec(str, regex, match[1]+1, matches) proc match(str, regex: string): bool = str.match(regex) proc rawReplace(str: var string, sub: string, start, finish: int) = str.delete(start, finish) str.insert(sub, start) proc replace(str, regex: string, substitute: var string, start = 0): string = return sgregex.replace(str, regex, substitute) #proc old_replace(str, regex: string, substitute: var string, start = 0): string = # var newstr = str # let match = str.matchCaptures(regex, start) # if match.finish >= 0: # for i in 1..9: # # Substitute captures # var submatches = newSeq[StringBounds](0) # substitute.matchBoundsRec("\\\\" & $i, 0, submatches) # for submatch in submatches: # var capture = match.captures[i] # if capture.len > 0: # substitute.rawReplace(substr(capture, 0, (capture.len-1).int), submatch[0], submatch[1]) # newstr.rawReplace(substitute, match.start, match.finish) # return newstr proc displayMatch(str: string, start, finish: int, color = fgYellow, lineN: int, silent = false) = if silent: return let max_extra_chars = 20 let context_start = max(start-max_extra_chars, 0) let context_finish = min(finish+max_extra_chars, str.len) let match: string = str.substr(start, finish) var context: string = str.substr(context_start, context_finish) if context_start > 0: context = "..." & context if context_finish < str.len: context = context & "..." let match_context_start:int = strutils.find(context, match, start-context_start) let match_context_finish:int = match_context_start+match.len #let lineN = $str.countLines(0, finish+1) stdout.write(" ") setForegroundColor(color, true) #for i in 0..lineN: stdout.write(lineN) resetAttributes() stdout.write(": ") #context = strutils.replace(context, "\n", " ") for i in 0..context.len: if i == match_context_start: setForegroundColor(color, true) if i == match_context_finish: resetAttributes() stdout.write(context[i]) stdout.write("\n") proc displayFile(str: string, silent = false) = if silent: return stdout.write "[" setForegroundColor(fgGreen, true) for i in 0..str.len: stdout.write(str[i]) resetAttributes() stdout.write "]" proc confirm(msg: string): bool = stdout.write(msg) var answer = stdin.readLine() if answer.match("y(es)?", "i"): return true elif answer.match("n(o)?", "i"): return false else: return confirm(msg) proc processFile(f:string, options: FaeOptions): array[0..1, int] = var matchesN = 0 var subsN = 0 var contents = "" var contentsLen = 0 var lineN = 0 var fileLines = newSeq[string]() var hasSubstitutions = false var file: File if not file.open(f): raise newException(IOError, "Unable to open file '$1'" % f) while file.readline(contents): lineN.inc contentsLen = contents.len fileLines.add contents var match = matchBounds(contents, options.regex, 0, options) while match[0] > 0: matchesN.inc var offset = 0 var matchstart, matchend: int matchstart = match[0] matchend = match[1] if options.substitute != "": displayFile(f) displayMatch(contents, matchstart, matchend, fgRed, lineN) var substitute = options.substitute var replacement = contents.replace(options.regex, substitute, matchstart) offset = substitute.len-(matchend-matchstart+1) for i in 0..(f.len+1): stdout.write(" ") displayMatch(replacement, matchstart, matchend+offset, fgYellow, lineN) if (options.apply or confirm("Confirm replacement? [y/n] ")): hasSubstitutions = true subsN.inc contents = replacement fileLines[fileLines.high] = replacement else: displayFile(f, silent = options.silent) displayMatch(contents, match[0], match[1], fgYellow, lineN, silent = options.silent) match = matchBounds(contents, options.regex, matchend+offset+1) file.close() if (not options.test) and (options.substitute != "") and hasSubstitutions: f.writefile(fileLines.join("\n")) return [matchesN, subsN] ## MAIN ## Processing Options var duration = cpuTime() var options = FaeOptions(regex: "", insensitive: false, recursive: false, filter: "", substitute: "", directory: ".", apply: false, test: false, silent: false) for kind, key, val in getOpt(): case kind: of cmdArgument: if options.regex == "": options.regex = key elif options.substitute == "": options.substitute = key elif options.regex == "" and options.substitute == "": quit("Too many arguments", 1) of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption: case key: of "recursive", "r": options.recursive = true of "filter", "f": options.filter = val of "directory", "d": options.directory = val of "apply", "a": options.apply = true of "test", "t": options.test = true of "help", "h": echo usage quit(0) of "version", "v": echo version quit(0) of "insensitive", "i": options.insensitive = true of "silent", "s": options.silent = true else: discard else: discard if options.regex == "": echo usage quit(0) ## Processing var count = 0 var matchesN = 0 var subsN = 0 var res: array[0..1, int] if options.recursive: for f in walkDirRec(options.directory): if options.filter == "" or f.match(options.filter): try: count.inc res = processFile(f, options) matchesN = matchesN + res[0] subsN = subsN + res[1] except: stderr.writeLine getCurrentExceptionMsg() continue else: for kind, f in walkDir(options.directory): if kind == pcFile and (options.filter == "" or f.match(options.filter)): try: count.inc res = processFile(f, options) matchesN = matchesN + res[0] subsN = subsN + res[1] except: stderr.writeLine getCurrentExceptionMsg() continue if options.substitute != "": echo "=== ", count, " files processed - ", matchesN, " matches, ", subsN, " substitutions (", (cpuTime()-duration), " seconds)." else: echo "=== ", count, " files processed - ", matchesN, " matches (", (cpuTime()-duration), " seconds)." |